Guest guest Posted September 8, 2007 Report Share Posted September 8, 2007  ||हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥Dear Sarajit,I hope you or other Jyotisha can clarify this for me. The six shadripus are governed by 6 planets of the 9 planets. The planets governing the six weaknesses are given below: This is as per your writings on your Blog. However Sanay ji has taught it differently in Atri class ( in blue)1. Mars- Anger ( Krodha ) krodha2. Mercury- Jealousy (Matsarya) matsarya3. Venus- Lust (Kama) moha4. Saturn- Intoxication (Mada) lobbha5. Rahu- Greed ( Lobha) kaam6. Ketu- Illusion ( Moha ) mada Thanks Best wishes Sharat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 8, 2007 Report Share Posted September 8, 2007 Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Sharat,A clear definition of each scheme of shadripu:graha and its use would be great. I have seen many differing lists. I found this, written by Sanjayji some time ago, which might help you: Coming to the shadripu, if you look closely, then the meanings are very superficial and more like a school students translation. Take Mada for example. Alcohol is a poor translation. Alcoholism or addiction in any form or manner is a better translation. This addiction should also damage the body and make the mind a slave. that is why saturn represents this particular weakness a sit represents servitude/slavery whether to another master or inanimate object. Now take Krodha; Anger is a fine translation and Mars is a good and easy correlation, but what causes this anger? Is it not desire? If so, then how can this be an independant Shadripu? Then we need to rethink about the exact translation.... Like this as all evolve spiritually, these words will have deeper meanings. Matsarya is envy and Venus is the root cause of envy. Displeasure is not correct as Matsarya is not exactly opposite of pleasure. Venus causes envy and troubles because of this weakness in self or others depending on lordship and placement. Respectfully,MichalSharat <gidocsohamsa Sent: Sunday, September 9, 2007 12:37:53 AM Six shadripus  ||हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥Dear Sarajit,I hope you or other Jyotisha can clarify this for me. The six shadripus are governed by 6 planets of the 9 planets. The planets governing the six weaknesses are given below: This is as per your writings on your Blog. However Sanay ji has taught it differently in Atri class ( in blue)1. Mars- Anger ( Krodha ) krodha2. Mercury- Jealousy (Matsarya) matsarya3. Venus- Lust (Kama) moha4. Saturn- Intoxication (Mada) lobbha5. Rahu- Greed ( Lobha) kaam6. Ketu- Illusion ( Moha ) mada Thanks Best wishes Sharat Shape in your own image. Join our Network Research Panel today! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 8, 2007 Report Share Posted September 8, 2007  ||Namah Shivaya|| Dear Michal, Thanks for your mail. As per this: Saturn is Mada Venus is Matsarya ...this is new ! In his Attri class, Sanjay ji attributes Ketu with obsession being headless , thus causing Mada and Mercury relating to Matsarya( jealousy) while Saturn being related to Lobha. Perhaps we need to find the original source of this description. Hope Sarajit or other Gurus can throw some more light on this. Best Sharat - Michal Dziwulski sohamsa Saturday, September 08, 2007 9:36 PM Re: Six shadripus Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Sharat,A clear definition of each scheme of shadripu:graha and its use would be great. I have seen many differing lists. I found this, written by Sanjayji some time ago, which might help you: Coming to the shadripu, if you look closely, then the meanings are very superficial and more like a school students translation. Take Mada for example. Alcohol is a poor translation. Alcoholism or addiction in any form or manner is a better translation. This addiction should also damage the body and make the mind a slave. that is why saturn represents this particular weakness a sit represents servitude/slavery whether to another master or inanimate object. Now take Krodha; Anger is a fine translation and Mars is a good and easy correlation, but what causes this anger? Is it not desire? If so, then how can this be an independant Shadripu? Then we need to rethink about the exact translation.... Like this as all evolve spiritually, these words will have deeper meanings. Matsarya is envy and Venus is the root cause of envy. Displeasure is not correct as Matsarya is not exactly opposite of pleasure. Venus causes envy and troubles because of this weakness in self or others depending on lordship and placement.Respectfully,Michal Sharat <gidoc (AT) ukfsn (DOT) org>sohamsa Sent: Sunday, September 9, 2007 12:37:53 AM Six shadripus  ||हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥Dear Sarajit,I hope you or other Jyotisha can clarify this for me. The six shadripus are governed by 6 planets of the 9 planets. The planets governing the six weaknesses are given below: This is as per your writings on your Blog. However Sanay ji has taught it differently in Atri class ( in blue)1. Mars- Anger ( Krodha ) krodha2. Mercury- Jealousy (Matsarya) matsarya3. Venus- Lust (Kama) moha4. Saturn- Intoxication (Mada) lobbha5. Rahu- Greed ( Lobha) kaam6. Ketu- Illusion ( Moha ) mada Thanks Best wishes Sharat Shape in your own image. Join our Network Research Panel today! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 8, 2007 Report Share Posted September 8, 2007 Hare Rama krishna Dear Sharat, Both are correct. Actually I have four ‘working’ versions from different classes with Sanjayji. We are trying to fine tune this scheme. The atri class model might be the latest. Alcoholism is not a poor translation of mada. Alcohol is one of the translations of mada. Here, as a shadripu, mada means extreme conceit and arrogance. Almost like megalomania. The conceit swallows up the head to such an extent, that the person becomes headless. Hence, ketu. I don’t agree with matsarya being related to Venus. I remember the choices among the planets for depicting matsarya would be between Mercury and Saturn. Moha can be depicted by either Venus or Rahu. Lobha can be Rahu or Saturn. Kama is shown by Rahu rather than Venus, because moha is deep level mesmerization for the material world and is the cause of re-birth. Best regards, Sarbani Rath Sharat [gidoc] Sunday, September 09, 2007 3:45 AM sohamsa Re: Six shadripus  ||Namah Shivaya|| Dear Michal, Thanks for your mail. As per this: Saturn is Mada Venus is Matsarya ...this is new ! In his Attri class, Sanjay ji attributes Ketu with obsession being headless , thus causing Mada and Mercury relating to Matsarya( jealousy) while Saturn being related to Lobha. Perhaps we need to find the original source of this description. Hope Sarajit or other Gurus can throw some more light on this. Best Sharat ----- Original Message ----- Michal Dziwulski sohamsa Saturday, September 08, 2007 9:36 PM Re: Six shadripus Hare Rama Krsna || Dear Sharat, A clear definition of each scheme of shadripu:graha and its use would be great. I have seen many differing lists. I found this, written by Sanjayji some time ago, which might help you: Coming to the shadripu, if you look closely, then the meanings are very superficial and more like a school students translation. Take Mada for example. Alcohol is a poor translation. Alcoholism or addiction in any form or manner is a better translation. This addiction should also damage the body and make the mind a slave. that is why saturn represents this particular weakness a sit represents servitude/slavery whether to another master or inanimate object. Now take Krodha; Anger is a fine translation and Mars is a good and easy correlation, but what causes this anger? Is it not desire? If so, then how can this be an independant Shadripu? Then we need to rethink about the exact translation.... Like this as all evolve spiritually, these words will have deeper meanings. Matsarya is envy and Venus is the root cause of envy. Displeasure is not correct as Matsarya is not exactly opposite of pleasure. Venus causes envy and troubles because of this weakness in self or others depending on lordship and placement. Respectfully, Michal Sharat <gidoc sohamsa Sunday, September 9, 2007 12:37:53 AM Six shadripus  ||हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥ Dear Sarajit, I hope you or other Jyotisha can clarify this for me. The six shadripus are governed by 6 planets of the 9 planets. The planets governing the six weaknesses are given below: This is as per your writings on your Blog. However Sanay ji has taught it differently in Atri class ( in blue) 1. Mars- Anger ( Krodha ) krodha 2. Mercury- Jealousy (Matsarya) matsarya 3. Venus- Lust (Kama) moha 4. Saturn- Intoxication (Mada) lobbha 5. Rahu- Greed ( Lobha) kaam 6. Ketu- Illusion ( Moha ) mada Thanks Best wishes Sharat Shape in your own image. Join our Network Research Panel today! