Guest guest Posted November 24, 2009 Report Share Posted November 24, 2009 Respected Sanjay Guruji; Pranaam. I was just reading the mails. One answer perplexed me. 4. In the end, I am not sure that he would work as a surgeon. [sRath:] There is no escape to that karma, at least till 40 years. This 40 years is specific to his horoscope or its applicable to all?? And why 40 years? Rgds Atul Sharma sohamsa , " Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath wrote: > > > > > > om gurave namah > > Dear Rafal > > Answers below...this is last for you. There are many others > > 1. Sookshma parivartana > > 2. Cites is correct, inference may not be so. For example, Moon in 8th is good for mother is one inference!!! How can karaka in MKS be good for the bhava? > > 3. Other comments about Utpanna are given below. My advise is that it will take many years to get detatched from one's own chart. In the beginning I used to argue with Gurudev that my navamsha lagna is Libra as I am a very soft and sweet person But he never agreed. I would keep on and on. Later realisations dawn due to detatchment with the chart. It will take you some time for this and till then do study your chart but sometimes it is better to blindly follow the guidance of your teacher Visti. Just be blind and think that Sri garuda speaks through him. Then you will get correct upadesha and will prosper. > > > > Best Wishes > > Sanjay Rath > > 15B Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi 110060, India; +91 (011) 4504 8762 > > Readings:; Courses:; Books:; Community: > > > > sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Rafal Gendarz > 19 November 2009 19:13 > sohamsa > Re: Re: career guidance > > > > klim krishna klim > Dear Sanjay > > 1. In COVA you are mentioning that when Moon is in twelfth then Chandra-Vimshottari barely trace the life-events - now in all analysis of your charts made by you Guruji, you were using Chandra-Vimshottari. You have also stated that you feel very comfortable whilst using this dasa both in Natal and Tithi Pravesha. So one question would be how serious is the statement that " Chandra-Vimshottari will not show the events " in the perspective of the another statement " Chandra-Vimshottari can be used always " . I'm asking this because you have mentioned dhana and vyaya for the Indu placement and I assume that in those cases we use Lagna-Vimshottari or other dasa as both Chandra and Utpanna will miss the point. Please comment for the clarification. > > 2. Answering your question. > > Your cites: > > * The 8th house is also called the Jeeva sthana or the life of the person > > and is different from the Deha (health) which is seen from the first house. > > This is a dusthana as planets placed herein damage the significations of the > > Jeeva. The reason is very simple. Saturn is the karaka for this house and > > other than Saturn nobody likes to be here. Even Saturn does not do good when > > here other than giving a long life. The others diminish longevity in the > > order of their speeds i.e. the Moon being the fastest shows that life > > finishes fast i.e. longevity is low. Saturn being the slowest shows that the > > life finishes very late i.e. the longevity is high. Thus the speed of the > > planet gives us an idea of its impact on longevity. > > > > * The Moon represents the Kula or lineage. Generally if the Moon is in the eighth house > > in the saptamsa of a girl, childbirth or addition to the Kula maybe > > difficult. > > > > * People with more Venus and less Moon will be more animal or sex > > oriented while the ones with a greater influence of the moon will be > > oriented towards enjoying all the seven Rasa (figurative use here) instead > > of merely the sexual part. > > > > * Moon is the consciousness that urges > > us to go to the source just as the reflected light gives some indication of > > the glory of the bright Sun > > > > * Whenever Rahu torments, either Moon or Jupiter or both should be very strong in the chart. > > > > * The Moon shows the active conscious mind that is drawing various impulses from the interaction of the senses and sense oegans and is passing this information with the filter of desire (what impulses it liked and what it considered as not so good and what are bad) to the lagna through the Arudha Lagna for which it is the Karaka > > > > * Not that the Moon always gives bad advise, but its vision is very limited and