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Jupiter in sixth house, Kumbha, and Vargottama

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Dear All, I have studied a horoscope as under, DOB:- 22 November, 1974 Time:- 3:32 hours. Place:- Kanpur India, Longitude:- 80E21 Latitude:- 26:28 North Lagna:- Kanya, 2H:- Mars,Mercury 3H:- Sun,Venus,Rahu, 6H:-Jupiter, Moon 9H:- Ketu, 10H:- Saturn The Jataka is continuously employed since 2000 but jumps from one job to other.Gets reasonably good employment.Is respected in his colleagues for knowledge. Very hardworking puts in atleast 12 to 13 hours perday in financial analysis. Got married in 12th December 2004 to a girl claiming to be engineer and self employed. Girl turned out to have previous relationships, with whom she meets even now. have some connections with criminal world, ruined the person financially, professionally, psychologically and physically.Person was physucally attacked by some persons in September 2006. Person took legal help to get away from situation Court issued injunction in September 2005 to girl from visiting him or the place he stays.The injunction continues. Matter is in court for last 2 years no end in sight.All ex liasions of the girl are openly assisiting her, and visit the court with her.She wants huge alimony beyond Jataka's resources. Query:- Guru(Jupiter is lord of 7H) creates the problems

because he is in 6H the ripu bhav. Or the problem is because of Venus in 3H. Some leading gurus said problem is because of Kalatra Shap. To expand. Guru has full Drishti on Saturn in 10 H which gives him work and money both. Guru has full Drishti on 2H, and gives him godd analysis power and speech due to Mercury.It also supports Mars, it being notwithstanding being in 2nd house. is Guru bad for jataka? As per my analysis. it is guru that gave him Education, Money and knowledge and maintains his earnings. But being in 6H ripu bhav being 7th lord created, problems in marital relations.As per my anlysis it would be better for him not to have any thing to do with women, the Jupiter would always put obstacles in relationship. It is

guru in conjunction with Moon in 6H, which saves him from enemies and ultimately would help him to win, but not before end of Gur Mahadaha i.e.November 2009. Request for all fellow knowledge seekers to comment. Rajendra Asthana

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Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Rajendra,Thank you for the interesting chart. A couple of points:Firstly, I think, please correct me if I'm wrong, that benefics in the 6th house give powerful enemies if they are well placed. The reason for this is that 6th house shows enemies - the planets that occupy the 6th house show what kind of enemies. Weak malefics will show dumb, incapable enemies and strong malefics can show ruthless adverseries. But even strong benefics can show intelligent enemies who are looking to capitalise on a situation. In this chart Moon and vargottama Jupiter are in Kumbha Rasi owned by Rahu. Kumbha is naturally the 8th house from Karka - the place of the heart.To

see the enemies actions look at the 10th house from the 6th and you see Venus associated with a host of malefics. So his enemies are using a lady to harm him. And this is not just any lady, but his own wife as UL is there.Now lets talk about the UL. Venus in Scorpio can give a mysterious lady with magnetic attraction, and he would have really fallen for her. But Rahu and Venus combination is well known for its scandal, and then a total reversal occurred because Venus has parivartana with Mars and Ketu!Look at the situation - he wants the relationship to end, so we look at the 2nd house of UL to see what is sustaining the marriage. The lord is Jupiter who is in the 6th house of enemies. This clearly shows how is wife's friends are the cause for his continued suffering because of this relationship.Trouble is Jupiter, who is badakesh, is also the maraka to enemies. But there is no way we can strengthen

Jupiter. It would be great to see a remedy for this from one of the Guru's.Respectfully,Michalrajendra asthana <budhhiyogosohamsa Sent: Monday, September 3, 2007 4:32:41 AM Jupiter in sixth house, Kumbha, and Vargottama


Dear All, I have studied a horoscope as under, DOB:- 22 November, 1974 Time:- 3:32 hours. Place:- Kanpur India, Longitude:- 80E21 Latitude:- 26:28 North Lagna:- Kanya, 2H:- Mars,Mercury 3H:- Sun,Venus,Rahu, 6H:-Jupiter, Moon 9H:- Ketu, 10H:- Saturn The Jataka is continuously employed since 2000 but jumps from one job to other.Gets reasonably good employment.Is respected in his

colleagues for knowledge. Very hardworking puts in atleast 12 to 13 hours perday in financial analysis. Got married in 12th December 2004 to a girl claiming to be engineer and self employed. Girl turned out to have previous relationships, with whom she meets even now. have some connections with criminal world, ruined the person financially, professionally, psychologically and physically.Person was physucally attacked by some persons in September 2006. Person took legal help to get away from situation Court issued injunction in September 2005 to girl from visiting him or the place he stays.The injunction continues. Matter is in court for last 2 years no end in sight.All ex liasions of the girl are openly assisiting her, and visit the court with her.She wants huge alimony beyond Jataka's resources. Query:- Guru(Jupiter is lord of

