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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Goel ji,


Can you please reproduce the original message by Dr. S. Suneel.








sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Gopal


Friday, August 24, 2007 5:01 PM


Cc: Sanjay Rath









Dear Pt. Rath,



Some famous astrologer cum astronomer of Nepal suggested new

value of



Ayanamsa. I have posted the following response;











% Panchang-makers in India are following Ayanamsa based on




Chitra (Spica 16).




they don’t provide definition of Ayanamsa.




basic and accepted definition is :




is the angular distance when measured along the Ecliptic,




V.E.POINT and initial point of Nirayana Zodiac, (which commences at the

junction point of Nakshatra(s) Revti and Asvini).




Astronomy is able to pinpoint the location of V.E.POINT with the accuracy of

0.04 sec., which is more than enough for Panchang-making and as well for

Astrological purposes.




are defined:




two points on the celestial sphere at which the ecliptic INTERSECTS the

celestial equator. When the apparent Tropical longitude of the Sun is Zero

degree, it is Vernal equinox .This is also




First Point of Aries. All tropical longitudes are measured from this point on

the ecliptic. This




recedes with mean motion of 50.3 sec per tropical year.




the era, in which we are living , there is no way to dispute

this finding . In fact all panchang




are taking tropical longitudes of planets from positional Astronomical

observatories and




then they are preparing their respective panchang based on their own





Values of various prevalent Ayanamsa(s) are as under as on April14, 2007::




True CHITRA PAKSHA (Chitra 180 deg.) 23:56:39.02




Lahiri (Chitra 179:59:03) 23:57:36.02




Deva Dutta (less than Lahri 0:22:37)





Krishna Murti (KP) (LESS than Lahiri 0:6:54) 23:51:30.62




Fagan (More than Lahiri 0:53:30) 24:51:06.02




suggested that Star Rohini (Aldebaran 3) should be reference pint of sidereal

zodiac and its longitude be taken as 45deg, instead of Star Chitra 180deg.




Keshav Ram Joshi of Nepal 24:16:41(basis not known)












Vedic days of yore, Star Chitra was taken as reference point. In that case, the





Ayanamsa should be accepted as under :








= Tropical longitude of Star Citra (Spica 16 ) – 180 deg.







Dr. Suneel , the comments on Mr. Joshi’s Ayanamsa may be offered if we know his

basis of calculations.Most of the Astrologers in India are following Ayanamsa ,

more or less ,based on Star Chitra.




await the result of your investigations with interest. "




Rath , you are our guru and show us the correct way.




also suggested to Narasimha ji that he may consider consider to





Chitra paksha Ayanamsa in his software program as NASA can provide




longitude of chitra for any epoch. This will be an unique feature, not




in any other program.No doubt off- set facility is given in the program , but

how to know the Tropical longitude of star Chitra.











Ph: 09350311433


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  • 2 months later...

Dear Mr. Goel,


What a fantastic piece of work! Thank you

so much for including me in the list of people to receive this. I am going to

need considerable time to really understand what is being said here.


Thank you again.


Phyllis Chubb







sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Gopal Goel

November 19, 2007 7:00 AM

sarajitp; Avtar

Krishen Kaul; B Lakshmi Ramesh; Finn Wandahl; ; K Chandra Hari;

lakshmikary; P.V.R. Narasimha Rao; panditarjun2004; Prafulla Gang; Pram Chopra;

Rafal Gendarz; Ramadas Rao; Sanjay Rath; Sreenadh; Sushil Dikshit; Swee Chan;

Tarun Chopra

Cc: ancient indian astrology;

prince; sohamsa; Dikshit









Dear Freinds,






Chitra Pakcha Ayanamsa



All authorities have

established the importance of correct and true value of Ayanamsa. Hence, all

classics lays down that Ayanamsa must be updated from time-to-time, through




The question arises, what is Ayanamsa and why is it so


(A) What is Ayanamsa


The Vernal Equinoctial point(V.E.) or the first point

of tropical Aries (as defined by sage Parasara in about 2000 B.C..) is taken as

the starting point for measuring of celestial longitudes, which are known as

the tropical or the sayana longitudes. Due to the precession of the equinoxes

(ayana chalana) at the mean rate of about 50.3 per sidereal year and about

50.29 per Tropical Year (as per modern astronomical measurements), the

longitudes of fixed stars are increasing every year at the same rate. In order

to stabilize the zodiac, the ancient sages of vedic era has identified a point

which is permanently fixed with reference to star Citra (spica 16) on the

ecliptic. This initial point is always exactly opposite (180o away) from star citra. The distance

between this initial point and the V.E. point or in other words the tropical

longitude of the initial point is called Ayanamsa of the date. The celestial

longitudes measured from this fixed point are known as “sidereal” or “Nirayana”


The following definition of Ayanamsa will be more

rigorous, accurate and free from controversies:

“When tropical longitude of star citra (spica – 16,

Viginis) is reduced by 180 degrees, the remainder will be the value of chitra

pakcha Ayanamsa of date”

(B) Importance of Ayanamsa


All astrological

predictions depend on the correct

longitude predictions of planets are measured with reference

to the position of V.E. point and initial point of the sidereal

Aries. As such, the correct value of Ayaramsa is absolutely essential.

The calender reforms committee, constituted by

Government of India in 1952, had approached this subject in scientific manner

and given following recommendation:

1. The tropical and sidereal Zodiacs coincided

in the year

285 A.D. and this year was termed zero Aynamsa year.

This is a general statement and does not specify the exact day on which the

ayanamsa had become zero during in this year.

2. From the data available from the

Astromomisches Rechen Institue of Heidelberg,


it was found that

the equinoctial point (viz. First point of Tropital Aries) of the vernal

equinox day on March 22 and 285 AD was very close to the initial part of the

nirayana Zoida. The tropital longitude of star chitra (spica) was 180o 00‘03“.0.

3. However, the small difference of 3 second

was ignored

and it was assumed that the initial point of sidereal

zodical was permanently fixed coinciding with the ingress of sun in Tropical

Aries, which occurred on March 22 of 285 AD.

4. The above assumption was appropriate for

Commencement of a calendar, but does not meet the astrological considerations

fully on account of following reasons.

(a) The initial point of sidereal zodiac is exactly

opposite to star Chitra and it can not be linked directly with the ingress of

sun in tropical aries.

(b) The proper motion of the star chitra was not

taken into consideration. On account of this reason, the position of

initial point of sidereal Aries is to be updated periodically, and can not be

assumed as absolutely fixed on the ecliptic. Lahiris Indian Ephemeris for

2003 A.D. clearly mentioned that:

“Due to proper motion, the nirayana longitude of the

star Chitra (Spica) has, however, diminished by 60 seconds during the period

1718 years from 285 A.D.”

This clearly indicates that the Ayanamsa value adopted

by Lahiris Ephemeries is to be updated so that the initial point of

sidereal Zodiac is firmly linked with star chitra to meet astrological



in longitude


Nutation is an inevitable

part of the precession motion of the poles of the earth’s equator. This depends

mainly on the motion of the sun(earth) and of the moon in their orbit. The

value of the nutation (plus or minus) needs to be applied to the value of mean

ayanamsa of the day.

The true value of the ayanamsa of

any epoach is to calculated as under:

Ist step:


Mean longitude of star chitra – 180o = Mean Ayanamsa

2nd Step:


Mean Ayanamsa + nutation in the longitude


That day = True Ayanamsa

The following formula for notation was decided in a

conference of astronomers, held in May 1896 at Paris:-

“ – 17.235” (sine Rahu) – 1.27“ (sine SUN x 2)“

The sayana longitudes of true rahu and SUN are to be

applied in the formula.

The approximate value of Nutation in longitude can be

obtained with the help of following table by using true sidereal Rahu of the


Table : Nutation from sidereal

longitude of Rahu

Sl. No.. Niryana

Rahu Nutation in Seconds Niryana Rahu




1. 11s


–0 " +

5s 07º

2. 11s




5s 22º






6s 07º






6s 22º






7s 07º




–16 +

7s 22º






8s 07º






8s 22º




–15 +

9s 07º

10. 3s




9s 22º






10s 07º






10s 22º



1. Nutation is given for interval of 15o longitude of Rahu. Intervening figures can be

calculated by methoid of ratio proportion.

2. The values of Nutation are negative for

column 1 and positive for column 3. These values are subtracted or added in

mean Ayanamsa to obtain true value of Aynamsa of any epoch or day.

On account of Astronomical advancements in last three

decades as well as astrological requirements, it has now become necessary to

introduce following corrections in the procedure adopted for determining the

Ayanamsa value uptill 1985 A.D.:

1. The initial (first) point of sidereal Aries

will always be exactly opposite (180o away) to star Chitra (spica 16).

2. Therefore the correct definition of Ayanamsa

will be as under for Astrological purposes:

“When mean/true tropical

longitude of star chitra (spica 16-xVirgnis) is reduced by 180o, the remainder will be mean/true value of Chitra

Pakchha Ayanamsa of the date.”

3. The calendar reforms committee ignored the

above two vital requirement of Astrology, and adopted V.E. point of year 285 AD

as also initial point of sidereal Aries. On V.E. Day of 285 AD, occurring on

Sunday March 22, 21h 27m (ISI), the mean tropical longitude of Star Chitra was

180o 00‘03“ as per forth fundamental

catalogue (KT-4). The longitude of true Rahu was about 21o30‘ in Virgo.

It is obvious from the above

data, that the mean value of Ayanamsa on March 22, 285 AD was 00o00‘03“and this should have been adopted for Astrological

purposes. However, this day was assumed as zero Ayanamsa day for all

practical and particularly for calendarical purposes on the

recommendation of calendar reforms committee.

As a matter of fact Zero

Aynamsa day must have occurred about 21 days prior to V.E. day i.e. on March

1, 285 A.D.


If correction for Nutation

is applied to mean value of Aynamsa, true Aynamsa value will work out 8“ as

V.E. day of March 22, 285 A.D.

4. Due to proper motion of stars, the nirayana

longitude of star chitra has, however, diminished by 60“ during the period of

1718 years from 285 AD to 2003 AD. Thus, a small correction of 1 sec. is to be

applied say approximately every 30 years since 285 AD so that initial point of

sidereal zodic remains linked and opposite to star chitra.

5. The mean tropical longitude of stars is now

ascertained from Basic fifth fundamental catalogue (KT-5) instead of Kt-4 which

was referred prior 1985 AD.

6. The values of Precession, as obtained

by new comb formula and of Nutation as per formula decided in 1896 are no more

valid. Both precession and nutation are to be calculated as per adoption of new

parameters and constants for precession, aberration and obliquity of the

ecliptic as per IAU(1976) and theory of Nutation(1980).

Accordingly, mean precession value of V.E. point was

adopted as 50.3 seconds aper sidereal year and Lahiris Indian Ephemeris

also adopted this value from their 1994 issue.

From the above discussion it is clear that Indian

Ephemeris panchangs are showing Ayanamsa values assuming V.E. point of March

22, 285 Ad also as initial point of sidereal zodic.

This value needs small correction so that initial

point of fixed sidereal Zodiac is always be opposite to star Chitra.

