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Prem Chopra <pramchopra1964


Wednesday, 26 November, 2008 9:04:12 PM

[A_Foresight_Prince_of_India_Available] The details of Upapada Lagna



~~~ Om Shree Ganeshaaye Namaha ~~~


Dear Members


God Bless U


The goal of this chapter is to first explain the Upapada Lagna (UL) so you

understand what, how and why it represents relationship. Then learn how to

interpret its significations as well as understand some traditional Vedic

remedies regarding the Upapada. Finally having understood how the UL works and

how it can be traditionally remedied, learn to understand it in a way where you

will be able to give practical advise regarding a couple's relationship.

The Arudha Lagna is the most important (pradhänaà) Arudha. The second most

important Arudha is the Upapada Lagna (the Arudha of the 12th house). Upa means

near or relating to (as well as giving and ornament), and is calculated from the

sign near and related to the lagna and shows the person who ends up near and

relating to you.

Rishi Parasara

Parasara begins the teaching of the Upapada in chapter 30 called the

" Oh Brahmin, now I will tell you about the Upapada, the auspiciousness of which

will confer on the native happines from wife, children, etc. The Arudha Lagna is

of prime importance, then the Upapada is calculated for the bhava following the

ascendant. This Upapada is also called the Gauna pada. "

How does the UL differ in interpretation from other relationship points?

There are many places we can analyze for different aspects of marriage and

relationship. It is good to understand the different points to be clear about

what we are looking at. The karakas for relationship are Venus and Jupiter and

their affliction will show blessings or curses in getting a healthy relationship

or not. They also reveal overall tendencies towards relationships, it is

important to see there placement in the rasi and navamsa. The Darakaraka shows

the atma of the partner, shows what type of soul the person has and issues

related to that level. The 7th house of the Rasi indicates how you relate to

others, it is your doorway to the world and shows how you relate to the public

(karaka Venus). The person you relate to the most and who reflects you the most

is the love partner. The 7th lord will show the physical conditions of

relationship and whether they are fruitful or barren. The A7 is connected to

business partners and to sexual relations.

The 7th house of the navamsa shows the skills, abilities and general nature of

the partner which predominates over the 7th house of the Rasi. It will also show

the partners sexual tendencies. The Upapada will show about the marriage partner

or a very serious relationship. It shows the nature of the family a person comes

from, it shows how the people will relate to each other, and whether the

relationship will last or not and what will make it last. It will show how many

children are coming from that relationship verse a previous relationship. It is

important for timing marriage and its break. The UL lord will indicate the

nature of the family of the partner, and therefore will often indicate the

status of the partner themselves.

Why does the UL represent the marriage partner?

First one needs to understand the 12th house more deeply and then see how the UL

is the person representing this. The Upapada (also called guana pada) is that

which rides the 12th house, it shows who is the image of the 12th house. The

12th house from the Lagna is what you have given, what you physically give,and

where you give your intelligence/ energy. The 12th house indicates jail,

hospital, ashram, loss, pleasures of the bed, sleeping (loss of consciousness) ,

as well as the bed where you sleep. Charity is a form of energy, and the 12th

house shows where you give your energy. Benefics in the 12th are called shubha

yoga and show giving to good things. Malefics in the 12th are called Ashubha

yoga and indicate putting energy into negative things. The Sun is in

maranakaraka sthana in the 12th house because is the house of Saturn, and there

is no life/light there. When A3, A9, AS3, AS9 are 12th, 2nd, 6th or 8th from the

Sun it indicates no ability to give

life for this reason.

The 12th house is a house of loss or giving and the Arudha of it shows who you

are giving to. Those you give to the most are often your wife and children.

Marriage itself happens when one starts earning and one is able to give.

Sometimes this giving might just be giving money for support, sometimes this

giving will be home caring. The importance is that if there is no giving then

there is nothing to sustain a relationship. If the partner didn't do anything

for you, you would not want to marry them.

The 7th house is the 8th from 12th house, it shows what is removing separateness

and giving marriage. The 12th house doesn't show sex it shows being

alone/celibate and the 7th house (8th from that) is what ends being alone. The

12th house is connected to sanyas and celibacy, the 8th from this ends that, and

makes a person get married and removes celibacy, therefore the 7th house needs

to be pure to maintain sanyas, and longevity of sanyas is seen from the 7th

house. Therefore the A7 is used to see the sexual partner and sexual relations,

not the UL.

The 12th house is the 8th from the 5th house, it will show the longevity of your

kula/lineage/ family. The UL shows who will help you give longevity to your

kula/family/ lineage. The 7th house is 3rd from the 5th house showing it is

upachaya from the 5th , meaning it will make your kula grow. The 12th house is

6th from the 7th which is also upachaya for the 7th house, which means it will

make sex increase, it is therefore connected to the pleasures of the bed, the

place to be alone to grow the 7th house, to mature it into real intimacy. The

6th house on the other hand is 2nd from the 5th and is therefore a maraka (death

giver) to the 5th house, it is not good for children or increasing the kula and

indicates celibacy. It is important to note that the twelfth house is important

for relationship but it doesn't represent sexual desires.

The AL is the maya of the lagna and the UL is the maya of the 12th house. It

shows something tangible that is being given or lost. It shows who will help

increase the longevity of the kula (family). As the 12th house is 6th from the

7th it shows who gives upachaya to the 7th, who helps it grow, so it is the

person who helps in the cultivation of what is shared as sex in the 7th house.

In Jyotish, this is seen as the marriage partner and the UL lord indicates the

marriage partner's family.

How is " marriage " to be defined astrologically?

The defining of marriage becomes very slippery and is generally given as a

serious committed relationship for more than a year, but there are many

variations to this. There are people who live together for a long time but lack

seriousness, or people who do the full marriage process and divorce in a matter

of weeks or months. The Upapada will show natural marriage not what a priest or

judge might say. Two people are naturally married when the relationship reaches

a level of seriousness. This is not be confused with relationships that may only

be connected to the A7 (sexual attraction/ physical relationship) .

Old texts like Manusmriti list 8 types of marriage (ashta vivaha). Of these

eight types, 4 were considered dharmic (righteous) while 4 were considered

adharmic (not in line with natural order). This shows they weren't the ways to

get married but were ways in which a marriage-like bond was created between two

individuals. These 8 types of marriage relate to the 8 planets other than Venus

who is the natural karaka of marriage. This is important to keep in mind when

seeing blessings and curses on the UL and Venus. These types of marriage are

very ancient and must not be taken literally in modern times, but we must

understand the essence of the marriage bond indicated by them.

How can different marriages and marriage partners be differentiated?

The first partner is seen from the UL, the second partner is seen from the 8 th

house of the UL (UL2), the 3 rd partner is seen from the 8 th to the second UL

(UL3) and so on. Often times (in modern society) it takes a few questions to

determine the exact partner of reference when interpreting a UL relationship.

Some people may have had only one or two serious relationships but westerners

can often have difficulty determining which relationships were serious, and

which were just passing flings. This makes interpretation harder and will test

your skills to determine the exact person one is referring to when discussing a

UL relationship.

In the same way the UL is showing the marriage itself, the nature (abilities) of

the 1 st partner are seen from the 7 th house of the navamsa, while the next

partner is seen from the 2 nd house in the navamsa (the 8 th from the first

significator) . The 3 rd partner is seen from 9 th house (the 8 th from the 2 nd


When a person has multiple marriage partners at the same time, as many Mormons

do, the UL2 (the second UL) is seen 6 th from the first UL. Additional wives are

again seen from the 6 th house from that significator. The 8 th house will show

an end to the previous relationship. The 6 th house is upacharya, it is growing,

and shows the growth of the Upapada. The Upapada is a point of giving and this

shows also that the amount needed to give (expenditure) is growing.

How do we use the UL in interpretation?

The UL is primarily seen as the partner and the relationship itself, it is used

as a lagna in and of itself. It will show qualities of the partner, their

career, their family, children from the relationship, longevity, as well as

fructification of the relationship even becoming a marriage.

I. Upapada Signs and Conjunctions

Rishi Parasara gives his first teaching on interpretation based on benefic and

malefic planets and signs relative to the UL:

  " O excellent of Brahmins, if the UL is conjunct or aspected by a benefic, or

be in a benefic sign, one will obtain full happiness from progeny and spouse.

Should the UL be in a malefic sign or is in conjunct or aspected by a malefic,

one will become an ascetic and go without a wife. This loss will not happen if a

benefic is conjunct or aspecting the UL. Realtive to the UL, the Sun is good for

relationship as long as its in its own sign or exalted, though he is malefic if

in an enemy's sign or debilitated. "

The statements of Parasara must be looked at in their essence. Here we learn

that the nature (malefic/benefic) of the planets with the Upapada shows the

nature of relationship. A benefic lord will make a happy relationship as will

the conjunction of benefics. In general, the more well placed a planet the

better the significations it will give here.

The Sun supports relationship, but becoming neecha the Sun acts malefic as even

the other benefic planets will do, they will not give shubha results at the same

level. Numurologically, the the Sun is connected to the number 12, and the UL

