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ग�रह अवस�था : Graha Avastha

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---------- Forwarded message ----------Sanjay Prabhakaran <sanjaychettiarAug 30, 2007 4:27 PM

[Jyotish Notes and Thoughts] गà¥à¤°à¤¹ अवसà¥à¤¥à¤¾ : Graha Avasthasanjaychettiarॠगà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤µà¥‡ नामःDear Friends,I had been thinking about Graha Avastha's and wanted share them with you. Here are some of my thoughts.


The state of a graha indicates nature of fructification of karma. The graha's results are felt during their dasas. The grahas avastha or state indicates many things,1) How soon the graha will give the indicated results.

2) The guna or nature of the graha while giving the results.3) The good fortune indicated by the graham4) The weaknesses of the graha.5) The activity interested by the graha.Maharishi Paraashara has indicated five types of avathas (ref: Ch 45:BPHS). They are


Baalaadi Avastha : 5 types based on five parts of odd or even sign. Jagrutaadi Avastha : 3 types depending on it's graha's Natural relationship to dispositor (friend, neutral or enemy) Deeptaadi Avastha : 9 types based on graha's Chart specific relationship to dispositor. Lajjitaadi Avastha : 6 types based on conjunctions with malefics etc. Shayanaadhi Avastha : 12 types of activities calculated by Nakshatre * Graha * Navamsha + JanmaNax + Ghatika + Lagna

1) Baalaadi AvasthaThey are of five types namely,


Baala : Child Kumaara : Teen Yuva : Youth /Adult Vriddha : Oldage Mrita : Late

The sign is divided in 5 parts and they rule each part in sequence for odd signs and results are reverse for even signs.These indicates "when" the graha will give the results. The baala avatha graha will give results too early and mrita avastha graha can give results too late during the dasa.

2) Jaagrutaadi AvasthaNatural relationship of graha determines this avastha. A graha can be in a friendly house or neutral or enemies house. There are three types of relationships and hence there are three types of this avastha,



Jaagrut / Awake Swapna / Dreaming Sushupta / Sleeping

These indicate three states of nature like Satwic (Fully conscience), Rajasic or passionate (Partially conscious of deeds) or sushupta (deep sleep, not conscious of what it's doing).3) Deeptaadi AvasthaThis is based on the individual relationships of graha for a particular chart. i.e temporal relationships. Based on position of grahas in the chart. Due to specific positioning the chart may get better results. These of nine types indicating the bhaagya,


Deepta Swastha Pramudita Shaanta Deena Vikala Dukhita Khal Kop

This avastha indicates the goodness or bhaagya got from the graham. 1-4 is good, 5 is middling and 6-9 indicates lesser amounts of fortune in sequence. This avastha will indicate the resources available of a graha to do it's task.

4) Lajjitaadi AvasthaA graha has weaknesses and enemies these are of shad ripu (the six enemies). These are indicated by variously as,


Lajjita : Ashamed or insulted due to lack of position (5th bhaava indicates position and malefics aspecting the graha there) Garvita : Pride (Pride also can indicate a negative as they say "pride goes before a fall") Kshudita : Trushita : Thirsty (when desire, indicated by water, in not fulfilled) : Water sign aspected by malefics. Kshobita

Read BPHS for methods of calculations.5) Shaayanaadi AvasthaThere are 12 forms of activities indicated by the twelve bhaavas, This is found using the formulaNakshatra * Graha * Navamsha + JanmaNax + Ghatika + Lagna

Nakshatra : is the nakshatra number where graha is sittingGraha: is indicated by the graha number sun =1…sat=7, rahu=8 and ketu = 9Navamsha: the navamsha number of the graha in given rashi, eg if in 0 to3.33

deg then 1Janma Nax: Moon nakshatraGhatika: the ghatika number counted from sunriseLagna : Lagna number 1=aries etc


Shayan Upavesan Netrapani Prakash Gaman Agaman Sabha Agam Bhojan Nritya Lipsa Kautuk Nidr

The details of calculating this can be read from the Narasimhaji's article. A copy which is in

http://www.scribd.com/doc/259989/7-avasthaWarm RegardsSanjay P--Posted By Sanjay Prabhakaran to

Jyotish Notes and Thoughts at 8/30/2007 04:18:00 PM

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