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Jaya JagannathaDear Rafal,NamasteWhat is so shameful about sharing knowledge? I asked what dosa will be created with fasting on the wrong tithi. Want to answer this?love,SweeOn 9 Feb 2009, at 12:13, Rafał Gendarz wrote:om namo bhagavate narasimhayaDear  Members ,Why not to create forum for SJC Gurus, when these addings are shared by Sanjayji? Then there would not be any shameful situations that the teachers are uninformed about the basics and clients are safely guided.RegardsRafal GendarzSJC Jyotish Guru--------------Consultations & Pageshttp://rohinaa.comrafalHare Rama Krsna ||Dear Swee,If you are fasting during a tithi, then it is the tithi which is important.  When fasting on a particular day, then it is the day that is important.  This is about intention.  When certain tithi and vara combine then there are certain effects and this is panchaang, which we know has many uses advising when to do what.Point is, fasting and other austerities are based on knowledge - how, why, when etc.  Otherwise why would we do these?  This knowledge can come from a Guru as you have pointed out.  If you are advised that fasting on a particular tithi/vara is not good, but your Guru has sanctioned it, then that will be evident from your chart.  There are many provisos and overriding factors to any rule.  But we must first learn all the basic rules, that are typical and apply to most people and situations, before we can learn all the posible ways they can be modified.  We can only build from the ground up (and I hear that the view from the top is most splendid)....Opportunities to further knowledge and understanding may be thwarted by claims that Jyotish is imperfect, arbitrary, and corrupted.  But this is to be expected at this time.  Doing anything at any time (sincerely) is the kind of new age advice I expect on the Oprah Winfrey show, not from someone with Jyotish learning and proven achievements.Respectfully,Michal Swee Chan <swee (AT) coppernet (DOT) zm>To: sohamsa@ .comSent: Monday, 9 February, 2009 7:53:19 PMSubject: Re: Re: ALTERNATIVE TO UPAPADA FASTINGJaya JagannathaDear Michal,NamasteClaims that you can advise fasting on any day is equally "scary".May I please? Since it was I who asked the question to Ajay regarding my fasting on dvadasi when ekadasi is not pure and Ajay said that if I were to fast on dvadasi, it will create a dosa for me. What dosa and how?? (I'm still waiting for an answer). A tithi can fall on any day/vaara, so I do not know why you are picking on this to argue about. Experiments on oneself will always do harm. But you also know that one who has a Guru and follows Guru's instruction works according to his destiny with Guru's grace. Even the greatest of rishis died unnatural deaths and they were the ones who "saw" the answers/mantras. So what do you have to say to this?love,SweeOn 9 Feb 2009, at 03:19, Michal Dziwulski wrote:Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Narasimha,Claims that you can advise fasting on any day is equally "scary".Saying "NEVER" is scary too.  It implies possessing a very high understanding.For example, I have met many people who practice various forms of brahmacharya and have seen it do a lot of harm that entering into a loving relationship could have prevented.  I have seen people do a lot of harm to themselves through meditation techniques without proper guidance.Mahatma Gandhi was also brahmacharya during his 'experiments' ?  Would you say no harm was done?Medicine can be harmful if not properly prescribed, or it can have side effects, some of which can be 'dangerous'.  This can be extended to Vedic remedies also.  A wrongly prescribed mantra may harm a person because it did not give the results the person was expecting.  This is a *simple* example.It is not (in my opinion) illogical to suggest that harm or danger could be the result of performing an action (such as fasting) because that action may have *contact* with malefic planets/houses/ combinations etc.What is illogical is suggesting that there are certain actions (like fasting) that are immune and incapable of having bad results!  The Gita teaches that results are not always assured simply because of certain actions.  So where is this action with 100% guarenteed results?____________ _________ _________ _________ ____My feeling is that there may be something else on your mind, that we're really not addressing here regarding Jyotish and your relationship with it.  If so, then let us know.  If not, then please excuse me.Respectfully,Michal Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>To: sohamsa@ .comSent: Monday, 9 February, 2009 11:17:45 AMSubject:  Re: ALTERNATIVE TO UPAPADA FASTINGNamaste, Khoa is an analogy. Depending on the nature of milk, one may have to cook a little longer or shorter. Similarly, depending on which weekday or tithi you fast on, results may take a little longer or shorter. But, to say that fasting on a specific weekday or tithi causes "dangers" and "serious doshas" is illogical. Regarding the question on gemstones, I see that you are asking me questions without reading what I wrote earlier. I wrote: "Gem stones may harm when used incorrectly. But, austerities like prayers, fasting, mouna vrata and brahmacharya will NEVER do you any harm. If your body can take fasting, you can do it on any weekday or tithi without too many calculations. " > I don't think anyone here is trying to scare anyone. Well, claims that fasting on a specific weekday or tithi in a chart "angers Vishnu" or brings "dangers" or causes "serious doshas" can scare some unnecessarily. Best regards,Narasimha------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homamDo Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpanaSpirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdomFree Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. netFree Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.orgSri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------  --- In sohamsa@ .com, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@. ..> wrote:>> Hare Rama Krsna ||> > Dear Narasimha,> > I am trying to understand this statement:> > > I did not say all days and tithis are the same. Of > course, there is some difference. But, it is not as big as being made > here.>  To make khoa, whether one uses cow milk or buffalo milk > or milk of a brown cow or a black cow or a Jersey cow or another cow does make > some difference.> >  So you are saying Monday (Moon) is cow milk, Tuesday (Mars) is brown cow, Wednesday (Mercury) is Jersey cow etc?  Weekdays are all the same, but they are like different cows?> > Another question:> > If you advise fasting on any day (because, as you say, all days are similar), can you advise any gemstone?  All gemstones are similar (very hard, colourful, and expensive:).  Any mantra, or hey, just any sounds in a sequence since all sounds are similar?  Like: asymandhgarafatatda namah?> > I don't think anyone here is trying to scare anyone.  It is *simply* that certain medicines can have side effects.  It is our responsibility to know which medicines to prescribe and to ensure that the person does not experience any unwanted side effects.  You would expect that of a doctor wouldn't you?  Last thing I want is to see a physician saying just choose any medicine!  Of course water is medicine and can be used by all (like japa), but here we are talking about specific medicine (like fasting at a particular time for UL) for a specific illness (not able to find a partner/compromise) .> > Your Aquarian (philosophical) Moon (thoughts) please.> Respectfully,> Michal> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvr> To: sohamsa@ .com> Monday, 9 February, 2009 6:03:54 AM> Re: ALTERNATIVE TO UPAPADA FASTING> > > Namaste Sanjay and > friends,>  > My answers are in red and prefixed > with "[Narasimha] ".>  > <<<<<< Begin > quote <<<<<< > > > >> tithi. The basic > point is that Upapada is a rashi and carries energy> > > >> of > Vara or day. If you fast on the day ruled by tithi of the 2nd> > > > >> lord, you are bringing the jala energy to vara, and gandanta > may> > > >> occur, and spouse may come into a danger. So, what is > the way out.> > > > Why does a rashi carry the energy of vaara only > and not that of the tithi???? Why does rashi represent vaara or fire?> > > > [sanjay Rath:] Because Raashi were created by Surya and for doing so > Surya took 12 forms called the Dvadasa Aditya...Narasimha you ask this?? What is > happening?> > > > After all, Rudra rules > over the element of fire and Gouri rules over the element of water and one > worships Gouri at the time of marriage. Moreover, Venus (water) is the karaka > for marriage. So one could even say that UL/marriage is represented by water > element and fasting on UL lord's tithi brings the element of water (prosperity > and well-being) to one's marriage (UL)? One could even say that fasting on the > weekday of UL lord should be prohibited as it brings the fire element > represented by weekday to the water of UL and causes "gandanta"!> > > > [sanjay Rath:] UL is the Maya and is associated with the Raashi > Narasimha. It is the 12L which is the creator of the UL...just as the mother > Gouri creates everything through the shakti of the graha, all the arudha are > created by her due to the lordships of the planets. So fasting on the tithi > lorded by the 12th lord will be a *more correct* answer.> >>>>>> End > quote >>>>>>>  > [Narasimha] We always say that houses > (truth) are represented by Sun (aatman) and arudha padas (maya) by Moon > (mind).>  > Thus, 12th house is the actual > creator and UL is the apparent creator in the field of maya. Houses (truth) > should actually be associated with Sun (aatman) and Shiva (and not Gouri), while > arudha padas (perception) should actually be associated with Moon (mind) and > Gouri. After all, that is what we do in the tripod method in dasa > judgment.>  > Thus, it is actually more logical to > say that 12th house and 12th lord imbibe the agni tattva of Sun and UL and UL > lord imbibe the jala tattva of Moon.>  > Is the above "*more correct* answer" > based on your own thinking or is it from a classic or from > tradition?>  > <<<<<< Begin quote > <<<<<< > > The mantra one meditates with at the end of a > day's fasting is far more effective than at other times. The conservation of > energy otherwise spent on digestion or speech will enable far more effective > mantra meditation. So fast or keep mouna and then meditate with a mantra, to > maximize the effect of the mantra.> > > > [sanjay Rath:] I do not > agree with this. Correct eating is the best blessing for good mantra practise. > On days when one fasts the mind is troubled by hunger causing the stomach to > burn and churn and this disturbs mantra japa. Correct eating (alpa aahaara) is > many many times better than complete fasting.> > >>>>>> End > quote >>>>>>>  > [Narasimha] Well, if one cannot > fast, then one is destined to expend some energy on digestion after all and not > focus all energy on the mantra. But the bottomline is that shastras say that one should meditate either without or with > very little food (niraahaaro mitaahaaro). In any case, I hope we agree that > meditation sessions after heavy eating are heavily restrained in > effectiveness.>  > <<<<<< Begin > quote <<<<< Seriously, however, this kind of stretching of > gandanta concepts is quite illogical.> > > > [sanjay Rath:] It is not > stretching ... it is the very definition of gandanta – the interface between > fire and water. Put a burning match in a glass of water, the fire dies...There > are other Ganda’s in the chart but they are not anta (ends). Take Chitra ganda > between Kanya and Tula.>  > >>>>>> End > quote >>>>>>>  > [Narasimha] Putting a burning > match in a glass of water does indeed kill fire. But the question is of > contact. If I am thinking of fire in my mind while standing in water, it does > not kill the fire. There is no contact.>  > My point is that the examples given > have no real identifiable contact between water and fire.>  > One can be creative and come up with > a lot of theories. For example, one can say that Moon and Venus are jala tattva > and all rasis show agni tattva (then why are some rasis marked as agni rasis and > some as water rasis etc) and hence the sign occupied by Moon and Venus cause > contact between water and fire. Then one can say fasting on the weekdays of the > dispositors of Moon and Venus causes gandanta and serious danger.>  > It is not enough to show some fire > and some water. See what counts as contact. Otherwise, one will engage in > illogical extrapolations.>  > <<<<<< Begin quote > <<<<<< > > Three years back you said you > are leaving jyotish....then again you told me two years back and again recently > that you are leaving jyotish. Now it is getting very evident that *jyotish is leaving you*. The knowledge of Jyotish is PERFECT – individuals embody it > in different levels of their understanding and intelligence. >  > >>>>>> End > quote >>>>>>>  > [Narasimha] Nothing is permanent. What is one's cannot > be taken away. And one cannot cling on to what is not one's. Some rejoice when > it seems like something comes and cry when it seems like something leaves. Some > impassionately observe as things seem to come and go and do what they see as > their dharma with the things they seem to have.>  > Just a factual > correction though: I never > said I was leaving Jyotish. For a few years after my spiritual master entered my > life, my interest in other things went down (though I continued to do other > things) and my focus on spiritual sadhana intensified. So I said that my > interest in Jyotish was very low. However, my guru gave me a task later. He > wanted me to study the teachings of Parasara > independently, meditate on them and share my interpretations with the > world. He said I was very passionate in my Jyotish activities earlier, and > he wanted me to do the same now but dispassionately and without an attachment. > He felt that I still have a contribution to make to Jyotish and wants me to > do it as an unattached karma. His word is everything for me.>  > What I told you recently is not that I was leaving Jyotish but what I said above.>  > However, if your judgment is correct and if > Jyotish is indeed "leaving" me, I am sure my spiritual guru will realize it > sooner or later and change his command to me.>  > <<<<<< Begin > quote <<<<<< > > I can categorically declare one > thing with utmost confidence. You pick any weekday or tithi and take a vow to > fast or do mouna vrata (remain silent) on that weekday or tithi and meditate > with a particular mantra (any) at the end of the day. You can take a vow to keep > that practice for a certain duration of time (say, a few months or years) for a > specific purpose. Take a vow and keep the vrata for the duration. If > brahmacharya can be kept for the duration of the vrata, there is nothing like > it!> > > > [sanjay Rath:] This is a fine  statement but then you > seem to be saying that the Puranas and other teachings of the seers is of not > much relevance. Of course you are right as it will be spiritually beneficial. > For example, a person wishing to marry should not fast on UL days and should > choose any day (all days are the same) or any tithi (all tithi are the same) and > start fasting and do a mantra (any mantra!!) and then in a few days, or (maybe) > a few months (or maybe) a few years ... or maybe (what you did not say), a few > lifetimes, the marriage will happen! I cannot say you are wrong, so I agree that > what you say is right.>  > >>>>>> End > quote >>>>>>>  > [Narasimha] This is a gross > exaggeration.>  > Is all that is being taught and > practiced now strictly from "Puranas and other teachings of the > seers"?>  > I did not say all days and tithis are the same. Of > course, there is some difference. But, it is not as big as being made > here.>  > To make khoa, whether one uses cow milk or buffalo milk > or milk of a brown cow or a black cow or a Jersey cow or another cow does make > some difference. But it is secondary. To say that "danger" and "serious doshas" > (see the quoted mails for such claims) can be caused by a wrong choice is > wrong. To say that a wrong choice means khoa will take 100 years to make is also > a gross exaggeration.>  > The main thing is that you need milk and sugar. If one > is confused by endless claims of khoa making consultants and ends up not making > khoa at all, that will be sad. In such a case, one can simply pick some milk or the other, take sugar and start cooking khoa. It will take an extra half > hour, but the job will be done.>  > I request Jyotishis to behave responsibly and humbly > and not engage in scare-mongering and say that a speicifc austerity (fasting on > a specific weekday or tithi in a chart) can cause "danger" and "serious > doshas". No wonder some spiritual teachers look down upon Jyotish and dismiss > it. Such unbalanced attitude and self-importance from us does not help our > cause!>  > Yes, Jyotish is helpful, but let us not oversell it or overplay the importance.. .>  > <<<<<< Begin > quote <<<<<< > > Gem stones may harm when used > incorrectly. But, austerities like prayers, fasting, mouna vrata and > brahmacharya will NEVER do you any harm. If your body can take fasting, you can > do it on any weekday or tithi without too many calculations.> > > > > [sanjay Rath:] Brahmacharya is good for someone planning to have a baby or one > who cannot conceive and this is kept for some period before the appointed date > of nisheka. Brahmacharya is good for marriage?! I think you are mistaking > abstinence from physical union as Brahmacharya. Oh no its so > different.>  > >>>>>> End > quote >>>>>>>  > [Narasimha] Of course, > brahmacharya is much more, but also very difficult for most. Even physical celibacy is a good enough austerity. Physical > celibacy over an extended period of time increases the efficacy of other > austerities such as fasting, mouna vrata, meditation and > homam.>  > Best > regards,> Narasimha> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------> Do > a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam> Do > Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom> Free > Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net> Free > Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org> Sri > Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- >  > --- In sohamsa@ .com, "Sanjay Rath" > <sjrath@> wrote:> >> > om paramesthi gurave namah> > > > Dear Narasimha> > > > Just added a few thoughts and questions > since we are on the topic of spirituality, which is not my forte. So I am always > seeking to learn.> > > > With Warm Regards> > > > Sanjay > Rath> > > > http://srath. com http://sohamsa. com http:// .org> > > > 15B > Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi, 110060, India> > > >  sohamsa@ .com [sohamsa] On Behalf Of Narasimha PVR Rao> > 06 > February 2009 00:48> > To: sohamsa@ .com> > Cc: > > > Re: ALTERNATIVE TO UPAPADA FASTING> > > > Namaste > friends,> > > > I would like to express my reservations on a couple of > issues. It is funny that I should be typing this email on an Ekadashi day, when > many Vaishnavas fast irrespective of their horoscopes.> > > > [sanjay > Rath:] I write on dvadasi when so many vasihnava also fast and keep great > austerities. J Any difference?> > > > > >> Here is my point > and view about the question raised. 2nd bhava is> > > >> the bhava > of Vishnu, sustainer, and if we fast on the day of UL in> > > >> > 2nd house, we bring insult to Vishnu who provides the food for us.> > > > My dear Zoran, please allow me to express my disagreement.> > > > Austerities can never be seen as an insult to Vishnu. Self-deprivation > of 2nd house matters such as food (fasting) or speech (mouna vrata - vow of > silence) are austerities. Giving up food or speech is not an insult to Vishnu > just as giving up sex (i.e. brahmacharya) is not an insult to Sukracharya > (Venus).> > > > [sanjay Rath:] I though Brahma was very angry that his > sons decided not to have progeny and stayed celibate. So He created others. Why > was Brahma angry when his sons remained celibate? Why should Sukracharya be > angry if someone is celibate? How is it an insult or not an insult to > Sukracharya? You are taking planet signification of Venus for 7H ...and linking > this to creation process...which is wrong Narasimha. Brahma is seen from lords > of dusthana 6, 8 and 12 from lagna or 7th which is....you know this.There is > nothing wrong with the 7th house as it is necessary for procreation. It is only > the link of this with the Brahma graha that causes it to become a serious > shad-ripu. Married people are as eligible for moksha as unmarried ones and > bachelors. It depends on the following of dharma and ashrama.> > > > > Various gods bestow various things on us, some at the gross physical level and > some at the subtle spiritual level. As we overcome our dependendency on gross > things, we make progress at the subtle level.> > > > If one eats food, > a good amount of internal fire (and subtle internal energy associated with it) > is used for digesting it and for generating physical energy from it. If one > fasts, that subtle energy is unused and available for other things. This is a > tremendous benefit. As a result, one can better digest mantras and spiritual > food available all around one.> > > > The mantra one meditates with at > the end of a day's fasting is far more effective than at other times. The > conservation of energy otherwise spent on digestion or speech will enable far > more effective mantra meditation. So fast or keep mouna and then meditate with a > mantra, to maximize the effect of the mantra.> > > > [sanjay Rath:] I > do not agree with this. Correct eating is the best blessing for good mantra > practise. On days when one fasts the mind is troubled by hunger causing the > stomach to burn and churn and this disturbs mantra japa. Correct eating (alpa > aahaara) is many many times better than complete fasting.> > > > > > >> However, to be honest, I have not heard this about 2nd lord and> > > > >> tithi. The basic point is that Upapada is a rashi and carries > energy> > > >> of Vara or day. If you fast on the day ruled by > tithi of the 2nd> > > >> lord, you are bringing the jala energy to > vara, and gandanta may> > > >> occur, and spouse may come into a > danger. So, what is the way out.> > > > Why does a rashi carry the > energy of vaara only and not that of the tithi???? Why does rashi represent > vaara or fire?> > > > [sanjay Rath:] Because Raashi were created by > Surya and for doing so Surya took 12 forms called the Dvadasa Aditya...Narasimha > you ask this?? What is happening?> > > > After all, Rudra rules over > the element of fire and Gouri rules over the element of water and one worships > Gouri at the time of marriage. Moreover, Venus (water) is the karaka for > marriage. So one could even say that UL/marriage is represented by water element > and fasting on UL lord's tithi brings the element of water (prosperity and > well-being) to one's marriage (UL)? One could even say that fasting on the > weekday of UL lord should be prohibited as it brings the fire element > represented by weekday to the water of UL and causes "gandanta"!> > > > [sanjay Rath:] UL is the Maya and is associated with the Raashi > Narasimha. It is the 12L which is the creator of the UL...just as the mother > Gouri creates everything through the shakti of the graha, all the arudha are > created by her due to the lordships of the planets. So fasting on the tithi > lorded by the 12th lord will be a *more correct* answer.> > > > > Seriously, however, this kind of stretching of gandanta concepts is quite > illogical.> > > > [sanjay Rath:] It is not stretching ... it is the > very definition of gandanta – the interface between fire and water. Put a > burning match in a glass of water, the fire dies...There are other Ganda’s in > the chart but they are not anta (ends). Take Chitra ganda between Kanya and > Tula.> > > > Now one more thing: Marriage is a yoga between two souls > and why not suggest fasting on the yoga day of the UL lord?> > > > > [sanjay Rath:] What! What a brilliant suggestion.. .why don’t you start > it?  > > > > * * *> > > > > Now suppose instead of > 11th house if Mercury goes to 12th house or 4 > > > house then you > cannot choose Dwadashi or Chaturthi for the same > > > because these > thithis are ruled by Mercury only and fasting on these > > > tithis will > create serious doshas.> > > > Picking tithi based on house (12th house > - Dwadashi, 4th house - Chaturthi) is illogical as there are 12 houses only and > more tithis.> > I have realized one thing over the years - If something is > not structurally sound, it is most likely false knowledge.> > > > > [sanjay Rath:] J No comments> > > > * * *> > > > I can > categorically declare one thing with utmost confidence. You pick any weekday or > tithi and take a vow to fast or do mouna vrata (remain silent) on that weekday > or tithi and meditate with a particular mantra (any) at the end of the day. You > can take a vow to keep that practice for a certain duration of time (say, a few > months or years) for a specific purpose. Take a vow and keep the vrata for the > duration. If brahmacharya can be kept for the duration of the vrata, there is > nothing like it!> > > > [sanjay Rath:] This is a fine  statement > but then you seem to be saying that the Puranas and other teachings of the seers > is of not much relevance. Of course you are right as it will be spiritually > beneficial. For example, a person wishing to marry should not fast on UL days > and should choose any day (all days are the same) or any tithi (all tithi are > the same) and start fasting and do a mantra (any mantra!!) and then in a few > days, or (maybe) a few months (or maybe) a few years ... or maybe (what you did > not say), a few lifetimes, the marriage will happen! I cannot say you are wrong, > so I agree that what you say is right.> > > > If you keep such a vrata > sincerely, you will make positive progress towards achieving your purpose and > definitely not go backwards, irrespective of what is said by technical > calculations based on our half-baked Jyotish knowledge.> > > > * * > *> > > > My friends, use the Jyotish knowledge available, but do > realize that it is imperfect and corrupted. Why is only the UL lord important? > So many planets may have so many kinds of influence on UL in a chart. And UL is > one of several factors showing marriage. There may be various influences in a > chart showing marriage. Is our thumb rule of using UL lord's weekday missing > some important factors? Quite possible!> > > > [sanjay Rath:] That is > a very nasty statement. Once again you have used adjectives (*imperfect, > corrupted*) which is not becoming of you. Why must you use nasty statements? > Can’t you say things nicely? > > > > Three years back you said you > are leaving jyotish....then again you told me two years back and again recently > that you are leaving jyotish. Now it is getting very evident that *jyotish is > leaving you*. The knowledge of Jyotish is PERFECT – individuals embody it in > different levels of their understanding and intelligence. > > > > If > you have the time to listen to the Jaimini Lectures at http://sohamsa. com/js/ do so as it will show > you the depths of this knowledge you cannot imagine exists in jyotish. The > derivation of the chnhandas and what not all. Thumb rules are meant for > beginners. The day you decided to give up jyotish, you got stuck in the thumb > rules but then its ok with me. I always wished you the best in whatever you > do.> > > > But, despite some arbitrariness and imperfection, if a > thumb rule allows you to pick an austerity with confidence and create the mental > feeling that you are doing the best possible thing for your situation, it is > good. After all, what is critical is to do *some* austerity to burn the blocking > karma, with a positive frame of mind about what you are doing.> > > > > [sanjay Rath:] No Narasimha, very happy marriages can happen, without > austerities as well.> > > > But, if endless theorization and > complicated technicalities evolving from the thumb rule are creating doubts and > confusion in the minds of people as they consider an austerity, that is useless > and totally missing the point.> > > > Some people tend to resort to > heavy theorization based on very shaky grounds. I suggest going back to the > basics, thinking clearly and keeping things simple.> > > > [sanjay > Rath:] Human brains work differently in seeking the truth and means to remedy > the errors. Life is too complicated to keep everything simple. For example, a > heavily cursed Venus can block everything and UL fast may not be able to solve > the problem. Now would you say that heavy thoerization and complication is > happening and we should ignore the other factors completely?> > > > > Gem stones may harm when used incorrectly. But, austerities like prayers, > fasting, mouna vrata and brahmacharya will NEVER do you any harm. If your body > can take fasting, you can do it on any weekday or tithi without too many > calculations.> > > > [sanjay Rath:] Brahmacharya is good for someone > planning to have a baby or one who cannot conceive and this is kept for some > period before the appointed date of nisheka. Brahmacharya is good for marriage?! > I think you are mistaking abstinence from physical union as Brahmacharya. Oh no > its so different.> > > > Best regards,> > Narasimha> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -> > Do a Short > Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam> > > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom> > > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net> > > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org> > > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - > > > > --- > In sohamsa@ .com <sohamsa% 40. com> > , Ajay Zharotia <ajayzharotia@ > wrote:> > > ||Om Gurave > Namah||> > > > > > Dear Swee, & jyotishis> > > > > > What Zoran is saying is right. Do not mix the energy of day lord > > > (Agni) by choosing the same tithi (jala) that will create serious > > > troubles for the spouse.> > > Let me explain the principle > in a simple way so that there should not > > > be any confusion.> > > > > > > In your chart (Swee) Vrishabha lagna, UL is in 2nd house. So > lord of > > > the UL is the Mercury. Since fasting is prohibited for UL > in 2nd > > > house see where the lord of the UL has gone. In your case > mercury has > > > gone to the 11th house hence it is Ekadashi. So rule > is to choose the > > > tithi is based on the placement of the UL > lord.> > > > > > Now suppose instead of 11th house if Mercury > goes to 12th house or 4 > > > house then you cannot choose Dwadashi or > Chaturthi for the same > > > because these thithis are ruled by Mercury > only and fasting on these > > > tithis will create serious > doshas.> > > > > > If you are doing fasting on the basis of > tithis it should be done in > > > sukla paksha only. But if you are > doing in Krishna paksha (Pitris) > > > also then it should be combined > with the donation.> > > > > > I hope this will clarify the > principal.> > > > > > Best Regards> > > > > > > Ajay Zharotia> > > ajayzharotia@> > > > > > On Feb 4, > 2009, at 12:51 PM, Sanjay Prabhakaran wrote:> > > > > > > || > Om Gurave Namah ||> > > > Dear Swee,> > > > Can you please > tell me the exact rule to use for fasting on > > > > tithi?.Do we use > the 12th lord tithi?, Like if you are Ta lagna, > > > > there 2 tithi > one on Triteeya (3) and Ekadasha(11) . If we consider > > > > only the > paksh in which u are born.> > > > Now of the two which to > use?.> > > >> > > > Warm Regards> > > > Sanjay > p> > > >> > > > 2009/2/3 Swee Chan <swee@>> > > > > Jaya Jagannatha> > > >> > > > Dear Hari, Zoki, > et al in this discussion,> > > > Namaste> > > >> > > > > The tongue in cheek, I'll excuse ;-)) it's my laugh for the > day!!> > > > I fast on ekadasi tithi because my UL is in 2nd house > (ie 12th lord > > > > is in lagna). Since I was born on sukla paksha, > Sanjay ji suggests > > > > that I fast only on sukla ekadasi.> > > > > Zoki, if you listen to JUS of Year I, you will note how Sanjay ji > > > > came to this conclusion.> > > >> > > > > love,> > > >> > > > Swee> > > >> > > > > On 3 Feb 2009, at 15:25, Jyotisa Shisya wrote:> > > >> > > > >> |om|> > > >> Dear Zoran, namaste> > > > >>> > > >> Would not the general act of fasting be construed > as an insult to > > > >> Sri MahaVishnu?> > > > >>> > > >> best regards> > > >> Hari> > > > >>> > > >> On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 5:30 PM, ahimsavm > <ahimsans@> > > > >> wrote:> > > >> Om Namah > Shivaya,> > > >> Dear Bojan and others,> > > >> Here > is my point and view about the question raised. 2nd bhava is> > > > >> the bhava of Vishnu, sustainer, and if we fast on the day of UL > in> > > >> 2nd house, we bring insult to Vishnu who provides the > food for us.> > > >> However, to be honest, I have not heard this > about 2nd lord and> > > >> tithi. The basic point is that Upapada > is a rashi and carries energy> > > >> of Vara or day. If you fast > on the day ruled by tithi of the 2nd> > > >> lord, you are > bringing the jala energy to vara, and gandanta may> > > >> occur, > and spouse may come into a danger. So, what is the way out.> > > > >> The simple solution is to do vrata which do not conflict with> > > > >> rejection of food. So a person may observe the fast on UL in > 2nd> > > >> day, however, adequate food should be offered as a > prasad and eaten> > > >> before the Sunrise (not complete fast).In > this way, results may come> > > >> a bit later, but will certainly > come, while a person will not bring> > > >> insult to Shri Vishnu > by rejecting the food.> > > >> This is the way I was taught, and > ofcourse others may agree or not.> > > >> Best wishes> > > > >> Zoran Radosavljevic> > > >> www.siva-edu. info> > > >> www.ahimsazr1. wordpress. comGet the world's best email - Xtra Mail Food for the party season - Easy recipes for Christmas entertaining on Xtra Lifestyle

