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Bomb Blast In Pakistan

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Dear Group,




I am coming back on my little analysis of what happened in Pakistan

today. How can the event be seen and analyzed. Though Bhaskar ji calls

it as postmortem and theory, I will still present it, of course with due

apologies to him.




Narpati Jaycharya was a very famous astrologer who expounded various

tools for analysis of these types of events wherein, contest between

two sides take place. One of such Tools is Kota Chakra which also has

been beautifully expalined by Shree KK Joshi in his book on Kota Chakra.

Those who have and use J Hora can see the Chakra by clicking on red

squared button on the top panel.




Kota chakra is used to analyse the conditions of a fort and its

security, threats to it and consequences emanting out of various

conflicts between the defenders and attackers. The same is extended to

human body considering it as a fort. I am further extending it

considering the country as a fort.




The fort has two three basic pillars of strength. The Nakshtra, Durga /

Kota and its lord (Swami) and the Kota Pala (Cheif defender). In case of

Pakistan, the dereaded Ardra is the Nakshtra, Mercury is the the fort

lord, and Mars is the defender. The most sensetive points or pillars on

which the Pakistan as a fort stays is Ashlesha, Vishakha, Bharani and

Sharvan. Those are the foundation pillars of a fort called Pakistan.

These constitue Stambah or foundation pillars.




For mundane affirs, All malefics are taken as attacker and all benefics

are taken as defenders. Sun is the Yayi (attacker) and Moon is " Sthayi "

owner of the fort. Narapati Jaycharya has stated:










In The Pakistani fort as on the day Rahu and Ketu are occupying Sravan

and Ashresa respectively, thereby damaging the foundation pillars of the

fort happily. Two bad palnets in Stamba can cause very serious damage to

them and thier center of power.




At the and time of this tragedy in Pakistan, Raku ketu are occupting the

inner heart of the fort. Mars the defender is on the ingress raosd and

ouside signifying that perhaps Army will take control of Islama bad and

may be able to contain situation. The lords of the country, The Kota

swami Mercury is out of the center towards the South and unable to take

control of the situation. Though Mercury is also in ingress and will

take over the situation soon.




The main element of assessment is the Dasa periods. Pakistan has

entered das of Venus, lord of the seveth and the second. It started in

dec 2007. I really wonder how this period of twenty years Pakistan is

going to face in this readed Dasa of the the Prime Marka Venus in the

fourth )trik house) associated with the lord of the the eighth house and

third house. In Dreshonna chart Venus is located in the eighth house.

That completes the story of greatest punishmnenet as Venus turns out to

be a Khar.




The blast occured during Dasa of Ven /Ven/ Mo /Ma, a perfect explosive

combination. Ven Ven Mo dasa will continue till 22 Dec 08.




Unfortunately for Pakistan, Rahu and Ketu Sookshma of Ven Ven Mo follows

and will end on 28 Nov 08.Rahu ketu are in the innermost part of the

Kota chakra and I am dreaded at the possibilties what is in offing. Rahu

Ketu signify Karmic retributions and the chicken from North may come to

Pakistan to roost or to roost foundations of Pakistan. It appears during

this period the Pakistan as a fort will suffer from its adventures in

the North and pay Karmic prices.




Rahu entered Sravan and Ketu Ashalesha on 03 sep and both have shown

their results. Both will reamin there till 12 May 2009. It is going to

be a very difficult times for Pakistan. Even after that, Rahu and Ketu

will continue to be in Durgaantar (inside the fort). Saturn on other

side is shuttling between Uttar Phalguni and Poorva Pahlguni theby

maintaining a continues danger and pressures on the bounderies of th





If one wants to know about exact dates of bad happening then one will

have to progress to Sarvato Bhadra Chakra and predict exact timings and



For example the blast that occured today, happened when Moon and mars

are over its Janma Nakshtra.




I am sometimes wonderstruck at the purpose, applications and usefulness

of Astrology. I wish the very best to our Pakistani brothers whoes

welfare is cherished desire.




I pay my deep revences to Narayana




Om Namo Narayan





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