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[A_Foresight_Prince_of_India_Available] JUpiter Transit

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Dear Chopra ji and other Friends,

You have raised nice and important topic, I shall give my views to the best of

my knowledge and under standing, but in brief.

A .Nakshatra dasas (Main dasa  Vinsottari - other dasa are

Astottari,Kala,Chakra,Kala Chakra,Yogni etc.)

 a) 27 Nakshatra adopted in sidereal system are based on the basic principle

that Moon takes a round of the Earth in 27.321 days . Moon is the originator

of Mandal of 27 Nakshatra around the ecliptic.

Logically all Nakshatra dasa will have to be based on the location of

MOON.  There is no alternative as system is devised like that. Then question

arises, why is it done in this manner?

       1. Some of the reasons are given in your Mail.

       2. All our activities are controlled by Moon being karka of mind

(Manha - JEEVA = MANHA+ ATMAN), thus moon is the fundamental and basic

constitute of creation. BPHS says that first of all, yogas formed by  Moon

should be considered as they give their results after over powering all other

yogas in the nativity ( Sloka 38/13).Out of  five constituents of Panchang ,

three are contributed with the combination of Sun and Moon .And Fifth one,

Nakshatra is indicated by the placement of Moon alone.

      3. All Jatak literature gives equal importance to Ascending (physical

features) and Moon (mental inclinations) signs.

     Thus there should not be any doubt that Vimsottari dasa should be

reckoned with the position of Moon.

   4. In KP, Nakshatra zodiac is divided in 249 parts based on major and sub

periods. After taking in account sub-sub, it is divided in 2187 parts. This

division has many potential uses in predictive      astrology, and is not

only confined to KP system.

    5. Nakshatra charan is synonym to Navamsa division, and used in many ways

in predictive purpose and Maurtoa .

6. In KP SYSTEM, Vimsottari dasa is used to predict material benefits,wheras

BPHS teaches us its used to attain spiritual attainments also. This is the

reason that Lords of 3H, 6H and 11H



Dasa is the means of achieving Mokccha as in this dasa system , Jupiter

(jeeva-16years)= Sun (atman 6years) + Moon (manha 10years).




      BPHS teaches us several dasas based on zodiac signs and bhavas. These

dasas provide precise idea about the resource available to the native in

specified time frame.



Planets act as seeds, and Karma phala manifest based on past karma and native

can not control it as it is based on past events.


If predictions are  made based on all the three dasas , the basis of cause and

effect of an event will be crystal clear.


When 16 Varga charts are used, Sign zodiac is divided in 1800

Unequal parts( each sign in 150 parts). Consequently if Varga charts

are used with Vimsottari dasa , it becomes very precise and effective

tool for prediction of events..






Ph: 09350311433


NEW DELHI-110 076







Prem Chopra <pramchopra1964


Tuesday, 9 December, 2008 8:18:52 AM

Re: [A_Foresight_Prince_of_India_Available] JUpiter Transit



~~~ Om Shree Ganeshaaye Namaha ~~~


Dear Gopal Ji and RP Ji


As I know that everybody is perfect is their own way but if anyone doubt that

analysis that means it is matter of one sided story and want to confirm what is

missing in the consequence. If I am able to clear anyone's point regarding any

analysis and able to develop the further undertakings to see in Foresight then I

must say that I am done successfully as my teacher suggested me to do

Margdarshan in the middle of near Future.


But one question came across why we consider Moon sign and Not ASC?


1. Vimshottari Dasha depends on Moon base.

2. Moon Represents one's mind and thought regarding query.

3. Moon is always very fast to act in any decision and help the native to get

results of Narrow escape all of a sudden. Whether in favorable or not


I request Gopal Ji and other astro experts to give more details to enlighten

this topic so that others can benefit it for the best Psychological as well as

intelligent learning creteria.



Tem Pram chopra



On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 9:36 PM, Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


Dear Chopra ji,

I did not agree with RP ji , but only given a comment of general nature

Which I believe is valid in a broader scale only.

The right and complete way for analysis is as shown by you.




Ph: 09350311433


NEW DELHI-110 076








Prem Chopra <pramchopra1964@ gmail.com>

A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available

Monday, 8 December, 2008 5:39:39 PM

Re: [A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available] JUpiter Transit




~~~ Om Shree Ganeshaaye Namaha ~~~


Dear RP and Gopal Ji




Gopal Ji I Really like the way of your Transit analysis for RP Thanks.


