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Problems with my spouse

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|| Hare Rama Krushna ||Namaskaar Sourav Ji,Thank you for your feedback on the analysis. Kindly go through my comments in-line.May Sri Vishnu bless us all,Reema.sohamsa , "Sourav" <souravc108 wrote:>> || Hare Raama Krsna ||> || Durgaa Saranam ||> > Dear Reema-ji,> namaskar. You have made a nice> analysis. However, kindly permit me to write a couple of points.<Reema>Coming from you, this compliment means a lot to me. Thank you for the inspiration.</Reema>> > 1. It is always a good idea to verify the truth from any available> chart. This gives corroboration because the way the husband may be> presenting the problem to you may not be the full truth i.e. to say he> may or may not know the whole picture. So looking at wife's chart is> necessary.<Reema>You are right. You see, in case of marital problems, I used to analyze both husband's and wife's charts. However, over time I have learned that husband's and wife's Karma is very interlinked, and usually we do not see a story in a given spouse's chart that is not repeated in the other spouse's chart in the area of conjugal happiness. Besides, as a Jyotisha, we are conditioned to not take the Jataka's view of the world at face value. We always look in the chart and try to see the truth there. And, with Surya's blessings, the chart does show us things such as Karma, resulting Samskaara, and the direction that the Atman's limited Free Will is likely to take. Knowing this, my hope is that I was not taking Senthil's understanding of his marriage and wife into account in my analysis. I was looking very hard in his chart for the Truth as I must.Now, there is another reason for not looking at the wife's chart. Usually for marital problems, I have seen that the spouse who approaches Jyotisha is the one looking to honestly salvage the marriage. This also means that s/he will be open to doing suggested remedies. In this case, the husband approached us indicating that he does to some extent believe in Karma, God, and Penance. The wife did not. Which could be possibly taken as to indicate that she does not think this suffering is Karma related. And, I have learned, through some difficult experiences with close ones I must add, to not discuss Jyotisha or offer remedies to those who do not appreciate the basic framework of created existence propounded in the Veda. May be I am assuming too much, and may hap I am wrong in my discrimination. In which case, I have no choice but to wait for Brihaspati to bless me and remove this Aviveka.But, with all that said, I do see a technical flaw in my approach of using just one spouse's chart for marital problem analysis - if the chart is not rectified then I will never know if I am looking at the right Upapada. One way to determine that quickly is by Upapada matching with the other chart. So I realize that I should use the other chart if only to arrive at the correct Upapada.</Reema>> > 2. In Senthil's chart the case about the curse is clear as you have> rightly pointed out. Additionally, vivahakaraka is combust in close> proximity to debilitated Surya showing that burning is necessary for the> sins to wash away. <Reema>Yes, the combustion of Sukra shows burning of sins of Kama by Siva. Combustion of Sukra means the Sukra is controlled by Surya, and hence, it could make the native break relationship and marriage in order to uphold Dharma or societal norms especially if Guru aspects such a Sukra. One advise given by Sanjay Ji to interpret combustion of planets in various signs is to understand the Aaditya associated with the sign. In this case, it would be Parjanya. However, my study of the Veda and the Purana is almost nil to be able to derive meaningful interpretation of a combust Sukra in yuti with Surya in a sign whose Aaditya is Parjanya. Other than the facts that Parjanya is one of the Sapta rishis in the fifth Manvantara, and that it literally means "rain", I have no other basis to further peel the layers off this combust Sukra in Tula. If anybody can throw light on this, I would be most appreciative.</Reema>> Lagna and 6th lords are in parivartana and promotes> celibacy. But how is his wife's inordinate attachment to parents shown> that is not clear to me and infact I am not sure at all. If this Navamsa> lagna is correct the Senthil should be a great learner of vedas,> vedangas, jyotish etc, as Surya, Guru and Ketu are all in trines. <Reema>The point about Parivartana is a good one. But let us not go into that because Udu dasa of Guru is far away (2023).Surya in trines to Navamsa can also express itself by giving a good sense of rhythm to a person, and with a good Budha can show a person very good in dancing. Guru and Ketu in trines in Navamsa can express themselves in myriad of ways, one of which will be learning Jyotisha. Senthil is learning Jyotisha (did you see his other message to me?). Also, Guru strong in trikona can make him want to learn languages, write (Guru-Chandra yoga), etc. Your question about wife's attachment to the parents is a good one to ask. I am not sure how to see this personality trait. So let us keep asking this question for better scrutiny.</Reema>> Only> if he is so then this Navamsa is correct. And is this Navamsa is> correct, then 7th house has Unmada yoga combination tempered by exalted> Mercury. But there is another unfortunate yoga, per JaiminiSutram. 3rd> lord Shukra is in the 2nd house (i.e. 8th from 7th house showing> breakage of marraige) and this sign belongs to Mars and is aspected by> 8th aspect by Mars. This is a combination of extra-marital relationships> breaking marriage. Ketu is not aspecting this combination so the> marriage cannot be sustained even for the sake of lineage. Only Guru's> rasi drishti from the 9th is protecting this. The eunach grahas Mercury> and Sani dominating the 7th also casts doubt about his sexuality issues.> But if all this is not true then we should discard this Navaamsa and> take Kumbha Navaamsa as lagna. Infact I am quite inclined to believe> that Kumbha is the correct Navaamsa lagna. Then 7th house is Simha and> 2nd from the 7th has the combination causing frequent breaks. This> includes lords of 9th and 4th from 7th house indicating parents of wife> involved. Infact, 7th house has a paapakartari as well.<Reema>Yes, I did see that Sukra in the 2nd and immediately think of extramarital affairs, but then I looked at Guru in the 9th in strength in Navamsa and exalted in lagna in rasi. Is my judgment wrong?</Reema>> > 3. In his wife's chart, too many planets in the 7th is again causing> commotion. DK Jupiter is in rasi sandhi and is in parivartana with> Mangal (7th and 8th houses) indicating breaks. Mangal is AK and involved> in pisacha yoga with exalted nodes and conjoins A6 indicating bad> involvemet of her enemies. This also constitutes curse of sarpas (as> Mangal is aspecting Rahu). Exalted Sani is aspecting this combination> from the 6th house indicating strong enemies. Please take note that this> is the main focus of the present problematic situation. Both her pitri> and matri karakas are in the 7th indicating that parents really want to> support this marriage and indeed their happiness is in her successful> marital relationship. Her Dwadasamsa and Navamsa lagnas vary within 17> secs so let us look at her Dwadasamsa. In her dwadasamsa, Kanya langa> gives correct result as the lagnes in the 9th house indicating strong> attachment with father and also father may have some weakness in health.> Coming to her Navamsa, the lagna is Mesha and 7th has debilitated Surya> the 5th lord. She may be a person of strong emotions and that may lead> to ego clashes. Also note that Surya and Sani have exchanged positions> coming from Rasi to Navaamsa charts.> > Please take this in the light of discussions only. You have done a nice> analysis, do keep it up.> > Sarvam Durgaarpanamastu.> > Best wishes,> > Sourav> ========================================================================\> ==================================> > > > sohamsa , "Reema Patel Sriganesh"> reema_sriganesh@ wrote:> >> > || Hare Rama Krushna ||> >> > Namaskaar Senthil,> >> > I have looked only at your chart. I have not opened your wife's chart> > because she is not living with you, and hence, I assume that she is> > probably not open to remedies, etc, suggested by you. Which defeats> the> > purpose of looking at her chart. Further, note that I have not> rectified> > your birth time but based on your wife's behavior as described by you,> > Navamsa seems correct.> >> > Now looking at your chart, a couple of things are very clear:> >> > 1) You have Kalatra shaapa (curse of spouse). This curse is quite> > difficult to remedy because Venus is retrograde indicating that the> > person who cursed was under intense emotions. This karma is inherited> by> > you from your maternal side. And, you will have to experience this> > curse given 8th lords' (Saturn and Rahu) and Atmakaraka's (Rahu)> > involvement. You have to go to God to give you strength to face this> > Karma.> >> > 2) Let us see how this curse is manifesting - Venus being the Karaka> of> > marriage, and further due to the involvement of 7th and 8th lords, it> is> > clear that your experience of relationships is sour. Venus in sixth> from> > Arudha Lagna goes on to support this conclusion further. The Kalatra> > shaapa is formed in 7th from Upapada Lagna showing that when the curse> > starts giving its results, you'll see opposition from fatherly> figure(s)> > and female(s) to your marriage. This will cause lots of disturbance at> > home (4th bhava).> >> > 3) The sustenance of marriage is seen from 2nd bhava/lord from Upapada> > Lagna. The 2nd lord is Shukra involved in a curse. So sustenance of> this> > Upapada is difficult due to that curse. To add to this, Mangala is in> > the 8th from Upapada making it a difficult marriage.> >> > 4) Let us examine your wife's tendency (conclusions are derived from> > your chart) - She is cultured, but that Saturn-Mars conjunction in the> > 7th bhava in Navamsa coupled with Guru in marana karaka sthana from> 7th> > bhava tells me that Viveka is not working properly, and worse thing is> > she is not aware of this malfunctioning Viveka.> >> > 5) Let us examine your tendencies too - Your AK is in 3rd bhava.> Please> > try to detach yourself a bit from some of the negative influences of> 3rd> > bhava such as ruthlessness, for instance. I should say that your> arudha> > lagna is in marana karaka sthana from Rahu, and it shows that at a> > deeper level you don't care much about your own reputation. Which is> > alright, if you are sure that you are always being truthful.> Otherwise,> > it will only add to the ruthlessness. You have a beautiful Guru in> > lagna. Why not take full advantage of this blessing? Also, lagnesha> > Chandra in 6th house could make you a bit argumentative coupled with> > Shashti tithi on which you are born. Please control that urge to argue> > because it could lead to unnecessary enmity. Also, you have Upapada> > Lagna in 12th from Arudha Lagna indicating that it is difficult to> give> > to the spouse. Meaning, it is almost like the ego is getting in the> way> > of giving into her. This ego is your undoing, in my humble opinion.> >> > 6) About career - Let Rahu Moola dasa pass away (07/27/2008). You will> > see some relief at work front then. Rahu is in the 10th from Moon in> > rasi indicating that this period will cause insecurity at career front> > for you. But you should not worry a lot about your career. I think you> > have Sri Vishnu's blessings there. Just focus on controlling your home> > situation, and don't let the emotions flow in to work place.> >> > 7) A note on the current Narayana Dasa - You are in Pisces Narayana> Dasa> > until November, 2011. This dasa will end up making you spiritual> thereby> > blessing you and no other blessing will be bigger than this. Also note> > that this is the dasa of paying off the Karmic debts, and that in> itself> > is a blessing.> >> > Remedies> >> > If you believe that past wrongs can be set to right by truly changing> > your inner self, then here are the deities that will help you achieve> > this.> >> > 1) Ishta Devata - Sambashiva> >> > 2) To help you go through the curse - Parvati or Kamalaatmika> >> > 3) Dharma Devata - Sri Vishnu> >> > 4) Fast on Tuesdays without fail, and worship Kamalaatmika on this> day.> >> > Whether you like it or not, try worshiping Shiva as Sambashiva. The> best> > way to worship a deity is by knowing a deity. Read as much religious> > literature as you can possibly find on Sambashiva.> >> > I have not yet started studying Mantra shastra, and so I will not be> > able to give you Mantra for the above deities. But Visti Ji, Sarbani> Ji,> > and other Gurujana on this list are very kind and helpful, and will> give> > you appropriate mantras if you approach them with truth (Shiva) in> your> > heart.> >> > With Sri Vishnu Smarana,> > Reema.> >> > sohamsa , "Senthil Adaikappan" findsenthil@> > wrote:> > >> > > Dear Gurujis and Jyothishas,> > >> > > I am having lot of problems with my spouse, who does not understand> > > me at any point, my views and making lot of trouble in my personal> > > life. My professional life also stands in a very critical position> > > and this personal turbulence is affecting my career.> > >> > > My wife has just blind affection to her parents and always leaves me> > > alone and goes to Parents house and stays for a long time there.She> > > has very less affection towards me in comparison with her parents.> > > We had some problems even before and due to her affection with her> > > parents,and she telling all our small personal quarells to them, her> > > father had interrogated me as if I had done a crime and since then I> > > had avoided him. Now she is completely sitting there and not living> > > with me.I do not now what to do and I am undergoing lot of pain,> > > because I have so much love for her.What her father asked me had> > > wounded to a great extent and I could not forget those things.> > >> > > When will this issue get resolved. please help me> > >> > > My Birth Details> > > 06th November 1978> > > Time: 00:29:10 hrs> > > Place: Chennai, India> > >> > > Her birth details> > > 28th November 1982> > > Time: 17:48:00 hrs> > > Place: Cannanore, Kerala, India> > >> > > Please help me, I do not know where this will go> > >> > > Thanks and Regards> > > Senthil> > >> >>

