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Part Three - pathogenic effects

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Part three

Pathogenic effects of twelve signs of the zodiac - a study

Stars and their influence to cause ill health


Please note: As the student of Astrology one would know that the stars are

divided into four parts. Each part is called a ‘Pada‘. Each part of four parts

of a star is represented as in one house in the ‘Navamsa’ Chart. That is, the

first part of Aswani will be represented in Aeries (Mesha) in ‘Navamsa Chart,

and the second Pada of the same star will be represented in Taurus (Rishabha) in

‘Navamsa” chart, and so on.

The position of The Moon in the Birth Chart indicates the star zone and in the

‘Navamsa’ indicates both the star zone and its pada.

There could be a split in the Star Zones, like Mirgashera 3rd Pada and the last

Qtr Pada (among 4 Padas)will be in Gemini (Mithuna), while the first Two Padas

would be in Taurus. These will be represented in Navamsa, Mir’shera 1 Pada in

Leo (Simha), 2Pada in Virgo (Kanya), Pada 3 in Libra (Thula) and Pada 4 in

Scorpio (Vrichika).

To identify the relative ‘intensity’ of sickness related to the Star Zone, it is

necessary to combine the house represented in ‘Navamsa’ with the house of Star

Zone in the Birth chart, as explained in Part One dwelt earlier.Part Three

:Makum - Leionis Regular - Stars 5; (Simha );Poorva Palguni (PURAM - PUBBA) -

Lionis - Stars 4: (Simha)AilmentsUthra Palguni Ailments (Pada 1): Hastam: -

Corvi - Stars 5 (Kanya): Chitra (1 & 2 Padas) (Kanya)- Virginis Spica - Star 1;

(3 & 4 Padas) (Thula);Ailments (1 & Padas):Swati: (Thula) - Buothis Arcturus -

Satar 1 : Vishaka; (1,2 & 3 Padas) (Thula) - Librae - Stars 3; (4 Pada)

(Viruchika) :

(1,2, & 3 Pada) Adrenal Secretion deficiency, Renal Abscess, Skin eruptions,

Diabetes, Sluggish Kidney, Insulin deficient, Congestion of brain, Vertigo,

Coma; Ailments: (4Pada) Bladder, Urethra, Rectum, Genital Organs, Prostate

Gland, Descending Colon, Urinary troubles, Abnormal bleeding during menses,

Rupture, Renal Stones, Uterine Tumors, Urethral abscess, Dropsy, Hydraemia,

Bleeding from nose.Anuradha : - Scorpionis - 3 (Viruchika)Jyeshta: - Antaras -

Stars 3 (Viruchika)


End Part Three 









(Part 4 will follow) : PB : Anus, Colon, Genital Organs, Ovaries, Womb,

Ailments: Affliction of bowls, Distemper in secret Parts, Fistula, Tumors,

Leucorrhoea, Bleeding Piles, Pains in arms and shoulders, Afflicted fingers. :

PB: Genital Organs, Rectum, Nasal Bones, Bladder, Bones at Genital organs,

Testicles, Male/female reproductive Organ, Flesh in the areas of Sex Organs.

Ailments: Suppression of Menses, Poor bleeding, Severe Structure, Sterility,

Constipation, Nasal Catarrh, Hipbone, Fracture, Sore Throat, Piles, Phlegm, Pain

in Sex organs.PB : Lower abdomen, Part near bladder, Kidneys, and Pancreatic

Gland.; Ailments: PB: Skin Trouble, Kidneys, Appendicitis, Bladder; Ailments,

Hernia, Urethra, Bright’s disease, Eczema, Leprosy, Pus Formation, Urinary

troubles.Sharp and Acute pains, Pain in legs, Irritation in lower belly area,

Wounds from insects, Itching, Worms, Ulcers, Bites and Pain caused from reptiles

and animals; Ailments (3 & 4 Padas):

Polyuria, Inflamation of Urethra Connecting Kidneys and Bladder, Kidney

trouble, Excess flow of urine, Hemorrhage of Kidneys, Renal Stones, Brain Fever,

Sun Stroke, Bright’s diseases, Lumbago, Pains in hands. PB: Belly and Lower

Part, kidney, Hernia, Loins, Lumbar region of Spine, Appendicitis, Vasomotor

System,PB: Bowels, Industines, Secreting Glands, Enzymes. Ailments: Gas

formation. Flatulence, pain and disorder of bowls, Worms mucus, Typhoid,

Cholera, Neuralgia, Bacillary Dysentery, Amoebic, Short breadth, Weak limbs

(arms and shoulders), Flatulence, Hysteria, Fear Complex, perplexity, Diarrhea,

pain in anus. And mental diseases.Continuous pain in Back and head, Fainting,

Blood Pressure, Could rave in impulse and be mad due to clotting blood in the

capillaries leading to brain, Palpitation, Hyperemia, Plague, Fever, Ache in

joints in back. Ailments (Padas 2,3, & 4)Tumors in the bowels, obstructions,

swelling in neck, Sore throat.( UTTARA) Pada 1

(Simha) - Padas 2,3 & 4 ( Kanya) Leonis Stars 4; PB : Spinal Cord,Intenstines,

Bowls and Liver. : Shocks on irreparable family and loss of all nature; ailment

in spine colomn;Anemia; Hydremia; Pain and Varicose in legs; swelling of ankles;

blood pressure (low and high); Aneurism; Swelling of heart; Depression and

chronic effect in result of failure in love or desire; Afflicted Valves and

their replacement.: PB : Heart and Spinal Cord. PB: Hear, Back, Spinal Cord,

Spleen, Dorsal region of Spine, Aorta. Ailments: Gravel in Kidneys, Cholera,

Back pain, Humorous, Regurgitation, Fainting, Signal Meningitis, Heart affected

by sudden shock.



103, Black Tie Lane, Chapel Hill,

North Carolina, 27514, USA



( Private readings are chargeable. Please contact me in ID







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