As in My opinion the analysis may be as follows:  


Jupiter in 10: Delay; Disharmony; money lost; irritation; humiliation.

Up to 1st February, 2009


Jupiter in 11: Promotion in Service; increase in income, Improvement in status.

From 1st February, 2009 Up to 17 February 2010


As StarLord Sun


Sun in 9: Gives up hopes; meets with danger and ill-health.

Up to 26th December 2008


Sun in 10: Grand Success; interviews and friendship with great people.

From 26th December 2008 up to 28th January 2009


As SubLord Rahu


Rahu in 11: Gain Money and other sex, Sympathy, Rewards.

Up to 2nd April 2009


As SubLord'S StarLord Moon


Moon in Lagna: Sound Sleep; Delicious food; Gets clothing and gains Jewelleries.

Up to 10th December 2008


Moon in 2: Humiliation; expenses; out weigh; obstacles.

From 10th December 2008 up to 12th December 2008.


In Totality Health problem resists with emotional humiliation but Career point

of view there is Success in attempts.




Tem Pram Chopra



On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


Dear Mr. RP,

No doubt , the placement of a planet in a house

gives its specific results and transit of Jupiter in

11H is considered good.

The sign position is equally important.

BPHS says , " If a planet is in combustion ,

defeated in interplanetary war , in debility ,Durbal

( means associated with malefic by conjunction or aspect)

is not able to give yoga results.





Ph: 09350311433


NEW DELHI-110 076







R.P <rdrugist >


A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available@ . . com

Monday, 8 December, 2008 10:38:25 AM

[A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available] JUpiter Transit






On Dec 9th Jupiter is moving his debiliated sign capricorn. For Pisces ASc which

is 11H. So far I read that all the planets give good effect on 11H if is not

influence by malefic plantes? can u please focus on that?


Jupiter is most benefic Planets for Pisces. on Feb 12th Rahu and Jupiter on same

axis creating GuruChandal Yog too. Also on Feb 17th my court case hearing is

start on too.. Can u please explain me about this JUpiter Transit and My court













Prem Chopra <pramchopra1964@ gmail.com>

A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available

Sunday, December 7, 2008 10:30:29 PM

Re: [A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available] What an Interesting game

plan of nature is this?



~~~ Om Shree Ganeshaaye Namaha ~~~


Dear RP


For Astrological Analysis the best software I found JHora 7.3 as well as

Parashar Light 7.0.

As Both are incredible in their own way in explaination and Accuracy.




Tem Pram Chopra



On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 9:37 AM, R.P <rdrugist > wrote:


Pranam Pramji,


which is the best software in market at this point?











Prem Chopra <pramchopra1964@ gmail.com>

A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available;

@gro ups.com; Vedic Astrology- Hyderabad;

; astroriber@gro ups.com

Sunday, December 7, 2008 9:43:20 PM

[A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available] What an Interesting game plan

of nature is this?




~~~ Om Shree Ganeshaaye Namaha ~~~


Dear Members


God Bless U


What an Interesting game plan of nature is this?


Ketu's Significator is Moon, Mercury, Mercury as a SgnLord, StrLord, SbLord

From 4th December, 2008 and up to 9th January, 2009


Rahu's Significator is Saturn, Moon, Mercury as a SgnLord, StrLord, SbLord

From 13th November, 2008 and up to 19th December 2008.


And Saturn's SubLord is also Moon

From 6th December, 2008 and up to 27th Aug 2009.


As this is the time period which both Nodes will give same results up to some

extent means condition applied.




Tem Pram Chopra





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Namaste Thinkers,

I here under some of my thoughts;-


The six signs from Surya rasi Leo to Capricorn are said to be 'Praana'/life

energy and the six rasis from Kumba to Chandr rasi Kataka are said to be


Lagna represents Praana ( life energy) unites sparisa or senses to

sthula-sarria(body) represented by Chandr lagna.

