Guest guest Posted May 1, 2007 Report Share Posted May 1, 2007 Prayer to Lord Nrsimha (from Sri Dasavatara-stotra, p. 97) tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-srngam dalita-hiranyakasipu-tanu-bhrngam keshava dhrta-narahari-rupa jaya jagadisa hare " O Keshava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of half-man, half-lion! All glories to You! Just as one can easily crush a wasp between one's fingernails, so in the same way the body of the wasp like demon Hiranyakashipu has been ripped apart by the wonderful pointed nails on Your beautiful lotus hands. " " The fourth incarnation is Nåsiàhadeva. Nåsiàhadeva appeared to save Prahläda Mahäräja, who was five-years-old boy and he was being tortured by his atheistic father. So He appeared from the pillar of the palace as a half-man, half-lion. Because this Hiraëyakaçipu took benediction from Brahmä that he'll not be killed by any man or any animal. So the Lord appeared neither man nor animal. This is the difference between the Lord's intelligence and our intelligence. We are thinking that we can cheat the Lord by our intelligence, but the Lord is more intelligent than us. This Hiraëyakaçipu wanted to cheat Brahmä by indirect definition. First of all he wanted to become immortal. Brahmä said, " That is not possible because even I am not immortal. Nobody in this material world is immortal. That is not possible. " So Hiraëyakaçipu, the demon... The demons are very intelligent. He thought that " Round about way I shall become immortal. " He prayed to Brahmä that " Please give me the benediction that I shall not be killed by any man or any animal. " Brahmä said, " Yes, that is all right. " " I shall not be killed in the sky, on the water or on land. " Brahmä said, " Oh yes. " " I shall not be killed by any man-made weapons. " " That's all right. " In this way he utilized his intelligence in so many ways just to come to the conclusion of being immortal. But the Lord is so cunning that He kept intact all the benediction given by Brahmä, still he was killed. He said that " I'll not be killed either during daytime or night. " Brahmä said " Yes. " So he was killed just in the evening, just in the junction of day and night. You cannot say it is day or night. He took the benediction that " I shall not be killed in the sky, on the water, on the land. " So he was killed on His lap. He took the benediction that " I shall not be killed by any man-made or any God-made weapons. " That was given, " All right. " So he was killed by the nails. In this way, all the benedictions were kept intact, still he was killed. Similarly, we may make plan, we may make very advancement in scientific knowledge, but the killing process of nature will be there. Nobody can escape. By our intelligence we cannot escape. The four principles of material existence means birth, death, old age and disease. We can manufacture many medicines, many weapons, many means, many methods, but you cannot escape these four principles of material existence, however great you may be. That was proved by Hiraëyakaçipu. Hiraëyakaçipu was one of the stalwart materialistic and he wanted to live forever, enjoy, but he also could not live. Everything was finished " (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. 18th February 1970. Class on Sri Varaha-dwadasi purporting the Dasavatar-stotra - Ten main incarnations of the Lor. Los Angeles.) Lord Nåsiàhadeva's Appearance Day Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Çrémad-Bhägavatam 7.5.22- 34. Los Angeles, May 27, 1972, 720527SB.LA Prabhupäda: So today, appearance day of Lord Nåsiàhadeva. Lord Nåsiàhadeva appeared on this Nåsiàha Cäturdaçé on account of His devotee, Prahläda. As it is stated in the Bhagavad-gétä, yadä yadä hi dharmasya glänir bhavati bhärata, abhyutthänam adharmasya [bg. 4.7]. Pariträëäya sädhünäà vinäçäya ca duñkåtäà, sambhavämi yuge yuge [bg. 4.8]. The Lord appears with two purposes. Pariträëäya sädhünäm: just to give protection and rescue the devotees, and to kill the demons, vinäçäya ca duñkåtäm. So Prahläda Mahäräja, five- years-old boy, his only fault was that he was Kåñëa conscious. He was devotee of Kåñëa. That was his only fault. And the father was so unkind to a child, even five years old. He could not excuse, " Oh, let this boy do whatever, chanting Hare Kåñëa. " No. The demons are so much against God consciousness that even at his home he would not allow his own child to become God conscious. This is demoniac civili... So you'll find many critics, many enemies, because you are making progress in Kåñëa consciousness. So the demons are always against this Kåñëa consciousness movement. That is the whole history. Just like Lord Jesus Christ, he was crucified. What was his fault? He was preaching God consciousness, that's all. This society is so cruel. So Prahläda Mahäräja was tortured in so many ways. The torturing methods, I think you will find as you will see in today's picture, how Prahläda Mahäräja was tortured. So one day, Hiraëyakaçipu... After all, he was his son. Affection was there. So one day, Hiraëyakaçipu asked the boy, prahrädänücyatäà täta svadhétaà kiïcid uttamaà kälenaitävatäyuñman yad açikñäd guror bhavän [sB 7.5.22] So he asked his son, " My dear son, what you have learned? The best thing, what you have learned from your teachers, so you kindly let me know. " So Prahläda Mahäräja informed that " I have learned like this. " What is that? çravaëaà kértanaà viñëoù smaraëaà päda-sevanam arcanaà vandanaà däsyaà sakhyam ätma-nivedanam iti puàsärpitä viñëau bhaktiç cen nava-lakñaëä kriyeta bhagavaty addhä tan manye 'dhétam uttamam [sB 7.5.23-24] Tan manye 'dhétam uttamam: one who is engaged in the matter of hearing about Viñëu, çravaëaà kértanamviñëoù. We are engaged in hearing and talking and chanting about so many things non-Viñëu. Just like you'll find thousands of, millions of different types of magazines sold in your country, in all countries. Some of the magazines are sex literature, some cinema literature, some this literature, that... So many different types. There is one paper I have seen, " Diabetes Literature. " There are many patients of diabetes, so they have formed a society, " Diabetic Society. " I have seen it. (laughter) And there are many diabetic patients, they are being hoaxed, that " You pay two dollars per year, and you get all information how to protect yourself from diabetes disease. " So in America two dollars is nothing, but it is collecting millions and millions of dollars, Diabetic Society. Diabetic magazine. So that sort of hearing and chanting is not needed. We are not interested in all these magazines, because we are followers of Prahläda Mahäräja. He's our äcärya. He's guru. Prahläda Mahäräja's guru is Närada, and Närada is also our guru. Närada is guru of Vyäsadeva. So we are a branch, but the original guru is Närada, Brahma-sampradäya. So Prahläda Mahäräja is also a disciple of Närada Muni. So he teaches that çravaëaà kértanaà viñëoù [sB 7.5.23]. We have to hear and talk and chant about Viñëu. Çravaëaà kértanaà viñëoù smaraëaà päda-sevanam. To remember Him always, to worship His lotus feet, päda-sevanam. Arcanam, temple worship, to keep the Deity nicely worshiped, offer foodstuff, ärati, this is called arcanaà. Vandanam, offering prayers. Just like we offer prayer, govindam ädi- puruñaà tam ahaà bhajämi **. These are prayers. There are so many prayers. Keçava-dhåta buddha-çaréra, keñava-dhåta narahari-rüpa. These