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Does Pata Nakshatra overrule yogas ?

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Hare Rama Krishna


Dear All -


Thanks Sanjayji and everyone for clarifying degree usage in varga



Below is a chart posted in . This native

lost his job on Sept 6 2008. Details are


Date of Birth -30th October 1982

> Time of Birth 21:21 PM

> Place of Birth Indore (M.P.) India


From nakshra principles we learn - Birth has happened on Saturday on

Revati nakshtra. This gives Ju(Inimical to Saturn Graha Janma

Nakshtra) and Visaka(Pata Nakshtra) also lorded by Ju as inimical



As per tithi pravesha 2007 , Ju is Hora lord and occupies 10th house

in D10 forming Gajakesari yoga with moon in Pieces.


On 6th sept 2008 Tithi Ashtottari dasa on Ju started and he was

fired. This period will end 13 Nov 2008.


Also a prasna was done and it had same Mo-Ju conj in Sg 10th from

Prasna Arudha(See details in that )


Now here are my questions -


1. Hypothesis 1 as to why nakshtra overrule the gaja kesri yoga in

the chart : Do planets carry the effect of nakshtra evils - So a

planet is not a ruler of nakshtra but on the contrary a group of

nakshtra weigh in on a planet. So this means the sum charectestics of

the nakshtra desscibes the planet ? This is because the nakshtra is

pata or sunya not the graha but graha gives the effect


2. Hypothsis 2 : Therefore nakshtra are true record of karma and

maintain them in higher lokas. A portion of that karma is handed to

planets to execute in a given birth (Sanchita Vs prarabda karma).


3. Also can you explain the job loss using normal methods such as ND,

VD etc


Please illuminate your views





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