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!Om Gurave Namah! Dear Jyotishas, Namaskar! This is a very nice and insightful discussion. I have a couple of observations: 1) The Asc in D-1 changes within 14 minutes, so Leo Asc is also a possibility. 2) Further, I am thinking UL can be either the first or the third one , since Ve is in 12th from the 2nd UL and so that UL will never manifest. 3) If Navamsa lagna is Pisces then Ra (in Capricorn) is in trines to the 7th house. This doesnt say good things about the attitude of this subject towards 7th house matters. In that case extra-marital relations cannot be rule out. 4) In the lady's chart there is Mars (7L) in 8H and from my understanding 8H Mars is never condusive for marriage. Since this chart doesnt fully explain

the events described, In my opinion the birth time of the native needs correction. Please let me know your thoughts. Senthil please provide the answers to questions requested by Reema ji. And also tell 1) if your wife is good in cooking/sports, Fine arts, written communication and articulation. 2) what is the social status of your family? 3) If you are good in fine arts, dancing, interested in Vedanga, Music and also comment about your organization/leadership skills. 4) Did this marriage happen as a reaction to a previous relationship? Warm regards, Pranav Reema Patel Sriganesh <reema_sriganesh wrote: || Hare Rama Krushna ||Namaskaar Senthil,Please go through my responses in-line.May Sri Vishnu bless us all,Reema.sohamsa , "Senthil Adaikappan" <findsenthil wrote:>> Dear Shri Reema Patel,> > Thanks for your analysis.I understand your points, you have > mentioned that there is curse in my chart. Is that not true, that if > Guru is in Lagna, he eliminates all the curses of the chart.<Reema>Unfortunately, it is not so. We are required to understand the sublime difference between sins caused by ripus (weaknesses i.e. Krodha-anger, Kaama-lust,

Lobha-greed, Mada-intoxication, Matsarya-jealousy, and Moha-illusion) and Shaapa caused by dushta karma. All the shad ripus can be mapped to the six grahas barring the three satva guna planets namely Surya, Chandra (because they are luminaries, the source of light, and hence, the remover of all darkness i.e. ignorance), and Guru (because he can illumine our paths out of ignorance through divine knowledge). Hence, the upadesa in Sri Achyuta Dasa's tradition that a strong Guru in lagna can destroy all sins by a sincere bow to Shiva because Guru so placed will affect one's intelligence and make him a seeker of Shiva's blessings (Pratyaadhi devata of Guru, and remover of all the ripus, and hence, sins).Now coming to Shaapa and Dushta Karma. Any karma done with bad intention becomes dushta karma. It is all about what kind of intention was the basis of our action (core teaching of Sri Krushna in Bhagavata Gita). If the intention is rooted in desire - worldly or

otherwise - then the resulting action is said to create more karma; good or bad is based on the causal action, which was in turn based on the underlying intention. More karma means the soul will have to take birth in one of the lokas or talas to reap it. The result is an endless cycle of bondage. The karma that leads one to evoke really bad emotions in another thereby causing the latter to wish ill is the root cause of Shaapa. Now if you think about this, it is actually our shad ripu that leads us to sin, which in turn accumulates as dushta karma on our Atman. For example, if a soul was not conquered by anger, then it would not hurt another soul, thereby diminishing the probability of accumulating more dusta karma and potential shaapa. So not all dushta karma leads to Shaapa, but underneath all Shaapa lies dushta karma borne out of sin borne out of shad ripu. Of course, this applies to all created beings. And God (Narayana) being uncreated is above this. In other

words, Sri Vishnu did not have to come to this world as Sri Rama due to Devarishi's shaapa. But He chose to come to this world and bear the curse of Narada out of His causeless love for the Devarishi. This leads me to make another point to counter your core question about Jupiter in lagna eliminating all curses in a chart - have you known Bhagawan Sri Rama's chart? Where is Guru?This is my simpleton understanding of papa vis-a-vis dushta karma.</Reema>> Even > before we got married, I had an engagement with another girl and the > marriage didnt happen. UL in my chart is 12th to AL and will it not > shift that, my wife is something like 2nd UL meaning that UL will > change 7 houses from present. I do not know much, please enlighten > me.<Reema>Okay, so this means that Mangala in 8th from UL did not let the first Upapada manifest at all. Which is not very

surprising. Now we can take Vrischika Upapada with the following considerations:This Upapada shows that your wife has an aggressive and dynamic personality, and is a straight-forward but conceited person. She should be short tempered, and also tends to get very influenced by friends. But she is a Dhimanta (seeker of knowledge) and there is no doubt about it from this Upapada. Also, she is a strong believer in Dharma, and there is no doubt about that, too, from this Upapada. If she is not Dharmic, then you'll have to wait till she worships Sri Ganesha. Does this describe her?Also, for Vrischika Upapada to be valid, the brother must have played an important role (mostly, helpful) in bringing about this marriage. Is that true?If yes, then you can take Vrischika as your current Upapada. In which case, the first thing of note is badhakesha Chandra sitting in 2nd from Upapada and debilitated in Navamsa making sustenance a bit of a challenge.But

please note this - Either Upapada does not change the heavy Kalatra shaapa. So do consider the suggestion of remedying that Sukra sincerely. Start with Ishta devata and Kamalaatmika worship immediately, if you can. Today is Sukla dwiteeya of Asywayuja (Ashwin) masa i.e. 2nd day of Navaratri. Mother will bless you, as She does all Her children! I forgot to tell you earlier that do not start worshiping Mother unless you are completely vegetarian. This applies to all Shakti worship (Neela, Sri, and Bhu), and not just Neela shakti, in my humble logic.Also, note that your core tendencies as far as giving is concerned will not change with the Upapada progressing to Vrischika.</Reema>> Since my father in law spoke a lot about me, I am not talking to him > at all. Even though she sits in her father's house, Aged people like > her grand father or grand mother or even her parents are not telling > her that you need to go

and live with ur husband and that is only > good for all. Her character in one way is an adamant one,like in her > house either her brother or her parents or her grand parents do not > go against her. whatever she tells, everyone is ready to agree. But > here I do not entertain all those things. The amazing fact is that I > have not even slapped her or hit her once. As you mentioned I argue > on things which I do not like. Like her father wounding me with his > words due to she telling our petty quarells to him.> My parents also do not want me to go down and bring her home. They > told that u did not send her, she herself went and she should come.> My present situation is really pathetic, as we do not have even a > issue after 1 and half years of married life. Even if a child is > there, then will be less amount of worries.Also please tell me, when > issue will happen.<Reema>We are still trying to rectify your Navamsa. I do not want to touch progeny matters because I am not very learned in it. It would be wrong to confuse you further by providing my half baked analysis on progeny. But I can tell you this with somewhat certainty that if your Upapada is Vrischika, you'll have brilliant children due to the blessing of Shiva. That is if you both patch up.</Reema>> > Thanks for your help at painful circumstances,<Reema>We all have to go through the circumstances that you are going through to make this into a meaningful life, otherwise, really, what would be the point of this whole collage of experiences that we call life? Don't forget, this is a time of paying Karmic debts, and learning a few lessons that only Mother will be able to teach you with patience and grace.</Reema>> > Senthil>

