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(unknown) Marriage

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Dear Mr. Mohan Kumar Reghunathan,=0A=0AYour question is highly relevant.=A0=

I am pondering=A0for years to define 'marriage' in astrology.=A0 When we a=

re 'timing the event', it indicates the first 'relationship' of the person =

with the opposite sex.=A0 And, this need not be 'marriage'.=A0 Fortunately =

in India, women in general, wait for this 'relationship' after marriage (in=

the presence of near and dear).=0AWhereas, this is a rarity in other parts=

of world.=A0 Astrology is common to every individual born in this world.=

=0A=0A'Marriage' as ritual in the presence of others,=A0is conducted in any=

age. But 'relationship' starts after an age acceptable to that. So in astr=

ology where will you pin point the 'relationship' or marriage.=A0 Marriage =

is a contract between two and its relevancy of influence in Astrology could=

be, when transmit=A0blood between two in 'relationship'=A0and this time co=

uld be found=A0under the rules.=A0 This will qualify interpretation of 'mar=

riage' and not the function as identified in practice.=A0 One can have rela=

tionship and marriage could be a formality, after a long time after 'that'.=


=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0 =0ANorth Ca=

rolina, 27514, USA=0A=A0=0A=0A=0A=0A=0AMoh=

an Kumar Ragunathan <kpmk_astrology=0Avedic astrology@g=

roups.com=0AThursday, September 11, 2008 4:42:48 AM=0ARe: [v=

edic-astrology] (unknown)=0A=0A=0ADear Mr.Haresh Nathani, =0A=0APlease don'=

t mistake me. =0A=0AThis is how most of the Vedic Astrologers give answers =

on Marriage or other matters too.=0A " If you are not able to=A0get married w=

ith the next few months or so=A0 then it will be delayed for another few ye=

ars or so.... " .=0AI=A0have experienced it myself.=0A=0ACan we not ascertain=

whether the native will get married or NOT within that favourable period=

=A0as foreseen by us? =0A=0ANow suppose a native is not destined for marria=

ge at all, he may pass over many such favourable=A0time in various Dasa Bhu=

kthi periods.=A0But marriage may not materialise at all.=0A=0ASo, when he w=

ill get married or when he=A0cannot not get married, the timing,should be a=

scertained by an astrologer himself and not to be left to the native's choi=

ce or efforts in that sense. =0A=0AAm I right?=A0Let us probe deep into the=

Timing of Events, so that astrology becomes a real science someday.=A0 As =

astrologers, it is our duty to try at least, even if we cannot attain it.=

=0AWith thanks and warm regards,=0A=0AMK (Mohan Kumar.R.)=0AScientific Astr=

ologer & Spoken English Tutor=0AAdvanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy=

(KP based)=0A219/84, Moongapadi St..,Gugai, SALEM - 636 006=0ACell: 99443-=

07025 =0A=0A=0AHaresh (Harry) Nathani <har=

esh1405 >=0Avedic astrology=0AWednesd=

ay, September 10, 2008 2:18:27 PM=0ARe: [vedic astrology] (unknown=

)=0A=0ADear Mano=0AIf u r not able to get married by 5th dec this yr, then =

u will hv to wait for 2 more yrs for ur marraige to happen. Ur wife will be=

intelligent, dutiful, very aggressive in her speech, & ur to be wife will =

be through one of ur relatives..=0A=0A=A0=0AWith Warm Regards=0AHaresh(Harr=

y) Nathani=0AVedic Astologer,=A0Vaastu Consultant=0AInsurance Advisor=0ACel=

l +91 98672 14103=0AMumbai,India)=0A=0A=0A=

Mano Makan <manomakan >=0Avedic astrology=

=0AWednesday, 10 September, 2008 12:26:02 PM=0A[vedic-astrol=

ogy] (unknown)=0A=0ADear sir,=0A=A0=0APls tell me about my marriage when it=

will get complete=A0 =0AMy dob;-26.nov. 1984=0Aday=A0=A0=A0 :-friday=0APla=

ce :-Delhi=0ATime:-9:40 =0A=0A[Non-text portions of this message have been =

removed]=0A=0AUnlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now, on http://h=

elp. / l/in// mail/mail/ tools/tools- 08.html/=0A=0A[Non=

-text portions of this message have been removed]=0A=0A[Non-text portions o=

f this message have been removed]=0A=0A =A0=0A=0A=0A


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<html><head><style type= " text/css " ><!-- DIV {margin:0px;}

--></style></head><body><div style= " font-family:times new roman, new york,

times, serif;font-size:12pt " ><DIV></DIV>

<DIV>Dear Mr. Mohan Kumar Reghunathan,</DIV>

<DIV> & nbsp;</DIV>

<DIV>Your question is highly relevant. & nbsp; I am pondering & nbsp;for years to

define 'marriage' in astrology. & nbsp; When we are 'timing the event', it

indicates the first 'relationship' of the person with the opposite sex. & nbsp;

And, this need not be 'marriage'. & nbsp; Fortunately in India, women in general,

wait for this 'relationship' after marriage (in the presence of near and


<DIV>Whereas, this is a rarity in other parts of world. & nbsp; Astrology is

common to every individual born in this world.</DIV>

<DIV> & nbsp;</DIV>

<DIV>'Marriage' as ritual in the presence of others, & nbsp;is conducted in any

age. But 'relationship' starts after an age acceptable to that. So in astrology

where will you pin point the 'relationship' or marriage. & nbsp; Marriage is a

contract between two and its relevancy of influence in Astrology could be, when

transmit & nbsp;blood between two in 'relationship' & nbsp;and this time could be

found & nbsp;under the rules. & nbsp; This will qualify interpretation of 'marriage'

and not the function as identified in practice. & nbsp; One can have relationship

and marriage could be a formality, after a long time after

'that'.<BR> & nbsp;</DIV>

<DIV><SPAN style= " FONT-FAMILY: comic sans

ms " > & nbsp;A.V.Pathi, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;\

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & n\

bsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbs\

p; & nbsp; </SPAN><BR><FONT size=1><FONT size=2><SPAN class=yshortcuts

id=lw_1214242863_2 style= " BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;

