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Karmaphala & Sai baba

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Vyam Vyasadevaya Namah.


Friends , I just happenned to see episode of Sai baba

on TV by Rama Nand Sagar.To day is First April so please do not think I am

attempting to fool any body.

Episode opened with expression of anger by Sai Baba

mentioning why man goes to Astrologers to seek their future.Why they do not

have faith on lord?every one has to suffer / enjoy the results of action he

has done.

Further in narration it was shown about a couple that couple meet for good

karmas of past but losses relationship for bad karma he does in present

Birth so it leads to seperation.There were a few more incidents depicting

the theme that No one has a permission to alter ones karma phala , even I

can not do so, but man should do karma rightly and surrender to lord for He

is well wisher of every one?

Any comments from Astrologers on predicting future and offering remedies.

With best wishes.

Why I am posting This Message?

It has stirred me.







Oh Creator Of The Universe ! We meditate upon thy

radiant power that illuminate our intellects, destroy

our sins, and guide us in the right direction





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E-mail : swami_rcs




Ph 91-562- 2232323 and 4001223

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Oh Creator Of The Universe ! We meditate upon thy

radiant power that illuminate our intellects, destroy

our sins, and guide us in the right direction

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Om Gurave Namaha Dear Swamiji, Namaskaar. Yes I did see that episode and did think about it. What I understood is BABA was very hurt since even he could not do anything to reduce the miseries of the example being used; however what we do understand is that because the couple had faith in BABA their miseries finally came to end !!! In many episodes Ramanand Sagar has shown BABA angry and we should take it in a way whereby it is clear that "God is never involved in our Karma and the fruits are based on the Karmas" which is known to us hence we try to walk straight in life since we are aware about the "stick of Saturn"; at the same time God is never happy with the miseries that we face...it was to show this situation in which BABA use to find himself in. Even in a previous episode where he knew "Pote Patil" would die

soon but could not do anything inspite of he considering his wife as his "mother". In short it is all about "Bhagya Vs Karma" . I am very small swamiji but since I am also a Sai Bhakt could not resist the temptation to reply. regards, Kaartik Gor Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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Hare Rama Krishna,

Dear R.C.Srivastava

My long- winded "2 cents" - follows.

Sai Baba may have been appaled (as we all are) by the supertistious use of Astrology by so many people ,east and west.

Any act repeatedly performed without knowing and understanding the original intention behind it,tends to become superstition. Superstition is like a fog which clouds the mind and clogs the intellectual faculties, eventually paralyzing all spiritual progress. Unfortunately most religions- as they are practiced today by so many people- is simply a collections of superstition "clusters".

Jyotir Vidya –when rightly and skillfully used-IS the Art and Science which clears up this fog and expels the darkness of ignorance.

Now to your question: "No one has a permission to alter ones karma phala , even can not do so, but man should do karma rightly and surrender to lord for He is well wisher of every one?".

Well, we might as well shut down all the hospitals, treatment centers, Ayurvedic,allopathic etc clinics,send all the doctors home- since we should't "interfere" in someone's karma or destiny?

What if someone suffers from an abcessed tooth or needing life saving surgery would be told: "anyway, it is your karma you might as well suffer through it friend, and even if you expire in the process at least you have expiated your sins- and anyway,as a doctor I have no right to alter your karma. Good bye."(However on the way out, please settle your bill with my secretary)


With this line of thinking one might not even administer vitamin "C", because this may also alter karma.

I repeat, it is the wrong, unskillful and superstitious use (misuse)of Astrology which is so appaling.

Yet, faith and surrender is supreme.

Some thousand years ago a wise man (this time in the Europe) coined a phrase:

"Ora et Labora" (Latin). It simply means pray and work. Pray- as if-everything is dependent on prayer and work-as if- everything is dependent on work.

Then surrender everything to the Lord- with Faith.


Come, I invite you to read parts of the recent postings of Swami Chidananda on Hanuman Jayanti…….





