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Pranam,Can any Gurujan guide me with a situation.If a sadak uses Sri vidya mantras for each chakra point in the body along with Respective Beej mantra,Ahh meditation,Placement of NaMa Shi vA yAA, ON CHAKRAS ALONG WITH PRAYERS TO RESPECTIVE Navagrahas at different chakras along with laxmi/kamalatmika mantras at chakras what is expected.Manjit--- On Sat, 3/20/10, yousuf_i <yousuf_i wrote:

yousuf_i <yousuf_i[soHamsa] Re: yousef replysohamsa Date: Saturday, March 20, 2010, 11:41 AM

Dear SanjayjiPranamsThank you so much for your timely advice on shantipath. I took it and started reciting immediately.Tonight I can sleep in peace because there are no angry/hate/contempt ous private mails from anybody. So far 5 emailers acknowledged privately I have too many problems and I am not a crazy guy. ------------ --------- -Lakshmiji,Thanks for your kind words.I hope you recover soon.------------ --------- ------Gratefully I acknowledge your wisdom to start shantipath.let me try to write tomorrow morning if it worked.Sir, If I do not appear online to post in the morning you can safely presume I have been stoned overnight and my hands or legs or jaws have been broken (Please take this humour at my expense in times of "OUR Stress" laughter is the best medicine)The two articles given below should be read by all.All for the sake of Krishna and GitaThanksYousufFor

Ahamkarahttp://www.darsana. org/gate. html?name= Journal & file= display & jid= 20http://www.hindujag ruti.org/ hinduism/ knowledge/ article/at- which-stage- does-the- chanting- occur-automatica lly.htmlAt which stage does the chanting occur automatically?sohamsa@ .com, "Sanjay Rath" <sjrath wrote:>> Dear Yousuf> I have read your peculiar problem listed below> Try this - read the shanti patha everyday at home. you can get it easily 'om purnamadah

purnamidam.. .'> Ask your sisters to recite one of the 99 names of Allah. Look at their charts, find Venus position. Then determine its Rudramsa number like first Rudramsa of sign is 1 and 2nd is 2 and so on. Then choose the correct name of Allah from Nos.67 to 77. Ask them to repeat this name for 1 hour in the morning and evening.> "In whatever name or form a person calls Him, He will come" - Krishna in the Gita.> So. don't worry about this and do it. You should see some hope in 30-40 days. Peace should prevail in the house. Stop talking to them about marriage as it makes them tense. Let peace come to the house - prosperity will follow.> My best wishes> Sanjay Rath> > > yousuf_i > Saturday, March 20, 2010 2:21 PM> sohamsa@ .com > [soHamsa] Re: yousef reply> > > > Dear Modhiniji> Pranams> 11th cross, Malleshwaram that is the location of the famous Krishna Temple in bangalore > > Before somebody asks me i decided to post this much information as to why I am here.> if marriage settles for my sisters I want to perform Tulabhara ( I am not joking) I am serious and I want to ask Sri Ramanaryanji because he responded to Sri Ramdasji's question on Tulabhara but he seems to be not present here nor does he address my question privately and his shisya (whew) he says mean things on me.Even now if Ramanaranji can discuss on my sisters chart it will be great.I am not wishing for Raj bhavan Status,only finale to my family project. > > I read somewhere a suggestion given to Ramadasji by Sri.Goelji on mrriage and that is to perform

the girl's marriage first to Arka tree. Now I am thinking of the same for my sisters marriage> > If people had 'my type problems' and were asked to meditate and do Homa, can they do?> > If I go home these 2 ladies (I mean my sisters no offence to any woman, all are my mothers except one whom I am yet to find) fight all the time on marriage and if I find a muslim, the boy runs away after hearing my family history.If I catch a hindu boy my sisters get a 10 feet rope to hang me> > That is why I am thinking of Gita and praying to Krishna all the time.and spending time here on Sohamsa reading others remedies on marriages and atleast some day My family project gets over and GIta is fully realized > > unnecessarily Sanjayji is being maligned, I am sorry for him.Atleast he helped me in the past > > Ultimately life is all about Krishna and Gita. It is all about translating Gita into action!!

> > Gita Gita Gita > > Thanks> yousuf > > sohamsa@ .com, "hosabettu_srilnr" <hosabettu_srilnr@ > wrote:> >> > Dear yousuf,> > I am from bangalore.Which krishna temple are you talking about.> > Regards> > Modhini> > > > sohamsa@ .com, "yousuf_i" <yousuf_i@> wrote:> > >> > > Dear Lakshmiji> > > Pranams.You are mistaken.I am a Hindu . You may write to Sri.Sanjay prabhakaran and ask him.I have mentioned it to him during the time he gave remedies for

my sisters marriage. I did Hindu remedies .There is a link in Sohamsa and I shall send you or post it here. > > > > > > My mother was suffering from lung disease and you can ask Sunil Johnji gave remedy.Only people who go through breathing difficulties understand this disease.> > > > > > I swear I am a Hindu and a devotee of Lord Krishna.Period.> > > > > > As for my name "yousuf_i," some people have prarabhda karma and one such karma is following me.Sadly I have a mixed parentage.> > > Thanks> > > Yousuf> > > > > > sohamsa@ .com, "lakshmikary" <lakshmikary@ > wrote:> > > >> > > > > > > > Hare Rama

