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Whats wrong with my car?

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5 Feb 2010, 17:37:20 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New



History: I have Hybrid car, Toyota Prius

2000.  It is running but giving some trouble. I took it to the mechanic two

days ago, but he could not figure out the problem. He run the diagnostic test

and gave erased all error code. But the problem has returned.   Yesterday, the

mechanic and another expert have changed the 12V battery but still no change,

but the Problem is reoccurring


Question:  What’s wrong with my car?




For car,

take SLC(4) = Jup in Rahu/Jup


Jup S(7,8), Jup is



Rahu S(8,7,5-12), Rahu

is mysterius

i. From

native point of view, 8:danger, 7: Maarkesh, 5-12: recovery with

hospitalisation i.e., going to garage or workshop with expenditure

ii. From

cars point of view, 8 becomes 5- recovery, 7 becomes 4: problem like end of

something, 5-12 become 2-9: Maarkesh but Lucky 




cusp(4) as Lagna for the Car



SLC(6) from Cusp(4) è SLC(9) = Sat  R in


i. Sat

R S(1,12,11,4-5), Sat – blockage, delay, frustrating, Sat R going towards

Mars R/Debilitated, probably Power/Energy supplier and/or Battery system

ii. Mon

S(4,1,11).  Mon – Fluid, cooling system

iii. In

nutshell, The car is sick with the Flow of fluid in the cooling system and/or

some blockage in the flow of energy from/to battery system



If SLC(6) signifies (5 or 11) then Recovery

i. SLC(6) – Sat R which

S(1,12,11,4-5) in this order indicating as 1-self car, 12- hospital/workshop,

11 – is recovery…)

ii. Find S(5,11) = (2Ven, Merc, Ketu, Rahu, 2Mars, 2Sun, Jup, 2

Sat,  Mon, 

iii. RP = 2 Mars R, Rahu, 2Ven, Merc  (Take Merc as its with Rahu)

iv. DBAS  = Rahu, Merc, Marc, Ven till  Monday, 7 Feb 2010


VEn in Star and Sub of

Retro Planets è so recovery  till Mon,

7 Feb 2010

v. DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Merc, Sun from  Monday, 7 Feb 2010 till 14

Feb 2010



S(1,5,11,12) indicating recovery with some expenditure/workshop



and Sunday are holidays.



9am, 8th Feb 2010: Tr Mon on  at R(8) 16deg-28min è Mars R,

MErc, MErc è possible but I am not too sure, about MErc as in Sub of  Mars

Retro.  But again Mars R and Sat R have come repeatedly even in RPs, worth

considering.  Possible repair. MErc stands for duality. Something to do with

duality or multiplicity.  If I take Mars R as battery then Merc could be cells

in the battery.



12 noon am, 9th Feb 2010: Tr Mon at R(9) deg 12 minè Jup,

Ketu, Ketu è both in S(5,11). Recovery possible



Nadi approach


1. Car is signified by Venus

2. Today Ven is combust.   Say Car is weak

3. Ven in Star of Mars R.

a. Mars is Debilitated and Retrogate

b. Mars can signify Energy, I would say

Power/Battery/Energy System in the Car

c. Ret rogation means going backward, I would

say, Batter/Energy system is Draining

d. Mars is Debilitated, that is very weak, unable

to stand by itself

e. Mars is in the house of Moon so its trying to

spoil Moon, Cooling system or flow of fluid

f. Mars is going towards Ketu in Gemini. Ketu

means sudden change, renunciation, Tyaga, so some change in Battery/Energy

system is indicated

g. Mars in the sub Sat R. Mars also weakens Sat

so any obstruction  caused by Sat would weaken up

h. Mars Reto and I Debilitated is between Sat R

going towards Mars and Ketu going towards Mars R.  So the Mars R is hemmed

between two cruel planets, both coming to squeeze it.

i. Sat is the enemy of Mars and on the other hand

Ketu is the enemy of Saturn.  Sat will tr to harm Mars but Ketu will protect

Mars because its destroyed by the enemy.  SO Mars might survive in the battle.

j. Ketu is also aspected by Jup, some Divine

beings, I would say Mechanic with expert knowledge

k. Since Mars is Retro, its running away from

Ketu, which is coming  to give Moksha to Mars.  I will also take Mars in the

previous sign due to its retrogation which has the aspect of Jup, i.e.,


l. Also Jup in the house of Sat R so Sat r cannot

destroy Mars completely but can delay, frustrate but help through some Karma

m. When I Take Retro Mars in the previous sign in

Leo, Suns hosue and Sun is the Friend of Mars, tat would protect

n. Mon is aspected by Jup too, so Fluid/cooling

system would survive.  After 12 feb Tr Mon will be going towards JUp, all

problems should be solved by then.




Conclusion:  Looking at the both systems, I conclude that

the car is suffering from some mild Battery/Power/ Energy supplying  problem

and it will be fixed by end of next week, causing some expense to me,  It

should be diagnosed by Monday or Tuesday next week



Please give your comments on my analysis.







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Dear Ravinnder,

An excellent approach indeed...

Well done...!

Yogesh Lajmi




Ravinder Grover <rgrover Sent: Fri, 5 February, 2010 11:20:29 AM Whats wrong with my car?



5 Feb 2010, 17:37:20 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New Zealand


History: I have Hybrid car, Toyota Prius 2000. It is running but giving some trouble. I took it to the mechanic two days ago, but he could not figure out the problem. He run the diagnostic test and gave erased all error code. But the problem has returned. Yesterday, the mechanic and another expert have changed the 12V battery but still no change, but the Problem is reoccurring


Question: What’s wrong with my car?



1. For car, take SLC(4) = Jup in Rahu/Jup

a. Jup S(7,8), Jup is expansive

b. Rahu S(8,7,5-12), Rahu is mysterius

i. From native point of view, 8:danger, 7: Maarkesh, 5-12: recovery with hospitalisation i.e., going to garage or workshop with expenditure

ii. From cars point of view, 8 becomes 5- recovery, 7 becomes 4: problem like end of something, 5-12 become 2-9: Maarkesh but Lucky


2. Taking cusp(4) as Lagna for the Car

a. Disease: SLC(6) from Cusp(4) è SLC(9) = Sat R in Mon/Mon

i. Sat R S(1,12,11,4- 5), Sat – blockage, delay, frustrating, Sat R going towards Mars R/Debilitated, probably Power/Energy supplier and/or Battery system

ii. Mon S(4,1,11). Mon – Fluid, cooling system

iii. In nutshell, The car is sick with the Flow of fluid in the cooling system and/or some blockage in the flow of energy from/to battery system

b. Recovery?: If SLC(6) signifies (5 or 11) then Recovery

i. SLC(6) – Sat R which S(1,12,11,4- 5) in this order indicating as 1-self car, 12- hospital/workshop, 11 – is recovery…)

ii. Find S(5,11) = (2Ven, Merc, Ketu, Rahu, 2Mars, 2Sun, Jup, 2 Sat, Mon,

iii. RP = 2 Mars R, Rahu, 2Ven, Merc (Take Merc as its with Rahu)

iv. DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Marc, Ven till Monday, 7 Feb 2010

1. VEn in Star and Sub of Retro Planets è so recovery till Mon, 7 Feb 2010

v. DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Merc, Sun from Monday, 7 Feb 2010 till 14 Feb 2010

1. Sun S(1,5,11,12) indicating recovery with some expenditure/ workshop

2. Saturday and Sunday are holidays.

3. Monday, 9am, 8th Feb 2010: Tr Mon on at R(8) 16deg-28min è Mars R, MErc, MErc è possible but I am not too sure, about MErc as in Sub of Mars Retro. But again Mars R and Sat R have come repeatedly even in RPs, worth considering. Possible repair. MErc stands for duality. Something

to do with duality or multiplicity. If I take Mars R as battery then Merc could be cells in the battery.