(H.H. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji )

Faith can move mountainsHanumanji demonstrated the omnipotent power of faith and devotion. He was able to fly across the ocean, to become the size of a giant and also the size of a tiny creature, simply by chanting the name of Lord Rama. When he was sent to bring four precious life-saving herbs from the Himalayas in order to save Lakshman's life, instead of bringing only the four plants, he carried the entire Himalayan mountain! When everyone marveled at the feats he achieved, whenever he was praised for his conquests and questioned on the source of his strength, his answer was always the same: Lord Rama (God).His faith in God gave him both the courage to attempt these heroic deeds and also the physical strength to accomplish them.Sometimes in life when we embark upon a new, noble undertaking we may be faced with obstacles and hurdles. However, we must always remember that faith and devotion to God are the greatest sources of power. Through chanting God's name with true devotion, we can achieve anything. The power of God's name gave Hanumanji the ability to fly across the ocean and to carry mountains. The key was his fervent, ardent, singleminded "shraddha" (faith) in God and his tenacious dedication to fulfilling whatever seva he could do. With such deep, true devotion and dedication, nothing could stop him. Let us also work with such unwavering devotion and commitment, and let us have faith that the Divine power will also work for us.The two most important messages, in my opinion, of Hanumanji's life are the messages of faith and devotion. When Hanumanji needed to fly across the ocean in order to rescue Sita Ma, he didn't hesitate. He didn't wonder, "Am I really strong enough? Can I really do this? What if I fall?" Rather, he just took Lord Rama's name (prayed to God) and jumped! This is the total surrender and devotion we must cultivate in our lives. The second message is the message of singleminded devotion. We pray in our lives for so many things - cars, houses, promotions, i-pods. We pray for these things thinking they will bring us joy, but the momentary pleasure we feel is simply that: momentary and quickly fleeting. It is only when we have God's presence in our lives that we attain the true, everlasting joy and fulfillment.

And my favourite adepts thoughts on Faith:

(By the Adept "V")


"....faith becomes the only resource when all else has failed. In these times, faith supports one through the bewilderments and difficulties that beset him on every side and it continues to do so while he is working out his destiny. He must take each step on the path of progress and attainment, but the power of faith will walk with him and safeguard him in each step.

Those who have attained only a conceptual or intellectual understanding of the cosmic process know that scientific knowledge alone does not enable one to meet life's problems. Faith, the evidence of a higher level, or real, knowledge, does help one to meet life's problems and go beyond them into the realm of Mind, which, once attained, with aptitude and faculties perfected, supersedes all intellectual understanding of Truth. With the quickening of these powers, one is carried on to greater and yet greater heights.

Faith, the force which is derived from that unseen and unknown realm toward which we are moving, securely holds us on the journey. After glimpsing the meaning of this, or being stirred by its power, one can no longer rest in a concept of it. In faith turn to the Light, take up the responsibility for your own development, remain steadfast, "knock and IT shall be opened to you." When this power stirs within you, you will be brought face to face with the unregenerated conditions, qualities, etc. within your psychic nature; know that these 'things' must be brought to the periphery of your psychic nature in order to be expelled; so fear not that some destructive force has taken hold of you. As soon as this purificatory period passes, harmony, peace and bliss, such as you have never experienced before pervade the psyche. I have known many students at this point of development who received a healing from some malady, others who were miraculously strengthened in some crisis, guided through some difficulty, saved from some danger, and often there is a momentary lifting of the veil which enables the fortunate one to see beyond the limitations of sense. There always will be some ray of Light which brings joy to the heart and peace to the mind.

At this period in development, the emotional nature is still uncontrolled, one is sometimes on the crest of the wave, sometimes in the trough, the slough of despond; but hold steadfastly. The point will come in which you will control the psychic realm, its feelings, emotions and ratiocinations; but until that point is reached you will be subject to its storms. Old conditions and long hidden qualities will attempt to assert their power over you, and often you may be perplexed and discouraged. Then are the times to call on and rely upon your power of faith, for remember - it is a supporting force based upon a background of knowledge gained through those little experiences on the heights of your own Being. This is not blind belief or trust, it is substance, tangible evidence of 'things' not seen. Throw the whole burden of your ongoing upon it.

