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(To Sanjay-ji) ...... Rishis' in Drekkana _ Sequence correction.

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|| Hare Raama Krsna ||Dear Sanjay-ji, Pranam. I was listening to your Arti-SJC mp3 lecture on Jagannath Drekkhan. You mentioned that the three Rishis, Naarada, Agastya and Durvaasa are associated with Movable, Fixed and Dual signs respectively. However, in this article, http://.org/lessons/rasidasa01.htm (last paragraph) the sequence is not mentioned correctly. Sarvam Durgaaspanamastu.Best wishes,Sourav

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||Namah Shivaya||


Dear Sourav,

There has been confusion on this earlier as well.


Sanjay ji has clarifed , subsequent to the Attri classes, this as following and I quote:


(1) Devarsi -- Narada --Mutable or dual signs [logic: being 9th from movable signs](2) Brahmarsi --Agastya --Movable signs [logic: being 9th from fixed signs](3) Maharsi --Durvasa --Fixed signs [logic: being 9th from mutable/dual signs]Thus, looking at gunas:

(1) Devarsi -- Narada --Mutable or dual signs --satva guna(2) Brahmarsi --Agastya --Movable signs --rajas guna(3) Maharsi --Durvasa --Fixed signs --tamas guna

The next step is to covert on the basis of the guna. Satva (Devarshi) remains the same and no conversion occurs. Rajas (Brahmarsi) is converted to Tamas (Maharsi) and vice-versa.(1) Devarsi -- Narada --Mutable or dual signs --satva guna --> satva guna --Mutable or dual signs--Narada [Rishi is not changing, dominant guna is not changing](2) Brahmarsi --Agastya --Movable signs --rajas guna --> tamas guna -- Fixed signs --Maharsi --Agastya [Rishi is not changing, dominant guna changes, and thus the sign association changes](3) Maharsi --Durvasa --Fixed signs --tamas guna --> rajas guna -- Movable signs -- Brahmarsi --Durvasa [Rishi is not changing, dominant guna changes, and thus the sign association changes]He says: Now for the purpose of Narayana dasa, Drig dasa and every where we use rasi drishti, we should remember this changing of guna and accordingly in the Narayana dasha book, it is given as Agasthya related to Maharishi (sthira rashis) and Durvssa is related to Bhramarishi (chara rashis)


Hope this helps









Saturday, August 11, 2007 5:16 AM

(To Sanjay-ji) ...... Rishis' in Drekkana _ Sequence correction.



|| Hare Raama Krsna ||Dear Sanjay-ji, Pranam. I was listening to your Arti-SJC mp3 lecture on Jagannath Drekkhan. You mentioned that the three Rishis, Naarada, Agastya and Durvaasa are associated with Movable, Fixed and Dual signs respectively. However, in this article, http://.org/lessons/rasidasa01.htm (last paragraph) the sequence is not mentioned correctly. Sarvam Durgaaspanamastu.Best wishes,Sourav

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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Sharat,


Your explanation will be more comprehensive if you explain the

need of conversion based on 9th sign principle.


Best Wishes






sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Sharat

Saturday, August 11, 2007 1:00 PM


Re: (To Sanjay-ji) ...... Rishis' in Drekkana _

Sequence correction.








||Namah Shivaya||






Dear Sourav,



There has been confusion on this earlier as well.






Sanjay ji has clarifed , subsequent to the Attri classes, this as

following and I quote:






(1) Devarsi -- Narada --Mutable or dual signs [logic: being 9th

from movable signs]

(2) Brahmarsi --Agastya --Movable signs [logic: being 9th from fixed signs]

(3) Maharsi --Durvasa --Fixed signs [logic: being 9th from mutable/dual signs]

Thus, looking at gunas:



(1) Devarsi -- Narada --Mutable or dual signs --satva guna

(2) Brahmarsi --Agastya --Movable signs --rajas guna

(3) Maharsi --Durvasa --Fixed signs --tamas guna



The next step is to covert on the basis of the guna. Satva

(Devarshi) remains the same and no conversion occurs. Rajas (Brahmarsi) is

converted to Tamas (Maharsi) and vice-versa.

(1) Devarsi -- Narada --Mutable or dual signs --satva guna --> satva guna

--Mutable or dual signs--Narada [Rishi is not changing, dominant guna is not


(2) Brahmarsi --Agastya --Movable signs --rajas guna --> tamas guna -- Fixed

signs --Maharsi --Agastya [Rishi is not changing, dominant guna changes, and

thus the sign association changes]

(3) Maharsi --Durvasa --Fixed signs --tamas guna --> rajas guna -- Movable

signs -- Brahmarsi --Durvasa [Rishi is not changing, dominant guna changes, and

thus the sign association changes]

He says: Now for the purpose of Narayana dasa, Drig dasa and every where we use

rasi drishti, we should remember this changing of guna and accordingly in the

Narayana dasha book, it is given as Agasthya related to Maharishi (sthira

rashis) and Durvssa is related to Bhramarishi (chara rashis)






Hope this helps

















Original Message -----










Saturday, August 11,

2007 5:16 AM




Sanjay-ji) ...... Rishis' in Drekkana _ Sequence correction.






|| Hare Raama Krsna ||


Dear Sanjay-ji,

Pranam. I was listening to your Arti-SJC mp3 lecture on Jagannath Drekkhan. You

mentioned that the three Rishis, Naarada, Agastya and Durvaasa are associated

with Movable, Fixed and Dual signs respectively. However, in this article, http://.org/lessons/rasidasa01.htm

(last paragraph) the sequence is not mentioned correctly.


Sarvam Durgaaspanamastu.


Best wishes,



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||Namah Shivaya||

Dear Sarajit,

Thanks for pointing that out.