are all prayers. This is also part of devotional service. çravaëaà kértanaà viñëoù smaraëaà päda-sevanam arcanaà vandanaà däsyaà sakhyam... [sB 7.5.23] Arcanaà vandanaà däsyam. To be always in service of the Lord, däsyaà; sakhyam, to make friendship with Him, to consider Kåñëa as your friend. He says... Even if I do not say that He's my friend, He says, " I am friend of everyone. " Suhådaà sarva-bhütänäm [bg. 5.29]. He's friend of everyone. We don't want His friendship, but He wants our friendship. He wants us to go back to home, Godhead; we don't want. So He is more anxious to take us, exactly like the father is more affectionate than the son. That's a fact. So He's the supreme father. So He wants that we may be happy, and therefore He comes to show us. He sends His representative, son. He leaves behind Him books so that we may go back to home, back to Godhead. So, sakhyam. He's always sitting with me, within my heart. I am in the heart, and Paramätmä is also within the heart as friend to give me advice that " Why you are bothering in this material world? Please come back to home, back to Me. " This is going on. Sakhyam ätma-nivedanam. Ätma- nivedanam means fully surrendered. So there are examples of devotees who, sarvätma-nivedanam. Just like Bali Mahäräja. He gave everything to Kåñëa, even his body, everything, whatever, his kingdom, money, everything. So Prahläda Mahäräja says, iti puàsärpitä viñëau bhaktiç cen nava- lakñaëä. All these items means hearing. Hearing about Viñëu, chanting about Kåñëa, giving everything to Viñëu, offering prayers to Viñëu, offering arcana, temple worship, Viñëu. In this way Prahläda Mahäräja summarizes that " Anyone who is doing like this, everything about Viñëu... " iti puàsärpitä viñëau bhaktiç cen nava- lakñaëä, " this nine kinds of different devotional services, " kriyeta bhagavatay addhä, " directly to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, " tan manye 'dhétam uttamam, " I think he is the best learned man in the world. He is the most learned. " Tan manye 'dhétam. " He has studied everything very nicely. " Actually, that is the fact. Jïäna, knowledge Knowledge means to know Kåñëa, God, and the Vedic injunction is, yasmin vijïäte sarvam evaà vijïätaà bhavanti. If you understand the Supreme Lord, then you understand everything. You haven't got to study differently different subject matters. Just like we sometimes talk of science, of astronomy, economics, politics. We talk sometimes. But we are not going to, or we didn't study all the subject matter separately. But in course of our studying Kåñëa consciousness, we know something of everything. So Prahläda Mahäräja says, tan manye adhétam uttamam: " One who is engaged in these nine kinds of devotional services directly... " So Prahläda Mahäräja recommends, kriyeta bhagavaty addhä tan manye 'dhétam uttamam. niçamyaitat suta-vaco hiraëyakaçipus tadä guru-putraà cedaà ruñä prasphuritädharaù As soon as he heard, " Oh, what this nonsense boy is speaking? " he became so angry that sphuritädharaù. When one becomes angry, his lips vi..., I mean to say, jumps. What is called? Quiver, yes. So he became so angry that it is said, sphuritädharaù. (He) immediately called his teacher. He's king... Because he thought, " The rascal teachers, they have taught him like this. I have entrusted the boy to the teachers, to brähmaëas, and they have taught this Kåñëa consciousness. So call him. Otherwise, how is that this small boy, five years old only, he's talking just like a great saint? So call his teacher! " brahma-bandho kim etat te vipakñaà çrayatäsatä asäraà grähito bälo mäm anädåtya durmate Hiraëyakaçipu became bitterest enemy of Viñëu because his brother Hiranyakña, he was killed by Viñëu taking the shape of Varäha. You know the story. Since then, Hiraëyakaçipu was bitterest enemy. " Oh, He has, Viñëu has killed my brother. So He is my greatest enemy. " So he won't hear anything about Viñëu. Any Viñëu devotee, he will punish him, even his own son. That was his policy. So he immediately called him, the teachers, and addressed him, brahma-bandho kim etat te vipakñam çrayatäsatä asäraà grähito bälo mäm anädåtya durmate So here... Teachers are generally brähmaëas. Not generally. To become teacher is the business of the brähmaëas. Brähmaëa means they have got six kinds of... Everyone must have livelihood. This material world is that you must work; otherwise you cannot get your livelihood. That is the law, whatever you may be. So the brähmaëas' means of livelihood, six things: paöhana päöhana yajana yäjana däna pratigraha. Paöhana means he must be a very learned scholar, study the Vedic literature, and must teach others also. That is brähmaëa's business. And in that way, whatever the disciples bring, that is his income. No salary, no contract, that " If you pay me hundred dollars or five hundred dollars weekly, then I can teach you. " No. There is no such contract. Teaching is free. It is the business of a brähmaëa to give free education to everyone. Now, it is the... Just like in our institution, I am your teacher, but there is no such contract that you have to pay me. But you pay me more than anything. So paöhana päöhana, that is the means of livelihood of brähmaëa. And kñatriya, they are kings. They can levy tax of the citizens because they are giving protection from being hurt by others. Kñatriya means one who gives protection (to) a man being hurt by others. That is the real root meaning. Kñatriya. And vaiçya means they should, kåñi- gorakñya-väëijyam, they should engage themselves in producing foodstuff, foodgrains, kåñi, protect cows. Especially gorakñya. As the king is meant for giving protection to the man, similarly, a vaiçya is supposed to give protection to the cows, or they keep cows and produce milk products. They are vaiçya. And çüdra, simply service. So these are the different types of employment of different kinds of social order. And a king, the king has to see that everyone is employed. Not that hundreds of people are unemployed, and government has to give welfare, subsidy. Not like that. The king's duty is that everyone is independently earning his livelihood. That is king's duty. So here the teachers are addressed here brahma-bandho. Brahma-bandho means a person who is born by a brähmaëa father but is not acting as a brähmaëa. He's called brahma-bandho, dvéja-bandhu. Dvéja-bandhu, one who is born of a, actually born of a brähmaëa father, but he's not acting as a brähmaëa. So Hiraëyakaçipu addressed the teachers brahma-bandho, not brähmaëa. " Because you are untrustworthy. I gave you, I entrusted you with my son to be taught, and you have taught him this Kåñëa consciousness. So against my will... " He says practically, brahma-bandho kim etat te vipakñaà çrayatäsatä: " I entrusted my child for being educated by you, and you have instigated him to speak in favor of my enemy, Viñëu? Viñëu is my enemy. How is that? " Asäraà grähito bälo mäm anädåtya durmate. " This rascal boy, he does not care for me, and he has learned this Kåñëa consciousness, and you have taught him. How is that? " santi hy asädhavo loke durmaiträç chadma-veçiëaù teñäà udety aghaà käle rogaù pätakinäm iva " So I think these demigods who are followers of Viñëu, they are coming in disguise and poisoning my son by teaching Kåñëa consciousness, and you did not take care of him. So what is this? " Then the teachers replied, na mat-praëétaà na para-praëétaà suto vadaty eña tavendra-çatro