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Argala - Robert Coch's Book

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Om Namah Sivaya


Namaste All,


Yesterday, I was reading " The Spirtual Dimensions of Vedic

Astrology " , by Sri Robert Coch, and came across the following points.


1.In Page 149, he wrote " Argala are not as strong as aspects (rasi

or graha), but their intervention is influential nevertheless.


2. In the same page he continued " Secondary argala : From signa A,

sign-houses, as well as any planets in them, in the 5th, as well as

8th, cause argala on it. "


3. In page 150, he wrote " Planets in the 7th from " A " also have

argala on it. "


4. I page 151, he wrote " The reversal of direction for Ketu's

argala, however, does not apply to planets that are conjoined Ketu. "


Now, I would like to request the members to kindly clarify the

following doubts. In case if they have been already clarified by any

Guru, I request any one could kindly direct me there.


Are the points above written by Sri Robert, also endorsed by Sri

Jagannatha Center/ Acthyuta Paramapara or his own interpretation ?


He included 8th and 7th houses in the places of Argala. Could anyone

here direct me to any classical reference.


If we agree on the above interpretation, then 6 houses get included,

in addition to the Argala of 3rd. So, seven houses in total.



Kindly refer to point No.4 above. It says that Tadvipareetam Ketoh

Principle applies only for Argala. But, in Narayana dasa, we apply

this rule when Ketu occupies starting dasa sign. Is the Argala for a

Planet or a Rasi ?


a. If it's for a Planet(Ketu), then Robert is right.

b. If its for a Rasi, then applying to Rasi dasas seems

logical. Then Argala shall be calculated in reverse for the

planets conjioned by Ketu as well.


Thanks in advance.



Warm regards,


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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Shanmukha, Namaste


All the quotations From R. Cothc's book you wrote here are correct (it is SJC, of course. Dear, please don't use "his own interpretation". It really sounds a little bit inappropriate (I suppose that you did not have any bad intention, you were probably unaware of this) No one under guidance of any SJC Guru is doing anything similar.)


You can observe Argalas on Grahas taking their Naisargika significations, like Guru for money, Sukra for partnership etc. and then analyze their influence on these life areas.


Ketu is for spirituality and Moksha, but also for buildings, right? So, when you analyze argalas on Ketu as naisargika karaka for Moksha, take them in reverse, but when you analize Ketu for buildings, take regular principles (2nd, 11th and 4th there from having primary Argala, and 5th, 7th and 8th having secondary argala. Malefic in 3rd there from gives parakramargala.). In case you want to analyze career from Naisargika karaka Budh, and this Graha is joining Ketu, then you take regular principles in consideration. I believe that this is what Robert was trying to point at.


However, if you are taking Rasi occupied by Ketu, for let's say, Narayana Dasa analyzing, then you should observe Argala in regular direction if native is not involved in spirituality, but you should take reverse direction in case if spirituality is an important part of life for this native.


Maybe if you read about Argala once again from this source:





then I think that it will become more clear about primary and secondary argala (7th is also mentioned there).


One more link:




Sadly I can not point you on any classical source. I hope that someone else more learned will include and let you know about particular page in BPHS or similar.


Hope that this was of some help.


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Sun, 1/4/09, Shanmukha <teli_sha2002 wrote:

Shanmukha <teli_sha2002 Argala - Robert Coch's Booksohamsa Date: Sunday, January 4, 2009, 11:59 PM



Om Namah SivayaNamaste All,Yesterday, I was reading "The Spirtual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology", by Sri Robert Coch, and came across the following points.1.In Page 149, he wrote "Argala are not as strong as aspects (rasi or graha), but their intervention is influential nevertheless.2. In the same page he continued " Secondary argala : From signa A, sign-houses, as well as any planets in them, in the 5th, as well as 8th, cause argala on it."3. In page 150, he wrote "Planets in the 7th from "A" also have argala on it."4. I page 151, he wrote "The reversal of direction for Ketu's argala, however, does not apply to planets that are conjoined Ketu."Now, I would like to request the members to kindly clarify the following doubts. In case if they have been already clarified by any Guru, I request any one could kindly direct me there.Are the points above written

by Sri Robert, also endorsed by Sri Jagannatha Center/ Acthyuta Paramapara or his own interpretation ?He included 8th and 7th houses in the places of Argala. Could anyone here direct me to any classical reference. If we agree on the above interpretation, then 6 houses get included, in addition to the Argala of 3rd. So, seven houses in total.Kindly refer to point No.4 above. It says that Tadvipareetam Ketoh Principle applies only for Argala. But, in Narayana dasa, we apply this rule when Ketu occupies starting dasa sign. Is the Argala for a Planet or a Rasi ? a. If it's for a Planet(Ketu) , then Robert is right. b. If its for a Rasi, then applying to Rasi dasas seems logical. Then Argala shall be calculated in reverse for the planets conjioned by Ketu as well.Thanks in advance.Warm regards,Shanmukha.

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Namaste Maja,

First let me explain what happened today in sending this post. I have been trying since a hour or so, to send this post. On one computer, the Internet connection was cut. On another computer, two times the computer hanged. I think its a strong nimitta that I should not send this mail, yet I kept on trying this now, let me see what happens. May be I am doing a sin here, let it be.

I am giving below the original post I wrote.

Namaste Maja,


Thank you very much for your response. You have wonderfully explained the concept of Ketu conjoining any planet. It really makes sense and clears some of my doubts.


Coming to your doubts regarding my intentions.


You wrote " Dear, please don't use "his own interpretation". It really sounds a little bit inappropriate (I suppose that you did not have any bad intention, you were probably unaware of this) "

Yes, I do have intentions, not bad though. My intention here is Jyotish. You can check up my earlier mails, where I never did cross any limits or in verbal exchange of words. Now, I am compelled to respond.


I want jyotish and that too a Jyotish that is mentioned in Classics. I wanted my basics to be on solid foundation, not on musings. I requested the same in my post.


You said, " No one under guidance of any SJC Guru is doing anything similar.)"

What is so sacred about being in SJC? Do you mean people not part of SJC have bad intentions? Don't you know, a no. Of SJC Gurus/members have gone verbal exchange on the issues not connected with Jyotish? Did you ever find me doing such a thing? You can check my earlier mail where I was concerned about only Jyotish. I have my own discipline and I always followed it. If you still see any bad intentions, come to the point and I will apologize. Don't beat around the bush shoot it at me. Else, never suspect anybody who is trying to bring the important issues. You are not custodian here, and Moderators are there to take care of misbehavior.


