Guest guest Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 Dear Saumya ji,The real ruler of Aquarius is Saturn and Rahu is only secondary ruler.Similarly , Mars is real ruler of Scorpio.The secondary rulership of nodes is for specific use and purpose.If nodes are placed in kendra (angular ) houses and aspected by trikona lord or vice vars , the nodes become yogakarka.Kindly study three slokas given on nodes in Laguparasari.Similarly , only 7th aspect of nodes is considered for for formation of Raj yoga. G.K.GOELPh: 09350311433Add: L-409, SARITA VIHARNEW DELHI-110 076INDIA The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 klim krishna klim Dear Gopalji Your below statements are not supported by SJC tradition. Rahu graha drsti on fifth house is considered as purna-drsti and can form rajayoga with Jupiter (as it has ninth house drsti which quallified for mutual aspect). Mutual aspects of graha drsti (sam-purna-graha-drsti) is quallified to give yoga besides i) parivartana and ii) yuti. Based on above teaching Rahu being in fifth and Jupiter being in ninth for Mithuna form Rajayoga. Regards, Rafal Gendarz SJC Jyotish Guru -------------- Consultations & Pages Jyotish Tutorials Mail: rgendarz rgendarz Skype:Â jyotraff1 Gopal Goel pisze: Â Dear Saumya ji, The real ruler of Aquarius is Saturn and Rahu is only secondary ruler. Similarly , Mars is real ruler of Scorpio. The secondary rulership of nodes is for specific use and purpose. If nodes are placed in kendra (angular ) houses and aspected by trikona lord or vice vars , the nodes become yogakarka. Kindly study three slokas given on nodes in Laguparasari. Similarly , only 7th aspect of nodes is considered for for formation of Raj yoga. G.K.GOEL Ph: 09350311433 Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR NEW DELHI-110 076 INDIA The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 Dear Rafael jiRahu in 5th house can also qualify as raja yoga ????some astrologers in our community consider 5th rahu as PITRU DOSHA ..does it so ???--- On Sun, 13/12/09, Rafał Gendarz <starsuponme wrote:Rafał Gendarz <starsuponme Re: [vedic astrology] Dual Lordship of Nodesvedic astrology , sohamsa Date: Sunday, 13 December, 2009, 9:56 PM klim krishna klim Dear Gopalji Your below statements are not supported by SJC tradition. Rahu graha drsti on fifth house is considered as purna-drsti and can form rajayoga with Jupiter (as it has ninth house drsti which quallified for mutual aspect). Mutual aspects of graha drsti (sam-purna-graha- drsti) is quallified to give yoga besides i) parivartana and ii) yuti. Based on above teaching Rahu being in fifth and Jupiter being in ninth for Mithuna form Rajayoga. Regards, Rafal Gendarz SJC Jyotish Guru ------------ -- Consultations & Pages www.rohinaa. com Jyotish Tutorials com/user/ RafalGendarz Mail: rgendarz@googlewave .com rgendarz (AT) gmail (DOT) com Skype: jyotraff1 Gopal Goel pisze: Dear Saumya ji, The real ruler of Aquarius is Saturn and Rahu is only secondary ruler. Similarly , Mars is real ruler of Scorpio. The secondary rulership of nodes is for specific use and purpose. If nodes are placed in kendra (angular ) houses and aspected by trikona lord or vice vars , the nodes become yogakarka. Kindly study three slokas given on nodes in Laguparasari. Similarly , only 7th aspect of nodes is considered for for formation of Raj yoga. G.K.GOEL Ph: 09350311433 Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR NEW DELHI-110 076 INDIA The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 14, 2009 Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 om namo bhagavate rudraayaDear Rafal,Aspect means rashi aspects or graha aspect?If graha aspect than rahu in 9th Jupiter 5th is also qualified for this raja yoga?Rahu in 9th will aspect Jupiter in 5th with his 9th drishti and Jupiter in 5th will aspect rahu in 9th with his 5th drishti.hare rÄma křśnaSunilkumar S.Biradarsohamsa From: starsuponmeDate: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 21:42:54 +0100Re: Re: [vedic astrology] Dual Lordship of Nodes klimkrishna klimDear DeepenThis is out of context. Mutual aspect between Rahu and Jupiter formsyoga - if these planets are connecting Lakshmi and Narayana bhavasnamely kendra and kona then one is predestined to success in life. Allother effects given by Å›astra related to Rahu in fifth house are curse of serpents and the like..Regards,Rafal GendarzSJC Jyotish Guru--------------Consultations & Pageswww.rohinaa.comJyotish (AT) googlewave (DOT) comrgendarz Skype: jyotraff1deepen thakkar pisze: Dear Rafael jiRahu in 5th house can also qualify as raja yoga ????some astrologers in our community consider 5th rahu as PITRU DOSHA ..does it so ???