Guest guest Posted February 23, 2008 Report Share Posted February 23, 2008 JAI MAA, Please join us in our 3rd annual Sri Anjaney Aavahan, Abhishek, Poojan and 108 recitation of Sri Hanuman chalisa. We will perform Sri Hanuman Abhishek, poojan, and archan for the general well being of every one. He is called Sankata Mochan or the one who helps in times of peril. Apart from that He is also worshiped for health, removal of fear and especially as an antidote for all Saturn related troubles. April 20, 2008 (Hanuman Jayanti – birthday of Sri Hanuman), Chaitra Shukla Purnima—the March-April full moon day. Time 9:00 AM (sharp) Place: Community Hall (Radha krishan Mandir) 357 Lawrence Station road, Lawrenceville NJ 08648 For more information please call (609) 936 – 0263, (201) 920 – 2045 or (609) 647 - 3006 If you wish to offer prasad for langer please call (609) 936 – 0263, (201) 920 – 2045 or (609) 647 – 3006 . You can bring flowers, garland of flowers, 108 cloves, 108 cardamon, 108 raisins, 108 almonds, any thing the choice is yours. If you allow others to bring your offering for you they will get the credit, and why shouldn't he/she. They did all the work. Sri Hanumanji is watching you. So bring your offering your self. Atleast try, we can hide our dirty clothes by putting them in closet and pretend they are hidden from others but we cannot hide from HIM. HE has laser vision. SHE looks at her children and is always smiling at their antics. You are not able to join us then, on this holy day worship Sri Hanuman. Fast on this day. Read the Sri Hanuman Chalisa. Spend the whole day in the Japa of Sri Ram-Nam. Chirajnjeevi Sri Hanuman will be highly pleased and will bless you with success in all your undertakings. " Chootesh maham sukha hoyi " Kamaroopaye Tubhyam Namah Visharoopaye Tubhyam Namah Phanchroopaye Tubhyam Namah AUM ANJANEYAYE VIDMAHE MAHABALAYE DHI-MAHI TAN NO HANUMAN PRACHODAYAT AUM Om Salutations to Lord Pancha Mukha Hanuman Om Salutations to the Lord of Self Enquiry Om Salutations to Maha Budhi Om Salutations to the Maha Balam Om Salutations to the Maha Yashas. Aum namo Bhagwatey Aanjney-yaaya mahaabalaaya swaahaa; Sri Hanuman from " Va-nara " to a " No - man " to " Devata " . A " Kamaroopi " . Hanuman is known as " Kamaroopi " meaning one who could take any physical form at the desired time. Hanuman is known as " Kamaroopi " , not just because he can change the physical form but namely to realise the Paramathman and to surrender to the Lord - without of course changes in the external form. Sri Hanuman to appease Mata Sita in Sundra Vatika takes the viswaroopa - an exposition of mahima siddhi. His Panchmukha roopa is Vishwa roopa. Budhdirbalam Yaso Dhairyam Nirbhayatva-Marogata Ajadyam Vakapatutvam Cha Hanumatsmaranathbavet Wisdom (budhi), physical strength (balam), fame (yashas), courage, valor (fearlessness), good health, vigilance, eloquence, (all these) are bestowed upon meditating on the Lord Hanuman. He who is the repository of immense power with a body glittering like a mountain of gold; who is verily the jungle-fire to incinerate the jungle of demons; the exalted scholar, the mine of all virtue and the master of apes and monkey- I bow in reverence to such of the wind god, Lord Hanuman, the renowned ambassador of Lord Rama. He, who tried to devour the rays of the Sun in one stroke, who crossed the sea as if it is the distance between the front and back legs of the cow , who considered Ravana (Dasagriva) as trifle like grass and ignored him, I pay obeisance to that Anjaneya. sarva kalyana thaatharam sarvaapadhgana vaarakam || apara karuna murthim anjaneyam namamyaham || Hey Anjaneya ! Who is the giver of all good things, who protect from all adversaries, who is the repository of immeasurable love and compassion, I pay my obeisance to you. In the beginning was The Word. And the Word was with God and the Word was God... Hey Anjaneya!!! Aum namo Bhagwatey Aanjney-yaaya mahaabalaaya swaahaa; " Sound is more than simply a medium or artistic expression. Sound has practical and powerful applications in the real world. " Manojavam maruta tulya vegam Jitendriyam budhimataam varishtam Sri Panchamukha Hanuman Gayathri om Anjaneyaya Vidmahe Panchavaktraya Dheemahi Tanno Hanuman Prachodayaath || Pancha = five. Mukha = face. Thus Pancha Mukha Hanuman is the five faced Sri Hanuman. The five faces are those of Varaha, Garuda, Hanuman, Narasimha and Hayagriva. Thus Lord Pancha Mukha Hanuman is the Divine Helper of all those who seek atmagnana. He ensures our enthusiasm during the atmavichara process and motivates us on the road to atmagnana. He helps us find the correct answer to the " Who am I? " question. When a Sadhaka, a seeker advances in the path of sadhana, he brings in his being discipline. Through this discipline, the concentration increases and the truth of Sri Bhagwan is revealed. It can only grow. It does not know how to shrink or get diminished. The knowledge or BLISS is enshrined in the slokas. This BLISS " Reveals " itself and each time it is a new picture. All our spiritual utterances are actually called revelations.