naisargikéyaà matir asya räjan niyaccha manyuà kad adäù sma mä naù They said, " My dear King, don't think we have taught him like this. It is not... I know, it is not our duty to teach him against your will. But his Kåñëa consciousness is not due to our teaching; neither somebody is coming in disguise and teaching him. " Na mat- praëétaà na para-praëétam. " He is neither taught by us, nor by anyone else. " Suto vadaty eña tavendra-çatro. Indra-çatro. The enemy... The Hiraëyakaçipu is the enemy of the demigods; therefore he is addressed as Indra-çatro. As he addressed the brähmaëa, brahma- bandho, so they retaliated also, that " You are enemy of the demigods. " Naisargikéyam, " By nature he is doing that. We try to forbid him. We try to stop him chanting Hare Kåñëa, but still he's doing. " Matir asya räjan niyaccha manyuà kad adäù sma mä. " You don't be angry upon us. We never did it. " So... " He is, by his own nature he chants, he preaches, he's doing all this. " guruëaivaà pratiprokto bhüya ähäsuraù sutaà na ced guru-mukhéyaà te kuto 'bhadräsaté matiù Then he again asked his son, " Now I understand that your teacher has not taught you all these things. You rascal, where you have learned all this Kåñëa consciousness? " (laughter) Abhadra. Kuto abhadräsaté matiù: " Wherefrom you got this rascal wisdom? Tell me. " So this is the position, you see. Even father becomes enemy. Now, Prahläda Mahäräja is replying. Prahläda Mahäräja is replying, matir na kåñëe parataù svato vä mitho 'bhipadyeta gåha-vratänäm adänta-gobhir viçatäà tamisraà punaù punaç carvita-carvaëänäm [sB 7.5.30] " My dear father, don't be afraid. It is not a thing to be taught. " Matir na kåñëe. " Nobody can become Kåñëa conscious, " matir na kåñëe parato, " being taught by others, " matir na kåñëe parataù svato vä, " or by mental speculation or thinking oneself, " mitho 'bhipadyeta, " or by making conference meeting, religious meeting, conference. " No. Three things. One thing is to learn Kåñëa consciousness by speculative method, self-realization. Just like so many people are very much interested that " Why shall I go to a guru? I can realize myself. I shall meditate. " So that is called svataù. And parataù means by others' instruction. And mitho, mitho means by assembly. So who? Now, gåha-vratänäm. If one is gåha-vratä... There are two things: gåhastha and gåha-vratä, or gåhamedhi. " So those who are gåha-vratä... " because he is pointing out his father's position, that he's gåha-vratä. He has no other business. He simply wants to get money, hiraëya. Hiraëya means gold, and kaçipu, a nice apartment. That's all. So he says that gåha-vratänäm, " If one makes it his point to remain in a comfortable home life, for him, either by speculation or by teaching or by meeting, he'll never develop Kåñëa consciousness. " Gåha-vratänäm. Then what is their position? Now, adänta-gobhir viçatäà tamiñram: " They are unable to control their senses, and as such, they are entering into the darkest region of material existence. " Punaù punaç carvita-carvaëänäm: [sB 7.5.30] " Their only business is chewing the chewed. " They have no other ways. Gåha-vratänäm, those who want to be happy materially, actually they are chewing the chewed. Material happiness means sex life, ultimate, utmost, topmost happiness. So people are simply trying to, how to utilize this sex life in so many ways, in pictures and in... I do not wish to discuss. In dancing, in club, in so many ways. Because they cannot control the senses. The same thing, same thing, the same sex life in different way. Sometimes a naked dance, sometimes in this way, sometimes in that way. Therefore it is called punaù punaç carvita-carvaëänäm [sB 7.5.30]. I have heard that some people go to Florida and they spend fifty thousand dollars per week for organizing naked dance. So naked woman he has seen so many times, but still he spends more money to see it in a different way. That is called punaù punaç carvita-carvaëänäm [sB 7.5.30], " chewing the chewed. " So persons who are too much attached to sense gratification, and they have made it their conclusion that " We shall be happy within our family life or this social life... " Vidyäpati sings, tätala saikate väri-bindu sama suto-mita-ramané-samäj(?). Our society means... Society, friendship, and love. There must be woman, must be children, suto-mita-ramané-samäje. So there is some pleasure, undoubtedly. Otherwise, why people are working so hard to stick to this position? Vidyäpati sings that tätala saikate väri-bindu sama suto-mita-ramané-samäj(?). There is undoubtedly some pleasure, but that pleasure is so insignificant that it can be compared: a drop of water on the desert. Desert, if you want to utilize desert to make it a garden or productive field, you have to pour water. The whole ocean water you have to pour there. Now, if somebody says, " All right, you want water. Now take this one drop water, " then what it will do? Similarly, our heart is hankering after so many things. We are hankering... Actually we are hankering after Kåñëa, but we do not know. We are trying to satisfy our hankering in so many ways in material life. Actually we are hankering after Kåñëa. Just like a small child, it is crying. It cannot express, but it is wanting the mother's breast feeding. So you cannot stop him crying unless it is transferred to the mother. Similarly, actually we love Kåñëa. That is a fact. Because we love Kåñëa... Therefore you, who did not hear even the name of Kåñëa, say, four or five years ago, why you after so much Kåñëa? This is the proof, that actually we are after Kåñëa. This Kåñëa consciousness movement is being accepted in Western countries by the younger generation. Why? Because every one of us, we love Kåñëa. But it is now covered by mäyä. We have to simply take out the covering, mäyä; then we are Kåñëa conscious. That is explained in the Caitanya-caritämåta, nitya-siddha kåñëa-bhakti `sädhya' kabhu naya çravaëädi-çuddha-citte karaye udaya That Kåñëa consciousness is not an artificial thing, that we are making some propaganda on Kåñëa consciousness, publishing some books, magazines, and our preachers are going place to place. No, there are so many propaganda is going on. But they are not so effective. And our, what means we have got to make propaganda? We simply make this propaganda, " Please chant Hare Kåñëa. " That's all. Of course, we do sincerely. So if we propagate sincerely and seriously, as Caitanya Mahäprabhu has ordered, yäre dekha, täre kaha `kåñëa' upadeça... [Cc. Madhya 7.128]. We must be sincere. Then, if we canvass, " Please chant Hare Kåñëa, " it will be effective. It will be effective. The business is not very serious or very difficult. Caitanya Mahäprabhu says, yäre dekha, täre kaha `kåñëa'... " Anyone you meet, you simply request him about hearing about Kåñëa. " So... But if one is so much covered by materialistic enjoyment, it takes little time. It takes little time. Otherwise, automatically there is love for Kåñëa, and çravaëädi- çuddha-citte... Therefore Prahläda Mahäräja says, çravaëam. If we hear about Kåñëa constantly, through realized souls, not professional—if we hear, satäà prasaìgän mama vérya-saàvido [sB 3.25.25]—then automatically, our dormant Kåñëa consciousness come out. So Prahläda Mahäräja says, therefore, that " Those who are determined to become happy within this material world, they cannot be raised to Kåñëa consciousness either by personal teaching or by