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On Remedial Measures Difference (Resolving Points)

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Namaste Bharat bhai,


> Christians and Muslims while condemning the practice actually follow it. I

> recently had a discussion with one of Muslim religious person and he had no

> answer when I asked him - If he considered Allah as infinite, then why all

> human beings, nature, and all objects not within Allah?


Sorry to jump in just for this message as you have written my feelings exactly

as it is.


If somebody ask me that Allah can never take Human birth, then i have a question

here. Mark the words 'Can Never'. it means that you are limiting the power of

Allah or for that matter which ever name you call. we believe that Allah is

another Popular name for the supreme power which some call as Brahman, God ,

Krishna, Shiva etc...

hence *can never* or *can not* or *impossible* words are futile and

betray the ignorance of the perticular interpretation of a philosophy.

I am not surprised that the gentle man had no answer but i am surprised that he

seems to have accepted that he had no answer and might go deep with in for the




on a side note - the religious philosphy should not be judged by number of

followers because truth does not depend upon the head counts.


Thanks & warm regards,



sohamsa , Bharat - Hindu Astrology <astrologyhindu



> Namaste Sundeep


> Your quote in the earlier mail: * Me, I'm fascinated by religious

> psychology, i.e. what drives people to

> believe in God and how. I *dont seek to denounce* either Abraham or

> the idolaters (Hindus would obviously come to mind here), only to

> understand them.*


> It appeared from this that you took Hindus to be idolaters. In this email

> you have clarified your viewpoint. Frankly, I was surprised to see the above

> quote from you. Appears I misread into it.


> Another thing I was to clarify which forms a difference between Hindus and

> others. Hindus aren't mixed up in their thoughts while worshiping any aspect

> of nature including objects as the Lord (since all is the Lord). However,

> Christians and Muslims while condemning the practice actually follow it. I

> recently had a discussion with one of Muslim religious person and he had no

> answer when I asked him - If he considered Allah as infinite, then why all

> human beings, nature, and all objects not within Allah? Christians are

> completely out of sync of the teachings of Christ. It appears that church

> has distorted everything.


> In other words, there is a great difference in worshipping Lord by using a

> symbol between Hindus and others.


> Thanks and Regards

> Bharat






> On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 12:02 AM, vedicastrostudent <

> vedicastrostudent wrote:


> > Dear Bharatji,

> > In essence, I dont see where we disagree? You seem to be exactly echoing

> > what I say. Is it simply the term idol worship? An idol is a *material*

> > representation of a deity with some sense of sacredness attached to that

> > material representation. Of course most Hindus do that (why else are idols

> > kept in temples.. the majority dont have a clue of Advaita Vedanta, if

> > that's where you're going with this discussion). And there is nothing wrong

> > with it from my point of view. Exactly as you say, *most* human beings need

> > material symbols to focus their faith, and many Hindus choose idols, and

> > Christians use christ-on-a-cross, and Muslims have the koran, and Sikhs keep

> > the guru-granth-sahib on a pillow in the gurudwara etc etc. And they all

> > have their sacred places of worship (all of them are material

> > representations..).Psychologically speaking, they *all* unconsciously

> > project the power of the Self/Atma, which they see as God (or a deity), into

> > different material symbols. Nothing wrong with that, IMHO. Did you by chance

> > mistake my presenting Abraham's attitude as my own?

> >

> > Getting back to my real point, which is completely orthogonal to yours (as

> > I said I agree with all your points). That is this: I think that as one

> > spiritually progresses, their need for symbols and doing specific rituals on

> > certain dates etc decreases as their own sense of submission to, and their

> > awareness of, their true Self increases. But that doesnt mean that all these

> > facts that Sanjayji, Michal, Zoran etc present are wrong for *the average

> > person*. My view is that Narasimhaji is mixing up the results of his own

> > personal spiritual progress with the tried and tested remedies *for the

> > average man* given by Jyotishis. Put differently, an average ego-obsessed

> > person does probably need to do all the right things on all the right dates

> > and times to cultivate the beginnings of a sense of submission. And as that

> > sense grows, he can afford to relax the rules. So Jyotishis should give

> > remedies for the person at *his/her* level of spiritual progress, not

> > *theirs*.