> I am telling this as a reason, is that not true that UL will shift > > sohamsa , "Reema Patel Sriganesh" > reema_sriganesh@ wrote:> >> > || Hare Rama Krushna ||> > > > Namaskaar Senthil,> > > > I have looked only at your chart. I have not opened your wife's > chart> > because she is not living with you, and hence, I assume that she is> > probably not open to remedies, etc, suggested by you. Which > defeats the> > purpose of looking at her chart. Further, note that I have not > rectified> > your birth time but based on your wife's behavior as described by > you,> > Navamsa seems correct.> > > > Now looking at your chart, a couple of things are very clear:> > > > 1) You have Kalatra shaapa (curse of spouse). This curse is quite> >

difficult to remedy because Venus is retrograde indicating that the> > person who cursed was under intense emotions. This karma is > inherited by> > you from your maternal side. And, you will have to experience this> > curse given 8th lords' (Saturn and Rahu) and Atmakaraka's (Rahu)> > involvement. You have to go to God to give you strength to face > this> > Karma.> > > > 2) Let us see how this curse is manifesting - Venus being the > Karaka of> > marriage, and further due to the involvement of 7th and 8th lords, > it is> > clear that your experience of relationships is sour. Venus in > sixth from> > Arudha Lagna goes on to support this conclusion further. The > Kalatra> > shaapa is formed in 7th from Upapada Lagna showing that when the > curse> > starts giving its results, you'll see opposition from

fatherly > figure(s)> > and female(s) to your marriage. This will cause lots of > disturbance at> > home (4th bhava).> > > > 3) The sustenance of marriage is seen from 2nd bhava/lord from > Upapada> > Lagna. The 2nd lord is Shukra involved in a curse. So sustenance > of this> > Upapada is difficult due to that curse. To add to this, Mangala is > in> > the 8th from Upapada making it a difficult marriage.> > > > 4) Let us examine your wife's tendency (conclusions are derived > from> > your chart) - She is cultured, but that Saturn-Mars conjunction in > the> > 7th bhava in Navamsa coupled with Guru in marana karaka sthana > from 7th> > bhava tells me that Viveka is not working properly, and worse > thing is> > she is not aware of this malfunctioning Viveka.> > > > 5)

Let us examine your tendencies too - Your AK is in 3rd bhava. > Please> > try to detach yourself a bit from some of the negative influences > of 3rd> > bhava such as ruthlessness, for instance. I should say that your > arudha> > lagna is in marana karaka sthana from Rahu, and it shows that at a> > deeper level you don't care much about your own reputation. Which > is> > alright, if you are sure that you are always being truthful. > Otherwise,> > it will only add to the ruthlessness. You have a beautiful Guru in> > lagna. Why not take full advantage of this blessing? Also, lagnesha> > Chandra in 6th house could make you a bit argumentative coupled > with> > Shashti tithi on which you are born. Please control that urge to > argue> > because it could lead to unnecessary enmity. Also, you have Upapada> > Lagna in 12th

from Arudha Lagna indicating that it is difficult to > give> > to the spouse. Meaning, it is almost like the ego is getting in > the way> > of giving into her. This ego is your undoing, in my humble opinion.> > > > 6) About career - Let Rahu Moola dasa pass away (07/27/2008). You > will> > see some relief at work front then. Rahu is in the 10th from Moon > in> > rasi indicating that this period will cause insecurity at career > front> > for you. But you should not worry a lot about your career. I think > you> > have Sri Vishnu's blessings there. Just focus on controlling your > home> > situation, and don't let the emotions flow in to work place.> > > > 7) A note on the current Narayana Dasa - You are in Pisces > Narayana Dasa> > until November, 2011. This dasa will end up making you spiritual

> thereby> > blessing you and no other blessing will be bigger than this. Also > note> > that this is the dasa of paying off the Karmic debts, and that in > itself> > is a blessing.> > > > Remedies> > > > If you believe that past wrongs can be set to right by truly > changing> > your inner self, then here are the deities that will help you > achieve> > this.> > > > 1) Ishta Devata - Sambashiva> > > > 2) To help you go through the curse - Parvati or Kamalaatmika> > > > 3) Dharma Devata - Sri Vishnu> > > > 4) Fast on Tuesdays without fail, and worship Kamalaatmika on this > day.> > > > Whether you like it or not, try worshiping Shiva as Sambashiva. > The best> > way to worship a deity is by knowing a deity. Read as much >

religious> > literature as you can possibly find on Sambashiva.> > > > I have not yet started studying Mantra shastra, and so I will not > be> > able to give you Mantra for the above deities. But Visti Ji, > Sarbani Ji,> > and other Gurujana on this list are very kind and helpful, and > will give> > you appropriate mantras if you approach them with truth (Shiva) in > your> > heart.> > > > With Sri Vishnu Smarana,> > Reema.> > > > sohamsa , "Senthil Adaikappan" <findsenthil@>> > wrote:> > >> > > Dear Gurujis and Jyothishas,> > >> > > I am having lot of problems with my spouse, who does not > understand> > > me at any point, my views and making lot of trouble in my > personal> > > life. My

professional life also stands in a very critical > position> > > and this personal turbulence is affecting my career.> > >> > > My wife has just blind affection to her parents and always > leaves me> > > alone and goes to Parents house and stays for a long time > there.She> > > has very less affection towards me in comparison with her > parents.> > > We had some problems even before and due to her affection with > her> > > parents,and she telling all our small personal quarells to them, > her> > > father had interrogated me as if I had done a crime and since > then I> > > had avoided him. Now she is completely sitting there and not > living> > > with me.I do not now what to do and I am undergoing lot of pain,> > > because I have so much love for her.What her father asked me

had> > > wounded to a great extent and I could not forget those things.> > >> > > When will this issue get resolved. please help me> > >> > > My Birth Details> > > 06th November 1978> > > Time: 00:29:10 hrs> > > Place: Chennai, India> > >> > > Her birth details> > > 28th November 1982> > > Time: 17:48:00 hrs> > > Place: Cannanore, Kerala, India> > >> > > Please help me, I do not know where this will go> > >> > > Thanks and Regards> > > Senthil> > >> >>

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Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Senthil,Can you please tell us whether money matters a geat concern in the relationship? I am trying to understand the role of Arudha's in your chart and you have A2 in 2nd from Scorpio which is most likely your current UL.Thanks,MichalReema Patel Sriganesh <reema_sriganeshsohamsa Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 12:16:26 PM Re: Problems with my spouse


|| Hare Rama Krushna ||Namaskaar Senthil,Please go through my responses in-line.May Sri Vishnu bless us all,Reema.sohamsa@ .com, "Senthil Adaikappan" <findsenthil@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Shri Reema Patel,> > Thanks for your analysis.I understand your points, you have > mentioned that there is curse in my chart. Is that not true, that if > Guru is in Lagna, he eliminates all the curses of the chart.<Reema>Unfortunately, it is not so. We are required to understand the sublime difference between sins caused by ripus (weaknesses i.e. Krodha-anger, Kaama-lust, Lobha-greed, Mada-intoxication, Matsarya-jealousy, and Moha-illusion) and Shaapa caused by dushta karma. All the shad ripus can be mapped to the six grahas barring the

three satva guna planets namely Surya, Chandra (because they are luminaries, the source of light, and hence, the remover of all darkness i.e. ignorance), and Guru (because he can illumine our paths out of ignorance through divine knowledge). Hence, the upadesa in Sri Achyuta Dasa's tradition that a strong Guru in lagna can destroy all sins by a sincere bow to Shiva because Guru so placed will affect one's intelligence and make him a seeker of Shiva's blessings (Pratyaadhi devata of Guru, and remover of all the ripus, and hence, sins).Now coming to Shaapa and Dushta Karma. Any karma done with bad intention becomes dushta karma. It is all about what kind of intention was the basis of our action (core teaching of Sri Krushna in Bhagavata Gita). If the intention is rooted in desire - worldly or otherwise - then the resulting action is said to create more karma; good or bad is based on the causal action, which was in turn based on the

underlying intention. More karma means the soul will have to take birth in one of the lokas or talas to reap it. The result is an endless cycle of bondage. The karma that leads one to evoke really bad emotions in another thereby causing the latter to wish ill is the root cause of Shaapa. Now if you think about this, it is actually our shad ripu that leads us to sin, which in turn accumulates as dushta karma on our Atman. For example, if a soul was not conquered by anger, then it would not hurt another soul, thereby diminishing the probability of accumulating more dusta karma and potential shaapa. So not all dushta karma leads to Shaapa, but underneath all Shaapa lies dushta karma borne out of sin borne out of shad ripu. Of course, this applies to all created beings. And God (Narayana) being uncreated is above this. In other words, Sri Vishnu did not have to come to this world as Sri Rama due to Devarishi's shaapa. But He chose to come to this

world and bear the curse of Narada out of His causeless love for the Devarishi. This leads me to make another point to counter your core question about Jupiter in lagna eliminating all curses in a chart - have you known Bhagawan Sri Rama's chart? Where is Guru?This is my simpleton understanding of papa vis-a-vis dushta karma.</Reema>> Even > before we got married, I had an engagement with another girl and the > marriage didnt happen. UL in my chart is 12th to AL and will it not > shift that, my wife is something like 2nd UL meaning that UL will > change 7 houses from present. I do not know much, please enlighten > me.<Reema>Okay, so this means that Mangala in 8th from UL did not let the first Upapada manifest at all. Which is not very surprising. Now we can take Vrischika Upapada with the following considerations:This Upapada

shows that your wife has an aggressive and dynamic personality, and is a straight-forward but conceited person. She should be short tempered, and also tends to get very influenced by friends. But she is a Dhimanta (seeker of knowledge) and there is no doubt about it from this Upapada. Also, she is a strong believer in Dharma, and there is no doubt about that, too, from this Upapada. If she is not Dharmic, then you'll have to wait till she worships Sri Ganesha. Does this describe her?Also, for Vrischika Upapada to be valid, the brother must have played an important role (mostly, helpful) in bringing about this marriage. Is that true?If yes, then you can take Vrischika as your current Upapada. In which case, the first thing of note is badhakesha Chandra sitting in 2nd from Upapada and debilitated in Navamsa making sustenance a bit of a challenge.But please note this - Either Upapada does not change the heavy Kalatra shaapa. So do

consider the suggestion of remedying that Sukra sincerely. Start with Ishta devata and Kamalaatmika worship immediately, if you can. Today is Sukla dwiteeya of Asywayuja (Ashwin) masa i.e. 2nd day of Navaratri. Mother will bless you, as She does all Her children! I forgot to tell you earlier that do not start worshiping Mother unless you are completely vegetarian. This applies to all Shakti worship (Neela, Sri, and Bhu), and not just Neela shakti, in my humble logic.Also, note that your core tendencies as far as giving is concerned will not change with the Upapada progressing to Vrischika.</Reema>> Since my father in law spoke a lot about me, I am not talking to him > at all. Even though she sits in her father's house, Aged people like > her grand father or grand mother or even her parents are not telling > her that you need to go and live with ur husband and that is only > good for

