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Dharma Journal - March 19, 2007

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Dharma Journal

Authentic Dharma for Today's World


March 19th, 2007 - Founded in 1998




The Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita




Some look upon this Spirit as a wonder, another describes it as

wonderful, and others hear of it as a wonder. Even after hearing

about it very few people know what the Spirit is. (See also KaU 2.07)



O Arjuna, the Spirit that dwells in the body of all beings is

eternally indestructible. Therefore, you should not mourn for

anybody. (2.30)




Considering also your duty as a warrior you should not waver like

this. Because there is nothing more auspicious for a warrior than a

righteous war. (2.31)


Only the fortunate warriors, O Arjuna, get such an opportunity for an

unsought war that is like an open door to heaven. (2.32)


If you will not fight this righteous war, then you will fail in your

duty, lose your reputation, and incur sin. (2.33)


People will talk about your disgrace forever. To the honored,

dishonor is worse than death. (2.34)


The great warriors will think that you have retreated from the battle

out of fear. Those who have greatly esteemed you will lose respect

for you. (2.35)


Your enemies will speak many unmentionable words and scorn your

ability. What could be more painful to you than this? (2.36)


You will go to heaven if killed on the line of duty, or you will

enjoy the kingdom on the earth if victorious. Therefore, get up with

a determination to fight, O Arjuna. (2.37)


Treating pleasure and pain, gain and loss, and victory and defeat

alike, engage yourself in your duty. By doing your duty this way you

will not incur sin. (2.38)





Strive for Excellence!


" Strive always for excellence in all things. Admire the greatest

exemplars. Dream the greatest dreams. Seek the loftiest goals.

Cultivate the most valuable virtues in yourself. Never settle for

your lesser self. In all striving, however, always seek to do Good.

Never seek the path of self-aggrandizement. "


- Dr. Frank Morales




Is There Evidence for Reincarnation?


By Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (Dr. Frank Morales)



I've often been asked about what evidence there is for the process of

reincarnation. To answer this question properly, it depends on what

someone means by the term " evidence " . Since reincarnation is a

metaphysical reality (meta = " beyond " ; physical = " material " ), and

not a material one, it doesn't stand to reason that there can really

be scientific " evidence " per se. A non-material, metaphysical

reality simply cannot be grasped by merely material physical means.


That doesn't mean, though, that reincarnation can't be proven. After

all, we can know that many other non-material things exist that

cannot be proven scientifically or empirically. For example, we all

know that we have minds…yet no one can really see a mind. We can't

examine a mind in a microscope, nor can we put a mind in a test-

tube. The proof for your mind's existence is that we can infer that

you have a mind because you act intelligently: you display the

attributes and actions of one who has a mind. In the same way,

reincarnation cannot be proven through scientific experimentation…but

it can be proven through inference and logic.


One of the most powerful arguments for upholding the fact of

reincarnation is that, without the existence of reincarnation and

karma (reincarnation and karma are inseparable; you can't have one

without the other), the existence of human suffering has no

explanation and no coherent meaning. Logically speaking, we can only

explain the meaning of suffering in the world by inferring the fact

of reincarnation and karma.


If each of us merely pops into existence at the moment of conception,

and did not have a pre-existence previous to the creation of this

body, then how do we explain the fact that some people are born with

terrible birth defects (blindness, lacking a limb, etc.), and others

are not? How can a merciful and loving God allow some babies to be

born fine and healthy, and others to be born in a terrible state of

pain and suffering? Simply claiming that such instances are

merely " divine mysteries " is just avoiding the question. The only

explanation for suffering that does not make God seem either unjust

or impotent is the concept of reincarnation/karma.


More, we also see that people are all born with very different

capacities, talents, attributes, and personalities. As much as we

want to pretend that all human beings are born as complete tabula

rasas, or blank slates, the truth is that none of us are born with

equal intrinsic faculties. Some people are born with more of an

inherent talent to be creative and artistic than others. Some are

born more cerebral and intelligent than others. Some are born 7 feet

tall and can become famous basketball players, while some are 5 feet

tall, and cannot. Again, the only logical explanation for why a just

and merciful God would allow people to be born with such diverse and

unequal qualities is reincarnation and karma.