> >

> > This is what I think, but of course I may be wrong.. Do you have some

> > disagreement with this?

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Sundeep

> >

> >

> > sohamsa <sohamsa%40>, Bharat - Hindu

> > Astrology <astrologyhindu@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Sundeep

> > >

> > > Please pardon my intervention. Hindus are not idol worshipers. And it is

> > the

> > > Hindus who know that Lord only is. They do not use the word " one " , since

> > > " one " presupposes " two " and " three " ... and so on. Since Lord only is, the

> > > entirety is contained within in including all time, space and causation.

> > > Every object, every being is contained within the Lord. For an untrained

> > > mind, it is difficult to consume this. To focus one's attention to this

> > > principle he needs something tangible. So an object that can signify this

> > > principle to the person becomes an object of worship. Once this shape is

> > > given to the object... it is never considered an Idol. It is worshipped

> > as

> > > God itself. Noone goes to the temple and says " Hey Idol, .... " ,

> > everyone

> > > fold their hands and say " Hey Krishna or Hey Rama or Hey Shiva ..... " .

> > >

> > > The people who wrongly call hindus idol worshippers are themselves

> > > worshipping the idols. What is a cross? What is a the book Koran or the

> > > image of Mecca or the words " Allah Hu Akbar " inscribed on a plate? These

> > all

> > > are Idols. Aren't they?

> > >

> > > So long is there a world and realization does not dawn upon oneself, one

> > > would need something to focus their mind with. This in our scriptures

> > have

> > > been suggested through various ways:

> > >

> > > 1. Shapes and Symbols

> > > 2. Elements

> > > 3. Upasanas: Observing the nature and relating it to the Truth. Like

> > endless

> > > is the space and time and relating the quality of endless to the Truth.

> > > 4. Mantra Japa- Herein the sound reverberates with the certain

> > > element/aspect of nature. To that root is added our request. For those

> > who

> > > seek the truth, the mantra japa serves as a constant reminder of the what

> > > the Truth is. For those how seek certain ends from it, they gain only

> > that

> > > much.

> > >

> > > Therefore Sundeep, I request you to study our culture more and you shall

> > > find nothing that is sane and truthful missing from it.

> > >

> > > Sri Narasimha is suggesting that we do not command the Lord and worship

> > him

> > > undertaking any appealing mantra - which essentially means that the more

> > we

> > > understand its meaning the idea of the Lord shall become clearer and

> > clearer

> > > in our minds. This approach is for spiritual aspirants who are willing to

> > > " let go themselves in the hands of the lord " . This is something that one

> > has

> > > to realize for oneself and not impose on others. Furthermore, it should

> > not

> > > be called " begging " . There is no difference between the Lord and our True

> > > Self. To call ourselves beggars is to defile us and Srimad Bhagavad Gita

> > > warns against such a self judgement.

> > >

> > >

> > > Most people do not use the above approach, they want specific remedies

> > for

> > > their specific problems and that too quickly. The Mantra Shastra helps

> > both

> > > approaches. For the students, I think it is this part they should learn

> > as

> > > Jyotishas and the above part shall come automatically with their

> > spiritual

> > > " growth " and understanding.

> > >

> > > Hope this helps

> > >

> > > Thanks and Regards

> > > Bharat

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 4:07 AM, vedicastrostudent <

> > > vedicastrostudent@> wrote:

> > >

> > > > Dear Narasimhaji (and it might help others to read this fully too,

> > > > trust me you may well be satisfied),

> > > >

> > > > First, let me say I am not about to either agree/disagree with you. I

> > > > am only standing back and observing/categorizing your approach, and

> > > > comparing it historical events that will give me a sense of the final

> > > > import of your approach.

