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Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

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sri ganeshaya namah


dear narasimha ji,



sorry for the interruption .just wanted to know from where did you get the pam

beeja and does it directly represent maharshi parashara?


also , the concept of invoking maharshi parashara for a better understanding of

hora shastra seems perfect to me , its just that i dont do any homams of now as

i dont know how to ...


could u suggest a simpler mantra to invoke the maharshi? it is only his

blessings that can shows us the true picture...




chandan s sabarwal.

sohamsa , Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:


> Namaste Sanjay and friends,


> In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said regarding Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's



> " In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I have never come

across anything as close to this chart which represents a perfect incarnation of

Lord Shiva. "


> Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form of " Shiva " shown by the



> * * *


> However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed and

religious authorities at his time opined.


> When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami Vivekananda)

once thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity if he declares his divinity

*now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering. " As if he detected the thought,

Ramakrishna said to Narendra, " you still have doubts? He who was Rama and

Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not mean it in your vedantic

sense! "


> By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense and

referring to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he clearly revealed that he

was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a lie and valued

truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question himself must be

more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological principles.


> Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by

Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that confirmed

to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be an

incarnation of Vishnu.


> Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.


> Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even called

Ramakrishna's visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of the

mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him respect

and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one with

purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one with

raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in Himalayas

that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.


> * * *


> As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is supposed

to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be tempted to

theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva tattva to

guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not just

Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the greatest

gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad Gita, the

greatest spiritual teaching ever.


> Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a few

millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda Bhagavatpada

was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great sishyas. His

main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva and Govinda

Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.


> If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva

(Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha

of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all!

Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.


> Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and

Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi



> * * *


> -------------------------------

> Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle

> -------------------------------


> You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per Vimsottari

dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a high level soul having

incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and a

questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.


> However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do not

satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level souls having

incarnated " .


> Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based on

" vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet mapping for one specific

dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space of Vimsottari

lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space of chara

karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is mixing up

two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in many

examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable data).

Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which was

made based on just 2-3 charts.


> Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of applicable



> * * *


> I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation, that works

in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each formula works in

some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all unquestionably very

high caliber spiritual people.


> After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi homam and

prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra that

works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula that was given to

me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th nakshatra - reckoned from chara

aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) from a planet

that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from chara aatma kaaraka in D-20

chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi chart. If chara aatma kaaraka

is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well as counting of the 12th house

in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order. "


> The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house from AK in it

shows the liberation of individual soul as one progresses spiritually.

Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka (28th)

nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space. Planet

having an influence on both the factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th

and 9th from lagna show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences

all the three factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The reverse counting

from Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining argala, Parasara

asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses from Rahu and Ketu

in anti-zodiacal order.


> Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings poorvapunya and bhagya

(5th and 9th) to this specific existence (lagna) and promotes liberation (12th

house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the conscious mental plane (SBC) and

the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).


> Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa lordships. It uses

nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.


> * * *


> When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all

the charts.


> Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th star from him is

Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is in Ta and the

12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.


> Ramakrishna's AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star from him counted

anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has vedha in SBC only from Saturn. In D-20, Rahu

is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq. Saturn owns it. In

rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.


> Vivekananda's AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha. The 28t star from him is

Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In D-20, Sun is in

Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.


> Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th star from him is

Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In D-20,

Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter occupies the 5th



> Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in Chitra. The 28th star

from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and aspect from Jupiter in

SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th while Rahu and Ketu

aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and occupies 9th.


> Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th star from him is

Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In D-20, Rahu is in Sg.

The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun aspects it. In rasi,

Sun is the 9th lord.


> Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The 28th star from him

is Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn aspects it. In D-20,

Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own it and Moon aspects

it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.


> * * *


> Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time continuum when

living here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth. To those of you

who do any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender to Parasara and

get some blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12 aahutis (oblations)

of ghee at the beginning of uttaraangam while saying one of the following:


> daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM

> horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM. svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM

na mama.


> or


> om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha


> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



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sri ganeshaya namah,


dear narasimha,



just wanted to know from where has the pam beeja been derived and is it directly

related to maharsi parasara? also, since many like me dont know how to do homam

, could u suggest a mantra specifically to propitiate maharsi parasara?



many thanks,

chandan s sabarwal.


sohamsa , Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:


> Namaste Sanjay and friends,


> In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said regarding Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's



> " In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I have never come

across anything as close to this chart which represents a perfect incarnation of

Lord Shiva. "


> Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form of " Shiva " shown by the



> * * *


> However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed and

religious authorities at his time opined.


> When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami Vivekananda)

once thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity if he declares his divinity

*now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering. " As if he detected the thought,

Ramakrishna said to Narendra, " you still have doubts? He who was Rama and

Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not mean it in your vedantic

sense! "


> By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense and

referring to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he clearly revealed that he

was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a lie and valued

truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question himself must be

more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological principles.


> Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by

Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that confirmed

to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be an

incarnation of Vishnu.


> Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.


> Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even called

Ramakrishna's visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of the

mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him respect

and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one with

purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one with

raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in Himalayas

that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.


> * * *


> As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is supposed

to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be tempted to

theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva tattva to

guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not just

Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the greatest

gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad Gita, the

greatest spiritual teaching ever.


> Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a few

millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda Bhagavatpada

was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great sishyas. His

main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva and Govinda

Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.


> If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva

(Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha

of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all!

Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.


> Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and

Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi



> * * *


> -------------------------------

> Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle

> -------------------------------


> You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per Vimsottari

dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a high level soul having

incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and a

questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.


> However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do not

satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level souls having

incarnated " .


> Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based on

" vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet mapping for one specific

dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space of Vimsottari

lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space of chara

karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is mixing up

two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in many

examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable data).

Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which was

made based on just 2-3 charts.


> Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of applicable



> * * *


> I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation, that works

in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each formula works in

some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all unquestionably very

high caliber spiritual people.


> After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi homam and

prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra that

works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula that was given to

me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th nakshatra - reckoned from chara

aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) from a planet

that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from chara aatma kaaraka in D-20

chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi chart. If chara aatma kaaraka

is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well as counting of the 12th house

in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order. "


> The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house from AK in it

shows the liberation of individual soul as one progresses spiritually.

Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka (28th)

nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space. Planet

having an influence on both the factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th

and 9th from lagna show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences

all the three factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The reverse counting

from Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining argala, Parasara

asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses from Rahu and Ketu

in anti-zodiacal order.


> Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings poorvapunya and bhagya

(5th and 9th) to this specific existence (lagna) and promotes liberation (12th

house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the conscious mental plane (SBC) and

the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).


> Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa lordships. It uses

nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.


> * * *


> When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all

the charts.


> Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th star from him is

Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is in Ta and the

12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.


> Ramakrishna's AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star from him counted

anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has vedha in SBC only from Saturn. In D-20, Rahu

is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq. Saturn owns it. In

rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.


> Vivekananda's AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha. The 28t star from him is

Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In D-20, Sun is in

Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.


> Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th star from him is

Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In D-20,

Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter occupies the 5th



> Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in Chitra. The 28th star

from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and aspect from Jupiter in

SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th while Rahu and Ketu

aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and occupies 9th.


> Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th star from him is

Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In D-20, Rahu is in Sg.

The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun aspects it. In rasi,

Sun is the 9th lord.


> Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The 28th star from him

is Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn aspects it. In D-20,

Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own it and Moon aspects

it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.


> * * *


> Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time continuum when

living here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth. To those of you

who do any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender to Parasara and

get some blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12 aahutis (oblations)

of ghee at the beginning of uttaraangam while saying one of the following:


> daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM

> horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM. svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM

na mama.


> or


> om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha


> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



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Namaste Rajarshi,


(1) Of course not. This is just a conducive factor. It makes sense logically and

it seems to work in several charts in which you would expect it to apply. That's



I have no view on (2) and (3). Obviously, I do not have all answers.


* * *


> Thanks for your research. Appreciate them a lot.


What I shared is the tip of the iceberg, just like the planetary special lagna

concepts that I illustrated using Ve7 as an example sometime back.


There are so many reference points in charts, so many houses and so many

nakshatras. If one applies oneself intelligently and tests using many examples,

one can arrive at so many formulas using what I gave as a template.


I will illustrate just one more principle. If the 6th house reckoned from AmK in

D-10 and the 10th star (karma nakshatra) reckoned from AmK in SBC have an

influence of the same planet and that planet is also associated with a trine

from GL in rasi chart, one rises to a position of power and influence in one's

work. We are basically looking for synergy between (a) the professional (D-10)

effort (6th) and (b) mental (SBC) activity (10th star) of the spirit of work in

one (AmK) and the blessings (trines) related to power and influence (GL).


Nehru's AmK is Rahu. From Ardra containing Rahu, the 10th star counted

anti-zodiacally is Satabhishak. In SBC, it has vedha from Mercury and Venus. In

D-10, the 6th house from Li containing Rahu counted anti-zodiacally is Ta. Venus

owns it. In rasi chart, Venus is the lord of GL and joins the lord of the 5th

house from GL.


Indira Gandhi's AmK is Venus. From Poorvashadha containing Venus, the 10th star

is Aswini. In SBC, it has vedha from Mars and Jupiter. In D-10, the 6th house

from Cn containing Venus is Sg. Jupiter owns it. In rasi chart, Jupiter is the

9th lord from GL.


Rajiv Gandhi's AmK is Rahu. From Punarvasu containing Rahu, the 10th star

counted anti-zodiacally is Poorvabhadra. In SBC, it has vedha from nodes and

aspect from Mercury and Mars. In D-10, the 6th house from Pi containing Rahu

counted anti-zodiacally is Li. Mars and Mercury aspect it from Ta. In rasi

chart, Mervcury is the 9th lord from GL.


PV Narasimha Rao's AmK is Venus. From Krittika containing Venus, the 10th star

is Uttara Phalguni. In SBC, it has vedha from Mercury and aspect from Moon and

Mars. In D-10, the 6th house from Cp containing Venus is Ge owned by Mercury and

only Mercury aspects it. In rasi chart, Mercury is the dispositor of the 5th and

9th lords from GL and is with them, aspecting GL.


Ronald Reagan's AmK is Sun. From Dhanishtha containing Sun, the 10th star is

Mrigasira. In SBC, it has vedha from Mercury and aspect from Mars and Saturn. In

D-10, the 6th house from Ar containing Sun is Vi owned and occupied by Mercury

and only Mars aspects it from Pi. In rasi chart, Mercury and Mars are in GL and

Mars owns the 5th from GL.


George W Bush's AmK is Jupiter. From Chitra containing Jupiter, the 10th star is

Sravana. In SBC, it has vedha from none but aspected by Mercury, Jupiter and

Venus. In D-10, the 6th house from Cp containing Jupiter is Ge owned by Mercury

and aspected by Venus from Sg. In rasi chart, Mercury and Venus are in the 9th

house from GL.


* * *




One may be able to unearth many ways to combine nakshatra chakra (SBC), various

divisional charts and rasi chart. What factor at the mental level (SBC), what

factor at the level of a specific environment in life (i.e. a divisional chart,

examples of various environments shown in various divisional charts are -

professional in D-10, parental in D-12, educational in D-24, spiritual in D-20,

financial in D-2 etc) and what factor at the physical level (rasi chart) need to

have a synergy, in order to produce a specific result?


* * *


Namaste Rajarshi and other young sadhakas-cum-Jyotishis,


I want to humbly say a word on " research " . Please ignore my 2 cents if this

makes no sense to you.


I was quite passionate about Jyotish research several years back and used to

spend a lot of time in research. I used to sleep at 3 am and get up at 6 am. I

used to spend long hours formulating principles and testing them out on charts,

changing JHora sometimes for it. After coming home from work, I used to spend as

much time on astrology study and research, as I used to spend on my main

profession during the day.


After spiritual transformation in recent years, I stopped spending that much

time. However, the productivity of my Jyotish research went up. Some ideas that

struck to my mind at the end of nice meditation sessions turned out to be good

and simply worked in several charts that I tried out later.


If you surrender to god and rishis, you will receive whatever knowledge you need

for your activities in this life. Have faith in god and rishis and surrender.

Also, it is important to approach Jyotish knowledge with the spirit of a

brahmana. Brahmana is one who cares about nothing other than knowledge and

liberation. Kshatriya is one who cares about power, authority and control over

others. Vaisya is one who cares about money. Do not look at your Jyotish

knowledge as a means to have some control or authority over people and do not

feel proud of your knowledge, like a kshatriya. Also, do not look at your

Jyotish knowledge as a means to get money and try to increase your gains, like a

vaishya. Be a true braahmana in the prusuit of Jyotish knowledge and surrender

to god and rishis. Sky is the limit for you then.


Of course, it is also possible then that you lose interest in Jyotish completely

or partially and do not receive any or much Jyotish knowledge. But so be it. As

I said, you will receive " whatever knowledge *you need* " . You don't know what

you really need, but god does! Complete surrender means not asking for any

specific thing and accepting whatever comes one's way!


* * *


Reply to Mail 2 below:


I am replying publicly while keeping your anonymity.


2. Yes, a blue light from a Shiva linga entered his mother when she was pregnant

with him. She also had darshan of many celestial beings on a regular basis

during her pregnancy, which stopped after the delivery.


Actually, Vishnu told his father in the dream at Gaya that you refer to, that

*he himself* would come as a son.


There are different indications, but what Ramakrishna himself declared should be

the final word.


4. When I meditate deeply after homam or in general, I sometimes go into a nice

spiritual state. Though there was some desire to find some principle based on

abhisheka nakshatra *before* meditation started, it completely vanished from my

consciousness as meditation deepened and the regular self-awareness vanished

too. Then I was in a nice spiritual state where the logical mind and intuitive

mind were very very calm without much mental activity. When I was coming back to

a state of normal self-awareness from such a state, I just became aware of a

thought. It felt like it was someone's thought just flowing in the universe and

I happened to be on the same wavelength and was able to observe it.


I only said I prayed to Parasara and this formula was given to me. I did not say

who gave it to me, because I do not know. But I express my gratitude to

Parasara, as I had prayed to him before and then this thought came and moreover

this principle is far more logical and far more accurate than anything I was

able to synthesize using my rational and intuitive minds before. If one begged

the king for money and suddenly found a bag of gold coins thrown into one's

backyard by an unseen person, one will only thank the king. Especially if the

coins seem to be made of real gold..


5. I am glad you were thinking along those lines! It shows you have some really

good samskaras guiding your instincts. You can ask Agni to carry an oblation of

ghee to various deities and rishis, without a separate invocation. For example,

if your gotra is Goutama, you can offer an oblation in the fire while saying " om

gautamaaya svaahaa. gautamaayedam na mama " . Or, if you want to offer to Jupiter,

you can offer an oblation in the fire while saying " om bR^ihaspataye svaahaa.

bR^ihaspataya na mama " . You can do this after the main homam and before you

start the final offerings to Agni, Vaayu, Surya, Prajapati, Vishnu and Shiva.


If you want to specifically invoke, you can use the Ganesha invocation from

Krishna homam or Shiva homam manual as the template and follow that procedure.

Replace " oM gaM gaNapataye namaH " with " oM paM paraasharaaya namaH " or just " oM

paraasharaaya namaH " or the verse for Parasara below. Irresepctive of the exact

procedure you used, the keys to success are (a) the strength of belief that

Parasara is there in fire and (b) respect and surrender for him. Use whatever

procedure maximizes those aspects in you.


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



sohamsa , rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14 wrote:


> Namaste Narasimha,


> Very good work.


> I was trying this in some charts and most of them gave very accurate results.


> I have a few queries:


> 1) If both condition (a) and condition (b) get fulfilled, can we safely

conclude that this person will attain to the highest spiritual experience of



> 2) If only one condition is fulfilled, say the Vedha graha aspects the 12th

from Ak in D20, but is not connected to 5th and/or 9th in rasi, or vice versa,

can we conclude that the person is spiritual but may not reach the highest



> 3) In case of no Vedha graha, does it indicate that this person cannot attain

moksha in that life time?


> Thanks for your research. Appreciate them a lot.


> -Regards

> Rajarshi


> ------------------


> Mail 2:


> Dear Narasimha, namaste & pranaams


> *The nature of this email is necessarily private. Do not quote this email

> unless you feel some points/your reply to points would benefit a larger

> section of society. Thanks in advance.*


> 1. I am so excited at your directly received revelation from Maharishi

> Parasara! This indicates that vargas can be read as independent charts and

> gives some valuable pointers as to how connections between rasi and vargas

> can be synthesized. The tip of an iceberg is indicated here!


> 2. It is mentioned (I cannot cite the reference) that a blue light emanated

> out of the Shiva Linga when Sri Ramakrishna's mother went to the temple and

> the waves of the blue light passed into her. She felt as if she was pregnant

> immediately. At the same time, Sri Ramakrishna's father had a dream at Gaya

> that Vishnu would bless him with an illustrious progeny.


> 3. The statement of Sanjay cited by you below is at best an empirical

> statement. It does not give any criteria as to how the judgement was arrived

> at.


> 4. May I respectfully ask how you received the revelation?


> 5. Nowadays I am performing the Ganesha homam weekly. I had been toying with

> the idea of whether to invoke Maharishis Parasara and Jaimini in the homam,

> bow before them and seek their blessings for studying the jyotisa shastra.

> You indirectly answered the unspoken desire! How may I invoke Maharishi

> Jaimini in the homan?


> best regards

> <name deleted>


> --- On Tue, 8/9/09, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:


> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr

> Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

> sohamsa , vedic astrology ,

, sjcBoston ,


> Tuesday, 8 September, 2009, 5:22 AM


> Namaste Sanjay and friends,


> In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said regarding Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's



> " In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I have never come

across anything as close to this chart which represents a perfect incarnation of

Lord Shiva. "


> Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form of " Shiva " shown by the



> * * *


> However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed and

religious authorities at his time opined.


> When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami Vivekananda)

once thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity if he declares his divinity

*now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering. " As if he detected the thought,

Ramakrishna said to Narendra, " you still have doubts? He who was Rama and

Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not mean it in your vedantic

sense! "


> By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense and

referring to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he clearly revealed that he

was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a lie and valued

truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question himself must be

more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological principles.


> Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by

Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that confirmed

to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be an

incarnation of Vishnu.


> Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.


> Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even called

Ramakrishna' s visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of the

mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him respect

and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one with

purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one with

raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in Himalayas

that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.


> * * *


> As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is supposed

to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be tempted to

theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva tattva to

guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not just

Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the greatest

gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad Gita, the

greatest spiritual teaching ever.


> Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a few

millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda Bhagavatpada

was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great sishyas. His

main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva and Govinda

Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.


> If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva

(Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha

of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all!

Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.


> Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and

Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi



> * * *


> ------------ --------- --------- -

> Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle

> ------------ --------- --------- -


> You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per Vimsottari

dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a high level soul having

incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and a

questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.


> However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do not

satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level souls having

incarnated " .


> Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based on

" vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet mapping for one specific

dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space of Vimsottari

lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space of chara

karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is mixing up

two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in many

examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable data).

Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which was

made based on just 2-3 charts.


> Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of applicable



> * * *


> I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation, that works

in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each formula works in

some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all unquestionably very

high caliber spiritual people.


> After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi homam and

prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra that

works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula that was given to

me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th nakshatra - reckoned from chara

aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) from a planet

that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from chara aatma kaaraka in D-20

chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi chart. If chara aatma kaaraka

is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well as counting of the 12th house

in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order. "


> The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house from AK in it

shows the liberation of individual soul as one progresses spiritually.

Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka (28th)

nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space. Planet

having an influence on both the factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th

and 9th from lagna show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences

all the three factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The reverse counting

from Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining argala, Parasara

asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses from Rahu and Ketu

in anti-zodiacal order.


> Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings poorvapunya and bhagya

(5th and 9th) to this specific existence (lagna) and promotes liberation (12th

house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the conscious mental plane (SBC) and

the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).


> Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa lordships. It uses

nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.


> * * *


> When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all

the charts.


> Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th star from him is

Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is in Ta and the

12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.


> Ramakrishna' s AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star from him counted

anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has vedha in SBC only from Saturn. In D-20, Rahu

is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq. Saturn owns it. In

rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.


> Vivekananda' s AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha. The 28t star from him is

Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In D-20, Sun is in

Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.


> Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th star from him is

Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In D-20,

Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter occupies the 5th



> Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in Chitra. The 28th star

from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and aspect from Jupiter in

SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th while Rahu and Ketu

aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and occupies 9th.


> Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th star from him is

Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In D-20, Rahu is in Sg.

The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun aspects it. In rasi,

Sun is the 9th lord.


> Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The 28th star from him

is Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn aspects it. In D-20,

Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own it and Moon aspects

it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.


> * * *


> Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time continuum when

living here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth. To those of you

who do any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender to Parasara and

get some blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12 aahutis (oblations)

of ghee at the beginning of uttaraangam while saying one of the following:


> daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM

> horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM. svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM

na mama.


> or


> om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

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PVRji Namaste,


Your mail , reply, clarifications and the write-ups has been quite an enlightening experience for student of astrology like me.


Explaining clearly the traits of Brahmana , Kshatriya & Vaisya at the context of learning & sharing of knowledge was very nicely said. Knowledge is Power but sharing it gives enlightment.


Your mail has prompted me to delve into the homan section in you website and shortly I will start with the homan with the various templates you have cited in your site. PVRji, would you kindly advise us which homan to start with and what are the benefits one can get from the various homan's stated in your site. (Thanks for your time and advises).


My humble prayers to our Creator to bless with you with all the knowledge so that you can share it with us for the development of our studies and for students like me.

With Respects, Devbrato Sarkar

"Wealth is not just about making the money BUT making the MAN while he is making money".--- On Tue, 9/8/09, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:

Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatrasjc-guru , , sohamsa, sjcBoston , vedic astrology Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 11:37 PM

Namaste Rajarshi,(1) Of course not. This is just a conducive factor. It makes sense logically and it seems to work in several charts in which you would expect it to apply. That's all.I have no view on (2) and (3). Obviously, I do not have all answers.* * *> Thanks for your research. Appreciate them a lot.What I shared is the tip of the iceberg, just like the planetary special lagna concepts that I illustrated using Ve7 as an example sometime back.There are so many reference points in charts, so many houses and so many nakshatras. If one applies oneself intelligently and tests using many examples, one can arrive at so many formulas using what I gave as a template.I will illustrate just one more principle. If the 6th house reckoned from AmK in D-10 and the 10th star (karma nakshatra) reckoned from AmK in SBC have an influence of the same planet and that planet is also associated with a trine

from GL in rasi chart, one rises to a position of power and influence in one's work. We are basically looking for synergy between (a) the professional (D-10) effort (6th) and (b) mental (SBC) activity (10th star) of the spirit of work in one (AmK) and the blessings (trines) related to power and influence (GL).Nehru's AmK is Rahu. From Ardra containing Rahu, the 10th star counted anti-zodiacally is Satabhishak. In SBC, it has vedha from Mercury and Venus. In D-10, the 6th house from Li containing Rahu counted anti-zodiacally is Ta. Venus owns it. In rasi chart, Venus is the lord of GL and joins the lord of the 5th house from GL.Indira Gandhi's AmK is Venus. From Poorvashadha containing Venus, the 10th star is Aswini. In SBC, it has vedha from Mars and Jupiter. In D-10, the 6th house from Cn containing Venus is Sg. Jupiter owns it. In rasi chart, Jupiter is the 9th lord from GL.Rajiv Gandhi's AmK is Rahu. From Punarvasu containing

Rahu, the 10th star counted anti-zodiacally is Poorvabhadra. In SBC, it has vedha from nodes and aspect from Mercury and Mars. In D-10, the 6th house from Pi containing Rahu counted anti-zodiacally is Li. Mars and Mercury aspect it from Ta. In rasi chart, Mervcury is the 9th lord from GL.PV Narasimha Rao's AmK is Venus. From Krittika containing Venus, the 10th star is Uttara Phalguni. In SBC, it has vedha from Mercury and aspect from Moon and Mars. In D-10, the 6th house from Cp containing Venus is Ge owned by Mercury and only Mercury aspects it. In rasi chart, Mercury is the dispositor of the 5th and 9th lords from GL and is with them, aspecting GL.Ronald Reagan's AmK is Sun. From Dhanishtha containing Sun, the 10th star is Mrigasira. In SBC, it has vedha from Mercury and aspect from Mars and Saturn. In D-10, the 6th house from Ar containing Sun is Vi owned and occupied by Mercury and only Mars aspects it from Pi. In rasi chart, Mercury

and Mars are in GL and Mars owns the 5th from GL.George W Bush's AmK is Jupiter. From Chitra containing Jupiter, the 10th star is Sravana. In SBC, it has vedha from none but aspected by Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. In D-10, the 6th house from Cp containing Jupiter is Ge owned by Mercury and aspected by Venus from Sg. In rasi chart, Mercury and Venus are in the 9th house from GL.* * *Bottomline:One may be able to unearth many ways to combine nakshatra chakra (SBC), various divisional charts and rasi chart. What factor at the mental level (SBC), what factor at the level of a specific environment in life (i.e. a divisional chart, examples of various environments shown in various divisional charts are - professional in D-10, parental in D-12, educational in D-24, spiritual in D-20, financial in D-2 etc) and what factor at the physical level (rasi chart) need to have a synergy, in order to produce a specific result?* *

*Namaste Rajarshi and other young sadhakas-cum- Jyotishis,I want to humbly say a word on "research". Please ignore my 2 cents if this makes no sense to you.I was quite passionate about Jyotish research several years back and used to spend a lot of time in research. I used to sleep at 3 am and get up at 6 am. I used to spend long hours formulating principles and testing them out on charts, changing JHora sometimes for it. After coming home from work, I used to spend as much time on astrology study and research, as I used to spend on my main profession during the day.After spiritual transformation in recent years, I stopped spending that much time. However, the productivity of my Jyotish research went up. Some ideas that struck to my mind at the end of nice meditation sessions turned out to be good and simply worked in several charts that I tried out later.If you surrender to god and rishis, you will receive

whatever knowledge you need for your activities in this life. Have faith in god and rishis and surrender. Also, it is important to approach Jyotish knowledge with the spirit of a brahmana. Brahmana is one who cares about nothing other than knowledge and liberation. Kshatriya is one who cares about power, authority and control over others. Vaisya is one who cares about money. Do not look at your Jyotish knowledge as a means to have some control or authority over people and do not feel proud of your knowledge, like a kshatriya. Also, do not look at your Jyotish knowledge as a means to get money and try to increase your gains, like a vaishya. Be a true braahmana in the prusuit of Jyotish knowledge and surrender to god and rishis. Sky is the limit for you then.Of course, it is also possible then that you lose interest in Jyotish completely or partially and do not receive any or much Jyotish knowledge. But so be it. As I said, you will receive

