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Importance of astrology (Importance of Brahmacharya)

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Dear Maja and Tijana,

I dont understand a lot of what you have written. I'm only responding

to the part on " Venus exalted in Pisces " . As I think I have said

earlier, I have my own way of concretizing the understanding of the

classics. To me, Venus in essence is pure *psychical* energy (not

*physical* energy, note the difference in the two words - a depressed

person has no psychical energy but he may have tons of physical

energy), what has been termed ojas in vedic terms and libido in

Jungian psychological terms. All energy has to flow, and it flows best

when it is not restricted right? For e.g. if you have a flowing river

of water, and in front of it you put a wall in which there is one

little hole. The water will stop and some will rush out very fast from

the little hole. Well, to me the mind/manas is like that wall, and

the libido of Venus finds these little outlets in the wall be they

for food, sex or any of a thousand other things in this dualistic

world. And Venus is somewhat happy because the energy flows. But it

flows best in Pisces, because Pisces is the natural 12th, where you

" let go of yourself " . Ketu's duty is " letting go " (or breaking

away)and Venus's flow is best when you " let go " (of the restrictive

mental ego specific blocks). Of course, the fact that Venus is exalted

in Pisces also indirectly tells us that the flow of (psychic) energy

towards the ultimate is the greatest flow of (psychic) energy possible

- there is nothing more libidinous and psychically energetic than

desire for God, and it all gets unleashed when you let go of your ego

and its petty desires. Getting back to the signs - Virgo is nitpicky,

lots of complicated conditions and reasoning, Venus has a very hard

time flowing easily. Venus is in its office in Libra (natural 7th) -

of course relationships are the " second best " place where Venus can

flow. Venus in Taurus - hunger (natural 2nd - food, sustenance) can

create a pretty strong drive too, no?


So the above is my way of understanding things, the key is in

understanding what is ojas and what that means. I may be wrong, but if

you think so, please give me a better way of understanding things..

Also the above also shows why I earlier objected (and of course Tijana

clarified also) that Brahmacarya cant simply be about not having sex

- Brahmacarya is in a way to me simply about blocking off " all the

holes " and making the pure Venusian psychic energy flow towards God,

in which direction it inherently flows best. So if you block off only

one of the major holes (i.e. sex) it wont automatically flow to God,

it will simply find other holes (going back to my wall example, if

there are lots of holes in a wall, and you block off some, the water

simply flows faster from the others). But if you have overall purity

(as Tijana said), then slowly all the holes get blocked as the energy

flow is slowly channeled in the " right " direction.


Also to explain why all the " great yogis " only talk about abstaining

from sex when they talk about Brahmacarya, it is because it is the

*hardest* part of Brahmacarya - those yogis already had all the other

ones squared away (they had already dealt with killing ambition, greed

etc because of their spartan lifestyles).


Thanks and regards,







> Now something else crosses my mind and it is very far from subject:

> Sukra is desire, Chandra is love I believe? OK. So Sukra would be

> just falling in love, ecstatic emotion on the very beginning... And

> Chandra would be deep love... Then why is Chandra exalted in Sukra

> Rasi? :) I don't think that native with Chandra in 7th bhava in Rasi

> chart should be described as " deep love to partners " , or at least

> those examples I had the chance to meet were not really fitting to

> such description :)


> About Sukra being exalted Meena Rasi and Ketu's mooltrikona Rasi,

> well there I have many thoughts. Sukra is there as Graha for desire,

> but Sukra is also there to make us realize that the more desires we

> have, the more desires can remain unfulfilled. Sukra is happy

> (exalted) when it is free from desires (Ketu's duty, mooltrikona).

> Sukra is not happy in Kanya, it is for sure. Being free from desires

> makes us free from cycle of rebirth (Moksha/Ketu). Also these two

> Grahas and their position in Meena Rasi suggest a nice way

> to " divert " Ojas through Kundaliny (but doing this on a healthy

> way... not to many people is able to this safely). Yet there is

> progeny part also considering Ketu as Kula devata and Sukra as seed.

> Have I understood what you were aiming at correctly?



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Dear Sundeep:


One of the fine 'explanations' I had read on Venus in Pisces, in recent days. Great, valid, logical, convincing and enlightening explanations on 'Brahmacharya'


God bless you.