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 9, 2007 Report Share Posted September 9, 2007  ||Namah Shivaya|| Dear Sarbani, Thanks for your opinion, as this seems reasonable. Best Sharat - Sarbani Rath sohamsa Sunday, September 09, 2007 12:54 AM RE: Six shadripus Hare Rama krishna Dear Sharat, Both are correct. Actually I have four ‘working’ versions from different classes with Sanjayji. We are trying to fine tune this scheme. The atri class model might be the latest. Alcoholism is not a poor translation of mada. Alcohol is one of the translations of mada. Here, as a shadripu, mada means extreme conceit and arrogance. Almost like megalomania. The conceit swallows up the head to such an extent, that the person becomes headless. Hence, ketu. I don’t agree with matsarya being related to Venus. I remember the choices among the planets for depicting matsarya would be between Mercury and Saturn. Moha can be depicted by either Venus or Rahu. Lobha can be Rahu or Saturn. Kama is shown by Rahu rather than Venus, because moha is deep level mesmerization for the material world and is the cause of re-birth. Best regards, Sarbani Rath Sharat [gidoc (AT) ukfsn (DOT) org] Sunday, September 09, 2007 3:45 AMsohamsa Subject: Re: Six shadripus  ||Namah Shivaya|| Dear Michal, Thanks for your mail. As per this: Saturn is Mada Venus is Matsarya ...this is new ! In his Attri class, Sanjay ji attributes Ketu with obsession being headless , thus causing Mada and Mercury relating to Matsarya( jealousy) while Saturn being related to Lobha. Perhaps we need to find the original source of this description. Hope Sarajit or other Gurus can throw some more light on this. Best Sharat - Michal Dziwulski sohamsa Saturday, September 08, 2007 9:36 PM Re: Six shadripus Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Sharat,A clear definition of each scheme of shadripu:graha and its use would be great. I have seen many differing lists. I found this, written by Sanjayji some time ago, which might help you: Coming to the shadripu, if you look closely, then the meanings are very superficial and more like a school students translation. Take Mada for example. Alcohol is a poor translation. Alcoholism or addiction in any form or manner is a better translation. This addiction should also damage the body and make the mind a slave. that is why saturn represents this particular weakness a sit represents servitude/slavery whether to another master or inanimate object. Now take Krodha; Anger is a fine translation and Mars is a good and easy correlation, but what causes this anger? Is it not desire? If so, then how can this be an independant Shadripu? Then we need to rethink about the exact translation.... Like this as all evolve spiritually, these words will have deeper meanings. Matsarya is envy and Venus is the root cause of envy. Displeasure is not correct as Matsarya is not exactly opposite of pleasure. Venus causes envy and troubles because of this weakness in self or others depending on lordship and placement. Respectfully,Michal Sharat <gidoc (AT) ukfsn (DOT) org>sohamsa Sent: Sunday, September 9, 2007 12:37:53 AM Six shadripus  ||हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥Dear Sarajit,I hope you or other Jyotisha can clarify this for me. The six shadripus are governed by 6 planets of the 9 planets. The planets governing the six weaknesses are given below: This is as per your writings on your Blog. However Sanay ji has taught it differently in Atri class ( in blue)1. Mars- Anger ( Krodha ) krodha2. Mercury- Jealousy (Matsarya) matsarya3. Venus- Lust (Kama) moha4. Saturn- Intoxication (Mada) lobbha5. Rahu- Greed ( Lobha) kaam6. Ketu- Illusion ( Moha ) mada Thanks Best wishes Sharat Shape in your own image. Join our Network Research Panel today! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 9, 2007 Report Share Posted September 9, 2007 || Jaya Jagannath ||Dear Sharat, As Sarbani pointed out, the scheme requires refinement. What we have at this point is a loose association of 6 planets to 6 ripus. For sure, the luminaries and Jupiter are left out as they are Sattvik and cannot contribute to Ripus. The real meaning of Mada is Exalted ego or pride like a mad elephant, who does not care for anything. This kind of behaviour is akin to headlessness and hence can be linked to Ketu. I think Jealousy or Matsarya should be linked to Mercury as this behaviour is mostly seen in young kids, who does not like to share their belongings and become jealous in seeing something new with someone else. This is basically linked to our psychology of not sharing or holding things back. Which planet represents holding everything back... its Mercury. Kama is not only lust, it is desire! The root of all desires are shown by Venus. Desire comes from appreciation of beauty. If you are indifferent towards something, you will not have the desire to get it. Lobha is greed... Or desires to get more than what you really require. Rahu a shadowy planet should indicate this since greed comes from the ignorance of you not knowing how much