CURSOR: hand; BORDER-BOTTOM: #0066cc 1px dashed " >North Carolina, 27514,

USA</SPAN><BR></FONT></FONT></DIV><FONT size=1><FONT size=2>

<P></FONT></FONT> & nbsp;</P>

<P><FONT size=1><FONT size=2> & nbsp;</P></FONT></FONT>


<DIV style= " FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times,

serif " ><BR>

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BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times,

serif " ><BR>Mohan Kumar Ragunathan

& lt;kpmk_astrology & gt;<BR>vedic astrology <BR>Sent:

Thursday, September 11, 2008 4:42:48 AM<BR>Re: [vedic astrology]


<DIV id=ygrp-mlmsg style= " WIDTH: 655px " >

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<P>Dear Mr.Haresh Nathani, <BR><BR>Please don't mistake me. <BR><BR>This is how

most of the Vedic Astrologers give answers on Marriage or other matters

too.<BR> " If you are not able to & nbsp;get married with the next few months or

so & nbsp; then it will be delayed for another few years or

so.... " .<BR>I & nbsp;have experienced it myself.<BR><BR>Can we not ascertain

whether the native will get married or NOT within that favourable period & nbsp;as

foreseen by us? <BR><BR>Now suppose a native is not destined for marriage at

all, he may pass over many such favourable & nbsp;time in various Dasa Bhukthi

periods. & nbsp;But marriage may not materialise at all.<BR><BR>So, when he will

get married or when he & nbsp;cannot not get married, the timing,should be

ascertained by an astrologer himself and not to be left to the native's choice

or efforts in that sense. <BR><BR>Am I right? & nbsp;Let us probe deep into the

Timing of Events, so that astrology becomes a real science

someday. & nbsp; As astrologers, it is our duty to try at least, even if we

cannot attain it.<BR>With thanks and warm regards,<BR><BR>MK (Mohan

Kumar.R.)<BR>Scientific Astrologer & amp; Spoken English Tutor<BR>Advanced

Stellar Astrology Research Academy (KP based)<BR>219/84, Moongapadi St..,Gugai,

SALEM - 636 006<BR>Cell: 99443-07025 <BR><BR>----- Original Message

----<BR>Haresh (Harry) Nathani & lt;<A href= " haresh1405%40 "

target=_blank rel=nofollow

ymailto= " haresh1405%40 " >haresh1405 </A> & gt;<BR><A

href= " vedic astrology%40 " target=_blank rel=nofollow

ymailto= " vedic astrology%40 " >vedic astrology@ .

com</A><BR>Wednesday, September 10, 2008 2:18:27 PM<BR>Re:

[vedic astrology] (unknown)<BR><BR>Dear Mano<BR>If u r not able to get married

by 5th dec this yr, then u will hv to wait for 2 more yrs for ur marraige to

happen. Ur wife will be

intelligent, dutiful, very aggressive in her speech, & amp; ur to be wife will

be through one of ur relatives..<BR><BR> & nbsp;<BR>With Warm

Regards<BR>Haresh(Harry) Nathani<BR>Vedic Astologer, & nbsp;Vaastu

Consultant<BR>Insurance Advisor<BR>Cell +91 98672

14103<BR>Mumbai,India)<BR><BR><BR>Mano Makan

& lt;manomakan & gt;<BR>vedic astrology<BR>Sent:

Wednesday, 10 September, 2008 12:26:02 PM<BR>[vedic astrology]

(unknown)<BR><BR>Dear sir,<BR> & nbsp;<BR>Pls tell me about my marriage when it

will get complete & nbsp; <BR>My dob;-26.nov. 1984<BR>day & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

:-friday<BR>Place :-Delhi<BR>Time:-9:40 <BR><BR>[Non-text portions of this

message have been removed]<BR><BR>Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it

now, on <A href= " http://help./ " target=_blank rel=nofollow>http://help.</A> <A

href= " http:/// " target=_blank>/</A> l/in//

mail/mail/ tools/tools-

08.html/<BR><BR>[Non-text portions of this message have been

removed]<BR><BR>[Non-text portions of this message have been

removed]<BR><BR></P></DIV><!--~-|**|PrettyHtmlStart|**|-~--><SPAN style= " COLOR:

white " ></SPAN>


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Dear Venkatachalapathi Sir,


Thanks for your comment.


Whether it is the event of " Marriage " by customary practice or by way of

" relationship " , as you have mentioned, my point is:

As astrologers, we must be able to pinpoint the timing of such an incidence

beforehand by one's chart.

That is what I call " the skill to predict " and this is what astrologers are for.


An astrologer cannot and should not say to a boy or girl,

" if you don't find a friend to mate with within five months, you will not get a

chance for the next five years. So, mind it, go and find somebody soon. Go.

Go! " .


No, not like this. There is no skill of prediction in this statement.


Astrologers can only read one's destiny, if ever he can. He cannot make one's

destiny in the way he perceives it by his calculations.


With thanks and warm regards,


MK (Mohan Kumar.R.)

