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Pathogenic effects in astrology

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Pathogenic effects of twelve signs of the zodiac - a study.

In various scriptures available in Hindu Vedic astrology, the Zodiac houses and

the Planets, in effect, tell the tale of problems in human body. Many authors

had studied these in depth and compiled a list of such physical efforts or

sickness in human body traced to the birth charts of natal¢s.

I am listing them below to knowledge of those interested.

Aries: (Mesha) : Reflects for trace and identification of Head aches, Disease of

Brain, Cerebral Hemorrhage, Insomnia, Coma, Pains, Inflammatory diseases, Trance

(an altered state of consciousness - hypnosis), any Inflammatory diseases,

Lumbago (general lower back pain), Hemorrhage (migraine headaches), Elephant

dioceses, Neuralgia (an intense burning or stabbing pain caused by irritation of

or damage to a nerve)etc.

Taurus: (Rishaba): Apoplexy (uncontrolled bleeding into the brain resulting

sudden loss of consciousness and paralysis of various parts of the body), any

Disease in Cerebellum, Venereal Disease, Diphtheria (a bacterial infection that

spreads easily affecting nose and throat), Croup ( a loud cough like barking of

a seal with difficulty in breathing with grunting noise or wheezing), Piles,

Constipation, Cervical Vertebrae (smallest of the true vertebrae), Irregular

Menses, Troubles related to sex, Diphtheria, Croup, Fistula, Goitre (morbid

enlargement of the thyroid gland), etc.

Gemini: (Mithuna) : Eosonophillia, Asthma, Percranium Inflammation,

Tuberculosis, Pleurisy, Branchiatics, Pneumonia, Dry Cough, Pulmonary disease,


Cancer: (Kataka) : Gas troubles, Indigestion, Cough, Melancholia (black bile in

excess there of, continued depression of spirits), Hysteria, Stomach pains and

allied illness, Dropsy (a morbid accumulation of watery fluid in any part of

body), Gall Stones (bilerry ducts), Jaundice, etc

Leo : (Simha): Feeling giddy, Fainting, Spinal Meningitis, Regurgitate (to bring

back after swallowing) of blood, Aneurysm (dilatation of an artery/any abnormal

enlargement in body), Anemia (bloodlessness), loss of Aesthesis (sensitivity),

Angina pectoris (a disease of the heart marked by paroxysms of intense pain

radiating from the breast bone -towards left shoulder and arm), Artery

Sclerosis, Curvature of the Spine,

Virgo : (Kanya) : Nutrition, Typhoid, Vitamin B Deficiency, Appendicitis,


Libra : (Thula) : Rheumatic pains, Eczema, Hernia, Skin disease of any kind,

Affliction in Vasomotor (causing constriction or expansion of blood-vessels),

Scorpio : (Vrichik) : Prostate glands, Ovaries, Venereal diseases,

Irregularities of menses, Adenoids (enlarging of glandular tissue at the back of

nose), Catarrh (discharge of fluid from mucous membrane and chronic), Troubles

in womb, Affliction in bladder, Swollen testicles, Leucorrhoea (whitish

discharge from female genitals), Renal stones, Infection in generative organs

(male and female), Rectum, Colon, HIV, AID, disease in Urethra, etc.

Sagittarius: (Dhanush) : Afflictions in hips, thighs, Ilium (making out letters

without 100% sure), Pulmonary (carry Blood from Artery to Lungs) troubles,

Ataxia (problems with co-ordination because of body parts of the nervous system

that control movement and balance are affected including eyes), Locomotors

(skeletal muscles work together to allow movement), Rheumatism disease of hip

region, Fracture of color bones, Varicose veins, etc.

Capricorn: (Makara) : All that affects and afflicts skin, Digestive

disturbances, the Patella (The knee cap), The knee joint, Eczema, Erysipelas,

Leprosy, Melancholia (a profound presentation of depression), Chills gout

(Sustained high levels of uric acid in the blood ) Rheumatism (a variety of

conditions associated with pains in the skeletal and supporting structures of

body), Neuralgia (painful disorders of nerves including face),

Aquarius: (Kumba) : All afflictions in Ankle, Sprain below thighs, dropsy

(swelling of soft tissues), Filarial (parasiticdesease cased by spirurid

necetodes). All types of eye diseases, Irregularities of hear beats, etc.

Pisces : (Meena) : Deformities of feet, Dropsy, Delirium (acute and relatively

sudden decline in attention-focus, perception/cognition), tremens due to drugs,

addicted to drinks and other intoxicating fluids, Disease in feet and toes,

Intestinal afflictions, etc.

 The above are related to Zodiac houses.

My next submission will be on Star Zones to be followed by Planets.

Finally, (the fourth submission) will relate to the method adopted to co relate

the three segments along with the period (Desa) influences to find when these

could cause concern referring to a Natal chart.

Pathi (23rd August 2008).








Leucoderama, effects in stomach muscles, etc.

Kidney appendicitis, Inflammation of Uterus, Urinal passage defects/suppression

and drip, etc

Worms in intestines, defect in absorption of Chyle (lymph mixed with white /fats


In body), Loose motion, Peritonitis (inflammation of a serous membrane in the

abdominal and pelvic cavities);

Hydraemia, etc.


103, Black Tie Lane, Chapel Hill,

North Carolina, 27514, USA



( Private readings are chargeable. Please contact me in ID







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