7H) creates the problems

because he is in 6H the ripu bhav. Or the problem is because of Venus in 3H. Some leading gurus said problem is because of Kalatra Shap. To expand. Guru has full Drishti on Saturn in 10 H which gives him work and money both. Guru has full Drishti on 2H, and gives him godd analysis power and speech due to Mercury.It also supports Mars, it being notwithstanding being in 2nd house. is Guru bad for jataka? As per my analysis. it is guru that gave him Education, Money and knowledge and maintains his earnings. But being in 6H ripu bhav being 7th lord created, problems in marital relations.As per my anlysis it would be better for him not to have any thing to do with women, the Jupiter would always put obstacles in relationship. It is

guru in conjunction with Moon in 6H, which saves him from enemies and ultimately would help him to win, but not before end of Gur Mahadaha i.e.November 2009. Request for all fellow knowledge seekers to comment. Rajendra Asthana Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows. Answers - Check it out.


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Namskar Rajinder

Thanks infact this is a Good

chart for study kanya lagna budha joined with mangal in second bhava .. UL joined by neehca rahu 6th lord and shukra in neecha amsa and with 12th

lord surya … second from ul is also 7th lord .i.e guru

vargottma joined by dara karka chander

in neecha amsa placed in 6th house .. now to see the enemy action

thrd and 6th from A6 there is

mars and mercury they are in nidhna amsa second house from rashi i.e 8th

house from 7th and badhka

sthana from the 7th house lordguru . Kuja and budha joined 6th from A6 show

deadly enemy..and the native is feeling the same..apart from kaltra shpaa the

satrun and rahu creating curse even on 7th house .. The nasrgika

kaltarkarka shukra and chara dara karak booth are in neecha amsa , Bhagya is

weak from dara side.. as per your analysis guru have given him every thing as it is placed in artha trikona . but

to avoid any further fight Ganti karak

surya will help the native.. where as it is with AL and you can

take action when sun transit come to virshchika in coming days..

See his dasa is working very


As you said he got

married in 12th dec. 2004 guru was transiting in kanya aspecting

second from UL and 7th house to do it job and the Vim dasa of Jupiter bhukti chander is going which is dara karka and placed 7th from AK in

navamsha.. and fight started in 2006 at age

of 32 ( Jupiter represent this age) the antra of mars was going on which 6th

from a6 joined by mercury …


So as per my understanding as I mentioned above GK surya

should be treated good to end this and ……….end will be peace full and will favour the native as the

exchange between mars and shukra will take out all the power of enemy… as he

would have to be behave like saint when there is shukra and buda in 6th

from A6..Amit puri





On 02/09/07, rajendra asthana <budhhiyogo wrote:





Dear All, I have studied a horoscope as under, DOB:- 22 November, 1974 Time:- 3:32 hours. Place:- Kanpur India,

Longitude:- 80E21 Latitude:- 26:28 North Lagna:- Kanya, 2H:- Mars,Mercury 3H:- Sun,Venus,Rahu, 6H:-Jupiter, Moon 9H:- Ketu, 10H:- Saturn

The Jataka is continuously employed since 2000 but jumps from one job to other.Gets reasonably good employment.Is respected in his colleagues for knowledge. Very hardworking puts in atleast 12 to 13 hours perday in financial analysis. Got married in 12th December 2004 to a girl claiming to be engineer and self employed. Girl turned out to have previous relationships, with whom she meets even now. have some connections with criminal world, ruined the person financially, professionally, psychologically and physically.Person was physucally attacked by some persons in September 2006. Person took legal help to get away from situation Court issued injunction in September 2005 to girl from visiting him or the place he stays.The injunction continues. Matter is in court for last 2 years no end in sight.All ex liasions of the girl are openly assisiting her, and visit the court with her.She wants huge alimony beyond Jataka's resources.