comes from the 12 th house, this is how the Sun is giving its blessings to the

Upapada. The Sun also represents lineage and as the Arudha of the 12 th house

shows who will help you give longevity to your kula (family) the Sun is a strong

protector. For this reason the Sun is to be considered among the list of

benefics. When the Sun is in an enemies sign it will have less support to

protect the Upapada, and when neecha it will not help at all but instead may

hurt the UL as every neecha planet will. When a planet becomes uccha it will

protect the UL even if it is a malefic, as it will take on more sattvic

qualitites. Though it will still have some negative attributes of that planet,

while the Sun is a pure benefic for the


Interpretation can get specific, for example a benefic sign with malefic aspects

can indicate a good person/relationship that will go bad due to malefic

situations. If the UL was in Scorpio with the Moon and benefic aspects, it would

show a bad person/relationship that will eventually evolve into a better

situation. Always strengthen the benefics aspects or planets involved in the


Jaimini gives upadesa (additional commentary) and says,

If benefics join UL the spouse is beautiful. 1.4.11

Subha (good), Bandhat (bound too, joined), Sundari (beautiful). When the UL is

joined good (benefic) planets the partner/relationshi p is beautiful. This is

interpreted as the partner is a beautiful person (indicates beauty of character,

as 7 th house of Navamsa is seen for outer beauty, chara darakaraka is seen for

spiritual evolution beauty). This makes the relationship a good (beautiful)

experience. The partner is happy receiving what you are giving.. In this same

way a malefic conjunct the UL will make the partner harsher (according to the

planet and its state) and therefore make the relationship harsher and the

partner is more demanding.

II. Upapada Lord

Rishi Parasara says that an exalted UL will bring a partner from a noble family,

while debilitation will do the opposite.

  " If the lord of the UL or the constant significator of wife is uccha, the wife

will be from a noble family; reverse will be the case if neecha. "

Jaimini gives upadesa and says that


If the lord of UL is exalted, the spouse hails from the elite/upper class. 1.4.9

If the lord of the UL is debilitated, the spouse is from the lower class. 1.4.10

The Lord of the UL indicates the family the partner comes from. If the lord of

UL is exalted the person will come from a well to do family and will have high

standards the opposite will be the case with a neecha UL lord. In the chart of

James, he has his own Arudha Lagna lord exalted but it is conjunct Rahu and

Saturn, so though he has the potential to rise to great things in life he

prefers to live a simple life owning very little. He lives in a VW bus that he

constructed into an incredible house on wheels. It is famous for the elaborate

wood work and stained glass both inside and outside the bus. Even though he

lives a simple life the main partners in his life have all come from very upper

class, very well to do families, which is not his particular interest, though it

is his karma. The Upapada is in Aries in the fourth house with its lord Mars and

an exalted Sun. The conjunction of the UL with an exalted planet will lift it

up, especially since it is

in its own sign. The more well placed the Lord of the UL the higher the status

of the family the spouse comes from.

He is not comfortable with the relationship because the UL is 12 th from his

Arudha Lagna. The UL in Aries with the fiery Sun and Mars is too much and 12 th

from Arudha Lagna (the house of secret enemies to the Arudha) shows he will not

want to put the time and energy into the relationship. Upapada fasting will be

important for him.

The next chart has the opposite situation. Using Ketu as the lord of the UL in

Scorpio, it is debilitated in Taurus. This also puts a debilitated planet with

the UL itself. The Atmakaraka was in the 7th house of the navamsa, which can

make the partner more affluent. But the UL lord is neecha, and the conjunction

of Rahu with the UL made the marriage partner a thief, who eventually went to

jail. If Rahu was well placed, the partner could be an engineer working on big

machinery but negatively placed it made him a thief. The marriage partner was

spiritual, AK in the navamsa 7 th, as the partner would go to temple to pray to

his deities before going out to commit crime. The navamsa 7 th house is showing

more the nature of the partner. The story of the partner's family background

will unfold according to the story of the UL lord.

Notice that we used Ketu for the UL lord. There are two arudha lords, when an

arudha is placed in the signs of Scorpio or Aquarius. Both lords will have an

effect. Sometimes just the stronger/most influential planet will give effect.

Other times the weaker planet gives its results first, then the stronger planet

gives its results.

The strength of the UL itself will often determine if the relationship turns

into a legal marriage or not. Some serious relationships fail to fructify into a

marriage due to lack of strength shown by the UL. Weak placements such as 6th,

8th, or 12th from the UL, curses, bhadak and bad positions can hurt the UL.

In the next chart (4th October 1971 @1PM in Townsville, Queensland, Australia),

Marriage Refusal, a Hindu woman was going to marry a Muslim but was refused with

religion as the reasoning. The UL lord is vargottama and debilitated (which

makes it extra debilitated) , it is also Venus in the 8 th house of the navamsa

(which hurts the significations of marriage), it is also the AK which insures it

gives the results indicated. The lord of the UL is not only neecha but it is 12

th from the UL itself, indicating loss. The lord of UL positioned 6th, 8th, or

12th from the UL is not good and weakens its significations. Combined with the

other factors of Venus, the woman was refused marriage. The Arudha Lagna is 12

th from the Upapada Lagna, so the UL rejected her. The Lord of the Upapada is 12

th from the UL so the family also rejected the marriage.

Though the chart shows she was refused legal marriage, the relationship was a UL

because the individuals had real intent to marry. The social planets denied

social acceptance of the relationship; the Moon is 6 th from the UL and Venus

and Mercury are 12 th from it. The UL is broken even though there was not a

legal marriage, and 8 th from it will indicate the next marriage partner. Being

that it technically was a UL, the lord of the second, Mars, has raja banga yoga

(debilitated in navamsa) showing not enough resources to support the

relationship. Jupiter placed in the 2 nd from UL helped cause the break as well.

Jupiter significates religion, and Jupiter is in badhak sthana from the lagna

showing it causes her obstacles in life, Jupiter in badhak often indicates

religious significations as obstacles. Jupiter is also marana karaka sthana from

the AL showing she is perceived as hurting religion.

How do we see the longevity of relationship from the Upapada Lagna?

The second house from the UL is one of the most crucial houses for relationship.

This section will talk briefly about classical reference to the second house

from the UL, and the remedial measures will go into greater detail. It is the

most crucial house as it is the sustenance of the relationship, it feeds the

relationship. The second house is a natural maraka house and it shows the

longevity of the relationship.. Strong lord of the second from UL and Benefics

conjunct and aspecting it will support marriage. Weak lords of the second and

malefic association will destroy marriage. Rishi Parasara teaches:

  " If the second from the UL is a benefic sign or is aspected by or conjunct

with a benefic, the same good results will come to pass (good results with wife

and children). If there be a planet in the 2 nd from UL in debilitation

sign/amsa or be conjunct with a neecha or malefic planet there will be

destruction of the wife. If the said occupant be in exaltation sign/amsa or be

aspected by another planet, there will be many charming and virtous wives. "

The 2nd house from the UL will show the sustanence of relationship/ marriage. If

the 2 nd is strong, even if the UL has malefics (giving a negative relationship)

the 2 nd house will hold the relationship together. In the opposite case, if

there is malefic association in the 2 nd house from UL, it will break the

relationship even if it is with a good person and good situation (strong UL).

The UL is evaluated to see the situation of the relationship. The 2 nd from the

UL is evaluated to see if the relationship will last.

The next few verses from Rishi Parasara's Upapada Chapter show this concept in

more depth.. The amount of verses devoted to the UL is representative of its

importance, and with in that is is worth noting the large number of verses on

the 2 nd house from UL as well.

  " Oh excellent of Brahmins, if the UL or the 2 nd therefrom be occupied by its

own lord or if the said lord is in his own house, the death of wife will be at

an advanced age. If a planet is being constant indicator of wife and is in its

own house, there will be a loss of wife only at a later date. "

Jaimini says the same thing in slightly different words,

If the second is conjoined by its lord or its lord is placed elsewhere in own

sign or in exaltation, loss of spouse, if at all, will be only in an advanced

age. 1.4.8

These verses are speaking of the wife as if she dies, but this is in a culture

not overly using divorce (though they did have it). These indications for " age

of the wife " are to be used for age of the relationship. Longevity relative to

the UL is then to be taken as not how long the spouse will live, but how long

they will live in your house. Malefics hurt the longevity of a

marriage/relationsh ip. A well placed/strong lord of the second from UL will

make the relationship last. The sustenance for the relationship will be strong

and therefore the union will stay together. Dynamics within that relationship

are seen from synestry, but whether the people stay together or not is seen from

the 2 nd house from the UL.

Parasara gives another shloka, saying what was mentioned later by Jaimini, but

adding the 2 nd house. He says that a benefic will make the wife sundar

(beautiful) placed in the UL or 2 nd house from it. Jaimini said the same thing

relative to the UL only, Parasara speaks of Sundari (beauty) relative to the UL

and the sustenance of the relationship.

  " Oh Brahmin, if the UL or 2 nd from the UL is related to a benefic, the wife

will be beautiful, fortunate and virtous. "

There are often only slight differences between what Parasara taught and

Jaimini's upadesa (commentary) .. After giving the results of benefics in the 2

nd from UL, Jaimini mentions some of the results of malefics.

If the 2 nd from Upapada has malefic aspects or conjunctions the native loses

his wife or renounces the world. 1.4.2

