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An Article on 'Heart Disease'

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Dear Friends,

Some time back, I had written an article on 'Heart Disease'

This artcle is attached for the benefit of my friends:




Heart Disease and Its Causes

By G. K. Goel

The heart is a four-chambered Electro-muscular pump designed to circulate the blood around the whole body continuously, without even a pause, till the end of life, Infect, it is a pair of pumps placed side by side. The heart is positioned in the chest just over the lower side of the left loave of he lungs.

The first situated on the right side of the heart. This pump recoves bood from the body through the veins and ills right ventricle of the heart and then pumps right blood to lungs. The second pump on the left recovers purified bood back fro the lungs and fills the left ventricle of the heart and then pumps the blood to the body. Four valves control these functions.

The blood supply to the heart muscle (the myocardium) itself is provided by special arteries, called CORONARY arteries.

The function of the heart is controlled and regulated by electrical impulses, originating in the sinus node, structure embedded in the heart muscle. Nearly 72 impulses are passed every minute through myocardium, this generates equal number of heartbeats. In this process, heart muscle develops pressure (blood-pressure) which is responsible for the flow of blood in the body.

The nature has created another mechanical pumps (two in number) which are situated in each of the calf muscles of the legs. These pumping systems is only operative when a person is walking, running of performing some specific exercises and help the heart in accelerating the flow of blood supply in the body. These pumps do not operate when body is in resting mode.

This is the broad on which heart helps to maintain the circulation of blood in the body.


(1) Congenital Heart Diseases.

(a) The child may born with some defects in the heart like: abnormality in aortic and Pulmonary valves, deformation in both or either of the ventricles (general both ventricles are connected by a hole) etc.

(b) Abnormalities caused during pregnancy like defects arising out during formation of account of drugs taken by mother etc.

© On account of infects. German measles, rhecmatic fever etc.

(2) Disease of the Valves

On account of rheumatic fever. Claudication of valves etc., the flow of blood becomes restricted. This results in High blood pressure and related diseases of the heart.

(3) Coronary heart Disease

On account of several factors, the gradual narrowing of coronary arteries of excessive deposits of fats inside the walls of arteries occur. This results in the reduced supply of blood to heart muscle and myocardial infarction may result, which is called “Heat Attackâ€.

(4) Cardiac muscle disease

On account of infection, high blood pressure, congenital diseases etc. the heart muscle becomes weak and diseased. These are called as Cardio-myopathic.

(5) Disturbance in Heart’s electrical system

As healthy car engine cannot run without proper electrical system, similarly a healthy heart can perform properly if its electric system is sending proper and timely impulse. Many problems arise on account of mall functioning of heart’s electrical system.

This is a broad and layman’s view about the possible causes of heart disease. This may help to identify astrological reasons for specific heart diseases in broader prospective.



(a) The Fourth House: The Fourth House indicates the heart of the native. Mind is also the seat of the fourth house. Heart and mind are very closely associated with each other.

(b) Lord of the Fourth House : The second important significator of the heart is the Lord of fourth House. This is in accordance with the basic principal of predictive astrology.

© Moon : The Moon is Natural ruler as well as signficator of fourth house. Moon is also significator of mind, thus Moon becomes important signficator of the heart.

(d) Sign Cancer : Moon is the ruler of sign Cancer. This sign plays important Role as significators of heart.

© Nakshatra ANURADHA : Anuradha is Heart of the KALAPURUSHA (Lord Vishnu). Thus this Nakshatra acts as significator of Heart.



a) The SUN : Sun is the significator of the heart disease. When malefire influences operate on the Sun, heart diseases may be indicated. This also depends on other adverse indications such as malefie Dasas and transits. This is not important factor for the disease of the heart.

b) SIGN LEO : Sun being its natural associate, any affliction to this sign may promote heart disease.

c) The Fifth House : The fifth house is the natural seat of sign Leo and its Lord Sun. Affliction to this house becomes a strong factor in promoting heart disease, further, this is the house of intellect which has a direct bearing on the well being of the heart muscle as well as its functioning. On account of this reason, some authorities have even advocated that real seat of heart is fifth house in comparison with fourth house. However, as heart is more akin to watery element (then five), we feel it is more appropriate that forth house should be considered the prime seat of the heart. The fifth house either help

in the growth and well being of the heart or if fifth house is afflicted it promotes the disease of the heart. The fifth house is a Marka house for heart muscle being second house from fourth house.

d) The Lord of the Fifth House : For reasons explained in SI. No. C above, the Lord of the fifth house acts as a Marka to heart muscle as well as if afflicted promotes heart disease.