The Ayanamsa values on Jan. 1, 2003 and

2004 A.D. are given below so that the readers may observe the difference in

both values:

As per


Ayanamsa linked


with star chitra


1, 2003


True Aynamsa 23º53'

40 " .97

23º52' 43 " .96

Mean Aynamsa 23º53'

56 " .33

23º52' 59 " .02

Mean Tropical longitude of Star Chitra

= 173º52' 59 " .02

Jan 1, 2004


True Aynamsa 23º 54'

34. " 45

23º53' 37 " .53

Mean Aynamsa 23º54'

46 " .62

23º53' 49 " .07

Mean tropical longitude of star chitra

173º53' 49 " .07

(The above data is compiled from Lahiri's Ephemeris). the panchang makers and Computer

Programmers may take the data from original sources for more accurate and

precise calculation.

Aynamsa based on star Chitra can easily be calculated

by making following deductions in Aynamsa vales given in the Lihiris Ephemeris:

Ayanamsa values for


Deduction in






50 Sec.



51 Sec.



52 Sec.



53 Sec.



54 Sec.



56 Sec.



57 Sec.



58 Sec.

The proper motion

of star Chitra is presently-0.0280 sec per year. The average motion

of star chitra since 285 AD works out to 0.0349 sees per year (60 ¸1719).

Table of Chitra Pakasha Ayanamsa

Mean Tropical (Sayana) longitude of Star Chitra (spica 16)–180º = Mean


Mean Ayanamsa + Nutation = True Aynamsa

On Ist January of each year


Year Mean

Mean Precession Value

of True




Ayamamsa rate of

Nutation Ayanamsa Aynamsa


V.E. point





per sid


adopted by


Lahiri and












S 0 '

" 0

' "



0 ' "

0 ' "

1985 6 23 37 54.3

23 37 54.3

50.2772 –13.3

23 37 41.0 23

38 37

1986 6 23 38 44.6

23 38 44.6


–9.6 23 38 35.0 23 39


1987 6 23 39 34.8

23 39 34.8


–2.8 23 39 32.0 23

40 28

1988 6 23 40 25.1

23 40 25.1


+0.9 23 40 26.0 23 41


1989 6 23 41 16.3

23 41 16.3


+6.7 23 41 23.0 23 42


1990 6 23 42

6.6 23 42 6.6

50.2783 +11.4

23 42 17.0 23

43 14

1991 6 23 43 56.9

23 43 56.9

50.2785 +15.1

23 43 12.0 23 44


1992 6 23 43 47.2

23 43 47.2

50.2787 +16.8

23 44 4.0 23 45


1993 6 23 44 36.5

23 44 36.5

50.2800 –17.5

23 44 54.0 23 45


1994 6 23 45 26.8

23 45 26.8


+17.5 23 45 44.3 23

46 40

1995 6 23 46 17.1

23 46 17.1


+12.1 23 46 25.2 23

47 26.2

1996 6 23 47 08.3

23 47 08.3


+7 23 47 15.2 23

48 11.3

1997 6 23 47 58.7

23 47 58.7


+1.3 23 48 00.0 23

48 56

1998 6 23 48 48.95 23

48 48.95


–4.29 23 48 44.66 23 48


1999 6 23 49 38.17 23

49 38.17


–9.78 23 49 28.39 23 50


2000 6 23 50 29.46 23

50 29.46 50.3

–13.92 23 50 15.54 23 51 11.54

2001 6 23 51 19.75 23

51 19.75


–16.12 23 51 03.63 23 51 59.63

2002 6 23 52 09.04 23

52 09.04


–16.49 23 51 52.15 23 52 49.55

2003 6 23 52 59.33 23

52 59.33


–15.34 23 52 43.99 23 53 40.97

2004 6 23 53 49.62 23

53 49.62


–12.17 23 53 37.45 23 54 34.45















55 55.30

Note (i) Aynamsa values given in column 6 is linked with starchitra as a

refrence point.

(2) Ayanamsa values given in Colouni 7 is based on

adoption of zero Ayanamsa day as V.E. point of the year 1985 A.D. (This was not

based on Astrological requirement but adopted by on recommendations of the

calendar committee for commencent of new calendar






Chitra Pakcha Ayanamsa



All authorities have

established the importance of correct and true value of Ayanamsa. Hence, all

classics lays down that Ayanamsa must be updated from time-to-time, through




The question arises, what is Ayanamsa and why is it so


(A) What is Ayanamsa


The Vernal Equinoctial point(V.E.) or the first point

of tropical Aries (as defined by sage Parasara in about 2000 B.C.) is taken as

the starting point for measuring of celestial longitudes, which are known as

the tropical or the sayana longitudes.. Due to the precession of the equinoxes

(ayana chalana) at the mean rate of about 50.3 per sidereal year and about

50.29 per Tropical Year (as per modern astronomical measurements), the

longitudes of fixed stars are increasing every year at the same rate. In order

to stabilize the zodiac, the ancient sages of vedic era has identified a point

which is permanently fixed with reference to star Citra (spica 16) on the

ecliptic. This initial point is always exactly opposite (180o away) from star citra. The distance

between this initial point and the V.E. point or in other words the tropical

longitude of the initial point is called Ayanamsa of the date. The celestial

longitudes measured from this fixed point are known as “sidereal” or “Nirayana”


The following definition of Ayanamsa will be more

rigorous, accurate and free from controversies:

“When tropical longitude of star citra (spica – 16,

Viginis) is reduced by 180 degrees, the remainder will be the value of chitra

pakcha Ayanamsa of date”

(B) Importance of Ayanamsa


All astrological

predictions depend on the correct

longitude predictions of planets are measured with reference

to the position of V.E. point and initial point of the sidereal

Aries. As such, the correct value of Ayaramsa is absolutely essential.

The calender reforms committee, constituted by

Government of India in 1952, had approached this subject in scientific manner

and given following recommendation:

1. The tropical and sidereal Zodiacs coincided

in the year

285 A.D. and this year was termed zero Aynamsa year.

This is a general statement and does not specify the exact day on which the

ayanamsa had become zero during in this year.

2. From the data available from the

Astromomisches Rechen Institue of Heidelberg,


it was found that

the equinoctial point (viz. First point of Tropital Aries) of the vernal

equinox day on March 22 and 285 AD was very close to the initial part of the

nirayana Zoida. The tropital longitude of star chitra (spica) was 180o 00‘03“.0.

3. However, the small difference of 3 second

was ignored

and it was assumed that the initial point of sidereal

zodical was permanently fixed coinciding with the ingress of sun in Tropical

Aries, which occurred on March 22 of 285 AD.

4. The above assumption was appropriate for

Commencement of a calendar, but does not meet the astrological considerations

fully on account of following reasons.

(a) The initial point of sidereal zodiac is exactly

opposite to star Chitra and it can not be linked directly with the ingress of

sun in tropical aries.

(b) The proper motion of the star chitra was not

taken into consideration. On account of this reason, the position of

initial point of sidereal Aries is to be updated periodically, and can not be

assumed as absolutely fixed on the ecliptic. Lahiris Indian Ephemeris for

2003 A.D.. clearly mentioned that:

“Due to proper motion, the nirayana longitude of the

star Chitra (Spica) has, however, diminished by 60 seconds during the period

1718 years from 285 A.D.”

This clearly indicates that the Ayanamsa value adopted

by Lahiris Ephemeries is to be updated so that the initial point of

sidereal Zodiac is firmly linked with star chitra to meet astrological



in longitude


Nutation is an inevitable

part of the precession motion of the poles of the earth’s equator. This depends

mainly on the motion of the sun(earth) and of the moon in their orbit. The

value of the nutation (plus or minus) needs to be applied to the value of mean

ayanamsa of the day.

The true value of the ayanamsa of

any epoach is to calculated as under:

Ist step:


Mean longitude of star chitra – 180o = Mean Ayanamsa

2nd Step:


Mean Ayanamsa + nutation in the longitude


That day = True Ayanamsa

The following formula for notation was decided in a

conference of astronomers, held in May 1896 at Paris:-

“ – 17.235” (sine Rahu) – 1.27“ (sine SUN x 2)“

The sayana longitudes of true rahu and SUN are to be

applied in the formula.

The approximate value of Nutation in longitude can be

obtained with the help of following table by using true sidereal Rahu of the


Table : Nutation from sidereal longitude

of Rahu

Sl. No. Niryana

Rahu Nutation in Seconds Niryana Rahu




1. 11s


–0 " +

5s 07º

2. 11s




5s 22º






6s 07º






6s 22º






7s 07º






7s 22º






8s 07º


2s 22º



8s 22º






9s 07º

10. 3s




9s 22º






10s 07º






10s 22º



1. Nutation is given for interval of 15o longitude of Rahu. Intervening figures can be

calculated by methoid of ratio proportion.

2. The values of Nutation are negative for

column 1 and positive for column 3. These values are subtracted or added in

mean Ayanamsa to obtain true value of Aynamsa of any epoch or day.

On account of Astronomical advancements in last three

decades as well as astrological requirements, it has now become necessary to

introduce following corrections in the procedure adopted for determining the

Ayanamsa value uptill 1985 A.D.:

1. The initial (first) point of sidereal Aries

will always be exactly opposite (180o away) to star Chitra (spica 16).

2. Therefore the correct definition of Ayanamsa

will be as under for Astrological purposes:

“When mean/true tropical

longitude of star chitra (spica 16-xVirgnis) is reduced by 180o, the remainder will be mean/true value of Chitra

Pakchha Ayanamsa of the date.”

3. The calendar reforms committee ignored the

above two vital requirement of Astrology, and adopted V.E. point of year 285 AD

as also initial point of sidereal Aries. On V.E. Day of 285 AD, occurring on

Sunday March 22, 21h 27m (ISI), the mean tropical longitude of Star Chitra was

180o 00‘03“ as per forth fundamental

catalogue (KT-4). The longitude of true Rahu was about 21o30‘ in Virgo.

It is obvious from the above

data, that the mean value of Ayanamsa on March 22, 285 AD was 00o00‘03“and this should have been adopted for

Astrological purposes. However, this day was assumed as zero Ayanamsa day

for all practical and particularly for calendarical purposes on the

recommendation of calendar reforms committee.

As a matter of fact Zero

Aynamsa day must have occurred about 21 days prior to V.E. day i.e. on March

1, 285 A.D.


If correction for Nutation

is applied to mean value of Aynamsa, true Aynamsa value will work out 8“ as

V.E. day of March 22, 285 A.D.

4. Due to proper motion of stars, the nirayana

longitude of star chitra has, however, diminished by 60“ during the period of

1718 years from 285 AD to 2003 AD. Thus, a small correction of 1 sec. is to be

applied say approximately every 30 years since 285 AD so that initial point of

sidereal zodic remains linked and opposite to star chitra.

5. The mean tropical longitude of stars is now

ascertained from Basic fifth fundamental catalogue (KT-5) instead of Kt-4 which

was referred prior 1985 AD.

6. The values of Precession, as obtained

by new comb formula and of Nutation as per formula decided in 1896 are no more

valid. Both precession and nutation are to be calculated as per adoption of new

parameters and constants for precession, aberration and obliquity of the

ecliptic as per IAU(1976) and theory of Nutation(1980).