sometimes it is in harmony with that from Jupiter and at other times, it is in sakata and other relations with Jupiter. The best situation is one called Gajakesari. > > > > Based on this Moon in eigth can be good for mother being in trikona, but it curtails longevity and the person can have problems with " tides " from society (except when Kendra to Moon are occupied). Marana karaka sthana will give problem to house where Cancer is filling the house if aspected also by other malefic. In my case daridra śaapa Suryaputr gives graha drsti and as Chandra is second lord from Lagna and eleventh lord from Arudhapada this can show times of financial problem in the antardasas being in trikona to it or having bad argala on Chandra. > Afflicted Chandra also shows problems with adpativness and person dont like changes - this also have bad impact on relationship (especially if connected to Budha) and curtail prana and ojas. > > Being varesha shows troublesome digestion and again the health suffers. The remedy comes from Lagnesh Budha which is very strong in chart (altough being also afflicted by Marana karaka sthana) but the four placement will afflict forth house not Lagna as the saptama Budha gives problem to Mithuna bhava. > > As the same Budha is bodhaka for Chandra mother advise will be decisive when it comes to health and finances. As Chandra is karaka for the Budha in sambandha they will act together which can give the interest in ayurveda (fact). Also due to Jyotish community (forth house bhava karaka) the marana karaka sthana can be overcomed and then Sri Narayana mantra can afford relief it from Marana karaka sthana (Visti ji teaching : we use pratyadi for bhava karaka in mks situations) > > OK, going straight to comparision: > > > I would excuse all health events due to fact that Ch-Vimshottari should be applied always here. > > * I have started both engineering and philosophy in [utpanna] Me-Ra. Me doesnt have argala on Lagnesh and being in twelfth from it barely explains the situation. Graha drsti on ninth lord should be also taken into consideration > > * Ch-Vimshottari is much clearer. Ra-Sa - enginnering -> ninth lord Mangal with Shani; and then in Budha dasa (Ra-Me) I have switched to philosophy - graha drsti on ninth lord with Rahu. > > [sRath:] In Rashi chart, I would consider Merc as 4th lord in exaltation in 4H (Vidyesha) as very good for learning. There are two lords of 9th house - Rahu is exalted in Mercurial sign and Saturn has argala on Mercury showing Philosophy and Engineering respectively > > In D24 (siddhamsa), the 9th lord Mars is conjoined Saturn (digbala) but in parivartana with Mercury clearly showing that you will start with one subject and then have parivartana into another subject. Sat+Mars is not sustainable and this is like Yama. > > In D24, colord of 9th house is Ketu conjoining Rahu, the dispositor of lagnesha. It is also having drsti on 9th house. So it is very easy to say that you will go to college in Mercury-Rahu but will not be able to sustain the engineering study. > > * Started serious Jyotish studies with Vistiji: [utpanna] Me-Ju. [Ch-Vim] :Ra-Me. > > * Here Utpanna shows much better as Jupiter is lord of Siddhamsa and aspects ninth house and its lord in Navamsa > > [sRath:] OK you have shown how Utpanna works but have not shown how Moon Vimshottari does not explain your experience very accurately but should show Visti Larsen your Jyotish Guru. Remember both will work and Chandra Vimsottari will show external person. So don't dismiss this so easily. > > * Living on my own/changing place of stay [utpanna]Me-Sa [Ch-Vim] Ra-Ve; > > * As on the antardasa level the planet doesnt change based on yuti [Vistiji advise] both are connected to third lord. However we should pay attention to the forth house and its lord; here both are friends to the lord and planet in house and both are enemical to bhava karaka of forth house - Indu. Hard to judge for me. As eight house from forth shows future house they again both aspects eleventh house. > > [sRath:] Chaturthamsa is missing, so I cannot give complete comment. Do this yourself. > > * Utpanna is much better with Dasamsa. I still cant understand how I can do independent consultation [job instead of buisness] and have sixth lord dasa in Dasamsa all the time! Me Mahadasa [utpanna] is engaged in parivartana with seventh lord in ninth house Jupiter which explains the occupation scene much