- as revealed to the seers who have seen. Each revelation has a new facet, a new layer being exposed. It is like a magnificent sun with thousand rays or petals. We human beings alone are responsible for our MOKSHA. The KARMA cloth is woven very tightly. We human beings have torn it, you can weave it piece by piece and burn it, again piece by piece. Once the cloth has been burnt in its entirety, MOKSHA is possible. Unfortunately life after life, we keep on creating desires, HONDA, BENZE, ROLLS ROYCE ... the list keeps on increasing as we grow without attempting to wind up our karma...the karma cloth continues to grow too! I will do sadhana when I am free, ARE YOU EVER FREE. ONLY TRUE SADHANA CAN DISTROY THE KARMA CLOTH. Once the realization to unwind the karma sets in, HIS blessings are enough to do the rest... All those who do atmavichara and all those who seek atmagnana should pray to Lord Panch Mukha Hanuman and sincerely seek His blessings. There are five ways of prayer to the Lord. They are Naman, Smaran, Keerthanam, Yachanam and Arpanam. The five faces depict these five forms. Lord Hanuman always used to Naman, Smaran and Keerthanam of Lord Sri Rama. He totally surrendered or Arpanam to his Master Sri Ram. He also begged or yachanam Sri Rama to bless him the undivided love. Sri Hanumanji is the eleventh Rudra and there are about seventy-five references to Rudra in the Rig Veda overall. In the Rig Veda Rudra is depicted as a frightening god is apparent in references to him as ghora ( " terrible " ), or simply as asau deva, the one who " brilliant shafts which run about the heaven and the earth " (RV 7.46.3), " Rudra to whom these prayers are addressed is not a sectarian deity, but the Supreme Being who is omnipresent and manifests Himself in a myriad forms for the sake of the diverse spiritual aspirants. " Sri Rudram occurs in the fourth Kanda of the Taittirya Samhita in the Yajur Veda. Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa Said: " There are different levels among the devotees of God: superior, mediocre and inferior. All this has been described in the Gita. The inferior devotee says, 'God exists, but He is very far off, up there in heaven.' The mediocre devotee says, 'God exists in all beings as life and consciousness.' The superior devotee says: 'It is God Himself who has become everything; whatever I see is only a form of God. It is He alone who has become Maya, the universe, and all living beings. Nothing exists but God.' " Be a Dharmaraksha, Dharmarakshanam and follow Dharmadevata. Dharmo rakshathi rakshithaha If we protect the Dharma, Dharma will protect us. Khyatah: SriRamaduth: Pavanatanubhavah: Pingalaksah: Sikhavan Sita Sokapahari dasamukhavijayi Lakshmanapranadata | Aneta Bhesajadreh: Lavanajalanidheh Langane Diksito yah: Virasriman Hanuman mama manasi Vasan Karyasidhmadhim tanotu || Let veera Sriman Hanuman lives in my mind and guide me in every aspect and lead me to victory. This Hanuman, known as the Ramadootha – the messenger of Sri Rama - was born to the Wind God Pavana, the Vayu, his eyes are light yellow in colour, has long hair. He is the one who helped Sita to get rid of her sorrow by conquering the Dasamuka rakshasa, Ravana; gave life to Lakshmana when he was lying unconscious bringing the herbal mountain itself for this purpose (as he had no time to search and select the proper medicinal herbs) and this is the same Hanuman who showed that he has the capability of crossing the Ocean. doorikiruta sitarti prikateekiruta rama vaibhava spurithi: || dharita dasamukha kirthi: puratho mama pathu hanumato murti: || May Lord Hanuman, who got rid of the sufferings of Sita, who brought out succinctly the character and special qualities of Lord Rama, who brought down the fame of Ravana, standing before me, protect me. Sri Hanumanji is an incarnation of Lord Siva. Shankar Suvan Kesari Nandan, Tej Pratap Maha Jag Bandan He is the son of Anjana, who had been transformed into a monkey by a curse, and Vayu, the wind god. It is also said that from his father Vayu Hanuman received the ability to fly. Anjani Putra Paavansut Naamaa In Bhagavat Gita Lord Krishna says to Arjun, " He who acts for me, who is engrossed in me, who is my devotee, who is free from attachment, he reaches me " . We find all these 5 qualities enshrined in Hanuman. Each of his face explains the five divine qualifications. May