Accordingly, mean precession value of V.E. point was

adopted as 50.3 seconds aper sidereal year and Lahiris Indian Ephemeris

also adopted this value from their 1994 issue.

From the above discussion it is clear that Indian

Ephemeris panchangs are showing Ayanamsa values assuming V.E. point of March

22, 285 Ad also as initial point of sidereal zodic.

This value needs small correction so that initial

point of fixed sidereal Zodiac is always be opposite to star Chitra.

The Ayanamsa values on Jan. 1, 2003 and

2004 A.D. are given below so that the readers may observe the difference in

both values:

As per


Ayanamsa linked


with star chitra


1, 2003


True Aynamsa 23º53'

40 " .97

23º52' 43 " .96

Mean Aynamsa 23º53'

56 " .33

23º52' 59 " .02

Mean Tropical longitude of Star Chitra

= 173º52' 59 " .02

Jan 1, 2004


True Aynamsa 23º 54'

34. " 45

23º53' 37 " .53

Mean Aynamsa 23º54'

46 " .62

23º53' 49 " .07

Mean tropical longitude of star chitra

173º53' 49 " .07

(The above data is compiled from Lahiri's Ephemeris). the panchang makers and Computer

Programmers may take the data from original sources for more accurate and

precise calculation.

Aynamsa based on star Chitra can easily be calculated

by making following deductions in Aynamsa vales given in the Lihiris Ephemeris:

Ayanamsa values for


Deduction in






50 Sec.



51 Sec.



52 Sec.



53 Sec.



54 Sec.



56 Sec.



57 Sec.

1970-2030 A.D.

58 Sec.

The proper motion

of star Chitra is presently-0.0280 sec per year. The average motion

of star chitra since 285 AD works out to 0.0349 sees per year (60 ¸1719).

Table of Chitra Pakasha Ayanamsa

Mean Tropical (Sayana) longitude of Star Chitra (spica 16)–180º = Mean


Mean Ayanamsa + Nutation = True Aynamsa

On Ist January of each year


Year Mean

Mean Precession Value

of True




Ayamamsa rate of

Nutation Ayanamsa Aynamsa


V.E. point





per sid longitude

adopted by


Lahiri and












S 0 '

" 0

' "



0 ' "

0 ' "

1985 6 23 37 54.3

23 37 54.3

50.2772 –13.3

23 37 41.0 23 38


1986 6 23 38 44.6

23 38 44.6


–9.6 23 38 35.0 23

39 31

1987 6 23 39 34.8

23 39 34.8


–2.8 23 39 32.0 23 40


1988 6 23 40 25.1

23 40 25.1


+0.9 23 40 26.0 23

41 23

1989 6 23 41 16.3

23 41 16.3


+6.7 23 41 23.0 23 42


1990 6 23 42

6.6 23 42 6.6

50.2783 +11.4

23 42 17.0 23

43 14

1991 6 23 43 56.9

23 43 56.9

50.2785 +15.1

23 43 12.0 23

44 09

1992 6 23 43 47.2

23 43 47.2

50.2787 +16.8

23 44 4.0 23 45


1993 6 23 44 36.5

23 44 36.5

50.2800 –17.5

23 44 54.0 23 45


1994 6 23 45 26.8

23 45 26.8


+17.5 23 45 44.3 23

46 40

1995 6 23 46 17.1

23 46 17.1


+12.1 23 46 25.2 23

47 26.2

1996 6 23 47 08.3

23 47 08.3


+7 23 47 15.2 23

48 11.3

1997 6 23 47 58.7

23 47 58.7


+1.3 23 48 00.0 23

48 56

1998 6 23 48 48.95 23

48 48.95


–4.29 23 48 44.66 23 48


1999 6 23 49 38.17 23

49 38.17


–9.78 23 49 28.39 23 50


2000 6 23 50 29.46 23

50 29.46


–13.92 23 50 15.54 23 51 11.54

2001 6 23 51 19.75 23

51 19.75


–16.12 23 51 03.63 23 51 59.63

2002 6 23 52 09.04 23

52 09.04


–16.49 23 51 52.15 23 52 49.55

2003 6 23 52 59.33 23

52 59.33


–15.34 23 52 43.99 23 53 40.97

2004 6 23 53 49.62 23

53 49.62


–12.17 23 53 37.45 23 54 34.45















55 55.30

Note (i) Aynamsa values given in column 6 is linked with starchitra as a

refrence point.

(2) Ayanamsa values given in Colouni 7 is based on

adoption of zero Ayanamsa day as V.E. point of the year 1985 A.D. (This was not

based on Astrological requirement but adopted by on recommendations of the

calendar committee for commencent of new calendar








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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Goel Sa'ab,


Thanks for the beautiful mail. Please see my comments below:






On Nov 19, 2007 10:59 PM, Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937 wrote:



Dear Freinds,



> Appendix-A




> Chitra Pakcha Ayanamsa




> All authorities have established the importance of correct and true value of

> Ayanamsa. Hence, all classics lays down that Ayanamsa must be updated from

> time-to-time, through observations.


[sp] This is true since the mathematical models can be accurate only

to certain extent, hence corrections need to be applied from time to

time based on observations.



> Ayanamsa


> The question arises, what is Ayanamsa and why is it so important?


> (A) What is Ayanamsa


> The Vernal Equinoctial point(V.E.) or the first point of tropical Aries (as

> defined by sage Parasara in about 2000 B.C..) is taken as the starting point

> for measuring of celestial longitudes, which are known as the tropical or

> the sayana longitudes. Due to the precession of the equinoxes (ayana

> chalana) at the mean rate of about 50.3 per sidereal year and about 50.29

> per Tropical Year (as per modern astronomical measurements), the longitudes

> of fixed stars are increasing every year at the same rate. In order to

> stabilize the zodiac, the ancient sages of vedic era has identified a point

> which is permanently fixed with reference to star Citra (spica 16) on the

> ecliptic. This initial point is always exactly opposite (180o away) from

> star citra. The distance between this initial point and the V.E. point or

> in other words the tropical longitude of the initial point is called

> Ayanamsa of the date. The celestial longitudes measured from this fixed

> point are known as " sidereal " or " Nirayana " longitudes.


[sp] The fact is even the mean rate changes from time to time. in a

sinusoidal way over a very long period. The longitudes of all the

fixed stars do not increase at the same rate. It depends on the

declination of the stars. Those like chitra which are placed quite

near the ecliptic plane change with the mentioned rate. Thus if we

take the rate of change of longitudes for stars other than Chitra, the

mean rate of movement would be even faster.


The fixing of star Chitra as the reference point has been questioned

by many. I would appreciate if you could provide some reference from

the classics. Once this is fixed, then derivation of actual ayanamsa

is child's play.


> The following definition of Ayanamsa will be more rigorous, accurate and

> free from controversies:


> " When tropical longitude of star citra (spica – 16, Viginis) is reduced by

> 180 degrees, the remainder will be the value of chitra pakcha Ayanamsa of

> date "


> (B) Importance of Ayanamsa


> All astrological predictions depend on the correct

> longitude predictions of planets are measured with reference

> to the position of V.E. point and initial point of the sidereal

> Aries. As such, the correct value of Ayaramsa is absolutely essential.


> The calender reforms committee, constituted by Government of India in 1952,

> had approached this subject in scientific manner and given following

> recommendation:


> 1. The tropical and sidereal Zodiacs coincided in the year

> 285 A.D. and this year was termed zero Aynamsa year.

> This is a general statement and does not specify the exact day on which the

> ayanamsa had become zero during in this year.


[sp] Right. We can get the day as well.



> 2. From the data available from the Astromomisches Rechen Institue of

> Heidelberg, Germany, it was found that

> the equinoctial point (viz. First point of Tropital Aries) of the vernal

> equinox day on March 22 and 285 AD was very close to the initial part of the

> nirayana Zoida. The tropital longitude of star chitra (spica) was 180o

> 00'03 " .0.


[sp] I checked a software using swiss ephemeris, the exact date of

coincidence is February 10 - 13 285. Whatever it is, we know it is

near that time.



> 3. However, the small difference of 3 second was ignored

> and it was assumed that the initial point of sidereal

> zodical was permanently fixed coinciding with the ingress of sun in Tropical

> Aries, which occurred on March 22 of 285 AD.


[sp] It was march 21, 285 AD as per my ephemeris. Not much difference.

On that day the longitude of Chitra was 00:00:08'.



> 4. The above assumption was appropriate for Commencement of a calendar,

> but does not meet the astrological considerations fully on account of

> following reasons.


> (a) The initial point of sidereal zodiac is exactly opposite to star

> Chitra and it can not be linked directly with the ingress of sun in tropical

> aries.


[sp] Correct.


> (b) The proper motion of the star chitra was not taken into

> consideration. On account of this reason, the position of initial point of

> sidereal Aries is to be updated periodically, and can not be assumed as

> absolutely fixed on the ecliptic. Lahiris Indian Ephemeris for 2003 A.D.

> clearly mentioned that:


[sp] Absolutely.


> " Due to proper motion, the nirayana longitude of the star Chitra (Spica)

> has, however, diminished by 60 seconds during the period 1718 years from 285

> A.D. "


> This clearly indicates that the Ayanamsa value adopted by Lahiris Ephemeries

> is to be updated so that the initial point of

> sidereal Zodiac is firmly linked with star chitra to meet astrological

> requirement.


[sP] Yes. The current position as of 20Nov2007 00:00 GMT, the position

is 23:56:54 Libra. JHORA gives the value as 23:58:09.56 as the Chitra

Ayanamsa. I do not have lahiri's ephemeris book. You can let us know

whats the value in that.


> Nutation in longitude


> Nutation is an inevitable part of the precession motion of the poles of the

> earth's equator. This depends mainly on the motion of the sun(earth) and of

> the moon in their orbit. The value of the nutation (plus or minus) needs to

> be applied to the value of mean ayanamsa of the day.


> The true value of the ayanamsa of any epoach is to calculated as under:


> Ist step:


> Mean longitude of star chitra – 180o = Mean Ayanamsa


> 2nd Step:


> Mean Ayanamsa + nutation in the longitude for


> That day = True Ayanamsa


> The following formula for notation was decided in a conference of

> astronomers, held in May 1896 at Paris:-


> " – 17.235 " (sine Rahu) – 1.27 " (sine SUN x 2) "


[sp] Thanks for giving this.


I will write more later. Got to go to the office now.



> The sayana longitudes of true rahu and SUN are to be applied in the formula.


> The approximate value of Nutation in longitude can be obtained with the help

> of following table by using true sidereal Rahu of the date.


