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Ketu in Capricorn in 5th in Dasamsa?

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Dear Jyotish,


What exactly does Ketu in Capricorn in 5th in Dasamsa imply? In an

analysis by Sanjayji, of the Dasamsa of Jesus Christ, who has Ketu in

Capricorn in 5th in Dasamsa and Saturn in 9th in Taurus, he said it

implies a philosophy of universal love.


Can anyone explain this to me from the basics? Wouldnt Ketu in 5th

mean the absence of followers/disciples? Or perhaps mistakes in

selecting followers? Or even followers that are somehow detached from

society etc? Please also explain how exactly Capricorn shows the

Tapasvi nature in terms of karma.. Would Ketu in Aquarius also show

Tapasvi nature?


Thank you,



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|Namah Shivaya|Dear Sundeep,Ketu in 5H of Dasamasa , will show ' headless' followers/students/supporters, the nature of rasi of its placement, like makara, may show the ' tapasvi' nature & showing respect to others, as you also mention. Best wishesSharatOn 9 Feb 2009, at 19:30, vedicastrostudent wrote:Dear Jyotish,What exactly does Ketu in Capricorn in 5th in Dasamsa imply? In ananalysis by Sanjayji, of the Dasamsa of Jesus Christ, who has Ketu inCapricorn in 5th in Dasamsa and Saturn in 9th in Taurus, he said itimplies a philosophy of universal love.Can anyone explain this to me from the basics? Wouldnt Ketu in 5thmean the absence of followers/disciples? Or perhaps mistakes inselecting followers? Or even followers that are somehow detached fromsociety etc? Please also explain how exactly Capricorn shows theTapasvi nature in terms of karma.. Would Ketu in Aquarius also showTapasvi nature? Thank you, Sundeep

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om namo

bhagavate narasimhaya

Dear Sundeep ,


Ketu in Cp can show headless and haunted followers, junior workers,

support. It also can provide authority in those issues if Shani is




Rafal Gendarz

SJC Jyotish Guru


Consultations & Pages







Dear Jyotish,


What exactly does Ketu in Capricorn in 5th in Dasamsa imply? In an

analysis by Sanjayji, of the Dasamsa of Jesus Christ, who has Ketu in

Capricorn in 5th in Dasamsa and Saturn in 9th in Taurus, he said it

implies a philosophy of universal love.


Can anyone explain this to me from the basics? Wouldnt Ketu in 5th

mean the absence of followers/disciples ? Or perhaps mistakes in

selecting followers? Or even followers that are somehow detached from

society etc? Please also explain how exactly Capricorn shows the

Tapasvi nature in terms of karma.. Would Ketu in Aquarius also show

Tapasvi nature?


Thank you,



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Dear Sharat and Rafalji,

Thank you for your replies. I understand your points, they are in line

with what I had assumed. What I dont understand is how did Sanjayji

say, for Jesus Christ's Dasamsa - " Mokshkarak Ketu is in Makar flanked

by the luminaries as the dispositor Saturn goes to the 9th house

indicating a high level of Adhyatma yoga. Since Ketu is in the 5th

bhava, the philosophy is centered on universal compassion " - I dont

understand how this fits in. Since when did Ketu show universal

compassion? That sounds more like the Moon... I also dont understand

how Ketu in Capricorn would be different from say Ketu in Cancer and

Moon going to the 9th. What effect would that have (in Dasamsa, of








sohamsa , Rafał Gendarz <starsuponme wrote:


> /*om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*/

> Dear Sundeep ,


> Ketu in Cp can show headless and haunted followers, junior workers,

> support. It also can provide authority in those issues if Shani is

> wellplaced.


> Regards

> Rafal Gendarz

> SJC Jyotish Guru

> --------------

> /*Consultations & Pages*

> http://rohinaa.com

> rafal/

> >

> > Dear Jyotish,

> >

> > What exactly does Ketu in Capricorn in 5th in Dasamsa imply? In an

> > analysis by Sanjayji, of the Dasamsa of Jesus Christ, who has Ketu in

> > Capricorn in 5th in Dasamsa and Saturn in 9th in Taurus, he said it

> > implies a philosophy of universal love.

> >

> > Can anyone explain this to me from the basics? Wouldnt Ketu in 5th

> > mean the absence of followers/disciples ? Or perhaps mistakes in

> > selecting followers? Or even followers that are somehow detached from

> > society etc? Please also explain how exactly Capricorn shows the

> > Tapasvi nature in terms of karma.. Would Ketu in Aquarius also show

> > Tapasvi nature?