Scientific Astrologer & Spoken English Tutor

Advanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy (KP based)

219/84, Moongapadi St.,Gugai, SALEM - 636 006

Cell: 99443-07025





venkatachala pathi <pathiav

vedic astrology

Cc: kpmk_astrology

Friday, September 12, 2008 9:38:00 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown) Marriage



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Dear Mr. Mohan Kumar Reghunathan, =0A=0AYour question is highly relevant.=A0=

I am pondering=A0for years to define 'marriage' in astrology.=A0 When we a=

re 'timing the event', it indicates the first 'relationship' of the person =

with the opposite sex.=A0 And, this need not be 'marriage'.= A0 Fortunately =

in India, women in general, wait for this 'relationship' after marriage (in=

the presence of near and dear).=0AWhereas, this is a rarity in other parts=

of world.=A0 Astrology is common to every individual born in this world.=

=0A=0A'Marriage' as ritual in the presence of others,=A0is conducted in any=

age. But 'relationship' starts after an age acceptable to that. So in astr=

ology where will you pin point the 'relationship' or marriage.=A0 Marriage =

is a contract between two and its relevancy of influence in Astrology could=

be, when transmit=A0blood between two in 'relationship' =A0and this time co=

uld be found=A0under the rules.=A0 This will qualify interpretation of 'mar=

riage' and not the function as identified in practice.=A0 One can have rela=

tionship and marriage could be a formality, after a long time after 'that'.=

=0A=A0=0A=A0A. V.Pathi,= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0=


=A0=A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0 =0ANorth


rolina, 27514, USA=0A=A0=0A= 0A=0A=0A- ---- Original Message ----=0AMoh=

an Kumar Ragunathan <kpmk_astrology@ >=0Avedic astrology@ g=

roups.com=0AThursday, September 11, 2008 4:42:48 AM=0ARe: [v=

edic-astrology] (unknown)=0A= 0A=0ADear Mr.Haresh Nathani, =0A=0APlease don'=

t mistake me. =0A=0AThis is how most of the Vedic Astrologers give answers =

on Marriage or other matters too.=0A " If you are not able to=A0get married w=

ith the next few months or so=A0 then it will be delayed for another few ye=

ars or so.... " .=0AI= A0have experienced it myself.=0A=0ACan we not ascertain=

whether the native will get married or NOT within that favourable period=

=A0as foreseen by us? =0A=0ANow suppose a native is not destined for marria=

ge at all, he may pass over many such favourable=A0time in various Dasa Bhu=

kthi periods.=A0But marriage may not materialise at all.=0A=0ASo, when he w=

ill get married or when he=A0cannot not get married, the timing,should be a=

scertained by an astrologer himself and not to be left to the native's choi=

ce or efforts in that sense. =0A=0AAm I right?=A0Let us probe deep into the=

Timing of Events, so that astrology becomes a real science someday.=A0 As =

astrologers, it is our duty to try at least, even if we cannot attain it.=

=0AWith thanks and warm regards,=0A= 0AMK (Mohan Kumar.R.)=0AScienti fic Astr=

ologer & Spoken English Tutor=0AAdvanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy=

(KP based)=0A219/ 84, Moongapadi St..,Gugai, SALEM - 636 006=0ACell: 99443-=

07025 =0A=0A=0AHaresh (Harry) Nathani <har=

esh1405 >=0Avedic astrology=0AWednesd=

ay, September 10, 2008 2:18:27 PM=0ARe: [vedic astrology] (unknown=

)=0A=0ADear Mano=0AIf u r not able to get married by 5th dec this yr, then =

u will hv to wait for 2 more yrs for ur marraige to happen. Ur wife will be=

intelligent, dutiful, very aggressive in her speech, & ur to be wife will =

be through one of ur relatives..= 0A=0A=A0= 0AWith Warm Regards=0AHaresh( Harr=

y) Nathani=0AVedic Astologer,=A0Vaastu Consultant=0AInsura nce Advisor=0ACel=

l +91 98672 14103=0AMumbai, India)=0A= 0A=0A=

Mano Makan <manomakan >=0Avedic astrology=

=0AWednesday, 10 September, 2008 12:26:02 PM=0A[vedic-astrol=

ogy] (unknown)=0A= 0ADear sir,=0A=A0=0APls tell me about my marriage when it=

will get complete=A0 =0AMy dob;-26.nov. 1984=0Aday=A0= A0=A0 :-friday=0APla=

ce :-Delhi=0ATime: -9:40 =0A=0A[Non-text portions of this message have been =

removed]=0A= 0AUnlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now, on http://h=

elp. / l/in// mail/mail/ tools/tools- 08.html/=0A= 0A[Non=

-text portions of this message have been removed]=0A= 0A[Non-text portions o=

f this message have been removed]=0A= 0A =A0=0A=0A=0A

--0-1611963718- 1221235680= :14069

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<html><head> <style type= " text/css " ><!-- DIV {margin:0px; } --></style><

/head><body> <div style= " font- family:times new roman, new york, times,

serif;font-size: 12pt " ><DIV> </DIV>

<DIV>Dear Mr. Mohan Kumar Reghunathan, </DIV>

<DIV> & nbsp;< /DIV>

<DIV>Your question is highly relevant. & nbsp; I am pondering & nbsp; for years to

define 'marriage' in astrology. & nbsp; When we are 'timing the event', it

indicates the first 'relationship' of the person with the opposite sex. & nbsp;

And, this need not be 'marriage'. & nbsp; Fortunately in India, women in general,

wait for this 'relationship' after marriage (in the presence of near and


<DIV>Whereas, this is a rarity in other parts of world. & nbsp; Astrology is

common to every individual born in this world.</DIV>

<DIV> & nbsp;< /DIV>

<DIV>'Marriage' as ritual in the presence of others, & nbsp; is conducted in any

age. But 'relationship' starts after an age acceptable to that. So in astrology

where will you pin point the 'relationship' or marriage. & nbsp; Marriage is a

contract between two and its relevancy of influence in Astrology could be, when

transmit & nbsp; blood between two in 'relationship' & nbsp;and this time could be

found & nbsp;under the rules. & nbsp; This will qualify interpretation of 'marriage'

and not the function as identified in practice. & nbsp; One can have relationship

and marriage could be a formality, after a long time after 'that'.<BR> &


<DIV><SPAN style= " FONT- FAMILY: comic sans ms " > & nbsp;A. V.Pathi, & nbsp; & nbsp;

