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Simple Question on abilities from Navamsa

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Dear Jyotishas,


I know that trines in Navamsa gives abilities, but how exactly does a

graha which is in exaltation, but NOT in trines, influence the

abilities? For e.g. say a person has Mars, Rahu and Saturn in trines

so he is logical/decisive (Mars), philosophical/scheming (Rahu),

traditional/persevering (Saturn), right? But lets take 2 variations

(still concentrating only on Navamsa): in one case, there is Jupiter

in exaltation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In another case, there is

Jupiter in debilitation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In each case,

how will these two possibilities affect his

logical+philosophical+traditional nature?


Just trying to really understand how planets in non-trines ALSO

(secondarily? if at all?) affect the abilities..





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Hare Rama Krishna Dear Sundeep, Please see these posts below.resource for specific houses is Jaimini Sutras- Sanjay Rath. Make sure you know the difference between lagnamsa and karakamsa. Also , navamsa can be used for rectification. What type of person are you referring to? If Jupiter is in trine.....to Karakamsa or Lagnamsa it is very

different than in the 8th house, therefrom. See JS for further thoughts. Best wishes Lakshmi From Sanjay and Sarajits site etc Parasara recognized the difference between Karakamsa (soul) and the Lagnamsa (body) and uses the term "Swamsa" to describe both when common rules are present.The Lagnamsa represent that which is readily available or easily achieved whereas the karakamsa represent the desire of the soul. If both of them conjoin, the stage is set for self-actualization.

Instead if they are in sadastaka (mutually 6/8th) life can be a bed of thorns. Similarly consider other karakas from the bhavas.If there are only benefics in karakamsa and lagnamsa and aspected only by benefics, the native will surely enjoy Rajayoga. Similarly benefics in Swamsa or in its quadrants or trines and devoid of malefics, the native will surely be prosperous and knowledgeable. Mixed planets give mixed results. Aries: trouble from rats, cats etc. Taurus: Troubles/ Happiness from quadrupeds (cow/ bulls etc.) Gemini: Itches, skin infection and over weight problems. Cancer: Trouble from watery diseases, hydrophobia and leprosy. Leo: Danger from dogs, tiger and other such canines. Virgo: Trouble from fire, weight problems, skin infections. Libra: Trouble from Trade and business. Scorpio: Watery diseases, danger of reptiles, and snakes, shortage of mother’s milk. Sagittarius: Danger of accidents and fall from height. Capricorn: Danger from aquatic creatures, birds and spirits besides skin problem and/or psychic disorders. Aquarius: Construction of lakes, tanks, garden, roads, temples etc. Pisces: Law abiding, religious and righteous person. Parasara adds that the karakamsa in Pisces indicates Moksha.Note: Various kinds of problem have been indicated by planets occupying specific Navamsas. These problems arise in the life of the person if the Atmakaraka is afflicted. Physical problems are indicated by the Navamsa of the lord of the badhakasthana.Effect of Planets in Swamsa The sun in swamsa makes the native a keen government/ political worker and good at social service. The full Moon and Venus

in Swamsa give all luxuries of life and an educationist is produced. According to Parasara presence of full moon and aspect of Venus on it also gives the same result. Mars in Swamsa gives expertise in metallurgy or in arms and warfare or in matters related to fire. Mercury in Swamsa gives business acumen and produces a skilled trader or weaver, sculptor or one well versed in social and legal norms. Jupiter in Swamsa makes a Karmayogi who will excel in any field due to his intelligence or one interested in philosophy and religion or a priest. Venus in Swamsa indicates a government or political official or a passionate person who is virile up to a hundred years (indicate bureaucracy). Saturn in Swamsa gives success in any line of activity and consequential fame Rahu in Swamsa produces a Bowman or a thief. He may earn by dacoity or by cheating or maybe capable of handling very poisonous and dangerous chemicals, medicines etc or an expert in

metals/ manufacturing activities. Ketu in Swamsa indicates one who will earn through elephants (trucks and heavy vehicles) or maybe a thief or a swindler. This may also indicate watch repairing or delicate machines or computers. Moon in Swamsa aspected by Venus: Capability to deal with liquids and chemicals. Mercury aspecting Moon in Swamsa: Produces a doctor or work related to medicine.Note: The various vocations listed above may be more applied to the lagnamsa than the karakamsa as karakamsa indicate the desire of the soul whereas the lagnamsa indicate the actual karma of the body. Though these indicate the vocation with D-10 we can say with certainty the actual vocation.Some more indications: Sun and Rahu joining swamsa indicate death due to snake venom. If benefic aspect the combination this will not happen. Rather the native will be a

doctor handling poisonous drugs and curing venom afflictions. A malefic's aspect would cause death. Mars alone aspecting/ joining the aforesaid combination indicates a person who will burn the houses of others. Parasara opines that mars aspect on the combination in karakamsa indicates that the person will burn his own house or that of others. Venus aspect the Rahu & Sun combination will produces fire fighter or the fire won't occur at all. Jupiter aspect the Rahu & Sun combination indicates one who will set fire to his own house or that of his neighbour. If Saturn and Rahu are in Swamsa, the Native is either a seller or consumer of betel leaves and other aphrodisiacs. The moon in the fourth from swamsa produces a sailor. The aspect of Venus confirms this. Gulika in Swamsa makes the native consume poison or poison others. If Mars conjoin/ aspect Gulika, the native sells or administers these drugs while Jupiter in such place

indicate self- consumption. The aspect of Venus or Sun cures the evil or prevents it from occurrence. Moon aspecting or joining Gulika in swamsa indicates theft or receipt of stolen wealth. Mercury aspecting/ joining Gulika in swamsa indicate hydrocele and similar diseases of the private pats. Ketu aspecting/ joining swamsa results in a perforation of the eardrums or other ear ailments. Venus aspecting/ joining Ketu in swamsa produces asceticism and religious leanings. He may be initiated into a religious order. Both Mercury and Venus aspecting Ketu indicates a mimic or a talkative person or one born to a maidservant / concubine. Parasara adds that the child may belong to a female remarried. Saturn aspecting the Venus and Ketu in Swamsa produces a Tapaswi or a servant. Saturn alone aspecting Ketu in swamsa indicates that the native is a fraud in the garb of a sanyasi. If the Sun & Venus aspect/ conjoin karakamsa, royal

assignment (government/ political office) is surely indicated.2nd From Swamsa Venus or Mars in the 2nd from swamsa produces passion and illicit relationships. Venus or Mars joining/ aspecting the second makes him passionate till the en of life. The influence is milder in case the second is owned by Venus or Mars and strongest if both of these planets in the 2nd owned by anyone of them. Ketu associating such combination destroys the passion. Jupiter joining/ aspecting the 2nd makes the native excessively passionate and sensuous (provided Venus/Mars also influence) Rahu joining/ aspecting the 2nd cause the Native to destroy all his wealth on account of his unbridles passion and licentious nature (provided Mars/ Venus also influences).Note: Jupiter is expansive in Nature. It intensifies the influence of the other planets.3rd House: Malefics in the 3rd indicate courage or valour whereas benefics indicate cowardice. Malefics in the 3rd and 6th make a good farmer or living through agriculture. This also indicates working in the air forces. Jupiter in the ninth indicates a big landlord or a distinguished personality. Venus: artistic skill. Mercury: Writer Mars: Capable of carrying firearms and weapons.Sixth has to do with service (toil)4th from Swamsa Moon & Venus Joining/ aspecting the 4th from swamsa give a palatial residence. Exalted planet in fourth will also give big residential house. If Saturn and Rahu are in the fourth, stones, rocks and such materials are used. Mars and Ketu in the fourth indicate use of clay and bricks. Jupiter in 4th indicates that the house made up of wood. Sun in