Trust your faith, if it is only as a grain of mustard seed, it will not fail you. But how about you? Have you failed it? Or are you waiting for greater evidence of the power of the Spirit? Evidence which you alone have to cultivate and grow within yourself! When thus developed, faith becomes a mighty power, a Positive power, before which negative 'things,' conditions, entities, etc. cannot stand. It will overcome fears and doubts and all the dark brood that holds you back from your own heights. Your intellect will deceive you; it is the serpent that caused you to be cast out of the garden of delight into a personal life of selfishness and separateness. But faith will never so deceive you; trust it to bring your consciousness into the presence of the Divine.

Faith is an ethereal power which, if cultivated, becomes love, the most powerful force in the universe, the sattvic quality in all substance. Without it there would be no awareness of substance, the body of the Great Mother! Like the Mother whose body it is, it permeates all thought; without it there would literally be nothing to think about. It is not only the life principle of all 'things,' it even precedes and creates life itself. Faith in its ethereal essence is life.

"According to your faith be it unto you," is a plain, simple statement of a scientifically demonstrable fact. Check back on the way this was presented in Faith as Knowledge, Force and Substance, and you can set this up on empirical grounds. Owing to the fact that every developing individual is, in essence, a differentiation or focalization of that universal substance we call the great Mother, he participates in the ruling power of all that exists; and by the exercise of his own conscious will he calls that power into effect. Where faith is absent, fear abides, fear of the inevitable chaos which follows the loss of faith. And fear, operating in one's consciousness focused in the psychic nature as suggestion, becomes the one and only force which prevents a given individual from exercising his conscious will to call this power of faith into effect In this significance, faith becomes identified with an all-powerful, creating intelligence operative in every 'thing' which exists: in the loyalty of a friend, in love as god, in the justice of karmic law, in the law of compensation (as ye sow, so shall ye reap), in the possibility of human integrity, in the love of a human soul for its mate, in the curative power of nature's elements, in the continuity of individualized consciousness beyond the portals of death, in the success of one's business, in the love of a mother, in the value and power of prayer, in one's power to rise above the concept of evil, in the security of the nation, in the business integrity of an associate, in the credit system, in the supremacy of the Real Self, in the value of a neighbor's promise, in one's own success, in the assurance that one will live through the night, in knowing that we shall some day prove that physical death is but an incident in the cycle of Being and becoming, in the trust that the sun will rise tomorrow, in the stability and intelligence of man and in the healing power of faith. And so on and on, ad infinitum, for faith is one of the corner stones of the universe. Human society rests upon it; human life unreservedly depends upon it; the business of the entire world is founded upon it; the political and economic institutions of the world are sustained by it; stability of government absolutely depends upon it; financial systems of the world are based upon it; religions of all humanity grow out of it; the happiness of the race is contingent upon it; the entire social structure would crumble into dust and ashes without it. In truth, wheresoever the human intelligence may turn, there it finds faith as a hovering cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, the one great guide for every beginner on the path.

Request only that you may be sustained in your faith that all life is steadily and irresistibly moving toward an ultimate goal and destiny that is emblematic of infinite goodness.

Resolve deep within you that your faith this day shall be deeper, stronger and more abiding than ever before. Mean it so profoundly that you shall feel in your inmost consciousness the realization of its truth as a living reality.

Hold constantly in your consciousness the resolution that come what may, you will not permit the destructive influences of doubt or the gloomy suggestions of destructive pessimism to weaken or undermine your constructive faith in the righteousness of God's universal plan or in the ultimate goodness of humanity.

Absorb into your innermost being the great fact of nature, that where faith abides, there is no room for failure, and the fertile soil of truth yields only a harvest of abundant success.

As you go about the duties and responsibilities of the day, carry in your inmost consciousness the unwavering suggestion that success is constantly within your grasp and that it is your privilege and your right to reach out and take that which pertains to your evolutionary status as your legitimate possession.

Treat the world as your friend, and the world in turn will give you its friendship. Establish yourself upon the constructive foundation of faith, and all nature will continue to pay to you a generous tribute of success in all your undertakings.

But remember always that to your faith you must add your works, for only through your personal efforts is your faith justified and made alive. As the potency of curative faith makes whole the configurational self, so constructive faith in the beneficence of the great Mother, Nature, and of nature's activating forces, brings wholeness and health to the consciousness of man.