4. Wednesday, 12 noon am, 9th Feb 2010: Tr Mon at R(9) deg 12 minè Jup, Ketu, Ketu è both in S(5,11). Recovery possible



Nadi approach


1. Car is signified by Venus

2. Today Ven is combust. Say Car is weak

3. Ven in Star of Mars R.

a. Mars is Debilitated and Retrogate

b. Mars can signify Energy, I would say Power/Battery/ Energy System in the Car

c. Ret rogation means going backward, I would say, Batter/Energy system is Draining

d. Mars is Debilitated, that is very weak, unable to stand by itself

e. Mars is in the house of Moon so its trying to spoil Moon, Cooling system or flow of fluid

f. Mars is going towards Ketu in Gemini. Ketu means sudden change, renunciation, Tyaga, so some change in Battery/Energy system is indicated

g. Mars in the sub Sat R. Mars also weakens Sat so any obstruction caused by Sat would weaken up

h. Mars Reto and I Debilitated is between Sat R going towards Mars and Ketu going towards Mars R. So the Mars R is hemmed between two cruel planets, both coming to squeeze it.

i. Sat is the enemy of Mars and on the other hand Ketu is the enemy of Saturn. Sat will tr to harm Mars but Ketu will protect Mars because its destroyed by the enemy. SO Mars might survive in the battle.

j. Ketu is also aspected by Jup, some Divine beings, I would say Mechanic with expert knowledge

k. Since Mars is Retro, its running away from Ketu, which is coming to give Moksha to Mars. I will also take Mars in the previous sign due to its retrogation which has the aspect of Jup, i.e., Survival.

l. Also Jup in the house of Sat R so Sat r cannot destroy Mars completely but can delay, frustrate but help through some Karma

m. When I Take Retro Mars in the previous sign in Leo, Suns hosue and Sun is the Friend of Mars, tat would protect

n. Mon is aspected by Jup too, so Fluid/cooling system would survive. After 12 feb Tr Mon will be going towards JUp, all problems should be solved by then.




Conclusion: Looking at the both systems, I conclude that the car is suffering from some mild Battery/Power/ Energy supplying problem and it will be fixed by end of next week, causing some expense to me, It should be diagnosed by Monday or Tuesday next week



Please give your comments on my analysis.


With Love


Ravinder GroverSend instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.

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Dear Ravinder Grover ji


g.      Mars in the sub Sat R. Mars also weakens Sat so any obstruction  caused by Sat would weaken up


here mars in the star of sat R

plz check


approach is good..best of luck




On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 11:20 AM, Ravinder Grover <rgrover wrote:







5 Feb 2010, 17:37:20 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New Zealand


History: I have Hybrid car, Toyota Prius 2000.  It is running but giving some trouble. I took it to the mechanic two days ago, but he could not figure out the problem. He run the diagnostic test and gave erased all error code. But the problem has returned.   Yesterday, the mechanic and another expert have changed the 12V battery but still no change, but the Problem is reoccurring


Question:  What’s wrong with my car?



1.    For car, take SLC(4) = Jup in Rahu/Jup

a.     Jup S(7,8), Jup is expansive

b.    Rahu S(8,7,5-12), Rahu is mysterius

                                         i.     From native point of view, 8:danger, 7: Maarkesh, 5-12: recovery with hospitalisation i.e., going to garage or workshop with expenditure

                                       ii.     From cars point of view, 8 becomes 5- recovery, 7 becomes 4: problem like end of something, 5-12 become 2-9: Maarkesh but Lucky 


2.    Taking cusp(4) as Lagna for the Car

a.     Disease: SLC(6) from Cusp(4) è SLC(9) = Sat  R in Mon/Mon

                                         i.     Sat R S(1,12,11,4-5), Sat – blockage, delay, frustrating, Sat R going towards Mars R/Debilitated, probably Power/Energy supplier and/or Battery system

                                       ii.     Mon S(4,1,11).  Mon – Fluid, cooling system

                                     iii.     In nutshell, The car is sick with the Flow of fluid in the cooling system and/or some blockage in the flow of energy from/to battery system

b.    Recovery?:  If SLC(6) signifies (5 or 11) then Recovery

                                         i.     SLC(6) – Sat R which S(1,12,11,4-5) in this order indicating as 1-self car, 12- hospital/workshop, 11 – is recovery…)

                                       ii.     Find S(5,11) = (2Ven, Merc, Ketu, Rahu, 2Mars, 2Sun, Jup, 2 Sat,  Mon, 

                                     iii.     RP = 2 Mars R, Rahu, 2Ven, Merc  (Take Merc as its with Rahu)

                                     iv.     DBAS  = Rahu, Merc, Marc, Ven till  Monday, 7 Feb 2010

1.    VEn in Star and Sub of Retro Planets è so recovery  till Mon, 7 Feb 2010

                                       v.     DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Merc, Sun from  Monday, 7 Feb 2010 till 14 Feb 2010

1.     Sun S(1,5,11,12) indicating recovery with some expenditure/workshop

2.     Saturday and Sunday are holidays.

3.     Monday, 9am, 8th Feb 2010: Tr Mon on  at R(8) 16deg-28min è Mars R, MErc, MErc è possible but I am not too sure, about MErc as in Sub of  Mars Retro.  But again Mars R and Sat R have come repeatedly even in RPs, worth considering.  Possible repair. MErc stands for duality. Something to do with duality or multiplicity.  If I take Mars R as battery then Merc could be cells in the battery.

4.     Wednesday, 12 noon am, 9th Feb 2010: Tr Mon at R(9) deg 12 minè Jup, Ketu, Ketu è both in S(5,11). Recovery possible



Nadi approach


1.      Car is signified by Venus

2.      Today Ven is combust.   Say Car is weak

3.      Ven in Star of Mars R.

a.      Mars is Debilitated and Retrogate

b.      Mars can signify Energy, I would say Power/Battery/Energy System in the Car

c.      Ret rogation means going backward, I would say, Batter/Energy system is Draining

d.      Mars is Debilitated, that is very weak, unable to stand by itself

e.      Mars is in the house of Moon so its trying to spoil Moon, Cooling system or flow of fluid

f.       Mars is going towards Ketu in Gemini. Ketu means sudden change, renunciation, Tyaga, so some change in Battery/Energy system is indicated

g.      Mars in the sub Sat R. Mars also weakens Sat so any obstruction  caused by Sat would weaken up

h.      Mars Reto and I Debilitated is between Sat R going towards Mars and Ketu going towards Mars R.  So the Mars R is hemmed between two cruel planets, both coming to squeeze it.

i.       Sat is the enemy of Mars and on the other hand Ketu is the enemy of Saturn.  Sat will tr to harm Mars but Ketu will protect Mars because its destroyed by the enemy.  SO Mars might survive in the battle.

j.       Ketu is also aspected by Jup, some Divine beings, I would say Mechanic with expert knowledge

k.      Since Mars is Retro, its running away from Ketu, which is coming  to give Moksha to Mars.  I will also take Mars in the previous sign due to its retrogation which has the aspect of Jup, i.e., Survival.

l.       Also Jup in the house of Sat R so Sat r cannot destroy Mars completely but can delay, frustrate but help through some Karma

m.    When I Take Retro Mars in the previous sign in Leo, Suns hosue and Sun is the Friend of Mars, tat would protect

n.      Mon is aspected by Jup too, so Fluid/cooling system would survive.  After 12 feb Tr Mon will be going towards JUp, all problems should be solved by then.