you really need. Darkness and ignorance comes from Rahu. Moha is illusion or untruth. The planet which can signify this should be Saturn. Saturn is the karaka for Untruth and lies. There is no doubt that Mars should be linked to Krodha or Anger! So the revised list in my opinion should be: 1. Mars- Krodha2. Mercury- Matsarya3. Venus- Kama 4. Saturn- Moha5. Rahu- Lobha6. Ketu- Mada. The explanations in the mail is very concise and only representative. To justify the topic, it requires a more elaboration, which I am unable to do due to paucity of time. Best Wishes Sarajit On 9/9/07, Sarbani Rath <sarbani wrote: Hare Rama krishna Dear Sharat, Both are correct. Actually I have four 'working' versions from different classes with Sanjayji. We are trying to fine tune this scheme. The atri class model might be the latest. Alcoholism is not a poor translation of mada. Alcohol is one of the translations of mada. Here, as a shadripu, mada means extreme conceit and arrogance. Almost like megalomania. The conceit swallows up the head to such an extent, that the person becomes headless. Hence, ketu. I don't agree with matsarya being related to Venus. I remember the choices among the planets for depicting matsarya would be between Mercury and Saturn. Moha can be depicted by either Venus or Rahu. Lobha can be Rahu or Saturn. Kama is shown by Rahu rather than Venus, because moha is deep level mesmerization for the material world and is the cause of re-birth. Best regards, Sarbani Rath Sharat [gidoc@] Sunday, September 09, 2007 3:45 AMsohamsa Re: Six shadripus  ||Namah Shivaya|| Dear Michal, Thanks for your mail. As per this: Saturn is Mada Venus is Matsarya ...this is new ! In his Attri class, Sanjay ji attributes Ketu with obsession being headless , thus causing Mada and Mercury relating to Matsarya( jealousy) while Saturn being related to Lobha. Perhaps we need to find the original source of this description. Hope Sarajit or other Gurus can throw some more light on this. Best Sharat - Michal Dziwulski sohamsa Saturday, September 08, 2007 9:36 PM Re: Six shadripus Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Sharat,A clear definition of each scheme of shadripu:graha and its use would be great. I have seen many differing lists. I found this, written by Sanjayji some time ago, which might help you: Coming to the shadripu, if you look closely, then the meanings are very superficial and more like a school students translation. Take Mada for example. Alcohol is a poor translation. Alcoholism or addiction in any form or manner is a better translation. This addiction should also damage the body and make the mind a slave. that is why saturn represents this particular weakness a sit represents servitude/slavery whether to another master or inanimate object. Now take Krodha; Anger is a fine translation and Mars is a good and easy correlation, but what causes this anger? Is it not desire? If so, then how can this be an independant Shadripu? Then we need to rethink about the exact translation.... Like this as all evolve spiritually, these words will have deeper meanings. Matsarya is envy and Venus is the root cause of envy. Displeasure is not correct as Matsarya is not exactly opposite of pleasure. Venus causes envy and troubles because of this weakness in self or others depending on lordship and placement. Respectfully,Michal Sharat <gidocsohamsa Sent: Sunday, September 9, 2007 12:37:53 AM Six shadripus  ||हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥Dear Sarajit,I hope you or other Jyotisha can clarify this for me. The six shadripus are governed by 6 planets of the 9 planets. The planets governing the six weaknesses are given below: This is as per your writings on your Blog. However Sanay ji has taught it differently in Atri class ( in blue)1. Mars- Anger ( Krodha ) krodha2. Mercury- Jealousy (Matsarya) matsarya3. Venus- Lust (Kama) moha4. Saturn- Intoxication (Mada) lobbha5. Rahu- Greed ( Lobha) kaam6. Ketu- Illusion ( Moha ) mada Thanks Best wishes Sharat Shape in your own image. Join our Network Research Panel today! -- Best WishesSarajit Poddar Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 10, 2007 Report Share Posted September 10, 2007 Om Namah Shivaya Dear Sarbani Ji, Namaste Is it possible to get the complete mp3 lesson on Shadripus by Sanjay ji? The files at SJC-Atri website is not complete. The files comtains less than 20 mins of recordings. Rgds AnandSarbani Rath <sarbani wrote: Hare Rama krishna Dear Sharat, Both are correct. Actually I have four ‘working’ versions from different classes with Sanjayji. We are trying to fine tune this scheme. The atri class model might be the