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

</SPAN><BR>< FONT size=1><FONT size=2><SPAN class=yshortcuts id=lw_1214242863_ 2

style= " BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; CURSOR: hand;

BORDER-BOTTOM: #0066cc 1px dashed " >North Carolina, 27514, USA</SPAN><BR>

</FONT></ FONT></DIV> <FONT size=1><FONT size=2>

<P></FONT></ FONT> & nbsp; </P>

<P><FONT size=1><FONT size=2> & nbsp; </P></FONT> </FONT>


<DIV style= " FONT- SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times,

serif " ><BR>

<DIV style= " PADDING- LEFT: 5px; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 5px 0px 5px 5px;

BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times,

serif " ><BR>Mohan Kumar Ragunathan

& lt;kpmk_astrology@ & gt;<BR>vedic astrology@ .

com<BR>Thursday, September 11, 2008 4:42:48 AM<BR>Re:

[vedic astrology] (unknown)<BR> <BR><!--~ -|**|PrettyHtmlS tartT|**| -~-->

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<P>Dear Mr.Haresh Nathani, <BR><BR>Please don't mistake me. <BR><BR>This is how

most of the Vedic Astrologers give answers on Marriage or other matters

too.<BR> " If you are not able to & nbsp;get married with the next few months or

so & nbsp; then it will be delayed for another few years or so.... " .<BR>

I & nbsp;have experienced it myself.<BR>< BR>Can we not ascertain whether the

native will get married or NOT within that favourable period & nbsp; as foreseen

by us? <BR><BR>Now suppose a native is not destined for marriage at all, he may

pass over many such favourable & nbsp; time in various Dasa Bhukthi periods. & nbsp;

But marriage may not materialise at all.<BR><BR> So, when he will get married or

when he & nbsp;cannot not get married, the timing,should be ascertained by an

astrologer himself and not to be left to the native's choice or efforts in that

sense. <BR><BR>Am I right? & nbsp; Let us probe deep into the Timing of Events, so

that astrology becomes a real


someday. & nbsp; As astrologers, it is our duty to try at least, even if we cannot

attain it.<BR>With thanks and warm regards,<BR> <BR>MK (Mohan Kumar.R.)<BR>

Scientific Astrologer & amp; Spoken English Tutor<BR>Advanced Stellar Astrology

Research Academy (KP based)<BR>219/ 84, Moongapadi St..,Gugai, SALEM - 636

006<BR>Cell: 99443-07025 <BR><BR>---- - Original Message ----<BR>Haresh

(Harry) Nathani & lt;<A href= " haresh1405% 40 " target=_blank

rel=nofollow ymailto= " haresh1405% 40 " >haresh1405@ .

com</A> & gt;< BR><A href= " vedic astrology% 40. com "

target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto= " vedic astrology% 40.

com " >vedic- astrology</A><BR>Wednesday, September 10,

2008 2:18:27 PM<BR>Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)<BR> <BR>Dear

Mano<BR>If u r not able to get married by 5th dec this yr, then u will hv to

wait for 2 more yrs for ur marraige to happen. Ur

wife will be

intelligent, dutiful, very aggressive in her speech, & amp; ur to be wife will be

through one of ur relatives..< BR><BR> & nbsp; <BR>With Warm Regards<BR>Haresh(

Harry) Nathani<BR>Vedic Astologer, & nbsp; Vaastu Consultant<BR> Insurance

Advisor<BR>Cell +91 98672 14103<BR>Mumbai, India)<BR> <BR>----- Original Message

----<BR>Mano Makan & lt;manomakan & gt;<BR>vedic astrology@

. com<BR>Wednesday, 10 September, 2008 12:26:02 PM<BR>Subject:

[vedic astrology] (unknown)<BR> <BR>Dear sir,<BR> & nbsp; <BR>Pls tell me about my

marriage when it will get complete & nbsp; <BR>My dob;-26.nov. 1984<BR>day &

nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; :-friday<BR> Place :-Delhi<BR>Time: -9:40 <BR><BR>[Non- text

portions of this message have been removed]<BR> <BR>Unlimited freedom, unlimited

storage. Get it now, on <A href= " http://help. / " target=_blank

rel=nofollow>http://help.</A> <A href= " http://. com/ " target=_blank>

/ </A> l/in// mail/mail/


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--0-1611963718- 1221235680= :14069--







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Dear Mr. Mohan kumar,


Thank you very much for your valuable time and reply.  I learned something

'important' in last 46 years in the field and being considered in many

Astrological " sadhas' as eminent astrologer.



103, Black Tie Lane, Chapel Hill,

North Carolina, 27514, USA







Mohan Kumar Ragunathan <kpmk_astrology

vedic astrology

Friday, September 12, 2008 2:49:01 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown) Marriage



Dear Venkatachalapathi Sir,


Thanks for your comment.


Whether it is the event of " Marriage " by customary practice or by way of

" relationship " , as you have mentioned, my point is:

As astrologers, we must be able to pinpoint the timing of such an incidence

beforehand by one's chart.

That is what I call " the skill to predict " and this is what astrologers are for.


An astrologer cannot and should not say to a boy or girl,

" if you don't find a friend to mate with within five months, you will not get a

chance for the next five years. So, mind it, go and find somebody soon. Go.

Go! " .


No, not like this. There is no skill of prediction in this statement.


Astrologers can only read one's destiny, if ever he can. He cannot make one's

destiny in the way he perceives it by his calculations.


With thanks and warm regards,


MK (Mohan Kumar.R.)