Query:- Guru(Jupiter is lord of 7H) creates the problems

because he is in 6H the ripu bhav. Or the problem is because of Venus in 3H. Some leading gurus said problem is because of Kalatra Shap. To expand. Guru has full Drishti on Saturn in 10 H which gives him work and money both.

Guru has full Drishti on 2H, and gives him godd analysis power and speech due to Mercury.It also supports Mars, it being notwithstanding being in 2nd house. is Guru bad for jataka? As per my analysis. it is guru that gave him Education, Money and knowledge and maintains his earnings. But being in 6H ripu bhav being 7th lord created, problems in marital relations.As per my anlysis it would be better for him not to have any thing to do with women, the Jupiter would always put obstacles in relationship. It is

guru in conjunction with Moon in 6H, which saves him from enemies and ultimately would help him to win, but not before end of Gur Mahadaha i.e.November 2009. Request for all fellow knowledge seekers to comment.

Rajendra Asthana Be a better Heartthrob.

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Dear Michal,

Thanks, i agree with you, Guru in 6H imply sophisticated

intelligent and brainy enemies. It is also true that best remedy is

to do some thing to strengthen GURU. Surprisingly I found the Jataka

wearing a Pukhraj which is supposed to strengthen the GURU.When I

asked him why he wore it. He replied his late grandfather gave it to

him.I doubt it helps GURU in any way lest the guru travels to its

own home, i.e. Saggitarius (Dhanu) i.e. 17 th July 2009.

it is interesting to note I found him wearing a Ruby as a

pendant and a Coral(Mars) in a ring.I found him wearing a Cat's eye(

Ketu) in lefthand middle finger. These supposedly strengthen SUN and

Mars but debilitate Ketu ( left hand middle finger affects Kalatra

the spouse).

I feel this case to be a rare case of Jupiter (Devguru)

being proximeo cause of suffering without any manifest promise of

correcting the situation and relieving the adverse circumstances the

Jataka finds himself.

Thanks for your anlysis.


Rajendra Asthana.



sohamsa , Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal



> Hare Rama Krsna ||


> Dear Rajendra,


> Thank you for the interesting chart. A couple of points:


> Firstly, I think, please correct me if I'm wrong, that benefics in

the 6th house give powerful enemies if they are well placed. The

reason for this is that 6th house shows enemies - the planets that

occupy the 6th house show what kind of enemies. Weak malefics will

show dumb, incapable enemies and strong malefics can show ruthless

adverseries. But even strong benefics can show intelligent enemies

who are looking to capitalise on a situation. In this chart Moon

and vargottama Jupiter are in Kumbha Rasi owned by Rahu. Kumbha is

naturally the 8th house from Karka - the place of the heart.

> To see the enemies actions look at the 10th house from the 6th and

you see Venus associated with a host of malefics. So his enemies

are using a lady to harm him. And this is not just any lady, but

his own wife as UL is there.

> Now lets talk about the UL. Venus in Scorpio can give a

mysterious lady with magnetic attraction, and he would have really

fallen for her. But Rahu and Venus combination is well known for

its scandal, and then a total reversal occurred because Venus has

parivartana with Mars and Ketu!

> Look at the situation - he wants the relationship to end, so we

look at the 2nd house of UL to see what is sustaining the marriage.

The lord is Jupiter who is in the 6th house of enemies. This

clearly shows how is wife's friends are the cause for his continued

suffering because of this relationship.

> Trouble is Jupiter, who is badakesh, is also the maraka to

enemies. But there is no way we can strengthen Jupiter. It would

be great to see a remedy for this from one of the Guru's.


> Respectfully,

> Michal



> rajendra asthana <budhhiyogo

> sohamsa

> Monday, September 3, 2007 4:32:41 AM

> Jupiter in sixth house, Kumbha, and Vargottama









Dear All,

> I have studied a horoscope as under,

> DOB:- 22 November, 1974

> Time:- 3:32 hours.

> Place:- Kanpur India,

> Longitude:- 80E21 Latitude:- 26:28 North

> Lagna:- Kanya, 2H:- Mars,Mercury 3H:- Sun,Venus,Rahu, 6H:-

Jupiter, Moon

> 9H:- Ketu, 10H:- Saturn


> The Jataka is continuously employed since 2000 but jumps from

one job to other.Gets reasonably good employment.Is respected in his

colleagues for knowledge.


> Very hardworking puts in atleast 12 to 13 hours perday in

financial analysis.

> Got married in 12th December 2004 to a girl claiming to be

engineer and self employed.