KRishna> > > > Dear Yousuf,> > > > Im not furious , just disagreeing and pointing out that it is not good to kick or critisize people who are trying to follow religious principles.> > > > A persons spiritual life is an intimate relationship with his Lord and can not be known or understood by others.> > > > Best to understand your own faults and try and purify ourselves and let the Supreme deal with everyone else.> > > > If you want to object to Narasimhas comments about Sanjay that is one thing, but do not insult peoples spiritual attempts.> > > > best wishes> > > > Lakshmi> > > > Now getting back to astrology what astrological combinations makes a person hinder and attack other peoples temples, devotional service etc.? Let us stick to astro on this list.> > > > In the name of God so many atrocities have

occured.It is a sad thing.> > > > > > > > sohamsa@ .com, "yousuf_i" <yousuf_i@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Dear Lakshmiji> > > > > Good morning from India.Pranams.> > > > > eventhough you and your friend seem to be furious over my line of thinking I borrow this posting to repost for the thinking heads to understand that surrender means give-up.Total surrender means give up completely everything. By the way IMHO meena is a great rasi/lagna can you find a Guruji other than Sanjayji( meena lagna can we discuss his chart) > > > > > > > > > > Lotus is the holiest flower (pancha tatwa representation) Where do we find the Lotus? slushy,murky

waters.which nakshatra, Anuradha = Lotus > > > > > So we find God in dirt,pain,Krishna and the Gita.Yes Lakshmiji ultimately Gita is the answer to all our problems> > > > > > > > > > I completely vouch Sri.Ramanarayanji. He too said in one of the postings that Krishna rescued Draupadi after she lifted both her hands> > > > > I beg him to indulge in discussion and help us all. He is a spiritualist of High Order.> > > > > Thanks> > > > > Yousuf> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Our friendly posting of Sri Prashant jalasutram. Sir thank you and God bless you> > > > > > > > > > Talk 101.> > > > > > > > > > A gentleman from Ambala asked: What is the rationalistic explanation of Draupadiâ?Ts sari becoming

endless?> > > > > > > > > > M.: Spiritual matters cannot be fitted into rationalism* . Spirituality is transcendental. The miracle was after Draupadi had surrendered herself. The secret lies in surrender.> > > > > > > > > > More Over Verse 468 Of Guru Vachaka Kovai Says,> > > > > > > > > > In ancient days the chaste lady [Draupadi] had her honour saved and her sari lengthened by the Grace of Lord Krishna only when at last, letting go of her own hold on her sari, she lifted up both her hands in complete surrender to Him; and the strong wicked one [Duchasana] who was stripping her fell down abashed.> > > > > > > > > > Sadhu Om: So long as Draupadi was trying to hold her sari by her own hands lest it should be stripped off and was calling Sri Krishna for help, His Grace did not begin to function. But as

soon as, having complete faith in His gracious protection, she gave up holding her clothes with her own hands and lifted them above her head,> > > > > her surrender became complete and hence His Grace began to function by making her sari grow unendingly and by making the wicked Duchasana, who was stripping her, fall down in a swoon.> > > > > > > > > > This incident is pointed out there in order to instruct us that we should give up the sense of doership and should thus surrender to God completely and unreservedly.> > > > > > > > > > Sources:Â > > > > > > > > > > 1) GURU VACHAKA KOVAI The Light of Supreme Truth or THE COLLECTION OF GURUâ?TS SAYINGS Translated from the Original Tamil by Sadhu Om and Michael James With an Introduction by David Godman> > > > > > > > > > 2) Talks With

Ramana Maharshi Book> > > > > > > > > > rationalism -- the doctrine that knowledge is acquired by reason without resort to experience> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > sohamsa@ .com, "lakshmikary" <lakshmikary@ > wrote:> > > > > >> > > > > > Hare Rama Krishna> > > > > > Dear Yousuf,> > > > > > I disagree. To keep any kind of STEADY and regular sadhana ANYWHERE is an austerity especially in kali yuga and where maya is everywhere like USA. Id say most indians move DOWN a few notches when they move to USA and are inundated with all sorts of maya, alcohol, "girls gone wild " etc. all sorts of maya

slamming from all sides.> > > > > > > > > > > > IN USA people have to get up early and sometimes sit in much traffic before they even get there.I know people who spend 5 hours each day to get to their jobs and back home.> > > > > > There are pressures of work all day, then come home and have to deal with spouse and children, all demanding of ones time and energy as well. Then the house or residence has its own worries and demands, mortgages, needing new roofs or this or that.Heaven help you if you loose your job and have to come up with money to support family and residence.IN USA most people dont have the benefit of extended family nearby to socialize and get emotional and other types of help and support.> > > > > > Its just a different type of maya, but maya non the less.> > > > > > They only time Ive found sadhana easy is when I was living in

a temple with no responsibilites or personal demands.> > > > > > Give credit where credit is due. > > > > > > God works with each individual, you dont know Narasimhas karma or others, so dont be judgemental.> > > > > > At least he is TRYING at least he is TRYING to follow some thing.> > > > > > What about all the people eating meat, being cruel to others, killing others, all sorts of unhuman things going on... just a little bit above animal life.> > > > > > So when ANYONE is TRYING to perform some righteous activities,live a God filled life- best to just leave that person alone or admire them.> > > > > > IN kali yuga it is VERY hard to have a regular , steady sadhana, without a distracted mind.> > > > > > Dont critisize people who are at least trying, for whatever reason.> > > > >