better > * Now Utpanna-doubt. Me is exalted lagnesh in Arudhapada so during Me Mahadasa [utpanna] it should give much fame/recognition/popularity/rajayoga [in your book about Udu dasa you mention that one exalted planet influencing Lagna can do this]. We could say thats Parivartana in Navamsa with the Moon is blocking - but its only for antardasa level [Vistiji advise]. So why from 92 to 09 nothing special happened. > * Now from 2009 Ketu has started[utpanna]. I didnt see any big change like we should suspect from Mahadasa changing. And infact Ketu gave me more popularity than Budha [in music] - how its possible - Ketu hates the Budha in Arudha! and Moon (music) > > [sRath:] Ketu is going to be one of your best dasha in life. This is the begining and when it enters Gemini it shall start giving something but in Taurus high spirituality. When Ketu will be in Pisces it is complete Rajayoga. You can check dasha also to confirm the transits that I mention. OK no more time. have to go. > > Based on the above some facts are better explained using Chandra, another with Utpanna. > > > > Regards, > Rafal Gendarz > SJC Jyotish Guru > -------------- > Consultations & Pages > > rafal > > > Sanjay Rath pisze: > om gurave namah > > Dear Rafal > > You have Moon in 8th house, so this should work. > > In that CD I was explaining how the mind and intelligence work. If they are in sadastaka, then the brain is not decoding the messages from the universe properly. Ideally Moon in trine shows excellent decoding and one who is fully alert to capitalise on the moment. Such people are very aware and this awareness is the importance of Vimsottari dasa in their lives. In the shadow houses - 2,6,8,12 they are either too fast or too slow somehow missing the tide or letting it pass. For 2/12 houses the subhapati becomes crucial as it can cause the mind to either become slow and dull or very fast. Its position will decide the extent to which the native benefits. > > So what is the problem with chandrastama or simply Marana chandra? Just think and you will see that this position is like getting stuck with something. So, 3 & 8 are one group and 6 & 11 another group. Have you tried your Utpanna? Does it not work?? > > Best Wishes > > Sanjay Rath > > 15B Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi 110060, India; +91 (011) 4504 8762 > > Readings:; Courses:; Books:; Community: > > > > sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of Rafal Gendarz > 19 November 2009 15:35 > sohamsa > Re: Re: career guidance > > > > > > klim krishna klim > Dear Sanjayji > > Once on conference you said that Vimshottari from Moon will not work as Indu sits in Randhrabhava, recently you have analyzed the chart which was fulfilling the condition to be read > from Utpanna and Chandra was sitting in sixth house. As I have Moon in eight bhava besides my theoretical & learning benefits from your answer I would like to ask you to provide the > information when Utpanna Dasa should be used in reading chart. Brhat Nakshatra book gives third and eight, once you have mentioned also trika-bhava. > > > Regards, > Rafal Gendarz > SJC Jyotish Guru > -------------- > Consultations & Pages > > rafal > > Sanjay Rath pisze: > om gurave namah > > Dear Zoran > > Comments to your excellent advanced points - > > sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of ahimsavm > 19 November 2009 08:47 > sohamsa > Re: career guidance > > > > > > Om Namah Shivaya, > Dear Sanjayji, > I have a few queries about the chart you commented. I admit that I took a quick glance on the chart but noted the following> > 1. His Karma Naksatra is ruled by Shani which is conjoined Rahu, both grahas opposing to Surgery, yet favourable for doctor and treating disease. There is no link to Mangal > > [sRath:] Karma nakshatra will show that he will not be one of those doctors who will do surgery for every little thing. It shows his attitude and the presence of malefics does confirm battling diseases and troubles. Generally doctors, top astrologers and such people who face the troubles of others will have malefics in the karma nakshatra. Then only will people in trouble approach them. If astrologer does not have any malefic associated with karma tara, how can he deal with troubles of others. So this is one rule which is general and shows the mental ability. > > > 2. IN his Dasamasa Mangal is neecha conjoined Budha which rules the 2nd and 11th