all. Her character in one way is an adamant one,like in her > house either her brother or her parents or her grand parents do not > go against her. whatever she tells, everyone is ready to agree. But > here I do not entertain all those things. The amazing fact is that I > have not even slapped her or hit her once. As you mentioned I argue > on things which I do not like. Like her father wounding me with his > words due to she telling our petty quarells to him.> My parents also do not want me to go down and bring her home. They > told that u did not send her, she herself went and she should come.> My present situation is really pathetic, as we do not have even a > issue after 1 and half years of married life. Even if a child is > there, then will be less amount of worries.Also please tell me, when > issue will happen.<Reema>We

are still trying to rectify your Navamsa. I do not want to touch progeny matters because I am not very learned in it. It would be wrong to confuse you further by providing my half baked analysis on progeny. But I can tell you this with somewhat certainty that if your Upapada is Vrischika, you'll have brilliant children due to the blessing of Shiva. That is if you both patch up.</Reema>> > Thanks for your help at painful circumstances,<Reema>We all have to go through the circumstances that you are going through to make this into a meaningful life, otherwise, really, what would be the point of this whole collage of experiences that we call life? Don't forget, this is a time of paying Karmic debts, and learning a few lessons that only Mother will be able to teach you with patience and grace.</Reema>> > Senthil> > I am

telling this as a reason, is that not true that UL will shift > > sohamsa@ .com, "Reema Patel Sriganesh" > reema_sriganesh@ wrote:> >> > || Hare Rama Krushna ||> > > > Namaskaar Senthil,> > > > I have looked only at your chart. I have not opened your wife's > chart> > because she is not living with you, and hence, I assume that she is> > probably not open to remedies, etc, suggested by you. Which > defeats the> > purpose of looking at her chart. Further, note that I have not > rectified> > your birth time but based on your wife's behavior as described by > you,> > Navamsa seems correct.> > > > Now looking at your chart, a couple of things are very clear:> > > > 1) You have Kalatra shaapa (curse of spouse). This curse is quite> >

difficult to remedy because Venus is retrograde indicating that the> > person who cursed was under intense emotions. This karma is > inherited by> > you from your maternal side. And, you will have to experience this> > curse given 8th lords' (Saturn and Rahu) and Atmakaraka's (Rahu)> > involvement. You have to go to God to give you strength to face > this> > Karma.> > > > 2) Let us see how this curse is manifesting - Venus being the > Karaka of> > marriage, and further due to the involvement of 7th and 8th lords, > it is> > clear that your experience of relationships is sour. Venus in > sixth from> > Arudha Lagna goes on to support this conclusion further. The > Kalatra> > shaapa is formed in 7th from Upapada Lagna showing that when the > curse> > starts giving its results, you'll see

opposition from fatherly > figure(s)> > and female(s) to your marriage. This will cause lots of > disturbance at> > home (4th bhava).> > > > 3) The sustenance of marriage is seen from 2nd bhava/lord from > Upapada> > Lagna. The 2nd lord is Shukra involved in a curse. So sustenance > of this> > Upapada is difficult due to that curse. To add to this, Mangala is > in> > the 8th from Upapada making it a difficult marriage.> > > > 4) Let us examine your wife's tendency (conclusions are derived > from> > your chart) - She is cultured, but that Saturn-Mars conjunction in > the> > 7th bhava in Navamsa coupled with Guru in marana karaka sthana > from 7th> > bhava tells me that Viveka is not working properly, and worse > thing is> > she is not aware of this malfunctioning

Viveka.> > > > 5) Let us examine your tendencies too - Your AK is in 3rd bhava. > Please> > try to detach yourself a bit from some of the negative influences > of 3rd> > bhava such as ruthlessness, for instance. I should say that your > arudha> > lagna is in marana karaka sthana from Rahu, and it shows that at a> > deeper level you don't care much about your own reputation. Which > is> > alright, if you are sure that you are always being truthful. > Otherwise,> > it will only add to the ruthlessness. You have a beautiful Guru in> > lagna. Why not take full advantage of this blessing? Also, lagnesha> > Chandra in 6th house could make you a bit argumentative coupled > with> > Shashti tithi on which you are born. Please control that urge to > argue> > because it could lead to unnecessary

enmity. Also, you have Upapada> > Lagna in 12th from Arudha Lagna indicating that it is difficult to > give> > to the spouse. Meaning, it is almost like the ego is getting in > the way> > of giving into her. This ego is your undoing, in my humble opinion.> > > > 6) About career - Let Rahu Moola dasa pass away (07/27/2008) . You > will> > see some relief at work front then. Rahu is in the 10th from Moon > in> > rasi indicating that this period will cause insecurity at career > front> > for you. But you should not worry a lot about your career. I think > you> > have Sri Vishnu's blessings there. Just focus on controlling your > home> > situation, and don't let the emotions flow in to work place.> > > > 7) A note on the current Narayana Dasa - You are in Pisces > Narayana

Dasa> > until November, 2011. This dasa will end up making you spiritual > thereby> > blessing you and no other blessing will be bigger than this. Also > note> > that this is the dasa of paying off the Karmic debts, and that in > itself> > is a blessing.> > > > Remedies> > > > If you believe that past wrongs can be set to right by truly > changing> > your inner self, then here are the deities that will help you > achieve> > this.> > > > 1) Ishta Devata - Sambashiva> > > > 2) To help you go through the curse - Parvati or Kamalaatmika> > > > 3) Dharma Devata - Sri Vishnu> > > > 4) Fast on Tuesdays without fail, and worship Kamalaatmika on this > day.> > > > Whether you like it or not, try worshiping Shiva as

Sambashiva. > The best> > way to worship a deity is by knowing a deity. Read as much > religious> > literature as you can possibly find on Sambashiva.> > > > I have not yet started studying Mantra shastra, and so I will not > be> > able to give you Mantra for the above deities. But Visti Ji, > Sarbani Ji,> > and other Gurujana on this list are very kind and helpful, and > will give> > you appropriate mantras if you approach them with truth (Shiva) in > your> > heart.> > > > With Sri Vishnu Smarana,> > Reema.> > > > sohamsa@ .com, "Senthil Adaikappan" <findsenthil@>> > wrote:> > >> > > Dear Gurujis and Jyothishas,> > >> > > I am having lot of problems with my spouse, who does not >

understand> > > me at any point, my views and making lot of trouble in my > personal> > > life. My professional life also stands in a very critical > position> > > and this personal turbulence is affecting my career.> > >> > > My wife has just blind affection to her parents and always > leaves me> > > alone and goes to Parents house and stays for a long time > there.She> > > has very less affection towards me in comparison with her > parents.> > > We had some problems even before and due to her affection with > her> > > parents,and she telling all our small personal quarells to them, > her> > > father had interrogated me as if I had done a crime and since > then I> > > had avoided him. Now she is completely sitting there and not > living> >

> with me.I do not now what to do and I am undergoing lot of pain,> > > because I have so much love for her.What her father asked me had> > > wounded to a great extent and I could not forget those things.> > >> > > When will this issue get resolved. please help me> > >> > > My Birth Details> > > 06th November 1978> > > Time: 00:29:10 hrs> > > Place: Chennai, India> > >> > > Her birth details> > > 28th November 1982> > > Time: 17:48:00 hrs> > > Place: Cannanore, Kerala, India> > >> > > Please help me, I do not know where this will go> > >> > > Thanks and Regards> > > Senthil> > >> >>



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Dear Shri Reema Patel,

Thanks for your reply. Yes I know a very very little about

jyothisha, which I used to learn but it is now a long time since I

do remember some basic things about dasas and other facts.


Yes, as you say she is short tempered, straight forward, attachment

towards parents being too much even after marriage. I agree that it

will be, but not even a percentage of that to me. Also I do not know

what is going through her mind, whether she will come back or not. I

wish that she should come and want her desperate. Even though I am

desperate, I am not showing it out by calling her. she likes that I

need to go and call her.

I am praying mother parvati on the occassion of navaratri and also

Lord shiva, that everything should go fine.I am also very egoistic

in the sense that I should not go and call her, rather she should

come on her own.The fault is mostly on her and her parents side and

now it is turning out to be something like, I am the root cause. I

also do not have any extra marital affairs or any bad habits like

drinking or smoking, she appreciates that.

I am expecting a call from her until now and hopefully by gods grace

we live in peace from now on.





sohamsa , " Reema Patel Sriganesh "

<reema_sriganesh wrote:


> || Hare Rama Krushna ||


> Namaskaar Senthil,


> Please go through my responses in-line.


> May Sri Vishnu bless us all,

> Reema.


> sohamsa , " Senthil Adaikappan " <findsenthil@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Shri Reema Patel,

> >

> > Thanks for your analysis.I understand your points, you have

> > mentioned that there is curse in my chart. Is that not true,

that if

> > Guru is in Lagna, he eliminates all the curses of the chart.


> <Reema>


> Unfortunately, it is not so. We are required to understand the


> difference between sins caused by ripus (weaknesses i.e. Krodha-


> Kaama-lust, Lobha-greed, Mada-intoxication, Matsarya-jealousy, and

> Moha-illusion) and Shaapa caused by dushta karma. All the shad

ripus can

> be mapped to the six grahas barring the three satva guna planets


> Surya, Chandra (because they are luminaries, the source of light,


> hence, the remover of all darkness i.e. ignorance), and Guru

(because he

> can illumine our paths out of ignorance through divine knowledge).

> Hence, the upadesa in Sri Achyuta Dasa's tradition that a strong

Guru in

> lagna can destroy all sins by a sincere bow to Shiva because Guru


> placed will affect one's intelligence and make him a seeker of


> blessings (Pratyaadhi devata of Guru, and remover of all the

ripus, and

> hence, sins).


> Now coming to Shaapa and Dushta Karma. Any karma done with bad


> becomes dushta karma. It is all about what kind of intention was


> basis of our action (core teaching of Sri Krushna in Bhagavata

Gita). If

> the intention is rooted in desire - worldly or otherwise - then the

> resulting action is said to create more karma; good or bad is

based on

> the causal action, which was in turn based on the underlying


> More karma means the soul will have to take birth in one of the

lokas or

> talas to reap it. The result is an endless cycle of bondage. The


> that leads one to evoke really bad emotions in another thereby


> the latter to wish ill is the root cause of Shaapa. Now if you


> about this, it is actually our shad ripu that leads us to sin,

which in

> turn accumulates as dushta karma on our Atman. For example, if a


> was not conquered by anger, then it would not hurt another soul,


> diminishing the probability of accumulating more dusta karma and

> potential shaapa. So not all dushta karma leads to Shaapa, but

> underneath all Shaapa lies dushta karma borne out of sin borne out


> shad ripu.