> all of these sadhaans and mantras lead to purification,> > > > > > best wishes> > > > > > LAkshmi> > > > > > > > > > > > sohamsa@ .com, "yousuf_i" <yousuf_i@> wrote:> > > > > > >> > > > > > > Dear Manoj-ji> > > > > > > what happens if his spiritual master gets cranky (we see his talk on veeryam, whew !) Narasimhaji belongs to the Elite society,Elite spiritualists because he is from IIT. He wears an elite Collar> > > > > > > > > > > > > > If he wants regular Homa practice by all,be a aghori tapaswi he should return and live in india, stand in long queues for water,

wait long days for cooking gas and then go home and perform Homa under stress, preach what he is doing now.He will truly be a follower of Paramahamsa. This answers your last line "Narsimha has a long way to go as far his spritual evolution is concerned"> > > > > > > > > > > > > > We have a proverb "khismat laat maara tho khuda kya karegaa"> > > > > > > khismat accha hai, uski duniya chal raha hai. when everything is plucked away from him, that day he will see his God. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks> > > > > > > yousuf> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > sohamsa@ .com, Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > Yousuf,> > > > > > > > I second your thoughts on this. Guru can be benevolent and forgiving, but people like Narsimha would continue their tirade against people who taught them everything.. .I am tempted towrite more, but am refraining to do so to maintain the decorum on this forum...however, I have to say this, Narsimha has a long way to go as far his spritual evolution is concerned... .he now and then displays his 'tamsic' nature...> > > > > > > > ms> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________

_________ __> > > > > > > > yousuf_i <yousuf_i@>> > > > > > > > sohamsa@ .com> > > > > > > > Fri, March 19, 2010 1:15:54 AM> > > > > > > > [soHamsa] To:Goelji> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Â > > > > > > > > Dear Goelji> > > > > > > > Pranams.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > As you rightly said we have to bring all people together under SJC > > > > > > > > Sir, what happened to your wisdom and help when Sri Narasimha's outburst started 3 yrs ago. "HumLog"

show ended then"> > > > > > > > Now I can post a very serious question to ask you to participate on this native's chart and tell us about the Guru droha.Secondly the native is going through technically Ashtama Shani forget the retrograde saturn for a moment.> > > > > > > > He does not have pushkaramsha like Shri. Ramadas Rao.Does he? If he had he may have quietly left without giving sermons.> > > > > > > > Please discuss this chart at length and whom can we ask for ashtama Shani Remedies to be suggested to this native? or any other remedies?> > > > > > > > You asked for Sri.Narasimha' s chart?> > > > > > > > Help SJC in bringing all people together, counsel Sri.Narasimhaji to respect his GURU.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thanks with respect> > >

> > > > > yousuf> > > > > > > > Sri. Narasimha> > > > > > > > Machilipatnam, AP, India (81 E 12, 16 N 15) on April 4, 1970 at 5:50 pm (IST: 5 1/2 hrs ahead of GMT). > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > sohamsa@ .com, Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937@ ...> wrote:> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > Dear Mr. Yousuf,> > > > > > > > > Really , I do not know you .> > > > > > > > > We are closely associated with Pt. Rath > > > > > > > > > when SJC was not even born.> > > > > > > > > M/s ramadas Rao , Ramanarayan Sailesh Chadda> > > > > > > > > are very knowledgeable and respected persons to> > > >

> > > > > Mr. Rath. Kindly refer their names with respect and do> > > > > > > > > not drag them in petty controversies . I still remember that > > > > > > > > > 1st SJC conference was nicely arranged by Mr. Sailesh Chadda> > > > > > > > > at Hyderabad in January 2003 , when the book 'Varga Chakra'> > > > > > > > > was released .( By the way this book contains two articles by me).> > > > > > > > > Mr. Narasimha is among the most shining shishya of Mr. Rath.> > > > > > > > > On account of software developed by him ,the name of > > > > > > > > > SJC has become a household name in astrological fraternity.> > > > > > > > > As soon as Mercury/ Jupiter dasa of Pt. Rath will commence on> >

> > > > > > > Aug20,2010 , they will makeup with each other . They cannot > > > > > > > > > live without each other too long.Mr. Narshima is too precious to > > > > > > > > > SJC , and if necessary, we the 'SJC' will veto all dissenting voices and> > > > > > > > > bring both of them together.> > > > > > > > > Let goodwill prevail all around.> > > > > > > > > With best regards,> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > G.K.GOEL> > > > > > > > > Ph: 09350311433> > > > > > > > > Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR> > > > > > > > > NEW DELHI-110 076> > > > > > > > >

INDIA> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW! http://downloads. / in/internetexplo rer/> > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> > > > > > > > Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > http://www.flickr. com/gift/> > > > > > > >> > > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> >> > > > > om gurave namah> Dear> > Jaya Bharati> Regards ~> Sanjay Rath> http://srath. cpm>

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Dear Seeker.


I wish to make it clear that it's incorrect to think that Mantras are

mere sound energy, It's much more then such type of assumptions and

beyond, We people, in order to get a justification, tend to say that

mantras are sound energy - Alpha , Beta ... Gamma etc.


Mantras are Mantras - Takes you inside the mind (mana), shrinking the

extruded awareness to inside, where you get to know yourself back.


Suggesting a mantra is a sensitive matter, need to read a person



The way, our body doesn't asccept a foreign element, Our mind also...


I w'd suggest you to continue what you are doing and keep watching what

you feel like leaving, Pray to God, God will let you know what to leave

and what to carry.


I think, You have a good well placed Venus in your's chart.... Hope you

should be in love with Sri Kamalatmika.


Best Wishes !