Conclusion:  Looking at the both systems, I conclude that the car is suffering from some mild Battery/Power/ Energy supplying  problem and it will be fixed by end of next week, causing some expense to me,  It should be diagnosed by Monday or Tuesday next week



Please give your comments on my analysis.


With Love


Ravinder Grover

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Dear Ravinder,

Very good analysis indeed.

On Monday you have given importance to Mars and Mercury representing the Battery and its cells. Right. But History reveals that the Battery was already changed but in vein. So at this stage considering Mars and Mercury may not be proper. You have also mentioned 'repair posible'. It is no more applicable, I think.

Next is question of Saturn. Saturn indicates obstruction in flow of either electricity of fuel. At one place you have focussed on Moon representing fluid. Saturn indicates minerals petroleum etc. So most probably the trouble could be with flow of fuel from the tank to the ignition. Let us see what shall be found on Wednesday. Good Luck.

Dr. Rath




Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmi Sent: Fri, February 5, 2010 5:39:11 PMRe: Whats wrong with my car?



Dear Ravinnder,

An excellent approach indeed...

Well done...!

Yogesh Lajmi




Ravinder Grover <rgrover (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz>@gro ups.comFri, 5 February, 2010 11:20:29 AM Whats wrong with my car?



5 Feb 2010, 17:37:20 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New Zealand


History: I have Hybrid car, Toyota Prius 2000. It is running but giving some trouble. I took it to the mechanic two days ago, but he could not figure out the problem. He run the diagnostic test and gave erased all error code. But the problem has returned. Yesterday, the mechanic and another expert have changed the 12V battery but still no change, but the Problem is reoccurring


Question: What’s wrong with my car?



1. For car, take SLC(4) = Jup in Rahu/Jup

a. Jup S(7,8), Jup is expansive

b. Rahu S(8,7,5-12), Rahu is mysterius

i. From native point of view, 8:danger, 7: Maarkesh, 5-12: recovery with hospitalisation i.e., going to garage or workshop with expenditure

ii. From cars point of view, 8 becomes 5- recovery, 7 becomes 4: problem like end of something, 5-12 become 2-9: Maarkesh but Lucky


2. Taking cusp(4) as Lagna for the Car

a. Disease: SLC(6) from Cusp(4) è SLC(9) = Sat R in Mon/Mon

i. Sat R S(1,12,11,4- 5), Sat – blockage, delay, frustrating, Sat R going towards Mars R/Debilitated, probably Power/Energy supplier and/or Battery system

ii. Mon S(4,1,11). Mon – Fluid, cooling system

iii. In nutshell, The car is sick with the Flow of fluid in the cooling system and/or some blockage in the flow of energy from/to battery system

b. Recovery?: If SLC(6) signifies (5 or 11) then Recovery

i. SLC(6) – Sat R which S(1,12,11,4- 5) in this order indicating as 1-self car, 12- hospital/workshop, 11 – is recovery…)

ii. Find S(5,11) = (2Ven, Merc, Ketu, Rahu, 2Mars, 2Sun, Jup, 2 Sat, Mon,

iii. RP = 2 Mars R, Rahu, 2Ven, Merc (Take Merc as its with Rahu)

iv. DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Marc, Ven till Monday, 7 Feb 2010

1. VEn in Star and Sub of Retro Planets è so recovery till Mon, 7 Feb 2010

v. DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Merc, Sun from Monday, 7 Feb 2010 till 14 Feb 2010

1. Sun S(1,5,11,12) indicating recovery with some expenditure/ workshop

2. Saturday and Sunday are holidays.

3. Monday, 9am, 8th Feb 2010: Tr Mon on at R(8) 16deg-28min è Mars R, MErc, MErc è possible but I am not too sure, about MErc as in Sub of Mars Retro. But again Mars R and Sat R have come repeatedly even in RPs, worth considering. Possible repair. MErc stands for duality. Something to do with duality

or multiplicity. If I take Mars R as battery then Merc could be cells in the battery.

4. Wednesday, 12 noon am, 9th Feb 2010: Tr Mon at R(9) deg 12 minè Jup, Ketu, Ketu è both in S(5,11). Recovery possible



Nadi approach


1. Car is signified by Venus

2. Today Ven is combust. Say Car is weak

3. Ven in Star of Mars R.

a. Mars is Debilitated and Retrogate

b. Mars can signify Energy, I would say Power/Battery/ Energy System in the Car

c. Ret rogation means going backward, I would say, Batter/Energy system is Draining

d. Mars is Debilitated, that is very weak, unable to stand by itself

e. Mars is in the house of Moon so its trying to spoil Moon, Cooling system or flow of fluid

f. Mars is going towards Ketu in Gemini. Ketu means sudden change, renunciation, Tyaga, so some change in Battery/Energy system is indicated

g. Mars in the sub Sat R. Mars also weakens Sat so any obstruction caused by Sat would weaken up

h. Mars Reto and I Debilitated is between Sat R going towards Mars and Ketu going towards Mars R. So the Mars R is hemmed between two cruel planets, both coming to squeeze it.

i. Sat is the enemy of Mars and on the other hand Ketu is the enemy of Saturn. Sat will tr to harm Mars but Ketu will protect Mars because its destroyed by the enemy. SO Mars might survive in the battle.

j. Ketu is also aspected by Jup, some Divine beings, I would say Mechanic with expert knowledge

k. Since Mars is Retro, its running away from Ketu, which is coming to give Moksha to Mars. I will also take Mars in the previous sign due to its retrogation which has the aspect of Jup, i.e., Survival.

l. Also Jup in the house of Sat R so Sat r cannot destroy Mars completely but can delay, frustrate but help through some Karma

m. When I Take Retro Mars in the previous sign in Leo, Suns hosue and Sun is the Friend of Mars, tat would protect

n. Mon is aspected by Jup too, so Fluid/cooling system would survive. After 12 feb Tr Mon will be going towards JUp, all problems should be solved by then.




Conclusion: Looking at the both systems, I conclude that the car is suffering from some mild Battery/Power/ Energy supplying problem and it will be fixed by end of next week, causing some expense to me, It should be diagnosed by Monday or Tuesday next week



Please give your comments on my analysis.


With Love


Ravinder GroverSend instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger .

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Dear Sir ,

It's really amazing, scientific & techanical approch and analysis.

it shows that if you have a proper logics ,you can do any thing from KP.

Do write the forum what was the problem actually , when you get it done, may be next week.

Thanks & regards,

Neeraj--- On Fri, 2/5/10, Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmi wrote:

Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmiRe: Whats wrong with my car? Date: Friday, February 5, 2010, 12:09 PM



Dear Ravinnder,

An excellent approach indeed...

Well done...!

Yogesh Lajmi




Ravinder Grover <rgrover (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz>@gro ups.comFri, 5 February, 2010 11:20:29 AM Whats wrong with my car?



5 Feb 2010, 17:37:20 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New Zealand


History: I have Hybrid car, Toyota Prius 2000. It is running but giving some trouble. I took it to the mechanic two days ago, but he could not figure out the problem. He run the diagnostic test and gave erased all error code. But the problem has returned. Yesterday, the mechanic and another expert have changed the 12V battery but still no change, but the Problem is reoccurring


Question: What’s wrong with my car?