> >

> > Thank you,

> >

> > Sundeep

> >

> >


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Dear Sundeep,I am not familiar with this quote of Sanjay ji( doesnt seem like from his series on D10), can you please give details of the source so I can go back listen to it as well.Many thanksBestSharatOn 10 Feb 2009, at 18:20, vedicastrostudent wrote:Dear Sharat and Rafalji,Thank you for your replies. I understand your points, they are in linewith what I had assumed. What I dont understand is how did Sanjayjisay, for Jesus Christ's Dasamsa - "Mokshkarak Ketu is in Makar flankedby the luminaries as the dispositor Saturn goes to the 9th houseindicating a high level of Adhyatma yoga. Since Ketu is in the 5thbhava, the philosophy is centered on universal compassion" - I dontunderstand how this fits in. Since when did Ketu show universalcompassion? That sounds more like the Moon... I also dont understandhow Ketu in Capricorn would be different from say Ketu in Cancer andMoon going to the 9th. What effect would that have (in Dasamsa, ofcourse)?Thanks,Sundeepsohamsa , Rafał Gendarz <starsuponme wrote:>> /*om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*/> Dear Sundeep ,> > Ketu in Cp can show headless and haunted followers, junior workers, > support. It also can provide authority in those issues if Shani is > wellplaced.> > Regards> Rafal Gendarz> SJC Jyotish Guru> --------------> /*Consultations & Pages*> http://rohinaa.com> rafal/> >> > Dear Jyotish,> >> > What exactly does Ketu in Capricorn in 5th in Dasamsa imply? In an> > analysis by Sanjayji, of the Dasamsa of Jesus Christ, who has Ketu in> > Capricorn in 5th in Dasamsa and Saturn in 9th in Taurus, he said it> > implies a philosophy of universal love.> >> > Can anyone explain this to me from the basics? Wouldnt Ketu in 5th> > mean the absence of followers/disciples ? Or perhaps mistakes in> > selecting followers? Or even followers that are somehow detached from> > society etc? Please also explain how exactly Capricorn shows the> > Tapasvi nature in terms of karma.. Would Ketu in Aquarius also show> > Tapasvi nature?> >> > Thank you,> >> > Sundeep> >> >>

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Dear Sharat,

I think it was a post on sohamsa a while ago. It is on Sanjay

Prabhakaran's blog (and perhaps other places as well), here's the link:









sohamsa , Sharat Misra <gidoc wrote:


> Dear Sundeep,


> I am not familiar with this quote of Sanjay ji( doesnt seem like from

> his series on D10), can you please give details of the source so I can

> go back listen to it as well.

> Many thanks

> Best

> Sharat


> On 10 Feb 2009, at 18:20, vedicastrostudent wrote:


> > Dear Sharat and Rafalji,

> > Thank you for your replies. I understand your points, they are in line

> > with what I had assumed. What I dont understand is how did Sanjayji

> > say, for Jesus Christ's Dasamsa - " Mokshkarak Ketu is in Makar flanked

> > by the luminaries as the dispositor Saturn goes to the 9th house

> > indicating a high level of Adhyatma yoga. Since Ketu is in the 5th

> > bhava, the philosophy is centered on universal compassion " - I dont

> > understand how this fits in. Since when did Ketu show universal

> > compassion? That sounds more like the Moon... I also dont understand

> > how Ketu in Capricorn would be different from say Ketu in Cancer and

> > Moon going to the 9th. What effect would that have (in Dasamsa, of

> > course)?

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Sundeep

> >

> > sohamsa , Rafał Gendarz <starsuponme@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > /*om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*/

> > > Dear Sundeep ,

> > >

> > > Ketu in Cp can show headless and haunted followers, junior workers,

> > > support. It also can provide authority in those issues if Shani is

> > > wellplaced.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > Rafal Gendarz

> > > SJC Jyotish Guru

> > > --------------

> > > /*Consultations & Pages*

> > > http://rohinaa.com

> > > rafal@/

> > > >

> > > > Dear Jyotish,

> > > >

> > > > What exactly does Ketu in Capricorn in 5th in Dasamsa imply? In an

> > > > analysis by Sanjayji, of the Dasamsa of Jesus Christ, who has

> > Ketu in

> > > > Capricorn in 5th in Dasamsa and Saturn in 9th in Taurus, he said

> > it

> > > > implies a philosophy of universal love.

> > > >

> > > > Can anyone explain this to me from the basics? Wouldnt Ketu in 5th

> > > > mean the absence of followers/disciples ? Or perhaps mistakes in

> > > > selecting followers? Or even followers that are somehow detached

> > from

> > > > society etc? Please also explain how exactly Capricorn shows the

> > > > Tapasvi nature in terms of karma.. Would Ketu in Aquarius also

> > show

> > > > Tapasvi nature?

> > > >

> > > > Thank you,

> > > >

> > > > Sundeep

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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