I said "his own interpretation", because Jyotish is a science as well as art. If it were not the art, then we don't have these many methods and techniques. I differ with my Guru over a no. of points/issues. For example, I grossly differ with him regarding calculation of Upapada. I have indicated the same in one my earlier post on Sohamsa. Yet, this doesn't mean I am against to him. I respect him and feel proud to be student of his. I feel, Guru is the one who show you the path, not the one who accompanies you. Jaimini wrote his own version of Mahabharata and which grossly differs Veda Vyasa's. Yet Jaimini is considered disciple of Vyasa. In India, Everyone can have his own interpretation, but with reverence to his Guru. Narasimha has his own interpretation Chara Karaka and Drig dasa, and you mean it is also endorsed by SJC? Now, Do you understand my intentions?


The other day one scholar on this forum got a doubt as to which is from parampara and which is own interpretation/modification; nobody saw any bad intention, because he is part of SJC. Now I got the same doubt, and you all see bad intention. How long will we see the bad intentions? Is it jyotish? It's all just about learning truth. I wanted to learn the truth. That's my intention. It's so simple as that.


Coming back to jyotish, Every sutra in Sutra Vangmaya will have two meanings. One Lakshana and one Upa Lakshana. Lakshana is the science and Upa Lakshana is the art. Unless, we have a correct commentary, which clearly defines the subtle difference between the two, we never understand the real meaning of the sutra. This applies to every work in Sutra Vangamaya including Jaimini Sutras. My Guru, though considered one of the great commentators alive on Jaimini Sutras, still feels he might have done some mistakes in commenting, for the very reason, that to understand Sutra Vangmaya, one must be adept in six branches of Vedangas. Simple knowledge of Sanskrit doesn't suffice to bring subtle points.


You said "You can observe Argalas on Grahas taking their Naisargika significations, like Guru ...". What is the difference between "You Can" and "You Shall"?

For me

You Shall ----> is the science

You Can ----> is the Art


I need the science to the core. If you go with the art unless you don't understand the science, it will fetch nothing. First, let me understand what is advocated by Classics. Did you ever try to understand, what is the meaning of "Nidhyatuh" in the "Dara Bhagya ...." sutra regarding Argala. Whatever the meaning given by Sri Sanjay suffices without that word. Remember Jaimini never speaks of a letter without a purpose, forget about a word. If you miss that word, you can explain that each and every house has argala on every other house.


You said " However, if you are taking Rasi occupied by Ketu, for let's say, Narayana Dasa analyzing, then you should observe Argala in regular direction if native is not involved in spirituality, but you should take reverse direction in case if spirituality is an important part of life for this native. ".


For me spirituality is way of life. It is not a thing that a person is particularly involved in. Spirituality is about being true to self. In Indian history a butcher (Selling meat) was considered the most dharmic person than a person continually involved in Tapas, for the very reason that he does his swadharma. Take example of Dharma Vyadha, in Mahabharata.


I never come across any classic advocating 8th house as argala sthana, but I have seen 7th house being considered for argala by some scholars. In jyotish, there are Sampradaya (traditions) and Sasthra (science) and without understanding these two, never Astrology be called the Jyotish. I wanted to learn the Sampradaya, that's the reason why I asked whether it is endorsed Achyuta Parampara. Without the scientific concept of Argala, how can you use it?


One respected scholar here opined not to read Jaimini at all, for the reason of its ambiguity. Though I have not replied to him then, I want to point out here for comprehensiveness. Only thing I want to urge the readers here is to read Jaimini Sutras to learn Jaimini, letter by letter, word by word, and sutra by sutra. If you go with simple slokas available elsewhere, you will be one in the lot, that's been there for centuries.


I want to end this post with the caution, that whatever the Argala concept presently used is grossly incomplete. Kindly read Jaimini Sutras. Don't be trapped that the world has been over the centuries. One friend of mine advised me to be silent on forums since nobody is interested here. Though I agree him, yet I write here, if my writing moves a piece of grass, my purpose is survived. Somebody said, "I have no agendas and not trying to sell anything and hence have no conflicts of interest". I have only one agenda here and that is jyotish. That it. Coming to conflict of interest. I have conflict with a no. of issues that discussed here. Yet, I respect each and everyone here. Since, it is said "Spardhayaa Vardhate Vidya".


Warm regards,



sohamsa , Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro wrote:>> Om Gurave Namah>  > Dear Shanmukha, Namaste>  > All the quotations From R. Cothc's book you wrote here are correct (it is SJC, of course. Dear, please don't use "his own interpretation". It really sounds a little bit inappropriate (I suppose that you did not have any bad intention, you were probably unaware of this) No one under guidance of any SJC Guru is doing anything similar.)>  > You can observe Argalas on Grahas taking their Naisargika significations, like Guru for money, Sukra for partnership etc. and then analyze their influence on these life areas.>  > Ketu is for spirituality and Moksha, but also for buildings, right? So, when you analyze argalas on Ketu as naisargika karaka for Moksha, take them in reverse, but when you analize Ketu for buildings, take regular principles (2nd, 11th and 4th there from having primary Argala, and 5th, 7th and 8th having secondary argala. Malefic in 3rd there from gives parakramargala.). In case you want to analyze career from Naisargika karaka Budh, and this Graha is joining Ketu, then you take regular principles in consideration. I believe that this is what Robert was trying to point at.>  > However, if you are taking Rasi occupied by Ketu, for let's say, Narayana Dasa analyzing, then you should observe Argala in regular direction if native is not involved in spirituality, but you should take reverse direction in case if spirituality is an important part of life for this native. >  > Maybe if you read about Argala once again from this source:> >  > http://www.srigaruda.com/articles/2008/04/30/argala-slides/>  > then I think that it will become more clear about primary and secondary argala (7th is also mentioned there).>  > One more link:>  > http://www.srigaruda.com/articles/2004/11/27/introduction-to-argala/>  > Sadly I can not point you on any classical source. I hope that someone else more learned will include and let you know about particular page in BPHS or similar.>  > Hope that this was of some help.>  > Warm Regards,> Maja Strbac>  > Hari Om Tat Sat> > > --- On Sun, 1/4/09, Shanmukha teli_sha2002 wrote:> > > Shanmukha teli_sha2002 Argala - Robert Coch's Book> sohamsa > Sunday, January 4, 2009, 11:59 PM> > > > > > > Om Namah Sivaya> > Namaste All,> > Yesterday, I was reading "The Spirtual Dimensions of Vedic > Astrology", by Sri Robert Coch, and came across the following points.> > 1.In Page 149, he wrote "Argala are not as strong as aspects (rasi > or graha), but their intervention is influential nevertheless.> > 2. In the same page he continued " Secondary argala : From signa A, > sign-houses, as well as any planets in them, in the 5th, as well as > 8th, cause argala on it."> > 3. In page 150, he wrote "Planets in the 7th from "A" also have > argala on it."> > 4. I page 151, he wrote "The reversal of direction for Ketu's > argala, however, does not apply to planets that are conjoined Ketu."> > Now, I would like to request the members to kindly clarify the > following doubts. In case if they have been already clarified by any > Guru, I request any one could kindly direct me there.> > Are the points above written by Sri Robert, also endorsed by Sri > Jagannatha Center/ Acthyuta Paramapara or his own interpretation ?> > He included 8th and 7th houses in the places of Argala. Could anyone > here direct me to any classical reference. > > If we agree on the above interpretation, then 6 houses get included, > in addition to the Argala of 3rd. So, seven houses in total.> > Kindly refer to point No.4 above. It says that Tadvipareetam Ketoh > Principle applies only for Argala. But, in Narayana dasa, we apply > this rule when Ketu occupies starting dasa sign. Is the Argala for a > Planet or a Rasi ? > > a. If it's for a Planet(Ketu) , then Robert is right. > b. If its for a Rasi, then applying to Rasi dasas seems > logical. Then Argala shall be calculated in reverse for the > planets conjioned by Ketu as well.> > Thanks in advance.> > Warm regards,> Shanmukha.>

