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Help Secure the Future of Dharma Today

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International Sanatana Dharma Society

President-Acharya: Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya



A Global Appeal:

Help Guarantee the Future of Hinduism Today




November 5, 2009


Dear Friend of Dharma,


I know you are someone who cherishes your personal spiritual heritage of

Sanatana Dharma. You have tasted the sweet fruits of spiritual sustenance,

encouragement and guidance in your own life, and you understand just how much

our troubled world needs to hear the peaceful, life-affirming teachings of the

Vedic tradition - now more than ever.


As our youth, especially, desperately search for meaning in their lives, you

know that Dharma spirituality provides the essential tools, the ethical

foundation and the guiding wisdom necessary to equip our young people with the

ability to achieve every good thing that they desire in this world - both

materially and spiritually.


I am writing to you today to personally ask you to help share Sanatana Dharma

with our youth, and with so many in our world today, who so sincerely yearn to

experience the hope, fulfillment and compassion that only God's loving grace can



God has blessed your life in so many ways, now giving you the ability to in turn

help so many others by directly supporting Dharma.


The International Sanatana Dharma Society (ISDS) is an extraordinary

organization incorporated in the United States as a tax-exempt, non-profit under

section 501©(3) that is currently in the process of purchasing a building in

Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A., as the beginning phase of an international ashram

project. The unique Center for Dharma Studies ashram is a dynamic Hindu project

designed to serve as a state-of-the-art, global resource center for sustaining

and teaching every aspect of Dharma spirituality and culture.


The center will host Satsangs, Hindu Youth Celebration events, seminars, Vedic

scripture classes, and workshops by many of the world's leading Hindu Dharma

teachers; house one of the nation's best Sanatana Dharma libraries; host a

massive Hindu multimedia center; as well as operate a natural health facility

and school offering such traditional Hindu healing modalities as Ayurveda and



The center is directed by Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (Dr. Frank Morales,

Ph.D.), who is recognized globally as one of the Hindu world's most qualified

and authentic spiritual teachers. Sri Acharyaji leads a professional teaching

staff trained to offer some of the best classes on Hindu Dharma available in the

world today.


In the few months that we have been fundraising, we have raised over $110,000.

Currently, we only need another $90,000 to make this crucially important ashram

project a reality.


This new Dharma center and ashram can only become manifest with your commitment

to providing the donations necessary for the initial purchase of the ashram. It

is stated in the sacred Mahabharata: dharmo rakshati rakshitaha, " Those who

preserve Dharma are likewise protected by Dharma. "


By investing generously in the new Center for Dharma Studies ashram, you are

directly ensuring the future preservation of Dharma, and directly invoking for

your life and for your family the many blessings of the divine Devas and Devis

of the heavenly realm, and the divine benevolence of Bhagavan.


We are now only $90,000 away from making this vision of a global Center for

Dharma Studies a concrete reality. Thus time is critical. If you would like to

help support this important project for Dharma during this exciting time, please

make your end of the year - tax deductible - contribution today.


If you donate $1,000 or above anytime between now and the end of January, 2010,

your name will be prominently displayed on a golden plaque in the ashram's

" Builders of Dharma " wall display for all visitors to see.


Your donations will be directed 100% toward ashram development. For your

convenience, you can offer your donations online today at:





Or you may write a check or money order to:

" International Sanatana Dharma Society " .

Address: P.O. Box 390502, Omaha, NE 68139-0502


All donations are tax-deductible.


Thank you in advance for your courageous support of our spiritual tradition.

Take care.


Aum Shanti,


Tulasi Devi Mandaleshvari

General Manager

International Sanatana Dharma Society

P.O. Box 390502, Omaha, NE 68139-0502

www.dharmacentral.com info@ (402) 896-4294




Endorsements of Sri Acharyaji's Work


" Dr. Frank Morales represents the Sankalpa [the will] of the Hindu people and

the cause of Sanatana Dharma. I urge all Hindus everywhere to give him your full

support, assistance, and encouragement in his crucial work. He needs and

deserves our help. "


- Dr. David Frawley (Oct. 14, 2007)



" I recommend Dr. Frank Morales. He is a noteworthy academic scholar of Hinduism,

a formal convert/practitioner as Acharya in Hindu temples, and a great public

champion of Hinduism with courage to stick his neck out. "


- Rajiv Malhotra (Infinity Foundation)



" You've done truly phenomenal work teaching the pure essence of Yoga. "


- Dr. Deepak Chopra



" Few have the background and fewer still the courage to speak boldly about

Hinduism in modern times. Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya has both, and wields

them to trenchant purpose. "


- Paramacharya Palaniswami (Editor-in-Chief: Hinduism Today Magazine)



" Hindus need a person of your caliber to enlighten them. Hindu people, at this

juncture, are looking for someone to guide them and encourage them to stand up

for Dharma. You are the best suited person in America to guide Hindus in the

right direction. Best regards. "


- Narain Kataria (President: Indian-American Intellectuals Forum)



" Dr. Morales comes across to me as a very sincere and honest practitioner and

teacher of Hindu Dharma. Dr. Morales is a very devoted, practicing Hindu and at

the same time, he is very well versed in the academic jargon that is so

necessary to communicate with his peers in US Universities. He preaches a

spiritually oriented, non-sectarian brand of Hindu Dharma, bringing out the

deepest truths of our traditions in a very lucid language. "


- Vishal Agarwal (Director: Voice of Dharma)



" Your ideas and actions have the potential to be revolutionary. "


- Niraj Mohanka (New Dharma Foundation)



" Dr. Morales, I am astounded at your knowledge and realization of our Dharma.

That an American would grasp the Divine teachings as deeply as you have is

wondrous. You are truly a Maha Jagad Guru, the Great World Teacher. "


- Sri Swami Brahmananda Saraswati



" You are a pioneer in many ways and you have our congratulations and support. If

any of us can be of any assistance to you in your work, please do not hesitate

to ask. "


- Dr. Jeffery Long (Professor of Religious Studies, Elizabethtown College)



" I feel that the addition of Shri Acharyaji to the Hindu community of Omaha has

been very valuable, especially for the children. He is a wonderful teacher and

spiritual leader. Acharyaji brings Hindu religion to us, American born Indian

kids, in a way that relates to us. Despite my knowing our language and culture

very well, I feel that " Pujas " and ceremonies in a traditional way don't teach

us the meaning of our religion in the thoughtful manner that it ought to be

understood. Sometimes such deep and beautiful meanings have to be explained to

children so that we can grasp them and follow them. My father routinely teaches

us the meaning of Geeta verses and that helps us gain deeper understanding of

the philosophy behind the teachings. Similarly, Acharyaji is able to bring the

Hindu religious teachings to the youth more clearly and understandably. "


- Vandana Agarwala (Nine year old student of Sri Acharyaji)






Please forward this global appeal to all Dharma-oriented forums, blogs,

websites, and discussion groups.

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