1. For car, take SLC(4) = Jup in Rahu/Jup

a. Jup S(7,8), Jup is expansive

b. Rahu S(8,7,5-12), Rahu is mysterius

i. From native point of view, 8:danger, 7: Maarkesh, 5-12: recovery with hospitalisation i.e., going to garage or workshop with expenditure

ii. From cars point of view, 8 becomes 5- recovery, 7 becomes 4: problem like end of something, 5-12 become 2-9: Maarkesh but Lucky


2. Taking cusp(4) as Lagna for the Car

a. Disease: SLC(6) from Cusp(4) è SLC(9) = Sat R in Mon/Mon

i. Sat R S(1,12,11,4- 5), Sat – blockage, delay, frustrating, Sat R going towards Mars R/Debilitated, probably Power/Energy supplier and/or Battery system

ii. Mon S(4,1,11). Mon – Fluid, cooling system

iii. In nutshell, The car is sick with the Flow of fluid in the cooling system and/or some blockage in the flow of energy from/to battery system

b. Recovery?: If SLC(6) signifies (5 or 11) then Recovery

i. SLC(6) – Sat R which S(1,12,11,4- 5) in this order indicating as 1-self car, 12- hospital/workshop, 11 – is recovery…)

ii. Find S(5,11) = (2Ven, Merc, Ketu, Rahu, 2Mars, 2Sun, Jup, 2 Sat, Mon,

iii. RP = 2 Mars R, Rahu, 2Ven, Merc (Take Merc as its with Rahu)

iv. DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Marc, Ven till Monday, 7 Feb 2010

1. VEn in Star and Sub of Retro Planets è so recovery till Mon, 7 Feb 2010

v. DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Merc, Sun from Monday, 7 Feb 2010 till 14 Feb 2010

1. Sun S(1,5,11,12) indicating recovery with some expenditure/ workshop

2. Saturday and Sunday are holidays.

3. Monday, 9am, 8th Feb 2010: Tr Mon on at R(8) 16deg-28min è Mars R, MErc, MErc è possible but I am not too sure, about MErc as in Sub of Mars Retro. But again Mars R and Sat R have come repeatedly even in RPs, worth considering. Possible repair. MErc stands for duality. Something to do with duality

or multiplicity. If I take Mars R as battery then Merc could be cells in the battery.

4. Wednesday, 12 noon am, 9th Feb 2010: Tr Mon at R(9) deg 12 minè Jup, Ketu, Ketu è both in S(5,11). Recovery possible



Nadi approach


1. Car is signified by Venus

2. Today Ven is combust. Say Car is weak

3. Ven in Star of Mars R.

a. Mars is Debilitated and Retrogate

b. Mars can signify Energy, I would say Power/Battery/ Energy System in the Car

c. Ret rogation means going backward, I would say, Batter/Energy system is Draining

d. Mars is Debilitated, that is very weak, unable to stand by itself

e. Mars is in the house of Moon so its trying to spoil Moon, Cooling system or flow of fluid

f. Mars is going towards Ketu in Gemini. Ketu means sudden change, renunciation, Tyaga, so some change in Battery/Energy system is indicated

g. Mars in the sub Sat R. Mars also weakens Sat so any obstruction caused by Sat would weaken up

h. Mars Reto and I Debilitated is between Sat R going towards Mars and Ketu going towards Mars R. So the Mars R is hemmed between two cruel planets, both coming to squeeze it.

i. Sat is the enemy of Mars and on the other hand Ketu is the enemy of Saturn. Sat will tr to harm Mars but Ketu will protect Mars because its destroyed by the enemy. SO Mars might survive in the battle.

j. Ketu is also aspected by Jup, some Divine beings, I would say Mechanic with expert knowledge

k. Since Mars is Retro, its running away from Ketu, which is coming to give Moksha to Mars. I will also take Mars in the previous sign due to its retrogation which has the aspect of Jup, i.e., Survival.

l. Also Jup in the house of Sat R so Sat r cannot destroy Mars completely but can delay, frustrate but help through some Karma

m. When I Take Retro Mars in the previous sign in Leo, Suns hosue and Sun is the Friend of Mars, tat would protect

n. Mon is aspected by Jup too, so Fluid/cooling system would survive. After 12 feb Tr Mon will be going towards JUp, all problems should be solved by then.




Conclusion: Looking at the both systems, I conclude that the car is suffering from some mild Battery/Power/ Energy supplying problem and it will be fixed by end of next week, causing some expense to me, It should be diagnosed by Monday or Tuesday next week



Please give your comments on my analysis.


With Love


Ravinder GroverSend instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger .

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Dear Sir,Hurray..Nicely approached! Rahu is with Mercury. Can we take Mercury for any electrical transmission problem through cable?Also did you check the 12th house of 4 (3rd ) ?Pls update the happening ..its quite interesting.

Thanks and RegardsAdithOn Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 11:20 AM, Ravinder Grover <rgrover wrote:








5 Feb 2010, 17:37:20 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New



History: I have Hybrid car, Toyota Prius

2000.  It is running but giving some trouble. I took it to the mechanic two

days ago, but he could not figure out the problem. He run the diagnostic test

and gave erased all error code. But the problem has returned.   Yesterday, the

mechanic and another expert have changed the 12V battery but still no change,

but the Problem is reoccurring


Question:  What’s wrong with my car?




For car,

take SLC(4) = Jup in Rahu/Jup


Jup S(7,8), Jup is



Rahu S(8,7,5-12), Rahu

is mysterius


i.     From

native point of view, 8:danger, 7: Maarkesh, 5-12: recovery with

hospitalisation i.e., going to garage or workshop with expenditure


ii.     From

cars point of view, 8 becomes 5- recovery, 7 becomes 4: problem like end of

something, 5-12 become 2-9: Maarkesh but Lucky 




cusp(4) as Lagna for the Car



SLC(6) from Cusp(4) è SLC(9) = Sat  R in



i.     Sat

R S(1,12,11,4-5), Sat – blockage, delay, frustrating, Sat R going towards

Mars R/Debilitated, probably Power/Energy supplier and/or Battery system


ii.     Mon

S(4,1,11).  Mon – Fluid, cooling system


iii.     In

nutshell, The car is sick with the Flow of fluid in the cooling system and/or

some blockage in the flow of energy from/to battery system



If SLC(6) signifies (5 or 11) then Recovery


i.     SLC(6) – Sat R which

S(1,12,11,4-5) in this order indicating as 1-self car, 12- hospital/workshop,

11 – is recovery…)


ii.     Find S(5,11) = (2Ven, Merc, Ketu, Rahu, 2Mars, 2Sun, Jup, 2

Sat,  Mon, 


iii.     RP = 2 Mars R, Rahu, 2Ven, Merc  (Take Merc as its with Rahu)


iv.     DBAS  = Rahu, Merc, Marc, Ven till  Monday, 7 Feb 2010


VEn in Star and Sub of

Retro Planets è so recovery  till Mon,

7 Feb 2010


v.     DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Merc, Sun from  Monday, 7 Feb 2010 till 14

Feb 2010



S(1,5,11,12) indicating recovery with some expenditure/workshop



and Sunday are holidays.



9am, 8th Feb 2010: Tr Mon on  at R(8) 16deg-28min è Mars R,

MErc, MErc è possible but I am not too sure, about MErc as in Sub of  Mars

Retro.  But again Mars R and Sat R have come repeatedly even in RPs, worth

considering.  Possible repair. MErc stands for duality. Something to do with

duality or multiplicity.  If I take Mars R as battery then Merc could be cells

in the battery.



