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Revati's Newsletter - 25th September 2008

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Dear Revati ji,

I wish to seek your views on following two points:

1. Whenever Venus and Mercury are in retrogression , these two

planets are in between Sun and Earth , thus Sun can not block the rays

of these two planets from coming to Earth , it is another matter that they

are not visible to naked eye as such  we call them Asta ( not visible ) but

should not be treated as combust . Non visibility of a planet and combustion

are two different Avasthas of a planet.Mars , Jupiter and Saturn are combust

also when not visible.

2.There are  two categories of upgraha's, namely

a. Dhoom , Vyatipat ,Parivesha,Indra Chapa , Up-ketu - these are specific points


    planets , HL , GL ETC

 b. Other Seven up-graha are  basically arcs-when day is divided in 8 parts,

    the part which is represented by planets ,are  called the upgraha of

that planet- like intial point   of saturn portion is called Gulika( some say

ending moment - but I  prefer BPHS)  and middle point is called Mandi (

uttatkalamirta has given some Gatikas - it appears  these are given for

convenience to calculate near about longitude of Mandi).Basically Gulika or

Mandi are part of a zodiacal arc represented by Saturn on a particular day and

place. As such a planet or any sensitive point should be considered as conjunct

if it falls with in that arc. If it is not falling in that arc, the preceding as

well as subsequent arcs will  belong to another planet.

In that event , the planet will be free from the affliction of Gulika/Mandi. The

affliction of

Mandi will increase as the planet is closer to its longitude , provided the

planet falls

within the arc represented by Saturn.. This may prove an important clue when

considering blemish to planets on account of conjunction of Mandi. A planet may

get affliction of Mandi even if in adjacent signs and free from affliction even

in same sign.

I await your reaction on above two important points.



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Revati <revati_speaks

Muthu <mebdmuth; cassiek49; Amit Rajaishwar

<rajshwar; Sunil John <suniljohn_2002;

nandanaastro; jyotishee; arteminfr; astro logy

<astro_logy66; Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937; venkatachala

pathi <pathiav; VIGHNESH K V <vighneshare;

bhairavi_1; niteshash123; Arn <odth;

trivedi20; shankarmanghnani; sheevani147

<sheevani147; sreesog; Prashant Pandey

<praspandey; nandanaastro

Thursday, 25 September, 2008 9:16:41 AM

Revati's Newsletter - 25th September 2008


Revati's Newsletter

25th September 2008



My dear people,


astrology is the knowledge and science of the quality of time.


Using this knowledge - after having obtained it - leads in the very end to

wisdom, a full understanding of the functioning of our world. About the use of

and critics on astrology (which so often is not objective but so emotional -

even by the normally most coolest scientists) I'll write more soon.


We all are accustomed to only measure time in minutes, hours, days, years. Time

- for most people in modern times - is only a quantitative measure (one day has

24 hours, one minute 60 seconds, and so on).


Who has really true comprehension of astrology, thinks in a different way.


The minutely changing planetary constellations are indicators of the quality of

time. Each minute has very particular attributes only belonging to it - and

never coming back.


What are these attributes and significations of each particular moment?

1. Each moment has a particular *Lagna, Rashi and Nakshatra constellation*. The

configuration of the Bhavas and their Arudhas (images, manifestating mirrors) -

we know, the fields and themes of life - are dependent on this Lagna

constellation, which implies placement of Lagna Lord(s), planets in conjunction

with Lagna and aspects given on Lagna.


Note: remember that Lagna (and Lagna Lord, Arudha Lagna) in Varga charts is

moving rapidly, therefore permanently changing the quality of time!


2. Each moment has a particular *constellation of the Special Lagnas*, most

important Hora and Ghati Lagna. Hora Lagna approximately changes every hour,

Ghati Lagna every 24 minutes - in a 30 degree Rashi, in a 13°20' Nakshatra and

the various subdivisions far more faster. Several slokas in BPHS indicate that

especially Hora Lagna almost has the same impact as Lagna - let us remember that

Varnada Dasha takes the stronger of both; therefore it is possible that it

starts from Hora Lagna (if stronger) and not from Lagna. And it is the very

first Dasha system introduced in BPHS!


Note: Varnada Lagna - to be studied for all cases and purposes - is highly

necessary in context with Varnada Dasha. Take VL as the first Bhava and count

houses from them, see which houses are activated in VL, and if particular Varnas

are activated, too (in this context we can see Varnas of Bhavas similarly as

Arudhas of Bhavas).


3. Each moment has a particular *Graha constellation* (with its Trikonas,

Kendras, Upachayas and Dusthanas): Some Graha placements - particulary of Moon

and Kaala Velas in Rashis/Bhavas, Vargas, Nakshatras, of course from the various

Lagnas and the mutual placements - are changing very fast, especially in D-60,

D-45, D-40 and D-27. Moon's position - together with Lagna - is decisive as Moon

is manifestating material events (study Taurus Rashis, the material Rashi of

manifestation). Let us not subestimate the importance of these high-level

divisional charts - they have a strong impact, especially D-60. Many timings do

not work because of this.


3. Each moment is situated in a particular *Hora*, a time particarly influenced

by a single planet. (Horas are dependent on sunrise and sunset). There are two

kinds of Horas:  

(a) The classical twelve-fold division of a day and a night, each one of the

twelve portions of the day or night ruled by a special planetary ruler.

