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spiritual practices

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|| Hare Rama Krushna ||Namaskaar Lakshmi Ji,Very well said. Your views on spirituality and women match those of mine. I don't think that women are disadvantaged in spiritual development. Au contraire, I feel empowered spiritually because I am a woman. There are so many experiences that a woman has an advantage of learning from, that a man might never have.And, IMHO, it is a fad to think that women were oppressed in ancient India. The classic texts do not support this contemporary view. The oppression of women began in India with the oppression of Indians as a whole (i.e. with the foreign invasions). Not that I have researched it but my intuition says that the practice of discouraging women from performing homam and other vedic rites such as tarpana could have crept in at around the same time when women were also being discouraged from getting initiation into Savitur Gayatri (Upanayam). P.s. I second your call for developing more understanding of D-30.May Sri Vishnu bless us all,Reema.sohamsa , Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary wrote:>> Hare Rama Krishna> Dear Anna,> Dont worry, I dont have hard feelings this is just a discussion.> Im not sure what you are saying. We were referring to the past.> And aside from that, there are different lessons one can learn while being in a man or a womens body, just like having a different AK can give different experiences.> The nice thing about astrology is we can peak into our lives and see what karmas we have to deal with on all levels. We can even check the D-60 for past life karma.> One thing I would really like to see more of is info on shad-ripus,trik houses, D-30,dustanas,(everyone has them) so we can really examine our shortcomings. We talk of curses and the remedial measures but how many people really ask themselves, why do I have such karma to begin with?> Why is there so much focus on spirituality in regards to astrology? > Astrology is like a map we can use to help us progress on our SPIRITUAL journey.> Our present life is just a fleeting speck in the scheme of things, and we all get opportunites to be men in some births, and ladies in another -so why complain.> There are lessons to be learned by being in either body.And Im sure if someone abuses or misuses their position as man/women they have to take rebirth to come back and iron out the kinks.Everything we go through is an OPPORTUNITY to advance spiritually,> > It is mistaken projection to think women had a second rate position in life. If you have read Mahabharata and Ramayana and other classics you can see women often had very powerful and respected positions.> In reality anciety Indian society placed great value to the "mothers".> Its only as individual people and society got degraded that a womens position got twisted.> > Even so, a spiritually elevated person accepts whatever situation he is put in, whether he is poor, ugly, or whatever. And even when given a materially opulent situation in life they may renounce it for a simple situation.> Spiritual life is something internal that happens between you and the Supreme Lord, everything else is just external tests.etc> With best wishes> Lakshmi> > > > 108ar bona_mente wrote:> > > You've been brutally honest, about your opinion here, > Laksmi.> > Who can blame you for that.? > > What are we doing here?- back to the kitchen, clean pots and pans, stool, sweat, blood...> or...else /burn the witches! So thoroughly cleansed, you may have a chance in a next lifetime.> BTW, Mother Laxmi is a woman, isn't she? sad truth is that she had to be a women prior to becoming a mother /I was also terribly disappointed when I realized that my mother wasn't a virgin!/> > Just wanted to freshen the air,> /from bad smelling dirt/, LOL> > No hard feelings, please!> > Love,> Anna> > > > > --- On Tue, 8/19/08, Lakshmi Kary lakshmikary wrote:> > Lakshmi Kary lakshmikary Re: Re: Narasimha/ spiritual practices> sohamsa > Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 4:07 AM> > Hare Rama Krishna> Dear Reema,> Aside from the practical issues with a womens traditional duties,> I'm guessing the main reason is that women are considered to be impure, etc> much of the time,,, > They have their monthly cycles,> also> Considering that a brahman is supposed to take bath after passing stool...> ,and with many women giving birth to one child a year,> that means alot of cleaning of chidrens behinds.!!!! !!!!!> ......> I dont think most women had the time or energy to get into long pujas.> As far as I remember women are supposed to get their shakti and powers by being chaste and devoted to their husbands. > However ,there are many other ceremonies and pujas that women participated in so its not like they are excluded all together.> In reality the children are with the mother most often in their first impressionable years.> It is the mother who can instill religious practices in the children in small ways,> by offering ghee lamps, incense, prasad etc, so her value as the childs first guru can not be underestimated.> anyway im sure you know all these things.> Lakshmi> > > > Reema Patel Sriganesh <reema_sriganesh@ > wrote:> || Hare Rama Krushna ||> > Namaskaar Narasimha Ji,> > Your posts are always so much filled with wisdom and spirituality that it is a soulful pleasure to read them. Thanks, and please keep them coming (like that current thread on aghora, etc.).> > > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so many rituals and so much tapascharya > > that women did not need to do anything. Just run the house, get groceries, cook, serve food and > > your husband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you.> > Thanks for giving a background on why women weren't involved in spiritual rites and saadhana traditionally. It makes sense...> > I don't know if it is the impact of being in this yuga, but your observation is right on. My mother always says that the woman (Lakshmi of a family) is responsible for upholding Dharma of a household more than the man. So, Lakshmi is supposed to not only sustain the family but also uphold dharma (Vishnu) in this yuga, and the bhaavna to uphold Dharma is inspired by Aadhyaatmikta (spirituality) . If this is indeed the case, all the tools to increase spirituality - saadhana, homam, etc. - and hence, dharma, should be made available to women as well.> > With best wishes.> > May Sri Vishnu bless us all,> Reema.> > sohamsa@ .com, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" pvr@ wrote:> >> > Dear Anna,> > > > I am glad you asked this.> > > > I was not being politically correct in saying that a total ban makes no sense. On the contrary, I almost decided to unequivocally assert that everybody interested in spiritual progress can do homam. Period. But I wanted to be cautious and not take on traditional orthodoxy head-on. Instead of dismissing fully, I was trying to put the fundamental reasons in perspective and say that a total ban makes no sense and push back the responsibility of decision to individuals. I am sure I will gain confidence with time and be more assertive. I just need to become ready to take on some karmas in corner cases. Then I can make that assertion.> > > > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so many rituals and so much tapascharya that women did not need to do anything. Just run the house, get groceries, cook, serve food and your husband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you. But things are not the same anymore! Most men today are worldly people and don't do enough spiritual sadhana for themselves, let alone for their wives!> > > > Given this situation, women cannot rely on husbands for spiritual progress. I believe that women should be allowed to perform rituals like homam, tarpanam etc for their own spiritual evolution. I know some ladies who are performing Mahaganapathi homam using the manual on my website now and enjoying it.> > > > The risks I mentioned are only for rare cases and most people need not worry. The issue about Kundalini rising, getting stuck in Swadhishthana and tough testing in that area applies to both men and women. In any case, fire worship with complete surrender to a deity is quite likely to help one skip over this. The risk about pregnancy also affects very rare cases. In general, one need not worry. To be extra-cautious, one can skip serious sadhanas like homam during pregnancy. Also, women doing homam should stop during the monthly periods time.> > > > After doing homam a few times, most people will only experience an indescribable calmness and pleasure coming from the cleansing of various nadis and chakras and resultant extra flow of praana vaayu in the sookshma sareera. Things like Kundalini awakening and rise do not happen in most people. Actually, most people talking about Kundalini flow actually mistake smoother praana vaayu flow for Kundalini flow. Most yogis do not ever experience the latter. So most of what I wrote is inapplicable to most people anyway. Let me not trivialize it though - little bit of praana flowing better itself is a great experience and one should try for it.> > > > When several women contacted me for further clarifications and asked whether they could do Mahaganapathi homam, I always encouraged them. The feedback from all of them was very positive.> > > > The assertion that men and women are different only at the sthoola sareera level and the sooksha sareera and kaarana sareera have no sex is absolutely correct. By the way, men may be reborn as women and vice versa.> > > > Thanks for the kind words. The "resourcefulness" and time are not really mine. When a king and his minister decide to distribute some of king's money to people, the minister will summon a servant to do the work and the servant will take the money to people and distribute it. But it does not makes him the owner of anything. He is merely fortunate to be picked for that good karma. Of course, even the minister will actually say that he too is a servant only and will say that king is responsible for this action and the money is really king's.> > > > That analogy is perfect here. Of course, if it is not clear, the Divine Mother is the king, my guru is the minister, I am the servant and the manuals, writings and private talks I share are the king's money being distributed. I am not being humble or politically correct. This is absolutely the only truth. Anything else would merely be an ignorant fool's delusion.> > > > Regarding the practical usefulness of homam, there is no doubt. I have seen its transformational power with real people in front of my own eyes.> > > > Best regards,> > Narasimha> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------> > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam> > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- > > > > sohamsa@ .com, 108ar bona_mente@ wrote:> > > > > > Dear Narasimha,> > > > > > I read your inspiring/convincin g/enlightening words on homam/s/. I believe that we DO need various religious practices, rituals, to keep our 'fire', zest, purity, divine energy flow.vibrant and alive- wellbeing in a true sense. For numerous reasons /primarily honesty, I guess?/, your words resonate with my spirit, uplifting it. I envy you on diligent work /and ability/ that has made you so resourceful, having so much to give and giving it selflessly. Thank you very much sincerely, whether you need to hear that or not.> > > > > > However, there has been one thing on my mind for a long time, that you've never expanded /clarified/ on. I think I can feel your uncertainty and ambivalence on gender issue- female capacity, ability, make-up /?/, pre-determination /?/ . for enlivening subtle body, for performing selfless devotional rituals, for spirituality in a broad sense.> > > > > > Let's see the last one, on homam> > > > > > Yes, you say that M/F are different on gross body level only. But that sounds like an act of 'political correctness' when you say that, with no true awareness behind, I mean. /" it makes no sense to have a total ban on women performing homam."???/ With the serious warnings: risk of increased sexuality /particularly difficult for woman/, danger of spiritual practices during pregnancy /even killing fetus "if the soul in it is not spiritually elevated"! I would always exclude guess-work in this SO important matter! Do you really think that these are not qualifying enough for 'a total ban'?> > > > > > I don't say that female-ban is/would be 'unfair'. In fact, I don't see any room here for any /rational/ judgment. This is not about feminism, either. I have honestly accepted the 'ban' of F-attending church during their menstrual period. Period.> > > I'd just want to hear an honest opinion on this important issue- too important to be ignored and/or polluted by any political stand 'in vogue'.> > > > > > Thinking the very best for you, your Family and your Guru,> > > > > > Love,> > > > > > Anna> >>

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om krishna guru

Dear Ana and other members of the thread,


Difference exists and it makes the world go round, which is perfectly

fine. After it is understood properly, no pots and pans will be needed

to define anyones role or place under the sun...that shines the same

to one and all. :)

Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam (one of the Upapuranas) states that sexual

urge is much stronger in the case of women. This is not surprising as

sexual urge is produced and governed by the liquid fluctuation in the

body (watter, blood, semen and hormones in the first place). This

fluctuation is much higher in woman`s body due to the predominance of

jala tatva in her body governed by planets Moon and Venus. These two

planets are also responsible for the producing of the ojas (the

finniest energetic product of our body that makes the brain function

properly, it is often understood as a vigor, vitality and procreative

power). In general, this means that women can produce more ojas than man.