"whatever knowledge *you need*". You don't know what you really need, but god does! Complete surrender means not asking for any specific thing and accepting whatever comes one's way!* * *Reply to Mail 2 below:I am replying publicly while keeping your anonymity.2. Yes, a blue light from a Shiva linga entered his mother when she was pregnant with him. She also had darshan of many celestial beings on a regular basis during her pregnancy, which stopped after the delivery.Actually, Vishnu told his father in the dream at Gaya that you refer to, that *he himself* would come as a son.There are different indications, but what Ramakrishna himself declared should be the final word.4. When I meditate deeply after homam or in general, I sometimes go into a nice spiritual state. Though there was some desire to find some principle based on abhisheka nakshatra *before* meditation started, it completely vanished

from my consciousness as meditation deepened and the regular self-awareness vanished too. Then I was in a nice spiritual state where the logical mind and intuitive mind were very very calm without much mental activity. When I was coming back to a state of normal self-awareness from such a state, I just became aware of a thought. It felt like it was someone's thought just flowing in the universe and I happened to be on the same wavelength and was able to observe it.I only said I prayed to Parasara and this formula was given to me. I did not say who gave it to me, because I do not know. But I express my gratitude to Parasara, as I had prayed to him before and then this thought came and moreover this principle is far more logical and far more accurate than anything I was able to synthesize using my rational and intuitive minds before. If one begged the king for money and suddenly found a bag of gold coins thrown into one's backyard by an unseen

person, one will only thank the king. Especially if the coins seem to be made of real gold..5. I am glad you were thinking along those lines! It shows you have some really good samskaras guiding your instincts. You can ask Agni to carry an oblation of ghee to various deities and rishis, without a separate invocation. For example, if your gotra is Goutama, you can offer an oblation in the fire while saying "om gautamaaya svaahaa. gautamaayedam na mama". Or, if you want to offer to Jupiter, you can offer an oblation in the fire while saying "om bR^ihaspataye svaahaa. bR^ihaspataya na mama". You can do this after the main homam and before you start the final offerings to Agni, Vaayu, Surya, Prajapati, Vishnu and Shiva.If you want to specifically invoke, you can use the Ganesha invocation from Krishna homam or Shiva homam manual as the template and follow that procedure. Replace "oM gaM gaNapataye namaH" with "oM paM paraasharaaya namaH" or

just "oM paraasharaaya namaH" or the verse for Parasara below. Irresepctive of the exact procedure you used, the keys to success are (a) the strength of belief that Parasara is there in fire and (b) respect and surrender for him. Use whatever procedure maximizes those aspects in you.Best regards,Narasimha------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer..org/ homamDo Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpanaSpirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdomFree Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.

home.comcast. netFree Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.orgSri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -sohamsa@ .com, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ ...> wrote:> > Namaste Narasimha, > > Very good work.> > I was trying this in some charts and most of them gave very accurate results.> > I have a few queries:> > 1) If both condition (a) and condition (b) get fulfilled, can we safely conclude that this person will attain to the highest spiritual

experience of Moksha?> > 2) If only one condition is fulfilled, say the Vedha graha aspects the 12th from Ak in D20, but is not connected to 5th and/or 9th in rasi, or vice versa, can we conclude that the person is spiritual but may not reach the highest realization?> > 3) In case of no Vedha graha, does it indicate that this person cannot attain moksha in that life time?> > Thanks for your research. Appreciate them a lot.> > -Regards > Rajarshi> > ------------ ------> > Mail 2:> > Dear Narasimha, namaste & pranaams> > *The nature of this email is necessarily private. Do not quote this email> unless you feel some points/your reply to points would benefit a larger> section of society. Thanks in advance.*> > 1. I am so excited at your directly received revelation from Maharishi> Parasara! This

indicates that vargas can be read as independent charts and> gives some valuable pointers as to how connections between rasi and vargas> can be synthesized. The tip of an iceberg is indicated here!> > 2. It is mentioned (I cannot cite the reference) that a blue light emanated> out of the Shiva Linga when Sri Ramakrishna' s mother went to the temple and> the waves of the blue light passed into her. She felt as if she was pregnant> immediately. At the same time, Sri Ramakrishna' s father had a dream at Gaya> that Vishnu would bless him with an illustrious progeny.> > 3. The statement of Sanjay cited by you below is at best an empirical> statement. It does not give any criteria as to how the judgement was arrived> at.> > 4. May I respectfully ask how you received the revelation?> > 5. Nowadays I am performing the Ganesha homam weekly. I had been

toying with> the idea of whether to invoke Maharishis Parasara and Jaimini in the homam,> bow before them and seek their blessings for studying the jyotisa shastra.> You indirectly answered the unspoken desire! How may I invoke Maharishi> Jaimini in the homan?> > best regards> <name deleted>> > --- On Tue, 8/9/09, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:> > Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr> Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra> sohamsa@ .com, vedic astrology, , sjcBoston@grou ps.com, sjc-guru@ s.com> Tuesday, 8 September, 2009, 5:22 AM> > Namaste Sanjay and friends,> > In your book "Brihat Nakshatra", you said regarding Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's chart:> > "In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I have never come across anything as close to this chart which represents a perfect incarnation of Lord Shiva."> >

Then you went on to talk about the "specific" form of "Shiva" shown by the chart.> > * * *> > However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed and religious authorities at his time opined.> > When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami Vivekananda) once thought to himself, "I will accept his divinity if he declares his divinity *now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering." As if he detected the thought, Ramakrishna said to Narendra, "you still have doubts? He who was Rama and Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not mean it in your vedantic sense!"> > By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense and referring to "He who was Rama and Krishna before", he clearly revealed that he was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a lie and valued truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question himself must be

more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological principles.> > Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that confirmed to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be an incarnation of Vishnu.> > Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.> > Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even called Ramakrishna' s visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of the mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one with purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one with raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in Himalayas that

Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.> > * * *> > As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is supposed to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be tempted to theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva tattva to guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not just Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the greatest gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad Gita, the greatest spiritual teaching ever.> > Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a few millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda Bhagavatpada was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great sishyas. His main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva and Govinda Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu

tattwa.> > If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva (Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all! Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.> > Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi Shankara.> > * * *> > ------------ --------- --------- -> Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle> ------------ --------- --------- -> > You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per Vimsottari dasa lordship) being AK is the "first indication of a high level soul having incarnated". You use the charts of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and a questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.> > However, there are

many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi, Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do not satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely "high level souls having incarnated".> > Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based on "vimsottari lordships", which is just a star-planet mapping for one specific dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space of Vimsottari lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space of chara karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is mixing up two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in many examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable data). Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which was made based on just 2-3 charts.> > Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of

applicable charts.> > * * *> > I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation, that works in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each formula works in some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all unquestionably very high caliber spiritual people.> > After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi homam and prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra that works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula that was given to me is this: "The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th nakshatra - reckoned from chara aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) from a planet that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from chara aatma kaaraka in D-20 chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi chart. If chara aatma

kaaraka is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well as counting of the 12th house in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order."> > The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house from AK in it shows the liberation of individual soul as one progresses spiritually. Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka (28th) nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space. Planet having an influence on both the factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th and 9th from lagna show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences all the three factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The reverse counting from Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining argala, Parasara asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses from Rahu and Ketu in anti-zodiacal order.> > Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings poorvapunya and bhagya (5th and 9th)

to this specific existence (lagna) and promotes liberation (12th house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the conscious mental plane (SBC) and the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).> > Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa lordships. It uses nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.> > * * *> > When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all the charts.> > Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th star from him is Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is in Ta and the 12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.> > Ramakrishna' s AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star from him counted anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has

vedha in SBC only from Saturn. In D-20, Rahu is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq. Saturn owns it. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.> > Vivekananda' s AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha.. The 28t star from him is Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In D-20, Sun is in Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.> > Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th star from him is Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In D-20, Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter occupies the 5th house.> > Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in Chitra. The 28th star from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th while Rahu and Ketu aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and

occupies 9th.> > Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th star from him is Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In D-20, Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun aspects it. In rasi, Sun is the 9th lord.> > Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The 28th star from him is Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn aspects it. In D-20, Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own it and Moon aspects it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.> > * * *> > Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time continuum when living here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth. To those of you who do any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender to Parasara and get some blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12 aahutis (oblations) of ghee at the beginning

of uttaraangam while saying one of the following:> > daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM> horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM. svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.> > or> > om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.> > Best regards,> Narasimha

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oṠgurave namaḥ

Here is one example.

Sarada Mata - born in cancer lagna with the lagneśa Moon,

compassionate and caring, as the chara ÄtmakÄraka in Uttara PhÄlguṇī naká¹£atra.

The abhiÅ›eka tÄrÄ is PÅ«rva PhÄlguṇī which is ruled by Venus the natural

significator of spouse which is placed in the 7th house of marriage. Therefore

the one who deserves the abhiÅ›eka is her spouse ÅšrÄ« Ramakrshna Paramhaá¹sa.

Venus is in Capricorn and ÄtmakÄraka Moon is in the sammukha rÄÅ›i Leo forming

YÄnavanta Yoga. It is very obvious that she is very spiritual but her path to

spiritual enlightenment and moká¹£a comes from her spouse.


It is so simple and so obvious. I am really surprised that you

could not see it. Now go back and work out the other examples

Best Wishes, Sanjay Rath





[sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

14 September 2009 05:16


Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra














> However, there are many examples like Sarada Mata,

Ramana Maharshi,



> Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and

Swami Sivananda,



> which do not satisfy the criterion. All of them are

definitely " high level souls



> having incarnated " .


> [sJR::] It is not good to cast aspersions on the writings of someone




> giving examples in detail.




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|| Om Gurave Namah ||


Dear all,


Two points only:


1. Narsimha ji is not 'somebody' and Hari was referring to 'revelation' experienced by him. So, please do not belittle it by referring to delusions.


2. More important, please DO NOT intervene in ANY debate between Narsimha ji and Sanjay ji; no one can be any where near their level of understanding.


No offences intended to anyone.





On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal wrote:







Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Hari,Nice examples.  However I would add that for every one legitimate realization in history there must be at least a few thousand delusions (sometimes of grandeur!). 

There are also many notorious criminals who justified their acts due to a " higher calling " .So, it is not a one way street.Regards,Michal




Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddisohamsa

Monday, 14 September, 2009 4:59:51 PMRe: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra



Dear Sanjay, pranaams


[sJR::] This is getting out of hand Narasiá¹ha. Last year you simply meditated and got the answers and now you talked to ParÄÅ›ara in meditation and the sage gave you the formula ...do you realise how you sound? It is time to stop meditating and start working.

I can also say that every night I go into yoga nidra and in deep meditation all these great secrets were revealed to me ... how would this sound? I am great rishi? I am Maharishi ... there is no end to this infatuation which can destroy the ego. Let go of this kind of stuff and start doing serious research of you have to. There must be a clear HYPOTHESIS, there must be a clear basis for such hypothesis. There must be a CONTROL GROUP and then you have to give the results. That way research is done. What is this sleep talking?


Do you mean to say that the results of Srinivasa Ramanujam can be dismissed because the Goddess of Namakkal revealed them to Ramanujam? Or the structure of benzene dismissed because it was revealed in a dream to Kekule? History is replete with such instances. Going further, do you mean to say that the vedas can be dismissed because they were revealed to the rishis?


Is medidation of no value in research and intellectual work?


best regards





 ,_._,___Reading this email at work? Make a change with Xtra Jobs

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Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Shailesh,2 points only:1. Narsimha ji is not 'somebody' and Hari was referring to 'revelation'

experienced by him. So, please do not belittle it by referring to

delusions.If referring to delusions is belittling then referring to revelations is inflating. They are natural opposites - by mentioning one without the other you cannot have a balanced viewpoint. An unbalanced viewpoint is called a bias. Truth is impartial.2. More important, please DO NOT intervene in ANY debate between

Narsimha ji and Sanjay ji; no one can be any where near their level of

understanding.This is a forum - it is not intervening to discuss - it is called participation. I'm sure everyone here knows how to send a private mail if they don't want others to participate.Regards,MichalShailesh Chadha <scchadhasohamsa Sent:

Monday, 14 September, 2009 10:26:06 PMRe: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra



|| Om Gurave Namah ||


Dear all,


Two points only:


1. Narsimha ji is not 'somebody' and Hari was referring to 'revelation' experienced by him. So, please do not belittle it by referring to delusions.


2. More important, please DO NOT intervene in ANY debate between Narsimha ji and Sanjay ji; no one can be any where near their level of understanding.


No offences intended to anyone.





On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal > wrote:






Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Hari,Nice examples. However I would add that for every one legitimate realization in history there must be at least a few thousand delusions (sometimes of grandeur!).

There are also many notorious criminals who justified their acts due to a "higher calling".So, it is not a one way street.Regards,Michal




Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddi@ gmail.com>sohamsa@ .com

Monday, 14 September, 2009 4:59:51 PMRe: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra


Dear Sanjay, pranaams


[sJR::] This is getting out of hand Narasiá¹ha. Last year you simply meditated and got the answers and now you talked to ParÄÅ›ara in meditation and the sage gave you the formula ...do you realise how you sound? It is time to stop meditating and start working.

I can also say that every night I go into yoga nidra and in deep meditation all these great secrets were revealed to me ... how would this sound? I am great rishi? I am Maharishi ... there is no end to this infatuation which can destroy the ego. Let go of this kind of stuff and start doing serious research of you have to. There must be a clear HYPOTHESIS, there must be a clear basis for such hypothesis. There must be a CONTROL GROUP and then you have to give the results. That way research is done. What is this sleep talking?


Do you mean to say that the results of Srinivasa Ramanujam can be dismissed because the Goddess of Namakkal revealed them to Ramanujam? Or the structure of benzene dismissed because it was revealed in a dream to Kekule? History is replete with such instances. Going further, do you mean to say that the vedas can be dismissed because they were revealed to the rishis?


Is medidation of no value in research and intellectual work?


best regards





,_._,___Reading this email at work? Make a change with Xtra Jobs



Email slow, clunky, unreliable? Switch to Xtra Mail, New Zealand's new email address.

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Dear Jyotishas


We cant deny Narasimha Jyotisha has got these realizations/lessons in

his meditations. Nevertheless this material cannot be used in

discussion as argument (maybe as an inspiration) which depends on sabda

(jyotish classics), anumana (logic) and pratyaksa (examples).


Rafal Gendarz



Michal Dziwulski pisze:




Hare Rama Krsna ||


Dear Hari,


Nice examples.  However I would add that for every one legitimate realization in

history there must be at least a few thousand

delusions (sometimes of grandeur!). 


There are also many notorious criminals who justified their acts due to

a "higher calling".


So, it is not a one way street.








Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddi >


Monday, 14

September, 2009 4:59:51 PM


Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra




Dear Sanjay, pranaams


[sJR::] This is getting out of hand

Narasiá¹ha. Last year you simply meditated and got the answers and now

you talked to ParÄÅ›ara in meditation and the sage gave you the formula

....do you realise how you sound? It is time to stop meditating and

start working.

I can also say that every night I go into yoga nidra and in deep

meditation all these great secrets were revealed to me ... how would

this sound? I am great rishi? I am Maharishi ... there is no

end to this infatuation which can destroy the ego. Let go of

this kind of stuff and start doing serious research of you have to.

There must be a clear HYPOTHESIS, there must be a clear basis for such

hypothesis. There must be a CONTROL GROUP and then you have to give the

results. That way research is done. What is this sleep talking?


Do you mean to say

that the results of Srinivasa Ramanujam can be dismissed because the

Goddess of Namakkal revealed them to Ramanujam? Or the structure of

benzene dismissed because it was revealed in a dream to Kekule? History

is replete with such instances. Going further, do you mean to say that

the vedas can be dismissed because they were revealed to the rishis?


Is medidation of no value in research and intellectual work?


best regards















Reading this email at work? Make

a change with Xtra Jobs

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||


Dear Michal,


My points have been misunderstood and, anyway, this exchange will uin-necessarily divert attention of all from the main subject.


So let us stop here.





On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal wrote:







Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Shailesh, 2 points only:1. Narsimha ji is not 'somebody' and Hari was referring to 'revelation' experienced by him. So, please do not belittle it by referring to delusions.

If referring to delusions is belittling then referring to revelations is inflating.  They are natural opposites - by mentioning one without the other you cannot have a balanced viewpoint.  An unbalanced viewpoint is called a bias.  Truth is impartial. 2. More important, please DO NOT intervene in ANY debate between Narsimha ji and Sanjay ji; no one can be any where near their level of understanding.This is a forum - it is not intervening to discuss - it is called participation.  I'm sure everyone here knows how to send a private mail if they don't want others to participate.





Shailesh Chadha <scchadhasohamsa

Monday, 14 September, 2009 10:26:06 PM


Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra






|| Om Gurave Namah ||


Dear all,


Two points only:


1. Narsimha ji is not 'somebody' and Hari was referring to 'revelation' experienced by him. So, please do not belittle it by referring to delusions.


2. More important, please DO NOT intervene in ANY debate between Narsimha ji and Sanjay ji; no one can be any where near their level of understanding.


No offences intended to anyone.





On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Michal Dziwulski <nearmichal > wrote:







Hare Rama Krsna ||Dear Hari,Nice examples.  However I would add that for every one legitimate realization in history there must be at least a few thousand delusions (sometimes of grandeur!). 

There are also many notorious criminals who justified their acts due to a " higher calling " .So, it is not a one way street.Regards,Michal




Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddi@ gmail.com>sohamsa@ .com

Monday, 14 September, 2009 4:59:51 PMRe: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra



Dear Sanjay, pranaams


[sJR::] This is getting out of hand Narasiá¹ha. Last year you simply meditated and got the answers and now you talked to ParÄÅ›ara in meditation and the sage gave you the formula ...do you realise how you sound? It is time to stop meditating and start working.

I can also say that every night I go into yoga nidra and in deep meditation all these great secrets were revealed to me ... how would this sound? I am great rishi? I am Maharishi ... there is no end to this infatuation which can destroy the ego. Let go of this kind of stuff and start doing serious research of you have to. There must be a clear HYPOTHESIS, there must be a clear basis for such hypothesis. There must be a CONTROL GROUP and then you have to give the results. That way research is done. What is this sleep talking?


Do you mean to say that the results of Srinivasa Ramanujam can be dismissed because the Goddess of Namakkal revealed them to Ramanujam? Or the structure of benzene dismissed because it was revealed in a dream to Kekule? History is replete with such instances. Going further, do you mean to say that the vedas can be dismissed because they were revealed to the rishis?


Is medidation of no value in research and intellectual work?


best regards





 ,_._,___Reading this email at work? Make a change with Xtra Jobs

Email slow, clunky, unreliable? Switch to Xtra Mail, New Zealand's new email address.

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oṠgurave namaḥ

Dear Chandan

Please try *AUM ParÄÅ›ara-brÄhmaṇe namaḥ*

The *Nama tattva* taught by Achyutananda uses what Narasiá¹ha

said about ParÄÅ›ara. The first complete sound of the name is the seed. VyÄsa has

fist complete sound as *vyÄ* and to this add *aá¹* to get *vyÄá¹*.

In this manner the nama bīja of every name can be determined. There are small

deviations if the names have ṛ as in ṛṣi or kṛṣṇa then this is substituted by

la. Please listen to my teachings on mantra Å›Ästra.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

WebPages: http://srath.com

Jaimini Scholar: http://sohamsa.com

SJC: http://.org

Jyotish Digest, Books: http://sagittariuspublications.com






[sohamsa ] On Behalf Of chandan486

08 September 2009 11:39


Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra







sri ganeshaya namah


dear narasimha ji,



sorry for the interruption .just wanted to know from where did you get the pam

beeja and does it directly represent maharshi parashara?


also , the concept of invoking maharshi parashara for a better understanding of

hora shastra seems perfect to me , its just that i dont do any homams of now as

i dont know how to ...


could u suggest a simpler mantra to invoke the maharshi? it is only his

blessings that can shows us the true picture...



chandan s sabarwal.

sohamsa ,

Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:


> Namaste Sanjay and friends,


> In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said regarding Ramakrishna

Paramhamsa's chart:


> " In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I have

never come across anything as close to this chart which represents a perfect

incarnation of Lord Shiva. "


> Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form of

" Shiva " shown by the chart.


> * * *


> However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed and

religious authorities at his time opined.


> When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami

Vivekananda) once thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity if he

declares his divinity *now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering. " As

if he detected the thought, Ramakrishna said to Narendra, " you still have

doubts? He who was Rama and Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not

mean it in your vedantic sense! "


> By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense and

referring to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he clearly

revealed that he was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a

lie and valued truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question

himself must be more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological



> Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by

Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that

confirmed to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be

an incarnation of Vishnu.


> Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.


> Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even called

Ramakrishna's visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of the

mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him respect

and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one with

purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one with

raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in Himalayas

that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.


> * * *


> As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is

supposed to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be

tempted to theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva

tattva to guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not

just Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the

greatest gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad

Gita, the greatest spiritual teaching ever.


> Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a few

millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda Bhagavatpada

was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great sishyas. His

main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva and

Govinda Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.


> If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva

(Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha

of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all!

Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.


> Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and

Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi



> * * *


> -------------------------------

> Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle

> -------------------------------


> You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per

Vimsottari dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a high

level soul having incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and

Vivekananda and a questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.


> However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do not

satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level souls having

incarnated " .


> Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based on

" vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet mapping for one

specific dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space of

Vimsottari lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space of

chara karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is

mixing up two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in

many examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable

data). Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which

was made based on just 2-3 charts.


> Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of applicable



> * * *


> I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation, that works

in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each formula works in

some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all unquestionably very

high caliber spiritual people.


> After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi homam

and prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra

that works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula that was

given to me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th nakshatra -

reckoned from chara aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra chakra

(SBC) from a planet that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from chara

aatma kaaraka in D-20 chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi chart.

If chara aatma kaaraka is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well as

counting of the 12th house in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order. "


> The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house from AK in it

shows the liberation of individual soul as one progresses spiritually.

Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka (28th)

nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space. Planet

having an influence on both the factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th

and 9th from lagna show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences

all the three factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The reverse counting

from Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining argala, Parasara

asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses from Rahu and Ketu

in anti-zodiacal order.


> Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings poorvapunya and

bhagya (5th and 9th) to this specific existence (lagna) and promotes liberation

(12th house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the conscious mental plane

(SBC) and the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).


> Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa lordships. It

uses nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.


> * * *


> When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all

the charts.


> Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th star from him

is Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is in Ta and the

12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.


> Ramakrishna's AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star from him

counted anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has vedha in SBC only from Saturn. In

D-20, Rahu is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq. Saturn

owns it. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.


> Vivekananda's AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha. The 28t star from him is

Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In D-20, Sun is in

Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th



> Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th star from him

is Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In

D-20, Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter occupies

the 5th house.


> Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in Chitra. The 28th

star from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and aspect from Jupiter

in SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th while Rahu and Ketu

aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and occupies 9th.


> Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th star from him

is Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In D-20, Rahu is in

Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun aspects it. In

rasi, Sun is the 9th lord.


> Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The 28th star from

him is Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn aspects it. In

D-20, Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own it and Moon

aspects it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.


> * * *


> Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time continuum when

living here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth. To those of you

who do any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender to Parasara and

get some blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12 aahutis (oblations)

of ghee at the beginning of uttaraangam while saying one of the following:


> daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM

> horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM. svaahaa.

paraasharaayedaM na mama.


> or


> om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------

> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> -------------------------


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oṠgurave namaḥ

Dear Hari

we cannot dismiss the fact thatrevelations got from the mantra devatÄ

are pointers as that is what the devatÄ is meant to do, but I cannot encourage

this trend as then everyday I will have to deal with 700 sohamsa members waking

up with new formulae! So why should we study the Å›Ästra? We can just sleep all

the time and hope that Kekule devatÄ will bless us.

What happens if I prove that the statement of Narasiá¹ha is

completely bogus? Will you blame Narasiá¹ha for coming up with this formula or

will you blame ParÄÅ›ara for giving him wrong advise in his meditation. You see

Hari I have to ensure that Jyotiá¹£a stays within sanity levels.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

WebPages: http://srath.com

Jaimini Scholar: http://sohamsa.com

SJC: http://.org

Jyotish Digest, Books: http://sagittariuspublications.com






[sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Jyotisa Shisya

14 September 2009 10:30


Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra








Dear Sanjay, pranaams






[sJR::] This is getting out of

hand Narasiá¹ha. Last year you simply meditated and got the answers and now you

talked to ParÄÅ›ara in meditation and the sage gave you the formula ...do you

realise how you sound? It is time to stop meditating and start working.

I can also say that every night I go into yoga nidra and in deep meditation all

these great secrets were revealed to me ... how would this sound? I am great

rishi? I am Maharishi ... there is no end to this infatuation which can

destroy the ego. Let go of this kind of stuff and start doing serious

research of you have to. There must be a clear HYPOTHESIS, there must be a

clear basis for such hypothesis. There must be a CONTROL GROUP and then you

have to give the results. That way research is done. What is this sleep




Do you mean to say that the

results of Srinivasa Ramanujam can be dismissed because the Goddess of Namakkal

revealed them to Ramanujam? Or the structure of benzene dismissed because it

was revealed in a dream to Kekule? History is replete with such instances.

Going further, do you mean to say that the vedas can be dismissed because they

were revealed to the rishis?






Is medidation of no value in research and intellectual work?






best regards

















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oṠgurave namaḥ

Dear Narasiá¹ha

Don’t look for God in the human mind – He exists there in some

form but He is way beyond.

The Moon naká¹£atra only indicates what and how the mind shall be

guided towards salvation. It cannot be a confirmation of the existence of God

in any form. The presence of chara ÄtmakÄraka associating with the abhiÅ›eka naká¹£atra

only shows one who can be god fearing and spiritual. However, if the ÄtmakÄraka

is not associated with the lagna then will this light ever enlighten the mind?

Secondly, you are using some 5-7 charts andcoming to

conclusions. Mercury thy speeds faacinating.

Why can’t Padmaja be spiritual? I think she is very spiritual.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto gave his life for Pakistan. Now just because

he was from Pakistan we cannot say he was not god fearing. I think he must have

a strong faith in God to be prepared to die for his belief in democracy. How

many politicians from India can give their life for India?

Yasser Arafat was the leader of Palestenias and if he did not

have strong faith, you think he would have faced such suffering and led his

people? No. He would have found a nice education in some nice university and become

a software programmer J to have a cushy job and happy life.

Subhash Chandra Bose walked away from the headship of the

Congress although he was elected to it simply because Gandhi did not like his

dress! Who is more spiritual – one who covets the throne or one who walks away

from it.

Chiranjeevi ... no comments. Maybe he is spiritual. Who knows

....and finally little Srikar...how can you say he is not



The bottomline here is that they all have faith ...strong faith

in the mind and this faith comes from the abhiÅ›eka tÄrÄ.


Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

WebPages: http://srath.com

Jaimini Scholar: http://sohamsa.com

SJC: http://.org

Jyotish Digest, Books: http://sagittariuspublications.com






[sohamsa ] On Behalf Of pvr108

10 September 2009 00:58


Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra







Namaste Lakshmi,


That's good thinking!


After this principle passed in 7 out of 7 spiritually elevated charts I picked,

I tried it on 15 normal charts. There were 2 false positives out of 15. In

other words, success rate is 100% in correct set and 13% in wrong set.


Similar testing can be done with various other principles. For example, take

Sanjay's principle that I started with, viz lord of abhisheka nakshatra from

Moon being AK as per Vimsottari dasa scheme. As mentioned before, it worked in

2 out of 7 spiritual charts I tried. In the normal charts, there were 6 false

positives out of 15. In other words, success rate is 29% in correct set and 40%

in wrong set. Success rate of a good principle should be considerably higher in

the correct set than in the wrong set.


The data for 6 false positives with Sanjay's principle is: Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

(1928 January 5, 4:29 pm LMT, 68e08, 27n27), Yasser Arafat (1929 August 29,

2:05 am, 2 hrs east of GMT, 31e15, 30n03), Subhash Chandra Bose (1897 January

23, 12:15 pm LMT, 85e50, 20n30), Telugu film star turned politician Chiranjeevi

(1955 August 22, 10:31 am IST, Mogaltur, India), my wife Padmaja (1971

September 12, 8:25 am IST, Guntur, India), a nephew of mine called Srikar (2000

September 28, 4:49 pm EDT, Edison, NJ).


* * *


> Narasimha are you saying when trying this

> to only use the Jagannath Ayanamsa?


I will even say this - to get reliable lagna in divisional charts in TP, use

Jagannatha ayanamsa always. Lahiri is almost correct, but has a small error

that can have a big impact in TP.


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



sohamsa ,

Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary wrote:


> Hare Rama Krishna

> Dear Narasimha,and all,

> To make the research even more credible.

> It seems that it should be tried also on a number

> non spiritual persons charts as well.

> Hopefully the members of this group can try out your research on a number

of charts , both of spiritual and more mundane peoples charts.

> Narasimha are you saying when trying this to only use the Jagannath


> thanks

> Lakshmi


> ________________________________

> rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14

> sohamsa

> Tuesday, September 8, 2009 11:10:22 AM

> Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra


> Namaste Narasimha,


> Very good work.


> I was trying this in some charts and most of them gave very accurate



> I have a few queries:


> 1) If both condition (a) and condition (b) get fulfilled, can we safely

conclude that this person will attain to the highest spiritual experience of



> 2) If only one condition is fulfilled, say the Vedha graha aspects the

12th from Ak in D20, but is not connected to 5th and/or 9th in rasi, or vice

versa, can we conclude that the person is spiritual but may not reach the

highest realization?


> 3) In case of no Vedha graha, does it indicate that this person cannot

attain moksha in that life time?


> Thanks for your research. Appreciate them a lot.


> -Regards

> Rajarshi


> The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra


> --- On Tue, 8/9/09, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:



> >Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

> >sohamsa@ .com, vedic astrology,

, sjcBoston@grou ps.com, sjc-guru@


> >Tuesday, 8 September, 2009, 5:22 AM

> >

> >Namaste Sanjay and friends,

> >

> >In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said regarding

Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's chart:

> >

> > " In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I have

never come across anything as close to this chart which represents a perfect

incarnation of Lord Shiva. "

> >

> >Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form of

" Shiva " shown by the chart.

> >

> >* * *

> >

> >However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed

and religious authorities at his time opined.

> >

> >When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami

Vivekananda) once thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity if he

declares his divinity *now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering. " As

if he detected the thought, Ramakrishna said to Narendra, " you still have

doubts? He who was Rama and Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not

mean it in your vedantic sense! "

> >

> >By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense and

referring to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he clearly

revealed that he was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a

lie and valued truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question

himself must be more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological


> >

> >Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by

Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that

confirmed to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be

an incarnation of Vishnu.

> >

> >Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.

> >

> >Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even

called Ramakrishna' s visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of

the mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him

respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one

with purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one

with raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in

Himalayas that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.

> >

> >* * *

> >

> >As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is

supposed to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be

tempted to theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva

tattva to guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not

just Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the

greatest gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad

Gita, the greatest spiritual teaching ever.

> >

> >Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a

few millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda

Bhagavatpada was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great

sishyas. His main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord

Shiva and Govinda Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.

> >

> >If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva

(Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha

of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all!

Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.

> >

> >Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and

Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi


> >

> >* * *

> >

> >------------ --------- --------- -

> >Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle

> >------------ --------- --------- -

> >

> >You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per

Vimsottari dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a high

level soul having incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and

Vivekananda and a questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.

> >

> >However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi,

Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do

not satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level souls

having incarnated " .

> >

> >Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based

on " vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet mapping for

one specific dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space

of Vimsottari lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space

of chara karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is

mixing up two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in

many examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable

data). Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which

was made based on just 2-3 charts.

> >

> >Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of

applicable charts.

> >

> >* * *

> >

> >I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on

abhisheka nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation,

that works in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each

formula works in some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all

unquestionably very high caliber spiritual people.

> >

> >After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi

homam and prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra that works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula that

was given to me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th nakshatra -

reckoned from chara aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra chakra

(SBC) from a planet that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from chara

aatma kaaraka in D-20 chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi chart.

If chara aatma kaaraka is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well as

counting of the 12th house in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order. "

> >

> >The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house from AK in

it shows the liberation of individual soul as one progresses spiritually.

Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka (28th)

nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space. Planet

having an influence on both the factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th

and 9th from lagna show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences

all the three factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The reverse counting

from Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining argala, Parasara

asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses from Rahu and Ketu

in anti-zodiacal order.

> >

> >Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings poorvapunya and

bhagya (5th and 9th) to this specific existence (lagna) and promotes liberation

(12th house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the conscious mental plane

(SBC) and the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).

> >

> >Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa lordships.

It uses nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.

> >

> >* * *

> >

> >When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all

the charts.

> >

> >Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th star from

him is Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is in Ta and

the 12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.

> >

> >Ramakrishna' s AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star from him

counted anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has vedha in SBC only from Saturn. In

D-20, Rahu is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq. Saturn owns

it. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.

> >

> >Vivekananda' s AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha. The 28t star from him

is Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In D-20, Sun is

in Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th


> >

> >Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th star from

him is Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In

D-20, Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter occupies

the 5th house.

> >

> >Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in Chitra. The

28th star from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and aspect from

Jupiter in SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th while Rahu

and Ketu aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and occupies 9th.

> >

> >Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th star from

him is Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In D-20, Rahu

is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun aspects it.

In rasi, Sun is the 9th lord.

> >

> >Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The 28th star

from him is Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn aspects

it. In D-20, Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own it and

Moon aspects it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.

> >

> >* * *

> >

> >Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time continuum

when living here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth. To those

of you who do any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender to

Parasara and get some blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12 aahutis

(oblations) of ghee at the beginning of uttaraangam while saying one of the


> >

> >daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM

> >horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM. svaahaa.

paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> >

> >or

> >

> >om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> >

> >Best regards,

> >Narasimha

> >------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> >Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.vedicastrologer.org/homam

> >Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.vedicastrologer.org/tarpana

> >Spirituality: http://groups. /

group/vedic- wisdom

> >Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.

home.comcast. net

> >Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.vedicastrologer.org/

> >Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www..org/

> >------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

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> Explaining clearly the traits of Brahmana , Kshatriya & Vaisya

> at the context of learning & sharing of knowledge was very

> nicely said. Knowledge is Power but sharing it gives enlightment.


Knowledge is indeed Power. However, looking at one's own knowledge as power,

feeling proud and wanting to get some influence or authority over people using

it is kshatriya attitude. It does not lead to enlightenment. Such attitude

restricts the blooming of (and also the benefit to the world from) one's



One should humbly look at oneself as an instrument of god and operate guided by

one's sense of dharma, without being sensitive to whether others are praising or

criticizing one. Swami Vivekananda famously said once that Ramakrishna could

have created 100 Vivekanandas from sand and whatever he was and did was due to

his guru's greatness. That is what I mean by humbly looking at oneself as an

instrument. BTW, Swamiji was not one to show off fake humility. He spoke his

mind frankly and always stood up for what he believed in, with unmatched

honesty, integrity, conviction and fearlessness.


Surrender to god, ask for nothing (including any knowledge), be grateful for

whatEVER He gives (including any knowledge) and do what you see as your dharma

with what he gives you. THAT is the spirit of a braahmana.


Interestingly, one with a pure braahmana attitude automatically becomes

powerful. One who wants power and control is upset when that is undermined. One

who wants money and profits is upset when that is underminded. How can anyone

upset one who wants nothing and does whatever one *can* with whatever one *has*?

Freedom from desires (including desires related to knowledge) is the highest



In not-so-old days, braahmanas roamed this earth who very pure like fire, who

had no desires and who fulfilled what they saw as their dharma without any

expectations or inhibitions. No wonder such braahmanas exuded such power that

the whole world was in awe of them and even mighty kings bowed before their

" power " .


> Your mail has prompted me to delve into the homan section in you

> website and shortly I will start with the homan with the various

> templates you have cited in your site. PVRji, would you kindly

> advise us which homan to start with and what are the benefits

> one can get from the various homan's stated in your site.

> (Thanks for your time and advises).


Ganapathi homam is the best homam for anybody to start with. As a spiritual

sadhana, it is a good idea to do Ganapathi homam for a few months before

starting any other homam. Ganapathi controls the mooladhara chakra, as well as

the the opening of the sushumna nadi. Thus, he protects one's material life and

enables spiritual progress. Moreover, Ganapathi sadhana pleases Ketu and that

can help in one's astrology pursuits too.


> My humble prayers to our Creator to bless with you with all

> the knowledge so that you can share it with us


My humble prayers to the Mother to create a bunch of purified Braahminical

Jyotishis and bless them with perfect knowledge so that the world re-awakens and

sanatana dharma is re-estalished firmly on this earth..


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



sohamsa , Dev Sarkar <sarkar_dbx wrote:


> PVRji Namaste,


> Your mail , reply, clarifications and the write-ups has been quite an

enlightening experience for student of astrology like me.


> Explaining clearly the traits of Brahmana , Kshatriya & Vaisya at the context

of learning & sharing of knowledge was very nicely said. Knowledge is Power but

sharing it gives enlightment.


> Your mail has prompted me to delve into the homan section in you website and

shortly I will start with the homan with the various templates you have cited in

your site. PVRji, would you kindly advise us which homan to start with and what

are the benefits one can get from the various homan's stated in your site.

(Thanks for your time and advises).


> My humble prayers to our Creator to bless with you with all the knowledge so

that you can share it with us for the development of our studies and for

students like me.


> With Respects,


> Devbrato Sarkar


> " Wealth is not just about making the money BUT making the MAN while he is

making money " .


> --- On Tue, 9/8/09, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:


> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr

> Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

> sjc-guru , ,

sohamsa , sjcBoston ,

vedic astrology

> Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 11:37 PM


> Namaste Rajarshi,


> (1) Of course not. This is just a conducive factor. It makes sense logically

and it seems to work in several charts in which you would expect it to apply.

That's all.


> I have no view on (2) and (3). Obviously, I do not have all answers.


> * * *


> > Thanks for your research. Appreciate them a lot.


> What I shared is the tip of the iceberg, just like the planetary special lagna

concepts that I illustrated using Ve7 as an example sometime back.


> There are so many reference points in charts, so many houses and so many

nakshatras. If one applies oneself intelligently and tests using many examples,

one can arrive at so many formulas using what I gave as a template.


> I will illustrate just one more principle. If the 6th house reckoned from AmK

in D-10 and the 10th star (karma nakshatra) reckoned from AmK in SBC have an

influence of the same planet and that planet is also associated with a trine

from GL in rasi chart, one rises to a position of power and influence in one's

work. We are basically looking for synergy between (a) the professional (D-10)

effort (6th) and (b) mental (SBC) activity (10th star) of the spirit of work in

one (AmK) and the blessings (trines) related to power and influence (GL).


> Nehru's AmK is Rahu. From Ardra containing Rahu, the 10th star counted

anti-zodiacally is Satabhishak. In SBC, it has vedha from Mercury and Venus. In

D-10, the 6th house from Li containing Rahu counted anti-zodiacally is Ta. Venus

owns it. In rasi chart, Venus is the lord of GL and joins the lord of the 5th

house from GL.


> Indira Gandhi's AmK is Venus. From Poorvashadha containing Venus, the 10th

star is Aswini. In SBC, it has vedha from Mars and Jupiter. In D-10, the 6th

house from Cn containing Venus is Sg. Jupiter owns it. In rasi chart, Jupiter is

the 9th lord from GL.


> Rajiv Gandhi's AmK is Rahu. From Punarvasu containing Rahu, the 10th star

counted anti-zodiacally is Poorvabhadra. In SBC, it has vedha from nodes and

aspect from Mercury and Mars. In D-10, the 6th house from Pi containing Rahu

counted anti-zodiacally is Li. Mars and Mercury aspect it from Ta. In rasi

chart, Mervcury is the 9th lord from GL.


> PV Narasimha Rao's AmK is Venus. From Krittika containing Venus, the 10th star

is Uttara Phalguni. In SBC, it has vedha from Mercury and aspect from Moon and

Mars. In D-10, the 6th house from Cp containing Venus is Ge owned by Mercury and

only Mercury aspects it. In rasi chart, Mercury is the dispositor of the 5th and

9th lords from GL and is with them, aspecting GL.


> Ronald Reagan's AmK is Sun. From Dhanishtha containing Sun, the 10th star is

Mrigasira. In SBC, it has vedha from Mercury and aspect from Mars and Saturn. In

D-10, the 6th house from Ar containing Sun is Vi owned and occupied by Mercury

and only Mars aspects it from Pi. In rasi chart, Mercury and Mars are in GL and

Mars owns the 5th from GL.


> George W Bush's AmK is Jupiter. From Chitra containing Jupiter, the 10th star

is Sravana. In SBC, it has vedha from none but aspected by Mercury, Jupiter and

Venus. In D-10, the 6th house from Cp containing Jupiter is Ge owned by Mercury

and aspected by Venus from Sg. In rasi chart, Mercury and Venus are in the 9th

house from GL.


> * * *


> Bottomline:


> One may be able to unearth many ways to combine nakshatra chakra (SBC),

various divisional charts and rasi chart. What factor at the mental level (SBC),

what factor at the level of a specific environment in life (i.e. a divisional

chart, examples of various environments shown in various divisional charts are -

professional in D-10, parental in D-12, educational in D-24, spiritual in D-20,

financial in D-2 etc) and what factor at the physical level (rasi chart) need to

have a synergy, in order to produce a specific result?


> * * *


> Namaste Rajarshi and other young sadhakas-cum- Jyotishis,


> I want to humbly say a word on " research " . Please ignore my 2 cents if this

makes no sense to you.


> I was quite passionate about Jyotish research several years back and used to

spend a lot of time in research. I used to sleep at 3 am and get up at 6 am. I

used to spend long hours formulating principles and testing them out on charts,

changing JHora sometimes for it. After coming home from work, I used to spend as

much time on astrology study and research, as I used to spend on my main

profession during the day.


> After spiritual transformation in recent years, I stopped spending that much

time. However, the productivity of my Jyotish research went up. Some ideas that

struck to my mind at the end of nice meditation sessions turned out to be good

and simply worked in several charts that I tried out later.


> If you surrender to god and rishis, you will receive whatever knowledge you

need for your activities in this life. Have faith in god and rishis and

surrender. Also, it is important to approach Jyotish knowledge with the spirit

of a brahmana. Brahmana is one who cares about nothing other than knowledge and

liberation. Kshatriya is one who cares about power, authority and control over

others. Vaisya is one who cares about money. Do not look at your Jyotish

knowledge as a means to have some control or authority over people and do not

feel proud of your knowledge, like a kshatriya. Also, do not look at your

Jyotish knowledge as a means to get money and try to increase your gains, like a

vaishya. Be a true braahmana in the prusuit of Jyotish knowledge and surrender

to god and rishis. Sky is the limit for you then.


> Of course, it is also possible then that you lose interest in Jyotish

completely or partially and do not receive any or much Jyotish knowledge. But so

be it. As I said, you will receive " whatever knowledge *you need* " . You don't

know what you really need, but god does! Complete surrender means not asking for

any specific thing and accepting whatever comes one's way!


> * * *


> Reply to Mail 2 below:


> I am replying publicly while keeping your anonymity.


> 2. Yes, a blue light from a Shiva linga entered his mother when she was

pregnant with him. She also had darshan of many celestial beings on a regular

basis during her pregnancy, which stopped after the delivery.


> Actually, Vishnu told his father in the dream at Gaya that you refer to, that

*he himself* would come as a son.


> There are different indications, but what Ramakrishna himself declared should

be the final word.


> 4. When I meditate deeply after homam or in general, I sometimes go into a

nice spiritual state. Though there was some desire to find some principle based

on abhisheka nakshatra *before* meditation started, it completely vanished from

my consciousness as meditation deepened and the regular self-awareness vanished

too. Then I was in a nice spiritual state where the logical mind and intuitive

mind were very very calm without much mental activity. When I was coming back to

a state of normal self-awareness from such a state, I just became aware of a

thought. It felt like it was someone's thought just flowing in the universe and

I happened to be on the same wavelength and was able to observe it.


> I only said I prayed to Parasara and this formula was given to me. I did not

say who gave it to me, because I do not know. But I express my gratitude to

Parasara, as I had prayed to him before and then this thought came and moreover

this principle is far more logical and far more accurate than anything I was

able to synthesize using my rational and intuitive minds before. If one begged

the king for money and suddenly found a bag of gold coins thrown into one's

backyard by an unseen person, one will only thank the king. Especially if the

coins seem to be made of real gold..


> 5. I am glad you were thinking along those lines! It shows you have some

really good samskaras guiding your instincts. You can ask Agni to carry an

oblation of ghee to various deities and rishis, without a separate invocation..

For example, if your gotra is Goutama, you can offer an oblation in the fire

while saying " om gautamaaya svaahaa. gautamaayedam na mama " . Or, if you want to

offer to Jupiter, you can offer an oblation in the fire while saying " om

bR^ihaspataye svaahaa. bR^ihaspataya na mama " . You can do this after the main

homam and before you start the final offerings to Agni, Vaayu, Surya, Prajapati,

Vishnu and Shiva.


> If you want to specifically invoke, you can use the Ganesha invocation from

Krishna homam or Shiva homam manual as the template and follow that procedure.

Replace " oM gaM gaNapataye namaH " with " oM paM paraasharaaya namaH " or just " oM

paraasharaaya namaH " or the verse for Parasara below. Irresepctive of the exact

procedure you used, the keys to success are (a) the strength of belief that

Parasara is there in fire and (b) respect and surrender for him. Use whatever

procedure maximizes those aspects in you.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpana

> Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> sohamsa@ .com, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Narasimha,

> >

> > Very good work.

> >

> > I was trying this in some charts and most of them gave very accurate


> >

> > I have a few queries:

> >

> > 1) If both condition (a) and condition (b) get fulfilled, can we safely

conclude that this person will attain to the highest spiritual experience of


> >

> > 2) If only one condition is fulfilled, say the Vedha graha aspects the 12th

from Ak in D20, but is not connected to 5th and/or 9th in rasi, or vice versa,

can we conclude that the person is spiritual but may not reach the highest


> >

> > 3) In case of no Vedha graha, does it indicate that this person cannot

attain moksha in that life time?

> >

> > Thanks for your research. Appreciate them a lot.

> >

> > -Regards

> > Rajarshi

> >

> > ------------ ------

> >

> > Mail 2:

> >

> > Dear Narasimha, namaste & pranaams

> >

> > *The nature of this email is necessarily private. Do not quote this email

> > unless you feel some points/your reply to points would benefit a larger

> > section of society. Thanks in advance.*

> >

> > 1. I am so excited at your directly received revelation from Maharishi

> > Parasara! This indicates that vargas can be read as independent charts and

> > gives some valuable pointers as to how connections between rasi and vargas

> > can be synthesized. The tip of an iceberg is indicated here!

> >

> > 2. It is mentioned (I cannot cite the reference) that a blue light emanated

> > out of the Shiva Linga when Sri Ramakrishna' s mother went to the temple and

> > the waves of the blue light passed into her. She felt as if she was pregnant

> > immediately. At the same time, Sri Ramakrishna' s father had a dream at Gaya

> > that Vishnu would bless him with an illustrious progeny.

> >

> > 3. The statement of Sanjay cited by you below is at best an empirical

> > statement. It does not give any criteria as to how the judgement was arrived

> > at.

> >

> > 4. May I respectfully ask how you received the revelation?

> >

> > 5. Nowadays I am performing the Ganesha homam weekly. I had been toying with

> > the idea of whether to invoke Maharishis Parasara and Jaimini in the homam,

> > bow before them and seek their blessings for studying the jyotisa shastra..

> > You indirectly answered the unspoken desire! How may I invoke Maharishi

> > Jaimini in the homan?

> >

> > best regards

> > <name deleted>

> >

> > --- On Tue, 8/9/09, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr@> wrote:

> >

> > Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr@>

> > Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

> > sohamsa@ .com, vedic astrology,

, sjcBoston@grou ps.com, sjc-guru@


> > Tuesday, 8 September, 2009, 5:22 AM

> >

> > Namaste Sanjay and friends,

> >

> > In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said regarding Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's


> >

> > " In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I have never come

across anything as close to this chart which represents a perfect incarnation of

Lord Shiva. "

> >

> > Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form of " Shiva " shown by the


> >

> > * * *

> >

> > However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed and

religious authorities at his time opined.

> >

> > When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami Vivekananda)

once thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity if he declares his divinity

*now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering. " As if he detected the thought,

Ramakrishna said to Narendra, " you still have doubts? He who was Rama and

Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not mean it in your vedantic

sense! "

> >

> > By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense and

referring to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he clearly revealed that he

was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a lie and valued

truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question himself must be

more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological principles.

> >

> > Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by

Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that confirmed

to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be an

incarnation of Vishnu.

> >

> > Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.

> >

> > Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even called

Ramakrishna' s visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of the

mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him respect

and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one with

purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one with

raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in Himalayas

that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is

supposed to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be

tempted to theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva

tattva to guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not

just Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the

greatest gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad

Gita, the greatest spiritual teaching ever.

> >

> > Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a few

millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda Bhagavatpada

was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great sishyas. His

main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva and Govinda

Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.

> >

> > If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva

(Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha

of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all!

Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.

> >

> > Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and

Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi


> >

> > * * *

> >

> > ------------ --------- --------- -

> > Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle

> > ------------ --------- --------- -

> >

> > You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per Vimsottari

dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a high level soul having

incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and a

questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.

> >

> > However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do not

satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level souls having

incarnated " .

> >

> > Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based on

" vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet mapping for one specific

dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space of Vimsottari

lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space of chara

karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is mixing up

two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in many

examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable data).

Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which was

made based on just 2-3 charts.

> >

> > Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of applicable


> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation, that works

in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each formula works in

some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all unquestionably very

high caliber spiritual people.

> >

> > After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi homam

and prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra

that works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula that was

given to me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th nakshatra - reckoned

from chara aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) from

a planet that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from chara aatma

kaaraka in D-20 chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi chart. If

chara aatma kaaraka is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well as

counting of the 12th house in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order. "

> >

> > The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house from AK in it

shows the liberation of individual soul as one progresses spiritually.

Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka (28th)

nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space. Planet

having an influence on both the factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th

and 9th from lagna show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences

all the three factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The reverse counting

from Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining argala, Parasara

asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses from Rahu and Ketu

in anti-zodiacal order.

> >

> > Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings poorvapunya and

bhagya (5th and 9th) to this specific existence (lagna) and promotes liberation

(12th house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the conscious mental plane

(SBC) and the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).

> >

> > Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa lordships. It

uses nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all

the charts.

> >

> > Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th star from him

is Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is in Ta and the

12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.

> >

> > Ramakrishna' s AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star from him counted

anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has vedha in SBC only from Saturn. In D-20, Rahu

is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq. Saturn owns it. In

rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.

> >

> > Vivekananda' s AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha. The 28t star from him is

Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In D-20, Sun is in

Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.

> >

> > Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th star from him is

Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In D-20,

Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter occupies the 5th


> >

> > Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in Chitra. The 28th

star from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and aspect from Jupiter

in SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th while Rahu and Ketu

aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and occupies 9th.

> >

> > Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th star from him

is Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In D-20, Rahu is in

Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun aspects it. In

rasi, Sun is the 9th lord.

> >

> > Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The 28th star from

him is Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn aspects it.. In

D-20, Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own it and Moon

aspects it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time continuum when

living here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth. To those of you

who do any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender to Parasara and

get some blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12 aahutis (oblations)

of ghee at the beginning of uttaraangam while saying one of the following:

> >

> > daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM

> > horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM. svaahaa.

paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> >

> > or

> >

> > om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

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Dear Sanjay,


> The bottomline here is that they all have faith ...


You pointed out the correlation of AK being the Vimsottari dasa lord of

abhisheka nakshatra as something important - something that indicates " a high

level soul having incarnated " , using Ramnakrishna and Vivekananda as examples.

Now, you are diluting it to explain counter-examples and making it something

that indicates " having faith " .


Of course, so many people in this world are spiritual and have faith. But,

*incarnations* of gods, rishis and other " high level souls " , such as Sarada

Mata, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Sivananda etc,

experience a much higher level of realization than most other people of " faith " .


> Secondly, you are using some 5-7 charts andcoming

> to conclusions. Mercury thy speeds faacinating.


All the seven people I considered are very high level yogis/saints. You cannot

find tens or hundreds of accurate charts for saints of *that calibre*. There

must be something common to their charts, which is rare and not found in that

many charts! That is what I set out to find.


Forget how I arrived at my principle. May be, it indeed came out of " delusion " ,

" infatuatuation " or my " ego " . But, I defined my principle clearly and

objectively. It occurs rarely and does not occur in that many charts (which was

verified by testing with 15 normal charts). Yet, it is satisfied in all the

seven spiritual giant charts picked. Can you try to find another such clear and

objective principle?


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



sohamsa , " Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath wrote:


> oṠgurave namaḥ


> Dear Narasiá¹Âha


> Don’t look for God in the human mind †" He exists there in some

form but He is way beyond.


> The Moon naká¹£atra only indicates what and how the mind shall be guided

towards salvation. It cannot be a confirmation of the existence of God in any

form. The presence of chara ÄÂtmakÄÂraka associating with the abhiÅ›eka

naká¹£atra only shows one who can be god fearing and spiritual. However, if

the ÄÂtmakÄÂraka is not associated with the lagna then will this light ever

enlighten the mind?


