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Veda's r not devine -howl frm kaul

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Fwd: Re: Is Traditional dating only a " antiquity frenzy " ?




dear kaul ji




u said


Here the actual problem is that while " non-natives " would like to go

to one extreme---like dating the Rigveda as late as 900 BC---quite a

few " natives " would like to go to yet another extreme, on the other

hand---like claiming the Rigveda to be a divine work and as such

present from the very dawn of creation!




this is wat i said ,u r not worried abt hindus /vedas or their into

astrology ,u simply want to destroy a system ,it is prooved by this

statements of u that vedas r not devine .if it isnot devine then what is

ur problem with astrology ?? it is in vedas or not and hindu shud blv

vedas than astrology ??Is it not a systematic way for destroying things

,because after so many 100 yrs they cud not succeed only in india where

as they done in almost first decade in all other places of their

occupation .And they find it is because comman mass 's blf in astro ,so

it shud b destroyed first .right ??




u r not going to succed in ur mission s




can u explain me why vedas r not devine u pen pusher of some mission

who is pumping money to hindustan to convert and destroy hindus and

their culture .




regrds vijayaraghavan .





, " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

<jyotirved wrote:


> IndiaArchaeology , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

> jyotirved@ wrote:


> Dear Ravindra Jaju-ji,

> Namaskar!

> You have stated certain facts which are very unpleasant! But then

> that is the way the facts usually are!


> <The problem with the 'mainstream' line of thought - which consists of

> mostly non-natives as the primary thought-leaders - is that they fail

> to understand the intricacies and nuances of the various information

> sources they choose to look at.>


> Here the actual problem is that while " non-natives " would like to go

> to one extreme---like dating the Rigveda as late as 900 BC---quite a

> few " natives " would like to go to yet another extreme, on the other

> hand---like claiming the Rigveda to be a divine work and as such

> present from the very dawn of creation! Whereas you can present hard

> facts to the " non-natives " and may even be able to convince them, the

> " natives " are not prepared to listen to anything contrary to what

> their " jagadugurs " etc. etc. (millions and millions of them!)have told

> them!

> Wonder of wonders, 99 per cent of Hindus (natives!) call (even

> believe!) predictive gimmicks as Vedic jyotish since all the

> jagadgurus and yogis and tantriks (again millions and millions of

> them!) are saying so! After all, how can those jagadgurus and yogis

> and tantriks be wrong! They just shudder even to think about the

> unpleasant fact that Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis are direct imports of

> Greek constellations Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc. etc. One

> Ayanamsha-wala even says that as per (some) nighantu, Tavuri is the

> synonym of Taurus and so on and therefore when Varahamihira gave the

> Greek nomenclature without even changing an iota, he (the special

> ayanamshawala!) claims that the Greeks had imported those names from

> Bharata-varsha!


> Then we have quite a few Indian scholars---Hindu scholars---who are

> hell bent to prove that as there was a connection between Babylonia

> and India in third milennium BCE, as such Mesha, Vrisha etc. rashis

> had gone to Babylonia from India and it was not the other way round!

> In the end, such " scholars " do not forget to thank their mentors---who

> are, of course " Vedic astrologers " for " proper criticism " .


> One His Holines of the art of something has even put his " stamp of

> approval " on Bhagwan Ram having incarnated on January 14, 5114 BCE on

> the basis of " astronomical data (sic!) " in the Valmiki Ramayana!

> After all, if some Income Tax Commissioner has said so how could he be

> wrong! (I wonder whether the ITC had scrutinized the date of birth of

> Bhagwan Ram while he was checking His Income-Tax-Return!) But it

> appears that his holiness of the art of something as well as the ITC

> have not read the Valmiki Ramayana at all---which has said that

> Bhagwan Ram ruled for eleven thousand years! And if that shloka is an

> interpolation, what is the guarantee that the shlokas giving the

> planetary positions of Bhagwan Ram's birth etc. are not

> interpolations!

> Yet another problem arises that quite a few scholars get funds for

> their works from such bodies as do not want to annoy either the

> powerful lobby of Vedic jyotishis or jagadgurus and yogis and tantriks

> etc. As such, they have to " prove " that our Vedic seers had no other

> job to perform except to erect the Mesha, Vrisha rashi based

> horoscopes of every Tom, Dick and Harry and make predictions! Akhir

> paapi pet ka saval jo hai!


> They are least bothered about the fact that because of such fatal

> infatuation with " Vedic astrology " , Hindu culture is becoming a

> laughing stock since we are celebrating Uttarayana on January 15 and

> Dakshinayana on July 15 and Sharadiya Navratras in the fag end of

> Sharat Ritu and so on! They are actually blind with greed but claim

> to have the knowledge of all the shastras, which maybe they do have,

> but which is being harnessed only to prove certain untruths instead of

> facts!


> Similarly, if we take the case of " Vikrami Era " , fantastic arguments

> are provided that it was back-calculated by Hindu astronomers(sic!) of

> Chandragpta-II in 4th century CE, since the VE had receded from Taurus

> to Aries! They are not prepared to listen to anything like that there

> was no such malady in India of the VE receding into Greek

> constellations, as was the case with Greek/Western astrologers!


> If anyone has the hardihood of pointing out such anachronisms, he is

> termed as some convert who is bent on destroying the Hindu culture! He

> is banned from such forums and threatened with dire consequences! The

> argument they advance is " He is bent on denigrating his ancestors by

> saying that predictive astrology---especially the rashi based one---is

> a direct import from Greece! "


> What is all the more surprising is that quite a few real scholars also

> are just silent on such a ne-science, in spite of their knowing and

> realizing the truth! Nay they even celebrate Pitra-Amavsya on the day

> of actual Dipavali and so on as per the " commandments " of " Vedic

> astrologers " .


> Well, I must repeat what I have repeated literally hudnreds of

> times--- " Hindus do not need enemies to ruin their cultural fabric if

> they have 'friendly Vedic astrologers' around---billions and billions

> of them! Our neighbouring country---the only Hindu Kingdom of not so

> distant past, where the king was Vishnu Incarnate----is a " living (or

> is it 'dead' now?)example " .

> With regards,

> A K Kaul







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