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Part Two Page 4-6 ; Jupiter transit

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Part Two - Page FourJupiter passes 9th house from Taurus (Rishaba)For those born

in Taurus (Mesha) :: Kirthighi 2, 3 & 4 Padas Or Rohini (all 4 Padas)or

Mirgasheera 1 & 2 Padas.

The Sun is the lord of Kirthigai Star Zone; The moon is the lord of Rohini Star

Zone; and Mars is the lord of Mirgasheera Star Zone.


AA: possible Desa during this period (now running)- Moon (10 Years); Mars (7

Years); Rahu (18 Years) :: AB : Rahu (18 Years or part thereof) Jupiter (16

Years):: AC - Jupiter (16 years or part thereof, Saturn 19 Years):

The Moon in Taurus (Rishabha) in Birth ChartGeneral: Taurus ( Rishabha) is the

5th House from Capricorn (Makara). Jupiter had 3 Drushties : 5th, 7th and 9th

houses). Though Jupiter is not powerful in Capricorn, his Drusti is always very

satisfying and Jupiter will shed good results to Taurus. Those born in the above

birth stars should feel greatly relieved that Jupiter will be favorable during

this period.

Venus is the lord of Taurus and The Sun is the lord of Kirithika Star Zone.

The Moon is the lord of Rohini star Zone. Mars is the lord of Mirgasheera Star


The Saturn, Mercury, Mars and the Sun are Benefic, Jupiter, the Moon and Venus

are Malefic. Venus is also neutral there. (Though Venus is Lord of Taurus) -

Sathyacharya¢s list of benefic, malefic and neutral positions of Planets in

various Zodiac signs.

AA: Here the child will be greatly benefited. The intelligent and health factors

will be greatly appreciated by elders and will have a career oriented progress

in education with high marks. The person becomes famous, much wanted in the

inner circle of intellectuals, in work places and will be attracted by fair sex

and partners for intellectual excellence. Some will take to prayers and

religious commitments during this period. Sore throat, cold cough could cause

frequent health disturbances.

AB: Marital life will be happy and the spouse will be devout, If Rahu is

positioned in the birth chart in Taurus and the person is going through Rahu

Maha Desa, it is certain that reaches in high positions and gains for prosperity

and it should be the best period for these person in the path of his life. Some

could elevate themselves in public life, observe religious rule and discipline,

and become famous. Those who stand for elections, during this transit time as

said above, will certainly meet success and occupy high status in life. Good

income from agriculture is certain to gain. The best gain would be from

Sugar-cane crop.

AC: Estate owners, Real-estate marketing will give good results and profit

during this time. Dress export traders will have profit in their business. Some

would be learned and adored as scholars. The retired life for some, will give

them hoard of money and pleasure to live their dreamed life. Pimples, facial

creams and other skin ointments could emanate fresh skin problems. Adenoids,

diphtheria and constipation could be other problems.


Part Two - Page FiveJupiter passes 8th house from Gemini - MithunaFor those born

in Gemini (Mithuna) :: Mirgasheera (3 & 4 Padas)Or Arudhra (Thiruvadhira)(1,2,3 &

4 Padas)or Punarvasu (1, 2 and 3 Padas) :: Mars is the lord of Mirgasheera Star

Zone; Rahu is the lord of Arudhra Star Zone ; and, Jupiter is the lord of

Punarvasu Star Zone.AA

The Moon in Gemini - Mithuna in Birth chart.

General: Gemini is the 6th house from Capricorn; Capricorn is the 8th house from

Gemini where the Moon will be in the birth chart for those born in these star

Zones. Mercury and Venus are enemies to Jupiter. The Sun, Moon and Mars are

friends and Saturn is Neutral. Since Jupiter must be traveling in Capricorn

during the said period, the travel of Mercury in Gemini will aggravate events to

cause worries and anxiety.

Mercury is the Lord of Gemini, and Mars is the lord of Mirgasheera Star Zone.