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om namo

bhagavate narasimhaya

Dear Swee  ,


Shame is emotion which can appear when you should know something based

on your position/occupation/role/title, but you dont know it. This type

of shame is usually associated with person who is ambitious and



To have equal distrubtion of knowledge at least related to basics, this

type of forum is must acc. to me. I believe that this idea if it could

be sustained and accepted could repair one of the holes SJC system of

Jyotish vidya transmission.




Rafal Gendarz

SJC Jyotish Guru


Consultations & Pages







Jaya Jagannatha



Dear Rafal,




What is so shameful about sharing knowledge? I asked what dosa

will be created with fasting on the wrong tithi. Want to answer this?











On 9 Feb 2009, at 12:13, Rafał Gendarz wrote:


om namo bhagavate narasimhaya

Dear  Members ,


Why not to create forum for SJC Gurus, when these addings are shared by

Sanjayji? Then there would not be any shameful situations that the

teachers are uninformed about the basics and clients are safely guided.




Rafal Gendarz

SJC Jyotish Guru

------------ --

Consultations & Pages



rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT)







Hare Rama Krsna ||


Dear Swee,


If you are fasting during a tithi, then it is the tithi which is

important.  When fasting on a particular day, then it is the day that

is important.  This is about intention.  When certain tithi and vara

combine then there are certain effects and this is panchaang, which we

know has many uses advising when to do what.


Point is, fasting and other austerities are based on knowledge - how,

why, when etc.  Otherwise why would we do these?  This knowledge can

come from a Guru as you have pointed out.  If you are advised that

fasting on a particular tithi/vara is not good, but your Guru has

sanctioned it, then that will be evident from your chart.  There are

many provisos and overriding factors to any rule.  But we must first

learn all the basic rules, that are typical and apply to most people

and situations, before we can learn all the posible ways they can be

modified.  We can only build from the ground up (and I hear that the

view from the top is most splendid).