Sparisa(senses) through the media of a body with its lead role DASA BUKTI

endeavors Praana to nevigate'Atma' in a janma towards accomplishment of

'mukti'(eternal blis).

'Dasa bukti' and 'Gochar' helps us to gauge destiny - towards punerjanma or


Hence Moon sign is considered predominent in this lovekeeka life/materialistic



P.S:What I felt given as above beyond it I have no answers.


--- On Thu, 12/11/08, Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937 wrote:

Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937


[vedic astrology] Re:

[A_Foresight_Prince_of_India_Available] JUpiter Transit


Thursday, December 11, 2008, 7:02 AM












Dear Chopra ji and other Friends,


You have raised nice and important topic, I shall give my views to the best of

my knowledge and under standing, but in brief.


A .Nakshatra dasas (Main dasa  Vinsottari - other dasa are Astottari,Kala,

Chakra,Kala Chakra,Yogni etc.)


 a) 27 Nakshatra adopted in sidereal system are based on the basic principle

that Moon takes a round of the Earth in 27.321 days . Moon is the originator

of Mandal of 27 Nakshatra around the ecliptic.


Logically all Nakshatra dasa will have to be based on the location of

MOON.  There is no alternative as system is devised like that. Then question

arises, why is it done in this manner?


       1. Some of the reasons are given in your Mail.


       2. All our activities are controlled by Moon being karka of mind (Manha -

JEEVA = MANHA+ ATMAN), thus moon is the fundamental and basic constitute of

creation. BPHS says that first of all, yogas formed by  Moon should be

considered as they give their results after over powering all other yogas in the

nativity ( Sloka 38/13).Out of  five constituents of Panchang , three

are contributed  with the combination of Sun and Moon .And Fifth one, Nakshatra

is indicated by the placement of Moon alone.


      3. All Jatak literature gives equal importance to Ascending (physical

features) and Moon (mental inclinations)  signs.


     Thus there should not be any doubt that Vimsottari dasa should be reckoned

with the position of Moon.


   4. In KP, Nakshatra zodiac is divided in 249 parts based on major and sub

periods. After taking in account sub-sub, it is divided in 2187 parts. This

division has many potential uses in predictive      astrology, and is not only

confined to KP system.


    5. Nakshatra charan is synonym to Navamsa division, and used in many ways in

predictive purpose  and Maurtoa .


6. In KP SYSTEM, Vimsottari dasa is used to predict material benefits,wheras

BPHS teaches us its used to attain spiritual attainments also. This is the

reason that Lords of 3H, 6H and 11H






Dasa is the means of achieving Mokccha as in this dasa system , Jupiter

(jeeva-16years) = Sun (atman 6years) + Moon (manha 10years).








      BPHS teaches us several dasas based on zodiac signs and bhavas. These

dasas provide precise idea about the resource available to the native in

specified time frame.






Planets act as seeds, and Karma phala manifest based on past karma and native

can not control it as it is based on past events.




If predictions are  made based on all the three dasas , the basis of cause and

effect of an event will be crystal clear.




When 16 Varga charts are used, Sign zodiac is divided in 1800


Unequal parts( each sign in 150 parts). Consequently if Varga charts


are used with Vimsottari dasa , it becomes very precise and effective


tool for prediction of events..












Ph: 09350311433




NEW DELHI-110 076






____________ _________ _________ __


Prem Chopra <pramchopra1964@ gmail.com>


A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available


Tuesday, 9 December, 2008 8:18:52 AM


Re: [A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available] JUpiter Transit




~~~ Om Shree Ganeshaaye Namaha ~~~




Dear Gopal Ji and RP Ji




As I know that everybody is perfect is their own way but if anyone doubt that

analysis that means it is matter of one sided story and want to confirm what is

missing in the consequence. If I am able to clear anyone's point regarding any

analysis and able to develop the further undertakings to see in Foresight then I

must say that I am done successfully as my teacher suggested me to do

Margdarshan in the middle of near Future.




But one question came across why we consider Moon sign and Not ASC?




1. Vimshottari Dasha depends on Moon base.


2. Moon Represents one's mind and thought regarding query.


3. Moon is always very fast to act in any decision and help the native to get

results of Narrow escape all of a sudden. Whether in favorable or not




I request Gopal Ji and other astro experts to give more details to enlighten

this topic so that others can benefit it for the best Psychological as well as

intelligent learning creteria.






Tem Pram chopra




On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 9:36 PM, Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937@ . co.in> wrote:




Dear Chopra ji,


I did not agree with RP ji , but only given a comment of general nature


Which I believe is valid in a broader scale only.


The right and complete way for analysis is as shown by you.








Ph: 09350311433




NEW DELHI-110 076






____________ _________ _________ __




Prem Chopra <pramchopra1964@ gmail.com>


A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available


Monday, 8 December, 2008 5:39:39 PM


Re: [A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available] JUpiter Transit