A.V.Pathi, 103, Black Tie Lane, Chapel Hill,North Carolina, 27514, USA




vedicastrostudent <vedicastrostudentsohamsa Sent: Friday, September 5, 2008 2:30:32 PM Importance of astrology (Re: Importance of Brahmacharya)


Dear Maja and Tijana,I dont understand a lot of what you have written. I'm only respondingto the part on "Venus exalted in Pisces". As I think I have saidearlier, I have my own way of concretizing the understanding of theclassics. To me, Venus in essence is pure *psychical* energy (not*physical* energy, note the difference in the two words - a depressedperson has no psychical energy but he may have tons of physicalenergy), what has been termed ojas in vedic terms and libido inJungian psychological terms. All energy has to flow, and it flows bestwhen it is not restricted right? For e.g. if you have a flowing riverof water, and in front of it you put a wall in which there is onelittle hole. The water will stop and some will rush out very fast fromthe little hole. Well, to me the mind/manas is like that wall, andthe libido of Venus finds these little outlets in the wall be theyfor food, sex or any

of a thousand other things in this dualisticworld. And Venus is somewhat happy because the energy flows. But itflows best in Pisces, because Pisces is the natural 12th, where you"let go of yourself". Ketu's duty is "letting go" (or breakingaway)and Venus's flow is best when you "let go" (of the restrictivemental ego specific blocks). Of course, the fact that Venus is exaltedin Pisces also indirectly tells us that the flow of (psychic) energytowards the ultimate is the greatest flow of (psychic) energy possible- there is nothing more libidinous and psychically energetic thandesire for God, and it all gets unleashed when you let go of your egoand its petty desires. Getting back to the signs - Virgo is nitpicky,lots of complicated conditions and reasoning, Venus has a very hardtime flowing easily. Venus is in its office in Libra (natural 7th) -of course relationships are the "second best" place where

Venus canflow. Venus in Taurus - hunger (natural 2nd - food, sustenance) cancreate a pretty strong drive too, no? So the above is my way of understanding things, the key is inunderstanding what is ojas and what that means. I may be wrong, but ifyou think so, please give me a better way of understanding things..Also the above also shows why I earlier objected (and of course Tijanaclarified also) that Brahmacarya cant simply be about not having sex- Brahmacarya is in a way to me simply about blocking off "all theholes" and making the pure Venusian psychic energy flow towards God,in which direction it inherently flows best. So if you block off onlyone of the major holes (i.e. sex) it wont automatically flow to God,it will simply find other holes (going back to my wall example, ifthere are lots of holes in a wall, and you block off some, the watersimply flows faster from the others). But if you

have overall purity(as Tijana said), then slowly all the holes get blocked as the energyflow is slowly channeled in the "right" direction.Also to explain why all the "great yogis" only talk about abstainingfrom sex when they talk about Brahmacarya, it is because it is the*hardest* part of Brahmacarya - those yogis already had all the otherones squared away (they had already dealt with killing ambition, greedetc because of their spartan lifestyles). Thanks and regards,Sundeep> > Now something else crosses my mind and it is very far from subject: > Sukra is desire, Chandra is love I believe? OK. So Sukra would be > just falling in love, ecstatic emotion on the very beginning... And > Chandra would be deep love... Then why is Chandra exalted in Sukra > Rasi? :) I don't think that native with Chandra in 7th bhava in Rasi > chart should be described as "deep

love to partners", or at least > those examples I had the chance to meet were not really fitting to > such description :)> > About Sukra being exalted Meena Rasi and Ketu's mooltrikona Rasi, > well there I have many thoughts. Sukra is there as Graha for desire, > but Sukra is also there to make us realize that the more desires we > have, the more desires can remain unfulfilled. Sukra is happy > (exalted) when it is free from desires (Ketu's duty, mooltrikona) . > Sukra is not happy in Kanya, it is for sure. Being free from desires > makes us free from cycle of rebirth (Moksha/Ketu) . Also these two > Grahas and their position in Meena Rasi suggest a nice way > to "divert" Ojas through Kundaliny (but doing this on a healthy > way... not to many people is able to this safely). Yet there is > progeny part also considering Ketu as Kula devata and Sukra as seed.

> Have I understood what you were aiming at correctly?> >

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