Opportunities to further knowledge and understanding may be thwarted by

claims that Jyotish is imperfect, arbitrary, and corrupted.  But this

is to be expected at this time.  Doing anything at any time (sincerely)

is the kind of new age advice I expect on the Oprah Winfrey show, not

from someone with Jyotish learning and proven achievements.






 Swee Chan <swee (AT) coppernet (DOT)


To: sohamsa@ .com

Sent: Monday, 9 February, 2009

7:53:19 PM

Subject: Re: Re:






Jaya Jagannatha



Dear Michal,




Claims that you can advise fasting

on any day is equally "scary".



May I please? Since it was I who asked the question to Ajay regarding

my fasting on dvadasi when ekadasi is not pure and Ajay said that if I

were to fast on dvadasi, it will create a dosa for me. What dosa and

how?? (I'm still waiting for an answer). 




A tithi can fall on any day/vaara, so I do not know why you are picking

on this to argue about. 



Experiments on oneself will always do harm. But you also

know that one who has a Guru and follows Guru's instruction works

according to his destiny with Guru's grace. Even the greatest of rishis

died unnatural deaths and they were the ones who "saw" the

answers/mantras. So what do you have to say to this?











On 9 Feb 2009, at 03:19, Michal Dziwulski wrote:




Hare Rama Krsna ||


Dear Narasimha,


Claims that you can advise fasting on any day is equally "scary".


Saying "NEVER" is scary too.  It implies possessing a very high



For example, I have met many people who practice various forms of

brahmacharya and have seen it do a lot of harm that entering into a

loving relationship could have prevented.  I have seen people do a lot

of harm to themselves through meditation techniques without proper



Mahatma Gandhi was also brahmacharya during his 'experiments' ?  Would

you say no harm was done?


Medicine can be harmful if not properly prescribed, or it can have side

effects, some of which can be 'dangerous'.  This can be extended to

Vedic remedies also.  A wrongly prescribed mantra may harm a person

because it did not give the results the person was expecting.  This is

a *simple* example.


It is not (in my opinion) illogical to suggest that harm or danger

could be the result of performing an action (such as fasting) because

that action may have *contact* with malefic planets/houses/

combinations etc.


What is illogical is suggesting that there are certain actions (like

fasting) that are immune and incapable of having bad results!  The Gita

teaches that results are not always assured simply because of certain

actions.  So where is this action with 100% guarenteed results?


____________ _________ _________ _________ ____


My feeling is that there may be something else on your mind, that we're

really not addressing here regarding Jyotish and your relationship with

it.  If so, then let us know.  If not, then please excuse me.






 Narasimha P.V.R.

Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT)


To: sohamsa@ .com

Sent: Monday, 9 February, 2009

11:17:45 AM

Subject:  Re:








Khoa is an analogy. Depending on the nature of milk, one

may have to cook a little longer or shorter. Similarly, depending on

which weekday or tithi you fast on, results may take a little longer or

shorter. But, to say that fasting on a specific weekday or tithi causes

"dangers" and "serious doshas" is illogical.


Regarding the question on gemstones, I see that you are

asking me questions without reading what I wrote earlier. I wrote:


"Gem stones may harm when used incorrectly. But,

austerities like prayers, fasting, mouna vrata and brahmacharya will

NEVER do you any harm. If your body can take fasting, you can do it on

any weekday or tithi without too many calculations. "


> I don't think anyone here is trying to scare anyone.


Well, claims that fasting on a specific weekday or tithi

in a chart "angers Vishnu" or brings "dangers" or causes "serious

doshas" can scare some unnecessarily.


Best regards,


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst

rologer.org/ homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst

rologer.org/ tarpana

Spirituality: http://groups.

/ group/vedic- wisdom

Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.

home.comcast. net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 


--- In sohamsa@ .com,

Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@. ..> wrote:


> Hare Rama Krsna ||


> Dear Narasimha,


> I am trying to understand this statement:



> I did not say all days and tithis are the same. Of 

> course, there is some difference. But, it is not as big as being


> here.

>  To make khoa, whether one uses cow milk or buffalo milk 

> or milk of a brown cow or a black cow or a Jersey cow or another

cow does make 

> some difference.


>  So you are saying Monday (Moon) is cow milk, Tuesday (Mars) is

brown cow, Wednesday (Mercury) is Jersey cow etc?  Weekdays are all the

same, but they are like different cows?


> Another question:


> If you advise fasting on any day (because, as you say, all days

are similar), can you advise any gemstone?  All gemstones are similar

(very hard, colourful, and expensive:).  Any mantra, or hey, just any

sounds in a sequence since all sounds are similar?  Like:

asymandhgarafatatda namah?


> I don't think anyone here is trying to scare anyone.  It is

*simply* that certain medicines can have side effects.  It is our

responsibility to know which medicines to prescribe and to ensure that

the person does not experience any unwanted side effects.  You would

expect that of a doctor wouldn't you?  Last thing I want is to see a

physician saying just choose any medicine!  Of course water is medicine

and can be used by all (like japa), but here we are talking about

specific medicine (like fasting at a particular time for UL) for a

specific illness (not able to find a partner/compromise) .


> Your Aquarian (philosophical) Moon (thoughts) please.

> Respectfully,

> Michal





> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvr

> To: sohamsa@ .com

> Monday, 9 February, 2009 6:03:54 AM




> Namaste Sanjay and 

> friends,


> My answers are in red and prefixed 

> with "[Narasimha] ".


> <<<<<< Begin 

> quote <<<<<< 

> > > >> tithi. The basic 

> point is that Upapada is a rashi and carries energy

> > > >> of 

> Vara or day. If you fast on the day ruled by tithi of the 2nd

> > > 

> >> lord, you are bringing the jala energy to vara, and


> may

> > > >> occur, and spouse may come into a danger. So,

what is 

> the way out.

> > 

> > Why does a rashi carry the energy of vaara only 

> and not that of the tithi???? Why does rashi represent vaara or


> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] Because Raashi were created by Surya and for

doing so 

> Surya took 12 forms called the Dvadasa Aditya...Narasimha you ask

this?? What is 

> happening?

> > 

> > After all, Rudra rules 

> over the element of fire and Gouri rules over the element of water

and one 

> worships Gouri at the time of marriage. Moreover, Venus (water) is

the karaka 

> for marriage. So one could even say that UL/marriage is

represented by water 

> element and fasting on UL lord's tithi brings the element of water


> and well-being) to one's marriage (UL)? One could even say that

fasting on the 

> weekday of UL lord should be prohibited as it brings the fire


> represented by weekday to the water of UL and causes "gandanta"!

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] UL is the Maya and is associated with the


> Narasimha. It is the 12L which is the creator of the UL...just as

the mother 

> Gouri creates everything through the shakti of the graha, all the

arudha are 

> created by her due to the lordships of the planets. So fasting on

the tithi 

> lorded by the 12th lord will be a *more correct* answer.

> >>>>>> End 

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] We always say that houses 

> (truth) are represented by Sun (aatman) and arudha padas (maya) by


> (mind).


> Thus, 12th house is the actual 

> creator and UL is the apparent creator in the field of maya.

Houses (truth) 

> should actually be associated with Sun (aatman) and Shiva (and not

Gouri), while 

> arudha padas (perception) should actually be associated with Moon

(mind) and 

> Gouri. After all, that is what we do in the tripod method in dasa 

> judgment.


> Thus, it is actually more logical to 

> say that 12th house and 12th lord imbibe the agni tattva of Sun

and UL and UL 

> lord imbibe the jala tattva of Moon.


> Is the above "*more correct* answer" 

> based on your own thinking or is it from a classic or from 

> tradition?


> <<<<<< Begin quote 

> <<<<<< 

> > The mantra one meditates with at the end of a 

> day's fasting is far more effective than at other times. The

conservation of 

> energy otherwise spent on digestion or speech will enable far more


> mantra meditation. So fast or keep mouna and then meditate with a

mantra, to 

> maximize the effect of the mantra.

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] I do not 

> agree with this. Correct eating is the best blessing for good

mantra practise. 

> On days when one fasts the mind is troubled by hunger causing the

stomach to 

> burn and churn and this disturbs mantra japa. Correct eating (alpa

aahaara) is 

> many many times better than complete fasting.


> >>>>>> End 

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] Well, if one cannot 

> fast, then one is destined to expend some energy on digestion

after all and not 

> focus all energy on the mantra. But the bottomline is that

shastras say that one should meditate either without or with 

> very little food (niraahaaro mitaahaaro). In any case, I hope we

agree that 

> meditation sessions after heavy eating are heavily restrained in 

> effectiveness.


> <<<<<< Begin 

> quote <<<<< Seriously, however, this kind

of stretching of 

> gandanta concepts is quite illogical.

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] It is not 

> stretching ... it is the very definition of gandanta – the

interface between 

> fire and water. Put a burning match in a glass of water, the fire


> are other Ganda’s in the chart but they are not anta

(ends). Take Chitra ganda 

> between Kanya and Tula.


> >>>>>> End 

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] Putting a burning 

> match in a glass of water does indeed kill fire. But the question

is of 

> contact. If I am thinking of fire in my mind while standing in

water, it does 

> not kill the fire. There is no contact.


> My point is that the examples given 

> have no real identifiable contact between water and fire.


> One can be creative and come up with 

> a lot of theories. For example, one can say that Moon and Venus

are jala tattva 

> and all rasis show agni tattva (then why are some rasis marked as

agni rasis and 

> some as water rasis etc) and hence the sign occupied by Moon and

Venus cause 

> contact between water and fire. Then one can say fasting on the

weekdays of the 

> dispositors of Moon and Venus causes gandanta and serious danger.


> It is not enough to show some fire 

> and some water. See what counts as contact. Otherwise, one will

engage in 

> illogical extrapolations.


> <<<<<< Begin quote 

> <<<<<< 

> > Three years back you said you 

> are leaving jyotish....then again you told me two years back and

again recently 

> that you are leaving jyotish. Now it is getting very evident that

*jyotish is leaving you*. The knowledge of Jyotish is PERFECT –

individuals embody it 

> in different levels of their understanding and intelligence. 


> >>>>>> End 

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] Nothing is permanent. What is one's cannot 

> be taken away. And one cannot cling on to what is not one's. Some

rejoice when 

> it seems like something comes and cry when it seems like something

leaves. Some 

> impassionately observe as things seem to come and go and do what

they see as 

> their dharma with the things they seem to have.


> Just a factual 

> correction though: I never 

> said I was leaving Jyotish. For a few years after my spiritual

master entered my 

> life, my interest in other things went down (though I continued to

do other 

> things) and my focus on spiritual sadhana intensified. So I said

that my 

> interest in Jyotish was very low. However, my guru gave me a task

later. He 

> wanted me to study the teachings of Parasara 

> independently, meditate on them and share my interpretations with


> world. He said I was very passionate in my Jyotish activities

earlier, and 

> he wanted me to do the same now but dispassionately and without an


> He felt that I still have a contribution to make to Jyotish and

wants me to 

> do it as an unattached karma. His word is everything for me.


> What I told you recently is not that I was leaving Jyotish but

what I said above.


> However, if your judgment is correct and if 

> Jyotish is indeed "leaving" me, I am sure my spiritual guru will

realize it 

> sooner or later and change his command to me.


> <<<<<< Begin 

> quote <<<<<< 

> > I can categorically declare one 

> thing with utmost confidence. You pick any weekday or tithi and

take a vow to 

> fast or do mouna vrata (remain silent) on that weekday or tithi

and meditate 

> with a particular mantra (any) at the end of the day. You can take

a vow to keep 

> that practice for a certain duration of time (say, a few months or

years) for a 

> specific purpose. Take a vow and keep the vrata for the duration.


> brahmacharya can be kept for the duration of the vrata, there is

nothing like 

> it!

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] This is a fine  statement but then you 

> seem to be saying that the Puranas and other teachings of the

seers is of not 

> much relevance. Of course you are right as it will be spiritually


> For example, a person wishing to marry should not fast on UL days

and should 

> choose any day (all days are the same) or any tithi (all tithi are

the same) and 

> start fasting and do a mantra (any mantra!!) and then in a few

days, or (maybe) 

> a few months (or maybe) a few years ... or maybe (what you did not

say), a few 

> lifetimes, the marriage will happen! I cannot say you are wrong,

so I agree that 

> what you say is right.


> >>>>>> End 

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] This is a gross 

> exaggeration.


> Is all that is being taught and 

> practiced now strictly from "Puranas and other teachings of the 

> seers"?


> I did not say all days and tithis are the same. Of 

> course, there is some difference. But, it is not as big as being


> here.


> To make khoa, whether one uses cow milk or buffalo milk 

> or milk of a brown cow or a black cow or a Jersey cow or another

cow does make 

> some difference. But it is secondary. To say that "danger" and

"serious doshas" 

> (see the quoted mails for such claims) can be caused by a wrong

choice is 

> wrong. To say that a wrong choice means khoa will take 100 years

to make is also 

> a gross exaggeration.


> The main thing is that you need milk and sugar. If one 

> is confused by endless claims of khoa making consultants and ends

up not making 

> khoa at all, that will be sad. In such a case, one can simply pick

some milk or the other, take sugar and start cooking khoa. It will take

an extra half 

> hour, but the job will be done.


> I request Jyotishis to behave responsibly and humbly 

> and not engage in scare-mongering and say that a speicifc

austerity (fasting on 

> a specific weekday or tithi in a chart) can cause "danger" and


> doshas". No wonder some spiritual teachers look down upon Jyotish

and dismiss 

> it. Such unbalanced attitude and self-importance from us does not

help our 

> cause!


> Yes, Jyotish is helpful, but let us not oversell it or overplay

the importance.. .


> <<<<<< Begin 

> quote <<<<<< 

> > Gem stones may harm when used 

> incorrectly. But, austerities like prayers, fasting, mouna vrata


> brahmacharya will NEVER do you any harm. If your body can take

fasting, you can 

> do it on any weekday or tithi without too many calculations.

> > 

> > 

> [sanjay Rath:] Brahmacharya is good for someone planning to have a

baby or one 

> who cannot conceive and this is kept for some period before the

appointed date 

> of nisheka. Brahmacharya is good for marriage?! I think you are


> abstinence from physical union as Brahmacharya. Oh no its so 

> different.


> >>>>>> End 

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] Of course, 

> brahmacharya is much more, but also very difficult for most. Even

physical celibacy is a good enough austerity. Physical 

> celibacy over an extended period of time increases the efficacy of


> austerities such as fasting, mouna vrata, meditation and 

> homam.


> Best 

> regards,

> Narasimha

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------


> Do 

> a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/


> Do 

> Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/


> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> Free 

> Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

> Free 

> Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> Sri 

> Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------



> --- In sohamsa@ .com,

"Sanjay Rath" 

> <sjrath@> wrote:

> >

> > om paramesthi gurave namah

> > 

> > Dear Narasimha

> > 

> > Just added a few thoughts and questions 

> since we are on the topic of spirituality, which is not my forte.

So I am always 

> seeking to learn.

> > 

> > With Warm Regards

> > 

> > Sanjay 

> Rath

> > 

> > http://srath.

com http://sohamsa.

com http:// .org

> > 

> > 15B 

> Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi, 110060, India

> > 

> >  sohamsa@ .com


. com] On Behalf Of Narasimha PVR Rao

> > 06 

> February 2009 00:48

> > To: sohamsa@ .com

> > Cc:

> > 


> > 

> > Namaste 

> friends,

> > 

> > I would like to express my reservations on a couple of 

> issues. It is funny that I should be typing this email on an

Ekadashi day, when 

> many Vaishnavas fast irrespective of their horoscopes.

> > 

> > [sanjay 

> Rath:] I write on dvadasi when so many vasihnava also fast and

keep great 

> austerities. J Any difference?