the 4th gives a house of thatched straw or grass. Moon in 4th aspected by Venus: Leucoderma or Leprosy (if heavily afflicted). Mars aspects the Moon in the 4th: White leprosy. Ketu aspecting the Moon in the 4th: Bluish Leprosy.4th/ 5th from Swamsa: Rahu and Mars are in the fourth or fifth from Swamsa, Tuberculosis is indicated. Moon aspects/joins the combination confirms it. Mars in 4th/5th: Boils, Ulcers, Cuts, Gangrene. Ketu in 4th/5th: Glandular ailments (like Thyroid) or water borne diseases like dysentery, typhoid etc. Rahu and Gulika in the 4th/5th: Affliction from dangerous poison.; Doctor handling such poison. The aspect od mercury or Venus indicate medical knowledge; Jupiter indicate consumption of poison; Aspect of Mars indicates giving/ selling such drugs/ poisons. The aspect of Sun gives death through snake venom.5th from Swamsa: Saturn (alone) in 5th: Archer. Ketu (alone) in 5th: Abilities to make watches, precision equipment/ light engineering/ electronic goods). Mercury (alone) in 5th: Ascetic, member of a religious order or one who uses a walking stick. Rahu (alone) in 5th: Metallurgist (or heavy engineering). Sun (alone): Swordsman (or one who carries a blade/ knife) Mars (alone): Lancer (or a spear wielder). Moon & Jupiter in swamsa/ 5th: Excellent author. Venus in 1st/ 5th with the Moon from swamsa: Author but of less capability. Mercury in similar position with Moon: Author of even lesser capability.Note: The number of natural benefics in the swamsa or 5th house will determine the capabilities of the author. The presence of the Moon (Mind) is the primary factor. Jupiter, Venus & Mercury give writing abilities, but in a decreasing

order.1st/ 5th from Swamsa Venus in 1st/ 5th: Indicate a poet, an eloquent speaker or a knowledgeable critic. Jupiter 1si/5th indicate a genius having knowledge in various branches and a great author.. However it does not give eloquence. It Jupiter does indicate a grammarian, knowledge of religious scriptures (like Vedas, Bible, Quoran etc) and a philosopher & Vedantist. Saturn in the 1st/5th makes a man in an assembly or a gathering. Such person will shy away from the limelight. Mercury in the 1st / 5th indicates a mimansaka or involvement in interpretation of texts/ available literature etc. A logician is indicated by Mars in the 1st/ 5th. Parasara indicate legal knowledge and jurisprudence. Moon in the 1st/ 5th gives knowledge of the Sankhya and Yoga philosophies besides history (rhetoric & Music) or produces a singer. The sun in the 1st/ 5th gives knowledge

of the Vedas and Bhagavat Gita. Parasara says that sun in 5th gives knowledge of Music and Vedanta. Ketu in the 1st/ 5th gives Mathematical ability. This is important for astrology as well. If Jupiter associates, this knowledge is obtained by inheritance and the teaching are fully digested. Rahu indicates capabilities of research and Mathematics. Jupiter joining/ aspecting the above planets in the 1st/5th will give all round knowledge, both traditional and modern and proficiency in at least one branch.Note: The combinations from 16 to 27 are also applicable to the 2nd house. Parasara opines that the combinations are also applicable ot 2nd / 3rd house besides 1st / 5th. He also opines that these results are also to be seen from the lord of swamsa. These results in the bhava will be temporary while in the Navamsa they wil be pronounced. The point is to confirm results from both Navamsa Lagna and karakamsa.

While the result from Navamsa Lagna will be pronounced, those from Karakamsa (indicating the desire of the soul) may manifest only during specific periods. It is the mismatch between Navamsa Lagna and the Karakamsa that leaves many desires unfulfilled thereby causing rebirth.7th house: Jupiter and Moon in 7th: Gives good looking and fair complexioned spouse. Rahu: Brings a widow or widower in marriage. Saturn: Brings older (than normally expected) person in marriage or the spouse could be religious (more ritualistic) or of poor health. Mars: Spouse having deformed or defective limbs. Sun: Spouse is favoured and protected by family. Spouse is learned, She will be confined to domestic chores. If Sun is debilitated then she may have clandestine relationship with elder members of the family (may not be true under benefic influence). Mercury: Talented and young spouse. She

will be conversant with fine arts. Moon: First mating will be in the open or an uncovered place. The influence of planets will indicate the following place- Sun- GardenMars- A wall or such constructionMercury- Park or playgroundJupiter - TempleVenus - Bathroom or BedroomSaturn & Rahu - Tavern or some dirty place etc.Note: The place of mating is seen from the 10th of 7th (spouse) i.e., 4th. Similarly the place of illicit sex (2nd) is seen from 10th from 2nd i.e., 11th. The exaltation etc, aspects and signs involved should also be considered.9th from Swamsa Benefics in the 9th from swamsa make one righteous, honest, truthful and faithful/ devoted to teachers and elders. Malefics associated with the ninth will produce opposite qualities like dishonesty, faithlessness and unrighteousness. If Saturn and

Rahu are in the 9th house, the native betrays his elders and preceptors. Sun and Jupiter in the 9th will make the native confidant (or faithful) of his elders and teachers. Parasara says Venus and Mars in the 9th from Karakamsa indicate that the lover (having illicit relationship with the native) will die. Mercury and Moon in the 9th will cause imprisonment due to the illicit relationship. Jupiter alone in the 9th indicates excessive passion and sex.10th from Swamsa Mercury conjoining/ aspecting the 10th from swamsa indicate results like Saturn (Success in any line of activity and consequential fame). This indicates skill and fame and is good for fortunes as well, as Mercury is a natural benefic. Besides, like Saturn, it tends to promote a traditional vocation. Beneficial aspects/ conjunctions on the 10th from swamsa produce stable fortunes. Malefics cause fluctuation in fortunes.