How is this related to poojas and spirituality?

Sexual energy, or sexual thoughts, are being transformed into ojas in

the process of yoga. The process of yoga as one of its aim has lifting

of the ojas from its storage in the primal chakra and its storing in

the brain. The more ojas in the brain the prettier, smarter and more

spiritual we are. But this lifting of the ojas can be done ONLY by

chaste ones. That is why chastity and bramacarya has always been

considered the highest virtue. No YOga can happen without chastity. It

is clear why it is even more important for women to be chaste and

pious considering the strength of Moon and Venus in her body-gross and


Without chastity, yogic pratice can lead into a mental disorder as

ojas and prana directly influence the work of the brain centres. Thus

it is crucial how demanding and serious the homam or pooja in

question, or any other, is. Prohibition during the monthly cycle is

based upon this also-increasing of the jala tatva and the sexual urge.

At least, Somannath drekana should be checked for the period of poojas

to see how the dasas support celibacy vow that is usually required in

the cases of sadhanas whose aim is spiritual elevation.

The approaches to the final truth may be numerous and different, but

all of them must find their path through the Sushumna. The one who

claims that this path is hidden or blocked to women simply lacks ojas

in his/her brain.


Tijana Damjanovic


P.S. Ana, odakle si?



sohamsa , 108ar <bona_mente wrote:




> You've been brutally honest, about your opinion here,

> Laksmi.


> Who can blame you for that.?


> What are we doing here?- back to the kitchen, clean pots and pans,

stool, sweat, blood...

> or...else /burn the witches! So thoroughly cleansed, you may have a

chance in a next lifetime.

> BTW, Mother Laxmi is a woman, isn't she? sad truth is that she had

to be a women prior to becoming a mother /I was also terribly

disappointed when I realized that my mother wasn't a virgin!/


> Just wanted to freshen the air,

> /from bad smelling dirt/, LOL


> No hard feelings, please!


> Love,

> Anna





> --- On Tue, 8/19/08, Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary wrote:


> Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary

> Re: Re: Narasimha/ spiritual practices

> sohamsa

> Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 4:07 AM


Hare Rama Krishna

> Dear Reema,

> Aside from the practical issues with a womens traditional duties,

> I'm guessing the main reason is that women are considered to be

impure, etc

> much of the time,,,

> They have their monthly cycles,

> also

> Considering that a brahman is supposed to take bath after passing


> ,and with many women giving birth to one child a year,

> that means alot of cleaning of chidrens behinds.!!!! !!!!!

> ......

> I dont think most women had the time or energy to get into long pujas.

> As far as I remember women are supposed to get their shakti and

powers by being chaste and devoted to their husbands.

> However ,there are many other ceremonies and pujas that women

participated in so its not like they are excluded all together.

> In reality the children are with the mother most often in their

first impressionable years.

> It is the mother who can instill religious practices in the children

in small ways,

> by offering ghee lamps, incense, prasad etc, so her value as the

childs first guru can not be underestimated.

> anyway im sure you know all these things.

> Lakshmi




> Reema Patel Sriganesh <reema_sriganesh@ > wrote:



> || Hare Rama Krushna ||


> Namaskaar Narasimha Ji,


> Your posts are always so much filled with wisdom and spirituality

that it is a soulful pleasure to read them. Thanks, and please keep

them coming (like that current thread on aghora, etc.).


> > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so many

rituals and so much tapascharya

> > that women did not need to do anything. Just run the house, get

groceries, cook, serve food and

> > your husband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you.


> Thanks for giving a background on why women weren't involved in

spiritual rites and saadhana traditionally. It makes sense...


> I don't know if it is the impact of being in this yuga, but your

observation is right on. My mother always says that the woman (Lakshmi

of a family) is responsible for upholding Dharma of a household more

than the man. So, Lakshmi is supposed to not only sustain the family

but also uphold dharma (Vishnu) in this yuga, and the bhaavna to

uphold Dharma is inspired by Aadhyaatmikta (spirituality) . If this is

indeed the case, all the tools to increase spirituality - saadhana,

homam, etc. - and hence, dharma, should be made available to women as



> With best wishes.


> May Sri Vishnu bless us all,

> Reema.


> sohamsa@ .com, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Anna,

> >

> > I am glad you asked this.

> >

> > I was not being politically correct in saying that a total ban

makes no sense. On the contrary, I almost decided to unequivocally

assert that everybody interested in spiritual progress can do homam.

Period. But I wanted to be cautious and not take on traditional

orthodoxy head-on. Instead of dismissing fully, I was trying to put

the fundamental reasons in perspective and say that a total ban makes

no sense and push back the responsibility of decision to individuals.

I am sure I will gain confidence with time and be more assertive. I

just need to become ready to take on some karmas in corner cases. Then

I can make that assertion.

> >

> > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so many

rituals and so much tapascharya that women did not need to do

anything. Just run the house, get groceries, cook, serve food and your

husband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you. But

things are not the same anymore! Most men today are worldly people and

don't do enough spiritual sadhana for themselves, let alone for their


> >

> > Given this situation, women cannot rely on husbands for spiritual

progress. I believe that women should be allowed to perform rituals

like homam, tarpanam etc for their own spiritual evolution. I know

some ladies who are performing Mahaganapathi homam using the manual on

my website now and enjoying it.

> >

> > The risks I mentioned are only for rare cases and most people need

not worry. The issue about Kundalini rising, getting stuck in

Swadhishthana and tough testing in that area applies to both men and

women. In any case, fire worship with complete surrender to a deity is

quite likely to help one skip over this. The risk about pregnancy also

affects very rare cases. In general, one need not worry. To be

extra-cautious, one can skip serious sadhanas like homam during

pregnancy. Also, women doing homam should stop during the monthly

periods time.

> >

> > After doing homam a few times, most people will only experience an

indescribable calmness and pleasure coming from the cleansing of

various nadis and chakras and resultant extra flow of praana vaayu in

the sookshma sareera. Things like Kundalini awakening and rise do not

happen in most people. Actually, most people talking about Kundalini

flow actually mistake smoother praana vaayu flow for Kundalini flow.

Most yogis do not ever experience the latter. So most of what I wrote

is inapplicable to most people anyway. Let me not trivialize it though

- little bit of praana flowing better itself is a great experience and

one should try for it.

> >

> > When several women contacted me for further clarifications and

asked whether they could do Mahaganapathi homam, I always encouraged

them. The feedback from all of them was very positive.

> >

> > The assertion that men and women are different only at the sthoola

sareera level and the sooksha sareera and kaarana sareera have no sex

is absolutely correct. By the way, men may be reborn as women and vice


> >

> > Thanks for the kind words. The " resourcefulness " and time are not

really mine. When a king and his minister decide to distribute some of

king's money to people, the minister will summon a servant to do the

work and the servant will take the money to people and distribute it.

But it does not makes him the owner of anything. He is merely

fortunate to be picked for that good karma. Of course, even the

minister will actually say that he too is a servant only and will say

that king is responsible for this action and the money is really king's.

> >

> > That analogy is perfect here. Of course, if it is not clear, the

Divine Mother is the king, my guru is the minister, I am the servant

and the manuals, writings and private talks I share are the king's

money being distributed. I am not being humble or politically correct.

This is absolutely the only truth. Anything else would merely be an

ignorant fool's delusion.

> >

> > Regarding the practical usefulness of homam, there is no doubt. I

have seen its transformational power with real people in front of my

own eyes.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------


> > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

> > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------


> >

> > sohamsa@ .com, 108ar bona_mente@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Narasimha,

> > >

> > > I read your inspiring/convincin g/enlightening words on

homam/s/. I believe that we DO need various religious practices,

rituals, to keep our 'fire', zest, purity, divine energy flow.vibrant

and alive- wellbeing in a true sense. For numerous reasons /primarily

honesty, I guess?/, your words resonate with my spirit, uplifting it.

I envy you on diligent work /and ability/ that has made you so

resourceful, having so much to give and giving it selflessly. Thank

you very much sincerely, whether you need to hear that or not.

> > >

> > > However, there has been one thing on my mind for a long time,

that you've never expanded /clarified/ on. I think I can feel your

uncertainty and ambivalence on gender issue- female capacity, ability,

make-up /?/, pre-determination /?/ . for enlivening subtle body, for

performing selfless devotional rituals, for spirituality in a broad sense.

> > >

> > > Let's see the last one, on homam

> > >

> > > Yes, you say that M/F are different on gross body level only.