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Hari Om


Dear Shanmukha and Maja, Namaste -


Thank you for your discussion of the subjects relating to Argala in my

book, " The Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology. " For starters, I

did not read anything at all inappropriate that Shanmukha wrote, but

she only inquired as to the sources of information contained in the

book. This is quite acceptable in a scholarly forum, and in fact it

is healthy to publicly question the shastric or other authenticity of

an author's writings. So no, Maja, there was no transgression here at

all, nor was there in Shanmukha's reply to you.


As for the content of the book, there are two guru's in my life who

inspired its writing, and I learned most of the content written there

from them. They are my Diksa guru, Sri Srimad A.C. Bhaktivedanta

Swami, and my Jyotish guru, Pandit Sanjay Rath. The meanings of

numerous scriptural quotations as relevant to the subject of

spirituality in Jyotish, as well as delineation of various Avataras in

Chapter 1, all came through the teachings of my Diksa guru. My Diksa

guru was a preeminent scholar of Vedic shastras coming in an

illustrious Vaishnava Parampara (Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya),

and thus the principles founded upon his teachings are sound. Most of

the astrological teachings were and continue to be central to those of

SJC, including the calculation and interpretation of Drig Dasha, which

I still find to be accurate and correct in practice. The revelations

on Argala were not only as instructed by Pandit Rath, but have also

proven to be very practical in my own researches with Jyotish, and

were illustrated in many ways in the book as well.


I presented the book in such a way as to acknolwedge what Shanmukha

refers to as the art of Jyotish, in addition to the science. This

means that I do not have the final word on anything presented given

the complexities of the subject, and also the dubiousness of shastric

origns, or even the principles advanced by modern scholars as well.

What I enjoyed the most about writing the book, in addition to

honoring the teachings of my gurus, is that the principles were so

consistently replicated by way of many illustrations. This is where

Jyotish becomes exciting and dynamic, and frankly if anybody thinks

they have the last word on what is, or isn't correct, then they lose

the excitement and spontaniety of the subject.


I suppose the only correction that needs to be made therefore is the

spelling of my name! (smiles). Please note it as follows:


Best wishes,

Robert Koch


sohamsa , " Shanmukha " <teli_sha2002 wrote:



> Namaste Maja,


> First let me explain what happened today in sending this post. I have

> been trying since a hour or so, to send this post. On one computer, the

> Internet connection was cut. On another computer, two times the computer

> hanged. I think its a strong nimitta that I should not send this mail,

> yet I kept on trying this now, let me see what happens. May be I am

> doing a sin here, let it be.


> I am giving below the original post I wrote.


> Namaste Maja,




> Thank you very much for your response. You have wonderfully explained

> the concept of Ketu conjoining any planet. It really makes sense and

> clears some of my doubts.




> Coming to your doubts regarding my intentions.




> You wrote " Dear, please don't use " his own interpretation " . It really

> sounds a little bit inappropriate (I suppose that you did not have any

> bad intention, you were probably unaware of this) "


> Yes, I do have intentions, not bad though. My intention here is Jyotish.

> You can check up my earlier mails, where I never did cross any limits or

> in verbal exchange of words. Now, I am compelled to respond.




> I want jyotish and that too a Jyotish that is mentioned in Classics. I

> wanted my basics to be on solid foundation, not on musings. I requested

> the same in my post.




> You said, " No one under guidance of any SJC Guru is doing anything

> similar.) "



> What is so sacred about being in SJC? Do you mean people not part of SJC

> have bad intentions? Don't you know, a no. Of SJC Gurus/members have

> gone verbal exchange on the issues not connected with Jyotish? Did you

> ever find me doing such a thing? You can check my earlier mail where I

> was concerned about only Jyotish. I have my own discipline and I always

> followed it. If you still see any bad intentions, come to the point and

> I will apologize. Don't beat around the bush shoot it at me. Else, never

> suspect anybody who is trying to bring the important issues. You are not

> custodian here, and Moderators are there to take care of misbehavior.




> I said " his own interpretation " , because Jyotish is a science as well as

> art. If it were not the art, then we don't have these many methods and

> techniques. I differ with my Guru over a no. of points/issues. For

> example, I grossly differ with him regarding calculation of Upapada. I

> have indicated the same in one my earlier post on Sohamsa. Yet, this

> doesn't mean I am against to him. I respect him and feel proud to be

> student of his. I feel, Guru is the one who show you the path, not the

> one who accompanies you. Jaimini wrote his own version of Mahabharata

> and which grossly differs Veda Vyasa's. Yet Jaimini is considered

> disciple of Vyasa. In India, Everyone can have his own interpretation,

> but with reverence to his Guru. Narasimha has his own interpretation

> Chara Karaka and Drig dasa, and you mean it is also endorsed by SJC?

> Now, Do you understand my intentions?




> The other day one scholar on this forum got a doubt as to which is from

> parampara and which is own interpretation/modification; nobody saw any

> bad intention, because he is part of SJC. Now I got the same doubt, and

> you all see bad intention. How long will we see the bad intentions? Is

> it jyotish? It's all just about learning truth. I wanted to learn

> the truth. That's my intention. It's so simple as that.