12 noon am, 9th Feb 2010: Tr Mon at R(9) deg 12 minè Jup,

Ketu, Ketu è both in S(5,11). Recovery possible



Nadi approach


1.      Car is signified by Venus

2.      Today Ven is combust.   Say Car is weak

3.      Ven in Star of Mars R.

a.      Mars is Debilitated and Retrogate

b.      Mars can signify Energy, I would say

Power/Battery/Energy System in the Car

c.      Ret rogation means going backward, I would

say, Batter/Energy system is Draining

d.      Mars is Debilitated, that is very weak, unable

to stand by itself

e.      Mars is in the house of Moon so its trying to

spoil Moon, Cooling system or flow of fluid

f.       Mars is going towards Ketu in Gemini. Ketu

means sudden change, renunciation, Tyaga, so some change in Battery/Energy

system is indicated

g.      Mars in the sub Sat R. Mars also weakens Sat

so any obstruction  caused by Sat would weaken up

h.      Mars Reto and I Debilitated is between Sat R

going towards Mars and Ketu going towards Mars R.  So the Mars R is hemmed

between two cruel planets, both coming to squeeze it.

i.       Sat is the enemy of Mars and on the other hand

Ketu is the enemy of Saturn.  Sat will tr to harm Mars but Ketu will protect

Mars because its destroyed by the enemy.  SO Mars might survive in the battle.

j.       Ketu is also aspected by Jup, some Divine

beings, I would say Mechanic with expert knowledge

k.      Since Mars is Retro, its running away from

Ketu, which is coming  to give Moksha to Mars.  I will also take Mars in the

previous sign due to its retrogation which has the aspect of Jup, i.e.,


l.       Also Jup in the house of Sat R so Sat r cannot

destroy Mars completely but can delay, frustrate but help through some Karma

m.    When I Take Retro Mars in the previous sign in

Leo, Suns hosue and Sun is the Friend of Mars, tat would protect

n.      Mon is aspected by Jup too, so Fluid/cooling

system would survive.  After 12 feb Tr Mon will be going towards JUp, all

problems should be solved by then.




Conclusion:  Looking at the both systems, I conclude that

the car is suffering from some mild Battery/Power/ Energy supplying  problem

and it will be fixed by end of next week, causing some expense to me,  It

should be diagnosed by Monday or Tuesday next week



Please give your comments on my analysis.







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7 Feb 2010


Dear Neeraj and others


 I am just trying to apply KP  here.









On Behalf Of Neeraj


Sunday, February 07, 2010 3:00 AM


Re: Whats wrong with my car?











Dear Sir ,



It's really amazing, scientific & techanical approch

and analysis.



it shows that if you have a proper logics ,you can do any

thing from KP.



Do write the forum what was the problem actually , when

you get it done, may be next week.



Thanks & regards,





--- On Fri, 2/5/10, Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmi





Yogesh Lajmi <yogeshlajmi

Re: Whats wrong with my car?


Friday, February 5, 2010, 12:09 PM






Dear Ravinnder,



An excellent approach indeed...



Well done...!














Ravinder Grover

<rgrover (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz>

@gro ups.com

Fri, 5 February, 2010 11:20:29 AM

Whats wrong with my car?





5 Feb 2010, 17:37:20 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New





History: I have Hybrid car, Toyota

Prius 2000. It is running but giving some trouble. I took it to the

mechanic two days ago, but he could not figure out the problem. He run the

diagnostic test and gave erased all error code. But the problem has

returned. Yesterday, the mechanic and another expert have changed

the 12V battery but still no change, but the Problem is reoccurring




Question: What’s wrong with my car?






1. For car, take SLC(4) = Jup in Rahu/Jup


a. Jup S(7,8), Jup is expansive


b. Rahu S(8,7,5-12), Rahu is mysterius

i. From native point of view, 8:danger, 7: Maarkesh,

5-12: recovery with hospitalisation i.e., going to garage or workshop with


ii. From cars point of view, 8 becomes 5- recovery, 7

becomes 4: problem like end of something, 5-12 become 2-9: Maarkesh but


2. Taking cusp(4) as Lagna for the Car

a. Disease: SLC(6) from Cusp(4) è SLC(9) = Sat R in Mon/Mon

i. Sat R S(1,12,11,4- 5), Sat – blockage, delay,

frustrating, Sat R going towards Mars R/Debilitated, probably Power/Energy

supplier and/or Battery system

ii. Mon S(4,1,11). Mon – Fluid, cooling system

iii. In nutshell, The car is sick with the Flow of fluid

in the cooling system and/or some blockage in the flow of energy from/to

battery system

b. Recovery?: If SLC(6) signifies (5 or 11) then Recovery

i. SLC(6) – Sat R which S(1,12,11,4- 5) in this order

indicating as 1-self car, 12- hospital/workshop, 11 – is recovery…)

ii. Find S(5,11) = (2Ven, Merc, Ketu,

Rahu, 2Mars, 2Sun, Jup, 2 Sat, Mon,

iii. RP = 2 Mars R, Rahu, 2Ven, Merc

(Take Merc as its with Rahu)

iv. DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Marc, Ven

till Monday, 7 Feb 2010

1. VEn in Star and Sub of Retro Planets è so recovery till Mon, 7 Feb 2010

v. DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Merc, Sun from

Monday, 7 Feb 2010 till 14 Feb 2010

1. Sun S(1,5,11,12) indicating recovery with

some expenditure/ workshop

2. Saturday and Sunday are holidays.

3. Monday, 9am, 8th Feb 2010: Tr Mon

on at R(8) 16deg-28min è

Mars R, MErc, MErc è

possible but I am not too sure, about MErc as in Sub of Mars

Retro. But again Mars R and Sat R have come repeatedly even in RPs,

worth considering. Possible repair. MErc stands for duality. Something

to do with duality or multiplicity. If I take Mars R as battery then

Merc could be cells in the battery.

4. Wednesday, 12 noon am, 9th Feb

2010: Tr Mon at R(9) deg 12 minè Jup, Ketu, Ketu è both in S(5,11). Recovery possible

Nadi approach


Car is signified by Venus


Today Ven is

combust. Say Car is weak


Ven in Star of Mars R.


Mars is Debilitated and



Mars can signify Energy, I

would say Power/Battery/ Energy System in the Car


Ret rogation means going

backward, I would say, Batter/Energy system is Draining


Mars is Debilitated, that is

very weak, unable to stand by itself


Mars is in the house of Moon so

its trying to spoil Moon, Cooling system or flow of fluid


Mars is going towards Ketu in

Gemini. Ketu means sudden change, renunciation, Tyaga, so some change in

Battery/Energy system is indicated


Mars in the sub Sat R. Mars

also weakens Sat so any obstruction caused by Sat would weaken up


Mars Reto and I Debilitated is

between Sat R going towards Mars and Ketu going towards Mars R. So the

Mars R is hemmed between two cruel planets, both coming to squeeze it.


Sat is the enemy of Mars and on

the other hand Ketu is the enemy of Saturn. Sat will tr to harm Mars

but Ketu will protect Mars because its destroyed by the enemy. SO Mars

might survive in the battle.


Ketu is also aspected by Jup,

some Divine beings, I would say Mechanic with expert knowledge


Since Mars is Retro, its

running away from Ketu, which is coming to give Moksha to Mars. I

will also take Mars in the previous sign due to its retrogation which has the

aspect of Jup, i.e., Survival.


Also Jup in the house of Sat R

so Sat r cannot destroy Mars completely but can delay, frustrate but help

through some Karma

m. When I Take Retro Mars in the previous sign

in Leo, Suns hosue and Sun is the Friend of Mars, tat would protect


Mon is aspected by Jup too, so

Fluid/cooling system would survive. After 12 feb Tr Mon will be going

towards JUp, all problems should be solved by then.