> Secondly, you are using some 5-7 charts andcoming to conclusions. Mercury thy

speeds faacinating.


> Why can’t Padmaja be spiritual? I think she is very spiritual.


> Zulfikar Ali Bhutto gave his life for Pakistan. Now just because he was from

Pakistan we cannot say he was not god fearing. I think he must have a strong

faith in God to be prepared to die for his belief in democracy. How many

politicians from India can give their life for India?


> Yasser Arafat was the leader of Palestenias and if he did not have strong

faith, you think he would have faced such suffering and led his people? No. He

would have found a nice education in some nice university and become a software

programmer J to have a cushy job and happy life.


> Subhash Chandra Bose walked away from the headship of the Congress although he

was elected to it simply because Gandhi did not like his dress! Who is more

spiritual †" one who covets the throne or one who walks away from it.


> Chiranjeevi ... no comments. Maybe he is spiritual. Who knows


> ...and finally little Srikar...how can you say he is not spiritual?


> The bottomline here is that they all have faith ...strong faith in the mind

and this faith comes from the abhiÅ›eka tÄÂrÄÂ.


> Best Wishes


> Sanjay Rath


> WebPages: <http://srath.com/> http://srath.com


> Jaimini Scholar: <http://sohamsa.com/> http://sohamsa.com


> SJC: <http://.org/> http://.org


> Jyotish Digest, Books: <http://sagittariuspublications.com/>



> sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of


> 10 September 2009 00:58

> sohamsa

> Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra


> Namaste Lakshmi,


> That's good thinking!


> After this principle passed in 7 out of 7 spiritually elevated charts I

picked, I tried it on 15 normal charts. There were 2 false positives out of 15.

In other words, success rate is 100% in correct set and 13% in wrong set.


> Similar testing can be done with various other principles. For example, take

Sanjay's principle that I started with, viz lord of abhisheka nakshatra from

Moon being AK as per Vimsottari dasa scheme. As mentioned before, it worked in 2

out of 7 spiritual charts I tried. In the normal charts, there were 6 false

positives out of 15. In other words, success rate is 29% in correct set and 40%

in wrong set. Success rate of a good principle should be considerably higher in

the correct set than in the wrong set.


> The data for 6 false positives with Sanjay's principle is: Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

(1928 January 5, 4:29 pm LMT, 68e08, 27n27), Yasser Arafat (1929 August 29, 2:05

am, 2 hrs east of GMT, 31e15, 30n03), Subhash Chandra Bose (1897 January 23,

12:15 pm LMT, 85e50, 20n30), Telugu film star turned politician Chiranjeevi

(1955 August 22, 10:31 am IST, Mogaltur, India), my wife Padmaja (1971 September

12, 8:25 am IST, Guntur, India), a nephew of mine called Srikar (2000 September

28, 4:49 pm EDT, Edison, NJ).


> * * *


> > Narasimha are you saying when trying this

> > to only use the Jagannath Ayanamsa?


> I will even say this - to get reliable lagna in divisional charts in TP, use

Jagannatha ayanamsa always. Lahiri is almost correct, but has a small error that

can have a big impact in TP.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------

> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> -------------------------


> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> , Lakshmi

Kary <lakshmikary@> wrote:

> >

> > Hare Rama Krishna

> > Dear Narasimha,and all,

> > To make the research even more credible.

> > It seems that it should be tried also on a number

> > non spiritual persons charts as well.

> > Hopefully the members of this group can try out your research on a number of

charts , both of spiritual and more mundane peoples charts.

> > Narasimha are you saying when trying this to only use the Jagannath


> > thanks

> > Lakshmi

> >

> > ________________________________

> > rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@>

> > sohamsa <sohamsa%40>

> > Tuesday, September 8, 2009 11:10:22 AM

> > Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

> >

> > Namaste Narasimha,

> >

> > Very good work.

> >

> > I was trying this in some charts and most of them gave very accurate


> >

> > I have a few queries:

> >

> > 1) If both condition (a) and condition (b) get fulfilled, can we safely

conclude that this person will attain to the highest spiritual experience of


> >

> > 2) If only one condition is fulfilled, say the Vedha graha aspects the 12th

from Ak in D20, but is not connected to 5th and/or 9th in rasi, or vice versa,

can we conclude that the person is spiritual but may not reach the highest


> >

> > 3) In case of no Vedha graha, does it indicate that this person cannot

attain moksha in that life time?

> >

> > Thanks for your research. Appreciate them a lot.

> >

> > -Regards

> > Rajarshi

> >

> > The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra

> >

> > --- On Tue, 8/9/09, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

> >

> >

> > >Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > > Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

> > >sohamsa@ .com, vedic astrology,

, sjcBoston@grou ps.com, sjc-guru@


> > >Tuesday, 8 September, 2009, 5:22 AM

> > >

> > >Namaste Sanjay and friends,

> > >

> > >In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said regarding Ramakrishna

Paramhamsa's chart:

> > >

> > > " In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I have never

come across anything as close to this chart which represents a perfect

incarnation of Lord Shiva. "

> > >

> > >Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form of " Shiva " shown by the


> > >

> > >* * *

> > >

> > >However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed and

religious authorities at his time opined.

> > >

> > >When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami Vivekananda)

once thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity if he declares his divinity

*now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering. " As if he detected the thought,

Ramakrishna said to Narendra, " you still have doubts? He who was Rama and

Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not mean it in your vedantic

sense! "

> > >

> > >By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense and

referring to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he clearly revealed that he

was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a lie and valued

truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question himself must be

more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological principles.

> > >

> > >Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by

Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that confirmed

to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be an

incarnation of Vishnu.

> > >

> > >Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.

> > >

> > >Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even called

Ramakrishna' s visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of the

mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him respect

and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one with

purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one with

raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in Himalayas

that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.

> > >

> > >* * *

> > >

> > >As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is

supposed to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be

tempted to theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva

tattva to guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not

just Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the

greatest gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad

Gita, the greatest spiritual teaching ever.

> > >

> > >Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a few

millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda Bhagavatpada

was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great sishyas. His

main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva and Govinda

Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.

> > >

> > >If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva

(Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha

of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all!

Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.

> > >

> > >Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and

Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi


> > >

> > >* * *

> > >

> > >------------ --------- --------- -

> > >Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle

> > >------------ --------- --------- -

> > >

> > >You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per

Vimsottari dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a high level soul

having incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and a

questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.

> > >

> > >However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do not

satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level souls having

incarnated " .

> > >

> > >Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based on

" vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet mapping for one specific

dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space of Vimsottari

lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space of chara

karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is mixing up

two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in many

examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable data).

Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which was

made based on just 2-3 charts.

> > >

> > >Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of applicable


> > >

> > >* * *

> > >

> > >I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation, that works

in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each formula works in

some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all unquestionably very

high caliber spiritual people.

> > >

> > >After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi homam

and prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra

that works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula that was

given to me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th nakshatra - reckoned

from chara aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) from

a planet that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from chara aatma

kaaraka in D-20 chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi chart. If

chara aatma kaaraka is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well as

counting of the 12th house in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order. "

> > >

> > >The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house from AK in it

shows the liberation of individual soul as one progresses spiritually.

Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka (28th)

nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space. Planet

having an influence on both the factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th

and 9th from lagna show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences

all the three factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The reverse counting

from Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining argala, Parasara

asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses from Rahu and Ketu

in anti-zodiacal order.

> > >

> > >Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings poorvapunya and

bhagya (5th and 9th) to this specific existence (lagna) and promotes liberation

(12th house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the conscious mental plane

(SBC) and the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).

> > >

> > >Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa lordships. It

uses nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.

> > >

> > >* * *

> > >

> > >When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all

the charts.

> > >

> > >Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th star from him

is Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is in Ta and the

12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.

> > >

> > >Ramakrishna' s AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star from him

counted anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has vedha in SBC only from Saturn. In

D-20, Rahu is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq. Saturn

owns it. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.

> > >

> > >Vivekananda' s AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha. The 28t star from him is

Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In D-20, Sun is in

Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.

> > >

> > >Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th star from him

is Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In

D-20, Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter occupies

the 5th house.

> > >

> > >Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in Chitra. The 28th

star from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and aspect from Jupiter

in SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th while Rahu and Ketu

aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and occupies 9th.

> > >

> > >Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th star from him

is Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In D-20, Rahu is in

Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun aspects it. In

rasi, Sun is the 9th lord.

> > >

> > >Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The 28th star from

him is Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn aspects it. In

D-20, Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own it and Moon

aspects it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.

> > >

> > >* * *

> > >

> > >Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time continuum when

living here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth. To those of you

who do any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender to Parasara and

get some blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12 aahutis (oblations)

of ghee at the beginning of uttaraangam while saying one of the following:

> > >

> > >daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM

> > >horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM. svaahaa.

paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> > >

> > >or

> > >

> > >om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> > >

> > >Best regards,

> > >Narasimha

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> It is so simple and so obvious. I am really surprised

> that you could not see it. Now go back and work out the

> other examples


Several new factors are introduced here, diluting the original principle. If one

keeps adding new parameters, one can explain any number of charts. If there is a

clearly and objectively defined principle that works for most of the great

saints/yogis and does not work for most of the normal people, that will mean



You talked about a clear hypothesis below ( " There must be a clear HYPOTHESIS " ).

I gave mine in clear objective terms. It is not something that commonly occurs

in many charts and is a rare combination. But it occurs in 7 top notch

yogi/saint charts I picked. What exactly is *your* " clear HYPOTHESIS " , regarding

the use of abhisheka nakshatra to see " high level souls " that experience high

level spiritual realization?


There seemed to be a clear hypothesis in the book, which did not work, but now

you seem to be implying that there is a lot of *fine print*.


If you are able to lay down a hypothesis in clear objective terms, please do so

and we can then evaluate it.


* * *


The correlation that Vivekananda and Ramakrishna had AK owning the abhisheka

nakshatra was pointed out as some important factor. But, given how many normal

people have it and given that several spiritual greats do not have it, one

wonders whether that correlation has any significance at all. One also wonders

how many irrelevant correlations were incorrectly observed and highlighted by

modern Jyotish authors..


Moreover, we are mixing up different spaces here. Abhisheka nakshatra is defined

in the space of 28 stars and Vimsottari lordship is in a space of 27 stars

(Abhijit can be abhisheka nakshatra. It has a part of Uttarashadha lorded by Sun

and a part of Sravana lorded by Moon). To top it, AK is defined in a space of 8

planets and not 9. Thus, there is mixing up of apples and oranges and grapes

here and that makes it is an ill-constructed principle. The fact that it does

not do well in practical evaluation does not help either.


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



sohamsa , " Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath wrote:


> oṠgurave namaḥ


> Here is one example.


> Sarada Mata - born in cancer lagna with the lagneśa Moon, compassionate

and caring, as the chara ÄÂtmakÄÂraka in Uttara PhÄÂlguṇī

naká¹£atra. The abhiÅ›eka tÄÂrÄ is PÅ«rva PhÄÂlguṇī

which is ruled by Venus the natural significator of spouse which is placed in

the 7th house of marriage. Therefore the one who deserves the abhiśeka is

her spouse Ã…Å¡rÄ« Ramakrshna Paramhaá¹Âsa. Venus is in Capricorn and

ÄÂtmakÄÂraka Moon is in the sammukha rÄÂÅ›i Leo forming YÄÂnavanta

Yoga. It is very obvious that she is very spiritual but her path to spiritual

enlightenment and moká¹£a comes from her spouse.


> It is so simple and so obvious. I am really surprised that you could not see

it. Now go back and work out the other examples


> Best Wishes, Sanjay Rath


> sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of

Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

> 14 September 2009 05:16

> sohamsa

> Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra


> Pranaam Sanjay,


> > However, there are many examples like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi,

> > Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda,

> > which do not satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level


> > having incarnated " .


> > [sJR::] It is not good to cast aspersions on the writings of someone without

> > giving examples in detail.


> A factual statement accompanied by the names of spiritual giants who serve as

counter-examples to a principle mentioned by someone in print can hardly be

called an " aspersion " .


> > [sJR::] Depends on how many accurate charts you are using them and how

> > well you apply the principle.


> The principle you mentioned (AK being the abhisheka naksahtra lord) does not

require accurate data. As long as Moon remains in the same nakshatra and AK

remains the same, any amount of error in time does not change the result of

applying the principle in a chart.


> I mentioned five spiritual giants who do not have this and I gave the

birthdata of 6 normal people who have this.


> > There must be a CONTROL GROUP and then you have to give the results.

> > That way research is done. What is this sleep talking?


> I tested with seven reliable charts of spiritual giants as well as normal



> You may call this " sleep talking " because you look at the background I

provided with suspicion, but the bottomline is that I tested my principle

thoroughly with charts. It is hardly sleep talking or sleep walking. On the

other hand, it is *your* principle (of AK being abhisheka nakshatra lord

indicating a high level soul) that fails in the charts of several spiritual

giants and wrongly applies to several normal people!


> Whether one is " sleep talking " or " awake talking " , what really matters is that

one should talk sense.


> > It is time to stop meditating and start working.


> Meditation and surrender to god are never obstructions to " working " and

research. They can complement it very well. No matter how one arrived at a

principle, one can be thorough and systematic in testing it!


> > [sJR::] Mapping naká¹£atra into varga?? You are too advanced. I

will leave it here.


> I did not map " nakshatra into varga " . I took the regular nakshatra chakra

(SarvatoBhadra Chakra), took the abhisheka nakshatra from AK (instead of Moon as

you did) and saw vedhas and aspects on it (instead of taking Vimsottari lord as

you did). Then I correlated with other influences in rasi and varga.


> > do you realise how you sound?


> I will sound differently to different people, depending on their karmic debts

with me and depending on the conditioning of their minds..


> Best regards,

> Narasimha


> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



> sohamsa , " Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath@> wrote:


> oṠgurave namaḥ


> Dear Narasiá¹ÂÂha


> I know that, perhaps, I am the only person in the whole world who believes

that Thakura Ramakrsna is an incarnation of Lord Ã…Å¡iva. There are too

many points to say that He is an incarnation of Viṣṇu

– another 10% may think so, while the majority of people are

convinced that He is an incarnation of Kali. What you are trying to prove is

excellent, and I will examine your points below. My basic point is that when we

define the incarnation of a Viṣṇu avatÄÂÂra, we

need to be very specific of the type of incarnation and the purpose of the

incarnation. The re-establishment of dharma is the only purpose of a

Viṣṇu incarnation and this primary purpose has to be

seen. In the case of Ã…Å¡iva incarnations, it can be for the purpose of

protection at times but mainly for the purpose of pure knowledge. So no matter

what the arguments may conclude, we will finally have to base our views on what

Thakur Ramakrishna finally did.


> My view at present is that Thakura Ramakrishna came to remove India from its

terrible tamas guṇa to which it had fallen after years of slavery.

He instilled the highest levels of knowledge and renunciation in his

śiṣya, sometimes by merely touching them. This is the

karma of the parameṣṭhi guru –

Śiva and not that of Viṣṇu. The primary

objecitve of independence was achieved by the rise of His teachings through

Swami Vivekananda.


> His pursuit of perfected knowledge – siddhi was unparelled in

the recent history of India.


> ...now to examine what you write .. Ã


> Best Wishes


> Sanjay Rath


> WebPages: <http://srath.com/> http://srath.com


> Jaimini Scholar: <http://sohamsa.com/> http://sohamsa.com


> SJC: <http://.org/> http://.org


> Jyotish Digest, Books: <http://sagittariuspublications.com/>



> =========

> Namaste Sanjay and friends,


> In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said regarding Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's



> " In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I have never come

across anything as close to this chart which represents a perfect incarnation of

Lord Shiva. "


> Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form of " Shiva " shown by the



> * * *


> However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed and

religious authorities at his time opined.


> When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami Vivekananda)

once thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity if he declares his divinity

*now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering. " As if he detected the thought,

Ramakrishna said to Narendra, " you still have doubts? He who was Rama and

Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not mean it in your vedantic

sense! "


> By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense and

referring to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he clearly revealed that he

was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a lie and valued

truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question himself must be

more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological principles.


> Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by

Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that confirmed

to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be an

incarnation of Vishnu.


> Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.


> Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even called

Ramakrishna's visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of the

mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him respect

and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one with

purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one with

raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in Himalayas

that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.


> [sJR::] What is the meaning of this paragraph? What is *raw Ã…Å¡iva

tattva*? Have you any idea of Ã…Å¡iva tattva? How can you call it raw?




> * * *


> As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is supposed

to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be tempted to

theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva tattva to

guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not just

Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the greatest

gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad Gita, the

greatest spiritual teaching ever.


> [sJR::] All Viṣṇu avatÄÂÂra are guru in the

sense of teaching the supreme knowledge, but then this is not their primary

function. Their primary function is the establishment of Dharma. Even Rama is a

great teacher – janani janma bhoomi comes from Him.

Śrī Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the ultimate incarnation of teaching

but His primary objective was to teach sankirtana as a means to emancipation

from Kali yuga. It is the primary objective that decides the nature of the



> Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a few

millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda Bhagavatpada

was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great sishyas. His

main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva and Govinda

Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.


> If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva

(Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha

of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all!

Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.


> Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and

Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi



> [sJR::] You are reading too much into the Jupiter-Mercury factors. They are

significators – kÄÂÂraka and they are final indicators in

a horoscope but then there are the lords and houses ...


> Now you are refuting Thakur Ramakrishna who said that Narain is an incarnation

of the seniormost of the sapta-rishi’s (i.e. Kashyapa of

Marīci clan). You must be consistent in saying something. If you use the

theory that Thakur said something in one argument, then the same must apply in

the other argument as well.


> * * *


> -------------------------------

> Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle

> -------------------------------


> You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per Vimsottari

dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a high level soul having

incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and a

questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.


> However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do not

satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level souls having

incarnated " .


> [sJR::] It is not good to cast aspersions on the writings of someone without

giving examples in detail.


> Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based on

" vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet mapping for one specific

dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space of Vimsottari

lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space of chara

karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is mixing up

two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in many

examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable data).

Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which was

made based on just 2-3 charts.


> [sJR::] Vimśottari is the highest of the

udu-daÅ›ÄÂÂ. If only you knew how to use it well then you would

be thinking differently. Ask the 26 Jaimini scholars what they saw in

Vimśottari daśĠthis time. Things so rudimentary

that they were shocked that such things existed, yet they thought they knew

vimÅ›ottari daÅ›ÄÂÂ.


> The body, soul and mind have 7, 8 and 9 kÄÂÂraka and they have mixed

well in all beings in this creation. So why should we ignore it?


> Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of applicable



> [sJR::] Depends on how many accurate charts you are using them and how well

you apply the principle.


> * * *


> I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation, that works

in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each formula works in

some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all unquestionably very

high caliber spiritual people.


> After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi homam and

prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra that

works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula that was given to

me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th nakshatra - reckoned from chara

aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) from a planet

that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from chara aatma kaaraka in D-20

chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi chart. If chara aatma kaaraka

is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well as counting of the 12th house

in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order. "


> [sJR::] This is getting out of hand Narasiá¹ÂÂha. Last year you simply

meditated and got the answers and now you talked to ParÄÂÂÅ›ara

in meditation and the sage gave you the formula ...do you realise how you sound?

It is time to stop meditating and start working.


> I can also say that every night I go into yoga nidra and in deep meditation

all these great secrets were revealed to me ... how would this sound? I am great

rishi? I am Maharishi ... there is no end to this infatuation which can destroy

the ego. Let go of this kind of stuff and start doing serious research of you

have to. There must be a clear HYPOTHESIS, there must be a clear basis for such

hypothesis. There must be a CONTROL GROUP and then you have to give the results.

That way research is done. What is this sleep talking?


> [sJR::] Mapping naká¹£atra into varga?? You are too advanced. I will

leave it here.


> --- End forwarded message ---

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oṠparamagurave namaḥ

Dear Sanjay, pranaams


I think you are ignoring something here: without hard work and thinking, the dreams/revelations are useless. Ramanujam studied all the mathematics textbooks he could get hold of before he came up with his formulas. Kekule literally broke his head trying to figure out the structure of benzene in the laboratory before it was revealed to him. Similarly Narasimha studied your book Brhat Nakshatra (sastra?) and tried all possible ways of arriving at the consistent formula. It did not come overnight or by magic. You will agree that sadhana, however you may define it, is a must for serious research.


Your second point is perfectly valid; in fact that is the way scientific truth must be established. First prove it wrong and if you cannot prove it wrong, then prove it right. There is no blame-game here only the pursuit of Jyotisha vidya as a science matters and that is the ultimate goal here. All of us are walking on this same road...Let us keep walking.


best regards


On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 9:21 PM, Sanjay Rath <sanjayrath wrote:








oṠgurave namaḥ

Dear Hari

we cannot dismiss the fact thatrevelations got from the mantra devatÄ are pointers as that is what the devatÄ is meant to do, but I cannot encourage this trend as then everyday I will have to deal with 700 sohamsa members waking up with new formulae! So why should we study the Å›Ästra? We can just sleep all the time and hope that Kekule devatÄ will bless us.

What happens if I prove that the statement of Narasiá¹ha is completely bogus? Will you blame Narasiá¹ha for coming up with this formula or will you blame ParÄÅ›ara for giving him wrong advise in his meditation. You see Hari I have to ensure that Jyotiá¹£a stays within sanity levels.


Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

WebPages: http://srath.com

Jaimini Scholar: http://sohamsa.com

SJC: http://.org

Jyotish Digest, Books: http://sagittariuspublications.com





sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Jyotisa Shisya

14 September 2009 10:30sohamsa Subject: Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra











Dear Sanjay, pranaams




[sJR::] This is getting out of hand Narasiá¹ha. Last year you simply meditated and got the answers and now you talked to ParÄÅ›ara in meditation and the sage gave you the formula ...do you realise how you sound? It is time to stop meditating and start working.

I can also say that every night I go into yoga nidra and in deep meditation all these great secrets were revealed to me ... how would this sound? I am great rishi? I am Maharishi ... there is no end to this infatuation which can destroy the ego. Let go of this kind of stuff and start doing serious research of you have to. There must be a clear HYPOTHESIS, there must be a clear basis for such hypothesis. There must be a CONTROL GROUP and then you have to give the results. That way research is done. What is this sleep talking?



Do you mean to say that the results of Srinivasa Ramanujam can be dismissed because the Goddess of Namakkal revealed them to Ramanujam? Or the structure of benzene dismissed because it was revealed in a dream to Kekule? History is replete with such instances. Going further, do you mean to say that the vedas can be dismissed because they were revealed to the rishis?





Is medidation of no value in research and intellectual work?




best regards










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Dear Hari,


Sorry to butt in, but I want to ditto your following para. 100 percent agreed. I am eagerly waiting to see Narasimha's princple being refuted rather than a whole set of nonsensical counter points being put forward by 'learned' people.



Your second point is perfectly valid; in fact that is the way scientific truth must be established. First prove it wrong and if you cannot prove it wrong, then prove it right. There is no blame-game here only the pursuit of Jyotisha vidya as a science matters and that is the ultimate goal here.. All of us are walking on this same road...Let us keep walking.






The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra--- On Tue, 15/9/09, Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddi wrote:

Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddiRe: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatrasohamsa Date: Tuesday, 15 September, 2009, 9:39 AM


oṠparamagurave namaḥ

Dear Sanjay, pranaams


I think you are ignoring something here: without hard work and thinking, the dreams/revelations are useless. Ramanujam studied all the mathematics textbooks he could get hold of before he came up with his formulas. Kekule literally broke his head trying to figure out the structure of benzene in the laboratory before it was revealed to him. Similarly Narasimha studied your book Brhat Nakshatra (sastra?) and tried all possible ways of arriving at the consistent formula. It did not come overnight or by magic. You will agree that sadhana, however you may define it, is a must for serious research.


Your second point is perfectly valid; in fact that is the way scientific truth must be established. First prove it wrong and if you cannot prove it wrong, then prove it right. There is no blame-game here only the pursuit of Jyotisha vidya as a science matters and that is the ultimate goal here. All of us are walking on this same road...Let us keep walking.


best regards


On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 9:21 PM, Sanjay Rath <sanjayrath (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:







oṠgurave namaḥ

Dear Hari

we cannot dismiss the fact thatrevelations got from the mantra devatÄ are pointers as that is what the devatÄ is meant to do, but I cannot encourage this trend as then everyday I will have to deal with 700 sohamsa members waking up with new formulae! So why should we study the Å›Ästra? We can just sleep all the time and hope that Kekule devatÄ will bless us.

What happens if I prove that the statement of Narasiá¹ha is completely bogus? Will you blame Narasiá¹ha for coming up with this formula or will you blame ParÄÅ›ara for giving him wrong advise in his meditation. You see Hari I have to ensure that Jyotiá¹£a stays within sanity levels.


Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

WebPages: http://srath. com

Jaimini Scholar: http://sohamsa. com

SJC: http:// .org

Jyotish Digest, Books: http://sagittariusp ublications. com




sohamsa@ .com [sohamsa@ .com] On Behalf Of Jyotisa Shisya14 September 2009 10:30sohamsa@ .comRe: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra









Dear Sanjay, pranaams




[sJR::] This is getting out of hand Narasiá¹ha. Last year you simply meditated and got the answers and now you talked to ParÄÅ›ara in meditation and the sage gave you the formula ...do you realise how you sound? It is time to stop meditating and start working. I can also say that every night I go into yoga nidra and in deep meditation all these great secrets were revealed to me ... how would this sound? I am great rishi? I am Maharishi ... there is no end to this infatuation which can destroy the ego. Let go of this kind of stuff and start doing serious research of you have to. There must be a clear HYPOTHESIS, there must be a clear basis for such hypothesis. There must be a CONTROL GROUP and then you have to give the results. That way research is done. What is this sleep talking?


Do you mean to say that the results of Srinivasa Ramanujam can be dismissed because the Goddess of Namakkal revealed them to Ramanujam? Or the structure of benzene dismissed because it was revealed in a dream to Kekule? History is replete with such instances. Going further, do you mean to say that the vedas can be dismissed because they were revealed to the rishis?




Is medidation of no value in research and intellectual work?




best regards














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sri ganeshaya namah


dear sanjayji,



you reply is highly appreciated , but the mantras that you posted have not

appeared correctly due to some font issue i guess. any solutions for that?


also , where exactly can i find your mp3 on mantra shastra??




chandan s sabarwal.


sohamsa , " Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath wrote:






> oṠgurave namaḥ


> Dear Chandan


> Please try *AUM ParÄÅ›ara-brÄhmaṇe namaḥ*


> The *Nama tattva* taught by Achyutananda uses what Narasiá¹ha said about

ParÄÅ›ara. The first complete sound of the name is the seed. VyÄsa has fist

complete sound as *vyÄ* and to this add *aá¹* to get *vyÄá¹*. In this manner

the nama bīja of every name can be determined. There are small deviations if

the names have ṛ as in ṛṣi or kṛṣṇa then this is substituted by la.