latest. Alcoholism is not a poor translation of mada. Alcohol is one of the translations of mada. Here, as a shadripu, mada means extreme conceit and arrogance. Almost like megalomania. The conceit swallows up the head to such an extent, that the person becomes headless. Hence, ketu. I don’t agree with matsarya being related to Venus. I remember the choices among the planets for depicting matsarya would be between Mercury and Saturn. Moha can be depicted by either Venus or Rahu. Lobha can be Rahu or Saturn. Kama is shown by Rahu rather than Venus, because moha is deep level mesmerization for the material world and is the cause of re-birth. Best regards, Sarbani Rath Sharat [gidoc (AT) ukfsn (DOT) org] Sunday, September 09, 2007 3:45 AMsohamsa Subject: Re: Six shadripus  ||Namah Shivaya|| Dear Michal, Thanks for your mail. As per this: Saturn is Mada Venus is Matsarya ...this is new ! In his Attri class, Sanjay ji attributes Ketu with obsession being headless , thus causing Mada and Mercury relating to Matsarya( jealousy) while Saturn being related to Lobha. Perhaps we need to find the original source of this description. Hope Sarajit or other Gurus can throw some more light on this. Best Sharat - Michal Dziwulski sohamsa Saturday, September 08, 2007 9:36 PM Re: Six shadripus Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Sharat,A clear definition of each scheme of shadripu:graha and its use would be great. I have seen many differing lists. I found this, written by Sanjayji some time ago, which might help you: Coming to the shadripu, if you look closely, then the meanings are very superficial and more like a school students translation. Take Mada for example. Alcohol is a poor translation. Alcoholism or addiction in any form or manner is a better translation. This addiction should also damage the body and make the mind a slave. that is why saturn represents this particular weakness a sit represents servitude/slavery whether to another master or inanimate object. Now take Krodha; Anger is a fine translation and Mars is a good and easy correlation, but what causes this anger? Is it not desire? If so, then how can this be an independant Shadripu? Then we need to rethink about the exact translation.... Like this as all evolve spiritually, these words will have deeper meanings. Matsarya is envy and Venus is the root cause of envy. Displeasure is not correct as Matsarya is not exactly opposite of pleasure. Venus causes envy and troubles because of this weakness in self or others depending on lordship and placement. Respectfully,Michal Sharat <gidoc (AT) ukfsn (DOT) org>sohamsa Sent: Sunday, September 9, 2007 12:37:53 AM Six shadripus  ||हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥Dear Sarajit,I hope you or other Jyotisha can clarify this for me. The six shadripus are governed by 6 planets of the 9 planets. The planets governing the six weaknesses are given below: This is as per your writings on your Blog. However Sanay ji has taught it differently in Atri class ( in blue)1. Mars- Anger ( Krodha ) krodha2. Mercury- Jealousy (Matsarya) matsarya3. Venus- Lust (Kama) moha4. Saturn- Intoxication (Mada) lobbha5. Rahu- Greed ( Lobha) kaam6. Ketu- Illusion ( Moha ) mada Thanks Best wishes Sharat Shape in your own image. Join our Network Research Panel today! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 10, 2007 Report Share Posted September 10, 2007 हरे राम कृष्ण॥ Dear SS, Namaskar The paper on Upasanamsa, written by me, has a very different context in its reference to the seven other vargas which cause obstacles in sadhana. The focal point being 'weakness' or 'ripu' as Saturn is the main karaka for these. Yet, they have a different context. Keep in mind that 'lagna' is also included in this varga. I think you should keep those two lists separate. Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC Guru Jaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: Soul Sadhak wrote: In the paper: Upasanamsa, the list of "weaknesses" is as under: Su: wealth, finances Mo: compassion Ma: celibacy Me: greed Ju: lack of conviction of one's own community Ve: one's relationships, one's spouse While at the Varahamihira webpage it's listed as under: 1. Mars- Anger ( Krodha ) 2. Mercury- Jealousy (Matsarya) 3. Venus- Lust (Kama) 4. Saturn- Intoxication (Mada) 5. Rahu- Greed ( Lobha) 6. Ketu- Illusion ( Moha ) So while Ma and Ve can be reconciled within the 2 lists, what about Mo and Su in the latter list and Ra+Ke+Ju in the former? Ra and Me seem to clash b/w the 2, Sa finds no place in the former (owing to the way the Sa PAV is read in Vimsamsa) If we see what charakarakas represent, then Moha (as in