> Of course, this applies to all created beings. And God (Narayana)


> uncreated is above this. In other words, Sri Vishnu did not have

to come

> to this world as Sri Rama due to Devarishi's shaapa. But He chose


> come to this world and bear the curse of Narada out of His


> love for the Devarishi. This leads me to make another point to


> your core question about Jupiter in lagna eliminating all curses

in a

> chart - have you known Bhagawan Sri Rama's chart? Where is Guru?


> This is my simpleton understanding of papa vis-a-vis dushta karma.


> </Reema>


> > Even

> > before we got married, I had an engagement with another girl and


> > marriage didnt happen. UL in my chart is 12th to AL and will it


> > shift that, my wife is something like 2nd UL meaning that UL will

> > change 7 houses from present. I do not know much, please


> > me.


> <Reema>


> Okay, so this means that Mangala in 8th from UL did not let the


> Upapada manifest at all. Which is not very surprising. Now we can


> Vrischika Upapada with the following considerations:


> This Upapada shows that your wife has an aggressive and dynamic

> personality, and is a straight-forward but conceited person. She


> be short tempered, and also tends to get very influenced by

friends. But

> she is a Dhimanta (seeker of knowledge) and there is no doubt

about it

> from this Upapada. Also, she is a strong believer in Dharma, and


> is no doubt about that, too, from this Upapada. If she is not


> then you'll have to wait till she worships Sri Ganesha. Does this

> describe her?


> Also, for Vrischika Upapada to be valid, the brother must have

played an

> important role (mostly, helpful) in bringing about this marriage.


> that true?


> If yes, then you can take Vrischika as your current Upapada. In


> case, the first thing of note is badhakesha Chandra sitting in 2nd


> Upapada and debilitated in Navamsa making sustenance a bit of a

> challenge.


> But please note this - Either Upapada does not change the heavy


> shaapa. So do consider the suggestion of remedying that Sukra


> Start with Ishta devata and Kamalaatmika worship immediately, if


> can. Today is Sukla dwiteeya of Asywayuja (Ashwin) masa i.e. 2nd

day of

> Navaratri. Mother will bless you, as She does all Her children! I


> to tell you earlier that do not start worshiping Mother unless you


> completely vegetarian. This applies to all Shakti worship (Neela,


> and Bhu), and not just Neela shakti, in my humble logic.


> Also, note that your core tendencies as far as giving is concerned


> not change with the Upapada progressing to Vrischika.


> </Reema>


> > Since my father in law spoke a lot about me, I am not talking to


> > at all. Even though she sits in her father's house, Aged people


> > her grand father or grand mother or even her parents are not


> > her that you need to go and live with ur husband and that is only

> > good for all. Her character in one way is an adamant one,like in


> > house either her brother or her parents or her grand parents do


> > go against her. whatever she tells, everyone is ready to agree.


> > here I do not entertain all those things. The amazing fact is

that I

> > have not even slapped her or hit her once. As you mentioned I


> > on things which I do not like. Like her father wounding me with


> > words due to she telling our petty quarells to him.

> > My parents also do not want me to go down and bring her home.


> > told that u did not send her, she herself went and she should


> > My present situation is really pathetic, as we do not have even a

> > issue after 1 and half years of married life. Even if a child is

> > there, then will be less amount of worries.Also please tell me,


> > issue will happen.


> <Reema>


> We are still trying to rectify your Navamsa. I do not want to touch

> progeny matters because I am not very learned in it. It would be


> to confuse you further by providing my half baked analysis on


> But I can tell you this with somewhat certainty that if your

Upapada is

> Vrischika, you'll have brilliant children due to the blessing of


> That is if you both patch up.


> </Reema>

> >

> > Thanks for your help at painful circumstances,


> <Reema>


> We all have to go through the circumstances that you are going


> to make this into a meaningful life, otherwise, really, what would


> the point of this whole collage of experiences that we call life?


> forget, this is a time of paying Karmic debts, and learning a few

> lessons that only Mother will be able to teach you with patience


> grace.


> </Reema>

> >

> > Senthil

> >

> > I am telling this as a reason, is that not true that UL will


> >

> > sohamsa , " Reema Patel Sriganesh "

> > reema_sriganesh@ wrote:

> > >

> > > || Hare Rama Krushna ||

> > >

> > > Namaskaar Senthil,

> > >

> > > I have looked only at your chart. I have not opened your wife's

> > chart

> > > because she is not living with you, and hence, I assume that

she is

> > > probably not open to remedies, etc, suggested by you. Which

> > defeats the

> > > purpose of looking at her chart. Further, note that I have not

> > rectified

> > > your birth time but based on your wife's behavior as described


> > you,

> > > Navamsa seems correct.

> > >

> > > Now looking at your chart, a couple of things are very clear:

> > >

> > > 1) You have Kalatra shaapa (curse of spouse). This curse is


> > > difficult to remedy because Venus is retrograde indicating

that the

> > > person who cursed was under intense emotions. This karma is

> > inherited by

> > > you from your maternal side. And, you will have to experience


> > > curse given 8th lords' (Saturn and Rahu) and Atmakaraka's


> > > involvement. You have to go to God to give you strength to face

> > this

> > > Karma.

> > >

> > > 2) Let us see how this curse is manifesting - Venus being the

> > Karaka of

> > > marriage, and further due to the involvement of 7th and 8th


> > it is

> > > clear that your experience of relationships is sour. Venus in

> > sixth from

> > > Arudha Lagna goes on to support this conclusion further. The

> > Kalatra

> > > shaapa is formed in 7th from Upapada Lagna showing that when


> > curse

> > > starts giving its results, you'll see opposition from fatherly

> > figure(s)

> > > and female(s) to your marriage. This will cause lots of

> > disturbance at

> > > home (4th bhava).

> > >

> > > 3) The sustenance of marriage is seen from 2nd bhava/lord from

> > Upapada

> > > Lagna. The 2nd lord is Shukra involved in a curse. So


> > of this

> > > Upapada is difficult due to that curse. To add to this,

Mangala is

> > in

> > > the 8th from Upapada making it a difficult marriage.

> > >

> > > 4) Let us examine your wife's tendency (conclusions are derived

> > from

> > > your chart) - She is cultured, but that Saturn-Mars

conjunction in

> > the

> > > 7th bhava in Navamsa coupled with Guru in marana karaka sthana

> > from 7th

> > > bhava tells me that Viveka is not working properly, and worse

> > thing is

> > > she is not aware of this malfunctioning Viveka.

> > >

> > > 5) Let us examine your tendencies too - Your AK is in 3rd


> > Please

> > > try to detach yourself a bit from some of the negative


> > of 3rd

> > > bhava such as ruthlessness, for instance. I should say that


> > arudha

> > > lagna is in marana karaka sthana from Rahu, and it shows that

at a

> > > deeper level you don't care much about your own reputation.


> > is

> > > alright, if you are sure that you are always being truthful.

> > Otherwise,

> > > it will only add to the ruthlessness. You have a beautiful

Guru in

> > > lagna. Why not take full advantage of this blessing? Also,


> > > Chandra in 6th house could make you a bit argumentative coupled

> > with

> > > Shashti tithi on which you are born. Please control that urge


> > argue

> > > because it could lead to unnecessary enmity. Also, you have


> > > Lagna in 12th from Arudha Lagna indicating that it is

difficult to

> > give

> > > to the spouse. Meaning, it is almost like the ego is getting in

> > the way

> > > of giving into her. This ego is your undoing, in my humble


> > >

> > > 6) About career - Let Rahu Moola dasa pass away (07/27/2008).


> > will

> > > see some relief at work front then. Rahu is in the 10th from


> > in

> > > rasi indicating that this period will cause insecurity at


> > front

> > > for you. But you should not worry a lot about your career. I


> > you

> > > have Sri Vishnu's blessings there. Just focus on controlling


> > home

> > > situation, and don't let the emotions flow in to work place.

> > >

> > > 7) A note on the current Narayana Dasa - You are in Pisces

> > Narayana Dasa

> > > until November, 2011. This dasa will end up making you


> > thereby

> > > blessing you and no other blessing will be bigger than this.


> > note

> > > that this is the dasa of paying off the Karmic debts, and that


> > itself

> > > is a blessing.

> > >

> > > Remedies

> > >

> > > If you believe that past wrongs can be set to right by truly

> > changing

> > > your inner self, then here are the deities that will help you

> > achieve

> > > this.

> > >

> > > 1) Ishta Devata - Sambashiva

> > >

> > > 2) To help you go through the curse - Parvati or Kamalaatmika

> > >

> > > 3) Dharma Devata - Sri Vishnu

> > >

> > > 4) Fast on Tuesdays without fail, and worship Kamalaatmika on


> > day.

> > >

> > > Whether you like it or not, try worshiping Shiva as Sambashiva.

> > The best

> > > way to worship a deity is by knowing a deity. Read as much

> > religious

> > > literature as you can possibly find on Sambashiva.

> > >

> > > I have not yet started studying Mantra shastra, and so I will


> > be

> > > able to give you Mantra for the above deities. But Visti Ji,

> > Sarbani Ji,

> > > and other Gurujana on this list are very kind and helpful, and

> > will give

> > > you appropriate mantras if you approach them with truth

(Shiva) in

> > your

> > > heart.

> > >

> > > With Sri Vishnu Smarana,

> > > Reema.

> > >

> > > sohamsa , " Senthil Adaikappan "


> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Gurujis and Jyothishas,

> > > >

> > > > I am having lot of problems with my spouse, who does not

> > understand

> > > > me at any point, my views and making lot of trouble in my

> > personal

> > > > life. My professional life also stands in a very critical

> > position

> > > > and this personal turbulence is affecting my career.

> > > >

> > > > My wife has just blind affection to her parents and always

> > leaves me

> > > > alone and goes to Parents house and stays for a long time

> > there.She

> > > > has very less affection towards me in comparison with her

> > parents.