making conference or by mental speculation. " That is not possible, because he is determined. So our duty is that we should know that in the materialistic way of life we shall never be happy. This is called knowledge. And vairägya. So this vairägya and knowledge is not so easy. Prahläda Mahäräja says, adänta-gobhir viçatäà tamisram: it is not possible. That means he assures his father, " Don't be worried. You will never be Kåñëa conscious. (laughter) Because your only aim is to stick to home and money and women. Therefore rest assured, you'll not be ... It is not that a person like you will be raised to Kåñëa consciousness. " Then? How you have done? The next question should be: Why they are sticking to this materialistic way of life? That is answered by Prahläda, na te viduù svärtha-gatià hi viñëum [sB 7.5.31]. " These persons, those who are so much materially attached, they do not know the ultimate goal of life is Viñëu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Viñëu. " That is actually the ultimate goal of life. We are here in this material world, forgetting Kåñëa, to enjoy, to lord it over the material nature. Everyone is trying to become the lord, master of material... That is struggle. Nobody can become lord or master of this material world. But that struggle to become master, they are taking it happiness. They are taking it happiness. That is the nature of persons who are influenced by the modes of passion. They'll work hard, and that will, they will take it is very good, pleasing. Because they do not know that the... Na te viduù svärtha-gatià hi viñëuà duräçayä ye bahir-artha-mäninaù [sB 7.5.31]. They are hoping against hope to become happy within this material world. That is the whole history. Take the history, any history, modern history. There are so many empires: the Roman Empire, the Carthaginian Empire, the Greek Empire, the British Empire recently, Hitler's Nazism, and so many. For some time they become very powerful. Just like Hiraëyakaçipu, he's now very powerful. He's thinking, " Nobody can... " Now today he'll be killed. Keçava-dhåta narahari rüpa is coming. So this demonic civilization will never be successful. That's a fact. But they are so fool, they do not see even historical evidences. So many empires failed. The Roman Empire failed, the British Empire failed. Still, somebody is trying to create another empire, another, different empire. Just like your President Nixon, he's trying to influence all other nations under his control. Why? Of course, I should not speak all these things. There may be criticism. But that is the way, going on. That is the way. We can understand. We can understand politics, economics, everything, but we do not bother about. But our aim is that this way of life, to increase materially happiness, it will never be successful. That is our conclusion. We are not fools that we have given up everything for advance in Kåñëa consciousness. Because we know that this, this way we shall never be happy. It is not possible. That is explained by Prahläda Mahäräja. These rascal people who are so much materially attached... Kåñëa also says in the Bhagavad-gétä, bhogaiçvarya-prasaktänäà tayäpahåta-cetasäà vyavasäyätmikä buddhiù samädhau na nigacchati [bg. 2.44] Those who are too much attached, bhoga, material enjoyment, aiçvarya, material opulence ... Bhogaiçvarya-prasaktänäà tayäpahåta- cetasäm. Persons whose heart has been misled by this kind of civilization, they cannot take to Kåñëa consciousness. Therefore to become too much materially opulent is a disqualification for attaining Kåñëa consciousness. It is a disqualification. Because they don't care. Just like in our temple, not very rich men, they are coming, because they (say,) " What is this nonsense, Kåñëa consciousness? We have got everything. These boys, they haven't got to eat anything; therefore they are chanting Hare Kåñëa on the street. That's all. " They think like that. " They're needy. All right, they are needy. Give them some money. " That's all. They don't like to take anything from us because the same business, matir na kåñëe parataù svato vä. They'll never understand, because their aim is grha-vratanam. They want to be happy... Although they are seeing there is no happiness, they never can be happy, still... This is called punaù punaç carvita-carvanänäm [sB 7.5.30], chewing the chewed. One, the sugarcane, is chewed by somebody. It is thrown away. And if somebody else comes and chew it again, what juice he will have it? So punaù punaç carvita... Na te viduù svärtha-gatià hi viñëuà [sB 7.5.31]. Duräçayä ye duräçayä viñaya väsé (reads Sanskrit commentary) tantraya käraëaà te hi viñëuà na viduù. Tatra hetu svasminn eva arthe puruñartha yeñäà teñäà gatià grämyaà. Na tu te 'pi guru pati syät viñëu jïäsyasi tatra bhak bahir viñaye bahavo yeñäà te bahir arthas tann eva guru tena mantra çélaà yeñäà te. So one who is fixed up in this conclusion, that " We shall become happy with this materialistic way of life, " they cannot take to Kåñëa consciousness. And they do not know also that our ultimate goal of life is Kåñëa, Viñëu. Then why it is so? Now, andhä yathändhair upanéyamänäs te 'péça-tantryäm uru-dämni baddhäù. They have become blind. They are blind themselves, and they are also led by blind leaders. The leaders, at the present moment, leaders, they say that " Why you are going to church? Why you are going to temple? If you want your bread... " Just like in Christian religion you go to church, " O God, give us our daily bread. " But the atheist class, they are propagating, " For bread, why you are going to church? You make industry, you make business, and you get bread. " But actually... We were just talking that there are so many unemployment. Our Karandhara prabhu was... No. Who was talking? Çyämasundara. Çyämasundara said that the computer... What is called, computer? It can do thousands of men's business. So they have discovered this machine. That means thousands of men will be unemployed. That is actually happening in your country due to so many machines. Now, take for example, formerly... You have seen the picture, Kåñëa, Våndävana picture, Kåñëa's father transferring Kåñëa. They were going on bullock carts, no motorcar. You have seen the picture. So formerly, transport was bullock carts. The cows and the bulls, the bulls were employed for agricultural purpose, for drawing the carts. So there was no necessity of motorcar. Now you have got motor, motor-tractor. You don't want the bullocks. Therefore kill them. How you can utilize them? Therefore you must have slaughterhouse to kill them. And as soon as you kill them, then you have to eat them. So this is the, I mean to say, entanglement. If you kill, then you become responsible for being killed. The subtle laws... Therefore, without knowing our ultimate goal of life is Viñëu, na te viduù svärtha-gatià hi viñëum... [sB 7.5.31]. That is our interest. The human form of life is offered by nature after so much evolutionary process. Just to understand Viñëu, God, this is the only business. But instead of attending our real business, we are trying to be happy in other ways. Then you can say that " If we are engaged in real business, then how the economic question will be solved? We have to work. " That's all right, you work. But work simple. Why you have invented so much botheration? Work is there. If you have cows and if you have got land, then you till the land, get grains, and there is milk, there