attachment) may also be attributed to Mo; and Mada (as in pride, ego) may also be attributed to Su, though there's no disagreement that Moha is due to Illusion and one is Intoxicated by the exaggerated sense of self (ego). sohamsa , " Sharat" <gidoc wrote: > > ||Namah Shivaya|| > Dear Sarbani, > Thanks for your opinion, as this seems reasonable. > Best > Sharat > > - > Sarbani Rath > sohamsa > Sunday, September 09, 2007 12:54 AM > RE: Six shadripus > > > > Hare Rama krishna > > Dear Sharat, > > Both are correct. Actually I have four ‘working’ versions from different classes with Sanjayji. We are trying to fine tune this scheme. The atri class model might be the latest. Alcoholism is not a poor translation of mada. Alcohol is one of the translations of mada. Here, as a shadripu, mada means extreme conceit and arrogance. Almost like megalomania. The conceit swallows up the head to such an extent, that the person becomes headless. Hence, ketu. I don’t agree with matsarya being related to Venus. I remember the choices among the planets for depicting matsarya would be between Mercury and Saturn. Moha can be depicted by either Venus or Rahu. Lobha can be Rahu or Saturn. Kama is shown by Rahu rather than Venus, because moha is deep level mesmerization for the material world and is the cause of re-birth. > > Best regards, > > Sarbani Rath > > > > Sharat [gidoc] > Sunday, September 09, 2007 3:45 AM > sohamsa > Re: Six shadripus > > > >  > > ||Namah Shivaya|| > > Dear Michal, > > Thanks for your mail. > > As per this: > > Saturn is Mada > > Venus is Matsarya ...this is new ! > > In his Attri class, Sanjay ji attributes Ketu with obsession being headless , thus causing Mada and Mercury relating to Matsarya( jealousy) while Saturn being related to Lobha. > > Perhaps we need to find the original source of this description. > > Hope Sarajit or other Gurus can throw some more light on this. > > > > Best > > Sharat > > > > - > > Michal Dziwulski > > sohamsa > > Saturday, September 08, 2007 9:36 PM > > Re: Six shadripus > > > > Hare Rama Krsna || > > Dear Sharat, > > A clear definition of each scheme of shadripu:graha and its use would be great. I have seen many differing lists. I found this, written by Sanjayji some time ago, which might help you: > > Coming to the shadripu, if you look closely, then the meanings are very superficial and more like a school students translation. > > Take Mada for example. Alcohol is a poor translation. Alcoholism or addiction in any form or manner is a better translation. This addiction should also damage the body and make the mind a slave. that is why saturn represents this particular weakness a sit represents servitude/slavery whether to another master or inanimate object. > > Now take Krodha; Anger is a fine translation and Mars is a good and easy correlation, but what causes this anger? Is it not desire? If so, then how can this be an independant Shadripu? Then we need to rethink about the exact translation.... > > Like this as all evolve spiritually, these words will have deeper meanings. Matsarya is envy and Venus is the root cause of envy. Displeasure is not correct as Matsarya is not exactly opposite of pleasure. Venus causes envy and troubles because of this weakness in self or others depending on lordship and placement. > > > Respectfully, > Michal > > > Sharat gidoc > sohamsa > Sunday, September 9, 2007 12:37:53 AM > Six shadripus > >  > > > ||हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥ > Dear Sarajit, > I hope you or other Jyotisha can clarify this for me. > The six shadripus are governed by 6 planets of the 9 planets. The planets governing the six weaknesses are given below: This is as per your writings on your Blog. However Sanay ji has taught it differently in Atri class ( in blue) > 1. Mars- Anger ( Krodha ) krodha > 2. Mercury- Jealousy (Matsarya) matsarya > 3. Venus- Lust (Kama) moha > 4. Saturn- Intoxication (Mada) lobbha > 5. Rahu- Greed ( Lobha) kaam > 6. Ketu- Illusion ( Moha ) mada > > Thanks > > Best wishes > > Sharat > > > > > > > > > > ---------- > > Shape in your own image. 