Guest guest Posted August 4, 2008 Report Share Posted August 4, 2008 Dear Gargee, No ancient or modern author has fixed the exact number of special lagnas, I presume. Some special ascendants are more important in horary, some in pre-natal epoch, some in mundane and some in natal charts. But you'll find almost all widely accepted Vaishesh Lagnas and sensitive points in JHORA software. By the way, I have an old message, perhaps and an article written by Sri P.V.R. Narasimharao. He highlighted a few unavoidable special lagnas in a lucid manner with examples. Regards, M. Imran ========================================== USE OF SPECIAL LAGNAS IN VEDIC ASTROLOGY ========================================== © 1999, Narasimha P.V.R. Rao [Dedication: This article is dedicated to Pandit Jagannath Rath, grandfather and guru of my guru Sri Sanjay Rath.] INTRODUCTION --------------- Sage Parasara mentioned a few special lagnas even before mentioning the results of various divisional charts and houses. He also mentioned that houses can be counted from these special lagnas, just like from lagna. He later mentioned arudha lagna and talked about houses counted from it. His mention that houses can be counted from special lagnas clearly indicates that he wanted special lagnas to be used instead of lagna for some clear purposes. He, however, did not elaborate what these special lagnas stand for and for what purposes they should be used. We can only guess from names and experiment. What I am writing here is based on what my gurus taught me and what I found in my researches. You should not accept it blindly. You should keep your mind open to various alternatives. As lagna stands for self, various lagnas should stand for various *shades* of " self " . Depending on the shade of the meaning of a lagna, we can interpret the meanings of houses counted from it. I will cover lagna, arudha lagna, ghati lagna and hora lagna in this article. I will cover special lagnas in greater depth in my coming book " A Textbook of Applied Vedic Astrology " . If you want to learn more, wait for this book! When one clearly understands the meanings of various lagnas and finds the right house from the right lagna in the right divisional chart, one can explain known facts without beating around the bush and stretching things too far. BASIC MEANINGS ----------------- Lagna stands for " physical and/or *true* self " . Arudha lagna stands for " manifestation of self, in this maya (illusory) world " . Typically it deals with 'perceptions'. In general, arudha pada of a house deals with the manifestation of the significations of that house in this material world, which is a maya (illusion). Ghati lagna stands for " self, from the point of view of power, fame and authority " . Hora lagna stands for " self, from the point of view of financial prosperity " . LAGNA AND ARUDHA LAGNA --------------------------- Lagna shows one's nature and arudha lagna shows how others perceive one. Lagna deals with true self and arudha lagna deals with perceived (maya) self. In addition, the chart to which lagnas we are looking at belong will qualify these further. For example, dasamsa (D-10, chart based on 10th division of signs) deals with one's movement in the society ( " career " in contemporary parlance). So lagna in D-10 shows one's nature when moving in the society. Arudha lagna in D-10 shows one's perceived nature/status when moving in the society. Siddhamsa (D-24, chart based on the 24th division of signs) deals with intellect, learning and knowledge. Lagna in D-24 shows one's nature when dealing with matters of knowledge. Similarly, arudha lagna in D-24 shows others' perceptions of the same. Let us denote arudha lagna by AL. EXAMPLE 1: Sonia Gandhi, widow of Rajiv Gandhi (former Prime Minister of India), has lagna in Sagittarius and Mars occupies lagna, in D-10. So she has to be aggressive, dominating, imposing and arrogant when moving in the society. However, AL is in Libra in dasamsa and Venus occupies Gemini. So she is perceived by people as a sweet, balanced, intelligent and diplomatic lady. EXAMPLE 2: Late Rajiv Gandhi had lagna and Jupiter in Sagittarius and AL, Sun and Ketu in Virgo, in D-10. Jupiter in Sagittarius lagna makes him a noble, principled, polite and idealistic person when moving in the society. However, Sun and Ketu in AL in Virgo made people perceive him as an immature, royal, imposing, aristocratic, deceptive, rash and intelligent person. Ketu's situation in AL made him look like a corrupt and deceptive person (e.g. Bofors scandal). EXAMPLE 3: Nakshatramsa (D-27, chart of strengths, weaknesses and inherent nature) of Microsoft CEO Bill Gates has lagna in Virgo, Mercury in Aries and AL in Scorpio with Saturn in it. His D-10 has lagna in Aquarius, Rahu in Pisces with Moon, AL in Aries and Mars in Libra. His TRUE nature is: Inherently (D-27), an intelligent