(A) 2nd DREKKANA: In case, ascendant falls in the 2nd Drekkana of the rising sign, the fifth and the ninth houses in rashi chart become the indicator of Right and left sides of the heart muscle respectively. In the case, any affliction to those houses indicates the strong possibility of heart disease depending upon the type of malefic influences operating on these houses.

(B) SIGN AQUARIUS : In chapter 1 sloka 8 of srihatlatak varah mihira identified Aquarius as “HIRDYAROGAâ€. The placement of SUN in this sign does not augur well for heart.

© The Eleventh House: Eleventh House is the natural seat of sign Aquarius. This is the house of fulfilment of desire, which has a strong bearing both on mind and Intellect. The two Calf-muscles of both legs are also signified by eleventh house and sign Aquarius. Thus, this house becomes one of the strong significator for heart disease. This house is eighth from the forth house. Any affliction to the fifth and eleventh house axis may cause heart disease.

(D) Nakshatra MAGHA (Leo 0 degree - 13 degree 20’) (Yavan jatak)

An afflicted planet in this Nakshatra may cause sudden shock and pollution to the heart. Kept is the ruler of this Nakshatra and triggers accidents and sudden events.

(E) Nakshatra Purva Phalguni (Leo 13 degree 20’ to 26 degree 40’) (Yavan Jatak)

This star has a strong signification over heart and generates swelling of heart Muscles..

(F) DHANISTA - Last two charan (Aquarius 0 degree - 6 degree 40’)

This star may trigger sudden failure of heart and carries the influence of sign Aquarius and Mars.

(G) SHATAVHISHA (AQUARIUS 6 degree 40’ -20 degree)

This star rules over Electricity, which is vital for proper and regular functioning of the heart.. Both Rahu and Hershel rule over Electricity and are the co-rulers of sign Aquarius. This star rules Rheumatic heart disease, high blood pressure, palpitation and other mall-functioning in the heart on account of its electrical system. Both Rahu and Hershel play vital Role for such problems in the heart.


(H) Poorva Bhadarpad -First three Quarters: (Aquarius 20 degree to 30 degree) This rules over the irregularities in function, swelling and dilation of heart muscle. The Jupiter is the Ruler of this star and represents expansions, swelling, dilation etc when afflicted.

Indication for prevention of heart disease

1. In case Fourth house, its Lord, its Karka Moon, sign Cancer and Nakshatra Anuradha are in auspicious influence, the heart would be strong and would resist any indications and yoga(s) which may exist in the birth chart for the disease of heart. These are summarised as under:

(A) If Moon and Lord of the fourth house are:

i. In their Exaltation, Mooltrikona and own rashi(s).

ii. Conjunet, hammed or/and aspected by benefie planets.

iii.. Placed in good bhavas-kendra and trikona (it would be better if both from Ascendant and fourth house)

iv. Moving towards their exaltation sign.

v. Vargottama, exaltation or own Navmasas.

vi. With six or more in their own Astak Vargas and more than 32 bindus in Sarva Astakvarga.

vii. Dispositor of these planets are similarly in auspicious influence.

viii. These planets have acquired requisite Shad-Bala and vimshopak strength.

ix. Placed in auspicious Shashtiyamsa (60th part of the rashi)

These are indications for strong and healthy heart.

(B) On the contrary, the following factors will promote illness, if Moon and lord of forth house are:

(1) In their debilitation or enemy sign

(2) Placement in 6th, 8th or/and 12th house from Ascendant and fourth house

(3) Hemmed by Malefics.