If the 2 nd from UL has beneficial conjunction/ aspect, pravrajya/loss of spouse

may not occur. 1.4.5

Malefics in the 2 nd from the UL will show a relationship not lasting and ending

negatively. Indications associated with the UL and the 7 th lord will show why

and how the relationship is breaking. This leaves an individual with a bad taste

for relationship and often they do not wish to get involved again, hence the

statement that the individual renounces the world (they give everything to the

spouse and run away). Malefics second from UL alone will not make a renunciate.

The indications must already be present in the chart for sanyas. When the

indications for sanyas are present but the UL is strong the person will get

married. If the 2 nd house from UL is strong, the person will not be able to get

out of marriage, so they are not able to take sanyas. If the UL and its second

are afflicted, then the native cannot keep marriage and then marriage cannot

stand in the way of renouncing. If the indication for Sanyas is not indicated in

other ways, the person

will continue with relationship but with another UL, calculated 8 th from the

previous UL.

Early death of the UL partner is indicated by combinations for death of spouse

seen from the 7th lord and in the navamsa, and the 2 nd house from the UL should

be connected to the 3 rd house from the sthira karaka for spouse (Venus for men,

Jupiter for women). This shows that their death is the reason for the ending of


In the example chart is very straight case where the woman has had 2 husband's

die early. When the ninth and eighth lord have association it is a combination

for early death of spouse. She has the eighth lord Saturn aspecting 9 th lord

Jupiter (so a yoga for early death of spouse is fulfilled). The sthira karaka

Jupiter is in the 2 nd house from lagna and the UL is in the 3 rd house. The 2

nd house from the UL is also the 3 rd house from Jupiter. So the end of

relationship is also the end of the partner's life. Sometimes this is only seen

from aspects or other type of associations. For example, in OJ Simpson's chart,

the lord of the 2 nd house from the UL is aspecting the lord of the 3 rd house

from Venus. So this shows the end of relationship is the end of life, but not as

easily predictable.



Jaimini reiterates what Parasara said previously, that and an uccha planet 2 nd

from the UL will give many wives.



If the planet in this second is exalted there will be many wives. 1.4.6

This is again a concept coming from a society were divorce was very uncommon and

multiple wives was common. The uccha planet is showing the first marriage will

not break, and so if another person comes along, the native marries them as well

without breaking the first marriage. In Western society, this will have to be

interpreted slightly different depending on the belief system of the person, as

well as their sexuality (in the Rasi, 2 nd house in navamsa, navamsa trines, and

Somanath drekkana). It was believed in Vedic times that either a man or a woman

could have multiple spouses, it was not limited to only men. In the Vedas, there

are marriage hyms where the prayers are to more than one husband. Later only men

could have multiple wives and presently in the westernized world monogamy is the

most socially accepted type of relationship.

Indications for a sustained relationship are always nice to share with people

during a reading.. Other times there are malefic combinations that promise a

tough end to the relationship. Parasara teaches that the malefic associations on

the 2 nd house from the UL show the causes and situation of the relationship


  " Should Saturn and Rahu be in the 2 nd from the UL, the native will desert or

lose his wife on account of calamity/scandal or through death. "

Jaimini gives upadesa, he first states the same thing but he adds that benefic

aspects can mitigate the evil effects.

Beneficial aspects on the conjunctions given in the previous stanza mitigate the

negative results. 1.4.22

When the 2 nd from UL is weak, the relationship will break. When malefics are

present they are showing harsh reasons and circumstances breaking the

relationship. Saturn and Rahu in the 2 nd from UL will show death or scandal,

calamity or deserting the wife (relative to other indications in the chart). If

a benefic is there but the lord is neecha, the relationship may break but the

situation will not be as bad. When the relationship breaks the negative

indication of the graha will come into the native's life. When the astrologer

sees the negative indications of the planets 2 nd from UL coming into the life

through dasas, they can also predict that those indications will end the


It is important to take into account the teaching of Jaimini relative to this

situation. The problems will exist as the malefics will be in the 2 nd house

from the UL, but the aspects of benefics will help improve the situation, it

will give the partners the ability to work through the situation. This will be

very important in showing if a remedial measure to the relationship is possible,

and also indicate what that remedy may be. On the other hand, it shows that

benefic combinations can be severely hurt by the aspect of malefics. Rasi

drishti will show circumstances that are a problem, while graha dristhi will

show more the mental issues involved.

The sign of the UL is important as well as the sign of the 2 nd house from the

UL. When these two signs are inimical, there will be a want to break the

relationship. These relationships are already predetermined to be more

difficult. Whether they break or not will depend on the condition of the 2 nd

house from UL. There is an example where of a man who had a Sagittarius lagna,

Rahu was conjunct the UL in Aquarius, and Jupiter was in Pisces with the AL. As

the planet conj AL and the planet conj UL are inimical, they will want to break

up. But as Jupiter is in his own sign in the second from UL he will be unable to

break the marriage. The man's marriage lasted one night, he left her after that,

seeing her Rahu nature. But it took 13 years in court to legally end the

marriage. Finally the judge just asked the wife if money was the issue and told

her the max she could get, the husband then agreed and the marriage was finally


How do we time relationship with the UL?

The Marriage should be timed from the Upapada and the 7th house in Rasi and

Navamsa. For this information read the paper Sanjay Rath and presented at the

New York City Lectures in 2003.

What is the situation when a relationship breaks?

When the second house from the UL breaks the signifcations of that house will

break. If the UL is in the 9 th and the 2 nd from that is the 10 th house. When

the relationship breaks the 2 nd house from UL will break and all significations

of the tenth will be hurt, so the person may also suffer job problems or loss,

loss of fame, and status due to the relationship break. If the UL is in the 3

rd, the person may lose their home and all happiness when the relationship

breaks. If the UL is in the 4 th house, the person may lose the stability of

their chitta when relationship breaks, or may lose the bhakti of the 5 th house.

Some significations will be damaged.

If there are planets in the 2 nd from the UL, they will show damaged

significations with situations related negative significations of those planets

at the time of the relationship break. If Saturn and Moon are second from the

UL, the person will experience great depression at the time of relationship

break. If Mercury is 2 nd from the UL, the person's memory, studies, or business

will be severely afflicted. If the lagna lord is in the 2 nd from UL, the health

will be damaged and the person will fall sick out the time a relationship break.

The fundamental concept is that when the relationship breaks, the 2 nd house

from it is afflicted and any significations related to that house will also show


In the example chart, the native was on his second serious relationship. The

first UL was in Taurus, and the 2 nd UL was in Sagittarius. In the 2 nd house

from the Sagittarius UL was Mercury, the lagna lord. When the relationship

broke, the native fell sick for some time, this is because the lagna lord had to

break when the 2 nd house from UL broke. When the relationship breaks, it is

because of a weakness of that house and everything there is afflicted. The 2 nd

house from the UL is also the chitta, the mental state, and the native was very

unbalanced for some time after the relationship break.


This will help determine Upapadas and also help predict the end of relationship.

Benefics placed here sustain relationship, but if heavily aspected by malefics

will first give good results that slowly deteriorate. If there are malefics 2 nd

from UL, it shows negative experiences in the relationship and will make the UL

break. If aspected by benefics it will show the ability to overcome these

negative experiences and therefore experiences and emotions related to those

aspects should be strengthened. If Moon is aspecting a Saturn second from the UL

then the person needs to be more nurturing in relationship to help it be

sustained. Remember that Sun and Ketu are benefics relative to relationship.

Ketu will indicate the need to be more spiritual and indicate bringing spiritual

practice into the relationship. The Sun will show Dharma, and the following of a

Dharmic path is very important. If the Sun is 2 nd from the UL, and the

relationship breaks, be sure

the person has followed some adharmic path which is helping to break the


An exalted planet generally has more sattva to it. So an exalted Saturn will not

break the relationship. Instead it will hold the relationship together with an

iron fist, it will not allow the relationship to break. Sometimes a person is

trying to leave a relationship but unable to. This is often because of the

strength of the 2 nd from the UL. If it is strong, the person cannot leave the

relationship even if they want to. If the 2 nd from the UL is weak the person

cannot sustain the relationship even if they want to. When a person wants to

break a relationship and cannot, there are various harsh tantric remedies to

break the 2 nd house from UL. When a person wants to improve a relationship they

should strengthen the UL and its second house.

How does one match Upapadas for determining a good relationship?

The Upapada of the native should fall into trines or the opposite sign from the

lagna of the spouse for good compatibility as a marriage partner. The Lagna of

the native should fall into trines or the opposite sign from the Upapada of the

spouse to be compatible. This gives 4 signs which are compatible for any

nativity. If the UL was in Cancer, then Cancer, the other water signs in trine

(Scorpio and Pisces) or the opposite (Capricorn) would be compatible lagnas for

the spouse. Both the native and the partner should have UL and Lagna


The planets strongly connected to the UL of the native should match planets

strongly connected to the partner's lagna to show a karmic connection in the