Scientific Astrologer & Spoken English Tutor

Advanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy (KP based)

219/84, Moongapadi St.,Gugai, SALEM - 636 006

Cell: 99443-07025



venkatachala pathi <pathiav >

vedic astrology

Cc: kpmk_astrology@

Friday, September 12, 2008 9:38:00 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown) Marriage


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Dear Mr. Mohan Kumar Reghunathan, =0A=0AYour question is highly relevant.=A0=

I am pondering=A0for years to define 'marriage' in astrology.=A0 When we a=

re 'timing the event', it indicates the first 'relationship' of the person =

with the opposite sex.=A0 And, this need not be 'marriage'.= A0 Fortunately =

in India, women in general, wait for this 'relationship' after marriage (in=

the presence of near and dear).=0AWhereas, this is a rarity in other parts=

of world.=A0 Astrology is common to every individual born in this world.=

=0A=0A'Marriage' as ritual in the presence of others,=A0is conducted in any=

age. But 'relationship' starts after an age acceptable to that. So in astr=

ology where will you pin point the 'relationship' or marriage.=A0 Marriage =

is a contract between two and its relevancy of influence in Astrology could=

be, when transmit=A0blood between two in 'relationship' =A0and this time co=

uld be found=A0under the rules.=A0 This will qualify interpretation of 'mar=

riage' and not the function as identified in practice.=A0 One can have rela=

tionship and marriage could be a formality, after a long time after 'that'.=

=0A=A0=0A=A0A. V.Pathi,= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0=


=A0=A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0 =0ANorth


rolina, 27514, USA=0A=A0=0A= 0A=0A=0A- ---- Original Message ----=0AMoh=

an Kumar Ragunathan <kpmk_astrology@ >=0Avedic astrology@ g=

roups.com=0AThursday, September 11, 2008 4:42:48 AM=0ARe: [v=

edic-astrology] (unknown)=0A= 0A=0ADear Mr.Haresh Nathani, =0A=0APlease don'=

t mistake me. =0A=0AThis is how most of the Vedic Astrologers give answers =

on Marriage or other matters too.=0A " If you are not able to=A0get married w=

ith the next few months or so=A0 then it will be delayed for another few ye=

ars or so.... " .=0AI= A0have experienced it myself.=0A=0ACan we not ascertain=

whether the native will get married or NOT within that favourable period=

=A0as foreseen by us? =0A=0ANow suppose a native is not destined for marria=

ge at all, he may pass over many such favourable=A0time in various Dasa Bhu=

kthi periods.=A0But marriage may not materialise at all.=0A=0ASo, when he w=

ill get married or when he=A0cannot not get married, the timing,should be a=

scertained by an astrologer himself and not to be left to the native's choi=

ce or efforts in that sense. =0A=0AAm I right?=A0Let us probe deep into the=

Timing of Events, so that astrology becomes a real science someday.=A0 As =

astrologers, it is our duty to try at least, even if we cannot attain it.=

=0AWith thanks and warm regards,=0A= 0AMK (Mohan Kumar.R.)=0AScienti fic Astr=

ologer & Spoken English Tutor=0AAdvanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy=

(KP based)=0A219/ 84, Moongapadi St..,Gugai, SALEM - 636 006=0ACell: 99443-=

07025 =0A=0A=0AHaresh (Harry) Nathani <har=

esh1405 >=0Avedic astrology=0AWednesd=

ay, September 10, 2008 2:18:27 PM=0ARe: [vedic astrology] (unknown=

)=0A=0ADear Mano=0AIf u r not able to get married by 5th dec this yr, then =

u will hv to wait for 2 more yrs for ur marraige to happen. Ur wife will be=

intelligent, dutiful, very aggressive in her speech, & ur to be wife will =

be through one of ur relatives..= 0A=0A=A0= 0AWith Warm Regards=0AHaresh( Harr=

y) Nathani=0AVedic Astologer,=A0Vaastu Consultant=0AInsura nce Advisor=0ACel=

l +91 98672 14103=0AMumbai, India)=0A= 0A=0A=

Mano Makan <manomakan >=0Avedic astrology=

=0AWednesday, 10 September, 2008 12:26:02 PM=0A[vedic-astrol=

ogy] (unknown)=0A= 0ADear sir,=0A=A0=0APls tell me about my marriage when it=

will get complete=A0 =0AMy dob;-26.nov. 1984=0Aday=A0= A0=A0 :-friday=0APla=

ce :-Delhi=0ATime: -9:40 =0A=0A[Non-text portions of this message have been =

removed]=0A= 0AUnlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now, on http://h=

elp. / l/in// mail/mail/ tools/tools- 08.html/=0A= 0A[Non=

-text portions of this message have been removed]=0A= 0A[Non-text portions o=

f this message have been removed]=0A= 0A =A0=0A=0A=0A

--0-1611963718- 1221235680= :14069

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii


<html><head> <style type= " text/css " ><!-- DIV {margin:0px; } --></style><

/head><body> <div style= " font- family:times new roman, new york, times,

serif;font-size: 12pt " ><DIV> </DIV>

<DIV>Dear Mr. Mohan Kumar Reghunathan, </DIV>

<DIV> & nbsp;< /DIV>

<DIV>Your question is highly relevant. & nbsp; I am pondering & nbsp; for years to

define 'marriage' in astrology. & nbsp; When we are 'timing the event', it

indicates the first 'relationship' of the person with the opposite sex. & nbsp;