The concept of reincarnation and karma is a principle of both

universal justice and radical freedom of the individual to create

his/her own destiny. This concept teaches us that with every

thought, action and word containing ethical-content that we engage

in, we are freely creating who we are – and who we will be in the

future. When we perform actions that are of an ethically positive

and good nature, we are directly affecting our own consciousness in

such a way as to purify and ennoble who we are. Conversely, when we

perform actions that arise from selfishness, egotism, and negativity,

we are ensuring that our future only holds darkness and sorrow.


So, the concept of reincarnation and karma, ultimately, is a positive

and hopeful concept of radical freedom, in which each and every one

of us has the ability, moment to moment, to freely create both

ourselves and our destinies. With every decision we make today, we

are creating our own futures, our own destinies, and our own future

lives. Such is the grace and love of God that He gives us the

complete freedom either to choose to know Him, or to flee from His

face. The choice to do one or the other is ours, and ours alone.






1) Another New York Teaching Tour


Dr. Morales' last teaching tour of the New York area was so

successful that he'll be returning to the area this week for a brief

visit. Dr. Morales will be on another teaching tour of the New York

City area from March 22 - March 26th. Among other places, Dr.

Morales will be conducting a large Sunday morning satsangh at the

Milan Mandir in Queens. For further information on Dr. Morales'

itinerary, please contact Srimati Nandarani Sahadeo at: (718) 835-





2) Pensacola Teaching Tour


Dr. Morales will be delivering three talks in Pensacola, Florida

March 31 - April 2. Among other venues, he will be delivering a

lecture to professors and students at the University of West

Florida. For further information on Dr. Morales' schedule, please

contact Professor Lal Goel: lgoel.




3) Dallas Teaching Tour


Dr. Morales will be in the Dallas/Fort Worth area April 6 - 9. Among

other activities, he will be appearing live on the " Namaste " radio

show answering people's questions on Dharma; he will conduct a large

satsangh at the Dallas Hindu Caribbean Temple; and he will be holding

a major talk at the Dallas Hindu Temple. For further information,

please contact Mr. Sashi Kejriwal at: 972-333-5705.




4) New Dharma Store Service:


Dharma Central now has a new on-line Dharma store available for all

your Yoga and Hindu needs. We have many beautiful Om tee-shirts,

Yoga pants and clothing, mugs, bumper stickers and many other great

gift items. Please support the work of Dharma Central by purchasing

something fun for yourself or a loved one today! To see our many

uniquely beautiful products, please visit us at:

http://www.cafepress.com/supportstore All purchase donations go

directly to supporting the important work of Dharma Central. Thank





5) Continued Rapid Growth of the " Dr. Frank Morales List " !:


The " Dr. Frank Morales List " , which includes Dharma

Journal, is now fastest growing group on Hinduism on all of

Groups! Of over 4200 different Hindu groups on , Dr. Morales'

list is ranked #59 in size. If you know of anyone who would like to

join this list, please forward their email addresses to:





6) " The Shakti Principle " Website:


Dr. Morales' newest book, " The Shakti Principle: Encountering the

Feminine Power of God " , is now available on-line. This is a must

read for anyone interested in personal spiritual growth, having

deeper meaning in their lives, or creating positive social change.

Please visit us on the web, and order your copy of this deeply

thought-provoking work today! Great as a gift for someone you love!





7) Arisearjuna.org


Our good friend, Sri Vrindavan Parker, has started a new informative

website: http://www.arisearjuna.org/ Vrindavan Parker is an

important American Hindu leader and one of the most knowledgeable and

active Hindu activists in the nation. Please support his work.


Inspired by readings in the Bhagavad Gita, the study of Vedanta and

the timeless Wisdom of the Ancients, the Arise Arjuna Foundation has

been formed for the betterment of all Mankind. The Foundation

actively seeks and involves the world's leading experts in various

fields of study related to the Arise Arjuna initiative. Our website

is a resource for the public at large. It will regularly feature

articles, interviews and news items through which Scholars, Gurus,

Acharyas and Experts will share their collective wisdom with our







For further information on the philosophy and path of Dharma, please

visit us on the web:








Thank you to all our many members and readers for your enthusiastic

support and encouragement of Dharma Journal and the teaching efforts

of Dr. Frank Morales. We couldn't accomplish anything without your



Please feel free to forward this Dharma Journal newsletter to all

your friends, family, and discussion lists interested in Sanatana

Dharma, meditation, and Yoga spirituality.



© 2007, Dharma Journal. Volume 9, issue 5






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