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Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga

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Dear Maja mam,Wonderful write up ,yea it was a bit pain staking for its length but still worth vile . :)I also second you when you say that most of the marriages get tiring after some time ,very few fortunate ones find an ideal partner ,receptive and reciprocative in all senses .I also see people in relationships or newly weds around me and feel ki is love/marriage worth that sacrifice ,for you its wax in the ears ,for me it can be long incessant bills , but still when i see a wonderful child with them i feel ki marriage is a bliss ,children are the only factor that make you feel that the married cpl are in complete harmony...with regardsdeep--- On Sun, 24/1/10, Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro wrote:Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastroRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa Date: Sunday, 24 January, 2010, 4:23 AM



Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI read that last email you were sending after this which is bellow my email. Your wife is pretty much healthy woman. Considering your relationships before marriage, the only serious relationship you ever had is this with your wife. She is first Upa Pada, I am glad this is confirmed.Before I forget to say it (again): yes that is right, your wife would have to contact me directly (however she feels more comfortable- privately or here on forum) in order to allow me to interpret her chart.Opposition to your

marriage was mostly from your father in law? When did you meet your wife?Eternal, life time painful spot of every Sukra Atma Karaka is its "Royal Highness-Institutio n of Marriage". What Sukra Atma

Karaka is living and breathing for is love. You have read that you are having afflicted Sukra (curse) in your chart. This adds hardships on previous statement. Here on forum many times I came across questions such as "Will I have love marriage or arranged marriage?" and every time I am wondering what is on questioners mind... Love? Or falling in love/passion? There is a difference and it is

so hard to explain it to someone who had never felt both, simply entered arranged marriage and remain there for rest of life. No matter what one says to a person who experienced only arranged marriage without falling in love to spouse or loving spouse, they can never understand that there is no big difference between deep love on one side and solid, quality relation inside arranged marriage on the other. There are no "butterflies in stomach" feeling, excitement, shivering, sweet insomnia when it comes to real, deep love. Are you following me so far Sukra Atma Karaka? :)"Butterflies" are present for few days, weeks, months... in best case for few years. Eventually they "fly away" and leave us in bills, loans, arguments over holiday destination, color of sofa, budget plans, "shall we rent/buy house/apartment here or there?", diapers, babies crying, "I am too tired talk, I had a very exhausting day at work", what are we going to have for

dinner, who is earning more, etc. etc. etc. A warm welcome to cruel reality of every day life! So really, who is messed up more at birth: westerns or Indians? Westerns rarely learn difference between love and falling in love, so landing "cruel reality" after "butterflies stage" appears more as a plain crash, if love did not have enough time to plant roots before living together. Indians, on the other side, can hardly get rid of feeling as if they are missing something crucial if their only option is simply to enter arranged marriage and that is it as far as their emotional life. (It is probably scary idea for nowadays 20 year old in India, considering what they are coming across in global media and internet.) As a human being I can only be honest with you and say that I don't

believe in institution of marriage either. At least not from that

perspective of what majority of human beings aged 20-35 is expecting

from partnership deep down inside, no matter which

tradition/country/ religion he or she belongs. Mutual love. Very small percentage of population is lucky to experience this, and majority of these lucky ones did not get everything on the plate as soon as they married. They probably had to put lot of effort and time to make things work.Bottom line, what every married human being needs in The Holy Institution of Marriage is mutual respect, understanding, both sides ready for compromises, cooperation and sharing responsibilities. Otherwise everyone included suffer terribly. Love is a


asset, but it will not make it work if any single one of those above terms is not included. It will not plant roots and grow. It is hard enough to find a person who is ready to

cooperate with another to such extent. Deep down inside, all human beings are very

selfish. Institution of Marriage? Disappointments? Well, disappointments come after failed expectations. It depends on what one is expecting of marriage... See my point?I am not from India, so the first time I became familiar with Vedic viewpoints on marriage was only few years ago. I told you that as a human being I don't believe in Institution of Marriage: Well, why would I wish to push myself and accept so many responsibilities? Why would I ever wish to let anyone disturbing my privacy, habits and occupying half of my bed (while snoring, probably :)? Two reasons:1. Children2. Children#1 Children is purely from human being level. I do wish to accomplish my self as a mother. #2 Children is from viewpoint of Dharma. As you are born in India, I am expecting that you do know that Dharma of every mortal human is continuing linage. This linage can be spiritual, within parampara, if one decides to renounce material aspects

of life. In this option one is adopting "spiritual children" or shishyas (students). Second option is to continue family linage and have biological or adopted children. We are here for the sake of creation and we are obligated to create our own children in order to pay our debts to our Pitris (ancestors). Are you familiar with these principles? If you are, in that case you do understand that you did not marry for your own benefit or pleasure (if this becomes part of your marriage, great!). You married for having children and share responsibilities with your wife in order to up bring them in to greatest possible human beings. Life really makes no sense without children. If you don't believe me, just search for married people who never decided to raise a child (even though they could) and observe their lives. From this viewpoint Institution of Marriage is sacred. One may believe in it or not, but it is sacred because it provides us fulfilling

significant portion of our Dharma. (As far as I am concerned, this paragraph is 80% of my motivation to enter marriage some day. God, I really hope I will have XXXL bed and enough wax for my ears to survive that. :)For good and bad marriage it takes two and it is always easier to blame the other side when something goes wrong. All human beings

find hard to face own failure and responsibility. .. Think about your actions and actions of your wife again, please. She learned to avoid mentioning something that might make you loose your temper. Good. Now is the best time to teach her how to make you talk, smile, feel that you belong there with her, make you happy... She needs you to show her how. You are where you are and there is no turning back. Divorce is always an option, but don't leave before you are sure you tried EVERYTHING to make it work. Replacing her with another woman maybe would be as good enough as changing a package to the same problem, so you need to try to pull the best out of current situation. You both need to become team players. I can try to help a little, rest is really on you.As mentioned earlier, Sukra in your chart is afflicted (under curse), but main problem in your chart is Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY-all Grahas distributed

zodiacally from Rashi occupied by Ketu to Rashi occpuied by Rahu). Nodes are influencing 2nd bhava from Upa Pada. After you told me about circumstances of the way you entered your marriage, I do believe that described is related to Kumbha Rashi. Co lord Rahu is in 3rd bhava with Sukra and Mangal, so you fell in love and choice of spouse was mainly your decision. You were probably head over heels in love... It must have been very intensive emotional experience considering that Rahu is with Sukra Atma Karaka. Currently Rahu antar dasha is running, making Sukra and KSY issues very much in focus.Giving remedies for KSY is easy task if there is benefic with nodes. In your case that would be neecha Sukra. As

neecha Grahas are always related with Devi forms, Kamala Mahavidya would be perfect remedy to break KSY. But... Mahavidya Sadhana is always very intensive experience, since performer gets opportunity to burn significant amount of bad Karma within 40 days (to speed up process of purification in a way). This process is very painful but worth vile, as it would probably take few years or even longer to accoplish same results with another kind of worship. Atma Karaka by it self is delivering most intensive karmic experiences (usually painful, but again-worth vile) to each and every one of us. Combination of Atma Karaka and Mahavidya Sadhana is overextended intensity for fragile human mind. One of possible "side effects" of this combination is mental instability. I do think your Dhishakti, intelligence and mind are very strong, considering all those blessings on your lagna, but you are just a man who is worried about his marriage, financial existence and

employment-meaning you are "regular civilian", making you very fragile for this type of Sadhana.Alternative for Mahavidya is Jyotirlinga mantra for Graha which is joining nodes. Shiva in form of Tryambakkeshvaya is Jyotirlinga for Sukra. This will exalt Sukra, take care of KSY, additionally purify occupants in Meena and give strength to this Rashi which is sustaining your marriage (2nd from Kumbha). You get multiple benefits from this mantra:Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum OmThis is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and you are supposed to start it on any Monday, performing it 108 times (one Mala) in the morning and 108 times at the sunset. Do it for 40 days. After that you wait next Monday to start another 40 days of Shiva worship. There is catch with Jyotirlinga. I don't advise you to start it

unless you are fully prepared to be nothing but a loving husband to your wife. You must be very careful, there are no excuses. She can behave as she likes, be unbearable, impulsive, stubborn, behaving like a spoiled breath, I am so sorry, but all you are allowed to do is to behave like you are preparing for "Husband of decade" contest. You are not allowed to hurt her, insult her even a little bit, to raise your voice at her or to make her unhappy in any way. Whenever you do anything similar you will be "reminded" not to repeat it, because things can get very difficult again. Also, Sukra is related to couples and young, unmarried ladies, so this is place No2 and No3 on your personal list of sacred and divine. Ah yes, add Institution of Marriage as No4, as this institution is also related to Sukra. You are obligated to have full respect towards everything related to Sukra, especially your wife. Neecha Sukra requires you to be humble towards your wife,

sister, ladies etc. etc. Help them when they ask you, help them and support them even when they don't ask you. From now and on, your wife is Devi personified as far as you are concerned and the ground she is walking is sacred to you. You will have to chose this attitude if you want to give some strength to Sukra in your chart and pull your self out of the problem. Believe me that you will make incomparably less damage if you decide to insult anybody else in your life before you decide to make your wife unhappy. (Don't worry, I promise I will never share this conversation with her :) You have to perform some good karma if you want to prevent continuation of bad karma. Your wife is not with you by coincidence. She is there to deliver some karma that must be delivered and you can try to make it easier for yourself. I repeat again what I said few emails ago: Guru will protect Meena rashi, plus Ketu is there, so you need children as soon as

possible. Your marriage has more chances to sustain with children. Come on Karka lagna, you can be great father... I am sure that children will pull the best out of you. That palmist had a point about far away country. I recommend you to move Northwest as Chandra is in digbala from Arudha Lagna. Move from Asia, far far away, as movable rashis such as Karka require distance to get activated. Your lagna and all occupants are your way out of every problem. In next Maha Dasa of Guru it would be great to perform Tara Mahavidya. If you feel ready to do it earlier, let's say around August this year, start it then. I am saying Tara because Grahas on Lagna are also qualified to break Kala Sarpa Yoga. Tara is for Guru.Hm... that would be all for now. Email is long, I know. I had to trouble you to put some effort in reading long list of remedies and advices, as 3rd bhava is place of problems. :) Okay, I am joking. I just think that there was

some point in doing all this, as you might have benefits from everything written above this paragraph. You are reasonable, you might listen to me and you will probably perform Jyotirlinga. Thank you very much for reading this and giving me a chance to do some good karma. As I said before, rest is really on you.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Tue, 1/19/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comTuesday, January 19, 2010, 2:08 AM




Dear Maja ji


Thanks a lot for your kind reply. Here are some major details for my life.


I was married on 12th December 2008. My Father born in 1938 is a businessman and now not doing any active work except for some investments. He is having family history of diabetes and heart problems and is himself a Heart and blood Sugar patient. My mother is a housewife and she does not have any major medical problems except for overweight. Have always belonged to a well to do family but there was not much progress in our financial status and growth has always been stagnant. I've learnt from my parents not to believe in pump and show and lead a simple life. I'm a very stubborn person and don't usually change my decisions. I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible. I have great love for literature and poetry and love art cinema more than commercial cinema. I passed my B.Com in 3rd division even when I was not that bad a student. I've always been haunted by Math and physics and complex calculations. I did my 12 in Science. After that i

did some computer courses and worked here and there but my proper job started in Sep 2003 when I left India and came for a contract job of 2 months in Bangkok. here after 3 months i was offered a full time job and had to travel a lot in this job. I have recently been moved to plant location which has forced me to stay away from my wife as she is also working in the city. I was told this news on Dussehra day 2009. My Wife's DOB is 15th Apr 1980. Number 3, 6, 9 have mostly been lucky. most of my good friends also have these numbers as their date of birth. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i'm the youngest child. Both my brothers are in business. My sister is also married to a businessman. I don't remember much of my childhood but after I've grown up, I've seen mostly problems in business front in my dad's business. I can't say they were very huge but yes, if I compare to how well to do and progressing we used to be (as I was told), our growth got stagnant

and also going down.


My Marriage was a Love cum arranged Marriage. there was a lot of opposition from Girls family but later settled. The first few months of my marriage, my wife and I had lot of quarrels. We actually had very bitter fights and i had lost all interest and faith in the institution of marriage. Things are getting better, touch wood. We don't finght that much as my wife very cleverly avoids any such thing which can make me loose my temper. I won't say I'm satisfied but yes, i also feel its better to avoid any thing which can cause fights. My quality of life, I can't really say as there were both +ve and -ve changes but my career has taken a downfall and I've been landing in problems as explained earlier.

I was once told by a palmist that My future will always be bright outside of the country of my birth and that I would probably die in a country which is not my birth country.


Health wise, My wife is a bit fragile and although her health is more or less stable, she has improved over time but still she keeps getting small problems health wise.


Regarding my wife's chart, should I ask her to send an email to you if she is interested in getting the things explained in her chart?


Please let me know if any further information is required from my side.


Once again thank you so much for your kindness to help.


Kind Regards




sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:09:19 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga






Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteHaving direct dialogue with you is much better option, nice that you included. First of all, no reason for panic at this stage, as we are still checking if your birth time is correct or not.Tell me when did you get married? As your Upa Pada lagna is in 2nd bhava with Surya and Sani, I guess your marriage was arranged according to tradition of your family (which is the case with majority of people of your age in your country, but I would like to check if this is true anyway). You are 31 years old at the moment, so I don't see any serious marriage delay in your case... As I understand tradition, condition number one, necessary to fulfill in order to become potential groom, is to finish education (at least) before entering marriage. This can not happen before age of 23-24 (if we are talking about higher education). As Sani is on Upa Pada lagna, here we should focus on

7th there from (Kumbha) in order to find more details about relation between you and your wife. It is nice to see that her Rashi Lagna fits perfectly to your Upa Pada. :) I think your relation will be so much stronger after birth of children, as Ketu (kula devata) is there in Mooltrikona receiving Graha drishti of Guru from lagna. No need to focus on afflicted neecha Sukra from 3rd bhava and its influence on 2nd from Kumbha, as Guru is strong enough to protect his rashi (Meena) and his beneficial influence is strong enough to sustain your marriage. This marriage should last, all you guys need is children. This is the best "remedy" to keep your marriage safe and sound. :) I can not give comments related to your wife's chart, as I need her blessing and permission to do such a thing. It is her privacy. Though I am allowed to cheer you up with good news: my knowledge in determining compatibility between partners is pretty much poor, but what I am

familiar with at this stage allows me to say that there is perfect compatibility in domain of Chandra (representing both of your families, social circles and mind level) between the two of you. "Third party involvement" meaning-if there were any extramarital issues with other women?Longevity issues- if Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, this brings neecha Sukra in 8th bhava, related to sustaining of marriage and this is maraka bhava for wife also. This is neecha, vargotama Atma Karaka (under curse in Rashi chart), believe me you would feel very unhappy in your marriage if this is in 8th bhava. Further, 9th bhava is 3rd from 7th, so it is related to death of spouse in a way. Lord is neecha Budh having graha drishti on neecha Sukra in 2nd from 7th. If Sukra and Budh were not neecha (without neecha banga in Navamsha), I would not insist that this combination could ever influence wife's longevity, as there is no 7th lord involved in this

combination to satisfy snap shot combination for death of spouse. This way, I would stick to health issues and longevity decreased to some extent. Speaking of her health, I need you to tell me how is your wife doing? If she is fine and well, I suggest Makara Navamsha lagna.What is your father's occupation? If Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, following scenario is possible: social and financial status of your family could have been very stable and good before you were born. After you were born, your family could have experienced huge problems related to status, reputation, some court cases, legal issues and similar could have cropped up. Was this the case?Also, after you got married, how would you describe quality of your life, your career and interpersonal relations with people from your surrounding? I need these answers.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Mon, 1/18/10, Vivek Bajaj

<bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comMonday, January 18, 2010, 1:48 AM

Dear Maja ji and Manoj ji Thanks a lot for taking out time to look at the chart. Maja ji, can you please help with the charts of me and my wife as if its really a Kumbha Lagna in Navmasa then I guess I'd be needing the help and blessings of Gurujans and learned members. My marriage was delayed. I'm sorry but I could not fully understand the third party involvement and longvity things. Frankly I'm getting scared a bit. Please guide me. I would also like to request Gurujans and Other leaned members if they can help with their analysis. Thanks and RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commanojsharma662000@ Sun, 17 Jan 2010 06:50:26 -0800Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




point well taken...I am a day dreamer and dreams just add more illusion (maya) around you...but that is my karma and I have to face (actually I am already facing) the consequences




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSun, January 17, 2010 3:41:43 AMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj, namasteThis is not matter of knowledge level, it is matter of approaching facts. Only facts make sense to me.Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 6:15 PM



Hi Maja,

Thanks for your response. I will not pretend to know more than you in astrology even for a wee bit. I was just saying that sometime the truth is not every apparent, and at abstract level sometime what is apparent is not necessarily true. I was just trying to make this point. However, again not sure whether it makes sense to you.




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSat, January 16, 2010 4:25:13 PMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj,:))))))))))) ))))))))) )) Thank you for making me laugh with this lovely explanation. I do believe Vivek knows his wife very well. They are living together after all.Does this mean that Jyotishi is allowed to say: "You had a very good period to become millionaire a year ago, but sadly, you did not use it, so nothing manifested." in order to justify our errors in interpretation or rectification?Vivek's navamsha lagna shifts to Makara lagna within less than one minute earlier. In case of Kumbha navamsha lagna, Sukra would be 9th lord in 8th and Sukra is neecha, so I do believe that this would delay his marriage (fulfiling Dharma-9th bhava). Also, neecha Sukra would be matter of sustaining his marriage. There is drishti of neecha Budh on Sukra, so I do believe that if there is no terrible suffering or involvement of third party in his marriage, or if his wife is alive and well (yoga

of 8th and 9th lord would badly afflict wife's longevity) Vivek's navamsha lagna should be Makara. This way, second bhava related to sustaining is occupied with Gu/Ke, meaning that children (own or adopted) and continuing linage is something that is keeping this marriage strong.When there is parampara yoga in 7th in Navamsha, it is not matter of inner quality or inner attitude of spouse. It is reality and spouse should actually belong to/be born in some Parampara if Yoga is strong (Guru is in Surya's rashi here, so...).Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32 AM



That my be because of her Arudha lagna; what manifests is not always true...just tear the facade of this maya and try to understand the soul of your wife...may be you will realize, she is indeed very spritual if not religious... .






Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>sohamsa@ .comFri, January 15, 2010 5:50:11 AMRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga Dear Guru jis/Learned Members Just noticed that Jupiter + Ketu is in my D9 too in 7th house. I don't think my wife is very spiritual. She is more fun loving and out going than me. Chart attached. I guess we need some more expert advise. Warm RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .combondmerama (AT) (DOT) inFri, 15 Jan 2010 10:39:13 +0000 Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga


Dear All,Does this yoga always known as Ganapati Yoga,Here Jupiter is fallen.Best Regardssohamsa@ .com, LearneR Vedic AstroG <hygreeva_ram@ ...> wrote:>> || Hare Rama Krishna ||>  > Namaskar, > It indiacte you get spirtual wife , may be marriage purpose is to beget children.>  >  >  > Regards,> Hygreeva.> > > --- On Thu, 14/1/10, AS <bondmerama@ ...> wrote:> > > AS <bondmerama@ ...>> Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:shri Rafal Ji please tell......> sohamsa@ .com> Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 8:20 AM> > >  > > > > Respected Sirs>

Namaskar.> Does the combination of Jupiter+Ketu in Makara, seventh house of D-9,indictates an astrologer spouse/spiritual spouse or what it indicates.> Kindly tell.> Regards.> > > > > > > > > > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/>



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Om Gurave NamahDear Deepen, namasteEvery marriage is individual case.Every attitude towards marriage is individual case, so I fully respect your attitude. It is your choice.I am surrounded with many people who are living for weekends and evenings to spend them with their spouse (and children, if they have them). Don't forget I mentioned I am living in a country where choice of marriage depends on emotions. This means that they actually found someone who fulfills them.I am also surrounded with people who can't wait for Monday morning to escape home. I am also surrounded with many divorced women who are having zero support from their ex husband in upbringing children. Reason why they divorced was having zero support even while being married.But I can't take them in consideration, or my

individual experience (I used to live with someone. Guess what, I didn't need wax for my ears as he was not snoring :) because my individual experience depends on my karma, and people from my surrounding depend on 4th and 11th bhava, Chandra and Arudha Lagna in my chart. That is statistically unacceptable as population sample for any conclusions.For years I was employed on position where I was exposed to "exotics" of martial problems which is beyond your wildest imagination. I must add that basic description of my job was not specifically "Contact with people suffering marital problems" or "Contact with people suffering any sort of problems", yet I was listening and I was expected to help. At one point I was convinced I will go mad of all what I've heard. Approximately 20 people per day multiplied with 6 days per week multiplied with 3 years. Subtract 30 days of vacation during this period, and you will get around 18 000 people. Quite nice

population sample, don't you think? :)Bottom line, don't trust me. Search for studies and statistics available online and see for your self what is going on nowadays with Institution of Marriage.Every native is individual case and I always chose individual approach when analyzing chart and giving advice. I have very good reason why I chose to write everything I wrote to Vivek. I know why I did that and I take responsibility for every word. Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Sat, 1/23/10, deepen thakkar <justcoolout wrote:deepen thakkar <justcooloutRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati

yogasohamsa Date: Saturday, January 23, 2010, 8:29 PM



Dear Maja mam,Wonderful write up ,yea it was a bit pain staking for its length but still worth vile . :)I also second you when you say that most of the marriages get tiring after some time ,very few fortunate ones find an ideal partner ,receptive and reciprocative in all senses .I also see people in relationships or newly weds around me and feel ki is love/marriage worth that sacrifice ,for you its wax in the ears ,for me it can be long incessant bills , but still when i see a wonderful child with them i feel ki marriage is a bliss ,children are the only factor that make you feel that the married cpl are in complete

harmony...with regardsdeep--- On Sun, 24/1/10, Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ > wrote:Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSunday, 24 January, 2010, 4:23 AM



Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI read that last email you were sending after this which is bellow my email. Your wife is pretty much healthy woman. Considering your relationships before marriage, the only serious relationship you ever had is this with your wife. She is first Upa Pada, I am glad this is confirmed.Before I forget to say it (again): yes that is right, your wife would have to contact me directly (however she feels more comfortable- privately or here on forum) in order to allow me to interpret her chart.Opposition to your

marriage was mostly from your father in law? When did you meet your wife?Eternal, life time painful spot of every Sukra Atma Karaka is its "Royal Highness-Institutio n of Marriage". What Sukra Atma

Karaka is living and breathing for is love. You have read that you are having afflicted Sukra (curse) in your chart. This adds hardships on previous statement. Here on forum many times I came across questions such as "Will I have love marriage or arranged marriage?" and every time I am wondering what is on questioners mind... Love? Or falling in love/passion? There is a difference and it is

so hard to explain it to someone who had never felt both, simply entered arranged marriage and remain there for rest of life. No matter what one says to a person who experienced only arranged marriage without falling in love to spouse or loving spouse, they can never understand that there is no big difference between deep love on one side and solid, quality relation inside arranged marriage on the other. There are no "butterflies in stomach" feeling, excitement, shivering, sweet insomnia when it comes to real, deep love. Are you following me so far Sukra Atma Karaka? :)"Butterflies" are present for few days, weeks, months... in best case for few years. Eventually they "fly away" and leave us in bills, loans, arguments over holiday destination, color of sofa, budget plans, "shall we rent/buy house/apartment here or there?", diapers, babies crying, "I am too tired talk, I had a very exhausting day at work", what are we going to have for

dinner, who is earning more, etc. etc. etc. A warm welcome to cruel reality of every day life! So really, who is messed up more at birth: westerns or Indians? Westerns rarely learn difference between love and falling in love, so landing "cruel reality" after "butterflies stage" appears more as a plain crash, if love did not have enough time to plant roots before living together. Indians, on the other side, can hardly get rid of feeling as if they are missing something crucial if their only option is simply to enter arranged marriage and that is it as far as their emotional life. (It is probably scary idea for nowadays 20 year old in India, considering what they are coming across in global media and internet.) As a human being I can only be honest with you and say that I don't

believe in institution of marriage either. At least not from that

perspective of what majority of human beings aged 20-35 is expecting

from partnership deep down inside, no matter which

tradition/country/ religion he or she belongs. Mutual love. Very small percentage of population is lucky to experience this, and majority of these lucky ones did not get everything on the plate as soon as they married. They probably had to put lot of effort and time to make things work.Bottom line, what every married human being needs in The Holy Institution of Marriage is mutual respect, understanding, both sides ready for compromises, cooperation and sharing responsibilities. Otherwise everyone included suffer terribly. Love is a


asset, but it will not make it work if any single one of those above terms is not included. It will not plant roots and grow. It is hard enough to find a person who is ready to

cooperate with another to such extent. Deep down inside, all human beings are very

selfish. Institution of Marriage? Disappointments? Well, disappointments come after failed expectations. It depends on what one is expecting of marriage... See my point?I am not from India, so the first time I became familiar with Vedic viewpoints on marriage was only few years ago. I told you that as a human being I don't believe in Institution of Marriage: Well, why would I wish to push myself and accept so many responsibilities? Why would I ever wish to let anyone disturbing my privacy, habits and occupying half of my bed (while snoring, probably :)? Two reasons:1. Children2. Children#1 Children is purely from human being level. I do wish to accomplish my self as a mother. #2 Children is from viewpoint of Dharma. As you are born in India, I am expecting that you do know that Dharma of every mortal human is continuing linage. This linage can be spiritual, within parampara, if one decides to renounce material aspects

of life. In this option one is adopting "spiritual children" or shishyas (students). Second option is to continue family linage and have biological or adopted children. We are here for the sake of creation and we are obligated to create our own children in order to pay our debts to our Pitris (ancestors). Are you familiar with these principles? If you are, in that case you do understand that you did not marry for your own benefit or pleasure (if this becomes part of your marriage, great!). You married for having children and share responsibilities with your wife in order to up bring them in to greatest possible human beings. Life really makes no sense without children. If you don't believe me, just search for married people who never decided to raise a child (even though they could) and observe their lives. From this viewpoint Institution of Marriage is sacred. One may believe in it or not, but it is sacred because it provides us fulfilling

significant portion of our Dharma. (As far as I am concerned, this paragraph is 80% of my motivation to enter marriage some day. God, I really hope I will have XXXL bed and enough wax for my ears to survive that. :)For good and bad marriage it takes two and it is always easier to blame the other side when something goes wrong. All human beings

find hard to face own failure and responsibility. .. Think about your actions and actions of your wife again, please. She learned to avoid mentioning something that might make you loose your temper. Good. Now is the best time to teach her how to make you talk, smile, feel that you belong there with her, make you happy... She needs you to show her how. You are where you are and there is no turning back. Divorce is always an option, but don't leave before you are sure you tried EVERYTHING to make it work. Replacing her with another woman maybe would be as good enough as changing a package to the same problem, so you need to try to pull the best out of current situation. You both need to become team players. I can try to help a little, rest is really on you.As mentioned earlier, Sukra in your chart is afflicted (under curse), but main problem in your chart is Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY-all Grahas distributed

zodiacally from Rashi occupied by Ketu to Rashi occpuied by Rahu). Nodes are influencing 2nd bhava from Upa Pada. After you told me about circumstances of the way you entered your marriage, I do believe that described is related to Kumbha Rashi. Co lord Rahu is in 3rd bhava with Sukra and Mangal, so you fell in love and choice of spouse was mainly your decision. You were probably head over heels in love... It must have been very intensive emotional experience considering that Rahu is with Sukra Atma Karaka. Currently Rahu antar dasha is running, making Sukra and KSY issues very much in focus.Giving remedies for KSY is easy task if there is benefic with nodes. In your case that would be neecha Sukra. As

neecha Grahas are always related with Devi forms, Kamala Mahavidya would be perfect remedy to break KSY. But... Mahavidya Sadhana is always very intensive experience, since performer gets opportunity to burn significant amount of bad Karma within 40 days (to speed up process of purification in a way). This process is very painful but worth vile, as it would probably take few years or even longer to accoplish same results with another kind of worship. Atma Karaka by it self is delivering most intensive karmic experiences (usually painful, but again-worth vile) to each and every one of us. Combination of Atma Karaka and Mahavidya Sadhana is overextended intensity for fragile human mind. One of possible "side effects" of this combination is mental instability. I do think your Dhishakti, intelligence and mind are very strong, considering all those blessings on your lagna, but you are just a man who is worried about his marriage, financial existence and

employment-meaning you are "regular civilian", making you very fragile for this type of Sadhana.Alternative for Mahavidya is Jyotirlinga mantra for Graha which is joining nodes. Shiva in form of Tryambakkeshvaya is Jyotirlinga for Sukra. This will exalt Sukra, take care of KSY, additionally purify occupants in Meena and give strength to this Rashi which is sustaining your marriage (2nd from Kumbha). You get multiple benefits from this mantra:Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum OmThis is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and you are supposed to start it on any Monday, performing it 108 times (one Mala) in the morning and 108 times at the sunset. Do it for 40 days. After that you wait next Monday to start another 40 days of Shiva worship. There is catch with Jyotirlinga. I don't advise you to start it

unless you are fully prepared to be nothing but a loving husband to your wife. You must be very careful, there are no excuses. She can behave as she likes, be unbearable, impulsive, stubborn, behaving like a spoiled breath, I am so sorry, but all you are allowed to do is to behave like you are preparing for "Husband of decade" contest. You are not allowed to hurt her, insult her even a little bit, to raise your voice at her or to make her unhappy in any way. Whenever you do anything similar you will be "reminded" not to repeat it, because things can get very difficult again. Also, Sukra is related to couples and young, unmarried ladies, so this is place No2 and No3 on your personal list of sacred and divine. Ah yes, add Institution of Marriage as No4, as this institution is also related to Sukra. You are obligated to have full respect towards everything related to Sukra, especially your wife. Neecha Sukra requires you to be humble towards your wife,

sister, ladies etc. etc. Help them when they ask you, help them and support them even when they don't ask you. From now and on, your wife is Devi personified as far as you are concerned and the ground she is walking is sacred to you. You will have to chose this attitude if you want to give some strength to Sukra in your chart and pull your self out of the problem. Believe me that you will make incomparably less damage if you decide to insult anybody else in your life before you decide to make your wife unhappy. (Don't worry, I promise I will never share this conversation with her :) You have to perform some good karma if you want to prevent continuation of bad karma. Your wife is not with you by coincidence. She is there to deliver some karma that must be delivered and you can try to make it easier for yourself. I repeat again what I said few emails ago: Guru will protect Meena rashi, plus Ketu is there, so you need children as soon as

possible. Your marriage has more chances to sustain with children. Come on Karka lagna, you can be great father... I am sure that children will pull the best out of you. That palmist had a point about far away country. I recommend you to move Northwest as Chandra is in digbala from Arudha Lagna. Move from Asia, far far away, as movable rashis such as Karka require distance to get activated. Your lagna and all occupants are your way out of every problem. In next Maha Dasa of Guru it would be great to perform Tara Mahavidya. If you feel ready to do it earlier, let's say around August this year, start it then. I am saying Tara because Grahas on Lagna are also qualified to break Kala Sarpa Yoga. Tara is for Guru.Hm... that would be all for now. Email is long, I know. I had to trouble you to put some effort in reading long list of remedies and advices, as 3rd bhava is place of problems. :) Okay, I am joking. I just think that there was

some point in doing all this, as you might have benefits from everything written above this paragraph. You are reasonable, you might listen to me and you will probably perform Jyotirlinga. Thank you very much for reading this and giving me a chance to do some good karma. As I said before, rest is really on you.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Tue, 1/19/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comTuesday, January 19, 2010, 2:08 AM




Dear Maja ji


Thanks a lot for your kind reply. Here are some major details for my life.


I was married on 12th December 2008. My Father born in 1938 is a businessman and now not doing any active work except for some investments. He is having family history of diabetes and heart problems and is himself a Heart and blood Sugar patient. My mother is a housewife and she does not have any major medical problems except for overweight. Have always belonged to a well to do family but there was not much progress in our financial status and growth has always been stagnant. I've learnt from my parents not to believe in pump and show and lead a simple life. I'm a very stubborn person and don't usually change my decisions. I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible. I have great love for literature and poetry and love art cinema more than commercial cinema. I passed my B.Com in 3rd division even when I was not that bad a student. I've always been haunted by Math and physics and complex calculations. I did my 12 in Science. After that i

did some computer courses and worked here and there but my proper job started in Sep 2003 when I left India and came for a contract job of 2 months in Bangkok. here after 3 months i was offered a full time job and had to travel a lot in this job. I have recently been moved to plant location which has forced me to stay away from my wife as she is also working in the city. I was told this news on Dussehra day 2009. My Wife's DOB is 15th Apr 1980. Number 3, 6, 9 have mostly been lucky. most of my good friends also have these numbers as their date of birth. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i'm the youngest child. Both my brothers are in business. My sister is also married to a businessman. I don't remember much of my childhood but after I've grown up, I've seen mostly problems in business front in my dad's business. I can't say they were very huge but yes, if I compare to how well to do and progressing we used to be (as I was told), our growth got stagnant

and also going down.


My Marriage was a Love cum arranged Marriage. there was a lot of opposition from Girls family but later settled. The first few months of my marriage, my wife and I had lot of quarrels. We actually had very bitter fights and i had lost all interest and faith in the institution of marriage. Things are getting better, touch wood. We don't finght that much as my wife very cleverly avoids any such thing which can make me loose my temper. I won't say I'm satisfied but yes, i also feel its better to avoid any thing which can cause fights. My quality of life, I can't really say as there were both +ve and -ve changes but my career has taken a downfall and I've been landing in problems as explained earlier.

I was once told by a palmist that My future will always be bright outside of the country of my birth and that I would probably die in a country which is not my birth country.


Health wise, My wife is a bit fragile and although her health is more or less stable, she has improved over time but still she keeps getting small problems health wise.


Regarding my wife's chart, should I ask her to send an email to you if she is interested in getting the things explained in her chart?


Please let me know if any further information is required from my side.


Once again thank you so much for your kindness to help.


Kind Regards




sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:09:19 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga






Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteHaving direct dialogue with you is much better option, nice that you included. First of all, no reason for panic at this stage, as we are still checking if your birth time is correct or not.Tell me when did you get married? As your Upa Pada lagna is in 2nd bhava with Surya and Sani, I guess your marriage was arranged according to tradition of your family (which is the case with majority of people of your age in your country, but I would like to check if this is true anyway). You are 31 years old at the moment, so I don't see any serious marriage delay in your case... As I understand tradition, condition number one, necessary to fulfill in order to become potential groom, is to finish education (at least) before entering marriage. This can not happen before age of 23-24 (if we are talking about higher education). As Sani is on Upa Pada lagna, here we should focus on

7th there from (Kumbha) in order to find more details about relation between you and your wife. It is nice to see that her Rashi Lagna fits perfectly to your Upa Pada. :) I think your relation will be so much stronger after birth of children, as Ketu (kula devata) is there in Mooltrikona receiving Graha drishti of Guru from lagna. No need to focus on afflicted neecha Sukra from 3rd bhava and its influence on 2nd from Kumbha, as Guru is strong enough to protect his rashi (Meena) and his beneficial influence is strong enough to sustain your marriage. This marriage should last, all you guys need is children. This is the best "remedy" to keep your marriage safe and sound. :) I can not give comments related to your wife's chart, as I need her blessing and permission to do such a thing. It is her privacy. Though I am allowed to cheer you up with good news: my knowledge in determining compatibility between partners is pretty much poor, but what I am

familiar with at this stage allows me to say that there is perfect compatibility in domain of Chandra (representing both of your families, social circles and mind level) between the two of you. "Third party involvement" meaning-if there were any extramarital issues with other women?Longevity issues- if Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, this brings neecha Sukra in 8th bhava, related to sustaining of marriage and this is maraka bhava for wife also. This is neecha, vargotama Atma Karaka (under curse in Rashi chart), believe me you would feel very unhappy in your marriage if this is in 8th bhava. Further, 9th bhava is 3rd from 7th, so it is related to death of spouse in a way. Lord is neecha Budh having graha drishti on neecha Sukra in 2nd from 7th. If Sukra and Budh were not neecha (without neecha banga in Navamsha), I would not insist that this combination could ever influence wife's longevity, as there is no 7th lord involved in this

combination to satisfy snap shot combination for death of spouse. This way, I would stick to health issues and longevity decreased to some extent. Speaking of her health, I need you to tell me how is your wife doing? If she is fine and well, I suggest Makara Navamsha lagna.What is your father's occupation? If Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, following scenario is possible: social and financial status of your family could have been very stable and good before you were born. After you were born, your family could have experienced huge problems related to status, reputation, some court cases, legal issues and similar could have cropped up. Was this the case?Also, after you got married, how would you describe quality of your life, your career and interpersonal relations with people from your surrounding? I need these answers.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Mon, 1/18/10, Vivek Bajaj

<bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comMonday, January 18, 2010, 1:48 AM

Dear Maja ji and Manoj ji Thanks a lot for taking out time to look at the chart. Maja ji, can you please help with the charts of me and my wife as if its really a Kumbha Lagna in Navmasa then I guess I'd be needing the help and blessings of Gurujans and learned members. My marriage was delayed. I'm sorry but I could not fully understand the third party involvement and longvity things. Frankly I'm getting scared a bit. Please guide me. I would also like to request Gurujans and Other leaned members if they can help with their analysis. Thanks and RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commanojsharma662000@ Sun, 17 Jan 2010 06:50:26 -0800Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




point well taken...I am a day dreamer and dreams just add more illusion (maya) around you...but that is my karma and I have to face (actually I am already facing) the consequences




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSun, January 17, 2010 3:41:43 AMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj, namasteThis is not matter of knowledge level, it is matter of approaching facts. Only facts make sense to me.Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 6:15 PM



Hi Maja,

Thanks for your response. I will not pretend to know more than you in astrology even for a wee bit. I was just saying that sometime the truth is not every apparent, and at abstract level sometime what is apparent is not necessarily true. I was just trying to make this point. However, again not sure whether it makes sense to you.




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSat, January 16, 2010 4:25:13 PMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj,:))))))))))) ))))))))) )) Thank you for making me laugh with this lovely explanation. I do believe Vivek knows his wife very well. They are living together after all.Does this mean that Jyotishi is allowed to say: "You had a very good period to become millionaire a year ago, but sadly, you did not use it, so nothing manifested." in order to justify our errors in interpretation or rectification?Vivek's navamsha lagna shifts to Makara lagna within less than one minute earlier. In case of Kumbha navamsha lagna, Sukra would be 9th lord in 8th and Sukra is neecha, so I do believe that this would delay his marriage (fulfiling Dharma-9th bhava). Also, neecha Sukra would be matter of sustaining his marriage. There is drishti of neecha Budh on Sukra, so I do believe that if there is no terrible suffering or involvement of third party in his marriage, or if his wife is alive and well (yoga

of 8th and 9th lord would badly afflict wife's longevity) Vivek's navamsha lagna should be Makara. This way, second bhava related to sustaining is occupied with Gu/Ke, meaning that children (own or adopted) and continuing linage is something that is keeping this marriage strong.When there is parampara yoga in 7th in Navamsha, it is not matter of inner quality or inner attitude of spouse. It is reality and spouse should actually belong to/be born in some Parampara if Yoga is strong (Guru is in Surya's rashi here, so...).Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32 AM



That my be because of her Arudha lagna; what manifests is not always true...just tear the facade of this maya and try to understand the soul of your wife...may be you will realize, she is indeed very spritual if not religious... .






Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>sohamsa@ .comFri, January 15, 2010 5:50:11 AMRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga Dear Guru jis/Learned Members Just noticed that Jupiter + Ketu is in my D9 too in 7th house. I don't think my wife is very spiritual. She is more fun loving and out going than me. Chart attached. I guess we need some more expert advise. Warm RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .combondmerama (AT) (DOT) inFri, 15 Jan 2010 10:39:13 +0000 Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga


Dear All,Does this yoga always known as Ganapati Yoga,Here Jupiter is fallen.Best Regardssohamsa@ .com, LearneR Vedic AstroG <hygreeva_ram@ ...> wrote:>> || Hare Rama Krishna ||>  > Namaskar, > It indiacte you get spirtual wife , may be marriage purpose is to beget children.>  >  >  > Regards,> Hygreeva.> > > --- On Thu, 14/1/10, AS <bondmerama@ ...> wrote:> > > AS <bondmerama@ ...>> Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:shri Rafal Ji please tell......> sohamsa@ .com> Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 8:20 AM> > >  > > > > Respected Sirs>

Namaskar.> Does the combination of Jupiter+Ketu in Makara, seventh house of D-9,indictates an astrologer spouse/spiritual spouse or what it indicates.> Kindly tell.> Regards.> > > > > > > > > > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/>



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Dear Maja Mam,                          firstly, your analysis about the chart is wonderful - added to that, your sincere opinion about the " Institution of Marriage " , makes your really really lengthy mail worth reading. I would like to make a point here - the situation in a marriage these days, is very different compared to what it was, long ago. In your previous posts, you had actually compared Western / Indian marriages, but then, at this juncture with all the media + cultural exposure that people have these days, country boundaries have diminished ( atleast in terms of thought process ) People easily adapt to a different culture, they have become broad-minded, and there are people who have lost their intrest / faith in age old Indian practices. So this generation of people, have different level of expectations in everything be it - marriage, financials, career etc. And the more you expect, chances are that if required effort is not put in - it would end up in disappointment. There was a time, when Couples used to get married pretty early, even before they realise what was a Marriage ( Not that i am promoting Child marriages but citing an example :) ) and nowadays, couples want to meet, confirm, do a background check etc ..

So in present day context, Marriage in itself has deviated from its original practice / purpose. Then why should the " Institution of Marriage " be blamed, if the real problem lies with practioners like us ? I am someone, who believes in Karma first - then divine help, so incase we do make a conscious effort to cleanse the system, cant we do that  ?

On a completely different path, I found you talking of Nodes influence on Upapada. I would give my example here :March 9th, 1986 ; 01:20 AM ; 81E23 16N36 India; I got proposals from few ladies, but never had made up my mind on that. I have the Kal Sarp Yog, Mars in 12H, and most importantly LagnaLord Jupiter in MaranaKarakaSthana.  I read that, Ketu is a benefic as far as UL is concerned, but Ketu in 2H to UL, means Rahu also has an 7H aspect on same house ? Please share your thoughts on this combination.

thanks,phani-- I'm going home, back to the place where i belongWhere your love has always been enough for meI'm not running from,no, i think you got me all wrongI dont regret this life i chose for me !!

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Dear Maja ji


Sadar Pranams


Thanks a lot for your detailed email. I'm really indebted for all your time and effort. I guess this long email and the upayas are because you see a chance of separation. By Gods Grace and blessings till now everything seems normal. I hope it continues this way and God forbid, if in future there may be such a chance, I'll do whatever in my power to avoid any such situation. I've a few questions and I hope I won't take too much of your time.


Regarding the opposition, it was actually from her mother and sisters rather than her father. her father was cooperative in start but later under influence of her mother and sisters, opposed the idea of out alliance.


I was introduced to my wife some 5-6 years back by a mutual friend. She was studying at that time and I was on a project. We could not meet as we were quite far from each other but we kept in touch a bit by emails etc. After a year or so, she completed her studies and came back to her home. Then we met and it was just a normal friendship. I criticize a lot as you must have analyzed by my chart and i guess she some how relied on my advise (even if she didn't like it) as I used to speak truth and showed her what bitter things people won't tell others. this friendship slowly turned into attraction and eventually what we may call love but it was not without the ups and downs and the problems most couples face.



I do understand (at least a bit) about what you say about the institution of marriage and our dharma and I would say that agree to almost all of what you say. Thanks a lot for explaining it in such a detail.


now a few questions.

was there any difference in the time I normally use for my chart calculations? the time which I have is approximate so I'm sure there would be some difference. If you can please let me know the same, It would be easy for me to try and learn more about my horoscope.


I do agree that I was head over heels in love as I still can not justify why in spite of so many differences i was ready to commit to this relation.

I asked Sanjay ji about the KSY and here is what he replied


om gurave namah

Dear Vivek

Natural benefic Venus has joined the node

Natural benefics are in Lagna - 3 of them.

KSY is well cancelled. which means troubles but you wil overcome them and have an eventful life

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath


I've also done puja of KSY at Shri Kalahasti Temple as suggested by some Pandit ji. How effective that puja was, only God knows.


Would you be kind enough to explain the Kamla Mahavidhya puja to me also please. I understand that it will be a painful process but I would surely like to understand and would definitely would like to try if I feel i can do it.


Also can I do both, Kamla Mahavidhya Sadhna and Jyotirlinga mantra?


Can you also please explain a bit more in details about "I will be reminded if I do anything to make my wife unhappy" while doing Jyotirlinga Mantra? :)


Also if you can please give some more details of Tara Mahavidhya and how can It be performed.


Regarding Children, My wife feels she is not yet ready. Earlier she wanted some time after marriage and now as we are staying separate, she does not want to go ahead this way and would like to wait sometime till some arrangement happens where we can stay together again. :( and as you said, I should not do anything to make her unhappy, I've been keeping my mouth shut in this matter and letting her decide what she wants. But I'm no way near the Husband of the Decade title as I do make her upset with some things she doesn't like. One of them is letting her know that she is wrong :) about something or If I don't agree to what she says.


I don't know how to move away from Asia. It depends if I can get a Job somewhere far from here. I'm trying to find a job but it all seems so difficult at this time and I feel like I'm trapped. Please do guide me if you can about what I can do to make my luck move me to Northwest direction and away from Asia.


Thanking you once again for all your help and kindness. I hope I do not take up too much of your time and effort for the queries I have.


Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams


Vivek Bajaj





sohamsa From: majastrbacastroDate: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:53:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga










Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI read that last email you were sending after this which is bellow my email. Your wife is pretty much healthy woman. Considering your relationships before marriage, the only serious relationship you ever had is this with your wife. She is first Upa Pada, I am glad this is confirmed.Before I forget to say it (again): yes that is right, your wife would have to contact me directly (however she feels more comfortable-privately or here on forum) in order to allow me to interpret her chart.Opposition to your marriage was mostly from your father in law? When did you meet your wife?Eternal, life time painful spot of every Sukra Atma Karaka is its "Royal Highness-Institution of Marriage". What Sukra Atma Karaka is living and breathing for is love. You have read that you are having afflicted Sukra (curse) in your chart. This adds hardships on previous statement. Here on forum many times I came across questions such as "Will I have love marriage or arranged marriage?" and every time I am wondering what is on questioners mind... Love? Or falling in love/passion? There is a difference and it is so hard to explain it to someone who had never felt both, simply entered arranged marriage and remain there for rest of life. No matter what one says to a person who experienced only arranged marriage without falling in love to spouse or loving spouse, they can never understand that there is no big difference between deep love on one side and solid, quality relation inside arranged marriage on the other. There are no "butterflies in stomach" feeling, excitement, shivering, sweet insomnia when it comes to real, deep love. Are you following me so far Sukra Atma Karaka? :)"Butterflies" are present for few days, weeks, months... in best case for few years. Eventually they "fly away" and leave us in bills, loans, arguments over holiday destination, color of sofa, budget plans, "shall we rent/buy house/apartment here or there?", diapers, babies crying, "I am too tired talk, I had a very exhausting day at work", what are we going to have for dinner, who is earning more, etc. etc. etc. A warm welcome to cruel reality of every day life! So really, who is messed up more at birth: westerns or Indians? Westerns rarely learn difference between love and falling in love, so landing "cruel reality" after "butterflies stage" appears more as a plain crash, if love did not have enough time to plant roots before living together. Indians, on the other side, can hardly get rid of feeling as if they are missing something crucial if their only option is simply to enter arranged marriage and that is it as far as their emotional life. (It is probably scary idea for nowadays 20 year old in India, considering what they are coming across in global media and internet.) As a human being I can only be honest with you and say that I don't believe in institution of marriage either. At least not from that perspective of what majority of human beings aged 20-35 is expecting from partnership deep down inside, no matter which tradition/country/religion he or she belongs. Mutual love. Very small percentage of population is lucky to experience this, and majority of these lucky ones did not get everything on the plate as soon as they married. They probably had to put lot of effort and time to make things work.Bottom line, what every married human being needs in The Holy Institution of Marriage is mutual respect, understanding, both sides ready for compromises, cooperation and sharing responsibilities. Otherwise everyone included suffer terribly. Love is a nice asset, but it will not make it work if any single one of those above terms is not included. It will not plant roots and grow. It is hard enough to find a person who is ready to cooperate with another to such extent. Deep down inside, all human beings are very selfish. Institution of Marriage? Disappointments? Well, disappointments come after failed expectations. It depends on what one is expecting of marriage... See my point?I am not from India, so the first time I became familiar with Vedic viewpoints on marriage was only few years ago. I told you that as a human being I don't believe in Institution of Marriage: Well, why would I wish to push myself and accept so many responsibilities? Why would I ever wish to let anyone disturbing my privacy, habits and occupying half of my bed (while snoring, probably :)? Two reasons:1. Children2. Children#1 Children is purely from human being level. I do wish to accomplish my self as a mother. #2 Children is from viewpoint of Dharma. As you are born in India, I am expecting that you do know that Dharma of every mortal human is continuing linage. This linage can be spiritual, within parampara, if one decides to renounce material aspects of life. In this option one is adopting "spiritual children" or shishyas (students). Second option is to continue family linage and have biological or adopted children. We are here for the sake of creation and we are obligated to create our own children in order to pay our debts to our Pitris (ancestors). Are you familiar with these principles? If you are, in that case you do understand that you did not marry for your own benefit or pleasure (if this becomes part of your marriage, great!). You married for having children and share responsibilities with your wife in order to up bring them in to greatest possible human beings. Life really makes no sense without children. If you don't believe me, just search for married people who never decided to raise a child (even though they could) and observe their lives. From this viewpoint Institution of Marriage is sacred. One may believe in it or not, but it is sacred because it provides us fulfilling significant portion of our Dharma. (As far as I am concerned, this paragraph is 80% of my motivation to enter marriage some day. God, I really hope I will have XXXL bed and enough wax for my ears to survive that. :)For good and bad marriage it takes two and it is always easier to blame the other side when something goes wrong. All human beings find hard to face own failure and responsibility... Think about your actions and actions of your wife again, please. She learned to avoid mentioning something that might make you loose your temper. Good. Now is the best time to teach her how to make you talk, smile, feel that you belong there with her, make you happy... She needs you to show her how. You are where you are and there is no turning back. Divorce is always an option, but don't leave before you are sure you tried EVERYTHING to make it work. Replacing her with another woman maybe would be as good enough as changing a package to the same problem, so you need to try to pull the best out of current situation. You both need to become team players. I can try to help a little, rest is really on you.As mentioned earlier, Sukra in your chart is afflicted (under curse), but main problem in your chart is Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY-all Grahas distributed zodiacally from Rashi occupied by Ketu to Rashi occpuied by Rahu). Nodes are influencing 2nd bhava from Upa Pada. After you told me about circumstances of the way you entered your marriage, I do believe that described is related to Kumbha Rashi. Co lord Rahu is in 3rd bhava with Sukra and Mangal, so you fell in love and choice of spouse was mainly your decision. You were probably head over heels in love... It must have been very intensive emotional experience considering that Rahu is with Sukra Atma Karaka. Currently Rahu antar dasha is running, making Sukra and KSY issues very much in focus.Giving remedies for KSY is easy task if there is benefic with nodes. In your case that would be neecha Sukra. As neecha Grahas are always related with Devi forms, Kamala Mahavidya would be perfect remedy to break KSY. But... Mahavidya Sadhana is always very intensive experience, since performer gets opportunity to burn significant amount of bad Karma within 40 days (to speed up process of purification in a way). This process is very painful but worth vile, as it would probably take few years or even longer to accoplish same results with another kind of worship. Atma Karaka by it self is delivering most intensive karmic experiences (usually painful, but again-worth vile) to each and every one of us. Combination of Atma Karaka and Mahavidya Sadhana is overextended intensity for fragile human mind. One of possible "side effects" of this combination is mental instability. I do think your Dhishakti, intelligence and mind are very strong, considering all those blessings on your lagna, but you are just a man who is worried about his marriage, financial existence and employment-meaning you are "regular civilian", making you very fragile for this type of Sadhana.Alternative for Mahavidya is Jyotirlinga mantra for Graha which is joining nodes. Shiva in form of Tryambakkeshvaya is Jyotirlinga for Sukra. This will exalt Sukra, take care of KSY, additionally purify occupants in Meena and give strength to this Rashi which is sustaining your marriage (2nd from Kumbha). You get multiple benefits from this mantra:Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum OmThis is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and you are supposed to start it on any Monday, performing it 108 times (one Mala) in the morning and 108 times at the sunset. Do it for 40 days. After that you wait next Monday to start another 40 days of Shiva worship. There is catch with Jyotirlinga. I don't advise you to start it unless you are fully prepared to be nothing but a loving husband to your wife. You must be very careful, there are no excuses. She can behave as she likes, be unbearable, impulsive, stubborn, behaving like a spoiled breath, I am so sorry, but all you are allowed to do is to behave like you are preparing for "Husband of decade" contest. You are not allowed to hurt her, insult her even a little bit, to raise your voice at her or to make her unhappy in any way. Whenever you do anything similar you will be "reminded" not to repeat it, because things can get very difficult again. Also, Sukra is related to couples and young, unmarried ladies, so this is place No2 and No3 on your personal list of sacred and divine. Ah yes, add Institution of Marriage as No4, as this institution is also related to Sukra. You are obligated to have full respect towards everything related to Sukra, especially your wife. Neecha Sukra requires you to be humble towards your wife, sister, ladies etc. etc. Help them when they ask you, help them and support them even when they don't ask you. From now and on, your wife is Devi personified as far as you are concerned and the ground she is walking is sacred to you. You will have to chose this attitude if you want to give some strength to Sukra in your chart and pull your self out of the problem. Believe me that you will make incomparably less damage if you decide to insult anybody else in your life before you decide to make your wife unhappy. (Don't worry, I promise I will never share this conversation with her :) You have to perform some good karma if you want to prevent continuation of bad karma. Your wife is not with you by coincidence. She is there to deliver some karma that must be delivered and you can try to make it easier for yourself. I repeat again what I said few emails ago: Guru will protect Meena rashi, plus Ketu is there, so you need children as soon as possible. Your marriage has more chances to sustain with children. Come on Karka lagna, you can be great father... I am sure that children will pull the best out of you. That palmist had a point about far away country. I recommend you to move Northwest as Chandra is in digbala from Arudha Lagna. Move from Asia, far far away, as movable rashis such as Karka require distance to get activated. Your lagna and all occupants are your way out of every problem. In next Maha Dasa of Guru it would be great to perform Tara Mahavidya. If you feel ready to do it earlier, let's say around August this year, start it then. I am saying Tara because Grahas on Lagna are also qualified to break Kala Sarpa Yoga. Tara is for Guru.Hm... that would be all for now. Email is long, I know. I had to trouble you to put some effort in reading long list of remedies and advices, as 3rd bhava is place of problems. :) Okay, I am joking. I just think that there was some point in doing all this, as you might have benefits from everything written above this paragraph. You are reasonable, you might listen to me and you will probably perform Jyotirlinga. Thank you very much for reading this and giving me a chance to do some good karma. As I said before, rest is really on you.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Tue, 1/19/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa Date: Tuesday, January 19, 2010, 2:08 AM

Dear Maja ji

Thanks a lot for your kind reply. Here are some major details for my life. I was married on 12th December 2008. My Father born in 1938 is a businessman and now not doing any active work except for some investments. He is having family history of diabetes and heart problems and is himself a Heart and blood Sugar patient. My mother is a housewife and she does not have any major medical problems except for overweight. Have always belonged to a well to do family but there was not much progress in our financial status and growth has always been stagnant. I've learnt from my parents not to believe in pump and show and lead a simple life. I'm a very stubborn person and don't usually change my decisions. I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible. I have great love for literature and poetry and love art cinema more than commercial cinema. I passed my B.Com in 3rd division even when I was not that bad a student. I've always been haunted by Math and physics and complex calculations. I did my 12 in Science. After that i did some computer courses and worked here and there but my proper job started in Sep 2003 when I left India and came for a contract job of 2 months in Bangkok. here after 3 months i was offered a full time job and had to travel a lot in this job. I have recently been moved to plant location which has forced me to stay away from my wife as she is also working in the city. I was told this news on Dussehra day 2009. My Wife's DOB is 15th Apr 1980. Number 3, 6, 9 have mostly been lucky. most of my good friends also have these numbers as their date of birth. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i'm the youngest child. Both my brothers are in business. My sister is also married to a businessman. I don't remember much of my childhood but after I've grown up, I've seen mostly problems in business front in my dad's business. I can't say they were very huge but yes, if I compare to how well to do and progressing we used to be (as I was told), our growth got stagnant and also going down. My Marriage was a Love cum arranged Marriage. there was a lot of opposition from Girls family but later settled. The first few months of my marriage, my wife and I had lot of quarrels. We actually had very bitter fights and i had lost all interest and faith in the institution of marriage. Things are getting better, touch wood. We don't finght that much as my wife very cleverly avoids any such thing which can make me loose my temper. I won't say I'm satisfied but yes, i also feel its better to avoid any thing which can cause fights. My quality of life, I can't really say as there were both +ve and -ve changes but my career has taken a downfall and I've been landing in problems as explained earlier.I was once told by a palmist that My future will always be bright outside of the country of my birth and that I would probably die in a country which is not my birth country. Health wise, My wife is a bit fragile and although her health is more or less stable, she has improved over time but still she keeps getting small problems health wise. Regarding my wife's chart, should I ask her to send an email to you if she is interested in getting the things explained in her chart? Please let me know if any further information is required from my side. Once again thank you so much for your kindness to help. Kind RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:09:19 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga






Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteHaving direct dialogue with you is much better option, nice that you included. First of all, no reason for panic at this stage, as we are still checking if your birth time is correct or not.Tell me when did you get married? As your Upa Pada lagna is in 2nd bhava with Surya and Sani, I guess your marriage was arranged according to tradition of your family (which is the case with majority of people of your age in your country, but I would like to check if this is true anyway). You are 31 years old at the moment, so I don't see any serious marriage delay in your case... As I understand tradition, condition number one, necessary to fulfill in order to become potential groom, is to finish education (at least) before entering marriage. This can not happen before age of 23-24 (if we are talking about higher education). As Sani is on Upa Pada lagna, here we should focus on 7th there from (Kumbha) in order to find more details about relation between you and your wife. It is nice to see that her Rashi Lagna fits perfectly to your Upa Pada. :) I think your relation will be so much stronger after birth of children, as Ketu (kula devata) is there in Mooltrikona receiving Graha drishti of Guru from lagna. No need to focus on afflicted neecha Sukra from 3rd bhava and its influence on 2nd from Kumbha, as Guru is strong enough to protect his rashi (Meena) and his beneficial influence is strong enough to sustain your marriage. This marriage should last, all you guys need is children. This is the best "remedy" to keep your marriage safe and sound. :) I can not give comments related to your wife's chart, as I need her blessing and permission to do such a thing. It is her privacy. Though I am allowed to cheer you up with good news: my knowledge in determining compatibility between partners is pretty much poor, but what I am familiar with at this stage allows me to say that there is perfect compatibility in domain of Chandra (representing both of your families, social circles and mind level) between the two of you. "Third party involvement" meaning-if there were any extramarital issues with other women?Longevity issues- if Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, this brings neecha Sukra in 8th bhava, related to sustaining of marriage and this is maraka bhava for wife also. This is neecha, vargotama Atma Karaka (under curse in Rashi chart), believe me you would feel very unhappy in your marriage if this is in 8th bhava. Further, 9th bhava is 3rd from 7th, so it is related to death of spouse in a way. Lord is neecha Budh having graha drishti on neecha Sukra in 2nd from 7th. If Sukra and Budh were not neecha (without neecha banga in Navamsha), I would not insist that this combination could ever influence wife's longevity, as there is no 7th lord involved in this combination to satisfy snap shot combination for death of spouse. This way, I would stick to health issues and longevity decreased to some extent. Speaking of her health, I need you to tell me how is your wife doing? If she is fine and well, I suggest Makara Navamsha lagna.What is your father's occupation? If Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, following scenario is possible: social and financial status of your family could have been very stable and good before you were born. After you were born, your family could have experienced huge problems related to status, reputation, some court cases, legal issues and similar could have cropped up. Was this the case?Also, after you got married, how would you describe quality of your life, your career and interpersonal relations with people from your surrounding? I need these answers.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Mon, 1/18/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comMonday, January 18, 2010, 1:48 AM

Dear Maja ji and Manoj ji Thanks a lot for taking out time to look at the chart. Maja ji, can you please help with the charts of me and my wife as if its really a Kumbha Lagna in Navmasa then I guess I'd be needing the help and blessings of Gurujans and learned members. My marriage was delayed. I'm sorry but I could not fully understand the third party involvement and longvity things. Frankly I'm getting scared a bit. Please guide me. I would also like to request Gurujans and Other leaned members if they can help with their analysis. Thanks and RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commanojsharma662000@ Sun, 17 Jan 2010 06:50:26 -0800Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




point well taken...I am a day dreamer and dreams just add more illusion (maya) around you...but that is my karma and I have to face (actually I am already facing) the consequences




Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSun, January 17, 2010 3:41:43 AMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj, namasteThis is not matter of knowledge level, it is matter of approaching facts. Only facts make sense to me.Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 6:15 PM



Hi Maja,

Thanks for your response. I will not pretend to know more than you in astrology even for a wee bit. I was just saying that sometime the truth is not every apparent, and at abstract level sometime what is apparent is not necessarily true. I was just trying to make this point. However, again not sure whether it makes sense to you.




Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSat, January 16, 2010 4:25:13 PMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj,:))))))))))) ))))))))) )) Thank you for making me laugh with this lovely explanation. I do believe Vivek knows his wife very well. They are living together after all.Does this mean that Jyotishi is allowed to say: "You had a very good period to become millionaire a year ago, but sadly, you did not use it, so nothing manifested." in order to justify our errors in interpretation or rectification?Vivek's navamsha lagna shifts to Makara lagna within less than one minute earlier. In case of Kumbha navamsha lagna, Sukra would be 9th lord in 8th and Sukra is neecha, so I do believe that this would delay his marriage (fulfiling Dharma-9th bhava). Also, neecha Sukra would be matter of sustaining his marriage. There is drishti of neecha Budh on Sukra, so I do believe that if there is no terrible suffering or involvement of third party in his marriage, or if his wife is alive and well (yoga of 8th and 9th lord would badly afflict wife's longevity) Vivek's navamsha lagna should be Makara. This way, second bhava related to sustaining is occupied with Gu/Ke, meaning that children (own or adopted) and continuing linage is something that is keeping this marriage strong.When there is parampara yoga in 7th in Navamsha, it is not matter of inner quality or inner attitude of spouse. It is reality and spouse should actually belong to/be born in some Parampara if Yoga is strong (Guru is in Surya's rashi here, so...).Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32 AM


That my be because of her Arudha lagna; what manifests is not always true...just tear the facade of this maya and try to understand the soul of your wife...may be you will realize, she is indeed very spritual if not religious... .






Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>sohamsa@ .comFri, January 15, 2010 5:50:11 AMRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga Dear Guru jis/Learned Members Just noticed that Jupiter + Ketu is in my D9 too in 7th house. I don't think my wife is very spiritual. She is more fun loving and out going than me. Chart attached. I guess we need some more expert advise. Warm RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .combondmerama (AT) (DOT) inFri, 15 Jan 2010 10:39:13 +0000 Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga


Dear All,Does this yoga always known as Ganapati Yoga,Here Jupiter is fallen.Best Regardssohamsa@ .com, LearneR Vedic AstroG <hygreeva_ram@ ...> wrote:>> || Hare Rama Krishna ||>  > Namaskar, > It indiacte you get spirtual wife , may be marriage purpose is to beget children.>  >  >  > Regards,> Hygreeva.> > > --- On Thu, 14/1/10, AS <bondmerama@ ...> wrote:> > > AS <bondmerama@ ...>> Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:shri Rafal Ji please tell......> sohamsa@ .com> Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 8:20 AM> > >  > > > > Respected Sirs> Namaskar.> Does the combination of Jupiter+Ketu in Makara, seventh house of D-9,indictates an astrologer spouse/spiritual spouse or what it indicates.> Kindly tell.> Regards.> > > > > > > > > > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/>



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Dear PhaniIf ketu is in 2nd to u/l than rahu will be 8th frm it.i think ketu since is more related to spirituality will cause hindrance in getting one self married when 2nd frm u/l ..Thats my personal view as it is also 2nd to my U/L --- On Wed, 27/1/10, Phani <phani86 wrote:Phani <phani86Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa Date: Wednesday, 27 January, 2010, 12:06 AM



Dear Maja Mam, firstly, your analysis about the chart is wonderful - added to that, your sincere opinion about the "Institution of Marriage" , makes your really really lengthy mail worth reading. I would like to make a point here - the situation in a marriage these days, is very different compared to what it was, long ago. In your previous posts, you had actually compared Western / Indian marriages, but then, at this juncture with all the media + cultural exposure that people have these days, country boundaries have diminished ( atleast in terms of thought process ) People easily adapt to a different culture, they have become broad-minded, and there are people who have lost their intrest / faith in age old Indian practices. So this generation of people, have different level of expectations in

everything be it - marriage, financials, career etc. And the more you expect, chances are that if required effort is not put in - it would end up in disappointment. There was a time, when Couples used to get married pretty early, even before they realise what was a Marriage ( Not that i am promoting Child marriages but citing an example :) ) and nowadays, couples want to meet, confirm, do a background check etc ..

So in present day context, Marriage in itself has deviated from its original practice / purpose. Then why should the "Institution of Marriage" be blamed, if the real problem lies with practioners like us ? I am someone, who believes in Karma first - then divine help, so incase we do make a conscious effort to cleanse the system, cant we do that ?

On a completely different path, I found you talking of Nodes influence on Upapada. I would give my example here :March 9th, 1986 ; 01:20 AM ; 81E23 16N36 India; I got proposals from few ladies, but never had made up my mind on that. I have the Kal Sarp Yog, Mars in 12H, and most importantly LagnaLord Jupiter in MaranaKarakaSthana. I read that, Ketu is a benefic as far as UL is concerned, but Ketu in 2H to UL, means Rahu also has an 7H aspect on same house ? Please share your thoughts on this combination.

thanks,phani-- I'm going home, back to the place where i belongWhere your love has always been enough for meI'm not running from,no, i think you got me all wrongI dont regret this life i chose for me !!




The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.

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Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteObviously my inbox was on vacation, as I received your email today (I see 27th of January on it). It jams sometimes and refuses cooperation...I added comments directly to your email bellow. This font color would be me.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Wed, 1/27/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek wrote:Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivekRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:05 AM




Dear Maja ji


Sadar Pranams


Thanks a lot for your detailed email. I'm really indebted for all your time and effort. Really, no need for saying "thank you" every time we exchange email :) I guess this long email and the upayas are because you see a chance of separation. Nope. In fact, what I see in your chart is that you will never actually take any action regarding separation. Not even close. Too much Dharma in your chart :))) From time to time you may think of it as an option, but never seriously. I am just saving your valuable energy, time and mind focus for something more constructive. Instead of brainstorming on "Divorce is solution" (and never do it), don't you think it is more useful to make your brain occupied with "How can I improve this"? As simple as that.By Gods Grace and blessings till now everything seems normal. I hope it continues this

way and God forbid, if in future there

may be such a chance, I'll do whatever in my power to avoid any such situation. I've a few questions and I hope I won't take too much of your time. You are welcome anytime.

Regarding the opposition, it was actually from her mother and sisters rather than her father. her father was cooperative in start but later under influence of her mother and sisters, opposed the idea of out alliance. OK, good. At the moment I can't think of any decent comment related to your chart and where to fit these events. I am not surprised with sisters in law, but I am surprised with mother in law. I owe you this explanation for next time, hope this is OK.

I was introduced to my wife some 5-6 years back by a mutual friend. In Sukra AD? Cheers! She was studying at that time and I was on a project. We could not meet as we were quite far from each other but we kept in touch a bit by emails etc. After a year or so, she completed her studies and came back to her home. Then we met and it was just a normal friendship. I criticize a lot as you must have analyzed by my chart (No, I was not looking for this in your chart, but if you insist: perhaps Budh, lord of 3rd on Lagna with lagna lord and vargotama AK in Kanya are contributing this "quality" :) and i guess she some how relied on my advise (even if she didn't like it) as I used to speak truth and showed her what bitter things people won't tell others. this friendship slowly turned into attraction and eventually what we may call love but it was not without

the ups and downs and the problems most couples face. It never is without ups and downs for any couple.


I do understand (at least a bit) about what you say about the institution of marriage and our dharma and I would say that agree to almost all of what you say. Thanks a lot for explaining it in such a detail. Pleasure was all mine, really.


now a few questions.

was there any difference in the time I normally use for my chart calculations? the time which I have is approximate so I'm sure there would be some difference. If you can please let me know the same, It would be easy for me to try and learn more about my horoscope. As far as I was going with rectification, I think it should be 04:25 AM.


I do agree that I was head over heels in love as I still can not justify why in spite of so many differences i was ready to commit to this relation. In spite of many differences, strong graha in 2nd from Kumbha will keep relation.

I asked Sanjay ji about the KSY and here is what he replied


om gurave namah

Dear Vivek

Natural benefic Venus has joined the node

Natural benefics are in Lagna - 3 of them.

KSY is well cancelled. which means troubles but you wil overcome them and have an eventful life

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

I am happy to read his reply and head over heels for the fact you received it. Sanjay is Visti's Guru, Visti is Guru to my teacher, so... I am guessing you are expecting my comment, but as I belong to this lineage, maybe it is not necessary (I can not possibly know more or anything different than Sanjay, Visti or my teacher). Or you wish an explanation? If that is the case, here it is:Remember when I mentioned that it is easy to give advice for KSY/KAY if benefic is joining nodes or occupying lagna/7th bhava? This means broken KSY/KAY. Roughly speaking, lets say it is easier type of KSY/KAY, so bondage is not terrible as it may be without influence of benefics as described above. Also, the stronger these benefics are (own rashi, mooltrikona, exaltation), the easier type it will be. This is one of the reasons why I did not insist to perform Mahavidya urgently (Tara), as you are having

exalted Guru on your Lagna.

This is why I was writing long email with list of upayas related to every day life.

I've also done puja of KSY at Shri Kalahasti Temple as suggested by some Pandit ji. How effective that puja was, only God knows. I am very sorry, but I am only familiar with those remedies from Achyuta parampara I listed above. I can not give any comment on puja you performed.


Would you be kind enough to explain the Kamla Mahavidhya puja to me also please. You don't need this. :) I understand that it will be a painful process but I would surely like to understand and would definitely would like to try if I feel i can do it. You will not perform this, forget it. No need for this, as there are benefics on lagna breaking KSY. I can repeat this as many times necessary. :) Love your wife, this is the best sadhana for you :)


Also can I do both, Kamla Mahavidhya Sadhna and Jyotirlinga mantra? Third time, forget Kamala Sadhana. :) In general, one sadhana at the time. Mahavidya, or Jyotirlinga, never both at the same time (and never both for same graha at the same time). Jyotirlinga for now.


Can you also please explain a bit more in details about "I will be reminded if I do anything to make my wife unhappy" while doing Jyotirlinga Mantra? :) As I said: things can simply go back to where they were before you started with Mantra. :) Don't be afraid, this is beautiful mantra.


Also if you can please give some more details of Tara Mahavidhya and how can It be performed. For now you do not need this. When you need it, I will ask around for someone located nearby your place who can give you all instructions. We'll be in touch.


Regarding Children, My wife feels she is not yet ready. Earlier she wanted some time after marriage and now as we are staying separate, she does not want to go ahead this way and would like to wait sometime till some arrangement happens where we can stay together again. :( Okay, be patient. There is sense in what she is saying. It is not easy for a woman to be on her own during pregnancy and after delivery. and as you said, I should not do anything to make her unhappy, I've been keeping my mouth shut in this matter and letting her decide what she wants. But I'm no way near the Husband of the Decade title as I do make her upset with some things she doesn't like. One of them is letting her know that she is wrong :) about something or If I don't agree to what she says. Wait, I did not say to shut up, be a plant and don't have opinion of your own :))) 90% of

communication is nonverbal, meaning that people focus on interpreting gesticulation and tone while listening. Anything you have to say, say it, but 10% be careful on choice of words, 90% be careful how you say it. :) If your arguments are reasonable and strong enough, you should be able to explain why gently.


I don't know how to move away from Asia. Don't worry, this is not urgent at all. I did not say to do it by the end of this month. Life is long. It is more like, if/when you are in position to chose where to move, you should prefer this direction. It depends if I can get a Job somewhere far from here. I'm trying to find a job but it all seems so difficult at this time and I feel like I'm trapped. Please do guide me if you can about what I can do to make my luck move me to Northwest direction and away from Asia. I am afraid I am unable to give you such advice, but I do think that solving one thing at the time is vise. You cant change your entire life with one move. Patience.


Thanking you once again for all your help and kindness. Again, pleasure is all mine. I hope I do not take up too much of your time and effort for the queries I have.


Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams


Vivek Bajaj





sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:53:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga










Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI read that last email you were sending after this which is bellow my email. Your wife is pretty much healthy woman. Considering your relationships before marriage, the only serious relationship you ever had is this with your wife. She is first Upa Pada, I am glad this is confirmed.Before I forget to say it (again): yes that is right, your wife would have to contact me directly (however she feels more comfortable- privately or here on forum) in order to allow me to interpret her chart.Opposition to your marriage was mostly from your father in law? When did you meet your wife?Eternal, life time painful spot of every Sukra Atma Karaka is its "Royal Highness-Institutio n of Marriage". What Sukra Atma Karaka is living and breathing for is love. You have read that you are having afflicted Sukra (curse) in your chart. This adds hardships on previous statement.

Here on forum many times I came across questions such as "Will I have love marriage or arranged marriage?" and every time I am wondering what is on questioners mind... Love? Or falling in love/passion? There is a difference and it is so hard to explain it to someone who had never felt both, simply entered arranged marriage and remain there for rest of life. No matter what one says to a person who experienced only arranged marriage without falling in love to spouse or loving spouse, they can never understand that there is no big difference between deep love on one side and solid, quality relation inside arranged marriage on the other. There are no "butterflies in stomach" feeling, excitement, shivering, sweet insomnia when it comes to real, deep love. Are you following me so far Sukra Atma Karaka? :)"Butterflies" are present for few days, weeks, months... in best case for few years. Eventually they "fly away" and leave us in bills, loans,

arguments over holiday destination, color of sofa, budget plans, "shall we rent/buy house/apartment here or there?", diapers, babies crying, "I am too tired talk, I had a very exhausting day at work", what are we going to have for dinner, who is earning more, etc. etc. etc. A warm welcome to cruel reality of every day life! So really, who is messed up more at birth: westerns or Indians? Westerns rarely learn difference between love and falling in love, so landing "cruel reality" after "butterflies stage" appears more as a plain crash, if love did not have enough time to plant roots before living together. Indians, on the other side, can hardly get rid of feeling as if they are missing something crucial if their only option is simply to enter arranged marriage and that is it as far as their emotional life. (It is probably scary idea for nowadays 20 year old in India, considering what they are coming across in global media and internet.) As a

human being I can only be honest with you and say that I don't believe in institution of marriage either. At least not from that perspective of what majority of human beings aged 20-35 is expecting from partnership deep down inside, no matter which tradition/country/ religion he or she belongs. Mutual love. Very small percentage of population is lucky to experience this, and majority of these lucky ones did not get everything on the plate as soon as they married. They probably had to put lot of effort and time to make things work.Bottom line, what every married human being needs in The Holy Institution of Marriage is mutual respect, understanding, both sides ready for compromises, cooperation and sharing responsibilities. Otherwise everyone included suffer terribly. Love is a nice asset, but it will not make it work if any single one of those above terms is not included. It will not plant roots and grow. It is hard enough to find a person who is

ready to cooperate with another to such extent. Deep down inside, all human beings are very selfish. Institution of Marriage? Disappointments? Well, disappointments come after failed expectations. It depends on what one is expecting of marriage... See my point?I am not from India, so the first time I became familiar with Vedic viewpoints on marriage was only few years ago. I told you that as a human being I don't believe in Institution of Marriage: Well, why would I wish to push myself and accept so many responsibilities? Why would I ever wish to let anyone disturbing my privacy, habits and occupying half of my bed (while snoring, probably :)? Two reasons:1. Children2. Children#1 Children is purely from human being level. I do wish to accomplish my self as a mother. #2 Children is from viewpoint of Dharma. As you are born in India, I am expecting that you do know that Dharma of every mortal human is continuing linage.

This linage can be spiritual, within parampara, if one decides to renounce material aspects of life. In this option one is adopting "spiritual children" or shishyas (students). Second option is to continue family linage and have biological or adopted children. We are here for the sake of creation and we are obligated to create our own children in order to pay our debts to our Pitris (ancestors). Are you familiar with these principles? If you are, in that case you do understand that you did not marry for your own benefit or pleasure (if this becomes part of your marriage, great!). You married for having children and share responsibilities with your wife in order to up bring them in to greatest possible human beings. Life really makes no sense without children. If you don't believe me, just search for married people who never decided to raise a child (even though they could) and observe their lives. From this viewpoint Institution of Marriage is

sacred. One may believe in it or not, but it is sacred because it provides us fulfilling significant portion of our Dharma. (As far as I am concerned, this paragraph is 80% of my motivation to enter marriage some day. God, I really hope I will have XXXL bed and enough wax for my ears to survive that. :)For good and bad marriage it takes two and it is always easier to blame the other side when something goes wrong. All human beings find hard to face own failure and responsibility. .. Think about your actions and actions of your wife again, please. She learned to avoid mentioning something that might make you loose your temper. Good. Now is the best time to teach her how to make you talk, smile, feel that you belong there with her, make you happy... She needs you to show her how. You are where you are and there is no turning back. Divorce is always an option, but don't leave before you are sure you tried EVERYTHING to make it work.

Replacing her with another woman maybe would be as good enough as changing a package to the same problem, so you need to try to pull the best out of current situation. You both need to become team players. I can try to help a little, rest is really on you.As mentioned earlier, Sukra in your chart is afflicted (under curse), but main problem in your chart is Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY-all Grahas distributed zodiacally from Rashi occupied by Ketu to Rashi occpuied by Rahu). Nodes are influencing 2nd bhava from Upa Pada. After you told me about circumstances of the way you entered your marriage, I do believe that described is related to Kumbha Rashi. Co lord Rahu is in 3rd bhava with Sukra and Mangal, so you fell in love and choice of spouse was mainly your decision. You were probably head over heels in love... It must have been very intensive emotional experience considering that Rahu is

with Sukra Atma Karaka. Currently Rahu antar dasha is running, making Sukra and KSY issues very much in focus.Giving remedies for KSY is easy task if there is benefic with nodes. In your case that would be neecha Sukra. As neecha Grahas are always related with Devi forms, Kamala Mahavidya would be perfect remedy to break KSY. But... Mahavidya Sadhana is always very intensive experience, since performer gets opportunity to burn significant amount of bad Karma within 40 days (to speed up process of purification in a way). This process is very painful but worth vile, as it would probably take few years or even longer to accoplish same results with another kind of worship. Atma Karaka by it self is delivering most intensive karmic experiences (usually painful, but again-worth vile) to each and every one of us. Combination of Atma Karaka and Mahavidya Sadhana is overextended intensity for fragile human mind. One of possible "side effects" of this

combination is mental instability. I do think your Dhishakti, intelligence and mind are very strong, considering all those blessings on your lagna, but you are just a man who is worried about his marriage, financial existence and employment-meaning you are "regular civilian", making you very fragile for this type of Sadhana.Alternative for Mahavidya is Jyotirlinga mantra for Graha which is joining nodes. Shiva in form of Tryambakkeshvaya is Jyotirlinga for Sukra. This will exalt Sukra, take care of KSY, additionally purify occupants in Meena and give strength to this Rashi which is sustaining your marriage (2nd from Kumbha). You get multiple benefits from this mantra:Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum OmThis is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and you are supposed to start it on any Monday, performing it 108

times (one Mala) in the morning and 108 times at the sunset. Do it for 40 days. After that you wait next Monday to start another 40 days of Shiva worship. There is catch with Jyotirlinga. I don't advise you to start it unless you are fully prepared to be nothing but a loving husband to your wife. You must be very careful, there are no excuses. She can behave as she likes, be unbearable, impulsive, stubborn, behaving like a spoiled breath, I am so sorry, but all you are allowed to do is to behave like you are preparing for "Husband of decade" contest. You are not allowed to hurt her, insult her even a little bit, to raise your voice at her or to make her unhappy in any way. Whenever you do anything similar you will be "reminded" not to repeat it, because things can get very difficult again. Also, Sukra is related to couples and young, unmarried ladies, so this is place No2 and No3 on your personal list of sacred and divine. Ah yes, add

Institution of Marriage as No4, as this institution is also related to Sukra. You are obligated to have full respect towards everything related to Sukra, especially your wife. Neecha Sukra requires you to be humble towards your wife, sister, ladies etc. etc. Help them when they ask you, help them and support them even when they don't ask you. From now and on, your wife is Devi personified as far as you are concerned and the ground she is walking is sacred to you. You will have to chose this attitude if you want to give some strength to Sukra in your chart and pull your self out of the problem. Believe me that you will make incomparably less damage if you decide to insult anybody else in your life before you decide to make your wife unhappy. (Don't worry, I promise I will never share this conversation with her :) You have to perform some good karma if you want to prevent continuation of bad karma. Your wife is not with you by coincidence. She is

there to deliver some karma that must be delivered and you can try to make it easier for yourself. I repeat again what I said few emails ago: Guru will protect Meena rashi, plus Ketu is there, so you need children as soon as possible. Your marriage has more chances to sustain with children. Come on Karka lagna, you can be great father... I am sure that children will pull the best out of you. That palmist had a point about far away country. I recommend you to move Northwest as Chandra is in digbala from Arudha Lagna. Move from Asia, far far away, as movable rashis such as Karka require distance to get activated. Your lagna and all occupants are your way out of every problem. In next Maha Dasa of Guru it would be great to perform Tara Mahavidya. If you feel ready to do it earlier, let's say around August this year, start it then. I am saying Tara because Grahas on Lagna are also qualified to break Kala Sarpa Yoga. Tara is for

Guru.Hm... that would be all for now. Email is long, I know. I had to trouble you to put some effort in reading long list of remedies and advices, as 3rd bhava is place of problems. :) Okay, I am joking. I just think that there was some point in doing all this, as you might have benefits from everything written above this paragraph. You are reasonable, you might listen to me and you will probably perform Jyotirlinga. Thank you very much for reading this and giving me a chance to do some good karma. As I said before, rest is really on you.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Tue, 1/19/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comTuesday, January 19, 2010, 2:08 AM

Dear Maja ji

Thanks a lot for your kind reply. Here are some major details for my life. I was married on 12th December 2008. My Father born in 1938 is a businessman and now not doing any active work except for some investments. He is having family history of diabetes and heart problems and is himself a Heart and blood Sugar patient. My mother is a housewife and she does not have any major medical problems except for overweight. Have always belonged to a well to do family but there was not much progress in our financial status and growth has always been stagnant. I've learnt from my parents not to believe in pump and show and lead a simple life. I'm a very stubborn person and don't usually change my decisions. I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible. I have great love for literature and poetry and love art cinema more than commercial cinema. I passed my B.Com in 3rd division even when I was not that bad a student. I've always been

haunted by Math and physics and complex calculations. I did my 12 in Science. After that i did some computer courses and worked here and there but my proper job started in Sep 2003 when I left India and came for a contract job of 2 months in Bangkok. here after 3 months i was offered a full time job and had to travel a lot in this job. I have recently been moved to plant location which has forced me to stay away from my wife as she is also working in the city. I was told this news on Dussehra day 2009. My Wife's DOB is 15th Apr 1980. Number 3, 6, 9 have mostly been lucky. most of my good friends also have these numbers as their date of birth. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i'm the youngest child. Both my brothers are in business. My sister is also married to a businessman. I don't remember much of my childhood but after I've grown up, I've seen mostly problems in business front in my dad's business. I can't say they were very huge but yes, if I compare

to how well to do and progressing we used to be (as I was told), our growth got stagnant and also going down. My Marriage was a Love cum arranged Marriage. there was a lot of opposition from Girls family but later settled. The first few months of my marriage, my wife and I had lot of quarrels. We actually had very bitter fights and i had lost all interest and faith in the institution of marriage. Things are getting better, touch wood. We don't finght that much as my wife very cleverly avoids any such thing which can make me loose my temper. I won't say I'm satisfied but yes, i also feel its better to avoid any thing which can cause fights. My quality of life, I can't really say as there were both +ve and -ve changes but my career has taken a downfall and I've been landing in problems as explained earlier.I was once told by a palmist that My future will always be bright outside of the country of my birth and that I would probably die

in a country which is not my birth country. Health wise, My wife is a bit fragile and although her health is more or less stable, she has improved over time but still she keeps getting small problems health wise. Regarding my wife's chart, should I ask her to send an email to you if she is interested in getting the things explained in her chart? Please let me know if any further information is required from my side. Once again thank you so much for your kindness to help. Kind RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:09:19 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga






Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteHaving direct dialogue with you is much better option, nice that you included. First of all, no reason for panic at this stage, as we are still checking if your birth time is correct or not.Tell me when did you get married? As your Upa Pada lagna is in 2nd bhava with Surya and Sani, I guess your marriage was arranged according to tradition of your family (which is the case with majority of people of your age in your country, but I would like to check if this is true anyway). You are 31 years old at the moment, so I don't see any serious marriage delay in your case... As I understand tradition, condition number one, necessary to fulfill in order to become potential groom, is to finish education (at least) before entering marriage. This can not happen before age of 23-24 (if we are talking about higher education). As Sani is on Upa Pada lagna, here we should focus on

7th there from (Kumbha) in order to find more details about relation between you and your wife. It is nice to see that her Rashi Lagna fits perfectly to your Upa Pada. :) I think your relation will be so much stronger after birth of children, as Ketu (kula devata) is there in Mooltrikona receiving Graha drishti of Guru from lagna. No need to focus on afflicted neecha Sukra from 3rd bhava and its influence on 2nd from Kumbha, as Guru is strong enough to protect his rashi (Meena) and his beneficial influence is strong enough to sustain your marriage. This marriage should last, all you guys need is children. This is the best "remedy" to keep your marriage safe and sound. :) I can not give comments related to your wife's chart, as I need her blessing and permission to do such a thing. It is her privacy. Though I am allowed to cheer you up with good news: my knowledge in determining compatibility between partners is pretty much poor, but what I am

familiar with at this stage allows me to say that there is perfect compatibility in domain of Chandra (representing both of your families, social circles and mind level) between the two of you. "Third party involvement" meaning-if there were any extramarital issues with other women?Longevity issues- if Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, this brings neecha Sukra in 8th bhava, related to sustaining of marriage and this is maraka bhava for wife also. This is neecha, vargotama Atma Karaka (under curse in Rashi chart), believe me you would feel very unhappy in your marriage if this is in 8th bhava. Further, 9th bhava is 3rd from 7th, so it is related to death of spouse in a way. Lord is neecha Budh having graha drishti on neecha Sukra in 2nd from 7th. If Sukra and Budh were not neecha (without neecha banga in Navamsha), I would not insist that this combination could ever influence wife's longevity, as there is no 7th lord involved in this

combination to satisfy snap shot combination for death of spouse. This way, I would stick to health issues and longevity decreased to some extent. Speaking of her health, I need you to tell me how is your wife doing? If she is fine and well, I suggest Makara Navamsha lagna.What is your father's occupation? If Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, following scenario is possible: social and financial status of your family could have been very stable and good before you were born. After you were born, your family could have experienced huge problems related to status, reputation, some court cases, legal issues and similar could have cropped up. Was this the case?Also, after you got married, how would you describe quality of your life, your career and interpersonal relations with people from your surrounding? I need these answers.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Mon, 1/18/10, Vivek Bajaj

<bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comMonday, January 18, 2010, 1:48 AM

Dear Maja ji and Manoj ji Thanks a lot for taking out time to look at the chart. Maja ji, can you please help with the charts of me and my wife as if its really a Kumbha Lagna in Navmasa then I guess I'd be needing the help and blessings of Gurujans and learned members. My marriage was delayed. I'm sorry but I could not fully understand the third party involvement and longvity things. Frankly I'm getting scared a bit. Please guide me. I would also like to request Gurujans and Other leaned members if they can help with their analysis. Thanks and RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commanojsharma662000@ Sun, 17 Jan 2010 06:50:26 -0800Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




point well taken...I am a day dreamer and dreams just add more illusion (maya) around you...but that is my karma and I have to face (actually I am already facing) the consequences




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSun, January 17, 2010 3:41:43 AMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj, namasteThis is not matter of knowledge level, it is matter of approaching facts. Only facts make sense to me.Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 6:15 PM



Hi Maja,

Thanks for your response. I will not pretend to know more than you in astrology even for a wee bit. I was just saying that sometime the truth is not every apparent, and at abstract level sometime what is apparent is not necessarily true. I was just trying to make this point. However, again not sure whether it makes sense to you.




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSat, January 16, 2010 4:25:13 PMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj,:))))))))))) ))))))))) )) Thank you for making me laugh with this lovely explanation. I do believe Vivek knows his wife very well. They are living together after all.Does this mean that Jyotishi is allowed to say: "You had a very good period to become millionaire a year ago, but sadly, you did not use it, so nothing manifested." in order to justify our errors in interpretation or rectification?Vivek's navamsha lagna shifts to Makara lagna within less than one minute earlier. In case of Kumbha navamsha lagna, Sukra would be 9th lord in 8th and Sukra is neecha, so I do believe that this would delay his marriage (fulfiling Dharma-9th bhava). Also, neecha Sukra would be matter of sustaining his marriage. There is drishti of neecha Budh on Sukra, so I do believe that if there is no terrible suffering or involvement of third party in his marriage, or if his wife is alive and well (yoga

of 8th and 9th lord would badly afflict wife's longevity) Vivek's navamsha lagna should be Makara. This way, second bhava related to sustaining is occupied with Gu/Ke, meaning that children (own or adopted) and continuing linage is something that is keeping this marriage strong.When there is parampara yoga in 7th in Navamsha, it is not matter of inner quality or inner attitude of spouse. It is reality and spouse should actually belong to/be born in some Parampara if Yoga is strong (Guru is in Surya's rashi here, so...).Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32 AM


That my be because of her Arudha lagna; what manifests is not always true...just tear the facade of this maya and try to understand the soul of your wife...may be you will realize, she is indeed very spritual if not religious... .






Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>sohamsa@ .comFri, January 15, 2010 5:50:11 AMRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga Dear Guru jis/Learned Members Just noticed that Jupiter + Ketu is in my D9 too in 7th house. I don't think my wife is very spiritual. She is more fun loving and out going than me. Chart attached. I guess we need some more expert advise. Warm RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .combondmerama (AT) (DOT) inFri, 15 Jan 2010 10:39:13 +0000 Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga


Dear All,Does this yoga always known as Ganapati Yoga,Here Jupiter is fallen.Best Regardssohamsa@ .com, LearneR Vedic AstroG <hygreeva_ram@ ...> wrote:>> || Hare Rama Krishna ||>  > Namaskar, > It indiacte you get spirtual wife , may be marriage purpose is to beget children.>  >  >  > Regards,> Hygreeva.> > > --- On Thu, 14/1/10, AS <bondmerama@ ...> wrote:> > > AS <bondmerama@ ...>> Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:shri Rafal Ji please tell......> sohamsa@ .com> Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 8:20 AM> > >  > > > > Respected Sirs>

Namaskar.> Does the combination of Jupiter+Ketu in Makara, seventh house of D-9,indictates an astrologer spouse/spiritual spouse or what it indicates.> Kindly tell.> Regards.> > > > > > > > > > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/>



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Dear Maja ji


Sadar Pranams


I won't say too many Thank You's :). You know I am very much Thank full.

I guess the reason the email was delayed is because the emails to this group by users (except for some senior members and Gurujans) are moderated and sometimes the moderators are busy and take some time before they can release the emails.

A few more requests. Feel free to reply whenever you can.


I was wearing a yellow sapphire and a pearl for past few years. Couple months back, I lost my pearl ring. The strange thing is that before I lost the pearl was getting used pretty fast. It was getting smaller in size pretty quickly which did not happen before. I enquired a few people and some said it was natural and some said, it was working. I still have no clue. Then one of the astrologers who used to guide my Wife's family said that I should not be wearing the pearl at all and its good that I lost it. He suggested a Emerald. He said I could wear the yellow sapphire if I wanted but it will be of no use. My wife's family immediately arranged a emerald and I'm wearing it instead of pearl. I'm also wearing the yellow sapphire. I asked one of my uncle's who I normally ask about such queries and he said that as per him I may try wearing a red coral but he was not sure why a emerald was suggested. So I'm currently wearing a yellow sapphire and a emerald. if possible, could you please advise? Also I was asked to take off my wedding ring as there were diamonds in that.


As I've mentioned in my earlier email also, I was asked to move to another location by my company which has forced me to stay away from my wife. I was pretty upset with the decision as the management knew that I was recently married and this will create problems in my personal life. I really want to change my Job. Do you see any such change in near future?




Last question, just popped up in my mind after reading a few emails in Sohamsa group. I am very fond of Art and especially poetry. I used to write poems too till a few years back and now in this job I find it hard do the same. I'm no big poet. I've just shared my work with a few friends, that's all. can you please suggest what yoga in my chart is the reason for this and should I try to work on this hobby of mine. Is it any significant in my chart?


Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams




sohamsa From: majastrbacastroDate: Wed, 3 Feb 2010 01:54:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga







Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteObviously my inbox was on vacation, as I received your email today (I see 27th of January on it). It jams sometimes and refuses cooperation...I added comments directly to your email bellow. This font color would be me.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Wed, 1/27/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:05 AM

Dear Maja ji

Sadar Pranams

Thanks a lot for your detailed email. I'm really indebted for all your time and effort. Really, no need for saying "thank you" every time we exchange email :) I guess this long email and the upayas are because you see a chance of separation. Nope. In fact, what I see in your chart is that you will never actually take any action regarding separation. Not even close. Too much Dharma in your chart :))) From time to time you may think of it as an option, but never seriously. I am just saving your valuable energy, time and mind focus for something more constructive. Instead of brainstorming on "Divorce is solution" (and never do it), don't you think it is more useful to make your brain occupied with "How can I improve this"? As simple as that.

By Gods Grace and blessings till now everything seems normal. I hope it continues this way and God forbid, if in future there may be such a chance, I'll do whatever in my power to avoid any such situation. I've a few questions and I hope I won't take too much of your time. You are welcome anytime.

Regarding the opposition, it was actually from her mother and sisters rather than her father. her father was cooperative in start but later under influence of her mother and sisters, opposed the idea of out alliance. OK, good. At the moment I can't think of any decent comment related to your chart and where to fit these events. I am not surprised with sisters in law, but I am surprised with mother in law. I owe you this explanation for next time, hope this is OK.

I was introduced to my wife some 5-6 years back by a mutual friend. In Sukra AD? Cheers! She was studying at that time and I was on a project. We could not meet as we were quite far from each other but we kept in touch a bit by emails etc. After a year or so, she completed her studies and came back to her home. Then we met and it was just a normal friendship. I criticize a lot as you must have analyzed by my chart (No, I was not looking for this in your chart, but if you insist: perhaps Budh, lord of 3rd on Lagna with lagna lord and vargotama AK in Kanya are contributing this "quality" :) and i guess she some how relied on my advise (even if she didn't like it) as I used to speak truth and showed her what bitter things people won't tell others. this friendship slowly turned into attraction and eventually what we may call love but it was not without the ups and downs and the problems most couples face. It never is without ups and downs for any couple.

I do understand (at least a bit) about what you say about the institution of marriage and our dharma and I would say that agree to almost all of what you say. Thanks a lot for explaining it in such a detail. Pleasure was all mine, really. now a few questions.was there any difference in the time I normally use for my chart calculations? the time which I have is approximate so I'm sure there would be some difference. If you can please let me know the same, It would be easy for me to try and learn more about my horoscope. As far as I was going with rectification, I think it should be 04:25 AM. I do agree that I was head over heels in love as I still can not justify why in spite of so many differences i was ready to commit to this relation. In spite of many differences, strong graha in 2nd from Kumbha will keep relation. I asked Sanjay ji about the KSY and here is what he replied

om gurave namah

Dear Vivek

Natural benefic Venus has joined the node

Natural benefics are in Lagna - 3 of them.

KSY is well cancelled. which means troubles but you wil overcome them and have an eventful life

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath I am happy to read his reply and head over heels for the fact you received it. Sanjay is Visti's Guru, Visti is Guru to my teacher, so... I am guessing you are expecting my comment, but as I belong to this lineage, maybe it is not necessary (I can not possibly know more or anything different than Sanjay, Visti or my teacher). Or you wish an explanation? If that is the case, here it is:Remember when I mentioned that it is easy to give advice for KSY/KAY if benefic is joining nodes or occupying lagna/7th bhava? This means broken KSY/KAY. Roughly speaking, lets say it is easier type of KSY/KAY, so bondage is not terrible as it may be without influence of benefics as described above. Also, the stronger these benefics are (own rashi, mooltrikona, exaltation), the easier type it will be. This is one of the reasons why I did not insist to perform Mahavidya urgently (Tara), as you are having exalted Guru on your Lagna. This is why I was writing long email with list of upayas related to every day life. I've also done puja of KSY at Shri Kalahasti Temple as suggested by some Pandit ji. How effective that puja was, only God knows. I am very sorry, but I am only familiar with those remedies from Achyuta parampara I listed above. I can not give any comment on puja you performed. Would you be kind enough to explain the Kamla Mahavidhya puja to me also please. You don't need this. :) I understand that it will be a painful process but I would surely like to understand and would definitely would like to try if I feel i can do it. You will not perform this, forget it. No need for this, as there are benefics on lagna breaking KSY. I can repeat this as many times necessary. :) Love your wife, this is the best sadhana for you :) Also can I do both, Kamla Mahavidhya Sadhna and Jyotirlinga mantra? Third time, forget Kamala Sadhana. :) In general, one sadhana at the time. Mahavidya, or Jyotirlinga, never both at the same time (and never both for same graha at the same time). Jyotirlinga for now. Can you also please explain a bit more in details about "I will be reminded if I do anything to make my wife unhappy" while doing Jyotirlinga Mantra? :) As I said: things can simply go back to where they were before you started with Mantra. :) Don't be afraid, this is beautiful mantra. Also if you can please give some more details of Tara Mahavidhya and how can It be performed. For now you do not need this. When you need it, I will ask around for someone located nearby your place who can give you all instructions. We'll be in touch. Regarding Children, My wife feels she is not yet ready. Earlier she wanted some time after marriage and now as we are staying separate, she does not want to go ahead this way and would like to wait sometime till some arrangement happens where we can stay together again. :( Okay, be patient. There is sense in what she is saying. It is not easy for a woman to be on her own during pregnancy and after delivery. and as you said, I should not do anything to make her unhappy, I've been keeping my mouth shut in this matter and letting her decide what she wants. But I'm no way near the Husband of the Decade title as I do make her upset with some things she doesn't like. One of them is letting her know that she is wrong :) about something or If I don't agree to what she says. Wait, I did not say to shut up, be a plant and don't have opinion of your own :))) 90% of communication is nonverbal, meaning that people focus on interpreting gesticulation and tone while listening. Anything you have to say, say it, but 10% be careful on choice of words, 90% be careful how you say it. :) If your arguments are reasonable and strong enough, you should be able to explain why gently. I don't know how to move away from Asia. Don't worry, this is not urgent at all. I did not say to do it by the end of this month. Life is long. It is more like, if/when you are in position to chose where to move, you should prefer this direction. It depends if I can get a Job somewhere far from here. I'm trying to find a job but it all seems so difficult at this time and I feel like I'm trapped. Please do guide me if you can about what I can do to make my luck move me to Northwest direction and away from Asia. I am afraid I am unable to give you such advice, but I do think that solving one thing at the time is vise. You cant change your entire life with one move. Patience. Thanking you once again for all your help and kindness. Again, pleasure is all mine. I hope I do not take up too much of your time and effort for the queries I have. Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams Vivek Bajaj


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:53:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga










Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI read that last email you were sending after this which is bellow my email. Your wife is pretty much healthy woman. Considering your relationships before marriage, the only serious relationship you ever had is this with your wife. She is first Upa Pada, I am glad this is confirmed.Before I forget to say it (again): yes that is right, your wife would have to contact me directly (however she feels more comfortable- privately or here on forum) in order to allow me to interpret her chart.Opposition to your marriage was mostly from your father in law? When did you meet your wife?Eternal, life time painful spot of every Sukra Atma Karaka is its "Royal Highness-Institutio n of Marriage". What Sukra Atma Karaka is living and breathing for is love. You have read that you are having afflicted Sukra (curse) in your chart. This adds hardships on previous statement. Here on forum many times I came across questions such as "Will I have love marriage or arranged marriage?" and every time I am wondering what is on questioners mind... Love? Or falling in love/passion? There is a difference and it is so hard to explain it to someone who had never felt both, simply entered arranged marriage and remain there for rest of life. No matter what one says to a person who experienced only arranged marriage without falling in love to spouse or loving spouse, they can never understand that there is no big difference between deep love on one side and solid, quality relation inside arranged marriage on the other. There are no "butterflies in stomach" feeling, excitement, shivering, sweet insomnia when it comes to real, deep love. Are you following me so far Sukra Atma Karaka? :)"Butterflies" are present for few days, weeks, months... in best case for few years. Eventually they "fly away" and leave us in bills, loans, arguments over holiday destination, color of sofa, budget plans, "shall we rent/buy house/apartment here or there?", diapers, babies crying, "I am too tired talk, I had a very exhausting day at work", what are we going to have for dinner, who is earning more, etc. etc. etc. A warm welcome to cruel reality of every day life! So really, who is messed up more at birth: westerns or Indians? Westerns rarely learn difference between love and falling in love, so landing "cruel reality" after "butterflies stage" appears more as a plain crash, if love did not have enough time to plant roots before living together. Indians, on the other side, can hardly get rid of feeling as if they are missing something crucial if their only option is simply to enter arranged marriage and that is it as far as their emotional life. (It is probably scary idea for nowadays 20 year old in India, considering what they are coming across in global media and internet.) As a human being I can only be honest with you and say that I don't believe in institution of marriage either. At least not from that perspective of what majority of human beings aged 20-35 is expecting from partnership deep down inside, no matter which tradition/country/ religion he or she belongs. Mutual love. Very small percentage of population is lucky to experience this, and majority of these lucky ones did not get everything on the plate as soon as they married. They probably had to put lot of effort and time to make things work.Bottom line, what every married human being needs in The Holy Institution of Marriage is mutual respect, understanding, both sides ready for compromises, cooperation and sharing responsibilities. Otherwise everyone included suffer terribly. Love is a nice asset, but it will not make it work if any single one of those above terms is not included. It will not plant roots and grow. It is hard enough to find a person who is ready to cooperate with another to such extent. Deep down inside, all human beings are very selfish. Institution of Marriage? Disappointments? Well, disappointments come after failed expectations. It depends on what one is expecting of marriage... See my point?I am not from India, so the first time I became familiar with Vedic viewpoints on marriage was only few years ago. I told you that as a human being I don't believe in Institution of Marriage: Well, why would I wish to push myself and accept so many responsibilities? Why would I ever wish to let anyone disturbing my privacy, habits and occupying half of my bed (while snoring, probably :)? Two reasons:1. Children2. Children#1 Children is purely from human being level. I do wish to accomplish my self as a mother. #2 Children is from viewpoint of Dharma. As you are born in India, I am expecting that you do know that Dharma of every mortal human is continuing linage. This linage can be spiritual, within parampara, if one decides to renounce material aspects of life. In this option one is adopting "spiritual children" or shishyas (students). Second option is to continue family linage and have biological or adopted children. We are here for the sake of creation and we are obligated to create our own children in order to pay our debts to our Pitris (ancestors). Are you familiar with these principles? If you are, in that case you do understand that you did not marry for your own benefit or pleasure (if this becomes part of your marriage, great!). You married for having children and share responsibilities with your wife in order to up bring them in to greatest possible human beings. Life really makes no sense without children. If you don't believe me, just search for married people who never decided to raise a child (even though they could) and observe their lives. From this viewpoint Institution of Marriage is sacred. One may believe in it or not, but it is sacred because it provides us fulfilling significant portion of our Dharma. (As far as I am concerned, this paragraph is 80% of my motivation to enter marriage some day. God, I really hope I will have XXXL bed and enough wax for my ears to survive that. :)For good and bad marriage it takes two and it is always easier to blame the other side when something goes wrong. All human beings find hard to face own failure and responsibility. .. Think about your actions and actions of your wife again, please. She learned to avoid mentioning something that might make you loose your temper. Good. Now is the best time to teach her how to make you talk, smile, feel that you belong there with her, make you happy... She needs you to show her how. You are where you are and there is no turning back. Divorce is always an option, but don't leave before you are sure you tried EVERYTHING to make it work. Replacing her with another woman maybe would be as good enough as changing a package to the same problem, so you need to try to pull the best out of current situation. You both need to become team players. I can try to help a little, rest is really on you.As mentioned earlier, Sukra in your chart is afflicted (under curse), but main problem in your chart is Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY-all Grahas distributed zodiacally from Rashi occupied by Ketu to Rashi occpuied by Rahu). Nodes are influencing 2nd bhava from Upa Pada. After you told me about circumstances of the way you entered your marriage, I do believe that described is related to Kumbha Rashi. Co lord Rahu is in 3rd bhava with Sukra and Mangal, so you fell in love and choice of spouse was mainly your decision. You were probably head over heels in love... It must have been very intensive emotional experience considering that Rahu is with Sukra Atma Karaka. Currently Rahu antar dasha is running, making Sukra and KSY issues very much in focus.Giving remedies for KSY is easy task if there is benefic with nodes. In your case that would be neecha Sukra. As neecha Grahas are always related with Devi forms, Kamala Mahavidya would be perfect remedy to break KSY. But... Mahavidya Sadhana is always very intensive experience, since performer gets opportunity to burn significant amount of bad Karma within 40 days (to speed up process of purification in a way). This process is very painful but worth vile, as it would probably take few years or even longer to accoplish same results with another kind of worship. Atma Karaka by it self is delivering most intensive karmic experiences (usually painful, but again-worth vile) to each and every one of us. Combination of Atma Karaka and Mahavidya Sadhana is overextended intensity for fragile human mind. One of possible "side effects" of this combination is mental instability. I do think your Dhishakti, intelligence and mind are very strong, considering all those blessings on your lagna, but you are just a man who is worried about his marriage, financial existence and employment-meaning you are "regular civilian", making you very fragile for this type of Sadhana.Alternative for Mahavidya is Jyotirlinga mantra for Graha which is joining nodes. Shiva in form of Tryambakkeshvaya is Jyotirlinga for Sukra. This will exalt Sukra, take care of KSY, additionally purify occupants in Meena and give strength to this Rashi which is sustaining your marriage (2nd from Kumbha). You get multiple benefits from this mantra:Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum OmThis is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and you are supposed to start it on any Monday, performing it 108 times (one Mala) in the morning and 108 times at the sunset. Do it for 40 days. After that you wait next Monday to start another 40 days of Shiva worship. There is catch with Jyotirlinga. I don't advise you to start it unless you are fully prepared to be nothing but a loving husband to your wife. You must be very careful, there are no excuses. She can behave as she likes, be unbearable, impulsive, stubborn, behaving like a spoiled breath, I am so sorry, but all you are allowed to do is to behave like you are preparing for "Husband of decade" contest. You are not allowed to hurt her, insult her even a little bit, to raise your voice at her or to make her unhappy in any way. Whenever you do anything similar you will be "reminded" not to repeat it, because things can get very difficult again. Also, Sukra is related to couples and young, unmarried ladies, so this is place No2 and No3 on your personal list of sacred and divine. Ah yes, add Institution of Marriage as No4, as this institution is also related to Sukra. You are obligated to have full respect towards everything related to Sukra, especially your wife. Neecha Sukra requires you to be humble towards your wife, sister, ladies etc. etc. Help them when they ask you, help them and support them even when they don't ask you. From now and on, your wife is Devi personified as far as you are concerned and the ground she is walking is sacred to you. You will have to chose this attitude if you want to give some strength to Sukra in your chart and pull your self out of the problem. Believe me that you will make incomparably less damage if you decide to insult anybody else in your life before you decide to make your wife unhappy. (Don't worry, I promise I will never share this conversation with her :) You have to perform some good karma if you want to prevent continuation of bad karma. Your wife is not with you by coincidence. She is there to deliver some karma that must be delivered and you can try to make it easier for yourself. I repeat again what I said few emails ago: Guru will protect Meena rashi, plus Ketu is there, so you need children as soon as possible. Your marriage has more chances to sustain with children. Come on Karka lagna, you can be great father... I am sure that children will pull the best out of you. That palmist had a point about far away country. I recommend you to move Northwest as Chandra is in digbala from Arudha Lagna. Move from Asia, far far away, as movable rashis such as Karka require distance to get activated. Your lagna and all occupants are your way out of every problem. In next Maha Dasa of Guru it would be great to perform Tara Mahavidya. If you feel ready to do it earlier, let's say around August this year, start it then. I am saying Tara because Grahas on Lagna are also qualified to break Kala Sarpa Yoga. Tara is for Guru.Hm... that would be all for now. Email is long, I know. I had to trouble you to put some effort in reading long list of remedies and advices, as 3rd bhava is place of problems. :) Okay, I am joking. I just think that there was some point in doing all this, as you might have benefits from everything written above this paragraph. You are reasonable, you might listen to me and you will probably perform Jyotirlinga. Thank you very much for reading this and giving me a chance to do some good karma. As I said before, rest is really on you.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Tue, 1/19/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comTuesday, January 19, 2010, 2:08 AM

Dear Maja ji Thanks a lot for your kind reply. Here are some major details for my life. I was married on 12th December 2008. My Father born in 1938 is a businessman and now not doing any active work except for some investments. He is having family history of diabetes and heart problems and is himself a Heart and blood Sugar patient. My mother is a housewife and she does not have any major medical problems except for overweight. Have always belonged to a well to do family but there was not much progress in our financial status and growth has always been stagnant. I've learnt from my parents not to believe in pump and show and lead a simple life. I'm a very stubborn person and don't usually change my decisions. I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible. I have great love for literature and poetry and love art cinema more than commercial cinema. I passed my B.Com in 3rd division even when I was not that bad a student. I've always been haunted by Math and physics and complex calculations. I did my 12 in Science. After that i did some computer courses and worked here and there but my proper job started in Sep 2003 when I left India and came for a contract job of 2 months in Bangkok. here after 3 months i was offered a full time job and had to travel a lot in this job. I have recently been moved to plant location which has forced me to stay away from my wife as she is also working in the city. I was told this news on Dussehra day 2009. My Wife's DOB is 15th Apr 1980. Number 3, 6, 9 have mostly been lucky. most of my good friends also have these numbers as their date of birth. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i'm the youngest child. Both my brothers are in business. My sister is also married to a businessman. I don't remember much of my childhood but after I've grown up, I've seen mostly problems in business front in my dad's business. I can't say they were very huge but yes, if I compare to how well to do and progressing we used to be (as I was told), our growth got stagnant and also going down. My Marriage was a Love cum arranged Marriage. there was a lot of opposition from Girls family but later settled. The first few months of my marriage, my wife and I had lot of quarrels. We actually had very bitter fights and i had lost all interest and faith in the institution of marriage. Things are getting better, touch wood. We don't finght that much as my wife very cleverly avoids any such thing which can make me loose my temper. I won't say I'm satisfied but yes, i also feel its better to avoid any thing which can cause fights. My quality of life, I can't really say as there were both +ve and -ve changes but my career has taken a downfall and I've been landing in problems as explained earlier.I was once told by a palmist that My future will always be bright outside of the country of my birth and that I would probably die in a country which is not my birth country. Health wise, My wife is a bit fragile and although her health is more or less stable, she has improved over time but still she keeps getting small problems health wise. Regarding my wife's chart, should I ask her to send an email to you if she is interested in getting the things explained in her chart? Please let me know if any further information is required from my side. Once again thank you so much for your kindness to help. Kind RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:09:19 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga






Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteHaving direct dialogue with you is much better option, nice that you included. First of all, no reason for panic at this stage, as we are still checking if your birth time is correct or not.Tell me when did you get married? As your Upa Pada lagna is in 2nd bhava with Surya and Sani, I guess your marriage was arranged according to tradition of your family (which is the case with majority of people of your age in your country, but I would like to check if this is true anyway). You are 31 years old at the moment, so I don't see any serious marriage delay in your case... As I understand tradition, condition number one, necessary to fulfill in order to become potential groom, is to finish education (at least) before entering marriage. This can not happen before age of 23-24 (if we are talking about higher education). As Sani is on Upa Pada lagna, here we should focus on 7th there from (Kumbha) in order to find more details about relation between you and your wife. It is nice to see that her Rashi Lagna fits perfectly to your Upa Pada. :) I think your relation will be so much stronger after birth of children, as Ketu (kula devata) is there in Mooltrikona receiving Graha drishti of Guru from lagna. No need to focus on afflicted neecha Sukra from 3rd bhava and its influence on 2nd from Kumbha, as Guru is strong enough to protect his rashi (Meena) and his beneficial influence is strong enough to sustain your marriage. This marriage should last, all you guys need is children. This is the best "remedy" to keep your marriage safe and sound. :) I can not give comments related to your wife's chart, as I need her blessing and permission to do such a thing. It is her privacy. Though I am allowed to cheer you up with good news: my knowledge in determining compatibility between partners is pretty much poor, but what I am familiar with at this stage allows me to say that there is perfect compatibility in domain of Chandra (representing both of your families, social circles and mind level) between the two of you. "Third party involvement" meaning-if there were any extramarital issues with other women?Longevity issues- if Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, this brings neecha Sukra in 8th bhava, related to sustaining of marriage and this is maraka bhava for wife also. This is neecha, vargotama Atma Karaka (under curse in Rashi chart), believe me you would feel very unhappy in your marriage if this is in 8th bhava. Further, 9th bhava is 3rd from 7th, so it is related to death of spouse in a way. Lord is neecha Budh having graha drishti on neecha Sukra in 2nd from 7th. If Sukra and Budh were not neecha (without neecha banga in Navamsha), I would not insist that this combination could ever influence wife's longevity, as there is no 7th lord involved in this combination to satisfy snap shot combination for death of spouse. This way, I would stick to health issues and longevity decreased to some extent. Speaking of her health, I need you to tell me how is your wife doing? If she is fine and well, I suggest Makara Navamsha lagna.What is your father's occupation? If Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, following scenario is possible: social and financial status of your family could have been very stable and good before you were born. After you were born, your family could have experienced huge problems related to status, reputation, some court cases, legal issues and similar could have cropped up. Was this the case?Also, after you got married, how would you describe quality of your life, your career and interpersonal relations with people from your surrounding? I need these answers.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Mon, 1/18/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comMonday, January 18, 2010, 1:48 AM

Dear Maja ji and Manoj ji Thanks a lot for taking out time to look at the chart. Maja ji, can you please help with the charts of me and my wife as if its really a Kumbha Lagna in Navmasa then I guess I'd be needing the help and blessings of Gurujans and learned members. My marriage was delayed. I'm sorry but I could not fully understand the third party involvement and longvity things. Frankly I'm getting scared a bit. Please guide me. I would also like to request Gurujans and Other leaned members if they can help with their analysis. Thanks and RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commanojsharma662000@ Sun, 17 Jan 2010 06:50:26 -0800Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




point well taken...I am a day dreamer and dreams just add more illusion (maya) around you...but that is my karma and I have to face (actually I am already facing) the consequences




Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSun, January 17, 2010 3:41:43 AMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj, namasteThis is not matter of knowledge level, it is matter of approaching facts. Only facts make sense to me.Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 6:15 PM


Hi Maja,

Thanks for your response. I will not pretend to know more than you in astrology even for a wee bit. I was just saying that sometime the truth is not every apparent, and at abstract level sometime what is apparent is not necessarily true. I was just trying to make this point. However, again not sure whether it makes sense to you.




Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSat, January 16, 2010 4:25:13 PMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj,:))))))))))) ))))))))) )) Thank you for making me laugh with this lovely explanation. I do believe Vivek knows his wife very well. They are living together after all.Does this mean that Jyotishi is allowed to say: "You had a very good period to become millionaire a year ago, but sadly, you did not use it, so nothing manifested." in order to justify our errors in interpretation or rectification?Vivek's navamsha lagna shifts to Makara lagna within less than one minute earlier. In case of Kumbha navamsha lagna, Sukra would be 9th lord in 8th and Sukra is neecha, so I do believe that this would delay his marriage (fulfiling Dharma-9th bhava). Also, neecha Sukra would be matter of sustaining his marriage. There is drishti of neecha Budh on Sukra, so I do believe that if there is no terrible suffering or involvement of third party in his marriage, or if his wife is alive and well (yoga of 8th and 9th lord would badly afflict wife's longevity) Vivek's navamsha lagna should be Makara. This way, second bhava related to sustaining is occupied with Gu/Ke, meaning that children (own or adopted) and continuing linage is something that is keeping this marriage strong.When there is parampara yoga in 7th in Navamsha, it is not matter of inner quality or inner attitude of spouse. It is reality and spouse should actually belong to/be born in some Parampara if Yoga is strong (Guru is in Surya's rashi here, so...).Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32 AM


That my be because of her Arudha lagna; what manifests is not always true...just tear the facade of this maya and try to understand the soul of your wife...may be you will realize, she is indeed very spritual if not religious... .






Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>sohamsa@ .comFri, January 15, 2010 5:50:11 AMRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga Dear Guru jis/Learned Members Just noticed that Jupiter + Ketu is in my D9 too in 7th house. I don't think my wife is very spiritual. She is more fun loving and out going than me. Chart attached. I guess we need some more expert advise. Warm RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .combondmerama (AT) (DOT) inFri, 15 Jan 2010 10:39:13 +0000 Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga


Dear All,Does this yoga always known as Ganapati Yoga,Here Jupiter is fallen.Best Regardssohamsa@ .com, LearneR Vedic AstroG <hygreeva_ram@ ...> wrote:>> || Hare Rama Krishna ||>  > Namaskar, > It indiacte you get spirtual wife , may be marriage purpose is to beget children.>  >  >  > Regards,> Hygreeva.> > > --- On Thu, 14/1/10, AS <bondmerama@ ...> wrote:> > > AS <bondmerama@ ...>> Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:shri Rafal Ji please tell......> sohamsa@ .com> Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 8:20 AM> > >  > > > > Respected Sirs> Namaskar.> Does the combination of Jupiter+Ketu in Makara, seventh house of D-9,indictates an astrologer spouse/spiritual spouse or what it indicates.> Kindly tell.> Regards.> > > > > > > > > > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/>



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Respected Members,


What is Ganapati yoga exactly ???-an expert in Vedic shastras...

Best Regards



sohamsa , Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro wrote:


> Om Gurave Namah


> Dear Vivek, namaste


> Obviously my inbox was on vacation, as I received your email today (I see 27th

of January on it). It jams sometimes and refuses cooperation...


> I added comments directly to your email bellow. This font color would be me.


> Warm regards,

> Maja Å trbac



> --- On Wed, 1/27/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek wrote:


> Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek

> RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga

> sohamsa

> Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:05 AM









Dear Maja ji


> Sadar Pranams


> Thanks a lot for your detailed email. I'm really indebted for all your time

and effort.  Really, no need for saying " thank you " every time we exchange

email :) I guess this long email and the upayas are because you see a chance of

separation. Nope. In fact, what I see in your chart is that you will never

actually take any action regarding separation.  Not even close. Too much Dharma

in your chart :)))  From time to time you may think of it as an option, but

never seriously. I am just saving your valuable energy, time and mind focus for

something more constructive. Instead of brainstorming on " Divorce is solution "

(and never do it), don't you think it is more useful to make your brain occupied

with " How can I improve this " ? As simple as that.