But that sounds like an act of 'political correctness' when you say

that, with no true awareness behind, I mean. / " it makes no sense to

have a total ban on women performing homam. " ???/ With the serious

warnings: risk of increased sexuality /particularly difficult for

woman/, danger of spiritual practices during pregnancy /even killing

fetus " if the soul in it is not spiritually elevated " ! I would always

exclude guess-work in this SO important matter! Do you really think

that these are not qualifying enough for 'a total ban'?

> > >

> > > I don't say that female-ban is/would be 'unfair'. In fact, I

don't see any room here for any /rational/ judgment. This is not about

feminism, either. I have honestly accepted the 'ban' of F-attending

church during their menstrual period. Period.

> > > I'd just want to hear an honest opinion on this important issue-

too important to be ignored and/or polluted by any political stand 'in


> > >

> > > Thinking the very best for you, your Family and your Guru,

> > >

> > > Love,

> > >

> > > Anna

> >


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Hare Rama Krishna Dear Tijana, CAn you please elaborate on the use of Somanath Drekkana chart -as you have mentioned here. thank-you, Lakshmi You said " Somanath drekana should be checked for the period of poojasto see how the dasas support celibacy vow that is usually required inthe cases of sadhanas whose aim is spiritual elevation. Tijana Damjanovic <tijanadamjanovic wrote: om krishna guruDear Ana

and other members of the thread,Difference exists and it makes the world go round, which is perfectlyfine. After it is understood properly, no pots and pans will be neededto define anyones role or place under the sun...that shines the sameto one and all. :)Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam (one of the Upapuranas) states that sexualurge is much stronger in the case of women. This is not surprising assexual urge is produced and governed by the liquid fluctuation in thebody (watter, blood, semen and hormones in the first place). Thisfluctuation is much higher in woman`s body due to the predominance ofjala tatva in her body governed by planets Moon and Venus. These twoplanets are also responsible for the producing of the ojas (thefinniest energetic product of our body that makes the brain functionproperly, it is often understood as a vigor, vitality and procreativepower). In general, this means that women can produce more ojas

than man.How is this related to poojas and spirituality?Sexual energy, or sexual thoughts, are being transformed into ojas inthe process of yoga. The process of yoga as one of its aim has liftingof the ojas from its storage in the primal chakra and its storing inthe brain. The more ojas in the brain the prettier, smarter and morespiritual we are. But this lifting of the ojas can be done ONLY bychaste ones. That is why chastity and bramacarya has always beenconsidered the highest virtue. No YOga can happen without chastity. Itis clear why it is even more important for women to be chaste andpious considering the strength of Moon and Venus in her body-gross andcausal.Without chastity, yogic pratice can lead into a mental disorder asojas and prana directly influence the work of the brain centres. Thusit is crucial how demanding and serious the homam or pooja inquestion, or any other, is. Prohibition during the monthly

cycle isbased upon this also-increasing of the jala tatva and the sexual urge.At least, Somannath drekana should be checked for the period of poojasto see how the dasas support celibacy vow that is usually required inthe cases of sadhanas whose aim is spiritual elevation. The approaches to the final truth may be numerous and different, butall of them must find their path through the Sushumna. The one whoclaims that this path is hidden or blocked to women simply lacks ojasin his/her brain.Regards,Tijana DamjanovicP.S. Ana, odakle si?sohamsa , 108ar <bona_mente wrote:>> > > You've been brutally honest, about your opinion here, > Laksmi.> > Who can blame you for that.? > > What are we doing here?- back to the kitchen, clean pots and pans,stool, sweat,

blood...> or...else /burn the witches! So thoroughly cleansed, you may have achance in a next lifetime.> BTW, Mother Laxmi is a woman, isn't she? sad truth is that she hadto be a women prior to becoming a mother /I was also terriblydisappointed when I realized that my mother wasn't a virgin!/> > Just wanted to freshen the air,> /from bad smelling dirt/, LOL> > No hard feelings, please!> > Love,> Anna> > > > > --- On Tue, 8/19/08, Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary wrote:> > Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary> Re: Re: Narasimha/ spiritual practices> sohamsa > Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 4:07 AM> > > > > > > > Hare Rama Krishna> Dear Reema,>

Aside from the practical issues with a womens traditional duties,> I'm guessing the main reason is that women are considered to beimpure, etc> much of the time,,, > They have their monthly cycles,> also> Considering that a brahman is supposed to take bath after passingstool...> ,and with many women giving birth to one child a year,> that means alot of cleaning of chidrens behinds.!!!! !!!!!> ......> I dont think most women had the time or energy to get into long pujas.> As far as I remember women are supposed to get their shakti andpowers by being chaste and devoted to their husbands. > However ,there are many other ceremonies and pujas that womenparticipated in so its not like they are excluded all together.> In reality the children are with the mother most often in theirfirst impressionable years.> It is the mother who can instill religious practices in the

childrenin small ways,> by offering ghee lamps, incense, prasad etc, so her value as thechilds first guru can not be underestimated.> anyway im sure you know all these things.> Lakshmi> > > > Reema Patel Sriganesh <reema_sriganesh@ > wrote:> > > || Hare Rama Krushna ||> > Namaskaar Narasimha Ji,> > Your posts are always so much filled with wisdom and spiritualitythat it is a soulful pleasure to read them. Thanks, and please keepthem coming (like that current thread on aghora, etc.).> > > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so manyrituals and so much tapascharya > > that women did not need to do anything. Just run the house, getgroceries, cook, serve food and > > your husband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you.> > Thanks for giving a background on why

women weren't involved inspiritual rites and saadhana traditionally. It makes sense...> > I don't know if it is the impact of being in this yuga, but yourobservation is right on. My mother always says that the woman (Lakshmiof a family) is responsible for upholding Dharma of a household morethan the man. So, Lakshmi is supposed to not only sustain the familybut also uphold dharma (Vishnu) in this yuga, and the bhaavna touphold Dharma is inspired by Aadhyaatmikta (spirituality) . If this isindeed the case, all the tools to increase spirituality - saadhana,homam, etc. - and hence, dharma, should be made available to women aswell.> > With best wishes.> > May Sri Vishnu bless us all,> Reema.> > sohamsa@ .com, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr@> wrote:> >> > Dear Anna,> > > > I am glad you asked this.> > >

> I was not being politically correct in saying that a total banmakes no sense. On the contrary, I almost decided to unequivocallyassert that everybody interested in spiritual progress can do homam.Period. But I wanted to be cautious and not take on traditionalorthodoxy head-on. Instead of dismissing fully, I was trying to putthe fundamental reasons in perspective and say that a total ban makesno sense and push back the responsibility of decision to individuals.I am sure I will gain confidence with time and be more assertive. Ijust need to become ready to take on some karmas in corner cases. ThenI can make that assertion.> > > > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so manyrituals and so much tapascharya that women did not need to doanything. Just run the house, get groceries, cook, serve food and yourhusband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you. Butthings are not the

same anymore! Most men today are worldly people anddon't do enough spiritual sadhana for themselves, let alone for theirwives!> > > > Given this situation, women cannot rely on husbands for spiritualprogress. I believe that women should be allowed to perform ritualslike homam, tarpanam etc for their own spiritual evolution. I knowsome ladies who are performing Mahaganapathi homam using the manual onmy website now and enjoying it.> > > > The risks I mentioned are only for rare cases and most people neednot worry. The issue about Kundalini rising, getting stuck inSwadhishthana and tough testing in that area applies to both men andwomen. In any case, fire worship with complete surrender to a deity isquite likely to help one skip over this. The risk about pregnancy alsoaffects very rare cases. In general, one need not worry. To beextra-cautious, one can skip serious sadhanas like homam

duringpregnancy. Also, women doing homam should stop during the monthlyperiods time.> > > > After doing homam a few times, most people will only experience anindescribable calmness and pleasure coming from the cleansing ofvarious nadis and chakras and resultant extra flow of praana vaayu inthe sookshma sareera. Things like Kundalini awakening and rise do nothappen in most people. Actually, most people talking about Kundaliniflow actually mistake smoother praana vaayu flow for Kundalini flow.Most yogis do not ever experience the latter. So most of what I wroteis inapplicable to most people anyway. Let me not trivialize it though- little bit of praana flowing better itself is a great experience andone should try for it.> > > > When several women contacted me for further clarifications andasked whether they could do Mahaganapathi homam, I always encouragedthem. The feedback from all of

them was very positive.> > > > The assertion that men and women are different only at the sthoolasareera level and the sooksha sareera and kaarana sareera have no sexis absolutely correct. By the way, men may be reborn as women and viceversa.> > > > Thanks for the kind words. The "resourcefulness" and time are notreally mine. When a king and his minister decide to distribute some ofking's money to people, the minister will summon a servant to do thework and the servant will take the money to people and distribute it.But it does not makes him the owner of anything. He is merelyfortunate to be picked for that good karma. Of course, even theminister will actually say that he too is a servant only and will saythat king is responsible for this action and the money is really king's.> > > > That analogy is perfect here. Of course, if it is not clear, theDivine Mother is the

king, my guru is the minister, I am the servantand the manuals, writings and private talks I share are the king'smoney being distributed. I am not being humble or politically correct.This is absolutely the only truth. Anything else would merely be anignorant fool's delusion.> > > > Regarding the practical usefulness of homam, there is no doubt. Ihave seen its transformational power with real people in front of myown eyes.> > > > Best regards,> > Narasimha> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ------------------> > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam> > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom> > Free Jyotish

lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ------------------ > > > > sohamsa@ .com, 108ar bona_mente@ wrote:> > > > > > Dear Narasimha,> > > > > > I read your inspiring/convincin g/enlightening words onhomam/s/. I believe that we DO need various religious practices,rituals, to keep our 'fire', zest, purity, divine energy flow.vibrantand alive- wellbeing in a true sense. For numerous reasons /primarilyhonesty, I guess?/, your words resonate with my spirit, uplifting it.I envy you on diligent work /and ability/ that has made you

soresourceful, having so much to give and giving it selflessly. Thankyou very much sincerely, whether you need to hear that or not.> > > > > > However, there has been one thing on my mind for a long time,that you've never expanded /clarified/ on. I think I can feel youruncertainty and ambivalence on gender issue- female capacity, ability,make-up /?/, pre-determination /?/ . for enlivening subtle body, forperforming selfless devotional rituals, for spirituality in a broad sense.> > > > > > Let's see the last one, on homam> > > > > > Yes, you say that M/F are different on gross body level only.But that sounds like an act of 'political correctness' when you saythat, with no true awareness behind, I mean. /" it makes no sense tohave a total ban on women performing homam."???/ With the seriouswarnings: risk of increased sexuality /particularly difficult

forwoman/, danger of spiritual practices during pregnancy /even killingfetus "if the soul in it is not spiritually elevated"! I would alwaysexclude guess-work in this SO important matter! Do you really thinkthat these are not qualifying enough for 'a total ban'?> > > > > > I don't say that female-ban is/would be 'unfair'. In fact, Idon't see any room here for any /rational/ judgment. This is not aboutfeminism, either. I have honestly accepted the 'ban' of F-attendingchurch during their menstrual period. Period.> > > I'd just want to hear an honest opinion on this important issue-too important to be ignored and/or polluted by any political stand 'invogue'.> > > > > > Thinking the very best for you, your Family and your Guru,> > > > > > Love,> > > > > > Anna>