Parasara opines that the combination will no only give stable fortunes but also make the native serious, strong (fixity of purpose) and intelligent. Malefics will not only harm the business/ career but also deny filial bliss. Mercury and Venus gives success in trade/ career and produce great works. The Sun, Moon & Jupiter so related to the tenth will give Rajayoga (Very high Status and achievements) The Sun in the 10th from Karakamsa aspected by Jupiter produces a cowherd or milkman (or one associated in some manner with animal husbandry). This is contrast with Parasara who mentions Rajayoga.12th from swamsa: Benefics: take the soul to the auspicious world (of the departed) after death. The five benefics indicate five auspicious world as follows: Jupiter- Svah; Mercury- Janah; Moon- Manah; Venus- Tapah; Sun- Satya. Parasara

opines that Malefics in the 12th indicate expenses on unlawful and bad activities while benefics give legitimate expenses. Ketu: Final emancipation. Others opine that benefics in the swamsa gives moksha. Parasara says" If exalted planets or planets in own sign or natural benefics are placed in the 12th house from Karakamsa, the soul transmigrates to a beneficial world after death. If Ketu is so placed and only aspected by or joined by benefics, final emancipation (from the cycle of rebirth) shall be obtained. If Ketu is in the 4th or 12th from Karakamsa, final emancipation will be granted. During the dasa of Rahu in 10th (i.e., Ketu in 4th), the native goes on a pilgrimage and has a symbolic dip in sacred waters to wash his sins. If such placement of nodes occur from swamsa, they lead him towards emancipation. Parasara says- if Ketu is in the 12th from karakamsa in Aries or Sagittarius conjoined or aspected by benefics, the native is led towards emancipation. Malefics in 4th/12th: No deliverance from the cycle of rebirth. Sun is not considered malefic here, as it is a natural significator of Dharma. Devotion (mostly seen from 12th of Karakamsa) Sun and Ketu- Devotee of SivaMoon- GouriVenus- Lakshmi, Native will be prosperous.Mars- Skanda (Subramanya, Kartikeya)Mercury/ Saturn- VisnuJupiter- Samba SivaRahu- Tamasi (destroyer of darkness) or Durga.Ketu- Ganapati or Skanda Saturn in the 12th in a malefic sign shows inclination for black magic, devilish worship and spirits. Venus in the 12th in malefic sign: Same as Saturn. The religiosity are also to be examined from the 6th from the AmatyakarakaMalefics in Trine from Swamsa Two malefics in trine (1/5/9): The native gains expertise in spells (Mantra) and occult knowledge. At least one malefic gives knowledge of Mantra,

two indicates knowledge of mantras and their usage while more malefic give knowledge of Yantras and Tantra. The malefics in trines aspected by other malefics: Expertise in black magic. Malefics in trines aspected by benefics: Expertise in white magic.Note: If the combination of malefics is in trine from Lagnamsa then the native will make his living out of knowledge whereas if the combination occur from Karakamsa, the magic is very strong.Other Combinations: Ketu in the second aspected by malefics produces stammering and other speech defects. According to Parasara Ketu in the 2nd / 3rd from swamsa causes speech defects. If malefics aspects, these defects are pronounced. Pt. Sanjay Rath says that Ketu in the 3rd won't produce speech defects unless there is a malefic in the swamsa causing papakartari yoga of 2nd. Malefics simultaneously in

the 2nd and 8th house from Lagna, Arudha Lagna and swamsa cause Kemadruma Yoga (utter poverty). If the yoga is from Lagna or Lagnamsa then the effect will be felt throughout life whereas from Arudha Lagna it indicates financial down turn or fall. The yoga from Karakamsa indicates one who will detest wealth and may become a renunciate. Moon’s aspect on the yoga will intensify it. The results will manifest during the dasa of the sign (or planets) concerned.Note: The argals or dristi of the sign/ planet whose dasa is operative should also be examined as well as the various yoga and VargasOM TAT SAT A post from Sanjay- Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya:: Dear Ramdas raoji Namaste. One level is the abilities and the other is the desire for achievement. The Karakamsa is the native as viewed from the 'soul' . Here even malefic planets in trines tend to behave like benefics. For example if malefic planets are in trines to karakamsa the native knows mantra and shastra. Knowing mantra and shastra is a very good thing and shows that even these malefics are making him spiritual. After all it is the nature of the atma, the true spiritual being. The Lagnamsa is the abilities that matter in

the physical world. Now compare the two and find out what kind of a life awaits the person and how much of spirituality or self actualisation is awaiting him. dear Partha, Nice points again..this is for all Jyotisa from Hyd class etc. In future do not jump into the navamsa without first studying the rasi chart, else even blind and lame people will seem like great sportsmen. In your chart where is the parakrama required to be an archer? Compare this to the chart of

Rishi raj where the AL has warrior Mars with the Sun (light weapons like guns, bows i.e. can fire at objects at a long distance with the sharp sight of the sun). With this Rahu is in the 6th from AL will make him a good warrior. So with this basic parameter look at the navamsa to check the level to which he will rise in these directions. There are four planets in the fifth house from the navamsa lagna...the dominant trine showing abilities. Moon can make him a singer and the Moon is exalted, Ketu can make him good in computers but it is debilitated, while Jupiter can make him very learned while saturn makes him a good archer or one following the tradition. There are so many things. Of these planets, Saturn is also the lord of the navamsa lagna (Svamsa) and

2nd house as well (indicating source of income). Given the high level of parakrama in the chart it is unlikely that such a saturn would make him a shastri and instead would make him an archer. Now look at Mars in the second from Svamsa aspecting these four planets and saturn aspecting Mars in return. this Mars saturn exchange of glance is seen in the charts of boxers and those who battle...remember my story about the 'red' and 'blue' underwear that the boxers use. So this shows good abilities as an archer. Now does this promise success? Is

the atmakaraka involved? Can he make all thos esacrifices that are required to be an achiever? Well they are all in the sign of the AK and the AK is aspecting the lagnamsa. but AK is in the 8th house as well. Fortunately it is Venus in the 8th that also aspects a friendly lagna else it would have been disastrous for health. Moon in the 7th from AL promises fame during the lifetime. In this manner we see the lagnamsa giving the result. Now if we study the karakamsa, none of the planets are in trines to AK in Leo, so this fellow will not

have any time for mantra shastra, so how can saturn make him a traditional shastri if he does not read the shastra!! The ninth lord from karakamsa is Mars and the dharma of yuddha will be learnt and adopted well for life. Worship of Narasimha or Hanumanji will bring him a lot of success. ...you can easily add the rest. With best regards, Sanjay Rath Maling address: 212 Gopal

Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India; Tel: 91.6752.226269; webpages: http://srath.com -------------------------------- Definition: Karakamsa is composed of two words - (1) 'karaka' referring to the atmakaraka specifically and other charakaraka (temporal signficators) as well and (2) 'amsa' referring to the navamsa and other divisional charts. Karakamsa refers to the navamsa (and/or other divisional charts) where the atmakaraka is placed and such a sign is treated as the karakamsa-lagna or seat of the real self, the soul and the first house for determining all things connected to deep inner desires and creation cause itself. The sign/navamsa occupied by the ätmakäraka gives us a clue as to the desire of the ätma and the nature of the ätmakäraka gives us

vital information about the nature of the ätma, its spiritual development etc. Some of my experiences are listed below:vedicastrostudent <vedicastrostudent wrote: Dear Jyotishas,I know that trines in Navamsa gives abilities, but how exactly does a graha which is in exaltation, but NOT in trines, influence the abilities? For e.g. say a person has Mars, Rahu and Saturn in trines so he is logical/decisive (Mars), philosophical/scheming (Rahu), traditional/persevering (Saturn), right?