compatibility. For example, if the UL is in Leo, with a strong Sun, the partner

should have a strong Sun in lagna or trines to it. Some similarity between these

points will show a karmic bond that will make the relationship compatible, so

that the partners perceive each other as marriage partners. The Arudha Lagna

represents externalities, and when the Upapada is trines with the AL it shows

the marriage is based on externalities like beauty, position or money of the

spouse. It does not show a deep connection, or a happy long term relationship.

When the Upapada Lagnas are the same it often indicates an arranged marriage..


Dear Freedom ji,


I have been applying what I have learnt regarding curses and arudhas to my own

chart amongst others and I have quite a few questions! I hope you will be kind

enough to answer and see if my reasoning/interpret ation is correct.


dob: 29 july 1965

place: nairobi, kenya

time: between 6:45pm and 7:32pm (unfortunately can't be more precise than this.

Someone cast a prasna for me and the ascendent is capricorn (and not aquarius).

However, within this time range, the moon does change sign and can either be in

7th house cancer or 8th house leo)


Have you given a paper or lesson on how to rectify birth time?



My question regarding 11th and 12th from AL:


If the 12 from AL shows ones losses and 11th from AL shows where one will be

able to make money from, then what if both the 11th and 12th from AL are

unoccupied and ruled by saturn? ie AL is in Pisces and 12th from it is Aq and 11

from it capricorn. The lagnesh is therefore also saturn which is placed

retrograde in aquarious and therefore weak. What is the remedy in this case

because the planet to be propriated in both cases is saturn?


In the case above, does one look at planets aspecting 11th and 12th from AL in

order to see which planets and what they signify in a chart will show the cause

of loss and gain?


for eg

12th from AL has retrograde saturn in aquarious and also has aspect of venus and

mercury. Therefore these 3 planets are going to show the cause of losses.


11 from AL is lagna capricorn unoccupied but has graha dristi from sun and moon

(from seventh house) and also from Jupiter and Rahu (from 5th house). So....sun,

moon, jupiter and rahu show areas from which money may be earned.


However, Jupiter cojoins Rahu in mantrastan thus a curse, so this shows no gains

but losses. The cursed 5th house is also having rashi dristi onto 7th house

which has the sun and moon. Does this mean that this curse will affect gains

shown by sun and moon aspecting 11th from AL?


Further I understand that one need to look at the navamsha and what planets are

in trines to the navamsha lagna in order to see what are an individuals natural

talents, or rather the blessings from previous birth that an individual is born

with. So if Me is in navamsha lagna and aspecting 12th from AL in rasi chart,

then it shows that I will lose money doing what I am good at?!



UL is in 10th house libra. Venus is lord of UL: ex husband (libra lagna) is huge

source of expense, loss, trouble and worry. venus in my chart is placed in 8th

house leo and is 6th from AL and 8th from lagna. UL is 8th from AL


ketu is in 2nd from UL: a very long troubled marriage but finally things came to

a head after the birth of my daugher (ie marriage would not break no matter how

hard i tried until lineage increased through birth of daughter). Although

divorced/separated for 5 years, he is not letting go and i am still fighting a

series of court cases he keeps bringing against me. ( I have mars, the other

badhakesh, in 9th house with a Ju and Ra conjunction in 5th house aspecting 9th

house. [ketu is also badhakesh but is in own house and badhakstan 11th house

scorpio. significance? Other badhakesh is mars in 9th house. I have the most

appalling bad luck you can imagine. Nothing, i mean nothing goes right.


Further, badhakesh mars in 9th house is 7th from AL. Now the remedy for mars in

bhagyastan (9th house) is rudra worship to control/supress the negativity of

mars. However, in order to make the AL rise one need to worship the deity

associated with the planet placed in 7th from AL.....mars!


So.....mars is badhakesh AND also in 9th house AND is placed 7th from AL. Oh and

it is also debilitated in navamsha. Am afraid I haven;t learnt enough to be able

to see what kind of remedy will work here.


I know I need to supress/cleanse the UL: I am fasting on Fridays and have also

cut out eating yogurt as it is ruled by venus. however am not sure if i need to

cut out ALL things with a sour taste. Does venus rule yogurt only or sour taste

in general?


How do I break the curse of brahmin in the 5th house AND strengthen a weak

lagnesh at the same time?

Also since the curse is from ju cojoining rahu rather than just from aspect does

this mean that it is there throughout life? I can't seem to see when it is

active using Moola dasa unless the following is a valid interpretation:


Ju/Ra in Taurus, ruled by venus.

Moola dasa of venus from July 1987 -July 2005.

However, the trouble from my ex regarding court cases, my daughter still

continues. The next moola maha dasa is of mercury ( 2005-2021) and although

mercury is in 8th house, I see no connection between it, 8th house or Ra and Ju.


- If sun is afflicted then the remedy is to worship Jupiter

- If jupiter is afflicted (as in my case) then the remedy is to worship the sun.

However, sun in my case is 8th lord in 7th house and debilitted in navamsha.

What would be the result of doing a surya mantra ie strengthening 8th lord?

- Karaka for lagna is the sun. So doing a surya mantra will strengthen lagna

lord or lagna or both.

-If saturn is the lagna lord and needs strengthening then what is the remedy?

Not a saturn mantra right?


I know there are a lot of questions here but I do hope you can check if I am

going about the right way in looking at the chart and answer my questions.


One last one! I have been looking at a lot of charts and all I can spot are bad

things! Is that normal? I kinda find it hard to spot blessing or good things in

a chart. One that I do see in my chart is the 10th and 9th lords cojoined

-dharmakarmadhipati yoga. I know its a blessing but I am not sure what this yoga

means or represents in practical terms.

Also in terms of it it fructifying a) if it has dristi from a curse then it

won't while the curse is active right? and b) it is in a dustathana house

therefore it will not be long lived?


I haven't progressed to appropriate remedies yet and I am really looking forward

to my copy of Vedic Remedies arriving.


Once again thank you for giving lessons, the confernece papers and for answering

questions. I see what you teach working all the time when I see charts and the

more I learn the more I want to learn.


From the arudha of the seventh (darapada/a7) and from the arudha of the twelfth

(upapada/UL) we have to find out everything about the first wife. From the

eighth houses of these two arudhas we can know about the second wife. -

Translation by P.S. Sastri - Uttara Kalamrita Chapter IV, sloka 40

So, to find the subsequent partners see the eighth from the particular pada.

Specifically with the darapada we are concerned with 'vaÅ›Ä' which is any

woman/partner, wife/spouse, mate, etc. In the tradition we call this all



For Upapada we are concerned with bhÄrya which is specifically the wife. In the

tradition we call this Vivaha.

Now, when we analyze the seventh house in the chart we are seeing 1) our

approach towards relationships (seventh house in rasi) and 2) our partners

characteristics (navamsa) and how he/she relates to you (seventh lord in rasi).

Whereas, the formal agreement of partnership (a7) and marriage (UL) is seen from

the specific arudhas. Remember that 'all things arudha are all things tangible',

i.e. you can measure them or see some formal agreement of the same.

The house/lord of the second from the UL will determine the length of sustenance

of the marriage.

However, do not ignore the houses, and when it comes to marriage the twelfth

house is extremely important in the chart. Malefics there like Ketu can cause

problems in marriage.

Reg. the chart you have posted:

July 25, 1973

Time: 5:45:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 76 E 17′ 00″, 9 N 59′ 00″

Ernakulam, India

Here the twelfth house is occupied by two malefics: Ketu and Saturn. This will

not bode well for marriage. Mars and Rahu are in quadrants from this forming a

dire sarpa yoga from the twelfth house and marriage perspective, not making the

situation easier with lots of passion and disappointments in the physical

felicity of the partnerships.

Now, see the upapadas. The first one is in Leo and the second lord Mercury is

not involved in the Sarpa yoga, but is combust by the Sun. The issues can be ego

problems and the likes.. The second Upapada is in Pisces and the second lord

therefrom is Mars who is in kendra to the sarpa yoga.

Now note that Saturn is the eighth lord and along with Rahu he has grahadristi

on Venus who is forming a curse of spouse from past life. This happens in the

second house and we must analyze the lord and karakafor the remedy. The Sun was

strong enough to give marriage in the first place due to its lordship of the

Upapada hence she can worship Dakshinamurti- Shiva to overcome the problems.

Advise her to worship Dakshinamurti to overcome the curse. Ask her to seek a

priest to receive a mantra for the same.

In addition as the curse is that of partner, the best advise to give her is that

she must help a couple get married, such as offer money (second house) or donate

a bed/sofa to the couple to start their married life in a good way.

Notice that the curse of spouse has been running since 1999, and the dasa/antara

of the planets involved in the curse (venus, saturn and rahu) as well as those

in the sarpa yoga will carry the problems. Specifically her two broken marriages

have fallen in that time and can be timed with the dasa.

Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma):

Sani MD: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)

Antardasas in this MD:

Sani: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2001-01-07 (14:09:59)

Ket: 2001-01-07 (14:09:59) - 2001-05-31 (21:27:22)

Mang: 2001-05-31 (21:27:22) - 2002-03-17 (13:02:43)

Rah: 2002-03-17 (13:02:43) - 2004-06-18 (19:19:27)

Chan: 2004-06-18 (19:19:27) - 2004-09-26 (1:19:25)

Sukr: 2004-09-26 (1:19:25) - 2007-02-11 (6:26:01)

Sury: 2007-02-11 (6:26:01) - 2007-10-14 (10:26:16)

Budh: 2007-10-14 (10:26:16) - 2009-10-09 (13:26:37)

Guru: 2009-10-09 (13:26:37) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)

The last among the problematic periods is ending this February, and aptly the

remedy for the same has been given now.





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----- Forwarded Message ----Prem Chopra <pramchopra1964A_Foresight_Prince_of_India_Available Sent: Wednesday, 26 November, 2008 9:04:12 PM[A_Foresight_Prince_of_India_Available] The details of Upapada Lagna