is fruit, there is flower. Anywhere, you can live peacefully. Whole economic question is solved. And because we have forgotten, we have missed the real point, that our life is meant for God-realization. We are simply increasing botheration. Punaù punaç carvita. Adänta-gobhir viñatäà tamisram. Andhä yathändhair upanéyamänäù. The leaders are blind; we are also blind. So they are advising that " If you want to solve your economic problem, why you are going to church? Why you are going to temple? Come here, increase business, industry. Take loan and start business. " That's all. This is going on. But actually, the more we are trying to mislead this people... Because they are thinking it is all right. They are... That the social condition is becoming more and more grave. That's a fact. We are trying to solve one problem, but many other problems are coming because we do not know what is the ultimate goal of life. Because we are missing the real point. Therefore Prahläda Mahäräja said, na te viduù svärtha-gatià hi viñëuà duräçayä ye bahir-artha-mäninaù [sB 7.5.31]. These rascals, they are thinking that by so-called economic development, by exploiting material resources, we shall be happy. That is not possible. The best example your country has given. You have exploited the material resources, and other countries are also following, but where is the happiness? Instead of happiness, there is " hippyness. " (laughter) So still, they have no eyes to see that " Where we are going? " Adänta-gobhir viçatäà tamisram punaù punaç carvita-carvanänäm [sB 7.5.30]. Because we cannot control our senses, we are driving, we are being pushed towards the darkest region of material existence, very hard to leave. Darkest region means that we are going to become animals next life. Because this is animalistic civilization. Nature gave us the opportunity to realize God, but God-realization is meant for human being. The human being, if he does not realize God, he's simply engaged in animalistic way of life—eating, sleeping, mating—then nature will call, " All right, sir, again become animal. " Punar müñiko bhava: " Again become a mouse. " You know this story? Punar müñiko bhava. There is a story. There is a very nice story. One rat, mouse, he came to a saintly person. Everyone comes to saintly person for some blessing, you see. Real blessing they don't want. Some material blessing. Real blessing, Kåñëa, they don't want. If you give him some blessing that " You become very rich man and... " These are all very well, this. So this mouse also came and begged the saintly person, " Sir, I am in difficulty. If you give me some blessing? " " What is that? " " The cat chases after me always. I'm very unhappy. " " So what do you want? " " Now, if you make me a cat, then I can get relief from this thing. " " All right, you become cat. " So he became cat. So after few days, again he comes. " Sir, again I am in trouble. " " What is that? " " The dog is chasing me. " (laughter) Don't laugh, hear seriously. " Dog is chasing me. " " All right, then, what do you want? " " Now, make me a tiger. " " All right, you become a tiger. " So when he became a tiger he was staring on the saintly person like this. So he asked, " Why you are staring upon me? You want to eat me? " " Yes. " So he again curses, punar müñiko bhava: " Again you become mouse. Again you become mouse. " So that is our position. We are advanced in civilization. Now we want to kill God. So we are again going to be uncivilized, to remain in the forest and to remain naked. Actually, they are practicing that: nature's way. So again they are going to be aborigines. And that is being practiced. They are going to the forest, they remain naked. So actually, punar müñiko bhava: " Again become mouse. " Civilized human being means God conscious, happy life, no trouble, no enviousness, everything happy, no hard labor. Why hard labor? Everything is there. You just employ your little intelligence, you get sufficient food by grains, by fruits, by flowers, milk. There is no difficulty if we remain in our own way. So that is the difficulty, that we do not know that our ultimate goal of life is God-realization. Then God has got all arrangement. You cannot produce fruits and grains in factory. They are given by God. Why? That " You eat them and be Kåñëa conscious, chant Hare Kåñëa. " But we don't want that. We want slaughterhouse, unnecessarily. Actually, if you go to the store... There are so many stores. How many stores are selling only meat? It is not possible. Ninety-nine percent fruits, vegetables, grains you are taking, and maybe a little percentage of meat. So why you cannot give up this little percentage? If you think that meat is very palatable, why don't you live on meat? Russia is also trying like that. That has become the fashion. In Moscow, it was very difficult to find out nice grains. With great difficulty Çyämasundara used to spend two hours daily to secure these things. So this is the problem. Na te viduù svärtha-gatià hi viñëuà durañçayä ye bahir-artha mäninaù [sB 7.5.31]. They are trying to be happy by the arrangement of these material activities. Andhä yathändhair upanéyamänäs te 'péça-tantryäm. They do not know that the material nature is so strong that you cannot get out of it unless you are prepared to suffer more and more. If you take to natural life and live peacefully and take to Kåñëa consciousness, that is your real life. And if you simply increase botheration and problems, then you'll have to suffer. That is the position of modern civilization. Actually, superficially we see that material advancement of material science, people have got so many machines, so many facilities. But actually, they are in trouble. Just like I gave you one example: the computer machine. It can work for thousands of men. So thousands of men means the thousands of men must be unemployed. And especially in your country, they are taking advantage of this machine because the salary is If you want to pay to the worker, a big, big salary. So they want to save. They are taking machine, and they think they will save money, so many workers. But the workers are becoming unemployed. The government has to give them welfare. The government will tax. That's all. (laughter.) Government will not give money, welfare, from government's pocket. The government will increase your taxation. So you are..., you stop payment by importing some machine, now you have to pay that money to the government. This is called entanglement. This is a crude example. I don't say that you stop all this business, but the material world is like that. You want to solve something; instead of solving, you'll create so many problems. This is material life. Because our life is not meant for solving problems and creating problems. Our life is meant for understanding God. Then everything is all right. But that you have given up. na te viduù svärtha-gatià hi viñëuà duräçayä ye bahir-artha-mäninaù andhä yathändhair upanéyamänäs te 'péça-tantryäm uru-dämni baddhäù [sB 7.5.31] They do not know that you cannot go an inch beyond the stringent laws of material nature. That is not possible. Then the next question is that how... People are not interested in Kåñëa consciousness, and then, they are misled by blind leaders. So how, what is the solution? That is Prahläda Mahäräja saying, naiñäà matis tävad urukramäìghrià spåçaty anarthäpagamo yad-arthaù mahéyasäà päda-rajo-'bhiñekaà niñkiïcanänäà na våëéta