> > 

> > > >> Here is my point 

> and view about the question raised. 2nd bhava is

> > > >> the bhava 

> of Vishnu, sustainer, and if we fast on the day of UL in

> > > >> 

> 2nd house, we bring insult to Vishnu who provides the food for us.

> > 

> > My dear Zoran, please allow me to express my disagreement.

> > 

> > Austerities can never be seen as an insult to Vishnu.


> of 2nd house matters such as food (fasting) or speech (mouna vrata

- vow of 

> silence) are austerities. Giving up food or speech is not an

insult to Vishnu 

> just as giving up sex (i.e. brahmacharya) is not an insult to


> (Venus).

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] I though Brahma was very angry that his 

> sons decided not to have progeny and stayed celibate. So He

created others. Why 

> was Brahma angry when his sons remained celibate? Why should

Sukracharya be 

> angry if someone is celibate? How is it an insult or not an insult


> Sukracharya? You are taking planet signification of Venus for 7H

....and linking 

> this to creation process...which is wrong Narasimha. Brahma is

seen from lords 

> of dusthana 6, 8 and 12 from lagna or 7th which is....you know

this.There is 

> nothing wrong with the 7th house as it is necessary for

procreation. It is only 

> the link of this with the Brahma graha that causes it to become a


> shad-ripu. Married people are as eligible for moksha as unmarried

ones and 

> bachelors. It depends on the following of dharma and ashrama.

> > 

> > 

> Various gods bestow various things on us, some at the gross

physical level and 

> some at the subtle spiritual level. As we overcome our

dependendency on gross 

> things, we make progress at the subtle level.

> > 

> > If one eats food, 

> a good amount of internal fire (and subtle internal energy

associated with it) 

> is used for digesting it and for generating physical energy from

it. If one 

> fasts, that subtle energy is unused and available for other

things. This is a 

> tremendous benefit. As a result, one can better digest mantras and


> food available all around one.

> > 

> > The mantra one meditates with at 

> the end of a day's fasting is far more effective than at other

times. The 

> conservation of energy otherwise spent on digestion or speech will

enable far 

> more effective mantra meditation. So fast or keep mouna and then

meditate with a 

> mantra, to maximize the effect of the mantra.

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] I 

> do not agree with this. Correct eating is the best blessing for

good mantra 

> practise. On days when one fasts the mind is troubled by hunger

causing the 

> stomach to burn and churn and this disturbs mantra japa. Correct

eating (alpa 

> aahaara) is many many times better than complete fasting.

> > 

> > > 

> >> However, to be honest, I have not heard this about 2nd

lord and

> > 

> > >> tithi. The basic point is that Upapada is a rashi

and carries 

> energy

> > > >> of Vara or day. If you fast on the day ruled by 

> tithi of the 2nd

> > > >> lord, you are bringing the jala energy to 

> vara, and gandanta may

> > > >> occur, and spouse may come into a 

> danger. So, what is the way out.

> > 

> > Why does a rashi carry the 

> energy of vaara only and not that of the tithi???? Why does rashi


> vaara or fire?

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] Because Raashi were created by 

> Surya and for doing so Surya took 12 forms called the Dvadasa


> you ask this?? What is happening?

> > 

> > After all, Rudra rules over 

> the element of fire and Gouri rules over the element of water and

one worships 

> Gouri at the time of marriage. Moreover, Venus (water) is the

karaka for 

> marriage. So one could even say that UL/marriage is represented by

water element 

> and fasting on UL lord's tithi brings the element of water

(prosperity and 

> well-being) to one's marriage (UL)? One could even say that

fasting on the 

> weekday of UL lord should be prohibited as it brings the fire


> represented by weekday to the water of UL and causes "gandanta"!

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] UL is the Maya and is associated with the


> Narasimha. It is the 12L which is the creator of the UL...just as

the mother 

> Gouri creates everything through the shakti of the graha, all the

arudha are 

> created by her due to the lordships of the planets. So fasting on

the tithi 

> lorded by the 12th lord will be a *more correct* answer.

> > 

> > 

> Seriously, however, this kind of stretching of gandanta concepts

is quite 

> illogical.

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] It is not stretching ... it is the 

> very definition of gandanta – the interface between fire

and water. Put a 

> burning match in a glass of water, the fire dies...There are other

Ganda’s in 

> the chart but they are not anta (ends). Take Chitra ganda between

Kanya and 

> Tula.

> > 

> > Now one more thing: Marriage is a yoga between two souls 

> and why not suggest fasting on the yoga day of the UL lord?

> > 

> > 

> [sanjay Rath:] What! What a brilliant suggestion.. .why

don’t you start 

> it?  

> > 

> > * * *

> > 

> > > Now suppose instead of 

> 11th house if Mercury goes to 12th house or 4 

> > > house then you 

> cannot choose Dwadashi or Chaturthi for the same 

> > > because these 

> thithis are ruled by Mercury only and fasting on these 

> > > tithis will 

> create serious doshas.

> > 

> > Picking tithi based on house (12th house 

> - Dwadashi, 4th house - Chaturthi) is illogical as there are 12

houses only and 

> more tithis.

> > I have realized one thing over the years - If something is 

> not structurally sound, it is most likely false knowledge.

> > 

> > 

> [sanjay Rath:] J No comments

> > 

> > * * *

> > 

> > I can 

> categorically declare one thing with utmost confidence. You pick

any weekday or 

> tithi and take a vow to fast or do mouna vrata (remain silent) on

that weekday 

> or tithi and meditate with a particular mantra (any) at the end of

the day. You 

> can take a vow to keep that practice for a certain duration of

time (say, a few 

> months or years) for a specific purpose. Take a vow and keep the

vrata for the 

> duration. If brahmacharya can be kept for the duration of the

vrata, there is 

> nothing like it!

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] This is a fine  statement 

> but then you seem to be saying that the Puranas and other

teachings of the seers 

> is of not much relevance. Of course you are right as it will be


> beneficial. For example, a person wishing to marry should not fast

on UL days 

> and should choose any day (all days are the same) or any tithi

(all tithi are 

> the same) and start fasting and do a mantra (any mantra!!) and

then in a few 

> days, or (maybe) a few months (or maybe) a few years ... or maybe

(what you did 

> not say), a few lifetimes, the marriage will happen! I cannot say

you are wrong, 

> so I agree that what you say is right.

> > 

> > If you keep such a vrata 

> sincerely, you will make positive progress towards achieving your

purpose and 

> definitely not go backwards, irrespective of what is said by


> calculations based on our half-baked Jyotish knowledge.

> > 

> > * * 

> *

> > 

> > My friends, use the Jyotish knowledge available, but do 

> realize that it is imperfect and corrupted. Why is only the UL

lord important? 

> So many planets may have so many kinds of influence on UL in a

chart. And UL is 

> one of several factors showing marriage. There may be various

influences in a 

> chart showing marriage. Is our thumb rule of using UL lord's

weekday missing 

> some important factors? Quite possible!

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] That is 

> a very nasty statement. Once again you have used adjectives


> corrupted*) which is not becoming of you. Why must you use nasty


> Can’t you say things nicely? 

> > 

> > Three years back you said you 

> are leaving jyotish....then again you told me two years back and

again recently 

> that you are leaving jyotish. Now it is getting very evident that

*jyotish is 

> leaving you*. The knowledge of Jyotish is PERFECT –

individuals embody it in 

> different levels of their understanding and intelligence. 

> > 

> > If 

> you have the time to listen to the Jaimini Lectures at http://sohamsa.

com/js/ do so as it will show 

> you the depths of this knowledge you cannot imagine exists in

jyotish. The 

> derivation of the chnhandas and what not all. Thumb rules are

meant for 

> beginners. The day you decided to give up jyotish, you got stuck

in the thumb 

> rules but then its ok with me. I always wished you the best in

whatever you 

> do.

> > 

> > But, despite some arbitrariness and imperfection, if a 

> thumb rule allows you to pick an austerity with confidence and

create the mental 

> feeling that you are doing the best possible thing for your

situation, it is 

> good. After all, what is critical is to do *some* austerity to

burn the blocking 

> karma, with a positive frame of mind about what you are doing.

> > 

> > 

> [sanjay Rath:] No Narasimha, very happy marriages can happen,


> austerities as well.

> > 

> > But, if endless theorization and 

> complicated technicalities evolving from the thumb rule are

creating doubts and 

> confusion in the minds of people as they consider an austerity,

that is useless 

> and totally missing the point.

> > 

> > Some people tend to resort to 

> heavy theorization based on very shaky grounds. I suggest going

back to the 

> basics, thinking clearly and keeping things simple.

> > 

> > [sanjay 

> Rath:] Human brains work differently in seeking the truth and

means to remedy 

> the errors. Life is too complicated to keep everything simple. For

example, a 

> heavily cursed Venus can block everything and UL fast may not be

able to solve 

> the problem. Now would you say that heavy thoerization and

complication is 

> happening and we should ignore the other factors completely?

> > 

> > 

> Gem stones may harm when used incorrectly. But, austerities like


> fasting, mouna vrata and brahmacharya will NEVER do you any harm.

If your body 

> can take fasting, you can do it on any weekday or tithi without

too many 

> calculations.

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] Brahmacharya is good for someone 

> planning to have a baby or one who cannot conceive and this is

kept for some 

> period before the appointed date of nisheka. Brahmacharya is good

for marriage?! 

> I think you are mistaking abstinence from physical union as

Brahmacharya. Oh no 

> its so different.

> > 

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> > 

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Do a Short 

> Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/


> > 

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/


> > 

> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > 

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

> > 

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > 

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> > 

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - 

> > 

> > --- 

> In sohamsa@ .com

<sohamsa% 40.


> , Ajay Zharotia <ajayzharotia@ > wrote:

> > > ||Om Gurave 

> Namah||

> > > 

> > > Dear Swee, & jyotishis

> > > 

> > > What Zoran is saying is right. Do not mix the energy of

day lord 

> > > (Agni) by choosing the same tithi (jala) that will

create serious 

> > > troubles for the spouse.

> > > Let me explain the principle 

> in a simple way so that there should not 

> > > be any confusion.

> > 

> > 

> > > In your chart (Swee) Vrishabha lagna, UL is in 2nd

house. So 

> lord of 

> > > the UL is the Mercury. Since fasting is prohibited for UL 

> in 2nd 

> > > house see where the lord of the UL has gone. In your case 

> mercury has 

> > > gone to the 11th house hence it is Ekadashi. So rule 

> is to choose the 

> > > tithi is based on the placement of the UL 

> lord.

> > > 

> > > Now suppose instead of 11th house if Mercury 

> goes to 12th house or 4 

> > > house then you cannot choose Dwadashi or 

> Chaturthi for the same 

> > > because these thithis are ruled by Mercury 

> only and fasting on these 

> > > tithis will create serious 

> doshas.

> > > 

> > > If you are doing fasting on the basis of 

> tithis it should be done in 

> > > sukla paksha only. But if you are 

> doing in Krishna paksha (Pitris) 

> > > also then it should be combined 

> with the donation.

> > > 

> > > I hope this will clarify the 

> principal.

> > > 

> > > Best Regards

> > > 

> > > 

> Ajay Zharotia

> > > ajayzharotia@

> > > 

> > > On Feb 4, 

> 2009, at 12:51 PM, Sanjay Prabhakaran wrote:

> > > 

> > > > || 

> Om Gurave Namah ||

> > > > Dear Swee,

> > > > Can you please 

> tell me the exact rule to use for fasting on 

> > > > tithi?.Do we use 

> the 12th lord tithi?, Like if you are Ta lagna, 

> > > > there 2 tithi 

> one on Triteeya (3) and Ekadasha(11) . If we consider 

> > > > only the 

> paksh in which u are born.

> > > > Now of the two which to 

> use?.

> > > >

> > > > Warm Regards

> > > > Sanjay 

> p

> > > >

> > > > 2009/2/3 Swee Chan <swee@>

> > 

> > > Jaya Jagannatha

> > > >

> > > > Dear Hari, Zoki, 

> et al in this discussion,

> > > > Namaste

> > > >

> > 

> > > The tongue in cheek, I'll excuse ;-)) it's my laugh for


> day!!

> > > > I fast on ekadasi tithi because my UL is in 2nd


> (ie 12th lord 

> > > > is in lagna). Since I was born on sukla paksha, 

> Sanjay ji suggests 

> > > > that I fast only on sukla ekadasi.

> > 

> > > Zoki, if you listen to JUS of Year I, you will note how

Sanjay ji 

> > > > came to this conclusion.

> > > >

> > > > 

> love,

> > > >

> > > > Swee

> > > >

> > > 

> > On 3 Feb 2009, at 15:25, Jyotisa Shisya wrote:

> > > >

> > 

> > >> |om|

> > > >> Dear Zoran, namaste

> > > 

> >>

> > > >> Would not the general act of fasting be


> as an insult to 

> > > >> Sri MahaVishnu?

> > > 

> >>

> > > >> best regards

> > > >> Hari

> > 

> > >>

> > > >> On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 5:30 PM, ahimsavm 

> <ahimsans@> 

> > > >> wrote:

> > > >> Om Namah 

> Shivaya,

> > > >> Dear Bojan and others,

> > > >> Here 

> is my point and view about the question raised. 2nd bhava is

> > > 

> >> the bhava of Vishnu, sustainer, and if we fast on the day

of UL 

> in

> > > >> 2nd house, we bring insult to Vishnu who

provides the 

> food for us.

> > > >> However, to be honest, I have not heard this 

> about 2nd lord and

> > > >> tithi. The basic point is that Upapada 

> is a rashi and carries energy

> > > >> of Vara or day. If you fast 

> on the day ruled by tithi of the 2nd

> > > >> lord, you are 

> bringing the jala energy to vara, and gandanta may

> > > >> occur, 

> and spouse may come into a danger. So, what is the way out.

> > > 

> >> The simple solution is to do vrata which do not conflict


> > 

> > >> rejection of food. So a person may observe the fast

on UL in 

> 2nd

> > > >> day, however, adequate food should be offered

as a 

> prasad and eaten

> > > >> before the Sunrise (not complete fast).In 

> this way, results may come

> > > >> a bit later, but will certainly 

> come, while a person will not bring

> > > >> insult to Shri Vishnu 

> by rejecting the food.

> > > >> This is the way I was taught, and 

> ofcourse others may agree or not.

> > > >> Best wishes

> > > 

> >> Zoran Radosavljevic

> > > >> www.siva-edu. info

> > > >> www.ahimsazr1. wordpress. com







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om paramesthi gurave namah

Dear Rafal

Go to Varahamihira archives, download all those hundreds of

mails that are not being repeated again and again, read them and make notes

like every other Jyotish Guru has done in the past.

Get COVA and read every word in it a few times.

One day I will be no more in this world, then who will the

Jyotish Guru’s blame? How did Suta deva learn so much by spending only day with

his guru? It is the mantra. The mantra *hare Rama Krishna* is the Guru

and shall guide always. Jyotish Gurus are required to do the Brihaspati Gayatri

and these days they seem to have got involved with many other mantras. All

these old Gurus you see here have done this for many years.

It is OK that you asked but save this mail for your students

when you beome older and they also demand the energy of hanuman to be in you,

at all times.


Another thing, there is nothing called equal distribution of

knowledge. Just think about what I say. Knowledge is not something that is

distrubuted like food or wealth. It is present in the universe in its entirety

and is called Siva. To access this knowledge we need Guru and this can be human

or even a book. Worship the book like you would worship your guru and the vidya

in it shall be yours. That is the secret. To digest the vidya we need the grace

of the Mother, hence Mahavidya.

I have always liked you but cannot acceed to this request at

this time as I have other promises. I cannot be diverted. But I will teach

Parashara in the near future and will keep you in mind.

Now, please be kind with your elder Guru-sister. Remember that

they have lots of knowledge and can share with you. Anyone or anything that

shares knowledge with you is none other than *Hare Rama Krishna*. So

welcome this knowledge.

