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Dharma Journal - November 1st, 2007

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Dharma Journal

Authentic Dharma for Today's World


November 1st, 2007 - Founded in 1998



" Dr. Frank Morales represents the Sankalpa [the will] of the Hindu

people and the cause of Sanatana Dharma. I urge all Hindus

everywhere to give him your full support, assistance, and

encouragement in his crucial work. He needs and deserves our help. "


- Dr. David Frawley (Oct. 14, 2007)




The Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita


Arjuna asked: If You consider that acquiring transcendental knowledge

is better than working, then why do You want me to engage in this

horrible war, O Krishna? You seem to confuse my mind by apparently

conflicting words. Tell me, decisively, one thing by which I may

attain the Supreme. (3.01-02)


Lord Krishna said: In this world I have stated a twofold path of

spiritual discipline in the past. The path of Self-knowledge for the

contemplative ones, and the path of unselfish work (Seva, Karma-yoga)

for all others. (3.03)


One does not attain freedom from the bondage of Karma by merely

abstaining from work. No one attains perfection by merely giving up

work, because no one can remain actionless even for a moment.

Everyone is driven to action, helplessly indeed, by the forces of

Nature. (3.04-05)


Anyone, who restrains the senses but mentally dwells upon the sense

objects, is called a pretender. (3.06)




The Rishi Phenomenon


" When we look at the examples of the many great Rishis and sages of

the Dharma tradition, we witness an occurrence that I term the " Rishi

Phenomenon " . When a truly great sage finally achieves liberation

from the illusion of separation from God, he or she does not merely

stop their activity there, content to merely live a life of isolated

bliss in self-realization. But, rather, they eventually look around

themselves and see that others are not similarly experiencing that

divine state of liberated bliss. They see that all beings are

suffering due to lack of spiritual insight. What then naturally

arises within the heart of the rishi as a result of his or her own

Brahmic experience is a deep compassion for all beings, and a

yearning to help them. The rishi then takes on the task of teaching

others the way of Dharma with the hope of elevating all sentient

beings to a similar experience of the Divine. We too are meant to

manifest the Rishi Phenomenon in our own lives and, with compassion

for all suffering beings, help others to experience their own

spiritual self-unfolding. To not want to share spiritual truth with

all beings is to not fully understand the loving and compassionate

nature of spiritual truth. We are each called upon to share the

liberating truth of Dharma with all. "


- Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya









1) Dr. Morales to Speaks at the Dharma Summit in Orlando


Dr. Morales will be a keynote speaker at the Dharma Summit conference

scheduled to take place December 14-16 in Orlando, Florida.

Organized under the guidance of Param Pujya Sri Swami Dayananda

Swarasvati, the Dharma Summit is by far the largest and most

important Hindu conference in America. If you have not had the

blessing of hearing Dr. Morales speak in person, please take

advantage of this wonderful opportunity. For more information on the

Dharma Summit, please see the information provided at the end of this

edition of Dharma Journal.




2) New Article by Dr. Morales in Next Issue of Hinduism Today



Dr. Morales' powerful and inspiring article, " Sanatana

Dharma: Embracing an Infinity of Possibilities " , is being published

in the Jan/Feb/Mar, 2008 issue of Hinduism Today, the foremost

periodical on Hinduism in the world. Please to Hinduism

Today. http://www.hinduismtoday.com/




3) " Dr. Morales List " reaches 1830 members on !:


We have reached the 1800 member mark on the " Dr. Frank Morales List "

. The " Dr. Morales List " has been the fastest growing

Hindu forum - by far! - on all of for the last ten

months in a row! We are now #8 in the rank of size of over 4500

Hindu groups! officials have estimated that if the rate of

growth continues at this pace, the " Dr. Morales List " could be the #1

Hindu list forum on in less than a year. Thank you all for

your dedicated help in making this group an overwhelming success!




4) Radical Universalism Book to be Published by Voice of India.


" Radical Universalism: Does Hinduism Teach that All Religions are the

Same? "


In 2005, Dr. Frank Morales wrote a long philosophical essay that was

destined to become one of the most widely read, groundbreaking, and

influential works ever written in the history of Hinduism. In the

last two years since its initial publication, Dr. Morales' work

on " Radical Universalism " has been read by over one-million readers,

translated into a half dozen languages, published in over a dozen

periodicals, appeared on hundreds of websites, and changed the way

the world views Sanatana Dharma forever!