Whatever the immediate trials and seeming failures of your life may be, keep forever in your mind the happy consciousness that the trials, temptations, hardships, sorrows and disappointments through which your pathway leads are but the recurrences of evanescent and fleeting shadows of your past, appearing again for corrective purposes, and of themselves have no substance you need to fear. Meet them serenely and without flinching and, one by one, learn the lesson that each has come to teach, then they will vanish as the mist and the fog vanish before the dispelling power of God's beneficent sunlight.

Build your temple in your consciousness upon the rock of faith, and by your works make your life a monument of beauty, whether the world knows and enjoys it or knows it not. This, in effect, represents the eternal as well as the universal significance of faith."


I might add, as a personal note, that Jyotir Vidya increased my Faith and taught me that the highest good is total surrender to the LORD. For me Astrology, is not a superstition.

With deep respect:












sohamsa , "swamircs" <swami_rcs wrote:>> > Vyam Vyasadevaya Namah.> Dear> Friends , I just happenned to see episode of Sai baba> on TV by Rama Nand Sagar.To day is First April so please do not think I am > attempting to fool any body.> Episode opened with expression of anger by Sai Baba> mentioning why man goes to Astrologers to seek their future.Why they do not > have faith on lord?every one has to suffer / enjoy the results of action he > has done.> Further in narration it was shown about a couple that couple meet for good > karmas of past but losses relationship for bad karma he does in present > Birth so it leads to seperation.There were a few more incidents depicting > the theme that No one has a permission to alter ones karma phala , even I > can not do so, but man should do karma rightly and surrender to lord for He > is well wisher of every one?> Any comments from Astrologers on predicting future and offering remedies.> With best wishes.> Why I am posting This Message?> It has stirred me.> > > > ----------------------> R.C.Srivastava> --> Oh Creator Of The Universe ! We meditate upon thy> radiant power that illuminate our intellects, destroy> our sins, and guide us in the right direction> > > ----------------------> R.C.Srivastava> For Consultation-Service> E-mail : swami_rcs http://www.kaalvastu.com> http://www.cosmograce.com> http://www.cosmograce.blogspot.com> Ph 91-562- 2232323 and 4001223> Mob 9412268768> > --> Oh Creator Of The Universe ! We meditate upon thy> radiant power that illuminate our intellects, destroy> our sins, and guide us in the right direction>

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dear Arpad joo ji,

Nameste, Thanks for your comments.The sentence " Now to your

question: " No one has a permission to alter ones karma phala ,

even can not do so, but man should do karma rightly and surrender

to lord for He is well wisher of every one? " .You have repeated was

a expression By Sai baba in the shown episode and was not my opinion.

lastly I expected response and sharing of experience related to

application and remedy side of Astrology on practicle side or views

as are posted by Bharat astrology in one of the mails illuminating


In any case I am indebited for your valued opinion.

With best wishes.

sohamsa , " Arpad Joo " <panchasila wrote:


Hare Rama Krishna,


> Dear R.C.Srivastava


> My long- winded " 2 cents " - follows.


> Sai Baba may have been appaled (as we all are) by the

supertistious use

> of Astrology by so many people ,east and west.


> Any act repeatedly performed without knowing and understanding the

> original intention behind it,tends to become superstition.


> is like a fog which clouds the mind and clogs the intellectual

> faculties, eventually paralyzing all spiritual progress.


> most religions- as they are practiced today by so many people- is


> a collections of superstition " clusters " .


> Jyotir Vidya –when rightly and skillfully used-IS the Art and

> Science which clears up this fog and expels the darkness of



> Now to your question: " No one has a permission to alter ones karma

> phala , even

> can not do so, but man should do karma rightly and surrender to

lord for

> He is well wisher of every one? " .


> Well, we might as well shut down all the hospitals, treatment


> Ayurvedic,allopathic etc clinics,send all the doctors home- since


> should't " interfere " in someone's karma or destiny?


> What if someone suffers from an abcessed tooth or needing life


> surgery would be told: " anyway, it is your karma you might as well

> suffer through it friend, and even if you expire in the process at


> you have expiated your sins- and anyway,as a doctor I have no

right to

> alter your karma. Good bye. " (However on the way out, please settle

> your bill with my secretary)


> Fair?