(4) Conjunction or aspect of Melefics (Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and lords of 6th 8th and 12th house)

(5) Relationship (Sambandh) with the Lords of 6th, 8th and 12th Lords from forth as Well as ascendant.

(6) Melefics in 6,8 and 12 or 5 or 9th houses from fourth house.

(7) Relationship with significators of diseases of heart..

(8) Placement of planets in debilitation, Enemy and malefic Navmasa or in the Navamasa of rashis falling in tril: Bhavas

(9) Planets with 3 or less Bindus in their own respective Astakvarga and 22 or less Bindus sarvastal Vargas.

(10) Bhavas, their Lords and Karka do not have requisite Shad-Bala and Vimshopak Strength

(11) Placed in inauspicious Shashtiyamsa.

(12) Fourth house and Cancer Rashi are occupied. Aspected or hemmed by Malefics.

Indication of Cardiac Illness.

The following points are to be examined:

I. Affliction to SUN: this is by far the most important factor in causing cardiac illness Affliction from Saturn causes palpitation and shivering of heart. Ketu causes pain in the heart. Mars causes problem of blood circulation. Sun’s debilitation and relationship with 6, 8th and 12th houses or their Lords promotes heart disease.

II. Affliction to fifth house and 11th house and their Lords.

III. Affliction to sign Leo and Aquarius.

IV. Affliction to Lagna and its Lord. - This also promotes diseases.

V. Affliction to fourth and fifth houses from Moon and Sun respectively.

VI. In the main Dasa of a malefic planet, if antardasa lord is retrograde and situated in fifth house from Lagna or Sun, promotes Cardiac illness.

VII. In the presence of sufficient affliction, the Dasa of planets associating with SUN, the 5th house, the 5th lord leads to Cardiac illness.

VIII. Affiliction to seventh house from Moon or Darapada (Jaimini sutra 4.1.2). Any melific in seventh house will affliction and provide melefic argala on fifth house.

IX. In the basic scheme, Lagna is the house of health, sixth is for disease, 8th for death, 2nd and 7th are Marka houses nand 12th is the house of decay. The ninth house is for growth and 11th house for recovery. When we consider similar scheme from house of heart i.e. the fourth house, the fourth house is for health of the heart, Ninth house is for its disease, 11th is for its death, 3rd for decay, 5th and 10th act as its Marka, 12th for growth and 2nd house from Lagna is for recovery of heart from disease. This gives some interesting information with regard to heart disease. 9th, 11th

12th and 2nd houses from Lagna are common in both schemes. Thus 9th house may promote growth of the whole body but at the cost of heart. Similarly 11th house may promote recovery of the body from other illnesses but may adversely harm the heart. 12th house may weaken the body but may contribute to the health of the heart. 2nd house may help from the recovery of heart from the of disease but may sometimes be fata to the native on account other reasons. These are the contradictions which Doctors and native face in life in actual practice. The astrologer should be very careful while assessing the recovery of a particular organ of the body.

All these factors are to be properly weighed before reaching a prediction on the recovery of the Native from the illness.

When main Karka’s heart are strong and in good influence like fourth house, Moon, Lord of the fourth house, sign Cancer, and star Anuradha, the heart would be strong. If these factors are WEAK AND AFFLICTED the heart would be weak and liable to contact disease. On the other hand, if Karkas for promoting disease of the heart are in benefic influence, they would not promote disease. If thee are afflicted they would certainly promote disease even if heart Muscle and its function both are in healthy condition both the above factors, the Karkas of heart and its disease are afflicted the disease in

the heart would be of serious nature.

Unquote G.K.GOELPh: 09350311433Add: L-409, SARITA VIHARNEW DELHI-110 076INDIA


renunw <renunw Sent: Wednesday, 26 March, 2008 10:34:27 PM Re: cluster of planets in 5H + hormone imbalance



Dear Neelam ji,

Let me brief you with how the events unfolded once the tumour was diagnosed ...as Ewing's Sarcoma of occipital skull.

"In this period, Saturn aspects lagna, mars aspects lagna, Jupiter has been in 12H now for quite a while, now sun and mercury, venus all joining him in 12H. The stage seems to be set…in the last week of july or immediately after."

