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Respected Lashmi Ji Namskar!

I totally agree with your comments!

The jyotishi must be spiritual. Because if jyotish is vedanga. It means jyotish is also way to find/experience Paramatma. So without adhyatma how is this possible?

You clear this thing very well.


With respect

Naresh Mamgain--- On Wed, 20/8/08, Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary wrote:

Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikaryRe: Re: Narasimha/ spiritual practicessohamsa Date: Wednesday, 20 August, 2008, 4:48 AM




Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Maja,

Since this isnt astrological anymore this will be my last post on the matter.

There is always the male and female principle in the Universe.


Either you accept the Vedas , and accept that Bhagavad-Gita is coming from the Supreme Lord , and that there is some merit and deep realizations guiding the words of sages and saints about the general nature of being in a womens body..., or you dont.


PLease reread my post again carefully and I think yu will see there is nothing to argue about really. Look at the broader picture.

Whether we are in a mans body or a womens body, we still have to suffer our karmas and the BODY is just a vehicle transporting the soul through its journey in life.

We can either accept our stituation and work on progressing spiritually or we can object

and argue that perhaps there is no God or that he was on a vacation or out of town during a critical period of our bodies creation.

-And no, im not saying a women that is married to a jerk should sit around and wash dishes, etc and tolerate being abused.-


Instead of seeing the glass half empty why not see it as full?

I consider myself very fortunate to be in a womens body. I dont envy men at all.

I envy the women who get to stay home all day, and take nice care of their kids while their husbands work 6 days a week 10-12 hour days to give their wives and children whatever they want.! Unfortunetly I dont have such good karma to have such a situation, I had to do everything man and womens role.

Best wishes




Maja Strbac <majastrbacastro@ > wrote:



Om Gurave NamahDear Lakshmi Ji, namasteThere are some points from your previous email:" I'm guessing the main reason is that women are considered to be impure, etc much of the time,,, They have their monthly cycles"If God provided us that sacred role on this planet to deliver a child, than how come that any of those "physiological stages" are considered as impure? And why? If our bodies are "engineered" by a Supreme Lord (this is mutual to almost all world wide religions, I believe you will understand what I mean), than I would like to know why did women get that "physiology disqualification" at first place. I would appreciate to finally read that explanation from someone learned."and with many women giving birth to one child a year, that means alot of cleaning of chidrens behinds.!!!! !!!!!"Is this a must in Kali Yuga all over globe? Is this a must in Kali Yuga

in India? Delivering one child per year?"As far as I remember women are supposed to get their shakti and powers by being chaste and devoted to their husbands."Is this for Satya Yuga or Kali Yuga? If it is for Kali Yuga, can you please reveal me a big secret: Where are those powerful single male Brahmins who can provide us female just to sit at home, relax and be 100% dedicated to motherhood? Because it is surprising to learn that in Kali Yuga all that women need is a marriage ceremony to a Brahmin to get emancipation. That easy? If answer is yes, than great. Poor all those Kali Yuga housewives who take unbearable behavior from their "other caste" husbands such as "I am the only side contributing to family budget. You have no rights to object to any decision I make." If they only knew that there is alternative out there somewhere…And this is from email that followed

previous:"It is mistaken projection to think women had a second rate position in life. If you have read Mahabharata and Ramayana and other classics you can see women often had very powerful and respected positions.In reality anciety Indian society placed great value to the "mothers".Its only as individual people and society got degraded that a womens position got twisted"I find it as contradiction to all copy/paste from your previous email. Am I wrong?It is just that after reading Narasimha's post on this subject I was not surprised at all with fact that his writings simply "emit" his great respect to women and their role. It is traditional in India among educated and learned man. (I am not quite sure, but I believe that he descendants from a Brahmin family. What a "pedigree" to write that email when you add that he is also an educated person…) But I was a little bit

surprised when I read your email. Somehow I did not expect such email from a non Indian descendant woman. Sri Sarada Devi and Sri Ramakrishna example is something I believe you are informed about much more than I am. Can you please tell me why both Sri Sarada Devi (his wife) and Swami Vivekananda had a status of disciples if women are impure by birth (and that "starting spiritual disqualification by birth")? Was this decision of Sri Ramakrishna wrong?Warm Regards,MajaHari Om Tat Satsohamsa@ .com, Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary@ ...> wrote:>> Hare Rama Krishna> Dear Reema,> Aside from the practical issues with a womens traditional duties,> I'm guessing the main reason is that women are considered to be impure, etc> much of the time,,, > They have their

monthly cycles,> also> Considering that a brahman is supposed to take bath after passing stool...> ,and with many women giving birth to one child a year,> that means alot of cleaning of chidrens behinds.!!!! !!!!!> ......> I dont think most women had the time or energy to get into long pujas.> As far as I remember women are supposed to get their shakti and powers by being chaste and devoted to their husbands. > However ,there are many other ceremonies and pujas that women participated in so its not like they are excluded all together.> In reality the children are with the mother most often in their first impressionable years.> It is the mother who can instill religious practices in the children in small ways,> by offering ghee lamps, incense, prasad etc, so her value as the childs first guru can not be underestimated.> anyway im sure you know

all these things.> Lakshmi> > > > Reema Patel Sriganesh <reema_sriganesh@ ...> wrote:> || Hare Rama Krushna ||> > Namaskaar Narasimha Ji,> > Your posts are always so much filled with wisdom and spirituality that it is a soulful pleasure to read them. Thanks, and please keep them coming (like that current thread on aghora, etc.).> > > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so many rituals and so much tapascharya > > that women did not need to do anything. Just run the house, get groceries, cook, serve food and > > your husband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you.> > Thanks for giving a background on why women weren't involved in spiritual rites and saadhana traditionally. It makes sense...> > I don't know if it is the impact of being in this yuga, but your