> Coming back to jyotish, Every sutra in Sutra Vangmaya will have two

> meanings. One Lakshana and one Upa Lakshana. Lakshana is the science and

> Upa Lakshana is the art. Unless, we have a correct commentary, which

> clearly defines the subtle difference between the two, we never

> understand the real meaning of the sutra. This applies to every work in

> Sutra Vangamaya including Jaimini Sutras. My Guru, though considered one

> of the great commentators alive on Jaimini Sutras, still feels he might

> have done some mistakes in commenting, for the very reason, that to

> understand Sutra Vangmaya, one must be adept in six branches of

> Vedangas. Simple knowledge of Sanskrit doesn't suffice to bring subtle

> points.




> You said " You can observe Argalas on Grahas taking their Naisargika

> significations, like Guru ... " . What is the difference between " You Can "

> and " You Shall " ?


> For me


> You Shall ----> is the science


> You Can ----> is the Art




> I need the science to the core. If you go with the art unless you don't

> understand the science, it will fetch nothing. First, let me understand

> what is advocated by Classics. Did you ever try to understand, what is

> the meaning of " Nidhyatuh " in the " Dara Bhagya .... " sutra regarding

> Argala. Whatever the meaning given by Sri Sanjay suffices without that

> word. Remember Jaimini never speaks of a letter without a purpose,

> forget about a word. If you miss that word, you can explain that each

> and every house has argala on every other house.




> You said " However, if you are taking Rasi occupied by Ketu, for let's

> say, Narayana Dasa analyzing, then you should observe Argala in

> regular direction if native is not involved in spirituality, but you

> should take reverse direction in case if spirituality is an

> important part of life for this native. " .




> For me spirituality is way of life. It is not a thing that a person is

> particularly involved in. Spirituality is about being true to self. In

> Indian history a butcher (Selling meat) was considered the most dharmic

> person than a person continually involved in Tapas, for the very reason

> that he does his swadharma. Take example of Dharma Vyadha, in

> Mahabharata.




> I never come across any classic advocating 8th house as argala sthana,

> but I have seen 7th house being considered for argala by some scholars.

> In jyotish, there are Sampradaya (traditions) and Sasthra (science) and

> without understanding these two, never Astrology be called the Jyotish.

> I wanted to learn the Sampradaya, that's the reason why I asked

> whether it is endorsed Achyuta Parampara. Without the scientific concept

> of Argala, how can you use it?




> One respected scholar here opined not to read Jaimini at all, for the

> reason of its ambiguity. Though I have not replied to him then, I want

> to point out here for comprehensiveness. Only thing I want to urge the

> readers here is to read Jaimini Sutras to learn Jaimini, letter by

> letter, word by word, and sutra by sutra. If you go with simple slokas

> available elsewhere, you will be one in the lot, that's been there for

> centuries.




> I want to end this post with the caution, that whatever the Argala

> concept presently used is grossly incomplete. Kindly read Jaimini

> Sutras. Don't be trapped that the world has been over the centuries. One

> friend of mine advised me to be silent on forums since nobody is

> interested here. Though I agree him, yet I write here, if my writing

> moves a piece of grass, my purpose is survived. Somebody said, " I have

> no agendas and not trying to sell anything and hence have no conflicts

> of interest " . I have only one agenda here and that is jyotish. That it.

> Coming to conflict of interest. I have conflict with a no. of issues

> that discussed here. Yet, I respect each and everyone here. Since, it is

> said " Spardhayaa Vardhate Vidya " .




> Warm regards,


> Shanmukha




> sohamsa , Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> > Â

> > Dear Shanmukha, Namaste

> > Â

> > All the quotations From R. Cothc's book you wrote here are correct (it

> is SJC, of course. Dear, please don't use " his own interpretation " . It

> really sounds a little bit inappropriate (I suppose that you did not

> have any bad intention, you were probably unaware of this) No oneÂ

> under guidance of any SJC Guru is doing anything similar.)

> > Â

> > You can observe Argalas on Grahas taking their Naisargika

> significations, like Guru for money, Sukra for partnership etc. and then

> analyze their influence on these life areas.

> > Â

> > Ketu is for spirituality and Moksha, but also for buildings, right?

> So, when you analyze argalas on Ketu as naisargika karaka for Moksha,

> take them in reverse, but when you analize Ketu for buildings, take

> regular principles (2nd, 11th and 4th there from having primary Argala,

> and 5th, 7th and 8th having secondary argala. Malefic in 3rd there from

> gives parakramargala.). In case you want to analyze career from

> Naisargika karaka Budh, and this Graha is joining Ketu, then you take

> regular principles in consideration. I believe that this is what Robert

> was trying to point at.

> > Â

> > However, if you are taking Rasi occupied by Ketu, for let's say,

> Narayana Dasa analyzing, then you should observe Argala in regular

> direction if native is not involved in spirituality, but you should

> take reverse direction in case if spirituality is an important part

> of life for this native.

> > Â

> > Maybe if you read about Argala once again from this source:

> >

> > Â

> > http://www.srigaruda.com/articles/2008/04/30/argala-slides/

> > Â

> > then I think that it will become more clear about primary and

> secondary argala (7th is also mentioned there).

> > Â

> > One more link:

> > Â

> > http://www.srigaruda.com/articles/2004/11/27/introduction-to-argala/

> > Â

> > Sadly I can not point you on any classical source. I hope that someone

> else more learned will include and let you know about particular page in

> BPHS or similar.

> > Â

> > Hope that this was of some help.

> > Â

> > Warm Regards,

> > Maja Strbac

> > Â

> > Hari Om Tat Sat

> >

> >

> > --- On Sun, 1/4/09, Shanmukha teli_sha2002@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Shanmukha teli_sha2002@

> > Argala - Robert Coch's Book

> > sohamsa

> > Sunday, January 4, 2009, 11:59 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Om Namah Sivaya

> >

> > Namaste All,

> >

> > Yesterday, I was reading " The Spirtual Dimensions of Vedic

> > Astrology " , by Sri Robert Coch, and came across the following points.

> >

> > 1.In Page 149, he wrote " Argala are not as strong as aspects (rasi

> > or graha), but their intervention is influential nevertheless.

> >

> > 2. In the same page he continued " Secondary argala : From signa A,

> > sign-houses, as well as any planets in them, in the 5th, as well as

> > 8th, cause argala on it. "

> >

> > 3. In page 150, he wrote " Planets in the 7th from " A " also have

> > argala on it. "

> >

> > 4. I page 151, he wrote " The reversal of direction for Ketu's

> > argala, however, does not apply to planets that are conjoined Ketu. "

> >

> > Now, I would like to request the members to kindly clarify the

> > following doubts. In case if they have been already clarified by any

> > Guru, I request any one could kindly direct me there.