> Girl turned out to have previous relationships, with whom she

meets even now. have some connections with criminal world, ruined

the person financially, professionally, psychologically and

physically.Person was physucally attacked by some persons in

September 2006.

> Person took legal help to get away from situation Court issued

injunction in September 2005 to girl from visiting him or the place

he stays.The injunction continues.

> Matter is in court for last 2 years no end in sight.All ex

liasions of the girl are openly assisiting her, and visit the court

with her.She wants huge alimony beyond Jataka's resources.

> Query:-

> Guru(Jupiter is lord of 7H) creates the problems

> because he is in 6H the ripu bhav. Or the problem is because of

Venus in 3H.

> Some leading gurus said problem is because of Kalatra


> To expand. Guru has full Drishti on Saturn in 10 H which gives

him work and money both.

> Guru has full Drishti on 2H, and gives him godd analysis power

and speech due to Mercury.It also supports Mars, it being

notwithstanding being in 2nd house.

> is Guru bad for jataka? As per my analysis. it is guru

that gave him Education, Money and knowledge and maintains his

earnings. But being in 6H ripu bhav being 7th lord created, problems

in marital relations.As per my anlysis it would be better for him

not to have any thing to do with women, the Jupiter would always put

obstacles in relationship.

> It is

> guru in conjunction with Moon in 6H, which saves him from enemies

and ultimately would help him to win, but not before end of Gur

Mahadaha i.e.November 2009.

> Request for all fellow knowledge seekers to comment.

> Rajendra Asthana



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someone who knows.

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Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Rajendra,I don't quite understand your post. First you say that strengthening Guru would be good and then at the end you seem to say that Guru is causing the problems. Is that right? How will gemstones help?As Jupiter is conjoined Moon then mantras are what is nescesary. We know that there is a problem because of Venus (curse) and that there is a demand for money from him that is beyond his resources. Venus lords the 2nd house and is showing where the problem is. He should chant the jyotirlinga mantra that will eradicate the negative effects of Venus:Om Namah Shivaya Namah TryambakeshwarayaThis will exalt Venus - notice how it is debilitated

in Navamsa and how afflicted in Rasi. He will come out of these problems after the end of Venus Moola dasa:Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma): Maha Dasas: Sat: 1974-11-22 (3:32:00) - 1985-11-21 (23:12:33) Rah: 1985-11-21 (23:12:33) - 2000-11-21 (19:37:44) Ven: 2000-11-21 (19:37:44) - 2009-11-22 (2:52:39)Hope this helps,Michalbudhhiyogo <budhhiyogosohamsa Sent: Monday, September 3, 2007 10:01:56 PM Re: Jupiter in sixth house, Kumbha, and Vargottama


Dear Michal,

Thanks, i agree with you, Guru in 6H imply sophisticated

intelligent and brainy enemies. It is also true that best remedy is

to do some thing to strengthen GURU. Surprisingly I found the Jataka

wearing a Pukhraj which is supposed to strengthen the GURU.When I

asked him why he wore it. He replied his late grandfather gave it to

him.I doubt it helps GURU in any way lest the guru travels to its

own home, i.e. Saggitarius (Dhanu) i.e. 17 th July 2009.

it is interesting to note I found him wearing a Ruby as a

pendant and a Coral(Mars) in a ring.I found him wearing a Cat's eye(

Ketu) in lefthand middle finger. These supposedly strengthen SUN and

Mars but debilitate Ketu ( left hand middle finger affects Kalatra

the spouse).

I feel this case to be a rare case of Jupiter (Devguru)

being proximeo cause of suffering without any manifest promise of

correcting the situation and relieving the adverse circumstances the

Jataka finds himself.

Thanks for your anlysis.


Rajendra Asthana.



sohamsa@ .com, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@ ...>



> Hare Rama Krsna ||


> Dear Rajendra,


> Thank you for the interesting chart. A couple of points:


> Firstly, I think, please correct me if I'm wrong, that benefics in

the 6th house give powerful enemies if they are well placed. The

reason for this is that 6th house shows enemies - the planets that

occupy the 6th house show what kind of enemies. Weak malefics will

show dumb, incapable enemies and strong malefics can show ruthless

adverseries. But even strong benefics can show intelligent enemies

who are looking to capitalise on a situation. In this chart Moon

and vargottama Jupiter are in Kumbha Rasi owned by Rahu. Kumbha is

naturally the 8th house from Karka - the place of the heart.

