Guest guest Posted February 10, 2010 Report Share Posted February 10, 2010 Dear Senthil ji,I said Dasa Lord may or may not signify the matter. but should not deny it.As I said many events are happening in the lengthy Maha dasa and we can not expect all the significations of all the events(minor to major) that happen in that Dasa period. But when BSA lord signfyies an event , the event will materialise.I shall come with such case when I recall or find again.Reg: Quiz 17, participants, analysis: sorry. I forgot. and I have to search again and send those files. I shall do it by today. RegardsAdith  On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 5:58 AM, Senthil <athi_ram wrote: Dear Adith,  //The dasa lord may or may not signify the matter and may have mixed results. but should not deny the matter.//  Please present/post some charts where you found DASA lord is not signifying the matter in query so that the members can discuss about such charts in details to conclude your statement/findings.  Regarding QUIZ-17, you have mentioned that after the announcement of results all the participant’s analysis will be disclosed. But till date you have not forwarded all the participants analysis for the Quiz-17. Why are you (punit you too) HOLDING it?  GOOD LUCK!!  D.Senthil --- On Tue, 2/9/10, Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmi wrote: Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmi Re: BACKWARD THEORY Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 2:17 AM  Dear Adith,                  According to my little knowledge of K.P.,if the Dasa Lord does not signify a matter,it will not permit the Bhukti/Anthara/ Sookshma/ Atisookshma lords etc., to give the result of the matter...                  Kindly have a deep look at your workings and pl. check very carefully and inform please...                 If you get the right answers, you have made a " new finding " ... !                 With best wishes,                 Yogesh Lajmi.                                               GOOD LUCK ! adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@>@gro Mon, 8 February, 2010 3:09:30 PMRe: BACKWARD THEORY  Dear Yogesh ji,The dasa lord may or may not signify the matter and may have mixed results. but should not deny the matter.Hope I am correct.RegardsAdith On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 10:45 AM, Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmi@ > wrote:  Dear Adith,                 Have been folowing this thread...but it is a cardinal rule of K.P., that if the asa-lord does not promise an event/matter the Bhukto/anthara/ sookshma lords are rendered powerless to materialise the matter concerned... .Is'nt it ?                 Yogesh Lajmi adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> @gro ups.comSun, 7 February, 2010 3:18:02 PM Re: BACKWARD THEORY Dear Senthil ji, I was mentioning in my mails, the Dasa lord need not be a strongest one. Even a Dasa lord with mixed significators can conduct the matters.But the Sublord (bukthi lord) must be a stronger one.I hope you got my point more clearer now. All the new findings have to be analysed with 100s of charts . Even then there will be new findings later. Thats how now Kp is growing. Our Gurruji wound have done his test with 1000s of charts. Evem then we could not find the end. Because there is no end. If one says his findings through his own experience, it is upto the people to take it or not to study further.With RegardsAdith On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Senthil <athi_ram > wrote:  Dear Adith,As mentioned by you finding the sequence is difficult to attain. But regarding RPs it will be useful to find the strong signficators & DBA to some extend. During the conjoined period of the signficators the events take place and it is nothing but DBA. There are many planets may appear in the RP but still we have to eliminate some and keep minimum to decide the event. This is also a difficult task. How you handle the RP and what you request from the RP may be the result.  In quiz-17, i have selected more than 100 possible lagna position for the child based on parents data but with the help of RP and one Horary number(hope it is 40) i have eliminated all to fix the correct lagna (MAR or VEN lagna- Hope the child lagna is MAR sign VEN star). So even prof late KSK used some methods when more confusion arise (such as put one honey drop on the table and watch the fly is going in which direction after eating/ tasting it to give the prediction)  Like TinWin studied 100 AA charts for 12th CSL RAH for the verification of prisoner's charts. Kanaka bosmia is still working with many hundreds of charts to find the transit pattern to give marriage (this was told by TinWin in his messages) I have studied for about 300 charts for about Driving licence. Similarly if you fell Bukthi period is Strongest among them then you have to study more than 100 to 300 charts about one specify query (say only child birth) to find really bukthi must be strong to give the result? (the approach/RULE must have some reasonable logic & consistency also).  