> > > >

> > > > If you read about Abraham, the supposed " father " of the three

> > > > religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) that have together had the

> > > > most following among all religions in the world (ever). As far as I

> > > > know, he lived in a time of deities and ritual. He is supposedly the

> > > > first to have actively sought to bring the notion of one God to the

> > > > masses. He destroyed idols much to the dissatisfaction of lots around

> > > > him. Apparently God revealed himself to Abraham several times.

> > > > Abraham submitted himself completely to the will of God, always,

> > > > without question. It seems logical to conclude that he destroyed and

> > > > denounced idolatry because he felt, at the very least, that focus on

> > > > the multiplicity of deity and webs of rituals took *away* a person's

> > > > focus from the real thing - submission to the one and only God (which

> > > > is what Abraham was really about i.e. submission to the one and only

> > > > God). Before jumping to any conclusions about what I am trying to say,

> > > > please read on.

> > > >

> > > > Me, I'm fascinated by religious psychology, i.e. what drives people to

> > > > believe in God and how. I *dont seek to denounce* either Abraham or

> > > > the idolaters (Hindus would obviously come to mind here), only to

> > > > understand them. The way I have found to unify these two seemingly

> > > > contradictory approaches is the following, and perhaps it will help

> > > > you as well: God is *eventually only one* of course and " resides " deep

> > > > within us, and projects himself (I use " project " in exactly the sense

> > > > Michal describes) in various ways into human experience. As people get

> > > > spiritually elevated, the projections become less necessary and they

> > > > are able to have a more and more direct experience of God.

> > > > Consequently, they start forgetting the role the projections

> > > > *originally had in the beginning of their path* and consider the most

> > > > important thing to be the complete submission to the *growing* inner

> > > > light of God within themselves.

> > > >

> > > > My feeling is that that is what happened to Abraham, and is what is

> > > > happening to you as well. Psychologically and astrologically speaking,

> > > > the examples you choose to illustrate your point betray your

> > > > psychology. You have unconsciously chosen an example of a mountain,

> > > > with the *final God experience* sitting on top. That final God

> > > > experience is the Sun, astrologically speaking i.e. the source, the

> > > > symbol of the growing inner light within *you*. The various paths to

> > > > the top that you talk about represent, I think, Mercury, with its

> > > > various forms and distinctions (Prithvi tattwa?). As you behold the

> > > > Sun, the king, in all his magnificence, everything else pales in

> > > > comparison. And sure enough, you start posting that all the paths are

> > > > unimportant :-)

> > > >

> > > > But see, not everyone is there yet, all the distinctions and dates and

> > > > rituals are important, because they will unerringly lead one there, as

> > > > they did for you. At least that's what I have gathered after listening

> > > > to Sanjayji and all the gurus on this group..

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > >

> > > > Sundeep

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Himanshu, namaste





Yes, I do understand that lately is very trendy to have "your own approach"...

Would you like a link for recent discussion on UL fasting? As I can understand from your email, you must have missed it.


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Fri, 3/6/09, Himanshu Mohan <himanshu_mohan wrote:

Himanshu Mohan <himanshu_mohan On Remedial Measures Difference (Re: Resolving Points)sohamsa Date: Friday, March 6, 2009, 1:37 AM