But lets take 2 variations (still concentrating only on Navamsa): in one case, there is Jupiter in exaltation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In another case, there is Jupiter in debilitation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In each case, how will these two possibilities affect his logical+philosophical+traditional nature?Just trying to really understand how planets in non-trines ALSO (secondarily? if at all?) affect the abilities..Regards,Sundeep

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kleem namah narasimhaaya

Dear Sundeep, Namaskar


Just see aspect of this Guru on 10,11,12,1 house and add vara chakra to




Rafal Gendarz / SJC


www: http://rohinaa.com /








vedicastrostudent pisze:



Dear Jyotishas,


I know that trines in Navamsa gives abilities, but how exactly does a

graha which is in exaltation, but NOT in trines, influence the

abilities? For e.g. say a person has Mars, Rahu and Saturn in trines

so he is logical/decisive (Mars), philosophical/scheming (Rahu),

traditional/persevering (Saturn), right? But lets take 2


(still concentrating only on Navamsa): in one case, there is Jupiter

in exaltation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In another case, there is

Jupiter in debilitation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In each case,

how will these two possibilities affect his

logical+philosophical+traditional nature?


Just trying to really understand how planets in non-trines ALSO

(secondarily? if at all?) affect the abilities..





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Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Rafal,Interesting proposition - made me think. When you say give it up, it sounds like you are saying debilitation of a graha in trines to D9 gives renunciation of the abilities indicated by it.However if I scan a few charts I notice that there are career motivational speakers with debilitated Jupiter, career writers with debilitated Mercury and so on, in trines to Navamsa Lagna.The state of the graha and the sign it is in I have found to instead indicate the quality, the colouring of the graha in question. For example, the American entertainer Madonna has neecha shukra in D9. She started out in that industry and has been involved with it for decades. However, her themes of sexuality have always been controversial and thats

where the state of the graha comes into play - it is neecha, fallen, base.Though of course like any part of our interpretation there are many factors to consider like neecha bhanga, grahas in the 10th etc.Respectfully,MichalRafal Gendarz <starsuponmesohamsa Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 6:07:36 PMRe: Re: Simple Question on abilities from Navamsa



kleem namah narasimhaaya

Dear Raghu , Namaskar


If its debilitated and kona then there is interest but native will give

it up.



Rafal Gendarz / SJC


www: http://rohinaa. com /


rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com



Raghu pisze:





I have an additional question to this post. Does debilitation/


matter? What if a planet is debilitated in the 5th or 9th house of

Navamsa? Or what if it is exalted?


sohamsa@ .com,


<vedicastrostudent@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Jyotishas,


> I know that trines in Navamsa gives abilities, but how exactly

does a

> graha which is in exaltation, but NOT in trines, influence the

> abilities? For e.g. say a person has Mars, Rahu and Saturn in


> so he is logical/decisive (Mars), philosophical/ scheming (Rahu),

> traditional/ persevering (Saturn), right? But lets take 2


> (still concentrating only on Navamsa): in one case, there is


> in exaltation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In another case, there


> Jupiter in debilitation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In each


> how will these two possibilities affect his

> logical+philosophic al+traditional nature?


> Just trying to really understand how planets in non-trines ALSO

> (secondarily? if at all?) affect the abilities..


> Regards,


> Sundeep


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kleem namah narasimhaaya

Dear Michael, Namaskar


I have also noticed that. Infact one of the most knowledgable brahmana

from Iskcon Poland have Budha and Guru neecha in D9.


So :


1) they can be in satya or treta rasis in D9,D10,D27 depending on the

areas influenced by the ray of skill.


2) they can get neechabhanga by some activity picked up [d1]


3) they started the skill in this life and here arudha is important


4) they get the skill by vara chakra circled around 10,11,12 houses



Rafal Gendarz / SJC


www: http://rohinaa.com /





Michal Dziwulski pisze:




Hare Rama Krsna ||


Dear Rafal,


Interesting proposition - made me think. When you say give it up, it

sounds like you are saying debilitation of a graha in trines to D9

gives renunciation of the abilities indicated by it.


However if I scan a few charts I notice that there are career

motivational speakers with debilitated Jupiter, career writers with

debilitated Mercury and so on, in trines to Navamsa Lagna.


The state of the graha and the sign it is in I have found to instead

indicate the quality, the colouring of the graha in question. For

example, the American entertainer Madonna has neecha shukra in D9. She

started out in that industry and has been involved with it for

decades. However, her themes of sexuality have always been

controversial and thats where the state of the graha comes into play -

it is neecha, fallen, base.


Though of course like any part of our interpretation there are many

factors to consider like neecha bhanga, grahas in the 10th etc.







Original Message ----

Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme (AT) wp (DOT) pl>


Thursday, September 18, 2008 6:07:36 PM

Re: Re: Simple Question on abilities from Navamsa



kleem namah narasimhaaya

Dear Raghu , Namaskar


If its debilitated and kona then there is interest but native will give

it up.



Rafal Gendarz / SJC


www: http://rohinaa. com /


rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com



Raghu pisze:






I have an additional question to this post. Does debilitation/


matter? What if a planet is debilitated in the 5th or 9th house of

Navamsa? Or what if it is exalted?


sohamsa@ .com,


<vedicastrostudent@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Jyotishas,


> I know that trines in Navamsa gives abilities, but how exactly

does a

> graha which is in exaltation, but NOT in trines, influence the

> abilities? For e.g. say a person has Mars, Rahu and Saturn in


> so he is logical/decisive (Mars), philosophical/ scheming (Rahu),

> traditional/ persevering (Saturn), right? But lets take 2


> (still concentrating only on Navamsa): in one case, there is


> in exaltation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In another case, there


> Jupiter in debilitation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In each


> how will these two possibilities affect his

> logical+philosophic al+traditional nature?


> Just trying to really understand how planets in non-trines ALSO

> (secondarily? if at all?) affect the abilities..


> Regards,


> Sundeep


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Hare Krishna Dear Sundeep, the Navamsa is the 9th division, from rasi.Just like the other vargas are divisions of the other houses,etc. So 9th house shows our dharma,, as well as other things right? In previous times , the children often took strongly after the parents, especially the father and gurus had a big say in the occupation and abilities( often passed on or learned from gurus). Of course things are different now. But previously chldren often learned and remained in the family business,etc. Yu can look at the various houses in the Navamsa just like you would in rasi,except navamsa is primarly significant because is shows karma as related to dharma. And this is really important as you know because things that are coming through to influence our lives due to past activities will play a big part . That is why vargottama planets are paid attention

to thats why parasara has rasi, drekkana, navamsa, dasamsa,and shastiamsa as important divsions for the common man, because these are the houses that show, what we've done in past lives, and what we are likely to do in this life, and thus the karmas ( and dharma0 that is likely to manifest. Sorry if I didnt explain that well. Im tired.but hope you understand. With this in mind, get some rectified charts of famous persons where you know their lineage etc and see if it makes sense now. Best wishes LAkshmi kary vedicastrostudent <vedicastrostudent wrote: Dear Rafal, Lakshmi, Maja, Michal,Thank you so much for your responses, especially Lakshmi for sending me such comprehensive notes (I have saved those).Overall though, although I have gotten lots of pointers for prediction, the underlying harmony of it all eludes me: If grahas in 1-5-9 show the inherent abilities of the person, then even grahas in the 6-8-12 should show the inherent qualities of the person in that area of life, no (because the chart is D-9)? So, if one has an exalted Jupiter in a dusthana, it must still give significantly Jupiterian qualities to that person, just not in an *obviously evident* way. So, in a sense, to simply say that "look at the planets in trines" to get an idea of the abilities is somewhat of a shortcut that works well in many cases but definitely not all, no?