> With this line of thinking one might not even administer vitamin

> " C " , because this may also alter karma.


> I repeat, it is the wrong, unskillful and superstitious use


> Astrology which is so appaling.


> Yet, faith and surrender is supreme.


> Some thousand years ago a wise man (this time in the Europe)

coined a

> phrase:


> " Ora et Labora " (Latin). It simply means pray and work. Pray- as

> if-everything is dependent on prayer and work-as if- everything is

> dependent on work.


> Then surrender everything to the Lord- with Faith.




> Come, I invite you to read parts of the recent postings of Swami

> Chidananda on Hanuman Jayanti…….




(H.H. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji )


> Faith can move mountains

> Hanumanji demonstrated the omnipotent power of faith and devotion.


> was able to fly across the ocean, to become the size of a giant

and also

> the size of a tiny creature, simply by chanting the name of Lord


> When he was sent to bring four precious life-saving herbs from the

> Himalayas in order to save Lakshman's life, instead of bringing

only the

> four plants, he carried the entire Himalayan mountain! When


> marveled at the feats he achieved, whenever he was praised for his

> conquests and questioned on the source of his strength, his answer


> always the same: Lord Rama (God).


> His faith in God gave him both the courage to attempt these heroic


> and also the physical strength to accomplish them.


> Sometimes in life when we embark upon a new, noble undertaking we

may be

> faced with obstacles and hurdles. However, we must always remember


> faith and devotion to God are the greatest sources of power.


> chanting God's name with true devotion, we can achieve anything.


> power of God's name gave Hanumanji the ability to fly across the


> and to carry mountains. The key was his fervent, ardent,


> " shraddha " (faith) in God and his tenacious dedication to


> whatever seva he could do. With such deep, true devotion and


> nothing could stop him. Let us also work with such unwavering


> and commitment, and let us have faith that the Divine power will


> work for us.

> The two most important messages, in my opinion, of Hanumanji's

life are

> the messages of faith and devotion. When Hanumanji needed to fly


> the ocean in order to rescue Sita Ma, he didn't hesitate. He didn't

> wonder, " Am I really strong enough? Can I really do this? What if I

> fall? " Rather, he just took Lord Rama's name (prayed to God) and


> This is the total surrender and devotion we must cultivate in our



> The second message is the message of singleminded devotion. We

pray in

> our lives for so many things - cars, houses, promotions, i-pods.

We pray

> for these things thinking they will bring us joy, but the momentary

> pleasure we feel is simply that: momentary and quickly fleeting.

It is

> only when we have God's presence in our lives that we attain the


> everlasting joy and fulfillment.


> And my favourite adepts thoughts on Faith:


> (By the Adept " V " )




> " ....faith becomes the only resource when all else has failed. In

> these times, faith supports one through the bewilderments and

> difficulties that beset him on every side and it continues to do so

> while he is working out his destiny. He must take each step on the


> of progress and attainment, but the power of faith will walk with


> and safeguard him in each step.


> Those who have attained only a conceptual or intellectual


> of the cosmic process know that scientific knowledge alone does not

> enable one to meet life's problems. Faith, the evidence of a higher

> level, or real, knowledge, does help one to meet life's problems

and go

> beyond them into the realm of Mind, which, once attained, with


> and faculties perfected, supersedes all intellectual understanding


> Truth. With the quickening of these powers, one is carried on to


> and yet greater heights.


> Faith, the force which is derived from that unseen and unknown


> toward which we are moving, securely holds us on the journey.


> glimpsing the meaning of this, or being stirred by its power, one

can no

> longer rest in a concept of it. In faith turn to the Light, take

up the

> responsibility for your own development, remain steadfast, " knock

and IT

> shall be opened to you. " When this power stirs within you, you

will be

> brought face to face with the unregenerated conditions, qualities,


> within your psychic nature; know that these 'things' must be

brought to

> the periphery of your psychic nature in order to be expelled; so


> not that some destructive force has taken hold of you. As soon as


> purificatory period passes, harmony, peace and bliss, such as you


> never experienced before pervade the psyche. I have known many


> at this point of development who received a healing from some


> others who were miraculously strengthened in some crisis, guided


> some difficulty, saved from some danger, and often there is a


> lifting of the veil which enables the fortunate one to see beyond


> limitations of sense. There always will be some ray of Light which

> brings joy to the heart and peace to the mind.