||Om Namo Narayanaya||Dear Maja and Michal,Namaste.Is it necessary that only fasting be resorted to? Be it tithi, vaara, whatever...Should not alternative remedy be advised to a person who can not fat due to some unavoidable reason - may be medical reasons?My personal approach would be to advise a suitable alternative, and it is for this reason also, that a competent astrologer must be well aware of various alternative remedies, although one particular type may be preferred over the others.Warm regards,||Om Shri Krishnarpanamastu| |Himanshu Mohansohamsa@ .com, "Soul Sadhak" <soulsadhak@ ...> wrote:>> Thanks Maja, much appreciated.> > Best regards,> SS> > sohamsa@ .com, Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro@ > wrote:> >> > Om Gurave Namah> >  > > Dear Michal and SS, namaste> >  > > Michal: okay it was a slip. Imagine Virgo lagna with UL in Taurus.> >  > > SS: same lordship over UL and 2nd bhava requires same approach on fasting. Tithi is choice in this case.  > >  > > Regards,> > Maja Strbac> >  > > Hari Om Tat Sat> > > > --- On Thu, 3/5/09, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@ > wrote:> > > > > > Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@ >> > Re: On Remedial Measures Difference (Re: Resolving Points)> > sohamsa@ .com> > Thursday, March 5, 2009, 12:01 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Hare Rama Krsna ||> > > > Dear SS,> > > > How can UL be in Libra for Aries ascendant?> > > > Regards,> > Michal> > > > > > > > > > > > Soul Sadhak <soulsadhak>> > sohamsa@ .com> > Friday, 6 March, 2009 3:04:22 AM> > On Remedial Measures Difference (Re: Resolving Points)> > > > > > > > Dear Michal,> > > > If UL is placed elsewhere (other than 2nd house), but day is same

as indicated by lord of 2nd house (e.g UL is in Libra and 2nd house is Taurus), then what is advisable?> > > > Best Regards,> > SS> > > > sohamsa@ .com, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal@ ...> wrote:> > >> > > Hare Rama Krsna ||> > > > > > Dear Hari,> > > > > > if a person happens to fast for whatever reason on some particular> > > day/tithi, why is it equated to an insult on the most compassionate> > > Vishnu?> > > > > > I don't believe anyone here is trying to put forward the notion that fasting on a particular day will insult Vishnu. This whole thread has become a misunderstanding of language. The initial point was that when the UL is in the 2nd house one should not fast as this is Vishnu sthana and the 2nd house of sustenance. To fast on this day, you

could say, will create a 'conflict of interest'. With all due respect to Zoran, because of a lack of time to be more specific, and Serbian (not english) being his mother tongue, he used this word 'insult', which given the fallout that resulted may not have been the write/right word to use.> > > > > > Nevertheless, lets not get stuck on words, lets try to understand the principle: > > > > > > Say a person has UL in 2nd house Leo. If they unknowingly fast on a Sunday then that is one thing. If they go to a Jyotishi, who should have knowledge on these things, and they are told to fast on Sunday for a specific result, then they and the Jyotishi may suffer from some ill result due to fasting on the day of the 2nd lord - 'conflict of interest'. If a doctor prescribes wrong medicine then naturally we can expect an ill result. We all agree this can happen with gemstones.> > > > > >

Another differentiation - fasting for UL is different to fasting for spiritual penance, which again is different from fasting because you are a fashion model. > > > > > > Anyone can encourage people to fast for spiritual penance, but only a Jyotishi can advise someone the correct day to fast for getting married.> > > > > > Warm regards,> > > Michal> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > > Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddi@ ...>> > > sohamsa@ .com> > > Tuesday, 3 March, 2009 5:32:21 PM> > > Re: Re: On Remedial Measures Difference (Re: Resolving Points)> > > > > > > > > om sri rama jaya rama jaya jaya rama> > >

Dear Sanjay/Narasimha, pranaams> > > > > > Please forgive me for my comments that I am about to make. First, this discussion initially very interesting is now turning me cold. > > > > > > Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa repeatedly scoffed at the idea that God is compassionate. His argument was that God has been and continues to be compassionate from day one of our existence. And through out my life, this is one thing that I have realized i.e., that God is very, very compassionate.> > > > > > So now, Sanjay, tell me one thing: if a person happens to fast for whatever reason on some particular day/tithi, why is it equated to an insult on the most compassionate Vishnu?> > > > > > Do you not find this absurd? Yet this is the crux of what was stated in a recent discussion thread.> > > > > > Secondly, Sarbani wrote in this discussion