With Warm Regards

Sanjay Rath

http://srath.com http://sohamsa.com http://.org

15B Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi, 110060, India






[sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Rafal Gendarz

09 February 2009 21:07









om namo bhagavate narasimhaya

Dear Swee ,


Shame is emotion which can appear when you should know something based on your

position/occupation/role/title, but you dont know it. This type of shame is

usually associated with person who is ambitious and good-natured.


To have equal distrubtion of knowledge at least related to basics, this type of

forum is must acc. to me. I believe that this idea if it could be sustained and

accepted could repair one of the holes SJC system of Jyotish vidya





Rafal Gendarz

SJC Jyotish Guru


Consultations & Pages







Jaya Jagannatha





Dear Rafal,









What is so shameful about sharing knowledge? I asked what

dosa will be created with fasting on the wrong tithi. Want to answer this?





















On 9 Feb 2009, at 12:13, Rafał Gendarz wrote:





om namo bhagavate narasimhaya

Dear Members ,


Why not to create forum for SJC Gurus, when these addings are shared by

Sanjayji? Then there would not be any shameful situations that the teachers are

uninformed about the basics and clients are safely guided.




Rafal Gendarz

SJC Jyotish Guru

------------ --

Consultations & Pages

http://rohinaa. com

rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com








Hare Rama Krsna ||


Dear Swee,


If you are fasting during a tithi, then it is the tithi which is

important. When fasting on a particular day, then it is the day that is

important. This is about intention. When certain tithi and vara

combine then there are certain effects and this is panchaang, which we know has

many uses advising when to do what.


Point is, fasting and other austerities are based on knowledge - how, why, when

etc. Otherwise why would we do these? This knowledge can come from

a Guru as you have pointed out. If you are advised that fasting on a

particular tithi/vara is not good, but your Guru has sanctioned it, then that

will be evident from your chart. There are many provisos and overriding

factors to any rule. But we must first learn all the basic rules, that

are typical and apply to most people and situations, before we can learn all

the posible ways they can be modified. We can only build from the ground

up (and I hear that the view from the top is most splendid).




Opportunities to further knowledge and understanding may be thwarted by claims

that Jyotish is imperfect, arbitrary, and corrupted. But this is to be

expected at this time. Doing anything at any time (sincerely) is the kind

of new age advice I expect on the Oprah Winfrey show, not from someone with

Jyotish learning and proven achievements.








Swee Chan <swee (AT) coppernet (DOT) zm>

sohamsa@ .com

Monday, 9 February, 2009 7:53:19 PM







Jaya Jagannatha






Dear Michal,









Claims that you can advise fasting on any day is equally

" scary " .





May I please? Since it was I who asked the question to Ajay

regarding my fasting on dvadasi when ekadasi is not pure and Ajay said that if

I were to fast on dvadasi, it will create a dosa for me. What dosa and how??

(I'm still waiting for an answer).





A tithi can fall on any day/vaara, so I do not know why you

are picking on this to argue about.






Experiments on oneself will always do harm. But you also

know that one who has a Guru and follows Guru's instruction works according to

his destiny with Guru's grace. Even the greatest of rishis died unnatural

deaths and they were the ones who " saw " the answers/mantras. So what

do you have to say to this?




















On 9 Feb 2009, at 03:19, Michal Dziwulski wrote:







Hare Rama Krsna ||


Dear Narasimha,


Claims that you can advise fasting on any day is equally " scary " .


Saying " NEVER " is scary too. It implies possessing

a very high understanding.


For example, I have met many people who practice various forms of brahmacharya

and have seen it do a lot of harm that entering into a loving relationship

could have prevented. I have seen people do a lot of harm to themselves

through meditation techniques without proper guidance.


Mahatma Gandhi was also brahmacharya during his 'experiments' ? Would you

say no harm was done?


Medicine can be harmful if not properly prescribed, or it can have side

effects, some of which can be 'dangerous'. This can be extended to Vedic

remedies also. A wrongly prescribed mantra may harm a person because it

did not give the results the person was expecting. This is a *simple* example.


It is not (in my opinion) illogical to suggest that harm or danger could be the

result of performing an action (such as fasting) because that action may have

*contact* with malefic planets/houses/ combinations etc.


What is illogical is suggesting that there are certain actions (like fasting)

that are immune and incapable of having bad results! The Gita teaches

that results are not always assured simply because of certain actions. So

where is this action with 100% guarenteed results?


____________ _________ _________ _________ ____


My feeling is that there may be something else on your mind, that we're really

not addressing here regarding Jyotish and your relationship with it. If

so, then let us know. If not, then please excuse me.









P.V.R. Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>



Monday, 9 February, 2009 11:17:45 AM













Khoa is an analogy. Depending on the nature of milk, one may

have to cook a little longer or shorter. Similarly, depending on which weekday

or tithi you fast on, results may take a little longer or shorter. But, to say

that fasting on a specific weekday or tithi causes " dangers " and

" serious doshas " is illogical.






Regarding the question on gemstones, I see that you are

asking me questions without reading what I wrote earlier. I wrote:






" Gem stones may harm when used incorrectly. But,

austerities like prayers, fasting, mouna vrata and brahmacharya will NEVER do

you any harm. If your body can take fasting, you can do it on any weekday or

tithi without too many calculations. "






> I don't think anyone here is trying to scare anyone.






Well, claims that fasting on a specific weekday or tithi in

a chart " angers Vishnu " or brings " dangers " or causes

" serious doshas " can scare some unnecessarily.






Best regards,


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst

rologer.org/ homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/


Spirituality: http://groups.

/ group/vedic- wisdom

Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.

home.comcast. net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst


Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------





..com, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@.

...> wrote:


> Hare Rama Krsna ||


> Dear Narasimha,


> I am trying to understand this statement:



> I did not say all days and tithis are the same. Of

> course, there is some difference. But, it is not as big as being


> here.

> To make khoa, whether one uses cow milk or buffalo milk

> or milk of a brown cow or a black cow or a Jersey cow or another cow does


> some difference.


> So you are saying Monday (Moon) is cow milk, Tuesday (Mars) is brown

cow, Wednesday (Mercury) is Jersey cow etc? Weekdays are all the same,

but they are like different cows?


> Another question:


> If you advise fasting on any day (because, as you say, all days are

similar), can you advise any gemstone? All gemstones are similar (very

hard, colourful, and expensive:). Any mantra, or hey, just any sounds in

a sequence since all sounds are similar? Like: asymandhgarafatatda namah?


> I don't think anyone here is trying to scare anyone. It is *simply*

that certain medicines can have side effects. It is our responsibility to

know which medicines to prescribe and to ensure that the person does not

experience any unwanted side effects. You would expect that of a doctor

wouldn't you? Last thing I want is to see a physician saying just choose

any medicine! Of course water is medicine and can be used by all (like

japa), but here we are talking about specific medicine (like fasting at a

particular time for UL) for a specific illness (not able to find a

partner/compromise) .


> Your Aquarian (philosophical) Moon (thoughts) please.

> Respectfully,

> Michal





> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvr

> sohamsa@ .com

> Monday, 9 February, 2009 6:03:54 AM




> Namaste Sanjay and

> friends,


> My answers are in red and prefixed

> with " [Narasimha] " .


> <<<<<< Begin

> quote <<<<<<

> > > >> tithi. The basic

> point is that Upapada is a rashi and carries energy

> > > >> of

> Vara or day. If you fast on the day ruled by tithi of the 2nd

> > >

> >> lord, you are bringing the jala energy to vara, and


> may

> > > >> occur, and spouse may come into a danger. So, what


> the way out.

> >

> > Why does a rashi carry the energy of vaara only

> and not that of the tithi???? Why does rashi represent vaara or fire?

> >

> > [sanjay Rath:] Because Raashi were created by Surya and for doing


> Surya took 12 forms called the Dvadasa Aditya...Narasimha you ask this??

What is

> happening?

> >

> > After all, Rudra rules

> over the element of fire and Gouri rules over the element of water and


> worships Gouri at the time of marriage. Moreover, Venus (water) is the


> for marriage. So one could even say that UL/marriage is represented by


> element and fasting on UL lord's tithi brings the element of water


> and well-being) to one's marriage (UL)? One could even say that fasting on


> weekday of UL lord should be prohibited as it brings the fire


> represented by weekday to the water of UL and causes " gandanta " !

> >

> > [sanjay Rath:] UL is the Maya and is associated with the Raashi

> Narasimha. It is the 12L which is the creator of the UL...just as the


> Gouri creates everything through the shakti of the graha, all the arudha


> created by her due to the lordships of the planets. So fasting on the


> lorded by the 12th lord will be a *more correct* answer.

> >>>>>> End

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] We always say that houses

> (truth) are represented by Sun (aatman) and arudha padas (maya) by


> (mind).


> Thus, 12th house is the actual

> creator and UL is the apparent creator in the field of maya. Houses


> should actually be associated with Sun (aatman) and Shiva (and not Gouri),


> arudha padas (perception) should actually be associated with Moon (mind)


> Gouri. After all, that is what we do in the tripod method in dasa

> judgment.


> Thus, it is actually more logical to

> say that 12th house and 12th lord imbibe the agni tattva of Sun and UL and


> lord imbibe the jala tattva of Moon.


> Is the above " *more correct* answer "

> based on your own thinking or is it from a classic or from

> tradition?


> <<<<<< Begin quote

> <<<<<<

> > The mantra one meditates with at the end of a

> day's fasting is far more effective than at other times. The conservation


> energy otherwise spent on digestion or speech will enable far more


> mantra meditation. So fast or keep mouna and then meditate with a mantra,


> maximize the effect of the mantra.

> >

> > [sanjay Rath:] I do not

> agree with this. Correct eating is the best blessing for good mantra


> On days when one fasts the mind is troubled by hunger causing the stomach


> burn and churn and this disturbs mantra japa. Correct eating (alpa

aahaara) is

> many many times better than complete fasting.


> >>>>>> End

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] Well, if one cannot

> fast, then one is destined to expend some energy on digestion after all

and not

> focus all energy on the mantra. But the bottomline is that shastras say

that one should meditate either without or with

> very little food (niraahaaro mitaahaaro). In any case, I hope we agree


> meditation sessions after heavy eating are heavily restrained in

> effectiveness.


> <<<<<< Begin

> quote <<<<< Seriously, however, this kind of

stretching of

> gandanta concepts is quite illogical.

> >

> > [sanjay Rath:] It is not

> stretching ... it is the very definition of gandanta – the

interface between

> fire and water. Put a burning match in a glass of water, the fire


> are other Ganda’s in the chart but they are not anta (ends). Take

Chitra ganda

> between Kanya and Tula.


> >>>>>> End

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] Putting a burning

> match in a glass of water does indeed kill fire. But the question is


> contact. If I am thinking of fire in my mind while standing in water, it


> not kill the fire. There is no contact.


> My point is that the examples given

> have no real identifiable contact between water and fire.


> One can be creative and come up with

> a lot of theories. For example, one can say that Moon and Venus are jala


> and all rasis show agni tattva (then why are some rasis marked as agni

rasis and

> some as water rasis etc) and hence the sign occupied by Moon and Venus


> contact between water and fire. Then one can say fasting on the weekdays

of the

> dispositors of Moon and Venus causes gandanta and serious danger.


> It is not enough to show some fire

> and some water. See what counts as contact. Otherwise, one will engage


> illogical extrapolations.


> <<<<<< Begin quote

> <<<<<<

> > Three years back you said you

> are leaving jyotish....then again you told me two years back and again


> that you are leaving jyotish. Now it is getting very evident that *jyotish

is leaving you*. The knowledge of Jyotish is PERFECT – individuals

embody it

> in different levels of their understanding and intelligence.


> >>>>>> End

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] Nothing is permanent. What is one's cannot

> be taken away. And one cannot cling on to what is not one's. Some rejoice


> it seems like something comes and cry when it seems like something leaves.


> impassionately observe as things seem to come and go and do what they see


> their dharma with the things they seem to have.


> Just a factual

> correction though: I never

> said I was leaving Jyotish. For a few years after my spiritual master

entered my

> life, my interest in other things went down (though I continued to do


> things) and my focus on spiritual sadhana intensified. So I said that


> interest in Jyotish was very low. However, my guru gave me a task later.


> wanted me to study the teachings of Parasara

> independently, meditate on them and share my interpretations with


> world. He said I was very passionate in my Jyotish activities earlier,


> he wanted me to do the same now but dispassionately and without an


> He felt that I still have a contribution to make to Jyotish and wants me


> do it as an unattached karma. His word is everything for me.


> What I told you recently is not that I was leaving Jyotish but what I said



> However, if your judgment is correct and if

> Jyotish is indeed " leaving " me, I am sure my spiritual guru will

realize it

> sooner or later and change his command to me.


> <<<<<< Begin

> quote <<<<<<

> > I can categorically declare one

> thing with utmost confidence. You pick any weekday or tithi and take a vow


> fast or do mouna vrata (remain silent) on that weekday or tithi and


> with a particular mantra (any) at the end of the day. You can take a vow

to keep

> that practice for a certain duration of time (say, a few months or years)

for a

> specific purpose. Take a vow and keep the vrata for the duration. If

> brahmacharya can be kept for the duration of the vrata, there is nothing like

> it!

> >

> > [sanjay Rath:] This is a fine statement but then you

> seem to be saying that the Puranas and other teachings of the seers is of


> much relevance. Of course you are right as it will be spiritually


> For example, a person wishing to marry should not fast on UL days and


> choose any day (all days are the same) or any tithi (all tithi are the

same) and

> start fasting and do a mantra (any mantra!!) and then in a few days, or


> a few months (or maybe) a few years ... or maybe (what you did not say), a


> lifetimes, the marriage will happen! I cannot say you are wrong, so I

agree that

> what you say is right.


> >>>>>> End

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] This is a gross

> exaggeration.


> Is all that is being taught and

> practiced now strictly from " Puranas and other teachings of the

> seers " ?


> I did not say all days and tithis are the same. Of

> course, there is some difference. But, it is not as big as being


> here.


> To make khoa, whether one uses cow milk or buffalo milk

> or milk of a brown cow or a black cow or a Jersey cow or another cow does


> some difference. But it is secondary. To say that " danger " and

" serious doshas "

> (see the quoted mails for such claims) can be caused by a wrong choice


> wrong. To say that a wrong choice means khoa will take 100 years to make

is also

> a gross exaggeration.


> The main thing is that you need milk and sugar. If one

> is confused by endless claims of khoa making consultants and ends up not


> khoa at all, that will be sad. In such a case, one can simply pick some

milk or the other, take sugar and start cooking khoa. It will take an extra


> hour, but the job will be done.


> I request Jyotishis to behave responsibly and humbly

> and not engage in scare-mongering and say that a speicifc austerity

(fasting on

> a specific weekday or tithi in a chart) can cause " danger " and

" serious

> doshas " . No wonder some spiritual teachers look down upon Jyotish and


> it. Such unbalanced attitude and self-importance from us does not help


> cause!


> Yes, Jyotish is helpful, but let us not oversell it or overplay the

importance.. .


> <<<<<< Begin

> quote <<<<<<

> > Gem stones may harm when used

> incorrectly. But, austerities like prayers, fasting, mouna vrata and

> brahmacharya will NEVER do you any harm. If your body can take fasting,

you can

> do it on any weekday or tithi without too many calculations.

> >

> >

> [sanjay Rath:] Brahmacharya is good for someone planning to have a baby or


> who cannot conceive and this is kept for some period before the appointed


> of nisheka. Brahmacharya is good for marriage?! I think you are


> abstinence from physical union as Brahmacharya. Oh no its so

> different.