houses? How can he earn money from Surgery unless it is plastic or skin? > > [sRath:] Nica graha are the best in dashamsha. I have nicha surya and am a practising astrologer! Mangal nicha is excellent for surgery. In fact he will become very skilled. My recommendation was skin and such delicate surgical techniques due to mercury So, we agree in this. > > > 3. Shukra rules Jati naksatra and is ucchca.Though it is in 8th house it is conjoined 4th lord. I am not sure that he even wants to live abroad. > > [sRath:] He does not want to live abroad, but then, ...even I did not want to live outside Puri!!! what to do? You cannot have everything perfect in life. If you stay at home, shani will be in head, so better to go out. Now it need not be abroad as India is a big country and a big cultural difference happens even when you travel from Pune to Mumbai ... > > 4. In the end, I am not sure that he would work as a surgeon. > > [sRath:] There is no escape to that karma, at least till 40 years. > Please clarify, > Your shishya, > Zoran Radosavljevic > > Best Wishes > > Sanjay Rath > > 15B Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi 110060, India; +91 (011) 4504 8762 > > Readings:; Courses:; Books:; Community: > > > > > > sohamsa <sohamsa%40> , " Sanjay Rath " <sanjayrath@> wrote: > > > > om gurave namah > > > > Dear Haresh > > > > I think he is a good surgeon, and shall be very skilled in skin related surgery like plastic surgery or such areas if he gets into it. Even in rashi, 10th lord is exalted (fame, rajayoga) in 8H for diseases and suffering and is with mars (surgery) and nica budha (skin, other challenging micro surgery areas) and all this is in Mina rasho ruling hospitals. > > > > If he goes abroad he will become very very successful and also famous for his good work. He will always have very challenging cases for surgery and even during his learning phase he would have got many of the tough cases. > > > > Best Wishes > > > > Sanjay Rath > > > > 15B Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi 110060, India; +91 (011) 4504 8762 > > > > Readings:; Courses:; Books:; Community: > > > > > > > > sohamsa <sohamsa%40> [sohamsa <sohamsa%40> ] On Behalf Of Haresh(Harry)Nathani > > 13 November 2009 20:59 > > sohamsa <sohamsa%40> > > RE: career guidance > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Ashish > > > > > > > > Ur chart does support u to be a good surgeon, but if u r thinking in terms of higher studies, it is very important that ur current dasha period should also support ur chances of success. > > > > > > > > If u hv a look at ur chart above, it does strongly favours doing studies overseas, and u also being successful in ur competitive exams, but ketu maha dasha will be a big hurdle in ur success. > > > > > > > > The period from jan 2011 onwards will be the favourable period of ur success in ur future studies. > > > > > > > > Work on ketu remedies, which will help u in overcoming the hurdles in ur academic career. > > > > > > > > HARESH(HARRY)NATHANI VEDIC ASTROLOGER CELL +91 9867214103Subscribe on this link <http://in.Chandra-AdityaAstroRemedies> http://in.Chandra-AdityaAstroRemedies > > For Professional Paid Consultancy mail request for charges to > > <haresh1405@/hareshgnathani@> haresh1405@/hareshgnathani@ or call +91 9867214103 > > > > > > > > sohamsa <sohamsa%40> [sohamsa <sohamsa%40> ] On Behalf Of ashish > > Thursday, November 12, 2009 12:31 AM > > sohamsa <sohamsa%40> > > career guidance > > > > > > > > > > > > dear gurujans, pranam > > i have never asked a question about myself on any forum but i am forced to becoz i am utterly confused about my future path.... > > i have completed my basic surgical training (dec 2008)and currently i am confused about going abroad for fellowship or prepare for exams in india for further studies..what will be more beneficial..success in competitive exams(for higher studies) in india is extremely limited..1000 students will compete for 1 seat of higher education...if there is a chance i can give it my all..but i cant make up my mind...getting a fellowship of 1 year abroad is also not a piece of cake....i need to go 1 way but which one?..please help..would be obliged forever!! > > thanks > > ashish > > DOB: 3 may 1979 > > time of birth: 12.59.03 > > place of birth : kanpur, u.p., india > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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