~~~ Om Shree Ganeshaaye Namaha ~~~


Dear Members


God Bless U



The goal of this chapter is to first explain the Upapada Lagna (UL) so you understand what, how and why it represents relationship. Then learn how to interpret its significations as well as understand some traditional Vedic remedies regarding the Upapada. Finally having understood how the UL works and how it can be traditionally remedied, learn to understand it in a way where you will be able to give practical advise regarding a couple's relationship.

The Arudha Lagna is the most important (pradhänaà) Arudha. The second most important Arudha is the Upapada Lagna (the Arudha of the 12th house). Upa means near or relating to (as well as giving and ornament), and is calculated from the sign near and related to the lagna and shows the person who ends up near and relating to you.

Rishi Parasara

Parasara begins the teaching of the Upapada in chapter 30 called the

"Oh Brahmin, now I will tell you about the Upapada, the auspiciousness of which will confer on the native happines from wife, children, etc. The Arudha Lagna is of prime importance, then the Upapada is calculated for the bhava following the ascendant. This Upapada is also called the Gauna pada."

How does the UL differ in interpretation from other relationship points?

There are many places we can analyze for different aspects of marriage and relationship. It is good to understand the different points to be clear about what we are looking at. The karakas for relationship are Venus and Jupiter and their affliction will show blessings or curses in getting a healthy relationship or not. They also reveal overall tendencies towards relationships, it is important to see there placement in the rasi and navamsa. The Darakaraka shows the atma of the partner, shows what type of soul the person has and issues related to that level. The 7th house of the Rasi indicates how you relate to others, it is your doorway to the world and shows how you relate to the public (karaka Venus). The person you relate to the most and who reflects you the most is the love partner. The 7th lord will show the physical conditions of relationship

and whether they are fruitful or barren. The A7 is connected to business partners and to sexual relations. The 7th house of the navamsa shows the skills, abilities and general nature of the partner which predominates over the 7th house of the Rasi. It will also show the partners sexual tendencies. The Upapada will show about the marriage partner or a very serious relationship. It shows the nature of the family a person comes from, it shows how the people will relate to each other, and whether the relationship will last or not and what will make it last. It will show how many children are coming from that relationship verse a previous relationship. It is important for timing marriage and its break. The UL lord will indicate the nature of the family of the partner, and therefore will often indicate the status of the partner themselves.

Why does the UL represent the marriage partner?

First one needs to understand the 12th house more deeply and then see how the UL is the person representing this. The Upapada (also called guana pada) is that which rides the 12th house, it shows who is the image of the 12th house. The 12th house from the Lagna is what you have given, what you physically give,and where you give your intelligence/ energy. The 12th house indicates jail, hospital, ashram, loss, pleasures of the bed, sleeping (loss of consciousness) , as well as the bed where you sleep. Charity is a form of energy, and the 12th house shows where you give your energy. Benefics in the 12th are called shubha yoga and show giving to good things. Malefics in the 12th are called Ashubha yoga and indicate putting energy into negative things. The Sun is in maranakaraka sthana in the 12th house because is the house of Saturn, and there is

no life/light there. When A3, A9, AS3, AS9 are 12th, 2nd, 6th or 8th from the Sun it indicates no ability to give life for this reason.

The 12th house is a house of loss or giving and the Arudha of it shows who you are giving to. Those you give to the most are often your wife and children. Marriage itself happens when one starts earning and one is able to give. Sometimes this giving might just be giving money for support, sometimes this giving will be home caring. The importance is that if there is no giving then there is nothing to sustain a relationship. If the partner didn't do anything for you, you would not want to marry them.

The 7th house is the 8th from 12th house, it shows what is removing separateness and giving marriage. The 12th house doesn't show sex it shows being alone/celibate and the 7th house (8th from that) is what ends being alone. The 12th house is connected to sanyas and celibacy, the 8th from this ends that, and makes a person get married and removes celibacy, therefore the 7th house needs to be pure to maintain sanyas, and longevity of sanyas is seen from the 7th house. Therefore the A7 is used to see the sexual partner and sexual relations, not the UL.

The 12th house is the 8th from the 5th house, it will show the longevity of your kula/lineage/ family. The UL shows who will help you give longevity to your kula/family/ lineage. The 7th house is 3rd from the 5th house showing it is upachaya from the 5th , meaning it will make your kula grow. The 12th house is 6th from the 7th which is also upachaya for the 7th house, which means it will make sex increase, it is therefore connected to the pleasures of the bed, the place to be alone to grow the 7th house, to mature it into real intimacy. The 6th house on the other hand is 2nd from the 5th and is therefore a maraka (death giver) to the 5th house, it is not good for children or increasing the kula and indicates celibacy. It is important to note that the twelfth house is important for relationship but it doesn't represent sexual desires.


The AL is the maya of the lagna and the UL is the maya of the 12th house. It shows something tangible that is being given or lost. It shows who will help increase the longevity of the kula (family). As the 12th house is 6th from the 7th it shows who gives upachaya to the 7th, who helps it grow, so it is the person who helps in the cultivation of what is shared as sex in the 7th house. In Jyotish, this is seen as the marriage partner and the UL lord indicates the marriage partner's family.

How is "marriage" to be defined astrologically?

The defining of marriage becomes very slippery and is generally given as a serious committed relationship for more than a year, but there are many variations to this. There are people who live together for a long time but lack seriousness, or people who do the full marriage process and divorce in a matter of weeks or months. The Upapada will show natural marriage not what a priest or judge might say. Two people are naturally married when the relationship reaches a level of seriousness. This is not be confused with relationships that may only be connected to the A7 (sexual attraction/ physical relationship) .

Old texts like Manusmriti list 8 types of marriage (ashta vivaha). Of these eight types, 4 were considered dharmic (righteous) while 4 were considered adharmic (not in line with natural order). This shows they weren't the ways to get married but were ways in which a marriage-like bond was created between two individuals. These 8 types of marriage relate to the 8 planets other than Venus who is the natural karaka of marriage. This is important to keep in mind when seeing blessings and curses on the UL and Venus. These types of marriage are very ancient and must not be taken literally in modern times, but we must understand the essence of the marriage bond indicated by them.

How can different marriages and marriage partners be differentiated?

The first partner is seen from the UL, the second partner is seen from the 8 th house of the UL (UL2), the 3 rd partner is seen from the 8 th to the second UL (UL3) and so on. Often times (in modern society) it takes a few questions to determine the exact partner of reference when interpreting a UL relationship. Some people may have had only one or two serious relationships but westerners can often have difficulty determining which relationships were serious, and which were just passing flings. This makes interpretation harder and will test your skills to determine the exact person one is referring to when discussing a UL relationship.

In the same way the UL is showing the marriage itself, the nature (abilities) of the 1 st partner are seen from the 7 th house of the navamsa, while the next partner is seen from the 2 nd house in the navamsa (the 8 th from the first significator) . The 3 rd partner is seen from 9 th house (the 8 th from the 2 nd house).

When a person has multiple marriage partners at the same time, as many Mormons do, the UL2 (the second UL) is seen 6 th from the first UL. Additional wives are again seen from the 6 th house from that significator. The 8 th house will show an end to the previous relationship. The 6 th house is upacharya, it is growing, and shows the growth of the Upapada. The Upapada is a point of giving and this shows also that the amount needed to give (expenditure) is growing.

How do we use the UL in interpretation?

The UL is primarily seen as the partner and the relationship itself, it is used as a lagna in and of itself. It will show qualities of the partner, their career, their family, children from the relationship, longevity, as well as fructification of the relationship even becoming a marriage.

I. Upapada Signs and Conjunctions

Rishi Parasara gives his first teaching on interpretation based on benefic and malefic planets and signs relative to the UL:

"O excellent of Brahmins, if the UL is conjunct or aspected by a benefic, or be in a benefic sign, one will obtain full happiness from progeny and spouse. Should the UL be in a malefic sign or is in conjunct or aspected by a malefic, one will become an ascetic and go without a wife. This loss will not happen if a benefic is conjunct or aspecting the UL. Realtive to the UL, the Sun is good for relationship as long as its in its own sign or exalted, though he is malefic if in an enemy's sign or debilitated. "

The statements of Parasara must be looked at in their essence. Here we learn that the nature (malefic/benefic) of the planets with the Upapada shows the nature of relationship. A benefic lord will make a happy relationship as will the conjunction of benefics. In general, the more well placed a planet the better the significations it will give here.