> Table : Nutation from sidereal longitude of Rahu


> Sl. No.. Niryana Rahu Nutation in Seconds Niryana Rahu


> (1) (2)

> (3)


> 1. 11s 07º –0 " + 5s

> 07º


> 2. 11s 22º –5 + 5s

> 22º


> 3. 0s 07º –9 + 6s

> 07º


> 4. 0s 22º –12 + 6s

> 22º


> 5. 1s 07º –15 + 7s

> 07º


> 6. 1s 22º –16 + 7s

> 22º


> 7. 2s 07º –17 + 8s

> 07º


> 8. 2s 22º –16 + 8s

> 22º


> 9. 3s 07º –15 + 9s

> 07º


> 10. 3s 22º –12 + 9s

> 22º


> 11. 4s 07º –9 + 10s

> 07º


> 12. 4s 22º –5 + 10s

> 22º


> Note:


> 1. Nutation is given for interval of 15o longitude of Rahu. Intervening

> figures can be calculated by methoid of ratio proportion.


> 2. The values of Nutation are negative for column 1 and positive for

> column 3. These values are subtracted or added in mean Ayanamsa to obtain

> true value of Aynamsa of any epoch or day.


> On account of Astronomical advancements in last three decades as well as

> astrological requirements, it has now become necessary to introduce

> following corrections in the procedure adopted for determining the Ayanamsa

> value uptill 1985 A.D.:


> 1. The initial (first) point of sidereal Aries will always be exactly

> opposite (180o away) to star Chitra (spica 16).


> 2. Therefore the correct definition of Ayanamsa will be as under for

> Astrological purposes:


> " When mean/true tropical longitude of star chitra (spica

> 16-xVirgnis) is reduced by 180o, the remainder will be mean/true value of

> Chitra Pakchha Ayanamsa of the date. "


> 3. The calendar reforms committee ignored the above two vital

> requirement of Astrology, and adopted V.E. point of year 285 AD as also

> initial point of sidereal Aries. On V.E. Day of 285 AD, occurring on Sunday

> March 22, 21h 27m (ISI), the mean tropical longitude of Star Chitra was 180o

> 00'03 " as per forth fundamental catalogue (KT-4). The longitude of true Rahu

> was about 21o30' in Virgo.


> It is obvious from the above data, that the mean value of Ayanamsa

> on March 22, 285 AD was 00o00'03 " and this should have been adopted for

> Astrological purposes. However, this day was assumed as zero Ayanamsa day

> for all practical and particularly for calendarical purposes on the

> recommendation of calendar reforms committee.


> As a matter of fact Zero Aynamsa day must have occurred about 21

> days prior to V.E. day i.e. on March 1, 285 A.D.


> If correction for Nutation is applied to mean value of Aynamsa, true

> Aynamsa value will work out 8 " as V.E. day of March 22, 285 A.D.


> 4. Due to proper motion of stars, the nirayana longitude of star chitra

> has, however, diminished by 60 " during the period of 1718 years from 285 AD

> to 2003 AD. Thus, a small correction of 1 sec. is to be applied say

> approximately every 30 years since 285 AD so that initial point of sidereal

> zodic remains linked and opposite to star chitra.


> 5. The mean tropical longitude of stars is now ascertained from Basic

> fifth fundamental catalogue (KT-5) instead of Kt-4 which was referred prior

> 1985 AD.


> 6. The values of Precession, as obtained by new comb formula and of

> Nutation as per formula decided in 1896 are no more valid. Both precession

> and nutation are to be calculated as per adoption of new parameters and

> constants for precession, aberration and obliquity of the ecliptic as per

> IAU(1976) and theory of Nutation(1980).


> Accordingly, mean precession value of V.E. point was adopted as 50.3 seconds

> aper sidereal year and Lahiris Indian Ephemeris also adopted this value

> from their 1994 issue.


> From the above discussion it is clear that Indian Ephemeris panchangs are

> showing Ayanamsa values assuming V.E. point of March 22, 285 Ad also as

> initial point of sidereal zodic.


> This value needs small correction so that initial point of fixed sidereal

> Zodiac is always be opposite to star Chitra.


> The Ayanamsa values on Jan. 1, 2003 and 2004 A.D. are given below so that

> the readers may observe the difference in both values:


> As per hahiri's Ayanamsa linked


> Ephemeris with star chitra


> Jan 1, 2003


> True Aynamsa 23º53' 40 " .97 23º52' 43 " .96


> Mean Aynamsa 23º53' 56 " .33 23º52' 59 " .02


> Mean Tropical longitude of Star Chitra = 173º52' 59 " .02


> Jan 1, 2004


> True Aynamsa 23º 54' 34. " 45 23º53' 37 " .53


> Mean Aynamsa 23º54' 46 " .62 23º53' 49 " .07


> Mean tropical longitude of star chitra 173º53' 49 " .07


> (The above data is compiled from Lahiri's Ephemeris). the panchang makers

> and Computer Programmers may take the data from original sources for more

> accurate and precise calculation.


> Aynamsa based on star Chitra can easily be calculated by making following

> deductions in Aynamsa vales given in the Lihiris Ephemeris:


> Ayanamsa values for the Deduction in


> following years seconds


> 1790-1820 A.D. 50 Sec.


> 1820-1850 A.D. 51 Sec.


> 1850-1880 A.D. 52 Sec.


> 1880-1910 A.D. 53 Sec.


> 1910-1940 A.D. 54 Sec.


> 1940-1970 A.D. 56 Sec.


> 1970-2000 A.D. 57 Sec.


> 1970-2030 A.D. 58 Sec.


> The proper motion of star Chitra is presently-0.0280 sec per year. The

> average motion of star chitra since 285 AD works out to 0.0349 sees per year

> (60 ¸1719).


> Table of Chitra Pakasha Ayanamsa


> Mean Tropical (Sayana) longitude of Star Chitra (spica 16)–180º = Mean

> Ayanamsa.


> Mean Ayanamsa + Nutation = True Aynamsa


> On Ist January of each year




> Year Mean Mean Precession Value of True

> True


> A.D. tropical Ayamamsa rate of Nutation Ayanamsa

> Aynamsa


> longitude V.E. point in

> value


> of star per sid longitude

> adopted by

> year Lahiri and



> Martand



> Panchang




> 1 2 3 4 5

> 6 7




> S 0 ' " 0 ' " "

> " 0 ' " 0 ' "


> 1985 6 23 37 54.3 23 37 54.3 50.2772 –13.3 23 37

> 41.0 23 38 37


> 1986 6 23 38 44.6 23 38 44.6 50.2774 –9.6 23 38

> 35.0 23 39 31


> 1987 6 23 39 34.8 23 39 34.8 50.2776 –2.8 23 39

> 32.0 23 40 28


> 1988 6 23 40 25.1 23 40 25.1 50.2778 +0.9 23 40

> 26.0 23 41 23


> 1989 6 23 41 16.3 23 41 16.3 50.2780 +6.7 23 41

> 23.0 23 42 19


> 1990 6 23 42 6.6 23 42 6.6 50.2783 +11.4 23 42

> 17.0 23 43 14


> 1991 6 23 43 56.9 23 43 56.9 50.2785 +15.1 23 43

> 12.0 23 44 09


> 1992 6 23 43 47.2 23 43 47.2 50.2787 +16.8 23 44

> 4.0 23 45 00


> 1993 6 23 44 36.5 23 44 36.5 50.2800 –17.5 23 44

> 54.0 23 45 15


> 1994 6 23 45 26.8 23 45 26.8 50.3 +17.5 23

> 45 44.3 23 46 40


> 1995 6 23 46 17.1 23 46 17.1 50.3 +12.1 23

> 46 25.2 23 47 26.2


> 1996 6 23 47 08.3 23 47 08.3 50.3 +7 23

> 47 15.2 23 48 11.3


> 1997 6 23 47 58.7 23 47 58.7 50.3 +1.3 23

> 48 00.0 23 48 56


> 1998 6 23 48 48.95 23 48 48.95 50.3 –4.29 23

> 48 44.66 23 48 40.7


> 1999 6 23 49 38.17 23 49 38.17 50.3 –9.78 23

> 49 28.39 23 50 25.5


> 2000 6 23 50 29.46 23 50 29.46 50.3 –13.92 23

> 50 15.54 23 51 11.54


> 2001 6 23 51 19.75 23 51 19.75 50..3 –16.12 23

> 51 03.63 23 51 59.63


> 2002 6 23 52 09.04 23 52 09.04 50..3 –16.49 23

> 51 52.15 23 52 49.55


> 2003 6 23 52 59.33 23 52 59.33 50..3 –15.34 23

> 52 43.99 23 53 40.97


> 2004 6 23 53 49.62 23 53 49.62 50..3 –12.17 23

> 53 37.45 23 54 34.45


> 2005 6 23 54 39.91 23

> 54 39.91 50.3 –7.41 23 54

> 32.50 23 55 55.30


> Note (i) Aynamsa values given in column 6 is linked with starchitra as a

> refrence point.


> (2) Ayanamsa values given in Colouni 7 is based on adoption of zero Ayanamsa

> day as V.E. point of the year 1985 A.D. (This was not based on Astrological

> requirement but adopted by on recommendations of the calendar committee for

> commencent of new calendar






> Chitra Pakcha Ayanamsa




> All authorities have established the importance of correct and true value of

> Ayanamsa. Hence, all classics lays down that Ayanamsa must be updated from

> time-to-time, through observations.


> Ayanamsa


> The question arises, what is Ayanamsa and why is it so important?


> (A) What is Ayanamsa


> The Vernal Equinoctial point(V.E.) or the first point of tropical Aries (as

> defined by sage Parasara in about 2000 B.C.) is taken as the starting point

> for measuring of celestial longitudes, which are known as the tropical or

> the sayana longitudes.. Due to the precession of the equinoxes (ayana

> chalana) at the mean rate of about 50.3 per sidereal year and about 50.29

> per Tropical Year (as per modern astronomical measurements), the longitudes

> of fixed stars are increasing every year at the same rate. In order to

> stabilize the zodiac, the ancient sages of vedic era has identified a point

> which is permanently fixed with reference to star Citra (spica 16) on the

> ecliptic. This initial point is always exactly opposite (180o away) from

> star citra. The distance between this initial point and the V.E. point or

> in other words the tropical longitude of the initial point is called

> Ayanamsa of the date. The celestial longitudes measured from this fixed

> point are known as " sidereal " or " Nirayana " longitudes.


> The following definition of Ayanamsa will be more rigorous, accurate and

> free from controversies:


> " When tropical longitude of star citra (spica – 16, Viginis) is reduced by

> 180 degrees, the remainder will be the value of chitra pakcha Ayanamsa of

> date "


> (B) Importance of Ayanamsa


> All astrological predictions depend on the correct

> longitude predictions of planets are measured with reference

> to the position of V.E. point and initial point of the sidereal

> Aries. As such, the correct value of Ayaramsa is absolutely essential.


> The calender reforms committee, constituted by Government of India in 1952,

> had approached this subject in scientific manner and given following

> recommendation:


> 1. The tropical and sidereal Zodiacs coincided in the year

> 285 A.D. and this year was termed zero Aynamsa year.

> This is a general statement and does not specify the exact day on which the

> ayanamsa had become zero during in this year.


> 2. From the data available from the Astromomisches Rechen Institue of

> Heidelberg, Germany, it was found that

> the equinoctial point (viz. First point of Tropital Aries) of the vernal

> equinox day on March 22 and 285 AD was very close to the initial part of the

> nirayana Zoida. The tropital longitude of star chitra (spica) was 180o

> 00'03 " .0.


