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RE: [sjc-guru] More On the Ayanamsa Issue

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om gurave namah


Dear Narasimha




I think you have finally cracked it. The main issue for me was the

*arbitrary nature* of all the ayanäàça and hence their names – Lahiri, Raman

and so many others and each finding what we call a *suitable date* based on

various *personal information* factors which was not purely mathematical.


Ayanämsha has to be *Chiträ Paksha* all the time i.e. the sidereal zodiac is

created on the very basis and cannot move around like the tropical and other

zodiac. Its very existence comes into being due to the nakshatra. The rashi

have no existence without the nakshatra as 9 nakshatra pada define the



Secondly, the wobbling plane which causes *true and men nodes* to come into

existence is a play of Maya in our lives. The real truth is that the nodes

from the perspective of karma, cannot be direct. This is possible only from

the Vishnu nabhi and for this *one reason* the word *satya* in its highest

relative sense is applicable to Vishnu as He alone can cut the head of the

demon of untruth thereby creating Rähu and Ketu. Thus the Rähu and Ketu of

Vedic Astrology were created by Vishnu due to the Sudarshana. So, our

calculation of Rähu and Ketu should be from the perspective of Vishnu i.e.

the Vishnu nabhi (nabhi is the hidden meaniing of point of creation).


You have done well to factor in the motion of the star as this was the only

flaw in the calculation. Please define the extent of deviation if any in

your calculation.


Thirdly, *please* do not give any arguments of whether it works with TP or

something else as whatever works for you may not work for someone else and

that is purely personal understanding and judgment of the chart – it is the

*Horä* part of Jyotisha and not the *Ganita* . Your mathematical arguments

are by far, the best I have seen till date and am finally convinced that you

have deciphered the *Vedic Ayananamsha* which is purely based on the

mathematical definition given by the various Rishi’s. The two things that

Lahiri ayanamsha missed squarely are –


1. Uses Brahma Nabhi instead of Vishnu nabhi resulting in true and mean

nodes which is the confusion of Maya. The correct Vishnu nabhi was taken by

you in the first step. However, instead of immediately accepting this, we

waited for you to finish the research as you were getting close


2. The perfect *Chiträ Paksha* needed as per the original ayanamsha

definition had to be arrived at.




Once the second calculation is completed and this is checked carefully, we

will have to do the following –


1. Determine the *epoch date of zero ayanamsha* by reverse calculation

which would be mathematically fully substantiated instead of the arbitrary

thing being done now


2. Move a few steps towards the Kali Yuga calculations


3. Would be able to finally decipher Achyutananda and the nakshatra

varsha movements (although in my book I have shown the years upto the level

of the decades, I always needed to be sure) and also define the correct

Jovian years and all that.


You hard work is of great historical significance and do check your

calculations with at least two other sources.


With best wishes,


Sanjay Rath


15B Gangaram Hospital Road, Delhi, India 110060


www.srath.com, www..org, www.sohamsa.com




Narasimha P.V.R. Rao [pvr]

Saturday, September 06, 2008 9:32 PM

sohamsa ; vedic astrology ;

; sjc-guru

[sjc-guru] More On the Ayanamsa Issue




Namaste friends,




As I mentioned before, I have experimented with a variation of Lahiri

ayanamsa that uses a fixed zodiacal plane. Normally, people use the

Sun-earth plane as the zodiacal plane and it has a wobbling motion. In other

words, longitudes at different times are measured on a different plane, as

the plane wobbles with time. When we are fixing the starting point of the

zodiac, does it make sense to have a plane that is not fixed??




The entire solar system has a rotation too (around a point that we refer to

as " Vishnunabhi " - navel of Vishnu). The equatorial plane of this rotation

is very stable and has no wobbling motion. It makes excellent sense to use

this plane as the zodiacal plane instead of a wobbling Sun-earth plane.




When I used this fixed plane instead of wobbing Sun-earth plane, the

longitudes of planets change by a few arc-sec and sometimes by a few

arc-min. However, unlike in regular ayanamsa changes, the change in

different planets is different. Thus, (Moon-Sun) differential changes

differently at different times. This means that times of Tithi Pravesha

(Sun-Moon angular return) can change by several minutes compared to regular

Lahiri ayanamsa. This changes the lagna in several divisional charts of TP

in almost all years.




I compared the divisional charts of TP between the two ayanamsas and

concluded that the fixed plane version is more consistent. I use that

ayanamsa myself.




* * *




However, one thing still troubled me. Though the choice of the plane is very

logical and not really arbitrary, the choice of the zero point has a little

arbitrariness. I mean, Chitra at 180 deg is logical. But we were taking

Chitra at 180 deg on a particular date. That is arbitrary. At later dates,

Chitra may be slightly away from 180 deg due to the slow star motion.




It is possible to define the ayanamsa such that Chitra is at 180 deg at all

times, i.e. slow motion of star is factored in.




This causes only a few arc-seconds of difference in the longitudes and it

affects all planets uniformly. Hence it has no impact on TP times (Moon-Sun

does not change as both Moon and Sun change by the same amount). It cause

changes in divisional charts only in border cases that are anyway

susceptible to very minor birthtime errors. Thus, this difference is mostly

of academic interest and the practical implication is very little. On the

other hand, the practical implication of the previously mentioned use of

solar system rotation plane (already available in JHora 7.2) is huge. It

changes all TP charts (not just border cases).




Nevertheless, I think the arbitrariness should go. Fixing ayanamsa based on

a specific date is arbitrary. Thus, I have modified the ayanamsa to place

Chitra (Spica) star at exactly 180 deg always. The starting point of the

zodiac is fixed in such a way that Chitra star is always at 180 deg exactly

and the plane of the zodiacal plane is fixed to the solar system rotation

plane around Vishnunabhi.




In my mind, this is very logical, consistent and not arbitrary. Neither the

plane nor the starting point has any silliness built in.




When I made this change in the ayanamsa I am using, I see no impact on TP

charts and all my previous analysis still holds. However, to be more logical

and remove arbitrariness from my work, I have switched to this ayanamsa. I

made my final decision.




I will make it available in the next JHora release.




For the benefit of those who dislike the fixed Vishnunabhi plane (why????

why use a fixed starting point when the plane itself is not fixed?????) and

want to stick to the regular wobbly Sun-earth plane, I will add another

various of Lahiri ayanamsa. This will also place Chitra at 180 deg always,

but on a wobbling plane instead of the fixed Vishnunabhi plane.




I will make this release by the end of September. I hope that the serious

researchers of astrology will take advantage of this.




* * *




Mooladhara chakra represents bhu loka - the earthly realm of consciousness.

Other chakras represent higher lokas - the higher spiritual realms of

consciousness. While the 0 deg of Aries contains the head of kala purusha,

i.e. sahasrara chakra, it is the 180 deg point that contains mooladhara

chakra. The top seven and bottom seven chakras/lokas are in the two halves

of the zodiac. From this point of view, it is very logical to base the

zodiac from 180 deg point, i.e. Mooladhara chakra.




While the people who fixed Lahiri ayanamsa got it mostly, things like

factoring in the star motion and fixing the zodiacal plane were left out.




Best regards,



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