Now a new, expanded edition of this work is being published in India

by the Voice of India publishing company. With a forward by Dr.

David Frawley, and endorsements by dozens of the world's most

important Hindu leaders, this new book edition of Dr. Morales' work

is destined to reach an even broader audience.




5) Volunteer Help Needed.


If you have video editing skills, digital video/audio equipment you

would like to donate, or any other related media production skills

that can help us produce highly professional video presentations on

Sanatana Dharma, please contact Dharma Sun Media at:

heatherlim7. We appreciate your help in our mission to

teach Dharma to a suffering world.




6) Do You Live in Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, or Kansas? Join Midwest





The purpose of Midwest Dharma is to provide announcements about the

classes, seminars, pravachanas (spiritual talks), and satsang

schedules of Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (Dr. Frank Morales, Ph.D.)

in the states of Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, and Kansas.


Dr. Morales serves as the Resident Acharya (Spiritual Preceptor) of

the Hindu Temple of Nebraska, and as the Founder-President of the

International Sanatana Dharma Society.


Currently, Sri Acharya Ji conducts two weekly Satsangs in Omaha,

Nebraska (Every Wednesday, 7:00 - 8:00 PM at the Omaha Healing Arts

Center; and every Sunday at noon at the Hindu Temple of Omaha). He

also conducts monthly satsangs in Lincoln, Nebraska; Kansas City,

Missouri; and Des Moines, Iowa. In addition, Sri Acharya Ji conducts

a full schedule of classes at the Hindu Temple in Omaha.


Do not miss this rare opportunity to learn from an authentic and

highly recognized Dharma Teacher.


Please Join Now: midwest_dharma/




7) Global Sanatana Dharma Flyer Campaign


We have uploaded a new PDF flyer to the " Dr. Frank Morales Forum "

designed to educate people about Sanatana Dharma in an attractive and

professionally presented manner. We need your help to distribute

these flyers as widely as possible. Please help us to ensure the

continued growth of Sanatana Dharma by printing this flyer out and

placing them in such appropriate places as: Yoga centers, bookstores,

cafes, universities and colleges, Hindu temples, libraries, and other

places where intelligent seekers congregate.


To download this flyer, please visit

drmoraleslist go to the " Files "

section, and open the " Flyers " file. You must be or become a member

of the list to access the files section.


In the last week, over two-thousand flyers have been distributed so





8) Dr. Morales being Interviewed for Integral Yoga Magazine


Dr. Morales will be interviewed for the upcoming issue of Integral

Yoga Magazine on the subject of emotion vs. devotion in the Yoga

tradition. Integral Yoga Magazine was founded by Sri Swami

Satchidananda in 1970.



9) " Dharma Ascending: A Revolutionary New Vision for Global

Transformation " Out December, 2007:


Dharma Ascending Press is proud to announce a soon to be released,

brand new book by Dr. Frank Morales. " Dharma Ascending " is the most

important and revolutionary writing Dr. Morales has ever produced up

till today. In this historically ground-breaking work, Dr. Morales

explains the nature, meaning, and teachings of Dharma in more depth

than has ever been attempted before by any author in history.


Dharma is the most important philosophical principle, and the most

spiritually meaningful way of living, that the world has ever known.

According to Dr. Morales, the universal tradition of Dharma has seen

a decline for the last 2000 years, leaving us today with only a

shadow of this once powerful ideological global force. In " Dharma

Ascending " , we read how this important principle has become more

relevant and important now than at any other time in history, and how

Dharma is now in the process of rapid ascent once again, potentially

leading to the most revolutionary global transformation the world has

ever seen.


Dr. Morales brings the principle of Dharma from the domain of mere

theory and myth, to the dynamic realm of practical life. This book

is designed to introduce you to Dharma as a living force, as well as

how you can personally live a healthy, prosperous, and joyous Dharma

lifestyle today. Bring Dharma to life for yourself, with " Dharma

Ascending: A Revolutionary New Vision for Global Transformation " . US

$19.95. Dharma Ascending Press. Out in December.


Stay tuned to Dharma Journal for further announcements.






