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Aircraft Crash : AF447 tragedy on June 1, 2009

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To All :


The take off time of AF-447 was highly inauspicious according to Suryasiddhantic Kundalee software :


1) Lords of 9th, 10th and 7th bhaavas in 6th house,


2) Rahu in 2nd,


3) Ketu in 8th,


4) Maarkesh (main killer) Saturn in 10th house of Sun, Saturn being

under highly malefic 72% lord-aspect control of Sun sitting in 6th. 1)


5) Rahu in the house of killer (2nd) had bitter enmical aspect relation with malefic Sun.


6) Lord of ascendant Jupiter was in enemy Saturn's 3rd house and had mutual aspect relation with Sun too.


7) Lord of 8th Moon had conjunction relation with Saturn and was in 69% lord-aspect control of malefic Sun too


the only planet with some good potential was Mars, being in 5th house

in its moolatrikona, but there too it was conjunct with highly malefic

Venus which was in enemy's house and lord of 6th and 11th houses.


Thus, entire chart is dominated by killer combinations. Persons whose

names begin with following letters have least chances of survival :


l, m (pierced by main killer Saturn and by malefic Venus)


retroflex t, j, l, m, u, nasal (anusvar) (pierced by second killer Moon)


h, s, d, retroflex d, vowels e and u (pierced by third killer Ketu)


l, ch, d, s, g, kh, m, vowel u (pierced by fourth killer Rahu)


v,b,r,a kh, vowels u,e,au (pierced by subsidiary killer Sun)


a,u,o (pierced by subsidiary killer Mercury)


Mars has slight benefits for names beginning with u , but Moon and ketu

pierce it. No name is auspiciously pierced by any planet. There is hardly any chance of a single survival, unless someone has strong longevity combinations in his/her personal horoscope.


Merucentric Medini Jyotisha (mundane) charts reveal following points :


1) In annual Merucentric chart at the time of Mesha Pravesha (sidereal

FPA, mid April), Saturn is maarakesh (main killer) and is in bitter

enemy's house, in watery naadi and afflicting France and adjoining

areas of North Atlantic. Rio de Janeiro was in inauspicious 6th house

and in airy naadi.


2) In Merucentric chart of 4th Nakshatra which contained crash time,

3rd house contained France and adjoining areas, Saturn sitting there

in watery naadi, while the lord of 3rd house Sun was in airy naadi in

bitter enemical sign with Maarakesh moon and lagnesh Mercury in 12th

house. Rio de Janeiro was in 6th house lorded by Mars of moolatrikona.

Saturn was lord of 8th and related to maarakesh Moon and Sun in 12th,

which made Saturn the main killer. The duration of 4th Nakshatra is

from 25 May to 8 June 2009. 1-3 Nakshatras had better Saturn and better

maarakesh, hence the evil effects of Mesha Pravesha chart had to be

given during 4th Nakshatra (I've not analyzed future Nakshatras from 5

to 27 for the whole year).


3) In Merucentric chart of shashtyamsha (half day chart) which

contained crash time, Saturn sits in 6th house with Moon, both in

watery naadis, and 6th lord Sun sits in bitter enemy's sign in 3rd

house having close relation with Saturn and Moon . Saturn was a main

killer by dint of being lord of inauspicious 12th and 11th houses. Mid

Atlantic was in 8th house of Death. Since lord of 2nd maarakesh Mars

was in its mooltrikona and was in airy naadi together with enmical

Mercury in chandaa naadi, and exalted Venus was also having full aspect

on northern part of 8th house owned by it (Venus was exalted but

malefic being lord of 3rd and 8th houses), there was strong turbulence

in mid Atlantic, esp around equator which seems to be crash site

according to charts as well as reports.


I analyzed all previous half-day shashtyamsha charts of 4th Nakshatra :

worst killer combination was in 12th shashtyamsha whose duration was

from 31 may 23:41:25 GMT to 1 June 12:15:58 GMT . Hence, 12th

shashtyamsha had to give the ominous results of 4th Nakshatra chart, in

the same way 4th Nakshatra was destined to give the result of Mesha

Pravesha chart in those regions.


Crash time appears to be 0207 GMT (±

7 minutes) from internet news. Charts made from expected crash site

(~30 W and 10N) indicate that a strong turbulence struck the aircraft

at 02:04:19 GMT (when exalted Venus in airy naadi entered 2nd house of

Killer), just after which crash took place.


Here are some news items scanned through internet :


0133 GMT, Monday 1 June: Last radar contact with flight AF 447,

according to the Brazilian air force. The jet had just passed the

Fernando de Noronha islands, about 350 km (217 miles) off the coast of



0200 GMT : the aircraft crossed into a high turbulence zone.


0214 GMT : last automated message received.


1140 GMT: Brazil's air force says Flight AF 447 was "well advanced" over the Atlantic Ocean when it went missing.



1142 GMT: Air France confirms it received a message about an electrical fault from the aircraft.



1213 GMT: Air France suggests the electrical fault may have been caused by the plane suffering a lightning strike.



1651 GMT: French President Nicolas Sarkozy says the prospect of finding survivors from the flight is "very slim".




Here are some names who were onboard ;


1.) Eirch Heine - President of Admistration Council of ThyssenKrupp-Companhia Siderurgica do Atlantico(CSA)


2.) Luis Roberto Anastacio - President Michelin South America


3.) Antonio Guerios - IT Director Michelin


4.) Christin Pieraerts - Employee Michelin


5.) Dr. Roberto Correa Chem - Plastic Surgeon - Director of Skin Bank

and Chief of Plastic Surgery Service of Porto Alegre Hospital.(Porto

Alegre is a City in the South of Brazil)


6.) Vera Chem (Wife of Dr. Chem)


7.) Leticia Chem (daughter of Dr. Chem - International Roaming manager of OI Phone Company


8.) Deise Possamai


9.) Marcelo Parente - Chief of Staff of Rio de Janeiro Mayor.


10.) Leonardo Veloso Dardengo - Oceanographer


11.) Pedro Luiz de Orleans e Braganca - Prince - Descendant of Don Pedro II Brazilian Emperor 1822-1831


12.) Rino Zandonai - Director of the Trentini Nel Mondo Onlus Association - Italy


13.) Giambattista Lenzi - Regional Conselor of Trentino Alto Adige - Italy


14.) Gianni Zortea - Mayor, Canal San Bovo - Italy


15.) Silvio Barbato - Conductor Rio Municipal Theater.


-Vinay Jha

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