For example, I noticed from examining old posts that Narasimha (author of JHora) has Jupiter (8,11L) in Sagittarius in 8th house in D-9. In those old posts, somewhere Narasimha had indicated that his father had predicted for that Jupiter that Narasimha would be a "nigoodha tattwa jigyaasu" i.e. a "ponderer of deep matters". Which correctly describes Narasimha, no? So, to me, this means that the Jupiter in Sagittarius did fully manifest, but in 8th house matters i.e. occult, hidden, research related matters. Notice (Maja) that this Jupiter does not rule any trine. This line of thinking also confuses up the karakamsa/lagnamsa issue. Because if what I am saying is true, then karakamsa grahas must influence inherent abilities, not just when karakamsa/lagnamsa are in angles/trines to each other. For e.g. if the same Jupiter in Sagittarius navamsa in 8th (for Narasimha) had been AK, would it mean that Narasimha

would be a knower of the vedas (etc) only in certain dasas? Or would it (rather) mean that the "ponderer of deep matters" quality would be a very deep quality, but always manifest (i.e. not only in certain dasas)..Hope someone sees the contradiction I am pointing at and can reconcile it for me.. Thank you very much for all your replies,Sundeepsohamsa , Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme wrote:>> *kleem namah narasimhaaya*> Dear Sundeep, Namaskar> > Just see aspect of this Guru on 10,11,12,1 house and add vara chakra to > this.> > Regards,> Rafal Gendarz / SJC Teacher> www: http://rohinaa.com / email: rafal > > > > > vedicastrostudent pisze:> >> > Dear

Jyotishas,> >> > I know that trines in Navamsa gives abilities, but how exactly does a> > graha which is in exaltation, but NOT in trines, influence the> > abilities? For e.g. say a person has Mars, Rahu and Saturn in trines> > so he is logical/decisive (Mars), philosophical/scheming (Rahu),> > traditional/persevering (Saturn), right? But lets take 2 variations> > (still concentrating only on Navamsa): in one case, there is Jupiter> > in exaltation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In another case, there is> > Jupiter in debilitation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In each case,> > how will these two possibilities affect his> > logical+philosophical+traditional nature?> >> > Just trying to really understand how planets in non-trines ALSO> > (secondarily? if at all?) affect the abilities..>

>> > Regards,> >> > Sundeep> >> >>

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what does a debility of Karakamsa mean as per sutras? I could not

get an answer ...


like for eg Karakamsa (say ME) in my case, in Rasi is also 10th lord

in Lagna (SG ascendant) in 11th house in Lagna?


any pointers are appreciated


sohamsa , Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal



> Hare Rama Krsna ||


> Dear Sundeep,


> Actually there is a lot of beauty and harmony in the vara chakra

principle. Why don't you join the Jaimini scholar programme and

find out the 'why' of this principle. The work of the Rsi's is

extremely *deep*.


> Respectfully,

> Michal






> vedicastrostudent <vedicastrostudent

> sohamsa

> Saturday, September 27, 2008 4:43:54 AM

> Re: Simple Question on abilities from Navamsa



> Dear Michalji,

> Comments inlined..

> sohamsa@ .com, Michal Dziwulski

<nearmichal@ ...>

> wrote:

> >

> > Hare Rama Krsna ||

> >

> > Dear Sundeep,

> >

> > The Navamsa is all about trines. And your self is the 1st


> See your abilities from the 1st house and its trines. This is the

> basic reasoning that I have been taught. So what would be the

> reasoning for abilities coming from the 8th house?


> See, my goals are somewhat different from most others in this

> group. I am not simply looking for a set of comprehensive and

> detailed rules in order to make the right prediction. I want to


> the brilliance, unity, harmony and parsimony in the rules

> themselves. I am intuitively sure that the rules are in fact like

> that. Toward that end, I expect there to be a *uniform* symbolic

> interpretation of each house, and by applying that symbolism to


> quantity/entity described by the varga chart, the actual meaning


> the house in that chart should emerge. To me, the basic symbolism


> the 8th is " hidden " (from Lagna). When this symbolism is applied


> 8th in D-1, since D-1 in my understanding describes " the


> of daily physical existence " , then 8th in D-1 should mean " that

> which is hidden in the activities of daily physical existence " . If


> person has a lot of planets in 8th in D-1, then that would mean

> there is a lot of focus in the activities of daily physical

> existence on that which is hidden. That could be anything from a

> researcher (who always ferrets out unknown (hidden) truths), to a

> person who spends a lot of time delving in the occult and

> unconscious, to a person who spends a lot of time dealing with

> sudden fortunes/misfortune s (sudden things are sudden because


> they happen, they were hidden). I hope you see my approach here.

> Proceeding further, applying this very same principle to D-9, we


> know D-9 is about dharma. But what is dharma exactly. To me, it

> is " ingrained tendencies from the past that define how a person


> judge/discriminate right from wrong in his journey through life " .


> 8th in D-9 should naturally be that the above definition of dharma

> relating to that which is hidden. One interpretation could


> be, like you imply, that 8th house shows hidden tendencies i.e


> that you dont actually have. But another interpretation could also

> be that these tendencies emerge only in dealing with " hidden "


> e.g. research etc. The reason I suddenly gave value to this second

> interpretation is when I saw that Narasimhaji' s father had seemed


> use that second interpretation when he made a prediction for the

> Jupiter in sagittarius in 8th. But of course, I may be wrong. It

> would be good to know what his reasoning actually was..


> Planets there will still have an influence in your life of course,

> but why would they influence your abilities.

> >


> As explained above, it should be clear why I judged that they

> *might*.


> > In the case of Narasimhaji - if we use the method that Rafal has

> suggested and count two weekdays from Mercury in the 12th house


> Guru comes to Lagna. Maybe this works then huh?

> >


> Of course this works, and I knew it worked from the outset. But


> above about my approach to astrology. I view the vaara chakra

> principle as a bit of a " deus ex machina " - it doesn't seem very

> harmonious. It swoops down to the rescue whenever there's a


> Not that I have a problem with its authority, I have heard it from

> Rafalji and Vistiji first, and I have complete faith in the


> of their words. It just doesn't seem to be an axiomatic principle -


> it only applies in Navamsa, only in some houses and I don't have


> faintest idea of it's reasoning, I only know its *application*


> spin the weekday chart from house to Lagna). To use a bit of

> Godelian terminology, it sounds more like a theorem than an axiom

> (i.e. a theorem is a consequence of deeper axioms). I would like


> use axioms directly because the gold I am searching for is a


> understanding of the " why " of the rules, not just the " how to

apply "

> part. I dont have and dont seek to have an astrology practice


> if I did, then the need to predict would have been at the fore).


> Regards,


> Sundeep


> > Respectfully,

> > Michal

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > vedicastrostudent <vedicastrostudent@ ...>

> > sohamsa@ .com

> > Wednesday, September 24, 2008 9:02:02 AM

> > Re: Simple Question on abilities from Navamsa

> >

> >

> > Dear Rafal, Lakshmi, Maja, Michal,

> > Thank you so much for your responses, especially Lakshmi for

> > sending me such comprehensive notes (I have saved those).