> >>>>>> End

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] Of course,

> brahmacharya is much more, but also very difficult for most. Even physical

celibacy is a good enough austerity. Physical

> celibacy over an extended period of time increases the efficacy of


> austerities such as fasting, mouna vrata, meditation and

> homam.


> Best

> regards,

> Narasimha

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

> Do

> a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/


> Do

> Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/


> Spirituality: http://groups. /

group/vedic- wisdom

> Free

> Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.

home.comcast. net

> Free

> Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> Sri

> Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------



> sohamsa@ .com,

" Sanjay Rath "

> <sjrath@> wrote:

> >

> > om paramesthi gurave namah

> >

> > Dear Narasimha

> >

> > Just added a few thoughts and questions

> since we are on the topic of spirituality, which is not my forte. So I am


> seeking to learn.

> >

> > With Warm Regards

> >

> > Sanjay

> Rath

> >

> > http://srath. com http://sohamsa. com http:// .org

> >

> > 15B

> Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi, 110060, India

> >

> > sohamsa@ .com

[sohamsa] On Behalf Of

Narasimha PVR Rao

> > 06

> February 2009 00:48

> > sohamsa@ .com

> > Cc:

> >


> >

> > Namaste

> friends,

> >

> > I would like to express my reservations on a couple of

> issues. It is funny that I should be typing this email on an Ekadashi day,


> many Vaishnavas fast irrespective of their horoscopes.

> >

> > [sanjay

> Rath:] I write on dvadasi when so many vasihnava also fast and keep


> austerities. J Any difference?

> >

> > > >> Here is my point

> and view about the question raised. 2nd bhava is

> > > >> the bhava

> of Vishnu, sustainer, and if we fast on the day of UL in

> > > >>

> 2nd house, we bring insult to Vishnu who provides the food for us.

> >

> > My dear Zoran, please allow me to express my disagreement.

> >

> > Austerities can never be seen as an insult to Vishnu.


> of 2nd house matters such as food (fasting) or speech (mouna vrata - vow


> silence) are austerities. Giving up food or speech is not an insult to


> just as giving up sex (i.e. brahmacharya) is not an insult to


> (Venus).

> >

> > [sanjay Rath:] I though Brahma was very angry that his

> sons decided not to have progeny and stayed celibate. So He created

others. Why

> was Brahma angry when his sons remained celibate? Why should Sukracharya


> angry if someone is celibate? How is it an insult or not an insult


> Sukracharya? You are taking planet signification of Venus for 7H ...and


> this to creation process...which is wrong Narasimha. Brahma is seen from


> of dusthana 6, 8 and 12 from lagna or 7th which is....you know this.There


> nothing wrong with the 7th house as it is necessary for procreation. It is


> the link of this with the Brahma graha that causes it to become a


> shad-ripu. Married people are as eligible for moksha as unmarried ones


> bachelors. It depends on the following of dharma and ashrama.

> >

> >

> Various gods bestow various things on us, some at the gross physical level


> some at the subtle spiritual level. As we overcome our dependendency on


> things, we make progress at the subtle level.

> >

> > If one eats food,

> a good amount of internal fire (and subtle internal energy associated with


> is used for digesting it and for generating physical energy from it. If


> fasts, that subtle energy is unused and available for other things. This

is a

> tremendous benefit. As a result, one can better digest mantras and


> food available all around one.

> >

> > The mantra one meditates with at

> the end of a day's fasting is far more effective than at other times.


> conservation of energy otherwise spent on digestion or speech will enable


> more effective mantra meditation. So fast or keep mouna and then meditate

with a

> mantra, to maximize the effect of the mantra.

> >

> > [sanjay Rath:] I

> do not agree with this. Correct eating is the best blessing for good


> practise. On days when one fasts the mind is troubled by hunger causing


> stomach to burn and churn and this disturbs mantra japa. Correct eating


> aahaara) is many many times better than complete fasting.

> >

> > >

> >> However, to be honest, I have not heard this about 2nd lord and

> >

> > >> tithi. The basic point is that Upapada is a rashi and


> energy

> > > >> of Vara or day. If you fast on the day ruled by

> tithi of the 2nd

> > > >> lord, you are bringing the jala energy to

> vara, and gandanta may

> > > >> occur, and spouse may come into a

> danger. So, what is the way out.

> >

> > Why does a rashi carry the

> energy of vaara only and not that of the tithi???? Why does rashi


> vaara or fire?

> >

> > [sanjay Rath:] Because Raashi were created by

> Surya and for doing so Surya took 12 forms called the Dvadasa


> you ask this?? What is happening?

> >

> > After all, Rudra rules over

> the element of fire and Gouri rules over the element of water and one worships

> Gouri at the time of marriage. Moreover, Venus (water) is the karaka


> marriage. So one could even say that UL/marriage is represented by water


> and fasting on UL lord's tithi brings the element of water (prosperity


> well-being) to one's marriage (UL)? One could even say that fasting on


> weekday of UL lord should be prohibited as it brings the fire


> represented by weekday to the water of UL and causes " gandanta " !

> >

> > [sanjay Rath:] UL is the Maya and is associated with the Raashi

> Narasimha. It is the 12L which is the creator of the UL...just as the


> Gouri creates everything through the shakti of the graha, all the arudha


> created by her due to the lordships of the planets. So fasting on the


> lorded by the 12th lord will be a *more correct* answer.

> >

> >

> Seriously, however, this kind of stretching of gandanta concepts is


> illogical.

> >

> > [sanjay Rath:] It is not stretching ... it is the

> very definition of gandanta – the interface between fire and water.

Put a

> burning match in a glass of water, the fire dies...There are other

Ganda’s in

> the chart but they are not anta (ends). Take Chitra ganda between Kanya


> Tula.

> >

> > Now one more thing: Marriage is a yoga between two souls

> and why not suggest fasting on the yoga day of the UL lord?

> >

> >

> [sanjay Rath:] What! What a brilliant suggestion.. .why don’t you


> it?

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > > Now suppose instead of

> 11th house if Mercury goes to 12th house or 4

> > > house then you

> cannot choose Dwadashi or Chaturthi for the same

> > > because these

> thithis are ruled by Mercury only and fasting on these

> > > tithis will

> create serious doshas.

> >

> > Picking tithi based on house (12th house

> - Dwadashi, 4th house - Chaturthi) is illogical as there are 12 houses

only and

> more tithis.

> > I have realized one thing over the years - If something is

> not structurally sound, it is most likely false knowledge.

> >

> >

> [sanjay Rath:] J No comments

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I can

> categorically declare one thing with utmost confidence. You pick any

weekday or

> tithi and take a vow to fast or do mouna vrata (remain silent) on that


> or tithi and meditate with a particular mantra (any) at the end of the

day. You

> can take a vow to keep that practice for a certain duration of time (say,

a few

> months or years) for a specific purpose. Take a vow and keep the vrata for


> duration. If brahmacharya can be kept for the duration of the vrata, there


> nothing like it!

> >

> > [sanjay Rath:] This is a fine statement

> but then you seem to be saying that the Puranas and other teachings of the


> is of not much relevance. Of course you are right as it will be


> beneficial. For example, a person wishing to marry should not fast on UL


> and should choose any day (all days are the same) or any tithi (all tithi


> the same) and start fasting and do a mantra (any mantra!!) and then in a


> days, or (maybe) a few months (or maybe) a few years ... or maybe (what

you did

> not say), a few lifetimes, the marriage will happen! I cannot say you are


> so I agree that what you say is right.

> >

> > If you keep such a vrata

> sincerely, you will make positive progress towards achieving your purpose


> definitely not go backwards, irrespective of what is said by


> calculations based on our half-baked Jyotish knowledge.

> >

> > * *

> *

> >

> > My friends, use the Jyotish knowledge available, but do

> realize that it is imperfect and corrupted. Why is only the UL lord


> So many planets may have so many kinds of influence on UL in a chart. And

UL is

> one of several factors showing marriage. There may be various influences

in a

> chart showing marriage. Is our thumb rule of using UL lord's weekday


> some important factors? Quite possible!

> >

> > [sanjay Rath:] That is

> a very nasty statement. Once again you have used adjectives


> corrupted*) which is not becoming of you. Why must you use nasty


> Can’t you say things nicely?

> >

> > Three years back you said you

> are leaving jyotish....then again you told me two years back and again


> that you are leaving jyotish. Now it is getting very evident that *jyotish


> leaving you*. The knowledge of Jyotish is PERFECT – individuals

embody it in

> different levels of their understanding and intelligence.

> >

> > If

> you have the time to listen to the Jaimini Lectures at http://sohamsa. com/js/ do so as it will show

> you the depths of this knowledge you cannot imagine exists in jyotish.


> derivation of the chnhandas and what not all. Thumb rules are meant


> beginners. The day you decided to give up jyotish, you got stuck in the


> rules but then its ok with me. I always wished you the best in whatever


> do.

> >

> > But, despite some arbitrariness and imperfection, if a

> thumb rule allows you to pick an austerity with confidence and create the


> feeling that you are doing the best possible thing for your situation, it


> good. After all, what is critical is to do *some* austerity to burn the


> karma, with a positive frame of mind about what you are doing.

> >

> >

> [sanjay Rath:] No Narasimha, very happy marriages can happen,


> austerities as well.

> >

> > But, if endless theorization and

> complicated technicalities evolving from the thumb rule are creating

doubts and

> confusion in the minds of people as they consider an austerity, that is


> and totally missing the point.

> >

> > Some people tend to resort to

> heavy theorization based on very shaky grounds. I suggest going back to


> basics, thinking clearly and keeping things simple.

> >

> > [sanjay

> Rath:] Human brains work differently in seeking the truth and means to


> the errors. Life is too complicated to keep everything simple. For

example, a

> heavily cursed Venus can block everything and UL fast may not be able to


> the problem. Now would you say that heavy thoerization and complication


> happening and we should ignore the other factors completely?

> >

> >

> Gem stones may harm when used incorrectly. But, austerities like


> fasting, mouna vrata and brahmacharya will NEVER do you any harm. If your


> can take fasting, you can do it on any weekday or tithi without too


> calculations.

> >

> > [sanjay Rath:] Brahmacharya is good for someone

> planning to have a baby or one who cannot conceive and this is kept for


> period before the appointed date of nisheka. Brahmacharya is good for


> I think you are mistaking abstinence from physical union as Brahmacharya. Oh


> its so different.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> >

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Do a Short

> Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/


> >

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/


> >

> Spirituality: http://groups. /

group/vedic- wisdom

> >

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.

home.comcast. net

> >

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> >

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> >

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> >

> > ---

> In sohamsa@ .com

<sohamsa% 40.


> , Ajay Zharotia <ajayzharotia@ > wrote:

> > > ||Om Gurave

> Namah||

> > >

> > > Dear Swee, & jyotishis

> > >

> > > What Zoran is saying is right. Do not mix the energy of day


> > > (Agni) by choosing the same tithi (jala) that will create


> > > troubles for the spouse.

> > > Let me explain the principle

> in a simple way so that there should not

> > > be any confusion.

> >

> >

> > > In your chart (Swee) Vrishabha lagna, UL is in 2nd house.


> lord of

> > > the UL is the Mercury. Since fasting is prohibited for UL

> in 2nd

> > > house see where the lord of the UL has gone. In your case

> mercury has

> > > gone to the 11th house hence it is Ekadashi. So rule

> is to choose the

> > > tithi is based on the placement of the UL

> lord.

> > >

> > > Now suppose instead of 11th house if Mercury

> goes to 12th house or 4

> > > house then you cannot choose Dwadashi or

> Chaturthi for the same

> > > because these thithis are ruled by Mercury

> only and fasting on these

> > > tithis will create serious

> doshas.

> > >

> > > If you are doing fasting on the basis of

> tithis it should be done in

> > > sukla paksha only. But if you are

> doing in Krishna paksha (Pitris)

> > > also then it should be combined

> with the donation.

> > >

> > > I hope this will clarify the

> principal.

> > >

> > > Best Regards

> > >

> > >

> Ajay Zharotia

> > > ajayzharotia@

> > >

> > > On Feb 4,

> 2009, at 12:51 PM, Sanjay Prabhakaran wrote:

> > >

> > > > ||

> Om Gurave Namah ||

> > > > Dear Swee,

> > > > Can you please

> tell me the exact rule to use for fasting on

> > > > tithi?.Do we use

> the 12th lord tithi?, Like if you are Ta lagna,

> > > > there 2 tithi

> one on Triteeya (3) and Ekadasha(11) . If we consider

> > > > only the

> paksh in which u are born.

> > > > Now of the two which to

> use?.

> > > >

> > > > Warm Regards

> > > > Sanjay

> p

> > > >

> > > > 2009/2/3 Swee Chan <swee@>

> >

> > > Jaya Jagannatha

> > > >

> > > > Dear Hari, Zoki,

> et al in this discussion,

> > > > Namaste

> > > >

> >

> > > The tongue in cheek, I'll excuse ;-)) it's my laugh for


> day!!

> > > > I fast on ekadasi tithi because my UL is in 2nd house

> (ie 12th lord

> > > > is in lagna). Since I was born on sukla paksha,

> Sanjay ji suggests

> > > > that I fast only on sukla ekadasi.

> >

> > > Zoki, if you listen to JUS of Year I, you will note how Sanjay


> > > > came to this conclusion.

> > > >

> > > >

> love,

> > > >

> > > > Swee

> > > >

> > >

> > On 3 Feb 2009, at 15:25, Jyotisa Shisya wrote:

> > > >

> >

> > >> |om|

> > > >> Dear Zoran, namaste

> > >

> >>

> > > >> Would not the general act of fasting be construed

> as an insult to

> > > >> Sri MahaVishnu?

> > >

> >>

> > > >> best regards

> > > >> Hari

> >

> > >>

> > > >> On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 5:30 PM, ahimsavm

> <ahimsans@>

> > > >> wrote:

> > > >> Om Namah

> Shivaya,

> > > >> Dear Bojan and others,

> > > >> Here

> is my point and view about the question raised. 2nd bhava is

> > >

> >> the bhava of Vishnu, sustainer, and if we fast on the day of


> in

> > > >> 2nd house, we bring insult to Vishnu who provides


> food for us.

> > > >> However, to be honest, I have not heard this

> about 2nd lord and

> > > >> tithi. The basic point is that Upapada

> is a rashi and carries energy

> > > >> of Vara or day. If you fast

> on the day ruled by tithi of the 2nd

> > > >> lord, you are

> bringing the jala energy to vara, and gandanta may

> > > >> occur,

> and spouse may come into a danger. So, what is the way out.

> > >

> >> The simple solution is to do vrata which do not conflict with

> >

> > >> rejection of food. So a person may observe the fast on UL


> 2nd

> > > >> day, however, adequate food should be offered as


> prasad and eaten

> > > >> before the Sunrise (not complete fast).In

> this way, results may come

> > > >> a bit later, but will certainly

> come, while a person will not bring

> > > >> insult to Shri Vishnu

> by rejecting the food.

> > > >> This is the way I was taught, and

> ofcourse others may agree or not.

> > > >> Best wishes

> > >

> >> Zoran Radosavljevic

> > > >> www.siva-edu.


> > > >> www.ahimsazr1.

wordpress. com







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om namo

bhagavate narasimhaya

Dear Sanjayji ,


Again thank you for personal care. I will try to meditate on these

words and adjust my attitude correctly.




Rafal Gendarz

SJC Jyotish Guru


Consultations & Pages











paramesthi gurave namah




to Varahamihira archives, download all those hundreds of

mails that are not being repeated again and again, read them and make


like every other Jyotish Guru has done in the past.