Looking at the both systems, I conclude that the car is suffering from some

mild Battery/Power/ Energy supplying problem and it will be fixed by

end of next week, causing some expense to me, It should be diagnosed by

Monday or Tuesday next week

Please give

your comments on my analysis.

With Love

Ravinder Grover

Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger .






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7 Feb 2010


Dear Adith


You might be right, Electrical transmission problem.  The

experts yet to see the car.  I said, in  abraoder way, Power/Electrical

Battery, etc.


Though Sat stands for TYres aswell or may be Brakes.


We will find out.


In the mean time I was expecting  some feedback and concrete

solutions from the experts if they can spare time









On Behalf Of adith


Sunday, February 07, 2010 3:08 AM


Re: Whats wrong with my car?







Dear Sir,


Hurray..Nicely approached!


Rahu is with Mercury. Can we take Mercury for any electrical transmission

problem through cable?


Also did you check the 12th house of 4 (3rd ) ?


Pls update the happening ..its quite interesting.


Thanks and Regards





On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 11:20 AM, Ravinder Grover <rgrover wrote:






5 Feb 2010, 17:37:20 hours,

NZDST, Auckland, New Zealand


History: I

have Hybrid car, Toyota Prius 2000. It is running but giving some

trouble. I took it to the mechanic two days ago, but he could not figure out

the problem. He run the diagnostic test and gave erased all error code. But the

problem has returned. Yesterday, the mechanic and another expert

have changed the 12V battery but still no change, but the Problem is




What’s wrong with my car?




For car, take

SLC(4) = Jup in Rahu/Jup

a. Jup S(7,8), Jup is expansive

b. Rahu S(8,7,5-12), Rahu is mysterius

i. From native point of view, 8:danger, 7: Maarkesh,

5-12: recovery with hospitalisation i.e., going to garage or workshop with


ii. From cars point of view, 8 becomes 5- recovery, 7

becomes 4: problem like end of something, 5-12 become 2-9: Maarkesh but





cusp(4) as Lagna for the Car

a. Disease: SLC(6) from Cusp(4) è SLC(9) = Sat R in Mon/Mon

i. Sat R S(1,12,11,4-5), Sat – blockage, delay,

frustrating, Sat R going towards Mars R/Debilitated, probably Power/Energy

supplier and/or Battery system

ii. Mon S(4,1,11). Mon – Fluid, cooling system

iii. In nutshell, The car is sick with the Flow of fluid in

the cooling system and/or some blockage in the flow of energy from/to battery


b. Recovery?: If SLC(6) signifies (5 or 11) then Recovery

i. SLC(6) – Sat R which S(1,12,11,4-5) in this order indicating

as 1-self car, 12- hospital/workshop, 11 – is recovery…)

ii. Find S(5,11) = (2Ven, Merc, Ketu, Rahu,

2Mars, 2Sun, Jup, 2 Sat, Mon,

iii. RP = 2 Mars R, Rahu, 2Ven, Merc

(Take Merc as its with Rahu)

iv. DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Marc, Ven

till Monday, 7 Feb 2010

1. VEn in Star and Sub of Retro Planets è so recovery till Mon, 7 Feb 2010

v. DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Merc, Sun from

Monday, 7 Feb 2010 till 14 Feb 2010

1. Sun S(1,5,11,12) indicating recovery with some


2. Saturday and Sunday are holidays.

3. Monday, 9am, 8th Feb 2010: Tr Mon

on at R(8) 16deg-28min è

Mars R, MErc, MErc è possible

but I am not too sure, about MErc as in Sub of Mars Retro. But

again Mars R and Sat R have come repeatedly even in RPs, worth considering.

Possible repair. MErc stands for duality. Something to do with duality or

multiplicity. If I take Mars R as battery then Merc could be cells in the


4. Wednesday, 12 noon am, 9th Feb

2010: Tr Mon at R(9) deg 12 minè

Jup, Ketu, Ketu è both in

S(5,11). Recovery possible



Nadi approach



Car is signified by Venus


Today Ven is combust.

Say Car is weak


Ven in Star of Mars R.


Mars is Debilitated and Retrogate


Mars can signify Energy, I would

say Power/Battery/Energy System in the Car


Ret rogation means going

backward, I would say, Batter/Energy system is Draining


Mars is Debilitated, that is very

weak, unable to stand by itself


Mars is in the house of Moon so

its trying to spoil Moon, Cooling system or flow of fluid


Mars is going towards Ketu in

Gemini. Ketu means sudden change, renunciation, Tyaga, so some change in

Battery/Energy system is indicated


Mars in the sub Sat R. Mars also

weakens Sat so any obstruction caused by Sat would weaken up


Mars Reto and I Debilitated is

between Sat R going towards Mars and Ketu going towards Mars R. So the

Mars R is hemmed between two cruel planets, both coming to squeeze it.


Sat is the enemy of Mars and on

the other hand Ketu is the enemy of Saturn. Sat will tr to harm Mars but

Ketu will protect Mars because its destroyed by the enemy. SO Mars might

survive in the battle.


Ketu is also aspected by Jup,

some Divine beings, I would say Mechanic with expert knowledge


Since Mars is Retro, its running

away from Ketu, which is coming to give Moksha to Mars. I will also

take Mars in the previous sign due to its retrogation which has the aspect of

Jup, i.e., Survival.


Also Jup in the house of Sat R so

Sat r cannot destroy Mars completely but can delay, frustrate but help through

some Karma

m. When I Take Retro Mars in the previous sign in

Leo, Suns hosue and Sun is the Friend of Mars, tat would protect


Mon is aspected by Jup too, so

Fluid/cooling system would survive. After 12 feb Tr Mon will be going

towards JUp, all problems should be solved by then.





Looking at the both systems, I conclude that the car is suffering from some

mild Battery/Power/ Energy supplying problem and it will be fixed by end

of next week, causing some expense to me, It should be diagnosed by

Monday or Tuesday next week



Please give

your comments on my analysis.


With Love


Ravinder Grover

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10 Feb 2010


Dear brothers and sisters


Subsequent to my initial email:


1. On Monday,

8th Feb 2010  (11:45 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New Zealand) I had

taken my car to the Hybrid Car expert. After running diagnostic test, I was

told that one cell in block eight of the hybrid battery  pack was   malfunctioning,

that is, that cell was was charging up to 14.4 volts as all other cells were

charging up to 16.7 volts.  and that was also effecting the cooling system of

the battery.

2. On Monday,

8th Feb 2010, (around 13 hours) I have changed the small 12 V

battery again to my old batter as that was  not  the fault so why unnecessary

spend money on buying 12V battery.  Immediately after that the problem

disappeared for some time.  But after a few hours, it has come back

3. I

made enquiries to replace the main hybrid battery and that costs over $5000

plus the labour charges.  What do I do now?

4. By

evening  I looked around and found another Battery specialist who could 

refurbish the battery I rang him and I was told that he would need the car at

least for a week and the cost could be around $1500.

5. Yesterday,

9th Feb 2010, (10 am  - 12 noon), I have handed my car to him for

refurbishing the battery.

6. Initially

I expected to get the car back by Friday, 12 Feb 2010.   But the battery specialist

would not be able to finish his work by then.

7. If

the above calculation was right then I believe I should get my car back by

Friday too. 

8. Let’s


9. Interesting,

I started encountering problem with our another car yesterday and I got it

fixed today morning

Any comments










On Behalf Of Luther


Sunday, February 07, 2010 1:11 AM


Re: Whats wrong with my car?