> >

> > Are the points above written by Sri Robert, also endorsed by Sri

> > Jagannatha Center/ Acthyuta Paramapara or his own interpretation ?

> >

> > He included 8th and 7th houses in the places of Argala. Could anyone

> > here direct me to any classical reference.

> >

> > If we agree on the above interpretation, then 6 houses get included,

> > in addition to the Argala of 3rd. So, seven houses in total.

> >

> > Kindly refer to point No.4 above. It says that Tadvipareetam Ketoh

> > Principle applies only for Argala. But, in Narayana dasa, we apply

> > this rule when Ketu occupies starting dasa sign. Is the Argala for a

> > Planet or a Rasi ?

> >

> > a. If it's for a Planet(Ketu) , then Robert is right.

> > b. If its for a Rasi, then applying to Rasi dasas seems

> > logical. Then Argala shall be calculated in reverse for the

> > planets conjioned by Ketu as well.

> >

> > Thanks in advance.

> >

> > Warm regards,

> > Shanmukha.

> >


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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Shanmukha, Namaste


So far I had no honor to read R.Koch's (Sir, my apologies for incorrect spelling. I usually pay very special attention on everyone's name here. I simply copied it from Shanmukha's email this time), but I clearly recognized that every quotation from his book is identical to everything I was learning so far about Argala using only SJC sources. So simple conclusion was that it is in no case his own interpretation.


My bow to you for the effort that you have given in writing this email to me! That same amount of energy, good will and enthusiasm invested in learning Jyotish could lead you very far. I have read first two paragraphs and concluded that it is not kind of dialogue I would lead here.


My intention was to prevent something.


So now please allow me to prevent something else by stopping my self here.


Whenever I am able to be of some help, I will be there for you on this list. This I promise. Let's just stick to Jyotish. I hope that this is fair enough.


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Tue, 1/6/09, Shanmukha <teli_sha2002 wrote:

Shanmukha <teli_sha2002 Re: Argala - Robert Coch's Booksohamsa Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 5:11 AM




Namaste Maja,

First let me explain what happened today in sending this post. I have been trying since a hour or so, to send this post. On one computer, the Internet connection was cut. On another computer, two times the computer hanged. I think its a strong nimitta that I should not send this mail, yet I kept on trying this now, let me see what happens. May be I am doing a sin here, let it be.

I am giving below the original post I wrote.

Namaste Maja,


Thank you very much for your response. You have wonderfully explained the concept of Ketu conjoining any planet. It really makes sense and clears some of my doubts.


Coming to your doubts regarding my intentions.


You wrote " Dear, please don't use "his own interpretation" . It really sounds a little bit inappropriate (I suppose that you did not have any bad intention, you were probably unaware of this) "

Yes, I do have intentions, not bad though. My intention here is Jyotish. You can check up my earlier mails, where I never did cross any limits or in verbal exchange of words. Now, I am compelled to respond.


I want jyotish and that too a Jyotish that is mentioned in Classics. I wanted my basics to be on solid foundation, not on musings. I requested the same in my post.


You said, " No one under guidance of any SJC Guru is doing anything similar.)"

What is so sacred about being in SJC? Do you mean people not part of SJC have bad intentions? Don't you know, a no. Of SJC Gurus/members have gone verbal exchange on the issues not connected with Jyotish? Did you ever find me doing such a thing? You can check my earlier mail where I was concerned about only Jyotish. I have my own discipline and I always followed it. If you still see any bad intentions, come to the point and I will apologize. Don't beat around the bush shoot it at me. Else, never suspect anybody who is trying to bring the important issues. You are not custodian here, and Moderators are there to take care of misbehavior.


I said "his own interpretation" , because Jyotish is a science as well as art. If it were not the art, then we don't have these many methods and techniques. I differ with my Guru over a no. of points/issues. For example, I grossly differ with him regarding calculation of Upapada. I have indicated the same in one my earlier post on Sohamsa. Yet, this doesn't mean I am against to him. I respect him and feel proud to be student of his. I feel, Guru is the one who show you the path, not the one who accompanies you. Jaimini wrote his own version of Mahabharata and which grossly differs Veda Vyasa's. Yet Jaimini is considered disciple of Vyasa. In India , Everyone can have his own interpretation, but with reverence to his Guru. Narasimha has his own interpretation Chara Karaka and Drig dasa, and you mean it is also endorsed by SJC? Now, Do you understand my intentions?


The other day one scholar on this forum got a doubt as to which is from parampara and which is own interpretation/ modification; nobody saw any bad intention, because he is part of SJC. Now I got the same doubt, and you all see bad intention. How long will we see the bad intentions? Is it jyotish? It's all just about learning truth. I wanted to learn the truth. That's my intention. It's so simple as that.


Coming back to jyotish, Every sutra in Sutra Vangmaya will have two meanings. One Lakshana and one Upa Lakshana. Lakshana is the science and Upa Lakshana is the art. Unless, we have a correct commentary, which clearly defines the subtle difference between the two, we never understand the real meaning of the sutra. This applies to every work in Sutra Vangamaya including Jaimini Sutras. My Guru, though considered one of the great commentators alive on Jaimini Sutras, still feels he might have done some mistakes in commenting, for the very reason, that to understand Sutra Vangmaya, one must be adept in six branches of Vedangas. Simple knowledge of Sanskrit doesn't suffice to bring subtle points.


You said "You can observe Argalas on Grahas taking their Naisargika significations, like Guru ...". What is the difference between "You Can" and "You Shall"?

For me

You Shall ----> is the science

You Can ----> is the Art


I need the science to the core. If you go with the art unless you don't understand the science, it will fetch nothing. First, let me understand what is advocated by Classics. Did you ever try to understand, what is the meaning of "Nidhyatuh" in the "Dara Bhagya ...." sutra regarding Argala. Whatever the meaning given by Sri Sanjay suffices without that word. Remember Jaimini never speaks of a letter without a purpose, forget about a word. If you miss that word, you can explain that each and every house has argala on every other house.


You said " However, if you are taking Rasi occupied by Ketu, for let's say, Narayana Dasa analyzing, then you should observe Argala in regular direction if native is not involved in spirituality, but you should take reverse direction in case if spirituality is an important part of life for this native. ".


For me spirituality is way of life. It is not a thing that a person is particularly involved in. Spirituality is about being true to self. In Indian history a butcher (Selling meat) was considered the most dharmic person than a person continually involved in Tapas, for the very reason that he does his swadharma. Take example of Dharma Vyadha, in Mahabharata.