COVA and read every word in it a few times.


day I will be no more in this world, then who will the

Jyotish Guru’s blame? How did Suta deva learn so much by spending only

day with

his guru? It is the mantra. The mantra *hare Rama Krishna* is

the Guru

and shall guide always. Jyotish Gurus are required to do the Brihaspati


and these days they seem to have got involved with many other mantras.


these old Gurus you see here have done this for many years.


is OK that you asked but save this mail for your students

when you beome older and they also demand the energy of hanuman to be

in you,

at all times.



thing, there is nothing called equal distribution of

knowledge. Just think about what I say. Knowledge is not something that


distrubuted like food or wealth. It is present in the universe in its


and is called Siva. To access this knowledge we need Guru and this can

be human

or even a book. Worship the book like you would worship your guru and

the vidya

in it shall be yours. That is the secret. To digest the vidya we need

the grace

of the Mother, hence Mahavidya.


have always liked you but cannot acceed to this request at

this time as I have other promises. I cannot be diverted. But I will


Parashara in the near future and will keep you in mind.


please be kind with your elder Guru-sister. Remember that

they have lots of knowledge and can share with you. Anyone or anything


shares knowledge with you is none other than *Hare Rama Krishna*.


welcome this knowledge.


Warm Regards




http://sohamsa.com http://.org


Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi, 110060, India






[sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Rafal


09 February 2009 21:07










om namo bhagavate


Dear Swee  ,


Shame is emotion which can appear when you should know something based

on your

position/occupation/role/title, but you dont know it. This type of

shame is

usually associated with person who is ambitious and good-natured.


To have equal distrubtion of knowledge at least related to basics, this

type of

forum is must acc. to me. I believe that this idea if it could be

sustained and

accepted could repair one of the holes SJC system of Jyotish vidya





Rafal Gendarz

SJC Jyotish Guru


Consultations &



rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com





Jaya Jagannatha





Dear Rafal,









What is so shameful about sharing knowledge? I

asked what

dosa will be created with fasting on the wrong tithi. Want to answer






















On 9 Feb 2009, at 12:13, Rafał Gendarz wrote:





om namo bhagavate narasimhaya

Dear  Members ,


Why not to create forum for SJC Gurus, when these addings are shared by

Sanjayji? Then there would not be any shameful situations that the

teachers are

uninformed about the basics and clients are safely guided.




Rafal Gendarz

SJC Jyotish Guru

------------ --

Consultations & Pages



rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT)









Hare Rama Krsna ||


Dear Swee,


If you are fasting during a tithi, then it is the tithi which is

important.  When fasting on a particular day, then it is the day that


important.  This is about intention.  When certain tithi and vara

combine then there are certain effects and this is panchaang, which we

know has

many uses advising when to do what.


Point is, fasting and other austerities are based on knowledge - how,

why, when

etc.  Otherwise why would we do these?  This knowledge can come from

a Guru as you have pointed out.  If you are advised that fasting on a

particular tithi/vara is not good, but your Guru has sanctioned it,

then that

will be evident from your chart.  There are many provisos and


factors to any rule.  But we must first learn all the basic rules, that

are typical and apply to most people and situations, before we can

learn all

the posible ways they can be modified.  We can only build from the


up (and I hear that the view from the top is most splendid).




Opportunities to further knowledge and understanding may be thwarted by


that Jyotish is imperfect, arbitrary, and corrupted.  But this is to be

expected at this time.  Doing anything at any time (sincerely) is the


of new age advice I expect on the Oprah Winfrey show, not from someone


Jyotish learning and proven achievements.








 Swee Chan <swee (AT) coppernet (DOT)


To: sohamsa@ .com

Sent: Monday, 9 February, 2009 7:53:19 PM







Jaya Jagannatha






Dear Michal,









Claims that you can advise fasting on any

day is equally






May I please? Since it was I who asked the

question to Ajay

regarding my fasting on dvadasi when ekadasi is not pure and Ajay said

that if

I were to fast on dvadasi, it will create a dosa for me. What dosa and


(I'm still waiting for an answer). 





A tithi can fall on any day/vaara, so I do not

know why you

are picking on this to argue about. 






Experiments on oneself will always do harm.

But you also

know that one who has a Guru and follows Guru's instruction works

according to

his destiny with Guru's grace. Even the greatest of rishis died


deaths and they were the ones who "saw" the answers/mantras. So what

do you have to say to this?




















On 9 Feb 2009, at 03:19, Michal Dziwulski








Hare Rama Krsna ||


Dear Narasimha,


Claims that you can advise fasting on any day is equally "scary".


Saying "NEVER" is scary too.  It implies possessing

a very high understanding.


For example, I have met many people who practice various forms of


and have seen it do a lot of harm that entering into a loving


could have prevented.  I have seen people do a lot of harm to


through meditation techniques without proper guidance.


Mahatma Gandhi was also brahmacharya during his 'experiments' ?  Would


say no harm was done?


Medicine can be harmful if not properly prescribed, or it can have side

effects, some of which can be 'dangerous'.  This can be extended to


remedies also.  A wrongly prescribed mantra may harm a person because


did not give the results the person was expecting.  This is a *simple*



It is not (in my opinion) illogical to suggest that harm or danger

could be the

result of performing an action (such as fasting) because that action

may have

*contact* with malefic planets/houses/ combinations etc.


What is illogical is suggesting that there are certain actions (like


that are immune and incapable of having bad results!  The Gita teaches

that results are not always assured simply because of certain actions. 


where is this action with 100% guarenteed results?


____________ _________ _________ _________ ____


My feeling is that there may be something else on your mind, that we're


not addressing here regarding Jyotish and your relationship with it. 


so, then let us know.  If not, then please excuse me.









P.V.R. Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT)


To: sohamsa@


Sent: Monday, 9 February, 2009 11:17:45 AM













Khoa is an analogy. Depending on the nature of

milk, one may

have to cook a little longer or shorter. Similarly, depending on which


or tithi you fast on, results may take a little longer or shorter. But,

to say

that fasting on a specific weekday or tithi causes "dangers" and

"serious doshas" is illogical.






Regarding the question on gemstones, I see

that you are

asking me questions without reading what I wrote earlier. I wrote:






"Gem stones may harm when used incorrectly.


austerities like prayers, fasting, mouna vrata and brahmacharya will


you any harm. If your body can take fasting, you can do it on any

weekday or

tithi without too many calculations. "






> I don't think anyone here is trying to

scare anyone.






Well, claims that fasting on a specific

weekday or tithi in

a chart "angers Vishnu" or brings "dangers" or causes

"serious doshas" can scare some unnecessarily.






Best regards,


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst

rologer.org/ homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst



Spirituality: http://groups.

/ group/vedic- wisdom

Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.

home.comcast. net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst


Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan


------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------





--- In sohamsa@

..com, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@.

...> wrote:


> Hare Rama Krsna ||


> Dear Narasimha,


> I am trying to understand this statement:



> I did not say all days and tithis are the same. Of 

> course, there is some difference. But, it is not as big as being


> here.

>  To make khoa, whether one uses cow milk or buffalo milk 

> or milk of a brown cow or a black cow or a Jersey cow or another

cow does


> some difference.


>  So you are saying Monday (Moon) is cow milk, Tuesday (Mars) is


cow, Wednesday (Mercury) is Jersey cow etc?  Weekdays are all the same,

but they are like different cows?


> Another question:


> If you advise fasting on any day (because, as you say, all days


similar), can you advise any gemstone?  All gemstones are similar (very

hard, colourful, and expensive:).  Any mantra, or hey, just any sounds


a sequence since all sounds are similar?  Like: asymandhgarafatatda



> I don't think anyone here is trying to scare anyone.  It is


that certain medicines can have side effects.  It is our responsibility


know which medicines to prescribe and to ensure that the person does


experience any unwanted side effects.  You would expect that of a


wouldn't you?  Last thing I want is to see a physician saying just


any medicine!  Of course water is medicine and can be used by all (like

japa), but here we are talking about specific medicine (like fasting at


particular time for UL) for a specific illness (not able to find a

partner/compromise) .


> Your Aquarian (philosophical) Moon (thoughts) please.

> Respectfully,

> Michal





> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvr

> To: sohamsa@


> Monday, 9 February, 2009 6:03:54 AM




> Namaste Sanjay and 

> friends,


> My answers are in red and prefixed 

> with "[Narasimha] ".


> <<<<<< Begin 

> quote <<<<<< 

> > > >> tithi. The basic 

> point is that Upapada is a rashi and carries energy

> > > >> of 

> Vara or day. If you fast on the day ruled by tithi of the 2nd

> > > 

> >> lord, you are bringing the jala energy to vara, and


> may

> > > >> occur, and spouse may come into a danger. So,



> the way out.

> > 

> > Why does a rashi carry the energy of vaara only 

> and not that of the tithi???? Why does rashi represent vaara or


> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] Because Raashi were created by Surya and for



> Surya took 12 forms called the Dvadasa Aditya...Narasimha you ask


What is 

> happening?

> > 

> > After all, Rudra rules 

> over the element of fire and Gouri rules over the element of water



> worships Gouri at the time of marriage. Moreover, Venus (water) is



> for marriage. So one could even say that UL/marriage is

represented by


> element and fasting on UL lord's tithi brings the element of water


> and well-being) to one's marriage (UL)? One could even say that

fasting on


> weekday of UL lord should be prohibited as it brings the fire


> represented by weekday to the water of UL and causes "gandanta"!

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] UL is the Maya and is associated with the


> Narasimha. It is the 12L which is the creator of the UL...just as



> Gouri creates everything through the shakti of the graha, all the



> created by her due to the lordships of the planets. So fasting on



> lorded by the 12th lord will be a *more correct* answer.

> >>>>>> End 

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] We always say that houses 

> (truth) are represented by Sun (aatman) and arudha padas (maya) by


> (mind).


> Thus, 12th house is the actual 

> creator and UL is the apparent creator in the field of maya.



> should actually be associated with Sun (aatman) and Shiva (and not



> arudha padas (perception) should actually be associated with Moon



> Gouri. After all, that is what we do in the tripod method in dasa 

> judgment.


> Thus, it is actually more logical to 

> say that 12th house and 12th lord imbibe the agni tattva of Sun

and UL and


> lord imbibe the jala tattva of Moon.


> Is the above "*more correct* answer" 

> based on your own thinking or is it from a classic or from 

> tradition?


> <<<<<< Begin quote 

> <<<<<< 

> > The mantra one meditates with at the end of a 

> day's fasting is far more effective than at other times. The



> energy otherwise spent on digestion or speech will enable far more


> mantra meditation. So fast or keep mouna and then meditate with a



> maximize the effect of the mantra.

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] I do not 

> agree with this. Correct eating is the best blessing for good



> On days when one fasts the mind is troubled by hunger causing the



> burn and churn and this disturbs mantra japa. Correct eating (alpa

aahaara) is 

> many many times better than complete fasting.


> >>>>>> End 

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] Well, if one cannot 

> fast, then one is destined to expend some energy on digestion

after all

and not 

> focus all energy on the mantra. But the bottomline is that

shastras say

that one should meditate either without or with 

> very little food (niraahaaro mitaahaaro). In any case, I hope we



> meditation sessions after heavy eating are heavily restrained in 

> effectiveness.


> <<<<<< Begin 

> quote <<<<< Seriously, however, this kind


stretching of 

> gandanta concepts is quite illogical.

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] It is not 

> stretching ... it is the very definition of gandanta – the

interface between 

> fire and water. Put a burning match in a glass of water, the fire


> are other Ganda’s in the chart but they are not anta

(ends). Take

Chitra ganda 

> between Kanya and Tula.


> >>>>>> End 

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] Putting a burning 

> match in a glass of water does indeed kill fire. But the question



> contact. If I am thinking of fire in my mind while standing in

water, it


> not kill the fire. There is no contact.


> My point is that the examples given 

> have no real identifiable contact between water and fire.


> One can be creative and come up with 

> a lot of theories. For example, one can say that Moon and Venus

are jala


> and all rasis show agni tattva (then why are some rasis marked as


rasis and 

> some as water rasis etc) and hence the sign occupied by Moon and



> contact between water and fire. Then one can say fasting on the


of the 

> dispositors of Moon and Venus causes gandanta and serious danger.


> It is not enough to show some fire 

> and some water. See what counts as contact. Otherwise, one will



> illogical extrapolations.


> <<<<<< Begin quote 

> <<<<<< 

> > Three years back you said you 

> are leaving jyotish....then again you told me two years back and



> that you are leaving jyotish. Now it is getting very evident that


is leaving you*. The knowledge of Jyotish is PERFECT –


embody it 

> in different levels of their understanding and intelligence. 


> >>>>>> End 

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] Nothing is permanent. What is one's cannot 

> be taken away. And one cannot cling on to what is not one's. Some



> it seems like something comes and cry when it seems like something



> impassionately observe as things seem to come and go and do what

they see


> their dharma with the things they seem to have.


> Just a factual 

> correction though: I never 

> said I was leaving Jyotish. For a few years after my spiritual


entered my 

> life, my interest in other things went down (though I continued to



> things) and my focus on spiritual sadhana intensified. So I said



> interest in Jyotish was very low. However, my guru gave me a task



> wanted me to study the teachings of Parasara 

> independently, meditate on them and share my interpretations with


> world. He said I was very passionate in my Jyotish activities



> he wanted me to do the same now but dispassionately and without an


> He felt that I still have a contribution to make to Jyotish and

wants me


> do it as an unattached karma. His word is everything for me.


> What I told you recently is not that I was leaving Jyotish but

what I said



> However, if your judgment is correct and if 

> Jyotish is indeed "leaving" me, I am sure my spiritual guru will

realize it 

> sooner or later and change his command to me.


> <<<<<< Begin 

> quote <<<<<< 

> > I can categorically declare one 

> thing with utmost confidence. You pick any weekday or tithi and

take a vow


> fast or do mouna vrata (remain silent) on that weekday or tithi



> with a particular mantra (any) at the end of the day. You can take

a vow

to keep 

> that practice for a certain duration of time (say, a few months or


for a 

> specific purpose. Take a vow and keep the vrata for the duration.


> brahmacharya can be kept for the duration of the vrata, there is

nothing like 

> it!

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] This is a fine  statement but then you 

> seem to be saying that the Puranas and other teachings of the

seers is of


> much relevance. Of course you are right as it will be spiritually


> For example, a person wishing to marry should not fast on UL days



> choose any day (all days are the same) or any tithi (all tithi are


same) and 

> start fasting and do a mantra (any mantra!!) and then in a few

days, or


> a few months (or maybe) a few years ... or maybe (what you did not

say), a


> lifetimes, the marriage will happen! I cannot say you are wrong,

so I

agree that 

> what you say is right.


> >>>>>> End 

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] This is a gross 

> exaggeration.


> Is all that is being taught and 

> practiced now strictly from "Puranas and other teachings of the 

> seers"?


> I did not say all days and tithis are the same. Of 

> course, there is some difference. But, it is not as big as being


> here.


> To make khoa, whether one uses cow milk or buffalo milk 

> or milk of a brown cow or a black cow or a Jersey cow or another

cow does


> some difference. But it is secondary. To say that "danger" and

"serious doshas" 

> (see the quoted mails for such claims) can be caused by a wrong



> wrong. To say that a wrong choice means khoa will take 100 years

to make

is also 

> a gross exaggeration.


> The main thing is that you need milk and sugar. If one 

> is confused by endless claims of khoa making consultants and ends

up not


> khoa at all, that will be sad. In such a case, one can simply pick


milk or the other, take sugar and start cooking khoa. It will take an



> hour, but the job will be done.


> I request Jyotishis to behave responsibly and humbly 

> and not engage in scare-mongering and say that a speicifc


(fasting on 

> a specific weekday or tithi in a chart) can cause "danger" and


> doshas". No wonder some spiritual teachers look down upon Jyotish



> it. Such unbalanced attitude and self-importance from us does not



> cause!


> Yes, Jyotish is helpful, but let us not oversell it or overplay


importance.. .


> <<<<<< Begin 

> quote <<<<<< 

> > Gem stones may harm when used 

> incorrectly. But, austerities like prayers, fasting, mouna vrata


> brahmacharya will NEVER do you any harm. If your body can take


you can 

> do it on any weekday or tithi without too many calculations.