> To see the enemies actions look at the 10th house from the 6th and

you see Venus associated with a host of malefics. So his enemies

are using a lady to harm him. And this is not just any lady, but

his own wife as UL is there.

> Now lets talk about the UL. Venus in Scorpio can give a

mysterious lady with magnetic attraction, and he would have really

fallen for her. But Rahu and Venus combination is well known for

its scandal, and then a total reversal occurred because Venus has

parivartana with Mars and Ketu!

> Look at the situation - he wants the relationship to end, so we

look at the 2nd house of UL to see what is sustaining the marriage.

The lord is Jupiter who is in the 6th house of enemies. This

clearly shows how is wife's friends are the cause for his continued

suffering because of this relationship.

> Trouble is Jupiter, who is badakesh, is also the maraka to

enemies. But there is no way we can strengthen Jupiter. It would

be great to see a remedy for this from one of the Guru's.


> Respectfully,

> Michal



> rajendra asthana <budhhiyogo@ ...>

> sohamsa@ .com

> Monday, September 3, 2007 4:32:41 AM

> Jupiter in sixth house, Kumbha, and Vargottama















> Dear All,

> I have studied a horoscope as under,

> DOB:- 22 November, 1974

> Time:- 3:32 hours.

> Place:- Kanpur India,

> Longitude:- 80E21 Latitude:- 26:28 North

> Lagna:- Kanya, 2H:- Mars,Mercury 3H:- Sun,Venus,Rahu, 6H:-

Jupiter, Moon

> 9H:- Ketu, 10H:- Saturn


> The Jataka is continuously employed since 2000 but jumps from

one job to other.Gets reasonably good employment.Is respected in his

colleagues for knowledge.


> Very hardworking puts in atleast 12 to 13 hours perday in

financial analysis.

> Got married in 12th December 2004 to a girl claiming to be

engineer and self employed.

> Girl turned out to have previous relationships, with whom she

meets even now. have some connections with criminal world, ruined

the person financially, professionally, psychologically and

physically.Person was physucally attacked by some persons in

September 2006.

> Person took legal help to get away from situation Court issued

injunction in September 2005 to girl from visiting him or the place

he stays.The injunction continues.

> Matter is in court for last 2 years no end in sight.All ex

liasions of the girl are openly assisiting her, and visit the court

with her.She wants huge alimony beyond Jataka's resources.

> Query:-

> Guru(Jupiter is lord of 7H) creates the problems

> because he is in 6H the ripu bhav. Or the problem is because of

Venus in 3H.

> Some leading gurus said problem is because of Kalatra


> To expand. Guru has full Drishti on Saturn in 10 H which gives

him work and money both.

> Guru has full Drishti on 2H, and gives him godd analysis power

and speech due to Mercury.It also supports Mars, it being

notwithstanding being in 2nd house.

> is Guru bad for jataka? As per my analysis. it is guru

that gave him Education, Money and knowledge and maintains his

earnings. But being in 6H ripu bhav being 7th lord created, problems

in marital relations.As per my anlysis it would be better for him

not to have any thing to do with women, the Jupiter would always put

obstacles in relationship.

> It is

> guru in conjunction with Moon in 6H, which saves him from enemies

and ultimately would help him to win, but not before end of Gur

Mahadaha i.e.November 2009.

> Request for all fellow knowledge seekers to comment.

> Rajendra Asthana



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someone who knows.

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____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

____________ ___

> Got a little couch potato?

> Check out fun summer activities for kids.

> http://search. / search?

fr=oni_on_mail & p=summer+ activities+ for+kids & cs=bz





Building a website is a piece of cake. Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.

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hare rama krsna

Dear Michael, Namaskar


We advise Jyotirlinga if AK is involved, or curse is in dusthana and

lord & Shani are badly placed. Otherwise stick to the order (1)

lord (2) bhava karaka (3) bhava devata. Here Mangal is well-placed

which shows Hanuman form as best remedy.




Rafal Gendarz

email: rafal

Articles & Consultation: http://rohinaa.com





Rama Krsna ||


Dear Rajendra,


I don't quite understand your post. First you say that strengthening

Guru would be good and then at the end you seem to say that Guru is

causing the problems. Is that right? How will gemstones help?