Lalit Mishra



sohamsa , Gobinder chopra <gchopra7 wrote:


> My heartful thanks,at least you had the courage to respond.I have felt

this overwhelming burning desire to do this,i am sittig in front of

crystal sri yantra and parad shivling along with using theta and delta

wave Binaural requency meditataion to pursue this pathway,with doing the

root mantra,AHh meditation,sri vidya mantars along with doing kamaltmika

mantra at each chakra point,at every chakra point i am also doing

corresponding Navgrah puja,I wonder if i am doing anyrhing wrong?

IÂ wonder if this thing has been practiced and done before and what

r the do's and dont's?Please respond and guide me.Thanks Manjit singh


> --- On Sat, 3/20/10, Lalit Mishra mishra.lalit wrote:



> Lalit Mishra mishra.lalit

> Re: [soHamsa] Fw: very strange question

> sohamsa

> Saturday, March 20, 2010, 1:13 PM



> Â




> Dear Seeker,


> Your question is no strange, It's reflictive of inspirations to aquire

> several things.


> You need not do lot many things, everybody every sadhaka must know

> that mantras are no packaged products, every single seed or bij akshar

> has capability to unfold supreme treasure of bliss to sadhaka.


> Sanskars good or bad blocks kundalini's awakening and progression

> towards self realization, when you chant beej mantras, your sanskars

> get diluted and as a result 'chitta' purifies, you become honest,

> accountable, dutiful, brave, peaceful and loveable at the same time

> your talent and skill set improves.


> Further, when mind becomes transparent and sensitive to the level, you

> recognize activities happening at TANMATRA level, you get intutional

> power and in case you are to be given some divine responsibility, you

> get visions and direction by god.


> But, at the end you have to leave both good and bad, as both are

> external to you.


> It's wrong to compare two mantras, every mantra wd take you to one



> I have done shakt, vaishnava, shaiva, sabar and vedic mantras in life,

> what i said is my experience, ISHWAR PRANIDHAN is single shelter to a

> shadhak.


> Best Wishes !

> Lalit Mishra.


> On 3/20/10, Gobinder chopra gchopra7 > wrote:

> > Pranam,Can any Gurujan guide me with a situation.If a sadak uses Sri


> > mantras for each chakra point in the body along with Respective Beej

> > mantra,Ahh meditation,Placemen t of NaMa Shi vA yAA, ON CHAKRAS


> > PRAYERS TO RESPECTIVE Navagrahas at different chakras along with

> > laxmi/kamalatmika mantras at chakras what is expected.Manjit

> >

> > --- On Sat, 3/20/10, yousuf_i yousuf_i (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

> >

> >

> > yousuf_i yousuf_i (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> > [soHamsa] Re: yousef reply

> > sohamsa@ .com

> > Saturday, March 20, 2010, 11:41 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Sanjayji

> > Pranams

> > Thank you so much for your timely advice on shantipath. I took it


> > started reciting immediately.

> > Tonight I can sleep in peace because there are no

angry/hate/contempt ous

> > private mails from anybody. So far 5 emailers acknowledged privately

I have

> > too many problems and I am not a crazy guy.

> > ------------ --------- -

> > Lakshmiji,

> > Thanks for your kind words.I hope you recover soon.

> > ------------ --------- ------

> > Gratefully I acknowledge your wisdom to start shantipath.let me try

to write

> > tomorrow morning if it worked.

> >

> > Sir, If I do not appear online to post in the morning you can safely


> > I have been stoned overnight and my hands or legs or jaws have been


> > (Please take this humour at my expense in times of " OUR Stress "

laughter is

> > the best medicine)

> >

> > The two articles given below should be read by all.

> >

> > All for the sake of Krishna and Gita

> >

> > Thanks

> > Yousuf

> >

> > For Ahamkara

> > http://www.darsana. org/gate. html?name= Journal & file= display & jid=


> >

> > http://www.hindujag ruti.org/ hinduism/ knowledge/ article/at-


> > does-the- chanting- occur-automatica lly.html

> >

> > At which stage does the chanting occur automatically?

> >

> > sohamsa@ .com, " Sanjay Rath " sjrath@ wrote:

> >>

> >> Dear Yousuf

> >> I have read your peculiar problem listed below

> >> Try this - read the shanti patha everyday at home. you can get it


> >> 'om purnamadah purnamidam.. .'

> >> Ask your sisters to recite one of the 99 names of Allah. Look at


> >> charts, find Venus position. Then determine its Rudramsa number

like first

> >> Rudramsa of sign is 1 and 2nd is 2 and so on. Then choose the

correct name

> >> of Allah from Nos.67 to 77. Ask them to repeat this name for 1 hour

in the

> >> morning and evening.

> >> " In whatever name or form a person calls Him, He will come " -

Krishna in

> >> the Gita.

> >> So. don't worry about this and do it. You should see some hope in


> >> days. Peace should prevail in the house. Stop talking to them about

> >> marriage as it makes them tense. Let peace come to the house -


> >> will follow.

> >> My best wishes

> >> Sanjay Rath

> >>

> >>

> >> yousuf_i

> >> Saturday, March 20, 2010 2:21 PM

> >> sohamsa@ .com

> >> [soHamsa] Re: yousef reply

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Dear Modhiniji

> >> Pranams

> >> 11th cross, Malleshwaram that is the location of the famous Krishna


> >> in bangalore

> >>

> >> Before somebody asks me i decided to post this much information as

to why

> >> I am here.

> >> if marriage settles for my sisters I want to perform Tulabhara ( I

am not

> >> joking) I am serious and I want to ask Sri Ramanaryanji because he

> >> responded to Sri Ramdasji's question on Tulabhara but he seems to

be not

> >> present here nor does he address my question privately and his


> >> (whew) he says mean things on me.Even now if Ramanaranji can

discuss on my

> >> sisters chart it will be great.I am not wishing for Raj bhavan


> >> finale to my family project.

