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Jupiter enters Capricorn- Makara

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 Jupiter enters Capricorn (Makara) on 09 December 2008 at 19:11:37 hrs at

Greenwich 0° 0’ 0” E 51°29’0’’ North. and moves to Aquarius(Kumbha) on19th

December 2009 at 19:45:05 Hrs. GMT after degradation.

The first stage of our discussion below will be from 09 December 2008 at

19:11:37 to 1st May 2009 Jupiter enters Aquarius at 14:10:50 hrs GMT that

dayJupiter transits in the Star Zone of UTHRASHADA Pada 2,3, and Four

From 9th December 2008 at 19:11:37 (Greenwich Time) to 22d January 14:15:10 Hrs.

AA: Age Group: Birth to 24 years; AB: 25 to 48 years; AC: 48 to 60 years and

OverPredictions on Transit of Jupiter

In ‘Capricorn’ - Makara.


General : Jupiter is in Fall (Neecha)in the first 5° of Capricorn and during the

transit in this period of Capricorn till 1st Jan 2009. (23 Days)

The results will be negative to the desire of Natal more than explained

below:Lord of the House - CapricornLord of the Star ZoneLord or the Star

Zone:Lord of the Star Zone :

For those born in Aries (Mesha) :: Aswini, Bharani, and Kirthighi 1 Or AA:

possible Desa during this period - Ketu (7 Yrs); Venus (20 Years); Sun (6 Years)

:: AB - Venus (Balance Years); Sun 6 Years (Balance Years or full period); Moon

(10 Years); Mars (7 Years); Rahu (18 Years) :: AC - Moon ( Balance Years); Mars

(7 years); Rahu 18 years, Jupiter 16 Years)DHANISHTA

:(Avittam);                               Mars:SRAVANA

:                                                  Moon;:

UTHRASHADA:                                              Sun;

:                                                       Saturn; Jupiter passes

10th House, from Aries (Mesh)

(1)Born Ketu Desa : Those Born in Aswini Star : : During this time one should be

careful with health problems. Jupiter generally gives bad results, in transiting

in the 9th house. Any stored food could be easily get damaged and it should be

carefully preserved, tested and given to children. Probably troubles in eyes

could be seen during this period. Children could have to go places due to family

shift or other necessities to cause ill-health. ‘AB’ : Natal should wait for

help from others for even small things. Caution should be exercised in job

environment - avoid unnecessary talks - not prove to score one over other (both

in home and in work place. One has to be careful in intake of food and could

cause digestion troubles due to over eating or eating junk food.


‘AC': stomach ailment will be the common cause. Differences of opinion with

elders will be often painful. Women will have health problems. Children may

demand claims on parental properties. Some has to work for self support in old

age. Help from children could be much to be desired or offered to satisfaction.

Common sickness of pain in lower parts of legs could emanate, demanding medical


(2) Born Venus Desa: Those born in Bharani star:

‘AA’ : If in Birth Chart Venus is positioned in Virgo, Pieces, or Taurus will

have better time in education, art, music and sports. They will have gifts and

blessings from aged elders of the family. Some failures could creep in, while it

is negligible. If Venus in the birth chart is in aspect of Saturn or Sun or

Nodes (Rahu/Ketu) in any manner, the growth in these will be severally affected.

Those in the age 14 to 17 should be very careful for health problems. These will

be more realized by girl children. In education hard work is necessary to gain

good recognition. ‘AB’ : Slightly favorable and comfortable life is seen during

this period than before. Investments could frequently bring loss. Natal could be

mislead by near and dear. Extreme caution should be exercise in job environment.

One could have vehicles to live in better comforts. Mutual affection with wedded

partner will be enhanced. However, with relationships other than marital life

could bring continuous problems. ‘AC’ : Girl children will give more comfort to

those in this age group. Comforts to some will be very much available without

asking. Memory power could diminish for some. One will have frequent quarrel

with those on whom they bestowed confidence earlier. Traveling seem to be adding

pleasure to some. Ailments due to eating habits would cause constant medication.

Nerves ailment could demand attentions often. Numbness could cause anxiety.

(3) Born Sun Desa : Those born in Krithika (1 Pada):

‘AA’ : They will become easily tired and may lose concentrations in studies or

work. They may be forced to be transferred to unwanted place and may have to get

separated from family for some time. The Person could be affected by mucus. He

may not have confidence to take decisions.‘AB’ : It is said Jupiter transiting

in 10th house usually mar’s one’s profession, make him uncomfortable in work.

Many materials in natives possession could get damaged in house as well as in

work place. Differences with elders/Parents would exist. Those in the age of 16

to 20 years --Health could be spoiled for some (When Venus is in Virgo in birth

chart and/ or with one of the Nodes) due to association or habits. Unless

otherwise contradictory to this in Birth Chart, one could pick quarrels in

domestic front to have unpleasant results. Marriages should be decided after

careful considerations. Mars in 4th and 11th houses to the house deposited with

Moon, in their

transit, could bring ill reputation for the natal after quarrel. Not time for

love matters to commence or conclude.

‘AC’ : Some could be forced to be transferred to unwanted places. Anxiety on

ailments of the partner and child/children could be more during this period. For

some, in job he will be accused and punished without provision, even to appeal.

One could lose his property. One of the near relatives could pass away causing

metal upset. On health front, males will have more effect than women for

medication and advanced attentions to cause anxiety.


(will be contd.).*******A.V.Pathi,                                       

(7th October 2008) USA 






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