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Guest guest Posted September 10, 2007 Report Share Posted September 10, 2007 Dear Anand, Whatever is available, has been uploaded. The shadripu discussion was a part of another discussion. The only remaining mp3s are my parasara classes, which will be uploaded after they are edited. Sarbani Anand Ravi [anandravi2004] Monday, September 10, 2007 10:33 AM sohamsa RE: Six shadripus Om Namah Shivaya Dear Sarbani Ji, Namaste Is it possible to get the complete mp3 lesson on Shadripus by Sanjay ji? The files at SJC-Atri website is not complete. The files comtains less than 20 mins of recordings. Rgds Anand Sarbani Rath <sarbani wrote: Hare Rama krishna Dear Sharat, Both are correct. Actually I have four ‘working’ versions from different classes with Sanjayji. We are trying to fine tune this scheme. The atri class model might be the latest. Alcoholism is not a poor translation of mada. Alcohol is one of the translations of mada. Here, as a shadripu, mada means extreme conceit and arrogance. Almost like megalomania. The conceit swallows up the head to such an extent, that the person becomes headless. Hence, ketu. I don’t agree with matsarya being related to Venus. I remember the choices among the planets for depicting matsarya would be between Mercury and Saturn. Moha can be depicted by either Venus or Rahu. Lobha can be Rahu or Saturn. Kama is shown by Rahu rather than Venus, because moha is deep level mesmerization for the material world and is the cause of re-birth. Best regards, Sarbani Rath Sharat [gidoc] Sunday, September 09, 2007 3:45 AM sohamsa Re: Six shadripus  ||Namah Shivaya|| Dear Michal, Thanks for your mail. As per this: Saturn is Mada Venus is Matsarya ....this is new ! In his Attri class, Sanjay ji attributes Ketu with obsession being headless , thus causing Mada and Mercury relating to Matsarya( jealousy) while Saturn being related to Lobha. Perhaps we need to find the original source of this description. Hope Sarajit or other Gurus can throw some more light on this. Best Sharat - Michal Dziwulski sohamsa Saturday, September 08, 2007 9:36 PM Re: Six shadripus Hare Rama Krsna || Dear Sharat, A clear definition of each scheme of shadripu:graha and its use would be great. I have seen many differing lists. I found this, written by Sanjayji some time ago, which might help you: Coming to the shadripu, if you look closely, then the meanings are very superficial and more like a school students translation. Take Mada for example. Alcohol is a poor translation. Alcoholism or addiction in any form or manner is a better translation. This addiction should also damage the body and make the mind a slave. that is why saturn represents this particular weakness a sit represents servitude/slavery whether to another master or inanimate object. Now take Krodha; Anger is a fine translation and Mars is a good and easy correlation, but what causes this anger? Is it not desire? If so, then how can this be an independant Shadripu? Then we need to rethink about the exact translation.... Like this as all evolve spiritually, these words will have deeper meanings. Matsarya is envy and Venus is the root cause of envy. Displeasure is not correct as Matsarya is not exactly opposite of pleasure. Venus causes envy and troubles because of this weakness in self or others depending on lordship and placement. Respectfully, Michal Sharat <gidoc sohamsa Sunday, September 9, 2007 12:37:53 AM Six shadripus  ||à ¤¹à ¤°à ¥‡ à ¤°à ¤¾à ¤® à ¤•à ¥ƒà ¤·à ¥Âà ¤£à ¥¥ Dear Sarajit, I hope you or other Jyotisha can clarify this for me. The six shadripus are governed by 6 planets of the 9 planets. The planets governing the six weaknesses are given below: This is as per your writings on your Blog. However Sanay ji has taught it differently in Atri class ( in blue) 1. Mars- Anger ( Krodha ) krodha 2. Mercury- Jealousy (Matsarya) matsarya 3. Venus- Lust (Kama) moha 4. Saturn- Intoxication (Mada) lobbha 5. Rahu- Greed ( Lobha) kaam 6. Ketu- Illusion ( Moha ) mada Thanks Best wishes Sharat Shape in your own image. Join our Network Research Panel today! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2007 Report Share Posted September 11, 2007 || Om Gurave Namah || Dear Sarabaniji, Sarajiit and Jyotishas, Yes, I think we do need to refine the understanding a bit more on the Shad ripus. Here is couple of points which I feel any new 'list' or understanding should take into consideration. 1) I like the idea of removing the Saatvic grahas out of the picture. 2) Bhagavat Gita 16.21 particularly seperates Kaama, Krodha and lobha from the six ripus to be the " worst " to take to hell So I think the tamasic graha's should take these. The remaining should be given to the rajasic grahas. I would like your opinion on this. -Warm Regards Sanjay P BG :16.21 tri-vidhamÌ narakasyedamÌ dvÄramÌ nÄÅ›anam ÄtmanahÌ£ kÄmahÌ£ krodhas tathÄ lobhas tasmÄd etat trayamÌ tyajet SYNONYMS tri-vidham — of three kinds; narakasya — of hell; idam — this; dvÄram — gate; nÄÅ›anam — destructive; ÄtmanahÌ£ — of the self; kÄmahÌ£ — lust; krodhahÌ£ — anger; tathÄ â€” as well as; lobhahÌ£ — greed; tasmÄt — therefore; etat — these; trayam — three; tyajet — one must give up. TRANSLATION There are