> > > > We had some problems even before and due to her affection


> > her

> > > > parents,and she telling all our small personal quarells to


> > her

> > > > father had interrogated me as if I had done a crime and since

> > then I

> > > > had avoided him. Now she is completely sitting there and not

> > living

> > > > with me.I do not now what to do and I am undergoing lot of


> > > > because I have so much love for her.What her father asked me


> > > > wounded to a great extent and I could not forget those


> > > >

> > > > When will this issue get resolved. please help me

> > > >

> > > > My Birth Details

> > > > 06th November 1978

> > > > Time: 00:29:10 hrs

> > > > Place: Chennai, India

> > > >

> > > > Her birth details

> > > > 28th November 1982

> > > > Time: 17:48:00 hrs

> > > > Place: Cannanore, Kerala, India

> > > >

> > > > Please help me, I do not know where this will go

> > > >

> > > > Thanks and Regards

> > > > Senthil

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Shri Reema Patel,


Brother brought about this marriage.... did you mean something like

forward a proposal... no he is younger to her and lives far away in

another part of India.


I want to live in peace...from this relationship and I do not want

to get seperated, as I understand that she is not realizing what she

is doing and elderly people by her side are abiding her decision and

not insisting on her life with husband. I wish in god's form some

one should tell her the importance of a married life.



sohamsa , " Reema Patel Sriganesh "

<reema_sriganesh wrote:


> || Hare Rama Krushna ||


> Namaskaar Senthil,


> Please go through my responses in-line.


> May Sri Vishnu bless us all,

> Reema.


> sohamsa , " Senthil Adaikappan " <findsenthil@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Shri Reema Patel,

> >

> > Thanks for your analysis.I understand your points, you have

> > mentioned that there is curse in my chart. Is that not true,

that if

> > Guru is in Lagna, he eliminates all the curses of the chart.


> <Reema>


> Unfortunately, it is not so. We are required to understand the


> difference between sins caused by ripus (weaknesses i.e. Krodha-


> Kaama-lust, Lobha-greed, Mada-intoxication, Matsarya-jealousy, and

> Moha-illusion) and Shaapa caused by dushta karma. All the shad

ripus can

> be mapped to the six grahas barring the three satva guna planets


> Surya, Chandra (because they are luminaries, the source of light,


> hence, the remover of all darkness i.e. ignorance), and Guru

(because he

> can illumine our paths out of ignorance through divine knowledge).

> Hence, the upadesa in Sri Achyuta Dasa's tradition that a strong

Guru in

> lagna can destroy all sins by a sincere bow to Shiva because Guru


> placed will affect one's intelligence and make him a seeker of


> blessings (Pratyaadhi devata of Guru, and remover of all the

ripus, and

> hence, sins).


> Now coming to Shaapa and Dushta Karma. Any karma done with bad


> becomes dushta karma. It is all about what kind of intention was


> basis of our action (core teaching of Sri Krushna in Bhagavata

Gita). If

> the intention is rooted in desire - worldly or otherwise - then the

> resulting action is said to create more karma; good or bad is

based on

> the causal action, which was in turn based on the underlying


> More karma means the soul will have to take birth in one of the

lokas or

> talas to reap it. The result is an endless cycle of bondage. The


> that leads one to evoke really bad emotions in another thereby


> the latter to wish ill is the root cause of Shaapa. Now if you


> about this, it is actually our shad ripu that leads us to sin,

which in

> turn accumulates as dushta karma on our Atman. For example, if a


> was not conquered by anger, then it would not hurt another soul,


> diminishing the probability of accumulating more dusta karma and

> potential shaapa. So not all dushta karma leads to Shaapa, but

> underneath all Shaapa lies dushta karma borne out of sin borne out


> shad ripu.


> Of course, this applies to all created beings. And God (Narayana)


> uncreated is above this. In other words, Sri Vishnu did not have

to come

> to this world as Sri Rama due to Devarishi's shaapa. But He chose


> come to this world and bear the curse of Narada out of His


> love for the Devarishi. This leads me to make another point to


> your core question about Jupiter in lagna eliminating all curses

in a

> chart - have you known Bhagawan Sri Rama's chart? Where is Guru?


> This is my simpleton understanding of papa vis-a-vis dushta karma.


> </Reema>


> > Even

> > before we got married, I had an engagement with another girl and


> > marriage didnt happen. UL in my chart is 12th to AL and will it


> > shift that, my wife is something like 2nd UL meaning that UL will

> > change 7 houses from present. I do not know much, please


> > me.


> <Reema>


> Okay, so this means that Mangala in 8th from UL did not let the


> Upapada manifest at all. Which is not very surprising. Now we can


> Vrischika Upapada with the following considerations:


> This Upapada shows that your wife has an aggressive and dynamic

> personality, and is a straight-forward but conceited person. She


> be short tempered, and also tends to get very influenced by

friends. But

> she is a Dhimanta (seeker of knowledge) and there is no doubt

about it

> from this Upapada. Also, she is a strong believer in Dharma, and


> is no doubt about that, too, from this Upapada. If she is not


> then you'll have to wait till she worships Sri Ganesha. Does this

> describe her?


> Also, for Vrischika Upapada to be valid, the brother must have

played an

> important role (mostly, helpful) in bringing about this marriage.


> that true?


> If yes, then you can take Vrischika as your current Upapada. In


> case, the first thing of note is badhakesha Chandra sitting in 2nd


> Upapada and debilitated in Navamsa making sustenance a bit of a

> challenge.


> But please note this - Either Upapada does not change the heavy


> shaapa. So do consider the suggestion of remedying that Sukra


> Start with Ishta devata and Kamalaatmika worship immediately, if


> can. Today is Sukla dwiteeya of Asywayuja (Ashwin) masa i.e. 2nd

day of

> Navaratri. Mother will bless you, as She does all Her children! I


> to tell you earlier that do not start worshiping Mother unless you


> completely vegetarian. This applies to all Shakti worship (Neela,


> and Bhu), and not just Neela shakti, in my humble logic.


> Also, note that your core tendencies as far as giving is concerned


> not change with the Upapada progressing to Vrischika.


> </Reema>


> > Since my father in law spoke a lot about me, I am not talking to


> > at all. Even though she sits in her father's house, Aged people


> > her grand father or grand mother or even her parents are not


> > her that you need to go and live with ur husband and that is only

> > good for all. Her character in one way is an adamant one,like in


> > house either her brother or her parents or her grand parents do


> > go against her. whatever she tells, everyone is ready to agree.


> > here I do not entertain all those things. The amazing fact is

that I

> > have not even slapped her or hit her once. As you mentioned I


> > on things which I do not like. Like her father wounding me with


> > words due to she telling our petty quarells to him.

> > My parents also do not want me to go down and bring her home.


> > told that u did not send her, she herself went and she should


> > My present situation is really pathetic, as we do not have even a

> > issue after 1 and half years of married life. Even if a child is

> > there, then will be less amount of worries.Also please tell me,


> > issue will happen.


> <Reema>


> We are still trying to rectify your Navamsa. I do not want to touch

> progeny matters because I am not very learned in it. It would be


> to confuse you further by providing my half baked analysis on


> But I can tell you this with somewhat certainty that if your

Upapada is

> Vrischika, you'll have brilliant children due to the blessing of


> That is if you both patch up.


> </Reema>

> >

> > Thanks for your help at painful circumstances,


> <Reema>


> We all have to go through the circumstances that you are going


> to make this into a meaningful life, otherwise, really, what would


> the point of this whole collage of experiences that we call life?


> forget, this is a time of paying Karmic debts, and learning a few

> lessons that only Mother will be able to teach you with patience


> grace.


> </Reema>

> >

> > Senthil

> >

> > I am telling this as a reason, is that not true that UL will


> >

> > sohamsa , " Reema Patel Sriganesh "

> > reema_sriganesh@ wrote:

> > >

> > > || Hare Rama Krushna ||

> > >

> > > Namaskaar Senthil,

> > >

> > > I have looked only at your chart. I have not opened your wife's

> > chart

> > > because she is not living with you, and hence, I assume that

she is

> > > probably not open to remedies, etc, suggested by you. Which

> > defeats the

> > > purpose of looking at her chart. Further, note that I have not

> > rectified

> > > your birth time but based on your wife's behavior as described


> > you,

> > > Navamsa seems correct.

> > >

> > > Now looking at your chart, a couple of things are very clear:

> > >

> > > 1) You have Kalatra shaapa (curse of spouse). This curse is


> > > difficult to remedy because Venus is retrograde indicating

that the

> > > person who cursed was under intense emotions. This karma is

> > inherited by

> > > you from your maternal side. And, you will have to experience


> > > curse given 8th lords' (Saturn and Rahu) and Atmakaraka's


> > > involvement. You have to go to God to give you strength to face

> > this

> > > Karma.

> > >

> > > 2) Let us see how this curse is manifesting - Venus being the

> > Karaka of

> > > marriage, and further due to the involvement of 7th and 8th


> > it is

> > > clear that your experience of relationships is sour. Venus in

> > sixth from

> > > Arudha Lagna goes on to support this conclusion further. The

> > Kalatra

> > > shaapa is formed in 7th from Upapada Lagna showing that when


> > curse

> > > starts giving its results, you'll see opposition from fatherly

> > figure(s)

> > > and female(s) to your marriage. This will cause lots of

> > disturbance at

> > > home (4th bhava).

> > >

> > > 3) The sustenance of marriage is seen from 2nd bhava/lord from

> > Upapada

> > > Lagna. The 2nd lord is Shukra involved in a curse. So


> > of this

> > > Upapada is difficult due to that curse. To add to this,

Mangala is

> > in

> > > the 8th from Upapada making it a difficult marriage.

> > >

> > > 4) Let us examine your wife's tendency (conclusions are derived

> > from

> > > your chart) - She is cultured, but that Saturn-Mars

conjunction in

> > the

> > > 7th bhava in Navamsa coupled with Guru in marana karaka sthana

> > from 7th

> > > bhava tells me that Viveka is not working properly, and worse

> > thing is

> > > she is not aware of this malfunctioning Viveka.

> > >

> > > 5) Let us examine your tendencies too - Your AK is in 3rd


> > Please

> > > try to detach yourself a bit from some of the negative


> > of 3rd

> > > bhava such as ruthlessness, for instance. I should say that


> > arudha

> > > lagna is in marana karaka sthana from Rahu, and it shows that

at a

> > > deeper level you don't care much about your own reputation.


> > is

> > > alright, if you are sure that you are always being truthful.