> >

> > Overall though, although I have gotten lots of pointers for

> > prediction, the underlying harmony of it all eludes me: If


> in

> > 1-5-9 show the inherent abilities of the person, then even


> in

> > the 6-8-12 should show the inherent qualities of the person in

> that

> > area of life, no (because the chart is D-9)? So, if one has an

> > exalted Jupiter in a dusthana, it must still give significantly

> > Jupiterian qualities to that person, just not in an *obviously

> > evident* way. So, in a sense, to simply say that " look at the

> > planets in trines " to get an idea of the abilities is somewhat


> a

> > shortcut that works well in many cases but definitely not all,


> > For example, I noticed from examining old posts that Narasimha

> > (author of JHora) has Jupiter (8,11L) in Sagittarius in 8th


> in

> > D-9. In those old posts, somewhere Narasimha had indicated that

> his

> > father had predicted for that Jupiter that Narasimha would be

> > a " nigoodha tattwa jigyaasu " i.e. a " ponderer of deep matters " .

> > Which correctly describes Narasimha, no? So, to me, this means

> that

> > the Jupiter in Sagittarius did fully manifest, but in 8th house

> > matters i.e. occult, hidden, research related matters. Notice

> (Maja)

> > that this Jupiter does not rule any trine.

> >

> > This line of thinking also confuses up the karakamsa/lagnamsa

> issue.

> > Because if what I am saying is true, then karakamsa grahas must

> > influence inherent abilities, not just when karakamsa/lagnamsa


> > in angles/trines to each other. For e.g. if the same Jupiter in

> > Sagittarius navamsa in 8th (for Narasimha) had been AK, would it

> > mean that Narasimha would be a knower of the vedas (etc) only in

> > certain dasas? Or would it (rather) mean that the " ponderer of

> deep

> > matters " quality would be a very deep quality, but always


> > (i.e. not only in certain dasas)..

> >

> > Hope someone sees the contradiction I am pointing at and can

> > reconcile it for me..

> >

> > Thank you very much for all your replies,

> >

> > Sundeep

> >

> > sohamsa@ .com, Rafal Gendarz

<starsuponme@ ...>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > *kleem namah narasimhaaya*

> > > Dear Sundeep, Namaskar

> > >

> > > Just see aspect of this Guru on 10,11,12,1 house and add vara

> > chakra to

> > > this.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > Rafal Gendarz / SJC Teacher

> > > www: http://rohinaa. com / email: rafal@

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > vedicastrostudent pisze:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Jyotishas,

> > > >

> > > > I know that trines in Navamsa gives abilities, but how


> > does a

> > > > graha which is in exaltation, but NOT in trines, influence


> > > > abilities? For e.g. say a person has Mars, Rahu and Saturn


> > trines

> > > > so he is logical/decisive (Mars), philosophical/ scheming

> (Rahu),

> > > > traditional/ persevering (Saturn), right? But lets take 2

> > variations

> > > > (still concentrating only on Navamsa): in one case, there is

> > Jupiter

> > > > in exaltation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In another case,

> > there is

> > > > Jupiter in debilitation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In


> > case,

> > > > how will these two possibilities affect his

> > > > logical+philosophic al+traditional nature?

> > > >

> > > > Just trying to really understand how planets in non-trines


> > > > (secondarily? if at all?) affect the abilities..

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > >

> > > > Sundeep

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Michalji, Lakshmiji and Rafalji,

Thank you for your replies. Sorry I couldnt respond earlier as I

suddenly got very busy. Michalji, I would love to join the Jaimini

scholar programme (or virtually anything from SJC) at some point,

but these days I am barely able to keep up with my regular

commitments.. I frequently wonder that a lot of you (Gurus and

learned persons) must have done very good karma in your past lives

to be able to spend your time learning these " higher " subjects..

It's a pleasure to read all your posts..






sohamsa , Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal



> Hare Rama Krsna ||


> Dear Sundeep,


> Actually there is a lot of beauty and harmony in the vara chakra

principle. Why don't you join the Jaimini scholar programme and

find out the 'why' of this principle. The work of the Rsi's is

extremely *deep*.


> Respectfully,

> Michal






> vedicastrostudent <vedicastrostudent

> sohamsa

> Saturday, September 27, 2008 4:43:54 AM

> Re: Simple Question on abilities from Navamsa



> Dear Michalji,

> Comments inlined..

> sohamsa@ .com, Michal Dziwulski

<nearmichal@ ...>

> wrote:

> >

> > Hare Rama Krsna ||

> >

> > Dear Sundeep,

> >

> > The Navamsa is all about trines. And your self is the 1st


> See your abilities from the 1st house and its trines. This is the

> basic reasoning that I have been taught. So what would be the

> reasoning for abilities coming from the 8th house?


> See, my goals are somewhat different from most others in this

> group. I am not simply looking for a set of comprehensive and

> detailed rules in order to make the right prediction. I want to


> the brilliance, unity, harmony and parsimony in the rules

> themselves. I am intuitively sure that the rules are in fact like

> that. Toward that end, I expect there to be a *uniform* symbolic

> interpretation of each house, and by applying that symbolism to


> quantity/entity described by the varga chart, the actual meaning


> the house in that chart should emerge. To me, the basic symbolism


> the 8th is " hidden " (from Lagna). When this symbolism is applied


> 8th in D-1, since D-1 in my understanding describes " the


> of daily physical existence " , then 8th in D-1 should mean " that

> which is hidden in the activities of daily physical existence " . If


> person has a lot of planets in 8th in D-1, then that would mean

> there is a lot of focus in the activities of daily physical

> existence on that which is hidden. That could be anything from a

> researcher (who always ferrets out unknown (hidden) truths), to a

> person who spends a lot of time delving in the occult and

> unconscious, to a person who spends a lot of time dealing with

> sudden fortunes/misfortune s (sudden things are sudden because


> they happen, they were hidden). I hope you see my approach here.

> Proceeding further, applying this very same principle to D-9, we


> know D-9 is about dharma. But what is dharma exactly. To me, it

> is " ingrained tendencies from the past that define how a person


> judge/discriminate right from wrong in his journey through life " .


> 8th in D-9 should naturally be that the above definition of dharma

> relating to that which is hidden. One interpretation could


> be, like you imply, that 8th house shows hidden tendencies i.e


> that you dont actually have. But another interpretation could also

> be that these tendencies emerge only in dealing with " hidden "


> e.g. research etc. The reason I suddenly gave value to this second

> interpretation is when I saw that Narasimhaji' s father had seemed


> use that second interpretation when he made a prediction for the

> Jupiter in sagittarius in 8th. But of course, I may be wrong. It

> would be good to know what his reasoning actually was..


> Planets there will still have an influence in your life of course,

> but why would they influence your abilities.

> >


> As explained above, it should be clear why I judged that they

> *might*.


> > In the case of Narasimhaji - if we use the method that Rafal has

> suggested and count two weekdays from Mercury in the 12th house


> Guru comes to Lagna. Maybe this works then huh?

> >


> Of course this works, and I knew it worked from the outset. But


> above about my approach to astrology. I view the vaara chakra

> principle as a bit of a " deus ex machina " - it doesn't seem very

> harmonious. It swoops down to the rescue whenever there's a


> Not that I have a problem with its authority, I have heard it from

> Rafalji and Vistiji first, and I have complete faith in the


> of their words. It just doesn't seem to be an axiomatic principle -


> it only applies in Navamsa, only in some houses and I don't have


> faintest idea of it's reasoning, I only know its *application*


> spin the weekday chart from house to Lagna). To use a bit of

> Godelian terminology, it sounds more like a theorem than an axiom

> (i.e. a theorem is a consequence of deeper axioms). I would like


> use axioms directly because the gold I am searching for is a


> understanding of the " why " of the rules, not just the " how to

apply "

> part. I dont have and dont seek to have an astrology practice


> if I did, then the need to predict would have been at the fore).