This is really a painful job but If you do this i am sure that you will become a MASTER in CHILD BIRTH (still you will not get 100% but very high improvement /increase in % of success, confidence etc) and other astrological findings/prediction . You do handwork be sincere, dedication and with all your knowledge defiantly the results will be GOOD. Now you have to come out with your findings with minimum 100 charts to discuss further. I am also advising to all our forum members that those who want to improve/learn take the pain. WITHOUT PAIN NO GAIN.  GOOD LUCK!!D.Senthil--- On Thu, 2/4/10, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote: adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> Re: BACKWARD THEORY@gro Thursday, February 4, 2010, 9:54 AM  Dear Senthil ji,RPs will be useful to find the strong signficators who are going to conduct the event. But the sequence is difficult to attain.Because all the DBAS lords may appear as RPs.Dasa Lord can be fixed. The bukthi lord and the Andra can be sequenced as per the order which is coming first but the event will take place mostly in the Bukthi period of Strongest among them. For example, in Quiz 17, Rahu, Sat and Sun were the planets played role as DBA.But there are choices of Rahu-Rahu-Sat- SUn period also.But it did not happen,Also my sister went for the treatment only in the Sat period. In this, the delay may be cross checked with his husband's chart where his period till 1991 the Bukthi lords were not favoring. Only the Rahu was favoring. Hence it got delayed and happened at the favorable period for both. hence everything have to be kept in mind.With RegardsAdith On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 5:36 PM, Senthil <athi_ram > wrote:  Dear Ramani,  Your understanding is correct. I have told that the planets A, B & C are the significators of the required houses under consideration. However the selection of sequence is the most difficult exercise for which RP is the only tool available to us to decide the DBA in some extend.  GOOD LUCK!!  D.Senthil --- On Wed, 2/3/10, kadavasalramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote: kadavasalramani <kadavasalramani@> Re: BACKWARD THEORY@gro Wednesday, February 3, 2010, 11:55 PM   Dear Sri Senthil,  Your statement that " The event happens in different sequence of period "  will be alright for ordinary and unimportant event. For important events such as marriage, getting child etc. I feel that the main Dasa lord should signify such event. Bhukthi and Anthara can get interchanged as per your formulae.  It is KP Rule that Dasa Lord is like Prime Minister, Bhukthi and Anthara lords are Minister, Secretaries etc. Bhukthi and Anthara cannot overrule the Dasa Lord and give give the result of their own. If Dasa Lord does not signify the major event, Bhukthi and Anthara Lord cannot give. The events signified by B and C lords can occur in their major Dasa period, when A will have minor role or co-operating the major dasa planet. This is my opinion, Your comment please.  Truly yours,   K.S,V,Ramani - Senthil @gro Cc: punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com ; gkadithkasinath@ Wednesday, February 03, 2010 5:49 AM Re: BACKWARD THEORY  Dear Punit, I agree with you. The RP is the tool which helps to choose the DBAS to some extend. For Example, as i mentioned earlier, the event happens in different sequence of period like A(Dasa)-A (Bbukthi)-A (Anthra) A(Dasa)-A (Bbukthi)-B (Anthra) A(Dasa)-B (Bbukthi)-A (Anthra) A(Dasa)-B (Bbukthi)-C (Anthra) Where, A= Any planet signifying the required house B = Any planet signifying the required house, except A C = Any planet signifying the required house, except A & B Moreover Same DB can give positive as well negative result (example marriage/seperation /diveorce, child birth/death etc) It is very difficult to pinpoint the events as there are many hidden RULES yet to be found and only the RP gives some clue to select DBAS at some extent. In my opinion even though the RP's of the individual astrologer's may differ they try to give the focus to the particular point and individual's interpretation leads to different result. NOTE to PUNIT/ADITH ============ ===== The result of the QUIZ-17 is declared but the participant’s approach/analysis is not posted yet in the forum except the one or two out of 17 participants. This is not posted may be due to their wrong answer but it doesn’t matter member's should know and discuss all the cases not only Winner’s Analysis/Approach including RP's used by few of the participants. Hope Punit/Adith will do the needful. GOOD LUCK!! D.Senthil --- On Tue, 2/2/10, Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: Punit Pandey <punitp (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Re: BACKWARD THEORY@gro Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 2:42 AM  Dear Adith ji,  I see a glitch on the basic thought of strong sifnificators. I also said earlier that there is nothing like strong significators and let me repeat it again.  