As Jupiter is conjoined Moon then mantras are what is nescesary. We

know that there is a problem because of Venus (curse) and that there is

a demand for money from him that is beyond his resources. Venus lords

the 2nd house and is showing where the problem is. He should chant the

jyotirlinga mantra that will eradicate the negative effects of Venus:


Om Namah Shivaya Namah Tryambakeshwaraya


This will exalt Venus - notice how it is debilitated in Navamsa and how

afflicted in Rasi. He will come out of these problems after the end of

Venus Moola dasa:


Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma):


Maha Dasas:


Sat: 1974-11-22 (3:32:00) - 1985-11-21 (23:12:33)

Rah: 1985-11-21 (23:12:33) - 2000-11-21 (19:37:44)

Ven: 2000-11-21 (19:37:44) - 2009-11-22 (2:52:39)


Hope this helps,




Original Message ----

budhhiyogo <budhhiyogo >


Monday, September 3, 2007 10:01:56 PM

Re: Jupiter in sixth house, Kumbha, and Vargottama



Dear Michal,

Thanks, i agree with you, Guru in 6H imply sophisticated

intelligent and brainy enemies. It is also true that best remedy is

to do some thing to strengthen GURU. Surprisingly I found the Jataka

wearing a Pukhraj which is supposed to strengthen the GURU.When I

asked him why he wore it. He replied his late grandfather gave it to

him.I doubt it helps GURU in any way lest the guru travels to its

own home, i.e. Saggitarius (Dhanu) i.e. 17 th July 2009.

it is interesting to note I found him wearing a Ruby as a

pendant and a Coral(Mars) in a ring.I found him wearing a Cat's eye(

Ketu) in lefthand middle finger. These supposedly strengthen SUN and

Mars but debilitate Ketu ( left hand middle finger affects Kalatra

the spouse).

I feel this case to be a rare case of Jupiter (Devguru)

being proximeo cause of suffering without any manifest promise of

correcting the situation and relieving the adverse circumstances the

Jataka finds himself.

Thanks for your anlysis.


Rajendra Asthana.



sohamsa@ .com,

Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@ ...>



> Hare Rama Krsna ||


> Dear Rajendra,


> Thank you for the interesting chart. A couple of points:


> Firstly, I think, please correct me if I'm wrong, that benefics in


the 6th house give powerful enemies if they are well placed. The

reason for this is that 6th house shows enemies - the planets that

occupy the 6th house show what kind of enemies. Weak malefics will

show dumb, incapable enemies and strong malefics can show ruthless

adverseries. But even strong benefics can show intelligent enemies

who are looking to capitalise on a situation. In this chart Moon

and vargottama Jupiter are in Kumbha Rasi owned by Rahu. Kumbha is

naturally the 8th house from Karka - the place of the heart.

> To see the enemies actions look at the 10th house from the 6th and


you see Venus associated with a host of malefics. So his enemies

are using a lady to harm him. And this is not just any lady, but

his own wife as UL is there.

> Now lets talk about the UL. Venus in Scorpio can give a

mysterious lady with magnetic attraction, and he would have really

fallen for her. But Rahu and Venus combination is well known for

its scandal, and then a total reversal occurred because Venus has

parivartana with Mars and Ketu!

> Look at the situation - he wants the relationship to end, so we

look at the 2nd house of UL to see what is sustaining the marriage.

The lord is Jupiter who is in the 6th house of enemies. This

clearly shows how is wife's friends are the cause for his continued

suffering because of this relationship.

> Trouble is Jupiter, who is badakesh, is also the maraka to

enemies. But there is no way we can strengthen Jupiter. It would

be great to see a remedy for this from one of the Guru's.


> Respectfully,

> Michal



> rajendra asthana <budhhiyogo@ ...>

> sohamsa@ .com

> Monday, September 3, 2007 4:32:41 AM

> Jupiter in sixth house, Kumbha, and Vargottama















> Dear All,

> I have studied a horoscope as under,

> DOB:- 22 November, 1974

> Time:- 3:32 hours.

> Place:- Kanpur India,

> Longitude:- 80E21 Latitude:- 26:28 North

> Lagna:- Kanya, 2H:- Mars,Mercury 3H:- Sun,Venus,Rahu, 6H:-

Jupiter, Moon

> 9H:- Ketu, 10H:- Saturn


> The Jataka is continuously employed since 2000 but jumps from

one job to other.Gets reasonably good employment.Is respected in his

colleagues for knowledge.


> Very hardworking puts in atleast 12 to 13 hours perday in

financial analysis.

> Got married in 12th December 2004 to a girl claiming to be

engineer and self employed.