> > 

> > 

> [sanjay Rath:] Brahmacharya is good for someone planning to have a

baby or


> who cannot conceive and this is kept for some period before the



> of nisheka. Brahmacharya is good for marriage?! I think you are


> abstinence from physical union as Brahmacharya. Oh no its so 

> different.


> >>>>>> End 

> quote >>>>>>


> [Narasimha] Of course, 

> brahmacharya is much more, but also very difficult for most. Even


celibacy is a good enough austerity. Physical 

> celibacy over an extended period of time increases the efficacy of


> austerities such as fasting, mouna vrata, meditation and 

> homam.


> Best 

> regards,

> Narasimha

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------


> Do 

> a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/


> Do 

> Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/


> Spirituality: http://groups.


group/vedic- wisdom

> Free 

> Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.

home.comcast. net

> Free 

> Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> Sri 

> Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------



> --- In sohamsa@ .com,

"Sanjay Rath" 

> <sjrath@> wrote:

> >

> > om paramesthi gurave namah

> > 

> > Dear Narasimha

> > 

> > Just added a few thoughts and questions 

> since we are on the topic of spirituality, which is not my forte.

So I am


> seeking to learn.

> > 

> > With Warm Regards

> > 

> > Sanjay 

> Rath

> > 

> > http://srath.

com http://sohamsa.

com http:// .org

> > 

> > 15B 

> Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi, 110060, India

> > 

> >  sohamsa@ .com


. com] On Behalf Of

Narasimha PVR Rao

> > 06 

> February 2009 00:48

> > To: sohamsa@ .com

> > Cc:

> > 


> > 

> > Namaste 

> friends,

> > 

> > I would like to express my reservations on a couple of 

> issues. It is funny that I should be typing this email on an

Ekadashi day,


> many Vaishnavas fast irrespective of their horoscopes.

> > 

> > [sanjay 

> Rath:] I write on dvadasi when so many vasihnava also fast and



> austerities. J Any difference?

> > 

> > > >> Here is my point 

> and view about the question raised. 2nd bhava is

> > > >> the bhava 

> of Vishnu, sustainer, and if we fast on the day of UL in

> > > >> 

> 2nd house, we bring insult to Vishnu who provides the food for us.

> > 

> > My dear Zoran, please allow me to express my disagreement.

> > 

> > Austerities can never be seen as an insult to Vishnu.


> of 2nd house matters such as food (fasting) or speech (mouna vrata

- vow


> silence) are austerities. Giving up food or speech is not an

insult to


> just as giving up sex (i.e. brahmacharya) is not an insult to


> (Venus).

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] I though Brahma was very angry that his 

> sons decided not to have progeny and stayed celibate. So He


others. Why 

> was Brahma angry when his sons remained celibate? Why should



> angry if someone is celibate? How is it an insult or not an insult


> Sukracharya? You are taking planet signification of Venus for 7H



> this to creation process...which is wrong Narasimha. Brahma is

seen from


> of dusthana 6, 8 and 12 from lagna or 7th which is....you know



> nothing wrong with the 7th house as it is necessary for

procreation. It is


> the link of this with the Brahma graha that causes it to become a


> shad-ripu. Married people are as eligible for moksha as unmarried



> bachelors. It depends on the following of dharma and ashrama.

> > 

> > 

> Various gods bestow various things on us, some at the gross

physical level


> some at the subtle spiritual level. As we overcome our

dependendency on


> things, we make progress at the subtle level.

> > 

> > If one eats food, 

> a good amount of internal fire (and subtle internal energy

associated with


> is used for digesting it and for generating physical energy from

it. If


> fasts, that subtle energy is unused and available for other

things. This

is a 

> tremendous benefit. As a result, one can better digest mantras and


> food available all around one.

> > 

> > The mantra one meditates with at 

> the end of a day's fasting is far more effective than at other



> conservation of energy otherwise spent on digestion or speech will



> more effective mantra meditation. So fast or keep mouna and then


with a 

> mantra, to maximize the effect of the mantra.

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] I 

> do not agree with this. Correct eating is the best blessing for



> practise. On days when one fasts the mind is troubled by hunger



> stomach to burn and churn and this disturbs mantra japa. Correct



> aahaara) is many many times better than complete fasting.

> > 

> > > 

> >> However, to be honest, I have not heard this about 2nd

lord and

> > 

> > >> tithi. The basic point is that Upapada is a rashi



> energy

> > > >> of Vara or day. If you fast on the day ruled by 

> tithi of the 2nd

> > > >> lord, you are bringing the jala energy to 

> vara, and gandanta may

> > > >> occur, and spouse may come into a 

> danger. So, what is the way out.

> > 

> > Why does a rashi carry the 

> energy of vaara only and not that of the tithi???? Why does rashi


> vaara or fire?

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] Because Raashi were created by 

> Surya and for doing so Surya took 12 forms called the Dvadasa


> you ask this?? What is happening?

> > 

> > After all, Rudra rules over 

> the element of fire and Gouri rules over the element of water and

one worships 

> Gouri at the time of marriage. Moreover, Venus (water) is the



> marriage. So one could even say that UL/marriage is represented by



> and fasting on UL lord's tithi brings the element of water



> well-being) to one's marriage (UL)? One could even say that

fasting on


> weekday of UL lord should be prohibited as it brings the fire


> represented by weekday to the water of UL and causes "gandanta"!

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] UL is the Maya and is associated with the


> Narasimha. It is the 12L which is the creator of the UL...just as



> Gouri creates everything through the shakti of the graha, all the



> created by her due to the lordships of the planets. So fasting on



> lorded by the 12th lord will be a *more correct* answer.

> > 

> > 

> Seriously, however, this kind of stretching of gandanta concepts



> illogical.

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] It is not stretching ... it is the 

> very definition of gandanta – the interface between fire

and water.

Put a 

> burning match in a glass of water, the fire dies...There are other

Ganda’s in 

> the chart but they are not anta (ends). Take Chitra ganda between



> Tula.

> > 

> > Now one more thing: Marriage is a yoga between two souls 

> and why not suggest fasting on the yoga day of the UL lord?

> > 

> > 

> [sanjay Rath:] What! What a brilliant suggestion.. .why

don’t you


> it?  

> > 

> > * * *

> > 

> > > Now suppose instead of 

> 11th house if Mercury goes to 12th house or 4 

> > > house then you 

> cannot choose Dwadashi or Chaturthi for the same 

> > > because these 

> thithis are ruled by Mercury only and fasting on these 

> > > tithis will 

> create serious doshas.

> > 

> > Picking tithi based on house (12th house 

> - Dwadashi, 4th house - Chaturthi) is illogical as there are 12


only and 

> more tithis.

> > I have realized one thing over the years - If something is 

> not structurally sound, it is most likely false knowledge.

> > 

> > 

> [sanjay Rath:] J No comments

> > 

> > * * *

> > 

> > I can 

> categorically declare one thing with utmost confidence. You pick


weekday or 

> tithi and take a vow to fast or do mouna vrata (remain silent) on



> or tithi and meditate with a particular mantra (any) at the end of


day. You 

> can take a vow to keep that practice for a certain duration of

time (say,

a few 

> months or years) for a specific purpose. Take a vow and keep the

vrata for


> duration. If brahmacharya can be kept for the duration of the

vrata, there


> nothing like it!

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] This is a fine  statement 

> but then you seem to be saying that the Puranas and other

teachings of the


> is of not much relevance. Of course you are right as it will be


> beneficial. For example, a person wishing to marry should not fast

on UL


> and should choose any day (all days are the same) or any tithi

(all tithi


> the same) and start fasting and do a mantra (any mantra!!) and

then in a


> days, or (maybe) a few months (or maybe) a few years ... or maybe


you did 

> not say), a few lifetimes, the marriage will happen! I cannot say

you are


> so I agree that what you say is right.

> > 

> > If you keep such a vrata 

> sincerely, you will make positive progress towards achieving your



> definitely not go backwards, irrespective of what is said by


> calculations based on our half-baked Jyotish knowledge.

> > 

> > * * 

> *

> > 

> > My friends, use the Jyotish knowledge available, but do 

> realize that it is imperfect and corrupted. Why is only the UL



> So many planets may have so many kinds of influence on UL in a

chart. And

UL is 

> one of several factors showing marriage. There may be various


in a 

> chart showing marriage. Is our thumb rule of using UL lord's



> some important factors? Quite possible!

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] That is 

> a very nasty statement. Once again you have used adjectives


> corrupted*) which is not becoming of you. Why must you use nasty


> Can’t you say things nicely? 

> > 

> > Three years back you said you 

> are leaving jyotish....then again you told me two years back and



> that you are leaving jyotish. Now it is getting very evident that



> leaving you*. The knowledge of Jyotish is PERFECT –


embody it in 

> different levels of their understanding and intelligence. 

> > 

> > If 

> you have the time to listen to the Jaimini Lectures at http://sohamsa.

com/js/ do so as it will show 

> you the depths of this knowledge you cannot imagine exists in



> derivation of the chnhandas and what not all. Thumb rules are



> beginners. The day you decided to give up jyotish, you got stuck

in the


> rules but then its ok with me. I always wished you the best in



> do.

> > 

> > But, despite some arbitrariness and imperfection, if a 

> thumb rule allows you to pick an austerity with confidence and

create the


> feeling that you are doing the best possible thing for your

situation, it


> good. After all, what is critical is to do *some* austerity to

burn the


> karma, with a positive frame of mind about what you are doing.

> > 

> > 

> [sanjay Rath:] No Narasimha, very happy marriages can happen,


> austerities as well.

> > 

> > But, if endless theorization and 

> complicated technicalities evolving from the thumb rule are


doubts and 

> confusion in the minds of people as they consider an austerity,

that is


> and totally missing the point.

> > 

> > Some people tend to resort to 

> heavy theorization based on very shaky grounds. I suggest going

back to


> basics, thinking clearly and keeping things simple.

> > 

> > [sanjay 

> Rath:] Human brains work differently in seeking the truth and

means to


> the errors. Life is too complicated to keep everything simple. For

example, a 

> heavily cursed Venus can block everything and UL fast may not be

able to


> the problem. Now would you say that heavy thoerization and



> happening and we should ignore the other factors completely?

> > 

> > 

> Gem stones may harm when used incorrectly. But, austerities like


> fasting, mouna vrata and brahmacharya will NEVER do you any harm.

If your


> can take fasting, you can do it on any weekday or tithi without



> calculations.

> > 

> > [sanjay Rath:] Brahmacharya is good for someone 

> planning to have a baby or one who cannot conceive and this is

kept for


> period before the appointed date of nisheka. Brahmacharya is good



> I think you are mistaking abstinence from physical union as

Brahmacharya. Oh


> its so different.

> > 

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> > 

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Do a Short 

> Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/


> > 

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/


> > 

> Spirituality: http://groups.


group/vedic- wisdom

> > 

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.

home.comcast. net

> > 

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > 

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> > 

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - 

> > 

> > --- 

> In sohamsa@ .com

<sohamsa% 40.


> , Ajay Zharotia <ajayzharotia@ > wrote:

> > > ||Om Gurave 

> Namah||

> > > 

> > > Dear Swee, & jyotishis

> > > 

> > > What Zoran is saying is right. Do not mix the energy of



> > > (Agni) by choosing the same tithi (jala) that will



> > > troubles for the spouse.

> > > Let me explain the principle 

> in a simple way so that there should not 

> > > be any confusion.

> > 

> > 

> > > In your chart (Swee) Vrishabha lagna, UL is in 2nd



> lord of 

> > > the UL is the Mercury. Since fasting is prohibited for


> in 2nd 

> > > house see where the lord of the UL has gone. In your


> mercury has 

> > > gone to the 11th house hence it is Ekadashi. So rule 

> is to choose the 

> > > tithi is based on the placement of the UL 

> lord.

> > > 

> > > Now suppose instead of 11th house if Mercury 

> goes to 12th house or 4 

> > > house then you cannot choose Dwadashi or 

> Chaturthi for the same 

> > > because these thithis are ruled by Mercury 

> only and fasting on these 

> > > tithis will create serious 

> doshas.

> > > 

> > > If you are doing fasting on the basis of 

> tithis it should be done in 

> > > sukla paksha only. But if you are 

> doing in Krishna paksha (Pitris) 

> > > also then it should be combined 

> with the donation.

> > > 

> > > I hope this will clarify the 

> principal.

> > > 

> > > Best Regards

> > > 

> > > 

> Ajay Zharotia

> > > ajayzharotia@

> > > 

> > > On Feb 4, 

> 2009, at 12:51 PM, Sanjay Prabhakaran wrote:

> > > 

> > > > || 

> Om Gurave Namah ||

> > > > Dear Swee,

> > > > Can you please 

> tell me the exact rule to use for fasting on 

> > > > tithi?.Do we use 

> the 12th lord tithi?, Like if you are Ta lagna, 

> > > > there 2 tithi 

> one on Triteeya (3) and Ekadasha(11) . If we consider 

> > > > only the 

> paksh in which u are born.

> > > > Now of the two which to 

> use?.

> > > >

> > > > Warm Regards

> > > > Sanjay 

> p

> > > >

> > > > 2009/2/3 Swee Chan <swee@>

> > 

> > > Jaya Jagannatha

> > > >

> > > > Dear Hari, Zoki, 

> et al in this discussion,

> > > > Namaste

> > > >

> > 

> > > The tongue in cheek, I'll excuse ;-)) it's my laugh for


> day!!

> > > > I fast on ekadasi tithi because my UL is in 2nd


> (ie 12th lord 

> > > > is in lagna). Since I was born on sukla paksha, 

> Sanjay ji suggests 

> > > > that I fast only on sukla ekadasi.

> > 

> > > Zoki, if you listen to JUS of Year I, you will note how



> > > > came to this conclusion.

> > > >

> > > > 

> love,

> > > >

> > > > Swee

> > > >

> > > 

> > On 3 Feb 2009, at 15:25, Jyotisa Shisya wrote:

> > > >

> > 

> > >> |om|

> > > >> Dear Zoran, namaste

> > > 

> >>

> > > >> Would not the general act of fasting be


> as an insult to 

> > > >> Sri MahaVishnu?

> > > 

> >>

> > > >> best regards

> > > >> Hari

> > 

> > >>

> > > >> On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 5:30 PM, ahimsavm 

> <ahimsans@> 

> > > >> wrote:

> > > >> Om Namah 

> Shivaya,

> > > >> Dear Bojan and others,

> > > >> Here 

> is my point and view about the question raised. 2nd bhava is

> > > 

> >> the bhava of Vishnu, sustainer, and if we fast on the day



> in

> > > >> 2nd house, we bring insult to Vishnu who



> food for us.

> > > >> However, to be honest, I have not heard this 

> about 2nd lord and

> > > >> tithi. The basic point is that Upapada 

> is a rashi and carries energy

> > > >> of Vara or day. If you fast 

> on the day ruled by tithi of the 2nd

> > > >> lord, you are 

> bringing the jala energy to vara, and gandanta may

> > > >> occur, 

> and spouse may come into a danger. So, what is the way out.

> > > 

> >> The simple solution is to do vrata which do not conflict


> > 

> > >> rejection of food. So a person may observe the fast

on UL


> 2nd

> > > >> day, however, adequate food should be offered



> prasad and eaten

> > > >> before the Sunrise (not complete fast).In 

> this way, results may come

> > > >> a bit later, but will certainly 

> come, while a person will not bring

> > > >> insult to Shri Vishnu 

> by rejecting the food.

> > > >> This is the way I was taught, and 

> ofcourse others may agree or not.

> > > >> Best wishes

> > > 

> >> Zoran Radosavljevic

> > > >> www.siva-edu.


> > > >> www.ahimsazr1.

wordpress. com







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