The Sun supports relationship, but becoming neecha the Sun acts malefic as even the other benefic planets will do, they will not give shubha results at the same level. Numurologically, the the Sun is connected to the number 12, and the UL comes from the 12 th house, this is how the Sun is giving its blessings to the Upapada. The Sun also represents lineage and as the Arudha of the 12 th house shows who will help you give longevity to your kula (family) the Sun is a strong protector. For this reason the Sun is to be considered among the list of benefics. When the Sun is in an enemies sign it will have less support to protect the Upapada, and when neecha it will not help at all but instead may hurt the UL as every neecha planet will. When a planet becomes uccha it will protect the UL even if it is a malefic, as it will take on more sattvic qualitites.

Though it will still have some negative attributes of that planet, while the Sun is a pure benefic for the UL.

Interpretation can get specific, for example a benefic sign with malefic aspects can indicate a good person/relationship that will go bad due to malefic situations. If the UL was in Scorpio with the Moon and benefic aspects, it would show a bad person/relationship that will eventually evolve into a better situation. Always strengthen the benefics aspects or planets involved in the situation.

Jaimini gives upadesa (additional commentary) and says,

If benefics join UL the spouse is beautiful. 1.4.11

Subha (good), Bandhat (bound too, joined), Sundari (beautiful). When the UL is joined good (benefic) planets the partner/relationshi p is beautiful. This is interpreted as the partner is a beautiful person (indicates beauty of character, as 7 th house of Navamsa is seen for outer beauty, chara darakaraka is seen for spiritual evolution beauty). This makes the relationship a good (beautiful) experience. The partner is happy receiving what you are giving. In this same way a malefic conjunct the UL will make the partner harsher (according to the planet and its state) and therefore make the relationship harsher and the partner is more demanding.

II. Upapada Lord

Rishi Parasara says that an exalted UL will bring a partner from a noble family, while debilitation will do the opposite.

"If the lord of the UL or the constant significator of wife is uccha, the wife will be from a noble family; reverse will be the case if neecha."

Jaimini gives upadesa and says thatIf the lord of UL is exalted, the spouse hails from the elite/upper class. 1.4.9 If the lord of the UL is debilitated, the spouse is from the lower class. 1.4.10

The Lord of the UL indicates the family the partner comes from. If the lord of UL is exalted the person will come from a well to do family and will have high standards the opposite will be the case with a neecha UL lord. In the chart of James, he has his own Arudha Lagna lord exalted but it is conjunct Rahu and Saturn, so though he has the potential to rise to great things in life he prefers to live a simple life owning very little. He lives in a VW bus that he constructed into an incredible house on wheels. It is famous for the elaborate wood work and stained glass both inside and outside the bus. Even though he lives a simple life the main partners in his life have all come from very upper class, very well to do families, which is not his particular interest, though it is his karma. The Upapada is in Aries in the fourth house

with its lord Mars and an exalted Sun. The conjunction of the UL with an exalted planet will lift it up, especially since it is in its own sign. The more well placed the Lord of the UL the higher the status of the family the spouse comes from.

He is not comfortable with the relationship because the UL is 12 th from his Arudha Lagna. The UL in Aries with the fiery Sun and Mars is too much and 12 th from Arudha Lagna (the house of secret enemies to the Arudha) shows he will not want to put the time and energy into the relationship. Upapada fasting will be important for him.

The next chart has the opposite situation. Using Ketu as the lord of the UL in Scorpio, it is debilitated in Taurus. This also puts a debilitated planet with the UL itself. The Atmakaraka was in the 7th house of the navamsa, which can make the partner more affluent. But the UL lord is neecha, and the conjunction of Rahu with the UL made the marriage partner a thief, who eventually went to jail. If Rahu was well placed, the partner could be an engineer working on big machinery but negatively placed it made him a thief. The marriage partner was spiritual, AK in the navamsa 7 th, as the partner would go to temple to pray to his deities before going out to commit crime. The navamsa 7 th house is showing more the nature of the partner. The story of the partner's family background will unfold according to the story of the UL


Notice that we used Ketu for the UL lord. There are two arudha lords, when an arudha is placed in the signs of Scorpio or Aquarius. Both lords will have an effect. Sometimes just the stronger/most influential planet will give effect. Other times the weaker planet gives its results first, then the stronger planet gives its results.

The strength of the UL itself will often determine if the relationship turns into a legal marriage or not. Some serious relationships fail to fructify into a marriage due to lack of strength shown by the UL. Weak placements such as 6th, 8th, or 12th from the UL, curses, bhadak and bad positions can hurt the UL.

In the next chart (4th October 1971 @1PM in Townsville, Queensland, Australia), Marriage Refusal, a Hindu woman was going to marry a Muslim but was refused with religion as the reasoning. The UL lord is vargottama and debilitated (which makes it extra debilitated) , it is also Venus in the 8 th house of the navamsa (which hurts the significations of marriage), it is also the AK which insures it gives the results indicated. The lord of the UL is not only neecha but it is 12 th from the UL itself, indicating loss. The lord of UL positioned 6th, 8th, or 12th from the UL is not good and weakens its significations. Combined with the other factors of Venus, the woman was refused marriage. The Arudha Lagna is 12 th from the Upapada Lagna, so the UL rejected her. The Lord of the Upapada is 12 th from the UL so the family also rejected

the marriage.

Though the chart shows she was refused legal marriage, the relationship was a UL because the individuals had real intent to marry. The social planets denied social acceptance of the relationship; the Moon is 6 th from the UL and Venus and Mercury are 12 th from it. The UL is broken even though there was not a legal marriage, and 8 th from it will indicate the next marriage partner. Being that it technically was a UL, the lord of the second, Mars, has raja banga yoga (debilitated in navamsa) showing not enough resources to support the relationship. Jupiter placed in the 2 nd from UL helped cause the break as well. Jupiter significates religion, and Jupiter is in badhak sthana from the lagna showing it causes her obstacles in life, Jupiter in badhak often indicates religious significations as obstacles. Jupiter is also marana karaka sthana from the AL

showing she is perceived as hurting religion.

How do we see the longevity of relationship from the Upapada Lagna?

The second house from the UL is one of the most crucial houses for relationship. This section will talk briefly about classical reference to the second house from the UL, and the remedial measures will go into greater detail. It is the most crucial house as it is the sustenance of the relationship, it feeds the relationship. The second house is a natural maraka house and it shows the longevity of the relationship. Strong lord of the second from UL and Benefics conjunct and aspecting it will support marriage. Weak lords of the second and malefic association will destroy marriage. Rishi Parasara teaches:

"If the second from the UL is a benefic sign or is aspected by or conjunct with a benefic, the same good results will come to pass (good results with wife and children). If there be a planet in the 2 nd from UL in debilitation sign/amsa or be conjunct with a neecha or malefic planet there will be destruction of the wife. If the said occupant be in exaltation sign/amsa or be aspected by another planet, there will be many charming and virtous wives."

The 2nd house from the UL will show the sustanence of relationship/ marriage. If the 2 nd is strong, even if the UL has malefics (giving a negative relationship) the 2 nd house will hold the relationship together. In the opposite case, if there is malefic association in the 2 nd house from UL, it will break the relationship even if it is with a good person and good situation (strong UL). The UL is evaluated to see the situation of the relationship. The 2 nd from the UL is evaluated to see if the relationship will last.

The next few verses from Rishi Parasara's Upapada Chapter show this concept in more depth. The amount of verses devoted to the UL is representative of its importance, and with in that is is worth noting the large number of verses on the 2 nd house from UL as well.

"Oh excellent of Brahmins, if the UL or the 2 nd therefrom be occupied by its own lord or if the said lord is in his own house, the death of wife will be at an advanced age. If a planet is being constant indicator of wife and is in its own house, there will be a loss of wife only at a later date."

Jaimini says the same thing in slightly different words,

If the second is conjoined by its lord or its lord is placed elsewhere in own sign or in exaltation, loss of spouse, if at all, will be only in an advanced age. 1.4.8

These verses are speaking of the wife as if she dies, but this is in a culture not overly using divorce (though they did have it). These indications for "age of the wife" are to be used for age of the relationship. Longevity relative to the UL is then to be taken as not how long the spouse will live, but how long they will live in your house. Malefics hurt the longevity of a marriage/relationsh ip. A well placed/strong lord of the second from UL will make the relationship last. The sustenance for the relationship will be strong and therefore the union will stay together. Dynamics within that relationship are seen from synestry, but whether the people stay together or not is seen from the 2 nd house from the UL.

Parasara gives another shloka, saying what was mentioned later by Jaimini, but adding the 2 nd house.. He says that a benefic will make the wife sundar (beautiful) placed in the UL or 2 nd house from it. Jaimini said the same thing relative to the UL only, Parasara speaks of Sundari (beauty) relative to the UL and the sustenance of the relationship.

"Oh Brahmin, if the UL or 2 nd from the UL is related to a benefic, the wife will be beautiful, fortunate and virtous."

There are often only slight differences between what Parasara taught and Jaimini's upadesa (commentary) . After giving the results of benefics in the 2 nd from UL, Jaimini mentions some of the results of malefics.