> > Otherwise,

> > > it will only add to the ruthlessness. You have a beautiful

Guru in

> > > lagna. Why not take full advantage of this blessing? Also,


> > > Chandra in 6th house could make you a bit argumentative coupled

> > with

> > > Shashti tithi on which you are born. Please control that urge


> > argue

> > > because it could lead to unnecessary enmity. Also, you have


> > > Lagna in 12th from Arudha Lagna indicating that it is

difficult to

> > give

> > > to the spouse. Meaning, it is almost like the ego is getting in

> > the way

> > > of giving into her. This ego is your undoing, in my humble


> > >

> > > 6) About career - Let Rahu Moola dasa pass away (07/27/2008).


> > will

> > > see some relief at work front then. Rahu is in the 10th from


> > in

> > > rasi indicating that this period will cause insecurity at


> > front

> > > for you. But you should not worry a lot about your career. I


> > you

> > > have Sri Vishnu's blessings there. Just focus on controlling


> > home

> > > situation, and don't let the emotions flow in to work place.

> > >

> > > 7) A note on the current Narayana Dasa - You are in Pisces

> > Narayana Dasa

> > > until November, 2011. This dasa will end up making you


> > thereby

> > > blessing you and no other blessing will be bigger than this.


> > note

> > > that this is the dasa of paying off the Karmic debts, and that


> > itself

> > > is a blessing.

> > >

> > > Remedies

> > >

> > > If you believe that past wrongs can be set to right by truly

> > changing

> > > your inner self, then here are the deities that will help you

> > achieve

> > > this.

> > >

> > > 1) Ishta Devata - Sambashiva

> > >

> > > 2) To help you go through the curse - Parvati or Kamalaatmika

> > >

> > > 3) Dharma Devata - Sri Vishnu

> > >

> > > 4) Fast on Tuesdays without fail, and worship Kamalaatmika on


> > day.

> > >

> > > Whether you like it or not, try worshiping Shiva as Sambashiva.

> > The best

> > > way to worship a deity is by knowing a deity. Read as much

> > religious

> > > literature as you can possibly find on Sambashiva.

> > >

> > > I have not yet started studying Mantra shastra, and so I will


> > be

> > > able to give you Mantra for the above deities. But Visti Ji,

> > Sarbani Ji,

> > > and other Gurujana on this list are very kind and helpful, and

> > will give

> > > you appropriate mantras if you approach them with truth

(Shiva) in

> > your

> > > heart.

> > >

> > > With Sri Vishnu Smarana,

> > > Reema.

> > >

> > > sohamsa , " Senthil Adaikappan "


> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Gurujis and Jyothishas,

> > > >

> > > > I am having lot of problems with my spouse, who does not

> > understand

> > > > me at any point, my views and making lot of trouble in my

> > personal

> > > > life. My professional life also stands in a very critical

> > position

> > > > and this personal turbulence is affecting my career.

> > > >

> > > > My wife has just blind affection to her parents and always

> > leaves me

> > > > alone and goes to Parents house and stays for a long time

> > there.She

> > > > has very less affection towards me in comparison with her

> > parents.