~~~ Om Shree Ganeshaaye Namaha ~~~




Dear RP and Gopal Ji








Gopal Ji I Really like the way of your Transit analysis for RP Thanks.




As in My opinion the analysis may be as follows:  




Jupiter in 10: Delay; Disharmony; money lost; irritation; humiliation.


Up to 1st February, 2009




Jupiter in 11: Promotion in Service; increase in income, Improvement in status.


From 1st February, 2009 Up to 17 February 2010




As StarLord Sun




Sun in 9: Gives up hopes; meets with danger and ill-health.


Up to 26th December 2008




Sun in 10: Grand Success; interviews and friendship with great people.


From 26th December 2008 up to 28th January 2009




As SubLord Rahu




Rahu in 11: Gain Money and other sex, Sympathy, Rewards.


Up to 2nd April 2009




As SubLord'S StarLord Moon




Moon in Lagna: Sound Sleep; Delicious food; Gets clothing and gains Jewelleries.


Up to 10th December 2008




Moon in 2: Humiliation; expenses; out weigh; obstacles.


From 10th December 2008 up to 12th December 2008.




In Totality Health problem resists with emotional humiliation but Career point

of view there is Success in attempts.








Tem Pram Chopra




On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937@ . co.in> wrote:




Dear Mr. RP,


No doubt , the placement of a planet in a house


gives its specific results and transit of Jupiter in


11H is considered good.


The sign position is equally important.


BPHS says , " If a planet is in combustion ,


defeated in interplanetary war , in debility ,Durbal


( means associated with malefic by conjunction or aspect)


is not able to give yoga results.








Ph: 09350311433




NEW DELHI-110 076






____________ _________ _________ __


R.P <rdrugist >




A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available@ . . com


Monday, 8 December, 2008 10:38:25 AM


[A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available] JUpiter Transit








On Dec 9th Jupiter is moving his debiliated sign capricorn. For Pisces ASc which

is 11H. So far I read that all the planets give good effect on 11H if is not

influence by malefic plantes? can u please focus on that?




Jupiter is most benefic Planets for Pisces. on Feb 12th Rahu and Jupiter on same

axis creating GuruChandal Yog too. Also on Feb 17th my court case hearing is

start on too.. Can u please explain me about this JUpiter Transit and My court

















____________ _________ _________ __


Prem Chopra <pramchopra1964@ gmail.com>


A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available


Sunday, December 7, 2008 10:30:29 PM


Re: [A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available] What an Interesting game

plan of nature is this?




~~~ Om Shree Ganeshaaye Namaha ~~~




Dear RP




For Astrological Analysis the best software I found JHora 7.3 as well as

Parashar Light 7.0.


As Both are incredible in their own way in explaination and Accuracy.








Tem Pram Chopra




On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 9:37 AM, R.P <rdrugist > wrote:




Pranam Pramji,




which is the best software in market at this point?














____________ _________ _________ __


Prem Chopra <pramchopra1964@ gmail.com>


A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available;

@gro ups.com; Vedic Astrology- Hyderabad;

; astroriber@gro ups.com


Sunday, December 7, 2008 9:43:20 PM


[A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available] What an Interesting game plan

of nature is this?




~~~ Om Shree Ganeshaaye Namaha ~~~




Dear Members




God Bless U




What an Interesting game plan of nature is this?




Ketu's Significator is Moon, Mercury, Mercury as a SgnLord, StrLord, SbLord


From 4th December, 2008 and up to 9th January, 2009




Rahu's Significator is Saturn, Moon, Mercury as a SgnLord, StrLord, SbLord


From 13th November, 2008 and up to 19th December 2008.