> >>

> >> I read somewhere a suggestion given to Ramadasji by Sri.Goelji on


> >> and that is to perform the girl's marriage first to Arka tree. Now

I am

> >> thinking of the same for my sisters marriage

> >>

> >> If people had 'my type problems' and were asked to meditate and do


> >> can they do?

> >>

> >> If I go home these 2 ladies (I mean my sisters no offence to any


> >> all are my mothers except one whom I am yet to find) fight all the

time on

> >> marriage and if I find a muslim, the boy runs away after hearing my


> >> history.If I catch a hindu boy my sisters get a 10 feet rope to

hang me

> >>

> >> That is why I am thinking of Gita and praying to Krishna all the


> >> spending time here on Sohamsa reading others remedies on marriages


> >> atleast some day My family project gets over and GIta is fully


> >>

> >> unnecessarily Sanjayji is being maligned, I am sorry for

him.Atleast he

> >> helped me in the past

> >>

> >> Ultimately life is all about Krishna and Gita. It is all about


> >> Gita into action!!

> >>

> >> Gita Gita Gita

> >>

> >> Thanks

> >> yousuf

> >>

> >> sohamsa@ .com, " hosabettu_srilnr "

<hosabettu_srilnr@ >

> >> wrote:

> >> >

> >> > Dear yousuf,

> >> > I am from bangalore.Which krishna temple are you talking about.

> >> > Regards

> >> > Modhini

> >> >

> >> > sohamsa@ .com, " yousuf_i " <yousuf_i@> wrote:

> >> > >

> >> > > Dear Lakshmiji

> >> > > Pranams.You are mistaken.I am a Hindu . You may write to


> >> > > prabhakaran and ask him.I have mentioned it to him during the

time he

> >> > > gave remedies for my sisters marriage. I did Hindu remedies

..There is

> >> > > a link in Sohamsa and I shall send you or post it here.

> >> > >

> >> > > My mother was suffering from lung disease and you can ask Sunil


> >> > > gave remedy.Only people who go through breathing difficulties

> >> > > understand this disease.

> >> > >

> >> > > I swear I am a Hindu and a devotee of Lord Krishna.Period.

> >> > >

> >> > > As for my name " yousuf_i, " some people have prarabhda karma and


> >> > > such karma is following me.Sadly I have a mixed parentage.

> >> > > Thanks

> >> > > Yousuf

> >> > >

> >> > > sohamsa@ .com, " lakshmikary " <lakshmikary@ >


> >> > > >

> >> > > >

> >> > > > Hare Rama KRishna

> >> > > > Dear Yousuf,

> >> > > > Im not furious , just disagreeing and pointing out that it is


> >> > > > good to kick or critisize people who are trying to follow


> >> > > > principles.

> >> > > > A persons spiritual life is an intimate relationship with his


> >> > > > and can not be known or understood by others.

> >> > > > Best to understand your own faults and try and purify

ourselves and

> >> > > > let the Supreme deal with everyone else.

> >> > > > If you want to object to Narasimhas comments about Sanjay

that is

> >> > > > one thing, but do not insult peoples spiritual attempts.

> >> > > > best wishes

> >> > > > Lakshmi

> >> > > > Now getting back to astrology what astrological combinations

makes a

> >> > > > person hinder and attack other peoples temples, devotional


> >> > > > etc.? Let us stick to astro on this list.

> >> > > > In the name of God so many atrocities have occured.It is a


> >> > > > thing.

> >> > > >

> >> > > > sohamsa@ .com, " yousuf_i " <yousuf_i@>


> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > Dear Lakshmiji

> >> > > > > Good morning from India.Pranams.

> >> > > > > eventhough you and your friend seem to be furious over my

line of

> >> > > > > thinking I borrow this posting to repost for the thinking

heads to

> >> > > > > understand that surrender means give-up.Total surrender

means give

> >> > > > > up completely everything. By the way IMHO meena is a great

> >> > > > > rasi/lagna can you find a Guruji other than Sanjayji( meena


> >> > > > > can we discuss his chart)

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > Lotus is the holiest flower (pancha tatwa representation)

Where do

> >> > > > > we find the Lotus? slushy,murky waters.which nakshatra,

Anuradha =

> >> > > > > Lotus

> >> > > > > So we find God in dirt,pain,Krishna and the Gita.Yes


> >> > > > > ultimately Gita is the answer to all our problems

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > I completely vouch Sri.Ramanarayanji. He too said in one of


> >> > > > > postings that Krishna rescued Draupadi after she lifted

both her

> >> > > > > hands

> >> > > > > I beg him to indulge in discussion and help us all. He is a

> >> > > > > spiritualist of High Order.

> >> > > > > Thanks

> >> > > > > Yousuf

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > Our friendly posting of Sri Prashant jalasutram. Sir thank

you and

> >> > > > > God bless you

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > Talk 101.

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > A gentleman from Ambala asked: What is the rationalistic

> >> > > > > explanation of Draupadiâ?Ts sari becoming endless?

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > M.: Spiritual matters cannot be fitted into rationalism* .

> >> > > > > Spirituality is transcendental. The miracle was after

Draupadi had

> >> > > > > surrendered herself. The secret lies in surrender.

