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2-Arun: Varun Kumar re. NEED UR HELP from Mark Kincaid

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The Vedic Astrology Discussion Group


Messages In This Digest (9


Varun Kumar pleasure4u82@


vedic astrology

Friday, 17 October, 2008 11:15:06 AM


[vedic astrology] NEED UR HELP




Hai Sir



I mail u earlier but u didnt reply me , my self Arun

living in delhi , i had a few problems , i am on bed rest from last 6

months and i lost my job also , i want to know that when i will get

another good job and will i pass my exams and when i will get married or

with my girl frnd , i m already 26 years old , 

kindly confirm  me please .


My name

:- Arun

DOB :-13/08/1982

Place of birth :- Delhi


of Birth 8.35pm





Dear Arun:


The most important thing to understand about life

and astrology is where we have our benefic planets we're going to be



But, where we have our malefics unless we

change or improve them we're going to find problems.


Listen to

your words, " sick in bed, loss of job, and wanting for marriage

partner "


These all are negative or malefic signs.


" Sick in bed " is due to not getting adequate rest.  But,

in your chart your Saturn's in the 8th house which means it will tend to

be acting malefically, which means you need to study Saturn more.


Saturn means rest and life lived in balance.  If we're getting

enough daily rest, then we will NOT get sick!


Loss of job, is

due to your10th house and related planets.  In your chart, your natal

Saturn in the 8th is fully aspecting your 10th house of career.  So,

if you get out of balance with your birth Saturn, you will tend to have

chronic health challenges and that will effect you and your health and

then, your 10th house of career.


Also, relationships right now

may be delayed because of Saturn transiting Leo, in your 7th house of



You can get married, though it has to be with Saturn

balance, otherwise Sani will obstruct.


Always know the future

is in your hands.


All we're ever really experiencing is the

product or consequences of our past actions.


So, if we created

this present, we then, can change it!


Hope this helps.




Jai Guru



Mark Kincaid




Founder  Nature's Astrology



Personal Email at:












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