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~Within Your Inner World~ (Part 1 & 2)

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~Within Your Inner World~ (Part 1 & 2)


A story/meditation given to me by my spirit guide 14th May 19, 2007


Within Your Inner World. Pt I





Sit comfortable with your feet on the floor and your hands resting

with palms up on your legs or the side of the chair. Take three nice

deep breaths, inhale through your nose and exhale through your

mouth, and let yourself relax.


Imagine you are in a forest of enormous trees, so large that it

would take ten men with arms outstretched to circumvent the

circumference of the smallest tree there. You look up and see that

they are so tall that you can't see the tops, and you feel that they

are even taller than the tallest skyscraper in the world.


You are not worried though, as the feeling of peace is so profound

that all you want to do right now is sit down amongst the leaves and

lay your head on the trunk of the nearest tree and enjoy the peace

you feel.


This forest feels timeless and ageless, the feeling of infinity

hangs in the air and permeates the entire atmosphere, and you drink

it in with large indrawn breaths, smiling and sensing the deep

feeling of being forever at peace.


Sitting down you give your self over to the sounds and the sights

that are all around you. You watch the sun as it filters through the

branches and leaves, making patterns of light on the floor of the

forest…sparkling on leaves and bringing them to life, almost

transforming them into little pots of gold and burnished copper.

You can hear a brook in the distance, its waters playing a melody as

they gurgle and burble over the stones on their way from here to


You can feel the warmth of the sun on your head and shoulders, and

the feel of the leaves beneath your fingers and feet. You are

feeling so relaxed.


You listen to the birds singing and chirping and hear the scarping

of the squirrels as the run up and down the trees gathering nuts and

talking to each other. You hear the little animals in the

undergrowth as they go about their daily lives, and you are content,

and so relaxed.


Closing your eyes you allow yourself to feel the peace and the

warmth that surrounds you and slowly you drift off too sleep,

relaxing and breathing deeply of the smells and scents of the trees

and the forest flowers that are blooming within the forest.


You dream…and in that dream you are still within the forest, still

feeling the peace and relaxation of before, but something subtle has

happened and you know just know that this place is a map of your

world, that you can explore here, laugh and run, sit and doze, or

just play,: this is your place and you can do anything at all here,

it is all up to you.


This thought is no sooner thought when you jump up eager to explore,

turning around and around you look all about you, wondering which

way can you go, which way, which way, you are so excited and so

eager, the laughter is building up and the fun of what you can do is

taking hold of you and you feel that you could even fly with the

exuberance you feel.


But which way, which way do you go? So standing still you

contemplate and you think: hmm, if I go north first, I can explore

then come back and maybe go south next.

And thinking that is a good idea you look up to see where the sun is

for your guidance only to discover that you can't see the sun. That

in this place it is always light but there is no sun as you know it.


Problem, how do you find your way back to this place?

You think about all of the adventure stories you have read, and the

ways they circumvented this problem. How they used chalk or a knife

to mark the trees, sometimes it was string or ribbons to tie to

bushes, even crumbs or fabric scraps to leave a trail.

But you don't have a knife, chalk, string, ribbons or crumbs, in

fact you have nothing except yourself and a covering that is

remarkable strong and will not GRRRRRR rip with any amount of


You look around you for something you could use, but the stones you

find are all smooth no good for cutting, and you can't carry enough

of them to mark your passage.

Breaking the tree branches and bushes or the flowers seems so cruel

to you in this beautiful place that you dismiss this instantly.


So you sit down and ponder this problem. One by one you dismiss the

ideas, and as they get progressively wilder, you are been driven to

distraction. Here you are in the most beautiful place you have ever

been, and you don't know how to navigate your way around…

frustration, anger, and hurt assail you. You want to cry; and

despairing you curl up and give in to your feelings….


If only you knew someone, someone that could help you. Someone who

had been here and knew how to navigate without hurting anything in

this lovely place, someone who would also understand what it was you

wanted to do here, someone who would lead you to your goal and also

bring you back to your starting place so that you could set off on

another adventure when the first one was over.


Your heart cries out, and your mind whirls. Somewhere you know there

is an answer if only you could find it, if only, if only.


Time passes and you are getting colder and more worn as each moment

passes. The exuberance you first felt has withered. This beautiful

place is becoming a prison.

Angry and feeling defeated you call out to your divine being and ask

please oh! please can you help me? I want someone to help me. Send

me something, I am lost and don't know my way…I am so lost and so

tired, so angry , Please will you help me?