Dear Ravinder,



Very good analysis indeed.



On Monday you have given importance to Mars and Mercury

representing the Battery and its cells. Right. But History reveals that the

Battery was already changed but in vein. So at this stage considering Mars and

Mercury may not be proper. You have also mentioned 'repair posible'. It is no

more applicable, I think.



Next is question of Saturn. Saturn indicates obstruction in

flow of either electricity of fuel. At one place you have focussed on Moon

representing fluid. Saturn indicates minerals petroleum etc. So most

probably the trouble could be with flow of fuel from the tank to the ignition.

Let us see what shall be found on Wednesday. Good Luck.



Dr. Rath








Yogesh Lajmi



Fri, February 5, 2010 5:39:11 PM

Re: Whats wrong with my car?





Dear Ravinnder,



An excellent approach indeed...



Well done...!














Ravinder Grover

<rgrover (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz>

@gro ups.com

Fri, 5 February, 2010 11:20:29 AM

Whats wrong with my car?




5 Feb 2010, 17:37:20 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New



History: I have Hybrid car, Toyota Prius

2000. It is running but giving some trouble. I took it to the mechanic

two days ago, but he could not figure out the problem. He run the diagnostic

test and gave erased all error code. But the problem has returned.

Yesterday, the mechanic and another expert have changed the 12V battery but

still no change, but the Problem is reoccurring


Question: What’s wrong with my car?




For car, take

SLC(4) = Jup in Rahu/Jup

a. Jup S(7,8), Jup is expansive

b. Rahu S(8,7,5-12), Rahu is mysterius

i. From native point of view, 8:danger, 7: Maarkesh,

5-12: recovery with hospitalisation i.e., going to garage or workshop with


ii. From cars point of view, 8 becomes 5- recovery, 7

becomes 4: problem like end of something, 5-12 become 2-9: Maarkesh but





cusp(4) as Lagna for the Car

a. Disease: SLC(6) from Cusp(4) è SLC(9) = Sat R in Mon/Mon

i. Sat R S(1,12,11,4- 5), Sat – blockage, delay,

frustrating, Sat R going towards Mars R/Debilitated, probably Power/Energy

supplier and/or Battery system

ii. Mon S(4,1,11). Mon – Fluid, cooling system

iii. In nutshell, The car is sick with the Flow of fluid in

the cooling system and/or some blockage in the flow of energy from/to battery


b. Recovery?: If SLC(6) signifies (5 or 11) then Recovery

i. SLC(6) – Sat R which S(1,12,11,4- 5) in this order indicating

as 1-self car, 12- hospital/workshop, 11 – is recovery…)

ii. Find S(5,11) = (2Ven, Merc, Ketu, Rahu,

2Mars, 2Sun, Jup, 2 Sat, Mon,

iii. RP = 2 Mars R, Rahu, 2Ven, Merc

(Take Merc as its with Rahu)

iv. DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Marc, Ven

till Monday, 7 Feb 2010

1. VEn in Star and Sub of Retro Planets è so recovery till Mon, 7 Feb 2010

v. DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Merc, Sun from

Monday, 7 Feb 2010 till 14 Feb 2010

1. Sun S(1,5,11,12) indicating recovery with some

expenditure/ workshop

2. Saturday and Sunday are holidays.

3. Monday, 9am, 8th Feb 2010: Tr Mon

on at R(8) 16deg-28min è

Mars R, MErc, MErc è possible

but I am not too sure, about MErc as in Sub of Mars Retro. But

again Mars R and Sat R have come repeatedly even in RPs, worth

considering. Possible repair. MErc stands for duality. Something to do

with duality or multiplicity. If I take Mars R as battery then Merc could

be cells in the battery.

4. Wednesday, 12 noon am, 9th Feb

2010: Tr Mon at R(9) deg 12 minè

Jup, Ketu, Ketu è both in S(5,11).

Recovery possible



Nadi approach



Car is signified by Venus


Today Ven is combust.

Say Car is weak


Ven in Star of Mars R.


Mars is Debilitated and Retrogate


Mars can signify Energy, I would

say Power/Battery/ Energy System in the Car


Ret rogation means going

backward, I would say, Batter/Energy system is Draining


Mars is Debilitated, that is very

weak, unable to stand by itself


Mars is in the house of Moon so

its trying to spoil Moon, Cooling system or flow of fluid


Mars is going towards Ketu in

Gemini. Ketu means sudden change, renunciation, Tyaga, so some change in

Battery/Energy system is indicated


Mars in the sub Sat R. Mars also

weakens Sat so any obstruction caused by Sat would weaken up


Mars Reto and I Debilitated is

between Sat R going towards Mars and Ketu going towards Mars R. So the

Mars R is hemmed between two cruel planets, both coming to squeeze it.


Sat is the enemy of Mars and on

the other hand Ketu is the enemy of Saturn. Sat will tr to harm Mars but

Ketu will protect Mars because its destroyed by the enemy. SO Mars might

survive in the battle.


Ketu is also aspected by Jup,

some Divine beings, I would say Mechanic with expert knowledge


Since Mars is Retro, its running

away from Ketu, which is coming to give Moksha to Mars. I will also

take Mars in the previous sign due to its retrogation which has the aspect of

Jup, i.e., Survival.


Also Jup in the house of Sat R so

Sat r cannot destroy Mars completely but can delay, frustrate but help through

some Karma

m. When I Take Retro Mars in the previous sign in

Leo, Suns hosue and Sun is the Friend of Mars, tat would protect


Mon is aspected by Jup too, so

Fluid/cooling system would survive. After 12 feb Tr Mon will be going

towards JUp, all problems should be solved by then.





Looking at the both systems, I conclude that the car is suffering from some

mild Battery/Power/ Energy supplying problem and it will be fixed by end

of next week, causing some expense to me, It should be diagnosed by

Monday or Tuesday next week



Please give

your comments on my analysis.


With Love


Ravinder Grover







Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger .






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  • 2 weeks later...

20 Feb 2010


Dear all


Re: What’s wrong with my car?


I received a phone call from the car mechanic on Friday, 12 Feb 2010

notifying me that he could not fix the faulty cell of the battery and the

battery was behaving  very funny.  It seemed to him that he would have to

replace the whole hybrid battery costing me in excess of $6000.



I instantly made the KP Time chart  on 18 Feb 2010, 11:30 

hours, NZDST, Auckland, NZ  and noted that the SUblord of the cusp(11) was Rahu

in Star(Venus) and Venus was in H(11) with Jupiter  and Rahu was signifying

(11) strongly.  I just suggested him to replace the faulty cell and try again

to discharge the battery and recharge it, that is, repeat the entire process. 

He reluctantly agreed and told me that he would do that on Monday 22 Feb 2010.


Today at  sharp 9:43 hours he rang me and told me the Battery

has been fixed, all he has to do was change one cell of the battery.  All



 AT 9:43 hours, Lagna rising was Pisces 10:22, hence RP = Sat r,

Jup, Ketu, Mars R, Sat R  (Ven, Sun, if I take sub lords of ASc, Lagna and day



 AT 13:20: hours I picked the car up, RP =  (merc, ven mars, merc,

ketu, mars, sat, take rahu as in Jup  Ven star)  (taking sublord of asc and

lagna too)

Which coincided with the   S(5,11) on 5 feb 2010, 17:37:20

hours, NZDST, AKl, NZ,  ( please see  first email)

Sun at Sat, Rahu, Rahu,   and Mon at mars, Ketu, MErc,  Day =




I look forward for your expert comments so that I can improve

and learn from you all










On Behalf Of Ravinder


Wednesday, February 10, 2010 1:22 PM


RE: Whats wrong with my car?