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > More Over Verse 468 Of Guru Vachaka Kovai Says,

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > In ancient days the chaste lady [Draupadi] had her honour


> >> > > > > and her sari lengthened by the Grace of Lord Krishna only

when at

> >> > > > > last, letting go of her own hold on her sari, she lifted up


> >> > > > > her hands in complete surrender to Him; and the strong

wicked one

> >> > > > > [Duchasana] who was stripping her fell down abashed.

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > Sadhu Om: So long as Draupadi was trying to hold her sari

by her

> >> > > > > own hands lest it should be stripped off and was calling


> >> > > > > Krishna for help, His Grace did not begin to function. But

as soon

> >> > > > > as, having complete faith in His gracious protection, she

gave up

> >> > > > > holding her clothes with her own hands and lifted them

above her

> >> > > > > head,

> >> > > > > her surrender became complete and hence His Grace began to

> >> > > > > function by making her sari grow unendingly and by making


> >> > > > > wicked Duchasana, who was stripping her, fall down in a


> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > This incident is pointed out there in order to instruct us

that we

> >> > > > > should give up the sense of doership and should thus

surrender to

> >> > > > > God completely and unreservedly.

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > Sources:Â

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > 1) GURU VACHAKA KOVAI The Light of Supreme Truth or THE


> >> > > > > OF GURUâ?TS SAYINGS Translated from the Original Tamil

by Sadhu Om

> >> > > > > and Michael James With an Introduction by David Godman

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > 2) Talks With Ramana Maharshi Book

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > rationalism -- the doctrine that knowledge is

acquired by reason

> >> > > > > without resort to experience

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > sohamsa@ .com, " lakshmikary "

<lakshmikary@ >

> >> > > > > wrote:

> >> > > > > >

> >> > > > > > Hare Rama Krishna

> >> > > > > > Dear Yousuf,

> >> > > > > > I disagree. To keep any kind of STEADY and regular


> >> > > > > > ANYWHERE is an austerity especially in kali yuga and

where maya

> >> > > > > > is everywhere like USA. Id say most indians move DOWN a


> >> > > > > > notches when they move to USA and are inundated with all


> >> > > > > > of maya, alcohol, " girls gone wild " etc. all sorts of


> >> > > > > > slamming from all sides.

> >> > > > > >

> >> > > > > > IN USA people have to get up early and sometimes sit in


> >> > > > > > traffic before they even get there.I know people who

spend 5

> >> > > > > > hours each day to get to their jobs and back home.

> >> > > > > > There are pressures of work all day, then come home and

have to

> >> > > > > > deal with spouse and children, all demanding of ones time


> >> > > > > > energy as well. Then the house or residence has its own


> >> > > > > > and demands, mortgages, needing new roofs or this or


> >> > > > > > help you if you loose your job and have to come up with

money to

> >> > > > > > support family and residence.IN USA most people dont have


> >> > > > > > benefit of extended family nearby to socialize and get


> >> > > > > > and other types of help and support.

> >> > > > > > Its just a different type of maya, but maya non the less.

> >> > > > > > They only time Ive found sadhana easy is when I was

living in a

> >> > > > > > temple with no responsibilites or personal demands.

> >> > > > > > Give credit where credit is due.

> >> > > > > > God works with each individual, you dont know Narasimhas


> >> > > > > > or others, so dont be judgemental.

> >> > > > > > At least he is TRYING at least he is TRYING to follow


> >> > > > > > thing.

> >> > > > > > What about all the people eating meat, being cruel to


> >> > > > > > killing others, all sorts of unhuman things going on...

just a

> >> > > > > > little bit above animal life.

> >> > > > > > So when ANYONE is TRYING to perform some righteous

> >> > > > > > activities,live a God filled life- best to just leave


> >> > > > > > person alone or admire them.

> >> > > > > > IN kali yuga it is VERY hard to have a regular , steady


> >> > > > > > without a distracted mind.

> >> > > > > > Dont critisize people who are at least trying, for


> >> > > > > > reason.

> >> > > > > > all of these sadhaans and mantras lead to purification,

> >> > > > > > best wishes

> >> > > > > > LAkshmi

> >> > > > > >

> >> > > > > > sohamsa@ .com, " yousuf_i " <yousuf_i@>


> >> > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > Dear Manoj-ji

> >> > > > > > > what happens if his spiritual master gets cranky (we

see his

> >> > > > > > > talk on veeryam, whew !) Narasimhaji belongs to the


> >> > > > > > > society,Elite spiritualists because he is from IIT. He


> >> > > > > > > an elite Collar

> >> > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > If he wants regular Homa practice by all,be a aghori


> >> > > > > > > he should return and live in india, stand in long

queues for

> >> > > > > > > water, wait long days for cooking gas and then go home


> >> > > > > > > perform Homa under stress, preach what he is doing

now.He will

> >> > > > > > > truly be a follower of Paramahamsa. This answers your


> >> > > > > > > line " Narsimha has a long way to go as far his spritual

> >> > > > > > > evolution is concerned "

> >> > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > We have a proverb " khismat laat maara tho khuda kya

karegaa "

> >> > > > > > > khismat accha hai, uski duniya chal raha hai. when


> >> > > > > > > is plucked away from him, that day he will see his God.

> >> > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > Thanks

> >> > > > > > > yousuf

> >> > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > sohamsa@ .com, Manoj Sharma

> >> > > > > > > <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > Yousuf,

> >> > > > > > > > I second your thoughts on this. Guru can be

benevolent and

> >> > > > > > > > forgiving, but people like Narsimha would continue


> >> > > > > > > > tirade against people who taught them everything.. .I


> >> > > > > > > > tempted towrite more, but am refraining to do so to


> >> > > > > > > > the decorum on this forum...however, I have to say


> >> > > > > > > > Narsimha has a long way to go as far his spritual


> >> > > > > > > > is concerned... .he now and then displays his


> >> > > > > > > > nature...