> By Gods Grace and blessings till now everything seems normal. I hope it

continues this way and God forbid, if in future there

> may be such a chance, I'll do whatever in my power to avoid any such

situation. I've a few questions and I hope I won't take too much of your time. 

You are welcome anytime.


> Regarding the opposition, it was actually from her mother and sisters rather

than her father. her father was cooperative in start but later under influence

of her mother and sisters, opposed the idea of out alliance. OK, good. At the

moment I can't think of any decent comment related to your chart and where to

fit these events. I am not surprised with sisters in law, but I am surprised

with mother in law. I owe you this explanation for next time, hope this is OK.


> I was introduced to my wife some 5-6 years back by a mutual friend.  In Sukra

AD? Cheers! She was studying at that time and I was on a project. We could not

meet as we were quite far from each other but we kept in touch a bit by emails

etc. After a year or so, she completed her studies and came back to her home.

Then we met and it was just a normal friendship. I criticize a lot as you must

have analyzed by my chart (No, I was not looking for this in your chart, but if

you insist: perhaps Budh, lord of 3rd on Lagna with lagna lord and vargotama AK

in Kanya are contributing this " quality " :) and i guess she some how relied on

my advise (even if she didn't like it) as I used to speak truth and showed her

what bitter things people won't tell others. this friendship slowly turned into

attraction and eventually what we may call love but it was not without

> the ups and downs and the problems most couples face. It never is without ups

and downs for any couple.



> I do understand (at least a bit) about what you say about the institution of

marriage and our dharma and I would say that agree to almost all of what you

say. Thanks a lot for explaining it in such a detail. Pleasure was all mine,





> now a few questions.



> was there any difference in the time I normally use for my chart

calculations? the time which I have is approximate so I'm sure there would be

some difference. If you can please let me know the same, It would be easy for

me to try and learn more about my horoscope.  As far as I was going with

rectification, I think it should be 04:25 AM.




> I do agree that I was head over heels in love as I still can not justify why

in spite of so many differences i was ready to commit to this relation. In

spite of many differences, strong graha in 2nd from Kumbha will keep relation. 



> I asked Sanjay ji about the KSY and here is what he replied




> om gurave namah

> Dear Vivek

> Natural benefic Venus has joined the node

> Natural benefics are in Lagna - 3 of them.

> KSY is well cancelled. which means troubles but you wil overcome them and have

an eventful life

> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath 


> I am happy to read his reply and head over heels for the fact you received it.

> Sanjay is Visti's Guru, Visti is Guru to my teacher, so... I am guessing you

are expecting my comment, but as I belong to this lineage, maybe it is not

necessary (I can not possibly know more or anything different than Sanjay, Visti

or my teacher). Or you wish an explanation? If that is the case, here it is:


> Remember when I mentioned that it is easy to give advice for KSY/KAY if

benefic is joining nodes or occupying lagna/7th bhava? This means broken

KSY/KAY.  Roughly speaking, lets say it is easier type of KSY/KAY, so bondage

is not terrible as it may be without influence of benefics as described above.

Also, the stronger these benefics are (own rashi, mooltrikona, exaltation), the

easier type it will be.  This is one of the reasons why I did not insist to

perform Mahavidya urgently (Tara), as you are having exalted Guru on your Lagna.

> This is why I was writing long email with list of upayas related to every day





> I've also done puja of KSY at Shri Kalahasti Temple as suggested by some

Pandit ji. How effective that puja was, only God knows. I am very sorry, but I

am only familiar with those remedies from Achyuta parampara I listed above. I

can not give any comment on puja you performed.




> Would you be kind enough to explain the Kamla Mahavidhya puja to me also

please.  You don't need this. :) I understand that it will be a painful process

but I would surely like to understand and would definitely would like to try if

I feel i can do it.  You will not perform this, forget it. No need for this, as

there are benefics on lagna breaking KSY. I can repeat this as many times

necessary. :) Love your wife, this is the best sadhana for you :)




> Also can I do both, Kamla Mahavidhya Sadhna and Jyotirlinga mantra? Third

time, forget Kamala Sadhana. :)  In general, one sadhana at the time.

Mahavidya, or Jyotirlinga, never both at the same time (and never both for same

graha at the same time). Jyotirlinga for now.




> Can you also please explain a bit more in details about " I will be reminded if

I do anything to make my wife unhappy " while doing Jyotirlinga Mantra? :) As I

said: things can simply go back to where they were before you started with

Mantra. :) Don't be afraid, this is beautiful mantra.




> Also if you can please give some more details of Tara Mahavidhya and how can

It be performed. For now you do not need this. When you need it, I will ask

around for someone located nearby your place who can give you all instructions.

We'll be in touch.




> Regarding Children, My wife feels she is not yet ready. Earlier she wanted

some time after marriage and now as we are staying separate, she does not want

to go ahead this way and would like to wait sometime till some arrangement

happens where we can stay together again. :( Okay, be patient. There is sense in

what she is saying. It is not easy for a woman to be on her own during pregnancy

and after delivery. and as you said, I should not do anything to make her

unhappy, I've been keeping my mouth shut in this matter and letting her decide

what she wants. But I'm no way near the Husband of the Decade title as I do

make her upset with some things she doesn't like. One of them is letting her

know that she is wrong :) about something or If I don't agree to what she says.

Wait, I did not say to shut up, be a plant and don't have opinion of your own

:))) 90% of communication is nonverbal, meaning that people focus on

interpreting gesticulation and tone while

> listening. Anything you have to say, say it, but 10% be careful on choice of

words, 90% be careful how you say it. :) If your arguments are reasonable and

strong enough, you should be able to explain why gently.




> I don't know how to move away from Asia. Don't worry, this is not urgent at

all. I did not say to do it by the end of this month. Life is long. It is more

like, if/when you are in position to chose where to move, you should prefer this

direction.  It depends if I can get a Job somewhere far from here. I'm trying

to find a job but it all seems so difficult at this time and I feel like I'm

trapped. Please do guide me if you can about what I can do to make my luck move

me to Northwest direction and away from Asia. I am afraid I am unable to give

you such advice, but I do think that solving one thing at the time is vise. You

cant change your entire life with one move. Patience.




> Thanking you once again for all your help and kindness. Again, pleasure is all

mine. I hope I do not take up too much of your time and effort for the queries I





> Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams




> Vivek Bajaj









> sohamsa@ .com

> majastrbacastro@

> Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:53:16 -0800

> RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga








Om Gurave Namah


> Dear Vivek, namaste


> I read that last email you were sending after this which is bellow my email.

Your wife is pretty much healthy woman. Considering your relationships before

marriage, the only serious relationship you ever had is this with your wife. She

is first Upa Pada, I am glad this is confirmed.


> Before I forget to say it (again): yes that is right, your wife would have to

contact me directly (however she feels more comfortable- privately or here on

forum) in order to allow me to interpret her chart.


> Opposition to your marriage was mostly from your father in law? When did you

meet your wife?


> Eternal, life time painful spot of every Sukra Atma Karaka is its " Royal

Highness-Institutio n of Marriage " . What Sukra Atma Karaka is living and

breathing for is love. You have read that you are having afflicted Sukra (curse)

in your chart. This adds hardships on previous statement.


> Here on forum many times I came across questions such as " Will I have love

marriage or arranged marriage? " and every time I am wondering what is on

questioners mind... Love? Or falling in love/passion? There is a difference and

it is so hard to explain it to someone who had never felt both, simply entered

arranged marriage and remain there for rest of life. No matter what one says to

a person who experienced only arranged marriage without falling in love to

spouse or loving spouse, they can never understand that there is no big

difference between deep love on one side and solid, quality relation inside

arranged marriage on the other. There are no " butterflies in stomach " feeling,

excitement, shivering, sweet insomnia when it comes to real, deep love.

> Are you following me so far Sukra Atma Karaka? :)


> " Butterflies " are present for few days, weeks, months... in best case for few

years. Eventually they " fly away " and leave us in bills, loans,

> arguments over holiday destination, color of sofa, budget plans, " shall we

rent/buy house/apartment here or there? " , diapers, babies crying, " I am too

tired talk, I had a very exhausting day at work " , what are we going to have for

dinner, who is earning more, etc. etc. etc. A warm welcome to cruel reality of

every day life! So really, who is messed up more at birth: westerns or Indians?

Westerns rarely learn difference between love and falling in love, so landing

" cruel reality " after " butterflies stage " appears more as a plain crash, if love

did not have enough time to plant roots before living together. Indians, on the

other side, can hardly get rid of feeling as if they are missing something

crucial if their only option is simply to enter arranged marriage and that is it

as far as their emotional life. (It is probably scary idea for nowadays 20 year

old in India, considering what they are coming across in global media and



> As a

> human being I can only be honest with you and say that I don't believe in

institution of marriage either. At least not from that perspective of what

majority of human beings aged 20-35 is expecting from partnership deep down

inside, no matter which tradition/country/ religion he or she belongs. Mutual

love. Very small percentage of population is lucky to experience this, and

majority of these lucky ones did not get everything on the plate as soon as they

married. They probably had to put lot of effort and time to make things work.


> Bottom line, what every married human being needs in The Holy Institution of

Marriage is mutual respect, understanding, both sides ready for compromises,

cooperation and sharing responsibilities. Otherwise everyone included suffer

terribly. Love is a nice asset, but it will not make it work if any single one

of those above terms is not included. It will not plant roots and grow. It is

hard enough to find a person who is

> ready to cooperate with another to such extent. Deep down inside, all human

beings are very selfish.


> Institution of Marriage? Disappointments? Well, disappointments come after

failed expectations. It depends on what one is expecting of marriage... See my



> I am not from India, so the first time I became familiar with Vedic viewpoints

on marriage was only few years ago. I told you that as a human being I don't

believe in Institution of Marriage: Well, why would I wish to push myself and

accept so many responsibilities? Why would I ever wish to let anyone disturbing

my privacy, habits and occupying half of my bed (while snoring, probably :)? Two



> 1. Children

> 2. Children


> #1 Children is purely from human being level. I do wish to accomplish my self

as a mother. #2 Children is from viewpoint of Dharma. As you are born in India,

I am expecting that you do know that Dharma of every mortal human is continuing


> This linage can be spiritual, within parampara, if one decides to renounce

material aspects of life. In this option one is adopting " spiritual children " or

shishyas (students). Second option is to continue family linage and have

biological or adopted children. We are here for the sake of creation and we are

obligated to create our own children in order to pay our debts to our Pitris

(ancestors). Are you familiar with these principles? If you are, in that case

you do understand that you did not marry for your own benefit or pleasure (if

this becomes part of your marriage, great!). You married for having children and

share responsibilities with your wife in order to up bring them in to greatest

possible human beings. Life really makes no sense without children. If you don't

believe me, just search for married people who never decided to raise a child

(even though they could) and observe their lives.


> From this viewpoint Institution of Marriage is

> sacred. One may believe in it or not, but it is sacred because it provides us

fulfilling significant portion of our Dharma. (As far as I am concerned, this

paragraph is 80% of my motivation to enter marriage some day. God, I really hope

I will have XXXL bed and enough wax for my ears to survive that. :)


> For good and bad marriage it takes two and it is always easier to blame the

other side when something goes wrong. All human beings find hard to face own

failure and responsibility. .. Think about your actions and actions of your wife

again, please. She learned to avoid mentioning something that might make you

loose your temper. Good. Now is the best time to teach her how to make you talk,

smile, feel that you belong there with her, make you happy... She needs you to

show her how.


> You are where you are and there is no turning back. Divorce is always an

option, but don't leave before you are sure you tried EVERYTHING to make it


> Replacing her with another woman maybe would be as good enough as changing a

package to the same problem, so you need to try to pull the best out of current

situation. You both need to become team players. I can try to help a little,

rest is really on you.

> As mentioned earlier, Sukra in your chart is afflicted (under curse), but main

problem in your chart is Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY-all Grahas distributed zodiacally

from Rashi occupied by Ketu to Rashi occpuied by Rahu). Nodes are influencing

2nd bhava from Upa Pada. After you told me about circumstances of the way you

entered your marriage, I do believe that described is related to Kumbha Rashi.

Co lord Rahu is in 3rd bhava with Sukra and Mangal, so you fell in love and

choice of spouse was mainly your decision. You were probably head over heels in

love... It must have been very intensive emotional experience considering that

Rahu is

> with Sukra Atma Karaka. Currently Rahu antar dasha is running, making Sukra

and KSY issues very much in focus.


> Giving remedies for KSY is easy task if there is benefic with nodes. In your

case that would be neecha Sukra. As neecha Grahas are always related with Devi

forms, Kamala Mahavidya would be perfect remedy to break KSY. But... Mahavidya

Sadhana is always very intensive experience, since performer gets opportunity to

burn significant amount of bad Karma within 40 days (to speed up process of

purification in a way). This process is very painful but worth vile, as it would

probably take few years or even longer to accoplish same results with another

kind of worship. Atma Karaka by it self is delivering most intensive karmic

experiences (usually painful, but again-worth vile) to each and every one of us.

Combination of Atma Karaka and Mahavidya Sadhana is overextended intensity for

fragile human mind. One of possible " side effects " of this

> combination is mental instability. I do think your Dhishakti, intelligence

and mind are very strong, considering all those blessings on your lagna, but you

are just a man who is worried about his marriage, financial existence and

employment-meaning you are " regular civilian " , making you very fragile for this

type of Sadhana.


> Alternative for Mahavidya is Jyotirlinga mantra for Graha which is joining

nodes. Shiva in form of Tryambakkeshvaya is Jyotirlinga for Sukra. This will

exalt Sukra, take care of KSY, additionally purify occupants in Meena and give

strength to this Rashi which is sustaining your marriage (2nd from Kumbha). You

get multiple benefits from this mantra:


> Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim

Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva

Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum Om


> This is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and you are supposed to start it on any Monday,

performing it 108

> times (one Mala) in the morning and 108 times at the sunset. Do it for 40

days. After that you wait next Monday to start another 40 days of Shiva worship.


> There is catch with Jyotirlinga. I don't advise you to start it unless you are

fully prepared to be nothing but a loving husband to your wife. You must be very

careful, there are no excuses. She can behave as she likes, be unbearable,

impulsive, stubborn, behaving like a spoiled breath, I am so sorry, but all you

are allowed to do is to behave like you are preparing for " Husband of decade "

contest. You are not allowed to hurt her, insult her even a little bit, to raise

your voice at her or to make her unhappy in any way. Whenever you do anything

similar you will be " reminded " not to repeat it, because things can get very

difficult again. Also, Sukra is related to couples and young, unmarried ladies,

so this is place No2 and No3 on your personal list of sacred and divine. Ah yes,


> Institution of Marriage as No4, as this institution is also related to Sukra.

You are obligated to have full respect towards everything related to Sukra,

especially your wife. Neecha Sukra requires you to be humble towards your wife,

sister, ladies etc. etc. Help them when they ask you, help them and support them

even when they don't ask you.


> From now and on, your wife is Devi personified as far as you are concerned and

the ground she is walking is sacred to you. You will have to chose this attitude

if you want to give some strength to Sukra in your chart and pull your self out

of the problem. Believe me that you will make incomparably less damage if you

decide to insult anybody else in your life before you decide to make your wife

unhappy. (Don't worry, I promise I will never share this conversation with her

:) You have to perform some good karma if you want to prevent continuation of

bad karma. Your wife is not with you by coincidence. She is

> there to deliver some karma that must be delivered and you can try to make it

easier for yourself.


> I repeat again what I said few emails ago: Guru will protect Meena rashi, plus

Ketu is there, so you need children as soon as possible. Your marriage has more

chances to sustain with children.

> Come on Karka lagna, you can be great father... I am sure that children will

pull the best out of you. That palmist had a point about far away country. I

recommend you to move Northwest as Chandra is in digbala from Arudha Lagna. Move

from Asia, far far away, as movable rashis such as Karka require distance to get

activated. Your lagna and all occupants are your way out of every problem. In

next Maha Dasa of Guru it would be great to perform Tara Mahavidya. If you feel

ready to do it earlier, let's say around August this year, start it then. I am

saying Tara because Grahas on Lagna are also qualified to break Kala Sarpa Yoga.

Tara is for

> Guru.


> Hm... that would be all for now. Email is long, I know. I had to trouble you

to put some effort in reading long list of remedies and advices, as 3rd bhava is

place of problems. :)


> Okay, I am joking. I just think that there was some point in doing all this,

as you might have benefits from everything written above this paragraph. You are

reasonable, you might listen to me and you will probably perform Jyotirlinga.

Thank you very much for reading this and giving me a chance to do some good

karma. As I said before, rest is really on you.


> Keep in touch.


> Warm regards,

> Maja Å trbac




> --- On Tue, 1/19/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:



> Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

> RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga

> sohamsa@ .com

> Tuesday, January 19, 2010, 2:08 AM





> Dear Maja ji




> Thanks a lot for your kind reply. Here are some major details for my life.


> I was married on 12th December 2008. My Father born in 1938 is a businessman

and now not doing any active work except for some investments. He is having

family history of diabetes and heart problems and is himself a Heart and blood

Sugar patient. My mother is a housewife and she does not have any major medical

problems except for overweight. Have always belonged to a well to do family but

there was not much progress in our financial status and growth has always been

stagnant. I've learnt from my parents not to believe in pump and show and lead a

simple life. I'm a very stubborn person and don't usually change my decisions. I

love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible. I have great love for

literature and poetry and love art cinema more than commercial cinema. I passed

my B.Com in 3rd division even when I was not that bad a student. I've always


> haunted by Math and physics and complex calculations. I did my 12 in Science.

After that i did some computer courses and worked here and there but my proper

job started in Sep 2003 when I left India and came for a contract job of 2

months in Bangkok. here after 3 months i was offered a full time job and had to

travel a lot in this job. I have recently been moved to plant location which has

forced me to stay away from my wife as she is also working in the city. I was

told this news on Dussehra day 2009. My Wife's DOB is 15th Apr 1980. Number 3,

6, 9 have mostly been lucky. most of my good friends also have these numbers as

their date of birth. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i'm the youngest child.

Both my brothers are in business. My sister is also married to a businessman. I

don't remember much of my childhood but after I've grown up, I've seen mostly

problems in business front in my dad's business. I can't say they were very huge

but yes, if I compare

> to how well to do and progressing we used to be (as I was told), our growth

got stagnant and also going down.


> My Marriage was a Love cum arranged Marriage. there was a lot of opposition

from Girls family but later settled. The first few months of my marriage, my

wife and I had lot of quarrels. We actually had very bitter fights and i had

lost all interest and faith in the institution of marriage. Things are getting

better, touch wood. We don't finght that much as my wife very cleverly avoids

any such thing which can make me loose my temper. I won't say I'm satisfied but

yes, i also feel its better to avoid any thing which can cause fights. My

quality of life, I can't really say as there were both +ve and -ve changes but

my career has taken a downfall and I've been landing in problems as explained



> I was once told by a palmist that My future will always be bright outside of

the country of my birth and that I would probably die

> in a country which is not my birth country.


> Health wise, My wife is a bit fragile and although her health is more or less

stable, she has improved over time but still she keeps getting small problems

health wise.


> Regarding my wife's chart, should I ask her to send an email to you if she is

interested in getting the things explained in her chart?


> Please let me know if any further information is required from my side.


> Once again thank you so much for your kindness to help.


> Kind Regards

> Vivek






> sohamsa@ .com

> majastrbacastro@

> Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:09:19 -0800

> RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga



Om Gurave Namah


> Dear Vivek, namaste


> Having direct dialogue with you is much better option, nice that you included.


> First of all, no reason for panic at this stage, as we are still checking if

your birth time is correct or not.


> Tell me when did you get married?


> As your Upa Pada lagna is in 2nd bhava with Surya and Sani, I guess your

marriage was arranged according to tradition of your family (which is the case

with majority of people of your age in your country, but I would like to check

if this is true anyway). You are 31 years old at the moment, so I don't see any

serious marriage delay in your case... As I understand tradition, condition

number one, necessary to fulfill in order to become potential groom, is to

finish education (at least) before entering marriage. This can not happen before

age of 23-24 (if we are talking about higher education). As Sani is on Upa Pada

lagna, here we should focus on

> 7th there from (Kumbha) in order to find more details about relation between

you and your wife. It is nice to see that her Rashi Lagna fits perfectly to your

Upa Pada. :) I think your relation will be so much stronger after birth of

children, as Ketu (kula devata) is there in Mooltrikona receiving Graha drishti

of Guru from lagna. No need to focus on afflicted neecha Sukra from 3rd bhava

and its influence on 2nd from Kumbha, as Guru is strong enough to protect his

rashi (Meena) and his beneficial influence is strong enough to sustain your

marriage. This marriage should last, all you guys need is children. This is the

best " remedy " to keep your marriage safe and sound. :)


> I can not give comments related to your wife's chart, as I need her blessing

and permission to do such a thing. It is her privacy. Though I am allowed to

cheer you up with good news: my knowledge in determining compatibility between

partners is pretty much poor, but what I am

> familiar with at this stage allows me to say that there is perfect

compatibility in domain of Chandra (representing both of your families, social

circles and mind level) between the two of you.


> " Third party involvement " meaning-if there were any extramarital issues with

other women?


> Longevity issues- if Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, this brings neecha Sukra

in 8th bhava, related to sustaining of marriage and this is maraka bhava for

wife also. This is neecha, vargotama Atma Karaka (under curse in Rashi chart),

believe me you would feel very unhappy in your marriage if this is in 8th bhava.

Further, 9th bhava is 3rd from 7th, so it is related to death of spouse in a

way. Lord is neecha Budh having graha drishti on neecha Sukra in 2nd from 7th.

If Sukra and Budh were not neecha (without neecha banga in Navamsha), I would

not insist that this combination could ever influence wife's longevity, as there

is no 7th lord involved in this

> combination to satisfy snap shot combination for death of spouse. This way, I

would stick to health issues and longevity decreased to some extent.


> Speaking of her health, I need you to tell me how is your wife doing? If she

is fine and well, I suggest Makara Navamsha lagna.


> What is your father's occupation? If Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, following

scenario is possible: social and financial status of your family could have been

very stable and good before you were born. After you were born, your family

could have experienced huge problems related to status, reputation, some court

cases, legal issues and similar could have cropped up. Was this the case?


> Also, after you got married, how would you describe quality of your life, your

career and interpersonal relations with people from your surrounding? I need

these answers.


> Keep in touch.


> Warm regards,

> Maja Å trbac


> --- On Mon, 1/18/10, Vivek Bajaj

> <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:



> Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

> RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga

> sohamsa@ .com

> Monday, January 18, 2010, 1:48 AM





> Dear Maja ji and Manoj ji


> Thanks a lot for taking out time to look at the chart.


> Maja ji, can you please help with the charts of me and my wife as if its

really a Kumbha Lagna in Navmasa then I guess I'd be needing the help and

blessings of Gurujans and learned members. My marriage was delayed. I'm sorry

but I could not fully understand the third party involvement and longvity

things. Frankly I'm getting scared a bit. Please guide me.


> I would also like to request Gurujans and Other leaned members if they can

help with their analysis.


> Thanks and Regards

> Vivek









> sohamsa@ .com

> manojsharma662000@

> Sun, 17 Jan 2010 06:50:26 -0800

> Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga







> point well taken...I am a day dreamer and dreams just add more illusion (maya)

around you...but that is my karma and I have to  face  (actually I am already

facing) the consequences






> Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >

> sohamsa@ .com

> Sun, January 17, 2010 3:41:43 AM

> Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga







> Om Gurave Namah


> Dear Manoj, namaste


> This is not matter of knowledge level, it is matter of approaching facts.


> Only facts make sense to me.


> Warm regards,

> Maja Strbac


> --- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:



> Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >

> Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga

> sohamsa@ .com

> Saturday, January 16, 2010, 6:15 PM




Hi Maja,

> Thanks for your response. I will not pretend to know more than you in

astrology even for a wee bit. I was just saying that sometime the truth is not

every apparent, and at abstract level sometime what is apparent is not

necessarily true. I was just trying to make this point. However, again not sure

whether it makes sense to you.






> Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >

> sohamsa@ .com

> Sat, January 16, 2010 4:25:13 PM

> Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga







> Om Gurave Namah


> Dear Manoj,


> :))))))))))) ))))))))) )) Thank you for making me laugh with this lovely

explanation. I do believe Vivek knows his wife very well. They are living

together after all.


> Does this mean that Jyotishi is allowed to say: " You had a very good period to

become millionaire a year ago, but sadly, you did not use it, so nothing

manifested. " in order to justify our errors in interpretation or rectification?


> Vivek's navamsha lagna shifts to Makara lagna within less than one minute

earlier. In case of Kumbha navamsha lagna, Sukra would be 9th lord in 8th and

Sukra is neecha, so I do believe that this would delay his marriage (fulfiling

Dharma-9th bhava). Also, neecha Sukra would be matter of sustaining his

marriage. There is drishti of neecha Budh on Sukra, so I do believe that if

there is no terrible suffering or involvement of third party in his marriage, or

if his wife is alive and well (yoga

> of 8th and 9th lord would badly afflict wife's longevity) Vivek's navamsha

lagna should be Makara. This way, second bhava related to sustaining is occupied

with Gu/Ke, meaning that children (own or adopted) and continuing linage is

something that is keeping this marriage strong.


> When there is parampara yoga in 7th in Navamsha, it is not matter of inner

quality or inner attitude of spouse. It is reality and spouse should actually

belong to/be born in some Parampara if Yoga is strong (Guru is in Surya's rashi

here, so...).


> Warm regards,

> Maja Strbac


> --- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:



> Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >

> Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga

> sohamsa@ .com

> Saturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32 AM








> That my be because of her Arudha lagna; what manifests is not always

true...just tear the facade of this maya and try to understand the soul of your

wife...may be you will realize, she is indeed very spritual if not religious...


> Respectfully

> ms






> Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

> sohamsa@ .com

> Fri, January 15, 2010 5:50:11 AM

> RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




> Dear Guru jis/Learned Members


> Just noticed that Jupiter + Ketu is in my D9 too in 7th house. I don't think

my wife is very spiritual. She is more fun loving and out going than me. Chart

attached. I guess we need some more expert advise.


> Warm Regards

> Vivek











> sohamsa@ .com

> bondmerama (AT) (DOT) in

> Fri, 15 Jan 2010 10:39:13 +0000

> Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga





> Dear All,

> Does this yoga always known as Ganapati Yoga,

> Here Jupiter is fallen.

> Best Regards


> sohamsa@ .com, LearneR Vedic AstroG <hygreeva_ram@ ...>


> >

> > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> >  

> > Namaskar, 

> > It indiacte you get spirtual wife , may be  marriage purpose is to

beget children.

> >  

> >  

> >  

> > Regards,

> > Hygreeva.

> >

> >

> > --- On Thu, 14/1/10, AS <bondmerama@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > AS <bondmerama@ ...>

> > Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:shri Rafal Ji please


> > sohamsa@ .com

> > Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 8:20 AM

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> > Respected Sirs

> >

> Namaskar.

> > Does the combination of Jupiter+Ketu in Makara, seventh house of

D-9,indictates an astrologer spouse/spiritual spouse or what it indicates.

> > Kindly tell.

> > Regards.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.

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Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteComments bellow.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Wed, 2/3/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek wrote:Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivekRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2010, 9:04 PM




Dear Maja ji (And this would be my limit. God knows I tried. Three/four/five times reading "ji" next to my name written by same person is as far as I can go with pretending it is not there :) Please, next time use my name only. No need for formalities.)

Sadar Pranams


I won't say too many Thank You's :). You know I am very much Thank full. Oh, good. This sounds so much better. Improving. I almost detached you from writing "thank you" :)

I guess the reason the email was delayed is because the emails to this group by users (except for some senior members and Gurujans) are moderated and sometimes the moderators are busy and take some time before they can release the emails. Nope, it has to do with inbox on my account. Even though these posts are already on Sohamsa, I receive them with delay on my account. Trust me it has nothing to do with moderation. You would be very far behind me on the list of nominees for being moderated :))) and I am receiving my own posts right after sending them.

A few more requests. Feel free to reply whenever you can.


I was wearing a yellow sapphire and a pearl for past few years. Even combination of pearl and yellow sapphire on the same ring would be very good for you. Couple months back, I lost my pearl ring. Pitty... Okay, it happens. Don't think back about that event. The strange thing is that before I lost the pearl was getting used pretty fast. It was getting smaller in size pretty quickly which did not happen before. I enquired a few people and some said it was natural and some said, it was working. I still have no clue. Then one of the astrologers who used to guide my Wife's family said that I should not be wearing the pearl at all and its good that I lost it. Lagna lord on lagna is bad for Ratna?

Chandra is bad? The only graha which can not harm any other, which is never malefic (it can be weak, but not malefic)? He suggested a Emerald. Ouch! Lord of 12th and 3rd on lagna? He said I could wear the yellow sapphire if I wanted but it will be of no use. I wish if this so-called-astrologer was having that conversation with me. I just wonder what for it would be of no use... He is clearly not competent to give advice on Ratna. For heaven's sake, Guru is 9th lord exalted on your lagna (6th also, I know, but this Guru is perfectly OK)! My wife's family immediately arranged a emerald and I'm wearing it instead of pearl. If you've done some pujas or devata imbibing in that gemstone,

please take it off. I'm also

wearing the yellow sapphire. I

asked one of my uncle's who I normally ask about such queries and he said that as per him I may try wearing a red coral Well, don't wear red coral. I do understand that lot of astrologers simply advice Gemstone for Yogakaraka, expecting it is perfect choice to cover all needs of every native, panacea, success guaranteed... But this is not enough. Mangal may be Yogakaraka, but its placement in 3rd (and in 6th from AL) is terrible choice for Ratna. but he was not sure why a emerald was suggested. Probably idea that it is benefic on lagna, maybe expecting it would work well for career (as Budh is karaka for 10th) or

something, maybe due

to digbala... Maybe it is just a simple, good old lack of knowledge. So I'm currently wearing a yellow sapphire

and a emerald. Take off emerald, leave yellow sapphire on (right hand, ring finger). Any puja done for your yellow Sapphire? Sada Shiva should be in it... if possible, could you please advise? Also I was asked to take off my wedding ring as there were diamonds in that. Feel free to put your wedding ring back on. If Lakshmi is not invoked in that diamond, all is perfectly OK. In that case your wedding ring is only a wedding ring. It can not do any good or any harm in context of Ratna. It is only a diamond. Just a tough piece of carbon :)For now you can wear Yellow Sapphire and you should wear it. While it is on your hand, start saving money for pink Ruby. This is not Ruby for Surya, so ordinary red or dark red

Ruby will be of no use. You need clear, natural, unheated, perfectly transparent pink Ruby without eye visible flaws.

Padmaraga, please look at this photo:http://simplygemstones.com/images/ruby%20pink%20Burma%20no%20heat%201.27%20ct%20OV%20CG07.jpgThis is second guidance for correct color of Ruby for you:http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_AxfQ2CmiqM4/SffEKNBD-fI/AAAAAAAAAGg/PA1QKlldcUU/S1600-R/536113_pink_lotus.jpgAs far as size for this pink Ruby, I would rather explain it using small words: at least two millimeters in range. Anything bigger is more than welcome, but this is minimum. Pink Ruby is mainly to activate

Mahapurusha Yoga on lagna (in your case this would be Hamsa). It will also activate agni tatva of lagna and all occupants in it (trines also, but we are focusing on your lagna now). Lovely solution for additional activation of Yogas on your lagna. I did not think of Ratna earlier, as you were mentioning financial problems, so I did not want to cause additional expenses to your budget. Even this advice is not urgent to follow. Whenever you get the chance to buy it, do that. Of course, the sooner the better.As I've mentioned in my earlier email also, I was asked to move to another location by my company which has forced me to stay away from my wife. I was pretty upset with the decision as the management knew that I was recently married and this will create problems in my personal life. I really want to change my Job. Do you see any such change in near future?

Hmmm... If I have to reply on this, I think that Rahu AD is causing these problems. You do see when it ends... More than anything else I would wish to be wrong about this conclusion, as I really don't like bringing sort of bad news to good people. Rahu AD is giving effects of Sukra, which is AK, badhakesh, lord of 4th in 3rd (you had to move...), being neecha (vargotama) in 6th from AL it requires a lot of struggle for what you need during this AD. Also there is drishti on 12th from AL. Dashamsha situation is similar in a way. Rahu is giving effects of Mangal in 3rd, so lot of travels, struggles... I am not sure if Mangal's drishti on Ch 10th lord and 10th bhava can change your job once again during this AD... I am not very versed in analyzing Dashamsha, so do take this with some reserve. Do your mantra (offer some sandalwood paste to Shiva), try to get your hands on that pink Ruby... It might appear earlier than 2011. Feeding poor people, donations in gold to temples (for example, to temple of your family deity), donations to spiritual people, all is more than welcome. I remember you were saying: "I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible." Good, great, continue doing that.


Last question, just popped up in my mind after reading a few emails in Sohamsa group. I am very fond of Art and especially poetry. Usually this is the case with Sukra AK :) Art and beauty are food for soul. I used to write poems too till a few years back and now in this job I find it hard do the same. I'm no big poet. I've just shared my work with a few friends, that's all. can you please suggest what yoga in my chart is the reason for this and should I try to work on this hobby of mine. Is it any significant in my chart? Remember my comment in previous email regarding you criticism? Same positions are influencing your urge to write. As a Kark lagna, with strong Chandra (vargotama) and Sukra AK (in 3rd), writing interest will be more related to poetry, rather than prose. This is usual case

when Jala tatva is related with yogas for writing. More over, Gu/Bu on lagna, strong writing skills, also there is Sarada Yoga, Gajakeshari yoga... Why this did not materialize through your lagna (name and fame)? It is in 12th from Surya (MKS), so I think that there is lack of support for initiating these yogas. You will write, but I am not sure if this will be published. In Navamsa Sukra is also in trines to d9 lagna, influencing your ability, neecha-through lot of effort, as it is also in 3rd from D9 lagnesh. No aspect on D9 lagna from Sukra, so this can hardly bring you finances. Though it can bring you inner satisfaction, perfect hobby.Hey... in Navamsha you have Ketu in 12th from AK joined with Benefic-Guru. This is illustration of dictum for emancipation :) But this is all I know about this dictum, I have no idea how this goes with rest of the chart.



Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams




sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Wed, 3 Feb 2010 01:54:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga







Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteObviously my inbox was on vacation, as I received your email today (I see 27th of January on it). It jams sometimes and refuses cooperation. ..I added comments directly to your email bellow. This font color would be me.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Wed, 1/27/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:05 AM

Dear Maja ji

Sadar Pranams

Thanks a lot for your detailed email. I'm really indebted for all your time and effort. Really, no need for saying "thank you" every time we exchange email :) I guess this long email and the upayas are because you see a chance of separation. Nope. In fact, what I see in your chart is that you will never actually take any action regarding separation. Not even close. Too much Dharma in your chart :))) From time to time you may think of it as an option, but never seriously. I am just saving your valuable energy, time and mind focus for something more constructive. Instead of brainstorming on "Divorce is solution" (and never do it), don't you think it is more useful to make your brain occupied with "How can I improve this"? As simple as that.

By Gods Grace and blessings till now everything seems normal. I hope it continues this way and God forbid, if in future there may be such a chance, I'll do whatever in my power to avoid any such situation. I've a few questions and I hope I won't take too much of your time. You are welcome anytime.

Regarding the opposition, it was actually from her mother and sisters rather than her father. her father was cooperative in start but later under influence of her mother and sisters, opposed the idea of out alliance. OK, good. At the moment I can't think of any decent comment related to your chart and where to fit these events. I am not surprised with sisters in law, but I am surprised with mother in law. I owe you this explanation for next time, hope this is OK.

I was introduced to my wife some 5-6 years back by a mutual friend. In Sukra AD? Cheers! She was studying at that time and I was on a project. We could not meet as we were quite far from each other but we kept in touch a bit by emails etc. After a year or so, she completed her studies and came back to her home. Then we met and it was just a normal friendship. I criticize a lot as you must have analyzed by my chart (No, I was not looking for this in your chart, but if you insist: perhaps Budh, lord of 3rd on Lagna with lagna lord and vargotama AK in Kanya are contributing this "quality" :) and i guess she some how relied on my advise (even if she didn't like it) as I used to speak truth and showed her what bitter things people won't tell others. this friendship slowly turned into attraction and eventually what we may call love but it was not without the ups

and downs and the problems most couples face. It never is without ups and downs for any couple.

I do understand (at least a bit) about what you say about the institution of marriage and our dharma and I would say that agree to almost all of what you say. Thanks a lot for explaining it in such a detail. Pleasure was all mine, really. now a few questions.was there any difference in the time I normally use for my chart calculations? the time which I have is approximate so I'm sure there would be some difference. If you can please let me know the same, It would be easy for me to try and learn more about my horoscope. As far as I was going with rectification, I think it should be 04:25 AM. I do agree that I was head over heels in love as I still can not justify why in spite of so many differences i was ready to commit to this relation. In spite of many

differences, strong graha in 2nd from Kumbha will keep relation. I asked Sanjay ji about the KSY and here is what he replied

om gurave namah

Dear Vivek

Natural benefic Venus has joined the node

Natural benefics are in Lagna - 3 of them.

KSY is well cancelled. which means troubles but you wil overcome them and have an eventful life

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath I am happy to read his reply and head over heels for the fact you received it. Sanjay is Visti's Guru, Visti is Guru to my teacher, so... I am guessing you are expecting my comment, but as I belong to this lineage, maybe it is not necessary (I can not possibly know more or anything different than Sanjay, Visti or my teacher). Or you wish an explanation? If that is the case, here it is:Remember when I mentioned that it is easy to give advice for KSY/KAY if benefic is joining nodes or occupying lagna/7th bhava? This means broken KSY/KAY. Roughly speaking, lets say it is easier type of KSY/KAY, so bondage is not terrible as it may be without influence of benefics as described above. Also, the stronger these benefics are (own rashi, mooltrikona, exaltation), the easier type it will

be. This is one of the reasons why I did not insist to perform Mahavidya urgently (Tara), as you are having exalted Guru on your Lagna. This is why I was writing long email with list of upayas related to every day life. I've also done puja of KSY at Shri Kalahasti Temple as suggested by some Pandit ji. How effective that puja was, only God knows. I am very sorry, but I am only familiar with those remedies from Achyuta parampara I listed above. I can not give any comment on puja you performed. Would you be kind enough to explain the Kamla Mahavidhya puja to me also please. You don't need this. :) I understand that it will be a painful process but I would surely like to understand and would definitely would like to try if I feel i can do it. You will not perform this, forget

it. No need for this, as there are benefics on lagna breaking KSY. I can repeat this as many times necessary. :) Love your wife, this is the best sadhana for you :) Also can I do both, Kamla Mahavidhya Sadhna and Jyotirlinga mantra? Third time, forget Kamala Sadhana. :) In general, one sadhana at the time. Mahavidya, or Jyotirlinga, never both at the same time (and never both for same graha at the same time). Jyotirlinga for now. Can you also please explain a bit more in details about "I will be reminded if I do anything to make my wife unhappy" while doing Jyotirlinga Mantra? :) As I said: things can simply go back to where they were before you started with Mantra. :) Don't be afraid, this is beautiful mantra. Also if you can please give some more details of Tara Mahavidhya and how can It be performed. For now you do not need this. When you need it, I will ask around for someone located nearby your place who can give you all instructions. We'll be in touch. Regarding Children, My wife feels she is not yet ready. Earlier she wanted some time after marriage and now as we are staying separate, she does not want to go ahead this way and would like to wait sometime till some arrangement happens where we can stay together again. :( Okay, be patient. There is sense in what she is saying. It is not easy for a woman to be on her own during pregnancy and after delivery. and as you said, I should not do anything to make her unhappy, I've been keeping my mouth shut in this matter and letting her decide what she wants. But I'm no way near the Husband of the Decade title as I do make her upset with some things she doesn't like. One of them is letting her know

that she is wrong :) about something or If I don't agree to what she says. Wait, I did not say to shut up, be a plant and don't have opinion of your own :))) 90% of communication is nonverbal, meaning that people focus on interpreting gesticulation and tone while listening. Anything you have to say, say it, but 10% be careful on choice of words, 90% be careful how you say it. :) If your arguments are reasonable and strong enough, you should be able to explain why gently. I don't know how to move away from Asia. Don't worry, this is not urgent at all. I did not say to do it by the end of this month. Life is long. It is more like, if/when you are in position to chose where to move, you should prefer this direction. It depends if I can get a Job somewhere far from here. I'm trying to find a job but it all seems so difficult at this time and I feel

like I'm trapped. Please do guide me if you can about what I can do to make my luck move me to Northwest direction and away from Asia. I am afraid I am unable to give you such advice, but I do think that solving one thing at the time is vise. You cant change your entire life with one move. Patience. Thanking you once again for all your help and kindness. Again, pleasure is all mine. I hope I do not take up too much of your time and effort for the queries I have. Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams Vivek Bajaj


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:53:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga










Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI read that last email you were sending after this which is bellow my email. Your wife is pretty much healthy woman. Considering your relationships before marriage, the only serious relationship you ever had is this with your wife. She is first Upa Pada, I am glad this is confirmed.Before I forget to say it (again): yes that is right, your wife would have to contact me directly (however she feels more comfortable- privately or here on forum) in order to allow me to interpret her chart.Opposition to your marriage was mostly from your father in law? When did you meet your wife?Eternal, life time painful spot of every Sukra Atma Karaka is its "Royal Highness-Institutio n of Marriage". What Sukra Atma Karaka is living and breathing for is love. You have read that you are having afflicted Sukra (curse) in your chart. This adds hardships on previous

statement. Here on forum many times I came across questions such as "Will I have love marriage or arranged marriage?" and every time I am wondering what is on questioners mind... Love? Or falling in love/passion? There is a difference and it is so hard to explain it to someone who had never felt both, simply entered arranged marriage and remain there for rest of life. No matter what one says to a person who experienced only arranged marriage without falling in love to spouse or loving spouse, they can never understand that there is no big difference between deep love on one side and solid, quality relation inside arranged marriage on the other. There are no "butterflies in stomach" feeling, excitement, shivering, sweet insomnia when it comes to real, deep love. Are you following me so far Sukra Atma Karaka? :)"Butterflies" are present for few days, weeks, months... in best case for few years. Eventually they "fly away" and leave us in

bills, loans, arguments over holiday destination, color of sofa, budget plans, "shall we rent/buy house/apartment here or there?", diapers, babies crying, "I am too tired talk, I had a very exhausting day at work", what are we going to have for dinner, who is earning more, etc. etc. etc. A warm welcome to cruel reality of every day life! So really, who is messed up more at birth: westerns or Indians? Westerns rarely learn difference between love and falling in love, so landing "cruel reality" after "butterflies stage" appears more as a plain crash, if love did not have enough time to plant roots before living together. Indians, on the other side, can hardly get rid of feeling as if they are missing something crucial if their only option is simply to enter arranged marriage and that is it as far as their emotional life. (It is probably scary idea for nowadays 20 year old in India, considering what they are coming across in global media and internet.)

As a human being I can only be honest with you and say that I don't believe in institution of marriage either. At least not from that perspective of what majority of human beings aged 20-35 is expecting from partnership deep down inside, no matter which tradition/country/ religion he or she belongs. Mutual love. Very small percentage of population is lucky to experience this, and majority of these lucky ones did not get everything on the plate as soon as they married. They probably had to put lot of effort and time to make things work.Bottom line, what every married human being needs in The Holy Institution of Marriage is mutual respect, understanding, both sides ready for compromises, cooperation and sharing responsibilities. Otherwise everyone included suffer terribly. Love is a nice asset, but it will not make it work if any single one of those above terms is not included. It will not plant roots and grow. It is hard enough to find a

person who is ready to cooperate with another to such extent. Deep down inside, all human beings are very selfish. Institution of Marriage? Disappointments? Well, disappointments come after failed expectations. It depends on what one is expecting of marriage... See my point?I am not from India, so the first time I became familiar with Vedic viewpoints on marriage was only few years ago. I told you that as a human being I don't believe in Institution of Marriage: Well, why would I wish to push myself and accept so many responsibilities? Why would I ever wish to let anyone disturbing my privacy, habits and occupying half of my bed (while snoring, probably :)? Two reasons:1. Children2. Children#1 Children is purely from human being level. I do wish to accomplish my self as a mother. #2 Children is from viewpoint of Dharma. As you are born in India, I am expecting that you do know that Dharma of every mortal human is

continuing linage. This linage can be spiritual, within parampara, if one decides to renounce material aspects of life. In this option one is adopting "spiritual children" or shishyas (students). Second option is to continue family linage and have biological or adopted children. We are here for the sake of creation and we are obligated to create our own children in order to pay our debts to our Pitris (ancestors). Are you familiar with these principles? If you are, in that case you do understand that you did not marry for your own benefit or pleasure (if this becomes part of your marriage, great!). You married for having children and share responsibilities with your wife in order to up bring them in to greatest possible human beings. Life really makes no sense without children. If you don't believe me, just search for married people who never decided to raise a child (even though they could) and observe their lives. From this viewpoint

Institution of Marriage is sacred. One may believe in it or not, but it is sacred because it provides us fulfilling significant portion of our Dharma. (As far as I am concerned, this paragraph is 80% of my motivation to enter marriage some day. God, I really hope I will have XXXL bed and enough wax for my ears to survive that. :)For good and bad marriage it takes two and it is always easier to blame the other side when something goes wrong. All human beings find hard to face own failure and responsibility. .. Think about your actions and actions of your wife again, please. She learned to avoid mentioning something that might make you loose your temper. Good. Now is the best time to teach her how to make you talk, smile, feel that you belong there with her, make you happy... She needs you to show her how. You are where you are and there is no turning back. Divorce is always an option, but don't leave before you are sure you tried

EVERYTHING to make it work. Replacing her with another woman maybe would be as good enough as changing a package to the same problem, so you need to try to pull the best out of current situation. You both need to become team players. I can try to help a little, rest is really on you.As mentioned earlier, Sukra in your chart is afflicted (under curse), but main problem in your chart is Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY-all Grahas distributed zodiacally from Rashi occupied by Ketu to Rashi occpuied by Rahu). Nodes are influencing 2nd bhava from Upa Pada. After you told me about circumstances of the way you entered your marriage, I do believe that described is related to Kumbha Rashi. Co lord Rahu is in 3rd bhava with Sukra and Mangal, so you fell in love and choice of spouse was mainly your decision. You were probably head over heels in love... It must have been very intensive emotional

experience considering that Rahu is with Sukra Atma Karaka. Currently Rahu antar dasha is running, making Sukra and KSY issues very much in focus.Giving remedies for KSY is easy task if there is benefic with nodes. In your case that would be neecha Sukra. As neecha Grahas are always related with Devi forms, Kamala Mahavidya would be perfect remedy to break KSY. But... Mahavidya Sadhana is always very intensive experience, since performer gets opportunity to burn significant amount of bad Karma within 40 days (to speed up process of purification in a way). This process is very painful but worth vile, as it would probably take few years or even longer to accoplish same results with another kind of worship. Atma Karaka by it self is delivering most intensive karmic experiences (usually painful, but again-worth vile) to each and every one of us. Combination of Atma Karaka and Mahavidya Sadhana is overextended intensity for fragile human mind. One of

possible "side effects" of this combination is mental instability. I do think your Dhishakti, intelligence and mind are very strong, considering all those blessings on your lagna, but you are just a man who is worried about his marriage, financial existence and employment-meaning you are "regular civilian", making you very fragile for this type of Sadhana.Alternative for Mahavidya is Jyotirlinga mantra for Graha which is joining nodes. Shiva in form of Tryambakkeshvaya is Jyotirlinga for Sukra. This will exalt Sukra, take care of KSY, additionally purify occupants in Meena and give strength to this Rashi which is sustaining your marriage (2nd from Kumbha). You get multiple benefits from this mantra:Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum OmThis is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and you are supposed to start it on

any Monday, performing it 108 times (one Mala) in the morning and 108 times at the sunset. Do it for 40 days. After that you wait next Monday to start another 40 days of Shiva worship. There is catch with Jyotirlinga. I don't advise you to start it unless you are fully prepared to be nothing but a loving husband to your wife. You must be very careful, there are no excuses. She can behave as she likes, be unbearable, impulsive, stubborn, behaving like a spoiled breath, I am so sorry, but all you are allowed to do is to behave like you are preparing for "Husband of decade" contest. You are not allowed to hurt her, insult her even a little bit, to raise your voice at her or to make her unhappy in any way. Whenever you do anything similar you will be "reminded" not to repeat it, because things can get very difficult again. Also, Sukra is related to couples and young, unmarried ladies, so this is place No2 and No3 on your personal list of sacred and

divine. Ah yes, add Institution of Marriage as No4, as this institution is also related to Sukra. You are obligated to have full respect towards everything related to Sukra, especially your wife. Neecha Sukra requires you to be humble towards your wife, sister, ladies etc. etc. Help them when they ask you, help them and support them even when they don't ask you. From now and on, your wife is Devi personified as far as you are concerned and the ground she is walking is sacred to you. You will have to chose this attitude if you want to give some strength to Sukra in your chart and pull your self out of the problem. Believe me that you will make incomparably less damage if you decide to insult anybody else in your life before you decide to make your wife unhappy. (Don't worry, I promise I will never share this conversation with her :) You have to perform some good karma if you want to prevent continuation of bad karma. Your wife is not with you by

coincidence. She is there to deliver some karma that must be delivered and you can try to make it easier for yourself. I repeat again what I said few emails ago: Guru will protect Meena rashi, plus Ketu is there, so you need children as soon as possible. Your marriage has more chances to sustain with children. Come on Karka lagna, you can be great father... I am sure that children will pull the best out of you. That palmist had a point about far away country. I recommend you to move Northwest as Chandra is in digbala from Arudha Lagna. Move from Asia, far far away, as movable rashis such as Karka require distance to get activated. Your lagna and all occupants are your way out of every problem. In next Maha Dasa of Guru it would be great to perform Tara Mahavidya. If you feel ready to do it earlier, let's say around August this year, start it then. I am saying Tara because Grahas on Lagna are also qualified to break Kala Sarpa Yoga. Tara is

for Guru.Hm... that would be all for now. Email is long, I know. I had to trouble you to put some effort in reading long list of remedies and advices, as 3rd bhava is place of problems. :) Okay, I am joking. I just think that there was some point in doing all this, as you might have benefits from everything written above this paragraph. You are reasonable, you might listen to me and you will probably perform Jyotirlinga. Thank you very much for reading this and giving me a chance to do some good karma. As I said before, rest is really on you.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Tue, 1/19/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comTuesday, January 19, 2010, 2:08 AM

Dear Maja ji Thanks a lot for your kind reply. Here are some major details for my life. I was married on 12th December 2008. My Father born in 1938 is a businessman and now not doing any active work except for some investments. He is having family history of diabetes and heart problems and is himself a Heart and blood Sugar patient. My mother is a housewife and she does not have any major medical problems except for overweight. Have always belonged to a well to do family but there was not much progress in our financial status and growth has always been stagnant. I've learnt from my parents not to believe in pump and show and lead a simple life. I'm a very stubborn person and don't usually change my decisions. I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible. I have great love for literature and poetry and love art cinema more than commercial cinema. I passed my B.Com in 3rd division even when I was not that bad a

student. I've always been haunted by Math and physics and complex calculations. I did my 12 in Science. After that i did some computer courses and worked here and there but my proper job started in Sep 2003 when I left India and came for a contract job of 2 months in Bangkok. here after 3 months i was offered a full time job and had to travel a lot in this job. I have recently been moved to plant location which has forced me to stay away from my wife as she is also working in the city. I was told this news on Dussehra day 2009. My Wife's DOB is 15th Apr 1980. Number 3, 6, 9 have mostly been lucky. most of my good friends also have these numbers as their date of birth. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i'm the youngest child. Both my brothers are in business. My sister is also married to a businessman. I don't remember much of my childhood but after I've grown up, I've seen mostly problems in business front in my dad's business. I can't say they were very

huge but yes, if I compare to how well to do and progressing we used to be (as I was told), our growth got stagnant and also going down. My Marriage was a Love cum arranged Marriage. there was a lot of opposition from Girls family but later settled. The first few months of my marriage, my wife and I had lot of quarrels. We actually had very bitter fights and i had lost all interest and faith in the institution of marriage. Things are getting better, touch wood. We don't finght that much as my wife very cleverly avoids any such thing which can make me loose my temper. I won't say I'm satisfied but yes, i also feel its better to avoid any thing which can cause fights. My quality of life, I can't really say as there were both +ve and -ve changes but my career has taken a downfall and I've been landing in problems as explained earlier.I was once told by a palmist that My future will always be bright outside of the country of my birth

and that I would probably die in a country which is not my birth country. Health wise, My wife is a bit fragile and although her health is more or less stable, she has improved over time but still she keeps getting small problems health wise. Regarding my wife's chart, should I ask her to send an email to you if she is interested in getting the things explained in her chart? Please let me know if any further information is required from my side. Once again thank you so much for your kindness to help. Kind RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:09:19 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga






Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteHaving direct dialogue with you is much better option, nice that you included. First of all, no reason for panic at this stage, as we are still checking if your birth time is correct or not.Tell me when did you get married? As your Upa Pada lagna is in 2nd bhava with Surya and Sani, I guess your marriage was arranged according to tradition of your family (which is the case with majority of people of your age in your country, but I would like to check if this is true anyway). You are 31 years old at the moment, so I don't see any serious marriage delay in your case... As I understand tradition, condition number one, necessary to fulfill in order to become potential groom, is to finish education (at least) before entering marriage. This can not happen before age of 23-24 (if we are talking about higher education). As Sani is on Upa Pada lagna, here we should focus on

7th there from (Kumbha) in order to find more details about relation between you and your wife. It is nice to see that her Rashi Lagna fits perfectly to your Upa Pada. :) I think your relation will be so much stronger after birth of children, as Ketu (kula devata) is there in Mooltrikona receiving Graha drishti of Guru from lagna. No need to focus on afflicted neecha Sukra from 3rd bhava and its influence on 2nd from Kumbha, as Guru is strong enough to protect his rashi (Meena) and his beneficial influence is strong enough to sustain your marriage. This marriage should last, all you guys need is children. This is the best "remedy" to keep your marriage safe and sound. :) I can not give comments related to your wife's chart, as I need her blessing and permission to do such a thing. It is her privacy. Though I am allowed to cheer you up with good news: my knowledge in determining compatibility between partners is pretty much poor, but what I am

familiar with at this stage allows me to say that there is perfect compatibility in domain of Chandra (representing both of your families, social circles and mind level) between the two of you. "Third party involvement" meaning-if there were any extramarital issues with other women?Longevity issues- if Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, this brings neecha Sukra in 8th bhava, related to sustaining of marriage and this is maraka bhava for wife also. This is neecha, vargotama Atma Karaka (under curse in Rashi chart), believe me you would feel very unhappy in your marriage if this is in 8th bhava. Further, 9th bhava is 3rd from 7th, so it is related to death of spouse in a way. Lord is neecha Budh having graha drishti on neecha Sukra in 2nd from 7th. If Sukra and Budh were not neecha (without neecha banga in Navamsha), I would not insist that this combination could ever influence wife's longevity, as there is no 7th lord involved in this

combination to satisfy snap shot combination for death of spouse. This way, I would stick to health issues and longevity decreased to some extent. Speaking of her health, I need you to tell me how is your wife doing? If she is fine and well, I suggest Makara Navamsha lagna.What is your father's occupation? If Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, following scenario is possible: social and financial status of your family could have been very stable and good before you were born. After you were born, your family could have experienced huge problems related to status, reputation, some court cases, legal issues and similar could have cropped up. Was this the case?Also, after you got married, how would you describe quality of your life, your career and interpersonal relations with people from your surrounding? I need these answers.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Mon, 1/18/10, Vivek Bajaj

<bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comMonday, January 18, 2010, 1:48 AM

Dear Maja ji and Manoj ji Thanks a lot for taking out time to look at the chart. Maja ji, can you please help with the charts of me and my wife as if its really a Kumbha Lagna in Navmasa then I guess I'd be needing the help and blessings of Gurujans and learned members. My marriage was delayed. I'm sorry but I could not fully understand the third party involvement and longvity things. Frankly I'm getting scared a bit. Please guide me. I would also like to request Gurujans and Other leaned members if they can help with their analysis. Thanks and RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commanojsharma662000@ Sun, 17 Jan 2010 06:50:26 -0800Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




point well taken...I am a day dreamer and dreams just add more illusion (maya) around you...but that is my karma and I have to face (actually I am already facing) the consequences




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSun, January 17, 2010 3:41:43 AMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj, namasteThis is not matter of knowledge level, it is matter of approaching facts. Only facts make sense to me.Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 6:15 PM


Hi Maja,

Thanks for your response. I will not pretend to know more than you in astrology even for a wee bit. I was just saying that sometime the truth is not every apparent, and at abstract level sometime what is apparent is not necessarily true. I was just trying to make this point. However, again not sure whether it makes sense to you.




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSat, January 16, 2010 4:25:13 PMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj,:))))))))))) ))))))))) )) Thank you for making me laugh with this lovely explanation. I do believe Vivek knows his wife very well. They are living together after all.Does this mean that Jyotishi is allowed to say: "You had a very good period to become millionaire a year ago, but sadly, you did not use it, so nothing manifested." in order to justify our errors in interpretation or rectification?Vivek's navamsha lagna shifts to Makara lagna within less than one minute earlier. In case of Kumbha navamsha lagna, Sukra would be 9th lord in 8th and Sukra is neecha, so I do believe that this would delay his marriage (fulfiling Dharma-9th bhava). Also, neecha Sukra would be matter of sustaining his marriage. There is drishti of neecha Budh on Sukra, so I do believe that if there is no terrible suffering or involvement of third party in his marriage, or if his wife is alive and well (yoga

of 8th and 9th lord would badly afflict wife's longevity) Vivek's navamsha lagna should be Makara. This way, second bhava related to sustaining is occupied with Gu/Ke, meaning that children (own or adopted) and continuing linage is something that is keeping this marriage strong.When there is parampara yoga in 7th in Navamsha, it is not matter of inner quality or inner attitude of spouse. It is reality and spouse should actually belong to/be born in some Parampara if Yoga is strong (Guru is in Surya's rashi here, so...).Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32 AM


That my be because of her Arudha lagna; what manifests is not always true...just tear the facade of this maya and try to understand the soul of your wife...may be you will realize, she is indeed very spritual if not religious... .






Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>sohamsa@ .comFri, January 15, 2010 5:50:11 AMRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga Dear Guru jis/Learned Members Just noticed that Jupiter + Ketu is in my D9 too in 7th house. I don't think my wife is very spiritual. She is more fun loving and out going than me. Chart attached. I guess we need some more expert advise. Warm RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .combondmerama (AT) (DOT) inFri, 15 Jan 2010 10:39:13 +0000 Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga


Dear All,Does this yoga always known as Ganapati Yoga,Here Jupiter is fallen.Best Regardssohamsa@ .com, LearneR Vedic AstroG <hygreeva_ram@ ...> wrote:>> || Hare Rama Krishna ||>  > Namaskar, > It indiacte you get spirtual wife , may be marriage purpose is to beget children.>  >  >  > Regards,> Hygreeva.> > > --- On Thu, 14/1/10, AS <bondmerama@ ...> wrote:> > > AS <bondmerama@ ...>> Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:shri Rafal Ji please tell......> sohamsa@ .com> Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 8:20 AM> > >  > > > > Respected Sirs>

Namaskar.> Does the combination of Jupiter+Ketu in Makara, seventh house of D-9,indictates an astrologer spouse/spiritual spouse or what it indicates.> Kindly tell.> Regards.> > > > > > > > > > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/>



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Dear Maja mam & Other Members,I also used to write very good poetry some 3/4 years ago but now really it seems poetry writing just deserted me too .Nobody close to me that is my friends,relatives know about this hobby of mine .Although i do write some good prose this days but feel the urge/drive is missing within me to write ...IF anybody could also let me know why did i start writing poetry for a span of 2/3 years and why i dont write this days ?Attaching my detailsRegards Deep--- On Sat, 6/2/10, Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro wrote:Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastroRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogaTo:

sohamsa Date: Saturday, 6 February, 2010, 5:53 PM



Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteComments bellow.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Wed, 2/3/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, February 3, 2010, 9:04 PM




Dear Maja ji (And this would be my limit. God knows I tried. Three/four/five times reading "ji" next to my name written by same person is as far as I can go with pretending it is not there :) Please, next time use my name only. No need for formalities. )

Sadar Pranams


I won't say too many Thank You's :). You know I am very much Thank full. Oh, good. This sounds so much better. Improving. I almost detached you from writing "thank you" :)

I guess the reason the email was delayed is because the emails to this group by users (except for some senior members and Gurujans) are moderated and sometimes the moderators are busy and take some time before they can release the emails. Nope, it has to do with inbox on my account. Even though these posts are already on Sohamsa, I receive them with delay on my account. Trust me it has nothing to do with moderation. You would be very far behind me on the list of nominees for being moderated :))) and I am receiving my own posts right after sending them.