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Dear Tijana,


I totally agree with you, and totally accept what Narasimha said on this issue, from a different angle.


Chasity or even celibacy are absolutely necessary IMO for both genders- for female in particular, for the VERY reason which gives them so much POWER. Intimacy is extremely serious issue, not to be taken lightly, by itself-affecting us on many, many, subtle, astral levels, if you wish. Women's delicate and sensitive psyche in particular needs this "mental hygiene"/yes, I believe it's the necessary for healthy mental functioning/- lack of which can wreck havoc in life. /BM. practices as perverted, poorly understood thus abused tantric practices, are better to be avoided for that reason, MHO/

I am so glad you wrote about that- I missed to elaborate on that enough.

Sure, it's not about pots and pans, LOL- I deliberately exaggerated because I like to joke, but also because I wanted so badly to make

Narasimha expess what he really thinks on this issue./Thanks, Narasimha!/. I /and many people, men in particular, LOL/ am aware of F power,

ojas, vigor, vitality, reproductive power, as you mentioned. I would also add wonderful 'sublimation' which can only take place if the energy is well preserved and channeled. Fortunately, in most patriarchal cultures this task is made easier. I've never believed in so called 'sexual liberation' , and thus oriented feminism /somes form were quite beneficial for females, though/ robbing F of their true power.


One more thing, dear Tijana. Can you elaborate on S.Drekana, please???- I am not informed, obviously.



Dobro si me osetila, ja sam

beogradski nostalgicar , kanadski imigrant, i stosta jos,

uskoro po kozna koji put medju vama.



--- On Fri, 8/22/08, Tijana Damjanovic <tijanadamjanovic wrote:

Tijana Damjanovic <tijanadamjanovic Re: spiritual practicessohamsa Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 4:04 PM



om krishna guruDear Ana and other members of the thread,Difference exists and it makes the world go round, which is perfectlyfine. After it is understood properly, no pots and pans will be neededto define anyones role or place under the sun...that shines the sameto one and all. :)Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam (one of the Upapuranas) states that sexualurge is much stronger in the case of women. This is not surprising assexual urge is produced and governed by the liquid fluctuation in thebody (watter, blood, semen and hormones in the first place). Thisfluctuation is much higher in woman`s body due to the predominance ofjala tatva in her body governed by planets Moon and Venus. These twoplanets are also responsible for the producing of the ojas (thefinniest energetic product of our body that makes the brain functionproperly, it is often understood as a vigor, vitality and procreativepower). In

general, this means that women can produce more ojas than man.How is this related to poojas and spirituality?Sexual energy, or sexual thoughts, are being transformed into ojas inthe process of yoga. The process of yoga as one of its aim has liftingof the ojas from its storage in the primal chakra and its storing inthe brain. The more ojas in the brain the prettier, smarter and morespiritual we are. But this lifting of the ojas can be done ONLY bychaste ones. That is why chastity and bramacarya has always beenconsidered the highest virtue. No YOga can happen without chastity. Itis clear why it is even more important for women to be chaste andpious considering the strength of Moon and Venus in her body-gross andcausal.Without chastity, yogic pratice can lead into a mental disorder asojas and prana directly influence the work of the brain centres. Thusit is crucial how demanding and serious the homam

or pooja inquestion, or any other, is. Prohibition during the monthly cycle isbased upon this also-increasing of the jala tatva and the sexual urge.At least, Somannath drekana should be checked for the period of poojasto see how the dasas support celibacy vow that is usually required inthe cases of sadhanas whose aim is spiritual elevation. The approaches to the final truth may be numerous and different, butall of them must find their path through the Sushumna. The one whoclaims that this path is hidden or blocked to women simply lacks ojasin his/her brain.Regards,Tijana DamjanovicP.S. Ana, odakle si?sohamsa@ .com, 108ar <bona_mente@ ...> wrote:>> > > You've been brutally honest, about your opinion here, > Laksmi.> > Who can blame you for that.?

> > What are we doing here?- back to the kitchen, clean pots and pans,stool, sweat, blood...> or...else /burn the witches! So thoroughly cleansed, you may have achance in a next lifetime.> BTW, Mother Laxmi is a woman, isn't she? sad truth is that she hadto be a women prior to becoming a mother /I was also terriblydisappointed when I realized that my mother wasn't a virgin!/> > Just wanted to freshen the air,> /from bad smelling dirt/, LOL> > No hard feelings, please!> > Love,> Anna> > > > > --- On Tue, 8/19/08, Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary@ ...> wrote:> > Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary@ ...>> Re: Re: Narasimha/ spiritual practices> sohamsa@ .com> Tuesday, August

19, 2008, 4:07 AM> > > > > > > > Hare Rama Krishna> Dear Reema,> Aside from the practical issues with a womens traditional duties,> I'm guessing the main reason is that women are considered to beimpure, etc> much of the time,,, > They have their monthly cycles,> also> Considering that a brahman is supposed to take bath after passingstool...> ,and with many women giving birth to one child a year,> that means alot of cleaning of chidrens behinds.!!!! !!!!!> ......> I dont think most women had the time or energy to get into long pujas.> As far as I remember women are supposed to get their shakti andpowers by being chaste and devoted to their husbands. > However ,there are many other ceremonies and pujas that womenparticipated in so its not like they are excluded all together.> In reality

the children are with the mother most often in theirfirst impressionable years.> It is the mother who can instill religious practices in the childrenin small ways,> by offering ghee lamps, incense, prasad etc, so her value as thechilds first guru can not be underestimated.> anyway im sure you know all these things.> Lakshmi> > > > Reema Patel Sriganesh <reema_sriganesh@ > wrote:> > > || Hare Rama Krushna ||> > Namaskaar Narasimha Ji,> > Your posts are always so much filled with wisdom and spiritualitythat it is a soulful pleasure to read them. Thanks, and please keepthem coming (like that current thread on aghora, etc.).> > > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so manyrituals and so much tapascharya > > that women did not need to do anything. Just run the house,

getgroceries, cook, serve food and > > your husband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you.> > Thanks for giving a background on why women weren't involved inspiritual rites and saadhana traditionally. It makes sense...> > I don't know if it is the impact of being in this yuga, but yourobservation is right on. My mother always says that the woman (Lakshmiof a family) is responsible for upholding Dharma of a household morethan the man. So, Lakshmi is supposed to not only sustain the familybut also uphold dharma (Vishnu) in this yuga, and the bhaavna touphold Dharma is inspired by Aadhyaatmikta (spirituality) . If this isindeed the case, all the tools to increase spirituality - saadhana,homam, etc. - and hence, dharma, should be made available to women aswell.> > With best wishes.> > May Sri Vishnu bless us all,> Reema.>

> sohamsa@ .com, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr@> wrote:> >> > Dear Anna,> > > > I am glad you asked this.> > > > I was not being politically correct in saying that a total banmakes no sense. On the contrary, I almost decided to unequivocallyassert that everybody interested in spiritual progress can do homam.Period. But I wanted to be cautious and not take on traditionalorthodoxy head-on. Instead of dismissing fully, I was trying to putthe fundamental reasons in perspective and say that a total ban makesno sense and push back the responsibility of decision to individuals.I am sure I will gain confidence with time and be more assertive. Ijust need to become ready to take on some karmas in corner cases. ThenI can make that assertion.> > > > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so manyrituals and

so much tapascharya that women did not need to doanything. Just run the house, get groceries, cook, serve food and yourhusband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you. Butthings are not the same anymore! Most men today are worldly people anddon't do enough spiritual sadhana for themselves, let alone for theirwives!> > > > Given this situation, women cannot rely on husbands for spiritualprogress. I believe that women should be allowed to perform ritualslike homam, tarpanam etc for their own spiritual evolution. I knowsome ladies who are performing Mahaganapathi homam using the manual onmy website now and enjoying it.> > > > The risks I mentioned are only for rare cases and most people neednot worry. The issue about Kundalini rising, getting stuck inSwadhishthana and tough testing in that area applies to both men andwomen. In any case, fire worship with

complete surrender to a deity isquite likely to help one skip over this. The risk about pregnancy alsoaffects very rare cases. In general, one need not worry. To beextra-cautious, one can skip serious sadhanas like homam duringpregnancy. Also, women doing homam should stop during the monthlyperiods time.> > > > After doing homam a few times, most people will only experience anindescribable calmness and pleasure coming from the cleansing ofvarious nadis and chakras and resultant extra flow of praana vaayu inthe sookshma sareera. Things like Kundalini awakening and rise do nothappen in most people. Actually, most people talking about Kundaliniflow actually mistake smoother praana vaayu flow for Kundalini flow.Most yogis do not ever experience the latter. So most of what I wroteis inapplicable to most people anyway. Let me not trivialize it though- little bit of praana flowing better