I never come across any classic advocating 8th house as argala sthana, but I have seen 7th house being considered for argala by some scholars. In jyotish, there are Sampradaya (traditions) and Sasthra (science) and without understanding these two, never Astrology be called the Jyotish. I wanted to learn the Sampradaya, that's the reason why I asked whether it is endorsed Achyuta Parampara. Without the scientific concept of Argala, how can you use it?


One respected scholar here opined not to read Jaimini at all, for the reason of its ambiguity. Though I have not replied to him then, I want to point out here for comprehensiveness. Only thing I want to urge the readers here is to read Jaimini Sutras to learn Jaimini, letter by letter, word by word, and sutra by sutra. If you go with simple slokas available elsewhere, you will be one in the lot, that's been there for centuries.


I want to end this post with the caution, that whatever the Argala concept presently used is grossly incomplete. Kindly read Jaimini Sutras. Don't be trapped that the world has been over the centuries. One friend of mine advised me to be silent on forums since nobody is interested here. Though I agree him, yet I write here, if my writing moves a piece of grass, my purpose is survived. Somebody said, "I have no agendas and not trying to sell anything and hence have no conflicts of interest". I have only one agenda here and that is jyotish. That it. Coming to conflict of interest. I have conflict with a no. of issues that discussed here. Yet, I respect each and everyone here. Since, it is said "Spardhayaa Vardhate Vidya".


Warm regards,



sohamsa@ .com, Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro@ ...> wrote:>> Om Gurave Namah>  > Dear Shanmukha, Namaste>  > All the quotations From R. Cothc's book you wrote here are correct (it is SJC, of course. Dear, please don't use "his own interpretation" . It really sounds a little bit inappropriate (I suppose that you did not have any bad intention, you were probably unaware of this) No one under guidance of any SJC Guru is doing anything similar.)>  > You can observe Argalas on Grahas taking their Naisargika significations, like Guru for money, Sukra for partnership etc. and then analyze their influence on these life areas.>  > Ketu is for spirituality and Moksha, but also for buildings, right? So, when you analyze argalas on Ketu as naisargika karaka for Moksha, take them in reverse, but when you analize

Ketu for buildings, take regular principles (2nd, 11th and 4th there from having primary Argala, and 5th, 7th and 8th having secondary argala. Malefic in 3rd there from gives parakramargala. ). In case you want to analyze career from Naisargika karaka Budh, and this Graha is joining Ketu, then you take regular principles in consideration. I believe that this is what Robert was trying to point at.>  > However, if you are taking Rasi occupied by Ketu, for let's say, Narayana Dasa analyzing, then you should observe Argala in regular direction if native is not involved in spirituality, but you should take reverse direction in case if spirituality is an important part of life for this native. >  > Maybe if you read about Argala once again from this source:> >  > http://www.srigarud a.com/articles/ 2008/04/30/ argala-slides/>  > then I think that it

will become more clear about primary and secondary argala (7th is also mentioned there).> Â > One more link:> Â > http://www.srigarud a.com/articles/ 2004/11/27/ introduction- to-argala/> Â > Sadly I can not point you on any classical source. I hope that someone else more learned will include and let you know about particular page in BPHS or similar.> Â > Hope that this was of some help.> Â > Warm Regards,> Maja Strbac> Â > Hari Om Tat Sat> > > --- On Sun, 1/4/09, Shanmukha teli_sha2002@ ... wrote:> > > Shanmukha teli_sha2002@ ...> Argala - Robert Coch's Book> sohamsa@ .com> Sunday, January 4, 2009, 11:59 PM> > > > > > > Om Namah Sivaya> > Namaste All,>

> Yesterday, I was reading "The Spirtual Dimensions of Vedic > Astrology", by Sri Robert Coch, and came across the following points.> > 1.In Page 149, he wrote "Argala are not as strong as aspects (rasi > or graha), but their intervention is influential nevertheless.> > 2. In the same page he continued " Secondary argala : From signa A, > sign-houses, as well as any planets in them, in the 5th, as well as > 8th, cause argala on it."> > 3. In page 150, he wrote "Planets in the 7th from "A" also have > argala on it."> > 4. I page 151, he wrote "The reversal of direction for Ketu's > argala, however, does not apply to planets that are conjoined Ketu."> > Now, I would like to request the members to kindly clarify the > following doubts. In case if they have been already clarified by any > Guru, I request any one could kindly

direct me there.> > Are the points above written by Sri Robert, also endorsed by Sri > Jagannatha Center/ Acthyuta Paramapara or his own interpretation ?> > He included 8th and 7th houses in the places of Argala. Could anyone > here direct me to any classical reference. > > If we agree on the above interpretation, then 6 houses get included, > in addition to the Argala of 3rd. So, seven houses in total.> > Kindly refer to point No.4 above. It says that Tadvipareetam Ketoh > Principle applies only for Argala. But, in Narayana dasa, we apply > this rule when Ketu occupies starting dasa sign. Is the Argala for a > Planet or a Rasi ? > > a. If it's for a Planet(Ketu) , then Robert is right. > b. If its for a Rasi, then applying to Rasi dasas seems > logical. Then Argala shall be calculated in reverse for the > planets

conjioned by Ketu as well.> > Thanks in advance.> > Warm regards,> Shanmukha.>

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Namaste Robert Koch,


I think this time I got it right (I mean the spelling of your name).

Thank you very much for responding.


I am going through your book. I can honestly say that yours is one

of the best compiled works on Astrology. Very wonderfully organized.


I am not in a view that someone has a last word on this sasthra

except the originator Sage Jaimini. Yet, I want to stress the

importance of the word " Nidhyatuh " . I strongly feel this is where

the Argala for the Argala concept lies.


Warm regards,



P.S: Bye the way, I am a male not as you thought.:) Of course that

doesn't matter as long as Jyotish is concerned.

sohamsa , " rkoch108 " <rk wrote:


> Hari Om


> Dear Shanmukha and Maja, Namaste -


> Thank you for your discussion of the subjects relating to Argala

in my

> book, " The Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology. " For

starters, I

> did not read anything at all inappropriate that Shanmukha wrote,


> she only inquired as to the sources of information contained in the

> book. This is quite acceptable in a scholarly forum, and in fact


> is healthy to publicly question the shastric or other authenticity


> an author's writings. So no, Maja, there was no transgression here


> all, nor was there in Shanmukha's reply to you.