yävat Therefore one has to take shelter of a pure devotee. That is the only solution. He says, naiñäà matis tävad urukramäìgrhim. The beginning was that " They are not interested in Kåñëa consciousness. " Then how to become Kåñëa conscious if that is the solution? Then Prahläda Mahäräja says, naiñäà matis tävad: " So long one does not approach a pure devotee, " mahéyasäà niñkiïcanänäm, " great personalities, who has no more any material interest, " niñkiïcana, " and takes the dust of his lotus feet on the head... " Naiñäà matis tävad urukramäìghrim: " So long one does not approach such personality, there is no possibility of becoming Kåñëa conscious. " Naiñäà matis tävad urukramäìghrim. As soon as one approaches the pure devotee and takes the dust of his lotus feet and puts it on his head, immediately, anartha apagamaù, he'll be freed from all this nonsense. That means he'll forget this idea that " Materially we can advance. " This is the process. So we have to approach a niñkiïcana, who has nothing to do with this material world. His only ambition is to serve more Kåñëa. And if somebody approaches him and takes the dust of his lotus feet, then he can understand. Mahéyasäà päda-rajo-'bhiñekaà niñkiïcanänäà na våëéta yävat. (aside:) Our time is over? All right. So in this way Prahläda Mahäräja talked with his father, and the father became more angry. Instead of taking the lesson ... Mürkhäya upadeça hi prakopäya na çäntaye. If you teach lesson to a foolish person, he'll be simply angry. He'll not take your lesson. How it is so? Payaù-pänaà bhujaìgänäà kevalaà viña-vardhanam. If you keep a snake and if you want to make friendly behavior with him, that, " My dear snake, don't bite any more. I'll give you milk and banana. You eat here and stay here nicely, " he'll not... His poison will increase, and one day he will... There is a story in the Hitopadeça: one day, one... The same thing. So payaù-pänaà bhujaìgänäà kevalaà viña-vardhanam. So these are lessons, stories. So his father, Hiranyakasipu, became more and more angry. So one day... Because after all, son and father... The son was simple boy. So one day he said, " Prahläda, I shall now kill you. I shall see how your Kåñëa saves you. " So immediately, Prahläda was seeing to the pillars of the hall. He was king. So Hiraëyakaçipu asked him, " Is your God, Kåñëa, in the pillar? " He said, " Yes, sir. Yes, my father, He is there. " So immediately, with anger he broke the pillar and Nåsiàhadeva came out. Now we can honor Him. (end) (Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Çrémad-Bhägavatam 7.5.22- 34. Los Angeles, May 27, 1972. ) from the vedabase Srila Rupa Goswami mentions some of the benefits of worshipping a Nrsimha shalagram sila in his book, Padyavali: " A tulasi leaf offered to the lotus feet of the Nrsimha shalagram sila destroys the sin of murder. Water that has washed the lotus feet of the Nrsimha shalagram sila destroys the sin of theft. Foodstuff offered to the Nrsimha shalagram sila destroys the sin of drinking liquor. Sincere surrender to the Nrsimha shalagram sila destroys the sin of adultery with the wife of the spiritual master. Association with the devotees of the Nrsimha shalagram sila destroys the sin of offenses to the devotees. This is the extraordinary glory of the Nrsimha shalagram sila. " [ Srila Rupa Goswami: Padyavali, Verse 116] SRI NRSIMHA KAVACHA 1. Sri Narad uvaca, indradi deva vrndesa tatesvara jagat pate, mahavisnor nrsimhasya kavacam bruhi me prabho yasya prapathanad vidvan trilokya vijayi bhavet " Sri Narad Muni said: my dear father and lord, master of the Universe, lord of the multitude of demigods headed by Indra, kindly tell me the kavaca mantra of Lord Nrsimha, the incarnation of Visnu. O master, reading this kavaca aloud, a learned man will become victorious throughout the three worlds. " 2. sri brahmovaca, srnu narada vaksyami putra srestha tapodhana kavacam narasimhasya trailokya vijayabhidam " Lord Brahma said: My dear Narad, please hear me. O best of my sons, who are rich in austerity, I shall speak this kavaca of Lord Narasimha, which gives victory over the three worlds. " 3. yasya prapathanad vagmi trailokya vijayi bhavet srastham jagatam vatsa pathanad dharanad yatah " My dear boy, by recitation of this kavaca an eloquent person will become victorious throughout the three worlds. It is by reciting this and meditating deeply on it that I (lord Brahma) am the creator of all these planetary systems. " 4. laksmir jagat trayam pati samharta ca mahesvarah pathanad dharanad deva babhuvus ca digisvarah " It is by reciting and meditating upon this that Laksmi maintains the three worlds, and Lord Siva destroys them. Also the demigods in this way became controllers of the different directions. " 5. brahma mantra myam vaksye bhutadi vinivarakam yasya prasadad durvasas trailokya vijayi munih pathanad dharanad yasya sasta ca krodha bhairavah " I shall speak this essence of all Vedic mantras, which wards off all kinds of ghosts and hobgoblins. By its grace the sage Durvasa became victorious throughout the three worlds, commanding respect and most fearful in his anger. " 6. trailokya vijayasyasa kavacasya prajapatih rsis chandas ca gayatri nrsimho devata vibhuh " For this kavaca, which is directly perceived as giving victory over the three worlds, I (Brahma) am the Rsi, Gayatri is the metre, and the all powerful Nrsimhadev is the Deity. " 7+ 8 ksraum bijam me sirah pati candra varno maha manuh " ugram viram maha visnum jvalantam sarvatomukham nrsimham bhisanam bhadram mrtyu mrtyum namamy aham " dva trimsad aksaro mantro mantra rajah sura drumah " One should place Lord Nrsimha's mantra bija, ksraum, on one's head, thinking, 'May my head be protected by the moon coloured one, who is the greatest among humans. My obeisances unto the ferocious and powerful, the great Visnu, the fiery one, who's faces are on all sides, the fearful one, Nrsimha, who causes the death of even death personified, (or who can overcome death).' One should place this mantra, composed of thirty two syllables, upon his head.It is theking of all mantras. It is like a wish fulfilling tree for the demigods and devotees. " 9. kantham patu dhruvam ksraum hrd bhagavate caksusi mama narasimhaya ca jvala maline patu mastakam " One should also place ksraum firmly upon his neck for protection. Placing the word bhagavate upon his heart, narasimhaya upon his two eyes, and jvala maline on the top of his head, one meditates upon the different parts of this narasimha mantra protecting the different parts of his body. " 10. dipta damstraya ca tatha agni netraya ca nasikam sarva rakso ghnaya sarva bhuta vinasanaya ca " One should place on his nose the syllables dipta damstraya agni netraya sarva rakso ghnaya sarva bhuta vinasanaya. (Obeisances unto Him, whose teeth are blazing, whose eyes are fire, and who destroys all ghosts and raksasas.) " 11. sarva jvara vinasaya daha daha paca dvayam raksa raksa sarva mantra svaha patu mukham mama " Meditationg on the protection of one's face, one should place there the syllables sarva jvara vinasaya daha daha paca paca raksa raksa. ksraum ugram viram maha visnum jvalanatam sarvatomukham nrsimham bhisanam bhadram mrtyu mrtyum namamy aham. ksraum bhagavate narasimhya jvalamaline dipta damstrayagni netraya sarva rakso ghnaya sarva bhuta vinasanaya svaha. (Unto He who vanquishes all fevers, oblations. Burn and burn, cook and cook, protect protect. My obeisances unto the