If the 2 nd from Upapada has malefic aspects or conjunctions the native loses his wife or renounces the world. 1.4.2If the 2 nd from UL has beneficial conjunction/ aspect, pravrajya/loss of spouse may not occur. 1.4.5

Malefics in the 2 nd from the UL will show a relationship not lasting and ending negatively. Indications associated with the UL and the 7 th lord will show why and how the relationship is breaking. This leaves an individual with a bad taste for relationship and often they do not wish to get involved again, hence the statement that the individual renounces the world (they give everything to the spouse and run away). Malefics second from UL alone will not make a renunciate. The indications must already be present in the chart for sanyas. When the indications for sanyas are present but the UL is strong the person will get married. If the 2 nd house from UL is strong, the person will not be able to get out of marriage, so they are not able to take sanyas. If the UL and its second are afflicted, then the native cannot keep marriage and then marriage

cannot stand in the way of renouncing. If the indication for Sanyas is not indicated in other ways, the person will continue with relationship but with another UL, calculated 8 th from the previous UL.

Early death of the UL partner is indicated by combinations for death of spouse seen from the 7th lord and in the navamsa, and the 2 nd house from the UL should be connected to the 3 rd house from the sthira karaka for spouse (Venus for men, Jupiter for women). This shows that their death is the reason for the ending of relationship.

In the example chart is very straight case where the woman has had 2 husband's die early. When the ninth and eighth lord have association it is a combination for early death of spouse. She has the eighth lord Saturn aspecting 9 th lord Jupiter (so a yoga for early death of spouse is fulfilled). The sthira karaka Jupiter is in the 2 nd house from lagna and the UL is in the 3 rd house. The 2 nd house from the UL is also the 3 rd house from Jupiter. So the end of relationship is also the end of the partner's life. Sometimes this is only seen from aspects or other type of associations. For example, in OJ Simpson's chart, the lord of the 2 nd house from the UL is aspecting the lord of the 3 rd house from Venus. So this shows the end of relationship is the end of life, but not as easily predictable.

Jaimini reiterates what Parasara said previously, that and an uccha planet 2 nd from the UL will give many wives.

If the planet in this second is exalted there will be many wives. 1.4.6

This is again a concept coming from a society were divorce was very uncommon and multiple wives was common. The uccha planet is showing the first marriage will not break, and so if another person comes along, the native marries them as well without breaking the first marriage. In Western society, this will have to be interpreted slightly different depending on the belief system of the person, as well as their sexuality (in the Rasi, 2 nd house in navamsa, navamsa trines, and Somanath drekkana). It was believed in Vedic times that either a man or a woman could have multiple spouses, it was not limited to only men. In the Vedas, there are marriage hyms where the prayers are to more than one husband. Later only men could have multiple wives and presently in the westernized world monogamy is the most socially accepted type of


Indications for a sustained relationship are always nice to share with people during a reading. Other times there are malefic combinations that promise a tough end to the relationship. Parasara teaches that the malefic associations on the 2 nd house from the UL show the causes and situation of the relationship end.

"Should Saturn and Rahu be in the 2 nd from the UL, the native will desert or lose his wife on account of calamity/scandal or through death."

Jaimini gives upadesa, he first states the same thing but he adds that benefic aspects can mitigate the evil effects.

Beneficial aspects on the conjunctions given in the previous stanza mitigate the negative results. 1.4.22

When the 2 nd from UL is weak, the relationship will break. When malefics are present they are showing harsh reasons and circumstances breaking the relationship. Saturn and Rahu in the 2 nd from UL will show death or scandal, calamity or deserting the wife (relative to other indications in the chart). If a benefic is there but the lord is neecha, the relationship may break but the situation will not be as bad. When the relationship breaks the negative indication of the graha will come into the native's life. When the astrologer sees the negative indications of the planets 2 nd from UL coming into the life through dasas, they can also predict that those indications will end the relationship.

It is important to take into account the teaching of Jaimini relative to this situation. The problems will exist as the malefics will be in the 2 nd house from the UL, but the aspects of benefics will help improve the situation, it will give the partners the ability to work through the situation. This will be very important in showing if a remedial measure to the relationship is possible, and also indicate what that remedy may be. On the other hand, it shows that benefic combinations can be severely hurt by the aspect of malefics. Rasi drishti will show circumstances that are a problem, while graha dristhi will show more the mental issues involved.

The sign of the UL is important as well as the sign of the 2 nd house from the UL. When these two signs are inimical, there will be a want to break the relationship. These relationships are already predetermined to be more difficult. Whether they break or not will depend on the condition of the 2 nd house from UL. There is an example where of a man who had a Sagittarius lagna, Rahu was conjunct the UL in Aquarius, and Jupiter was in Pisces with the AL. As the planet conj AL and the planet conj UL are inimical, they will want to break up. But as Jupiter is in his own sign in the second from UL he will be unable to break the marriage. The man's marriage lasted one night, he left her after that, seeing her Rahu nature. But it took 13 years in court to legally end the marriage. Finally the judge just asked the wife if money was the issue and told her

the max she could get, the husband then agreed and the marriage was finally absolved.

How do we time relationship with the UL?

The Marriage should be timed from the Upapada and the 7th house in Rasi and Navamsa. For this information read the paper Sanjay Rath and presented at the New York City Lectures in 2003.

What is the situation when a relationship breaks?

When the second house from the UL breaks the signifcations of that house will break. If the UL is in the 9 th and the 2 nd from that is the 10 th house. When the relationship breaks the 2 nd house from UL will break and all significations of the tenth will be hurt, so the person may also suffer job problems or loss, loss of fame, and status due to the relationship break. If the UL is in the 3 rd, the person may lose their home and all happiness when the relationship breaks. If the UL is in the 4 th house, the person may lose the stability of their chitta when relationship breaks, or may lose the bhakti of the 5 th house. Some significations will be damaged.

If there are planets in the 2 nd from the UL, they will show damaged significations with situations related negative significations of those planets at the time of the relationship break. If Saturn and Moon are second from the UL, the person will experience great depression at the time of relationship break. If Mercury is 2 nd from the UL, the person's memory, studies, or business will be severely afflicted. If the lagna lord is in the 2 nd from UL, the health will be damaged and the person will fall sick out the time a relationship break. The fundamental concept is that when the relationship breaks, the 2 nd house from it is afflicted and any significations related to that house will also show affliction.

In the example chart, the native was on his second serious relationship. The first UL was in Taurus, and the 2 nd UL was in Sagittarius. In the 2 nd house from the Sagittarius UL was Mercury, the lagna lord. When the relationship broke, the native fell sick for some time, this is because the lagna lord had to break when the 2 nd house from UL broke. When the relationship breaks, it is because of a weakness of that house and everything there is afflicted. The 2 nd house from the UL is also the chitta, the mental state, and the native was very unbalanced for some time after the relationship break.

This will help determine Upapadas and also help predict the end of relationship. Benefics placed here sustain relationship, but if heavily aspected by malefics will first give good results that slowly deteriorate. If there are malefics 2 nd from UL, it shows negative experiences in the relationship and will make the UL break. If aspected by benefics it will show the ability to overcome these negative experiences and therefore experiences and emotions related to those aspects should be strengthened. If Moon is aspecting a Saturn second from the UL then the person needs to be more nurturing in relationship to help it be sustained. Remember that Sun and Ketu are benefics relative to relationship. Ketu will indicate the need to be more spiritual and indicate bringing spiritual practice into the relationship. The Sun will show Dharma, and the following

of a Dharmic path is very important. If the Sun is 2 nd from the UL, and the relationship breaks, be sure the person has followed some adharmic path which is helping to break the relationship.

An exalted planet generally has more sattva to it. So an exalted Saturn will not break the relationship. Instead it will hold the relationship together with an iron fist, it will not allow the relationship to break. Sometimes a person is trying to leave a relationship but unable to. This is often because of the strength of the 2 nd from the UL. If it is strong, the person cannot leave the relationship even if they want to. If the 2 nd from the UL is weak the person cannot sustain the relationship even if they want to. When a person wants to break a relationship and cannot, there are various harsh tantric remedies to break the 2 nd house from UL. When a person wants to improve a relationship they should strengthen the UL and its second house.

How does one match Upapadas for determining a good relationship?

The Upapada of the native should fall into trines or the opposite sign from the lagna of the spouse for good compatibility as a marriage partner. The Lagna of the native should fall into trines or the opposite sign from the Upapada of the spouse to be compatible. This gives 4 signs which are compatible for any nativity. If the UL was in Cancer, then Cancer, the other water signs in trine (Scorpio and Pisces) or the opposite (Capricorn) would be compatible lagnas for the spouse. Both the native and the partner should have UL and Lagna compatibility.

The planets strongly connected to the UL of the native should match planets strongly connected to the partner's lagna to show a karmic connection in the compatibility. For example, if the UL is in Leo, with a strong Sun, the partner should have a strong Sun in lagna or trines to it. Some similarity between these points will show a karmic bond that will make the relationship compatible, so that the partners perceive each other as marriage partners. The Arudha Lagna represents externalities, and when the Upapada is trines with the AL it shows the marriage is based on externalities like beauty, position or money of the spouse. It does not show a deep connection, or a happy long term relationship. When the Upapada Lagnas are the same it often indicates an arranged marriage.