thread that there are troubled souls out there indulging in all this talk about corruption of principles and what not. Again this is absurd as to paraphrase Mirabai, there are troubled souls everywhere on this planet Earth and everyone of them is in search of the truth, whatver it may be called.> > > > > > best regards> > > Hari> > > > > > best regards> > > Hari> > > > > > > > > On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 7:22 AM, Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:> > > > > > Dear Sanjay,> > > > > > > No No Narasimha, mantra is beautiful. It is not *ardous* like> > > > climbing mountain. It is beautiful like a dance â€â€Å" yes a dance> > > > on top of Kailash with Lord Shiva. > > > > > > Well, if

mantra is really like a dance on top of Kailasha for you, you are fortunate. However, most people do have to engage in an arduous climbing to enjoy such a dance. If I (or anybody else) were to tell people that mantras work magically without a lot of discipline and effort and internal maturing, I would be misleading them. If I were to tell people that their problems will be magically solved because they came to me and got the perfect mantra to the perfect deity, I would be misleading them.> > > > > > > So this sermn is very wrong really. I have mantra lord Moon in> > > > 12th house, so it s a dance for me, you have 5th lord (mantra) in> > > > 8th house (hard) in debility in Aries (mountain), so it like> > > > climbing a mountain for you.> > > > You see here also the karma plays out.> > > > > > Karma does indeed play out, but the question

is whether we are reading it correctly or not!> > > > > > Yes, my 5th lord is indeed in 8th but with several planets and aspected by Jupiter and giving many yogas. Are we sure we are judging it correctly? Yes, your 5th lord is in 12th, but he is in marana karaka sthana from 5th and aspected closely by Rahu. Are we sure we are judging it correctly?> > > > > > Bottomline is that judging the play of karmas is not a simple thing and one can always make mistakes. In any case, I suggest that we should not get personal under the pretext of demonstrating how karmas play out.> > > > > > > Secondly, whether someone is training to be a beggar at Gods door> > > > is the work of his/her spiritual master and NOT that of the Jyotishi.> > > > An astrologer is *required to be humble* and not arrogate to himself> > > > this task of asking

people to be humble before God or such things.> > > > > > OK, so what then is the task of this "humble" astrologer? If telling people to surrender to god and pray is arrogance, what do you call telling people that one has knowledge which will let them get what they want from god? Also, is it really humble to make statements that austerities can bring dangers and insult to Vishnu? When an astrologer recommends mantras and makes statements like these, one is already encroaching on the space of a spiritual master somewhat.> > > > > > > ....since the letter is addressed to me it implies that you mean *I am selfish*> > > > > > Though the mail is addressed to you, a lot of portions inside are addressed to all. The above point is not about any specific person. I apologize for any confusion.> > > > > > > > > OK, just spell it out. What is the

reason for Gandanta being in 0 deg,> > > > > > 120 deg and 240 deg of the zodiac if it is not a junction between agni> > > > > > and jala...I want to her your words if you have any.> > > > > > > > > > Parasara's definition of gandanta is restricted to two neighboring areas in a> > > > > contiguous space having a predominance of fire and water elements. "I see> > > > > fire and I see water. So there is gandanta" is a wrong approach. One can> > > > > then call Venus, a watery planet, being in a fiery sign or Mars, a fiery planet,> > > > > being in a watery sign as gandanta. Gandanta requires a *transition* in a> > > > > contiguous space. In your example of upapada lord's tithi, there is no> > > > > contiguous space where there is a water-fire transition.>

> > > >> > > > There is something called Tithi Gandanta! Gandanta exists between> > > > Purna and nanda tithi. > > > > > > Yes, but we do have a contiguous space here. The contiguous 0-360 deg space of Sun-Moon angle has portions with predominance of different elements. When there are transitions between portioins having a predominance of fire and water, Parasara gave a tithi gandanta there.> > > > > > When you are talking about the tithi of UL lord, what is the contiguous space, what are its portions and what are the transitions? It is an illogical extension of gandanta.> > > > > > * * *> > > > > > In conclusion, I will sum up my main points. [This is copied from the other mail from today and slightly edited.]> > > > > > (1) The knowledge needed for judging specific karmas