> >> > > > > > > > ms

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> >> > > > > > > > yousuf_i <yousuf_i@>

> >> > > > > > > > sohamsa@ .com

> >> > > > > > > > Fri, March 19, 2010 1:15:54 AM

> >> > > > > > > > [soHamsa] To:Goelji

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > Â

> >> > > > > > > > Dear Goelji

> >> > > > > > > > Pranams.

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > As you rightly said we have to bring all people


> >> > > > > > > > under SJC

> >> > > > > > > > Sir, what happened to your wisdom and help when Sri

> >> > > > > > > > Narasimha's outburst started 3 yrs ago. " HumLog " show


> >> > > > > > > > then "

> >> > > > > > > > Now I can post a very serious question to ask you to

> >> > > > > > > > participate on this native's chart and tell us about


> >> > > > > > > > Guru droha.Secondly the native is going through


> >> > > > > > > > Ashtama Shani forget the retrograde saturn for a


> >> > > > > > > > He does not have pushkaramsha like Shri. Ramadas


> >> > > > > > > > he? If he had he may have quietly left without giving

> >> > > > > > > > sermons.

> >> > > > > > > > Please discuss this chart at length and whom can we

ask for

> >> > > > > > > > ashtama Shani Remedies to be suggested to this

native? or

> >> > > > > > > > any other remedies?

> >> > > > > > > > You asked for Sri.Narasimha' s chart?

> >> > > > > > > > Help SJC in bringing all people together, counsel

> >> > > > > > > > Sri.Narasimhaji to respect his GURU.

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > Thanks with respect

> >> > > > > > > > yousuf

> >> > > > > > > > Sri. Narasimha

> >> > > > > > > > Machilipatnam, AP, India (81 E 12, 16 N 15) on April

4, 1970

> >> > > > > > > > at 5:50 pm (IST: 5 1/2 hrs ahead of GMT).

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > sohamsa@ .com, Gopal Goel


> >> > > > > > > > ...> wrote:

> >> > > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > > Dear Mr. Yousuf,

> >> > > > > > > > > Really , I do not know you .

> >> > > > > > > > > We are closely associated with Pt. Rath

> >> > > > > > > > > when SJC was not even born.

> >> > > > > > > > > M/s ramadas Rao , Ramanarayan Sailesh Chadda

> >> > > > > > > > > are very knowledgeable and respected persons to

> >> > > > > > > > > Mr. Rath. Kindly refer their names with respect and


> >> > > > > > > > > not drag them in petty controversies . I still


> >> > > > > > > > > that

> >> > > > > > > > > 1st SJC conference was nicely arranged by Mr.


> >> > > > > > > > > Chadda

> >> > > > > > > > > at Hyderabad in January 2003 , when the book 'Varga

> >> > > > > > > > > Chakra'

> >> > > > > > > > > was released .( By the way this book contains two


> >> > > > > > > > > by me).

> >> > > > > > > > > Mr. Narasimha is among the most shining shishya of


> >> > > > > > > > > Rath.

> >> > > > > > > > > On account of software developed by him ,the name


> >> > > > > > > > > SJC has become a household name in astrological

> >> > > > > > > > > fraternity.

> >> > > > > > > > > As soon as Mercury/ Jupiter dasa of Pt. Rath will


> >> > > > > > > > > on

> >> > > > > > > > > Aug20,2010 , they will makeup with each other .


> >> > > > > > > > > cannot

> >> > > > > > > > > live without each other too long.Mr. Narshima is


> >> > > > > > > > > precious to

> >> > > > > > > > > SJC , and if necessary, we the 'SJC' will veto all

> >> > > > > > > > > dissenting voices and

> >> > > > > > > > > bring both of them together.

> >> > > > > > > > > Let goodwill prevail all around.

> >> > > > > > > > > With best regards,

> >> > > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > > G.K.GOEL

> >> > > > > > > > > Ph: 09350311433

> >> > > > > > > > > Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR

> >> > > > > > > > > NEW DELHI-110 076

> >> > > > > > > > > INDIA

> >> > > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > > Your Mail works best with the New Optimized

IE8. Get

> >> > > > > > > > > it NOW! http://downloads. /

in/internetexplo rer/

> >> > > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________

> >> > > > > > > > _________ _

> >> > > > > > > > Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of


> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > http://www.flickr. com/gift/

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > >

> >> > > > > >

> >> > > > >

> >> > > >

> >> > >

> >> >

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> om gurave namah

> >> Dear

> >>

> >> Jaya Bharati

> >> Regards ~

> >> Sanjay Rath

> >> http://srath. cpm

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Guest guest

Dear Lalit,


" I have done shakt, vaishnava, shaiva, sabar and vedic mantras in life, what i

said is my experience, ISHWAR PRANIDHAN is single shelter to a shadhak. "



Have you experienced " God communion " ?-:)


- Best wishes



sohamsa , Lalit Mishra <mishra.lalit wrote:


> Dear Seeker,


> Your question is no strange, It's reflictive of inspirations to aquire

> several things.


> You need not do lot many things, everybody every sadhaka must know

> that mantras are no packaged products, every single seed or bij akshar

> has capability to unfold supreme treasure of bliss to sadhaka.