ferocious and powerful, the great Visnu, the fiery one whose faces are on all sides, the fearful one, Nrsimha, who causes the death of even death personified, or who can overcome even death. Unto the Personality of Godhead Narasimha, garlanded with blazing energy, whose teeth are glowing and whose eyes are fiery, who kills all raksasas and demons and annihilates the ghosts, to You my oblations) " 12. taradi ramacandraya namah payad gudam mama klim payat pani yugmam ca taram namah padam tatah narayanaya parsvam ca am hrim kraum ksraum ca hum phat " Meditating on the protection of one's rectum, one should first sip water for purification and chant om Ramacandra namah. Sipping water again one should place the bija mantra klim on both of his hands together. Thereafterone should place om namah on his feet and narayanaya on his side, as well as the bija mantras am hrim kraum ksraum hum phat. " 13. varaksarah katim patu om namah bhagavate padam vasudevaya ca prstham klim krsnaya uru dvaram " Praying for the protection of one's waist, one should place there the varaksara Om. One should place the syllables om namo bhagavate upon his feet, vasudevaya on his back, and klim krsnaya upon his two thighs. " 14. klim krsnaya sada patu januni ca manuttamah klim glaum klim syamalangaya namah payat pada dvaram " Upon his knees, one should place the mantra klim krsnaya, thinking that the Lord may always protect me in His form as the best of human beings.Then one should sip water for purification and place the mantra klim glaum klim syamalangaya namah upon his feet. " 15. ksraum narasimhaya ksraum ca sarvangam me sadavatu " One should meditate upon the constant protection of the body, placing the mantra ksraum narasimhaya ksraum upon all his limbs. " 16. iti te kathitam vatsa sarva mantraugha vigraham tava snehan myakhyatam pravaktavyam na kasyacit " Lord Brahma continued: My dear boy, thus I have told you the embodiment of the potencies of all mantras. Because of your great affection I have explained it to you, although it is not to be spoken to just anyone. " 17. guru pujam vidhayatha grhniyat kavacam tatah sarva punya yuto bhutva sarva siddhi yuto bhavet " Having performed worship of the spiritual master, one may accept this kavaca. Having become enriched in his pious activities he will attain all perfections. " 18. satam astottaram caiva purascarya vidhih smrtah havanadin dasamsena krtva sadhaka sattamah " Performing the ritualistic ceremonies of purification (purascarya) one hundred and eight times is equal to one tenth the effect received by that best of devotees who chants this kavaca. " 19. tatas tu siddha kavacah punyatma madanopaman sparddham uddhuya bhavane laksmir vani vaset tatah " Laksmi, the Goddess of fortune, and Sarasvati, the Goddess of speach and learning, reside in the home of that fortunate soul who has become perfected by this kavaca, giving up the intoxication of competing with others for supremacy. " 20. puspanjalyastakam dattva mulenaiva pathet sakrt api varsa sahasranam pujayah phalam apnuyat " Simply offering eight times puspajali and reading only once the original version, one attains the result of even a thousand years of worship. " 21. bhurje vilkhya gutikam svarnastham dharayed yadi kanthe va daksine bahau narasimho bhavet svayam " If one write this down on a leaf or bark of a tree and keeps it within a golden capsule on his neck or right arm, Lord Nrsimhadev will be personally present. " 22. yosid vama bhuje caiva puruso daksine kare vibhryat kavacam punyam sarva siddhi yuto bhavet " A woman may keep it on her left arm, a man on the right hand. Certainly this most auspicious kavaca brings all perfection to the bearer. " 23. kaka vandhya ca ya nari mrta vatsa ca ya bhavet janma vandhya nasta putra bahu putravati bhavet " A woman who is totally barren, or who bears only one child, or whose sons are lost or dead may become possessed of many sons. " 24. kavacasya prasadena jivan mukto bhaven narah trilokyam ksobhayaty eva trailokya vijayi bhavet " By the grace of this kavaca, a man becomes jivan mukta, liberated soul even within this life time. He is able to move the whole universe, and certainly becomes victorious throughout the three worlds. " 25. bhuta preta pisacas ca raksasa danava ca ye tam drstva prapalayante desad desantaram dhruvam " Certainly bhutas, pretas, pisacas, raksasas, and danavas all immediately flee from the country and go to another upon seeing it. " 26. yasmin gehe ca kavacam grame va yadi tisthati tam desantu parityajya prayanti catidurantah " In the home or even the same village where this kavaca exists, all such demoniac creatures, once having understood its presence, give up that placeand go far away. " Thus ends the Sri Nrsimha kavaca, of the Trailokya vijay in the samhita of Brahma. Sri Nrisimha Kavacha of Prahlad from Brahmanada Purana. ... shrii nR^isi.nhakavachastotram.h .. nR^isi.nhakavachaM vakshye prahlaadenoditaM puraa . sarvarakshakaraM puNyaM sarvopadravanaashanam.h .. 1 .. ## I shall now recite the Narasimha-kavacha, formerly spoken by Prahlaada Mahaaraaja. It is most pious, vanquishes all kinds of impediments, and provides one all protection. ## sarva sampatkaraM chaiva svargamokshapradaayakam.h . dhyaatvaa nR^isi.nhaM deveshaM hemasi.nhaasanasthitam.h .. 2 .. ## It bestows upon one all opulences and can give one elevation to the heavenly planets or liberation. One should meditate on Lord Narasimha, Lord of the universe, seated upon a golden throne. ## trinayanaM sharadindusamaprabham.h . lakshmyaaliN^gitavaamaaN^gam.h vibhuutibhirupaashritam.h .. 3 .. ## His mouth is wide open, He has three eyes, and He is as radiant as the autumn moon. He is embraced by Lakshmiidevii on his left side, and His form is the shelter of all opulences, both material and spiritual. ## chaturbhujaM komalaaN^gaM svarNakuNDalashobhitam.h . sarojashobitoraskaM ratnakeyuuramudritam.h .. 4 .. ## The Lord has four arms, and His limbs are very soft. He is decorated with golden earrings. His chest is resplendent like the lotus flower, and His arms are decorated with jewel-studded ornaments. ## kaaJNchanasankaashaM piitanirmalavaasasam.h . indraadisuramaulishhThaH sphuranmaaNikyadiiptibhiH .. 5 .. ## He is dressed in a spotless yellow garment, which exactly resembles molten gold. He is the original cause of existence, beyond the mundane sphere, for the great demigods headed by Indra. He appears bedecked with rubies which are blazingly effulgent. ## virajitapadadvandvam.h sankhachakradihetibhiH . garutmatma cha vinayat.h stuyamanam.h mudanvitam.h .. 6 .. ## His two feet are very attractive, and He is armed with various weapons such as the conch, disc, etc. GaruDa joyfully offers prayers with great reverence. ## kamalasamvaasaM kR^itvaa tu kavachaM pathet.h .. 7 .. ## Having seated Lord Narasimhadeva upon the lotus of one's heart, one should recite the following mantra: ## me shiraH paatu lokarakshaarthasambhavaH .. 8 .. ## May Lord Narasimha, who protects all the planetary systems, protect my head. ## ..api stambhavaasaH phalaM me rakshatu dhvanim.h . nR^isi.nho me dR^ishau paatu somasuuryaagnilochanaH .. 9 .. ## Although the Lord is all-pervading, He hid Himself within a pillar. May He protect my speech and the results of my activities. May Lord Narasimha, whose eyes are the sun, and fire, protect my eyes. ## paatu nR^ihariH munivaaryastutipriyaH . naasaM me si.nhanaashastu mukhaM lakshmiimukhapriyaH .. 