responsible for specific results and suggesting specific remedies is partly lost and partly corrupted today. What we have is a non-coherent collage of some good knowledge and a lot of corruptions.> > > > > > The way gandanta is being stretched and people are talking of insult to Vishnu by fasting etc, it should be clear that knowledge is being corrupted based on fancy imagination. People are presenting their ideas without making it clear that those are their ideas.> > > > > > (2) Many people today are unable to use many specific remedies given in shastras today. Just because one worships a specific form with a specific mantra, things do not necessarily happen. There is a lot more needed and most of it is not external (e.g. choice of weekday or tithi or color of clothes, direction faced etc) but internal (e.g. discipline, patience, surrender, humility, low ego etc). In the old days, these internal

issues were pretty much under control and mantras worked well. Now, people lack on those big time and mantras do not work the way they are supposed to.> > > > > > Given the above two points, best path for one today is to surrender to a deity, try to instill discipline, humility and patience and pray for mercy, rather than running after astrologers for customized remedies.> > > > > > (3) *Austerities* like fasting do *not*harm one.> > > > > > Best regards, > > > > > > Narasimha> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------> > > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam> > > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/

tarpana> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom> > > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net> > > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org> > > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- > > > > > > sohamsa@ .com, "Sanjay Rath" <sjrath@> wrote:> > > > > > om paramesthi gurave namah> > > Dear Narasimha> > > > Mantra Shastra is a very detailed work and includes mantra dosha

etc.> > > > It is very scientific and accurate. It takes a lifetime to master this. > > > Some may be fascinated by the texture, color and volume of the chaff and miss the grain.> > > Most people who talk about mantra shastra focus on the chaff and not on the grain.> > > [sanjay Rath:] This sounds like saying that Einsten is bogus as Newtons theory can explain everything! Viewpoint is very important. Perhaps what you call the grain is the tree itself! That is the depth of knowledge which decides whether you have the ability to reach the grain or are still searching for the tree. > > > * * *> > > But the bottomline is this: Only a highly purified sadhaka of very low ego can command specific results from god (not for selfishness or even ego satisfaction, but acting as an unattached instrumen t of Nature fulfilling one's dharma set by Nature). Various mantras and

technicalities of mantra shastra taught by rishis are meant for such sadhakas.> > > [sanjay Rath:] When will you start learning this?> > > Those are hardly of use to so many people out there with dense egos seeking specific selfish results. They cannot command specific results from god (because of their heavy attachment to the result, which is in turn due to their own attachment to a limited ego), even if they use all the techniques of mantra shastra and all the associated rules of astrology. Instead of wasting their time with these technicalities, they will be better off learning to be good beggars at God's door.> > > [sanjay Rath:] This is wrong. There was a time when there were only a few very qualified doctors and they alone could cure. When the knowledge is shared, more doctors arrive in the planet and they too can heal. > > > Secondly, whether someone is training to be a beggar at Gods door is

the work of his/her spiritual master and NOT that of the Jyotishi. An astrologer is *required to be humble* and not arrogate to himself this task of asking people to be humble before God or such things. The path that every creature takes is that of the spiritual master they seek and follow. And it is the humility to the Guru alone that brings the ego under control and makes it humble. One who cannot be humble before the Guru is a gross failure when he tries to be humble before God and submit. So what you are saying is actually *not fully correct*> > > The first step is to be a beggar before the teacher/guru and then alone can you be ready to be a beggar at the doors of God.> > > Just pick any prasiddha mantra or a mantra you feel attracted to, without worrying about so many technicalities, and learn to be humble and surrender to the Lord. Patiently wait for him to give you what you want. Like a beggar, take whatever and