Please listen to my teachings on mantra Å›Ästra.


> Best Wishes


> Sanjay Rath


> WebPages: <http://srath.com/> http://srath.com


> Jaimini Scholar: <http://sohamsa.com/> http://sohamsa.com


> SJC: <http://.org/> http://.org


> Jyotish Digest, Books: <http://sagittariuspublications.com/>





> sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of


> 08 September 2009 11:39

> sohamsa

> Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra






> sri ganeshaya namah


> dear narasimha ji,

> namaste.


> sorry for the interruption .just wanted to know from where did you get the pam

beeja and does it directly represent maharshi parashara?


> also , the concept of invoking maharshi parashara for a better understanding

of hora shastra seems perfect to me , its just that i dont do any homams of now

as i dont know how to ...


> could u suggest a simpler mantra to invoke the maharshi? it is only his

blessings that can shows us the true picture...


> humbly,

> chandan s sabarwal.

> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> , Narasimha

PVR Rao <pvr@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Sanjay and friends,

> >

> > In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said regarding Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's


> >

> > " In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I have never come

across anything as close to this chart which represents a perfect incarnation of

Lord Shiva. "

> >

> > Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form of " Shiva " shown by the


> >

> > * * *

> >

> > However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed and

religious authorities at his time opined.

> >

> > When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami Vivekananda)

once thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity if he declares his divinity

*now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering. " As if he detected the thought,

Ramakrishna said to Narendra, " you still have doubts? He who was Rama and

Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not mean it in your vedantic

sense! "

> >

> > By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense and

referring to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he clearly revealed that he

was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a lie and valued

truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question himself must be

more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological principles.

> >

> > Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by

Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that confirmed

to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be an

incarnation of Vishnu.

> >

> > Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.

> >

> > Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even called

Ramakrishna's visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of the

mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him respect

and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one with

purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one with

raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in Himalayas

that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is

supposed to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be

tempted to theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva

tattva to guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not

just Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the

greatest gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad

Gita, the greatest spiritual teaching ever.

> >

> > Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a few

millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda Bhagavatpada

was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great sishyas. His

main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva and Govinda

Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.

> >

> > If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva

(Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha

of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all!

Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.

> >

> > Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and

Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi


> >

> > * * *

> >

> > -------------------------------

> > Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle

> > -------------------------------

> >

> > You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per Vimsottari

dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a high level soul having

incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and a

questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.

> >

> > However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do not

satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level souls having

incarnated " .

> >

> > Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based on

" vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet mapping for one specific

dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space of Vimsottari

lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space of chara

karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is mixing up

two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in many

examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable data).

Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which was

made based on just 2-3 charts.

> >

> > Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of applicable


> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation, that works

in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each formula works in

some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all unquestionably very

high caliber spiritual people.

> >

> > After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi homam

and prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra

that works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula that was

given to me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th nakshatra - reckoned

from chara aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) from

a planet that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from chara aatma

kaaraka in D-20 chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi chart. If

chara aatma kaaraka is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well as

counting of the 12th house in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order. "

> >

> > The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house from AK in it

shows the liberation of individual soul as one progresses spiritually.

Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka (28th)

nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space. Planet

having an influence on both the factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th

and 9th from lagna show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences

all the three factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The reverse counting

from Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining argala, Parasara

asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses from Rahu and Ketu

in anti-zodiacal order.

> >

> > Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings poorvapunya and

bhagya (5th and 9th) to this specific existence (lagna) and promotes liberation

(12th house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the conscious mental plane

(SBC) and the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).

> >

> > Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa lordships. It

uses nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all

the charts.

> >

> > Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th star from him

is Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is in Ta and the

12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.

> >

> > Ramakrishna's AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star from him counted

anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has vedha in SBC only from Saturn. In D-20, Rahu

is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq. Saturn owns it. In

rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.

> >

> > Vivekananda's AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha. The 28t star from him is

Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In D-20, Sun is in

Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.

> >

> > Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th star from him is

Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In D-20,

Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter occupies the 5th


> >

> > Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in Chitra. The 28th

star from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and aspect from Jupiter

in SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th while Rahu and Ketu

aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and occupies 9th.

> >

> > Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th star from him

is Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In D-20, Rahu is in

Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun aspects it. In

rasi, Sun is the 9th lord.

> >

> > Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The 28th star from

him is Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn aspects it. In

D-20, Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own it and Moon

aspects it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time continuum when

living here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth. To those of you

who do any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender to Parasara and

get some blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12 aahutis (oblations)

of ghee at the beginning of uttaraangam while saying one of the following:

> >

> > daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM

> > horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM. svaahaa.

paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> >

> > or

> >

> > om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> > -------------------------

> > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> > Spirituality:

> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> > -------------------------

> >


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oṠgurave namaḥ

Dear Narasiá¹ha

Firstly, that is the first volume of the book to show how the 27

naká¹£atra work

Secondly, the abhiśeka nakṣatra is the last nakṣatra, be it the

27 or 28 naká¹£atra scheme that we use. You are again wrong here

Thirdly, like the ÄrÅ«á¸ha, it will take a little time for people

to digest, so take your time. There is no clear formula in jyotish and time and

again we have seen that every yoga has worked in some charts and failed in

others. It depends on how high we are aiming to go in this subject to learn the

*fine print* of the rishi

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

WebPages: http://srath.com

Jaimini Scholar: http://sohamsa.com

SJC: http://.org

Jyotish Digest, Books: http://sagittariuspublications.com





sohamsa [sohamsa ]

On Behalf Of Narasimha PVR Rao

15 September 2009 02:36


Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra









> It is so simple and so obvious. I am really surprised

> that you could not see it. Now go back and work out the

> other examples


Several new factors are introduced here, diluting the original principle. If

one keeps adding new parameters, one can explain any number of charts. If there

is a clearly and objectively defined principle that works for most of the great

saints/yogis and does not work for most of the normal people, that will mean



You talked about a clear hypothesis below ( " There must be a clear

HYPOTHESIS " ). I gave mine in clear objective terms. It is not something

that commonly occurs in many charts and is a rare combination. But it occurs in

7 top notch yogi/saint charts I picked. What exactly is *your* " clear

HYPOTHESIS " , regarding the use of abhisheka nakshatra to see " high

level souls " that experience high level spiritual realization?


There seemed to be a clear hypothesis in the book, which did not work, but now

you seem to be implying that there is a lot of *fine print*.


If you are able to lay down a hypothesis in clear objective terms, please do so

and we can then evaluate it.


* * *


The correlation that Vivekananda and Ramakrishna had AK owning the abhisheka

nakshatra was pointed out as some important factor. But, given how many normal

people have it and given that several spiritual greats do not have it, one

wonders whether that correlation has any significance at all. One also wonders

how many irrelevant correlations were incorrectly observed and highlighted by

modern Jyotish authors..


Moreover, we are mixing up different spaces here. Abhisheka nakshatra is

defined in the space of 28 stars and Vimsottari lordship is in a space of 27

stars (Abhijit can be abhisheka nakshatra. It has a part of Uttarashadha lorded

by Sun and a part of Sravana lorded by Moon). To top it, AK is defined in a

space of 8 planets and not 9. Thus, there is mixing up of apples and oranges

and grapes here and that makes it is an ill-constructed principle. The fact

that it does not do well in practical evaluation does not help either.


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



sohamsa ,

" Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath wrote:


> oṠgurave namaḥ


> Here is one example.


> Sarada Mata - born in cancer lagna with the lagneśa Moon, compassionate

and caring, as the chara ÄÂtmakÄÂraka in Uttara PhÄÂlguṇī naká¹£atra. The

abhiÅ›eka tÄÂrÄ is PÅ«rva PhÄÂlguṇī which is ruled by Venus the natural

significator of spouse which is placed in the 7th house of marriage. Therefore

the one who deserves the abhiÅ›eka is her spouse Ã…Å¡rÄ« Ramakrshna Paramhaá¹Âsa.

Venus is in Capricorn and ÄÂtmakÄÂraka Moon is in the sammukha rÄÂÅ›i Leo

forming YÄÂnavanta Yoga. It is very obvious that she is very spiritual but her

path to spiritual enlightenment and moká¹£a comes from her spouse.


> It is so simple and so obvious. I am really surprised that you could not

see it. Now go back and work out the other examples


> Best Wishes, Sanjay Rath


> sohamsa

[sohamsa ]

On Behalf Of Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

> 14 September 2009 05:16

> sohamsa

> Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra


> Pranaam Sanjay,


> > However, there are many examples like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi,

> > Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda,

> > which do not satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely

" high level souls

> > having incarnated " .


> > [sJR::] It is not good to cast aspersions on the writings of someone


> > giving examples in detail.


> A factual statement accompanied by the names of spiritual giants who serve

as counter-examples to a principle mentioned by someone in print can hardly be

called an " aspersion " .


> > [sJR::] Depends on how many accurate charts you are using them and


> > well you apply the principle.


> The principle you mentioned (AK being the abhisheka naksahtra lord) does not

require accurate data. As long as Moon remains in the same nakshatra and AK

remains the same, any amount of error in time does not change the result of

applying the principle in a chart.


> I mentioned five spiritual giants who do not have this and I gave the

birthdata of 6 normal people who have this.


> > There must be a CONTROL GROUP and then you have to give the results.

> > That way research is done. What is this sleep talking?


> I tested with seven reliable charts of spiritual giants as well as normal



> You may call this " sleep talking " because you look at the

background I provided with suspicion, but the bottomline is that I tested my

principle thoroughly with charts. It is hardly sleep talking or sleep walking.

On the other hand, it is *your* principle (of AK being abhisheka nakshatra lord

indicating a high level soul) that fails in the charts of several spiritual

giants and wrongly applies to several normal people!


> Whether one is " sleep talking " or " awake talking " ,

what really matters is that one should talk sense.


> > It is time to stop meditating and start working.


> Meditation and surrender to god are never obstructions to

" working " and research. They can complement it very well. No matter

how one arrived at a principle, one can be thorough and systematic in testing



> > [sJR::] Mapping naká¹£atra into varga?? You are too advanced. I

will leave it here.


> I did not map " nakshatra into varga " . I took the regular

nakshatra chakra (SarvatoBhadra Chakra), took the abhisheka nakshatra from AK

(instead of Moon as you did) and saw vedhas and aspects on it (instead of

taking Vimsottari lord as you did). Then I correlated with other influences in

rasi and varga.


> > do you realise how you sound?


> I will sound differently to different people, depending on their karmic

debts with me and depending on the conditioning of their minds..


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------

> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> -------------------------


> sohamsa ,

" Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath@> wrote:


> oṠgurave namaḥ


> Dear Narasiá¹ÂÂha


> I know that, perhaps, I am the only person in the whole world who believes

that Thakura Ramakrsna is an incarnation of Lord Ã…Å¡iva. There are too many

points to say that He is an incarnation of Viṣṇu – another

10% may think so, while the majority of people are convinced that He is an

incarnation of Kali. What you are trying to prove is excellent, and I will

examine your points below. My basic point is that when we define the

incarnation of a Viṣṇu avatÄÂÂra, we need to be very specific of

the type of incarnation and the purpose of the incarnation. The

re-establishment of dharma is the only purpose of a Viṣṇu

incarnation and this primary purpose has to be seen. In the case of Ã…Å¡iva

incarnations, it can be for the purpose of protection at times but mainly for

the purpose of pure knowledge. So no matter what the arguments may conclude, we

will finally have to base our views on what Thakur Ramakrishna finally did.


> My view at present is that Thakura Ramakrishna came to remove India from

its terrible tamas guṇa to which it had fallen after years of slavery. He

instilled the highest levels of knowledge and renunciation in his

śiṣya, sometimes by merely touching them. This is the karma of the

parameṣṭhi guru – Śiva and not that of Viṣṇu.

The primary objecitve of independence was achieved by the rise of His teachings

through Swami Vivekananda.


> His pursuit of perfected knowledge – siddhi was unparelled in the

recent history of India.


> ...now to examine what you write .. Ã


> Best Wishes


> Sanjay Rath


> WebPages: <http://srath.com/> http://srath.com


> Jaimini Scholar: <http://sohamsa.com/>



> SJC: <http://.org/>



> Jyotish Digest, Books: <http://sagittariuspublications.com/>



> =========

> Namaste Sanjay and friends,


> In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said regarding Ramakrishna

Paramhamsa's chart:


> " In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I have

never come across anything as close to this chart which represents a perfect

incarnation of Lord Shiva. "


> Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form of

" Shiva " shown by the chart.


> * * *


> However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed and

religious authorities at his time opined.


> When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami

Vivekananda) once thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity if he

declares his divinity *now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering. " As

if he detected the thought, Ramakrishna said to Narendra, " you still have

doubts? He who was Rama and Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not

mean it in your vedantic sense! "


> By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense and

referring to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he clearly

revealed that he was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a

lie and valued truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question

himself must be more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological



> Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by Bhairavi

Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that confirmed to them

that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be an incarnation of



> Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.


> Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even called

Ramakrishna's visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of the

mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him respect

and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one with

purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one with

raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in Himalayas

that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.


> [sJR::] What is the meaning of this paragraph? What is *raw Ã…Å¡iva

tattva*? Have you any idea of Ã…Å¡iva tattva? How can you call it raw?




> * * *


> As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is

supposed to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be

tempted to theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva

tattva to guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not

just Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the

greatest gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad

Gita, the greatest spiritual teaching ever.


> [sJR::] All Viṣṇu avatÄÂÂra are guru in the sense of teaching

the supreme knowledge, but then this is not their primary function. Their

primary function is the establishment of Dharma. Even Rama is a great teacher

– janani janma bhoomi comes from Him. Śrī Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is

the ultimate incarnation of teaching but His primary objective was to teach

sankirtana as a means to emancipation from Kali yuga. It is the primary

objective that decides the nature of the incarnation.


> Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a few

millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda Bhagavatpada

was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great sishyas. His

main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva and

Govinda Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.


> If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva

(Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha

of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all!

Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.


> Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and

Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi



> [sJR::] You are reading too much into the Jupiter-Mercury factors. They

are significators – kÄÂÂraka and they are final indicators in a

horoscope but then there are the lords and houses ...


> Now you are refuting Thakur Ramakrishna who said that Narain is an

incarnation of the seniormost of the sapta-rishi’s (i.e. Kashyapa of

Marīci clan). You must be consistent in saying something. If you use the

theory that Thakur said something in one argument, then the same must apply in

the other argument as well.


> * * *


> -------------------------------

> Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle

> -------------------------------


> You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per

Vimsottari dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a high

level soul having incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and

Vivekananda and a questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.


> However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do not

satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level souls having

incarnated " .


> [sJR::] It is not good to cast aspersions on the writings of someone

without giving examples in detail.


> Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based on

" vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet mapping for one

specific dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space of

Vimsottari lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space of

chara karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is

mixing up two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in

many examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable

data). Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which

was made based on just 2-3 charts.


> [sJR::] VimÅ›ottari is the highest of the udu-daÅ›ÄÂÂ. If only you

knew how to use it well then you would be thinking differently. Ask the 26

Jaimini scholars what they saw in Vimśottari daśĠthis time. Things

so rudimentary that they were shocked that such things existed, yet they

thought they knew vimÅ›ottari daÅ›ÄÂÂ.


> The body, soul and mind have 7, 8 and 9 kÄÂÂraka and they have mixed well

in all beings in this creation. So why should we ignore it?


> Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of applicable



> [sJR::] Depends on how many accurate charts you are using them and how

well you apply the principle.


> * * *


> I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation, that works

in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each formula works in

some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all unquestionably very

high caliber spiritual people.


> After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi homam

and prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra that

works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula that was given

to me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th nakshatra - reckoned

from chara aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) from

a planet that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from chara aatma

kaaraka in D-20 chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi chart. If

chara aatma kaaraka is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well as

counting of the 12th house in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order. "


> [sJR::] This is getting out of hand Narasiá¹ÂÂha. Last year you simply

meditated and got the answers and now you talked to ParÄÂÂÅ›ara in

meditation and the sage gave you the formula ...do you realise how you sound?

It is time to stop meditating and start working.


> I can also say that every night I go into yoga nidra and in deep

meditation all these great secrets were revealed to me ... how would this

sound? I am great rishi? I am Maharishi ... there is no end to this infatuation

which can destroy the ego. Let go of this kind of stuff and start doing serious

research of you have to. There must be a clear HYPOTHESIS, there must be a

clear basis for such hypothesis. There must be a CONTROL GROUP and then you

have to give the results. That way research is done. What is this sleep



> [sJR::] Mapping naká¹£atra into varga?? You are too advanced. I will

leave it here.


> --- End forwarded message ---

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oṠgurave namaḥ

Dear Narasiá¹ha

In both cases the Lagna was associated. Thakura had RÄhu as AK

and co-lord of lagna, Swami vivekananda has Sun AK very strong and vargottama

in Lagna, Sarada Ma had Moon as Lagna lord ...

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

WebPages: http://srath.com

Jaimini Scholar: http://sohamsa.com

SJC: http://.org

Jyotish Digest, Books: http://sagittariuspublications.com






[sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Narasimha PVR Rao

15 September 2009 02:35


Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra







Dear Sanjay,


> The bottomline here is that they all have faith ...


You pointed out the correlation of AK being the Vimsottari dasa lord of

abhisheka nakshatra as something important - something that indicates " a

high level soul having incarnated " , using Ramnakrishna and Vivekananda as

examples. Now, you are diluting it to explain counter-examples and making it

something that indicates " having faith " .


Of course, so many people in this world are spiritual and have faith. But,

*incarnations* of gods, rishis and other " high level souls " , such as

Sarada Mata, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Sivananda etc,

experience a much higher level of realization than most other people of

" faith " .


> Secondly, you are using some 5-7 charts andcoming

> to conclusions. Mercury thy speeds faacinating.


All the seven people I considered are very high level yogis/saints. You cannot

find tens or hundreds of accurate charts for saints of *that calibre*. There

must be something common to their charts, which is rare and not found in that

many charts! That is what I set out to find.


Forget how I arrived at my principle. May be, it indeed came out of

" delusion " , " infatuatuation " or my " ego " . But, I

defined my principle clearly and objectively. It occurs rarely and does not

occur in that many charts (which was verified by testing with 15 normal

charts). Yet, it is satisfied in all the seven spiritual giant charts picked.

Can you try to find another such clear and objective principle?


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



sohamsa ,

" Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath wrote:


> oṠgurave namaḥ


> Dear Narasiá¹Âha


> Don’t look for God in the human mind †" He exists there in some

form but He is way beyond.


> The Moon naká¹£atra only indicates what and how the mind shall be guided

towards salvation. It cannot be a confirmation of the existence of God in any

form. The presence of chara ÄÂtmakÄÂraka associating with the abhiÅ›eka

naká¹£atra only shows one who can be god fearing and spiritual. However, if the

ÄÂtmakÄÂraka is not associated with the lagna then will this light ever

enlighten the mind?


> Secondly, you are using some 5-7 charts andcoming to conclusions. Mercury

thy speeds faacinating.


> Why can’t Padmaja be spiritual? I think she is very spiritual.


> Zulfikar Ali Bhutto gave his life for Pakistan. Now just because he was from

Pakistan we cannot say he was not god fearing. I think he must have a strong

faith in God to be prepared to die for his belief in democracy. How many

politicians from India can give their life for India?


> Yasser Arafat was the leader of Palestenias and if he did not have strong

faith, you think he would have faced such suffering and led his people? No. He

would have found a nice education in some nice university and become a software

programmer J to have a cushy job and happy life.


> Subhash Chandra Bose walked away from the headship of the Congress

although he was elected to it simply because Gandhi did not like his dress! Who

is more spiritual †" one who covets the throne or one who walks away from



> Chiranjeevi ... no comments. Maybe he is spiritual. Who knows


> ...and finally little Srikar...how can you say he is not spiritual?


> The bottomline here is that they all have faith ...strong faith in the

mind and this faith comes from the abhiÅ›eka tÄÂrÄÂ.


> Best Wishes


> Sanjay Rath


> WebPages: <http://srath.com/> http://srath.com


> Jaimini Scholar: <http://sohamsa.com/>



> SJC: <http://.org/>



> Jyotish Digest, Books: <http://sagittariuspublications.com/>



> sohamsa

[sohamsa ]

On Behalf Of pvr108

> 10 September 2009 00:58

> sohamsa

> Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra


> Namaste Lakshmi,


> That's good thinking!


> After this principle passed in 7 out of 7 spiritually elevated charts I

picked, I tried it on 15 normal charts. There were 2 false positives out of 15.

In other words, success rate is 100% in correct set and 13% in wrong set.


> Similar testing can be done with various other principles. For example,

take Sanjay's principle that I started with, viz lord of abhisheka nakshatra

from Moon being AK as per Vimsottari dasa scheme. As mentioned before, it

worked in 2 out of 7 spiritual charts I tried. In the normal charts, there were

6 false positives out of 15. In other words, success rate is 29% in correct set

and 40% in wrong set. Success rate of a good principle should be considerably

higher in the correct set than in the wrong set.


> The data for 6 false positives with Sanjay's principle is: Zulfikar Ali

Bhutto (1928 January 5, 4:29 pm LMT, 68e08, 27n27), Yasser Arafat (1929 August

29, 2:05 am, 2 hrs east of GMT, 31e15, 30n03), Subhash Chandra Bose (1897

January 23, 12:15 pm LMT, 85e50, 20n30), Telugu film star turned politician

Chiranjeevi (1955 August 22, 10:31 am IST, Mogaltur, India), my wife Padmaja

(1971 September 12, 8:25 am IST, Guntur, India), a nephew of mine called Srikar

(2000 September 28, 4:49 pm EDT, Edison, NJ).


> * * *


> > Narasimha are you saying when trying this

> > to only use the Jagannath Ayanamsa?


> I will even say this - to get reliable lagna in divisional charts in TP,

use Jagannatha ayanamsa always. Lahiri is almost correct, but has a small error

that can have a big impact in TP.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------

> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> -------------------------


> sohamsa

<sohamsa%40> , Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary@>


> >

> > Hare Rama Krishna

> > Dear Narasimha,and all,

> > To make the research even more credible.

> > It seems that it should be tried also on a number

> > non spiritual persons charts as well.

> > Hopefully the members of this group can try out your research on a

number of charts , both of spiritual and more mundane peoples charts.

> > Narasimha are you saying when trying this to only use the Jagannath


> > thanks

> > Lakshmi

> >

> > ________________________________

> > rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@>

> > sohamsa


> > Tuesday, September 8, 2009 11:10:22 AM

> > Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

> >

> > Namaste Narasimha,

> >

> > Very good work.

> >

> > I was trying this in some charts and most of them gave very accurate


> >

> > I have a few queries:

> >

> > 1) If both condition (a) and condition (b) get fulfilled, can we

safely conclude that this person will attain to the highest spiritual

experience of Moksha?

> >

> > 2) If only one condition is fulfilled, say the Vedha graha aspects

the 12th from Ak in D20, but is not connected to 5th and/or 9th in rasi, or

vice versa, can we conclude that the person is spiritual but may not reach the

highest realization?

> >

> > 3) In case of no Vedha graha, does it indicate that this person

cannot attain moksha in that life time?

> >

> > Thanks for your research. Appreciate them a lot.

> >

> > -Regards

> > Rajarshi

> >

> > The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra

> >

> > --- On Tue, 8/9/09, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

> >

> >

> > >Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > > Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

> > >sohamsa@ .com, vedic astrology,

, sjcBoston@grou ps.com, sjc-guru@


> > >Tuesday, 8 September, 2009, 5:22 AM

> > >

> > >Namaste Sanjay and friends,

> > >

> > >In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said regarding

Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's chart:

> > >

> > > " In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I

have never come across anything as close to this chart which represents a

perfect incarnation of Lord Shiva. "

> > >

> > >Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form of

" Shiva " shown by the chart.

> > >

> > >* * *

> > >

> > >However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself

revealed and religious authorities at his time opined.

> > >

> > >When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami

Vivekananda) once thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity if he

declares his divinity *now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering. " As

if he detected the thought, Ramakrishna said to Narendra, " you still have

doubts? He who was Rama and Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not

mean it in your vedantic sense! "

> > >

> > >By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic

sense and referring to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he

clearly revealed that he was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never

spoke a lie and valued truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in

question himself must be more reliable than questionable and unreliable

astrological principles.

> > >

> > >Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time

studied Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained

by Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that confirmed

to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be an

incarnation of Vishnu.

> > >

> > >Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.

> > >

> > >Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even

called Ramakrishna' s visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of

the mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him

respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one

with purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one

with raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in

Himalayas that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.

> > >

> > >* * *

> > >

> > >As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and

Jupiter is supposed to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu,

one may be tempted to theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and

attribute Shiva tattva to guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no

logic. Jupiter is not just Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's

avataras have been the greatest gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for

his teaching of Bhagavad Gita, the greatest spiritual teaching ever.

> > >

> > >Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair

from a few millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda

Bhagavatpada was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great

sishyas. His main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord

Shiva and Govinda Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.

> > >

> > >If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of

Shiva (Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an

amsha of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at

all! Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.

> > >

> > >Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara

and Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi


> > >

> > >* * *

> > >

> > >------------ --------- --------- -

> > >Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle

> > >------------ --------- --------- -

> > >

> > >You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per

Vimsottari dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a high

level soul having incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and

Vivekananda and a questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.

> > >

> > >However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi,

Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do

not satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level souls

having incarnated " .

> > >

> > >Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based

on " vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet mapping for

one specific dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space

of Vimsottari lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space

of chara karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is

mixing up two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in

many examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable

data). Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which

was made based on just 2-3 charts.

> > >

> > >Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of

applicable charts.

> > >

> > >* * *

> > >

> > >I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on

abhisheka nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation,

that works in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each

formula works in some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all

unquestionably very high caliber spiritual people.

> > >

> > >After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily

Chandi homam and prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra that works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula

that was given to me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th

nakshatra - reckoned from chara aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in

sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) from a planet that is also associated with (a) the

12th house from chara aatma kaaraka in D-20 chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from

lagna in rasi chart. If chara aatma kaaraka is Rahu, counting of the 28th star

in SBC as well as counting of the 12th house in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal

order. "

> > >

> > >The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house from

AK in it shows the liberation of individual soul as one progresses spiritually.

Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka (28th)

nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space. Planet

having an influence on both the factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th

and 9th from lagna show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences

all the three factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The reverse counting

from Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining argala, Parasara

asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses from Rahu and Ketu

in anti-zodiacal order.

> > >

> > >Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings

poorvapunya and bhagya (5th and 9th) to this specific existence (lagna) and

promotes liberation (12th house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the

conscious mental plane (SBC) and the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).

> > >

> > >Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa lordships.