itself is a great experience andone should try for it.> > > > When several women contacted me for further clarifications andasked whether they could do Mahaganapathi homam, I always encouragedthem. The feedback from all of them was very positive.> > > > The assertion that men and women are different only at the sthoolasareera level and the sooksha sareera and kaarana sareera have no sexis absolutely correct. By the way, men may be reborn as women and viceversa.> > > > Thanks for the kind words. The "resourcefulness" and time are notreally mine. When a king and his minister decide to distribute some ofking's money to people, the minister will summon a servant to do thework and the servant will take the money to people and distribute it.But it does not makes him the owner of anything. He is merelyfortunate to be picked for that good karma. Of course,

even theminister will actually say that he too is a servant only and will saythat king is responsible for this action and the money is really king's.> > > > That analogy is perfect here. Of course, if it is not clear, theDivine Mother is the king, my guru is the minister, I am the servantand the manuals, writings and private talks I share are the king'smoney being distributed. I am not being humble or politically correct.This is absolutely the only truth. Anything else would merely be anignorant fool's delusion.> > > > Regarding the practical usefulness of homam, there is no doubt. Ihave seen its transformational power with real people in front of myown eyes.> > > > Best regards,> > Narasimha> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ------------------> > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam> > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ------------------ > > > > sohamsa@ .com, 108ar bona_mente@ wrote:> > > >

> > Dear Narasimha,> > > > > > I read your inspiring/convincin g/enlightening words onhomam/s/. I believe that we DO need various religious practices,rituals, to keep our 'fire', zest, purity, divine energy flow.vibrantand alive- wellbeing in a true sense. For numerous reasons /primarilyhonesty, I guess?/, your words resonate with my spirit, uplifting it.I envy you on diligent work /and ability/ that has made you soresourceful, having so much to give and giving it selflessly. Thankyou very much sincerely, whether you need to hear that or not.> > > > > > However, there has been one thing on my mind for a long time,that you've never expanded /clarified/ on. I think I can feel youruncertainty and ambivalence on gender issue- female capacity, ability,make-up /?/, pre-determination /?/ . for enlivening subtle body, forperforming selfless devotional rituals,

for spirituality in a broad sense.> > > > > > Let's see the last one, on homam> > > > > > Yes, you say that M/F are different on gross body level only.But that sounds like an act of 'political correctness' when you saythat, with no true awareness behind, I mean. /" it makes no sense tohave a total ban on women performing homam."???/ With the seriouswarnings: risk of increased sexuality /particularly difficult forwoman/, danger of spiritual practices during pregnancy /even killingfetus "if the soul in it is not spiritually elevated"! I would alwaysexclude guess-work in this SO important matter! Do you really thinkthat these are not qualifying enough for 'a total ban'?> > > > > > I don't say that female-ban is/would be 'unfair'. In fact, Idon't see any room here for any /rational/ judgment. This is not aboutfeminism, either. I have

honestly accepted the 'ban' of F-attendingchurch during their menstrual period. Period.> > > I'd just want to hear an honest opinion on this important issue-too important to be ignored and/or polluted by any political stand 'invogue'.> > > > > > Thinking the very best for you, your Family and your Guru,> > > > > > Love,> > > > > > Anna> >>

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Dear Lakshmi,


Good question- I'm so glad I'm not alone with my insatiable curiosity!


Anna--- On Fri, 8/22/08, Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary wrote:

Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikaryRe: Re: spiritual practicessohamsa Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 4:18 PM




Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Tijana,

CAn you please elaborate on the use of Somanath Drekkana chart -as you have mentioned here. thank-you,



You said " Somanath drekana should be checked for the period of poojasto see how the dasas support celibacy vow that is usually required inthe cases of sadhanas whose aim is spiritual elevation. Tijana Damjanovic <tijanadamjanovic@ > wrote:



om krishna guruDear Ana and other members of the thread,Difference exists and it makes the world go round, which is perfectlyfine. After it is understood properly, no pots and pans will be neededto define anyones role or place under the sun...that shines the sameto one and all. :)Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam (one of the Upapuranas) states that sexualurge is much stronger in the case of women. This is not surprising assexual urge is produced and governed by the liquid fluctuation in thebody (watter, blood, semen and hormones in the first place). Thisfluctuation is much higher in woman`s body due to the predominance ofjala tatva in her body governed by planets Moon and Venus. These twoplanets are also responsible for the producing of the ojas (thefinniest energetic product of our body that makes the brain functionproperly, it is often understood as a vigor, vitality and procreativepower). In

general, this means that women can produce more ojas than man.How is this related to poojas and spirituality?Sexual energy, or sexual thoughts, are being transformed into ojas inthe process of yoga. The process of yoga as one of its aim has liftingof the ojas from its storage in the primal chakra and its storing inthe brain. The more ojas in the brain the prettier, smarter and morespiritual we are. But this lifting of the ojas can be done ONLY bychaste ones. That is why chastity and bramacarya has always beenconsidered the highest virtue. No YOga can happen without chastity. Itis clear why it is even more important for women to be chaste andpious considering the strength of Moon and Venus in her body-gross andcausal.Without chastity, yogic pratice can lead into a mental disorder asojas and prana directly influence the work of the brain centres. Thusit is crucial how demanding and serious the homam

or pooja inquestion, or any other, is. Prohibition during the monthly cycle isbased upon this also-increasing of the jala tatva and the sexual urge.At least, Somannath drekana should be checked for the period of poojasto see how the dasas support celibacy vow that is usually required inthe cases of sadhanas whose aim is spiritual elevation. The approaches to the final truth may be numerous and different, butall of them must find their path through the Sushumna. The one whoclaims that this path is hidden or blocked to women simply lacks ojasin his/her brain.Regards,Tijana DamjanovicP.S. Ana, odakle si?sohamsa@ .com, 108ar <bona_mente@ ...> wrote:>> > > You've been brutally honest, about your opinion here, > Laksmi.> > Who can blame you for that.?

> > What are we doing here?- back to the kitchen, clean pots and pans,stool, sweat, blood...> or...else /burn the witches! So thoroughly cleansed, you may have achance in a next lifetime.> BTW, Mother Laxmi is a woman, isn't she? sad truth is that she hadto be a women prior to becoming a mother /I was also terriblydisappointed when I realized that my mother wasn't a virgin!/> > Just wanted to freshen the air,> /from bad smelling dirt/, LOL> > No hard feelings, please!> > Love,> Anna> > > > > --- On Tue, 8/19/08, Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary@ ...> wrote:> > Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary@ ...>> Re: Re: Narasimha/ spiritual practices> sohamsa@ .com> Tuesday, August

19, 2008, 4:07 AM> > > > > > > > Hare Rama Krishna> Dear Reema,> Aside from the practical issues with a womens traditional duties,> I'm guessing the main reason is that women are considered to beimpure, etc> much of the time,,, > They have their monthly cycles,> also> Considering that a brahman is supposed to take bath after passingstool...> ,and with many women giving birth to one child a year,> that means alot of cleaning of chidrens behinds.!!!! !!!!!> ......> I dont think most women had the time or energy to get into long pujas.> As far as I remember women are supposed to get their shakti andpowers by being chaste and devoted to their husbands. > However ,there are many other ceremonies and pujas that womenparticipated in so its not like they are excluded all together.> In reality

the children are with the mother most often in theirfirst impressionable years.> It is the mother who can instill religious practices in the childrenin small ways,> by offering ghee lamps, incense, prasad etc, so her value as thechilds first guru can not be underestimated.> anyway im sure you know all these things.> Lakshmi> > > > Reema Patel Sriganesh <reema_sriganesh@ > wrote:> > > || Hare Rama Krushna ||> > Namaskaar Narasimha Ji,> > Your posts are always so much filled with wisdom and spiritualitythat it is a soulful pleasure to read them. Thanks, and please keepthem coming (like that current thread on aghora, etc.).> > > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so manyrituals and so much tapascharya > > that women did not need to do anything. Just run the house,

getgroceries, cook, serve food and > > your husband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you.> > Thanks for giving a background on why women weren't involved inspiritual rites and saadhana traditionally. It makes sense...> > I don't know if it is the impact of being in this yuga, but yourobservation is right on. My mother always says that the woman (Lakshmiof a family) is responsible for upholding Dharma of a household morethan the man. So, Lakshmi is supposed to not only sustain the familybut also uphold dharma (Vishnu) in this yuga, and the bhaavna touphold Dharma is inspired by Aadhyaatmikta (spirituality) . If this isindeed the case, all the tools to increase spirituality - saadhana,homam, etc. - and hence, dharma, should be made available to women aswell.> > With best wishes.> > May Sri Vishnu bless us all,> Reema.>