whenever he gives.> > > [sanjay Rath:] I have done this for about 30 years now, and I believe many people in this list have done this for maybe even longer periods. What is the new thing you are saying?> > > Keep praying every day or every second when you are able to. Even when you are not praying, remember him in all of your actions. When you enjoy something in the material world, tell yourself that it is his and that he gave it to you. If you remember him all the time, slowly the dirt in your mind will start to get cleaned. This fixing of attitude is faaaaaaaaaaaar more important than picking the right mantra, right weekday, right tithi etc (that too based on unreliable knowledge coming from questionable sources!).> > > [sanjay Rath:] Stop giving a sermon Narasimha?? I know all this, so what is it that you are talking about? Come to the point.> > > It is pathetic that what you say as *unreliable

source* is what you practised for a decade and never questioned it until suddenly when you are *not a part of the Jaimini scholar program* !!> > > Vaara/Weekday prayers -> > > Forget the first batch of Jaimini scholars, just ask anyone in the second batch in year-2/3 and they can easily explain â€â€Å"> > > 1. Why is Lord Shiva worshipped on Mondays? > > > 2. Why is Lord Vishnu worshipped on Thursdays?> > > Now don’t try to tell me you did not know that Lord Shiva is worshipped by millions of Indians on Mondays!> > > Tithi Prayers> > > Fasting on tithi’s concerned to the birth anniversary of the devata on the days of the tithi are too well known. And you are a software maker, have written papers on this also. So why this sudden volta-face? > > >

Ekadashi fasting is done by a few millions of people for Krishna for Yuga santarana i.e. tiding over the Yuga effects.> > > Why is ekadashi fasting advocated for this? What link does Ekadashi have to Kali yuga? You do not know the answer does not mean that it is wrong. And if you know the answer, then why do you say that the tithi fasting is wrong??!> > > * * *> > > There may be a mountain with thousands of paths (mantra) for climbing it. Each path may lead to a different spot (different experience) on the top and show a different scenery (result). Expert advisors (astrologers) may tell you to use a specific path (mantra) to see a specific scenery (result). But such advice is useless to a handicapped person without legs (a selfish person with dense ego). It is relevant only to person with legs and one who is strong and sturdy, who can successfully climb the mountain (a reasonably detached person with very little

ego).> > > [sanjay Rath:] Another Sermon about being selfish > > > ....since the letter is addressed to me it implies that you mean *I am selfish*. ...and now people will be wondering about what am I selfish? Is it because I did not share the Jaimni scholar lectures? I invited you and een was prepard to shift dates, but you were too busy filming about Krishna’s birth or something.> > > Even when you encounter a person who has legs and can actually climb the mountain, the stress should be on how to climb the mountain and traverse the long path, rather than which path to take. The astrologers who are bogged down by all the technicalities and people who take customized mantra advice from astrologers and think that they will get a result quickly by doing that 'powerful' mantra are missing the basic point. The power of a powerful mantra is with respect to the experience and result

obtained *after* one succeeds with the mantra. A partcicularly powerful mantra is akin to a path leading to a point atop the mountain where the view shows a particularly beautiful scenery. But the bottomline is that you do have to survive the climb along the long path.> > > [sanjay Rath:] No No Narasimha, mantra is beautiful. It is not *ardous* like climbing mountain. It is beautiful like a dance â€â€Å" yes a dance on top of Kailash with Lord Shiva. > > > So this sermn is very wrong really. I have mantra lord Moon in 12th house, so it s a dance for me, you have 5th lord (mantra) in 8th house (hard) in debility in Aries (mountain), so it like climbing a mountain for you.> > > You see here also the karma plays out.> > > We need to emphasize the attitude and approach needed for the long climb, rather than emphasizing the choice of the path based on horoscope. It is worth

noting that so many great spiritual teachers who came in the last century or two did not emphasize picking the right mantra based on horoscope etc. Instead, they emphasized having the correct attitude - surrender, submission, devotion, patience, persistence, discipline, humility etc!!!! *That* is a lot more important and useful than trying to be oversmart with the choice of mantra, day etc and impress god.> > > [sanjay Rath:] Really and how do you wish to *STANDADIZE* this? You have a given formula for the approach and attitude or is it borrowed from another, and if so then why are you assuming that the people in this list do not know about *surrender, submission, devotion, patience, persistence, discipline, humility etc!!!! *> > > No one is trying to be over smart. They are being smart.> > > They are only using certain rules to approach based on available knowledge. And that knowledge seems to be bothering you