" Dr. Frank Morales represents the Sankalpa [the will] of the Hindu

people and the cause of Sanatana Dharma. I urge all Hindus

everywhere to give him your full support, assistance, and

encouragement in his crucial work. He needs and deserves our help. "


- Dr. David Frawley (Oct. 14, 2007)






For further information on the philosophy and path of Dharma, please

visit us on the web:
























Thank you to all our many members and readers for your enthusiastic

support and encouragement of Dharma Journal and the teaching efforts

of Dr. Frank Morales. We couldn't be able to accomplish anything

without your well-wishes.


Please forward this Dharma Journal newsletter to all your friends,

family, and discussion lists interested in Sanatana Dharma,

meditation, and Yoga spirituality.




© 2007, Dharma Journal. Volume 9, issue 11




Welcome to the Dharma Revolution!









HCI Hindu Collective Initiative - North America


Hindu Dharma Summit Planned in Orlando, December 14, 15, 16, 2007

Contact: Ved


Hindu Collective Initiative (HCI) of North America has announced its

second biennial Hindu Dharma Summit to be held at the University of

Central Florida, Orlando, FL on December 14 (Friday), 15 (Sat) and 16

(Sun), 2007. The conference is being organized in collaboration with

the Hindu University of America and under the guidance of HH Swami

Dayananda Saraswati of Arsha Vidya Gurukul, PA.


Information about registration, lodging and directions can be

accessed at our website www.hcina.org



The purpose of this conference is to bring together heads of all

Sampradayas, Devalayas, spiritual institutions, Hindu intellectuals

and interested individuals to exchange thoughts and ideas, and share

experiences on how to impart spiritual and cultural education to our

future generations, remove bias and misperceptions about our faith

traditions from the society, and raise a strong, united voice of

Hindus of North America for the protection of Hindu Human Rights

across the globe in order to maintain the Dharmic traditions of our

community, with dignity, in North America and in the world.


The conference is being planned with the collaborative efforts of

many religious organizations. All spiritual heads, swamis, gurus and

trustees of major Hindu/Vedic/Sanatan Dharmic institutions and

temples are invited along with Hindu intellectuals, professors, youth

leaders, and any one interested in the future of Hindu traditions.

Hindu parents and youth from all Hindu denominations who take

interest in maintaining our culture and traditions, are encouraged to

attend the conference.


Invited Speakers include: Sri Sri Ravishankar, Art of Living

Foundation, Sri Pranav Pandya, Head, All World Gayatri Pariwar, Sri

Palaniswami, Editor of Hinduism Today, Hindu Monastery, Kauai,

Hawaii, Dr. David Frawley of Vedic Institute, Sri Rajiv Malhotra of

Infinity Foundation, Dr. Frank Morales (Sri Dharma Pravartaka

Acharya) - the Resident Acharya of the Hindu Temple of Nebraska and

Founder-President of the International Sanatana Dharma Society, and

Professors Dr. Rukmani, Dr. Subhash Kak , Dr. Siva Bajpai, Dr. Balram

Singh, Dr. Jeffrey Long, Dr. Madan Goel, and other learned



Program Highlights: Two Exhibits on Hindu Human rights abuses in

Kashmir and Bangladesh with an overview of Human Rights issues in

Kashmir, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, and Caribbean.


Youth Participation: Hindu organizations network, learn from each

other and develop programs that will increase the participation of

Hindu youth, Hindus with non-Hindu spouses, Caribbean and western

Hindus and promote the understanding of Hindu religion in the

community at large.


Education: How can Hindu organizations work together to correct and

improve the portrayal of India and Hinduism in schools, colleges and

media; and develop resources for teaching Hindu religion and culture

in schools and institutions. Special Focus on: ¡¥Invading the


a new book just published, Textbook reviews done by ESHI (Educators

Society for the Heritage of India) for the North Carolina school

system, and Textbook Supplements produced by Hinduism Today.


Media and Outreach: How can Hindu organizations and interested

individuals implement and participate in outreach activities for the

benefit of the community at-large and positively interact with

government agencies, interfaith groups and the media to improve the

portrayal of India and Hinduism.


Collaboration and Cooperation: Ways in which collaboration and

cooperation among interested Hindu-American organizations can more

effectively address larger issues of common concerns.


Hindu Collective Initiative was launched at the conclusion of Dharma

Summit 2005 that was held at Rutgers University, NJ in August 2005. A

summary of 2005 Summit can be accessed at our website www.hcina.org

or at: http://www.hinduismtoday.com/archives/2006/1-3/34-


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