> sohamsa@ .com, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr@> wrote:> >> > Dear Anna,> > > > I am glad you asked this.> > > > I was not being politically correct in saying that a total banmakes no sense. On the contrary, I almost decided to unequivocallyassert that everybody interested in spiritual progress can do homam.Period. But I wanted to be cautious and not take on traditionalorthodoxy head-on. Instead of dismissing fully, I was trying to putthe fundamental reasons in perspective and say that a total ban makesno sense and push back the responsibility of decision to individuals.I am sure I will gain confidence with time and be more assertive. Ijust need to become ready to take on some karmas in corner cases. ThenI can make that assertion.> > > > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so manyrituals and

so much tapascharya that women did not need to doanything. Just run the house, get groceries, cook, serve food and yourhusband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you. Butthings are not the same anymore! Most men today are worldly people anddon't do enough spiritual sadhana for themselves, let alone for theirwives!> > > > Given this situation, women cannot rely on husbands for spiritualprogress. I believe that women should be allowed to perform ritualslike homam, tarpanam etc for their own spiritual evolution. I knowsome ladies who are performing Mahaganapathi homam using the manual onmy website now and enjoying it.> > > > The risks I mentioned are only for rare cases and most people neednot worry. The issue about Kundalini rising, getting stuck inSwadhishthana and tough testing in that area applies to both men andwomen. In any case, fire worship with

complete surrender to a deity isquite likely to help one skip over this. The risk about pregnancy alsoaffects very rare cases. In general, one need not worry. To beextra-cautious, one can skip serious sadhanas like homam duringpregnancy. Also, women doing homam should stop during the monthlyperiods time.> > > > After doing homam a few times, most people will only experience anindescribable calmness and pleasure coming from the cleansing ofvarious nadis and chakras and resultant extra flow of praana vaayu inthe sookshma sareera. Things like Kundalini awakening and rise do nothappen in most people. Actually, most people talking about Kundaliniflow actually mistake smoother praana vaayu flow for Kundalini flow.Most yogis do not ever experience the latter. So most of what I wroteis inapplicable to most people anyway. Let me not trivialize it though- little bit of praana flowing better

itself is a great experience andone should try for it.> > > > When several women contacted me for further clarifications andasked whether they could do Mahaganapathi homam, I always encouragedthem. The feedback from all of them was very positive.> > > > The assertion that men and women are different only at the sthoolasareera level and the sooksha sareera and kaarana sareera have no sexis absolutely correct. By the way, men may be reborn as women and viceversa.> > > > Thanks for the kind words. The "resourcefulness" and time are notreally mine. When a king and his minister decide to distribute some ofking's money to people, the minister will summon a servant to do thework and the servant will take the money to people and distribute it.But it does not makes him the owner of anything. He is merelyfortunate to be picked for that good karma. Of course,

even theminister will actually say that he too is a servant only and will saythat king is responsible for this action and the money is really king's.> > > > That analogy is perfect here. Of course, if it is not clear, theDivine Mother is the king, my guru is the minister, I am the servantand the manuals, writings and private talks I share are the king'smoney being distributed. I am not being humble or politically correct.This is absolutely the only truth. Anything else would merely be anignorant fool's delusion.> > > > Regarding the practical usefulness of homam, there is no doubt. Ihave seen its transformational power with real people in front of myown eyes.> > > > Best regards,> > Narasimha> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ------------------> > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam> > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ------------------ > > > > sohamsa@ .com, 108ar bona_mente@ wrote:> > > >

> > Dear Narasimha,> > > > > > I read your inspiring/convincin g/enlightening words onhomam/s/. I believe that we DO need various religious practices,rituals, to keep our 'fire', zest, purity, divine energy flow.vibrantand alive- wellbeing in a true sense. For numerous reasons /primarilyhonesty, I guess?/, your words resonate with my spirit, uplifting it.I envy you on diligent work /and ability/ that has made you soresourceful, having so much to give and giving it selflessly. Thankyou very much sincerely, whether you need to hear that or not.> > > > > > However, there has been one thing on my mind for a long time,that you've never expanded /clarified/ on. I think I can feel youruncertainty and ambivalence on gender issue- female capacity, ability,make-up /?/, pre-determination /?/ . for enlivening subtle body, forperforming selfless devotional rituals,

for spirituality in a broad sense.> > > > > > Let's see the last one, on homam> > > > > > Yes, you say that M/F are different on gross body level only.But that sounds like an act of 'political correctness' when you saythat, with no true awareness behind, I mean. /" it makes no sense tohave a total ban on women performing homam."???/ With the seriouswarnings: risk of increased sexuality /particularly difficult forwoman/, danger of spiritual practices during pregnancy /even killingfetus "if the soul in it is not spiritually elevated"! I would alwaysexclude guess-work in this SO important matter! Do you really thinkthat these are not qualifying enough for 'a total ban'?> > > > > > I don't say that female-ban is/would be 'unfair'. In fact, Idon't see any room here for any /rational/ judgment. This is not aboutfeminism, either. I have

honestly accepted the 'ban' of F-attendingchurch during their menstrual period. Period.> > > I'd just want to hear an honest opinion on this important issue-too important to be ignored and/or polluted by any political stand 'invogue'.> > > > > > Thinking the very best for you, your Family and your Guru,> > > > > > Love,> > > > > > Anna> >>

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om krishna guru


Just a few more related thoughts...


Stri Jataka clearly shows the importance of Venus and Moon in woman`s

life. These two should preferably be positioned in an even (female)

sign to make jala tatva stronger. Woman`s morality is also studied

based upon the trimsamsa of these two planets primarily. If strong and

not afflicted, these two will give a woman beautiful, attractive

disposition. Venusian archetype of woman is thus much more than

mythically based – well developed and pretty body, wide hips and big

breasts that are typical for the kapha type of women (dominant among

Indian ands Latino-American women) do not only symbolize woman`s

fertility, but they are confirming her inner qualities also. Venus and

Moon give strong ojas, or in other words, strong creative ability and

genetic material which will ensure healthy progeny. Strong jala tatva

blesses a woman with an emotional, caring, tender, loving nature…and

these are the qualities needed for the harmonic domestic life. Jala

tatva correspond to moksha trikona and gives the finniest qualities of

heart and the path of Bhakti Yoga. So being pretty and gifted by

pleasant nature, woman indeed should only stay chaste and devoted to

family to find her way to God easily.

If that is not the case, woman, the same as man, must find the

spiritual path that suits her nature best. Intelligent Jyotishi will

know to suggest suitable Yoga by the means of Devi worship bearing in

mind limitations and the lack of time in Kali yuga.

It is interesting to notice that the role model of woman in west today

is much more Mars/Surya type of a woman that tends to be socially and

intellectually recognized, which doesn`t mean she is bereft of

capability to be chaste. Weather is this agni influence in her

spiritual fall, or an adaptation to the mood of Prakriti in the Kali

yuga…I can`t say.

The sad truth is that actually both " types " are subjected to a great



Tijana Damjanovic


sohamsa , " Tijana Damjanovic "

<tijanadamjanovic wrote:


> om krishna guru

> Dear Ana and other members of the thread,


> Difference exists and it makes the world go round, which is perfectly

> fine. After it is understood properly, no pots and pans will be needed

> to define anyones role or place under the sun...that shines the same

> to one and all. :)

> Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam (one of the Upapuranas) states that sexual

> urge is much stronger in the case of women. This is not surprising as

> sexual urge is produced and governed by the liquid fluctuation in the

> body (watter, blood, semen and hormones in the first place). This

> fluctuation is much higher in woman`s body due to the predominance of

> jala tatva in her body governed by planets Moon and Venus. These two

> planets are also responsible for the producing of the ojas (the

> finniest energetic product of our body that makes the brain function

> properly, it is often understood as a vigor, vitality and procreative

> power). In general, this means that women can produce more ojas than


> How is this related to poojas and spirituality?

> Sexual energy, or sexual thoughts, are being transformed into ojas in

> the process of yoga. The process of yoga as one of its aim has lifting

> of the ojas from its storage in the primal chakra and its storing in

> the brain. The more ojas in the brain the prettier, smarter and more

> spiritual we are. But this lifting of the ojas can be done ONLY by

> chaste ones. That is why chastity and bramacarya has always been

> considered the highest virtue. No YOga can happen without chastity. It

> is clear why it is even more important for women to be chaste and

> pious considering the strength of Moon and Venus in her body-gross and

> causal.

> Without chastity, yogic pratice can lead into a mental disorder as

> ojas and prana directly influence the work of the brain centres. Thus

> it is crucial how demanding and serious the homam or pooja in

> question, or any other, is. Prohibition during the monthly cycle is

> based upon this also-increasing of the jala tatva and the sexual urge.

> At least, Somannath drekana should be checked for the period of poojas

> to see how the dasas support celibacy vow that is usually required in

> the cases of sadhanas whose aim is spiritual elevation.

> The approaches to the final truth may be numerous and different, but

> all of them must find their path through the Sushumna. The one who

> claims that this path is hidden or blocked to women simply lacks ojas

> in his/her brain.

> Regards,

> Tijana Damjanovic


> P.S. Ana, odakle si?



> sohamsa , 108ar <bona_mente@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > You've been brutally honest, about your opinion here,

> > Laksmi.

> >

> > Who can blame you for that.?

> >

> > What are we doing here?- back to the kitchen, clean pots and pans,

> stool, sweat, blood...

> > or...else /burn the witches! So thoroughly cleansed, you may have a

> chance in a next lifetime.

> > BTW, Mother Laxmi is a woman, isn't she? sad truth is that she had

> to be a women prior to becoming a mother /I was also terribly

> disappointed when I realized that my mother wasn't a virgin!/

> >

> > Just wanted to freshen the air,

> > /from bad smelling dirt/, LOL

> >

> > No hard feelings, please!

> >

> > Love,

> > Anna

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On Tue, 8/19/08, Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary@> wrote:

> >

> > Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary@>

> > Re: Re: Narasimha/ spiritual practices

> > sohamsa

> > Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 4:07 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hare Rama Krishna

> > Dear Reema,

> > Aside from the practical issues with a womens traditional duties,

> > I'm guessing the main reason is that women are considered to be

> impure, etc

> > much of the time,,,

> > They have their monthly cycles,

> > also

> > Considering that a brahman is supposed to take bath after passing

> stool...

> > ,and with many women giving birth to one child a year,

> > that means alot of cleaning of chidrens behinds.!!!! !!!!!

> > ......

> > I dont think most women had the time or energy to get into long pujas.

> > As far as I remember women are supposed to get their shakti and

> powers by being chaste and devoted to their husbands.