like your problem with Upapada fasting.> > > * * *> > > > when should the worship of a graha be done? Let us say someone> > > > wishes to worship Mars (Mangala graha). When do you think this> > > > worship should be done?> > > > > > You can do anyday. Parasara does not mention any day for doing homam to a graha.> > > In fact, if one wants, one can do a homam or worship to Mars (or any planet) every day. It is even better that way.> > > If an astrologer suggests doing it on a Tuesday, it is fine. But saying that doing it on so and so day will bring serious dangers because Mars is an enemy of so and so planet would be stretching things.> > > [sanjay Rath:] Read the PURANAS. What you write clearly shows lack of understanding  of the Puranas. Why would the Rishi advise a particular day? Are they wrong? Why is the Gayatri

initiation done on Wednesdays and Thursdays? Why is it not done on Saturday? > > > You earlier said that this can be done on any day, then why did they advise a particular day for this? > > > > [sanjay Rath:] Where do you think Veda Vyasa (Krishna dvaipaayana) got his> > > > knowledge and those who wrote it as scribes for him, where did they get it from?> > > > > > From Self - from within. That is the source of all knowledge. A sadguru need not specifically teach thousand things, but needs to open the door inside.> > > [sanjay Rath:] THAT IS AHAMKARA speaking. > > > The correct answer in complete humility is â€Å"The knowledge comes from one source â€â€Å" Bhagavan.†Surrender to Him and he is the one who will have the door opened, and then the self will gradually fade away like a

mist coming over a house.> > > * * *> > > > OK, just spell it out. What is the reason for Gandanta being in 0 deg,> > > > 120 deg and 240 deg of the zodiac if it is not a junction between agni> > > > and jala...I want to her your words if you have any.> > > Parasara's definition of gandanta is restricted to two neighboring areas in a contiguous space having a predominance of fire and water elements. "I see fire and I see water. So there is gandanta" is a wrong approach. One can then call Venus, a watery planet, being in a fiery sign or Mars, a fiery planet, being in a watery sign as gandanta. Gandanta requires a *transition* in a contiguous space.> > > In your example of upapada lord's tithi, there is no contiguous space where there is a water-fire transition.> > > [sanjay Rath:] There is something called Tithi Gandanta! Gandanta exists between Purna and

nanda tithi. > > > What is wrong with tithi fasting related to the devata of the planet associated with the Upapada? While Vara vrata will bring about marriage, tithi vrata associated with the devata should sustain it? Similarly, malefic in the 12th house can also be pacified either by their devata or if there are planets in the 8th house, then these planets shall support.> > > > Now somewhere you talked of wasting time!!! Look what you are doing.> > > > You were asked to work on Parashara by your Spiritual Master, and> > > > are you doing that? Me10, Ve7, Ve6...good research but is that from> > > > Parashara? > > > > > > Well, Me10, Ve7 etc theory is based on marrying two different teachings of Parasara (bhava karakas and special lagnas). I do not really consider it as my creation but as understanding Parasara's teachings only.> > >

[sanjay Rath:] Special Lagna are derived on the principle of circular motion and the Sun as the Lagna in the first place is derived from the Sun.> > > What you have done is to treat every planet like the Sun which is wrong. > > > The normal procedure for looking at the karaka bhava is Me10 = 10th house from Mercury; Ve7 is 7th house from Venus and so on...in the rasi and varga charts.> > > Narasimha, this is your creation and NOT taught in BPHS. Please do not twist.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Easy recipes for Christmas entertaining on Xtra Lifestyle- http://nz.lifestyle ./ food-recipes> > >> > > > > > Get the world's best email - Xtra Mail> >>

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