> 3. However, the small difference of 3 second was ignored

> and it was assumed that the initial point of sidereal

> zodical was permanently fixed coinciding with the ingress of sun in Tropical

> Aries, which occurred on March 22 of 285 AD.


> 4. The above assumption was appropriate for Commencement of a calendar,

> but does not meet the astrological considerations fully on account of

> following reasons.


> (a) The initial point of sidereal zodiac is exactly opposite to star

> Chitra and it can not be linked directly with the ingress of sun in tropical

> aries.


> (b) The proper motion of the star chitra was not taken into

> consideration. On account of this reason, the position of initial point of

> sidereal Aries is to be updated periodically, and can not be assumed as

> absolutely fixed on the ecliptic. Lahiris Indian Ephemeris for 2003 A.D..

> clearly mentioned that:


> " Due to proper motion, the nirayana longitude of the star Chitra (Spica)

> has, however, diminished by 60 seconds during the period 1718 years from 285

> A.D. "


> This clearly indicates that the Ayanamsa value adopted by Lahiris Ephemeries

> is to be updated so that the initial point of

> sidereal Zodiac is firmly linked with star chitra to meet astrological

> requirement.

> Nutation in longitude


> Nutation is an inevitable part of the precession motion of the poles of the

> earth's equator. This depends mainly on the motion of the sun(earth) and of

> the moon in their orbit. The value of the nutation (plus or minus) needs to

> be applied to the value of mean ayanamsa of the day.


> The true value of the ayanamsa of any epoach is to calculated as under:


> Ist step:


> Mean longitude of star chitra – 180o = Mean Ayanamsa


> 2nd Step:


> Mean Ayanamsa + nutation in the longitude for


> That day = True Ayanamsa


> The following formula for notation was decided in a conference of

> astronomers, held in May 1896 at Paris:-


> " – 17.235 " (sine Rahu) – 1.27 " (sine SUN x 2) "


> The sayana longitudes of true rahu and SUN are to be applied in the formula.


> The approximate value of Nutation in longitude can be obtained with the help

> of following table by using true sidereal Rahu of the date.


> Table : Nutation from sidereal longitude of Rahu


> Sl. No. Niryana Rahu Nutation in Seconds Niryana Rahu


> (1) (2)

> (3)


> 1. 11s 07º –0 " + 5s

> 07º


> 2. 11s 22º –5 + 5s

> 22º


> 3. 0s 07º –9 + 6s

> 07º


> 4. 0s 22º –12 + 6s

> 22º


> 5. 1s 07º –15 + 7s

> 07º


> 6. 1s 22º –16 + 7s

> 22º


> 7. 2s 07º –17 + 8s

> 07º


> 8. 2s 22º –16 + 8s

> 22º


> 9. 3s 07º –15 + 9s

> 07º


> 10. 3s 22º –12 + 9s

> 22º


> 11. 4s 07º –9 + 10s

> 07º


> 12. 4s 22º –5 + 10s

> 22º


> Note:


> 1. Nutation is given for interval of 15o longitude of Rahu. Intervening

> figures can be calculated by methoid of ratio proportion.


> 2. The values of Nutation are negative for column 1 and positive for

> column 3. These values are subtracted or added in mean Ayanamsa to obtain

> true value of Aynamsa of any epoch or day.


> On account of Astronomical advancements in last three decades as well as

> astrological requirements, it has now become necessary to introduce

> following corrections in the procedure adopted for determining the Ayanamsa

> value uptill 1985 A.D.:


> 1. The initial (first) point of sidereal Aries will always be exactly

> opposite (180o away) to star Chitra (spica 16).


> 2. Therefore the correct definition of Ayanamsa will be as under for

> Astrological purposes:


> " When mean/true tropical longitude of star chitra (spica

> 16-xVirgnis) is reduced by 180o, the remainder will be mean/true value of

> Chitra Pakchha Ayanamsa of the date. "


> 3. The calendar reforms committee ignored the above two vital

> requirement of Astrology, and adopted V.E. point of year 285 AD as also

> initial point of sidereal Aries. On V.E. Day of 285 AD, occurring on Sunday

> March 22, 21h 27m (ISI), the mean tropical longitude of Star Chitra was 180o

> 00'03 " as per forth fundamental catalogue (KT-4). The longitude of true Rahu

> was about 21o30' in Virgo.


> It is obvious from the above data, that the mean value of Ayanamsa

> on March 22, 285 AD was 00o00'03 " and this should have been adopted for

> Astrological purposes. However, this day was assumed as zero Ayanamsa day

> for all practical and particularly for calendarical purposes on the

> recommendation of calendar reforms committee.


> As a matter of fact Zero Aynamsa day must have occurred about 21

> days prior to V.E. day i.e. on March 1, 285 A.D.


> If correction for Nutation is applied to mean value of Aynamsa, true

> Aynamsa value will work out 8 " as V.E. day of March 22, 285 A.D.


> 4. Due to proper motion of stars, the nirayana longitude of star chitra

> has, however, diminished by 60 " during the period of 1718 years from 285 AD

> to 2003 AD. Thus, a small correction of 1 sec. is to be applied say

> approximately every 30 years since 285 AD so that initial point of sidereal

> zodic remains linked and opposite to star chitra.


> 5. The mean tropical longitude of stars is now ascertained from Basic

> fifth fundamental catalogue (KT-5) instead of Kt-4 which was referred prior

> 1985 AD.


> 6. The values of Precession, as obtained by new comb formula and of

> Nutation as per formula decided in 1896 are no more valid. Both precession

> and nutation are to be calculated as per adoption of new parameters and

> constants for precession, aberration and obliquity of the ecliptic as per

> IAU(1976) and theory of Nutation(1980).


> Accordingly, mean precession value of V.E. point was adopted as 50.3 seconds

> aper sidereal year and Lahiris Indian Ephemeris also adopted this value

> from their 1994 issue.


> From the above discussion it is clear that Indian Ephemeris panchangs are

> showing Ayanamsa values assuming V.E. point of March 22, 285 Ad also as

> initial point of sidereal zodic.


> This value needs small correction so that initial point of fixed sidereal

> Zodiac is always be opposite to star Chitra.


> The Ayanamsa values on Jan. 1, 2003 and 2004 A.D. are given below so that

> the readers may observe the difference in both values:


> As per hahiri's Ayanamsa linked


> Ephemeris with star chitra


> Jan 1, 2003


> True Aynamsa 23º53' 40 " .97 23º52' 43 " .96


> Mean Aynamsa 23º53' 56 " .33 23º52' 59 " .02


> Mean Tropical longitude of Star Chitra = 173º52' 59 " .02


> Jan 1, 2004


> True Aynamsa 23º 54' 34. " 45 23º53' 37 " .53


> Mean Aynamsa 23º54' 46 " .62 23º53' 49 " .07


> Mean tropical longitude of star chitra 173º53' 49 " .07


> (The above data is compiled from Lahiri's Ephemeris). the panchang makers

> and Computer Programmers may take the data from original sources for more

> accurate and precise calculation.


> Aynamsa based on star Chitra can easily be calculated by making following

> deductions in Aynamsa vales given in the Lihiris Ephemeris:


> Ayanamsa values for the Deduction in


> following years seconds


> 1790-1820 A.D. 50 Sec.


> 1820-1850 A.D. 51 Sec.


> 1850-1880 A.D. 52 Sec.


> 1880-1910 A.D. 53 Sec.


> 1910-1940 A.D. 54 Sec.


> 1940-1970 A.D. 56 Sec.


> 1970-2000 A.D. 57 Sec.


> 1970-2030 A.D. 58 Sec.


> The proper motion of star Chitra is presently-0.0280 sec per year. The

> average motion of star chitra since 285 AD works out to 0.0349 sees per year

> (60 ¸1719).


> Table of Chitra Pakasha Ayanamsa


> Mean Tropical (Sayana) longitude of Star Chitra (spica 16)–180º = Mean

> Ayanamsa.


> Mean Ayanamsa + Nutation = True Aynamsa


> On Ist January of each year




> Year Mean Mean Precession Value of True

> True


> A.D. tropical Ayamamsa rate of Nutation Ayanamsa

> Aynamsa


> longitude V.E. point in

> value


> of star per sid longitude

> adopted by

> year Lahiri and



> Martand



> Panchang




> 1 2 3 4 5

> 6 7




> S 0 ' " 0 ' " "

> " 0 ' " 0 ' "


> 1985 6 23 37 54.3 23 37 54.3 50.2772 –13.3 23 37

> 41.0 23 38 37


> 1986 6 23 38 44.6 23 38 44.6 50.2774 –9.6 23 38

> 35.0 23 39 31


> 1987 6 23 39 34.8 23 39 34.8 50.2776 –2.8 23 39

> 32.0 23 40 28


> 1988 6 23 40 25.1 23 40 25.1 50.2778 +0.9 23 40

> 26.0 23 41 23


> 1989 6 23 41 16.3 23 41 16.3 50.2780 +6.7 23 41

> 23.0 23 42 19


> 1990 6 23 42 6.6 23 42 6.6 50.2783 +11.4 23 42

> 17.0 23 43 14


> 1991 6 23 43 56.9 23 43 56.9 50.2785 +15.1 23 43

> 12.0 23 44 09


> 1992 6 23 43 47.2 23 43 47.2 50.2787 +16.8 23 44

> 4.0 23 45 00


> 1993 6...


> [Message clipped]





Best Wishes

Sarajit Poddar

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Dear Mr Goel,


I have repeated this in the past and am saying this again, that this

is not MY AYANAMSA. This is an ayanamsa that has been coming though

our Parampara.


Just as you say that D60 is past life, and I remember, that on KN

Rao's list, there was a discussion between Narasimha and KN Rao, and

this topic came up, and KN Rao just asked in 1 line, where is it given

that D60 = past life and in the next email the reply came back, that

it was based on PARAMPARA.


Now, what is the concrete scientific justification of the same. There

is none, and there can be none except what has been taught by the

safeguarders of the parampara.


The same is the case, with the value of 24th Feb 366 AD. Infact,

there was another person, I can't recollect his name and he wrote the

date that he found also as 24th Feb 366 AD and also was surprised that

I said, thats the EXACT value of Krushna's Ayanamsa.


Bhasins ayanamsa is also close and even BV Raman in his later years

started to move much away from Lahiri.


Do u mean to say that all these persons were shooting in the dark and

working on some whim and fancy?


Another thing, and this is common sense atleast to me, is on what

basis was an ayanamsa tested?


If you take KAY (Krushna's ayanamsa) value and then start to use your

own technique of past life, MOST DEFINITELY u might not get

encouraging results, and that is because, your system to test might be

different or maybe some secrete from your parampara that might not be

disclosed as yet, which when you learn u might find the proper result.


Taking an example


Just take this example that was given in a recent discussion.


18th Nov 1971

2:55 AM





Marriage Date = 24th Feb 2008.