A few more requests. Feel free to reply whenever you can.


I was wearing a yellow sapphire and a pearl for past few years. Even combination of pearl and yellow sapphire on the same ring would be very good for you. Couple months back, I lost my pearl ring. Pitty... Okay, it happens. Don't think back about that event. The strange thing is that before I lost the pearl was getting used pretty fast. It was getting smaller in size pretty quickly which did not happen before. I enquired a few people and some said it was natural and some said, it was working. I still have no clue. Then one of the astrologers who used to guide my Wife's family said that I should not be wearing the pearl at all and its good that I lost it. Lagna lord on lagna is bad for Ratna?

Chandra is bad? The only graha which can not harm any other, which is never malefic (it can be weak, but not malefic)? He suggested a Emerald. Ouch! Lord of 12th and 3rd on lagna? He said I could wear the yellow sapphire if I wanted but it will be of no use. I wish if this so-called-astrologe r was having that conversation with me. I just wonder what for it would be of no use... He is clearly not competent to give advice on Ratna. For heaven's sake, Guru is 9th lord exalted on your lagna (6th also, I know, but this Guru is perfectly OK)! My wife's family immediately arranged a emerald and I'm wearing it instead of pearl. If you've done some pujas or devata imbibing in that gemstone,

please take it off. I'm also

wearing the yellow sapphire. I

asked one of my uncle's who I normally ask about such queries and he said that as per him I may try wearing a red coral Well, don't wear red coral. I do understand that lot of astrologers simply advice Gemstone for Yogakaraka, expecting it is perfect choice to cover all needs of every native, panacea, success guaranteed... But this is not enough. Mangal may be Yogakaraka, but its placement in 3rd (and in 6th from AL) is terrible choice for Ratna. but he was not sure why a emerald was suggested. Probably idea that it is benefic on lagna, maybe expecting it would work well for career (as Budh is karaka for 10th) or

something, maybe due

to digbala... Maybe it is just a simple, good old lack of knowledge. So I'm currently wearing a yellow sapphire

and a emerald. Take off emerald, leave yellow sapphire on (right hand, ring finger). Any puja done for your yellow Sapphire? Sada Shiva should be in it... if possible, could you please advise? Also I was asked to take off my wedding ring as there were diamonds in that. Feel free to put your wedding ring back on. If Lakshmi is not invoked in that diamond, all is perfectly OK. In that case your wedding ring is only a wedding ring. It can not do any good or any harm in context of Ratna. It is only a diamond. Just a tough piece of carbon :)For now you can wear Yellow Sapphire and you should wear it. While it is on your hand, start saving money for pink Ruby. This is not Ruby for Surya, so ordinary red or dark red

Ruby will be of no use. You need clear, natural, unheated, perfectly transparent pink Ruby without eye visible flaws.

Padmaraga, please look at this photo:http://simplygemsto nes.com/images/ ruby%20pink% 20Burma%20no% 20heat%201. 27%20ct%20OV% 20CG07.jpgThis is second guidance for correct color of Ruby for you:http://1.bp. blogspot. com/_AxfQ2CmiqM4 /SffEKNBD- fI/AAAAAAAAAGg/ PA1QKlldcUU/ S1600-R/536113_ pink_lotus. jpgAs far as size for this pink Ruby, I would rather explain it using small words: at least two millimeters in range. Anything bigger is more than welcome, but this is minimum. Pink Ruby is mainly to


Mahapurusha Yoga on lagna (in your case this would be Hamsa). It will also activate agni tatva of lagna and all occupants in it (trines also, but we are focusing on your lagna now). Lovely solution for additional activation of Yogas on your lagna. I did not think of Ratna earlier, as you were mentioning financial problems, so I did not want to cause additional expenses to your budget. Even this advice is not urgent to follow. Whenever you get the chance to buy it, do that. Of course, the sooner the better.As I've mentioned in my earlier email also, I was asked to move to another location by my company which has forced me to stay away from my wife. I was pretty upset with the decision as the management knew that I was recently married and this will create problems in my personal life. I really want to change my Job. Do you see any such change in near future?

Hmmm... If I have to reply on this, I think that Rahu AD is causing these problems. You do see when it ends... More than anything else I would wish to be wrong about this conclusion, as I really don't like bringing sort of bad news to good people. Rahu AD is giving effects of Sukra, which is AK, badhakesh, lord of 4th in 3rd (you had to move...), being neecha (vargotama) in 6th from AL it requires a lot of struggle for what you need during this AD. Also there is drishti on 12th from AL. Dashamsha situation is similar in a way. Rahu is giving effects of Mangal in 3rd, so lot of travels, struggles... I am not sure if Mangal's drishti on Ch 10th lord and 10th bhava can change your job once again during this AD... I am not very versed in analyzing Dashamsha, so do take this with some reserve. Do your mantra (offer some sandalwood paste to Shiva), try to get your hands on that pink Ruby... It might appear earlier than 2011. Feeding poor people, donations in gold to temples (for example, to temple of your family deity), donations to spiritual people, all is more than welcome. I remember you were saying: "I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible." Good, great, continue doing that.


Last question, just popped up in my mind after reading a few emails in Sohamsa group. I am very fond of Art and especially poetry. Usually this is the case with Sukra AK :) Art and beauty are food for soul. I used to write poems too till a few years back and now in this job I find it hard do the same. I'm no big poet. I've just shared my work with a few friends, that's all. can you please suggest what yoga in my chart is the reason for this and should I try to work on this hobby of mine. Is it any significant in my chart? Remember my comment in previous email regarding you criticism? Same positions are influencing your urge to write. As a Kark lagna, with strong Chandra (vargotama) and Sukra AK (in 3rd), writing interest will be more related to poetry, rather than prose. This is usual case

when Jala tatva is related with yogas for writing. More over, Gu/Bu on lagna, strong writing skills, also there is Sarada Yoga, Gajakeshari yoga... Why this did not materialize through your lagna (name and fame)? It is in 12th from Surya (MKS), so I think that there is lack of support for initiating these yogas. You will write, but I am not sure if this will be published. In Navamsa Sukra is also in trines to d9 lagna, influencing your ability, neecha-through lot of effort, as it is also in 3rd from D9 lagnesh. No aspect on D9 lagna from Sukra, so this can hardly bring you finances. Though it can bring you inner satisfaction, perfect hobby.Hey... in Navamsha you have Ketu in 12th from AK joined with Benefic-Guru. This is illustration of dictum for emancipation :) But this is all I know about this dictum, I have no idea how this goes with rest of the chart.



Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams




sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Wed, 3 Feb 2010 01:54:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga







Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteObviously my inbox was on vacation, as I received your email today (I see 27th of January on it). It jams sometimes and refuses cooperation. ..I added comments directly to your email bellow. This font color would be me.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Wed, 1/27/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:05 AM

Dear Maja ji

Sadar Pranams

Thanks a lot for your detailed email. I'm really indebted for all your time and effort. Really, no need for saying "thank you" every time we exchange email :) I guess this long email and the upayas are because you see a chance of separation. Nope. In fact, what I see in your chart is that you will never actually take any action regarding separation. Not even close. Too much Dharma in your chart :))) From time to time you may think of it as an option, but never seriously. I am just saving your valuable energy, time and mind focus for something more constructive. Instead of brainstorming on "Divorce is solution" (and never do it), don't you think it is more useful to make your brain occupied with "How can I improve this"? As simple as that.

By Gods Grace and blessings till now everything seems normal. I hope it continues this way and God forbid, if in future there may be such a chance, I'll do whatever in my power to avoid any such situation. I've a few questions and I hope I won't take too much of your time. You are welcome anytime.

Regarding the opposition, it was actually from her mother and sisters rather than her father. her father was cooperative in start but later under influence of her mother and sisters, opposed the idea of out alliance. OK, good. At the moment I can't think of any decent comment related to your chart and where to fit these events. I am not surprised with sisters in law, but I am surprised with mother in law. I owe you this explanation for next time, hope this is OK.

I was introduced to my wife some 5-6 years back by a mutual friend. In Sukra AD? Cheers! She was studying at that time and I was on a project. We could not meet as we were quite far from each other but we kept in touch a bit by emails etc. After a year or so, she completed her studies and came back to her home. Then we met and it was just a normal friendship. I criticize a lot as you must have analyzed by my chart (No, I was not looking for this in your chart, but if you insist: perhaps Budh, lord of 3rd on Lagna with lagna lord and vargotama AK in Kanya are contributing this "quality" :) and i guess she some how relied on my advise (even if she didn't like it) as I used to speak truth and showed her what bitter things people won't tell others. this friendship slowly turned into attraction and eventually what we may call love but it was not without the ups

and downs and the problems most couples face. It never is without ups and downs for any couple.

I do understand (at least a bit) about what you say about the institution of marriage and our dharma and I would say that agree to almost all of what you say. Thanks a lot for explaining it in such a detail. Pleasure was all mine, really. now a few questions.was there any difference in the time I normally use for my chart calculations? the time which I have is approximate so I'm sure there would be some difference. If you can please let me know the same, It would be easy for me to try and learn more about my horoscope. As far as I was going with rectification, I think it should be 04:25 AM. I do agree that I was head over heels in love as I still can not justify why in spite of so many differences i was ready to commit to this relation. In spite of many

differences, strong graha in 2nd from Kumbha will keep relation. I asked Sanjay ji about the KSY and here is what he replied

om gurave namah

Dear Vivek

Natural benefic Venus has joined the node

Natural benefics are in Lagna - 3 of them.

KSY is well cancelled. which means troubles but you wil overcome them and have an eventful life

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath I am happy to read his reply and head over heels for the fact you received it. Sanjay is Visti's Guru, Visti is Guru to my teacher, so... I am guessing you are expecting my comment, but as I belong to this lineage, maybe it is not necessary (I can not possibly know more or anything different than Sanjay, Visti or my teacher). Or you wish an explanation? If that is the case, here it is:Remember when I mentioned that it is easy to give advice for KSY/KAY if benefic is joining nodes or occupying lagna/7th bhava? This means broken KSY/KAY. Roughly speaking, lets say it is easier type of KSY/KAY, so bondage is not terrible as it may be without influence of benefics as described above. Also, the stronger these benefics are (own rashi, mooltrikona, exaltation), the easier type it will

be. This is one of the reasons why I did not insist to perform Mahavidya urgently (Tara), as you are having exalted Guru on your Lagna. This is why I was writing long email with list of upayas related to every day life. I've also done puja of KSY at Shri Kalahasti Temple as suggested by some Pandit ji. How effective that puja was, only God knows. I am very sorry, but I am only familiar with those remedies from Achyuta parampara I listed above. I can not give any comment on puja you performed. Would you be kind enough to explain the Kamla Mahavidhya puja to me also please. You don't need this. :) I understand that it will be a painful process but I would surely like to understand and would definitely would like to try if I feel i can do it. You will not perform this, forget

it. No need for this, as there are benefics on lagna breaking KSY. I can repeat this as many times necessary. :) Love your wife, this is the best sadhana for you :) Also can I do both, Kamla Mahavidhya Sadhna and Jyotirlinga mantra? Third time, forget Kamala Sadhana. :) In general, one sadhana at the time. Mahavidya, or Jyotirlinga, never both at the same time (and never both for same graha at the same time). Jyotirlinga for now. Can you also please explain a bit more in details about "I will be reminded if I do anything to make my wife unhappy" while doing Jyotirlinga Mantra? :) As I said: things can simply go back to where they were before you started with Mantra. :) Don't be afraid, this is beautiful mantra. Also if you can please give some more details of Tara Mahavidhya and how can It be performed. For now you do not need this. When you need it, I will ask around for someone located nearby your place who can give you all instructions. We'll be in touch. Regarding Children, My wife feels she is not yet ready. Earlier she wanted some time after marriage and now as we are staying separate, she does not want to go ahead this way and would like to wait sometime till some arrangement happens where we can stay together again. :( Okay, be patient. There is sense in what she is saying. It is not easy for a woman to be on her own during pregnancy and after delivery. and as you said, I should not do anything to make her unhappy, I've been keeping my mouth shut in this matter and letting her decide what she wants. But I'm no way near the Husband of the Decade title as I do make her upset with some things she doesn't like. One of them is letting her know

that she is wrong :) about something or If I don't agree to what she says. Wait, I did not say to shut up, be a plant and don't have opinion of your own :))) 90% of communication is nonverbal, meaning that people focus on interpreting gesticulation and tone while listening. Anything you have to say, say it, but 10% be careful on choice of words, 90% be careful how you say it. :) If your arguments are reasonable and strong enough, you should be able to explain why gently. I don't know how to move away from Asia. Don't worry, this is not urgent at all. I did not say to do it by the end of this month. Life is long. It is more like, if/when you are in position to chose where to move, you should prefer this direction. It depends if I can get a Job somewhere far from here. I'm trying to find a job but it all seems so difficult at this time and I feel

like I'm trapped. Please do guide me if you can about what I can do to make my luck move me to Northwest direction and away from Asia. I am afraid I am unable to give you such advice, but I do think that solving one thing at the time is vise. You cant change your entire life with one move. Patience. Thanking you once again for all your help and kindness. Again, pleasure is all mine. I hope I do not take up too much of your time and effort for the queries I have. Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams Vivek Bajaj


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:53:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga










Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI read that last email you were sending after this which is bellow my email. Your wife is pretty much healthy woman. Considering your relationships before marriage, the only serious relationship you ever had is this with your wife. She is first Upa Pada, I am glad this is confirmed.Before I forget to say it (again): yes that is right, your wife would have to contact me directly (however she feels more comfortable- privately or here on forum) in order to allow me to interpret her chart.Opposition to your marriage was mostly from your father in law? When did you meet your wife?Eternal, life time painful spot of every Sukra Atma Karaka is its "Royal Highness-Institutio n of Marriage". What Sukra Atma Karaka is living and breathing for is love. You have read that you are having afflicted Sukra (curse) in your chart. This adds hardships on previous

statement. Here on forum many times I came across questions such as "Will I have love marriage or arranged marriage?" and every time I am wondering what is on questioners mind... Love? Or falling in love/passion? There is a difference and it is so hard to explain it to someone who had never felt both, simply entered arranged marriage and remain there for rest of life. No matter what one says to a person who experienced only arranged marriage without falling in love to spouse or loving spouse, they can never understand that there is no big difference between deep love on one side and solid, quality relation inside arranged marriage on the other. There are no "butterflies in stomach" feeling, excitement, shivering, sweet insomnia when it comes to real, deep love. Are you following me so far Sukra Atma Karaka? :)"Butterflies" are present for few days, weeks, months... in best case for few years. Eventually they "fly away" and leave us in

bills, loans, arguments over holiday destination, color of sofa, budget plans, "shall we rent/buy house/apartment here or there?", diapers, babies crying, "I am too tired talk, I had a very exhausting day at work", what are we going to have for dinner, who is earning more, etc. etc. etc. A warm welcome to cruel reality of every day life! So really, who is messed up more at birth: westerns or Indians? Westerns rarely learn difference between love and falling in love, so landing "cruel reality" after "butterflies stage" appears more as a plain crash, if love did not have enough time to plant roots before living together. Indians, on the other side, can hardly get rid of feeling as if they are missing something crucial if their only option is simply to enter arranged marriage and that is it as far as their emotional life. (It is probably scary idea for nowadays 20 year old in India, considering what they are coming across in global media and internet.)

As a human being I can only be honest with you and say that I don't believe in institution of marriage either. At least not from that perspective of what majority of human beings aged 20-35 is expecting from partnership deep down inside, no matter which tradition/country/ religion he or she belongs. Mutual love. Very small percentage of population is lucky to experience this, and majority of these lucky ones did not get everything on the plate as soon as they married. They probably had to put lot of effort and time to make things work.Bottom line, what every married human being needs in The Holy Institution of Marriage is mutual respect, understanding, both sides ready for compromises, cooperation and sharing responsibilities. Otherwise everyone included suffer terribly. Love is a nice asset, but it will not make it work if any single one of those above terms is not included. It will not plant roots and grow. It is hard enough to find a

person who is ready to cooperate with another to such extent. Deep down inside, all human beings are very selfish. Institution of Marriage? Disappointments? Well, disappointments come after failed expectations. It depends on what one is expecting of marriage... See my point?I am not from India, so the first time I became familiar with Vedic viewpoints on marriage was only few years ago. I told you that as a human being I don't believe in Institution of Marriage: Well, why would I wish to push myself and accept so many responsibilities? Why would I ever wish to let anyone disturbing my privacy, habits and occupying half of my bed (while snoring, probably :)? Two reasons:1. Children2. Children#1 Children is purely from human being level. I do wish to accomplish my self as a mother. #2 Children is from viewpoint of Dharma. As you are born in India, I am expecting that you do know that Dharma of every mortal human is

continuing linage. This linage can be spiritual, within parampara, if one decides to renounce material aspects of life. In this option one is adopting "spiritual children" or shishyas (students). Second option is to continue family linage and have biological or adopted children. We are here for the sake of creation and we are obligated to create our own children in order to pay our debts to our Pitris (ancestors). Are you familiar with these principles? If you are, in that case you do understand that you did not marry for your own benefit or pleasure (if this becomes part of your marriage, great!). You married for having children and share responsibilities with your wife in order to up bring them in to greatest possible human beings. Life really makes no sense without children. If you don't believe me, just search for married people who never decided to raise a child (even though they could) and observe their lives. From this viewpoint

Institution of Marriage is sacred. One may believe in it or not, but it is sacred because it provides us fulfilling significant portion of our Dharma. (As far as I am concerned, this paragraph is 80% of my motivation to enter marriage some day. God, I really hope I will have XXXL bed and enough wax for my ears to survive that. :)For good and bad marriage it takes two and it is always easier to blame the other side when something goes wrong. All human beings find hard to face own failure and responsibility. .. Think about your actions and actions of your wife again, please. She learned to avoid mentioning something that might make you loose your temper. Good. Now is the best time to teach her how to make you talk, smile, feel that you belong there with her, make you happy... She needs you to show her how. You are where you are and there is no turning back. Divorce is always an option, but don't leave before you are sure you tried

EVERYTHING to make it work. Replacing her with another woman maybe would be as good enough as changing a package to the same problem, so you need to try to pull the best out of current situation. You both need to become team players. I can try to help a little, rest is really on you.As mentioned earlier, Sukra in your chart is afflicted (under curse), but main problem in your chart is Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY-all Grahas distributed zodiacally from Rashi occupied by Ketu to Rashi occpuied by Rahu). Nodes are influencing 2nd bhava from Upa Pada. After you told me about circumstances of the way you entered your marriage, I do believe that described is related to Kumbha Rashi. Co lord Rahu is in 3rd bhava with Sukra and Mangal, so you fell in love and choice of spouse was mainly your decision. You were probably head over heels in love... It must have been very intensive emotional

experience considering that Rahu is with Sukra Atma Karaka. Currently Rahu antar dasha is running, making Sukra and KSY issues very much in focus.Giving remedies for KSY is easy task if there is benefic with nodes. In your case that would be neecha Sukra. As neecha Grahas are always related with Devi forms, Kamala Mahavidya would be perfect remedy to break KSY. But... Mahavidya Sadhana is always very intensive experience, since performer gets opportunity to burn significant amount of bad Karma within 40 days (to speed up process of purification in a way). This process is very painful but worth vile, as it would probably take few years or even longer to accoplish same results with another kind of worship. Atma Karaka by it self is delivering most intensive karmic experiences (usually painful, but again-worth vile) to each and every one of us. Combination of Atma Karaka and Mahavidya Sadhana is overextended intensity for fragile human mind. One of

possible "side effects" of this combination is mental instability. I do think your Dhishakti, intelligence and mind are very strong, considering all those blessings on your lagna, but you are just a man who is worried about his marriage, financial existence and employment-meaning you are "regular civilian", making you very fragile for this type of Sadhana.Alternative for Mahavidya is Jyotirlinga mantra for Graha which is joining nodes. Shiva in form of Tryambakkeshvaya is Jyotirlinga for Sukra. This will exalt Sukra, take care of KSY, additionally purify occupants in Meena and give strength to this Rashi which is sustaining your marriage (2nd from Kumbha). You get multiple benefits from this mantra:Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum OmThis is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and you are supposed to start it on

any Monday, performing it 108 times (one Mala) in the morning and 108 times at the sunset. Do it for 40 days. After that you wait next Monday to start another 40 days of Shiva worship. There is catch with Jyotirlinga. I don't advise you to start it unless you are fully prepared to be nothing but a loving husband to your wife. You must be very careful, there are no excuses. She can behave as she likes, be unbearable, impulsive, stubborn, behaving like a spoiled breath, I am so sorry, but all you are allowed to do is to behave like you are preparing for "Husband of decade" contest. You are not allowed to hurt her, insult her even a little bit, to raise your voice at her or to make her unhappy in any way. Whenever you do anything similar you will be "reminded" not to repeat it, because things can get very difficult again. Also, Sukra is related to couples and young, unmarried ladies, so this is place No2 and No3 on your personal list of sacred and

divine. Ah yes, add Institution of Marriage as No4, as this institution is also related to Sukra. You are obligated to have full respect towards everything related to Sukra, especially your wife. Neecha Sukra requires you to be humble towards your wife, sister, ladies etc. etc. Help them when they ask you, help them and support them even when they don't ask you. From now and on, your wife is Devi personified as far as you are concerned and the ground she is walking is sacred to you. You will have to chose this attitude if you want to give some strength to Sukra in your chart and pull your self out of the problem. Believe me that you will make incomparably less damage if you decide to insult anybody else in your life before you decide to make your wife unhappy. (Don't worry, I promise I will never share this conversation with her :) You have to perform some good karma if you want to prevent continuation of bad karma. Your wife is not with you by

coincidence. She is there to deliver some karma that must be delivered and you can try to make it easier for yourself. I repeat again what I said few emails ago: Guru will protect Meena rashi, plus Ketu is there, so you need children as soon as possible. Your marriage has more chances to sustain with children. Come on Karka lagna, you can be great father... I am sure that children will pull the best out of you. That palmist had a point about far away country. I recommend you to move Northwest as Chandra is in digbala from Arudha Lagna. Move from Asia, far far away, as movable rashis such as Karka require distance to get activated. Your lagna and all occupants are your way out of every problem. In next Maha Dasa of Guru it would be great to perform Tara Mahavidya. If you feel ready to do it earlier, let's say around August this year, start it then. I am saying Tara because Grahas on Lagna are also qualified to break Kala Sarpa Yoga. Tara is

for Guru.Hm... that would be all for now. Email is long, I know. I had to trouble you to put some effort in reading long list of remedies and advices, as 3rd bhava is place of problems. :) Okay, I am joking. I just think that there was some point in doing all this, as you might have benefits from everything written above this paragraph. You are reasonable, you might listen to me and you will probably perform Jyotirlinga. Thank you very much for reading this and giving me a chance to do some good karma. As I said before, rest is really on you.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Tue, 1/19/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comTuesday, January 19, 2010, 2:08 AM

Dear Maja ji Thanks a lot for your kind reply. Here are some major details for my life. I was married on 12th December 2008. My Father born in 1938 is a businessman and now not doing any active work except for some investments. He is having family history of diabetes and heart problems and is himself a Heart and blood Sugar patient. My mother is a housewife and she does not have any major medical problems except for overweight. Have always belonged to a well to do family but there was not much progress in our financial status and growth has always been stagnant. I've learnt from my parents not to believe in pump and show and lead a simple life. I'm a very stubborn person and don't usually change my decisions. I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible. I have great love for literature and poetry and love art cinema more than commercial cinema. I passed my B.Com in 3rd division even when I was not that bad a

student. I've always been haunted by Math and physics and complex calculations. I did my 12 in Science. After that i did some computer courses and worked here and there but my proper job started in Sep 2003 when I left India and came for a contract job of 2 months in Bangkok. here after 3 months i was offered a full time job and had to travel a lot in this job. I have recently been moved to plant location which has forced me to stay away from my wife as she is also working in the city. I was told this news on Dussehra day 2009. My Wife's DOB is 15th Apr 1980. Number 3, 6, 9 have mostly been lucky. most of my good friends also have these numbers as their date of birth. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i'm the youngest child. Both my brothers are in business. My sister is also married to a businessman. I don't remember much of my childhood but after I've grown up, I've seen mostly problems in business front in my dad's business. I can't say they were very

huge but yes, if I compare to how well to do and progressing we used to be (as I was told), our growth got stagnant and also going down. My Marriage was a Love cum arranged Marriage. there was a lot of opposition from Girls family but later settled. The first few months of my marriage, my wife and I had lot of quarrels. We actually had very bitter fights and i had lost all interest and faith in the institution of marriage. Things are getting better, touch wood. We don't finght that much as my wife very cleverly avoids any such thing which can make me loose my temper. I won't say I'm satisfied but yes, i also feel its better to avoid any thing which can cause fights. My quality of life, I can't really say as there were both +ve and -ve changes but my career has taken a downfall and I've been landing in problems as explained earlier.I was once told by a palmist that My future will always be bright outside of the country of my birth

and that I would probably die in a country which is not my birth country. Health wise, My wife is a bit fragile and although her health is more or less stable, she has improved over time but still she keeps getting small problems health wise. Regarding my wife's chart, should I ask her to send an email to you if she is interested in getting the things explained in her chart? Please let me know if any further information is required from my side. Once again thank you so much for your kindness to help. Kind RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:09:19 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga






Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteHaving direct dialogue with you is much better option, nice that you included. First of all, no reason for panic at this stage, as we are still checking if your birth time is correct or not.Tell me when did you get married? As your Upa Pada lagna is in 2nd bhava with Surya and Sani, I guess your marriage was arranged according to tradition of your family (which is the case with majority of people of your age in your country, but I would like to check if this is true anyway). You are 31 years old at the moment, so I don't see any serious marriage delay in your case... As I understand tradition, condition number one, necessary to fulfill in order to become potential groom, is to finish education (at least) before entering marriage. This can not happen before age of 23-24 (if we are talking about higher education). As Sani is on Upa Pada lagna, here we should focus on

7th there from (Kumbha) in order to find more details about relation between you and your wife. It is nice to see that her Rashi Lagna fits perfectly to your Upa Pada. :) I think your relation will be so much stronger after birth of children, as Ketu (kula devata) is there in Mooltrikona receiving Graha drishti of Guru from lagna. No need to focus on afflicted neecha Sukra from 3rd bhava and its influence on 2nd from Kumbha, as Guru is strong enough to protect his rashi (Meena) and his beneficial influence is strong enough to sustain your marriage. This marriage should last, all you guys need is children. This is the best "remedy" to keep your marriage safe and sound. :) I can not give comments related to your wife's chart, as I need her blessing and permission to do such a thing. It is her privacy. Though I am allowed to cheer you up with good news: my knowledge in determining compatibility between partners is pretty much poor, but what I am

familiar with at this stage allows me to say that there is perfect compatibility in domain of Chandra (representing both of your families, social circles and mind level) between the two of you. "Third party involvement" meaning-if there were any extramarital issues with other women?Longevity issues- if Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, this brings neecha Sukra in 8th bhava, related to sustaining of marriage and this is maraka bhava for wife also. This is neecha, vargotama Atma Karaka (under curse in Rashi chart), believe me you would feel very unhappy in your marriage if this is in 8th bhava. Further, 9th bhava is 3rd from 7th, so it is related to death of spouse in a way. Lord is neecha Budh having graha drishti on neecha Sukra in 2nd from 7th. If Sukra and Budh were not neecha (without neecha banga in Navamsha), I would not insist that this combination could ever influence wife's longevity, as there is no 7th lord involved in this

combination to satisfy snap shot combination for death of spouse. This way, I would stick to health issues and longevity decreased to some extent. Speaking of her health, I need you to tell me how is your wife doing? If she is fine and well, I suggest Makara Navamsha lagna.What is your father's occupation? If Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, following scenario is possible: social and financial status of your family could have been very stable and good before you were born. After you were born, your family could have experienced huge problems related to status, reputation, some court cases, legal issues and similar could have cropped up. Was this the case?Also, after you got married, how would you describe quality of your life, your career and interpersonal relations with people from your surrounding? I need these answers.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Mon, 1/18/10, Vivek Bajaj

<bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comMonday, January 18, 2010, 1:48 AM

Dear Maja ji and Manoj ji Thanks a lot for taking out time to look at the chart. Maja ji, can you please help with the charts of me and my wife as if its really a Kumbha Lagna in Navmasa then I guess I'd be needing the help and blessings of Gurujans and learned members. My marriage was delayed. I'm sorry but I could not fully understand the third party involvement and longvity things. Frankly I'm getting scared a bit. Please guide me. I would also like to request Gurujans and Other leaned members if they can help with their analysis. Thanks and RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commanojsharma662000@ Sun, 17 Jan 2010 06:50:26 -0800Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




point well taken...I am a day dreamer and dreams just add more illusion (maya) around you...but that is my karma and I have to face (actually I am already facing) the consequences




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSun, January 17, 2010 3:41:43 AMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj, namasteThis is not matter of knowledge level, it is matter of approaching facts. Only facts make sense to me.Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 6:15 PM


Hi Maja,

Thanks for your response. I will not pretend to know more than you in astrology even for a wee bit. I was just saying that sometime the truth is not every apparent, and at abstract level sometime what is apparent is not necessarily true. I was just trying to make this point. However, again not sure whether it makes sense to you.




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSat, January 16, 2010 4:25:13 PMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj,:))))))))))) ))))))))) )) Thank you for making me laugh with this lovely explanation. I do believe Vivek knows his wife very well. They are living together after all.Does this mean that Jyotishi is allowed to say: "You had a very good period to become millionaire a year ago, but sadly, you did not use it, so nothing manifested." in order to justify our errors in interpretation or rectification?Vivek's navamsha lagna shifts to Makara lagna within less than one minute earlier. In case of Kumbha navamsha lagna, Sukra would be 9th lord in 8th and Sukra is neecha, so I do believe that this would delay his marriage (fulfiling Dharma-9th bhava). Also, neecha Sukra would be matter of sustaining his marriage. There is drishti of neecha Budh on Sukra, so I do believe that if there is no terrible suffering or involvement of third party in his marriage, or if his wife is alive and well (yoga

of 8th and 9th lord would badly afflict wife's longevity) Vivek's navamsha lagna should be Makara. This way, second bhava related to sustaining is occupied with Gu/Ke, meaning that children (own or adopted) and continuing linage is something that is keeping this marriage strong.When there is parampara yoga in 7th in Navamsha, it is not matter of inner quality or inner attitude of spouse. It is reality and spouse should actually belong to/be born in some Parampara if Yoga is strong (Guru is in Surya's rashi here, so...).Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32 AM


That my be because of her Arudha lagna; what manifests is not always true...just tear the facade of this maya and try to understand the soul of your wife...may be you will realize, she is indeed very spritual if not religious... .






Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>sohamsa@ .comFri, January 15, 2010 5:50:11 AMRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga Dear Guru jis/Learned Members Just noticed that Jupiter + Ketu is in my D9 too in 7th house. I don't think my wife is very spiritual. She is more fun loving and out going than me. Chart attached. I guess we need some more expert advise. Warm RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .combondmerama (AT) (DOT) inFri, 15 Jan 2010 10:39:13 +0000 Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga


Dear All,Does this yoga always known as Ganapati Yoga,Here Jupiter is fallen.Best Regardssohamsa@ .com, LearneR Vedic AstroG <hygreeva_ram@ ...> wrote:>> || Hare Rama Krishna ||>  > Namaskar, > It indiacte you get spirtual wife , may be marriage purpose is to beget children.>  >  >  > Regards,> Hygreeva.> > > --- On Thu, 14/1/10, AS <bondmerama@ ...> wrote:> > > AS <bondmerama@ ...>> Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:shri Rafal Ji please tell......> sohamsa@ .com> Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 8:20 AM> > >  > > > > Respected Sirs>

Namaskar.> Does the combination of Jupiter+Ketu in Makara, seventh house of D-9,indictates an astrologer spouse/spiritual spouse or what it indicates.> Kindly tell.> Regards.> > > > > > > > > > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/>



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Dear deepen,                     sorry for the late reply, but i would beg to differ about your opinion.2nd from UL, would determine the life span of marriage - and not the marriage itself. Marriage can happen, but if 2nd from UL is weak, it would have troubles with its sustenance. And Ke in this house, would make children - more important for the marriage bond ( since Ke encourages the traditional marriage ).

This is what i have read and known, members can chip in and correct me in case of any disagreement.thanks,phani

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Hi Maja (no ji this time)


Sadar Pranams :)


The post sent by you comes immediately cause its not moderated. you are in safe sending list. I'm not so my emails come late. your inbox should be perfectly fine. I'm a IT guy and I can definitely suggest you on this one. :) anyways.


Should I wear pearl again? I like pearl much more than this emerald. The yellow sapphire which I'm wearing is in Right hand, first finger. I always thought this for the finger for Jupiter.


The astrologer who advised the emerald recently passed away. I could not argue much with him but I guess he was suggesting that because I am going through the mercury mahadasha, I should wear emerald and it should help me in career and money saving. anyways, I would be more than happy to get rid of this stone.


I've not done any puja for yellow sapphire, just chanted the Jupiter mantra a few times i guess and wore it on thursday. Can you please advise how should I energize it and wear it again if there is any other proper method. Same way i chanted the Buddha mantra a few times and wore the emerald on wednesday.

Will try to find the pink Ruby and see how can I afford it.


Rahu AD will end in Sep 2011. so I guess I should just wait patiently till that time. Will the Jupiter AD help in anyways? What time do you see for job change? will the change be for good?


emancipation I do feel at times. I guess I need to find a Guru who can guide me.


by the way, do you see any chance for me to learn Jyotish in detail? I have a lot of love for jyotish but I guess I need a Guru for that too who can teach me patiently.


Warm Regards and Sadar pranams





sohamsa From: majastrbacastroDate: Sat, 6 Feb 2010 04:23:02 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga











Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteComments bellow.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Wed, 2/3/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2010, 9:04 PM

Dear Maja ji (And this would be my limit. God knows I tried. Three/four/five times reading "ji" next to my name written by same person is as far as I can go with pretending it is not there :) Please, next time use my name only. No need for formalities.)

Sadar Pranams

I won't say too many Thank You's :). You know I am very much Thank full.

Oh, good. This sounds so much better. Improving. I almost detached you from writing "thank you" :)

I guess the reason the email was delayed is because the emails to this group by users (except for some senior members and Gurujans) are moderated and sometimes the moderators are busy and take some time before they can release the emails. Nope, it has to do with inbox on my account. Even though these posts are already on Sohamsa, I receive them with delay on my account. Trust me it has nothing to do with moderation. You would be very far behind me on the list of nominees for being moderated :))) and I am receiving my own posts right after sending them.

A few more requests. Feel free to reply whenever you can.

I was wearing a yellow sapphire and a pearl for past few years. Even combination of pearl and yellow sapphire on the same ring would be very good for you. Couple months back, I lost my pearl ring. Pitty... Okay, it happens. Don't think back about that event. The strange thing is that before I lost the pearl was getting used pretty fast. It was getting smaller in size pretty quickly which did not happen before. I enquired a few people and some said it was natural and some said, it was working. I still have no clue. Then one of the astrologers who used to guide my Wife's family said that I should not be wearing the pearl at all and its good that I lost it. Lagna lord on lagna is bad for Ratna? Chandra is bad? The only graha which can not harm any other, which is never malefic (it can be weak, but not malefic)? He suggested a Emerald. Ouch! Lord of 12th and 3rd on lagna? He said I could wear the yellow sapphire if I wanted but it will be of no use. I wish if this so-called-astrologer was having that conversation with me. I just wonder what for it would be of no use... He is clearly not competent to give advice on Ratna. For heaven's sake, Guru is 9th lord exalted on your lagna (6th also, I know, but this Guru is perfectly OK)! My wife's family immediately arranged a emerald and I'm wearing it instead of pearl. If you've done some pujas or devata imbibing in that gemstone, please take it off. I'm also wearing the yellow sapphire. I asked one of my uncle's who I normally ask about such queries and he said that as per him I may try wearing a red coral Well, don't wear red coral. I do understand that lot of astrologers simply advice Gemstone for Yogakaraka, expecting it is perfect choice to cover all needs of every native, panacea, success guaranteed... But this is not enough. Mangal may be Yogakaraka, but its placement in 3rd (and in 6th from AL) is terrible choice for Ratna. but he was not sure why a emerald was suggested. Probably idea that it is benefic on lagna, maybe expecting it would work well for career (as Budh is karaka for 10th) or something, maybe due to digbala... Maybe it is just a simple, good old lack of knowledge. So I'm currently wearing a yellow sapphire and a emerald. Take off emerald, leave yellow sapphire on (right hand, ring finger). Any puja done for your yellow Sapphire? Sada Shiva should be in it... if possible, could you please advise? Also I was asked to take off my wedding ring as there were diamonds in that. Feel free to put your wedding ring back on. If Lakshmi is not invoked in that diamond, all is perfectly OK. In that case your wedding ring is only a wedding ring. It can not do any good or any harm in context of Ratna. It is only a diamond. Just a tough piece of carbon :)

For now you can wear Yellow Sapphire and you should wear it. While it is on your hand, start saving money for pink Ruby. This is not Ruby for Surya, so ordinary red or dark red Ruby will be of no use. You need clear, natural, unheated, perfectly transparent pink Ruby without eye visible flaws. Padmaraga, please look at this photo:


This is second guidance for correct color of Ruby for you:


As far as size for this pink Ruby, I would rather explain it using small words: at least two millimeters in range. Anything bigger is more than welcome, but this is minimum.

Pink Ruby is mainly to activate Mahapurusha Yoga on lagna (in your case this would be Hamsa). It will also activate agni tatva of lagna and all occupants in it (trines also, but we are focusing on your lagna now). Lovely solution for additional activation of Yogas on your lagna. I did not think of Ratna earlier, as you were mentioning financial problems, so I did not want to cause additional expenses to your budget. Even this advice is not urgent to follow. Whenever you get the chance to buy it, do that. Of course, the sooner the better.

As I've mentioned in my earlier email also, I was asked to move to another location by my company which has forced me to stay away from my wife. I was pretty upset with the decision as the management knew that I was recently married and this will create problems in my personal life. I really want to change my Job. Do you see any such change in near future?

Hmmm... If I have to reply on this, I think that Rahu AD is causing these problems. You do see when it ends... More than anything else I would wish to be wrong about this conclusion, as I really don't like bringing sort of bad news to good people. Rahu AD is giving effects of Sukra, which is AK, badhakesh, lord of 4th in 3rd (you had to move...), being neecha (vargotama) in 6th from AL it requires a lot of struggle for what you need during this AD. Also there is drishti on 12th from AL. Dashamsha situation is similar in a way. Rahu is giving effects of Mangal in 3rd, so lot of travels, struggles... I am not sure if Mangal's drishti on Ch 10th lord and 10th bhava can change your job once again during this AD... I am not very versed in analyzing Dashamsha, so do take this with some reserve.


Do your mantra (offer some sandalwood paste to Shiva), try to get your hands on that pink Ruby... It might appear earlier than 2011. Feeding poor people, donations in gold to temples (for example, to temple of your family deity), donations to spiritual people, all is more than welcome. I remember you were saying: "I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible." Good, great, continue doing that.


Last question, just popped up in my mind after reading a few emails in Sohamsa group. I am very fond of Art and especially poetry. Usually this is the case with Sukra AK :) Art and beauty are food for soul. I used to write poems too till a few years back and now in this job I find it hard do the same. I'm no big poet. I've just shared my work with a few friends, that's all. can you please suggest what yoga in my chart is the reason for this and should I try to work on this hobby of mine. Is it any significant in my chart? Remember my comment in previous email regarding you criticism? Same positions are influencing your urge to write. As a Kark lagna, with strong Chandra (vargotama) and Sukra AK (in 3rd), writing interest will be more related to poetry, rather than prose. This is usual case when Jala tatva is related with yogas for writing. More over, Gu/Bu on lagna, strong writing skills, also there is Sarada Yoga, Gajakeshari yoga... Why this did not materialize through your lagna (name and fame)? It is in 12th from Surya (MKS), so I think that there is lack of support for initiating these yogas. You will write, but I am not sure if this will be published. In Navamsa Sukra is also in trines to d9 lagna, influencing your ability, neecha-through lot of effort, as it is also in 3rd from D9 lagnesh. No aspect on D9 lagna from Sukra, so this can hardly bring you finances. Though it can bring you inner satisfaction, perfect hobby.

Hey... in Navamsha you have Ketu in 12th from AK joined with Benefic-Guru. This is illustration of dictum for emancipation :) But this is all I know about this dictum, I have no idea how this goes with rest of the chart.

Warm Regards and Sadar PranamsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Wed, 3 Feb 2010 01:54:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga







Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteObviously my inbox was on vacation, as I received your email today (I see 27th of January on it). It jams sometimes and refuses cooperation. ..I added comments directly to your email bellow. This font color would be me.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Wed, 1/27/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:05 AM

Dear Maja ji Sadar Pranams Thanks a lot for your detailed email. I'm really indebted for all your time and effort. Really, no need for saying "thank you" every time we exchange email :) I guess this long email and the upayas are because you see a chance of separation. Nope. In fact, what I see in your chart is that you will never actually take any action regarding separation. Not even close. Too much Dharma in your chart :))) From time to time you may think of it as an option, but never seriously. I am just saving your valuable energy, time and mind focus for something more constructive. Instead of brainstorming on "Divorce is solution" (and never do it), don't you think it is more useful to make your brain occupied with "How can I improve this"? As simple as that.By Gods Grace and blessings till now everything seems normal. I hope it continues this way and God forbid, if in future there may be such a chance, I'll do whatever in my power to avoid any such situation. I've a few questions and I hope I won't take too much of your time. You are welcome anytime. Regarding the opposition, it was actually from her mother and sisters rather than her father. her father was cooperative in start but later under influence of her mother and sisters, opposed the idea of out alliance. OK, good. At the moment I can't think of any decent comment related to your chart and where to fit these events. I am not surprised with sisters in law, but I am surprised with mother in law. I owe you this explanation for next time, hope this is OK. I was introduced to my wife some 5-6 years back by a mutual friend. In Sukra AD? Cheers! She was studying at that time and I was on a project. We could not meet as we were quite far from each other but we kept in touch a bit by emails etc. After a year or so, she completed her studies and came back to her home. Then we met and it was just a normal friendship. I criticize a lot as you must have analyzed by my chart (No, I was not looking for this in your chart, but if you insist: perhaps Budh, lord of 3rd on Lagna with lagna lord and vargotama AK in Kanya are contributing this "quality" :) and i guess she some how relied on my advise (even if she didn't like it) as I used to speak truth and showed her what bitter things people won't tell others. this friendship slowly turned into attraction and eventually what we may call love but it was not without the ups and downs and the problems most couples face. It never is without ups and downs for any couple. I do understand (at least a bit) about what you say about the institution of marriage and our dharma and I would say that agree to almost all of what you say. Thanks a lot for explaining it in such a detail. Pleasure was all mine, really. now a few questions.was there any difference in the time I normally use for my chart calculations? the time which I have is approximate so I'm sure there would be some difference. If you can please let me know the same, It would be easy for me to try and learn more about my horoscope. As far as I was going with rectification, I think it should be 04:25 AM. I do agree that I was head over heels in love as I still can not justify why in spite of so many differences i was ready to commit to this relation. In spite of many differences, strong graha in 2nd from Kumbha will keep relation. I asked Sanjay ji about the KSY and here is what he replied

om gurave namah

Dear Vivek

Natural benefic Venus has joined the node

Natural benefics are in Lagna - 3 of them.

KSY is well cancelled. which means troubles but you wil overcome them and have an eventful life

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath I am happy to read his reply and head over heels for the fact you received it. Sanjay is Visti's Guru, Visti is Guru to my teacher, so... I am guessing you are expecting my comment, but as I belong to this lineage, maybe it is not necessary (I can not possibly know more or anything different than Sanjay, Visti or my teacher). Or you wish an explanation? If that is the case, here it is:Remember when I mentioned that it is easy to give advice for KSY/KAY if benefic is joining nodes or occupying lagna/7th bhava? This means broken KSY/KAY. Roughly speaking, lets say it is easier type of KSY/KAY, so bondage is not terrible as it may be without influence of benefics as described above. Also, the stronger these benefics are (own rashi, mooltrikona, exaltation), the easier type it will be. This is one of the reasons why I did not insist to perform Mahavidya urgently (Tara), as you are having exalted Guru on your Lagna. This is why I was writing long email with list of upayas related to every day life. I've also done puja of KSY at Shri Kalahasti Temple as suggested by some Pandit ji. How effective that puja was, only God knows. I am very sorry, but I am only familiar with those remedies from Achyuta parampara I listed above. I can not give any comment on puja you performed. Would you be kind enough to explain the Kamla Mahavidhya puja to me also please. You don't need this. :) I understand that it will be a painful process but I would surely like to understand and would definitely would like to try if I feel i can do it. You will not perform this, forget it. No need for this, as there are benefics on lagna breaking KSY. I can repeat this as many times necessary. :) Love your wife, this is the best sadhana for you :) Also can I do both, Kamla Mahavidhya Sadhna and Jyotirlinga mantra? Third time, forget Kamala Sadhana. :) In general, one sadhana at the time. Mahavidya, or Jyotirlinga, never both at the same time (and never both for same graha at the same time). Jyotirlinga for now. Can you also please explain a bit more in details about "I will be reminded if I do anything to make my wife unhappy" while doing Jyotirlinga Mantra? :) As I said: things can simply go back to where they were before you started with Mantra. :) Don't be afraid, this is beautiful mantra. Also if you can please give some more details of Tara Mahavidhya and how can It be performed. For now you do not need this. When you need it, I will ask around for someone located nearby your place who can give you all instructions. We'll be in touch. Regarding Children, My wife feels she is not yet ready. Earlier she wanted some time after marriage and now as we are staying separate, she does not want to go ahead this way and would like to wait sometime till some arrangement happens where we can stay together again. :( Okay, be patient. There is sense in what she is saying. It is not easy for a woman to be on her own during pregnancy and after delivery. and as you said, I should not do anything to make her unhappy, I've been keeping my mouth shut in this matter and letting her decide what she wants. But I'm no way near the Husband of the Decade title as I do make her upset with some things she doesn't like. One of them is letting her know that she is wrong :) about something or If I don't agree to what she says. Wait, I did not say to shut up, be a plant and don't have opinion of your own :))) 90% of communication is nonverbal, meaning that people focus on interpreting gesticulation and tone while listening. Anything you have to say, say it, but 10% be careful on choice of words, 90% be careful how you say it. :) If your arguments are reasonable and strong enough, you should be able to explain why gently. I don't know how to move away from Asia. Don't worry, this is not urgent at all. I did not say to do it by the end of this month. Life is long. It is more like, if/when you are in position to chose where to move, you should prefer this direction. It depends if I can get a Job somewhere far from here. I'm trying to find a job but it all seems so difficult at this time and I feel like I'm trapped. Please do guide me if you can about what I can do to make my luck move me to Northwest direction and away from Asia. I am afraid I am unable to give you such advice, but I do think that solving one thing at the time is vise. You cant change your entire life with one move. Patience. Thanking you once again for all your help and kindness. Again, pleasure is all mine. I hope I do not take up too much of your time and effort for the queries I have. Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams Vivek Bajaj


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:53:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga










Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI read that last email you were sending after this which is bellow my email. Your wife is pretty much healthy woman. Considering your relationships before marriage, the only serious relationship you ever had is this with your wife. She is first Upa Pada, I am glad this is confirmed.Before I forget to say it (again): yes that is right, your wife would have to contact me directly (however she feels more comfortable- privately or here on forum) in order to allow me to interpret her chart.Opposition to your marriage was mostly from your father in law? When did you meet your wife?Eternal, life time painful spot of every Sukra Atma Karaka is its "Royal Highness-Institutio n of Marriage". What Sukra Atma Karaka is living and breathing for is love. You have read that you are having afflicted Sukra (curse) in your chart. This adds hardships on previous statement. Here on forum many times I came across questions such as "Will I have love marriage or arranged marriage?" and every time I am wondering what is on questioners mind... Love? Or falling in love/passion? There is a difference and it is so hard to explain it to someone who had never felt both, simply entered arranged marriage and remain there for rest of life. No matter what one says to a person who experienced only arranged marriage without falling in love to spouse or loving spouse, they can never understand that there is no big difference between deep love on one side and solid, quality relation inside arranged marriage on the other. There are no "butterflies in stomach" feeling, excitement, shivering, sweet insomnia when it comes to real, deep love. Are you following me so far Sukra Atma Karaka? :)"Butterflies" are present for few days, weeks, months... in best case for few years. Eventually they "fly away" and leave us in bills, loans, arguments over holiday destination, color of sofa, budget plans, "shall we rent/buy house/apartment here or there?", diapers, babies crying, "I am too tired talk, I had a very exhausting day at work", what are we going to have for dinner, who is earning more, etc. etc. etc. A warm welcome to cruel reality of every day life! So really, who is messed up more at birth: westerns or Indians? Westerns rarely learn difference between love and falling in love, so landing "cruel reality" after "butterflies stage" appears more as a plain crash, if love did not have enough time to plant roots before living together. Indians, on the other side, can hardly get rid of feeling as if they are missing something crucial if their only option is simply to enter arranged marriage and that is it as far as their emotional life. (It is probably scary idea for nowadays 20 year old in India, considering what they are coming across in global media and internet.) As a human being I can only be honest with you and say that I don't believe in institution of marriage either. At least not from that perspective of what majority of human beings aged 20-35 is expecting from partnership deep down inside, no matter which tradition/country/ religion he or she belongs. Mutual love. Very small percentage of population is lucky to experience this, and majority of these lucky ones did not get everything on the plate as soon as they married. They probably had to put lot of effort and time to make things work.Bottom line, what every married human being needs in The Holy Institution of Marriage is mutual respect, understanding, both sides ready for compromises, cooperation and sharing responsibilities. Otherwise everyone included suffer terribly. Love is a nice asset, but it will not make it work if any single one of those above terms is not included. It will not plant roots and grow. It is hard enough to find a person who is ready to cooperate with another to such extent. Deep down inside, all human beings are very selfish. Institution of Marriage? Disappointments? Well, disappointments come after failed expectations. It depends on what one is expecting of marriage... See my point?I am not from India, so the first time I became familiar with Vedic viewpoints on marriage was only few years ago. I told you that as a human being I don't believe in Institution of Marriage: Well, why would I wish to push myself and accept so many responsibilities? Why would I ever wish to let anyone disturbing my privacy, habits and occupying half of my bed (while snoring, probably :)? Two reasons:1. Children2. Children#1 Children is purely from human being level. I do wish to accomplish my self as a mother. #2 Children is from viewpoint of Dharma. As you are born in India, I am expecting that you do know that Dharma of every mortal human is continuing linage. This linage can be spiritual, within parampara, if one decides to renounce material aspects of life. In this option one is adopting "spiritual children" or shishyas (students). Second option is to continue family linage and have biological or adopted children. We are here for the sake of creation and we are obligated to create our own children in order to pay our debts to our Pitris (ancestors). Are you familiar with these principles? If you are, in that case you do understand that you did not marry for your own benefit or pleasure (if this becomes part of your marriage, great!). You married for having children and share responsibilities with your wife in order to up bring them in to greatest possible human beings. Life really makes no sense without children. If you don't believe me, just search for married people who never decided to raise a child (even though they could) and observe their lives. From this viewpoint Institution of Marriage is sacred. One may believe in it or not, but it is sacred because it provides us fulfilling significant portion of our Dharma. (As far as I am concerned, this paragraph is 80% of my motivation to enter marriage some day. God, I really hope I will have XXXL bed and enough wax for my ears to survive that. :)For good and bad marriage it takes two and it is always easier to blame the other side when something goes wrong. All human beings find hard to face own failure and responsibility. .. Think about your actions and actions of your wife again, please. She learned to avoid mentioning something that might make you loose your temper. Good. Now is the best time to teach her how to make you talk, smile, feel that you belong there with her, make you happy... She needs you to show her how. You are where you are and there is no turning back. Divorce is always an option, but don't leave before you are sure you tried EVERYTHING to make it work. Replacing her with another woman maybe would be as good enough as changing a package to the same problem, so you need to try to pull the best out of current situation. You both need to become team players. I can try to help a little, rest is really on you.As mentioned earlier, Sukra in your chart is afflicted (under curse), but main problem in your chart is Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY-all Grahas distributed zodiacally from Rashi occupied by Ketu to Rashi occpuied by Rahu). Nodes are influencing 2nd bhava from Upa Pada. After you told me about circumstances of the way you entered your marriage, I do believe that described is related to Kumbha Rashi. Co lord Rahu is in 3rd bhava with Sukra and Mangal, so you fell in love and choice of spouse was mainly your decision. You were probably head over heels in love... It must have been very intensive emotional experience considering that Rahu is with Sukra Atma Karaka. Currently Rahu antar dasha is running, making Sukra and KSY issues very much in focus.Giving remedies for KSY is easy task if there is benefic with nodes. In your case that would be neecha Sukra. As neecha Grahas are always related with Devi forms, Kamala Mahavidya would be perfect remedy to break KSY. But... Mahavidya Sadhana is always very intensive experience, since performer gets opportunity to burn significant amount of bad Karma within 40 days (to speed up process of purification in a way). This process is very painful but worth vile, as it would probably take few years or even longer to accoplish same results with another kind of worship. Atma Karaka by it self is delivering most intensive karmic experiences (usually painful, but again-worth vile) to each and every one of us. Combination of Atma Karaka and Mahavidya Sadhana is overextended intensity for fragile human mind. One of possible "side effects" of this combination is mental instability. I do think your Dhishakti, intelligence and mind are very strong, considering all those blessings on your lagna, but you are just a man who is worried about his marriage, financial existence and employment-meaning you are "regular civilian", making you very fragile for this type of Sadhana.Alternative for Mahavidya is Jyotirlinga mantra for Graha which is joining nodes. Shiva in form of Tryambakkeshvaya is Jyotirlinga for Sukra. This will exalt Sukra, take care of KSY, additionally purify occupants in Meena and give strength to this Rashi which is sustaining your marriage (2nd from Kumbha). You get multiple benefits from this mantra:Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum OmThis is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and you are supposed to start it on any Monday, performing it 108 times (one Mala) in the morning and 108 times at the sunset. Do it for 40 days. After that you wait next Monday to start another 40 days of Shiva worship. There is catch with Jyotirlinga. I don't advise you to start it unless you are fully prepared to be nothing but a loving husband to your wife. You must be very careful, there are no excuses. She can behave as she likes, be unbearable, impulsive, stubborn, behaving like a spoiled breath, I am so sorry, but all you are allowed to do is to behave like you are preparing for "Husband of decade" contest. You are not allowed to hurt her, insult her even a little bit, to raise your voice at her or to make her unhappy in any way. Whenever you do anything similar you will be "reminded" not to repeat it, because things can get very difficult again. Also, Sukra is related to couples and young, unmarried ladies, so this is place No2 and No3 on your personal list of sacred and divine. Ah yes, add Institution of Marriage as No4, as this institution is also related to Sukra. You are obligated to have full respect towards everything related to Sukra, especially your wife. Neecha Sukra requires you to be humble towards your wife, sister, ladies etc. etc. Help them when they ask you, help them and support them even when they don't ask you. From now and on, your wife is Devi personified as far as you are concerned and the ground she is walking is sacred to you. You will have to chose this attitude if you want to give some strength to Sukra in your chart and pull your self out of the problem. Believe me that you will make incomparably less damage if you decide to insult anybody else in your life before you decide to make your wife unhappy. (Don't worry, I promise I will never share this conversation with her :) You have to perform some good karma if you want to prevent continuation of bad karma. Your wife is not with you by coincidence. She is there to deliver some karma that must be delivered and you can try to make it easier for yourself. I repeat again what I said few emails ago: Guru will protect Meena rashi, plus Ketu is there, so you need children as soon as possible. Your marriage has more chances to sustain with children. Come on Karka lagna, you can be great father... I am sure that children will pull the best out of you. That palmist had a point about far away country. I recommend you to move Northwest as Chandra is in digbala from Arudha Lagna. Move from Asia, far far away, as movable rashis such as Karka require distance to get activated. Your lagna and all occupants are your way out of every problem. In next Maha Dasa of Guru it would be great to perform Tara Mahavidya. If you feel ready to do it earlier, let's say around August this year, start it then. I am saying Tara because Grahas on Lagna are also qualified to break Kala Sarpa Yoga. Tara is for Guru.Hm... that would be all for now. Email is long, I know. I had to trouble you to put some effort in reading long list of remedies and advices, as 3rd bhava is place of problems. :) Okay, I am joking. I just think that there was some point in doing all this, as you might have benefits from everything written above this paragraph. You are reasonable, you might listen to me and you will probably perform Jyotirlinga. Thank you very much for reading this and giving me a chance to do some good karma. As I said before, rest is really on you.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Tue, 1/19/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comTuesday, January 19, 2010, 2:08 AM

Dear Maja ji Thanks a lot for your kind reply. Here are some major details for my life. I was married on 12th December 2008. My Father born in 1938 is a businessman and now not doing any active work except for some investments. He is having family history of diabetes and heart problems and is himself a Heart and blood Sugar patient. My mother is a housewife and she does not have any major medical problems except for overweight. Have always belonged to a well to do family but there was not much progress in our financial status and growth has always been stagnant. I've learnt from my parents not to believe in pump and show and lead a simple life. I'm a very stubborn person and don't usually change my decisions. I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible. I have great love for literature and poetry and love art cinema more than commercial cinema. I passed my B.Com in 3rd division even when I was not that bad a student. I've always been haunted by Math and physics and complex calculations. I did my 12 in Science. After that i did some computer courses and worked here and there but my proper job started in Sep 2003 when I left India and came for a contract job of 2 months in Bangkok. here after 3 months i was offered a full time job and had to travel a lot in this job. I have recently been moved to plant location which has forced me to stay away from my wife as she is also working in the city. I was told this news on Dussehra day 2009. My Wife's DOB is 15th Apr 1980. Number 3, 6, 9 have mostly been lucky. most of my good friends also have these numbers as their date of birth. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i'm the youngest child. Both my brothers are in business. My sister is also married to a businessman. I don't remember much of my childhood but after I've grown up, I've seen mostly problems in business front in my dad's business. I can't say they were very huge but yes, if I compare to how well to do and progressing we used to be (as I was told), our growth got stagnant and also going down. My Marriage was a Love cum arranged Marriage. there was a lot of opposition from Girls family but later settled. The first few months of my marriage, my wife and I had lot of quarrels. We actually had very bitter fights and i had lost all interest and faith in the institution of marriage. Things are getting better, touch wood. We don't finght that much as my wife very cleverly avoids any such thing which can make me loose my temper. I won't say I'm satisfied but yes, i also feel its better to avoid any thing which can cause fights. My quality of life, I can't really say as there were both +ve and -ve changes but my career has taken a downfall and I've been landing in problems as explained earlier.I was once told by a palmist that My future will always be bright outside of the country of my birth and that I would probably die in a country which is not my birth country. Health wise, My wife is a bit fragile and although her health is more or less stable, she has improved over time but still she keeps getting small problems health wise. Regarding my wife's chart, should I ask her to send an email to you if she is interested in getting the things explained in her chart? Please let me know if any further information is required from my side. Once again thank you so much for your kindness to help. Kind RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:09:19 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga






Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteHaving direct dialogue with you is much better option, nice that you included. First of all, no reason for panic at this stage, as we are still checking if your birth time is correct or not.Tell me when did you get married? As your Upa Pada lagna is in 2nd bhava with Surya and Sani, I guess your marriage was arranged according to tradition of your family (which is the case with majority of people of your age in your country, but I would like to check if this is true anyway). You are 31 years old at the moment, so I don't see any serious marriage delay in your case... As I understand tradition, condition number one, necessary to fulfill in order to become potential groom, is to finish education (at least) before entering marriage. This can not happen before age of 23-24 (if we are talking about higher education). As Sani is on Upa Pada lagna, here we should focus on 7th there from (Kumbha) in order to find more details about relation between you and your wife. It is nice to see that her Rashi Lagna fits perfectly to your Upa Pada. :) I think your relation will be so much stronger after birth of children, as Ketu (kula devata) is there in Mooltrikona receiving Graha drishti of Guru from lagna. No need to focus on afflicted neecha Sukra from 3rd bhava and its influence on 2nd from Kumbha, as Guru is strong enough to protect his rashi (Meena) and his beneficial influence is strong enough to sustain your marriage. This marriage should last, all you guys need is children. This is the best "remedy" to keep your marriage safe and sound. :) I can not give comments related to your wife's chart, as I need her blessing and permission to do such a thing. It is her privacy. Though I am allowed to cheer you up with good news: my knowledge in determining compatibility between partners is pretty much poor, but what I am familiar with at this stage allows me to say that there is perfect compatibility in domain of Chandra (representing both of your families, social circles and mind level) between the two of you. "Third party involvement" meaning-if there were any extramarital issues with other women?Longevity issues- if Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, this brings neecha Sukra in 8th bhava, related to sustaining of marriage and this is maraka bhava for wife also. This is neecha, vargotama Atma Karaka (under curse in Rashi chart), believe me you would feel very unhappy in your marriage if this is in 8th bhava. Further, 9th bhava is 3rd from 7th, so it is related to death of spouse in a way. Lord is neecha Budh having graha drishti on neecha Sukra in 2nd from 7th. If Sukra and Budh were not neecha (without neecha banga in Navamsha), I would not insist that this combination could ever influence wife's longevity, as there is no 7th lord involved in this combination to satisfy snap shot combination for death of spouse. This way, I would stick to health issues and longevity decreased to some extent. Speaking of her health, I need you to tell me how is your wife doing? If she is fine and well, I suggest Makara Navamsha lagna.What is your father's occupation? If Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, following scenario is possible: social and financial status of your family could have been very stable and good before you were born. After you were born, your family could have experienced huge problems related to status, reputation, some court cases, legal issues and similar could have cropped up. Was this the case?Also, after you got married, how would you describe quality of your life, your career and interpersonal relations with people from your surrounding? I need these answers.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Mon, 1/18/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comMonday, January 18, 2010, 1:48 AM

Dear Maja ji and Manoj ji Thanks a lot for taking out time to look at the chart. Maja ji, can you please help with the charts of me and my wife as if its really a Kumbha Lagna in Navmasa then I guess I'd be needing the help and blessings of Gurujans and learned members. My marriage was delayed. I'm sorry but I could not fully understand the third party involvement and longvity things. Frankly I'm getting scared a bit. Please guide me. I would also like to request Gurujans and Other leaned members if they can help with their analysis. Thanks and RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commanojsharma662000@ Sun, 17 Jan 2010 06:50:26 -0800Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




point well taken...I am a day dreamer and dreams just add more illusion (maya) around you...but that is my karma and I have to face (actually I am already facing) the consequences




Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSun, January 17, 2010 3:41:43 AMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj, namasteThis is not matter of knowledge level, it is matter of approaching facts. Only facts make sense to me.Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 6:15 PM


Hi Maja,

Thanks for your response. I will not pretend to know more than you in astrology even for a wee bit. I was just saying that sometime the truth is not every apparent, and at abstract level sometime what is apparent is not necessarily true. I was just trying to make this point. However, again not sure whether it makes sense to you.




Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSat, January 16, 2010 4:25:13 PMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj,:))))))))))) ))))))))) )) Thank you for making me laugh with this lovely explanation. I do believe Vivek knows his wife very well. They are living together after all.Does this mean that Jyotishi is allowed to say: "You had a very good period to become millionaire a year ago, but sadly, you did not use it, so nothing manifested." in order to justify our errors in interpretation or rectification?Vivek's navamsha lagna shifts to Makara lagna within less than one minute earlier. In case of Kumbha navamsha lagna, Sukra would be 9th lord in 8th and Sukra is neecha, so I do believe that this would delay his marriage (fulfiling Dharma-9th bhava). Also, neecha Sukra would be matter of sustaining his marriage. There is drishti of neecha Budh on Sukra, so I do believe that if there is no terrible suffering or involvement of third party in his marriage, or if his wife is alive and well (yoga of 8th and 9th lord would badly afflict wife's longevity) Vivek's navamsha lagna should be Makara. This way, second bhava related to sustaining is occupied with Gu/Ke, meaning that children (own or adopted) and continuing linage is something that is keeping this marriage strong.When there is parampara yoga in 7th in Navamsha, it is not matter of inner quality or inner attitude of spouse. It is reality and spouse should actually belong to/be born in some Parampara if Yoga is strong (Guru is in Surya's rashi here, so...).Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32 AM


That my be because of her Arudha lagna; what manifests is not always true...just tear the facade of this maya and try to understand the soul of your wife...may be you will realize, she is indeed very spritual if not religious... .






Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>sohamsa@ .comFri, January 15, 2010 5:50:11 AMRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga Dear Guru jis/Learned Members Just noticed that Jupiter + Ketu is in my D9 too in 7th house. I don't think my wife is very spiritual. She is more fun loving and out going than me. Chart attached. I guess we need some more expert advise. Warm RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .combondmerama (AT) (DOT) inFri, 15 Jan 2010 10:39:13 +0000 Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga


Dear All,Does this yoga always known as Ganapati Yoga,Here Jupiter is fallen.Best Regardssohamsa@ .com, LearneR Vedic AstroG <hygreeva_ram@ ...> wrote:>> || Hare Rama Krishna ||>  > Namaskar, > It indiacte you get spirtual wife , may be marriage purpose is to beget children.>  >  >  > Regards,> Hygreeva.> > > --- On Thu, 14/1/10, AS <bondmerama@ ...> wrote:> > > AS <bondmerama@ ...>> Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:shri Rafal Ji please tell......> sohamsa@ .com> Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 8:20 AM> > >  > > > > Respected Sirs> Namaskar.> Does the combination of Jupiter+Ketu in Makara, seventh house of D-9,indictates an astrologer spouse/spiritual spouse or what it indicates.> Kindly tell.> Regards.> > > > > > > > > > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/>



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  • 2 weeks later...

Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteComments bellow. Better late than never. Such a long time in the meanwhile, so I am sending this email privately as well.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Sun, 2/7/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek wrote:Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivekRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa Date: Sunday, February 7, 2010, 8:07 PM




Hi Maja (no ji this time)


Sadar Pranams :)


The post sent by you comes immediately cause its not moderated. you are in safe sending list. I'm not so my emails come late. your inbox should be perfectly fine. I'm a IT guy and I can definitely suggest you on this one. :) anyways.


Should I wear pearl again? Oh, I think I confused you with my previous email. Good that you asked again. Pearl is perfectly OK, Chandra is your lagnesh on lagna, there is nothing wrong with wearing pearl. But, as you said, you've lost your pearl. Now there is no need to buy a new one, as there is better better solution for you (I mentioned pink Ruby). I also said that you should take off emerald. You have yellow sapphire, which is very helpful by the time when you buy that pink Ruby. After you buy it, you should wear only Ruby and nothing else. I like pearl much more than this emerald. The yellow sapphire which I'm wearing is in Right hand, first finger. Hand is correct, finger is wrong if this means index finger (closest to thumb). This finger is for Moksha trikona, so wearing ring and Gemstone on index finger will block Moksha and increase Ahamkar. We don't want this,

right? :) Please take it off from that finger (now). I always thought this for the finger for Jupiter. This finger is corresponding Jupiter indeed, but as far as trikona activated by this finger, no Gemstone should be on it. Ratna is remedy which can not reach beyond Rajas, and for Moksha we need Satvic remedies-which is mantra ;) Yellow sapphire should be on ring finger (dharma trikona, perfect).


The astrologer who advised the emerald recently passed away. Oh... I am very sorry to read that. I could not argue much with him but I guess he was suggesting that because I am going through the mercury mahadasha, I should wear emerald and it should help me in career and money saving. anyways, I would be more than happy to get rid of this stone.


I've not done any puja for yellow sapphire, just chanted the Jupiter mantra a few times i guess and wore it on thursday. Can you please advise how should I energize it and wear it again if there is any other proper method. Sure there is. I will send you complete instructions to your private email. By that time, take that ring off and put it aside. Don't wear it. Same way i chanted the Buddha mantra a few times and wore the emerald on wednesday.

Will try to find the pink Ruby and see how can I afford it. As I said, this is not urgent, take your time. In the meanwhile you will wear yellow sapphire and after you buy pink ruby, you will wear only ruby, not both.


Rahu AD will end in Sep 2011. so I guess I should just wait patiently till that time. Yes, correct. Wait patiently and always hope for better even earlier. That is the pretty much helpful approach towards predictions you receive. At least you should have this approach after reading what I wrote to you in my previous email. That was not prediction, it was just an opinion as I said, so take it as that. Don't fix your self to dates. Besides, miracles can happen. Pray, be patient and optimistic. Will the Jupiter AD help in anyways? I believe it will be very helpful. What time do you see for job change? will the change be for good? This is same question, only rephrased :) I do understand that this is of most importance to you at this time, but I think I will make more damage if I give you wrong prediction comparing with

letting you go without any job related prediction. Please don't insist.

emancipation I do feel at times. I guess I need to find a Guru who can guide me. I don't think that your D20 will support too many penances. You have lot of exalted and swakshetra Grahas in this divisional chart, especially in moksha trikona, so you may not feel too comfortable in some type of serious sadhana. Of course it is more than welcome to have Diksha Guru, but spirituality will probably be only portion of your life, not your entire life.


by the way, do you see any chance for me to learn Jyotish in detail? I have a lot of love for jyotish but I guess I need a Guru for that too who can teach me patiently. I am biased whenever somebody asks this question, so I always reply with yes, no matter what I see in chart. Not just to you, to anybody. Honestly, I would rather cut of my own hand instead of using it to write NO. :) Continue learning it and see where it goes. I don't see obstacles for understanding principles, but I am not sure if this will be in detail.


Warm Regards and Sadar pranams





sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 6 Feb 2010 04:23:02 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga











Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteComments bellow.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Wed, 2/3/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, February 3, 2010, 9:04 PM

Dear Maja ji (And this would be my limit. God knows I tried. Three/four/five times reading "ji" next to my name written by same person is as far as I can go with pretending it is not there :) Please, next time use my name only. No need for formalities. )

Sadar Pranams

I won't say too many Thank You's :). You know I am very much Thank full.

Oh, good. This sounds so much better. Improving. I almost detached you from writing "thank you" :)

I guess the reason the email was delayed is because the emails to this group by users (except for some senior members and Gurujans) are moderated and sometimes the moderators are busy and take some time before they can release the emails. Nope, it has to do with inbox on my account. Even though these posts are already on Sohamsa, I receive them with delay on my account. Trust me it has nothing to do with moderation. You would be very far behind me on the list of nominees for being moderated :))) and I am receiving my own posts right after sending them.

A few more requests. Feel free to reply whenever you can.

I was wearing a yellow sapphire and a pearl for past few years. Even combination of pearl and yellow sapphire on the same ring would be very good for you. Couple months back, I lost my pearl ring. Pitty... Okay, it happens. Don't think back about that event. The strange thing is that before I lost the pearl was getting used pretty fast. It was getting smaller in size pretty quickly which did not happen before. I enquired a few people and some said it was natural and some said, it was working. I still have no clue. Then one of the astrologers who used to guide my Wife's family said that I should not be wearing the pearl at all and its good that I lost it. Lagna lord on lagna is bad for Ratna? Chandra is bad?

The only graha which can not harm any other, which is never malefic (it can be weak, but not malefic)? He suggested a Emerald. Ouch! Lord of 12th and 3rd on lagna? He said I could wear the yellow sapphire if I wanted but it will be of no use. I wish if this so-called-astrologe r was having that conversation with me. I just wonder what for it would be of no use... He is clearly not competent to give advice on Ratna. For heaven's sake, Guru is 9th lord exalted on your lagna (6th also, I know, but this Guru is perfectly OK)! My wife's family immediately arranged a emerald and I'm wearing it instead of pearl. If you've done some pujas or devata imbibing in that gemstone, please take it

off. I'm also wearing the yellow sapphire. I asked one of my uncle's who I normally ask about such queries and he said that as per him I may try wearing a red coral Well, don't wear red coral. I do understand that lot of astrologers simply advice Gemstone for Yogakaraka, expecting it is perfect choice to cover all needs of every native, panacea, success guaranteed... But this is not enough. Mangal may be Yogakaraka, but its placement in 3rd (and in 6th from AL) is terrible choice for Ratna. but he was not sure why a emerald was suggested. Probably idea that it is benefic on lagna, maybe expecting it

would work well for career (as Budh is karaka for 10th) or something, maybe due to digbala... Maybe it is just a simple, good old lack of knowledge. So I'm currently wearing a yellow sapphire and a emerald. Take off emerald, leave yellow sapphire on (right hand, ring finger). Any puja done for your yellow Sapphire? Sada Shiva should be in it... if possible, could you please advise? Also I was asked to take off my wedding ring as there were diamonds in that. Feel free to put your wedding ring back on. If Lakshmi is not invoked in that diamond, all is perfectly OK. In that case your wedding ring is only a wedding ring. It can not do any good or any harm in context of Ratna. It is only a diamond. Just a tough piece of carbon :)

For now you can wear Yellow Sapphire and you should wear it. While it is on your hand, start saving money for pink Ruby. This is not Ruby for Surya, so ordinary red or dark red Ruby will be of no use. You need clear, natural, unheated, perfectly transparent pink Ruby without eye visible flaws. Padmaraga, please look at this photo:

http://simplygemsto nes.com/images/ ruby%20pink% 20Burma%20no% 20heat%201. 27%20ct%20OV% 20CG07.jpg

This is second guidance for correct color of Ruby for you:

http://1.bp. blogspot. com/_AxfQ2CmiqM4 /SffEKNBD- fI/AAAAAAAAAGg/ PA1QKlldcUU/ S1600-R/536113_ pink_lotus. jpg

As far as size for this pink Ruby, I would rather explain it using small words: at least two millimeters in range. Anything bigger is more than welcome, but this is minimum.

Pink Ruby is mainly to activate Mahapurusha Yoga on lagna (in your case this would be Hamsa). It will also activate agni tatva of lagna and all occupants in it (trines also, but we are focusing on your lagna now). Lovely solution for additional activation of Yogas on your lagna. I did not think of Ratna earlier, as you were mentioning financial problems, so I did not want to cause additional expenses to your budget. Even this advice is not urgent to follow. Whenever you get the chance to buy it, do that. Of course, the sooner the better.

As I've mentioned in my earlier email also, I was asked to move to another location by my company which has forced me to stay away from my wife. I was pretty upset with the decision as the management knew that I was recently married and this will create problems in my personal life. I really want to change my Job. Do you see any such change in near future?

Hmmm... If I have to reply on this, I think that Rahu AD is causing these problems. You do see when it ends... More than anything else I would wish to be wrong about this conclusion, as I really don't like bringing sort of bad news to good people. Rahu AD is giving effects of Sukra, which is AK, badhakesh, lord of 4th in 3rd (you had to move...), being neecha (vargotama) in 6th from AL it requires a lot of struggle for what you need during this AD. Also there is drishti on 12th from AL. Dashamsha situation is similar in a way. Rahu is giving effects of Mangal in 3rd, so lot of travels, struggles... I am not sure if Mangal's drishti on Ch 10th lord and 10th bhava can change your job once again during this AD... I am not very versed in analyzing Dashamsha, so do take this with some reserve.


Do your mantra (offer some sandalwood paste to Shiva), try to get your hands on that pink Ruby... It might appear earlier than 2011. Feeding poor people, donations in gold to temples (for example, to temple of your family deity), donations to spiritual people, all is more than welcome. I remember you were saying: "I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible." Good, great, continue doing that.


Last question, just popped up in my mind after reading a few emails in Sohamsa group. I am very fond of Art and especially poetry. Usually this is the case with Sukra AK :) Art and beauty are food for soul. I used to write poems too till a few years back and now in this job I find it hard do the same. I'm no big poet. I've just shared my work with a few friends, that's all. can you please suggest what yoga in my chart is the reason for this and should I try to work on this hobby of mine. Is it any significant in my chart? Remember my comment in previous email regarding you criticism? Same positions are influencing your urge to write. As a Kark lagna, with strong Chandra (vargotama) and Sukra AK (in 3rd), writing interest will be more related to poetry, rather than prose. This is usual case when

Jala tatva is related with yogas for writing. More over, Gu/Bu on lagna, strong writing skills, also there is Sarada Yoga, Gajakeshari yoga... Why this did not materialize through your lagna (name and fame)? It is in 12th from Surya (MKS), so I think that there is lack of support for initiating these yogas. You will write, but I am not sure if this will be published. In Navamsa Sukra is also in trines to d9 lagna, influencing your ability, neecha-through lot of effort, as it is also in 3rd from D9 lagnesh. No aspect on D9 lagna from Sukra, so this can hardly bring you finances. Though it can bring you inner satisfaction, perfect hobby.

Hey... in Navamsha you have Ketu in 12th from AK joined with Benefic-Guru. This is illustration of dictum for emancipation :) But this is all I know about this dictum, I have no idea how this goes with rest of the chart.

Warm Regards and Sadar PranamsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Wed, 3 Feb 2010 01:54:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga







Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteObviously my inbox was on vacation, as I received your email today (I see 27th of January on it). It jams sometimes and refuses cooperation. ..I added comments directly to your email bellow. This font color would be me.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Wed, 1/27/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:05 AM

Dear Maja ji Sadar Pranams Thanks a lot for your detailed email. I'm really indebted for all your time and effort. Really, no need for saying "thank you" every time we exchange email :) I guess this long email and the upayas are because you see a chance of separation. Nope. In fact, what I see in your chart is that you will never actually take any action regarding separation. Not even close. Too much Dharma in your chart :))) From time to time you may think of it as an option, but never seriously. I am just saving your valuable energy, time and mind focus for something more constructive. Instead of brainstorming on "Divorce is solution" (and never do it), don't you think it is more useful to make your brain occupied with "How can I improve this"? As simple as that.By Gods Grace and blessings till now

everything seems normal. I hope it continues this way and God forbid, if in future there may be such a chance, I'll do whatever in my power to avoid any such situation. I've a few questions and I hope I won't take too much of your time. You are welcome anytime. Regarding the opposition, it was actually from her mother and sisters rather than her father. her father was cooperative in start but later under influence of her mother and sisters, opposed the idea of out alliance. OK, good. At the moment I can't think of any decent comment related to your chart and where to fit these events. I am not surprised with sisters in law, but I am surprised with mother in law. I owe you this explanation for next time, hope this is OK. I was introduced to my wife some 5-6 years back by a mutual friend. In Sukra AD? Cheers! She was studying at that time and I was on a project. We could not meet as we were quite far from each other but we kept in touch a bit by emails etc. After a year or so, she completed her studies and came back to her home. Then we met and it was just a normal friendship. I criticize a lot as you must have analyzed by my chart (No, I was not looking for this in your chart, but if you insist: perhaps Budh, lord of 3rd on Lagna with lagna lord and vargotama AK in Kanya are contributing this "quality" :) and i guess she some how relied on my advise (even if she didn't like it) as I used to speak truth and showed her what bitter things people won't tell others. this friendship slowly turned into attraction and eventually what we may call love but it was not without the ups and downs and the problems most couples face. It never is

without ups and downs for any couple. I do understand (at least a bit) about what you say about the institution of marriage and our dharma and I would say that agree to almost all of what you say. Thanks a lot for explaining it in such a detail. Pleasure was all mine, really. now a few questions.was there any difference in the time I normally use for my chart calculations? the time which I have is approximate so I'm sure there would be some difference. If you can please let me know the same, It would be easy for me to try and learn more about my horoscope. As far as I was going with rectification, I think it should be 04:25 AM. I do agree that I was head over heels in love as I still can not justify why in spite of so many differences i was ready to commit to

this relation. In spite of many differences, strong graha in 2nd from Kumbha will keep relation. I asked Sanjay ji about the KSY and here is what he replied

om gurave namah

Dear Vivek

Natural benefic Venus has joined the node

Natural benefics are in Lagna - 3 of them.

KSY is well cancelled. which means troubles but you wil overcome them and have an eventful life

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath I am happy to read his reply and head over heels for the fact you received it. Sanjay is Visti's Guru, Visti is Guru to my teacher, so... I am guessing you are expecting my comment, but as I belong to this lineage, maybe it is not necessary (I can not possibly know more or anything different than Sanjay, Visti or my teacher). Or you wish an explanation? If that is the case, here it is:Remember when I mentioned that it is easy to give advice for KSY/KAY if benefic is joining nodes or occupying lagna/7th bhava? This means broken KSY/KAY. Roughly speaking, lets say it is easier type of KSY/KAY, so bondage is not terrible as it may be without influence of benefics as described above. Also, the stronger these benefics are (own rashi, mooltrikona, exaltation), the easier type it will

be. This is one of the reasons why I did not insist to perform Mahavidya urgently (Tara), as you are having exalted Guru on your Lagna. This is why I was writing long email with list of upayas related to every day life. I've also done puja of KSY at Shri Kalahasti Temple as suggested by some Pandit ji. How effective that puja was, only God knows. I am very sorry, but I am only familiar with those remedies from Achyuta parampara I listed above. I can not give any comment on puja you performed. Would you be kind enough to explain the Kamla Mahavidhya puja to me also please. You don't need this. :) I understand that it will be a painful process but I would surely like to understand and would definitely would like to try if I feel i can do it. You will not perform this, forget

it. No need for this, as there are benefics on lagna breaking KSY. I can repeat this as many times necessary. :) Love your wife, this is the best sadhana for you :) Also can I do both, Kamla Mahavidhya Sadhna and Jyotirlinga mantra? Third time, forget Kamala Sadhana. :) In general, one sadhana at the time. Mahavidya, or Jyotirlinga, never both at the same time (and never both for same graha at the same time). Jyotirlinga for now. Can you also please explain a bit more in details about "I will be reminded if I do anything to make my wife unhappy" while doing Jyotirlinga Mantra? :) As I said: things can simply go back to where they were before you started with Mantra. :) Don't be afraid, this is beautiful mantra. Also if you can please give some more details of Tara Mahavidhya and how can It be performed. For now you do not need this. When you need it, I will ask around for someone located nearby your place who can give you all instructions. We'll be in touch. Regarding Children, My wife feels she is not yet ready. Earlier she wanted some time after marriage and now as we are staying separate, she does not want to go ahead this way and would like to wait sometime till some arrangement happens where we can stay together again. :( Okay, be patient. There is sense in what she is saying. It is not easy for a woman to be on her own during pregnancy and after delivery. and as you said, I should not do anything to make her unhappy, I've been keeping my mouth shut in this matter and letting her decide what she wants. But I'm no way near the Husband of the Decade title as I do make her upset with some things she doesn't like. One of them is letting her know

that she is wrong :) about something or If I don't agree to what she says. Wait, I did not say to shut up, be a plant and don't have opinion of your own :))) 90% of communication is nonverbal, meaning that people focus on interpreting gesticulation and tone while listening. Anything you have to say, say it, but 10% be careful on choice of words, 90% be careful how you say it. :) If your arguments are reasonable and strong enough, you should be able to explain why gently. I don't know how to move away from Asia. Don't worry, this is not urgent at all. I did not say to do it by the end of this month. Life is long. It is more like, if/when you are in position to chose where to move, you should prefer this direction. It depends if I can get a Job somewhere far from here. I'm trying to find a job but it all seems so difficult at this time and I feel

like I'm trapped. Please do guide me if you can about what I can do to make my luck move me to Northwest direction and away from Asia. I am afraid I am unable to give you such advice, but I do think that solving one thing at the time is vise. You cant change your entire life with one move. Patience. Thanking you once again for all your help and kindness. Again, pleasure is all mine. I hope I do not take up too much of your time and effort for the queries I have. Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams Vivek Bajaj


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:53:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga










Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI read that last email you were sending after this which is bellow my email. Your wife is pretty much healthy woman. Considering your relationships before marriage, the only serious relationship you ever had is this with your wife. She is first Upa Pada, I am glad this is confirmed.Before I forget to say it (again): yes that is right, your wife would have to contact me directly (however she feels more comfortable- privately or here on forum) in order to allow me to interpret her chart.Opposition to your marriage was mostly from your father in law? When did you meet your wife?Eternal, life time painful spot of every Sukra Atma Karaka is its "Royal Highness-Institutio n of Marriage". What Sukra Atma Karaka is living and breathing for is love. You have read that you are having afflicted Sukra (curse) in your chart. This adds hardships on previous

statement. Here on forum many times I came across questions such as "Will I have love marriage or arranged marriage?" and every time I am wondering what is on questioners mind... Love? Or falling in love/passion? There is a difference and it is so hard to explain it to someone who had never felt both, simply entered arranged marriage and remain there for rest of life. No matter what one says to a person who experienced only arranged marriage without falling in love to spouse or loving spouse, they can never understand that there is no big difference between deep love on one side and solid, quality relation inside arranged marriage on the other. There are no "butterflies in stomach" feeling, excitement, shivering, sweet insomnia when it comes to real, deep love. Are you following me so far Sukra Atma Karaka? :)"Butterflies" are present for few days, weeks, months... in best case for few years. Eventually they "fly away" and leave us in

bills, loans, arguments over holiday destination, color of sofa, budget plans, "shall we rent/buy house/apartment here or there?", diapers, babies crying, "I am too tired talk, I had a very exhausting day at work", what are we going to have for dinner, who is earning more, etc. etc. etc. A warm welcome to cruel reality of every day life! So really, who is messed up more at birth: westerns or Indians? Westerns rarely learn difference between love and falling in love, so landing "cruel reality" after "butterflies stage" appears more as a plain crash, if love did not have enough time to plant roots before living together. Indians, on the other side, can hardly get rid of feeling as if they are missing something crucial if their only option is simply to enter arranged marriage and that is it as far as their emotional life. (It is probably scary idea for nowadays 20 year old in India, considering what they are coming across in global media and internet.)

As a human being I can only be honest with you and say that I don't believe in institution of marriage either. At least not from that perspective of what majority of human beings aged 20-35 is expecting from partnership deep down inside, no matter which tradition/country/ religion he or she belongs. Mutual love. Very small percentage of population is lucky to experience this, and majority of these lucky ones did not get everything on the plate as soon as they married. They probably had to put lot of effort and time to make things work.Bottom line, what every married human being needs in The Holy Institution of Marriage is mutual respect, understanding, both sides ready for compromises, cooperation and sharing responsibilities. Otherwise everyone included suffer terribly. Love is a nice asset, but it will not make it work if any single one of those above terms is not included. It will not plant roots and grow. It is hard enough to find a

person who is ready to cooperate with another to such extent. Deep down inside, all human beings are very selfish. Institution of Marriage? Disappointments? Well, disappointments come after failed expectations. It depends on what one is expecting of marriage... See my point?I am not from India, so the first time I became familiar with Vedic viewpoints on marriage was only few years ago. I told you that as a human being I don't believe in Institution of Marriage: Well, why would I wish to push myself and accept so many responsibilities? Why would I ever wish to let anyone disturbing my privacy, habits and occupying half of my bed (while snoring, probably :)? Two reasons:1. Children2. Children#1 Children is purely from human being level. I do wish to accomplish my self as a mother. #2 Children is from viewpoint of Dharma. As you are born in India, I am expecting that you do know that Dharma of every mortal human is

continuing linage. This linage can be spiritual, within parampara, if one decides to renounce material aspects of life. In this option one is adopting "spiritual children" or shishyas (students). Second option is to continue family linage and have biological or adopted children. We are here for the sake of creation and we are obligated to create our own children in order to pay our debts to our Pitris (ancestors). Are you familiar with these principles? If you are, in that case you do understand that you did not marry for your own benefit or pleasure (if this becomes part of your marriage, great!). You married for having children and share responsibilities with your wife in order to up bring them in to greatest possible human beings. Life really makes no sense without children. If you don't believe me, just search for married people who never decided to raise a child (even though they could) and observe their lives. From this viewpoint

Institution of Marriage is sacred. One may believe in it or not, but it is sacred because it provides us fulfilling significant portion of our Dharma. (As far as I am concerned, this paragraph is 80% of my motivation to enter marriage some day. God, I really hope I will have XXXL bed and enough wax for my ears to survive that. :)For good and bad marriage it takes two and it is always easier to blame the other side when something goes wrong. All human beings find hard to face own failure and responsibility. .. Think about your actions and actions of your wife again, please. She learned to avoid mentioning something that might make you loose your temper. Good. Now is the best time to teach her how to make you talk, smile, feel that you belong there with her, make you happy... She needs you to show her how. You are where you are and there is no turning back. Divorce is always an option, but don't leave before you are sure you tried

EVERYTHING to make it work. Replacing her with another woman maybe would be as good enough as changing a package to the same problem, so you need to try to pull the best out of current situation. You both need to become team players. I can try to help a little, rest is really on you.As mentioned earlier, Sukra in your chart is afflicted (under curse), but main problem in your chart is Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY-all Grahas distributed zodiacally from Rashi occupied by Ketu to Rashi occpuied by Rahu). Nodes are influencing 2nd bhava from Upa Pada. After you told me about circumstances of the way you entered your marriage, I do believe that described is related to Kumbha Rashi. Co lord Rahu is in 3rd bhava with Sukra and Mangal, so you fell in love and choice of spouse was mainly your decision. You were probably head over heels in love... It must have been very intensive emotional

experience considering that Rahu is with Sukra Atma Karaka. Currently Rahu antar dasha is running, making Sukra and KSY issues very much in focus.Giving remedies for KSY is easy task if there is benefic with nodes. In your case that would be neecha Sukra. As neecha Grahas are always related with Devi forms, Kamala Mahavidya would be perfect remedy to break KSY. But... Mahavidya Sadhana is always very intensive experience, since performer gets opportunity to burn significant amount of bad Karma within 40 days (to speed up process of purification in a way). This process is very painful but worth vile, as it would probably take few years or even longer to accoplish same results with another kind of worship. Atma Karaka by it self is delivering most intensive karmic experiences (usually painful, but again-worth vile) to each and every one of us. Combination of Atma Karaka and Mahavidya Sadhana is overextended intensity for fragile human mind. One of

possible "side effects" of this combination is mental instability. I do think your Dhishakti, intelligence and mind are very strong, considering all those blessings on your lagna, but you are just a man who is worried about his marriage, financial existence and employment-meaning you are "regular civilian", making you very fragile for this type of Sadhana.Alternative for Mahavidya is Jyotirlinga mantra for Graha which is joining nodes. Shiva in form of Tryambakkeshvaya is Jyotirlinga for Sukra. This will exalt Sukra, take care of KSY, additionally purify occupants in Meena and give strength to this Rashi which is sustaining your marriage (2nd from Kumbha). You get multiple benefits from this mantra:Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum OmThis is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and you are supposed to start it on

any Monday, performing it 108 times (one Mala) in the morning and 108 times at the sunset. Do it for 40 days. After that you wait next Monday to start another 40 days of Shiva worship. There is catch with Jyotirlinga. I don't advise you to start it unless you are fully prepared to be nothing but a loving husband to your wife. You must be very careful, there are no excuses. She can behave as she likes, be unbearable, impulsive, stubborn, behaving like a spoiled breath, I am so sorry, but all you are allowed to do is to behave like you are preparing for "Husband of decade" contest. You are not allowed to hurt her, insult her even a little bit, to raise your voice at her or to make her unhappy in any way. Whenever you do anything similar you will be "reminded" not to repeat it, because things can get very difficult again. Also, Sukra is related to couples and young, unmarried ladies, so this is place No2 and No3 on your personal list of sacred and

divine. Ah yes, add Institution of Marriage as No4, as this institution is also related to Sukra. You are obligated to have full respect towards everything related to Sukra, especially your wife. Neecha Sukra requires you to be humble towards your wife, sister, ladies etc. etc. Help them when they ask you, help them and support them even when they don't ask you. From now and on, your wife is Devi personified as far as you are concerned and the ground she is walking is sacred to you. You will have to chose this attitude if you want to give some strength to Sukra in your chart and pull your self out of the problem. Believe me that you will make incomparably less damage if you decide to insult anybody else in your life before you decide to make your wife unhappy. (Don't worry, I promise I will never share this conversation with her :) You have to perform some good karma if you want to prevent continuation of bad karma. Your wife is not with you by

coincidence. She is there to deliver some karma that must be delivered and you can try to make it easier for yourself. I repeat again what I said few emails ago: Guru will protect Meena rashi, plus Ketu is there, so you need children as soon as possible. Your marriage has more chances to sustain with children. Come on Karka lagna, you can be great father... I am sure that children will pull the best out of you. That palmist had a point about far away country. I recommend you to move Northwest as Chandra is in digbala from Arudha Lagna. Move from Asia, far far away, as movable rashis such as Karka require distance to get activated. Your lagna and all occupants are your way out of every problem. In next Maha Dasa of Guru it would be great to perform Tara Mahavidya. If you feel ready to do it earlier, let's say around August this year, start it then. I am saying Tara because Grahas on Lagna are also qualified to break Kala Sarpa Yoga. Tara is

for Guru.Hm... that would be all for now. Email is long, I know. I had to trouble you to put some effort in reading long list of remedies and advices, as 3rd bhava is place of problems. :) Okay, I am joking. I just think that there was some point in doing all this, as you might have benefits from everything written above this paragraph. You are reasonable, you might listen to me and you will probably perform Jyotirlinga. Thank you very much for reading this and giving me a chance to do some good karma. As I said before, rest is really on you.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Tue, 1/19/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comTuesday, January 19, 2010, 2:08 AM

Dear Maja ji Thanks a lot for your kind reply. Here are some major details for my life. I was married on 12th December 2008. My Father born in 1938 is a businessman and now not doing any active work except for some investments. He is having family history of diabetes and heart problems and is himself a Heart and blood Sugar patient. My mother is a housewife and she does not have any major medical problems except for overweight. Have always belonged to a well to do family but there was not much progress in our financial status and growth has always been stagnant. I've learnt from my parents not to believe in pump and show and lead a simple life. I'm a very stubborn person and don't usually change my decisions. I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible. I have great love for literature and poetry and love art cinema more than commercial cinema. I passed my B.Com in 3rd division even

when I was not that bad a student. I've always been haunted by Math and physics and complex calculations. I did my 12 in Science. After that i did some computer courses and worked here and there but my proper job started in Sep 2003 when I left India and came for a contract job of 2 months in Bangkok. here after 3 months i was offered a full time job and had to travel a lot in this job. I have recently been moved to plant location which has forced me to stay away from my wife as she is also working in the city. I was told this news on Dussehra day 2009. My Wife's DOB is 15th Apr 1980. Number 3, 6, 9 have mostly been lucky. most of my good friends also have these numbers as their date of birth. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i'm the youngest child. Both my brothers are in business. My sister is also married to a businessman. I don't remember much of my childhood but after I've grown up, I've seen mostly problems in business front in my dad's business. I

can't say they were very huge but yes, if I compare to how well to do and progressing we used to be (as I was told), our growth got stagnant and also going down. My Marriage was a Love cum arranged Marriage. there was a lot of opposition from Girls family but later settled. The first few months of my marriage, my wife and I had lot of quarrels. We actually had very bitter fights and i had lost all interest and faith in the institution of marriage. Things are getting better, touch wood. We don't finght that much as my wife very cleverly avoids any such thing which can make me loose my temper. I won't say I'm satisfied but yes, i also feel its better to avoid any thing which can cause fights. My quality of life, I can't really say as there were both +ve and -ve changes but my career has taken a downfall and I've been landing in problems as explained earlier.I was once told by a palmist that My future will always be bright outside of

the country of my birth and that I would probably die in a country which is not my birth country. Health wise, My wife is a bit fragile and although her health is more or less stable, she has improved over time but still she keeps getting small problems health wise. Regarding my wife's chart, should I ask her to send an email to you if she is interested in getting the things explained in her chart? Please let me know if any further information is required from my side. Once again thank you so much for your kindness to help. Kind RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:09:19 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga






Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteHaving direct dialogue with you is much better option, nice that you included. First of all, no reason for panic at this stage, as we are still checking if your birth time is correct or not.Tell me when did you get married? As your Upa Pada lagna is in 2nd bhava with Surya and Sani, I guess your marriage was arranged according to tradition of your family (which is the case with majority of people of your age in your country, but I would like to check if this is true anyway). You are 31 years old at the moment, so I don't see any serious marriage delay in your case... As I understand tradition, condition number one, necessary to fulfill in order to become potential groom, is to finish education (at least) before entering marriage. This can not happen before age of 23-24 (if we are talking about higher education). As Sani is on Upa Pada lagna, here we should focus on

7th there from (Kumbha) in order to find more details about relation between you and your wife. It is nice to see that her Rashi Lagna fits perfectly to your Upa Pada. :) I think your relation will be so much stronger after birth of children, as Ketu (kula devata) is there in Mooltrikona receiving Graha drishti of Guru from lagna. No need to focus on afflicted neecha Sukra from 3rd bhava and its influence on 2nd from Kumbha, as Guru is strong enough to protect his rashi (Meena) and his beneficial influence is strong enough to sustain your marriage. This marriage should last, all you guys need is children. This is the best "remedy" to keep your marriage safe and sound. :) I can not give comments related to your wife's chart, as I need her blessing and permission to do such a thing. It is her privacy. Though I am allowed to cheer you up with good news: my knowledge in determining compatibility between partners is pretty much poor, but what I am

familiar with at this stage allows me to say that there is perfect compatibility in domain of Chandra (representing both of your families, social circles and mind level) between the two of you. "Third party involvement" meaning-if there were any extramarital issues with other women?Longevity issues- if Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, this brings neecha Sukra in 8th bhava, related to sustaining of marriage and this is maraka bhava for wife also. This is neecha, vargotama Atma Karaka (under curse in Rashi chart), believe me you would feel very unhappy in your marriage if this is in 8th bhava. Further, 9th bhava is 3rd from 7th, so it is related to death of spouse in a way. Lord is neecha Budh having graha drishti on neecha Sukra in 2nd from 7th. If Sukra and Budh were not neecha (without neecha banga in Navamsha), I would not insist that this combination could ever influence wife's longevity, as there is no 7th lord involved in this

combination to satisfy snap shot combination for death of spouse. This way, I would stick to health issues and longevity decreased to some extent. Speaking of her health, I need you to tell me how is your wife doing? If she is fine and well, I suggest Makara Navamsha lagna.What is your father's occupation? If Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, following scenario is possible: social and financial status of your family could have been very stable and good before you were born. After you were born, your family could have experienced huge problems related to status, reputation, some court cases, legal issues and similar could have cropped up. Was this the case?Also, after you got married, how would you describe quality of your life, your career and interpersonal relations with people from your surrounding? I need these answers.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Mon, 1/18/10, Vivek Bajaj

<bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comMonday, January 18, 2010, 1:48 AM

Dear Maja ji and Manoj ji Thanks a lot for taking out time to look at the chart. Maja ji, can you please help with the charts of me and my wife as if its really a Kumbha Lagna in Navmasa then I guess I'd be needing the help and blessings of Gurujans and learned members. My marriage was delayed. I'm sorry but I could not fully understand the third party involvement and longvity things. Frankly I'm getting scared a bit. Please guide me. I would also like to request Gurujans and Other leaned members if they can help with their analysis. Thanks and RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commanojsharma662000@ Sun, 17 Jan 2010 06:50:26 -0800Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




point well taken...I am a day dreamer and dreams just add more illusion (maya) around you...but that is my karma and I have to face (actually I am already facing) the consequences




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSun, January 17, 2010 3:41:43 AMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj, namasteThis is not matter of knowledge level, it is matter of approaching facts. Only facts make sense to me.Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 6:15 PM


Hi Maja,

Thanks for your response. I will not pretend to know more than you in astrology even for a wee bit. I was just saying that sometime the truth is not every apparent, and at abstract level sometime what is apparent is not necessarily true. I was just trying to make this point. However, again not sure whether it makes sense to you.




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSat, January 16, 2010 4:25:13 PMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj,:))))))))))) ))))))))) )) Thank you for making me laugh with this lovely explanation. I do believe Vivek knows his wife very well. They are living together after all.Does this mean that Jyotishi is allowed to say: "You had a very good period to become millionaire a year ago, but sadly, you did not use it, so nothing manifested." in order to justify our errors in interpretation or rectification?Vivek's navamsha lagna shifts to Makara lagna within less than one minute earlier. In case of Kumbha navamsha lagna, Sukra would be 9th lord in 8th and Sukra is neecha, so I do believe that this would delay his marriage (fulfiling Dharma-9th bhava). Also, neecha Sukra would be matter of sustaining his marriage. There is drishti of neecha Budh on Sukra, so I do believe that if there is no terrible suffering or involvement of third party in his marriage, or if his wife is alive and well (yoga

of 8th and 9th lord would badly afflict wife's longevity) Vivek's navamsha lagna should be Makara. This way, second bhava related to sustaining is occupied with Gu/Ke, meaning that children (own or adopted) and continuing linage is something that is keeping this marriage strong.When there is parampara yoga in 7th in Navamsha, it is not matter of inner quality or inner attitude of spouse. It is reality and spouse should actually belong to/be born in some Parampara if Yoga is strong (Guru is in Surya's rashi here, so...).Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32 AM


That my be because of her Arudha lagna; what manifests is not always true...just tear the facade of this maya and try to understand the soul of your wife...may be you will realize, she is indeed very spritual if not religious... .






Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>sohamsa@ .comFri, January 15, 2010 5:50:11 AMRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga Dear Guru jis/Learned Members Just noticed that Jupiter + Ketu is in my D9 too in 7th house. I don't think my wife is very spiritual. She is more fun loving and out going than me. Chart attached. I guess we need some more expert advise. Warm RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .combondmerama (AT) (DOT) inFri, 15 Jan 2010 10:39:13 +0000 Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga


Dear All,Does this yoga always known as Ganapati Yoga,Here Jupiter is fallen.Best Regardssohamsa@ .com, LearneR Vedic AstroG <hygreeva_ram@ ...> wrote:>> || Hare Rama Krishna ||>  > Namaskar, > It indiacte you get spirtual wife , may be marriage purpose is to beget children.>  >  >  > Regards,> Hygreeva.> > > --- On Thu, 14/1/10, AS <bondmerama@ ...> wrote:> > > AS <bondmerama@ ...>> Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:shri Rafal Ji please tell......> sohamsa@ .com> Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 8:20 AM> > >  > > > > Respected Sirs>

Namaskar.> Does the combination of Jupiter+Ketu in Makara, seventh house of D-9,indictates an astrologer spouse/spiritual spouse or what it indicates.> Kindly tell.> Regards.> > > > > > > > > > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/>



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Hi Maja


Sadar Pranams!


Thanks for explaining me all this in so much detail. Really appreciate your patience. I'm also making this email to your address directly also so you don't have to wait for long time before receiving my replies. I think I understand most of what you've tried to explain. I've also received the instructions on energizing the yellow sapphire. Will try to work on all that you have suggested.


One last request. because of my transfer, my wife is very upset and she wants me to find a new job asap. I'm supposed to be studying and giving exams for a certification which is supposed to help me. My problem is that I'm unable to concentrate on anything. I'm unable to concentrate on my work and I'm unable to concentrate on my studies. I'm simply wasting time and I feel guilty but I just can't do anything. Its a terrible feeling. Can you please suggest anything which can help me in that quickly? With this I would like to close my email and Thank you for all your kindness. May GOD bless you with his choicest blessings.


Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams.




sohamsa CC: bajajvivekFrom: majastrbacastroDate: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 01:04:38 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga









Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteComments bellow. Better late than never. Such a long time in the meanwhile, so I am sending this email privately as well.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Sun, 2/7/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa Date: Sunday, February 7, 2010, 8:07 PM

Hi Maja (no ji this time) Sadar Pranams :) The post sent by you comes immediately cause its not moderated. you are in safe sending list. I'm not so my emails come late. your inbox should be perfectly fine. I'm a IT guy and I can definitely suggest you on this one. :) anyways. Should I wear pearl again? Oh, I think I confused you with my previous email. Good that you asked again. Pearl is perfectly OK, Chandra is your lagnesh on lagna, there is nothing wrong with wearing pearl. But, as you said, you've lost your pearl. Now there is no need to buy a new one, as there is better better solution for you (I mentioned pink Ruby). I also said that you should take off emerald. You have yellow sapphire, which is very helpful by the time when you buy that pink Ruby. After you buy it, you should wear only Ruby and nothing else. I like pearl much more than this emerald. The yellow sapphire which I'm wearing is in Right hand, first finger. Hand is correct, finger is wrong if this means index finger (closest to thumb). This finger is for Moksha trikona, so wearing ring and Gemstone on index finger will block Moksha and increase Ahamkar. We don't want this, right? :) Please take it off from that finger (now). I always thought this for the finger for Jupiter. This finger is corresponding Jupiter indeed, but as far as trikona activated by this finger, no Gemstone should be on it. Ratna is remedy which can not reach beyond Rajas, and for Moksha we need Satvic remedies-which is mantra ;) Yellow sapphire should be on ring finger (dharma trikona, perfect). The astrologer who advised the emerald recently passed away. Oh... I am very sorry to read that. I could not argue much with him but I guess he was suggesting that because I am going through the mercury mahadasha, I should wear emerald and it should help me in career and money saving. anyways, I would be more than happy to get rid of this stone. I've not done any puja for yellow sapphire, just chanted the Jupiter mantra a few times i guess and wore it on thursday. Can you please advise how should I energize it and wear it again if there is any other proper method. Sure there is. I will send you complete instructions to your private email. By that time, take that ring off and put it aside. Don't wear it. Same way i chanted the Buddha mantra a few times and wore the emerald on wednesday.Will try to find the pink Ruby and see how can I afford it. As I said, this is not urgent, take your time. In the meanwhile you will wear yellow sapphire and after you buy pink ruby, you will wear only ruby, not both. Rahu AD will end in Sep 2011. so I guess I should just wait patiently till that time. Yes, correct. Wait patiently and always hope for better even earlier. That is the pretty much helpful approach towards predictions you receive. At least you should have this approach after reading what I wrote to you in my previous email. That was not prediction, it was just an opinion as I said, so take it as that. Don't fix your self to dates. Besides, miracles can happen. Pray, be patient and optimistic. Will the Jupiter AD help in anyways? I believe it will be very helpful. What time do you see for job change? will the change be for good? This is same question, only rephrased :) I do understand that this is of most importance to you at this time, but I think I will make more damage if I give you wrong prediction comparing with letting you go without any job related prediction. Please don't insist.

emancipation I do feel at times. I guess I need to find a Guru who can guide me. I don't think that your D20 will support too many penances. You have lot of exalted and swakshetra Grahas in this divisional chart, especially in moksha trikona, so you may not feel too comfortable in some type of serious sadhana. Of course it is more than welcome to have Diksha Guru, but spirituality will probably be only portion of your life, not your entire life. by the way, do you see any chance for me to learn Jyotish in detail? I have a lot of love for jyotish but I guess I need a Guru for that too who can teach me patiently. I am biased whenever somebody asks this question, so I always reply with yes, no matter what I see in chart. Not just to you, to anybody. Honestly, I would rather cut of my own hand instead of using it to write NO. :)

Continue learning it and see where it goes. I don't see obstacles for understanding principles, but I am not sure if this will be in detail. Warm Regards and Sadar pranamsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 6 Feb 2010 04:23:02 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga











Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteComments bellow.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Wed, 2/3/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, February 3, 2010, 9:04 PM

Dear Maja ji (And this would be my limit. God knows I tried. Three/four/five times reading "ji" next to my name written by same person is as far as I can go with pretending it is not there :) Please, next time use my name only. No need for formalities. ) Sadar Pranams I won't say too many Thank You's :). You know I am very much Thank full. Oh, good. This sounds so much better. Improving. I almost detached you from writing "thank you" :) I guess the reason the email was delayed is because the emails to this group by users (except for some senior members and Gurujans) are moderated and sometimes the moderators are busy and take some time before they can release the emails. Nope, it has to do with inbox on my account. Even though these posts are already on Sohamsa, I receive them with delay on my account. Trust me it has nothing to do with moderation. You would be very far behind me on the list of nominees for being moderated :))) and I am receiving my own posts right after sending them. A few more requests. Feel free to reply whenever you can. I was wearing a yellow sapphire and a pearl for past few years. Even combination of pearl and yellow sapphire on the same ring would be very good for you. Couple months back, I lost my pearl ring. Pitty... Okay, it happens. Don't think back about that event. The strange thing is that before I lost the pearl was getting used pretty fast. It was getting smaller in size pretty quickly which did not happen before. I enquired a few people and some said it was natural and some said, it was working. I still have no clue. Then one of the astrologers who used to guide my Wife's family said that I should not be wearing the pearl at all and its good that I lost it. Lagna lord on lagna is bad for Ratna? Chandra is bad? The only graha which can not harm any other, which is never malefic (it can be weak, but not malefic)? He suggested a Emerald. Ouch! Lord of 12th and 3rd on lagna? He said I could wear the yellow sapphire if I wanted but it will be of no use. I wish if this so-called-astrologe r was having that conversation with me. I just wonder what for it would be of no use... He is clearly not competent to give advice on Ratna. For heaven's sake, Guru is 9th lord exalted on your lagna (6th also, I know, but this Guru is perfectly OK)! My wife's family immediately arranged a emerald and I'm wearing it instead of pearl. If you've done some pujas or devata imbibing in that gemstone, please take it off. I'm also wearing the yellow sapphire. I asked one of my uncle's who I normally ask about such queries and he said that as per him I may try wearing a red coral Well, don't wear red coral. I do understand that lot of astrologers simply advice Gemstone for Yogakaraka, expecting it is perfect choice to cover all needs of every native, panacea, success guaranteed... But this is not enough. Mangal may be Yogakaraka, but its placement in 3rd (and in 6th from AL) is terrible choice for Ratna. but he was not sure why a emerald was suggested. Probably idea that it is benefic on lagna, maybe expecting it would work well for career (as Budh is karaka for 10th) or something, maybe due to digbala... Maybe it is just a simple, good old lack of knowledge. So I'm currently wearing a yellow sapphire and a emerald. Take off emerald, leave yellow sapphire on (right hand, ring finger). Any puja done for your yellow Sapphire? Sada Shiva should be in it... if possible, could you please advise? Also I was asked to take off my wedding ring as there were diamonds in that. Feel free to put your wedding ring back on. If Lakshmi is not invoked in that diamond, all is perfectly OK. In that case your wedding ring is only a wedding ring. It can not do any good or any harm in context of Ratna. It is only a diamond. Just a tough piece of carbon :)For now you can wear Yellow Sapphire and you should wear it. While it is on your hand, start saving money for pink Ruby. This is not Ruby for Surya, so ordinary red or dark red Ruby will be of no use. You need clear, natural, unheated, perfectly transparent pink Ruby without eye visible flaws. Padmaraga, please look at this photo:http://simplygemsto nes.com/images/ ruby%20pink% 20Burma%20no% 20heat%201. 27%20ct%20OV% 20CG07.jpg

This is second guidance for correct color of Ruby for you:http://1.bp. blogspot. com/_AxfQ2CmiqM4 /SffEKNBD- fI/AAAAAAAAAGg/ PA1QKlldcUU/ S1600-R/536113_ pink_lotus. jpgAs far as size for this pink Ruby, I would rather explain it using small words: at least two millimeters in range. Anything bigger is more than welcome, but this is minimum. Pink Ruby is mainly to activate Mahapurusha Yoga on lagna (in your case this would be Hamsa). It will also activate agni tatva of lagna and all occupants in it (trines also, but we are focusing on your lagna now). Lovely solution for additional activation of Yogas on your lagna. I did not think of Ratna earlier, as you were mentioning financial problems, so I did not want to cause additional expenses to your budget. Even this advice is not urgent to follow. Whenever you get the chance to buy it, do that. Of course, the sooner the better.As I've mentioned in my earlier email also, I was asked to move to another location by my company which has forced me to stay away from my wife. I was pretty upset with the decision as the management knew that I was recently married and this will create problems in my personal life. I really want to change my Job. Do you see any such change in near future? Hmmm... If I have to reply on this, I think that Rahu AD is causing these problems. You do see when it ends... More than anything else I would wish to be wrong about this conclusion, as I really don't like bringing sort of bad news to good people. Rahu AD is giving effects of Sukra, which is AK, badhakesh, lord of 4th in 3rd (you had to move...), being neecha (vargotama) in 6th from AL it requires a lot of struggle for what you need during this AD. Also there is drishti on 12th from AL. Dashamsha situation is similar in a way. Rahu is giving effects of Mangal in 3rd, so lot of travels, struggles... I am not sure if Mangal's drishti on Ch 10th lord and 10th bhava can change your job once again during this AD... I am not very versed in analyzing Dashamsha, so do take this with some reserve. Do your mantra (offer some sandalwood paste to Shiva), try to get your hands on that pink Ruby... It might appear earlier than 2011. Feeding poor people, donations in gold to temples (for example, to temple of your family deity), donations to spiritual people, all is more than welcome. I remember you were saying: "I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible." Good, great, continue doing that.

Last question, just popped up in my mind after reading a few emails in Sohamsa group. I am very fond of Art and especially poetry. Usually this is the case with Sukra AK :) Art and beauty are food for soul. I used to write poems too till a few years back and now in this job I find it hard do the same. I'm no big poet. I've just shared my work with a few friends, that's all. can you please suggest what yoga in my chart is the reason for this and should I try to work on this hobby of mine. Is it any significant in my chart? Remember my comment in previous email regarding you criticism? Same positions are influencing your urge to write. As a Kark lagna, with strong Chandra (vargotama) and Sukra AK (in 3rd), writing interest will be more related to poetry, rather than prose. This is usual case when Jala tatva is related with yogas for writing. More over, Gu/Bu on lagna, strong writing skills, also there is Sarada Yoga, Gajakeshari yoga... Why this did not materialize through your lagna (name and fame)? It is in 12th from Surya (MKS), so I think that there is lack of support for initiating these yogas. You will write, but I am not sure if this will be published. In Navamsa Sukra is also in trines to d9 lagna, influencing your ability, neecha-through lot of effort, as it is also in 3rd from D9 lagnesh. No aspect on D9 lagna from Sukra, so this can hardly bring you finances. Though it can bring you inner satisfaction, perfect hobby.Hey... in Navamsha you have Ketu in 12th from AK joined with Benefic-Guru. This is illustration of dictum for emancipation :) But this is all I know about this dictum, I have no idea how this goes with rest of the chart. Warm Regards and Sadar PranamsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Wed, 3 Feb 2010 01:54:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga







Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteObviously my inbox was on vacation, as I received your email today (I see 27th of January on it). It jams sometimes and refuses cooperation. ..I added comments directly to your email bellow. This font color would be me.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Wed, 1/27/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:05 AM

Dear Maja ji Sadar Pranams Thanks a lot for your detailed email. I'm really indebted for all your time and effort. Really, no need for saying "thank you" every time we exchange email :) I guess this long email and the upayas are because you see a chance of separation. Nope. In fact, what I see in your chart is that you will never actually take any action regarding separation. Not even close. Too much Dharma in your chart :))) From time to time you may think of it as an option, but never seriously. I am just saving your valuable energy, time and mind focus for something more constructive. Instead of brainstorming on "Divorce is solution" (and never do it), don't you think it is more useful to make your brain occupied with "How can I improve this"? As simple as that.By Gods Grace and blessings till now everything seems normal. I hope it continues this way and God forbid, if in future there may be such a chance, I'll do whatever in my power to avoid any such situation. I've a few questions and I hope I won't take too much of your time. You are welcome anytime. Regarding the opposition, it was actually from her mother and sisters rather than her father. her father was cooperative in start but later under influence of her mother and sisters, opposed the idea of out alliance. OK, good. At the moment I can't think of any decent comment related to your chart and where to fit these events. I am not surprised with sisters in law, but I am surprised with mother in law. I owe you this explanation for next time, hope this is OK. I was introduced to my wife some 5-6 years back by a mutual friend. In Sukra AD? Cheers! She was studying at that time and I was on a project. We could not meet as we were quite far from each other but we kept in touch a bit by emails etc. After a year or so, she completed her studies and came back to her home. Then we met and it was just a normal friendship. I criticize a lot as you must have analyzed by my chart (No, I was not looking for this in your chart, but if you insist: perhaps Budh, lord of 3rd on Lagna with lagna lord and vargotama AK in Kanya are contributing this "quality" :) and i guess she some how relied on my advise (even if she didn't like it) as I used to speak truth and showed her what bitter things people won't tell others. this friendship slowly turned into attraction and eventually what we may call love but it was not without the ups and downs and the problems most couples face. It never is without ups and downs for any couple. I do understand (at least a bit) about what you say about the institution of marriage and our dharma and I would say that agree to almost all of what you say. Thanks a lot for explaining it in such a detail. Pleasure was all mine, really. now a few questions.was there any difference in the time I normally use for my chart calculations? the time which I have is approximate so I'm sure there would be some difference. If you can please let me know the same, It would be easy for me to try and learn more about my horoscope. As far as I was going with rectification, I think it should be 04:25 AM. I do agree that I was head over heels in love as I still can not justify why in spite of so many differences i was ready to commit to this relation. In spite of many differences, strong graha in 2nd from Kumbha will keep relation. I asked Sanjay ji about the KSY and here is what he replied

om gurave namah

Dear Vivek

Natural benefic Venus has joined the node

Natural benefics are in Lagna - 3 of them.

