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Part Two -- Pathogenic effects of twelve signs of the zodiac

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 Part two

Pathogenic effects of twelve signs of the zodiac - a study

Stars and their influence to cause ill health


Please note: As the student of Astrology one would know that the stars are

divided into four parts. Each part is called a ‘Pada‘. Each part of four parts

of a star is represented as in one house in the ‘Navamsa’ Chart. That is, the

first part of Aswani will be represented in Aeries (Mesha) in ‘Navamsa Chart,

and the second Pada of the same star will be represented in Taurus (Rishabha) in

‘Navamsa” chart, and so on.

The position of The Moon in the Birth Chart indicates the star zone and in the

‘Navamsa’ indicates both the star zone and its pada.

There could be a split in the Star Zones, like Mirgashera 3rd Pada and the last

Qtr Pada (among 4 Padas)will be in Gemini (Mithuna), while the first Two Padas

would be in Taurus. These will be represented in Navamsa, Mir’shera 1 Pada in

Leo (Simha), 2Pada in Virgo (Kanya), Pada 3 in Libra (Thula) and Pada 4 in

Scorpio (Vrichika).

To identify the relative ‘intensity’ of sickness related to the Star Zone, it is

necessary to combine the house represented in ‘Navamsa’ with the house of Star

Zone in the Birth chart, as explained in Part One dwelt earlier.Ashwini:

-Arietus - stars:3; (Mesha):

Small pox and Facial marks, Neuralgia (a painful disorder of the nerves),

etc.Bharani: -Arietisa Mus - Stars 3;(Mesha):Ailments: Kirthigai -Tauri Aloyoni

- Stars 6; (Mesha -Pada 1 & Rishaba Pada 2,3, & 4Rohini - Tauri Aldeboran - Stars

5; (Rishaba) Mrigashira - Orionis - Stars 3:(Rishaba-Pada 1,2 & Mithuna

-Pada3,4) PB: Face, Chin, Cheeks, Palate, Carotid (an artery that supplies the

head and neck with oxygenated blood), Larynx (Voicebox), Arteries, Inflamed

Tonsils, Jugular (are in the neck and drain blood from the head) Veins, Vocal

cord, Shoulders, Arms, Upper ribs, Ears, Thymus Gland (a condition of unstable

equilibrium, coma, convulsions and vomiting accompanying hyperplasia of the

persisting thymus (Gould). Ailments (1,2 Qtrs) Cuts and injuries in the parts of

body as above, Throat pain of all types, Adenoids, Very weak loins (lower part

of back), Constipation, Venereal distemper polypus (ref: above), Diphtheria,

Stammering, Excessive /constant

nose-bleed. Ailments (3 & 4 Qtrs) Wounds, Itches, Fracture of arms/

collarbone/femur (thigh-bone), Surfeit, Fever, Pains, Corrupted blood, Disorders

in secret.sex parts, Pericardium (the thin sac (membrane) that surrounds the

heart and the roots of the great blood vessels)PB : Face, Mouth, Tonsils,

Tongue, Neck, Palate, Atlas cervical vertebrate, Cerebellum. Ailments: Cold,

Cough, Sweating profusely in all temperatures and environments, Sore throat,

Constant and nagging pain in legs, Apoplexy (sudden impairment of neurological

function), Irregular menses, Neck ache, etc.); PB : Eyes, Head, Vision, Brain.

Ailments (1st Qtr):Injury, Cuts, Accidents, Explosions, Small pox, Plague,

Filarial, Malaria, Fire accident, Carbuncle (an abscess larger than Head

injuries, Injuries around eyes, Syphilis (a sexually transmitted disease) PB:

Cerebral Hemisphere and head and its organs within, eyes; Part of Body (PB):

Head; Regions internal parts of Brain and other

hemispheres related to head; Ailments: Injuries in Brain and head in general,

Epilepsy, Spasms (a sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle, a group of

muscles), Congestion and Hemorrhage in brain, Injuries in violence, Coma,

Headache, Paralytic stroke, Fainting, Trance, Meningitis (inflammation of the

protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord), affecting face,

Defects in vision, Mucus (a slippery secretion produced by, and covering, mucous

membranes), Involvement in dissipating (addicted to drinking) habits, Enhancing

unhealthy tastes (junk food), Catarrh (Inflammation of the Mucus Membrane) in

head, Venereal distemper (ulcer in the secret parts, pains in the bladder, pains

in the head, overflowing of courses), etc.a boil, usually with one or more

openings draining pus onto the skin), Cerebral meningitis, Wounds of any nature,

Brain fever, etc. PB: Larynx (colloquially known as the voicebox, is an organ in

the neck), Face, Neck,

Occipital (a saucer-shaped membrane bone situated at the back and lower part of

the cranium, is trapezoid in shape and curved on itself) region, Jaw, Tonsils;

Ailments (2,3 & 4 Qtr): Tumors in knees, Swelling above neck of any nature,

Polypus (a tumour growing from mucous membrane) of nose, Thought infections, Eye

sore of any nature, Pimples and cuts. inflammation, etc.


Arudra - Orionis- Star 1: (Mithuna) : PB: Shoulder, Throat, Arms : Ailments:

Mumps, Asthma, ear troubles and with pus, Dry cough, Septic and defective

throught, Shrill notes, Eosinophilia etc.-carrying vessels that convey chyle

from the intestine to lymphatic circulation), Diaphragm, Respiratory system,

Mammae (strecture of glands in male breast), Esophagus (gastrointestinal system

between the mouth and the stomach), Thoracic (the chamber of the human body

protected by wall in chest), Lobes of Lever.a (nervous system ailment caused by

thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency…), Irregular appetite, etc.Punarvasu - Gemini

Pollex - Stars 5: Mithuna- Pada 1,2,3 & Kataka- Pada 1)

PB: ear, Throat, Shoulder Blades, Lungs Chest, Stomach, Pancreas (a gland organ

in the digestive and endocrine system of vertebrates), Lacteals (intestinal

lymphAilments: (1,2 & 3 Qtrs)Ailments: (4th Qtr):Pushyami - Cancri - Stars 3:

Kataka: Aslesha - Hydrae - Stars 6: Kataka:To be continued …….Pathi (23 August





  PB: Lungs, Lever, Stomach, Diaphragm, Pancreas, Esophagus (ref: above).

Ailments: Windiness, Cold Stomach, Jaundice, Nervousness, Indigestion, Breathing

Difficulties, Vitamin ’B’ Deficiency, Pain and hurt in Knees and Legs,

Drunkenness, Dreaming in sleep Distillations of Rheum, etc.PB : Ribs, Lungs,

Stomach. Ailments: Respiratory System - Ulcerations, Nausea, Gall Stones,

Gastric Ulcer, Bruises in the breast, Phythisis, Jaundice, Hiccough, eczema,

Snoring, Scurvy (a deficiency disease resulting from insufficient intake of

vitamin C), Cancer, Gastric Ulcer, Dyspepsia (gastritis), Pyorrhoea, Eczema,

Belching (abdominal discomfort), etc. Dropsy, Stomach upset, Tuberculosis

Pneumonia, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia (gastroesophageal reflux disease),

Corrupt Blood, Jaundice, Gourmandize (overeat or eat immodestly), Beriberi

Swelling and constant/frequent pain in ears, Inflamed Pericardium (ref: above),

Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, Reins disorder,

Goitre due to Iodine deficiency, Pulmonary Apoplexy (ref: above), Infiltration

in the upper lobe of the Lungs.


North Carolina, 27514, USA







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