It uses nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.

> > >

> > >* * *

> > >

> > >When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all

the charts.

> > >

> > >Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th star

from him is Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is in

Ta and the 12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.

> > >

> > >Ramakrishna' s AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star from

him counted anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has vedha in SBC only from Saturn. In

D-20, Rahu is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq. Saturn

owns it. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.

> > >

> > >Vivekananda' s AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha. The 28t star

from him is Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In

D-20, Sun is in Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn

occupies the 9th house.

> > >

> > >Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th star

from him is Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter in

SBC. In D-20, Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter

occupies the 5th house.

> > >

> > >Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in Chitra.

The 28th star from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and aspect

from Jupiter in SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th while

Rahu and Ketu aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and occupies 9th.

> > >

> > >Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th star

from him is Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In D-20,

Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun aspects

it. In rasi, Sun is the 9th lord.

> > >

> > >Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The 28th

star from him is Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn

aspects it. In D-20, Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own

it and Moon aspects it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.

> > >

> > >* * *

> > >

> > >Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time

continuum when living here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth.

To those of you who do any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender

to Parasara and get some blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12

aahutis (oblations) of ghee at the beginning of uttaraangam while saying one of

the following:

> > >

> > >daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM

> > >horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM. svaahaa.

paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> > >

> > >or

> > >

> > >om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> > >

> > >Best regards,

> > >Narasimha

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oṠgurave namaḥ

Dear Narasiá¹ha

I think the best way to start sÄdhana is to start reciting the

Mahamantra of Kali yuga as all mantra and pujÄ have many flaws and these can

cause suffering when not done by experts. Only mantra with the name of Krishna

have no flaws ... I quote Mantra Mahodadhih in support

Please quote your source in support

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

WebPages: http://srath.com

Jaimini Scholar: http://sohamsa.com

SJC: http://.org

Jyotish Digest, Books: http://sagittariuspublications.com






[sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Narasimha PVR Rao

15 September 2009 02:32


Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra









> Explaining clearly the traits of Brahmana , Kshatriya & Vaisya

> at the context of learning & sharing of knowledge was very

> nicely said. Knowledge is Power but sharing it gives enlightment.


Knowledge is indeed Power. However, looking at one's own knowledge as power,

feeling proud and wanting to get some influence or authority over people using

it is kshatriya attitude. It does not lead to enlightenment. Such attitude

restricts the blooming of (and also the benefit to the world from) one's



One should humbly look at oneself as an instrument of god and operate guided by

one's sense of dharma, without being sensitive to whether others are praising

or criticizing one. Swami Vivekananda famously said once that Ramakrishna could

have created 100 Vivekanandas from sand and whatever he was and did was due to

his guru's greatness. That is what I mean by humbly looking at oneself as an

instrument. BTW, Swamiji was not one to show off fake humility. He spoke his

mind frankly and always stood up for what he believed in, with unmatched

honesty, integrity, conviction and fearlessness.


Surrender to god, ask for nothing (including any knowledge), be grateful for

whatEVER He gives (including any knowledge) and do what you see as your dharma

with what he gives you. THAT is the spirit of a braahmana.


Interestingly, one with a pure braahmana attitude automatically becomes

powerful. One who wants power and control is upset when that is undermined. One

who wants money and profits is upset when that is underminded. How can anyone

upset one who wants nothing and does whatever one *can* with whatever one

*has*? Freedom from desires (including desires related to knowledge) is the

highest power.


In not-so-old days, braahmanas roamed this earth who very pure like fire, who

had no desires and who fulfilled what they saw as their dharma without any

expectations or inhibitions. No wonder such braahmanas exuded such power that

the whole world was in awe of them and even mighty kings bowed before their

" power " .


> Your mail has prompted me to delve into the homan section in you

> website and shortly I will start with the homan with the various

> templates you have cited in your site. PVRji, would you kindly

> advise us which homan to start with and what are the benefits

> one can get from the various homan's stated in your site.

> (Thanks for your time and advises).


Ganapathi homam is the best homam for anybody to start with. As a spiritual

sadhana, it is a good idea to do Ganapathi homam for a few months before

starting any other homam. Ganapathi controls the mooladhara chakra, as well as

the the opening of the sushumna nadi. Thus, he protects one's material life and

enables spiritual progress. Moreover, Ganapathi sadhana pleases Ketu and that

can help in one's astrology pursuits too.


> My humble prayers to our Creator to bless with you with all

> the knowledge so that you can share it with us


My humble prayers to the Mother to create a bunch of purified Braahminical

Jyotishis and bless them with perfect knowledge so that the world re-awakens

and sanatana dharma is re-estalished firmly on this earth..


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



sohamsa ,

Dev Sarkar <sarkar_dbx wrote:


> PVRji Namaste,


> Your mail , reply, clarifications and the write-ups has been quite an

enlightening experience for student of astrology like me.


> Explaining clearly the traits of Brahmana , Kshatriya & Vaisya at the

context of learning & sharing of knowledge was very nicely said. Knowledge

is Power but sharing it gives enlightment.


> Your mail has prompted me to delve into the homan section in you website

and shortly I will start with the homan with the various templates you have

cited in your site. PVRji, would you kindly advise us which homan to start with

and what are the benefits one can get from the various homan's stated in your

site. (Thanks for your time and advises).


> My humble prayers to our Creator to bless with you with all the knowledge

so that you can share it with us for the development of our studies and for

students like me.


> With Respects,


> Devbrato Sarkar


> " Wealth is not just about making the money BUT making the MAN while

he is making money " .


> --- On Tue, 9/8/09, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:


> Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr

> Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

> sjc-guru ,


sohamsa , sjcBoston , vedic astrology

> Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 11:37 PM


> Namaste Rajarshi,


> (1) Of course not. This is just a conducive factor. It makes sense logically

and it seems to work in several charts in which you would expect it to apply.

That's all.


> I have no view on (2) and (3). Obviously, I do not have all answers.


> * * *


> > Thanks for your research. Appreciate them a lot.


> What I shared is the tip of the iceberg, just like the planetary special

lagna concepts that I illustrated using Ve7 as an example sometime back.


> There are so many reference points in charts, so many houses and so many

nakshatras. If one applies oneself intelligently and tests using many examples,

one can arrive at so many formulas using what I gave as a template.


> I will illustrate just one more principle. If the 6th house reckoned from

AmK in D-10 and the 10th star (karma nakshatra) reckoned from AmK in SBC have an

influence of the same planet and that planet is also associated with a trine

from GL in rasi chart, one rises to a position of power and influence in one's

work. We are basically looking for synergy between (a) the professional (D-10)

effort (6th) and (b) mental (SBC) activity (10th star) of the spirit of work in

one (AmK) and the blessings (trines) related to power and influence (GL).


> Nehru's AmK is Rahu. From Ardra containing Rahu, the 10th star counted

anti-zodiacally is Satabhishak. In SBC, it has vedha from Mercury and Venus. In

D-10, the 6th house from Li containing Rahu counted anti-zodiacally is Ta.

Venus owns it. In rasi chart, Venus is the lord of GL and joins the lord of the

5th house from GL.


> Indira Gandhi's AmK is Venus. From Poorvashadha containing Venus, the 10th

star is Aswini. In SBC, it has vedha from Mars and Jupiter. In D-10, the 6th

house from Cn containing Venus is Sg. Jupiter owns it. In rasi chart, Jupiter

is the 9th lord from GL.


> Rajiv Gandhi's AmK is Rahu. From Punarvasu containing Rahu, the 10th star

counted anti-zodiacally is Poorvabhadra. In SBC, it has vedha from nodes and

aspect from Mercury and Mars. In D-10, the 6th house from Pi containing Rahu

counted anti-zodiacally is Li. Mars and Mercury aspect it from Ta. In rasi

chart, Mervcury is the 9th lord from GL.


> PV Narasimha Rao's AmK is Venus. From Krittika containing Venus, the 10th

star is Uttara Phalguni. In SBC, it has vedha from Mercury and aspect from Moon

and Mars. In D-10, the 6th house from Cp containing Venus is Ge owned by

Mercury and only Mercury aspects it. In rasi chart, Mercury is the dispositor

of the 5th and 9th lords from GL and is with them, aspecting GL.


> Ronald Reagan's AmK is Sun. From Dhanishtha containing Sun, the 10th star

is Mrigasira. In SBC, it has vedha from Mercury and aspect from Mars and

Saturn. In D-10, the 6th house from Ar containing Sun is Vi owned and occupied

by Mercury and only Mars aspects it from Pi. In rasi chart, Mercury and Mars

are in GL and Mars owns the 5th from GL.


> George W Bush's AmK is Jupiter. From Chitra containing Jupiter, the 10th

star is Sravana. In SBC, it has vedha from none but aspected by Mercury,

Jupiter and Venus. In D-10, the 6th house from Cp containing Jupiter is Ge

owned by Mercury and aspected by Venus from Sg. In rasi chart, Mercury and

Venus are in the 9th house from GL.


> * * *


> Bottomline:


> One may be able to unearth many ways to combine nakshatra chakra (SBC),

various divisional charts and rasi chart. What factor at the mental level

(SBC), what factor at the level of a specific environment in life (i.e. a

divisional chart, examples of various environments shown in various divisional

charts are - professional in D-10, parental in D-12, educational in D-24,

spiritual in D-20, financial in D-2 etc) and what factor at the physical level

(rasi chart) need to have a synergy, in order to produce a specific result?


> * * *


> Namaste Rajarshi and other young sadhakas-cum- Jyotishis,


> I want to humbly say a word on " research " . Please ignore my 2

cents if this makes no sense to you.


> I was quite passionate about Jyotish research several years back and used

to spend a lot of time in research. I used to sleep at 3 am and get up at 6 am.

I used to spend long hours formulating principles and testing them out on

charts, changing JHora sometimes for it. After coming home from work, I used to

spend as much time on astrology study and research, as I used to spend on my

main profession during the day.


> After spiritual transformation in recent years, I stopped spending that

much time. However, the productivity of my Jyotish research went up. Some ideas

that struck to my mind at the end of nice meditation sessions turned out to be

good and simply worked in several charts that I tried out later.


> If you surrender to god and rishis, you will receive whatever knowledge

you need for your activities in this life. Have faith in god and rishis and

surrender. Also, it is important to approach Jyotish knowledge with the spirit

of a brahmana. Brahmana is one who cares about nothing other than knowledge and

liberation. Kshatriya is one who cares about power, authority and control over

others. Vaisya is one who cares about money. Do not look at your Jyotish

knowledge as a means to have some control or authority over people and do not

feel proud of your knowledge, like a kshatriya. Also, do not look at your

Jyotish knowledge as a means to get money and try to increase your gains, like

a vaishya. Be a true braahmana in the prusuit of Jyotish knowledge and

surrender to god and rishis. Sky is the limit for you then.


> Of course, it is also possible then that you lose interest in Jyotish

completely or partially and do not receive any or much Jyotish knowledge. But

so be it. As I said, you will receive " whatever knowledge *you

need* " . You don't know what you really need, but god does! Complete

surrender means not asking for any specific thing and accepting whatever comes

one's way!


> * * *


> Reply to Mail 2 below:


> I am replying publicly while keeping your anonymity.


> 2. Yes, a blue light from a Shiva linga entered his mother when she was

pregnant with him. She also had darshan of many celestial beings on a regular

basis during her pregnancy, which stopped after the delivery.


> Actually, Vishnu told his father in the dream at Gaya that you refer to,

that *he himself* would come as a son.


> There are different indications, but what Ramakrishna himself declared

should be the final word.


> 4. When I meditate deeply after homam or in general, I sometimes go into a

nice spiritual state. Though there was some desire to find some principle based

on abhisheka nakshatra *before* meditation started, it completely vanished from

my consciousness as meditation deepened and the regular self-awareness vanished

too. Then I was in a nice spiritual state where the logical mind and intuitive

mind were very very calm without much mental activity. When I was coming back

to a state of normal self-awareness from such a state, I just became aware of a

thought. It felt like it was someone's thought just flowing in the universe and

I happened to be on the same wavelength and was able to observe it.


> I only said I prayed to Parasara and this formula was given to me. I did

not say who gave it to me, because I do not know. But I express my gratitude to

Parasara, as I had prayed to him before and then this thought came and moreover

this principle is far more logical and far more accurate than anything I was

able to synthesize using my rational and intuitive minds before. If one begged

the king for money and suddenly found a bag of gold coins thrown into one's

backyard by an unseen person, one will only thank the king. Especially if the

coins seem to be made of real gold..


> 5. I am glad you were thinking along those lines! It shows you have some

really good samskaras guiding your instincts. You can ask Agni to carry an

oblation of ghee to various deities and rishis, without a separate invocation..

For example, if your gotra is Goutama, you can offer an oblation in the fire

while saying " om gautamaaya svaahaa. gautamaayedam na mama " . Or, if

you want to offer to Jupiter, you can offer an oblation in the fire while

saying " om bR^ihaspataye svaahaa. bR^ihaspataya na mama " . You can do

this after the main homam and before you start the final offerings to Agni,

Vaayu, Surya, Prajapati, Vishnu and Shiva.


> If you want to specifically invoke, you can use the Ganesha invocation

from Krishna homam or Shiva homam manual as the template and follow that

procedure. Replace " oM gaM gaNapataye namaH " with " oM paM

paraasharaaya namaH " or just " oM paraasharaaya namaH " or the

verse for Parasara below. Irresepctive of the exact procedure you used, the

keys to success are (a) the strength of belief that Parasara is there in fire

and (b) respect and surrender for him. Use whatever procedure maximizes those

aspects in you.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst

rologer.org/ homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst

rologer.org/ tarpana

> Spirituality: http://groups. /

group/vedic- wisdom

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.

home.comcast. net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst


> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> sohamsa@ .com, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@ ...>


> >

> > Namaste Narasimha,

> >

> > Very good work.

> >

> > I was trying this in some charts and most of them gave very accurate


> >

> > I have a few queries:

> >

> > 1) If both condition (a) and condition (b) get fulfilled, can we

safely conclude that this person will attain to the highest spiritual

experience of Moksha?

> >

> > 2) If only one condition is fulfilled, say the Vedha graha aspects

the 12th from Ak in D20, but is not connected to 5th and/or 9th in rasi, or

vice versa, can we conclude that the person is spiritual but may not reach the

highest realization?

> >

> > 3) In case of no Vedha graha, does it indicate that this person

cannot attain moksha in that life time?

> >

> > Thanks for your research. Appreciate them a lot.

> >

> > -Regards

> > Rajarshi

> >

> > ------------ ------

> >

> > Mail 2:

> >

> > Dear Narasimha, namaste & pranaams

> >

> > *The nature of this email is necessarily private. Do not quote this


> > unless you feel some points/your reply to points would benefit a


> > section of society. Thanks in advance.*

> >

> > 1. I am so excited at your directly received revelation from


> > Parasara! This indicates that vargas can be read as independent

charts and

> > gives some valuable pointers as to how connections between rasi and


> > can be synthesized. The tip of an iceberg is indicated here!

> >

> > 2. It is mentioned (I cannot cite the reference) that a blue light


> > out of the Shiva Linga when Sri Ramakrishna' s mother went to the

temple and

> > the waves of the blue light passed into her. She felt as if she was


> > immediately. At the same time, Sri Ramakrishna' s father had a dream

at Gaya

> > that Vishnu would bless him with an illustrious progeny.

> >

> > 3. The statement of Sanjay cited by you below is at best an empirical

> > statement. It does not give any criteria as to how the judgement was


> > at.

> >

> > 4. May I respectfully ask how you received the revelation?

> >

> > 5. Nowadays I am performing the Ganesha homam weekly. I had been

toying with

> > the idea of whether to invoke Maharishis Parasara and Jaimini in the


> > bow before them and seek their blessings for studying the jyotisa


> > You indirectly answered the unspoken desire! How may I invoke


> > Jaimini in the homan?

> >

> > best regards

> > <name deleted>

> >

> > --- On Tue, 8/9/09, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr@> wrote:

> >

> > Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr@>

> > Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

> > sohamsa@ .com, vedic astrology,

, sjcBoston@grou ps.com, sjc-guru@


> > Tuesday, 8 September, 2009, 5:22 AM

> >

> > Namaste Sanjay and friends,

> >

> > In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said regarding

Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's chart:

> >

> > " In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I

have never come across anything as close to this chart which represents a

perfect incarnation of Lord Shiva. "

> >

> > Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form of " Shiva "

shown by the chart.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed

and religious authorities at his time opined.

> >

> > When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami

Vivekananda) once thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity if he

declares his divinity *now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering. " As

if he detected the thought, Ramakrishna said to Narendra, " you still have

doubts? He who was Rama and Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not

mean it in your vedantic sense! "

> >

> > By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense

and referring to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he clearly

revealed that he was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a

lie and valued truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question

himself must be more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological


> >

> > Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by

Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that

confirmed to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be

an incarnation of Vishnu.

> >

> > Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.

> >

> > Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even

called Ramakrishna' s visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of

the mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him

respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one

with purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one

with raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in

Himalayas that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is

supposed to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be

tempted to theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva

tattva to guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not

just Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the

greatest gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad

Gita, the greatest spiritual teaching ever.

> >

> > Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a

few millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda Bhagavatpada

was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great sishyas. His

main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva and

Govinda Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.

> >

> > If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva

(Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha

of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all!

Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.

> >

> > Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and

Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi


> >

> > * * *

> >

> > ------------ --------- --------- -

> > Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle

> > ------------ --------- --------- -

> >

> > You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per

Vimsottari dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a high

level soul having incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda

and a questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.

> >

> > However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi,

Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do

not satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level souls

having incarnated " .

> >

> > Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based

on " vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet mapping for

one specific dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space

of Vimsottari lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space

of chara karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is

mixing up two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in

many examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable

data). Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which

was made based on just 2-3 charts.

> >

> > Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of

applicable charts.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on

abhisheka nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation,

that works in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each

formula works in some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all

unquestionably very high caliber spiritual people.

> >

> > After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi

homam and prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra that works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula

that was given to me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th

nakshatra - reckoned from chara aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra

chakra (SBC) from a planet that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from

chara aatma kaaraka in D-20 chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi

chart. If chara aatma kaaraka is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well

as counting of the 12th house in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order. "

> >

> > The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house from AK

in it shows the liberation of individual soul as one progresses spiritually.

Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka (28th)

nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space. Planet

having an influence on both the factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th

and 9th from lagna show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences

all the three factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The reverse counting

from Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining argala, Parasara

asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses from Rahu and Ketu

in anti-zodiacal order.

> >

> > Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings poorvapunya

and bhagya (5th and 9th) to this specific existence (lagna) and promotes

liberation (12th house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the conscious

mental plane (SBC) and the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).

> >

> > Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa lordships.

It uses nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all

the charts.

> >

> > Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th star

from him is Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is in

Ta and the 12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.

> >

> > Ramakrishna' s AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star from him

counted anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has vedha in SBC only from Saturn. In

D-20, Rahu is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq. Saturn

owns it. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.

> >

> > Vivekananda' s AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha. The 28t star from

him is Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In D-20,

Sun is in Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn occupies the

9th house.

> >

> > Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th star from

him is Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In

D-20, Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter occupies

the 5th house.

> >

> > Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in Chitra. The

28th star from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and aspect from

Jupiter in SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th while Rahu

and Ketu aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and occupies 9th.

> >

> > Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th star

from him is Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In D-20,

Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun aspects

it. In rasi, Sun is the 9th lord.

> >

> > Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The 28th star

from him is Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn aspects

it.. In D-20, Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own it and

Moon aspects it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time continuum

when living here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth. To those

of you who do any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender to

Parasara and get some blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12 aahutis

(oblations) of ghee at the beginning of uttaraangam while saying one of the


> >

> > daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM

> > horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM. svaahaa.

paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> >

> > or

> >

> > om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

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The previous principle for " high level souls having incarnated " turned out to be

too commonplace and not particularly correlated with high level spiritual

people. Now, you are proposing a new principle rather vaguely. If we say " AK

associating with lagna " shows it, again it will be commonplace and many people

will have it. Depending on how you define " association " , some 50-85% people will

have it. If you say this is to be combined with abhisheka nakshatra, how?


If you give a well-defined principle, we can discuss it. You said " There must be

a clear HYPOTHESIS " , even though I gave a very clear, specific and not-so-common

formula and demonstrated it with examples. At the same time, you are not giving

any " clear hypothesis " . If you do, we can see what percentage of spiritual

greats have it and what percentage of regular people have it.


It seems to me that correlations which were casually observed by an author and

which mean nothing in reality are highlighted in books these days as though they

have some higher significance.


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



sohamsa , " Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath wrote:

> oṠgurave namaḥ


> Dear Narasiá¹ha


> In both cases the Lagna was associated. Thakura had RÄhu as AK and co-lord of

lagna, Swami vivekananda has Sun AK very strong and vargottama in Lagna, Sarada

Ma had Moon as Lagna lord ...


> Best Wishes


> Sanjay Rath


> WebPages: <http://srath.com/> http://srath.com


> Jaimini Scholar: <http://sohamsa.com/> http://sohamsa.com


> SJC: <http://.org/> http://.org


> Jyotish Digest, Books: <http://sagittariuspublications.com/>



> sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of

Narasimha PVR Rao

> 15 September 2009 02:35

> sohamsa

> Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra


> Dear Sanjay,


> > The bottomline here is that they all have faith ...


> You pointed out the correlation of AK being the Vimsottari dasa lord of

abhisheka nakshatra as something important - something that indicates " a high

level soul having incarnated " , using Ramnakrishna and Vivekananda as examples.

Now, you are diluting it to explain counter-examples and making it something

that indicates " having faith " .


> Of course, so many people in this world are spiritual and have faith. But,

*incarnations* of gods, rishis and other " high level souls " , such as Sarada

Mata, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Sivananda etc,

experience a much higher level of realization than most other people of " faith " .


> > Secondly, you are using some 5-7 charts andcoming

> > to conclusions. Mercury thy speeds faacinating.


> All the seven people I considered are very high level yogis/saints. You cannot

find tens or hundreds of accurate charts for saints of *that calibre*. There

must be something common to their charts, which is rare and not found in that

many charts! That is what I set out to find.


> Forget how I arrived at my principle. May be, it indeed came out of

" delusion " , " infatuatuation " or my " ego " . But, I defined my principle clearly

and objectively. It occurs rarely and does not occur in that many charts (which

was verified by testing with 15 normal charts). Yet, it is satisfied in all the

seven spiritual giant charts picked. Can you try to find another such clear and

objective principle?


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------

> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> -------------------------


> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> , " Sanjay

Rath " <sanjayrath@> wrote:

> >

> > oṠgurave namaḥ

> >

> > Dear Narasiá¹Âha

> >

> > Don’t look for God in the human mind †" He exists there in some

form but He is way beyond.

> >

> > The Moon naká¹£atra only indicates what and how the mind shall be guided

towards salvation. It cannot be a confirmation of the existence of God in any

form. The presence of chara ÄÂtmakÄÂraka associating with the abhiÅ›eka

naká¹£atra only shows one who can be god fearing and spiritual. However, if

the ÄÂtmakÄÂraka is not associated with the lagna then will this light ever

enlighten the mind?

> >

> > Secondly, you are using some 5-7 charts andcoming to conclusions. Mercury

thy speeds faacinating.

> >

> > Why can’t Padmaja be spiritual? I think she is very spiritual.

> >

> > Zulfikar Ali Bhutto gave his life for Pakistan. Now just because he was from

Pakistan we cannot say he was not god fearing. I think he must have a strong

faith in God to be prepared to die for his belief in democracy. How many

politicians from India can give their life for India?

> >

> > Yasser Arafat was the leader of Palestenias and if he did not have strong

faith, you think he would have faced such suffering and led his people? No. He

would have found a nice education in some nice university and become a software

programmer J to have a cushy job and happy life.

> >

> > Subhash Chandra Bose walked away from the headship of the Congress although

he was elected to it simply because Gandhi did not like his dress! Who is more

spiritual †" one who covets the throne or one who walks away from it.

> >

> > Chiranjeevi ... no comments. Maybe he is spiritual. Who knows

> >

> > ...and finally little Srikar...how can you say he is not spiritual?

> >

> > The bottomline here is that they all have faith ...strong faith in the mind

and this faith comes from the abhiÅ›eka tÄÂrÄÂ.

> >

> > Best Wishes

> >

> > Sanjay Rath

> >

> > WebPages: <http://srath.com/> http://srath.com

> >

> > Jaimini Scholar: <http://sohamsa.com/> http://sohamsa.com

> >

> > SJC: <http://.org/> http://.org

> >

> > Jyotish Digest, Books: <http://sagittariuspublications.com/>


> >

> > sohamsa <sohamsa%40>

[sohamsa <sohamsa%40> ] On Behalf

Of pvr108

> > 10 September 2009 00:58

> > sohamsa <sohamsa%40>

> > Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

> >

> > Namaste Lakshmi,

> >

> > That's good thinking!

> >

> > After this principle passed in 7 out of 7 spiritually elevated charts I

picked, I tried it on 15 normal charts. There were 2 false positives out of 15.

In other words, success rate is 100% in correct set and 13% in wrong set.

> >

> > Similar testing can be done with various other principles. For example, take

Sanjay's principle that I started with, viz lord of abhisheka nakshatra from

Moon being AK as per Vimsottari dasa scheme. As mentioned before, it worked in 2

out of 7 spiritual charts I tried. In the normal charts, there were 6 false

positives out of 15. In other words, success rate is 29% in correct set and 40%

in wrong set. Success rate of a good principle should be considerably higher in

the correct set than in the wrong set.

> >

> > The data for 6 false positives with Sanjay's principle is: Zulfikar Ali

Bhutto (1928 January 5, 4:29 pm LMT, 68e08, 27n27), Yasser Arafat (1929 August

29, 2:05 am, 2 hrs east of GMT, 31e15, 30n03), Subhash Chandra Bose (1897

January 23, 12:15 pm LMT, 85e50, 20n30), Telugu film star turned politician

Chiranjeevi (1955 August 22, 10:31 am IST, Mogaltur, India), my wife Padmaja

(1971 September 12, 8:25 am IST, Guntur, India), a nephew of mine called Srikar

(2000 September 28, 4:49 pm EDT, Edison, NJ).

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > > Narasimha are you saying when trying this

> > > to only use the Jagannath Ayanamsa?

> >

> > I will even say this - to get reliable lagna in divisional charts in TP, use

Jagannatha ayanamsa always. Lahiri is almost correct, but has a small error that

can have a big impact in TP.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> > -------------------------

> > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> > Spirituality:

> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> > -------------------------

> >

> > sohamsa <sohamsa%40>

<sohamsa%40> , Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hare Rama Krishna

> > > Dear Narasimha,and all,

> > > To make the research even more credible.

> > > It seems that it should be tried also on a number

> > > non spiritual persons charts as well.