KSY is well cancelled. which means troubles but you wil overcome them and have an eventful life

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath I am happy to read his reply and head over heels for the fact you received it. Sanjay is Visti's Guru, Visti is Guru to my teacher, so... I am guessing you are expecting my comment, but as I belong to this lineage, maybe it is not necessary (I can not possibly know more or anything different than Sanjay, Visti or my teacher). Or you wish an explanation? If that is the case, here it is:Remember when I mentioned that it is easy to give advice for KSY/KAY if benefic is joining nodes or occupying lagna/7th bhava? This means broken KSY/KAY. Roughly speaking, lets say it is easier type of KSY/KAY, so bondage is not terrible as it may be without influence of benefics as described above. Also, the stronger these benefics are (own rashi, mooltrikona, exaltation), the easier type it will be. This is one of the reasons why I did not insist to perform Mahavidya urgently (Tara), as you are having exalted Guru on your Lagna. This is why I was writing long email with list of upayas related to every day life. I've also done puja of KSY at Shri Kalahasti Temple as suggested by some Pandit ji. How effective that puja was, only God knows. I am very sorry, but I am only familiar with those remedies from Achyuta parampara I listed above. I can not give any comment on puja you performed. Would you be kind enough to explain the Kamla Mahavidhya puja to me also please. You don't need this. :) I understand that it will be a painful process but I would surely like to understand and would definitely would like to try if I feel i can do it. You will not perform this, forget it. No need for this, as there are benefics on lagna breaking KSY. I can repeat this as many times necessary. :) Love your wife, this is the best sadhana for you :) Also can I do both, Kamla Mahavidhya Sadhna and Jyotirlinga mantra? Third time, forget Kamala Sadhana. :) In general, one sadhana at the time. Mahavidya, or Jyotirlinga, never both at the same time (and never both for same graha at the same time). Jyotirlinga for now. Can you also please explain a bit more in details about "I will be reminded if I do anything to make my wife unhappy" while doing Jyotirlinga Mantra? :) As I said: things can simply go back to where they were before you started with Mantra. :) Don't be afraid, this is beautiful mantra. Also if you can please give some more details of Tara Mahavidhya and how can It be performed. For now you do not need this. When you need it, I will ask around for someone located nearby your place who can give you all instructions. We'll be in touch. Regarding Children, My wife feels she is not yet ready. Earlier she wanted some time after marriage and now as we are staying separate, she does not want to go ahead this way and would like to wait sometime till some arrangement happens where we can stay together again. :( Okay, be patient. There is sense in what she is saying. It is not easy for a woman to be on her own during pregnancy and after delivery. and as you said, I should not do anything to make her unhappy, I've been keeping my mouth shut in this matter and letting her decide what she wants. But I'm no way near the Husband of the Decade title as I do make her upset with some things she doesn't like. One of them is letting her know that she is wrong :) about something or If I don't agree to what she says. Wait, I did not say to shut up, be a plant and don't have opinion of your own :))) 90% of communication is nonverbal, meaning that people focus on interpreting gesticulation and tone while listening. Anything you have to say, say it, but 10% be careful on choice of words, 90% be careful how you say it. :) If your arguments are reasonable and strong enough, you should be able to explain why gently. I don't know how to move away from Asia. Don't worry, this is not urgent at all. I did not say to do it by the end of this month. Life is long. It is more like, if/when you are in position to chose where to move, you should prefer this direction. It depends if I can get a Job somewhere far from here. I'm trying to find a job but it all seems so difficult at this time and I feel like I'm trapped. Please do guide me if you can about what I can do to make my luck move me to Northwest direction and away from Asia. I am afraid I am unable to give you such advice, but I do think that solving one thing at the time is vise. You cant change your entire life with one move. Patience. Thanking you once again for all your help and kindness. Again, pleasure is all mine. I hope I do not take up too much of your time and effort for the queries I have. Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams Vivek Bajaj


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:53:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga










Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI read that last email you were sending after this which is bellow my email. Your wife is pretty much healthy woman. Considering your relationships before marriage, the only serious relationship you ever had is this with your wife. She is first Upa Pada, I am glad this is confirmed.Before I forget to say it (again): yes that is right, your wife would have to contact me directly (however she feels more comfortable- privately or here on forum) in order to allow me to interpret her chart.Opposition to your marriage was mostly from your father in law? When did you meet your wife?Eternal, life time painful spot of every Sukra Atma Karaka is its "Royal Highness-Institutio n of Marriage". What Sukra Atma Karaka is living and breathing for is love. You have read that you are having afflicted Sukra (curse) in your chart. This adds hardships on previous statement. Here on forum many times I came across questions such as "Will I have love marriage or arranged marriage?" and every time I am wondering what is on questioners mind... Love? Or falling in love/passion? There is a difference and it is so hard to explain it to someone who had never felt both, simply entered arranged marriage and remain there for rest of life. No matter what one says to a person who experienced only arranged marriage without falling in love to spouse or loving spouse, they can never understand that there is no big difference between deep love on one side and solid, quality relation inside arranged marriage on the other. There are no "butterflies in stomach" feeling, excitement, shivering, sweet insomnia when it comes to real, deep love. Are you following me so far Sukra Atma Karaka? :)"Butterflies" are present for few days, weeks, months... in best case for few years. Eventually they "fly away" and leave us in bills, loans, arguments over holiday destination, color of sofa, budget plans, "shall we rent/buy house/apartment here or there?", diapers, babies crying, "I am too tired talk, I had a very exhausting day at work", what are we going to have for dinner, who is earning more, etc. etc. etc. A warm welcome to cruel reality of every day life! So really, who is messed up more at birth: westerns or Indians? Westerns rarely learn difference between love and falling in love, so landing "cruel reality" after "butterflies stage" appears more as a plain crash, if love did not have enough time to plant roots before living together. Indians, on the other side, can hardly get rid of feeling as if they are missing something crucial if their only option is simply to enter arranged marriage and that is it as far as their emotional life. (It is probably scary idea for nowadays 20 year old in India, considering what they are coming across in global media and internet.) As a human being I can only be honest with you and say that I don't believe in institution of marriage either. At least not from that perspective of what majority of human beings aged 20-35 is expecting from partnership deep down inside, no matter which tradition/country/ religion he or she belongs. Mutual love. Very small percentage of population is lucky to experience this, and majority of these lucky ones did not get everything on the plate as soon as they married. They probably had to put lot of effort and time to make things work.Bottom line, what every married human being needs in The Holy Institution of Marriage is mutual respect, understanding, both sides ready for compromises, cooperation and sharing responsibilities. Otherwise everyone included suffer terribly. Love is a nice asset, but it will not make it work if any single one of those above terms is not included. It will not plant roots and grow. It is hard enough to find a person who is ready to cooperate with another to such extent. Deep down inside, all human beings are very selfish. Institution of Marriage? Disappointments? Well, disappointments come after failed expectations. It depends on what one is expecting of marriage... See my point?I am not from India, so the first time I became familiar with Vedic viewpoints on marriage was only few years ago. I told you that as a human being I don't believe in Institution of Marriage: Well, why would I wish to push myself and accept so many responsibilities? Why would I ever wish to let anyone disturbing my privacy, habits and occupying half of my bed (while snoring, probably :)? Two reasons:1. Children2. Children#1 Children is purely from human being level. I do wish to accomplish my self as a mother. #2 Children is from viewpoint of Dharma. As you are born in India, I am expecting that you do know that Dharma of every mortal human is continuing linage. This linage can be spiritual, within parampara, if one decides to renounce material aspects of life. In this option one is adopting "spiritual children" or shishyas (students). Second option is to continue family linage and have biological or adopted children. We are here for the sake of creation and we are obligated to create our own children in order to pay our debts to our Pitris (ancestors). Are you familiar with these principles? If you are, in that case you do understand that you did not marry for your own benefit or pleasure (if this becomes part of your marriage, great!). You married for having children and share responsibilities with your wife in order to up bring them in to greatest possible human beings. Life really makes no sense without children. If you don't believe me, just search for married people who never decided to raise a child (even though they could) and observe their lives. From this viewpoint Institution of Marriage is sacred. One may believe in it or not, but it is sacred because it provides us fulfilling significant portion of our Dharma. (As far as I am concerned, this paragraph is 80% of my motivation to enter marriage some day. God, I really hope I will have XXXL bed and enough wax for my ears to survive that. :)For good and bad marriage it takes two and it is always easier to blame the other side when something goes wrong. All human beings find hard to face own failure and responsibility. .. Think about your actions and actions of your wife again, please. She learned to avoid mentioning something that might make you loose your temper. Good. Now is the best time to teach her how to make you talk, smile, feel that you belong there with her, make you happy... She needs you to show her how. You are where you are and there is no turning back. Divorce is always an option, but don't leave before you are sure you tried EVERYTHING to make it work. Replacing her with another woman maybe would be as good enough as changing a package to the same problem, so you need to try to pull the best out of current situation. You both need to become team players. I can try to help a little, rest is really on you.As mentioned earlier, Sukra in your chart is afflicted (under curse), but main problem in your chart is Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY-all Grahas distributed zodiacally from Rashi occupied by Ketu to Rashi occpuied by Rahu). Nodes are influencing 2nd bhava from Upa Pada. After you told me about circumstances of the way you entered your marriage, I do believe that described is related to Kumbha Rashi. Co lord Rahu is in 3rd bhava with Sukra and Mangal, so you fell in love and choice of spouse was mainly your decision. You were probably head over heels in love... It must have been very intensive emotional experience considering that Rahu is with Sukra Atma Karaka. Currently Rahu antar dasha is running, making Sukra and KSY issues very much in focus.Giving remedies for KSY is easy task if there is benefic with nodes. In your case that would be neecha Sukra. As neecha Grahas are always related with Devi forms, Kamala Mahavidya would be perfect remedy to break KSY. But... Mahavidya Sadhana is always very intensive experience, since performer gets opportunity to burn significant amount of bad Karma within 40 days (to speed up process of purification in a way). This process is very painful but worth vile, as it would probably take few years or even longer to accoplish same results with another kind of worship. Atma Karaka by it self is delivering most intensive karmic experiences (usually painful, but again-worth vile) to each and every one of us. Combination of Atma Karaka and Mahavidya Sadhana is overextended intensity for fragile human mind. One of possible "side effects" of this combination is mental instability. I do think your Dhishakti, intelligence and mind are very strong, considering all those blessings on your lagna, but you are just a man who is worried about his marriage, financial existence and employment-meaning you are "regular civilian", making you very fragile for this type of Sadhana.Alternative for Mahavidya is Jyotirlinga mantra for Graha which is joining nodes. Shiva in form of Tryambakkeshvaya is Jyotirlinga for Sukra. This will exalt Sukra, take care of KSY, additionally purify occupants in Meena and give strength to this Rashi which is sustaining your marriage (2nd from Kumbha). You get multiple benefits from this mantra:Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum OmThis is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and you are supposed to start it on any Monday, performing it 108 times (one Mala) in the morning and 108 times at the sunset. Do it for 40 days. After that you wait next Monday to start another 40 days of Shiva worship. There is catch with Jyotirlinga. I don't advise you to start it unless you are fully prepared to be nothing but a loving husband to your wife. You must be very careful, there are no excuses. She can behave as she likes, be unbearable, impulsive, stubborn, behaving like a spoiled breath, I am so sorry, but all you are allowed to do is to behave like you are preparing for "Husband of decade" contest. You are not allowed to hurt her, insult her even a little bit, to raise your voice at her or to make her unhappy in any way. Whenever you do anything similar you will be "reminded" not to repeat it, because things can get very difficult again. Also, Sukra is related to couples and young, unmarried ladies, so this is place No2 and No3 on your personal list of sacred and divine. Ah yes, add Institution of Marriage as No4, as this institution is also related to Sukra. You are obligated to have full respect towards everything related to Sukra, especially your wife. Neecha Sukra requires you to be humble towards your wife, sister, ladies etc. etc. Help them when they ask you, help them and support them even when they don't ask you. From now and on, your wife is Devi personified as far as you are concerned and the ground she is walking is sacred to you. You will have to chose this attitude if you want to give some strength to Sukra in your chart and pull your self out of the problem. Believe me that you will make incomparably less damage if you decide to insult anybody else in your life before you decide to make your wife unhappy. (Don't worry, I promise I will never share this conversation with her :) You have to perform some good karma if you want to prevent continuation of bad karma. Your wife is not with you by coincidence. She is there to deliver some karma that must be delivered and you can try to make it easier for yourself. I repeat again what I said few emails ago: Guru will protect Meena rashi, plus Ketu is there, so you need children as soon as possible. Your marriage has more chances to sustain with children. Come on Karka lagna, you can be great father... I am sure that children will pull the best out of you. That palmist had a point about far away country. I recommend you to move Northwest as Chandra is in digbala from Arudha Lagna. Move from Asia, far far away, as movable rashis such as Karka require distance to get activated. Your lagna and all occupants are your way out of every problem. In next Maha Dasa of Guru it would be great to perform Tara Mahavidya. If you feel ready to do it earlier, let's say around August this year, start it then. I am saying Tara because Grahas on Lagna are also qualified to break Kala Sarpa Yoga. Tara is for Guru.Hm... that would be all for now. Email is long, I know. I had to trouble you to put some effort in reading long list of remedies and advices, as 3rd bhava is place of problems. :) Okay, I am joking. I just think that there was some point in doing all this, as you might have benefits from everything written above this paragraph. You are reasonable, you might listen to me and you will probably perform Jyotirlinga. Thank you very much for reading this and giving me a chance to do some good karma. As I said before, rest is really on you.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Tue, 1/19/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comTuesday, January 19, 2010, 2:08 AM

Dear Maja ji Thanks a lot for your kind reply. Here are some major details for my life. I was married on 12th December 2008. My Father born in 1938 is a businessman and now not doing any active work except for some investments. He is having family history of diabetes and heart problems and is himself a Heart and blood Sugar patient. My mother is a housewife and she does not have any major medical problems except for overweight. Have always belonged to a well to do family but there was not much progress in our financial status and growth has always been stagnant. I've learnt from my parents not to believe in pump and show and lead a simple life. I'm a very stubborn person and don't usually change my decisions. I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible. I have great love for literature and poetry and love art cinema more than commercial cinema. I passed my B.Com in 3rd division even when I was not that bad a student. I've always been haunted by Math and physics and complex calculations. I did my 12 in Science. After that i did some computer courses and worked here and there but my proper job started in Sep 2003 when I left India and came for a contract job of 2 months in Bangkok. here after 3 months i was offered a full time job and had to travel a lot in this job. I have recently been moved to plant location which has forced me to stay away from my wife as she is also working in the city. I was told this news on Dussehra day 2009. My Wife's DOB is 15th Apr 1980. Number 3, 6, 9 have mostly been lucky. most of my good friends also have these numbers as their date of birth. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i'm the youngest child. Both my brothers are in business. My sister is also married to a businessman. I don't remember much of my childhood but after I've grown up, I've seen mostly problems in business front in my dad's business. I can't say they were very huge but yes, if I compare to how well to do and progressing we used to be (as I was told), our growth got stagnant and also going down. My Marriage was a Love cum arranged Marriage. there was a lot of opposition from Girls family but later settled. The first few months of my marriage, my wife and I had lot of quarrels. We actually had very bitter fights and i had lost all interest and faith in the institution of marriage. Things are getting better, touch wood. We don't finght that much as my wife very cleverly avoids any such thing which can make me loose my temper. I won't say I'm satisfied but yes, i also feel its better to avoid any thing which can cause fights. My quality of life, I can't really say as there were both +ve and -ve changes but my career has taken a downfall and I've been landing in problems as explained earlier.I was once told by a palmist that My future will always be bright outside of the country of my birth and that I would probably die in a country which is not my birth country. Health wise, My wife is a bit fragile and although her health is more or less stable, she has improved over time but still she keeps getting small problems health wise. Regarding my wife's chart, should I ask her to send an email to you if she is interested in getting the things explained in her chart? Please let me know if any further information is required from my side. Once again thank you so much for your kindness to help. Kind RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:09:19 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga






Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteHaving direct dialogue with you is much better option, nice that you included. First of all, no reason for panic at this stage, as we are still checking if your birth time is correct or not.Tell me when did you get married? As your Upa Pada lagna is in 2nd bhava with Surya and Sani, I guess your marriage was arranged according to tradition of your family (which is the case with majority of people of your age in your country, but I would like to check if this is true anyway). You are 31 years old at the moment, so I don't see any serious marriage delay in your case... As I understand tradition, condition number one, necessary to fulfill in order to become potential groom, is to finish education (at least) before entering marriage. This can not happen before age of 23-24 (if we are talking about higher education). As Sani is on Upa Pada lagna, here we should focus on 7th there from (Kumbha) in order to find more details about relation between you and your wife. It is nice to see that her Rashi Lagna fits perfectly to your Upa Pada. :) I think your relation will be so much stronger after birth of children, as Ketu (kula devata) is there in Mooltrikona receiving Graha drishti of Guru from lagna. No need to focus on afflicted neecha Sukra from 3rd bhava and its influence on 2nd from Kumbha, as Guru is strong enough to protect his rashi (Meena) and his beneficial influence is strong enough to sustain your marriage. This marriage should last, all you guys need is children. This is the best "remedy" to keep your marriage safe and sound. :) I can not give comments related to your wife's chart, as I need her blessing and permission to do such a thing. It is her privacy. Though I am allowed to cheer you up with good news: my knowledge in determining compatibility between partners is pretty much poor, but what I am familiar with at this stage allows me to say that there is perfect compatibility in domain of Chandra (representing both of your families, social circles and mind level) between the two of you. "Third party involvement" meaning-if there were any extramarital issues with other women?Longevity issues- if Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, this brings neecha Sukra in 8th bhava, related to sustaining of marriage and this is maraka bhava for wife also. This is neecha, vargotama Atma Karaka (under curse in Rashi chart), believe me you would feel very unhappy in your marriage if this is in 8th bhava. Further, 9th bhava is 3rd from 7th, so it is related to death of spouse in a way. Lord is neecha Budh having graha drishti on neecha Sukra in 2nd from 7th. If Sukra and Budh were not neecha (without neecha banga in Navamsha), I would not insist that this combination could ever influence wife's longevity, as there is no 7th lord involved in this combination to satisfy snap shot combination for death of spouse. This way, I would stick to health issues and longevity decreased to some extent. Speaking of her health, I need you to tell me how is your wife doing? If she is fine and well, I suggest Makara Navamsha lagna.What is your father's occupation? If Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, following scenario is possible: social and financial status of your family could have been very stable and good before you were born. After you were born, your family could have experienced huge problems related to status, reputation, some court cases, legal issues and similar could have cropped up. Was this the case?Also, after you got married, how would you describe quality of your life, your career and interpersonal relations with people from your surrounding? I need these answers.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Mon, 1/18/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comMonday, January 18, 2010, 1:48 AM

Dear Maja ji and Manoj ji Thanks a lot for taking out time to look at the chart. Maja ji, can you please help with the charts of me and my wife as if its really a Kumbha Lagna in Navmasa then I guess I'd be needing the help and blessings of Gurujans and learned members. My marriage was delayed. I'm sorry but I could not fully understand the third party involvement and longvity things. Frankly I'm getting scared a bit. Please guide me. I would also like to request Gurujans and Other leaned members if they can help with their analysis. Thanks and RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commanojsharma662000@ Sun, 17 Jan 2010 06:50:26 -0800Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




point well taken...I am a day dreamer and dreams just add more illusion (maya) around you...but that is my karma and I have to face (actually I am already facing) the consequences




Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSun, January 17, 2010 3:41:43 AMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj, namasteThis is not matter of knowledge level, it is matter of approaching facts. Only facts make sense to me.Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 6:15 PM


Hi Maja,

Thanks for your response. I will not pretend to know more than you in astrology even for a wee bit. I was just saying that sometime the truth is not every apparent, and at abstract level sometime what is apparent is not necessarily true. I was just trying to make this point. However, again not sure whether it makes sense to you.




Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSat, January 16, 2010 4:25:13 PMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj,:))))))))))) ))))))))) )) Thank you for making me laugh with this lovely explanation. I do believe Vivek knows his wife very well. They are living together after all.Does this mean that Jyotishi is allowed to say: "You had a very good period to become millionaire a year ago, but sadly, you did not use it, so nothing manifested." in order to justify our errors in interpretation or rectification?Vivek's navamsha lagna shifts to Makara lagna within less than one minute earlier. In case of Kumbha navamsha lagna, Sukra would be 9th lord in 8th and Sukra is neecha, so I do believe that this would delay his marriage (fulfiling Dharma-9th bhava). Also, neecha Sukra would be matter of sustaining his marriage. There is drishti of neecha Budh on Sukra, so I do believe that if there is no terrible suffering or involvement of third party in his marriage, or if his wife is alive and well (yoga of 8th and 9th lord would badly afflict wife's longevity) Vivek's navamsha lagna should be Makara. This way, second bhava related to sustaining is occupied with Gu/Ke, meaning that children (own or adopted) and continuing linage is something that is keeping this marriage strong.When there is parampara yoga in 7th in Navamsha, it is not matter of inner quality or inner attitude of spouse. It is reality and spouse should actually belong to/be born in some Parampara if Yoga is strong (Guru is in Surya's rashi here, so...).Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32 AM


That my be because of her Arudha lagna; what manifests is not always true...just tear the facade of this maya and try to understand the soul of your wife...may be you will realize, she is indeed very spritual if not religious... .






Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>sohamsa@ .comFri, January 15, 2010 5:50:11 AMRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga Dear Guru jis/Learned Members Just noticed that Jupiter + Ketu is in my D9 too in 7th house. I don't think my wife is very spiritual. She is more fun loving and out going than me. Chart attached. I guess we need some more expert advise. Warm RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .combondmerama (AT) (DOT) inFri, 15 Jan 2010 10:39:13 +0000 Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga


Dear All,Does this yoga always known as Ganapati Yoga,Here Jupiter is fallen.Best Regardssohamsa@ .com, LearneR Vedic AstroG <hygreeva_ram@ ...> wrote:>> || Hare Rama Krishna ||>  > Namaskar, > It indiacte you get spirtual wife , may be marriage purpose is to beget children.>  >  >  > Regards,> Hygreeva.> > > --- On Thu, 14/1/10, AS <bondmerama@ ...> wrote:> > > AS <bondmerama@ ...>> Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:shri Rafal Ji please tell......> sohamsa@ .com> Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 8:20 AM> > >  > > > > Respected Sirs> Namaskar.> Does the combination of Jupiter+Ketu in Makara, seventh house of D-9,indictates an astrologer spouse/spiritual spouse or what it indicates.> Kindly tell.> Regards.> > > > > > > > > > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/>



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Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI understand this pressure and your position. However, I can not offer any quick solutions. I can only suggest you to perform those remedies I gave you. Mantra is not instant quick solution, it takes time. I am so sorry. When to expect effect from mantra? I will leave this part fully in God's grace. There are methods from parampara to determine if mantra will provide you correcting karma from past birth only, will you experience effects of mantra soon (and in this life) or will you experience these effects in your next life. This is supposed to be judged from Muhurta chart when one starts performing mantra. I will not say how, because I don't think I should interfere in your karma to this extent. I believe that advice on starting Sanjivani on Monday

is as far as I can go with muhurta choice.Please don't make mistake such as having this on your mind while reciting mantra:a) direct expectations ("I want this event to materialize" etc.)b) establishing time line for effectsReferring to God (in this case in form of Shiva) with mantra is much more serious than this. Every day life is stressful, we are all facing tensions and problems (this way or that), but when using mantra, one's motive should be to correct bad karma and mistakes from previous life, for a start. From this perspective, even receiving partial forgiveness is enormous blessing. Be patient.One other thing: have you started reciting Sanjivani? :)Third: As far as yellow sapphire, I don't think you should start wearing it before Guru enters Meena rashi. I think that parivartana with neecha Rahu is terrible choice of muhurta for imbibing Devata in yellow sapphire (Guru). As I was saying

before, Ratna is not urgent. With mantra you will be more than fine at this point. Fourth: Your bellowed wife... Have you asked her if she would like Jyotish advice? I think this suggestion would be very useful for both of you. I checked her chart before. However, I was saying I am not in position to give comments about her chart. Perhaps I will not violate ethics too much if I add that she should do some remedies... please ask her.P.S. Are you two wearing identical wedding rings?Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Mon, 2/22/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek wrote:Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivekRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa Cc: majastrbacastroDate: Monday, February 22,

2010, 1:07 AM




Hi Maja


Sadar Pranams!


Thanks for explaining me all this in so much detail. Really appreciate your patience. I'm also making this email to your address directly also so you don't have to wait for long time before receiving my replies. I think I understand most of what you've tried to explain. I've also received the instructions on energizing the yellow sapphire. Will try to work on all that you have suggested.


One last request. because of my transfer, my wife is very upset and she wants me to find a new job asap. I'm supposed to be studying and giving exams for a certification which is supposed to help me. My problem is that I'm unable to concentrate on anything. I'm unable to concentrate on my work and I'm unable to concentrate on my studies. I'm simply wasting time and I feel guilty but I just can't do anything. Its a terrible feeling. Can you please suggest anything which can help me in that quickly? With this I would like to close my email and Thank you for all your kindness. May GOD bless you with his choicest blessings.


Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams.




sohamsa@ .comCC: bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 20 Feb 2010 01:04:38 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga









Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteComments bellow. Better late than never. Such a long time in the meanwhile, so I am sending this email privately as well.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Sun, 2/7/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSunday, February 7, 2010, 8:07 PM

Hi Maja (no ji this time) Sadar Pranams :) The post sent by you comes immediately cause its not moderated. you are in safe sending list. I'm not so my emails come late. your inbox should be perfectly fine. I'm a IT guy and I can definitely suggest you on this one. :) anyways. Should I wear pearl again? Oh, I think I confused you with my previous email. Good that you asked again. Pearl is perfectly OK, Chandra is your lagnesh on lagna, there is nothing wrong with wearing pearl. But, as you said, you've lost your pearl. Now there is no need to buy a new one, as there is better better solution for you (I mentioned pink Ruby). I also said that you should take off emerald. You have yellow sapphire, which is very helpful by the time when you buy that pink Ruby. After you buy it, you

should wear only Ruby and nothing else. I like pearl much more than this emerald. The yellow sapphire which I'm wearing is in Right hand, first finger. Hand is correct, finger is wrong if this means index finger (closest to thumb). This finger is for Moksha trikona, so wearing ring and Gemstone on index finger will block Moksha and increase Ahamkar. We don't want this, right? :) Please take it off from that finger (now). I always thought this for the finger for Jupiter. This finger is corresponding Jupiter indeed, but as far as trikona activated by this finger, no Gemstone should be on it. Ratna is remedy which can not reach beyond Rajas, and for Moksha we need Satvic remedies-which is mantra ;) Yellow sapphire should be on ring finger (dharma trikona,

perfect). The astrologer who advised the emerald recently passed away. Oh... I am very sorry to read that. I could not argue much with him but I guess he was suggesting that because I am going through the mercury mahadasha, I should wear emerald and it should help me in career and money saving. anyways, I would be more than happy to get rid of this stone. I've not done any puja for yellow sapphire, just chanted the Jupiter mantra a few times i guess and wore it on thursday. Can you please advise how should I energize it and wear it again if there is any other proper method. Sure there is. I will send you complete instructions to your private email. By that time, take that ring off and put it aside. Don't wear it. Same way i chanted the Buddha mantra a few times and wore the

emerald on wednesday.Will try to find the pink Ruby and see how can I afford it. As I said, this is not urgent, take your time. In the meanwhile you will wear yellow sapphire and after you buy pink ruby, you will wear only ruby, not both. Rahu AD will end in Sep 2011. so I guess I should just wait patiently till that time. Yes, correct. Wait patiently and always hope for better even earlier. That is the pretty much helpful approach towards predictions you receive. At least you should have this approach after reading what I wrote to you in my previous email. That was not prediction, it was just an opinion as I said, so take it as that. Don't fix your self to dates. Besides, miracles can happen. Pray, be patient and optimistic. Will the Jupiter AD help in anyways? I believe it will be very

helpful. What time do you see for job change? will the change be for good? This is same question, only rephrased :) I do understand that this is of most importance to you at this time, but I think I will make more damage if I give you wrong prediction comparing with letting you go without any job related prediction. Please don't insist.

emancipation I do feel at times. I guess I need to find a Guru who can guide me. I don't think that your D20 will support too many penances. You have lot of exalted and swakshetra Grahas in this divisional chart, especially in moksha trikona, so you may not feel too comfortable in some type of serious sadhana. Of course it is more than welcome to have Diksha Guru, but spirituality will probably be only portion of your life, not your entire life. by the way, do you see any chance for me to learn Jyotish in detail? I have a lot of love for jyotish but I guess I need a Guru for that too who can teach me patiently. I am biased whenever somebody asks this question, so I always reply with yes, no matter what I see in chart. Not just to

you, to anybody. Honestly, I would rather cut of my own hand instead of using it to write NO. :)

Continue learning it and see where it goes. I don't see obstacles for understanding principles, but I am not sure if this will be in detail. Warm Regards and Sadar pranamsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 6 Feb 2010 04:23:02 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga











Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteComments bellow.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Wed, 2/3/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, February 3, 2010, 9:04 PM

Dear Maja ji (And this would be my limit. God knows I tried. Three/four/five times reading "ji" next to my name written by same person is as far as I can go with pretending it is not there :) Please, next time use my name only. No need for formalities. ) Sadar Pranams I won't say too many Thank You's :). You know I am very much Thank full. Oh, good. This sounds so much better. Improving. I almost detached you from writing "thank you" :) I guess the reason the email was delayed is because the emails to this group by users (except for some senior members and Gurujans) are moderated and sometimes the moderators are busy and take some time before they can release the emails. Nope, it has to do with inbox on my account. Even though these posts are already on Sohamsa, I receive them with delay on my account. Trust me it has nothing to do with moderation. You would be very far behind me on the list of nominees for being moderated :))) and I am receiving my own posts right after sending them. A few more requests. Feel free to reply whenever you can. I was wearing a yellow sapphire and a pearl for past few years. Even combination of pearl and yellow sapphire on the same ring would be very good for you. Couple months back, I lost my pearl ring. Pitty... Okay, it happens. Don't think back about that event.

The strange thing is that before I lost the pearl was getting used pretty fast. It was getting smaller in size pretty quickly which did not happen before. I enquired a few people and some said it was natural and some said, it was working. I still have no clue. Then one of the astrologers who used to guide my Wife's family said that I should not be wearing the pearl at all and its good that I lost it. Lagna lord on lagna is bad for Ratna? Chandra is bad? The only graha which can not harm any other, which is never malefic (it can be weak, but not malefic)? He suggested a Emerald. Ouch! Lord of 12th and 3rd on lagna? He said I could wear the yellow sapphire if I wanted but it will be of no use. I wish if this so-called-astrologe r was having that conversation with me. I just wonder what for it would be of no use... He is clearly not competent to give advice on Ratna. For heaven's sake, Guru is 9th lord exalted on your lagna (6th also, I know, but this Guru is perfectly OK)! My wife's family immediately arranged a emerald and I'm wearing it instead of pearl. If you've done some pujas or devata imbibing in that gemstone, please take it off. I'm also wearing the yellow sapphire. I asked one of my uncle's who I normally ask about such queries and he said that as per him I may try wearing a red coral Well, don't wear red coral. I do understand that lot of astrologers simply advice Gemstone for Yogakaraka, expecting it is perfect choice to cover all

needs of every native, panacea, success guaranteed... But this is not enough. Mangal may be Yogakaraka, but its placement in 3rd (and in 6th from AL) is terrible choice for Ratna. but he was not sure why a emerald was suggested. Probably idea that it is benefic on lagna, maybe expecting it would work well for career (as Budh is karaka for 10th) or something, maybe due to digbala... Maybe it is just a simple, good old lack of knowledge. So I'm currently wearing a yellow sapphire and a emerald. Take off emerald, leave yellow sapphire on (right hand, ring finger). Any puja done

for your yellow Sapphire? Sada Shiva should be in it... if possible, could you please advise? Also I was asked to take off my wedding ring as there were diamonds in that. Feel free to put your wedding ring back on. If Lakshmi is not invoked in that diamond, all is perfectly OK. In that case your wedding ring is only a wedding ring. It can not do any good or any harm in context of Ratna. It is only a diamond. Just a tough piece of carbon :)For now you can wear Yellow Sapphire and you should wear it. While it is on your hand, start saving money for pink Ruby. This is not Ruby for Surya, so ordinary red or dark red Ruby will be of no use. You need clear, natural, unheated, perfectly transparent pink Ruby without eye visible flaws. Padmaraga, please look at this photo:http://simplygemsto nes.com/images/ ruby%20pink% 20Burma%20no% 20heat%201. 27%20ct%20OV% 20CG07.jpg

This is second guidance for correct color of Ruby for you:http://1.bp. blogspot. com/_AxfQ2CmiqM4 /SffEKNBD- fI/AAAAAAAAAGg/ PA1QKlldcUU/ S1600-R/536113_ pink_lotus. jpgAs far as size for this pink Ruby, I would rather explain it using small words: at least two millimeters in range. Anything bigger is more than welcome, but this is minimum. Pink Ruby is mainly to activate Mahapurusha Yoga on lagna (in your case this would be Hamsa). It will also activate agni tatva of lagna and all occupants in it (trines also, but we are focusing on your lagna now). Lovely solution for additional activation of Yogas on your lagna. I did not think of Ratna earlier, as you were

mentioning financial problems, so I did not want to cause additional expenses to your budget. Even this advice is not urgent to follow. Whenever you get the chance to buy it, do that. Of course, the sooner the better.As I've mentioned in my earlier email also, I was asked to move to another location by my company which has forced me to stay away from my wife. I was pretty upset with the decision as the management knew that I was recently married and this will create problems in my personal life. I really want to change my Job. Do you see any such change in near future? Hmmm... If I have to reply on this, I think that Rahu AD is causing these problems. You do see when it ends... More than anything else I would wish to be wrong about this conclusion, as I really don't like bringing sort of bad news to good people. Rahu AD is giving effects of Sukra,

which is AK, badhakesh, lord of 4th in 3rd (you had to move...), being neecha (vargotama) in 6th from AL it requires a lot of struggle for what you need during this AD. Also there is drishti on 12th from AL. Dashamsha situation is similar in a way. Rahu is giving effects of Mangal in 3rd, so lot of travels, struggles... I am not sure if Mangal's drishti on Ch 10th lord and 10th bhava can change your job once again during this AD... I am not very versed in analyzing Dashamsha, so do take this with some reserve. Do your mantra (offer some sandalwood paste to Shiva), try to get your hands on that pink Ruby... It might appear earlier than 2011. Feeding poor people, donations in gold to temples (for example, to temple of your family deity), donations to spiritual people,

all is more than welcome. I remember you were saying: "I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible." Good, great, continue doing that.

Last question, just popped up in my mind after reading a few emails in Sohamsa group. I am very fond of Art and especially poetry. Usually this is the case with Sukra AK :) Art and beauty are food for soul. I used to write poems too till a few years back and now in this job I find it hard do the same. I'm no big poet. I've just shared my work with a few friends, that's all. can you please suggest what yoga in my chart is the reason for this and should I try to work on this hobby of mine. Is it any significant in my chart? Remember my comment in previous email regarding you criticism? Same positions are influencing your urge to write. As a Kark lagna, with strong Chandra (vargotama) and Sukra AK (in 3rd), writing interest will be more related to poetry, rather than prose. This is usual case

when Jala tatva is related with yogas for writing. More over, Gu/Bu on lagna, strong writing skills, also there is Sarada Yoga, Gajakeshari yoga... Why this did not materialize through your lagna (name and fame)? It is in 12th from Surya (MKS), so I think that there is lack of support for initiating these yogas. You will write, but I am not sure if this will be published. In Navamsa Sukra is also in trines to d9 lagna, influencing your ability, neecha-through lot of effort, as it is also in 3rd from D9 lagnesh. No aspect on D9 lagna from Sukra, so this can hardly bring you finances. Though it can bring you inner satisfaction, perfect hobby.Hey... in Navamsha you have Ketu in 12th from AK joined with Benefic-Guru. This is illustration of dictum for emancipation :) But this is all I know about this dictum, I have no idea how this goes with rest of the chart.

Warm Regards and Sadar PranamsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Wed, 3 Feb 2010 01:54:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga







Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteObviously my inbox was on vacation, as I received your email today (I see 27th of January on it). It jams sometimes and refuses cooperation. ..I added comments directly to your email bellow. This font color would be me.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Wed, 1/27/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:05 AM

Dear Maja ji Sadar Pranams Thanks a lot for your detailed email. I'm really indebted for all your time and effort. Really, no need for saying "thank you" every time we exchange email :) I guess this long email and the upayas are because you see a chance of separation. Nope. In fact, what I see in your chart is that you will never actually take any action regarding separation. Not even close. Too much Dharma in your chart :))) From time to time you may think of it as an option, but never seriously. I am just saving your valuable energy, time and mind focus for something more constructive. Instead of brainstorming on "Divorce is solution" (and never do it), don't you think it is more useful to make your brain occupied with "How can I improve this"? As simple as that.By Gods

Grace and blessings till now everything seems normal. I hope it continues this way and God forbid, if in future there may be such a chance, I'll do whatever in my power to avoid any such situation. I've a few questions and I hope I won't take too much of your time. You are welcome anytime. Regarding the opposition, it was actually from her mother and sisters rather than her father. her father was cooperative in start but later under influence of her mother and sisters, opposed the idea of out alliance. OK, good. At the moment I can't think of any decent comment related to your chart and where to fit these events. I am not surprised with sisters in law, but I am surprised with mother in law. I owe you this explanation for next time, hope this is OK. I was introduced to my wife some 5-6 years back by a mutual friend.

In Sukra AD? Cheers! She was studying at that time and I was on a project. We could not meet as we were quite far from each other but we kept in touch a bit by emails etc. After a year or so, she completed her studies and came back to her home. Then we met and it was just a normal friendship. I criticize a lot as you must have analyzed by my chart (No, I was not looking for this in your chart, but if you insist: perhaps Budh, lord of 3rd on Lagna with lagna lord and vargotama AK in Kanya are contributing this "quality" :) and i guess she some how relied on my advise (even if she didn't like it) as I used to speak truth and showed her what bitter things people won't tell others. this friendship slowly turned into attraction and eventually what we may call love but it was not without the ups and downs and the problems most couples face. It never is without ups and downs for any couple. I do understand (at least a bit) about what you say about the institution of marriage and our dharma and I would say that agree to almost all of what you say. Thanks a lot for explaining it in such a detail. Pleasure was all mine, really. now a few questions.was there any difference in the time I normally use for my chart calculations? the time which I have is approximate so I'm sure there would be some difference. If you can please let me know the same, It would be easy for me to try and learn more about my horoscope. As far as I was going with rectification, I think it should be 04:25 AM. I do agree that I was head over heels in love as I still can not justify why in spite of so many differences i was

ready to commit to this relation. In spite of many differences, strong graha in 2nd from Kumbha will keep relation. I asked Sanjay ji about the KSY and here is what he replied

om gurave namah

Dear Vivek

Natural benefic Venus has joined the node

Natural benefics are in Lagna - 3 of them.

KSY is well cancelled. which means troubles but you wil overcome them and have an eventful life

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath I am happy to read his reply and head over heels for the fact you received it. Sanjay is Visti's Guru, Visti is Guru to my teacher, so... I am guessing you are expecting my comment, but as I belong to this lineage, maybe it is not necessary (I can not possibly know more or anything different than Sanjay, Visti or my teacher). Or you wish an explanation? If that is the case, here it is:Remember when I mentioned that it is easy to give advice for KSY/KAY if benefic is joining nodes or occupying lagna/7th bhava? This means broken KSY/KAY. Roughly speaking, lets say it is easier type of KSY/KAY, so bondage is not terrible as it may be without influence of benefics as described above. Also, the stronger these benefics are (own rashi, mooltrikona, exaltation), the easier type it will

be. This is one of the reasons why I did not insist to perform Mahavidya urgently (Tara), as you are having exalted Guru on your Lagna. This is why I was writing long email with list of upayas related to every day life. I've also done puja of KSY at Shri Kalahasti Temple as suggested by some Pandit ji. How effective that puja was, only God knows. I am very sorry, but I am only familiar with those remedies from Achyuta parampara I listed above. I can not give any comment on puja you performed. Would you be kind enough to explain the Kamla Mahavidhya puja to me also please. You don't need this. :) I understand that it will be a painful process but I would surely like to understand and would definitely would like to try if I feel i can do it. You will not perform this, forget

it. No need for this, as there are benefics on lagna breaking KSY. I can repeat this as many times necessary. :) Love your wife, this is the best sadhana for you :) Also can I do both, Kamla Mahavidhya Sadhna and Jyotirlinga mantra? Third time, forget Kamala Sadhana. :) In general, one sadhana at the time. Mahavidya, or Jyotirlinga, never both at the same time (and never both for same graha at the same time). Jyotirlinga for now. Can you also please explain a bit more in details about "I will be reminded if I do anything to make my wife unhappy" while doing Jyotirlinga Mantra? :) As I said: things can simply go back to where they were before you started with Mantra. :) Don't be afraid, this is beautiful mantra. Also if you can please give some more details of Tara Mahavidhya and how can It be performed. For now you do not need this. When you need it, I will ask around for someone located nearby your place who can give you all instructions. We'll be in touch. Regarding Children, My wife feels she is not yet ready. Earlier she wanted some time after marriage and now as we are staying separate, she does not want to go ahead this way and would like to wait sometime till some arrangement happens where we can stay together again. :( Okay, be patient. There is sense in what she is saying. It is not easy for a woman to be on her own during pregnancy and after delivery. and as you said, I should not do anything to make her unhappy, I've been keeping my mouth shut in this matter and letting her decide what she wants. But I'm no way near the Husband of the Decade title as I do make her upset with some things she doesn't like. One of them is letting her know

that she is wrong :) about something or If I don't agree to what she says. Wait, I did not say to shut up, be a plant and don't have opinion of your own :))) 90% of communication is nonverbal, meaning that people focus on interpreting gesticulation and tone while listening. Anything you have to say, say it, but 10% be careful on choice of words, 90% be careful how you say it. :) If your arguments are reasonable and strong enough, you should be able to explain why gently. I don't know how to move away from Asia. Don't worry, this is not urgent at all. I did not say to do it by the end of this month. Life is long. It is more like, if/when you are in position to chose where to move, you should prefer this direction. It depends if I can get a Job somewhere far from here. I'm trying to find a job but it all seems so difficult at this time and I feel

like I'm trapped. Please do guide me if you can about what I can do to make my luck move me to Northwest direction and away from Asia. I am afraid I am unable to give you such advice, but I do think that solving one thing at the time is vise. You cant change your entire life with one move. Patience. Thanking you once again for all your help and kindness. Again, pleasure is all mine. I hope I do not take up too much of your time and effort for the queries I have. Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams Vivek Bajaj


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:53:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga










Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI read that last email you were sending after this which is bellow my email. Your wife is pretty much healthy woman. Considering your relationships before marriage, the only serious relationship you ever had is this with your wife. She is first Upa Pada, I am glad this is confirmed.Before I forget to say it (again): yes that is right, your wife would have to contact me directly (however she feels more comfortable- privately or here on forum) in order to allow me to interpret her chart.Opposition to your marriage was mostly from your father in law? When did you meet your wife?Eternal, life time painful spot of every Sukra Atma Karaka is its "Royal Highness-Institutio n of Marriage". What Sukra Atma Karaka is living and breathing for is love. You have read that you are having afflicted Sukra (curse) in your chart. This adds hardships on previous

statement. Here on forum many times I came across questions such as "Will I have love marriage or arranged marriage?" and every time I am wondering what is on questioners mind... Love? Or falling in love/passion? There is a difference and it is so hard to explain it to someone who had never felt both, simply entered arranged marriage and remain there for rest of life. No matter what one says to a person who experienced only arranged marriage without falling in love to spouse or loving spouse, they can never understand that there is no big difference between deep love on one side and solid, quality relation inside arranged marriage on the other. There are no "butterflies in stomach" feeling, excitement, shivering, sweet insomnia when it comes to real, deep love. Are you following me so far Sukra Atma Karaka? :)"Butterflies" are present for few days, weeks, months... in best case for few years. Eventually they "fly away" and leave us in

bills, loans, arguments over holiday destination, color of sofa, budget plans, "shall we rent/buy house/apartment here or there?", diapers, babies crying, "I am too tired talk, I had a very exhausting day at work", what are we going to have for dinner, who is earning more, etc. etc. etc. A warm welcome to cruel reality of every day life! So really, who is messed up more at birth: westerns or Indians? Westerns rarely learn difference between love and falling in love, so landing "cruel reality" after "butterflies stage" appears more as a plain crash, if love did not have enough time to plant roots before living together. Indians, on the other side, can hardly get rid of feeling as if they are missing something crucial if their only option is simply to enter arranged marriage and that is it as far as their emotional life. (It is probably scary idea for nowadays 20 year old in India, considering what they are coming across in global media and internet.)

As a human being I can only be honest with you and say that I don't believe in institution of marriage either. At least not from that perspective of what majority of human beings aged 20-35 is expecting from partnership deep down inside, no matter which tradition/country/ religion he or she belongs. Mutual love. Very small percentage of population is lucky to experience this, and majority of these lucky ones did not get everything on the plate as soon as they married. They probably had to put lot of effort and time to make things work.Bottom line, what every married human being needs in The Holy Institution of Marriage is mutual respect, understanding, both sides ready for compromises, cooperation and sharing responsibilities. Otherwise everyone included suffer terribly. Love is a nice asset, but it will not make it work if any single one of those above terms is not included. It will not plant roots and grow. It is hard enough to find a

person who is ready to cooperate with another to such extent. Deep down inside, all human beings are very selfish. Institution of Marriage? Disappointments? Well, disappointments come after failed expectations. It depends on what one is expecting of marriage... See my point?I am not from India, so the first time I became familiar with Vedic viewpoints on marriage was only few years ago. I told you that as a human being I don't believe in Institution of Marriage: Well, why would I wish to push myself and accept so many responsibilities? Why would I ever wish to let anyone disturbing my privacy, habits and occupying half of my bed (while snoring, probably :)? Two reasons:1. Children2. Children#1 Children is purely from human being level. I do wish to accomplish my self as a mother. #2 Children is from viewpoint of Dharma. As you are born in India, I am expecting that you do know that Dharma of every mortal human is

continuing linage. This linage can be spiritual, within parampara, if one decides to renounce material aspects of life. In this option one is adopting "spiritual children" or shishyas (students). Second option is to continue family linage and have biological or adopted children. We are here for the sake of creation and we are obligated to create our own children in order to pay our debts to our Pitris (ancestors). Are you familiar with these principles? If you are, in that case you do understand that you did not marry for your own benefit or pleasure (if this becomes part of your marriage, great!). You married for having children and share responsibilities with your wife in order to up bring them in to greatest possible human beings. Life really makes no sense without children. If you don't believe me, just search for married people who never decided to raise a child (even though they could) and observe their lives. From this viewpoint

Institution of Marriage is sacred. One may believe in it or not, but it is sacred because it provides us fulfilling significant portion of our Dharma. (As far as I am concerned, this paragraph is 80% of my motivation to enter marriage some day. God, I really hope I will have XXXL bed and enough wax for my ears to survive that. :)For good and bad marriage it takes two and it is always easier to blame the other side when something goes wrong. All human beings find hard to face own failure and responsibility. .. Think about your actions and actions of your wife again, please. She learned to avoid mentioning something that might make you loose your temper. Good. Now is the best time to teach her how to make you talk, smile, feel that you belong there with her, make you happy... She needs you to show her how. You are where you are and there is no turning back. Divorce is always an option, but don't leave before you are sure you tried

EVERYTHING to make it work. Replacing her with another woman maybe would be as good enough as changing a package to the same problem, so you need to try to pull the best out of current situation. You both need to become team players. I can try to help a little, rest is really on you.As mentioned earlier, Sukra in your chart is afflicted (under curse), but main problem in your chart is Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY-all Grahas distributed zodiacally from Rashi occupied by Ketu to Rashi occpuied by Rahu). Nodes are influencing 2nd bhava from Upa Pada. After you told me about circumstances of the way you entered your marriage, I do believe that described is related to Kumbha Rashi. Co lord Rahu is in 3rd bhava with Sukra and Mangal, so you fell in love and choice of spouse was mainly your decision. You were probably head over heels in love... It must have been very intensive emotional

experience considering that Rahu is with Sukra Atma Karaka. Currently Rahu antar dasha is running, making Sukra and KSY issues very much in focus.Giving remedies for KSY is easy task if there is benefic with nodes. In your case that would be neecha Sukra. As neecha Grahas are always related with Devi forms, Kamala Mahavidya would be perfect remedy to break KSY. But... Mahavidya Sadhana is always very intensive experience, since performer gets opportunity to burn significant amount of bad Karma within 40 days (to speed up process of purification in a way). This process is very painful but worth vile, as it would probably take few years or even longer to accoplish same results with another kind of worship. Atma Karaka by it self is delivering most intensive karmic experiences (usually painful, but again-worth vile) to each and every one of us. Combination of Atma Karaka and Mahavidya Sadhana is overextended intensity for fragile human mind. One of

possible "side effects" of this combination is mental instability. I do think your Dhishakti, intelligence and mind are very strong, considering all those blessings on your lagna, but you are just a man who is worried about his marriage, financial existence and employment-meaning you are "regular civilian", making you very fragile for this type of Sadhana.Alternative for Mahavidya is Jyotirlinga mantra for Graha which is joining nodes. Shiva in form of Tryambakkeshvaya is Jyotirlinga for Sukra. This will exalt Sukra, take care of KSY, additionally purify occupants in Meena and give strength to this Rashi which is sustaining your marriage (2nd from Kumbha). You get multiple benefits from this mantra:Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum OmThis is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and you are supposed to start it on

any Monday, performing it 108 times (one Mala) in the morning and 108 times at the sunset. Do it for 40 days. After that you wait next Monday to start another 40 days of Shiva worship. There is catch with Jyotirlinga. I don't advise you to start it unless you are fully prepared to be nothing but a loving husband to your wife. You must be very careful, there are no excuses. She can behave as she likes, be unbearable, impulsive, stubborn, behaving like a spoiled breath, I am so sorry, but all you are allowed to do is to behave like you are preparing for "Husband of decade" contest. You are not allowed to hurt her, insult her even a little bit, to raise your voice at her or to make her unhappy in any way. Whenever you do anything similar you will be "reminded" not to repeat it, because things can get very difficult again. Also, Sukra is related to couples and young, unmarried ladies, so this is place No2 and No3 on your personal list of sacred and

divine. Ah yes, add Institution of Marriage as No4, as this institution is also related to Sukra. You are obligated to have full respect towards everything related to Sukra, especially your wife. Neecha Sukra requires you to be humble towards your wife, sister, ladies etc. etc. Help them when they ask you, help them and support them even when they don't ask you. From now and on, your wife is Devi personified as far as you are concerned and the ground she is walking is sacred to you. You will have to chose this attitude if you want to give some strength to Sukra in your chart and pull your self out of the problem. Believe me that you will make incomparably less damage if you decide to insult anybody else in your life before you decide to make your wife unhappy. (Don't worry, I promise I will never share this conversation with her :) You have to perform some good karma if you want to prevent continuation of bad karma. Your wife is not with you by

coincidence. She is there to deliver some karma that must be delivered and you can try to make it easier for yourself. I repeat again what I said few emails ago: Guru will protect Meena rashi, plus Ketu is there, so you need children as soon as possible. Your marriage has more chances to sustain with children. Come on Karka lagna, you can be great father... I am sure that children will pull the best out of you. That palmist had a point about far away country. I recommend you to move Northwest as Chandra is in digbala from Arudha Lagna. Move from Asia, far far away, as movable rashis such as Karka require distance to get activated. Your lagna and all occupants are your way out of every problem. In next Maha Dasa of Guru it would be great to perform Tara Mahavidya. If you feel ready to do it earlier, let's say around August this year, start it then. I am saying Tara because Grahas on Lagna are also qualified to break Kala Sarpa Yoga. Tara is

for Guru.Hm... that would be all for now. Email is long, I know. I had to trouble you to put some effort in reading long list of remedies and advices, as 3rd bhava is place of problems. :) Okay, I am joking. I just think that there was some point in doing all this, as you might have benefits from everything written above this paragraph. You are reasonable, you might listen to me and you will probably perform Jyotirlinga. Thank you very much for reading this and giving me a chance to do some good karma. As I said before, rest is really on you.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Tue, 1/19/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comTuesday, January 19, 2010, 2:08 AM

Dear Maja ji Thanks a lot for your kind reply. Here are some major details for my life. I was married on 12th December 2008. My Father born in 1938 is a businessman and now not doing any active work except for some investments. He is having family history of diabetes and heart problems and is himself a Heart and blood Sugar patient. My mother is a housewife and she does not have any major medical problems except for overweight. Have always belonged to a well to do family but there was not much progress in our financial status and growth has always been stagnant. I've learnt from my parents not to believe in pump and show and lead a simple life. I'm a very stubborn person and don't usually change my decisions. I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible. I have great love for literature and poetry and love art cinema more than commercial cinema. I passed my B.Com in 3rd division

even when I was not that bad a student. I've always been haunted by Math and physics and complex calculations. I did my 12 in Science. After that i did some computer courses and worked here and there but my proper job started in Sep 2003 when I left India and came for a contract job of 2 months in Bangkok. here after 3 months i was offered a full time job and had to travel a lot in this job. I have recently been moved to plant location which has forced me to stay away from my wife as she is also working in the city. I was told this news on Dussehra day 2009. My Wife's DOB is 15th Apr 1980. Number 3, 6, 9 have mostly been lucky. most of my good friends also have these numbers as their date of birth. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i'm the youngest child. Both my brothers are in business. My sister is also married to a businessman. I don't remember much of my childhood but after I've grown up, I've seen mostly problems in business front in my dad's

business. I can't say they were very huge but yes, if I compare to how well to do and progressing we used to be (as I was told), our growth got stagnant and also going down. My Marriage was a Love cum arranged Marriage. there was a lot of opposition from Girls family but later settled. The first few months of my marriage, my wife and I had lot of quarrels. We actually had very bitter fights and i had lost all interest and faith in the institution of marriage. Things are getting better, touch wood. We don't finght that much as my wife very cleverly avoids any such thing which can make me loose my temper. I won't say I'm satisfied but yes, i also feel its better to avoid any thing which can cause fights. My quality of life, I can't really say as there were both +ve and -ve changes but my career has taken a downfall and I've been landing in problems as explained earlier.I was once told by a palmist that My future will always be bright

outside of the country of my birth and that I would probably die in a country which is not my birth country. Health wise, My wife is a bit fragile and although her health is more or less stable, she has improved over time but still she keeps getting small problems health wise. Regarding my wife's chart, should I ask her to send an email to you if she is interested in getting the things explained in her chart? Please let me know if any further information is required from my side. Once again thank you so much for your kindness to help. Kind RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:09:19 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga






Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteHaving direct dialogue with you is much better option, nice that you included. First of all, no reason for panic at this stage, as we are still checking if your birth time is correct or not.Tell me when did you get married? As your Upa Pada lagna is in 2nd bhava with Surya and Sani, I guess your marriage was arranged according to tradition of your family (which is the case with majority of people of your age in your country, but I would like to check if this is true anyway). You are 31 years old at the moment, so I don't see any serious marriage delay in your case... As I understand tradition, condition number one, necessary to fulfill in order to become potential groom, is to finish education (at least) before entering marriage. This can not happen before age of 23-24 (if we are talking about higher education). As Sani is on Upa Pada lagna, here we should focus on

7th there from (Kumbha) in order to find more details about relation between you and your wife. It is nice to see that her Rashi Lagna fits perfectly to your Upa Pada. :) I think your relation will be so much stronger after birth of children, as Ketu (kula devata) is there in Mooltrikona receiving Graha drishti of Guru from lagna. No need to focus on afflicted neecha Sukra from 3rd bhava and its influence on 2nd from Kumbha, as Guru is strong enough to protect his rashi (Meena) and his beneficial influence is strong enough to sustain your marriage. This marriage should last, all you guys need is children. This is the best "remedy" to keep your marriage safe and sound. :) I can not give comments related to your wife's chart, as I need her blessing and permission to do such a thing. It is her privacy. Though I am allowed to cheer you up with good news: my knowledge in determining compatibility between partners is pretty much poor, but what I am

familiar with at this stage allows me to say that there is perfect compatibility in domain of Chandra (representing both of your families, social circles and mind level) between the two of you. "Third party involvement" meaning-if there were any extramarital issues with other women?Longevity issues- if Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, this brings neecha Sukra in 8th bhava, related to sustaining of marriage and this is maraka bhava for wife also. This is neecha, vargotama Atma Karaka (under curse in Rashi chart), believe me you would feel very unhappy in your marriage if this is in 8th bhava. Further, 9th bhava is 3rd from 7th, so it is related to death of spouse in a way. Lord is neecha Budh having graha drishti on neecha Sukra in 2nd from 7th. If Sukra and Budh were not neecha (without neecha banga in Navamsha), I would not insist that this combination could ever influence wife's longevity, as there is no 7th lord involved in this

combination to satisfy snap shot combination for death of spouse. This way, I would stick to health issues and longevity decreased to some extent. Speaking of her health, I need you to tell me how is your wife doing? If she is fine and well, I suggest Makara Navamsha lagna.What is your father's occupation? If Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, following scenario is possible: social and financial status of your family could have been very stable and good before you were born. After you were born, your family could have experienced huge problems related to status, reputation, some court cases, legal issues and similar could have cropped up. Was this the case?Also, after you got married, how would you describe quality of your life, your career and interpersonal relations with people from your surrounding? I need these answers.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Mon, 1/18/10, Vivek Bajaj

<bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comMonday, January 18, 2010, 1:48 AM

Dear Maja ji and Manoj ji Thanks a lot for taking out time to look at the chart. Maja ji, can you please help with the charts of me and my wife as if its really a Kumbha Lagna in Navmasa then I guess I'd be needing the help and blessings of Gurujans and learned members. My marriage was delayed. I'm sorry but I could not fully understand the third party involvement and longvity things. Frankly I'm getting scared a bit. Please guide me. I would also like to request Gurujans and Other leaned members if they can help with their analysis. Thanks and RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commanojsharma662000@ Sun, 17 Jan 2010 06:50:26 -0800Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




point well taken...I am a day dreamer and dreams just add more illusion (maya) around you...but that is my karma and I have to face (actually I am already facing) the consequences




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSun, January 17, 2010 3:41:43 AMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj, namasteThis is not matter of knowledge level, it is matter of approaching facts. Only facts make sense to me.Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 6:15 PM


Hi Maja,

Thanks for your response. I will not pretend to know more than you in astrology even for a wee bit. I was just saying that sometime the truth is not every apparent, and at abstract level sometime what is apparent is not necessarily true. I was just trying to make this point. However, again not sure whether it makes sense to you.




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSat, January 16, 2010 4:25:13 PMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj,:))))))))))) ))))))))) )) Thank you for making me laugh with this lovely explanation. I do believe Vivek knows his wife very well. They are living together after all.Does this mean that Jyotishi is allowed to say: "You had a very good period to become millionaire a year ago, but sadly, you did not use it, so nothing manifested." in order to justify our errors in interpretation or rectification?Vivek's navamsha lagna shifts to Makara lagna within less than one minute earlier. In case of Kumbha navamsha lagna, Sukra would be 9th lord in 8th and Sukra is neecha, so I do believe that this would delay his marriage (fulfiling Dharma-9th bhava). Also, neecha Sukra would be matter of sustaining his marriage. There is drishti of neecha Budh on Sukra, so I do believe that if there is no terrible suffering or involvement of third party in his marriage, or if his wife is alive and well (yoga

of 8th and 9th lord would badly afflict wife's longevity) Vivek's navamsha lagna should be Makara. This way, second bhava related to sustaining is occupied with Gu/Ke, meaning that children (own or adopted) and continuing linage is something that is keeping this marriage strong.When there is parampara yoga in 7th in Navamsha, it is not matter of inner quality or inner attitude of spouse. It is reality and spouse should actually belong to/be born in some Parampara if Yoga is strong (Guru is in Surya's rashi here, so...).Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32 AM


That my be because of her Arudha lagna; what manifests is not always true...just tear the facade of this maya and try to understand the soul of your wife...may be you will realize, she is indeed very spritual if not religious... .






Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>sohamsa@ .comFri, January 15, 2010 5:50:11 AMRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga Dear Guru jis/Learned Members Just noticed that Jupiter + Ketu is in my D9 too in 7th house. I don't think my wife is very spiritual. She is more fun loving and out going than me. Chart attached. I guess we need some more expert advise. Warm RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .combondmerama (AT) (DOT) inFri, 15 Jan 2010 10:39:13 +0000 Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga


Dear All,Does this yoga always known as Ganapati Yoga,Here Jupiter is fallen.Best Regardssohamsa@ .com, LearneR Vedic AstroG <hygreeva_ram@ ...> wrote:>> || Hare Rama Krishna ||>  > Namaskar, > It indiacte you get spirtual wife , may be marriage purpose is to beget children.>  >  >  > Regards,> Hygreeva.> > > --- On Thu, 14/1/10, AS <bondmerama@ ...> wrote:> > > AS <bondmerama@ ...>> Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:shri Rafal Ji please tell......> sohamsa@ .com> Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 8:20 AM> > >  > > > > Respected

Sirs> Namaskar.> Does the combination of Jupiter+Ketu in Makara, seventh house of D-9,indictates an astrologer spouse/spiritual spouse or what it indicates.> Kindly tell.> Regards.> > > > > > > > > > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/>



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Dear Maja


Sadar Pranams!


I understand and will try to be as patient as possible. Thank you so much for your kind advise. I have not yet started the Mantra. Will try to start asap. My Dad is not well and I may have to go visit him. A lot of things were on my mind including my Dad's health and I could not find proper time to start.


I've given your email ID to my wife and she was supposed to contact you but I guess with all the crazy things happening around, she might have forgotten about it. I'll remind her again as she was very much interested in getting to know more about her horoscope.

Lastly, we are not wearing identical rings.