Krushna's Ayanamsa = 22:34:23


As 11 Vi 59

Su 2 Sc 18

Mo 0 Sc 17

Ma 13 Aq 39

Me 23 Sc 20

Ju 19 Sc 52

Ve 23 Sc 28

SaR 11 Ta 7

Ra 16 Cp 24

Ke 16 Cn 24



KAS Ashtakavarga Power (Which is fixed for this chart, and cannot be



(therefore 2 astrologers who work on this chart, will get EXACT same

BASE to work from - THEN AND ONLY THEN can value of Ayanamsa be tested)


(Kidding - Otherwise, you can jump to D60 and then justify anything

based on past life :-) that is the get out clause in my opinion)


Concrete Methodology which is repeatable in ALL charts.


Hse SAV Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa

1 47 19 20 28 27 21 23 29

2 23 18 24 19 19 24 20 24

3 26 16 14 14 14 12 13 14

4 27 12 8 8 19 16 20 17

5 25 13 9 20 14 13 20 10

6 26 19 32 29 24 23 22 30

7 29 16 11 7 14 18 16 15

8 28 21 20 24 25 19 16 32

9 20 20 14 28 21 27 30 26

10 27 9 17 13 13 13 15 15

11 30 19 20 19 20 27 20 35

12 29 21 17 22 21 24 25 22



Now as per the LAW's of KAS, Happy Marriage will take place in 4th

lord antra or 12th lord antra or highest power planet.


For 7th house it can be seen in NO UNCLEAR TERMS


Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa

16 11 7 14 18 16 15


that the highest power planet is GURU with 18 points.


Now antra running at that time was


Mahadasha = Mercury

Antra = Guru


Sectors =


Sector 1 2006-Jul-27 2007-Apr-29

Sector 2 2007-Apr-29 2008-Jan-30

Sector 3 2008-Jan-30 2008-Nov-01



So on 30th January 2008 the 3rd sector started.


Since there is delay in the marriage, so the marriage will happen in

3rd sector. (This is also a fixed law all given in lessons on



Now after 30th January 2008,


the next step is to narrow the event further is the use of TRANSIT OF SUN.


Sa and Mo 23-Jan 05-Feb

Sa and Ma 06-Feb 18-Feb

Sa and Ra 19-Feb 03-Mar






So after 30th January, Sun was transitting sign of Sa and nak of Mo

and it can be clearly seen that the value of Moon is less


Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa

16 11 7 14 18 16 15



Anything over 12 is considered powerful.


So the first powerful transit of sun was from 19th feb to 03 march

2008 and


Marriage happened on 24th Feb 2008.


Infact, the Moon changes sign if u use Krushna's ayanamsa v/s Lahiri.

The LAGNA SAV goes from 41 to 47 and Mo goes to Scorpio as compared

to Libra. Everything changes, the ashtakavarga changes, SAV changes.



Now, if you have such concrete methodology, then there is some

justification to TEST AN AYANAMSA.


KAS is giving us the proper methodology and concrete steps that are

REPEATABLE in ALL charts, with proper approach to find DELAY IN EVENT.


Now coming to finding the formula, its better to talk to someone, who

has done more research in Ayanamsa, trying to find out exactly. You

will find that Mr Chandra Hari is finding a value that is Lahiri + 40

mins, you are finding based on your calculation based on your

technique the value of Lahiri - 57 SECONDS.


Mr Raman's value is approx Lahiri - 1.x.


Now, please, use your best judgement, that a man so learned as Mr

Raman, or Mr Bhasin or the likes of that, also many Astrologers around

Kashi and in Rajasthan are using values which are in the vicinity of

about 1 minute or less than Lahiri.


About the claims that you have found concrete value of ayanamsa, that

maybe so, but then u must take this up with people who have done more

research like Mr Chandra Hari, who's value is Lahiri + 40 mins

wheareas your value is Lahiri - 57 seconds. So its very obvious that

there is some MAJOR problem in some FUNDAMENTALS here.


So, making a long story short, the true test of any ayanamsa will be when


1) One has concrete methodology and rules to find the result. If that

is varying, anything can be justified.

3) From experience based on the tools that EACH ONE USES.



In Conclusion I would like to say, that KAS has given the WOLRD OF

JYOTISH, a concrete methodology, and proper power of planets can be


CHART, with a set of FIXED RULES, using Ashtakavarga, which has been

propounded by Parasara and also references are made by the greats of

Varahamira and Saravali and Jataka Parijata etc etc, which is to



The value of ayanamsa that has come as per the teaching of Krushnaji

and Parampara is 24th Feburuary 366 AD and KAS system PROVES is and

based on FIXED SET OF RULES which would be same for ALL ASTROLOGERS.


This affirms my faith, that earlier everyone was saying that Lahiri is

proper and were swearing by it, and today, it makes me smile to see

that atleast now a value which is lahiri - 57 seconds so nearly 1

minute less has begun.


So, in due course of time, u can mark my words, that the world will

come to the value of 24th Feb 366 AD i.e. the value of Krushna's Ayanamsa.


I hope my point is clear.



Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca


sohamsa , Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937 wrote:


> Dear Mr. ASH,

> IÂ TRIED TO ADOPT YOUR AYANAMSA , the results are not encouraging.

> More over I could not find any convincing scientific justification

of Ayanamsa value propagated by your

> group.

> I am personally not against any Ayanamsa value , but it should have

solid astronomical basis.

> We should ,first of all , define parameters for obtaining Ayanamsa


> The definition of Citra Pakchhaya Ayanamsa is as follows:


> According to Lahiri's Indian Ephemeris ,2008, Sidereal longitude of

Star Citra is 179deg. 59' 04 " ,

> as such I suggest to use Lahiri's Ayanamsa after deducting 57 sec.

for present era.

> Kindly go through my article on " concept of Vargottama " in which

number of examples are illustrated based on this principle.

> Regards,



> Ph: 09350311433

> Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR

> NEW DELHI-110 076






> " vedic astrology "

<vedic astrology >

> vedic astrology

> Thursday, 15 May, 2008 3:08:38 AM

> [vedic astrology] Digest Number 7550



> The Vedic Astrology Discussion Group

> Messages In This Digest (14 Messages)

> 1.

> Marriage will happen when? k_mayag

> 2.

> Urgent Help needed-Rafal Ji and other respected Astrologers MKR

> 3.


> 4.

> serial blasts in Jaipur krishna

> 5.

> You値l find soulmate? FREE magic Oracle answers Samantha


> 6.

> Saptarishis Astrology Vol 2 Released Saptarishis Astrology

> 7a.

> Re: anybody answer sharma_reena1981

> 8a.

> Re: anybody answer 12/5 sharma_reena1981

> 8b.

> Re: Re: anybody answer 14/5 Mee Shuba Vela

> 9.

> Lovely New Video! itisitsits

> 10.


Doctor.BalaKrishnaMurthy Ramaraju,BS,MBBS

> 11.

> AATHREYA - KUNAL MEHTA Doctor.BalaKrishnaMurthy Ramaraju,BS,MBBS

> 12a.

> Re: Choice of year length and Ayanamsa Gopal Goel

> 12b.

> Re: Choice of year length and Ayanamsa ashsam73 View All

Topics | Create New Topic

> Messages

> 1.

> Marriage will happen when?

> Posted by: " k_mayag " k_mayag  k_mayag

> Tue May 13, 2008 6:44 pm (PDT)

> Dear Members,

> This is a chart of a Male - DOB: Jan.11, 1979 - Ottawa, Canada,

> 6:23 AM. When will he get married? Will he marry someone from a

> different community?


> Thank you in advance.

> Maya



> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post

> Messages in this topic (1)

> 2.

> Urgent Help needed-Rafal Ji and other respected Astrologers

> Posted by: " MKR " mk_rawat  mk_rawat

> Tue May 13, 2008 9:13 pm (PDT)

> Respected Gurujan,


> I am facing some issues on the job front. Please advice me

> what lies ahead for me on the job front. Is there any mantra

> or puja to help me or any gem stone which I can wear to help

> in my situation. I shall be greatly obliged.


> DOB: 13-May-1973

> Time: 10:45 AM

> Place: Gwalior, M.P., India



> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post

> Messages in this topic (1)

> 3.


> Posted by: " k_lakshman24 " k_lakshman24 Â k_lakshman24

> Tue May 13, 2008 10:00 pm (PDT)



> Respected Guruji,


> Please reply to my mail. Please give me the reason why your goodself is

> not replying to mail.


> I am really upset over the issue. If i have committed any mistake i

> sincerely apologise for the same. But Guruji, please reply to mail.


> Pranams and Namaskar,


> K..Lakshman





> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post

> Messages in this topic (1)

> 4.

> serial blasts in Jaipur

> Posted by: " krishna " krishnaastro2003 Â krishnaastro2003

> Tue May 13, 2008 10:17 pm (PDT)

> Jaipur faced serial bomb blast yesterday ...

> isnt it effect of mangal and rahu?

> as rahu recently enter in makar rashi the rashi of jaipur...

> and there is pratiyuti of mangal n rahu there... and mangal

> is in nicha rashi - karka...and the lord of makar, sani is at 8th

> from the bhava...indicated mass killing ....while mangal represens

> blood, killing in nich rashi cancer and rahu represents terrerist

> attack..by foreiners... these all planets make such bad events...

> lets pray for the victims


> rohit jivani

> www.astroprayer.. com



> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post

> Messages in this topic (1)

> 5.

> You値l find soulmate? FREE magic Oracle answers

> Posted by: " Samantha Sandoval " moon168flower  moon168flower

> Tue May 13, 2008 11:30 pm (PDT)

> Simple and effective Skylight oracle. Make your question and get an

answerer Receive personalized psychic advice! What's ahead? You’ll

find new job? Or You’ll find your soulmate? It is the most

fascinating psychic reader.

> This Oracle knows the answers. It reads your mind. Click here!

http://www.lightora cle.com/pages/ main/skylight- board.php Tell a

friend about this site http://www.lightora cle.com/formit.

cgi?tellafriend Click here to get free tarot reading www.lightoracle. com



> Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post

> Messages in this topic (1)

> 6.

> Saptarishis Astrology Vol 2 Released

> Posted by: " Saptarishis Astrology " saptarishis Â


> Wed May 14, 2008 12:19 am (PDT)


> Saptarishis Astrology Vol 2 Released


> Current Issue


> Read now


> Vol II - May 2008



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Dear Readers,


> We take this opportunity to thank you all, for the support and

feedback for our First Issue (Feb 2008 - Volume I).


> Our first issue was quite fairly received by astrology community. We

have tried our best, to address all feedback / suggestions in our

current release.


> We take extreme pleasure in announcing the digital release of 2nd

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> You may download the e magazine from the download area of our web.


> We are trying hard to focus on quality and uniqueness of our

magazine content & thereby solicit your participation in our sincere



> We also extend heartiest thanks and gratitude to all our

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> Warm regards,


> Saptarishis Astrology Magazine Team

> http://www.saptaris hisastrology. com




> © Saptarishis Astrology. All rights reserved.






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Guest guest

Dear Mr Goel,


Please read


" Now, please, use your best judgement, that a man so learned as Mr

Raman, or Mr Bhasin or the likes of that, also many Astrologers around

Kashi and in Rajasthan are using values which are in the vicinity of

about 1 minute or less than Lahiri. "




" Now, please, use your best judgement, that a man so learned as Mr

Raman, or Mr Bhasin or the likes of that, also many Astrologers around

Kashi and in Rajasthan are using values which are in the vicinity of

about 1 DEGREE or less than Lahiri.