And, this need not be 'marriage'. & nbsp; Fortunately in India, women in general,

wait for this 'relationship' after marriage (in the presence of near and


<DIV>Whereas, this is a rarity in other parts of world. & nbsp; Astrology is

common to every individual born in this world.</DIV>

<DIV> & nbsp;< /DIV>

<DIV>'Marriage' as ritual in the presence of others, & nbsp; is conducted in any

age. But 'relationship' starts after an age acceptable to that. So in astrology

where will you pin point the 'relationship' or marriage. & nbsp; Marriage is a

contract between two and its relevancy of influence in Astrology could be, when

transmit & nbsp; blood between two in 'relationship' & nbsp;and this time could be

found & nbsp;under the rules. & nbsp; This will qualify interpretation of 'marriage'

and not the function as identified in practice. & nbsp; One can have relationship

and marriage could be a formality, after a long time after 'that'.<BR> &


<DIV><SPAN style= " FONT- FAMILY: comic sans ms " > & nbsp;A. V.Pathi, & nbsp; & nbsp;

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

</SPAN><BR>< FONT size=1><FONT size=2><SPAN class=yshortcuts id=lw_1214242863_ 2

style= " BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; CURSOR: hand;

BORDER-BOTTOM: #0066cc 1px dashed " >North Carolina, 27514, USA</SPAN><BR>

</FONT></ FONT></DIV> <FONT size=1><FONT size=2>

<P></FONT></ FONT> & nbsp; </P>

<P><FONT size=1><FONT size=2> & nbsp; </P></FONT> </FONT>


<DIV style= " FONT- SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times,

serif " ><BR>

<DIV style= " PADDING- LEFT: 5px; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 5px 0px 5px 5px;

BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times,

serif " ><BR>Mohan Kumar Ragunathan

& lt;kpmk_astrology@ & gt; <BR>vedic astrology@ .

com<BR>Thursday, September 11, 2008 4:42:48 AM<BR>Re:

[vedic astrology] (unknown)<BR> <BR><!--~ -|**|PrettyHtmlS tartT|**| -~-->

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<DIV id=ygrp-text>

<P>Dear Mr.Haresh Nathani, <BR><BR>Please don't mistake me. <BR><BR>This is how

most of the Vedic Astrologers give answers on Marriage or other matters

too.<BR> " If you are not able to & nbsp;get married with the next few months or

so & nbsp; then it will be delayed for another few years or so.... " .<BR>

I & nbsp;have experienced it myself.<BR>< BR>Can we not ascertain whether the

native will get married or NOT within that favourable period & nbsp; as foreseen

by us? <BR><BR>Now suppose a native is not destined for marriage at all, he may

pass over many such favourable & nbsp; time in various Dasa Bhukthi periods. & nbsp;

But marriage may not materialise at all.<BR><BR> So, when he will get married or

when he & nbsp;cannot not get married, the timing,should be ascertained by an

astrologer himself and not to be left to the native's choice or efforts in that

sense. <BR><BR>Am I right? & nbsp; Let us probe deep into the Timing of Events, so

that astrology becomes a real


someday. & nbsp; As astrologers, it is our duty to try at least, even if we cannot

attain it.<BR>With thanks and warm regards,<BR> <BR>MK (Mohan Kumar.R.)<BR>

Scientific Astrologer & amp; Spoken English Tutor<BR>Advanced Stellar Astrology

Research Academy (KP based)<BR>219/ 84, Moongapadi St..,Gugai, SALEM - 636

006<BR>Cell: 99443-07025 <BR><BR>---- - Original Message ----<BR>Haresh

(Harry) Nathani & lt;<A href= " haresh1405% 40 " target=_blank

rel=nofollow ymailto= " haresh1405% 40 " >haresh1405@ .

com</A> & gt;< BR><A href= " vedic astrology% 40. com "

target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto= " vedic astrology% 40.

com " >vedic- astrology</A><BR>Wednesday, September 10,

2008 2:18:27 PM<BR>Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)<BR> <BR>Dear

Mano<BR>If u r not able to get married by 5th dec this yr, then u will hv to

wait for 2 more yrs for ur marraige to happen. Ur

wife will be

intelligent, dutiful, very aggressive in her speech, & amp; ur to be wife will be

through one of ur relatives..< BR><BR> & nbsp; <BR>With Warm Regards<BR>Haresh(

Harry) Nathani<BR>Vedic Astologer, & nbsp; Vaastu Consultant<BR> Insurance

Advisor<BR>Cell +91 98672 14103<BR>Mumbai, India)<BR> <BR>----- Original Message

----<BR>Mano Makan & lt;manomakan & gt;<BR>vedic astrology@

. com<BR>Wednesday, 10 September, 2008 12:26:02 PM<BR>Subject:

[vedic astrology] (unknown)<BR> <BR>Dear sir,<BR> & nbsp; <BR>Pls tell me about my

marriage when it will get complete & nbsp; <BR>My dob;-26.nov. 1984<BR>day &

nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; :-friday<BR> Place :-Delhi<BR>Time: -9:40 <BR><BR>[Non- text

portions of this message have been removed]<BR> <BR>Unlimited freedom, unlimited

storage. Get it now, on <A href= " http://help. / " target=_blank

rel=nofollow>http://help.</A> <A href= " http://. com/ " target=_blank>

/ </A> l/in// mail/mail/


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Dear Venkatachalapati Sir,


You are welcome, Sir.

I mean no harm by my words. It's just an opinion of mine.

God be with you.


With thanks and warm regards,


MK (Mohan Kumar.R.)

Scientific Astrologer & Spoken English Tutor

Advanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy (KP based)

219/84, Moongapadi St.,Gugai, SALEM - 636 006

Cell: 99443-07025





venkatachala pathi <pathiav

vedic astrology

Sunday, September 14, 2008 5:00:56 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown) Marriage



Dear Mr. Mohan kumar,


Thank you very much for your valuable time and reply. I learned something

'important' in last 46 years in the field and being considered in many

Astrological " sadhas' as eminent astrologer.



103, Black Tie Lane, Chapel Hill,

North Carolina, 27514, USA





Mohan Kumar Ragunathan <kpmk_astrology@ >

vedic astrology

Friday, September 12, 2008 2:49:01 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown) Marriage


Dear Venkatachalapathi Sir,


Thanks for your comment.