> > > > We had some problems even before and due to her affection


> > her

> > > > parents,and she telling all our small personal quarells to


> > her

> > > > father had interrogated me as if I had done a crime and since

> > then I

> > > > had avoided him. Now she is completely sitting there and not

> > living

> > > > with me.I do not now what to do and I am undergoing lot of


> > > > because I have so much love for her.What her father asked me


> > > > wounded to a great extent and I could not forget those


> > > >

> > > > When will this issue get resolved. please help me

> > > >

> > > > My Birth Details

> > > > 06th November 1978

> > > > Time: 00:29:10 hrs

> > > > Place: Chennai, India

> > > >

> > > > Her birth details

> > > > 28th November 1982

> > > > Time: 17:48:00 hrs

> > > > Place: Cannanore, Kerala, India

> > > >

> > > > Please help me, I do not know where this will go

> > > >

> > > > Thanks and Regards

> > > > Senthil

> > > >

> > >

> >


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|| Hare Raama Krsna |||| Durgaa Saranam ||Dear Senthil, Namaskar. If you allow me to give you a friendly advise, I should say this that you should try to do everything you can to save your marriage as that is your dharma. You chart shows suffering and it is being experienced by you. But that is all due to past actions. Please don't compound it by your actions in this life as well. Marriage is a relationship of compromises and sharing first, responsibilities towards family and society second and enjoyment last. So you should set aside your feeling of ego and hurt/anger and take the next step. Surya in debility with badhaka Shukra that too in the 4th house shows the ego obstructions. 4th house shows the bhaava we carry in our heart and see how it is damaged. So take control and don't let your ego come in the way further. And please don't expect that your wife should and must feel attached to you just because you two got married. You need to nurture your good feelings towards her and wait for things to happen. Must worship Siva and Parvati together to overcome difficulties. Debilitated Chandra in Navamsa conjoining Ishtakaaraka Guru indicates need for approaching Divine Mother first. Shukra is in Chara Navamsa and this problem can be overcome. But you have to work on overcoming your ego as it is a lifelong issue. Doing Mantras and things are fine but self analysis is the best way. Because when you do self analysis you are applying your intelligence to overcome the internal issues and hence opening doors in an effective way. Our native intelligence is already a blessing given to us. So why not first use it and then ask for more !Reema-ji, please check Dasamsa and Siddhamsa etc to rectify Navamsa. Even Rasi Drishti/lordship of the nodes on/of the trines of Navamsa lagna can bring a person into jyotish though not heavily. When we see a chart we ask Bhagwan to give us inspiration and answers filtered through our brain. So at least Navamsa (punya given back by God) plus the concerned division need to be rectified. Also please do check the dasas and time marriage and also the Tithipravesha charts for the year of marriage. Time and internet access is difficult at the present moment and hence cannot write further, pardon me. And do keep up the good work.Sarvam Durgaarpanamastu.Best wishes,Sourav================================================================sohamsa , "Senthil Adaikappan" <findsenthil wrote:>> Dear Shri Reema Patel,> Thanks for your reply. Yes I know a very very little about > jyothisha, which I used to learn but it is now a long time since I > do remember some basic things about dasas and other facts.> > Yes, as you say she is short tempered, straight forward, attachment > towards parents being too much even after marriage. I agree that it > will be, but not even a percentage of that to me. Also I do not know > what is going through her mind, whether she will come back or not. I > wish that she should come and want her desperate. Even though I am > desperate, I am not showing it out by calling her. she likes that I > need to go and call her.> I am praying mother parvati on the occassion of navaratri and also > Lord shiva, that everything should go fine.I am also very egoistic > in the sense that I should not go and call her, rather she should > come on her own.The fault is mostly on her and her parents side and > now it is turning out to be something like, I am the root cause. I > also do not have any extra marital affairs or any bad habits like > drinking or smoking, she appreciates that.> I am expecting a call from her until now and hopefully by gods grace > we live in peace from now on.> Senthil> > > > sohamsa , "Reema Patel Sriganesh" > reema_sriganesh@ wrote:> >> > || Hare Rama Krushna ||> > > > Namaskaar Senthil,> > > > Please go through my responses in-line.> > > > May Sri Vishnu bless us all,> > Reema.> > > > sohamsa , "Senthil Adaikappan" <findsenthil@>> > wrote:> > >> > > Dear Shri Reema Patel,> > >> > > Thanks for your analysis.I understand your points, you have> > > mentioned that there is curse in my chart. Is that not true, > that if> > > Guru is in Lagna, he eliminates all the curses of the chart.> > > > <Reema>> > > > Unfortunately, it is not so. We are required to understand the > sublime> > difference between sins caused by ripus (weaknesses i.e. Krodha-> anger,> > Kaama-lust, Lobha-greed, Mada-intoxication, Matsarya-jealousy, and> > Moha-illusion) and Shaapa caused by dushta karma. All the shad > ripus can> > be mapped to the six grahas barring the three satva guna planets > namely> > Surya, Chandra (because they are luminaries, the source of light, > and> > hence, the remover of all darkness i.e. ignorance), and Guru > (because he> > can illumine our paths out of ignorance through divine knowledge).> > Hence, the upadesa in Sri Achyuta Dasa's tradition that a strong > Guru in> > lagna can destroy all sins by a sincere bow to Shiva because Guru > so> > placed will affect one's intelligence and make him a seeker of > Shiva's> > blessings (Pratyaadhi devata of Guru, and remover of all the > ripus, and> > hence, sins).> > > > Now coming to Shaapa and Dushta Karma. Any karma done with bad > intention> > becomes dushta karma. It is all about what kind of intention was > the> > basis of our action (core teaching of Sri Krushna in Bhagavata > Gita). If> > the intention is rooted in desire - worldly or otherwise - then the> > resulting action is said to create more karma; good or bad is > based on> > the causal action, which was in turn based on the underlying > intention.> > More karma means the soul will have to take birth in one of the > lokas or> > talas to reap it. The result is an endless cycle of bondage. The > karma> > that leads one to evoke really bad emotions in another thereby > causing> > the latter to wish ill is the root cause of Shaapa. Now if you > think> > about this, it is actually our shad ripu that leads us to sin, > which in> > turn accumulates as dushta karma on our Atman. For example, if a > soul> > was not conquered by anger, then it would not hurt another soul, > thereby> > diminishing the probability of accumulating more dusta karma and> > potential shaapa. So not all dushta karma leads to Shaapa, but> > underneath all Shaapa lies dushta karma borne out of sin borne out > of> > shad ripu.> > > > Of course, this applies to all created beings. And God (Narayana) > being> > uncreated is above this. In other words, Sri Vishnu did not have > to come> > to this world as Sri Rama due to Devarishi's shaapa. But He chose > to> > come to this world and bear the curse of Narada out of His > causeless> > love for the Devarishi. This leads me to make another point to > counter> > your core question about Jupiter in lagna eliminating all curses > in a> > chart - have you known Bhagawan Sri Rama's chart? Where is Guru?> > > > This is my simpleton understanding of papa vis-a-vis dushta karma.> > > > </Reema>> > > > > Even> > > before we got married, I had an engagement with another girl and > the> > > marriage didnt happen. UL in my chart is 12th to AL and will it > not> > > shift that, my wife is something like 2nd UL meaning that UL will> > > change 7 houses from present. I do not know much, please > enlighten> > > me.> > > > <Reema>> > > > Okay, so this means that Mangala in 8th from UL did not let the > first> > Upapada manifest at all. Which is not very surprising. Now we can > take> > Vrischika Upapada with the following considerations:> > > > This Upapada shows that your wife has an aggressive and dynamic> > personality, and is a straight-forward but conceited person. She > should> > be short tempered, and also tends to get very influenced by > friends. But> > she is a Dhimanta (seeker of knowledge) and there is no doubt > about it> > from this Upapada. Also, she is a strong believer in Dharma, and > there> > is no doubt about that, too, from this Upapada. If she is not > Dharmic,> > then you'll have to wait till she worships Sri Ganesha. Does this> > describe her?> > > > Also, for Vrischika Upapada to be valid, the brother must have > played an> > important role (mostly, helpful) in bringing about this marriage. > Is> > that true?> > > > If yes, then you can take Vrischika as your current Upapada. In > which> > case, the first thing of note is badhakesha Chandra sitting in 2nd > from> > Upapada and debilitated in Navamsa making sustenance a bit of a> > challenge.> > > > But please note this - Either Upapada does not change the heavy > Kalatra> > shaapa. So do consider the suggestion of remedying that Sukra > sincerely.> > Start with Ishta devata and Kamalaatmika worship immediately, if > you> > can. Today is Sukla dwiteeya of Asywayuja (Ashwin) masa i.e. 2nd > day of> > Navaratri. Mother will bless you, as She does all Her children! I > forgot> > to tell you earlier that do not start worshiping Mother unless you > are> > completely vegetarian. This applies to all Shakti worship (Neela, > Sri,> > and Bhu), and not just Neela shakti, in my humble logic.> > > > Also, note that your core tendencies as far as giving is concerned > will> > not change with the Upapada progressing to Vrischika.> > > > </Reema>> > > > > Since my father in law spoke a lot about me, I am not talking to > him> > > at all. Even though she sits in her father's house, Aged people > like> > > her grand father or grand mother or even her parents are not > telling> > > her that you need to go and live with ur husband and that is only> > > good for all. Her character in one way is an adamant one,like in > her> > > house either her brother or her parents or her grand parents do > not> > > go against her. whatever she tells, everyone is ready to agree. > But> > > here I do not entertain all those things. The amazing fact is > that I> > > have not even slapped her or hit her once. As you mentioned I > argue> > > on things which I do not like. Like her father wounding me with > his> > > words due to she telling our petty quarells to him.> > > My parents also do not want me to go down and bring her home. > They> > > told that u did not send her, she herself went and she should > come.> > > My present situation is really pathetic, as we do not have even a> > > issue after 1 and half years of married life. Even if a child is> > > there, then will be less amount of worries.Also please tell me, > when> > > issue will happen.> > > > <Reema>> > > > We are still trying to rectify your Navamsa. I do not want to touch> > progeny matters because I am not very learned in it. It would be > wrong> > to confuse you further by providing my half baked analysis on > progeny.> > But I can tell you this with somewhat certainty that if your > Upapada is> > Vrischika, you'll have brilliant children due to the blessing of > Shiva.> > That is if you both patch up.> > > > </Reema>> > >> > > Thanks for your help at painful circumstances,> > > > <Reema>> > > > We all have to go through the circumstances that you are going > through> > to make this into a meaningful life, otherwise, really, what would > be> > the point of this whole collage of experiences that we call life? > Don't> > forget, this is a time of paying Karmic debts, and learning a few> > lessons that only Mother will be able to teach you with patience > and> > grace.> > > > </Reema>> > >> > > Senthil> > >> > > I am telling this as a reason, is that not true that UL will > shift> > >> > > sohamsa , "Reema Patel Sriganesh"> > > reema_sriganesh@ wrote:> > > >> > > > || Hare Rama Krushna ||> > > >> > > > Namaskaar Senthil,> > > >> > > > I have looked only at your chart. I have not opened your wife's> > > chart> > > > because she is not living with you, and hence, I assume that > she is> > > > probably not open to remedies, etc, suggested by you. Which> > > defeats the> > > > purpose of looking at her chart. Further, note that I have not> > > rectified> > > > your birth time but based on your wife's behavior as described > by> > > you,> > > > Navamsa seems correct.> > > >> > > > Now looking at your chart, a couple of things are very clear:> > > >> > > > 1) You have Kalatra shaapa (curse of spouse). This curse is > quite> > > > difficult to remedy because Venus is retrograde indicating > that the> > > > person who cursed was under intense emotions. This karma is> > > inherited by> > > > you from your maternal side. And, you will have to experience > this> > > > curse given 8th lords' (Saturn and Rahu) and Atmakaraka's > (Rahu)> > > > involvement. You have to go to God to give you strength to face> > > this> > > > Karma.> > > >> > > > 2) Let us see how this curse is manifesting - Venus being the> > > Karaka of> > > > marriage, and further due to the involvement of 7th and 8th > lords,> > > it is> > > > clear that your experience of relationships is sour. Venus in> > > sixth from> > > > Arudha Lagna goes on to support this conclusion further. The> > > Kalatra> > > > shaapa is formed in 7th from Upapada Lagna showing that when > the> > > curse> > > > starts giving its results, you'll see opposition from fatherly> > > figure(s)> > > > and female(s) to your marriage. This will cause lots of> > > disturbance at> > > > home (4th bhava).> > > >> > > > 3) The sustenance of marriage is seen from 2nd bhava/lord from> > > Upapada> > > > Lagna. The 2nd lord is Shukra involved in a curse. So > sustenance> > > of this> > > > Upapada is difficult due to that curse. To add to this, > Mangala is> > > in> > > > the 8th from Upapada making it a difficult marriage.> > > >> > > > 4) Let us examine your wife's tendency (conclusions are derived> > > from> > > > your chart) - She is cultured, but that Saturn-Mars > conjunction in> > > the> > > > 7th bhava in Navamsa coupled with Guru in marana karaka sthana> > > from 7th> > > > bhava tells me that Viveka is not working properly, and worse> > > thing is> > > > she is not aware of this malfunctioning Viveka.> > > >> > > > 5) Let us examine your tendencies too - Your AK is in 3rd > bhava.> > > Please> > > > try to detach yourself a bit from some of the negative > influences> > > of 3rd> > > > bhava such as ruthlessness, for instance. I should say that > your> > > arudha> > > > lagna is in marana karaka sthana from Rahu, and it shows that > at a> > > > deeper level you don't care much about your own reputation. > Which> > > is> > > > alright, if you are sure that you are always being truthful.> > > Otherwise,> > > > it will only add to the ruthlessness. You have a beautiful > Guru in> > > > lagna. Why not take full advantage of this blessing? Also, > lagnesha> > > > Chandra in 6th house could make you a bit argumentative coupled> > > with> > > > Shashti tithi on which you are born. Please control that urge > to> > > argue> > > > because it could lead to unnecessary enmity. Also, you have > Upapada> > > > Lagna in 12th from Arudha Lagna indicating that it is > difficult to> > > give> > > > to the spouse. Meaning, it is almost like the ego is getting in> > > the way> > > > of giving into her. This ego is your undoing, in my humble > opinion.> > > >> > > > 6) About career - Let Rahu Moola dasa pass away (07/27/2008). > You> > > will> > > > see some relief at work front then. Rahu is in the 10th from > Moon> > > in> > > > rasi indicating that this period will cause insecurity at > career> > > front> > > > for you. But you should not worry a lot about your career. I > think> > > you> > > > have Sri Vishnu's blessings there. Just focus on controlling > your> > > home> > > > situation, and don't let the emotions flow in to work place.> > > >> > > > 7) A note on the current Narayana Dasa - You are in Pisces> > > Narayana Dasa> > > > until November, 2011. This dasa will end up making you > spiritual> > > thereby> > > > blessing you and no other blessing will be bigger than this. > Also> > > note> > > > that this is the dasa of paying off the Karmic debts, and that > in> > > itself> > > > is a blessing.> > > >> > > > Remedies> > > >> > > > If you believe that past wrongs can be set to right by truly> > > changing> > > > your inner self, then here are the deities that will help you> > > achieve> > > > this.> > > >> > > > 1) Ishta Devata - Sambashiva> > > >> > > > 2) To help you go through the curse - Parvati or Kamalaatmika> > > >> > > > 3) Dharma Devata - Sri Vishnu> > > >> > > > 4) Fast on Tuesdays without fail, and worship Kamalaatmika on > this> > > day.> > > >> > > > Whether you like it or not, try worshiping Shiva as Sambashiva.> > > The best> > > > way to worship a deity is by knowing a deity. Read as much> > > religious> > > > literature as you can possibly find on Sambashiva.> > > >> > > > I have not yet started studying Mantra shastra, and so I will > not> > > be> > > > able to give you Mantra for the above deities. But Visti Ji,> > > Sarbani Ji,> > > > and other Gurujana on this list are very kind and helpful, and> > > will give> > > > you appropriate mantras if you approach them with truth > (Shiva) in> > > your> > > > heart.> > > >> > > > With Sri Vishnu Smarana,> > > > Reema.> > > >> > > > sohamsa , "Senthil Adaikappan" > <findsenthil@>> > > > wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Dear Gurujis and Jyothishas,> > > > >> > > > > I am having lot of problems with my spouse, who does not> > > understand> > > > > me at any point, my views and making lot of trouble in my> > > personal> > > > > life. My professional life also stands in a very critical> > > position> > > > > and this personal turbulence is affecting my career.> > > > >> > > > > My wife has just blind affection to her parents and always> > > leaves me> > > > > alone and goes to Parents house and stays for a long time> > > there.She> > > > > has very less affection towards me in comparison with her> > > parents.> > > > > We had some problems even before and due to her affection > with> > > her> > > > > parents,and she telling all our small personal quarells to > them,> > > her> > > > > father had interrogated me as if I had done a crime and since> > > then I> > > > > had avoided him. Now she is completely sitting there and not> > > living> > > > > with me.I do not now what to do and I am undergoing lot of > pain,> > > > > because I have so much love for her.What her father asked me > had> > > > > wounded to a great extent and I could not forget those > things.> > > > >> > > > > When will this issue get resolved. please help me> > > > >> > > > > My Birth Details> > > > > 06th November 1978> > > > > Time: 00:29:10 hrs> > > > > Place: Chennai, India> > > > >> > > > > Her birth details> > > > > 28th November 1982> > > > > Time: 17:48:00 hrs> > > > > Place: Cannanore, Kerala, India> > > > >> > > > > Please help me, I do not know where this will go> > > > >> > > > > Thanks and Regards> > > > > Senthil> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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