It is becuse 9H is the dharma sthana where the Rishi's sit, hence we see 9th.







Sarajit Poddar


Saturday, August 11, 2007 2:44 PM

RE: (To Sanjay-ji) ...... Rishis' in Drekkana _ Sequence correction.





|| Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Sharat,


Your explanation will be more comprehensive if you explain the need of conversion based on 9th sign principle.


Best Wishes





sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of SharatSaturday, August 11, 2007 1:00 PMsohamsa Subject: Re: (To Sanjay-ji) ...... Rishis' in Drekkana _ Sequence correction.






||Namah Shivaya||




Dear Sourav,


There has been confusion on this earlier as well.




Sanjay ji has clarifed , subsequent to the Attri classes, this as following and I quote:




(1) Devarsi -- Narada --Mutable or dual signs [logic: being 9th from movable signs](2) Brahmarsi --Agastya --Movable signs [logic: being 9th from fixed signs](3) Maharsi --Durvasa --Fixed signs [logic: being 9th from mutable/dual signs]Thus, looking at gunas:


(1) Devarsi -- Narada --Mutable or dual signs --satva guna(2) Brahmarsi --Agastya --Movable signs --rajas guna(3) Maharsi --Durvasa --Fixed signs --tamas guna


The next step is to covert on the basis of the guna. Satva (Devarshi) remains the same and no conversion occurs. Rajas (Brahmarsi) is converted to Tamas (Maharsi) and vice-versa.(1) Devarsi -- Narada --Mutable or dual signs --satva guna --> satva guna --Mutable or dual signs--Narada [Rishi is not changing, dominant guna is not changing](2) Brahmarsi --Agastya --Movable signs --rajas guna --> tamas guna -- Fixed signs --Maharsi --Agastya [Rishi is not changing, dominant guna changes, and thus the sign association changes](3) Maharsi --Durvasa --Fixed signs --tamas guna --> rajas guna -- Movable signs -- Brahmarsi --Durvasa [Rishi is not changing, dominant guna changes, and thus the sign association changes]He says: Now for the purpose of Narayana dasa, Drig dasa and every where we use rasi drishti, we should remember this changing of guna and accordingly in the Narayana dasha book, it is given as Agasthya related to Maharishi (sthira rashis) and Durvssa is related to Bhramarishi (chara rashis)




Hope this helps

















Saturday, August 11, 2007 5:16 AM


(To Sanjay-ji) ...... Rishis' in Drekkana _ Sequence correction.




|| Hare Raama Krsna ||Dear Sanjay-ji, Pranam. I was listening to your Arti-SJC mp3 lecture on Jagannath Drekkhan. You mentioned that the three Rishis, Naarada, Agastya and Durvaasa are associated with Movable, Fixed and Dual signs respectively. However, in this article, http://.org/lessons/rasidasa01.htm (last paragraph) the sequence is not mentioned correctly. Sarvam Durgaaspanamastu.Best wishes,Sourav

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http://srath.com/blog/2007/01/drekkana-reckoning-and-rishis.htmlSourav <souravc108 wrote: || Hare Raama Krsna ||Dear Sanjay-ji, Pranam. I was listening to your Arti-SJC mp3 lecture on Jagannath

Drekkhan. You mentioned that the three Rishis, Naarada, Agastya and Durvaasa are associated with Movable, Fixed and Dual signs respectively. However, in this article, http://.org/lessons/rasidasa01.htm (last paragraph) the sequence is not mentioned correctly. Sarvam Durgaaspanamastu.Best wishes,Sourav

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om gurave namah

Dear Sourav

Sequence is different for Parasara drekkana and others

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

http://srath.com http://jiva.us http://siva-edu-com http://sagittariuspublications.com http://.org




sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of SouravSaturday, August 11, 2007 9:46 AMsohamsa Subject: (To Sanjay-ji) ...... Rishis' in Drekkana _ Sequence correction.



|| Hare Raama Krsna ||Dear Sanjay-ji, Pranam. I was listening to your Arti-SJC mp3 lecture on Jagannath Drekkhan. You mentioned that the three Rishis, Naarada, Agastya and Durvaasa are associated with Movable, Fixed and Dual signs respectively. However, in this article, http://.org/lessons/rasidasa01.htm (last paragraph) the sequence is not mentioned correctly. Sarvam Durgaaspanamastu.Best wishes,Sourav

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|| Hare Raama Krsna ||Dear Sanjay-ji, Pranam and thank you for your guidance.Sarvam Durgaarpanamastu.Best wishes,Sourav======================================================sohamsa , "Sanjay Rath" <sanjayrath wrote:>> > > om gurave namah> Dear Sourav> Sequence is different for Parasara drekkana and others> Best Wishes> Sanjay Rath> <http://srath.com/> http://srath.com <http://jiva.us/> http://jiva.us> <http://siva-edu-com/> http://siva-edu-com> <http://sagittariuspublications.com/> http://sagittariuspublications.com> <http://.org/> http://.org > > > _____ > > sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of> Sourav> Saturday, August 11, 2007 9:46 AM> sohamsa > (To Sanjay-ji) ...... Rishis' in Drekkana _ Sequence> correction.> > > > || Hare Raama Krsna ||> > Dear Sanjay-ji,> Pranam. I was listening to your Arti-SJC> mp3 lecture on Jagannath Drekkhan. You mentioned that the three Rishis,> Naarada, Agastya and Durvaasa are associated with Movable, Fixed and Dual> signs respectively. However, in this article, http://> <http://.org/lessons/rasidasa01.htm> .org/lessons/rasidasa01.htm> (last paragraph) the sequence is not mentioned correctly. > > Sarvam Durgaaspanamastu.> > Best wishes,> > Sourav>

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