and hyperactive thinker (lagna in Virgo and Mercury in Aries). In career (D-10), a creative and imaginative philosopher and thinker (lagna in Aquarius and its lord Rahu in watery Pisces with Moon). His PERCEIVED nature in this maya (illusory) world is: Inherently (D-27), an introvert (Saturn in AL) and a scheming and cunning person (AL in Scorpio). In career (D-10), a dynamic enterpreneur (AL in Aries and Mars in 7th). EXAMPLE 4: Indian Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee's D-10 has lagna in Scorpio and AL in Aquarius with Jupiter and Mercury. Mars and Ketu, lords of Scorpio, are in fiery signs. His true nature when moving in the society may be - scheming, deceptive, hard-working and dynamic. However, Mercury and Jupiter in AL in Aquarius make people think of him as a saint, philosopher, intellectual and a noble and idealistic person. These perceptions may not represent reality. EXAMPLE 5: Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, human resources minister in Indian government, has lagna in Gemini and AL in Aries in D-24. So, in the matter of learning and knowledge, he may be perceived by people as an overenthusiastic, aggressive and dynamic person without much depth of knowledge (AL in Aries). But the reality is that he is a very learned and humble person (lagna in Gemini and lord in 12th). ARUDHA PADAS -------------- Similarly, arudha padas of various houses deal with the maya (illusion) cast in this material world over their significations. For example, 10th house in D-10 stands for one's karma (action). Arudha pada of 10th house (denoted by A10) stands for the maya associated with one's action, i.e. workplace and the kind of places and people one moves with in one's career. EXAMPLE 6: I have 10th house in D-10 in Gemini. So I do intellectual work (I write electronics-related software that deals with complicated mathematical algorithms). My A10 in D-10 is in Aries and I typically work at enterprising and dynamic engineering companies working with high-tech electronics. Another example is that the 7th house rules over relationships and partnerships. So arudha pada of 7th house (denoted by A7) shows the kind of people one associates with. EXAMPLE 7: India's first Prime Minister Pundit Nehru has Venus in A7 in D-24 and Sun in A7 in D-10. This shows that he would associate with learned, cultured, diplomatic and sophisticated people and people with luxuries (Venus), for discussing matters of knowledge (D-24). In career (D-10), he would associate with politicians and powerful people (Sun). EXAMPLE 8: Robert Koch, an accomplished astrologer who lived the life of a monk for about two decades, has A7 in Aquarius with Rahu in it, in both D-10 and D-20 (Vimsamsa, chart of religious and spiritual deeds). This means that he would associate with philosophers (Aqaurius) and occult and religious people (Rahu) in his career and spiritual exploration. You can find many more examples. Swami Jayendra Sarawathi has Rahu in Virgo in A7 in D-10, showing he would associate with learned (Virgo) spiritual men (Rahu) in his career (D-10). Al Gore has exalted Sun in A7 in D-10, showing association of politicians and powerful men. Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee had Jupiter in A7 in Gemini in D-10, showing association of learned educationists, judges and other respected people in career. Yasser Arafat has Sun and Saturn in A7 in D-10 and it shows association with politicians and powerful men (Sun) as well as masses (Saturn) and revolutionaries (Saturn in Ketu constellation). KARAKA LAGNAS --------------- In addition to lagna, arudha lagna and special lagnas, Parasara mentioned Karaka lagnas (i.e. significator taken as ascendant). For example, Mars signifies disease, disputes, litigation, loans, accidents, real estate etc. We should look at the relevant significators in various divisional charts and consider them along with lagna. When a significator (karaka) is stronger than ascendant, karaka lagna should be given weight. EXAMPLE 9: Mercury occupies Aries in my D-4 (Chaturthamsa, chart of fortune, assets and residence). Saturn aspects him from Libra. During Aries antardasa as per Kalachakra dasa and Saturn's antardasa as per Yogini dasa and as soon as Mercury's Vimsottari dasa started, I bought an apartment. Lagna in D-4 is in Sagittarius. Why did 5th house (Aries) and planets occupying/aspecting it give me a home? It is because Mars is exalted in my D-4 and Aries happens to be the 4th house! With Mars exalted and his dispositor Saturn also exalted, karaka lagna of Mars is extremely powerful and it should be seen for acquiring home etc. EXAMPLE 10: Kenneth Starr has Ketu in 10th in D-10. It does not strongly suggest a career in law. However, Sun is the significator of career and Sun lagna in D-10 is very powerful (exalted Sun joins Mars in moolatrikona and Saturn). From Sun lagna, Jupiter