> Regards,


> Sundeep


> > Respectfully,

> > Michal

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > vedicastrostudent <vedicastrostudent@ ...>

> > sohamsa@ .com

> > Wednesday, September 24, 2008 9:02:02 AM

> > Re: Simple Question on abilities from Navamsa

> >

> >

> > Dear Rafal, Lakshmi, Maja, Michal,

> > Thank you so much for your responses, especially Lakshmi for

> > sending me such comprehensive notes (I have saved those).

> >

> > Overall though, although I have gotten lots of pointers for

> > prediction, the underlying harmony of it all eludes me: If


> in

> > 1-5-9 show the inherent abilities of the person, then even


> in

> > the 6-8-12 should show the inherent qualities of the person in

> that

> > area of life, no (because the chart is D-9)? So, if one has an

> > exalted Jupiter in a dusthana, it must still give significantly

> > Jupiterian qualities to that person, just not in an *obviously

> > evident* way. So, in a sense, to simply say that " look at the

> > planets in trines " to get an idea of the abilities is somewhat


> a

> > shortcut that works well in many cases but definitely not all,


> > For example, I noticed from examining old posts that Narasimha

> > (author of JHora) has Jupiter (8,11L) in Sagittarius in 8th


> in

> > D-9. In those old posts, somewhere Narasimha had indicated that

> his

> > father had predicted for that Jupiter that Narasimha would be

> > a " nigoodha tattwa jigyaasu " i.e. a " ponderer of deep matters " .

> > Which correctly describes Narasimha, no? So, to me, this means

> that

> > the Jupiter in Sagittarius did fully manifest, but in 8th house

> > matters i.e. occult, hidden, research related matters. Notice

> (Maja)

> > that this Jupiter does not rule any trine.

> >

> > This line of thinking also confuses up the karakamsa/lagnamsa

> issue.

> > Because if what I am saying is true, then karakamsa grahas must

> > influence inherent abilities, not just when karakamsa/lagnamsa


> > in angles/trines to each other. For e.g. if the same Jupiter in

> > Sagittarius navamsa in 8th (for Narasimha) had been AK, would it

> > mean that Narasimha would be a knower of the vedas (etc) only in

> > certain dasas? Or would it (rather) mean that the " ponderer of

> deep

> > matters " quality would be a very deep quality, but always


> > (i.e. not only in certain dasas)..

> >

> > Hope someone sees the contradiction I am pointing at and can

> > reconcile it for me..

> >

> > Thank you very much for all your replies,

> >

> > Sundeep

> >

> > sohamsa@ .com, Rafal Gendarz

<starsuponme@ ...>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > *kleem namah narasimhaaya*

> > > Dear Sundeep, Namaskar

> > >

> > > Just see aspect of this Guru on 10,11,12,1 house and add vara

> > chakra to

> > > this.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > Rafal Gendarz / SJC Teacher

> > > www: http://rohinaa. com / email: rafal@

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > vedicastrostudent pisze:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Jyotishas,

> > > >

> > > > I know that trines in Navamsa gives abilities, but how


> > does a

> > > > graha which is in exaltation, but NOT in trines, influence


> > > > abilities? For e.g. say a person has Mars, Rahu and Saturn


> > trines

> > > > so he is logical/decisive (Mars), philosophical/ scheming

> (Rahu),

> > > > traditional/ persevering (Saturn), right? But lets take 2

> > variations

> > > > (still concentrating only on Navamsa): in one case, there is

> > Jupiter

> > > > in exaltation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In another case,

> > there is

> > > > Jupiter in debilitation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In


> > case,

> > > > how will these two possibilities affect his

> > > > logical+philosophic al+traditional nature?

> > > >

> > > > Just trying to really understand how planets in non-trines


> > > > (secondarily? if at all?) affect the abilities..

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > >

> > > > Sundeep

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Sundeep, Namaste


You would be surprised about "daily agenda" most of those learned people who struggle to fit in learning "higher" subjects to that part of "daily agenda" which is related to incomes. It is not really a matter of good karma done in previous birth so much. It is more a matter of good organization, discipline in sadhana and lot of good karma in current birth. At least that is the story of few Jaimini Scholars which I had the chance (and blessing) to meet personally.


I hope that Lakshmi wont mind mentioning this private subject, since it was part of email exchange on the list which she and I had some time ago. She is fitting taking care of her 3 children on her own and taking care of her household, which is not really a small one.


You can also ask Michal about his story and all what he is forced to fit in somehow. Learning about his story was not part of list email exchange, so I will not say anything about it, but I hope that he won’t mind those few very wonderful words our mutual friend (also Jaimini scholar) had shared with me about his version of "daily agenda".


Bottom line, you can only ask for a good advice from all people which you have mentioned in your email. I am sure that they will try their best to find some time in their "daily agenda" to answer you. It is a part of "good karma in current birth" story to reply to you, so... They are all used to it, don't worry.


You probably know better than me that Jyotish is not really a type of knowledge which one can learn in similar way like any other type of knowledge we are used to in our formal education. It is just not working to simply sit down, open a book and "chew" the text. (I am 100% convinced that you are familiar with this fact) Among many other factors, attitude towards that knowledge, especially other people who learn it and teach it is also very important. Us less learned are yet to "chew" this lesson and adopt it.


Reading emails on the list written by highly learned members and Jyotish Guru's often makes me wonder my self where and how they find time to fit in replying to questions of us less learned in their tight “daily agendaâ€... Utility is I believe both sided. We get the knowledge, they get one more + in the category of "good karma in current birth". Why don't we make things easier to each other? What do you think about this?





Hari Om Tat Sat






--- On Tue, 9/30/08, vedicastrostudent <vedicastrostudent wrote:

vedicastrostudent <vedicastrostudent Re: Simple Question on abilities from Navamsasohamsa Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 2:20 PM