> As for the content of the book, there are two guru's in my life who

> inspired its writing, and I learned most of the content written


> from them. They are my Diksa guru, Sri Srimad A.C. Bhaktivedanta

> Swami, and my Jyotish guru, Pandit Sanjay Rath. The meanings of

> numerous scriptural quotations as relevant to the subject of

> spirituality in Jyotish, as well as delineation of various

Avataras in

> Chapter 1, all came through the teachings of my Diksa guru. My


> guru was a preeminent scholar of Vedic shastras coming in an

> illustrious Vaishnava Parampara (Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya),

> and thus the principles founded upon his teachings are sound.

Most of

> the astrological teachings were and continue to be central to

those of

> SJC, including the calculation and interpretation of Drig Dasha,


> I still find to be accurate and correct in practice. The


> on Argala were not only as instructed by Pandit Rath, but have also

> proven to be very practical in my own researches with Jyotish, and

> were illustrated in many ways in the book as well.


> I presented the book in such a way as to acknolwedge what Shanmukha

> refers to as the art of Jyotish, in addition to the science. This

> means that I do not have the final word on anything presented given

> the complexities of the subject, and also the dubiousness of


> origns, or even the principles advanced by modern scholars as well.

> What I enjoyed the most about writing the book, in addition to

> honoring the teachings of my gurus, is that the principles were so

> consistently replicated by way of many illustrations. This is


> Jyotish becomes exciting and dynamic, and frankly if anybody thinks

> they have the last word on what is, or isn't correct, then they


> the excitement and spontaniety of the subject.


> I suppose the only correction that needs to be made therefore is


> spelling of my name! (smiles). Please note it as follows:


> Best wishes,

> Robert Koch


> sohamsa , " Shanmukha " <teli_sha2002@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Namaste Maja,

> >

> > First let me explain what happened today in sending this post. I


> > been trying since a hour or so, to send this post. On one

computer, the

> > Internet connection was cut. On another computer, two times the


> > hanged. I think its a strong nimitta that I should not send this


> > yet I kept on trying this now, let me see what happens. May be I


> > doing a sin here, let it be.

> >

> > I am giving below the original post I wrote.

> >

> > Namaste Maja,

> >

> >

> >

> > Thank you very much for your response. You have wonderfully


> > the concept of Ketu conjoining any planet. It really makes sense


> > clears some of my doubts.

> >

> >

> >

> > Coming to your doubts regarding my intentions.

> >

> >

> >

> > You wrote " Dear, please don't use " his own interpretation " . It


> > sounds a little bit inappropriate (I suppose that you did not

have any

> > bad intention, you were probably unaware of this) "

> >

> > Yes, I do have intentions, not bad though. My intention here is


> > You can check up my earlier mails, where I never did cross any

limits or

> > in verbal exchange of words. Now, I am compelled to respond.

> >

> >

> >

> > I want jyotish and that too a Jyotish that is mentioned in

Classics. I

> > wanted my basics to be on solid foundation, not on musings. I


> > the same in my post.

> >

> >

> >

> > You said, " No one under guidance of any SJC Guru is doing


> > similar.) "

> >

> >

> > What is so sacred about being in SJC? Do you mean people not

part of SJC

> > have bad intentions? Don't you know, a no. Of SJC Gurus/members


> > gone verbal exchange on the issues not connected with Jyotish?

Did you

> > ever find me doing such a thing? You can check my earlier mail

where I

> > was concerned about only Jyotish. I have my own discipline and I


> > followed it. If you still see any bad intentions, come to the

point and

> > I will apologize. Don't beat around the bush shoot it at me.

Else, never

> > suspect anybody who is trying to bring the important issues. You

are not

> > custodian here, and Moderators are there to take care of


> >

> >

> >

> > I said " his own interpretation " , because Jyotish is a science as

well as

> > art. If it were not the art, then we don't have these many

methods and

> > techniques. I differ with my Guru over a no. of points/issues.


> > example, I grossly differ with him regarding calculation of

Upapada. I

> > have indicated the same in one my earlier post on Sohamsa. Yet,


> > doesn't mean I am against to him. I respect him and feel proud

to be

> > student of his. I feel, Guru is the one who show you the path,

not the

> > one who accompanies you. Jaimini wrote his own version of


> > and which grossly differs Veda Vyasa's. Yet Jaimini is considered

> > disciple of Vyasa. In India, Everyone can have his own


> > but with reverence to his Guru. Narasimha has his own


> > Chara Karaka and Drig dasa, and you mean it is also endorsed by


> > Now, Do you understand my intentions?

> >

> >

> >

> > The other day one scholar on this forum got a doubt as to which

is from

> > parampara and which is own interpretation/modification; nobody

saw any

> > bad intention, because he is part of SJC. Now I got the same

doubt, and

> > you all see bad intention. How long will we see the bad

intentions? Is

> > it jyotish? It's all just about learning truth. I wanted to


> > the truth. That's my intention. It's so simple as that.

> >

> >

> >

> > Coming back to jyotish, Every sutra in Sutra Vangmaya will have


> > meanings. One Lakshana and one Upa Lakshana. Lakshana is the

science and

> > Upa Lakshana is the art. Unless, we have a correct commentary,


> > clearly defines the subtle difference between the two, we never

> > understand the real meaning of the sutra. This applies to every

work in

> > Sutra Vangamaya including Jaimini Sutras. My Guru, though

considered one

> > of the great commentators alive on Jaimini Sutras, still feels

he might

> > have done some mistakes in commenting, for the very reason, that


> > understand Sutra Vangmaya, one must be adept in six branches of

> > Vedangas. Simple knowledge of Sanskrit doesn't suffice to bring


> > points.

> >

> >

> >

> > You said " You can observe Argalas on Grahas taking their


> > significations, like Guru ... " . What is the difference

between " You Can "

> > and " You Shall " ?

> >

> > For me

> >

> > You Shall ----> is the science

> >

> > You Can ----> is the Art

> >

> >

> >

> > I need the science to the core. If you go with the art unless

you don't

> > understand the science, it will fetch nothing. First, let me


> > what is advocated by Classics. Did you ever try to understand,

what is

> > the meaning of " Nidhyatuh " in the " Dara Bhagya .... " sutra


> > Argala. Whatever the meaning given by Sri Sanjay suffices

without that

> > word. Remember Jaimini never speaks of a letter without a


> > forget about a word. If you miss that word, you can explain that


> > and every house has argala on every other house.

> >

> >

> >

> > You said " However, if you are taking Rasi occupied by Ketu, for


> > say, Narayana Dasa analyzing, then you should observe Argala in

> > regular direction if native is not involved in spirituality,Â

but you

> > should take reverse direction in case if spirituality is an

> > important part of life for this native. " .