Whether it is the event of " Marriage " by customary practice or by way of

" relationship " , as you have mentioned, my point is:

As astrologers, we must be able to pinpoint the timing of such an incidence

beforehand by one's chart.

That is what I call " the skill to predict " and this is what astrologers are for.


An astrologer cannot and should not say to a boy or girl,

" if you don't find a friend to mate with within five months, you will not get a

chance for the next five years. So, mind it, go and find somebody soon. Go.

Go! " .


No, not like this. There is no skill of prediction in this statement.


Astrologers can only read one's destiny, if ever he can. He cannot make one's

destiny in the way he perceives it by his calculations.


With thanks and warm regards,


MK (Mohan Kumar.R.)

Scientific Astrologer & Spoken English Tutor

Advanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy (KP based)

219/84, Moongapadi St.,Gugai, SALEM - 636 006

Cell: 99443-07025



venkatachala pathi <pathiav >

vedic astrology

Cc: kpmk_astrology@

Friday, September 12, 2008 9:38:00 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown) Marriage


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Dear Mr. Mohan Kumar Reghunathan, =0A=0AYour question is highly relevant.=A0=

I am pondering=A0for years to define 'marriage' in astrology.=A0 When we a=

re 'timing the event', it indicates the first 'relationship' of the person =

with the opposite sex.=A0 And, this need not be 'marriage'.= A0 Fortunately =

in India, women in general, wait for this 'relationship' after marriage (in=

the presence of near and dear).=0AWhereas, this is a rarity in other parts=

of world.=A0 Astrology is common to every individual born in this world.=

=0A=0A'Marriage' as ritual in the presence of others,=A0is conducted in any=

age. But 'relationship' starts after an age acceptable to that. So in astr=

ology where will you pin point the 'relationship' or marriage.=A0 Marriage =

is a contract between two and its relevancy of influence in Astrology could=

be, when transmit=A0blood between two in 'relationship' =A0and this time co=

uld be found=A0under the rules.=A0 This will qualify interpretation of 'mar=

riage' and not the function as identified in practice.=A0 One can have rela=

tionship and marriage could be a formality, after a long time after 'that'.=

=0A=A0=0A=A0A. V.Pathi,= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0=


=A0=A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0=A0= A0=A0 =0ANorth


rolina, 27514, USA=0A=A0=0A= 0A=0A=0A- ---- Original Message ----=0AMoh=

an Kumar Ragunathan <kpmk_astrology@ >=0Avedic astrology@ g=

roups.com=0AThursday, September 11, 2008 4:42:48 AM=0ARe: [v=

edic-astrology] (unknown)=0A= 0A=0ADear Mr.Haresh Nathani, =0A=0APlease don'=

t mistake me. =0A=0AThis is how most of the Vedic Astrologers give answers =

on Marriage or other matters too.=0A " If you are not able to=A0get married w=

ith the next few months or so=A0 then it will be delayed for another few ye=

ars or so.... " .=0AI= A0have experienced it myself.=0A=0ACan we not ascertain=

whether the native will get married or NOT within that favourable period=

=A0as foreseen by us? =0A=0ANow suppose a native is not destined for marria=

ge at all, he may pass over many such favourable=A0time in various Dasa Bhu=

kthi periods.=A0But marriage may not materialise at all.=0A=0ASo, when he w=

ill get married or when he=A0cannot not get married, the timing,should be a=

scertained by an astrologer himself and not to be left to the native's choi=

ce or efforts in that sense. =0A=0AAm I right?=A0Let us probe deep into the=

Timing of Events, so that astrology becomes a real science someday.=A0 As =

astrologers, it is our duty to try at least, even if we cannot attain it.=

=0AWith thanks and warm regards,=0A= 0AMK (Mohan Kumar.R.)=0AScienti fic Astr=

ologer & Spoken English Tutor=0AAdvanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy=

(KP based)=0A219/ 84, Moongapadi St..,Gugai, SALEM - 636 006=0ACell: 99443-=

07025 =0A=0A=0AHaresh (Harry) Nathani <har=

esh1405 >=0Avedic astrology=0AWednesd=

ay, September 10, 2008 2:18:27 PM=0ARe: [vedic astrology] (unknown=

)=0A=0ADear Mano=0AIf u r not able to get married by 5th dec this yr, then =

u will hv to wait for 2 more yrs for ur marraige to happen. Ur wife will be=

intelligent, dutiful, very aggressive in her speech, & ur to be wife will =

be through one of ur relatives..= 0A=0A=A0= 0AWith Warm Regards=0AHaresh( Harr=

y) Nathani=0AVedic Astologer,=A0Vaastu Consultant=0AInsura nce Advisor=0ACel=

l +91 98672 14103=0AMumbai, India)=0A= 0A=0A=

Mano Makan <manomakan >=0Avedic astrology=

=0AWednesday, 10 September, 2008 12:26:02 PM=0A[vedic-astrol=

ogy] (unknown)=0A= 0ADear sir,=0A=A0=0APls tell me about my marriage when it=

will get complete=A0 =0AMy dob;-26.nov. 1984=0Aday=A0= A0=A0 :-friday=0APla=

ce :-Delhi=0ATime: -9:40 =0A=0A[Non-text portions of this message have been =

removed]=0A= 0AUnlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now, on http://h=

elp. / l/in// mail/mail/ tools/tools- 08.html/=0A= 0A[Non=

-text portions of this message have been removed]=0A= 0A[Non-text portions o=

f this message have been removed]=0A= 0A =A0=0A=0A=0A

--0-1611963718- 1221235680= :14069

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii


<html><head> <style type= " text/css " ><!-- DIV {margin:0px; } --></style><

/head><body> <div style= " font- family:times new roman, new york, times,

serif;font-size: 12pt " ><DIV> </DIV>

<DIV>Dear Mr. Mohan Kumar Reghunathan, </DIV>

<DIV> & nbsp;< /DIV>

<DIV>Your question is highly relevant. & nbsp; I am pondering & nbsp; for years to

define 'marriage' in astrology. & nbsp; When we are 'timing the event', it

indicates the first 'relationship' of the person with the opposite sex. & nbsp;