> > However ,there are many other ceremonies and pujas that women

> participated in so its not like they are excluded all together.

> > In reality the children are with the mother most often in their

> first impressionable years.

> > It is the mother who can instill religious practices in the children

> in small ways,

> > by offering ghee lamps, incense, prasad etc, so her value as the

> childs first guru can not be underestimated.

> > anyway im sure you know all these things.

> > Lakshmi

> >

> >

> >

> > Reema Patel Sriganesh <reema_sriganesh@ > wrote:

> >

> >

> > || Hare Rama Krushna ||

> >

> > Namaskaar Narasimha Ji,

> >

> > Your posts are always so much filled with wisdom and spirituality

> that it is a soulful pleasure to read them. Thanks, and please keep

> them coming (like that current thread on aghora, etc.).

> >

> > > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so many

> rituals and so much tapascharya

> > > that women did not need to do anything. Just run the house, get

> groceries, cook, serve food and

> > > your husband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you.

> >

> > Thanks for giving a background on why women weren't involved in

> spiritual rites and saadhana traditionally. It makes sense...

> >

> > I don't know if it is the impact of being in this yuga, but your

> observation is right on. My mother always says that the woman (Lakshmi

> of a family) is responsible for upholding Dharma of a household more

> than the man. So, Lakshmi is supposed to not only sustain the family

> but also uphold dharma (Vishnu) in this yuga, and the bhaavna to

> uphold Dharma is inspired by Aadhyaatmikta (spirituality) . If this is

> indeed the case, all the tools to increase spirituality - saadhana,

> homam, etc. - and hence, dharma, should be made available to women as

> well.

> >

> > With best wishes.

> >

> > May Sri Vishnu bless us all,

> > Reema.

> >

> > sohamsa@ .com, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Anna,

> > >

> > > I am glad you asked this.

> > >

> > > I was not being politically correct in saying that a total ban

> makes no sense. On the contrary, I almost decided to unequivocally

> assert that everybody interested in spiritual progress can do homam.

> Period. But I wanted to be cautious and not take on traditional

> orthodoxy head-on. Instead of dismissing fully, I was trying to put

> the fundamental reasons in perspective and say that a total ban makes

> no sense and push back the responsibility of decision to individuals.

> I am sure I will gain confidence with time and be more assertive. I

> just need to become ready to take on some karmas in corner cases. Then

> I can make that assertion.

> > >

> > > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so many

> rituals and so much tapascharya that women did not need to do

> anything. Just run the house, get groceries, cook, serve food and your

> husband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you. But

> things are not the same anymore! Most men today are worldly people and

> don't do enough spiritual sadhana for themselves, let alone for their

> wives!

> > >

> > > Given this situation, women cannot rely on husbands for spiritual

> progress. I believe that women should be allowed to perform rituals

> like homam, tarpanam etc for their own spiritual evolution. I know

> some ladies who are performing Mahaganapathi homam using the manual on

> my website now and enjoying it.

> > >

> > > The risks I mentioned are only for rare cases and most people need

> not worry. The issue about Kundalini rising, getting stuck in

> Swadhishthana and tough testing in that area applies to both men and

> women. In any case, fire worship with complete surrender to a deity is

> quite likely to help one skip over this. The risk about pregnancy also

> affects very rare cases. In general, one need not worry. To be

> extra-cautious, one can skip serious sadhanas like homam during

> pregnancy. Also, women doing homam should stop during the monthly

> periods time.

> > >

> > > After doing homam a few times, most people will only experience an

> indescribable calmness and pleasure coming from the cleansing of

> various nadis and chakras and resultant extra flow of praana vaayu in

> the sookshma sareera. Things like Kundalini awakening and rise do not

> happen in most people. Actually, most people talking about Kundalini

> flow actually mistake smoother praana vaayu flow for Kundalini flow.

> Most yogis do not ever experience the latter. So most of what I wrote

> is inapplicable to most people anyway. Let me not trivialize it though

> - little bit of praana flowing better itself is a great experience and

> one should try for it.

> > >

> > > When several women contacted me for further clarifications and

> asked whether they could do Mahaganapathi homam, I always encouraged

> them. The feedback from all of them was very positive.

> > >

> > > The assertion that men and women are different only at the sthoola

> sareera level and the sooksha sareera and kaarana sareera have no sex

> is absolutely correct. By the way, men may be reborn as women and vice

> versa.

> > >

> > > Thanks for the kind words. The " resourcefulness " and time are not

> really mine. When a king and his minister decide to distribute some of

> king's money to people, the minister will summon a servant to do the

> work and the servant will take the money to people and distribute it.

> But it does not makes him the owner of anything. He is merely

> fortunate to be picked for that good karma. Of course, even the

> minister will actually say that he too is a servant only and will say

> that king is responsible for this action and the money is really king's.

> > >

> > > That analogy is perfect here. Of course, if it is not clear, the

> Divine Mother is the king, my guru is the minister, I am the servant

> and the manuals, writings and private talks I share are the king's

> money being distributed. I am not being humble or politically correct.

> This is absolutely the only truth. Anything else would merely be an

> ignorant fool's delusion.

> > >

> > > Regarding the practical usefulness of homam, there is no doubt. I

> have seen its transformational power with real people in front of my

> own eyes.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > Narasimha

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

> ---------

> > > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

> > > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

> > > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

> ---------

> > >

> > > sohamsa@ .com, 108ar bona_mente@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Narasimha,

> > > >

> > > > I read your inspiring/convincin g/enlightening words on

> homam/s/. I believe that we DO need various religious practices,

> rituals, to keep our 'fire', zest, purity, divine energy flow.vibrant

> and alive- wellbeing in a true sense. For numerous reasons /primarily

> honesty, I guess?/, your words resonate with my spirit, uplifting it.

> I envy you on diligent work /and ability/ that has made you so

> resourceful, having so much to give and giving it selflessly. Thank

> you very much sincerely, whether you need to hear that or not.

> > > >

> > > > However, there has been one thing on my mind for a long time,

> that you've never expanded /clarified/ on. I think I can feel your

> uncertainty and ambivalence on gender issue- female capacity, ability,

> make-up /?/, pre-determination /?/ . for enlivening subtle body, for

> performing selfless devotional rituals, for spirituality in a broad


> > > >

> > > > Let's see the last one, on homam

> > > >

> > > > Yes, you say that M/F are different on gross body level only.

> But that sounds like an act of 'political correctness' when you say

> that, with no true awareness behind, I mean. / " it makes no sense to

> have a total ban on women performing homam. " ???/ With the serious

> warnings: risk of increased sexuality /particularly difficult for

> woman/, danger of spiritual practices during pregnancy /even killing

> fetus " if the soul in it is not spiritually elevated " ! I would always

> exclude guess-work in this SO important matter! Do you really think

> that these are not qualifying enough for 'a total ban'?

> > > >

> > > > I don't say that female-ban is/would be 'unfair'. In fact, I

> don't see any room here for any /rational/ judgment. This is not about

> feminism, either. I have honestly accepted the 'ban' of F-attending

> church during their menstrual period. Period.

> > > > I'd just want to hear an honest opinion on this important issue-

> too important to be ignored and/or polluted by any political stand 'in

> vogue'.

> > > >

> > > > Thinking the very best for you, your Family and your Guru,

> > > >

> > > > Love,

> > > >

> > > > Anna

> > >

> >


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om krishna guru

Dear Lakshmi, Ana


The thorough understanding of Somannatha drekkana requires

understanding of soma and rasas. I would advise worship of Lord

Somannatha and Sarasvati Devi before venturing into the subject.

Somannatha drekkana tells about the amount of ojas the person

possesses and about the factors/circumstances that increases/obstruct

it. For the statement I gave, it is enough to check the planets that

are influencing lagna. Dashas of planets lording or aspecting it will

tend to increase sexual desire and the need for the procreation.

Planets do this in accordance with their nature. The strongest ojas is

granted by Moon, Venus, Budh, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Mars, Rahu, Saturn

respectively. Planets in the second house (maraka) or those related to

it, generally cause the lack of sexual desire or they are lessen the

same significantly. Thus it will be easier to perform sadhana in the

dashas of these planets.

These tips only to encourage you to look for the lecture on Somannatha

drekana that I think can be found in the SJC audio conference material.


Tijana Damjanovic



sohamsa , Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary wrote:


> Hare Rama Krishna

> Dear Tijana,

> CAn you please elaborate on the use of Somanath Drekkana chart -as

you have mentioned here. thank-you,

> Lakshmi


> You said " Somanath drekana should be checked for the period of


> to see how the dasas support celibacy vow that is usually required in

> the cases of sadhanas whose aim is spiritual elevation.



> Tijana Damjanovic <tijanadamjanovic wrote:

> om krishna guru

> Dear Ana and other members of the thread,


> Difference exists and it makes the world go round, which is perfectly

> fine. After it is understood properly, no pots and pans will be needed

> to define anyones role or place under the sun...that shines the same

> to one and all. :)

> Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam (one of the Upapuranas) states that sexual

> urge is much stronger in the case of women. This is not surprising as

> sexual urge is produced and governed by the liquid fluctuation in the

> body (watter, blood, semen and hormones in the first place). This

> fluctuation is much higher in woman`s body due to the predominance of

> jala tatva in her body governed by planets Moon and Venus. These two

> planets are also responsible for the producing of the ojas (the

> finniest energetic product of our body that makes the brain function

> properly, it is often understood as a vigor, vitality and procreative

> power). In general, this means that women can produce more ojas than


> How is this related to poojas and spirituality?

> Sexual energy, or sexual thoughts, are being transformed into ojas in

> the process of yoga. The process of yoga as one of its aim has lifting

> of the ojas from its storage in the primal chakra and its storing in

> the brain. The more ojas in the brain the prettier, smarter and more

> spiritual we are. But this lifting of the ojas can be done ONLY by

> chaste ones. That is why chastity and bramacarya has always been

> considered the highest virtue. No YOga can happen without chastity. It

> is clear why it is even more important for women to be chaste and

> pious considering the strength of Moon and Venus in her body-gross and

> causal.