Sorry about the tyop.


Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca


sohamsa , " ashsam73 " <kas wrote:


> Dear Mr Goel,


> I have repeated this in the past and am saying this again, that this

> is not MY AYANAMSA. This is an ayanamsa that has been coming though

> our Parampara.


> Just as you say that D60 is past life, and I remember, that on KN

> Rao's list, there was a discussion between Narasimha and KN Rao, and

> this topic came up, and KN Rao just asked in 1 line, where is it given

> that D60 = past life and in the next email the reply came back, that

> it was based on PARAMPARA.


> Now, what is the concrete scientific justification of the same. There

> is none, and there can be none except what has been taught by the

> safeguarders of the parampara.


> The same is the case, with the value of 24th Feb 366 AD. Infact,

> there was another person, I can't recollect his name and he wrote the

> date that he found also as 24th Feb 366 AD and also was surprised that

> I said, thats the EXACT value of Krushna's Ayanamsa.


> Bhasins ayanamsa is also close and even BV Raman in his later years

> started to move much away from Lahiri.


> Do u mean to say that all these persons were shooting in the dark and

> working on some whim and fancy?


> Another thing, and this is common sense atleast to me, is on what

> basis was an ayanamsa tested?


> If you take KAY (Krushna's ayanamsa) value and then start to use your

> own technique of past life, MOST DEFINITELY u might not get

> encouraging results, and that is because, your system to test might be

> different or maybe some secrete from your parampara that might not be

> disclosed as yet, which when you learn u might find the proper result.


> Taking an example


> Just take this example that was given in a recent discussion.


> 18th Nov 1971

> 2:55 AM

> 8N29

> 76E55

> Trivandrum.


> Marriage Date = 24th Feb 2008.


> Krushna's Ayanamsa = 22:34:23


> As 11 Vi 59

> Su 2 Sc 18

> Mo 0 Sc 17

> Ma 13 Aq 39

> Me 23 Sc 20

> Ju 19 Sc 52

> Ve 23 Sc 28

> SaR 11 Ta 7

> Ra 16 Cp 24

> Ke 16 Cn 24



> KAS Ashtakavarga Power (Which is fixed for this chart, and cannot be

> manipulated)


> (therefore 2 astrologers who work on this chart, will get EXACT same

> BASE to work from - THEN AND ONLY THEN can value of Ayanamsa be tested)


> (Kidding - Otherwise, you can jump to D60 and then justify anything

> based on past life :-) that is the get out clause in my opinion)


> Concrete Methodology which is repeatable in ALL charts.


> Hse SAV Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa

> 1 47 19 20 28 27 21 23 29

> 2 23 18 24 19 19 24 20 24

> 3 26 16 14 14 14 12 13 14

> 4 27 12 8 8 19 16 20 17

> 5 25 13 9 20 14 13 20 10

> 6 26 19 32 29 24 23 22 30

> 7 29 16 11 7 14 18 16 15

> 8 28 21 20 24 25 19 16 32

> 9 20 20 14 28 21 27 30 26

> 10 27 9 17 13 13 13 15 15

> 11 30 19 20 19 20 27 20 35

> 12 29 21 17 22 21 24 25 22



> Now as per the LAW's of KAS, Happy Marriage will take place in 4th

> lord antra or 12th lord antra or highest power planet.


> For 7th house it can be seen in NO UNCLEAR TERMS


> Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa

> 16 11 7 14 18 16 15


> that the highest power planet is GURU with 18 points.


> Now antra running at that time was


> Mahadasha = Mercury

> Antra = Guru


> Sectors =


> Sector 1 2006-Jul-27 2007-Apr-29

> Sector 2 2007-Apr-29 2008-Jan-30

> Sector 3 2008-Jan-30 2008-Nov-01



> So on 30th January 2008 the 3rd sector started.


> Since there is delay in the marriage, so the marriage will happen in

> 3rd sector. (This is also a fixed law all given in lessons on

> http://krushna.sageasita.com)


> Now after 30th January 2008,


> the next step is to narrow the event further is the use of TRANSIT



> Sa and Mo 23-Jan 05-Feb

> Sa and Ma 06-Feb 18-Feb

> Sa and Ra 19-Feb 03-Mar






> So after 30th January, Sun was transitting sign of Sa and nak of Mo

> and it can be clearly seen that the value of Moon is less


> Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa

> 16 11 7 14 18 16 15



> Anything over 12 is considered powerful.


> So the first powerful transit of sun was from 19th feb to 03 march

> 2008 and


> Marriage happened on 24th Feb 2008.


> Infact, the Moon changes sign if u use Krushna's ayanamsa v/s Lahiri.

> The LAGNA SAV goes from 41 to 47 and Mo goes to Scorpio as compared

> to Libra. Everything changes, the ashtakavarga changes, SAV changes.



> Now, if you have such concrete methodology, then there is some

> justification to TEST AN AYANAMSA.


> KAS is giving us the proper methodology and concrete steps that are

> REPEATABLE in ALL charts, with proper approach to find DELAY IN EVENT.


> Now coming to finding the formula, its better to talk to someone, who

> has done more research in Ayanamsa, trying to find out exactly. You

> will find that Mr Chandra Hari is finding a value that is Lahiri + 40

> mins, you are finding based on your calculation based on your

> technique the value of Lahiri - 57 SECONDS.


> Mr Raman's value is approx Lahiri - 1.x.


> Now, please, use your best judgement, that a man so learned as Mr

> Raman, or Mr Bhasin or the likes of that, also many Astrologers around

> Kashi and in Rajasthan are using values which are in the vicinity of

> about 1 minute or less than Lahiri.


> About the claims that you have found concrete value of ayanamsa, that

> maybe so, but then u must take this up with people who have done more

> research like Mr Chandra Hari, who's value is Lahiri + 40 mins

> wheareas your value is Lahiri - 57 seconds. So its very obvious that

> there is some MAJOR problem in some FUNDAMENTALS here.


> So, making a long story short, the true test of any ayanamsa will be



> 1) One has concrete methodology and rules to find the result. If that

> is varying, anything can be justified.

> 3) From experience based on the tools that EACH ONE USES.



> In Conclusion I would like to say, that KAS has given the WOLRD OF

> JYOTISH, a concrete methodology, and proper power of planets can be


> CHART, with a set of FIXED RULES, using Ashtakavarga, which has been

> propounded by Parasara and also references are made by the greats of

> Varahamira and Saravali and Jataka Parijata etc etc, which is to



> The value of ayanamsa that has come as per the teaching of Krushnaji

> and Parampara is 24th Feburuary 366 AD and KAS system PROVES is and

> based on FIXED SET OF RULES which would be same for ALL ASTROLOGERS.


> This affirms my faith, that earlier everyone was saying that Lahiri is

> proper and were swearing by it, and today, it makes me smile to see

> that atleast now a value which is lahiri - 57 seconds so nearly 1

> minute less has begun.


> So, in due course of time, u can mark my words, that the world will

> come to the value of 24th Feb 366 AD i.e. the value of Krushna's



> I hope my point is clear.



> Cheers !!!

> Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca


> sohamsa , Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Mr. ASH,

> > IÂ TRIED TO ADOPT YOUR AYANAMSA , the results are not encouraging.

> > More over I could not find any convincing scientific justification

> of Ayanamsa value propagated by your

> > group.

> > I am personally not against any Ayanamsa value , but it should have

> solid astronomical basis.

> > We should ,first of all , define parameters for obtaining Ayanamsa

> value.

> > The definition of Citra Pakchhaya Ayanamsa is as follows:


> > According to Lahiri's Indian Ephemeris ,2008, Sidereal longitude of

> Star Citra is 179deg. 59' 04 " ,

> > as such I suggest to use Lahiri's Ayanamsa after deducting 57 sec.

> for present era.

> > Kindly go through my article on " concept of Vargottama " in which

> number of examples are illustrated based on this principle.

> > Regards,

> >

> > Â G.K.GOEL

> > Ph: 09350311433

> > Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR

> > NEW DELHI-110 076


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > " vedic astrology "

> <vedic astrology >

> > vedic astrology

> > Thursday, 15 May, 2008 3:08:38 AM

> > [vedic astrology] Digest Number 7550

> >

> >

> > The Vedic Astrology Discussion Group

> > Messages In This Digest (14 Messages)

> > 1.

> > Marriage will happen when? k_mayag

> > 2.

> > Urgent Help needed-Rafal Ji and other respected Astrologers MKR

> > 3.


> > 4.

> > serial blasts in Jaipur krishna

> > 5.

> > You値l find soulmate? FREE magic Oracle answers Samantha

> Sandoval

> > 6.

> > Saptarishis Astrology Vol 2 Released Saptarishis Astrology

> > 7a.

> > Re: anybody answer sharma_reena1981

> > 8a.

> > Re: anybody answer 12/5 sharma_reena1981

> > 8b.

> > Re: Re: anybody answer 14/5 Mee Shuba Vela

> > 9.

> > Lovely New Video! itisitsits

> > 10.


> Doctor.BalaKrishnaMurthy Ramaraju,BS,MBBS

> > 11.

> > AATHREYA - KUNAL MEHTA Doctor.BalaKrishnaMurthy


> > 12a.

> > Re: Choice of year length and Ayanamsa Gopal Goel

> > 12b.

> > Re: Choice of year length and Ayanamsa ashsam73 View All

> Topics | Create New Topic

> > Messages

> > 1.

> > Marriage will happen when?

> > Posted by: " k_mayag " k_mayag@ Â k_mayag

> > Tue May 13, 2008 6:44 pm (PDT)

> > Dear Members,

> > This is a chart of a Male - DOB: Jan.11, 1979 - Ottawa, Canada,

> > 6:23 AM. When will he get married? Will he marry someone from a

> > different community?

> >

> > Thank you in advance.

> > Maya

> >

> >

> > Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post

> > Messages in this topic (1)

> > 2.

> > Urgent Help needed-Rafal Ji and other respected Astrologers

> > Posted by: " MKR " mk_rawat@ Â mk_rawat

> > Tue May 13, 2008 9:13 pm (PDT)

> > Respected Gurujan,

> >

> > I am facing some issues on the job front. Please advice me

> > what lies ahead for me on the job front. Is there any mantra

> > or puja to help me or any gem stone which I can wear to help

> > in my situation. I shall be greatly obliged.

> >

> > DOB: 13-May-1973

> > Time: 10:45 AM

> > Place: Gwalior, M.P., India

> >

> >

> > Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post

> > Messages in this topic (1)

> > 3.


> > Posted by: " k_lakshman24 " k_lakshman24@ Â k_lakshman24

> > Tue May 13, 2008 10:00 pm (PDT)


> >

> > Respected Guruji,

> >

> > Please reply to my mail. Please give me the reason why your

goodself is

> > not replying to mail.

> >

> > I am really upset over the issue. If i have committed any mistake i

> > sincerely apologise for the same. But Guruji, please reply to mail.