10 .. ## May Lord Nrihari, who is pleased by the prayers offered by the best of sages, protect my memory. May He who has the nose of a lion protect my nose, and may He whose face is very dear to the goddess of fortune protect my mouth. ## vidyaadhipaH paatu nR^isi.nho rasanaM mama . vaktraM paatvinduvadanaM sadaa prahlaadavanditaH .. 11 .. ## May Lord Narasimha, who is the knower of all sciences, protect my sense of taste. May He whose face is beautiful as the full moon and who is offered prayers by Prahlaada Mahaaraaja protect my face. ## paatu me kaNThaM skandhau bhuubhR^idanantakR^it.h . divyaastrashobhitabhujaH nR^isi.nhaH paatu me bhujau .. 12 .. ## May Lord Narasimha protect my throat. He is the sustainer of the earth and the performer of unlimitedly wonderful activities. May He protect my shoulders. His arms are resplendent with transcendental weapons. May He protect my shoulders. ## devavarado nR^isi.nhaH paatu sarvataH . hR^idayaM yogisaadhyashcha nivaasaM paatu me hariH .. 13 .. ## May the Lord, who bestows benedictions upon the demigods, protect my hands, and may He protect me from all sides. May He who is achieved by the perfect yogiis protect my heart, and may Lord Hari protect my dwelling place. ## paatu hiraNyaaksha\- vakshaHkukshividaaraNaH . naabhiM me paatu nR^ihariH svanaabhibrahmasa.nstutaH .. 14 .. ## May He who ripped apart the chest and abdomen of the great demon HiraNyaaksha protect my waist, and may Lord Nrihari protect my navel. He is offered prayers by Lord Brahmaa, who has sprung from his own navel. ## koTayaH kaTyaaM yasyaasau paatu me kaTim.h . guhyaM me paatu guhyaanaaM mantraanaaM guhyaruupadR^ik.h .. 15 .. ## May He on whose hips rest all the universes protect my hips. May the Lord protect my private parts. He is the knower of all mantras and all mysteries, but He Himself is not visible. ## manobhavaH paatu jaanunii nararuupadR^ik.h . jaN^ghe paatu dharaabhara\- hartaa yo.asau nR^ikesharii .. 16 .. ## May He who is the original Cupid protect my thighs. May He who exhibits a human-like form protect my knees. May the remover of the burden of the earth, who appears in a form which is half-man and half-lion, protect my calves. ## raajyapradaH paatu paadau me nR^ihariishvaraH . sahasrashiirshhaapurushhaH paatu me sarvashastanum.h .. 17 .. ## May the bestower of heavenly opulence protect my feet. He is the Supreme Controller in the form of a man and lion combined. May the thousand-headed Supreme enjoyer protect my body from all sides and in all respects. ## puurvataH paatu mahaaviiraagrajo.agnitaH . mahaavishhNurdakshiNe tu mahaajvalastu nairR^itaH .. 18 .. ## May that most ferocious personality protect me from the east. May He who is superior to the greatest heroes protect me from the southeast, which is presided over by Agni. May the Supreme Vishnu protect me from the south, and may that person of blazing luster protect me from the southwest. ## paatu sarvesho dishi me sarvatomukhaH . nR^isi.nhaH paatu vaayavyaaM saumyaaM bhuushhaNavigrahaH .. 19 .. ## May the Lord of everything protect me from the west. His faces are everywhere, so please may He protect me from this direction. May Lord Narasimha protect me from the northwest, which is predominated by Vaayu, and may He whose form is in itself the supreme ornament protect me from the north, where Soma resides. ## paatu bhadro me sarvamaN^galadaayakaH . sa.nsaarabhayataH paatu mR^ityor.h mR^ityur.h nR^ikesharii .. 20 .. ## May the all-auspicious Lord, who Himself bestows all- auspiciousness, protect from the northeast, the direction of the sun- god, and may He who is death personified protect me from fear of death and rotation in this material world. ## nR^isi.nhakavachaM prahlaadamukhamaNDitam.h . bhaktimaan.h yaH pathenaityaM sarvapaapaiH pramuchyate .. 21 .. ## This Narasimha-kavacha has been ornamented by issuing from the mouth of Prahlaada Mahaaraaja. A devotee who reads this becomes freed from all sins. ## dhanavaan.h loke diirghaayurupajaayate . kaamayate yaM yaM kaamaM taM taM praapnotyasa.nshayam.h .. 22 .. ## Whatever one desires in this world he can attain without doubt. One can have wealth, many sons, and a long life. ## jayamaapnoti sarvatra vijayii bhavet.h . bhuumyantariikshadivyaanaaM grahaanaaM vinivaaraNam.h .. 23 .. ## He becomes victorious who desires victory, and indeed becomes a conqueror. He wards off the influence of all planets, earthly, heavenly, and everything in between. ## vR^ishchikoragasambhuuta\- vishhaapaharaNaM param.h . brahmaraakshasayakshaaNaaM duurotsaaraNakaaraNam.h .. 24 .. ## This is the supreme remedy for the poisonous effects of serpents and scorpions, and Brahma-raakshasa ghosts and Yakshas are driven away. ## talapaatre vaa kavachaM likhitaM shubham.h . karamuule dhR^itaM yena sidhyeyuH karmasiddhayaH .. 25 .. ## One may write this most auspicious prayer on his arm, or inscribe it on a palm-leaf and attach it to his wrist, and all his activities will become perfect. ## manushhyeshhu svaM svameva jayaM labhet.h . ekasandhyaM trisandhyaM vaa yaH paThenniyato naraH .. 26 .. ## One who regularly chants this prayer, whether once or thrice (daily), he becomes victorious whether among demigods, demons, or human beings. ## maN^galamaN^galyaM bhuktiM muktiM cha vindati . dvaatri.nshatisahasraaNi pathet.h shuddhaatmanaaM nR^iNaam .. 27 .. ## One who with purified heart recites this prayer 32,000 times attains the most auspicious of all auspicious things, and material enjoyment and liberation are already understood to be available to such a person. ## kavachasyaasya mantrasya mantrasiddhiH prajaayate . anena mantraraajena kR^itvaa bhasmaabhirmantraanaam.h .. 28 .. ## This Kavacha-mantra is the king of all mantras. One attains by it what would be attained by anointing oneself with ashes and chanting all other mantras. ## vinyasedyastu tasya grahabhayaM haret.h . trivaaraM japamaanastu dattaM vaaryaabhimantrya cha .. 29 .. ## Having marked ones body with tilaka, taking aachamana with water, and reciting this mantra three times, one will find that the fear of all inauspicious planets is removed. ## yo naro mantraM nR^isi.nhadhyaanamaacharet.h . tasya rogaH praNashyanti ye cha syuH kukshisambhavaaH .. 30 .. ## That person who recites this mantra, meditating upon Lord Narasimhadeva, has all of his diseases vanquished, including those ofthe abdomen. ## garjantaM gaarjayantaM nijabhujapatalaM sphoTayantaM hatantaM ruupyantaM taapayantaM divi bhuvi ditijaM kshepayantam kshipantam.h . krandantaM roshhayantaM dishi dishi satataM sa.nharantaM bharantaM viikshantaM puurNayantaM karanikarashatairdivyasi.nhaM namaami .. 31 .. ## Lord Narasimha roars loudly and causes others to roar. With His mulitudes of arms He tears the demons asunder and kills them in this way. He is always seeking out and tormenting the demonic descendants of Diti, both on this earth planet and in the higher planets, and Hs throws them down and scatters them. He cries with great anger as He destroys the demons in all directions, yet with His unlimited hands He sustains, protects, and nourishes the cosmic manifestation. I offer my respectful obeisances to the Lord, who has assumed the form of a transcendental lion. ## ... iti shriibrahmaaNDapuraaNe prahlaadoktaM shriinR^isi.nhakavachaM sampuurNam.h .. ## Thus ends the Narasimha-kavacha as it is described by Prahlaada Mahaaraaja in the BrahmaaNDa PuraaNa. ## Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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