1. August 2003 - noticing a lump in the particular area, which no one thought would be malignant.

2. December 11, 2003 - 1st operation.

3.. December 19, 2003 - Biopsy report with unexpeted results.

4.. December 27, 2003 - 2nd operation - removing a vast area taking no chance of leaving a malignant cell..

5. Jan 19, 2004 - confirmation of the 1st biopsy report.

6. Feb 5 , 2004 - commencement of chemotherapy. .lasted till July 2004 [in Singapore].

7. October 31, 2004 - commencement of radiation treatment.

Now he is completey cured, finished his Business Management degree and awaiting for a job.

One more step to go...that is to go for plastic surgery.

Thanks so much for the 'study' you posted. This is what I call learning :)



ancient_indian_ astrology, "neelam gupta" <neelamgupta07@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Renu ji,> > Thanks for your feedback and confirmation. I'll explain briefly how I> arrived at tis conclusion:> > Probability of sickness — based only the rashi chart:> > - Lagna is afflicted by a strong mars from 6H, 8L Jupiter> - LL is badly afflicted in R/K axis and papkatri.> - Moon and sun both afflicted.> - 1,5,9 and luminaries affliction showing a fructification of past> birth karma.> - 8L Jupiter afflicted by 6L/7L strong Saturn, and venus who is> dispositor of Saturn and rahu.> - The lord of 9H and aries, himself gone to 6H of diseases, and> aspects hospitals and lagna.> - So there seems to be a promise of major illness in the native's life> > Disease producing planets:> > -

Saturn is number one. Being marak 6L/7L in 3H. Aspects 5L/8L> Jupiter, 9H, is in 12H from LL sun. Afflicts 2/12 houses from sun. Saturn> also afflicts moon and cancer and 12H.> - Jupiter in his dasha will become a target of Saturn as the sambandh> is completely effective..> - Both Saturn (karakatwa) and Jup (8th lordship) become karaks of> chronic illness.> > > Whereabouts of disease:> > All the planets are pointing towards aries-taurus junction (also see this in> bhava chart). So that is the point of affliction.> > Could be head area upto beginning of neck. May be the medulla oblongata> which is the extension of brain in the vertebral column and pivotal point of> the neck.> > I say this for following reasons:> > - Jupiter with venus, mars, saturn with moon all pointing at> aries-taurus> - Jupiter is 8L

with 3/10L venus (saturn's dispositor) aspects 9H and> aries.> - Saturn (marak) 6L/7L exalted in 3H also a dusthana, aspecting 8L> Jupiter in 5H, 9H and 12H of hospitals. So Saturn makes the native pay for> his past deeds by affecting his prarabdh also. Both Jupiter and Saturn> become responsible for chronic illness.> - Jupiter gives a tumour, but Saturn does not let it grow too much, so> may be it remains in the form of a hard, overgrown cyst.> > > Timing of disease:> > - The disease would start in the dasha chhidra of Rahu-mars. See how> they are connected with rahu aspecting mars and 6H. Some symptoms would> surely start with rahu-mars coinciding with transit of rahu over natal> rahu.> - Rahu afflicts LL sun also. And goes to 9H in bhava-chalit.> - In transit, rahu is over natal rahu in 2002-03. So one can see the> brewing of

worms.> - Since the sat-Ju combo is not directly involved in Rahu-mars dasha, we> see the manifestation only when Jupiter MD starts and Saturn antar takes him> to hospital with mars also aspecting 12H, gives operation.> - Rahu is quietly doing its job in transit also, as you'll notice that> at the beginning of Saturn dasha, when the operation would take place, rahu> is conjunct natal rahu (in the last week of July 2003)> - In this period, Saturn aspects lagna, mars aspects lagna, Jupiter> has been in 12H now for quite a while, now sun and mercury, venus all> joining him in 12H. The stage seems to be set…in the last week of july> or immediately after.> > This is only analyzing the rashi chart. If we look at vargas, it can become> even more revealing…> I'll be glad to have your feedback on this.> > regards>


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