> Girl turned out to have previous relationships, with whom she

meets even now. have some connections with criminal world, ruined

the person financially, professionally, psychologically and

physically.Person was physucally attacked by some persons in

September 2006.

> Person took legal help to get away from situation Court issued

injunction in September 2005 to girl from visiting him or the place

he stays.The injunction continues.

> Matter is in court for last 2 years no end in sight.All ex

liasions of the girl are openly assisiting her, and visit the court

with her.She wants huge alimony beyond Jataka's resources.

> Query:-

> Guru(Jupiter is lord of 7H) creates the problems

> because he is in 6H the ripu bhav. Or the problem is because of

Venus in 3H.

> Some leading gurus said problem is because of Kalatra


> To expand. Guru has full Drishti on Saturn in 10 H which gives

him work and money both.

> Guru has full Drishti on 2H, and gives him godd analysis power

and speech due to Mercury.It also supports Mars, it being

notwithstanding being in 2nd house.

> is Guru bad for jataka? As per my analysis. it is guru

that gave him Education, Money and knowledge and maintains his

earnings. But being in 6H ripu bhav being 7th lord created, problems

in marital relations.As per my anlysis it would be better for him

not to have any thing to do with women, the Jupiter would always put

obstacles in relationship.

> It is

> guru in conjunction with Moon in 6H, which saves him from enemies

and ultimately would help him to win, but not before end of Gur

Mahadaha i.e.November 2009.

> Request for all fellow knowledge seekers to comment.

> Rajendra Asthana



> Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from

someone who knows.

> Answers - Check it out.












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____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

____________ ___

> Got a little couch potato?

> Check out fun summer activities for kids.

> http://search. /


fr=oni_on_mail & p=summer+ activities+ for+kids & cs=bz










Building a website is a piece of cake.

Small Business gives you all

the tools to get online.

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Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Rafal,Thanks, that makes sense.Respectfully,Michalrafal <starsuponmesohamsa Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2007 6:09:18 PMRe: Re: Jupiter in sixth house, Kumbha, and Vargottama



hare rama krsna

Dear Michael, Namaskar


We advise Jyotirlinga if AK is involved, or curse is in dusthana and

lord & Shani are badly placed. Otherwise stick to the order (1)

lord (2) bhava karaka (3) bhava devata. Here Mangal is well-placed

which shows Hanuman form as best remedy.




Rafal Gendarz

email: rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com

Articles & Consultation: http://rohinaa. com





Rama Krsna ||


Dear Rajendra,


I don't quite understand your post. First you say that strengthening

Guru would be good and then at the end you seem to say that Guru is

causing the problems. Is that right? How will gemstones help?


As Jupiter is conjoined Moon then mantras are what is nescesary. We

know that there is a problem because of Venus (curse) and that there is

a demand for money from him that is beyond his resources. Venus lords

the 2nd house and is showing where the problem is. He should chant the

jyotirlinga mantra that will eradicate the negative effects of Venus:


Om Namah Shivaya Namah Tryambakeshwaraya


This will exalt Venus - notice how it is debilitated in Navamsa and how

afflicted in Rasi. He will come out of these problems after the end of

Venus Moola dasa:


Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma):


Maha Dasas:


Sat: 1974-11-22 (3:32:00) - 1985-11-21 (23:12:33)

Rah: 1985-11-21 (23:12:33) - 2000-11-21 (19:37:44)

Ven: 2000-11-21 (19:37:44) - 2009-11-22 (2:52:39)


Hope this helps,




Original Message ----

budhhiyogo <budhhiyogo >

sohamsa@ .com

Monday, September 3, 2007 10:01:56 PM

Re: Jupiter in sixth house, Kumbha, and Vargottama



Dear Michal,

Thanks, i agree with you, Guru in 6H imply sophisticated

intelligent and brainy enemies. It is also true that best remedy is

to do some thing to strengthen GURU. Surprisingly I found the Jataka

wearing a Pukhraj which is supposed to strengthen the GURU.When I

asked him why he wore it. He replied his late grandfather gave it to

him.I doubt it helps GURU in any way lest the guru travels to its

own home, i.e. Saggitarius (Dhanu) i.e. 17 th July 2009.

it is interesting to note I found him wearing a Ruby as a

pendant and a Coral(Mars) in a ring.I found him wearing a Cat's eye(

Ketu) in lefthand middle finger. These supposedly strengthen SUN and

Mars but debilitate Ketu ( left hand middle finger affects Kalatra

the spouse).