Dear Michalji, Lakshmiji and Rafalji,Thank you for your replies. Sorry I couldnt respond earlier as I suddenly got very busy. Michalji, I would love to join the Jaimini scholar programme (or virtually anything from SJC) at some point, but these days I am barely able to keep up with my regular commitments. . I frequently wonder that a lot of you (Gurus and learned persons) must have done very good karma in your past lives to be able to spend your time learning these "higher" subjects.. It's a pleasure to read all your posts..Regards,Sundeepsohamsa@ .com, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@ ...> wrote:>> Hare Rama Krsna ||> > Dear Sundeep,> > Actually there is a lot of beauty and harmony in the vara chakra principle. Why don't you join the Jaimini scholar

programme and find out the 'why' of this principle. The work of the Rsi's is extremely *deep*. > > Respectfully,> Michal> > > > > > vedicastrostudent <vedicastrostudent@ ...>> sohamsa@ .com> Saturday, September 27, 2008 4:43:54 AM> Re: Simple Question on abilities from Navamsa> > > Dear Michalji,> Comments inlined..> sohamsa@ .com, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@ ...> > wrote:> >> > Hare Rama Krsna ||> > > > Dear Sundeep,> > > > The Navamsa is all about trines. And your self is the 1st house. > See your abilities from the 1st house and its trines. This is the > basic

reasoning that I have been taught. So what would be the > reasoning for abilities coming from the 8th house? > > See, my goals are somewhat different from most others in this > group. I am not simply looking for a set of comprehensive and > detailed rules in order to make the right prediction. I want to see > the brilliance, unity, harmony and parsimony in the rules > themselves. I am intuitively sure that the rules are in fact like > that. Toward that end, I expect there to be a *uniform* symbolic > interpretation of each house, and by applying that symbolism to the > quantity/entity described by the varga chart, the actual meaning of > the house in that chart should emerge. To me, the basic symbolism of > the 8th is "hidden" (from Lagna). When this symbolism is applied to > 8th in D-1, since D-1 in my understanding describes "the

activities > of daily physical existence", then 8th in D-1 should mean "that > which is hidden in the activities of daily physical existence". If a > person has a lot of planets in 8th in D-1, then that would mean > there is a lot of focus in the activities of daily physical > existence on that which is hidden. That could be anything from a > researcher (who always ferrets out unknown (hidden) truths), to a > person who spends a lot of time delving in the occult and > unconscious, to a person who spends a lot of time dealing with > sudden fortunes/misfortune s (sudden things are sudden because until > they happen, they were hidden). I hope you see my approach here. > Proceeding further, applying this very same principle to D-9, we all > know D-9 is about dharma. But what is dharma exactly. To me, it > is "ingrained tendencies from the past that

define how a person will > judge/discriminate right from wrong in his journey through life". So > 8th in D-9 should naturally be that the above definition of dharma > relating to that which is hidden. One interpretation could certainly > be, like you imply, that 8th house shows hidden tendencies i.e those > that you dont actually have. But another interpretation could also > be that these tendencies emerge only in dealing with "hidden" things > e.g. research etc. The reason I suddenly gave value to this second > interpretation is when I saw that Narasimhaji' s father had seemed to > use that second interpretation when he made a prediction for the > Jupiter in sagittarius in 8th. But of course, I may be wrong. It > would be good to know what his reasoning actually was..> > Planets there will still have an influence in your life of course,

> but why would they influence your abilities.> > > > As explained above, it should be clear why I judged that they > *might*.> > > In the case of Narasimhaji - if we use the method that Rafal has > suggested and count two weekdays from Mercury in the 12th house then > Guru comes to Lagna. Maybe this works then huh?> >> > Of course this works, and I knew it worked from the outset. But read > above about my approach to astrology. I view the vaara chakra > principle as a bit of a "deus ex machina" - it doesn't seem very > harmonious. It swoops down to the rescue whenever there's a problem. > Not that I have a problem with its authority, I have heard it from > Rafalji and Vistiji first, and I have complete faith in the accuracy > of their words. It just doesn't seem to be an axiomatic principle ->

it only applies in Navamsa, only in some houses and I don't have the > faintest idea of it's reasoning, I only know its *application* (i.e. > spin the weekday chart from house to Lagna). To use a bit of > Godelian terminology, it sounds more like a theorem than an axiom > (i.e. a theorem is a consequence of deeper axioms). I would like to > use axioms directly because the gold I am searching for is a deeper > understanding of the "why" of the rules, not just the "how to apply" > part. I dont have and dont seek to have an astrology practice (i.e. > if I did, then the need to predict would have been at the fore).> > Regards,> > Sundeep> > > Respectfully,> > Michal> > > > > > > > > > vedicastrostudent <vedicastrostudent@ ...>>

> sohamsa@ .com> > Wednesday, September 24, 2008 9:02:02 AM> > Re: Simple Question on abilities from Navamsa> > > > > > Dear Rafal, Lakshmi, Maja, Michal,> > Thank you so much for your responses, especially Lakshmi for > > sending me such comprehensive notes (I have saved those).> > > > Overall though, although I have gotten lots of pointers for > > prediction, the underlying harmony of it all eludes me: If grahas > in > > 1-5-9 show the inherent abilities of the person, then even grahas > in > > the 6-8-12 should show the inherent qualities of the person in > that > > area of life, no (because the chart is D-9)? So, if one has an > > exalted Jupiter in a dusthana, it must still give significantly > > Jupiterian qualities to that

person, just not in an *obviously > > evident* way. So, in a sense, to simply say that "look at the > > planets in trines" to get an idea of the abilities is somewhat of > a > > shortcut that works well in many cases but definitely not all, no? > > For example, I noticed from examining old posts that Narasimha > > (author of JHora) has Jupiter (8,11L) in Sagittarius in 8th house > in > > D-9. In those old posts, somewhere Narasimha had indicated that > his > > father had predicted for that Jupiter that Narasimha would be > > a "nigoodha tattwa jigyaasu" i.e. a "ponderer of deep matters". > > Which correctly describes Narasimha, no? So, to me, this means > that > > the Jupiter in Sagittarius did fully manifest, but in 8th house > > matters i.e. occult, hidden, research related matters. Notice >

(Maja) > > that this Jupiter does not rule any trine. > > > > This line of thinking also confuses up the karakamsa/lagnamsa > issue. > > Because if what I am saying is true, then karakamsa grahas must > > influence inherent abilities, not just when karakamsa/lagnamsa are > > in angles/trines to each other. For e.g. if the same Jupiter in > > Sagittarius navamsa in 8th (for Narasimha) had been AK, would it > > mean that Narasimha would be a knower of the vedas (etc) only in > > certain dasas? Or would it (rather) mean that the "ponderer of > deep > > matters" quality would be a very deep quality, but always manifest > > (i.e. not only in certain dasas)..> > > > Hope someone sees the contradiction I am pointing at and can > > reconcile it for me.. > > > > Thank you very much

for all your replies,> > > > Sundeep> > > > sohamsa@ .com, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ ...> > > wrote:> > >> > > *kleem namah narasimhaaya*> > > Dear Sundeep, Namaskar> > > > > > Just see aspect of this Guru on 10,11,12,1 house and add vara > > chakra to > > > this.> > > > > > Regards,> > > Rafal Gendarz / SJC Teacher> > > www: http://rohinaa. com / email: rafal@> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > vedicastrostudent pisze:> > > >> > > > Dear Jyotishas,> > > >> > > > I know that trines in Navamsa gives abilities, but how exactly >

> does a> > > > graha which is in exaltation, but NOT in trines, influence the> > > > abilities? For e.g. say a person has Mars, Rahu and Saturn in > > trines> > > > so he is logical/decisive (Mars), philosophical/ scheming > (Rahu),> > > > traditional/ persevering (Saturn), right? But lets take 2 > > variations> > > > (still concentrating only on Navamsa): in one case, there is > > Jupiter> > > > in exaltation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In another case, > > there is> > > > Jupiter in debilitation in a dusthana e.g. 8th house. In each > > case,> > > > how will these two possibilities affect his> > > > logical+philosophic al+traditional nature?> > > >> > > > Just trying to really understand how planets in

non-trines ALSO> > > > (secondarily? if at all?) affect the abilities..> > > >> > > > Regards,> > > >> > > > Sundeep> > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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