> At this period in development, the emotional nature is still

> uncontrolled, one is sometimes on the crest of the wave, sometimes


> the trough, the slough of despond; but hold steadfastly. The point


> come in which you will control the psychic realm, its feelings,


> and ratiocinations; but until that point is reached you will be


> to its storms. Old conditions and long hidden qualities will

attempt to

> assert their power over you, and often you may be perplexed and

> discouraged. Then are the times to call on and rely upon your

power of

> faith, for remember - it is a supporting force based upon a


> of knowledge gained through those little experiences on the

heights of

> your own Being. This is not blind belief or trust, it is substance,

> tangible evidence of 'things' not seen. Throw the whole burden of


> ongoing upon it.


> Trust your faith, if it is only as a grain of mustard seed, it

will not

> fail you. But how about you? Have you failed it? Or are you

waiting for

> greater evidence of the power of the Spirit? Evidence which you


> have to cultivate and grow within yourself! When thus developed,


> becomes a mighty power, a Positive power, before which negative

> 'things,' conditions, entities, etc. cannot stand. It will overcome

> fears and doubts and all the dark brood that holds you back from


> own heights. Your intellect will deceive you; it is the serpent


> caused you to be cast out of the garden of delight into a personal


> of selfishness and separateness. But faith will never so deceive


> trust it to bring your consciousness into the presence of the



> Faith is an ethereal power which, if cultivated, becomes love, the


> powerful force in the universe, the sattvic quality in all


> Without it there would be no awareness of substance, the body of


> Great Mother! Like the Mother whose body it is, it permeates all

> thought; without it there would literally be nothing to think

about. It

> is not only the life principle of all 'things,' it even precedes


> creates life itself. Faith in its ethereal essence is life.


> " According to your faith be it unto you, " is a plain, simple


> of a scientifically demonstrable fact. Check back on the way this


> presented in Faith as Knowledge, Force and Substance, and you can


> this up on empirical grounds. Owing to the fact that every


> individual is, in essence, a differentiation or focalization of


> universal substance we call the great Mother, he participates in


> ruling power of all that exists; and by the exercise of his own

> conscious will he calls that power into effect. Where faith is


> fear abides, fear of the inevitable chaos which follows the loss of

> faith. And fear, operating in one's consciousness focused in the


> nature as suggestion, becomes the one and only force which

prevents a

> given individual from exercising his conscious will to call this


> of faith into effect In this significance, faith becomes

identified with

> an all-powerful, creating intelligence operative in every 'thing'


> exists: in the loyalty of a friend, in love as god, in the justice


> karmic law, in the law of compensation (as ye sow, so shall ye

reap), in

> the possibility of human integrity, in the love of a human soul

for its

> mate, in the curative power of nature's elements, in the

continuity of

> individualized consciousness beyond the portals of death, in the


> of one's business, in the love of a mother, in the value and power


> prayer, in one's power to rise above the concept of evil, in the

> security of the nation, in the business integrity of an associate,


> the credit system, in the supremacy of the Real Self, in the value

of a

> neighbor's promise, in one's own success, in the assurance that

one will

> live through the night, in knowing that we shall some day prove


> physical death is but an incident in the cycle of Being and

becoming, in

> the trust that the sun will rise tomorrow, in the stability and

> intelligence of man and in the healing power of faith. And so on

and on,

> ad infinitum, for faith is one of the corner stones of the


> Human society rests upon it; human life unreservedly depends upon


> the business of the entire world is founded upon it; the political


> economic institutions of the world are sustained by it; stability


> government absolutely depends upon it; financial systems of the


> are based upon it; religions of all humanity grow out of it; the

> happiness of the race is contingent upon it; the entire social


> would crumble into dust and ashes without it. In truth,

wheresoever the

> human intelligence may turn, there it finds faith as a hovering

cloud by

> day and a pillar of fire by night, the one great guide for every

> beginner on the path.