And Saturn's SubLord is also Moon


From 6th December, 2008 and up to 27th Aug 2009.




As this is the time period which both Nodes will give same results up to some

extent means condition applied.








Tem Pram Chopra




____________ _________ _________ __


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____________ _________ _________ __


Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now.






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Dear Chopra ji and other Friends,

You have raised nice and important topic, I shall give my views to the best of my knowledge and under standing, but in brief.

A .Nakshatra dasas (Main dasa Vinsottari - other dasa are Astottari,Kala,Chakra,Kala Chakra,Yogni etc.)

a) 27 Nakshatra adopted in sidereal system are based on the basic principle that Moon takes a round of the Earth in 27.321 days . Moon is the originator of Mandal of 27 Nakshatra around the ecliptic.

Logically all Nakshatra dasa will have to be based on the location of MOON. There is no alternative as system is devised like that. Then question arises, why is it done in this manner?

1. Some of the reasons are given in your Mail.

2. All our activities are controlled by Moon being karka of mind (Manha - JEEVA = MANHA+ ATMAN), thus moon is the fundamental and basic constitute of creation. BPHS says that first of all, yogas formed by Moon should be considered as they give their results after over powering all other yogas in the nativity ( Sloka 38/13).Out of five constituents of Panchang , three are contributed with the combination of Sun and Moon .And Fifth one, Nakshatra is indicated by the placement of Moon alone.

3. All Jatak literature gives equal importance to Ascending (physical features) and Moon (mental inclinations) signs.

Thus there should not be any doubt that Vimsottari dasa should be reckoned with the position of Moon.

4. In KP, Nakshatra zodiac is divided in 249 parts based on major and sub periods. After taking in account sub-sub, it is divided in 2187 parts. This division has many potential uses in predictive astrology, and is not only confined to KP system..

5. Nakshatra charan is synonym to Navamsa division, and used in many ways in predictive purpose and Maurtoa .

6. In KP SYSTEM, Vimsottari dasa is used to predict material benefits,wheras BPHS teaches us its used to attain spiritual attainments also. This is the reason that Lords of 3H, 6H and 11H



Dasa is the means of achieving Mokccha as in this dasa system , Jupiter (jeeva-16years)= Sun (atman 6years) + Moon (manha 10years).




BPHS teaches us several dasas based on zodiac signs and bhavas. These dasas provide precise idea about the resource available to the native in specified time frame.



Planets act as seeds, and Karma phala manifest based on past karma and native can not control it as it is based on past events.


If predictions are made based on all the three dasas , the basis of cause and effect of an event will be crystal clear.


When 16 Varga charts are used, Sign zodiac is divided in 1800

Unequal parts( each sign in 150 parts). Consequently if Varga charts

are used with Vimsottari dasa , it becomes very precise and effective

tool for prediction of events.




G.K.GOELPh: 09350311433Add: L-409, SARITA VIHARNEW DELHI-110 076INDIA





Prem Chopra <pramchopra1964A_Foresight_Prince_of_India_Available Sent: Tuesday, 9 December, 2008 8:18:52 AMRe: [A_Foresight_Prince_of_India_Available] JUpiter Transit



~~~ Om Shree Ganeshaaye Namaha ~~~


Dear Gopal Ji and RP Ji


As I know that everybody is perfect is their own way but if anyone doubt that analysis that means it is matter of one sided story and want to confirm what is missing in the consequence. If I am able to clear anyone's point regarding any analysis and able to develop the further undertakings to see in Foresight then I must say that I am done successfully as my teacher suggested me to do Margdarshan in the middle of near Future.


But one question came across why we consider Moon sign and Not ASC?


1. Vimshottari Dasha depends on Moon base.

2. Moon Represents one's mind and thought regarding query.

3. Moon is always very fast to act in any decision and help the native to get results of Narrow escape all of a sudden. Whether in favorable or not


I request Gopal Ji and other astro experts to give more details to enlighten this topic so that others can benefit it for the best Psychological as well as intelligent learning creteria.



Tem Pram chopra

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 9:36 PM, Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:









Dear Chopra ji,

I did not agree with RP ji , but only given a comment of general nature

Which I believe is valid in a broader scale only.

The right and complete way for analysis is as shown by you.



G.K.GOELPh: 09350311433Add: L-409, SARITA VIHARNEW DELHI-110 076INDIA




Prem Chopra <pramchopra1964@ gmail.com>A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_AvailableMonday, 8 December, 2008 5:39:39 PMRe: [A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available] JUpiter Transit






~~~ Om Shree Ganeshaaye Namaha ~~~


Dear RP and Gopal Ji




Gopal Ji I Really like the way of your Transit analysis for RP Thanks.