> > > Hopefully the members of this group can try out your research on a number

of charts , both of spiritual and more mundane peoples charts.

> > > Narasimha are you saying when trying this to only use the Jagannath


> > > thanks

> > > Lakshmi

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@>

> > > sohamsa <sohamsa%40>


> > > Tuesday, September 8, 2009 11:10:22 AM

> > > Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

> > >

> > > Namaste Narasimha,

> > >

> > > Very good work.

> > >

> > > I was trying this in some charts and most of them gave very accurate


> > >

> > > I have a few queries:

> > >

> > > 1) If both condition (a) and condition (b) get fulfilled, can we safely

conclude that this person will attain to the highest spiritual experience of


> > >

> > > 2) If only one condition is fulfilled, say the Vedha graha aspects the

12th from Ak in D20, but is not connected to 5th and/or 9th in rasi, or vice

versa, can we conclude that the person is spiritual but may not reach the

highest realization?

> > >

> > > 3) In case of no Vedha graha, does it indicate that this person cannot

attain moksha in that life time?

> > >

> > > Thanks for your research. Appreciate them a lot.

> > >

> > > -Regards

> > > Rajarshi

> > >

> > > The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra

> > >

> > > --- On Tue, 8/9/09, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > >Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > > > Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

> > > >sohamsa@ .com, vedic astrology,

, sjcBoston@grou ps.com, sjc-guru@


> > > >Tuesday, 8 September, 2009, 5:22 AM

> > > >

> > > >Namaste Sanjay and friends,

> > > >

> > > >In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said regarding Ramakrishna

Paramhamsa's chart:

> > > >

> > > > " In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I have never

come across anything as close to this chart which represents a perfect

incarnation of Lord Shiva. "

> > > >

> > > >Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form of " Shiva " shown by

the chart.

> > > >

> > > >* * *

> > > >

> > > >However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed and

religious authorities at his time opined.

> > > >

> > > >When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami

Vivekananda) once thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity if he declares

his divinity *now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering. " As if he detected

the thought, Ramakrishna said to Narendra, " you still have doubts? He who was

Rama and Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not mean it in your

vedantic sense! "

> > > >

> > > >By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense and

referring to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he clearly revealed that he

was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a lie and valued

truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question himself must be

more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological principles.

> > > >

> > > >Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by

Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that confirmed

to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be an

incarnation of Vishnu.

> > > >

> > > >Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.

> > > >

> > > >Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even called

Ramakrishna' s visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of the

mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him respect

and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one with

purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one with

raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in Himalayas

that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.

> > > >

> > > >* * *

> > > >

> > > >As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is

supposed to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be

tempted to theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva

tattva to guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not

just Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the

greatest gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad

Gita, the greatest spiritual teaching ever.

> > > >

> > > >Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a few

millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda Bhagavatpada

was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great sishyas. His

main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva and Govinda

Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.

> > > >

> > > >If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva

(Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha

of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all!

Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.

> > > >

> > > >Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and

Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi


> > > >

> > > >* * *

> > > >

> > > >------------ --------- --------- -

> > > >Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle

> > > >------------ --------- --------- -

> > > >

> > > >You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per

Vimsottari dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a high level soul

having incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and a

questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.

> > > >

> > > >However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi,

Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do

not satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level souls having

incarnated " .

> > > >

> > > >Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based on

" vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet mapping for one specific

dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space of Vimsottari

lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space of chara

karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is mixing up

two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in many

examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable data).

Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which was

made based on just 2-3 charts.

> > > >

> > > >Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of applicable


> > > >

> > > >* * *

> > > >

> > > >I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation, that works

in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each formula works in

some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all unquestionably very

high caliber spiritual people.

> > > >

> > > >After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi homam

and prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra

that works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula that was

given to me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th nakshatra - reckoned

from chara aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) from

a planet that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from chara aatma

kaaraka in D-20 chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi chart. If

chara aatma kaaraka is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well as

counting of the 12th house in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order. "

> > > >

> > > >The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house from AK in it

shows the liberation of individual soul as one progresses spiritually.

Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka (28th)

nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space. Planet

having an influence on both the factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th

and 9th from lagna show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences

all the three factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The reverse counting

from Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining argala, Parasara

asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses from Rahu and Ketu

in anti-zodiacal order.

> > > >

> > > >Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings poorvapunya and

bhagya (5th and 9th) to this specific existence (lagna) and promotes liberation

(12th house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the conscious mental plane

(SBC) and the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).

> > > >

> > > >Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa lordships. It

uses nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.

> > > >

> > > >* * *

> > > >

> > > >When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all

the charts.

> > > >

> > > >Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th star from

him is Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is in Ta and

the 12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.

> > > >

> > > >Ramakrishna' s AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star from him

counted anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has vedha in SBC only from Saturn. In

D-20, Rahu is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq. Saturn

owns it. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.

> > > >

> > > >Vivekananda' s AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha. The 28t star from him is

Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In D-20, Sun is in

Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.

> > > >

> > > >Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th star from him

is Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In

D-20, Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter occupies

the 5th house.

> > > >

> > > >Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in Chitra. The 28th

star from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and aspect from Jupiter

in SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th while Rahu and Ketu

aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and occupies 9th.

> > > >

> > > >Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th star from

him is Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In D-20, Rahu is

in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun aspects it. In

rasi, Sun is the 9th lord.

> > > >

> > > >Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The 28th star from

him is Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn aspects it. In

D-20, Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own it and Moon

aspects it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.

> > > >

> > > >* * *

> > > >

> > > >Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time continuum when

living here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth. To those of you

who do any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender to Parasara and

get some blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12 aahutis (oblations)

of ghee at the beginning of uttaraangam while saying one of the following:

> > > >

> > > >daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM

> > > >horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM. svaahaa.

paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> > > >

> > > >or

> > > >

> > > >om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> > > >

> > > >Best regards,

> > > >Narasimha

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oṠgurave namaḥ

ParÄÅ›ara had assumed that this sädhärana vidyÄ on naká¹£atra was

known to all before they embark on his monumental classic – BPHS. Now, you are

trying to use a sädhärana vidyÄ for final results.

There is nothing to propose – it is there for those whose eyes

are willing to open. It is so obvious – abhiÅ›eka as in rudra-abhiÅ›eka, rÄjya abhiÅ›eka

.... is it so tough. But then you take naká¹£atra vidyÄ as the be all and end all

of jyotiá¹£a, then naturally you will come under some shock. Unfortunately this vidyÄ

is lost to most astrologers in India and in the next 10 or so years, they will

all know it and then the subsequent generations will learn about naká¹£atra first

before they venture into horÄ Å›Ästra.

I will examine your formula and give you a detailed update about

it. But that is not possible immediately. I am one who stuides well, so let me

study it well and understand why you said what you said.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

WebPages: http://srath.com

Jaimini Scholar: http://sohamsa.com

SJC: http://.org

Jyotish Digest, Books: http://sagittariuspublications.com






[sohamsa ] On Behalf Of pvr108

16 September 2009 01:04


Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra









The previous principle for " high level souls having incarnated "

turned out to be too commonplace and not particularly correlated with high level

spiritual people. Now, you are proposing a new principle rather vaguely. If we

say " AK associating with lagna " shows it, again it will be

commonplace and many people will have it. Depending on how you define

" association " , some 50-85% people will have it. If you say this is to

be combined with abhisheka nakshatra, how?


If you give a well-defined principle, we can discuss it. You said " There

must be a clear HYPOTHESIS " , even though I gave a very clear, specific and

not-so-common formula and demonstrated it with examples. At the same time, you

are not giving any " clear hypothesis " . If you do, we can see what

percentage of spiritual greats have it and what percentage of regular people

have it.


It seems to me that correlations which were casually observed by an author and

which mean nothing in reality are highlighted in books these days as though

they have some higher significance.


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



sohamsa ,

" Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath wrote:

> oṠgurave namaḥ


> Dear Narasiá¹Âha


> In both cases the Lagna was associated. Thakura had RÄÂhu as AK and

co-lord of lagna, Swami vivekananda has Sun AK very strong and vargottama in

Lagna, Sarada Ma had Moon as Lagna lord ...


> Best Wishes


> Sanjay Rath


> WebPages: <http://srath.com/> http://srath.com


> Jaimini Scholar: <http://sohamsa.com/>



> SJC: <http://.org/>



> Jyotish Digest, Books: <http://sagittariuspublications.com/>



> sohamsa

[sohamsa ]

On Behalf Of Narasimha PVR Rao

> 15 September 2009 02:35

> sohamsa

> Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra


> Dear Sanjay,


> > The bottomline here is that they all have faith ...


> You pointed out the correlation of AK being the Vimsottari dasa lord of

abhisheka nakshatra as something important - something that indicates " a high

level soul having incarnated " , using Ramnakrishna and Vivekananda as

examples. Now, you are diluting it to explain counter-examples and making it

something that indicates " having faith " .


> Of course, so many people in this world are spiritual and have faith. But,

*incarnations* of gods, rishis and other " high level souls " , such as

Sarada Mata, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Sivananda etc,

experience a much higher level of realization than most other people of

" faith " .


> > Secondly, you are using some 5-7 charts andcoming

> > to conclusions. Mercury thy speeds faacinating.


> All the seven people I considered are very high level yogis/saints. You

cannot find tens or hundreds of accurate charts for saints of *that calibre*.

There must be something common to their charts, which is rare and not found in

that many charts! That is what I set out to find.


> Forget how I arrived at my principle. May be, it indeed came out of

" delusion " , " infatuatuation " or my " ego " . But, I

defined my principle clearly and objectively. It occurs rarely and does not

occur in that many charts (which was verified by testing with 15 normal

charts). Yet, it is satisfied in all the seven spiritual giant charts picked.

Can you try to find another such clear and objective principle?


> Best regards,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------

> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> -------------------------


> sohamsa

<sohamsa%40> , " Sanjay Rath "

<sanjayrath@> wrote:

> >

> > oṠgurave namaḥ

> >

> > Dear Narasiá¹ÂÂha

> >

> > Don’t look for God in the human mind †" He exists

there in some form but He is way beyond.

> >

> > The Moon naká¹£atra only indicates what and how the mind shall be

guided towards salvation. It cannot be a confirmation of the existence of God

in any form. The presence of chara ÄÂÂtmakÄÂÂraka associating with the

abhiśeka nakṣatra only shows one who can be god fearing and spiritual.

However, if the ÄÂÂtmakÄÂÂraka is not associated with the lagna then will

this light ever enlighten the mind?

> >

> > Secondly, you are using some 5-7 charts andcoming to conclusions.

Mercury thy speeds faacinating.

> >

> > Why can’t Padmaja be spiritual? I think she is very spiritual.

> >

> > Zulfikar Ali Bhutto gave his life for Pakistan. Now just because he

was from Pakistan we cannot say he was not god fearing. I think he must have a

strong faith in God to be prepared to die for his belief in democracy. How many

politicians from India can give their life for India?

> >

> > Yasser Arafat was the leader of Palestenias and if he did not have

strong faith, you think he would have faced such suffering and led his people?

No. He would have found a nice education in some nice university and become a

software programmer J to have a cushy job and happy life.

> >

> > Subhash Chandra Bose walked away from the headship of the Congress

although he was elected to it simply because Gandhi did not like his dress! Who

is more spiritual †" one who covets the throne or one who walks away

from it.

> >

> > Chiranjeevi ... no comments. Maybe he is spiritual. Who knows

> >

> > ...and finally little Srikar...how can you say he is not spiritual?

> >

> > The bottomline here is that they all have faith ...strong faith in

the mind and this faith comes from the abhiÅ›eka tÄÂÂrÄÂÂ.

> >

> > Best Wishes

> >

> > Sanjay Rath

> >

> > WebPages: <http://srath.com/> http://srath.com

> >

> > Jaimini Scholar: <http://sohamsa.com/>


> >

> > SJC: <http://.org/>


> >

> > Jyotish Digest, Books: <http://sagittariuspublications.com/>


> >

> > sohamsa

<sohamsa%40> [sohamsa

<sohamsa%40> ] On Behalf Of pvr108

> > 10 September 2009 00:58

> > sohamsa


> > Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra

> >

> > Namaste Lakshmi,

> >

> > That's good thinking!

> >

> > After this principle passed in 7 out of 7 spiritually elevated charts

I picked, I tried it on 15 normal charts. There were 2 false positives out of

15. In other words, success rate is 100% in correct set and 13% in wrong set.

> >

> > Similar testing can be done with various other principles. For

example, take Sanjay's principle that I started with, viz lord of abhisheka

nakshatra from Moon being AK as per Vimsottari dasa scheme. As mentioned

before, it worked in 2 out of 7 spiritual charts I tried. In the normal charts,

there were 6 false positives out of 15. In other words, success rate is 29% in

correct set and 40% in wrong set. Success rate of a good principle should be

considerably higher in the correct set than in the wrong set.

> >

> > The data for 6 false positives with Sanjay's principle is: Zulfikar

Ali Bhutto (1928 January 5, 4:29 pm LMT, 68e08, 27n27), Yasser Arafat (1929

August 29, 2:05 am, 2 hrs east of GMT, 31e15, 30n03), Subhash Chandra Bose

(1897 January 23, 12:15 pm LMT, 85e50, 20n30), Telugu film star turned

politician Chiranjeevi (1955 August 22, 10:31 am IST, Mogaltur, India), my wife

Padmaja (1971 September 12, 8:25 am IST, Guntur, India), a nephew of mine

called Srikar (2000 September 28, 4:49 pm EDT, Edison, NJ).

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > > Narasimha are you saying when trying this

> > > to only use the Jagannath Ayanamsa?

> >

> > I will even say this - to get reliable lagna in divisional charts in

TP, use Jagannatha ayanamsa always. Lahiri is almost correct, but has a small

error that can have a big impact in TP.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> > -------------------------

> > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> > Spirituality:

> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> > -------------------------

> >

> > sohamsa

<sohamsa%40> <sohamsa%40>

, Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hare Rama Krishna

> > > Dear Narasimha,and all,

> > > To make the research even more credible.

> > > It seems that it should be tried also on a number

> > > non spiritual persons charts as well.

> > > Hopefully the members of this group can try out your research on

a number of charts , both of spiritual and more mundane peoples charts.

> > > Narasimha are you saying when trying this to only use the

Jagannath Ayanamsa?

> > > thanks

> > > Lakshmi

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14@>

> > > sohamsa

<sohamsa%40> <sohamsa%40>


> > > Tuesday, September 8, 2009 11:10:22 AM

> > > Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka


> > >

> > > Namaste Narasimha,

> > >

> > > Very good work.

> > >

> > > I was trying this in some charts and most of them gave very

accurate results.

> > >

> > > I have a few queries:

> > >

> > > 1) If both condition (a) and condition (b) get fulfilled, can we

safely conclude that this person will attain to the highest spiritual

experience of Moksha?

> > >

> > > 2) If only one condition is fulfilled, say the Vedha graha

aspects the 12th from Ak in D20, but is not connected to 5th and/or 9th in

rasi, or vice versa, can we conclude that the person is spiritual but may not

reach the highest realization?

> > >

> > > 3) In case of no Vedha graha, does it indicate that this person

cannot attain moksha in that life time?

> > >

> > > Thanks for your research. Appreciate them a lot.

> > >

> > > -Regards

> > > Rajarshi

> > >

> > > The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra

> > >

> > > --- On Tue, 8/9/09, Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>


> > >

> > >

> > > >Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

> > > > Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka


> > > >sohamsa@ .com, vedic astrology@ .

com, , sjcBoston@grou ps.com,

sjc-guru@ s.com

> > > >Tuesday, 8 September, 2009, 5:22 AM

> > > >

> > > >Namaste Sanjay and friends,

> > > >

> > > >In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said

regarding Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's chart:

> > > >

> > > > " In all my years of study and tens of thousands of

charts, I have never come across anything as close to this chart which

represents a perfect incarnation of Lord Shiva. "

> > > >

> > > >Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form

of " Shiva " shown by the chart.

> > > >

> > > >* * *

> > > >

> > > >However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself

revealed and religious authorities at his time opined.

> > > >

> > > >When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra

(Swami Vivekananda) once thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity

if he declares his divinity *now*, inspite of this sickness and

suffering. " As if he detected the thought, Ramakrishna said to Narendra,

" you still have doubts? He who was Rama and Krishna before is in this body

now. And I do not mean it in your vedantic sense! "

> > > >

> > > >By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic

sense and referring to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he

clearly revealed that he was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never

spoke a lie and valued truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in

question himself must be more reliable than questionable and unreliable

astrological principles.

> > > >

> > > >Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the

time studied Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being

trained by Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks

that confirmed to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him

to be an incarnation of Vishnu.

> > > >

> > > >Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.

> > > >

> > > >Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and

even called Ramakrishna' s visions of various deities as hallucinations and

plays of the mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in

him respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one

with purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one

with raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in

Himalayas that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.

> > > >

> > > >* * *

> > > >

> > > >As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and

Jupiter is supposed to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu,

one may be tempted to theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and

attribute Shiva tattva to guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no

logic. Jupiter is not just Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's

avataras have been the greatest gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for

his teaching of Bhagavad Gita, the greatest spiritual teaching ever.

> > > >

> > > >Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya

pair from a few millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara.

Govinda Bhagavatpada was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had

several great sishyas. His main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an

incarnation of Lord Shiva and Govinda Bhagavatpada is considered to be of

Vishnu tattwa.

> > > >

> > > >If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha

of Shiva (Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had

an amsha of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic

at all! Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.

> > > >

> > > >Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi

Shankara and Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation

of Aadi Shankara.

> > > >

> > > >* * *

> > > >

> > > >------------ --------- --------- -

> > > >Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle

> > > >------------ --------- --------- -

> > > >

> > > >You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord

(as per Vimsottari dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a

high level soul having incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and

Vivekananda and a questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.

> > > >

> > > >However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana

Maharshi, Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda,

which do not satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level

souls having incarnated " .

> > > >

> > > >Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important

formula based on " vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet

mapping for one specific dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara.

Secondly, the space of Vimsottari lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine

planets, while the space of chara karakas contains eight planets. A formula

based on equating them is mixing up two unequal sets. That is illogical.

Moreover, this formula fails in many examples and works in just two (third

example is based on questionable data). Thus, it sounds like a formula

constructed based on an observation which was made based on just 2-3 charts.

> > > >

> > > >Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage

of applicable charts.

> > > >

> > > >* * *

> > > >

> > > >I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based

on abhisheka nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for

liberation, that works in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful.

Each formula works in some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are

all unquestionably very high caliber spiritual people.

> > > >

> > > >After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily

Chandi homam and prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra that works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula

that was given to me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th

nakshatra - reckoned from chara aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in

sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) from a planet that is also associated with (a) the

12th house from chara aatma kaaraka in D-20 chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from

lagna in rasi chart. If chara aatma kaaraka is Rahu, counting of the 28th star

in SBC as well as counting of the 12th house in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal

order. "

> > > >

> > > >The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house

from AK in it shows the liberation of individual soul as one progresses

spiritually. Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka

(28th) nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space.

Planet having an influence on both the factors supports spiritual liberation.

The 5th and 9th from lagna show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet

influences all the three factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The

reverse counting from Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining

argala, Parasara asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses

from Rahu and Ketu in anti-zodiacal order.

> > > >

> > > >Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings

poorvapunya and bhagya (5th and 9th) to this specific existence (lagna) and

promotes liberation (12th house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the

conscious mental plane (SBC) and the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).

> > > >

> > > >Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa

lordships. It uses nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.

> > > >

> > > >* * *

> > > >

> > > >When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all

the charts.

> > > >

> > > >Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th

star from him is Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is

in Ta and the 12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.

> > > >

> > > >Ramakrishna' s AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star

from him counted anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has vedha in SBC only from

Saturn. In D-20, Rahu is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is

Aq. Saturn owns it. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.

> > > >

> > > >Vivekananda' s AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha. The 28t star

from him is Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In

D-20, Sun is in Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn

occupies the 9th house.

> > > >

> > > >Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th

star from him is Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter

in SBC. In D-20, Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter

occupies the 5th house.

> > > >

> > > >Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in

Chitra. The 28th star from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and

aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th

while Rahu and Ketu aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and occupies 9th.

> > > >

> > > >Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th

star from him is Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In

D-20, Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun

aspects it. In rasi, Sun is the 9th lord.

> > > >

> > > >Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The

28th star from him is Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn

aspects it. In D-20, Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own

it and Moon aspects it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.

> > > >

> > > >* * *

> > > >

> > > >Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time

continuum when living here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth.

To those of you who do any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender

to Parasara and get some blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12

aahutis (oblations) of ghee at the beginning of uttaraangam while saying one of

the following:

> > > >

> > > >daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM

> > > >horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM.

svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> > > >

> > > >or

> > > >

> > > >om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na


> > > >

> > > >Best regards,

> > > >Narasimha

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oṠgurave namaḥ

Dear Chandan

I use Arial Unicode and even then this problem... will try again

om parÄÅ›ara-brÄhmaṇe namaḥ

simple fonts om parashara-brahmane namah

I should start recording and uploading ...soon

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

WebPages: http://srath.com

Jaimini Scholar: http://sohamsa.com

SJC: http://.org

Jyotish Digest, Books: http://sagittariuspublications.com


sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of


15 September 2009 13:19


Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra



sri ganeshaya namah


dear sanjayji,



you reply is highly appreciated , but the mantras that you posted have not

appeared correctly due to some font issue i guess. any solutions for that?


also , where exactly can i find your mp3 on mantra shastra??



chandan s sabarwal.


sohamsa , " Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath wrote:






> oṠgurave namaḥ


> Dear Chandan


> Please try *AUM ParÄÂÅ›ara-brÄÂhmaṇe namaḥ*


> The *Nama tattva* taught by Achyutananda uses what Narasiá¹Âha said about

ParÄÂÅ›ara. The first complete sound of the name is the seed. VyÄÂsa has

fist complete sound as *vyÄÂ* and to this add *aá¹Â* to get *vyÄÂá¹Â*.

In this manner the nama bīja of every name can be determined. There are small

deviations if the names have ṛ as in ṛṣi or

kṛṣṇa then this is substituted by la. Please listen to my

teachings on mantra Å›ÄÂstra.


> Best Wishes


> Sanjay Rath


> WebPages: <http://srath.com/> http://srath.com


> Jaimini Scholar: <http://sohamsa.com/> http://sohamsa.com


> SJC: <http://.org/> http://.org


> Jyotish Digest, Books: <http://sagittariuspublications.com/>





> sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of


> 08 September 2009 11:39

> sohamsa

> Re: Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra






> sri ganeshaya namah


> dear narasimha ji,

> namaste.


> sorry for the interruption .just wanted to know from where did you get the pam

beeja and does it directly represent maharshi parashara?


> also , the concept of invoking maharshi parashara for a better understanding

of hora shastra seems perfect to me , its just that i dont do any homams of now

as i dont know how to ...


> could u suggest a simpler mantra to invoke the maharshi? it is only his

blessings that can shows us the true picture...


> humbly,

> chandan s sabarwal.

> sohamsa <sohamsa%40> , Narasimha

PVR Rao <pvr@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Sanjay and friends,

> >

> > In your book " Brihat Nakshatra " , you said regarding Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's


> >

> > " In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I have never come

across anything as close to this chart which represents a perfect incarnation of

Lord Shiva. "

> >

> > Then you went on to talk about the " specific " form of " Shiva " shown by the


> >

> > * * *

> >

> > However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed and

religious authorities at his time opined.

> >

> > When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami Vivekananda)

once thought to himself, " I will accept his divinity if he declares his divinity

*now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering. " As if he detected the thought,

Ramakrishna said to Narendra, " you still have doubts? He who was Rama and

Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not mean it in your vedantic

sense! "

> >

> > By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense and

referring to " He who was Rama and Krishna before " , he clearly revealed that he

was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a lie and valued

truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question himself must be

more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological principles.

> >

> > Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by

Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that confirmed

to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be an

incarnation of Vishnu.

> >

> > Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.

> >

> > Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even called

Ramakrishna's visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of the

mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him respect

and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one with

purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one with

raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in Himalayas

that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is

supposed to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be

tempted to theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva

tattva to guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not

just Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the

greatest gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad

Gita, the greatest spiritual teaching ever.


> >

> > Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a few

millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda Bhagavatpada

was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great sishyas. His

main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva and Govinda

Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.

> >

> > If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva

(Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha

of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all!

Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.

> >

> > Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and

Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi


> >

> > * * *

> >

> > -------------------------------

> > Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle

> > -------------------------------

> >

> > You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per Vimsottari

dasa lordship) being AK is the " first indication of a high level soul having

incarnated " . You use the charts of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and a

questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.

> >

> > However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do not

satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely " high level souls having

incarnated " .

> >

> > Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based on

" vimsottari lordships " , which is just a star-planet mapping for one specific

dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space of Vimsottari

lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space of chara

karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is mixing up

two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in many

examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable data).

Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which was

made based on just 2-3 charts.

> >

> > Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of applicable


> >

> > * * *

> >

> > I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on abhisheka

nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation, that works

in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each formula works in

some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all unquestionably very

high caliber spiritual people.

> >

> > After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi homam

and prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra

that works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula that was

given to me is this: " The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th nakshatra - reckoned

from chara aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) from

a planet that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from chara aatma

kaaraka in D-20 chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi chart. If

chara aatma kaaraka is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well as

counting of the 12th house in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order. "

> >

> > The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house from AK in it

shows the liberation of individual soul as one progresses spiritually.

Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka (28th)

nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space. Planet

having an influence on both the factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th

and 9th from lagna show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences

all the three factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The reverse counting

from Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining argala, Parasara

asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses from Rahu and Ketu

in anti-zodiacal order.

> >

> > Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings poorvapunya and

bhagya (5th and 9th) to this specific existence (lagna) and promotes liberation

(12th house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the conscious mental plane

(SBC) and the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).

> >

> > Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa lordships. It

uses nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami

Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all

the charts.

> >

> > Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th star from him

is Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is in Ta and the

12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.

> >

> > Ramakrishna's AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star from him counted

anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has vedha in SBC only from Saturn. In D-20, Rahu

is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq. Saturn owns it. In

rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.

> >

> > Vivekananda's AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha. The 28t star from him is

Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In D-20, Sun is in

Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.

> >

> > Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th star from him is

Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In D-20,

Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter occupies the 5th


> >

> > Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in Chitra. The 28th

star from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and aspect from Jupiter

in SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th while Rahu and Ketu

aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and occupies 9th.

> >

> > Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th star from him

is Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In D-20, Rahu is in

Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun aspects it. In

rasi, Sun is the 9th lord.