Dear Freedom ji, I have been applying what I have learnt regarding curses and arudhas to my own chart amongst others and I have quite a few questions! I hope you will be kind enough to answer and see if my reasoning/interpret ation is correct. dob: 29 july 1965 place: nairobi, kenya time: between 6:45pm and 7:32pm (unfortunately can't be more precise than this. Someone cast a prasna for me and the ascendent is capricorn (and not aquarius). However, within this time range, the moon does change sign and can either be in 7th house cancer or 8th house leo) Have you given a paper or lesson on how to rectify birth time? My question regarding 11th and 12th from AL: If the 12 from AL shows ones losses and 11th from AL shows where one will be able to make money from, then what if both the 11th and 12th from AL are

unoccupied and ruled by saturn? ie AL is in Pisces and 12th from it is Aq and 11 from it capricorn. The lagnesh is therefore also saturn which is placed retrograde in aquarious and therefore weak. What is the remedy in this case because the planet to be propriated in both cases is saturn? In the case above, does one look at planets aspecting 11th and 12th from AL in order to see which planets and what they signify in a chart will show the cause of loss and gain? for eg 12th from AL has retrograde saturn in aquarious and also has aspect of venus and mercury. Therefore these 3 planets are going to show the cause of losses. 11 from AL is lagna capricorn unoccupied but has graha dristi from sun and moon (from seventh house) and also from Jupiter and Rahu (from 5th house). So....sun, moon, jupiter and rahu show areas from which money may be earned. However, Jupiter cojoins Rahu in mantrastan thus a curse, so this shows no

gains but losses. The cursed 5th house is also having rashi dristi onto 7th house which has the sun and moon. Does this mean that this curse will affect gains shown by sun and moon aspecting 11th from AL? Further I understand that one need to look at the navamsha and what planets are in trines to the navamsha lagna in order to see what are an individuals natural talents, or rather the blessings from previous birth that an individual is born with. So if Me is in navamsha lagna and aspecting 12th from AL in rasi chart, then it shows that I will lose money doing what I am good at?! UL UL is in 10th house libra. Venus is lord of UL: ex husband (libra lagna) is huge source of expense, loss, trouble and worry. venus in my chart is placed in 8th house leo and is 6th from AL and 8th from lagna. UL is 8th from AL ketu is in 2nd from UL: a very long troubled marriage but finally things came to a head after the birth of my daugher (ie

marriage would not break no matter how hard i tried until lineage increased through birth of daughter). Although divorced/separated for 5 years, he is not letting go and i am still fighting a series of court cases he keeps bringing against me. ( I have mars, the other badhakesh, in 9th house with a Ju and Ra conjunction in 5th house aspecting 9th house. [ketu is also badhakesh but is in own house and badhakstan 11th house scorpio. significance? Other badhakesh is mars in 9th house. I have the most appalling bad luck you can imagine. Nothing, i mean nothing goes right. Further, badhakesh mars in 9th house is 7th from AL. Now the remedy for mars in bhagyastan (9th house) is rudra worship to control/supress the negativity of mars. However, in order to make the AL rise one need to worship the deity associated with the planet placed in 7th from AL.....mars! So.....mars is badhakesh AND also in 9th house AND is placed 7th from AL. Oh and it is

also debilitated in navamsha. Am afraid I haven;t learnt enough to be able to see what kind of remedy will work here. I know I need to supress/cleanse the UL: I am fasting on Fridays and have also cut out eating yogurt as it is ruled by venus. however am not sure if i need to cut out ALL things with a sour taste. Does venus rule yogurt only or sour taste in general? How do I break the curse of brahmin in the 5th house AND strengthen a weak lagnesh at the same time? Also since the curse is from ju cojoining rahu rather than just from aspect does this mean that it is there throughout life? I can't seem to see when it is active using Moola dasa unless the following is a valid interpretation: Ju/Ra in Taurus, ruled by venus. Moola dasa of venus from July 1987 -July 2005. However, the trouble from my ex regarding court cases, my daughter still continues. The next moola maha dasa is of mercury ( 2005-2021) and although

mercury is in 8th house, I see no connection between it, 8th house or Ra and Ju. - If sun is afflicted then the remedy is to worship Jupiter - If jupiter is afflicted (as in my case) then the remedy is to worship the sun. However, sun in my case is 8th lord in 7th house and debilitted in navamsha. What would be the result of doing a surya mantra ie strengthening 8th lord? - Karaka for lagna is the sun. So doing a surya mantra will strengthen lagna lord or lagna or both. -If saturn is the lagna lord and needs strengthening then what is the remedy? Not a saturn mantra right? I know there are a lot of questions here but I do hope you can check if I am going about the right way in looking at the chart and answer my questions. One last one! I have been looking at a lot of charts and all I can spot are bad things! Is that normal? I kinda find it hard to spot blessing or good things in a chart. One that I do see in my chart

is the 10th and 9th lords cojoined -dharmakarmadhipati yoga. I know its a blessing but I am not sure what this yoga means or represents in practical terms. Also in terms of it it fructifying a) if it has dristi from a curse then it won't while the curse is active right? and b) it is in a dustathana house therefore it will not be long lived? I haven't progressed to appropriate remedies yet and I am really looking forward to my copy of Vedic Remedies arriving. Once again thank you for giving lessons, the confernece papers and for answering questions. I see what you teach working all the time when I see charts and the more I learn the more I want to learn.


From the arudha of the seventh (darapada/a7) and from the arudha of the twelfth (upapada/UL) we have to find out everything about the first wife. From the eighth houses of these two arudhas we can know about the second wife. - Translation by P.S. Sastri - Uttara Kalamrita Chapter IV, sloka 40

So, to find the subsequent partners see the eighth from the particular pada. Specifically with the darapada we are concerned with 'vaÅ›Ä' which is any woman/partner, wife/spouse, mate, etc. In the tradition we call this all sambandha.For Upapada we are concerned with bhÄrya which is specifically the wife. In the tradition we call this Vivaha.

Now, when we analyze the seventh house in the chart we are seeing 1) our approach towards relationships (seventh house in rasi) and 2) our partners characteristics (navamsa) and how he/she relates to you (seventh lord in rasi).Whereas, the formal agreement of partnership (a7) and marriage (UL) is seen from the specific arudhas. Remember that 'all things arudha are all things tangible', i.e. you can measure them or see some formal agreement of the same.

The house/lord of the second from the UL will determine the length of sustenance of the marriage.

However, do not ignore the houses, and when it comes to marriage the twelfth house is extremely important in the chart. Malefics there like Ketu can cause problems in marriage.

Reg. the chart you have posted:July 25, 1973Time: 5:45:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 76 E 17′ 00″, 9 N 59′ 00″Ernakulam, India

Here the twelfth house is occupied by two malefics: Ketu and Saturn. This will not bode well for marriage. Mars and Rahu are in quadrants from this forming a dire sarpa yoga from the twelfth house and marriage perspective, not making the situation easier with lots of passion and disappointments in the physical felicity of the partnerships.

Now, see the upapadas. The first one is in Leo and the second lord Mercury is not involved in the Sarpa yoga, but is combust by the Sun. The issues can be ego problems and the likes. The second Upapada is in Pisces and the second lord therefrom is Mars who is in kendra to the sarpa yoga.

Now note that Saturn is the eighth lord and along with Rahu he has graha dristi on Venus who is forming a curse of spouse from past life. This happens in the second house and we must analyze the lord and karaka for the remedy. The Sun was strong enough to give marriage in the first place due to its lordship of the Upapada hence she can worship Dakshinamurti- Shiva to overcome the problems.

Advise her to worship Dakshinamurti to overcome the curse. Ask her to seek a priest to receive a mantra for the same.In addition as the curse is that of partner, the best advise to give her is that she must help a couple get married, such as offer money (second house) or donate a bed/sofa to the couple to start their married life in a good way.

Notice that the curse of spouse has been running since 1999, and the dasa/antara of the planets involved in the curse (venus, saturn and rahu) as well as those in the sarpa yoga will carry the problems. Specifically her two broken marriages have fallen in that time and can be timed with the dasa.

Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma):Sani MD: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)Antardasas in this MD:Sani: 1999-07-25 (21:30:00) - 2001-01-07 (14:09:59)Ket: 2001-01-07 (14:09:59) - 2001-05-31 (21:27:22)Mang: 2001-05-31 (21:27:22) - 2002-03-17 (13:02:43)Rah: 2002-03-17 (13:02:43) - 2004-06-18 (19:19:27)Chan: 2004-06-18 (19:19:27) - 2004-09-26 (1:19:25)Sukr: 2004-09-26 (1:19:25) - 2007-02-11 (6:26:01)Sury: 2007-02-11 (6:26:01) - 2007-10-14 (10:26:16)Budh: 2007-10-14 (10:26:16) - 2009-10-09 (13:26:37)Guru: 2009-10-09 (13:26:37) - 2010-07-25 (17:11:08)

The last among the problematic periods is ending this February, and aptly the remedy for the same has been given now.



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