three gates leading to this hell — lust, anger and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul. PURPORT The beginning of demoniac life is described herein. One tries to satisfy his lust, and when he cannot, anger and greed arise. A sane man who does not want to glide down to the species of demoniac life must try to give up these three enemies, which can kill the self to such an extent that there will be no possibility of liberation from this material entanglement. On 9/10/07, Sarbani Rath <sarbani wrote: Dear Anand, Whatever is available, has been uploaded. The shadripu discussion was a part of another discussion. The only remaining mp3s are my parasara classes, which will be uploaded after they are edited. Sarbani Anand Ravi [anandravi20 04] Monday, September 10, 2007 10:33 AMsohamsa Subject: RE: Six shadripus Om Namah Shivaya Dear Sarbani Ji, Namaste Is it possible to get the complete mp3 lesson on Shadripus by Sanjay ji? The files at SJC-Atri website is not complete. The files comtains less than 20 mins of recordings. Rgds AnandSarbani Rath <sarbani (AT) (DOT) org> wrote: Hare Rama krishna Dear Sharat, Both are correct. Actually I have four ‘working’ versions from different classes with Sanjayji. We are trying to fine tune this scheme. The atri class model might be the latest. Alcoholism is not a poor translation of mada. Alcohol is one of the translations of mada. Here, as a shadripu, mada means extreme conceit and arrogance. Almost like megalomania. The conceit swallows up the head to such an extent, that the person becomes headless. Hence, ketu. I don’t agree with matsarya being related to Venus. I remember the choices among the planets for depicting matsarya would be between Mercury and Saturn. Moha can be depicted by either Venus or Rahu. Lobha can be Rahu or Saturn. Kama is shown by Rahu rather than Venus, because moha is deep level mesmerization for the material world and is the cause of re-birth. Best regards, Sarbani Rath Sharat [gidoc@] Sunday, September 09, 2007 3:45 AMsohamsa Subject: Re: Six shadripus  ||Namah Shivaya|| Dear Michal, Thanks for your mail. As per this: Saturn is Mada Venus is Matsarya ...this is new ! In his Attri class, Sanjay ji attributes Ketu with obsession being headless , thus causing Mada and Mercury relating to Matsarya( jealousy) while Saturn being related to Lobha. Perhaps we need to find the original source of this description. Hope Sarajit or other Gurus can throw some more light on this. Best Sharat - Michal Dziwulski sohamsa Saturday, September 08, 2007 9:36 PM Re: Six shadripus Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Sharat,A clear definition of each scheme of shadripu:graha and its use would be great. I have seen many differing lists. I found this, written by Sanjayji some time ago, which might help you: Coming to the shadripu, if you look closely, then the meanings are very superficial and more like a school students translation. Take Mada for example. Alcohol is a poor translation. Alcoholism or addiction in any form or manner is a better translation. This addiction should also damage the body and make the mind a slave. that is why saturn represents this particular weakness a sit represents servitude/slavery whether to another master or inanimate object. Now take Krodha; Anger is a fine translation and Mars is a good and easy correlation, but what causes this anger? Is it not desire? If so, then how can this be an independant Shadripu? Then we need to rethink about the exact translation.... Like this as all evolve spiritually, these words will have deeper meanings. Matsarya is envy and Venus is the root cause of envy. Displeasure is not correct as Matsarya is not exactly opposite of pleasure. Venus causes envy and troubles because of this weakness in self or others depending on lordship and placement. Respectfully,Michal Sharat <gidocsohamsa Sent: Sunday, September 9, 2007 12:37:53 AM Six shadripus  ||à ¤¹à ¤°à ¥‡ à ¤°à ¤¾à ¤® à ¤•à ¥ƒà ¤·à ¥Âà ¤£à ¥¥ Dear Sarajit,I hope you or other Jyotisha can clarify this for me. The six shadripus are governed by 6 planets of the 9 planets. The planets governing the six weaknesses are given below: This is as per your writings on your Blog. However Sanay ji has taught it differently in Atri class ( in blue)1. Mars- Anger ( Krodha ) krodha2. Mercury- Jealousy (Matsarya) matsarya3. Venus- Lust (Kama) moha4. Saturn- Intoxication (Mada) lobbha5. Rahu- Greed ( Lobha) kaam6. Ketu- Illusion ( Moha ) mada Thanks Best wishes Sharat Shape in your own image. Join our Network Research Panel today! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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