Warm Regards




sohamsa From: majastrbacastroDate: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 09:27:14 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga








Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI understand this pressure and your position. However, I can not offer any quick solutions. I can only suggest you to perform those remedies I gave you. Mantra is not instant quick solution, it takes time. I am so sorry. When to expect effect from mantra? I will leave this part fully in God's grace. There are methods from parampara to determine if mantra will provide you correcting karma from past birth only, will you experience effects of mantra soon (and in this life) or will you experience these effects in your next life. This is supposed to be judged from Muhurta chart when one starts performing mantra. I will not say how, because I don't think I should interfere in your karma to this extent. I believe that advice on starting Sanjivani on Monday is as far as I can go with muhurta choice.Please don't make mistake such as having this on your mind while reciting mantra:a) direct expectations ("I want this event to materialize" etc.)b) establishing time line for effectsReferring to God (in this case in form of Shiva) with mantra is much more serious than this. Every day life is stressful, we are all facing tensions and problems (this way or that), but when using mantra, one's motive should be to correct bad karma and mistakes from previous life, for a start. From this perspective, even receiving partial forgiveness is enormous blessing. Be patient.One other thing: have you started reciting Sanjivani? :)Third: As far as yellow sapphire, I don't think you should start wearing it before Guru enters Meena rashi. I think that parivartana with neecha Rahu is terrible choice of muhurta for imbibing Devata in yellow sapphire (Guru). As I was saying before, Ratna is not urgent. With mantra you will be more than fine at this point. Fourth: Your bellowed wife... Have you asked her if she would like Jyotish advice? I think this suggestion would be very useful for both of you. I checked her chart before. However, I was saying I am not in position to give comments about her chart. Perhaps I will not violate ethics too much if I add that she should do some remedies... please ask her.P.S. Are you two wearing identical wedding rings?Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Mon, 2/22/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa Cc: majastrbacastro Date: Monday, February 22, 2010, 1:07 AM

Hi Maja Sadar Pranams! Thanks for explaining me all this in so much detail. Really appreciate your patience. I'm also making this email to your address directly also so you don't have to wait for long time before receiving my replies. I think I understand most of what you've tried to explain. I've also received the instructions on energizing the yellow sapphire. Will try to work on all that you have suggested. One last request. because of my transfer, my wife is very upset and she wants me to find a new job asap. I'm supposed to be studying and giving exams for a certification which is supposed to help me. My problem is that I'm unable to concentrate on anything. I'm unable to concentrate on my work and I'm unable to concentrate on my studies. I'm simply wasting time and I feel guilty but I just can't do anything. Its a terrible feeling. Can you please suggest anything which can help me in that quickly? With this I would like to close my email and Thank you for all your kindness. May GOD bless you with his choicest blessings. Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams.Vivek


sohamsa@ .comCC: bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 20 Feb 2010 01:04:38 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga









Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteComments bellow. Better late than never. Such a long time in the meanwhile, so I am sending this email privately as well.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Sun, 2/7/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSunday, February 7, 2010, 8:07 PM

Hi Maja (no ji this time) Sadar Pranams :) The post sent by you comes immediately cause its not moderated. you are in safe sending list. I'm not so my emails come late. your inbox should be perfectly fine. I'm a IT guy and I can definitely suggest you on this one. :) anyways. Should I wear pearl again? Oh, I think I confused you with my previous email. Good that you asked again. Pearl is perfectly OK, Chandra is your lagnesh on lagna, there is nothing wrong with wearing pearl. But, as you said, you've lost your pearl. Now there is no need to buy a new one, as there is better better solution for you (I mentioned pink Ruby). I also said that you should take off emerald. You have yellow sapphire, which is very helpful by the time when you buy that pink Ruby. After you buy it, you should wear only Ruby and nothing else. I like pearl much more than this emerald. The yellow sapphire which I'm wearing is in Right hand, first finger. Hand is correct, finger is wrong if this means index finger (closest to thumb). This finger is for Moksha trikona, so wearing ring and Gemstone on index finger will block Moksha and increase Ahamkar. We don't want this, right? :) Please take it off from that finger (now). I always thought this for the finger for Jupiter. This finger is corresponding Jupiter indeed, but as far as trikona activated by this finger, no Gemstone should be on it. Ratna is remedy which can not reach beyond Rajas, and for Moksha we need Satvic remedies-which is mantra ;) Yellow sapphire should be on ring finger (dharma trikona, perfect). The astrologer who advised the emerald recently passed away. Oh... I am very sorry to read that. I could not argue much with him but I guess he was suggesting that because I am going through the mercury mahadasha, I should wear emerald and it should help me in career and money saving. anyways, I would be more than happy to get rid of this stone. I've not done any puja for yellow sapphire, just chanted the Jupiter mantra a few times i guess and wore it on thursday. Can you please advise how should I energize it and wear it again if there is any other proper method. Sure there is. I will send you complete instructions to your private email. By that time, take that ring off and put it aside. Don't wear it. Same way i chanted the Buddha mantra a few times and wore the emerald on wednesday.Will try to find the pink Ruby and see how can I afford it. As I said, this is not urgent, take your time. In the meanwhile you will wear yellow sapphire and after you buy pink ruby, you will wear only ruby, not both. Rahu AD will end in Sep 2011. so I guess I should just wait patiently till that time. Yes, correct. Wait patiently and always hope for better even earlier. That is the pretty much helpful approach towards predictions you receive. At least you should have this approach after reading what I wrote to you in my previous email. That was not prediction, it was just an opinion as I said, so take it as that. Don't fix your self to dates. Besides, miracles can happen. Pray, be patient and optimistic. Will the Jupiter AD help in anyways? I believe it will be very helpful. What time do you see for job change? will the change be for good? This is same question, only rephrased :) I do understand that this is of most importance to you at this time, but I think I will make more damage if I give you wrong prediction comparing with letting you go without any job related prediction. Please don't insist. emancipation I do feel at times. I guess I need to find a Guru who can guide me. I don't think that your D20 will support too many penances. You have lot of exalted and swakshetra Grahas in this divisional chart, especially in moksha trikona, so you may not feel too comfortable in some type of serious sadhana. Of course it is more than welcome to have Diksha Guru, but spirituality will probably be only portion of your life, not your entire life. by the way, do you see any chance for me to learn Jyotish in detail? I have a lot of love for jyotish but I guess I need a Guru for that too who can teach me patiently. I am biased whenever somebody asks this question, so I always reply with yes, no matter what I see in chart. Not just to you, to anybody. Honestly, I would rather cut of my own hand instead of using it to write NO. :) Continue learning it and see where it goes. I don't see obstacles for understanding principles, but I am not sure if this will be in detail. Warm Regards and Sadar pranamsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 6 Feb 2010 04:23:02 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga











Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteComments bellow.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Wed, 2/3/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, February 3, 2010, 9:04 PM

Dear Maja ji (And this would be my limit. God knows I tried. Three/four/five times reading "ji" next to my name written by same person is as far as I can go with pretending it is not there :) Please, next time use my name only. No need for formalities. ) Sadar Pranams I won't say too many Thank You's :). You know I am very much Thank full. Oh, good. This sounds so much better. Improving. I almost detached you from writing "thank you" :) I guess the reason the email was delayed is because the emails to this group by users (except for some senior members and Gurujans) are moderated and sometimes the moderators are busy and take some time before they can release the emails. Nope, it has to do with inbox on my account. Even though these posts are already on Sohamsa, I receive them with delay on my account. Trust me it has nothing to do with moderation. You would be very far behind me on the list of nominees for being moderated :))) and I am receiving my own posts right after sending them. A few more requests. Feel free to reply whenever you can. I was wearing a yellow sapphire and a pearl for past few years. Even combination of pearl and yellow sapphire on the same ring would be very good for you. Couple months back, I lost my pearl ring. Pitty... Okay, it happens. Don't think back about that event. The strange thing is that before I lost the pearl was getting used pretty fast. It was getting smaller in size pretty quickly which did not happen before. I enquired a few people and some said it was natural and some said, it was working. I still have no clue. Then one of the astrologers who used to guide my Wife's family said that I should not be wearing the pearl at all and its good that I lost it. Lagna lord on lagna is bad for Ratna? Chandra is bad? The only graha which can not harm any other, which is never malefic (it can be weak, but not malefic)? He suggested a Emerald. Ouch! Lord of 12th and 3rd on lagna? He said I could wear the yellow sapphire if I wanted but it will be of no use. I wish if this so-called-astrologe r was having that conversation with me. I just wonder what for it would be of no use... He is clearly not competent to give advice on Ratna. For heaven's sake, Guru is 9th lord exalted on your lagna (6th also, I know, but this Guru is perfectly OK)! My wife's family immediately arranged a emerald and I'm wearing it instead of pearl. If you've done some pujas or devata imbibing in that gemstone, please take it off. I'm also wearing the yellow sapphire. I asked one of my uncle's who I normally ask about such queries and he said that as per him I may try wearing a red coral Well, don't wear red coral. I do understand that lot of astrologers simply advice Gemstone for Yogakaraka, expecting it is perfect choice to cover all needs of every native, panacea, success guaranteed... But this is not enough. Mangal may be Yogakaraka, but its placement in 3rd (and in 6th from AL) is terrible choice for Ratna. but he was not sure why a emerald was suggested. Probably idea that it is benefic on lagna, maybe expecting it would work well for career (as Budh is karaka for 10th) or something, maybe due to digbala... Maybe it is just a simple, good old lack of knowledge. So I'm currently wearing a yellow sapphire and a emerald. Take off emerald, leave yellow sapphire on (right hand, ring finger). Any puja done for your yellow Sapphire? Sada Shiva should be in it... if possible, could you please advise? Also I was asked to take off my wedding ring as there were diamonds in that. Feel free to put your wedding ring back on. If Lakshmi is not invoked in that diamond, all is perfectly OK. In that case your wedding ring is only a wedding ring. It can not do any good or any harm in context of Ratna. It is only a diamond. Just a tough piece of carbon :)For now you can wear Yellow Sapphire and you should wear it. While it is on your hand, start saving money for pink Ruby. This is not Ruby for Surya, so ordinary red or dark red Ruby will be of no use. You need clear, natural, unheated, perfectly transparent pink Ruby without eye visible flaws. Padmaraga, please look at this photo:http://simplygemsto nes.com/images/ ruby%20pink% 20Burma%20no% 20heat%201. 27%20ct%20OV% 20CG07.jpg

This is second guidance for correct color of Ruby for you:http://1.bp. blogspot. com/_AxfQ2CmiqM4 /SffEKNBD- fI/AAAAAAAAAGg/ PA1QKlldcUU/ S1600-R/536113_ pink_lotus. jpgAs far as size for this pink Ruby, I would rather explain it using small words: at least two millimeters in range. Anything bigger is more than welcome, but this is minimum. Pink Ruby is mainly to activate Mahapurusha Yoga on lagna (in your case this would be Hamsa). It will also activate agni tatva of lagna and all occupants in it (trines also, but we are focusing on your lagna now). Lovely solution for additional activation of Yogas on your lagna. I did not think of Ratna earlier, as you were mentioning financial problems, so I did not want to cause additional expenses to your budget. Even this advice is not urgent to follow. Whenever you get the chance to buy it, do that. Of course, the sooner the better.As I've mentioned in my earlier email also, I was asked to move to another location by my company which has forced me to stay away from my wife. I was pretty upset with the decision as the management knew that I was recently married and this will create problems in my personal life. I really want to change my Job. Do you see any such change in near future? Hmmm... If I have to reply on this, I think that Rahu AD is causing these problems. You do see when it ends... More than anything else I would wish to be wrong about this conclusion, as I really don't like bringing sort of bad news to good people. Rahu AD is giving effects of Sukra, which is AK, badhakesh, lord of 4th in 3rd (you had to move...), being neecha (vargotama) in 6th from AL it requires a lot of struggle for what you need during this AD. Also there is drishti on 12th from AL. Dashamsha situation is similar in a way. Rahu is giving effects of Mangal in 3rd, so lot of travels, struggles... I am not sure if Mangal's drishti on Ch 10th lord and 10th bhava can change your job once again during this AD... I am not very versed in analyzing Dashamsha, so do take this with some reserve. Do your mantra (offer some sandalwood paste to Shiva), try to get your hands on that pink Ruby... It might appear earlier than 2011. Feeding poor people, donations in gold to temples (for example, to temple of your family deity), donations to spiritual people, all is more than welcome. I remember you were saying: "I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible." Good, great, continue doing that.

Last question, just popped up in my mind after reading a few emails in Sohamsa group. I am very fond of Art and especially poetry. Usually this is the case with Sukra AK :) Art and beauty are food for soul. I used to write poems too till a few years back and now in this job I find it hard do the same. I'm no big poet. I've just shared my work with a few friends, that's all. can you please suggest what yoga in my chart is the reason for this and should I try to work on this hobby of mine. Is it any significant in my chart? Remember my comment in previous email regarding you criticism? Same positions are influencing your urge to write. As a Kark lagna, with strong Chandra (vargotama) and Sukra AK (in 3rd), writing interest will be more related to poetry, rather than prose. This is usual case when Jala tatva is related with yogas for writing. More over, Gu/Bu on lagna, strong writing skills, also there is Sarada Yoga, Gajakeshari yoga... Why this did not materialize through your lagna (name and fame)? It is in 12th from Surya (MKS), so I think that there is lack of support for initiating these yogas. You will write, but I am not sure if this will be published. In Navamsa Sukra is also in trines to d9 lagna, influencing your ability, neecha-through lot of effort, as it is also in 3rd from D9 lagnesh. No aspect on D9 lagna from Sukra, so this can hardly bring you finances. Though it can bring you inner satisfaction, perfect hobby.Hey... in Navamsha you have Ketu in 12th from AK joined with Benefic-Guru. This is illustration of dictum for emancipation :) But this is all I know about this dictum, I have no idea how this goes with rest of the chart. Warm Regards and Sadar PranamsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Wed, 3 Feb 2010 01:54:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga







Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteObviously my inbox was on vacation, as I received your email today (I see 27th of January on it). It jams sometimes and refuses cooperation. ..I added comments directly to your email bellow. This font color would be me.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Wed, 1/27/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:05 AM

Dear Maja ji Sadar Pranams Thanks a lot for your detailed email. I'm really indebted for all your time and effort. Really, no need for saying "thank you" every time we exchange email :) I guess this long email and the upayas are because you see a chance of separation. Nope. In fact, what I see in your chart is that you will never actually take any action regarding separation. Not even close. Too much Dharma in your chart :))) From time to time you may think of it as an option, but never seriously. I am just saving your valuable energy, time and mind focus for something more constructive. Instead of brainstorming on "Divorce is solution" (and never do it), don't you think it is more useful to make your brain occupied with "How can I improve this"? As simple as that.By Gods Grace and blessings till now everything seems normal. I hope it continues this way and God forbid, if in future there may be such a chance, I'll do whatever in my power to avoid any such situation. I've a few questions and I hope I won't take too much of your time. You are welcome anytime. Regarding the opposition, it was actually from her mother and sisters rather than her father. her father was cooperative in start but later under influence of her mother and sisters, opposed the idea of out alliance. OK, good. At the moment I can't think of any decent comment related to your chart and where to fit these events. I am not surprised with sisters in law, but I am surprised with mother in law. I owe you this explanation for next time, hope this is OK. I was introduced to my wife some 5-6 years back by a mutual friend. In Sukra AD? Cheers! She was studying at that time and I was on a project. We could not meet as we were quite far from each other but we kept in touch a bit by emails etc. After a year or so, she completed her studies and came back to her home. Then we met and it was just a normal friendship. I criticize a lot as you must have analyzed by my chart (No, I was not looking for this in your chart, but if you insist: perhaps Budh, lord of 3rd on Lagna with lagna lord and vargotama AK in Kanya are contributing this "quality" :) and i guess she some how relied on my advise (even if she didn't like it) as I used to speak truth and showed her what bitter things people won't tell others. this friendship slowly turned into attraction and eventually what we may call love but it was not without the ups and downs and the problems most couples face. It never is without ups and downs for any couple. I do understand (at least a bit) about what you say about the institution of marriage and our dharma and I would say that agree to almost all of what you say. Thanks a lot for explaining it in such a detail. Pleasure was all mine, really. now a few questions.was there any difference in the time I normally use for my chart calculations? the time which I have is approximate so I'm sure there would be some difference. If you can please let me know the same, It would be easy for me to try and learn more about my horoscope. As far as I was going with rectification, I think it should be 04:25 AM. I do agree that I was head over heels in love as I still can not justify why in spite of so many differences i was ready to commit to this relation. In spite of many differences, strong graha in 2nd from Kumbha will keep relation. I asked Sanjay ji about the KSY and here is what he replied

om gurave namah

Dear Vivek

Natural benefic Venus has joined the node

Natural benefics are in Lagna - 3 of them.

KSY is well cancelled. which means troubles but you wil overcome them and have an eventful life

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath I am happy to read his reply and head over heels for the fact you received it. Sanjay is Visti's Guru, Visti is Guru to my teacher, so... I am guessing you are expecting my comment, but as I belong to this lineage, maybe it is not necessary (I can not possibly know more or anything different than Sanjay, Visti or my teacher). Or you wish an explanation? If that is the case, here it is:Remember when I mentioned that it is easy to give advice for KSY/KAY if benefic is joining nodes or occupying lagna/7th bhava? This means broken KSY/KAY. Roughly speaking, lets say it is easier type of KSY/KAY, so bondage is not terrible as it may be without influence of benefics as described above. Also, the stronger these benefics are (own rashi, mooltrikona, exaltation), the easier type it will be. This is one of the reasons why I did not insist to perform Mahavidya urgently (Tara), as you are having exalted Guru on your Lagna. This is why I was writing long email with list of upayas related to every day life. I've also done puja of KSY at Shri Kalahasti Temple as suggested by some Pandit ji. How effective that puja was, only God knows. I am very sorry, but I am only familiar with those remedies from Achyuta parampara I listed above. I can not give any comment on puja you performed. Would you be kind enough to explain the Kamla Mahavidhya puja to me also please. You don't need this. :) I understand that it will be a painful process but I would surely like to understand and would definitely would like to try if I feel i can do it. You will not perform this, forget it. No need for this, as there are benefics on lagna breaking KSY. I can repeat this as many times necessary. :) Love your wife, this is the best sadhana for you :) Also can I do both, Kamla Mahavidhya Sadhna and Jyotirlinga mantra? Third time, forget Kamala Sadhana. :) In general, one sadhana at the time. Mahavidya, or Jyotirlinga, never both at the same time (and never both for same graha at the same time). Jyotirlinga for now. Can you also please explain a bit more in details about "I will be reminded if I do anything to make my wife unhappy" while doing Jyotirlinga Mantra? :) As I said: things can simply go back to where they were before you started with Mantra. :) Don't be afraid, this is beautiful mantra. Also if you can please give some more details of Tara Mahavidhya and how can It be performed. For now you do not need this. When you need it, I will ask around for someone located nearby your place who can give you all instructions. We'll be in touch. Regarding Children, My wife feels she is not yet ready. Earlier she wanted some time after marriage and now as we are staying separate, she does not want to go ahead this way and would like to wait sometime till some arrangement happens where we can stay together again. :( Okay, be patient. There is sense in what she is saying. It is not easy for a woman to be on her own during pregnancy and after delivery. and as you said, I should not do anything to make her unhappy, I've been keeping my mouth shut in this matter and letting her decide what she wants. But I'm no way near the Husband of the Decade title as I do make her upset with some things she doesn't like. One of them is letting her know that she is wrong :) about something or If I don't agree to what she says. Wait, I did not say to shut up, be a plant and don't have opinion of your own :))) 90% of communication is nonverbal, meaning that people focus on interpreting gesticulation and tone while listening. Anything you have to say, say it, but 10% be careful on choice of words, 90% be careful how you say it. :) If your arguments are reasonable and strong enough, you should be able to explain why gently. I don't know how to move away from Asia. Don't worry, this is not urgent at all. I did not say to do it by the end of this month. Life is long. It is more like, if/when you are in position to chose where to move, you should prefer this direction. It depends if I can get a Job somewhere far from here. I'm trying to find a job but it all seems so difficult at this time and I feel like I'm trapped. Please do guide me if you can about what I can do to make my luck move me to Northwest direction and away from Asia. I am afraid I am unable to give you such advice, but I do think that solving one thing at the time is vise. You cant change your entire life with one move. Patience. Thanking you once again for all your help and kindness. Again, pleasure is all mine. I hope I do not take up too much of your time and effort for the queries I have. Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams Vivek Bajaj


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:53:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga










Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI read that last email you were sending after this which is bellow my email. Your wife is pretty much healthy woman. Considering your relationships before marriage, the only serious relationship you ever had is this with your wife. She is first Upa Pada, I am glad this is confirmed.Before I forget to say it (again): yes that is right, your wife would have to contact me directly (however she feels more comfortable- privately or here on forum) in order to allow me to interpret her chart.Opposition to your marriage was mostly from your father in law? When did you meet your wife?Eternal, life time painful spot of every Sukra Atma Karaka is its "Royal Highness-Institutio n of Marriage". What Sukra Atma Karaka is living and breathing for is love. You have read that you are having afflicted Sukra (curse) in your chart. This adds hardships on previous statement. Here on forum many times I came across questions such as "Will I have love marriage or arranged marriage?" and every time I am wondering what is on questioners mind... Love? Or falling in love/passion? There is a difference and it is so hard to explain it to someone who had never felt both, simply entered arranged marriage and remain there for rest of life. No matter what one says to a person who experienced only arranged marriage without falling in love to spouse or loving spouse, they can never understand that there is no big difference between deep love on one side and solid, quality relation inside arranged marriage on the other. There are no "butterflies in stomach" feeling, excitement, shivering, sweet insomnia when it comes to real, deep love. Are you following me so far Sukra Atma Karaka? :)"Butterflies" are present for few days, weeks, months... in best case for few years. Eventually they "fly away" and leave us in bills, loans, arguments over holiday destination, color of sofa, budget plans, "shall we rent/buy house/apartment here or there?", diapers, babies crying, "I am too tired talk, I had a very exhausting day at work", what are we going to have for dinner, who is earning more, etc. etc. etc. A warm welcome to cruel reality of every day life! So really, who is messed up more at birth: westerns or Indians? Westerns rarely learn difference between love and falling in love, so landing "cruel reality" after "butterflies stage" appears more as a plain crash, if love did not have enough time to plant roots before living together. Indians, on the other side, can hardly get rid of feeling as if they are missing something crucial if their only option is simply to enter arranged marriage and that is it as far as their emotional life. (It is probably scary idea for nowadays 20 year old in India, considering what they are coming across in global media and internet.) As a human being I can only be honest with you and say that I don't believe in institution of marriage either. At least not from that perspective of what majority of human beings aged 20-35 is expecting from partnership deep down inside, no matter which tradition/country/ religion he or she belongs. Mutual love. Very small percentage of population is lucky to experience this, and majority of these lucky ones did not get everything on the plate as soon as they married. They probably had to put lot of effort and time to make things work.Bottom line, what every married human being needs in The Holy Institution of Marriage is mutual respect, understanding, both sides ready for compromises, cooperation and sharing responsibilities. Otherwise everyone included suffer terribly. Love is a nice asset, but it will not make it work if any single one of those above terms is not included. It will not plant roots and grow. It is hard enough to find a person who is ready to cooperate with another to such extent. Deep down inside, all human beings are very selfish. Institution of Marriage? Disappointments? Well, disappointments come after failed expectations. It depends on what one is expecting of marriage... See my point?I am not from India, so the first time I became familiar with Vedic viewpoints on marriage was only few years ago. I told you that as a human being I don't believe in Institution of Marriage: Well, why would I wish to push myself and accept so many responsibilities? Why would I ever wish to let anyone disturbing my privacy, habits and occupying half of my bed (while snoring, probably :)? Two reasons:1. Children2. Children#1 Children is purely from human being level. I do wish to accomplish my self as a mother. #2 Children is from viewpoint of Dharma. As you are born in India, I am expecting that you do know that Dharma of every mortal human is continuing linage. This linage can be spiritual, within parampara, if one decides to renounce material aspects of life. In this option one is adopting "spiritual children" or shishyas (students). Second option is to continue family linage and have biological or adopted children. We are here for the sake of creation and we are obligated to create our own children in order to pay our debts to our Pitris (ancestors). Are you familiar with these principles? If you are, in that case you do understand that you did not marry for your own benefit or pleasure (if this becomes part of your marriage, great!). You married for having children and share responsibilities with your wife in order to up bring them in to greatest possible human beings. Life really makes no sense without children. If you don't believe me, just search for married people who never decided to raise a child (even though they could) and observe their lives. From this viewpoint Institution of Marriage is sacred. One may believe in it or not, but it is sacred because it provides us fulfilling significant portion of our Dharma. (As far as I am concerned, this paragraph is 80% of my motivation to enter marriage some day. God, I really hope I will have XXXL bed and enough wax for my ears to survive that. :)For good and bad marriage it takes two and it is always easier to blame the other side when something goes wrong. All human beings find hard to face own failure and responsibility. .. Think about your actions and actions of your wife again, please. She learned to avoid mentioning something that might make you loose your temper. Good. Now is the best time to teach her how to make you talk, smile, feel that you belong there with her, make you happy... She needs you to show her how. You are where you are and there is no turning back. Divorce is always an option, but don't leave before you are sure you tried EVERYTHING to make it work. Replacing her with another woman maybe would be as good enough as changing a package to the same problem, so you need to try to pull the best out of current situation. You both need to become team players. I can try to help a little, rest is really on you.As mentioned earlier, Sukra in your chart is afflicted (under curse), but main problem in your chart is Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY-all Grahas distributed zodiacally from Rashi occupied by Ketu to Rashi occpuied by Rahu). Nodes are influencing 2nd bhava from Upa Pada. After you told me about circumstances of the way you entered your marriage, I do believe that described is related to Kumbha Rashi. Co lord Rahu is in 3rd bhava with Sukra and Mangal, so you fell in love and choice of spouse was mainly your decision. You were probably head over heels in love... It must have been very intensive emotional experience considering that Rahu is with Sukra Atma Karaka. Currently Rahu antar dasha is running, making Sukra and KSY issues very much in focus.Giving remedies for KSY is easy task if there is benefic with nodes. In your case that would be neecha Sukra. As neecha Grahas are always related with Devi forms, Kamala Mahavidya would be perfect remedy to break KSY. But... Mahavidya Sadhana is always very intensive experience, since performer gets opportunity to burn significant amount of bad Karma within 40 days (to speed up process of purification in a way). This process is very painful but worth vile, as it would probably take few years or even longer to accoplish same results with another kind of worship. Atma Karaka by it self is delivering most intensive karmic experiences (usually painful, but again-worth vile) to each and every one of us. Combination of Atma Karaka and Mahavidya Sadhana is overextended intensity for fragile human mind. One of possible "side effects" of this combination is mental instability. I do think your Dhishakti, intelligence and mind are very strong, considering all those blessings on your lagna, but you are just a man who is worried about his marriage, financial existence and employment-meaning you are "regular civilian", making you very fragile for this type of Sadhana.Alternative for Mahavidya is Jyotirlinga mantra for Graha which is joining nodes. Shiva in form of Tryambakkeshvaya is Jyotirlinga for Sukra. This will exalt Sukra, take care of KSY, additionally purify occupants in Meena and give strength to this Rashi which is sustaining your marriage (2nd from Kumbha). You get multiple benefits from this mantra:Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum OmThis is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and you are supposed to start it on any Monday, performing it 108 times (one Mala) in the morning and 108 times at the sunset. Do it for 40 days. After that you wait next Monday to start another 40 days of Shiva worship. There is catch with Jyotirlinga. I don't advise you to start it unless you are fully prepared to be nothing but a loving husband to your wife. You must be very careful, there are no excuses. She can behave as she likes, be unbearable, impulsive, stubborn, behaving like a spoiled breath, I am so sorry, but all you are allowed to do is to behave like you are preparing for "Husband of decade" contest. You are not allowed to hurt her, insult her even a little bit, to raise your voice at her or to make her unhappy in any way. Whenever you do anything similar you will be "reminded" not to repeat it, because things can get very difficult again. Also, Sukra is related to couples and young, unmarried ladies, so this is place No2 and No3 on your personal list of sacred and divine. Ah yes, add Institution of Marriage as No4, as this institution is also related to Sukra. You are obligated to have full respect towards everything related to Sukra, especially your wife. Neecha Sukra requires you to be humble towards your wife, sister, ladies etc. etc. Help them when they ask you, help them and support them even when they don't ask you. From now and on, your wife is Devi personified as far as you are concerned and the ground she is walking is sacred to you. You will have to chose this attitude if you want to give some strength to Sukra in your chart and pull your self out of the problem. Believe me that you will make incomparably less damage if you decide to insult anybody else in your life before you decide to make your wife unhappy. (Don't worry, I promise I will never share this conversation with her :) You have to perform some good karma if you want to prevent continuation of bad karma. Your wife is not with you by coincidence. She is there to deliver some karma that must be delivered and you can try to make it easier for yourself. I repeat again what I said few emails ago: Guru will protect Meena rashi, plus Ketu is there, so you need children as soon as possible. Your marriage has more chances to sustain with children. Come on Karka lagna, you can be great father... I am sure that children will pull the best out of you. That palmist had a point about far away country. I recommend you to move Northwest as Chandra is in digbala from Arudha Lagna. Move from Asia, far far away, as movable rashis such as Karka require distance to get activated. Your lagna and all occupants are your way out of every problem. In next Maha Dasa of Guru it would be great to perform Tara Mahavidya. If you feel ready to do it earlier, let's say around August this year, start it then. I am saying Tara because Grahas on Lagna are also qualified to break Kala Sarpa Yoga. Tara is for Guru.Hm... that would be all for now. Email is long, I know. I had to trouble you to put some effort in reading long list of remedies and advices, as 3rd bhava is place of problems. :) Okay, I am joking. I just think that there was some point in doing all this, as you might have benefits from everything written above this paragraph. You are reasonable, you might listen to me and you will probably perform Jyotirlinga. Thank you very much for reading this and giving me a chance to do some good karma. As I said before, rest is really on you.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Tue, 1/19/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comTuesday, January 19, 2010, 2:08 AM

Dear Maja ji Thanks a lot for your kind reply. Here are some major details for my life. I was married on 12th December 2008. My Father born in 1938 is a businessman and now not doing any active work except for some investments. He is having family history of diabetes and heart problems and is himself a Heart and blood Sugar patient. My mother is a housewife and she does not have any major medical problems except for overweight. Have always belonged to a well to do family but there was not much progress in our financial status and growth has always been stagnant. I've learnt from my parents not to believe in pump and show and lead a simple life. I'm a very stubborn person and don't usually change my decisions. I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible. I have great love for literature and poetry and love art cinema more than commercial cinema. I passed my B.Com in 3rd division even when I was not that bad a student. I've always been haunted by Math and physics and complex calculations. I did my 12 in Science. After that i did some computer courses and worked here and there but my proper job started in Sep 2003 when I left India and came for a contract job of 2 months in Bangkok. here after 3 months i was offered a full time job and had to travel a lot in this job. I have recently been moved to plant location which has forced me to stay away from my wife as she is also working in the city. I was told this news on Dussehra day 2009. My Wife's DOB is 15th Apr 1980. Number 3, 6, 9 have mostly been lucky. most of my good friends also have these numbers as their date of birth. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i'm the youngest child. Both my brothers are in business. My sister is also married to a businessman. I don't remember much of my childhood but after I've grown up, I've seen mostly problems in business front in my dad's business. I can't say they were very huge but yes, if I compare to how well to do and progressing we used to be (as I was told), our growth got stagnant and also going down. My Marriage was a Love cum arranged Marriage. there was a lot of opposition from Girls family but later settled. The first few months of my marriage, my wife and I had lot of quarrels. We actually had very bitter fights and i had lost all interest and faith in the institution of marriage. Things are getting better, touch wood. We don't finght that much as my wife very cleverly avoids any such thing which can make me loose my temper. I won't say I'm satisfied but yes, i also feel its better to avoid any thing which can cause fights. My quality of life, I can't really say as there were both +ve and -ve changes but my career has taken a downfall and I've been landing in problems as explained earlier.I was once told by a palmist that My future will always be bright outside of the country of my birth and that I would probably die in a country which is not my birth country. Health wise, My wife is a bit fragile and although her health is more or less stable, she has improved over time but still she keeps getting small problems health wise. Regarding my wife's chart, should I ask her to send an email to you if she is interested in getting the things explained in her chart? Please let me know if any further information is required from my side. Once again thank you so much for your kindness to help. Kind RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:09:19 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga






Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteHaving direct dialogue with you is much better option, nice that you included. First of all, no reason for panic at this stage, as we are still checking if your birth time is correct or not.Tell me when did you get married? As your Upa Pada lagna is in 2nd bhava with Surya and Sani, I guess your marriage was arranged according to tradition of your family (which is the case with majority of people of your age in your country, but I would like to check if this is true anyway). You are 31 years old at the moment, so I don't see any serious marriage delay in your case... As I understand tradition, condition number one, necessary to fulfill in order to become potential groom, is to finish education (at least) before entering marriage. This can not happen before age of 23-24 (if we are talking about higher education). As Sani is on Upa Pada lagna, here we should focus on 7th there from (Kumbha) in order to find more details about relation between you and your wife. It is nice to see that her Rashi Lagna fits perfectly to your Upa Pada. :) I think your relation will be so much stronger after birth of children, as Ketu (kula devata) is there in Mooltrikona receiving Graha drishti of Guru from lagna. No need to focus on afflicted neecha Sukra from 3rd bhava and its influence on 2nd from Kumbha, as Guru is strong enough to protect his rashi (Meena) and his beneficial influence is strong enough to sustain your marriage. This marriage should last, all you guys need is children. This is the best "remedy" to keep your marriage safe and sound. :) I can not give comments related to your wife's chart, as I need her blessing and permission to do such a thing. It is her privacy. Though I am allowed to cheer you up with good news: my knowledge in determining compatibility between partners is pretty much poor, but what I am familiar with at this stage allows me to say that there is perfect compatibility in domain of Chandra (representing both of your families, social circles and mind level) between the two of you. "Third party involvement" meaning-if there were any extramarital issues with other women?Longevity issues- if Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, this brings neecha Sukra in 8th bhava, related to sustaining of marriage and this is maraka bhava for wife also. This is neecha, vargotama Atma Karaka (under curse in Rashi chart), believe me you would feel very unhappy in your marriage if this is in 8th bhava. Further, 9th bhava is 3rd from 7th, so it is related to death of spouse in a way. Lord is neecha Budh having graha drishti on neecha Sukra in 2nd from 7th. If Sukra and Budh were not neecha (without neecha banga in Navamsha), I would not insist that this combination could ever influence wife's longevity, as there is no 7th lord involved in this combination to satisfy snap shot combination for death of spouse. This way, I would stick to health issues and longevity decreased to some extent. Speaking of her health, I need you to tell me how is your wife doing? If she is fine and well, I suggest Makara Navamsha lagna.What is your father's occupation? If Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, following scenario is possible: social and financial status of your family could have been very stable and good before you were born. After you were born, your family could have experienced huge problems related to status, reputation, some court cases, legal issues and similar could have cropped up. Was this the case?Also, after you got married, how would you describe quality of your life, your career and interpersonal relations with people from your surrounding? I need these answers.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Štrbac--- On Mon, 1/18/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comMonday, January 18, 2010, 1:48 AM

Dear Maja ji and Manoj ji Thanks a lot for taking out time to look at the chart. Maja ji, can you please help with the charts of me and my wife as if its really a Kumbha Lagna in Navmasa then I guess I'd be needing the help and blessings of Gurujans and learned members. My marriage was delayed. I'm sorry but I could not fully understand the third party involvement and longvity things. Frankly I'm getting scared a bit. Please guide me. I would also like to request Gurujans and Other leaned members if they can help with their analysis. Thanks and RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commanojsharma662000@ Sun, 17 Jan 2010 06:50:26 -0800Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




point well taken...I am a day dreamer and dreams just add more illusion (maya) around you...but that is my karma and I have to face (actually I am already facing) the consequences




Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSun, January 17, 2010 3:41:43 AMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj, namasteThis is not matter of knowledge level, it is matter of approaching facts. Only facts make sense to me.Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 6:15 PM


Hi Maja,

Thanks for your response. I will not pretend to know more than you in astrology even for a wee bit. I was just saying that sometime the truth is not every apparent, and at abstract level sometime what is apparent is not necessarily true. I was just trying to make this point. However, again not sure whether it makes sense to you.




Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSat, January 16, 2010 4:25:13 PMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj,:))))))))))) ))))))))) )) Thank you for making me laugh with this lovely explanation. I do believe Vivek knows his wife very well. They are living together after all.Does this mean that Jyotishi is allowed to say: "You had a very good period to become millionaire a year ago, but sadly, you did not use it, so nothing manifested." in order to justify our errors in interpretation or rectification?Vivek's navamsha lagna shifts to Makara lagna within less than one minute earlier. In case of Kumbha navamsha lagna, Sukra would be 9th lord in 8th and Sukra is neecha, so I do believe that this would delay his marriage (fulfiling Dharma-9th bhava). Also, neecha Sukra would be matter of sustaining his marriage. There is drishti of neecha Budh on Sukra, so I do believe that if there is no terrible suffering or involvement of third party in his marriage, or if his wife is alive and well (yoga of 8th and 9th lord would badly afflict wife's longevity) Vivek's navamsha lagna should be Makara. This way, second bhava related to sustaining is occupied with Gu/Ke, meaning that children (own or adopted) and continuing linage is something that is keeping this marriage strong.When there is parampara yoga in 7th in Navamsha, it is not matter of inner quality or inner attitude of spouse. It is reality and spouse should actually belong to/be born in some Parampara if Yoga is strong (Guru is in Surya's rashi here, so...).Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32 AM


That my be because of her Arudha lagna; what manifests is not always true...just tear the facade of this maya and try to understand the soul of your wife...may be you will realize, she is indeed very spritual if not religious... .






Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>sohamsa@ .comFri, January 15, 2010 5:50:11 AMRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga Dear Guru jis/Learned Members Just noticed that Jupiter + Ketu is in my D9 too in 7th house. I don't think my wife is very spiritual. She is more fun loving and out going than me. Chart attached. I guess we need some more expert advise. Warm RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .combondmerama (AT) (DOT) inFri, 15 Jan 2010 10:39:13 +0000 Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga


Dear All,Does this yoga always known as Ganapati Yoga,Here Jupiter is fallen.Best Regardssohamsa@ .com, LearneR Vedic AstroG <hygreeva_ram@ ...> wrote:>> || Hare Rama Krishna ||>  > Namaskar, > It indiacte you get spirtual wife , may be marriage purpose is to beget children.>  >  >  > Regards,> Hygreeva.> > > --- On Thu, 14/1/10, AS <bondmerama@ ...> wrote:> > > AS <bondmerama@ ...>> Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:shri Rafal Ji please tell......> sohamsa@ .com> Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 8:20 AM> > >  > > > > Respected Sirs> Namaskar.> Does the combination of Jupiter+Ketu in Makara, seventh house of D-9,indictates an astrologer spouse/spiritual spouse or what it indicates.> Kindly tell.> Regards.> > > > > > > > > > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/>



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Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI am so sorry to hear about your father. I do hope all will be fine very soon. I wish you strength to go through these circumstances! Your wife needs diamond for Ratna, her chart is perfect for this choice. If there is no diamond on her ring, switch your wedding rings. I am very glad to learn that she will contact me. I am looking forward to hearing from her soon. Anytime, she knows how to find me. (Her name is Aishvaraya as I remember, right?)Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac --- On Tue, 3/2/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek wrote:Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivekRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh

house:Ganapati yogasohamsa Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2010, 2:37 AM




Dear Maja


Sadar Pranams!


I understand and will try to be as patient as possible. Thank you so much for your kind advise. I have not yet started the Mantra. Will try to start asap. My Dad is not well and I may have to go visit him. A lot of things were on my mind including my Dad's health and I could not find proper time to start.


I've given your email ID to my wife and she was supposed to contact you but I guess with all the crazy things happening around, she might have forgotten about it. I'll remind her again as she was very much interested in getting to know more about her horoscope.

Lastly, we are not wearing identical rings.


Warm Regards




sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Fri, 26 Feb 2010 09:27:14 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga








Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI understand this pressure and your position. However, I can not offer any quick solutions. I can only suggest you to perform those remedies I gave you. Mantra is not instant quick solution, it takes time. I am so sorry. When to expect effect from mantra? I will leave this part fully in God's grace. There are methods from parampara to determine if mantra will provide you correcting karma from past birth only, will you experience effects of mantra soon (and in this life) or will you experience these effects in your next life. This is supposed to be judged from Muhurta chart when one starts performing mantra. I will not say how, because I don't think I should interfere in your karma to this extent. I believe that advice on starting Sanjivani on Monday is as far as I can go with muhurta choice.Please don't make mistake such as having this on your mind while

reciting mantra:a) direct expectations ("I want this event to materialize" etc.)b) establishing time line for effectsReferring to God (in this case in form of Shiva) with mantra is much more serious than this. Every day life is stressful, we are all facing tensions and problems (this way or that), but when using mantra, one's motive should be to correct bad karma and mistakes from previous life, for a start. From this perspective, even receiving partial forgiveness is enormous blessing. Be patient.One other thing: have you started reciting Sanjivani? :)Third: As far as yellow sapphire, I don't think you should start wearing it before Guru enters Meena rashi. I think that parivartana with neecha Rahu is terrible choice of muhurta for imbibing Devata in yellow sapphire (Guru). As I was saying before, Ratna is not urgent. With mantra you will be more than fine at this point. Fourth: Your bellowed wife...

Have you asked her if she would like Jyotish advice? I think this suggestion would be very useful for both of you. I checked her chart before. However, I was saying I am not in position to give comments about her chart. Perhaps I will not violate ethics too much if I add that she should do some remedies... please ask her.P.S. Are you two wearing identical wedding rings?Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Mon, 2/22/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comCc: majastrbacastro@ Monday, February 22, 2010, 1:07 AM

Hi Maja Sadar Pranams! Thanks for explaining me all this in so much detail. Really appreciate your patience. I'm also making this email to your address directly also so you don't have to wait for long time before receiving my replies. I think I understand most of what you've tried to explain. I've also received the instructions on energizing the yellow sapphire. Will try to work on all that you have suggested. One last request. because of my transfer, my wife is very upset and she wants me to find a new job asap. I'm supposed to be studying and giving exams for a certification which is supposed to help me. My problem is that I'm unable to concentrate on anything. I'm unable to concentrate on my work and I'm unable to concentrate on my studies. I'm simply wasting time and I feel guilty but I just can't do anything. Its a terrible feeling. Can you please suggest anything which can help me in that quickly?

With this I would like to close my email and Thank you for all your kindness. May GOD bless you with his choicest blessings. Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams.Vivek


sohamsa@ .comCC: bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 20 Feb 2010 01:04:38 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga









Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteComments bellow. Better late than never. Such a long time in the meanwhile, so I am sending this email privately as well.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Sun, 2/7/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSunday, February 7, 2010, 8:07 PM

Hi Maja (no ji this time) Sadar Pranams :) The post sent by you comes immediately cause its not moderated. you are in safe sending list. I'm not so my emails come late. your inbox should be perfectly fine. I'm a IT guy and I can definitely suggest you on this one. :) anyways. Should I wear pearl again? Oh, I think I confused you with my previous email. Good that you asked again. Pearl is perfectly OK, Chandra is your lagnesh on lagna, there is nothing wrong with wearing pearl. But, as you said, you've lost your pearl. Now there is no need to buy a new one, as there is better better solution for you (I mentioned pink Ruby). I also said that you should take off emerald. You have yellow sapphire, which is very helpful by the time when you buy that pink Ruby. After you buy it, you

should wear only Ruby and nothing else. I like pearl much more than this emerald. The yellow sapphire which I'm wearing is in Right hand, first finger. Hand is correct, finger is wrong if this means index finger (closest to thumb). This finger is for Moksha trikona, so wearing ring and Gemstone on index finger will block Moksha and increase Ahamkar. We don't want this, right? :) Please take it off from that finger (now). I always thought this for the finger for Jupiter. This finger is corresponding Jupiter indeed, but as far as trikona activated by this finger, no Gemstone should be on it. Ratna is remedy which can not reach beyond Rajas, and for Moksha we need Satvic remedies-which is mantra ;) Yellow sapphire should be on ring finger (dharma trikona,

perfect). The astrologer who advised the emerald recently passed away. Oh... I am very sorry to read that. I could not argue much with him but I guess he was suggesting that because I am going through the mercury mahadasha, I should wear emerald and it should help me in career and money saving. anyways, I would be more than happy to get rid of this stone. I've not done any puja for yellow sapphire, just chanted the Jupiter mantra a few times i guess and wore it on thursday. Can you please advise how should I energize it and wear it again if there is any other proper method. Sure there is. I will send you complete instructions to your private email. By that time, take that ring off and put it aside. Don't wear it. Same way i chanted the Buddha mantra a few times and wore the

emerald on wednesday.Will try to find the pink Ruby and see how can I afford it. As I said, this is not urgent, take your time. In the meanwhile you will wear yellow sapphire and after you buy pink ruby, you will wear only ruby, not both. Rahu AD will end in Sep 2011. so I guess I should just wait patiently till that time. Yes, correct. Wait patiently and always hope for better even earlier. That is the pretty much helpful approach towards predictions you receive. At least you should have this approach after reading what I wrote to you in my previous email. That was not prediction, it was just an opinion as I said, so take it as that. Don't fix your self to dates. Besides, miracles can happen. Pray, be patient and optimistic. Will the Jupiter AD help in anyways? I believe it will be very

helpful. What time do you see for job change? will the change be for good? This is same question, only rephrased :) I do understand that this is of most importance to you at this time, but I think I will make more damage if I give you wrong prediction comparing with letting you go without any job related prediction. Please don't insist. emancipation I do feel at times. I guess I need to find a Guru who can guide me. I don't think that your D20 will support too many penances. You have lot of exalted and swakshetra Grahas in this divisional chart, especially in moksha trikona, so you may not feel too comfortable in some type of serious sadhana. Of course it is more than welcome to have Diksha Guru, but spirituality will probably be only portion of your life, not

your entire life. by the way, do you see any chance for me to learn Jyotish in detail? I have a lot of love for jyotish but I guess I need a Guru for that too who can teach me patiently. I am biased whenever somebody asks this question, so I always reply with yes, no matter what I see in chart. Not just to you, to anybody. Honestly, I would rather cut of my own hand instead of using it to write NO. :) Continue learning it and see where it goes. I don't see obstacles for understanding principles, but I am not sure if this will be in detail. Warm Regards and Sadar pranamsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 6 Feb 2010 04:23:02 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga











Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteComments bellow.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Wed, 2/3/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, February 3, 2010, 9:04 PM

Dear Maja ji (And this would be my limit. God knows I tried. Three/four/five times reading "ji" next to my name written by same person is as far as I can go with pretending it is not there :) Please, next time use my name only. No need for formalities. ) Sadar Pranams I won't say too many Thank You's :). You know I am very much Thank full. Oh, good. This sounds so much better. Improving. I almost detached you from writing "thank you" :) I guess the reason the email was delayed is because the emails to this group by users (except for some senior members and Gurujans) are moderated and sometimes the moderators are busy and take some time before they can release the emails. Nope, it has to do with inbox on my account. Even though these posts are already on Sohamsa, I receive them with delay on my account. Trust me it has nothing to do with moderation. You would be very far behind me on the list of nominees for being moderated :))) and I am receiving my own posts right after sending them. A few more requests. Feel free to reply whenever you can. I was wearing a yellow sapphire and a pearl for past few years. Even combination of pearl and yellow sapphire on the same ring would be very good for you. Couple months back, I lost my pearl ring. Pitty... Okay, it happens. Don't think back

about that event. The strange thing is that before I lost the pearl was getting used pretty fast. It was getting smaller in size pretty quickly which did not happen before. I enquired a few people and some said it was natural and some said, it was working. I still have no clue. Then one of the astrologers who used to guide my Wife's family said that I should not be wearing the pearl at all and its good that I lost it. Lagna lord on lagna is bad for Ratna? Chandra is bad? The only graha which can not harm any other, which is never malefic (it can be weak, but not malefic)? He suggested a Emerald. Ouch! Lord of 12th and 3rd on lagna? He said I could wear the yellow sapphire if I wanted but it will be of no use. I wish if this so-called-astrologe r was having that conversation with me. I just wonder what for it would be of no use... He is clearly not competent to give advice on Ratna. For heaven's sake, Guru is 9th lord exalted on your lagna (6th also, I know, but this Guru is perfectly OK)! My wife's family immediately arranged a emerald and I'm wearing it instead of pearl. If you've done some pujas or devata imbibing in that gemstone, please take it off. I'm also wearing the yellow sapphire. I asked one of my uncle's who I normally ask about such queries and he said that as per him I may try wearing a red coral Well, don't wear red coral. I do understand that lot of astrologers simply advice Gemstone for Yogakaraka, expecting it is perfect

choice to cover all needs of every native, panacea, success guaranteed... But this is not enough. Mangal may be Yogakaraka, but its placement in 3rd (and in 6th from AL) is terrible choice for Ratna. but he was not sure why a emerald was suggested. Probably idea that it is benefic on lagna, maybe expecting it would work well for career (as Budh is karaka for 10th) or something, maybe due to digbala... Maybe it is just a simple, good old lack of knowledge. So I'm currently wearing a yellow sapphire and a emerald. Take off emerald, leave yellow sapphire on (right hand, ring

finger). Any puja done for your yellow Sapphire? Sada Shiva should be in it... if possible, could you please advise? Also I was asked to take off my wedding ring as there were diamonds in that. Feel free to put your wedding ring back on. If Lakshmi is not invoked in that diamond, all is perfectly OK. In that case your wedding ring is only a wedding ring. It can not do any good or any harm in context of Ratna. It is only a diamond. Just a tough piece of carbon :)For now you can wear Yellow Sapphire and you should wear it. While it is on your hand, start saving money for pink Ruby. This is not Ruby for Surya, so ordinary red or dark red Ruby will be of no use. You need clear, natural, unheated, perfectly transparent pink Ruby without eye visible flaws. Padmaraga, please look at this photo:http://simplygemsto nes.com/images/ ruby%20pink% 20Burma%20no% 20heat%201. 27%20ct%20OV% 20CG07.jpg

This is second guidance for correct color of Ruby for you:http://1.bp. blogspot. com/_AxfQ2CmiqM4 /SffEKNBD- fI/AAAAAAAAAGg/ PA1QKlldcUU/ S1600-R/536113_ pink_lotus. jpgAs far as size for this pink Ruby, I would rather explain it using small words: at least two millimeters in range. Anything bigger is more than welcome, but this is minimum. Pink Ruby is mainly to activate Mahapurusha Yoga on lagna (in your case this would be Hamsa). It will also activate agni tatva of lagna and all occupants in it (trines also, but we are focusing on your lagna now). Lovely solution for additional activation of Yogas on your lagna. I did not think of Ratna earlier, as you were

mentioning financial problems, so I did not want to cause additional expenses to your budget. Even this advice is not urgent to follow. Whenever you get the chance to buy it, do that. Of course, the sooner the better.As I've mentioned in my earlier email also, I was asked to move to another location by my company which has forced me to stay away from my wife. I was pretty upset with the decision as the management knew that I was recently married and this will create problems in my personal life. I really want to change my Job. Do you see any such change in near future? Hmmm... If I have to reply on this, I think that Rahu AD is causing these problems. You do see when it ends... More than anything else I would wish to be wrong about this conclusion, as I really don't like bringing sort of bad news to good people. Rahu AD is giving effects of Sukra,

which is AK, badhakesh, lord of 4th in 3rd (you had to move...), being neecha (vargotama) in 6th from AL it requires a lot of struggle for what you need during this AD. Also there is drishti on 12th from AL. Dashamsha situation is similar in a way. Rahu is giving effects of Mangal in 3rd, so lot of travels, struggles... I am not sure if Mangal's drishti on Ch 10th lord and 10th bhava can change your job once again during this AD... I am not very versed in analyzing Dashamsha, so do take this with some reserve. Do your mantra (offer some sandalwood paste to Shiva), try to get your hands on that pink Ruby... It might appear earlier than 2011. Feeding poor people, donations in gold to temples (for example, to temple of your family deity), donations to spiritual people,

all is more than welcome. I remember you were saying: "I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible." Good, great, continue doing that.

Last question, just popped up in my mind after reading a few emails in Sohamsa group. I am very fond of Art and especially poetry. Usually this is the case with Sukra AK :) Art and beauty are food for soul. I used to write poems too till a few years back and now in this job I find it hard do the same. I'm no big poet. I've just shared my work with a few friends, that's all. can you please suggest what yoga in my chart is the reason for this and should I try to work on this hobby of mine. Is it any significant in my chart? Remember my comment in previous email regarding you criticism? Same positions are influencing your urge to write. As a Kark lagna, with strong Chandra (vargotama) and Sukra AK (in 3rd), writing interest will be more related to poetry, rather than prose. This is usual case

when Jala tatva is related with yogas for writing. More over, Gu/Bu on lagna, strong writing skills, also there is Sarada Yoga, Gajakeshari yoga... Why this did not materialize through your lagna (name and fame)? It is in 12th from Surya (MKS), so I think that there is lack of support for initiating these yogas. You will write, but I am not sure if this will be published. In Navamsa Sukra is also in trines to d9 lagna, influencing your ability, neecha-through lot of effort, as it is also in 3rd from D9 lagnesh. No aspect on D9 lagna from Sukra, so this can hardly bring you finances. Though it can bring you inner satisfaction, perfect hobby.Hey... in Navamsha you have Ketu in 12th from AK joined with Benefic-Guru. This is illustration of dictum for emancipation :) But this is all I know about this dictum, I have no idea how this goes with rest of the chart.

Warm Regards and Sadar PranamsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Wed, 3 Feb 2010 01:54:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga







Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteObviously my inbox was on vacation, as I received your email today (I see 27th of January on it). It jams sometimes and refuses cooperation. ..I added comments directly to your email bellow. This font color would be me.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Wed, 1/27/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:05 AM

Dear Maja ji Sadar Pranams Thanks a lot for your detailed email. I'm really indebted for all your time and effort. Really, no need for saying "thank you" every time we exchange email :) I guess this long email and the upayas are because you see a chance of separation. Nope. In fact, what I see in your chart is that you will never actually take any action regarding separation. Not even close. Too much Dharma in your chart :))) From time to time you may think of it as an option, but never seriously. I am just saving your valuable energy, time and mind focus for something more constructive. Instead of brainstorming on "Divorce is solution" (and never do it), don't you think it is more useful to make your brain occupied with "How can I improve this"? As simple as that.By Gods

Grace and blessings till now everything seems normal. I hope it continues this way and God forbid, if in future there may be such a chance, I'll do whatever in my power to avoid any such situation. I've a few questions and I hope I won't take too much of your time. You are welcome anytime. Regarding the opposition, it was actually from her mother and sisters rather than her father. her father was cooperative in start but later under influence of her mother and sisters, opposed the idea of out alliance. OK, good. At the moment I can't think of any decent comment related to your chart and where to fit these events. I am not surprised with sisters in law, but I am surprised with mother in law. I owe you this explanation for next time, hope this is OK. I was introduced to my wife some 5-6 years back by a mutual friend.

In Sukra AD? Cheers! She was studying at that time and I was on a project. We could not meet as we were quite far from each other but we kept in touch a bit by emails etc. After a year or so, she completed her studies and came back to her home. Then we met and it was just a normal friendship. I criticize a lot as you must have analyzed by my chart (No, I was not looking for this in your chart, but if you insist: perhaps Budh, lord of 3rd on Lagna with lagna lord and vargotama AK in Kanya are contributing this "quality" :) and i guess she some how relied on my advise (even if she didn't like it) as I used to speak truth and showed her what bitter things people won't tell others. this friendship slowly turned into attraction and eventually what we may call love but it was not without the ups and downs and the problems most couples face. It never is without ups and downs for any couple. I do understand (at least a bit) about what you say about the institution of marriage and our dharma and I would say that agree to almost all of what you say. Thanks a lot for explaining it in such a detail. Pleasure was all mine, really. now a few questions.was there any difference in the time I normally use for my chart calculations? the time which I have is approximate so I'm sure there would be some difference. If you can please let me know the same, It would be easy for me to try and learn more about my horoscope. As far as I was going with rectification, I think it should be 04:25 AM. I do agree that I was head over heels in love as I still can not justify why in spite of so many differences i was

ready to commit to this relation. In spite of many differences, strong graha in 2nd from Kumbha will keep relation. I asked Sanjay ji about the KSY and here is what he replied

om gurave namah

Dear Vivek

Natural benefic Venus has joined the node

Natural benefics are in Lagna - 3 of them.

KSY is well cancelled. which means troubles but you wil overcome them and have an eventful life

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath I am happy to read his reply and head over heels for the fact you received it. Sanjay is Visti's Guru, Visti is Guru to my teacher, so... I am guessing you are expecting my comment, but as I belong to this lineage, maybe it is not necessary (I can not possibly know more or anything different than Sanjay, Visti or my teacher). Or you wish an explanation? If that is the case, here it is:Remember when I mentioned that it is easy to give advice for KSY/KAY if benefic is joining nodes or occupying lagna/7th bhava? This means broken KSY/KAY. Roughly speaking, lets say it is easier type of KSY/KAY, so bondage is not terrible as it may be without influence of benefics as described above. Also, the stronger these benefics are (own rashi, mooltrikona, exaltation), the easier type it

will be. This is one of the reasons why I did not insist to perform Mahavidya urgently (Tara), as you are having exalted Guru on your Lagna. This is why I was writing long email with list of upayas related to every day life. I've also done puja of KSY at Shri Kalahasti Temple as suggested by some Pandit ji. How effective that puja was, only God knows. I am very sorry, but I am only familiar with those remedies from Achyuta parampara I listed above. I can not give any comment on puja you performed. Would you be kind enough to explain the Kamla Mahavidhya puja to me also please. You don't need this. :) I understand that it will be a painful process but I would surely like to understand and would definitely would like to try if I feel i can do it. You will not perform this,

forget it. No need for this, as there are benefics on lagna breaking KSY. I can repeat this as many times necessary. :) Love your wife, this is the best sadhana for you :) Also can I do both, Kamla Mahavidhya Sadhna and Jyotirlinga mantra? Third time, forget Kamala Sadhana. :) In general, one sadhana at the time. Mahavidya, or Jyotirlinga, never both at the same time (and never both for same graha at the same time). Jyotirlinga for now. Can you also please explain a bit more in details about "I will be reminded if I do anything to make my wife unhappy" while doing Jyotirlinga Mantra? :) As I said: things can simply go back to where they were before you started with Mantra. :) Don't be afraid, this is beautiful mantra. Also if you can please give some more details of Tara Mahavidhya and how can It be performed.

For now you do not need this. When you need it, I will ask around for someone located nearby your place who can give you all instructions. We'll be in touch. Regarding Children, My wife feels she is not yet ready. Earlier she wanted some time after marriage and now as we are staying separate, she does not want to go ahead this way and would like to wait sometime till some arrangement happens where we can stay together again. :( Okay, be patient. There is sense in what she is saying. It is not easy for a woman to be on her own during pregnancy and after delivery. and as you said, I should not do anything to make her unhappy, I've been keeping my mouth shut in this matter and letting her decide what she wants. But I'm no way near the Husband of the Decade title as I do make her upset with some things she doesn't like. One of them is letting her

know that she is wrong :) about something or If I don't agree to what she says. Wait, I did not say to shut up, be a plant and don't have opinion of your own :))) 90% of communication is nonverbal, meaning that people focus on interpreting gesticulation and tone while listening. Anything you have to say, say it, but 10% be careful on choice of words, 90% be careful how you say it. :) If your arguments are reasonable and strong enough, you should be able to explain why gently. I don't know how to move away from Asia. Don't worry, this is not urgent at all. I did not say to do it by the end of this month. Life is long. It is more like, if/when you are in position to chose where to move, you should prefer this direction. It depends if I can get a Job somewhere far from here. I'm trying to find a job but it all seems so difficult at this time and I

feel like I'm trapped. Please do guide me if you can about what I can do to make my luck move me to Northwest direction and away from Asia. I am afraid I am unable to give you such advice, but I do think that solving one thing at the time is vise. You cant change your entire life with one move. Patience. Thanking you once again for all your help and kindness. Again, pleasure is all mine. I hope I do not take up too much of your time and effort for the queries I have. Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams Vivek Bajaj


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:53:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga










Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI read that last email you were sending after this which is bellow my email. Your wife is pretty much healthy woman. Considering your relationships before marriage, the only serious relationship you ever had is this with your wife. She is first Upa Pada, I am glad this is confirmed.Before I forget to say it (again): yes that is right, your wife would have to contact me directly (however she feels more comfortable- privately or here on forum) in order to allow me to interpret her chart.Opposition to your marriage was mostly from your father in law? When did you meet your wife?Eternal, life time painful spot of every Sukra Atma Karaka is its "Royal Highness-Institutio n of Marriage". What Sukra Atma Karaka is living and breathing for is love. You have read that you are having afflicted Sukra (curse) in your chart. This adds hardships on previous

statement. Here on forum many times I came across questions such as "Will I have love marriage or arranged marriage?" and every time I am wondering what is on questioners mind... Love? Or falling in love/passion? There is a difference and it is so hard to explain it to someone who had never felt both, simply entered arranged marriage and remain there for rest of life. No matter what one says to a person who experienced only arranged marriage without falling in love to spouse or loving spouse, they can never understand that there is no big difference between deep love on one side and solid, quality relation inside arranged marriage on the other. There are no "butterflies in stomach" feeling, excitement, shivering, sweet insomnia when it comes to real, deep love. Are you following me so far Sukra Atma Karaka? :)"Butterflies" are present for few days, weeks, months... in best case for few years. Eventually they "fly away" and leave us in

bills, loans, arguments over holiday destination, color of sofa, budget plans, "shall we rent/buy house/apartment here or there?", diapers, babies crying, "I am too tired talk, I had a very exhausting day at work", what are we going to have for dinner, who is earning more, etc. etc. etc. A warm welcome to cruel reality of every day life! So really, who is messed up more at birth: westerns or Indians? Westerns rarely learn difference between love and falling in love, so landing "cruel reality" after "butterflies stage" appears more as a plain crash, if love did not have enough time to plant roots before living together. Indians, on the other side, can hardly get rid of feeling as if they are missing something crucial if their only option is simply to enter arranged marriage and that is it as far as their emotional life. (It is probably scary idea for nowadays 20 year old in India, considering what they are coming across in global media and internet.)