Nothing. No answer.




Part 2



Time passes, you have been sitting thinking, arguing with yourself,

getting deeper and deeper in a whirlwind of thought, and getting no-

where. You have succumbed to despair, and look around you with

feeling of dejection. You so much want to see and explore this

beautiful landscape, you so much want to find all of the wonderful

things that you know are there…if only you had some kind of guide./


By now your eyes are red from weeping. The warmth and the light are

gone. The forest that was so light and beautiful is starting to turn

into a dark place where shadows flirt and sounds of despair are

heard. It is almost as though it is keeping in resonance with your

heart and how it is feeling.


Time passes and you find yourself curled into a fetus shape, hiding

and scared, not wanting to face the place that had originally

brought you so much hope. You are so despairing, so down and without

hope, that as a last resort you call out again…HELP ME, I NEED HELP,

I need a guide, I need to know that I am not alone, I need comfort

and love…I NEED. Oh how I NEED.


Burying your head again in your arms, you give way to a torrent of

tears, body shaking with tremors of pain and hurt, it takes you a

while to notice that the darkness that had crept in seems to be

getting a little lighter. Sobbing and shaking, you wipe the tears

from your eyes with the back of your hand and look to see what has

caused this phenomenon.


It is with great surprise that you see a figure in white standing at

the start of a pathway. A pathway that you had not seen before, yet

here it is now. You are so stunned that you shake yourself inside

and out, close your eyes and open them again, and looking again see

that the figure is still there.


Carefully, just in case you disturb what ever is bringing in this

phenomenon, you get up to your knees and with one hand on the tree

for balance you very slowly rise to your feet. And the figure is

still there.


You stand and look. Scared to make any sound or movement, wanting so

much for it to be real, and dreading that it is only an illusion,

until wonders of wonders, the figure lifts an arm and beckons to you.


At first you are to scared to move neither mind speak. Your mouth is

suddenly dry and licking your lips you croak out, with your finger

pointing at yourself, " me. " And the figure nods, and beckons again.


With trepidation you start to walk towards this figure, keeping your

eyes peeled, you carefully transverse the forest floor with its

holes and slippey leaves. You don't want to fall now when it seems

that help is here.


As you get a little closer, the figure turns and starts walking up

the path. You start to run, wanting to keep up, nay catch up, you

have so much to ask. And forgetting that this might be an illusion

you cry out… " Oh please! please! stop. " Wonder of wonders he does,

and turns around to look at you. Running now you dash up to him,

ready to reach out and touch to feel and judge that this is real,

when he holds out his arm palm out and tells you to stop.

The sound of his voice halts you, wondering if he is going to turn

and walk away without you, you stand there with your heart in your

mouth, and wait hoping and hoping that he will not now disappear and

leave you here alone again.


Instead he starts to talk to you. He says, I have always been there,

but you could not see me or hear me as you were so busy with all

that you had found. So busy that nothing else apart from what YOU

wanted to do and find, interested you.


As long as you thought that you where completely in control of your

environment, and could do it all alone, you would not see me, yet

before you went there you had asked me to come with you, to help and

to show you the way.

You forgot when you discovered how beautiful it was, you forgot even

when you realized that it needed directions and you had none. You

forgot even when you succumbed to its despair, but when you asked

for a guide from the heart of yourself, then you gave me the opening

to help you to see me. I am the one you asked to walk with you on

this journey and exploration; I am the one who has the maps and the

understanding of this landscape. As long as you listen and follow

me, I will lead you, I will talk to you and I will love and comfort

you and show you the way.

He also assures you that even though you believe that you will

listen to him and will follow him, there will be times that you will

become distracted and wander away from hearing and seeing him. He

promises that when that happens, he will back track and be there for

you when you remember and start looking for him again.


Standing there looking at this figure, you feel an enormous surge of

love. This is it, you think this is what I have lost, and have been

seeking, this is it, and I must listen and I must follow.

So you promise that you will listen, you promise you will follow…and

you promise not to get lost. He smiles at that, and says, " I know

you will. " But I will always be by your side…just remember that. And

you nod and say yes I will.


The journey has begun. It is only the start and you know that you

have so much to learn, and as he turns and starts to walk, you get

behind him and follow him, step by step…that is until you see a

gateway, and through that gateway there is, well there is? And you

are over the gate and gone….But remember, remember…there is so much

to discover and so much to learn…we have only just begun.




Walk in Light


Rose ( Spiritvoice )





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