10 Feb 2010


Dear brothers and sisters


Subsequent to my initial email:


1. On Monday, 8th Feb 2010

(11:45 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New Zealand) I had taken my car to the

Hybrid Car expert. After running diagnostic test, I was told that one cell in block eight of the hybrid

battery pack was malfunctioning, that is, that cell was was

charging up to 14.4 volts as all other cells were charging up to 16.7 volts.

and that was also effecting the cooling system of the battery.

2. On Monday, 8th Feb 2010,

(around 13 hours) I have changed the small 12 V battery again to my old batter

as that was not the fault so why unnecessary spend money on buying

12V battery. Immediately after that the problem disappeared for some

time. But after a few hours, it has come back

3. I made enquiries to replace the main

hybrid battery and that costs over $5000 plus the labour charges. What do

I do now?

4. By evening I looked around and

found another Battery specialist who could refurbish the battery I rang

him and I was told that he would need the car at least for a week and the cost

could be around $1500.

5. Yesterday, 9th Feb 2010, (10

am - 12 noon), I have handed my car to him for refurbishing the battery.

6. Initially I expected to get the car back

by Friday, 12 Feb 2010. But the battery specialist would not be

able to finish his work by then.

7. If the above calculation was right then

I believe I should get my car back by Friday too.

8. Let’s see.

9. Interesting, I started encountering

problem with our another car yesterday and I got it fixed today morning

Any comments










On Behalf Of Luther


Sunday, February 07, 2010 1:11 AM


Re: Whats wrong with my car?
















good analysis indeed.




Monday you have given importance to Mars and Mercury representing the Battery

and its cells. Right. But History reveals that the Battery was already changed

but in vein. So at this stage considering Mars and Mercury may not be proper.

You have also mentioned 'repair posible'. It is no more applicable, I think.




is question of Saturn. Saturn indicates obstruction in flow of either

electricity of fuel. At one place you have focussed on Moon representing fluid.

Saturn indicates minerals petroleum etc. So most probably the trouble

could be with flow of fuel from the tank to the ignition. Let us see what shall

be found on Wednesday. Good Luck.













Lajmi <yogeshlajmi


Fri, February 5, 2010 5:39:11 PM

Re: Whats wrong with my car?









An excellent approach indeed...



Well done...!
















Ravinder Grover <rgrover (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz>

@gro ups.com

Fri, 5 February, 2010 11:20:29 AM

Whats wrong with my car?




5 Feb 2010, 17:37:20 hours, NZDST, Auckland, New



History: I have Hybrid car, Toyota Prius

2000. It is running but giving some trouble. I took it to the mechanic

two days ago, but he could not figure out the problem. He run the diagnostic

test and gave erased all error code. But the problem has returned.

Yesterday, the mechanic and another expert have changed the 12V battery but

still no change, but the Problem is reoccurring


Question: What’s wrong with my car?




For car, take

SLC(4) = Jup in Rahu/Jup

a. Jup S(7,8), Jup is expansive

b. Rahu S(8,7,5-12), Rahu is mysterius

i. From native point of view, 8:danger, 7: Maarkesh,

5-12: recovery with hospitalisation i.e., going to garage or workshop with


ii. From cars point of view, 8 becomes 5- recovery, 7

becomes 4: problem like end of something, 5-12 become 2-9: Maarkesh but





cusp(4) as Lagna for the Car

a. Disease: SLC(6) from Cusp(4) è SLC(9) = Sat R in Mon/Mon

i. Sat R S(1,12,11,4- 5), Sat – blockage, delay,

frustrating, Sat R going towards Mars R/Debilitated, probably Power/Energy supplier

and/or Battery system

ii. Mon S(4,1,11). Mon – Fluid, cooling system

iii. In nutshell, The car is sick with the Flow of fluid in

the cooling system and/or some blockage in the flow of energy from/to battery


b. Recovery?: If SLC(6) signifies (5 or 11) then Recovery

i. SLC(6) – Sat R which S(1,12,11,4- 5) in this order indicating

as 1-self car, 12- hospital/workshop, 11 – is recovery…)

ii. Find S(5,11) = (2Ven, Merc, Ketu, Rahu,

2Mars, 2Sun, Jup, 2 Sat, Mon,

iii. RP = 2 Mars R, Rahu, 2Ven, Merc

(Take Merc as its with Rahu)

iv. DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Marc, Ven

till Monday, 7 Feb 2010

1. VEn in Star and Sub of Retro Planets è so recovery till Mon, 7 Feb 2010

v. DBAS = Rahu, Merc, Merc, Sun from Monday,

7 Feb 2010 till 14 Feb 2010

1. Sun S(1,5,11,12) indicating recovery with some

expenditure/ workshop

2. Saturday and Sunday are holidays.

3. Monday, 9am, 8th Feb 2010: Tr Mon

on at R(8) 16deg-28min è

Mars R, MErc, MErc è possible but

I am not too sure, about MErc as in Sub of Mars Retro. But again

Mars R and Sat R have come repeatedly even in RPs, worth considering.

Possible repair. MErc stands for duality. Something to do with duality or

multiplicity. If I take Mars R as battery then Merc could be cells in the


4. Wednesday, 12 noon am, 9th Feb

2010: Tr Mon at R(9) deg 12 minè

Jup, Ketu, Ketu è both in

S(5,11). Recovery possible



Nadi approach



Car is signified by Venus


Today Ven is combust.

Say Car is weak


Ven in Star of Mars R.


Mars is Debilitated and Retrogate


Mars can signify Energy, I would

say Power/Battery/ Energy System in the Car


Ret rogation means going

backward, I would say, Batter/Energy system is Draining


Mars is Debilitated, that is very

weak, unable to stand by itself


Mars is in the house of Moon so

its trying to spoil Moon, Cooling system or flow of fluid


Mars is going towards Ketu in

Gemini. Ketu means sudden change, renunciation, Tyaga, so some change in

Battery/Energy system is indicated


Mars in the sub Sat R. Mars also

weakens Sat so any obstruction caused by Sat would weaken up


Mars Reto and I Debilitated is between

Sat R going towards Mars and Ketu going towards Mars R. So the Mars R is

hemmed between two cruel planets, both coming to squeeze it.


Sat is the enemy of Mars and on

the other hand Ketu is the enemy of Saturn. Sat will tr to harm Mars but

Ketu will protect Mars because its destroyed by the enemy. SO Mars might

survive in the battle.


Ketu is also aspected by Jup,

some Divine beings, I would say Mechanic with expert knowledge


Since Mars is Retro, its running

away from Ketu, which is coming to give Moksha to Mars. I will also

take Mars in the previous sign due to its retrogation which has the aspect of

Jup, i.e., Survival.


Also Jup in the house of Sat R so

Sat r cannot destroy Mars completely but can delay, frustrate but help through

some Karma

m. When I Take Retro Mars in the previous sign in

Leo, Suns hosue and Sun is the Friend of Mars, tat would protect


Mon is aspected by Jup too, so

Fluid/cooling system would survive. After 12 feb Tr Mon will be going

towards JUp, all problems should be solved by then.





Looking at the both systems, I conclude that the car is suffering from some

mild Battery/Power/ Energy supplying problem and it will be fixed by end

of next week, causing some expense to me, It should be diagnosed by

Monday or Tuesday next week



Please give

your comments on my analysis.


With Love


Ravinder Grover







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