> Request only that you may be sustained in your faith that all life


> steadily and irresistibly moving toward an ultimate goal and


> that is emblematic of infinite goodness.


> Resolve deep within you that your faith this day shall be deeper,

> stronger and more abiding than ever before. Mean it so profoundly


> you shall feel in your inmost consciousness the realization of its


> as a living reality.


> Hold constantly in your consciousness the resolution that come

what may,

> you will not permit the destructive influences of doubt or the


> suggestions of destructive pessimism to weaken or undermine your

> constructive faith in the righteousness of God's universal plan or


> the ultimate goodness of humanity.


> Absorb into your innermost being the great fact of nature, that


> faith abides, there is no room for failure, and the fertile soil of

> truth yields only a harvest of abundant success.


> As you go about the duties and responsibilities of the day, carry


> your inmost consciousness the unwavering suggestion that success is

> constantly within your grasp and that it is your privilege and your

> right to reach out and take that which pertains to your


> status as your legitimate possession.


> Treat the world as your friend, and the world in turn will give

you its

> friendship. Establish yourself upon the constructive foundation of

> faith, and all nature will continue to pay to you a generous

tribute of

> success in all your undertakings.


> But remember always that to your faith you must add your works,

for only

> through your personal efforts is your faith justified and made

alive. As

> the potency of curative faith makes whole the configurational

self, so

> constructive faith in the beneficence of the great Mother, Nature,


> of nature's activating forces, brings wholeness and health to the

> consciousness of man.


> Whatever the immediate trials and seeming failures of your life

may be,

> keep forever in your mind the happy consciousness that the trials,

> temptations, hardships, sorrows and disappointments through which


> pathway leads are but the recurrences of evanescent and fleeting


> of your past, appearing again for corrective purposes, and of


> have no substance you need to fear. Meet them serenely and without

> flinching and, one by one, learn the lesson that each has come to


> then they will vanish as the mist and the fog vanish before the

> dispelling power of God's beneficent sunlight.


> Build your temple in your consciousness upon the rock of faith,

and by

> your works make your life a monument of beauty, whether the world


> and enjoys it or knows it not. This, in effect, represents the


> as well as the universal significance of faith. "




> I might add, as a personal note, that Jyotir Vidya increased my


> and taught me that the highest good is total surrender to the


> me Astrology, is not a superstition.


> With deep respect:




> A.J.















sohamsa , " swamircs " <swami_rcs@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Vyam Vyasadevaya Namah.

> > Dear

> > Friends , I just happenned to see episode of Sai baba

> > on TV by Rama Nand Sagar.To day is First April so please do not


> I am

> > attempting to fool any body.

> > Episode opened with expression of anger by Sai Baba

> > mentioning why man goes to Astrologers to seek their future.Why


> do not

> > have faith on lord?every one has to suffer / enjoy the results of

> action he

> > has done.

> > Further in narration it was shown about a couple that couple

meet for

> good

> > karmas of past but losses relationship for bad karma he does in

> present

> > Birth so it leads to seperation.There were a few more incidents

> depicting

> > the theme that No one has a permission to alter ones karma

phala ,

> even I

> > can not do so, but man should do karma rightly and surrender to


> for He

> > is well wisher of every one?

> > Any comments from Astrologers on predicting future and offering

> remedies.

> > With best wishes.

> > Why I am posting This Message?

> > It has stirred me.

> >

> >

> >

> > ----------------------

> > R.C.Srivastava

> > --

> > Oh Creator Of The Universe ! We meditate upon thy

> > radiant power that illuminate our intellects, destroy

> > our sins, and guide us in the right direction

> >

> >

> > ----------------------

> > R.C.Srivastava

> > For Consultation-Service

> > E-mail : swami_rcs@

> > http://www.kaalvastu.com

> > http://www.cosmograce.com

> > http://www.cosmograce.blogspot.com

> > Ph 91-562- 2232323 and 4001223

> > Mob 9412268768

> >

> > --

> > Oh Creator Of The Universe ! We meditate upon thy

> > radiant power that illuminate our intellects, destroy

> > our sins, and guide us in the right direction

> >


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