> >

> >

> >

> > For me spirituality is way of life. It is not a thing that a

person is

> > particularly involved in. Spirituality is about being true to

self. In

> > Indian history a butcher (Selling meat) was considered the most


> > person than a person continually involved in Tapas, for the very


> > that he does his swadharma. Take example of Dharma Vyadha, in

> > Mahabharata.

> >

> >

> >

> > I never come across any classic advocating 8th house as argala


> > but I have seen 7th house being considered for argala by some


> > In jyotish, there are Sampradaya (traditions) and Sasthra

(science) and

> > without understanding these two, never Astrology be called the


> > I wanted to learn the Sampradaya, that's the reason why I asked

> > whether it is endorsed Achyuta Parampara. Without the scientific


> > of Argala, how can you use it?

> >

> >

> >

> > One respected scholar here opined not to read Jaimini at all,

for the

> > reason of its ambiguity. Though I have not replied to him then,

I want

> > to point out here for comprehensiveness. Only thing I want to

urge the

> > readers here is to read Jaimini Sutras to learn Jaimini, letter


> > letter, word by word, and sutra by sutra. If you go with simple


> > available elsewhere, you will be one in the lot, that's been

there for

> > centuries.

> >

> >

> >

> > I want to end this post with the caution, that whatever the


> > concept presently used is grossly incomplete. Kindly read Jaimini

> > Sutras. Don't be trapped that the world has been over the

centuries. One

> > friend of mine advised me to be silent on forums since nobody is

> > interested here. Though I agree him, yet I write here, if my


> > moves a piece of grass, my purpose is survived. Somebody

said, " I have

> > no agendas and not trying to sell anything and hence have no


> > of interest " . I have only one agenda here and that is jyotish.

That it.

> > Coming to conflict of interest. I have conflict with a no. of


> > that discussed here. Yet, I respect each and everyone here.

Since, it is

> > said " Spardhayaa Vardhate Vidya " .

> >

> >

> >

> > Warm regards,

> >

> > Shanmukha

> >

> >

> >

> > sohamsa , Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Om Gurave Namah

> > > Â

> > > Dear Shanmukha, Namaste

> > > Â

> > > All the quotations From R. Cothc's book you wrote here are

correct (it

> > is SJC, of course. Dear, please don't use " his own

interpretation " . It

> > really sounds a little bit inappropriate (I suppose that you did


> > have any bad intention, you were probably unaware of this) No


> > under guidance of any SJC Guru is doing anything similar.)

> > > Â

> > > You can observe Argalas on Grahas taking their Naisargika

> > significations, like Guru for money, Sukra for partnership etc.

and then

> > analyze their influence on these life areas.

> > > Â

> > > Ketu is for spirituality and Moksha, but also for buildings,


> > So, when you analyze argalas on Ketu as naisargika karaka for


> > take them in reverse, but when you analize Ketu for buildings,


> > regular principles (2nd, 11th and 4th there from having primary


> > and 5th, 7th and 8th having secondary argala. Malefic in 3rd

there from

> > gives parakramargala.). In case you want to analyze career from

> > Naisargika karaka Budh, and this Graha is joining Ketu, then you


> > regular principles in consideration. I believe that this is what


> > was trying to point at.

> > > Â

> > > However, if you are taking Rasi occupied by Ketu, for let's


> > Narayana Dasa analyzing, then you should observe Argala in


> > direction if native is not involved in spirituality, but you


> > take reverse direction in case if spirituality is an important


> > of life for this native.

> > > Â

> > > Maybe if you read about Argala once again from this source:

> > >

> > > Â

> > > http://www.srigaruda.com/articles/2008/04/30/argala-slides/

> > > Â

> > > then I think that it will become more clear about primary and

> > secondary argala (7th is also mentioned there).

> > > Â

> > > One more link:

> > > Â

> > > http://www.srigaruda.com/articles/2004/11/27/introduction-to-


> > > Â

> > > Sadly I can not point you on any classical source. I hope that


> > else more learned will include and let you know about particular

page in

> > BPHS or similar.

> > > Â

> > > Hope that this was of some help.

> > > Â

> > > Warm Regards,

> > > Maja Strbac

> > > Â

> > > Hari Om Tat Sat

> > >

> > >

> > > --- On Sun, 1/4/09, Shanmukha teli_sha2002@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Shanmukha teli_sha2002@

> > > Argala - Robert Coch's Book

> > > sohamsa

> > > Sunday, January 4, 2009, 11:59 PM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Om Namah Sivaya

> > >

> > > Namaste All,

> > >

> > > Yesterday, I was reading " The Spirtual Dimensions of Vedic

> > > Astrology " , by Sri Robert Coch, and came across the following


> > >

> > > 1.In Page 149, he wrote " Argala are not as strong as aspects


> > > or graha), but their intervention is influential nevertheless.

> > >

> > > 2. In the same page he continued " Secondary argala : From

signa A,

> > > sign-houses, as well as any planets in them, in the 5th, as

well as

> > > 8th, cause argala on it. "

> > >

> > > 3. In page 150, he wrote " Planets in the 7th from " A " also have

> > > argala on it. "

> > >

> > > 4. I page 151, he wrote " The reversal of direction for Ketu's

> > > argala, however, does not apply to planets that are conjoined

Ketu. "

> > >

> > > Now, I would like to request the members to kindly clarify the

> > > following doubts. In case if they have been already clarified

by any

> > > Guru, I request any one could kindly direct me there.

> > >

> > > Are the points above written by Sri Robert, also endorsed by


> > > Jagannatha Center/ Acthyuta Paramapara or his own

interpretation ?

> > >

> > > He included 8th and 7th houses in the places of Argala. Could


> > > here direct me to any classical reference.

> > >

> > > If we agree on the above interpretation, then 6 houses get


> > > in addition to the Argala of 3rd. So, seven houses in total.

> > >

> > > Kindly refer to point No.4 above. It says that Tadvipareetam


> > > Principle applies only for Argala. But, in Narayana dasa, we


> > > this rule when Ketu occupies starting dasa sign. Is the Argala

for a

> > > Planet or a Rasi ?

> > >

> > > a. If it's for a Planet(Ketu) , then Robert is right.

> > > b. If its for a Rasi, then applying to Rasi dasas seems

> > > logical. Then Argala shall be calculated in reverse for the

> > > planets conjioned by Ketu as well.

> > >

> > > Thanks in advance.

> > >

> > > Warm regards,

> > > Shanmukha.

> > >

> >


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