be an artist thought over about this before making the Vigraham. doorikirutha sitarthi prikateekirutha rama vaibhava spurithi: || dharita dasamukha kirthi: puratho mama pathu hanumato murti: || May Lord Hanuman, who got rid of the sufferings of Mata Sita, who brought out succinctly the character and special qualities of Lord Rama, who brought down the fame of Ravana, standing before me, protect me. After the war, shunning the heavens, Sri Hanuman requested to remain on earth for as long as Bhagawan Sri Rama's name is venerated by people. Mata Sita accorded Sri Hanuman that wish, and granted that his image will be installed at various public places, so he could listen to people chanting Maryada Purushotam Sri Rama's name. He is thus one out of seven of the chiranjeevis or immortals. He is the link between the devotees and God, for, as instructed by the Lord, he serves, protects and inspires the servants of God. Saints like Tulasidas had the darshan (divine vision) of the Lord through the grace of Hanumanji. Yatra Yatra Raghunath Kirtanam Tatra Tatra Krita Mastaka anjalim Bashpawari Pari purna lochanam Marutim nammascha rakshas antakam & #2351; & #2340; & #2381; & #2352; & #2351; & #2340; & #2381; & #2352; & #2352; & #2328; & #2369; & #2344; & #2366; & #2341; & #2325; & #2368; & #2352; & #2381; & #2340; & #2344; & #2350; & #2381; & #2340; & #2340; & #2381; & #2352; & #2340; & #2340; & #2381; & #2352; & #2325; & #2381; & #2352; & #2367; & #2340; & #2350; & #2360; & #2381; & #2340; & #2325; & #2309; & #2344; & #2381; & #2332; & #2354; & #2367; & #2306; & #2348; & #2359; & #2381; & #2346; & #2366; & #2357; & #2352; & #2368; & #2346; & #2352; & #2368; & #2346; & #2370; & #2352; & #2381; & #2339; & #2354; & #2379; & #2330; & #2344; & #2350; & #2381; & #2350; & #2366; & #2352; & #2369; & #2340; & #2367; & #2306; & #2344; & #2350; & #2358; & #2381; & #2330; & #2352; & #2366; & #2325; & #2381; & #2359; & #2360; & #2309; & #2306; & #2340; & #2325; & #2350; & #2381; & #2404; That wherever the deeds of Sri Rama are sung, At all such places does Hanuman cry tears of devotion and joy, At all such places does his presence remove the fear of demons. Hanuman though given the va-nara roopa, possesses characters of a perfect man and no imperfection had been found in him. Monkeys are known for the restlessness and unsteadiness, but in Hanuman there was no trace of chanchalathva or asthirathva. Sri Hanumanji met Bhima in the forest and recognized him as his spiritual brother. Sri Hanumanji promised to aid the Pandavas in the battle of Kurukshetra. There Sri Hanumanji positions himself on the flag of Arjuna's chariot, thus stabilizing and protecting it. Sri Hanumanji's flag signifies sense control and mind control that gives victory to the higher nature over the lower nature. Wherever the servant of Lord Rama is, there, victory is secured. He is the link between the devotees and God, for, as instructed by the Lord, he serves, protects and inspires the servants of God. Saints like Goswami Tulasidas had the darshan (divine vision) of the Lord through the grace of Sri Hanumanji. One of the nine types of devotion is that of Master and servant- known as DASYABHAVA attitude and Sri Hanuman has adopted this from of devotion to become the most perfect example of it. Hanuman is always seen seated near the lotus feet of Sri Ram. Lord Rama went a step further to sing the virtues of this Rama-Dasa in praise in Hanumath- Sahasranamam. Probably this is the first verse by the master in praise of his Dasa. There were many who had served Lord Sri Rama, like Sugreeva, Lakshmana, Vibishananan, Mata Sita, but all had one reason or other. Lakshmana had a duty towards his elder brother, Vibishana had kingdom in his mind, but Hanuman had nothing behind his sewa which is known as 'Vishwartha sewa atmartha sewa' . Without anticipating any reward ie., 'prathi palan' Hanuman had done his service as a duty. He had only one thing at heart, that was the place for Lord Rama. He carried nothing else in his thought nor had any other ambition. Lord Krishna describes the qualities of a bhakta or a devotee: " He who acts for Me, who is engrossed in Me, who is My devotee, who is free from attachment, he reaches Me! " Tumhi ho maata, pita tumhi ho, Tumhi ho bandhu, sakha tumhi ho; Shree Guru Charan Saroj raj, Nij man mukuru Sudhaari. Varna-hu raghubar vimal yash, Jo daayak phal Chaar. Budhi been Tanu Jani keyn, Sumiraun Pawan Kumar. Bal budhi Vidhyaa Dehu Mohin, Harahu kalesh Vikar. Jaya Siya Ram Jaya, Jaya Siya Ram Jaya Hanuman Jaya, Jaya Hanuman. Glory to Mahabali Sri Hanuman! Glory to his Lord, Sri Rama! Bajrangbaly Ki Jai Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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