I feel this case to be a rare case of Jupiter (Devguru)

being proximeo cause of suffering without any manifest promise of

correcting the situation and relieving the adverse circumstances the

Jataka finds himself.

Thanks for your anlysis.


Rajendra Asthana.



sohamsa@ .com,

Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@ ...>



> Hare Rama Krsna ||


> Dear Rajendra,


> Thank you for the interesting chart. A couple of points:


> Firstly, I think, please correct me if I'm wrong, that benefics in


the 6th house give powerful enemies if they are well placed. The

reason for this is that 6th house shows enemies - the planets that

occupy the 6th house show what kind of enemies. Weak malefics will

show dumb, incapable enemies and strong malefics can show ruthless

adverseries. But even strong benefics can show intelligent enemies

who are looking to capitalise on a situation. In this chart Moon

and vargottama Jupiter are in Kumbha Rasi owned by Rahu. Kumbha is

naturally the 8th house from Karka - the place of the heart.

> To see the enemies actions look at the 10th house from the 6th and


you see Venus associated with a host of malefics. So his enemies

are using a lady to harm him. And this is not just any lady, but

his own wife as UL is there.

> Now lets talk about the UL. Venus in Scorpio can give a

mysterious lady with magnetic attraction, and he would have really

fallen for her. But Rahu and Venus combination is well known for

its scandal, and then a total reversal occurred because Venus has

parivartana with Mars and Ketu!

> Look at the situation - he wants the relationship to end, so we

look at the 2nd house of UL to see what is sustaining the marriage.

The lord is Jupiter who is in the 6th house of enemies. This

clearly shows how is wife's friends are the cause for his continued

suffering because of this relationship.

> Trouble is Jupiter, who is badakesh, is also the maraka to

enemies. But there is no way we can strengthen Jupiter. It would

be great to see a remedy for this from one of the Guru's.


> Respectfully,

> Michal



> rajendra asthana <budhhiyogo@ ...>

> sohamsa@ .com

> Monday, September 3, 2007 4:32:41 AM

> Jupiter in sixth house, Kumbha, and Vargottama















> Dear All,

> I have studied a horoscope as under,

> DOB:- 22 November, 1974

> Time:- 3:32 hours.

> Place:- Kanpur India,

> Longitude:- 80E21 Latitude:- 26:28 North

> Lagna:- Kanya, 2H:- Mars,Mercury 3H:- Sun,Venus,Rahu, 6H:-

Jupiter, Moon

> 9H:- Ketu, 10H:- Saturn


> The Jataka is continuously employed since 2000 but jumps from

one job to other.Gets reasonably good employment.Is respected in his

colleagues for knowledge.


> Very hardworking puts in atleast 12 to 13 hours perday in

financial analysis.

> Got married in 12th December 2004 to a girl claiming to be

engineer and self employed.

> Girl turned out to have previous relationships, with whom she

meets even now. have some connections with criminal world, ruined

the person financially, professionally, psychologically and

physically.Person was physucally attacked by some persons in

September 2006.

> Person took legal help to get away from situation Court issued

injunction in September 2005 to girl from visiting him or the place

he stays.The injunction continues.

> Matter is in court for last 2 years no end in sight.All ex

liasions of the girl are openly assisiting her, and visit the court

with her.She wants huge alimony beyond Jataka's resources.

> Query:-

> Guru(Jupiter is lord of 7H) creates the problems

> because he is in 6H the ripu bhav. Or the problem is because of

Venus in 3H.

> Some leading gurus said problem is because of Kalatra


> To expand. Guru has full Drishti on Saturn in 10 H which gives

him work and money both.

> Guru has full Drishti on 2H, and gives him godd analysis power

and speech due to Mercury.It also supports Mars, it being

notwithstanding being in 2nd house.

> is Guru bad for jataka? As per my analysis. it is guru

that gave him Education, Money and knowledge and maintains his

earnings. But being in 6H ripu bhav being 7th lord created, problems

in marital relations.As per my anlysis it would be better for him

not to have any thing to do with women, the Jupiter would always put

obstacles in relationship.

> It is

> guru in conjunction with Moon in 6H, which saves him from enemies

and ultimately would help him to win, but not before end of Gur

Mahadaha i.e.November 2009.

> Request for all fellow knowledge seekers to comment.

> Rajendra Asthana



> Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from

someone who knows.

> Answers - Check it out.












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