Rahu is the Lord of Arudhra Star zone, and Jupiter is the Lord of Punarvasu Star



Venus and Saturn are benefic in Gemini; Mars Jupiter and the Sun are malefic;

and Moon and Mercury are neutral in this house. However, the natural

relationship, said above, will be the basis to measure the inter relationship

between Planets during this time.AA: AB: AC:

Part Two - Page six Some could involve in litigation and spend money

unnecessarily. The relationship with spouse could be far from satisfactory. The

near and dear could necessitate unnecessary and untimely expenses. Debts will be

of concern to many. Investments in any form should be done after deep care and

analysis or the results. One should keep away from illicit relationship with

opposite sex to avoid heavy losses, as well as legal strains. Some in this age

group should be worried with ailments particularly in Ear, throat and Shoulder

blades. Mental balance and diplomacy is necessary in solving family problems to

avoid serious confrontations.In work places and in travel , one must be very

careful with cautions, for not to invite displeasure of others. This may be a

cause for losing a job and delay in joining in a new job, during this period.

Some should watch that their movement in work with low ranked workers could be

cause for scandal, and loss of

money. There will be shortage of money for bare necessities too.Generally here

in this transition, Jupiter gives bad results only. Materials like eatables,

grains etc., get spoiled and damaged, bring loss and sorrow. Children should be

attended carefully for not taking spoiled food. Some for education and work will

be forced to move to places not comfortable to their expectations. Those born in

Punarvasu (Pada 1) will be free from bad effects in their development career and

marriage proposals. Rest will have to go through these, with care and caution:

possible Desa during this period (now running)-Mars(Balance period in 7 Years);

Rahu(18 Years) Jupiter (16 Years) :: AB : Rahu (Balance in 18Years), Jupiter (16

Years) :: AC: Jupiter (16years), Saturn (19 Years), and Mercury (17Years)

):Jupiter passes 9th house from Cancer - KatakaFor those born in Cancer

(Kataka):: Punarvasu (Pada 4) Or Pushyam (1,2,3 & 4 Padas) or Ashlesha 1, 2, 3

and 4 Padas. Jupiter is

lord of Punarvasu Star Zone; Saaturn is the lord of Pushyam Star Zone; and,

Mercury is the lord of Ashlesha Star Zone.

Possible Desa during this period (now running)- AA: Jupiter(Balance period in 16

Years); Saturn (19 Years); :: AB : Saturn (19 Years or part thereof),Mercury (17

Years) :: AC: Mercury (17 or part thereof), Ketu (7 Years), Venus (20 Years),

and The Sun (6 Years):

The Moon in Cancer - Kataka in birth chart.

General :: Jupiter gives GOOD results when transiting in the 9th house from

Cancer in Zodiac. This is the best time for scholars to be honored.

However, satisfaction for them in such recognitions will not be adequate. The

time is good for some to make small and careful investments. Venus and/or

Mercury in Cancer, during this transit of Jupiter, will cause domestic problems,

difference of opinion with spouse, misunderstandings on spouse related problems

in the family in general, claims for funds to progress children¡s welfare

bringing worries.

Venus and Mercury are malefic in Cancer while Jupiter and Mars are benefic. Moon

and mercury to be termed as neutral, though they are not effective. Sun in the

7th house could be termed as friend during this time.AA

Some will find rich, talented, earning with good family back ground partners

with a desire to plan and progress in life. Money will come from many


Many will have sacred aim and undertake religious pilgrimage. Childless will

bare child now, under certain Birth Cart rules. Some could adopt child also. Of

course, they will get delicious and timely food ! They will adore perfumes and

perform religious functions with flare.AC:

PATHI (10th Oct. 2008) USA The elderly will have a sudden change in their income

with benefits. Those who were neglecting them will become more affectionate and

will get all medical and old age comforts to satisfaction. Those longing to go

to pilgrimage, will enjoy such trips and journeys in comfort. Happiness during

this year is assured. Finance will be safe and grow more. Some may have problems

Knees, patella , gas in stomach dull pain, cardiac thrombosis, palpitation of

heart, Lymphatic vessels, pleurisy, and boils. As per Birth chart, these could

be slow and mild for many. Many will be rewarded for their achievements and will

be well recognized, if employed in Government and Public enterprises. Increase

in emoluments and comfortable perks will be coming without much efforts.

Non-cooperative spouse, hitherto, will become very co-operative and adoring and

bring together all elders who where against their attitudes.: Children will show

great interest

and satisfactory results in this period in education, crafts, music, sports and

in general. Many would argue even for small differences. Young maritable aged

men and women will find good spouse to be loved and many will marry to their


103, Black Tie Lane, Chapel Hill,

North Carolina, 27514, USA






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