As a human being I can only be honest with you and say that I don't believe in institution of marriage either. At least not from that perspective of what majority of human beings aged 20-35 is expecting from partnership deep down inside, no matter which tradition/country/ religion he or she belongs. Mutual love. Very small percentage of population is lucky to experience this, and majority of these lucky ones did not get everything on the plate as soon as they married. They probably had to put lot of effort and time to make things work.Bottom line, what every married human being needs in The Holy Institution of Marriage is mutual respect, understanding, both sides ready for compromises, cooperation and sharing responsibilities. Otherwise everyone included suffer terribly. Love is a nice asset, but it will not make it work if any single one of those above terms is not included. It will not plant roots and grow. It is hard enough to find a

person who is ready to cooperate with another to such extent. Deep down inside, all human beings are very selfish. Institution of Marriage? Disappointments? Well, disappointments come after failed expectations. It depends on what one is expecting of marriage... See my point?I am not from India, so the first time I became familiar with Vedic viewpoints on marriage was only few years ago. I told you that as a human being I don't believe in Institution of Marriage: Well, why would I wish to push myself and accept so many responsibilities? Why would I ever wish to let anyone disturbing my privacy, habits and occupying half of my bed (while snoring, probably :)? Two reasons:1. Children2. Children#1 Children is purely from human being level. I do wish to accomplish my self as a mother. #2 Children is from viewpoint of Dharma. As you are born in India, I am expecting that you do know that Dharma of every mortal human is

continuing linage. This linage can be spiritual, within parampara, if one decides to renounce material aspects of life. In this option one is adopting "spiritual children" or shishyas (students). Second option is to continue family linage and have biological or adopted children. We are here for the sake of creation and we are obligated to create our own children in order to pay our debts to our Pitris (ancestors). Are you familiar with these principles? If you are, in that case you do understand that you did not marry for your own benefit or pleasure (if this becomes part of your marriage, great!). You married for having children and share responsibilities with your wife in order to up bring them in to greatest possible human beings. Life really makes no sense without children. If you don't believe me, just search for married people who never decided to raise a child (even though they could) and observe their lives. From this viewpoint

Institution of Marriage is sacred. One may believe in it or not, but it is sacred because it provides us fulfilling significant portion of our Dharma. (As far as I am concerned, this paragraph is 80% of my motivation to enter marriage some day. God, I really hope I will have XXXL bed and enough wax for my ears to survive that. :)For good and bad marriage it takes two and it is always easier to blame the other side when something goes wrong. All human beings find hard to face own failure and responsibility. .. Think about your actions and actions of your wife again, please. She learned to avoid mentioning something that might make you loose your temper. Good. Now is the best time to teach her how to make you talk, smile, feel that you belong there with her, make you happy... She needs you to show her how. You are where you are and there is no turning back. Divorce is always an option, but don't leave before you are sure you tried

EVERYTHING to make it work. Replacing her with another woman maybe would be as good enough as changing a package to the same problem, so you need to try to pull the best out of current situation. You both need to become team players. I can try to help a little, rest is really on you.As mentioned earlier, Sukra in your chart is afflicted (under curse), but main problem in your chart is Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY-all Grahas distributed zodiacally from Rashi occupied by Ketu to Rashi occpuied by Rahu). Nodes are influencing 2nd bhava from Upa Pada. After you told me about circumstances of the way you entered your marriage, I do believe that described is related to Kumbha Rashi. Co lord Rahu is in 3rd bhava with Sukra and Mangal, so you fell in love and choice of spouse was mainly your decision. You were probably head over heels in love... It must have been very intensive emotional

experience considering that Rahu is with Sukra Atma Karaka. Currently Rahu antar dasha is running, making Sukra and KSY issues very much in focus.Giving remedies for KSY is easy task if there is benefic with nodes. In your case that would be neecha Sukra. As neecha Grahas are always related with Devi forms, Kamala Mahavidya would be perfect remedy to break KSY. But... Mahavidya Sadhana is always very intensive experience, since performer gets opportunity to burn significant amount of bad Karma within 40 days (to speed up process of purification in a way). This process is very painful but worth vile, as it would probably take few years or even longer to accoplish same results with another kind of worship. Atma Karaka by it self is delivering most intensive karmic experiences (usually painful, but again-worth vile) to each and every one of us. Combination of Atma Karaka and Mahavidya Sadhana is overextended intensity for fragile human mind. One of

possible "side effects" of this combination is mental instability. I do think your Dhishakti, intelligence and mind are very strong, considering all those blessings on your lagna, but you are just a man who is worried about his marriage, financial existence and employment-meaning you are "regular civilian", making you very fragile for this type of Sadhana.Alternative for Mahavidya is Jyotirlinga mantra for Graha which is joining nodes. Shiva in form of Tryambakkeshvaya is Jyotirlinga for Sukra. This will exalt Sukra, take care of KSY, additionally purify occupants in Meena and give strength to this Rashi which is sustaining your marriage (2nd from Kumbha). You get multiple benefits from this mantra:Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum OmThis is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and you are supposed to start it on

any Monday, performing it 108 times (one Mala) in the morning and 108 times at the sunset. Do it for 40 days. After that you wait next Monday to start another 40 days of Shiva worship. There is catch with Jyotirlinga. I don't advise you to start it unless you are fully prepared to be nothing but a loving husband to your wife. You must be very careful, there are no excuses. She can behave as she likes, be unbearable, impulsive, stubborn, behaving like a spoiled breath, I am so sorry, but all you are allowed to do is to behave like you are preparing for "Husband of decade" contest. You are not allowed to hurt her, insult her even a little bit, to raise your voice at her or to make her unhappy in any way. Whenever you do anything similar you will be "reminded" not to repeat it, because things can get very difficult again. Also, Sukra is related to couples and young, unmarried ladies, so this is place No2 and No3 on your personal list of sacred and

divine. Ah yes, add Institution of Marriage as No4, as this institution is also related to Sukra. You are obligated to have full respect towards everything related to Sukra, especially your wife. Neecha Sukra requires you to be humble towards your wife, sister, ladies etc. etc. Help them when they ask you, help them and support them even when they don't ask you. From now and on, your wife is Devi personified as far as you are concerned and the ground she is walking is sacred to you. You will have to chose this attitude if you want to give some strength to Sukra in your chart and pull your self out of the problem. Believe me that you will make incomparably less damage if you decide to insult anybody else in your life before you decide to make your wife unhappy. (Don't worry, I promise I will never share this conversation with her :) You have to perform some good karma if you want to prevent continuation of bad karma. Your wife is not with you by

coincidence. She is there to deliver some karma that must be delivered and you can try to make it easier for yourself. I repeat again what I said few emails ago: Guru will protect Meena rashi, plus Ketu is there, so you need children as soon as possible. Your marriage has more chances to sustain with children. Come on Karka lagna, you can be great father... I am sure that children will pull the best out of you. That palmist had a point about far away country. I recommend you to move Northwest as Chandra is in digbala from Arudha Lagna. Move from Asia, far far away, as movable rashis such as Karka require distance to get activated. Your lagna and all occupants are your way out of every problem. In next Maha Dasa of Guru it would be great to perform Tara Mahavidya. If you feel ready to do it earlier, let's say around August this year, start it then. I am saying Tara because Grahas on Lagna are also qualified to break Kala Sarpa Yoga. Tara is

for Guru.Hm... that would be all for now. Email is long, I know. I had to trouble you to put some effort in reading long list of remedies and advices, as 3rd bhava is place of problems. :) Okay, I am joking. I just think that there was some point in doing all this, as you might have benefits from everything written above this paragraph. You are reasonable, you might listen to me and you will probably perform Jyotirlinga. Thank you very much for reading this and giving me a chance to do some good karma. As I said before, rest is really on you.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Tue, 1/19/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comTuesday, January 19, 2010, 2:08 AM

Dear Maja ji Thanks a lot for your kind reply. Here are some major details for my life. I was married on 12th December 2008. My Father born in 1938 is a businessman and now not doing any active work except for some investments. He is having family history of diabetes and heart problems and is himself a Heart and blood Sugar patient. My mother is a housewife and she does not have any major medical problems except for overweight. Have always belonged to a well to do family but there was not much progress in our financial status and growth has always been stagnant. I've learnt from my parents not to believe in pump and show and lead a simple life. I'm a very stubborn person and don't usually change my decisions. I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible. I have great love for literature and poetry and love art cinema more than commercial cinema. I passed my B.Com in 3rd

division even when I was not that bad a student. I've always been haunted by Math and physics and complex calculations. I did my 12 in Science. After that i did some computer courses and worked here and there but my proper job started in Sep 2003 when I left India and came for a contract job of 2 months in Bangkok. here after 3 months i was offered a full time job and had to travel a lot in this job. I have recently been moved to plant location which has forced me to stay away from my wife as she is also working in the city. I was told this news on Dussehra day 2009. My Wife's DOB is 15th Apr 1980. Number 3, 6, 9 have mostly been lucky. most of my good friends also have these numbers as their date of birth. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i'm the youngest child. Both my brothers are in business. My sister is also married to a businessman. I don't remember much of my childhood but after I've grown up, I've seen mostly problems in business front in my

dad's business. I can't say they were very huge but yes, if I compare to how well to do and progressing we used to be (as I was told), our growth got stagnant and also going down. My Marriage was a Love cum arranged Marriage. there was a lot of opposition from Girls family but later settled. The first few months of my marriage, my wife and I had lot of quarrels. We actually had very bitter fights and i had lost all interest and faith in the institution of marriage. Things are getting better, touch wood. We don't finght that much as my wife very cleverly avoids any such thing which can make me loose my temper. I won't say I'm satisfied but yes, i also feel its better to avoid any thing which can cause fights. My quality of life, I can't really say as there were both +ve and -ve changes but my career has taken a downfall and I've been landing in problems as explained earlier.I was once told by a palmist that My future will always be

bright outside of the country of my birth and that I would probably die in a country which is not my birth country. Health wise, My wife is a bit fragile and although her health is more or less stable, she has improved over time but still she keeps getting small problems health wise. Regarding my wife's chart, should I ask her to send an email to you if she is interested in getting the things explained in her chart? Please let me know if any further information is required from my side. Once again thank you so much for your kindness to help. Kind RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:09:19 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga






Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteHaving direct dialogue with you is much better option, nice that you included. First of all, no reason for panic at this stage, as we are still checking if your birth time is correct or not.Tell me when did you get married? As your Upa Pada lagna is in 2nd bhava with Surya and Sani, I guess your marriage was arranged according to tradition of your family (which is the case with majority of people of your age in your country, but I would like to check if this is true anyway). You are 31 years old at the moment, so I don't see any serious marriage delay in your case... As I understand tradition, condition number one, necessary to fulfill in order to become potential groom, is to finish education (at least) before entering marriage. This can not happen before age of 23-24 (if we are talking about higher education). As Sani is on Upa Pada lagna, here we should focus on

7th there from (Kumbha) in order to find more details about relation between you and your wife. It is nice to see that her Rashi Lagna fits perfectly to your Upa Pada. :) I think your relation will be so much stronger after birth of children, as Ketu (kula devata) is there in Mooltrikona receiving Graha drishti of Guru from lagna. No need to focus on afflicted neecha Sukra from 3rd bhava and its influence on 2nd from Kumbha, as Guru is strong enough to protect his rashi (Meena) and his beneficial influence is strong enough to sustain your marriage. This marriage should last, all you guys need is children. This is the best "remedy" to keep your marriage safe and sound. :) I can not give comments related to your wife's chart, as I need her blessing and permission to do such a thing. It is her privacy. Though I am allowed to cheer you up with good news: my knowledge in determining compatibility between partners is pretty much poor, but what I am

familiar with at this stage allows me to say that there is perfect compatibility in domain of Chandra (representing both of your families, social circles and mind level) between the two of you. "Third party involvement" meaning-if there were any extramarital issues with other women?Longevity issues- if Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, this brings neecha Sukra in 8th bhava, related to sustaining of marriage and this is maraka bhava for wife also. This is neecha, vargotama Atma Karaka (under curse in Rashi chart), believe me you would feel very unhappy in your marriage if this is in 8th bhava. Further, 9th bhava is 3rd from 7th, so it is related to death of spouse in a way. Lord is neecha Budh having graha drishti on neecha Sukra in 2nd from 7th. If Sukra and Budh were not neecha (without neecha banga in Navamsha), I would not insist that this combination could ever influence wife's longevity, as there is no 7th lord involved in this

combination to satisfy snap shot combination for death of spouse. This way, I would stick to health issues and longevity decreased to some extent. Speaking of her health, I need you to tell me how is your wife doing? If she is fine and well, I suggest Makara Navamsha lagna.What is your father's occupation? If Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, following scenario is possible: social and financial status of your family could have been very stable and good before you were born. After you were born, your family could have experienced huge problems related to status, reputation, some court cases, legal issues and similar could have cropped up. Was this the case?Also, after you got married, how would you describe quality of your life, your career and interpersonal relations with people from your surrounding? I need these answers.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Mon, 1/18/10, Vivek Bajaj

<bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comMonday, January 18, 2010, 1:48 AM

Dear Maja ji and Manoj ji Thanks a lot for taking out time to look at the chart. Maja ji, can you please help with the charts of me and my wife as if its really a Kumbha Lagna in Navmasa then I guess I'd be needing the help and blessings of Gurujans and learned members. My marriage was delayed. I'm sorry but I could not fully understand the third party involvement and longvity things. Frankly I'm getting scared a bit. Please guide me. I would also like to request Gurujans and Other leaned members if they can help with their analysis. Thanks and RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commanojsharma662000@ Sun, 17 Jan 2010 06:50:26 -0800Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




point well taken...I am a day dreamer and dreams just add more illusion (maya) around you...but that is my karma and I have to face (actually I am already facing) the consequences




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSun, January 17, 2010 3:41:43 AMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj, namasteThis is not matter of knowledge level, it is matter of approaching facts. Only facts make sense to me.Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 6:15 PM


Hi Maja,

Thanks for your response. I will not pretend to know more than you in astrology even for a wee bit. I was just saying that sometime the truth is not every apparent, and at abstract level sometime what is apparent is not necessarily true. I was just trying to make this point. However, again not sure whether it makes sense to you.




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSat, January 16, 2010 4:25:13 PMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj,:))))))))))) ))))))))) )) Thank you for making me laugh with this lovely explanation. I do believe Vivek knows his wife very well. They are living together after all.Does this mean that Jyotishi is allowed to say: "You had a very good period to become millionaire a year ago, but sadly, you did not use it, so nothing manifested." in order to justify our errors in interpretation or rectification?Vivek's navamsha lagna shifts to Makara lagna within less than one minute earlier. In case of Kumbha navamsha lagna, Sukra would be 9th lord in 8th and Sukra is neecha, so I do believe that this would delay his marriage (fulfiling Dharma-9th bhava). Also, neecha Sukra would be matter of sustaining his marriage. There is drishti of neecha Budh on Sukra, so I do believe that if there is no terrible suffering or involvement of third party in his marriage, or if his wife is alive and well (yoga

of 8th and 9th lord would badly afflict wife's longevity) Vivek's navamsha lagna should be Makara. This way, second bhava related to sustaining is occupied with Gu/Ke, meaning that children (own or adopted) and continuing linage is something that is keeping this marriage strong.When there is parampara yoga in 7th in Navamsha, it is not matter of inner quality or inner attitude of spouse. It is reality and spouse should actually belong to/be born in some Parampara if Yoga is strong (Guru is in Surya's rashi here, so...).Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32 AM


That my be because of her Arudha lagna; what manifests is not always true...just tear the facade of this maya and try to understand the soul of your wife...may be you will realize, she is indeed very spritual if not religious... .






Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>sohamsa@ .comFri, January 15, 2010 5:50:11 AMRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga Dear Guru jis/Learned Members Just noticed that Jupiter + Ketu is in my D9 too in 7th house. I don't think my wife is very spiritual. She is more fun loving and out going than me. Chart attached. I guess we need some more expert advise. Warm RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .combondmerama (AT) (DOT) inFri, 15 Jan 2010 10:39:13 +0000 Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga


Dear All,Does this yoga always known as Ganapati Yoga,Here Jupiter is fallen.Best Regardssohamsa@ .com, LearneR Vedic AstroG <hygreeva_ram@ ...> wrote:>> || Hare Rama Krishna ||>  > Namaskar, > It indiacte you get spirtual wife , may be marriage purpose is to beget children.>  >  >  > Regards,> Hygreeva.> > > --- On Thu, 14/1/10, AS <bondmerama@ ...> wrote:> > > AS <bondmerama@ ...>> Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:shri Rafal Ji please tell......> sohamsa@ .com> Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 8:20 AM> > >  > > > > Respected

Sirs> Namaskar.> Does the combination of Jupiter+Ketu in Makara, seventh house of D-9,indictates an astrologer spouse/spiritual spouse or what it indicates.> Kindly tell.> Regards.> > > > > > > > > > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/>



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Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteThis email found me well, but it "found" me privately. (Even though you also sent it on Sohamsa, it did not appear as post on the list). Yesterday I've seen your posts on "Shivoham mantra" and "Share market prediction" threads... sounds like a fresh new puzzle, heh. Any idea what is behind your posts selectively appearing on the list? I don't believe that your innocent question about Mahamrityunjaya mantra deserves to be moderated (at least not comparing to tons of posts which appeared in past five days containing nothing else but judging and finger pointing each other). I guess your question might spoil this entertainment, so... I have no other choice but to send explanation privately.P.S. Don't worry, your lady

and I are having nice email exchange in the meanwhile. I will leave to her to inform you about details.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Wed, 3/17/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek wrote:Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivekRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa Cc: majastrbacastroDate: Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 8:46 AM

Hi Maja, Namaste


I hope this email of mine finds you well. I also hope my wife is already in touch with you. I have a small question. The Mahamritunjya mantra which I know is

ॠतà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¯à¤®à¥à¤¬à¤•à¤‚ यजामहे, सà¥à¤—नà¥à¤§à¤¿à¤‚ पà¥à¤·à¥à¤Ÿà¤¿à¤µà¤°à¥à¤§à¤¨à¤‚ उरà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤°à¥à¤•à¤®à¤¿à¤µ बनà¥à¤§à¤¨à¤¾à¤¨à¥ मृतà¥à¤¯à¥‹à¤°à¥à¤®à¥‹à¤•à¥à¤·à¤¿à¤¯ मामृतातà¥


OM triyambakam yajÄmahe sugandhim pushTivardhanam,urvÄrukamiva bandhanÄn mrrityormokshiya mÄmrritÄt.


The one you have given has some extra words. Just wanted to ask the significance of the additional words in the mantra.


Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum Om


I hope I'm not being too much trouble. Thanks you so much.Warm Regards



sohamsa From: majastrbacastroDate: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 09:27:14 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga








Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI understand this pressure and your position. However, I can not offer any quick solutions. I can only suggest you to perform those remedies I gave you. Mantra is not instant quick solution, it takes time. I am so sorry. When to expect effect from mantra? I will leave this part fully in God's grace. There are methods from parampara to determine if mantra will provide you correcting karma from past birth only, will you experience effects of mantra soon (and in this life) or will you experience these effects in your next life. This is supposed to be judged from Muhurta chart when one starts performing mantra. I will not say how, because I don't think I should interfere in your karma to this extent. I believe that advice on starting Sanjivani on Monday is as far as I can go with muhurta choice.Please don't make mistake such as having this on your mind while

reciting mantra:a) direct expectations ("I want this event to materialize" etc.)b) establishing time line for effectsReferring to God (in this case in form of Shiva) with mantra is much more serious than this. Every day life is stressful, we are all facing tensions and problems (this way or that), but when using mantra, one's motive should be to correct bad karma and mistakes from previous life, for a start. From this perspective, even receiving partial forgiveness is enormous blessing. Be patient.One other thing: have you started reciting Sanjivani? :)Third: As far as yellow sapphire, I don't think you should start wearing it before Guru enters Meena rashi. I think that parivartana with neecha Rahu is terrible choice of muhurta for imbibing Devata in yellow sapphire (Guru). As I was saying before, Ratna is not urgent. With mantra you will be more than fine at this point. Fourth: Your bellowed wife...

Have you asked her if she would like Jyotish advice? I think this suggestion would be very useful for both of you. I checked her chart before. However, I was saying I am not in position to give comments about her chart. Perhaps I will not violate ethics too much if I add that she should do some remedies... please ask her.P.S. Are you two wearing identical wedding rings?Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Mon, 2/22/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comCc: majastrbacastro@ Monday, February 22, 2010, 1:07 AM

Hi Maja Sadar Pranams! Thanks for explaining me all this in so much detail. Really appreciate your patience. I'm also making this email to your address directly also so you don't have to wait for long time before receiving my replies. I think I understand most of what you've tried to explain. I've also received the instructions on energizing the yellow sapphire. Will try to work on all that you have suggested. One last request. because of my transfer, my wife is very upset and she wants me to find a new job asap. I'm supposed to be studying and giving exams for a certification which is supposed to help me. My problem is that I'm unable to concentrate on anything. I'm unable to concentrate on my work and I'm unable to concentrate on my studies. I'm simply wasting time and I feel guilty but I just can't do anything. Its a terrible feeling. Can you please suggest anything which can help me in that quickly?

With this I would like to close my email and Thank you for all your kindness. May GOD bless you with his choicest blessings. Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams.Vivek


sohamsa@ .comCC: bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 20 Feb 2010 01:04:38 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga









Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteComments bellow. Better late than never. Such a long time in the meanwhile, so I am sending this email privately as well.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Sun, 2/7/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSunday, February 7, 2010, 8:07 PM

Hi Maja (no ji this time) Sadar Pranams :) The post sent by you comes immediately cause its not moderated. you are in safe sending list. I'm not so my emails come late. your inbox should be perfectly fine. I'm a IT guy and I can definitely suggest you on this one. :) anyways. Should I wear pearl again? Oh, I think I confused you with my previous email. Good that you asked again. Pearl is perfectly OK, Chandra is your lagnesh on lagna, there is nothing wrong with wearing pearl. But, as you said, you've lost your pearl. Now there is no need to buy a new one, as there is better better solution for you (I mentioned pink Ruby). I also said that you should take off emerald. You have yellow sapphire, which is very helpful by the time when you buy that pink Ruby. After you buy it, you

should wear only Ruby and nothing else. I like pearl much more than this emerald. The yellow sapphire which I'm wearing is in Right hand, first finger. Hand is correct, finger is wrong if this means index finger (closest to thumb). This finger is for Moksha trikona, so wearing ring and Gemstone on index finger will block Moksha and increase Ahamkar. We don't want this, right? :) Please take it off from that finger (now). I always thought this for the finger for Jupiter. This finger is corresponding Jupiter indeed, but as far as trikona activated by this finger, no Gemstone should be on it. Ratna is remedy which can not reach beyond Rajas, and for Moksha we need Satvic remedies-which is mantra ;) Yellow sapphire should be on ring finger (dharma trikona,

perfect). The astrologer who advised the emerald recently passed away. Oh... I am very sorry to read that. I could not argue much with him but I guess he was suggesting that because I am going through the mercury mahadasha, I should wear emerald and it should help me in career and money saving. anyways, I would be more than happy to get rid of this stone. I've not done any puja for yellow sapphire, just chanted the Jupiter mantra a few times i guess and wore it on thursday. Can you please advise how should I energize it and wear it again if there is any other proper method. Sure there is. I will send you complete instructions to your private email. By that time, take that ring off and put it aside. Don't wear it. Same way i chanted the Buddha mantra a few times and wore the

emerald on wednesday.Will try to find the pink Ruby and see how can I afford it. As I said, this is not urgent, take your time. In the meanwhile you will wear yellow sapphire and after you buy pink ruby, you will wear only ruby, not both. Rahu AD will end in Sep 2011. so I guess I should just wait patiently till that time. Yes, correct. Wait patiently and always hope for better even earlier. That is the pretty much helpful approach towards predictions you receive. At least you should have this approach after reading what I wrote to you in my previous email. That was not prediction, it was just an opinion as I said, so take it as that. Don't fix your self to dates. Besides, miracles can happen. Pray, be patient and optimistic. Will the Jupiter AD help in anyways? I believe it will be very

helpful. What time do you see for job change? will the change be for good? This is same question, only rephrased :) I do understand that this is of most importance to you at this time, but I think I will make more damage if I give you wrong prediction comparing with letting you go without any job related prediction. Please don't insist. emancipation I do feel at times. I guess I need to find a Guru who can guide me. I don't think that your D20 will support too many penances. You have lot of exalted and swakshetra Grahas in this divisional chart, especially in moksha trikona, so you may not feel too comfortable in some type of serious sadhana. Of course it is more than welcome to have Diksha Guru, but spirituality will probably be only portion of your life, not

your entire life. by the way, do you see any chance for me to learn Jyotish in detail? I have a lot of love for jyotish but I guess I need a Guru for that too who can teach me patiently. I am biased whenever somebody asks this question, so I always reply with yes, no matter what I see in chart. Not just to you, to anybody. Honestly, I would rather cut of my own hand instead of using it to write NO. :) Continue learning it and see where it goes. I don't see obstacles for understanding principles, but I am not sure if this will be in detail. Warm Regards and Sadar pranamsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 6 Feb 2010 04:23:02 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga











Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteComments bellow.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Wed, 2/3/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, February 3, 2010, 9:04 PM

Dear Maja ji (And this would be my limit. God knows I tried. Three/four/five times reading "ji" next to my name written by same person is as far as I can go with pretending it is not there :) Please, next time use my name only. No need for formalities. ) Sadar Pranams I won't say too many Thank You's :). You know I am very much Thank full. Oh, good. This sounds so much better. Improving. I almost detached you from writing "thank you" :) I guess the reason the email was delayed is because the emails to this group by users (except for some senior members and Gurujans) are moderated and sometimes the moderators are busy and take some time before they can release the emails. Nope, it has to do with inbox on my account. Even though these posts are already on Sohamsa, I receive them with delay on my account. Trust me it has nothing to do with moderation. You would be very far behind me on the list of nominees for being moderated :))) and I am receiving my own posts right after sending them. A few more requests. Feel free to reply whenever you can. I was wearing a yellow sapphire and a pearl for past few years. Even combination of pearl and yellow sapphire on the same ring would be very good for you. Couple months back, I lost my pearl ring. Pitty... Okay, it happens. Don't think back

about that event. The strange thing is that before I lost the pearl was getting used pretty fast. It was getting smaller in size pretty quickly which did not happen before. I enquired a few people and some said it was natural and some said, it was working. I still have no clue. Then one of the astrologers who used to guide my Wife's family said that I should not be wearing the pearl at all and its good that I lost it. Lagna lord on lagna is bad for Ratna? Chandra is bad? The only graha which can not harm any other, which is never malefic (it can be weak, but not malefic)? He suggested a Emerald. Ouch! Lord of 12th and 3rd on lagna? He said I could wear the yellow sapphire if I wanted but it will be of no use. I wish if this so-called-astrologe r was having that conversation with me. I just wonder what for it would be of no use... He is clearly not competent to give advice on Ratna. For heaven's sake, Guru is 9th lord exalted on your lagna (6th also, I know, but this Guru is perfectly OK)! My wife's family immediately arranged a emerald and I'm wearing it instead of pearl. If you've done some pujas or devata imbibing in that gemstone, please take it off. I'm also wearing the yellow sapphire. I asked one of my uncle's who I normally ask about such queries and he said that as per him I may try wearing a red coral Well, don't wear red coral. I do understand that lot of astrologers simply advice Gemstone for Yogakaraka, expecting it is perfect

choice to cover all needs of every native, panacea, success guaranteed... But this is not enough. Mangal may be Yogakaraka, but its placement in 3rd (and in 6th from AL) is terrible choice for Ratna. but he was not sure why a emerald was suggested. Probably idea that it is benefic on lagna, maybe expecting it would work well for career (as Budh is karaka for 10th) or something, maybe due to digbala... Maybe it is just a simple, good old lack of knowledge. So I'm currently wearing a yellow sapphire and a emerald. Take off emerald, leave yellow sapphire on (right hand, ring

finger). Any puja done for your yellow Sapphire? Sada Shiva should be in it... if possible, could you please advise? Also I was asked to take off my wedding ring as there were diamonds in that. Feel free to put your wedding ring back on. If Lakshmi is not invoked in that diamond, all is perfectly OK. In that case your wedding ring is only a wedding ring. It can not do any good or any harm in context of Ratna. It is only a diamond. Just a tough piece of carbon :)For now you can wear Yellow Sapphire and you should wear it. While it is on your hand, start saving money for pink Ruby. This is not Ruby for Surya, so ordinary red or dark red Ruby will be of no use. You need clear, natural, unheated, perfectly transparent pink Ruby without eye visible flaws. Padmaraga, please look at this photo:http://simplygemsto nes.com/images/ ruby%20pink% 20Burma%20no% 20heat%201. 27%20ct%20OV% 20CG07.jpg

This is second guidance for correct color of Ruby for you:http://1.bp. blogspot. com/_AxfQ2CmiqM4 /SffEKNBD- fI/AAAAAAAAAGg/ PA1QKlldcUU/ S1600-R/536113_ pink_lotus. jpgAs far as size for this pink Ruby, I would rather explain it using small words: at least two millimeters in range. Anything bigger is more than welcome, but this is minimum. Pink Ruby is mainly to activate Mahapurusha Yoga on lagna (in your case this would be Hamsa). It will also activate agni tatva of lagna and all occupants in it (trines also, but we are focusing on your lagna now). Lovely solution for additional activation of Yogas on your lagna. I did not think of Ratna earlier, as you were

mentioning financial problems, so I did not want to cause additional expenses to your budget. Even this advice is not urgent to follow. Whenever you get the chance to buy it, do that. Of course, the sooner the better.As I've mentioned in my earlier email also, I was asked to move to another location by my company which has forced me to stay away from my wife. I was pretty upset with the decision as the management knew that I was recently married and this will create problems in my personal life. I really want to change my Job. Do you see any such change in near future? Hmmm... If I have to reply on this, I think that Rahu AD is causing these problems. You do see when it ends... More than anything else I would wish to be wrong about this conclusion, as I really don't like bringing sort of bad news to good people. Rahu AD is giving effects of Sukra,

which is AK, badhakesh, lord of 4th in 3rd (you had to move...), being neecha (vargotama) in 6th from AL it requires a lot of struggle for what you need during this AD. Also there is drishti on 12th from AL. Dashamsha situation is similar in a way. Rahu is giving effects of Mangal in 3rd, so lot of travels, struggles... I am not sure if Mangal's drishti on Ch 10th lord and 10th bhava can change your job once again during this AD... I am not very versed in analyzing Dashamsha, so do take this with some reserve. Do your mantra (offer some sandalwood paste to Shiva), try to get your hands on that pink Ruby... It might appear earlier than 2011. Feeding poor people, donations in gold to temples (for example, to temple of your family deity), donations to spiritual people,

all is more than welcome. I remember you were saying: "I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible." Good, great, continue doing that.

Last question, just popped up in my mind after reading a few emails in Sohamsa group. I am very fond of Art and especially poetry. Usually this is the case with Sukra AK :) Art and beauty are food for soul. I used to write poems too till a few years back and now in this job I find it hard do the same. I'm no big poet. I've just shared my work with a few friends, that's all. can you please suggest what yoga in my chart is the reason for this and should I try to work on this hobby of mine. Is it any significant in my chart? Remember my comment in previous email regarding you criticism? Same positions are influencing your urge to write. As a Kark lagna, with strong Chandra (vargotama) and Sukra AK (in 3rd), writing interest will be more related to poetry, rather than prose. This is usual case

when Jala tatva is related with yogas for writing. More over, Gu/Bu on lagna, strong writing skills, also there is Sarada Yoga, Gajakeshari yoga... Why this did not materialize through your lagna (name and fame)? It is in 12th from Surya (MKS), so I think that there is lack of support for initiating these yogas. You will write, but I am not sure if this will be published. In Navamsa Sukra is also in trines to d9 lagna, influencing your ability, neecha-through lot of effort, as it is also in 3rd from D9 lagnesh. No aspect on D9 lagna from Sukra, so this can hardly bring you finances. Though it can bring you inner satisfaction, perfect hobby.Hey... in Navamsha you have Ketu in 12th from AK joined with Benefic-Guru. This is illustration of dictum for emancipation :) But this is all I know about this dictum, I have no idea how this goes with rest of the chart.

Warm Regards and Sadar PranamsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Wed, 3 Feb 2010 01:54:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga







Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteObviously my inbox was on vacation, as I received your email today (I see 27th of January on it). It jams sometimes and refuses cooperation. ..I added comments directly to your email bellow. This font color would be me.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Wed, 1/27/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comWednesday, January 27, 2010, 1:05 AM

Dear Maja ji Sadar Pranams Thanks a lot for your detailed email. I'm really indebted for all your time and effort. Really, no need for saying "thank you" every time we exchange email :) I guess this long email and the upayas are because you see a chance of separation. Nope. In fact, what I see in your chart is that you will never actually take any action regarding separation. Not even close. Too much Dharma in your chart :))) From time to time you may think of it as an option, but never seriously. I am just saving your valuable energy, time and mind focus for something more constructive. Instead of brainstorming on "Divorce is solution" (and never do it), don't you think it is more useful to make your brain occupied with "How can I improve this"? As simple as that.By Gods

Grace and blessings till now everything seems normal. I hope it continues this way and God forbid, if in future there may be such a chance, I'll do whatever in my power to avoid any such situation. I've a few questions and I hope I won't take too much of your time. You are welcome anytime. Regarding the opposition, it was actually from her mother and sisters rather than her father. her father was cooperative in start but later under influence of her mother and sisters, opposed the idea of out alliance. OK, good. At the moment I can't think of any decent comment related to your chart and where to fit these events. I am not surprised with sisters in law, but I am surprised with mother in law. I owe you this explanation for next time, hope this is OK. I was introduced to my wife some 5-6 years back by a mutual friend.

In Sukra AD? Cheers! She was studying at that time and I was on a project. We could not meet as we were quite far from each other but we kept in touch a bit by emails etc. After a year or so, she completed her studies and came back to her home. Then we met and it was just a normal friendship. I criticize a lot as you must have analyzed by my chart (No, I was not looking for this in your chart, but if you insist: perhaps Budh, lord of 3rd on Lagna with lagna lord and vargotama AK in Kanya are contributing this "quality" :) and i guess she some how relied on my advise (even if she didn't like it) as I used to speak truth and showed her what bitter things people won't tell others. this friendship slowly turned into attraction and eventually what we may call love but it was not without the ups and downs and the problems most couples face. It never is without ups and downs for any couple. I do understand (at least a bit) about what you say about the institution of marriage and our dharma and I would say that agree to almost all of what you say. Thanks a lot for explaining it in such a detail. Pleasure was all mine, really. now a few questions.was there any difference in the time I normally use for my chart calculations? the time which I have is approximate so I'm sure there would be some difference. If you can please let me know the same, It would be easy for me to try and learn more about my horoscope. As far as I was going with rectification, I think it should be 04:25 AM. I do agree that I was head over heels in love as I still can not justify why in spite of so many differences i was

ready to commit to this relation. In spite of many differences, strong graha in 2nd from Kumbha will keep relation. I asked Sanjay ji about the KSY and here is what he replied

om gurave namah

Dear Vivek

Natural benefic Venus has joined the node

Natural benefics are in Lagna - 3 of them.

KSY is well cancelled. which means troubles but you wil overcome them and have an eventful life

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath I am happy to read his reply and head over heels for the fact you received it. Sanjay is Visti's Guru, Visti is Guru to my teacher, so... I am guessing you are expecting my comment, but as I belong to this lineage, maybe it is not necessary (I can not possibly know more or anything different than Sanjay, Visti or my teacher). Or you wish an explanation? If that is the case, here it is:Remember when I mentioned that it is easy to give advice for KSY/KAY if benefic is joining nodes or occupying lagna/7th bhava? This means broken KSY/KAY. Roughly speaking, lets say it is easier type of KSY/KAY, so bondage is not terrible as it may be without influence of benefics as described above. Also, the stronger these benefics are (own rashi, mooltrikona, exaltation), the easier type it

will be. This is one of the reasons why I did not insist to perform Mahavidya urgently (Tara), as you are having exalted Guru on your Lagna. This is why I was writing long email with list of upayas related to every day life. I've also done puja of KSY at Shri Kalahasti Temple as suggested by some Pandit ji. How effective that puja was, only God knows. I am very sorry, but I am only familiar with those remedies from Achyuta parampara I listed above. I can not give any comment on puja you performed. Would you be kind enough to explain the Kamla Mahavidhya puja to me also please. You don't need this. :) I understand that it will be a painful process but I would surely like to understand and would definitely would like to try if I feel i can do it. You will not perform this,

forget it. No need for this, as there are benefics on lagna breaking KSY. I can repeat this as many times necessary. :) Love your wife, this is the best sadhana for you :) Also can I do both, Kamla Mahavidhya Sadhna and Jyotirlinga mantra? Third time, forget Kamala Sadhana. :) In general, one sadhana at the time. Mahavidya, or Jyotirlinga, never both at the same time (and never both for same graha at the same time). Jyotirlinga for now. Can you also please explain a bit more in details about "I will be reminded if I do anything to make my wife unhappy" while doing Jyotirlinga Mantra? :) As I said: things can simply go back to where they were before you started with Mantra. :) Don't be afraid, this is beautiful mantra. Also if you can please give some more details of Tara Mahavidhya and how can It be performed.

For now you do not need this. When you need it, I will ask around for someone located nearby your place who can give you all instructions. We'll be in touch. Regarding Children, My wife feels she is not yet ready. Earlier she wanted some time after marriage and now as we are staying separate, she does not want to go ahead this way and would like to wait sometime till some arrangement happens where we can stay together again. :( Okay, be patient. There is sense in what she is saying. It is not easy for a woman to be on her own during pregnancy and after delivery. and as you said, I should not do anything to make her unhappy, I've been keeping my mouth shut in this matter and letting her decide what she wants. But I'm no way near the Husband of the Decade title as I do make her upset with some things she doesn't like. One of them is letting her

know that she is wrong :) about something or If I don't agree to what she says. Wait, I did not say to shut up, be a plant and don't have opinion of your own :))) 90% of communication is nonverbal, meaning that people focus on interpreting gesticulation and tone while listening. Anything you have to say, say it, but 10% be careful on choice of words, 90% be careful how you say it. :) If your arguments are reasonable and strong enough, you should be able to explain why gently. I don't know how to move away from Asia. Don't worry, this is not urgent at all. I did not say to do it by the end of this month. Life is long. It is more like, if/when you are in position to chose where to move, you should prefer this direction. It depends if I can get a Job somewhere far from here. I'm trying to find a job but it all seems so difficult at this time and I

feel like I'm trapped. Please do guide me if you can about what I can do to make my luck move me to Northwest direction and away from Asia. I am afraid I am unable to give you such advice, but I do think that solving one thing at the time is vise. You cant change your entire life with one move. Patience. Thanking you once again for all your help and kindness. Again, pleasure is all mine. I hope I do not take up too much of your time and effort for the queries I have. Warm Regards and Sadar Pranams Vivek Bajaj


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:53:16 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga










Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteI read that last email you were sending after this which is bellow my email. Your wife is pretty much healthy woman. Considering your relationships before marriage, the only serious relationship you ever had is this with your wife. She is first Upa Pada, I am glad this is confirmed.Before I forget to say it (again): yes that is right, your wife would have to contact me directly (however she feels more comfortable- privately or here on forum) in order to allow me to interpret her chart.Opposition to your marriage was mostly from your father in law? When did you meet your wife?Eternal, life time painful spot of every Sukra Atma Karaka is its "Royal Highness-Institutio n of Marriage". What Sukra Atma Karaka is living and breathing for is love. You have read that you are having afflicted Sukra (curse) in your chart. This adds hardships on previous

statement. Here on forum many times I came across questions such as "Will I have love marriage or arranged marriage?" and every time I am wondering what is on questioners mind... Love? Or falling in love/passion? There is a difference and it is so hard to explain it to someone who had never felt both, simply entered arranged marriage and remain there for rest of life. No matter what one says to a person who experienced only arranged marriage without falling in love to spouse or loving spouse, they can never understand that there is no big difference between deep love on one side and solid, quality relation inside arranged marriage on the other. There are no "butterflies in stomach" feeling, excitement, shivering, sweet insomnia when it comes to real, deep love. Are you following me so far Sukra Atma Karaka? :)"Butterflies" are present for few days, weeks, months... in best case for few years. Eventually they "fly away" and leave us in

bills, loans, arguments over holiday destination, color of sofa, budget plans, "shall we rent/buy house/apartment here or there?", diapers, babies crying, "I am too tired talk, I had a very exhausting day at work", what are we going to have for dinner, who is earning more, etc. etc. etc. A warm welcome to cruel reality of every day life! So really, who is messed up more at birth: westerns or Indians? Westerns rarely learn difference between love and falling in love, so landing "cruel reality" after "butterflies stage" appears more as a plain crash, if love did not have enough time to plant roots before living together. Indians, on the other side, can hardly get rid of feeling as if they are missing something crucial if their only option is simply to enter arranged marriage and that is it as far as their emotional life. (It is probably scary idea for nowadays 20 year old in India, considering what they are coming across in global media and internet.)

As a human being I can only be honest with you and say that I don't believe in institution of marriage either. At least not from that perspective of what majority of human beings aged 20-35 is expecting from partnership deep down inside, no matter which tradition/country/ religion he or she belongs. Mutual love. Very small percentage of population is lucky to experience this, and majority of these lucky ones did not get everything on the plate as soon as they married. They probably had to put lot of effort and time to make things work.Bottom line, what every married human being needs in The Holy Institution of Marriage is mutual respect, understanding, both sides ready for compromises, cooperation and sharing responsibilities. Otherwise everyone included suffer terribly. Love is a nice asset, but it will not make it work if any single one of those above terms is not included. It will not plant roots and grow. It is hard enough to find a

person who is ready to cooperate with another to such extent. Deep down inside, all human beings are very selfish. Institution of Marriage? Disappointments? Well, disappointments come after failed expectations. It depends on what one is expecting of marriage... See my point?I am not from India, so the first time I became familiar with Vedic viewpoints on marriage was only few years ago. I told you that as a human being I don't believe in Institution of Marriage: Well, why would I wish to push myself and accept so many responsibilities? Why would I ever wish to let anyone disturbing my privacy, habits and occupying half of my bed (while snoring, probably :)? Two reasons:1. Children2. Children#1 Children is purely from human being level. I do wish to accomplish my self as a mother. #2 Children is from viewpoint of Dharma. As you are born in India, I am expecting that you do know that Dharma of every mortal human is

continuing linage. This linage can be spiritual, within parampara, if one decides to renounce material aspects of life. In this option one is adopting "spiritual children" or shishyas (students). Second option is to continue family linage and have biological or adopted children. We are here for the sake of creation and we are obligated to create our own children in order to pay our debts to our Pitris (ancestors). Are you familiar with these principles? If you are, in that case you do understand that you did not marry for your own benefit or pleasure (if this becomes part of your marriage, great!). You married for having children and share responsibilities with your wife in order to up bring them in to greatest possible human beings. Life really makes no sense without children. If you don't believe me, just search for married people who never decided to raise a child (even though they could) and observe their lives. From this viewpoint

Institution of Marriage is sacred. One may believe in it or not, but it is sacred because it provides us fulfilling significant portion of our Dharma. (As far as I am concerned, this paragraph is 80% of my motivation to enter marriage some day. God, I really hope I will have XXXL bed and enough wax for my ears to survive that. :)For good and bad marriage it takes two and it is always easier to blame the other side when something goes wrong. All human beings find hard to face own failure and responsibility. .. Think about your actions and actions of your wife again, please. She learned to avoid mentioning something that might make you loose your temper. Good. Now is the best time to teach her how to make you talk, smile, feel that you belong there with her, make you happy... She needs you to show her how. You are where you are and there is no turning back. Divorce is always an option, but don't leave before you are sure you tried

EVERYTHING to make it work. Replacing her with another woman maybe would be as good enough as changing a package to the same problem, so you need to try to pull the best out of current situation. You both need to become team players. I can try to help a little, rest is really on you.As mentioned earlier, Sukra in your chart is afflicted (under curse), but main problem in your chart is Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY-all Grahas distributed zodiacally from Rashi occupied by Ketu to Rashi occpuied by Rahu). Nodes are influencing 2nd bhava from Upa Pada. After you told me about circumstances of the way you entered your marriage, I do believe that described is related to Kumbha Rashi. Co lord Rahu is in 3rd bhava with Sukra and Mangal, so you fell in love and choice of spouse was mainly your decision. You were probably head over heels in love... It must have been very intensive emotional

experience considering that Rahu is with Sukra Atma Karaka. Currently Rahu antar dasha is running, making Sukra and KSY issues very much in focus.Giving remedies for KSY is easy task if there is benefic with nodes. In your case that would be neecha Sukra. As neecha Grahas are always related with Devi forms, Kamala Mahavidya would be perfect remedy to break KSY. But... Mahavidya Sadhana is always very intensive experience, since performer gets opportunity to burn significant amount of bad Karma within 40 days (to speed up process of purification in a way). This process is very painful but worth vile, as it would probably take few years or even longer to accoplish same results with another kind of worship. Atma Karaka by it self is delivering most intensive karmic experiences (usually painful, but again-worth vile) to each and every one of us. Combination of Atma Karaka and Mahavidya Sadhana is overextended intensity for fragile human mind. One of

possible "side effects" of this combination is mental instability. I do think your Dhishakti, intelligence and mind are very strong, considering all those blessings on your lagna, but you are just a man who is worried about his marriage, financial existence and employment-meaning you are "regular civilian", making you very fragile for this type of Sadhana.Alternative for Mahavidya is Jyotirlinga mantra for Graha which is joining nodes. Shiva in form of Tryambakkeshvaya is Jyotirlinga for Sukra. This will exalt Sukra, take care of KSY, additionally purify occupants in Meena and give strength to this Rashi which is sustaining your marriage (2nd from Kumbha). You get multiple benefits from this mantra:Om Haum Om Jum Sah Bhurbhuva Svah Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvarukameva Bandhanaam Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat Bhur Bhuva Svah Roam Jum Sah Haum OmThis is Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and you are supposed to start it on

any Monday, performing it 108 times (one Mala) in the morning and 108 times at the sunset. Do it for 40 days. After that you wait next Monday to start another 40 days of Shiva worship. There is catch with Jyotirlinga. I don't advise you to start it unless you are fully prepared to be nothing but a loving husband to your wife. You must be very careful, there are no excuses. She can behave as she likes, be unbearable, impulsive, stubborn, behaving like a spoiled breath, I am so sorry, but all you are allowed to do is to behave like you are preparing for "Husband of decade" contest. You are not allowed to hurt her, insult her even a little bit, to raise your voice at her or to make her unhappy in any way. Whenever you do anything similar you will be "reminded" not to repeat it, because things can get very difficult again. Also, Sukra is related to couples and young, unmarried ladies, so this is place No2 and No3 on your personal list of sacred and

divine. Ah yes, add Institution of Marriage as No4, as this institution is also related to Sukra. You are obligated to have full respect towards everything related to Sukra, especially your wife. Neecha Sukra requires you to be humble towards your wife, sister, ladies etc. etc. Help them when they ask you, help them and support them even when they don't ask you. From now and on, your wife is Devi personified as far as you are concerned and the ground she is walking is sacred to you. You will have to chose this attitude if you want to give some strength to Sukra in your chart and pull your self out of the problem. Believe me that you will make incomparably less damage if you decide to insult anybody else in your life before you decide to make your wife unhappy. (Don't worry, I promise I will never share this conversation with her :) You have to perform some good karma if you want to prevent continuation of bad karma. Your wife is not with you by

coincidence. She is there to deliver some karma that must be delivered and you can try to make it easier for yourself. I repeat again what I said few emails ago: Guru will protect Meena rashi, plus Ketu is there, so you need children as soon as possible. Your marriage has more chances to sustain with children. Come on Karka lagna, you can be great father... I am sure that children will pull the best out of you. That palmist had a point about far away country. I recommend you to move Northwest as Chandra is in digbala from Arudha Lagna. Move from Asia, far far away, as movable rashis such as Karka require distance to get activated. Your lagna and all occupants are your way out of every problem. In next Maha Dasa of Guru it would be great to perform Tara Mahavidya. If you feel ready to do it earlier, let's say around August this year, start it then. I am saying Tara because Grahas on Lagna are also qualified to break Kala Sarpa Yoga. Tara is

for Guru.Hm... that would be all for now. Email is long, I know. I had to trouble you to put some effort in reading long list of remedies and advices, as 3rd bhava is place of problems. :) Okay, I am joking. I just think that there was some point in doing all this, as you might have benefits from everything written above this paragraph. You are reasonable, you might listen to me and you will probably perform Jyotirlinga. Thank you very much for reading this and giving me a chance to do some good karma. As I said before, rest is really on you.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Tue, 1/19/10, Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comTuesday, January 19, 2010, 2:08 AM

Dear Maja ji Thanks a lot for your kind reply. Here are some major details for my life. I was married on 12th December 2008. My Father born in 1938 is a businessman and now not doing any active work except for some investments. He is having family history of diabetes and heart problems and is himself a Heart and blood Sugar patient. My mother is a housewife and she does not have any major medical problems except for overweight. Have always belonged to a well to do family but there was not much progress in our financial status and growth has always been stagnant. I've learnt from my parents not to believe in pump and show and lead a simple life. I'm a very stubborn person and don't usually change my decisions. I love to do charity and try to donate as much as possible. I have great love for literature and poetry and love art cinema more than commercial cinema. I passed my B.Com in 3rd

division even when I was not that bad a student. I've always been haunted by Math and physics and complex calculations. I did my 12 in Science. After that i did some computer courses and worked here and there but my proper job started in Sep 2003 when I left India and came for a contract job of 2 months in Bangkok. here after 3 months i was offered a full time job and had to travel a lot in this job. I have recently been moved to plant location which has forced me to stay away from my wife as she is also working in the city. I was told this news on Dussehra day 2009. My Wife's DOB is 15th Apr 1980. Number 3, 6, 9 have mostly been lucky. most of my good friends also have these numbers as their date of birth. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. i'm the youngest child. Both my brothers are in business. My sister is also married to a businessman. I don't remember much of my childhood but after I've grown up, I've seen mostly problems in business front in my

dad's business. I can't say they were very huge but yes, if I compare to how well to do and progressing we used to be (as I was told), our growth got stagnant and also going down. My Marriage was a Love cum arranged Marriage. there was a lot of opposition from Girls family but later settled. The first few months of my marriage, my wife and I had lot of quarrels. We actually had very bitter fights and i had lost all interest and faith in the institution of marriage. Things are getting better, touch wood. We don't finght that much as my wife very cleverly avoids any such thing which can make me loose my temper. I won't say I'm satisfied but yes, i also feel its better to avoid any thing which can cause fights. My quality of life, I can't really say as there were both +ve and -ve changes but my career has taken a downfall and I've been landing in problems as explained earlier.I was once told by a palmist that My future will always be

bright outside of the country of my birth and that I would probably die in a country which is not my birth country. Health wise, My wife is a bit fragile and although her health is more or less stable, she has improved over time but still she keeps getting small problems health wise. Regarding my wife's chart, should I ask her to send an email to you if she is interested in getting the things explained in her chart? Please let me know if any further information is required from my side. Once again thank you so much for your kindness to help. Kind RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commajastrbacastro@ Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:09:19 -0800RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga






Om Gurave NamahDear Vivek, namasteHaving direct dialogue with you is much better option, nice that you included. First of all, no reason for panic at this stage, as we are still checking if your birth time is correct or not.Tell me when did you get married? As your Upa Pada lagna is in 2nd bhava with Surya and Sani, I guess your marriage was arranged according to tradition of your family (which is the case with majority of people of your age in your country, but I would like to check if this is true anyway). You are 31 years old at the moment, so I don't see any serious marriage delay in your case... As I understand tradition, condition number one, necessary to fulfill in order to become potential groom, is to finish education (at least) before entering marriage. This can not happen before age of 23-24 (if we are talking about higher education). As Sani is on Upa Pada lagna, here we should focus on

7th there from (Kumbha) in order to find more details about relation between you and your wife. It is nice to see that her Rashi Lagna fits perfectly to your Upa Pada. :) I think your relation will be so much stronger after birth of children, as Ketu (kula devata) is there in Mooltrikona receiving Graha drishti of Guru from lagna. No need to focus on afflicted neecha Sukra from 3rd bhava and its influence on 2nd from Kumbha, as Guru is strong enough to protect his rashi (Meena) and his beneficial influence is strong enough to sustain your marriage. This marriage should last, all you guys need is children. This is the best "remedy" to keep your marriage safe and sound. :) I can not give comments related to your wife's chart, as I need her blessing and permission to do such a thing. It is her privacy. Though I am allowed to cheer you up with good news: my knowledge in determining compatibility between partners is pretty much poor, but what I am

familiar with at this stage allows me to say that there is perfect compatibility in domain of Chandra (representing both of your families, social circles and mind level) between the two of you. "Third party involvement" meaning-if there were any extramarital issues with other women?Longevity issues- if Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, this brings neecha Sukra in 8th bhava, related to sustaining of marriage and this is maraka bhava for wife also. This is neecha, vargotama Atma Karaka (under curse in Rashi chart), believe me you would feel very unhappy in your marriage if this is in 8th bhava. Further, 9th bhava is 3rd from 7th, so it is related to death of spouse in a way. Lord is neecha Budh having graha drishti on neecha Sukra in 2nd from 7th. If Sukra and Budh were not neecha (without neecha banga in Navamsha), I would not insist that this combination could ever influence wife's longevity, as there is no 7th lord involved in this

combination to satisfy snap shot combination for death of spouse. This way, I would stick to health issues and longevity decreased to some extent. Speaking of her health, I need you to tell me how is your wife doing? If she is fine and well, I suggest Makara Navamsha lagna.What is your father's occupation? If Kumbha is your Navamsha lagna, following scenario is possible: social and financial status of your family could have been very stable and good before you were born. After you were born, your family could have experienced huge problems related to status, reputation, some court cases, legal issues and similar could have cropped up. Was this the case?Also, after you got married, how would you describe quality of your life, your career and interpersonal relations with people from your surrounding? I need these answers.Keep in touch.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Mon, 1/18/10, Vivek Bajaj

<bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>RE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comMonday, January 18, 2010, 1:48 AM

Dear Maja ji and Manoj ji Thanks a lot for taking out time to look at the chart. Maja ji, can you please help with the charts of me and my wife as if its really a Kumbha Lagna in Navmasa then I guess I'd be needing the help and blessings of Gurujans and learned members. My marriage was delayed. I'm sorry but I could not fully understand the third party involvement and longvity things. Frankly I'm getting scared a bit. Please guide me. I would also like to request Gurujans and Other leaned members if they can help with their analysis. Thanks and RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .commanojsharma662000@ Sun, 17 Jan 2010 06:50:26 -0800Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




point well taken...I am a day dreamer and dreams just add more illusion (maya) around you...but that is my karma and I have to face (actually I am already facing) the consequences




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSun, January 17, 2010 3:41:43 AMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj, namasteThis is not matter of knowledge level, it is matter of approaching facts. Only facts make sense to me.Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 6:15 PM


Hi Maja,

Thanks for your response. I will not pretend to know more than you in astrology even for a wee bit. I was just saying that sometime the truth is not every apparent, and at abstract level sometime what is apparent is not necessarily true. I was just trying to make this point. However, again not sure whether it makes sense to you.




Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >sohamsa@ .comSat, January 16, 2010 4:25:13 PMRe: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga




Om Gurave NamahDear Manoj,:))))))))))) ))))))))) )) Thank you for making me laugh with this lovely explanation. I do believe Vivek knows his wife very well. They are living together after all.Does this mean that Jyotishi is allowed to say: "You had a very good period to become millionaire a year ago, but sadly, you did not use it, so nothing manifested." in order to justify our errors in interpretation or rectification?Vivek's navamsha lagna shifts to Makara lagna within less than one minute earlier. In case of Kumbha navamsha lagna, Sukra would be 9th lord in 8th and Sukra is neecha, so I do believe that this would delay his marriage (fulfiling Dharma-9th bhava). Also, neecha Sukra would be matter of sustaining his marriage. There is drishti of neecha Budh on Sukra, so I do believe that if there is no terrible suffering or involvement of third party in his marriage, or if his wife is alive and well (yoga

of 8th and 9th lord would badly afflict wife's longevity) Vivek's navamsha lagna should be Makara. This way, second bhava related to sustaining is occupied with Gu/Ke, meaning that children (own or adopted) and continuing linage is something that is keeping this marriage strong.When there is parampara yoga in 7th in Navamsha, it is not matter of inner quality or inner attitude of spouse. It is reality and spouse should actually belong to/be born in some Parampara if Yoga is strong (Guru is in Surya's rashi here, so...).Warm regards,Maja Strbac--- On Sat, 1/16/10, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ >Re: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yogasohamsa@ .comSaturday, January 16, 2010, 10:32 AM


That my be because of her Arudha lagna; what manifests is not always true...just tear the facade of this maya and try to understand the soul of your wife...may be you will realize, she is indeed very spritual if not religious... .






Vivek Bajaj <bajajvivek (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>sohamsa@ .comFri, January 15, 2010 5:50:11 AMRE: Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga Dear Guru jis/Learned Members Just noticed that Jupiter + Ketu is in my D9 too in 7th house. I don't think my wife is very spiritual. She is more fun loving and out going than me. Chart attached. I guess we need some more expert advise. Warm RegardsVivek


sohamsa@ .combondmerama (AT) (DOT) inFri, 15 Jan 2010 10:39:13 +0000 Re: Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:Ganapati yoga


Dear All,Does this yoga always known as Ganapati Yoga,Here Jupiter is fallen.Best Regardssohamsa@ .com, LearneR Vedic AstroG <hygreeva_ram@ ...> wrote:>> || Hare Rama Krishna ||>  > Namaskar, > It indiacte you get spirtual wife , may be marriage purpose is to beget children.>  >  >  > Regards,> Hygreeva.> > > --- On Thu, 14/1/10, AS <bondmerama@ ...> wrote:> > > AS <bondmerama@ ...>> Jup+Ketu in D-9 seventh house:shri Rafal Ji please tell......> sohamsa@ .com> Thursday, 14 January, 2010, 8:20 AM> > >  > > > > Respected

Sirs> Namaskar.> Does the combination of Jupiter+Ketu in Makara, seventh house of D-9,indictates an astrologer spouse/spiritual spouse or what it indicates.> Kindly tell.> Regards.> > > > > > > > > > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/>



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