> Without chastity, yogic pratice can lead into a mental disorder as

> ojas and prana directly influence the work of the brain centres. Thus

> it is crucial how demanding and serious the homam or pooja in

> question, or any other, is. Prohibition during the monthly cycle is

> based upon this also-increasing of the jala tatva and the sexual urge.

> At least, Somannath drekana should be checked for the period of poojas

> to see how the dasas support celibacy vow that is usually required in

> the cases of sadhanas whose aim is spiritual elevation.

> The approaches to the final truth may be numerous and different, but

> all of them must find their path through the Sushumna. The one who

> claims that this path is hidden or blocked to women simply lacks ojas

> in his/her brain.

> Regards,

> Tijana Damjanovic


> P.S. Ana, odakle si?


> sohamsa , 108ar <bona_mente@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > You've been brutally honest, about your opinion here,

> > Laksmi.

> >

> > Who can blame you for that.?

> >

> > What are we doing here?- back to the kitchen, clean pots and pans,

> stool, sweat, blood...

> > or...else /burn the witches! So thoroughly cleansed, you may have a

> chance in a next lifetime.

> > BTW, Mother Laxmi is a woman, isn't she? sad truth is that she had

> to be a women prior to becoming a mother /I was also terribly

> disappointed when I realized that my mother wasn't a virgin!/

> >

> > Just wanted to freshen the air,

> > /from bad smelling dirt/, LOL

> >

> > No hard feelings, please!

> >

> > Love,

> > Anna

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On Tue, 8/19/08, Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary@> wrote:

> >

> > Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary@>

> > Re: Re: Narasimha/ spiritual practices

> > sohamsa

> > Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 4:07 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hare Rama Krishna

> > Dear Reema,

> > Aside from the practical issues with a womens traditional duties,

> > I'm guessing the main reason is that women are considered to be

> impure, etc

> > much of the time,,,

> > They have their monthly cycles,

> > also

> > Considering that a brahman is supposed to take bath after passing

> stool...

> > ,and with many women giving birth to one child a year,

> > that means alot of cleaning of chidrens behinds.!!!! !!!!!

> > ......

> > I dont think most women had the time or energy to get into long pujas.

> > As far as I remember women are supposed to get their shakti and

> powers by being chaste and devoted to their husbands.

> > However ,there are many other ceremonies and pujas that women

> participated in so its not like they are excluded all together.

> > In reality the children are with the mother most often in their

> first impressionable years.

> > It is the mother who can instill religious practices in the children

> in small ways,

> > by offering ghee lamps, incense, prasad etc, so her value as the

> childs first guru can not be underestimated.

> > anyway im sure you know all these things.

> > Lakshmi

> >

> >

> >

> > Reema Patel Sriganesh <reema_sriganesh@ > wrote:

> >

> >

> > || Hare Rama Krushna ||

> >

> > Namaskaar Narasimha Ji,

> >

> > Your posts are always so much filled with wisdom and spirituality

> that it is a soulful pleasure to read them. Thanks, and please keep

> them coming (like that current thread on aghora, etc.).

> >

> > > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so many

> rituals and so much tapascharya

> > > that women did not need to do anything. Just run the house, get

> groceries, cook, serve food and

> > > your husband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you.

> >

> > Thanks for giving a background on why women weren't involved in

> spiritual rites and saadhana traditionally. It makes sense...

> >

> > I don't know if it is the impact of being in this yuga, but your

> observation is right on. My mother always says that the woman (Lakshmi

> of a family) is responsible for upholding Dharma of a household more

> than the man. So, Lakshmi is supposed to not only sustain the family

> but also uphold dharma (Vishnu) in this yuga, and the bhaavna to

> uphold Dharma is inspired by Aadhyaatmikta (spirituality) . If this is

> indeed the case, all the tools to increase spirituality - saadhana,

> homam, etc. - and hence, dharma, should be made available to women as

> well.

> >

> > With best wishes.

> >

> > May Sri Vishnu bless us all,

> > Reema.

> >

> > sohamsa@ .com, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Anna,

> > >

> > > I am glad you asked this.

> > >

> > > I was not being politically correct in saying that a total ban

> makes no sense. On the contrary, I almost decided to unequivocally

> assert that everybody interested in spiritual progress can do homam.

> Period. But I wanted to be cautious and not take on traditional

> orthodoxy head-on. Instead of dismissing fully, I was trying to put

> the fundamental reasons in perspective and say that a total ban makes

> no sense and push back the responsibility of decision to individuals.

> I am sure I will gain confidence with time and be more assertive. I

> just need to become ready to take on some karmas in corner cases. Then

> I can make that assertion.

> > >

> > > In the old days, men did so much spiritual sadhana, so many

> rituals and so much tapascharya that women did not need to do

> anything. Just run the house, get groceries, cook, serve food and your

> husband builds enough spiritual bank balance for both of you. But

> things are not the same anymore! Most men today are worldly people and

> don't do enough spiritual sadhana for themselves, let alone for their

> wives!

> > >

> > > Given this situation, women cannot rely on husbands for spiritual

> progress. I believe that women should be allowed to perform rituals

> like homam, tarpanam etc for their own spiritual evolution. I know

> some ladies who are performing Mahaganapathi homam using the manual on

> my website now and enjoying it.

> > >

> > > The risks I mentioned are only for rare cases and most people need

> not worry. The issue about Kundalini rising, getting stuck in

> Swadhishthana and tough testing in that area applies to both men and

> women. In any case, fire worship with complete surrender to a deity is

> quite likely to help one skip over this. The risk about pregnancy also

> affects very rare cases. In general, one need not worry. To be

> extra-cautious, one can skip serious sadhanas like homam during

> pregnancy. Also, women doing homam should stop during the monthly

> periods time.

> > >

> > > After doing homam a few times, most people will only experience an

> indescribable calmness and pleasure coming from the cleansing of

> various nadis and chakras and resultant extra flow of praana vaayu in

> the sookshma sareera. Things like Kundalini awakening and rise do not

> happen in most people. Actually, most people talking about Kundalini

> flow actually mistake smoother praana vaayu flow for Kundalini flow.

> Most yogis do not ever experience the latter. So most of what I wrote

> is inapplicable to most people anyway. Let me not trivialize it though

> - little bit of praana flowing better itself is a great experience and

> one should try for it.

> > >

> > > When several women contacted me for further clarifications and

> asked whether they could do Mahaganapathi homam, I always encouraged

> them. The feedback from all of them was very positive.

> > >

> > > The assertion that men and women are different only at the sthoola

> sareera level and the sooksha sareera and kaarana sareera have no sex

> is absolutely correct. By the way, men may be reborn as women and vice

> versa.

> > >

> > > Thanks for the kind words. The " resourcefulness " and time are not

> really mine. When a king and his minister decide to distribute some of

> king's money to people, the minister will summon a servant to do the

> work and the servant will take the money to people and distribute it.

> But it does not makes him the owner of anything. He is merely

> fortunate to be picked for that good karma. Of course, even the

> minister will actually say that he too is a servant only and will say

> that king is responsible for this action and the money is really king's.

> > >

> > > That analogy is perfect here. Of course, if it is not clear, the

> Divine Mother is the king, my guru is the minister, I am the servant

> and the manuals, writings and private talks I share are the king's

> money being distributed. I am not being humble or politically correct.

> This is absolutely the only truth. Anything else would merely be an

> ignorant fool's delusion.

> > >

> > > Regarding the practical usefulness of homam, there is no doubt. I

> have seen its transformational power with real people in front of my

> own eyes.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > Narasimha

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

> ---------

> > > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

> > > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

> > > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

> ---------

> > >

> > > sohamsa@ .com, 108ar bona_mente@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Narasimha,

> > > >

> > > > I read your inspiring/convincin g/enlightening words on

> homam/s/. I believe that we DO need various religious practices,

> rituals, to keep our 'fire', zest, purity, divine energy flow.vibrant

> and alive- wellbeing in a true sense. For numerous reasons /primarily

> honesty, I guess?/, your words resonate with my spirit, uplifting it.

> I envy you on diligent work /and ability/ that has made you so

> resourceful, having so much to give and giving it selflessly. Thank

> you very much sincerely, whether you need to hear that or not.

> > > >

> > > > However, there has been one thing on my mind for a long time,

> that you've never expanded /clarified/ on. I think I can feel your

> uncertainty and ambivalence on gender issue- female capacity, ability,

> make-up /?/, pre-determination /?/ . for enlivening subtle body, for

> performing selfless devotional rituals, for spirituality in a broad


> > > >

> > > > Let's see the last one, on homam

> > > >

> > > > Yes, you say that M/F are different on gross body level only.

> But that sounds like an act of 'political correctness' when you say

> that, with no true awareness behind, I mean. / " it makes no sense to

> have a total ban on women performing homam. " ???/ With the serious

> warnings: risk of increased sexuality /particularly difficult for

> woman/, danger of spiritual practices during pregnancy /even killing

> fetus " if the soul in it is not spiritually elevated " ! I would always

> exclude guess-work in this SO important matter! Do you really think

> that these are not qualifying enough for 'a total ban'?

> > > >

> > > > I don't say that female-ban is/would be 'unfair'. In fact, I

> don't see any room here for any /rational/ judgment. This is not about

> feminism, either. I have honestly accepted the 'ban' of F-attending

> church during their menstrual period. Period.

> > > > I'd just want to hear an honest opinion on this important issue-

> too important to be ignored and/or polluted by any political stand 'in

> vogue'.

> > > >

> > > > Thinking the very best for you, your Family and your Guru,

> > > >

> > > > Love,

> > > >

> > > > Anna

> > >

> >


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