in 10th suggests a career in law. GHATI LAGNA ------------- This is also called " Ghatika lagna " by some people. We will denote it by GL. When dealing with power, authority and fame, use this lagna instead of lagna. Use Sun's upper tip (and not Sun's center) when finding sunrise time for the purpose of finding GL. EXAMPLE 11: Madonna has Venus in Taurus in GL in D-10. This made her a popular entertainer. EXAMPLE 12: I have lagna in Gemini and GL in Capricorn in D-24 (chart of learning). During Taurus dasa, Taurus antardasa (as per Kalachakra dasa), I stood first in my state in higher secondary school exams with the record score of the decade and went to India's top engineering school - IIT. Why did 12th house in D-24 give academic distinction and success? It is because Taurus is 5th (fame) from GL! Saturn (GL lord and significator of fame) aspects Taurus and Venus. Venus is in 2nd from GL. So Taurus gave me success in competition and academic distinction. However, being the 12th from lagna, it gave me a change of place for education. EXAMPLE 13: Babu Rajendra Parasad became India's first President when running Gemini's Kalachakra dasa and Mercury's Vimsottari dasa. His D-10 (career) has lagna in Cancer and Mercury occupies Capricorn with Sun and exalted Mars. Why did 12th house and 12th lord gave power in their dasas? It is because GL is in Virgo. Mercury owns 1st and 10th from GL and occupies 5th with Sun. His dispositor is exalted in 2nd from GL. So 10th from GL gave an important event in his famous (from GL) career (10th in D-10). Being the 10th from GL (with lord in 5th from GL), Gemini made him popular. But being the 12th from lagna and with its lord in 7th, it may have also given him pressures and disappointments on account of relations with others and also machinations by secret enemies. EXAMPLE 14: Saturn's pratyantardasa in Rahu's antardasa in Jupiter's Vimsottari dasa made Atal Behari Vajpayee India's PM. Lagna in his D-10 is in Scorpio and Saturn and Rahu occupy Libra. Why did planets in 12th give success? It is because GL is in Libra. Saturn and Rahu own 5th from GL and they occupy GL (Saturn in exaltation). Jupiter occupies 5th from GL. So this pratyantardasa brought fame and success. EXAMPLE 15: Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi has lagna in Gemini, Sun in Cancer and Jupiter in Aquarius in D-10. Situation of 10th lord Jupiter in 9th explains his career as a professor. But he is more popular as a politician. How do we explain it? His GL is in Libra in D-10. Sun in 10th from GL, aspected by exalted 7th lord Mars, clearly shows that he is more popular as a politician. Situation of GL lord Venus in 9th with Rahu also shows association with hard-core religious forces (9th and Rahu) in his popular career (GL in D-10). EXAMPLE 16: Fidel Castro has 10th lord Sun in Scorpio in GL in D-10. This made him a powerful and famous ruler. From lagna in D-10, 10th is Gemini and Moon and Rahu occupy it. This makes him an intelligent and communist philosopher and thinker, in career. His success as a ruler is better explained from GL. HORA LAGNA ------------ This will be denoted by HL. Use HL instead of lagna when exmining financial prosperity. Again use Sun's upper tip (and not Sun's center) when finding the sunrise time for the purpose of finding HL. EXAMPLE 17: Miss Jayalalita has lagna in Capricorn and Moon in Libra in D-10. Moon in 10th in a Venusian sign gave her a career as a glamourous filmstar. However, from HL in D-10, 10th has Saturn aspected by Sun (with both having 5 bindus in ashtakavarga). This may indicate making money as a public servant or in politics. Lord of 7th from HL is in Taurus and Taurus dasa (Kalachakra dasa) gave financial prosperity to partners in career. Argala from Rahu and Mars brought litigation about the financial prosperity of partners. EXAMPLE 18: Late N.T. Rama Rao had Venus in HL in D-10 and it shows making money in a career as an entertainer. He had GL in D-10 in Leo and Sun occupies Taurus (10th from GL). This shows popularity as an actor, as well as popularity as a politician. EXAMPLE 19: John Denver has Venus and Rahu in the 10th from HL in D-10. This made him make money in a singing career. Moreover, Scorpio is 1st from HL, 3rd from GL and 6th from lagna. During Scorpio's Kalachakra dasa (1990-1997), he became popular as a singer (3rd from GL), made money (HL), but had dissatisfaction (6th from lagna). *************************************************************** vedic astrology , " gargee07 " <gargee07 wrote: > > R/Sir, > Pranam. Please let me know how many types of " Lagna " are there? I don't > know exact no. Some of the lagna are Lagna in Varga kundli, AL, HL, SL, > GL, Karkamsa lagna. Please explain. > Thanking you with regards > Gargee. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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