--- On Sun, 13/12/09, RafaÅ‚ Gendarz <starsuponme@>wrote:RafaÅ‚ Gendarz <starsuponme@> Re: [vedic astrology] Dual Lordship of Nodesvedic astrology, sohamsa@ .comSunday, 13 December, 2009, 9:56 PM klimkrishna klimDear GopaljiYour below statements are not supported by SJC tradition. Rahu grahadrsti on fifth house is considered as purna-drsti and can form rajayogawith Jupiter (as it has ninth house drsti which quallified for mutualaspect).Mutual aspects of graha drsti (sam-purna-graha- drsti) is quallified togive yoga besides i) parivartana and ii) yuti. Based on above teaching Rahu being in fifth and Jupiter being in ninthfor Mithuna form Rajayoga. Regards,Rafal GendarzSJC Jyotish Guru------------ -- Consultations & Jyotish Tutorials com/user/RafalGendarzMail: rgendarz@googlewave .comrgendarz (AT) gmail (DOT) comSkype: jyotraff1 Gopal Goel pisze: Dear Saumya ji,The real ruler of Aquarius is Saturn and Rahu is only secondary ruler.Similarly , Mars is real ruler of Scorpio.The secondary rulership of nodes is for specific use and purpose.If nodes are placed in kendra (angular ) houses and aspected by trikona lord or vice vars , the nodes become yogakarka.Kindly study three slokas given on nodes in Laguparasari.Similarly , only 7th aspect of nodes is considered forfor formation of Raj yoga.G.K.GOELPh: 09350311433Add: L-409, SARITA VIHARNEW DELHI-110 076INDIAThe INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in./ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 24, 2009 Report Share Posted December 24, 2009 Dear Friends,THERE IS A NICE DISCUSSIONS ON DUAL LORDSHIPANS ASPECTS OF NODES.first of all ,I will give references as available in BPHS:Ch 35 of Sitaram Jha and ch 36 -'YOGA KARKAS ADHYA'-in both versions slokas 16 and 17 on nodes:Sl16-The shadowy planets( Rahu and Ketu) give predominantlythe effects of the lord of the house with whom they are in conjunction or of the house in which they are placed.Sl 17-If the Tamograha are situated in an angle or a trine , and are in conjunction withor are aspected by the trinal lord or Angular lord respectively , then they become yogakarka.THESE TWO SLOKA(S) ARE GIVEN IN LAGHU PARASARI ALSO.Laghu Parasari gives one additional sloka:SL-36- If rahu and ketu are placed in auspicious houses , even if they are not in sambandha (as explained in sloka 17 above) , they will GIVE yogakarka resuts according to sub-periods.Analysis of above three slokas clearly reveals that Node's aspects are not assignedany role while considering their effects and neither their lordship. The question therefore arises what is the function of their lordship and aspects whichare revealed in BPHS at a latter stage . Obviously these will used in the reference andcontext where these are mentioned . These are not for general or universal use.Ch 47 Sloka 106 of Sitaram Jha version ,and ch 48 Sloka 157 of G C Sharma version ofBphs under the heading -DASA Adhaya-In the context of ascertaining sign dasas, it is mentioned:"Scorpio sign has two lordship of two planets namely Mars and Ketu and Aquarius sign of Saturn and Rahu,"The purpose is well defined.Ch-48 of sitaram version and chapter 49 of Sharma version -in Dasaphal Adya - of BPHSsloka 34,35and 36 , it is mentioned:"For accessing dasa results (these sloka are mentioned in the context of NAKSHATRA DASAS MORE PARTICULARLY VIMSOTTARI DASA),the exaltation signs of Rahu and ketu are Taurus and Scorpio.Mool trikona are Gemini and Sagittarius.Own signs are Aquarius and Scorpio.Some also say Virgo and Pisces."Bphs used the lordships of nodes for accessing marka potential.This can be ascertained where parasara elaborated dasa and antardasa results in nine separate chapters.On aspects of Rahu , BPHS version published from Bombay in 1989 , Khemraj Shrikrishnadasa,in Ch 47 sloka 26 on page 498 , it is mentioned:Rahu has full aspects on 5,7 and 9 houses, half aspect on 2and 10 houses and quarter aspect on 3 and 6 houses and considered as blind for the house in which it is placed.""Nothing is mentioned on the aspects of Ketu"AS SUCH the rulership and aspects of nodes is not for universal use but for specific purpose.Some savants suggested that if Rahu and Ketu in mutual aspect of 5/9 with Jupiter ,it generate Rajyoga.This is not true.The aspects of nodes influences the aspected positionsand should not be used for accessing Rajyogas.AS BPHS HAS NOT INDICATED THE ASPECTS OF KETU , IT IS GENERALLY VIEWED THAT KETU HAS FULL ASPECTS ON 5,7 AND 9 HOUSE(INFLUENCE ASPECTS). I HAVE GIVEN ORIGINAL QUOTES FROM VARIOUS VERSIONS OF BPHS AND LAGHU PARASARI AND ALSO MY VIEWS.THE SAVANTS ARE FREE TO DRAW OWN CONCLUSIONS. G.K.GOELPh: 09350311433Add: L-409, SARITA VIHARNEW DELHI-110 076INDIA The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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