observation is right on. My mother always says that the woman (Lakshmi of a family) is responsible for upholding Dharma of a household more than the man. So, Lakshmi is supposed to not only sustain the family but also uphold dharma (Vishnu) in this yuga, and the bhaavna to uphold Dharma is inspired by Aadhyaatmikta (spirituality) . If this is indeed the case, all the tools to increase spirituality - saadhana, homam, etc. - and hence, dharma, should be made available to women as well.> > With best wishes.> > May Sri Vishnu bless us all,> Reema.> > sohamsa@ .com, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr@> wrote:> >> > Dear Anna,> > > > I am glad you asked this.> > > > I was not being politically correct in saying that a total ban

makes no sense. On the contrary, I almost decided to unequivocally assert that everybody interested in spiritual progress can do homam. Period. But I wanted to be cautious and not take on traditional orthodoxy head-on. Instead of dismissing fully, I was trying to put the fundamental reasons in perspective and say that a total ban makes no sense and push back the responsibility of decision to individuals. I am sure I will gain confidence with time and be more assertive. I just need to become ready to take on some karmas in corner cases. Then I can make that assertion.> > > > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so many rituals and so much tapascharya that women did not need to do anything. Just run the house, get groceries, cook, serve food and your husband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you. But things are not the same anymore! Most men today are

worldly people and don't do enough spiritual sadhana for themselves, let alone for their wives!> > > > Given this situation, women cannot rely on husbands for spiritual progress. I believe that women should be allowed to perform rituals like homam, tarpanam etc for their own spiritual evolution. I know some ladies who are performing Mahaganapathi homam using the manual on my website now and enjoying it.> > > > The risks I mentioned are only for rare cases and most people need not worry. The issue about Kundalini rising, getting stuck in Swadhishthana and tough testing in that area applies to both men and women. In any case, fire worship with complete surrender to a deity is quite likely to help one skip over this. The risk about pregnancy also affects very rare cases. In general, one need not worry. To be extra-cautious, one can skip serious sadhanas like homam

during pregnancy. Also, women doing homam should stop during the monthly periods time.> > > > After doing homam a few times, most people will only experience an indescribable calmness and pleasure coming from the cleansing of various nadis and chakras and resultant extra flow of praana vaayu in the sookshma sareera. Things like Kundalini awakening and rise do not happen in most people. Actually, most people talking about Kundalini flow actually mistake smoother praana vaayu flow for Kundalini flow. Most yogis do not ever experience the latter. So most of what I wrote is inapplicable to most people anyway. Let me not trivialize it though - little bit of praana flowing better itself is a great experience and one should try for it.> > > > When several women contacted me for further clarifications and asked whether they could do Mahaganapathi homam, I always encouraged

them. The feedback from all of them was very positive.> > > > The assertion that men and women are different only at the sthoola sareera level and the sooksha sareera and kaarana sareera have no sex is absolutely correct. By the way, men may be reborn as women and vice versa.> > > > Thanks for the kind words. The "resourcefulness" and time are not really mine. When a king and his minister decide to distribute some of king's money to people, the minister will summon a servant to do the work and the servant will take the money to people and distribute it. But it does not makes him the owner of anything. He is merely fortunate to be picked for that good karma. Of course, even the minister will actually say that he too is a servant only and will say that king is responsible for this action and the money is really king's.> > > > That analogy is perfect

here. Of course, if it is not clear, the Divine Mother is the king, my guru is the minister, I am the servant and the manuals, writings and private talks I share are the king's money being distributed. I am not being humble or politically correct. This is absolutely the only truth. Anything else would merely be an ignorant fool's delusion.> > > > Regarding the practical usefulness of homam, there is no doubt. I have seen its transformational power with real people in front of my own eyes.> > > > Best regards,> > Narasimha> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --> > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam> > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -- > > > > sohamsa@ .com, 108ar bona_mente@ wrote:> > > > > > Dear

Narasimha,> > > > > > I read your inspiring/convincin g/enlightening words on homam/s/. I believe that we DO need various religious practices, rituals, to keep our 'fire', zest, purity, divine energy flow.vibrant and alive- wellbeing in a true sense. For numerous reasons /primarily honesty, I guess?/, your words resonate with my spirit, uplifting it. I envy you on diligent work /and ability/ that has made you so resourceful, having so much to give and giving it selflessly. Thank you very much sincerely, whether you need to hear that or not.> > > > > > However, there has been one thing on my mind for a long time, that you've never expanded /clarified/ on. I think I can feel your uncertainty and ambivalence on gender issue- female capacity, ability, make-up /?/, pre-determination /?/ . for enlivening subtle body, for performing selfless devotional rituals,

for spirituality in a broad sense.> > > > > > Let's see the last one, on homam> > > > > > Yes, you say that M/F are different on gross body level only. But that sounds like an act of 'political correctness' when you say that, with no true awareness behind, I mean. /" it makes no sense to have a total ban on women performing homam."???/ With the serious warnings: risk of increased sexuality /particularly difficult for woman/, danger of spiritual practices during pregnancy /even killing fetus "if the soul in it is not spiritually elevated"! I would always exclude guess-work in this SO important matter! Do you really think that these are not qualifying enough for 'a total ban'?> > > > > > I don't say that female-ban is/would be 'unfair'. In fact, I don't see any room here for any /rational/ judgment. This is not about feminism, either.

I have honestly accepted the 'ban' of F-attending church during their menstrual period. Period.> > > I'd just want to hear an honest opinion on this important issue- too important to be ignored and/or polluted by any political stand 'in vogue'.> > > > > > Thinking the very best for you, your Family and your Guru,> > > > > > Love,> > > > > > Anna> >>

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