And, this need not be 'marriage'. & nbsp; Fortunately in India, women in general,

wait for this 'relationship' after marriage (in the presence of near and


<DIV>Whereas, this is a rarity in other parts of world. & nbsp; Astrology is

common to every individual born in this world.</DIV>

<DIV> & nbsp;< /DIV>

<DIV>'Marriage' as ritual in the presence of others, & nbsp; is conducted in any

age. But 'relationship' starts after an age acceptable to that. So in astrology

where will you pin point the 'relationship' or marriage. & nbsp; Marriage is a

contract between two and its relevancy of influence in Astrology could be, when

transmit & nbsp; blood between two in 'relationship' & nbsp;and this time could be

found & nbsp;under the rules. & nbsp; This will qualify interpretation of 'marriage'

and not the function as identified in practice. & nbsp; One can have relationship

and marriage could be a formality, after a long time after 'that'.<BR> &


<DIV><SPAN style= " FONT- FAMILY: comic sans ms " > & nbsp;A. V.Pathi, & nbsp; & nbsp;

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

</SPAN><BR>< FONT size=1><FONT size=2><SPAN class=yshortcuts id=lw_1214242863_ 2

style= " BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; CURSOR: hand;

BORDER-BOTTOM: #0066cc 1px dashed " >North Carolina, 27514, USA</SPAN><BR>

</FONT></ FONT></DIV> <FONT size=1><FONT size=2>

<P></FONT></ FONT> & nbsp; </P>

<P><FONT size=1><FONT size=2> & nbsp; </P></FONT> </FONT>


<DIV style= " FONT- SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times,

serif " ><BR>

<DIV style= " PADDING- LEFT: 5px; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 5px 0px 5px 5px;

BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times,

serif " ><BR>Mohan Kumar Ragunathan

& lt;kpmk_astrology@ & gt; <BR>vedic astrology@ .

com<BR>Thursday, September 11, 2008 4:42:48 AM<BR>Re:

[vedic astrology] (unknown)<BR> <BR><!--~ -|**|PrettyHtmlS tartT|**| -~-->

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<P>Dear Mr.Haresh Nathani, <BR><BR>Please don't mistake me. <BR><BR>This is how

most of the Vedic Astrologers give answers on Marriage or other matters

too.<BR> " If you are not able to & nbsp;get married with the next few months or

so & nbsp; then it will be delayed for another few years or so.... " .<BR>

I & nbsp;have experienced it myself.<BR>< BR>Can we not ascertain whether the

native will get married or NOT within that favourable period & nbsp; as foreseen

by us? <BR><BR>Now suppose a native is not destined for marriage at all, he may

pass over many such favourable & nbsp; time in various Dasa Bhukthi periods. & nbsp;

But marriage may not materialise at all.<BR><BR> So, when he will get married or

when he & nbsp;cannot not get married, the timing,should be ascertained by an

astrologer himself and not to be left to the native's choice or efforts in that

sense. <BR><BR>Am I right? & nbsp; Let us probe deep into the Timing of Events, so

that astrology becomes a real


someday. & nbsp; As astrologers, it is our duty to try at least, even if we cannot

attain it.<BR>With thanks and warm regards,<BR> <BR>MK (Mohan Kumar.R.)<BR>

Scientific Astrologer & amp; Spoken English Tutor<BR>Advanced Stellar Astrology

Research Academy (KP based)<BR>219/ 84, Moongapadi St..,Gugai, SALEM - 636

006<BR>Cell: 99443-07025 <BR><BR>---- - Original Message ----<BR>Haresh

(Harry) Nathani & lt;<A href= " haresh1405% 40 " target=_blank

rel=nofollow ymailto= " haresh1405% 40 " >haresh1405@ .

com</A> & gt;< BR><A href= " vedic astrology% 40. com "

target=_blank rel=nofollow ymailto= " vedic astrology% 40.

com " >vedic- astrology</A><BR>Wednesday, September 10,

2008 2:18:27 PM<BR>Re: [vedic astrology] (unknown)<BR> <BR>Dear

Mano<BR>If u r not able to get married by 5th dec this yr, then u will hv to

wait for 2 more yrs for ur marraige to happen. Ur

wife will be

intelligent, dutiful, very aggressive in her speech, & amp; ur to be wife will be

through one of ur relatives..< BR><BR> & nbsp; <BR>With Warm Regards<BR>Haresh(

Harry) Nathani<BR>Vedic Astologer, & nbsp; Vaastu Consultant<BR> Insurance

Advisor<BR>Cell +91 98672 14103<BR>Mumbai, India)<BR> <BR>----- Original Message

----<BR>Mano Makan & lt;manomakan & gt;<BR>vedic astrology@

. com<BR>Wednesday, 10 September, 2008 12:26:02 PM<BR>Subject:

[vedic astrology] (unknown)<BR> <BR>Dear sir,<BR> & nbsp; <BR>Pls tell me about my

marriage when it will get complete & nbsp; <BR>My dob;-26.nov. 1984<BR>day &

nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; :-friday<BR> Place :-Delhi<BR>Time: -9:40 <BR><BR>[Non- text

portions of this message have been removed]<BR> <BR>Unlimited freedom, unlimited

storage. Get it now, on <A href= " http://help. / " target=_blank

rel=nofollow>http://help.</A> <A href= " http://. com/ " target=_blank>

/ </A> l/in// mail/mail/


08.html/<BR> <BR>[Non- text portions of this message have been removed]<BR>

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