(b) The division of the day or night by eight, with seven portions ruled by

planets and one portions being lordless (this division by eight is the fundament

for Kaala Vela calculation).


Note: To me it seems that Kaala Velas in a chart (Yama Ghantaka, Ardha Prahara,

Gulika and the 4 others) - when activated by a transit or a progression (and the

latter having a deeper impact) - are directly releasing an event related to the

Graha ruled by them. Further studies are necessary. Surely Yama Ghantaka, Venus'

and Moon's Kaala Velas in Lagna, Trikona or Kendra are a blessing.


4. Each moment is situated in a particular *Ghati*. Each day has 60 ghatis, some

are auspicious, some not. I have the theory that the 60 ghatis of the day (24

hours) and the 60 divisions of the Shastyamsa Varga have a deep relationship,

and possibly the beneficial/malefical shastyamsas and the related ghatis of the

day are one and the same.


5. Each moment is situated in a particular *Tithi* and *Karana*. A Tithi denotes

the current moon phase (there are 30 Tithis, 15 in waxing and 15 in waning

Moon). A Karana is an additional subdivision of a Tithi (half a Tithi).


6. Each moment is situated in a particular *Yoga* and *Panchaka* (five-source

energy). A Yoga is calculated on the summary of the longitude of Sun and Moon -

there are favourable and unfavourable Yogas for timing. For Panchaka please see

chapter " Classical Muhurtha Rules " .


7. In each moment each graha is equipped with a particular *strength* (Shad

Bala, Vimshopaka Bala) and various *avasthas* (planetary states).


There are various special combinations of all these timing (muhurtha) factors.

For further information, please have a closer look into my " Compendium of Vedic

Astrology " (especially chapter " Classical Muhurtha Rules " ).


For full effects, compare these constellations with those in your natal chart.


Speaking of my compendium: IT IS NOW READY, all parts are finished. It consists

of 12 chapters and two additions:

(1) Placement of Grahas in Rashis and Bhavas

(2) Functional Role of Grahas (their Lordship(s))

(3) Natural Karakas of Grahas

(4) Placement of Grahas in Nakshatras

(5) Placement of Grahas in Vargas

(6) Strengths of Grahas

(7) Avasthas of Grahas

(8) Ashtaka Varga (Bhava strengths)

(9) Yogas (planetary combinations)

(10) Transits (currently sojourning planets)

(11) Progressions (movement of planets according to a particular time key)

(12) Solar/Annual and Lunar/Monthly Charts

Addition 1: Special Rules

Addition 2: Classical Muhurtha Rules (compiled from B.V. Raman, Muhurtha)


ALL necessary information on chart and dasha interpretation - and of timing -

are included in this exhaustive compilation.


And furthermore: ALL COMPILATIONS of Graha, Bhava, Rashi and Nakshatra Effects

from ancient scriptures are READY now! If you want to know how a planet is

effective in these various constellations, just have a look! The next step -

during the next weeks - will be " hyperlinking " these compilations in order to

increase " readability " .



Beginning with the chart of a woman who fell in love in June 2008, with a " hot "

and " fiery " Spanishmen. It is - as always - important to track this event

(a) with natal chart of this women

(b) with entry chart

© with dashas

(d) with transits at this time

(e) with progressions at this time


Perhaps even more interesting is the predictive aspect: how will this new love -

and partnership - develop next weeks?

It will be a story of hopes and illusions...


This is perhaps the true cause why many people reject astrology: Living in a

world of illusionary hopes and desires astrology shows the true self, the truth

about the future, the Satya - which often is very different from the Maya in

which most people are living.

Who wants to get confronted with the truths of life (which is identical with:

the roots of life)?


My dear people, looking last week into my current solar progressions I got a

great surprise: My progressed Lagna now changed to exactly 0° Capricorn! This

is an event - I speak of sign change of progressed Lagna - which only takes

place twice or three times a life. Capricorn is the Rashi of ambition, of

material manifestation, of efforts - it is a good time for starting something



Which is supported by beginning Saturn Antardasha in two days: Saturn yuti Venus

(pramudita, yuti benefic) in Ashvini, the very first Nakshatra, the beginning of

new projects, of a new life.


Concluding this newsletter, I want to present you a new interpretation principle

concerning planetary war among two planets (within one degree): We all know that

the planet with the lower degree is the winner, the " conquerer " (in Parashara's

words, the planet closer to the North, which is the 4th Bhava, or the midnight



But there is ONE exception: Venus

VENUS ALWAYS WINS in a planetary war!


" There is planetary war, if Mangala, Budha, Guru, Shukra and Shani are together

(within one degree of each other), Shukra is the conquerer, whether he is in

North, or South, but amongst the other four only one, who is in the North, is

the conquerer and that in the South is considered defeated in the planetary

war. " (BPHS, Ch. 79, Sl. 9)


I apologize to all of you waiting for a reply, until next weekend each one of

you is getting a reply from me. Many changes in my life - professional and

private ones - are demanding my full attention.


Next newsletter will be 1st October 2008.


Have a nice weekend and a successful and happy week!

Use - and understand - TIME!


All The Best Wishes





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