> >

> > Pranams and Namaskar,

> >

> > K..Lakshman

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post

> > Messages in this topic (1)

> > 4.

> > serial blasts in Jaipur

> > Posted by: " krishna " krishnaastro2003@ Â krishnaastro2003

> > Tue May 13, 2008 10:17 pm (PDT)

> > Jaipur faced serial bomb blast yesterday ...

> > isnt it effect of mangal and rahu?

> > as rahu recently enter in makar rashi the rashi of jaipur...

> > and there is pratiyuti of mangal n rahu there... and mangal

> > is in nicha rashi - karka...and the lord of makar, sani is at 8th

> > from the bhava...indicated mass killing ....while mangal represens

> > blood, killing in nich rashi cancer and rahu represents terrerist

> > attack..by foreiners... these all planets make such bad events...

> > lets pray for the victims

> >

> > rohit jivani

> > www.astroprayer.. com

> >

> >

> > Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post

> > Messages in this topic (1)

> > 5.

> > You値l find soulmate? FREE magic Oracle answers

> > Posted by: " Samantha Sandoval " moon168flower@ Â moon168flower

> > Tue May 13, 2008 11:30 pm (PDT)

> > Simple and effective Skylight oracle. Make your question and get an

> answerer Receive personalized psychic advice! What's ahead? You’ll

> find new job? Or You’ll find your soulmate? It is the most

> fascinating psychic reader.

> > This Oracle knows the answers. It reads your mind. Click here!

> http://www.lightora cle.com/pages/ main/skylight- board.php Tell a

> friend about this site http://www.lightora cle.com/formit.

> cgi?tellafriend Click here to get free tarot reading

www.lightoracle. com

> >

> >

> > Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post

> > Messages in this topic (1)

> > 6.

> > Saptarishis Astrology Vol 2 Released

> > Posted by: " Saptarishis Astrology " saptarishis@ Â

> saptarishisastrology

> > Wed May 14, 2008 12:19 am (PDT)

> >

> > Saptarishis Astrology Vol 2 Released

> >

> > Current Issue

> >

> > Read now

> >

> > Vol II - May 2008

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Participate with us by submitting your article to our editors for

> coming issues.

> > email us

> >

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> > Dear Readers,

> >

> > We take this opportunity to thank you all, for the support and

> feedback for our First Issue (Feb 2008 - Volume I).

> >

> > Our first issue was quite fairly received by astrology community. We

> have tried our best, to address all feedback / suggestions in our

> current release.

> >

> > We take extreme pleasure in announcing the digital release of 2nd

> edition of Saptarishis Astrology, a magazine which incorporates all

> systems of astrology.

> >

> > You may download the e magazine from the download area of our web.

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> > We are trying hard to focus on quality and uniqueness of our

> magazine content & thereby solicit your participation in our sincere

> endeavor.

> >

> > We also extend heartiest thanks and gratitude to all our

> contributors - specially the authors & the men who worked behind the

> scenes without their name coming in front.

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> > Warm regards,

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> > Saptarishis Astrology Magazine Team

> > http://www.saptaris hisastrology. com

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Word " tyop " main bhi typo...:)


--- ashsam73 <kas wrote:


> Dear Mr Goel,


> Please read


> " Now, please, use your best judgement, that a man so

> learned as Mr

> Raman, or Mr Bhasin or the likes of that, also many

> Astrologers around

> Kashi and in Rajasthan are using values which are in

> the vicinity of

> about 1 minute or less than Lahiri. "


> as


> " Now, please, use your best judgement, that a man so

> learned as Mr

> Raman, or Mr Bhasin or the likes of that, also many

> Astrologers around

> Kashi and in Rajasthan are using values which are in

> the vicinity of

> about 1 DEGREE or less than Lahiri.


> Sorry about the tyop.


> Cheers !!!

> Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca


> sohamsa , " ashsam73 " <kas

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Mr Goel,

> >

> > I have repeated this in the past and am saying

> this again, that this

> > is not MY AYANAMSA. This is an ayanamsa that has

> been coming though

> > our Parampara.

> >

> > Just as you say that D60 is past life, and I

> remember, that on KN

> > Rao's list, there was a discussion between

> Narasimha and KN Rao, and

> > this topic came up, and KN Rao just asked in 1

> line, where is it given

> > that D60 = past life and in the next email the

> reply came back, that

> > it was based on PARAMPARA.

> >

> > Now, what is the concrete scientific justification

> of the same. There

> > is none, and there can be none except what has

> been taught by the

> > safeguarders of the parampara.

> >

> > The same is the case, with the value of 24th Feb

> 366 AD. Infact,

> > there was another person, I can't recollect his

> name and he wrote the

> > date that he found also as 24th Feb 366 AD and

> also was surprised that

> > I said, thats the EXACT value of Krushna's

> Ayanamsa.

> >

> > Bhasins ayanamsa is also close and even BV Raman

> in his later years

> > started to move much away from Lahiri.

> >

> > Do u mean to say that all these persons were

> shooting in the dark and

> > working on some whim and fancy?

> >

> > Another thing, and this is common sense atleast to

> me, is on what

> > basis was an ayanamsa tested?

> >

> > If you take KAY (Krushna's ayanamsa) value and

> then start to use your

> > own technique of past life, MOST DEFINITELY u

> might not get

> > encouraging results, and that is because, your

> system to test might be

> > different or maybe some secrete from your

> parampara that might not be

> > disclosed as yet, which when you learn u might

> find the proper result.

> >

> > Taking an example

> >

> > Just take this example that was given in a recent

> discussion.

> >

> > 18th Nov 1971

> > 2:55 AM

> > 8N29

> > 76E55

> > Trivandrum.

> >

> > Marriage Date = 24th Feb 2008.

> >

> > Krushna's Ayanamsa = 22:34:23

> >

> > As 11 Vi 59

> > Su 2 Sc 18

> > Mo 0 Sc 17

> > Ma 13 Aq 39

> > Me 23 Sc 20

> > Ju 19 Sc 52

> > Ve 23 Sc 28

> > SaR 11 Ta 7

> > Ra 16 Cp 24

> > Ke 16 Cn 24

> >

> >

> > KAS Ashtakavarga Power (Which is fixed for this

> chart, and cannot be

> > manipulated)

> >

> > (therefore 2 astrologers who work on this chart,

> will get EXACT same

> > BASE to work from - THEN AND ONLY THEN can value

> of Ayanamsa be tested)

> >

> > (Kidding - Otherwise, you can jump to D60 and then

> justify anything

> > based on past life :-) that is the get out clause

> in my opinion)

> >

> > Concrete Methodology which is repeatable in ALL

> charts.

> >

> > Hse SAV Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve

> Sa

> > 1 47 19 20 28 27 21 23 29

> > 2 23 18 24 19 19 24 20 24

> > 3 26 16 14 14 14 12 13 14

> > 4 27 12 8 8 19 16 20 17

> > 5 25 13 9 20 14 13 20 10

> > 6 26 19 32 29 24 23 22 30

> > 7 29 16 11 7 14 18 16 15

> > 8 28 21 20 24 25 19 16 32

> > 9 20 20 14 28 21 27 30 26

> > 10 27 9 17 13 13 13 15 15

> > 11 30 19 20 19 20 27 20 35

> > 12 29 21 17 22 21 24 25 22

> >

> >

> > Now as per the LAW's of KAS, Happy Marriage will

> take place in 4th

> > lord antra or 12th lord antra or highest power

> planet.

> >

> > For 7th house it can be seen in NO UNCLEAR TERMS

> >

> > Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa

> > 16 11 7 14 18 16 15

> >

> > that the highest power planet is GURU with 18

> points.

> >

> > Now antra running at that time was

> >

> > Mahadasha = Mercury

> > Antra = Guru

> >

> > Sectors =

> >

> > Sector 1 2006-Jul-27 2007-Apr-29

> > Sector 2 2007-Apr-29 2008-Jan-30

> > Sector 3 2008-Jan-30 2008-Nov-01

> >

> >

> > So on 30th January 2008 the 3rd sector started.

> >

> > Since there is delay in the marriage, so the

> marriage will happen in

> > 3rd sector. (This is also a fixed law all given in

> lessons on

> > http://krushna.sageasita.com)

> >

> > Now after 30th January 2008,

> >

> > the next step is to narrow the event further is

> the use of TRANSIT


> >

> > Sa and Mo 23-Jan 05-Feb

> > Sa and Ma 06-Feb 18-Feb

> > Sa and Ra 19-Feb 03-Mar

> >

> >




> >

> > So after 30th January, Sun was transitting sign of

> Sa and nak of Mo

> > and it can be clearly seen that the value of Moon

> is less

> >

> > Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa

> > 16 11 7 14 18 16 15


=== message truncated ===





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  • 3 months later...

Dear Ramesh ji,

We must define Ayanamsa to begin with;

What is the initial point of Sidereal Zodiac?

This is 180 deg. away from Star Citra.

We are presently adopting Tropical longitudes of stars ans planets

as provided by International Positional Astronomical centres . There is no

valid reason

to change this.

Thus definition of Ayanamsa will be as under ;

  Ayanamsa = Tropical longitude of star Citra - 180 deg

If you deduct 56 sec from Lahiri's Ayanamsa , you  will get

Chitra pakchha Ayanamsa for present era.

Tropical longitudes can be obtained from STAR CATALOGUE ALSO.

Ayanamsa value so obtained will give you better predictive results.



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  • 11 months later...
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For difference between Ayanamsha and Precession, read ;http://jyotirvidya.wetpaint.com/page/Ayanamsha+vs+PrecessionConfusing Ayanamsha with Precession is a modern myth, created by Colebrooke & c. It is unfortunate that some persons are against impartial testing of both versions. The very concept of Ayanamsha has nothing to do with physical astronomy's precession. Persons like Colebrooke assumed that ancients had no lnowledge of precession and therefore invented a wrong idea of trepidaqtion. But the link above proves otherwise.Parashara's BPHS has many variants, and Drig is mentioned only is one variant which differs

drastically with all other manuscripts in almost all verses. For instance, read BPHS of Chowkhamba which was based on a large number of manuscripts, it has no reference to Drig and contains one extra chapter. but even this and all other versions lack 100 chapters originally said to be present in BPHS.-VJGopal Goel <gkgoel1937astrolearnjyotishCc: sohamsa <sohamsa >Thursday, July 30, 2009 1:36:59 PM




DEAR FRIENDS,Drigg - I do not know what one should understand from this word.What I understand that planets position should be taken as seen andverifiable in the sky.Bphs might have come in existance in 1800 BC.The dictum given in it may have been formulates much earlier. Parasara was aware that whateverSiddhanta were in existence in those day , were not given correct planetarypositions and as such he had suggested long back that calculated positions should be verified by observations. This is being done by modern Astronomy with great precision.Lahiri is using Chitrapakchha Ayanamsa.It is you and others call it LahiriAyanamsa.We have degradrd ourselves so much that instead of discussing the basis of calculations , we try to give them names.As

siddhantic values are no more valid , there is no point to adopt any Ayanamsabased on Siddhantic values.Regards, G.K.GOELPh: 09350311433Add: L-409, SARITA VIHARNEW DELHI-110 076INDIA

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