> >

> > Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The 28th star from

him is Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn aspects it. In

D-20, Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own it and Moon

aspects it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time continuum when

living here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth. To those of you

who do any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender to Parasara and

get some blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12 aahutis (oblations)

of ghee at the beginning of uttaraangam while saying one of the following:

> >

> > daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM

> > horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM. svaahaa.

paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> >

> > or

> >

> > om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> > -------------------------

> > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> > Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> > Spirituality:

> > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> > Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> > Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> > -------------------------

> >


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  • 1 month later...

|| Hare Rama Krushna ||Namaskaar Narasimha Ji,I was catching up with the old emails on Sohamsa, and I came across your messages elucidating the following two principles:Principle 1> The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th

house from AK in it shows the liberation of > individual soul as one

progresses spiritually. Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra

space and > abhisheka (28th) nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of

soul in the nakshatra space. Planet > having an influence on both the

factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th and 9th from lagna > show

poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences all the three

factors, that planet can > suggest liberation. The reverse counting from

Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when > defining argala,

Parasara asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses

from Rahu > and Ketu in anti-zodiacal order.Principle 2> I will illustrate just one more principle. If the 6th house

reckoned from AmK in D-10 and the 10th > star (karma nakshatra) reckoned

from AmK in SBC have an influence of the same planet and that > planet is

also associated with a trine from GL in rasi chart, one rises to a

position of power and > influence in one's work. We are basically looking

for synergy between (a) the professional (D-10) > effort (6th) and (b)

mental (SBC) activity (10th star) of the spirit of work in one (AmK)

and the > blessings (trines) related to power and influence (GL).I studied both these principles in several charts. I do not feel that I can do any justice towards testing the first principle, because, after all, who am I to pass a judgment about someone's spirituality and then check the validity of my presumptuous opinion in their charts?! However, I think I can do justice to testing the second principle that you propose because power and influence, especially power, that an individual wields is a tangible thing, and can be perceived by the outside World.You did provide 6 charts to support Principle 2. However, in my study I have come across quite a few charts where this principle does not work. Here are the examples of the charts where the principle does not work. Please note that I used Jagannatha Ayanamsa and mixed 7/8 chara karakas (as per your interpretation of Parasara).1) Al GoreDoB: 03/31/1948ToB: 12:58PoB: 77W02, 38N54TZ: 5:00 Hrs. West of GMTAmK is Budha. Sixth from AmK in Dasamsa is owned by Shani and Rahu and is given rasi drishti by Shani and Surya. In Sarvatobhadra Chakra, the 10th nakshatra from Purvabhadra (occupied by AmK Budha) is Punarvasu. Punarvasu gets vedha from Budha, Guru, and Chandra. So, a common planet is not influencing the first two hot spots. The principle does not work in this chart of an American ex-vice president.2) Abdul KalamDoB: 10/15/1931ToB: 11:30PoB: 79E18, 9N17TZ: 5:30 Hrs. East of GMTAmK is Mangala. Sixth from AmK in Dasamsa is owned by Mangala and Ketu, and is occupied by Guru. Budha and Chandra give rasi drishti. In Sarvatobhadra Chakra, the 10th nakshatra from Visakha (occupied by AmK Mangala) is Satabhishaka. Satabhishaka gets vedha from Shukra. So, a common planet is not influencing the first two hot spots. The principle does not work in this chart of an Indian ex-president.3) Benazir BhuttoDoB: 06/21/1953ToB: 20:16:03PoB: Karachi, PakistanTZ: 5 Hrs. East of GMTAmK is Shukra. Sixth from AmK in Dasamsa is owned by Mangala, and is given rasi drishti by Surya, Shani, and Shukra. In Sarvatobhadra Chakra, the 10th nakshatra from Bharani (occupied by AmK Shukra) is Purvaphalguni, which receives vedha from Ketu. So, a common planet is not influencing the first two hot spots. The principle does not work in this chart of a Pakistani ex-prime minister.4) Boris YeltsinDoB: 02/01/1931ToB: 17:00:00PoB: 63E47, 56N47TZ: 5 Hrs. East of GMTAmK is Shani. Sixth from AmK in Dasamsa is owned by Shani and occupied by Chandra and Ketu. Shani, Budha, and Mangala give rasi drishti. In Sarvatobhadra Chakra, the 10th nakshatra from Purvashadha (occupied by AmK Shani) is Aswini receiving vedha from Chandra. Hence, there is a common planet i.e. Chandra influencing these two hot spots. Let us see if Chandra influences trikona from Ghati Lagna in rasi. Chandra is in Vrishchika and GL is in Tula. Chandra, thus, does not associate in any way to GL or its trikonas. The principle does not work in this chart of a Russian ex-president.5) Donald RumsfeldDoB: 07/09/1932ToB: 17:40:00PoB: 87W39, 41N51TZ: 6 Hrs. West of GMTAmK is Mangala. Sixth from AmK in Dasamsa is owned by Guru, and occupied by Shani. Budha gives rasi drishti. In Sarvatobhadra Chakra, the 10th nakshatra from Rohini (occupied by AmK Mangala) is Hasta, which receives vedha from Shukra. So, a common planet is not influencing the first two hot spots. The

principle does not work in this chart of an American ex-secretary of defense.6) Dudley SenanyakeDoB: 06/19/1911ToB: 12:15:51PoB: 79E51, 6N56TZ: 5:30 Hrs. East of GMTAmK is Shani. Sixth from AmK in Dasamsa is owned by Mangala, and Guru, Chandra, Shani, Rahu, and Ketu give rasi drishti. In Sarvatobhadra Chakra, the 10th nakshatra from Bharani (occupied by AmK Shani) is Purvaphalguni, which receives drishti from Chandra. Hence, there is a common planet i.e. Chandra influencing these two hot

spots. Let us see if Chandra influences trikona from Ghati Lagna in

rasi. Chandra is in Kumbha and GL is in Kanya. Chandra, thus, does

not associate in any way to GL or its trikonas. The principle does not

work in this chart of a Sri Lankan ex-prime minister.7) Gerald Ford Jr.DoB: 07/14/1913ToB: 0:41:00PoB: 96W01, 41N17TZ: 6 Hrs. West of GMTAmK is Mangala. Sixth from AmK in Dasamsa is owned, and occupied by Shukra. Shani, Chandra, and Budha give rasi drishti. In Sarvatobhadra Chakra, the 10th nakshatra from Krittika (occupied by AmK Mangala) is Uttaraphalguni, which receives vedha from Surya. So, a common planet is not influencing the first two hot spots. The

principle does not work in this chart of an American ex-president.8) Henry KissingerDoB: 05/27/1923ToB: 5:30:00PoB: Furth, GermanyTZ: 1:00 Hrs. East of GMTAmK is Shani. Sixth from AmK in Dasamsa is owned by Mangala, and occupied by Guru. Shani, Shukra, and Chandra give rasi drishti. In Sarvatobhadra Chakra, the 10th nakshatra from Hasta (occupied by AmK Shani) is Abhijeet, which receives vedha from Surya, Budha, and Rahu. So, a common planet is not influencing the first two hot spots. The principle does not work in this chart of an American ex-secretary of state.Of course, I ran out of time to test this principle on *all* the charts of politicians that I have. Also, I cannot vouch for the accuracy of birth data that I have used. But I can say this - out of the 16 charts I tested, 8 validated the principle, and 8 did not. The ones that did validate the principle are:1) Adolf Hitler2) Bill Bradley3) Condelizza Rice4) Dr. Murali Manohar Joshi5) Elizabeth Dole6) Franklin Delano Roosevelt7) Jayalalitha8) Abraham LincolnSo the success rate for me was 50%. It also got me thinking that perhaps we should use another varga instead of D-10? Say, D-5? D-5 specifically deals with power and authority as per my

understanding. You have put forth two very

interesting principles based on your research and blessed intuition. I hope you do write a follow-up to my question.Om Tat SatReema.sohamsa , Narasimha PVR Rao <pvr wrote:>> Namaste Rajarshi,> > (1) Of course not. This is just a conducive factor. It makes sense logically and it seems to work in several charts in which you would expect it to apply. That's all.> > I have no view on (2) and (3). Obviously, I do not have all answers.> > * * *> > > Thanks for your research. Appreciate them a lot.> > What I shared is the tip of the iceberg, just like the planetary special lagna concepts that I illustrated using Ve7 as an example sometime back.> > There are so many reference points in charts, so many houses and so many nakshatras. If one applies oneself intelligently and tests using many examples, one can arrive at so many formulas using what I gave as a template.> > I will illustrate just one more principle. If the 6th house reckoned from AmK in D-10 and the 10th star (karma nakshatra) reckoned from AmK in SBC have an influence of the same planet and that planet is also associated with a trine from GL in rasi chart, one rises to a position of power and influence in one's work. We are basically looking for synergy between (a) the professional (D-10) effort (6th) and (b) mental (SBC) activity (10th star) of the spirit of work in one (AmK) and the blessings (trines) related to power and influence (GL).> > Nehru's AmK is Rahu. From Ardra containing Rahu, the 10th star counted anti-zodiacally is Satabhishak. In SBC, it has vedha from Mercury and Venus. In D-10, the 6th house from Li containing Rahu counted anti-zodiacally is Ta. Venus owns it. In rasi chart, Venus is the lord of GL and joins the lord of the 5th house from GL.> > Indira Gandhi's AmK is Venus. From Poorvashadha containing Venus, the 10th star is Aswini. In SBC, it has vedha from Mars and Jupiter. In D-10, the 6th house from Cn containing Venus is Sg. Jupiter owns it. In rasi chart, Jupiter is the 9th lord from GL.> > Rajiv Gandhi's AmK is Rahu. From Punarvasu containing Rahu, the 10th star counted anti-zodiacally is Poorvabhadra. In SBC, it has vedha from nodes and aspect from Mercury and Mars. In D-10, the 6th house from Pi containing Rahu counted anti-zodiacally is Li. Mars and Mercury aspect it from Ta. In rasi chart, Mervcury is the 9th lord from GL.> > PV Narasimha Rao's AmK is Venus. From Krittika containing Venus, the 10th star is Uttara Phalguni. In SBC, it has vedha from Mercury and aspect from Moon and Mars. In D-10, the 6th house from Cp containing Venus is Ge owned by Mercury and only Mercury aspects it. In rasi chart, Mercury is the dispositor of the 5th and 9th lords from GL and is with them, aspecting GL.> > Ronald Reagan's AmK is Sun. From Dhanishtha containing Sun, the 10th star is Mrigasira. In SBC, it has vedha from Mercury and aspect from Mars and Saturn. In D-10, the 6th house from Ar containing Sun is Vi owned and occupied by Mercury and only Mars aspects it from Pi. In rasi chart, Mercury and Mars are in GL and Mars owns the 5th from GL.> > George W Bush's AmK is Jupiter. From Chitra containing Jupiter, the 10th star is Sravana. In SBC, it has vedha from none but aspected by Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. In D-10, the 6th house from Cp containing Jupiter is Ge owned by Mercury and aspected by Venus from Sg. In rasi chart, Mercury and Venus are in the 9th house from GL.> > * * *> > Bottomline:> > One may be able to unearth many ways to combine nakshatra chakra (SBC), various divisional charts and rasi chart. What factor at the mental level (SBC), what factor at the level of a specific environment in life (i.e. a divisional chart, examples of various environments shown in various divisional charts are - professional in D-10, parental in D-12, educational in D-24, spiritual in D-20, financial in D-2 etc) and what factor at the physical level (rasi chart) need to have a synergy, in order to produce a specific result?> > * * *> > Namaste Rajarshi and other young sadhakas-cum-Jyotishis,> > I want to humbly say a word on "research". Please ignore my 2 cents if this makes no sense to you.> > I was quite passionate about Jyotish research several years back and used to spend a lot of time in research. I used to sleep at 3 am and get up at 6 am. I used to spend long hours formulating principles and testing them out on charts, changing JHora sometimes for it. After coming home from work, I used to spend as much time on astrology study and research, as I used to spend on my main profession during the day.> > After spiritual transformation in recent years, I stopped spending that much time. However, the productivity of my Jyotish research went up. Some ideas that struck to my mind at the end of nice meditation sessions turned out to be good and simply worked in several charts that I tried out later.> > If you surrender to god and rishis, you will receive whatever knowledge you need for your activities in this life. Have faith in god and rishis and surrender. Also, it is important to approach Jyotish knowledge with the spirit of a brahmana. Brahmana is one who cares about nothing other than knowledge and liberation. Kshatriya is one who cares about power, authority and control over others. Vaisya is one who cares about money. Do not look at your Jyotish knowledge as a means to have some control or authority over people and do not feel proud of your knowledge, like a kshatriya. Also, do not look at your Jyotish knowledge as a means to get money and try to increase your gains, like a vaishya. Be a true braahmana in the prusuit of Jyotish knowledge and surrender to god and rishis. Sky is the limit for you then.> > Of course, it is also possible then that you lose interest in Jyotish completely or partially and do not receive any or much Jyotish knowledge. But so be it. As I said, you will receive "whatever knowledge *you need*". You don't know what you really need, but god does! Complete surrender means not asking for any specific thing and accepting whatever comes one's way!> > * * *> > Reply to Mail 2 below:> > I am replying publicly while keeping your anonymity.> > 2. Yes, a blue light from a Shiva linga entered his mother when she was pregnant with him. She also had darshan of many celestial beings on a regular basis during her pregnancy, which stopped after the delivery.> > Actually, Vishnu told his father in the dream at Gaya that you refer to, that *he himself* would come as a son.> > There are different indications, but what Ramakrishna himself declared should be the final word.> > 4. When I meditate deeply after homam or in general, I sometimes go into a nice spiritual state. Though there was some desire to find some principle based on abhisheka nakshatra *before* meditation started, it completely vanished from my consciousness as meditation deepened and the regular self-awareness vanished too. Then I was in a nice spiritual state where the logical mind and intuitive mind were very very calm without much mental activity. When I was coming back to a state of normal self-awareness from such a state, I just became aware of a thought. It felt like it was someone's thought just flowing in the universe and I happened to be on the same wavelength and was able to observe it.> > I only said I prayed to Parasara and this formula was given to me. I did not say who gave it to me, because I do not know. But I express my gratitude to Parasara, as I had prayed to him before and then this thought came and moreover this principle is far more logical and far more accurate than anything I was able to synthesize using my rational and intuitive minds before. If one begged the king for money and suddenly found a bag of gold coins thrown into one's backyard by an unseen person, one will only thank the king. Especially if the coins seem to be made of real gold..> > 5. I am glad you were thinking along those lines! It shows you have some really good samskaras guiding your instincts. You can ask Agni to carry an oblation of ghee to various deities and rishis, without a separate invocation. For example, if your gotra is Goutama, you can offer an oblation in the fire while saying "om gautamaaya svaahaa. gautamaayedam na mama". Or, if you want to offer to Jupiter, you can offer an oblation in the fire while saying "om bR^ihaspataye svaahaa. bR^ihaspataya na mama". You can do this after the main homam and before you start the final offerings to Agni, Vaayu, Surya, Prajapati, Vishnu and Shiva.> > If you want to specifically invoke, you can use the Ganesha invocation from Krishna homam or Shiva homam manual as the template and follow that procedure. Replace "oM gaM gaNapataye namaH" with "oM paM paraasharaaya namaH" or just "oM paraasharaaya namaH" or the verse for Parasara below. Irresepctive of the exact procedure you used, the keys to success are (a) the strength of belief that Parasara is there in fire and (b) respect and surrender for him. Use whatever procedure maximizes those aspects in you.> > Best regards,> Narasimha> > Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana> Spirituality: > Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org> > > sohamsa , rajarshi nandy rajarshi14@ wrote:> > > > Namaste Narasimha, > > > > Very good work.> > > > I was trying this in some charts and most of them gave very accurate results.> > > > I have a few queries:> > > > 1) If both condition (a) and condition (b) get fulfilled, can we safely conclude that this person will attain to the highest spiritual experience of Moksha?> > > > 2) If only one condition is fulfilled, say the Vedha graha aspects the 12th from Ak in D20, but is not connected to 5th and/or 9th in rasi, or vice versa, can we conclude that the person is spiritual but may not reach the highest realization?> > > > 3) In case of no Vedha graha, does it indicate that this person cannot attain moksha in that life time?> > > > Thanks for your research. Appreciate them a lot.> > > > -Regards > > Rajarshi> > > > ------------------> > > > Mail 2:> > > > Dear Narasimha, namaste & pranaams> > > > *The nature of this email is necessarily private. Do not quote this email> > unless you feel some points/your reply to points would benefit a larger> > section of society. Thanks in advance.*> > > > 1. I am so excited at your directly received revelation from Maharishi> > Parasara! This indicates that vargas can be read as independent charts and> > gives some valuable pointers as to how connections between rasi and vargas> > can be synthesized. The tip of an iceberg is indicated here!> > > > 2. It is mentioned (I cannot cite the reference) that a blue light emanated> > out of the Shiva Linga when Sri Ramakrishna's mother went to the temple and> > the waves of the blue light passed into her. She felt as if she was pregnant> > immediately. At the same time, Sri Ramakrishna's father had a dream at Gaya> > that Vishnu would bless him with an illustrious progeny.> > > > 3. The statement of Sanjay cited by you below is at best an empirical> > statement. It does not give any criteria as to how the judgement was arrived> > at.> > > > 4. May I respectfully ask how you received the revelation?> > > > 5. Nowadays I am performing the Ganesha homam weekly. I had been toying with> > the idea of whether to invoke Maharishis Parasara and Jaimini in the homam,> > bow before them and seek their blessings for studying the jyotisa shastra.> > You indirectly answered the unspoken desire! How may I invoke Maharishi> > Jaimini in the homan?> > > > best regards> > <name deleted>> > > > --- On Tue, 8/9/09, Narasimha PVR Rao pvr@ wrote:> > > > Narasimha PVR Rao pvr@> > Ramakrishna, Shiva and Abhisheka Nakshatra> > sohamsa , vedic astrology , , sjcBoston , sjc-guru > > Tuesday, 8 September, 2009, 5:22 AM> > > > Namaste Sanjay and friends,> > > > In your book "Brihat Nakshatra", you said regarding Ramakrishna Paramhamsa's chart:> > > > "In all my years of study and tens of thousands of charts, I have never come across anything as close to this chart which represents a perfect incarnation of Lord Shiva."> > > > Then you went on to talk about the "specific" form of "Shiva" shown by the chart.> > > > * * *> > > > However, this is inconsistent with what Ramakrishna himself revealed and religious authorities at his time opined.> > > > When Ramakrishna was on death bed with cancer, Narendra (Swami Vivekananda) once thought to himself, "I will accept his divinity if he declares his divinity *now*, inspite of this sickness and suffering." As if he detected the thought, Ramakrishna said to Narendra, "you still have doubts? He who was Rama and Krishna before is in this body now. And I do not mean it in your vedantic sense!"> > > > By explicitly saying that he did not mean it in the vedantic sense and referring to "He who was Rama and Krishna before", he clearly revealed that he was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramakrishna never spoke a lie and valued truthfulness highly. The words of the realized man in question himself must be more reliable than questionable and unreliable astrological principles.> > > > Moreover, a couple of great religious authorities of the time studied Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in his younger days when he was being trained by Bhairavi Brahmani and saw all behavioral signs and physical marks that confirmed to them that he was an incarnation of Vishnu. They declared him to be an incarnation of Vishnu.> > > > Given these two facts, your conclusion cannot be correct.> > > > Vivekananda was inherently a jnaani. He rejected Maayaa and even called Ramakrishna' s visions of various deities as hallucinations and plays of the mind. He only accepted the formless. Ramakrishna slowly created in him respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa that governs duality. Well, it takes one with purified Vishnu tattva to create respect and love for Vishnu Maayaa in one with raw Shiva tattva. Moreover, it was at the Shiva temple at Amarnath in Himalayas that Vivekananda finally realized his true nature.> > > > * * *> > > > As Jupiter and Mercury are the natural guru and sishya and Jupiter is supposed to show Sadashiva and Mercury is supposed to show Vishnu, one may be tempted to theorize that Shiva is guru and Vishnu is sishya and attribute Shiva tattva to guru in a guru-sishya pair. However, that is no logic. Jupiter is not just Sadashiva, he is Jagannath too. Some of Vishnu's avataras have been the greatest gurus. Krishna is the ultimate jagadguru for his teaching of Bhagavad Gita, the greatest spiritual teaching ever.> > > > Also, take the example of another illustrious guru-sishya pair from a few millennia back - Govinda Bhagavatpada and Aadi Shankara. Govinda Bhagavatpada was a highly learned and elevated master. He too had several great sishyas. His main sishya Aadi Shankara is considered an incarnation of Lord Shiva and Govinda Bhagavatpada is considered to be of Vishnu tattwa.> > > > If one says that Govinda Bhagavatpada must have had an amsha of Shiva (Jupiter) because he was the guru and that Aadi Shankara must have had an amsha of Vishnu (Mercury) because he was the sishya, that would be no logic at all! Shiva himself said that he would be born as Aadi Shankara.> > > > Actually, given the parallels between the lives of Aadi Shankara and Vivekananda, it is possible that Vivekananda was a re-incarnation of Aadi Shankara.> > > > * * *> > > > ------------ --------- --------- -> > Abhisheka Nakshatra Principle> > ------------ --------- --------- -> > > > You said in the same book that abhisheka nakshatra's lord (as per Vimsottari dasa lordship) being AK is the "first indication of a high level soul having incarnated". You use the charts of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and a questionable chart of Lord Krishna to justify it.> > > > However, there are many exampsles like Sarada Mata, Ramana Maharshi, Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada and Swami Sivananda, which do not satisfy the criterion. All of them are definitely "high level souls having incarnated".> > > > Moreover, it is questionable to have such an important formula based on "vimsottari lordships", which is just a star-planet mapping for one specific dasa scheme among many, as taught by Parasara. Secondly, the space of Vimsottari lord of abhisheka nakshtra contains nine planets, while the space of chara karakas contains eight planets. A formula based on equating them is mixing up two unequal sets. That is illogical. Moreover, this formula fails in many examples and works in just two (third example is based on questionable data). Thus, it sounds like a formula constructed based on an observation which was made based on just 2-3 charts.> > > > Any genuine formula should work in a far higher percentage of applicable charts.> > > > * * *> > > > I tried to find some reasonable and logical criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra to find initial indications of a potential for liberation, that works in all the charts I mentioned above. I was unsuccessful. Each formula works in some and fails in some. The example charts I chose are all unquestionably very high caliber spiritual people.> > > > After my failure, I bowed to Maharshi Parasara after a daily Chandi homam and prayed to him to kindly show me a criterion based on abhisheka nakshatra that works in a higher percentage of applicable charts. The formula that was given to me is this: "The abhisheka nakshatra - the 28th nakshatra - reckoned from chara aatma kaaraka has aspect or vedha in sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) from a planet that is also associated with (a) the 12th house from chara aatma kaaraka in D-20 chart and (b) 5th or 9th house from lagna in rasi chart. If chara aatma kaaraka is Rahu, counting of the 28th star in SBC as well as counting of the 12th house in D-20 is in anti-zodiacal order."> > > > The D-20 is the chart of spiritual progress. The 12th house from AK in it shows the liberation of individual soul as one progresses spiritually. Similarly, SBC is the chakra in the nakshatra space and abhisheka (28th) nakshatra from AK in it shows liberation of soul in the nakshatra space. Planet having an influence on both the factors supports spiritual liberation. The 5th and 9th from lagna show poorvapunya and bhagya. If the same planet influences all the three factors, that planet can suggest liberation. The reverse counting from Rahu is because Rahu goes in reverse. Even when defining argala, Parasara asked to reckon argalas and virodha argalas based on houses from Rahu and Ketu in anti-zodiacal order.> > > > Thus, we are finding a planetary influence that brings poorvapunya and bhagya (5th and 9th) to this specific existence (lagna) and promotes liberation (12th house/28th star) of individual soul (AK) in the conscious mental plane (SBC) and the plane of spiritual activity (D-20).> > > > Please note that this formula does not use Vimsottari dasa lordships. It uses nakshatra chakra (SBC) for nakshatras and D-20 for rasis.> > > > * * *> > > > When the formula came to me, I tried it on the charts of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Sarada Mata, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati, Srila Prabhupada, Swami Sivananda. It worked in all the charts.> > > > Sarada Mata's AK is Moon. He is in Uttara Phalguni. The 28th star from him is Poorva Phalguni. It has vedha only from Mars. In D-20, Moon is in Ta and the 12th lord from him is Mars. In rasi, Mars is the 5th lord.> > > > Ramakrishna' s AK is Rahu. He is in Krittika. The 28th star from him counted anti-zodiacally is Rohini. It has vedha in SBC only from Saturn. In D-20, Rahu is in Cp and the 12th house counted anti-zodiacally is Aq. Saturn owns it. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.> > > > Vivekananda' s AK is Sun. He is in Uttarashadha. The 28t star from him is Poorvashadha. It has vedha in SBC only from Moon and Saturn. In D-20, Sun is in Pi and Saturn is the 12th lord from him. In rasi, Saturn occupies the 9th house.> > > > Ramana Maharashi's AK is Moon. He is in Punarvasu. The 28th star from him is Ardra. It has vedha from Sun and Rahu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In D-20, Moon is in Aq and Jupiter and Rahu aspect Cp. In rasi, Jupiter occupies the 5th house.> > > > Swami Chandrasekhara Saraswati's AK is Saturn. He is in Chitra. The 28th star from him is Hasta. It has vedha from Rahu and Ketu and aspect from Jupiter in SBC. In D-20, Saturn is in Cp and Jupiter owns the 12th while Rahu and Ketu aspect it. In rasi, Jupiter owns 5th and occupies 9th.> > > > Srila Prabhupada's AK is Rahu. He is in Dhanishtha. The 28th star from him is Satabhishak. It has no vedha in SBC, but Sun aspects it. In D-20, Rahu is in Sg. The 12th from him reckoned anti-zodiacally is Cp and Sun aspects it. In rasi, Sun is the 9th lord.> > > > Swami Sivananda's AK is Sun. He is in Poorva Phalguni. The 28th star from him is Magha. It has vedha from Moon and Rahu in SBC and Saturn aspects it. In D-20, Sun is in Pi. The 12th from him is Aq. Saturn and Rahu own it and Moon aspects it. In rasi, Moon is lagna lord in 9th house.> > > > * * *> > > > Maharshis who overcame the concept of Time and space-time continuum when living here in a body can bless us even after they leave earth. To those of you who do any kind of homam daily or weekly and want to surrender to Parasara and get some blessings from him, I suggest making 4 or 8 or 12 aahutis (oblations) of ghee at the beginning of uttaraangam while saying one of the following:> > > > daivavidbhyo varaM viGYaM shaktiputraM munIshvaraM> > horaa shaastra pravaktaaraM paraasharaM namaamyahaM. svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.> > > > or> > > > om pam paraasharaaya namaH svaahaa. paraasharaayedaM na mama.> > > > Best regards,> > Narasimha>

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