For example, we know that significator of 2,6,10,11 gives promotion. Now we will notice that the person runs different DBAS sequence every time he got promoted. Suppose we identified four strong significators out of significators of 2, 6, 10 and 11. We will not get DBAS for the same four planets every-time one has promotion. The planet will change and we can test it on horoscopes. It is not strong significators that give results but the all the signifiactors in an unknown order. This unknown order is fixed by RP.  In other words, there is a variable factor in KP which is judged by taking help of RP. Instead of trying to figure out strong significator, we should try to see which singificator can fulfill event under consideration.  To reiterate, there is nothing like strong significator, but correct significator for event under consideration, in my opinion. An event related to significaotrs can happen multiple time and not every time we will get the same DBAS.  Thanks & Regards,Punit Pandey On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 7:23 AM, adith kasinath.g.k <gkadithkasinath@> wrote:  Dear KSV Ramani ji,Pls note the usage of my Backward theory is usefule in finding the strongest significators.Out of the seprs i have given only the Step 2 is the Backward theory and the other points are all ususal points .All are from the KP only. But the reason I have given is to follow all the steps to find the signfificators without leaving any room.Moreover, you may miss a fruitful significator which could be found only through backward theory.and also we can not take up a significator as fruitful just beacsue its sublord is untenanted. We have to look at everypoints for their strength as I said. This will be a tedious work to work out all the steps to select the signfificators. But to get the better results we have to do it.And this is not for the Beginners.With RegardsAdith  On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 9:29 PM, kadavasalramani <kadavasalramani@> wrote:  Dear Sri Adithji,  This is in continuatuin of my mail dated 31st Jany.2010, reg. Backward Theory. You have taken lot of pains to prepare the list of significators with various steps (upto V) with inclusion of backward theory. In KP system, there is already method to find significators thro A to E. i.e. from Planet in the star of occupant to sundry planets connected with each Bhava by aspects, conjunction etc. to each Bhava. We know the group of Bhavas required to be judged for each event. We can select the significators connected to the respective group. We also know a planet or Bhava will be useful for the event when its sub lord is found connected to the required Bhavas. In addition to this our late Guruji Sri KSK's Golden Rule as reproduced in an article of KP Monthly Magazine of Novr.90 and August 1994 may kindly be seen. " Take the planets which are posited in the sub of the significators, whose constellations are not tenanted " such planets will be the strongest for the matter. Other Planets are all either stronger or strong or weak according to the strength of sub lord. The Planets which are not at all conncted with useful sub, are the weakest. These rules are followed by most of us already. So many steps, use of backward theory etc. may cause confusion. Kindly simplify the method to be useful to all especially beginners.  Thanking you, Truly yours,  K.S.V.Ramani      - adith kasinath.g.k @gro Sunday, January 31, 2010 2:55 PM BACKWARD THEORY [1 Attachment]  Dear KSV Ramani ji,Further to your requisite, I am sending again the details of my " Backward theory " . The file is attached herewith.I have also added in the file section also for any further reference and comments. Your further study and comments are welcome.With RegardsAdith 7: Catch-up on your favourite Channel 7 TV shows easily, legally, and for free at PLUS7. Check it out. Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger . 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Guest guest Posted March 20, 2010 Report Share Posted March 20, 2010 Dear KSV Ramani ji,Thanks for your information.I do not have the copy of that book. let me find it.Further, can you pls tell me if he has used the word " backward theory " in his article? Just on curiosity..I am asking this. Thanks and On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 10:47 AM, kadavasalramani <kadavasalramani wrote: Dear Sri Adithji, Perhaps you would have seen the K.P.Year Book 2010 from Krishman & Co. In that Prof. K.Balachandran, who is my close friend and official collegue has written an article under caption " Sub-sub - A marvel in K.P. " in which he has applied Backward theory nicely. This proves your Backward theory is an authentic. We can confidently use this theory in all anlysis. Kudos to you. Truly yours, K.S.V.Ramani Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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