As in My opinion the analysis may be as follows:


Jupiter in 10: Delay; Disharmony; money lost; irritation; humiliation.

Up to 1st February, 2009


Jupiter in 11: Promotion in Service; increase in income, Improvement in status.

From 1st February, 2009 Up to 17 February 2010


As StarLord Sun


Sun in 9: Gives up hopes; meets with danger and ill-health.

Up to 26th December 2008


Sun in 10: Grand Success; interviews and friendship with great people.

From 26th December 2008 up to 28th January 2009


As SubLord Rahu


Rahu in 11: Gain Money and other sex, Sympathy, Rewards.

Up to 2nd April 2009


As SubLord'S StarLord Moon


Moon in Lagna: Sound Sleep; Delicious food; Gets clothing and gains Jewelleries.

Up to 10th December 2008


Moon in 2: Humiliation; expenses; out weigh; obstacles.

From 10th December 2008 up to 12th December 2008.


In Totality Health problem resists with emotional humiliation but Career point of view there is Success in attempts.




Tem Pram Chopra

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:









Dear Mr. RP,

No doubt , the placement of a planet in a house

gives its specific results and transit of Jupiter in

11H is considered good.

The sign position is equally important.

BPHS says , " If a planet is in combustion ,

defeated in interplanetary war , in debility ,Durbal

( means associated with malefic by conjunction or aspect)

is not able to give yoga results.



G.K.GOELPh: 09350311433Add: L-409, SARITA VIHARNEW DELHI-110 076INDIA




R.P <rdrugist > A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available@ . . comMonday, 8 December, 2008 10:38:25 AM[A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available] JUpiter Transit








Pranam,On Dec 9th Jupiter is moving his debiliated sign capricorn. For Pisces ASc which is 11H. So far I read that all the planets give good effect on 11H if is not influence by malefic plantes? can u please focus on that?Jupiter is most benefic Planets for Pisces. on Feb 12th Rahu and Jupiter on same axis creating GuruChandal Yog too. Also on Feb 17th my court case hearing is start on too.. Can u please explain me about this JUpiter Transit and My court case?Always,








Prem Chopra <pramchopra1964@ gmail.com>A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_AvailableSunday, December 7, 2008 10:30:29 PMRe: [A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available] What an Interesting game plan of nature is this?



~~~ Om Shree Ganeshaaye Namaha ~~~


Dear RP


For Astrological Analysis the best software I found JHora 7.3 as well as Parashar Light 7.0.

As Both are incredible in their own way in explaination and Accuracy.




Tem Pram Chopra

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 9:37 AM, R.P <rdrugist > wrote:









Pranam Pramji,


which is the best software in market at this point? Always,







Prem Chopra <pramchopra1964@ gmail.com>A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available; @gro ups.com; Vedic Astrology- Hyderabad; ; astroriber@gro ups.comSunday, December 7, 2008 9:43:20 PM[A_Foresight_ Prince_of_ India_Available] What an Interesting game plan of nature is this?






~~~ Om Shree Ganeshaaye Namaha ~~~


Dear Members


God Bless U


What an Interesting game plan of nature is this?


Ketu's Significator is Moon, Mercury, Mercury as a SgnLord, StrLord, SbLord

From 4th December, 2008 and up to 9th January, 2009


Rahu's Significator is Saturn, Moon, Mercury as a SgnLord, StrLord, SbLord

From 13th November, 2008 and up to 19th December 2008.


And Saturn's SubLord is also Moon

From 6th December, 2008 and up to 27th Aug 2009.


As this is the time period which both Nodes will give same results up to some extent means condition applied.




Tem Pram Chopra












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Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now.


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