> Sanskars good or bad blocks kundalini's awakening and progression

> towards self realization, when you chant beej mantras, your sanskars

> get diluted and as a result 'chitta' purifies, you become honest,

> accountable, dutiful, brave, peaceful and loveable at the same time

> your talent and skill set improves.


> Further, when mind becomes transparent and sensitive to the level, you

> recognize activities happening at TANMATRA level, you get intutional

> power and in case you are to be given some divine responsibility, you

> get visions and direction by god.


> But, at the end you have to leave both good and bad, as both are

> external to you.


> It's wrong to compare two mantras, every mantra wd take you to one



> I have done shakt, vaishnava, shaiva, sabar and vedic mantras in life,

> what i said is my experience, ISHWAR PRANIDHAN is single shelter to a

> shadhak.


> Best Wishes !

> Lalit Mishra.


> On 3/20/10, Gobinder chopra <gchopra7 wrote:

> > Pranam,Can any Gurujan guide me with a situation.If a sadak uses Sri vidya

> > mantras for each chakra point in the body along with Respective Beej

> > mantra,Ahh meditation,Placement of NaMa Shi vA yAA, ON CHAKRAS ALONG WITH

> > PRAYERS TO RESPECTIVE Navagrahas at different chakras along with

> > laxmi/kamalatmika mantras at chakras what is expected.Manjit

> >

> > --- On Sat, 3/20/10, yousuf_i <yousuf_i wrote:

> >

> >

> > yousuf_i <yousuf_i

> > [soHamsa] Re: yousef reply

> > sohamsa

> > Saturday, March 20, 2010, 11:41 AM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Sanjayji

> > Pranams

> > Thank you so much for your timely advice on shantipath. I took it and

> > started reciting immediately.

> > Tonight I can sleep in peace because there are no angry/hate/contempt ous

> > private mails from anybody. So far 5 emailers acknowledged privately I have

> > too many problems and I am not a crazy guy.

> > ------------ --------- -

> > Lakshmiji,

> > Thanks for your kind words.I hope you recover soon.

> > ------------ --------- ------

> > Gratefully I acknowledge your wisdom to start shantipath.let me try to write

> > tomorrow morning if it worked.

> >

> > Sir, If I do not appear online to post in the morning you can safely presume

> > I have been stoned overnight and my hands or legs or jaws have been broken

> > (Please take this humour at my expense in times of " OUR Stress " laughter is

> > the best medicine)

> >

> > The two articles given below should be read by all.

> >

> > All for the sake of Krishna and Gita

> >

> > Thanks

> > Yousuf

> >

> > For Ahamkara

> > http://www.darsana. org/gate. html?name= Journal & file= display & jid= 20

> >

> > http://www.hindujag ruti.org/ hinduism/ knowledge/ article/at- which-stage-

> > does-the- chanting- occur-automatica lly.html

> >

> > At which stage does the chanting occur automatically?

> >

> > sohamsa@ .com, " Sanjay Rath " <sjrath@> wrote:

> >>

> >> Dear Yousuf

> >> I have read your peculiar problem listed below

> >> Try this - read the shanti patha everyday at home. you can get it easily

> >> 'om purnamadah purnamidam.. .'

> >> Ask your sisters to recite one of the 99 names of Allah. Look at their

> >> charts, find Venus position. Then determine its Rudramsa number like first

> >> Rudramsa of sign is 1 and 2nd is 2 and so on. Then choose the correct name

> >> of Allah from Nos.67 to 77. Ask them to repeat this name for 1 hour in the

> >> morning and evening.

> >> " In whatever name or form a person calls Him, He will come " - Krishna in

> >> the Gita.

> >> So. don't worry about this and do it. You should see some hope in 30-40

> >> days. Peace should prevail in the house. Stop talking to them about

> >> marriage as it makes them tense. Let peace come to the house - prosperity

> >> will follow.

> >> My best wishes

> >> Sanjay Rath

> >>

> >>

> >> yousuf_i

> >> Saturday, March 20, 2010 2:21 PM

> >> sohamsa@ .com

> >> [soHamsa] Re: yousef reply

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Dear Modhiniji

> >> Pranams

> >> 11th cross, Malleshwaram that is the location of the famous Krishna Temple

> >> in bangalore

> >>

> >> Before somebody asks me i decided to post this much information as to why

> >> I am here.

> >> if marriage settles for my sisters I want to perform Tulabhara ( I am not

> >> joking) I am serious and I want to ask Sri Ramanaryanji because he

> >> responded to Sri Ramdasji's question on Tulabhara but he seems to be not

> >> present here nor does he address my question privately and his shisya

> >> (whew) he says mean things on me.Even now if Ramanaranji can discuss on my

> >> sisters chart it will be great.I am not wishing for Raj bhavan Status,only

> >> finale to my family project.

> >>

> >> I read somewhere a suggestion given to Ramadasji by Sri.Goelji on mrriage

> >> and that is to perform the girl's marriage first to Arka tree. Now I am

> >> thinking of the same for my sisters marriage

> >>

> >> If people had 'my type problems' and were asked to meditate and do Homa,

> >> can they do?

> >>

> >> If I go home these 2 ladies (I mean my sisters no offence to any woman,

> >> all are my mothers except one whom I am yet to find) fight all the time on

> >> marriage and if I find a muslim, the boy runs away after hearing my family

> >> history.If I catch a hindu boy my sisters get a 10 feet rope to hang me

> >>

> >> That is why I am thinking of Gita and praying to Krishna all the time.and

> >> spending time here on Sohamsa reading others remedies on marriages and

> >> atleast some day My family project gets over and GIta is fully realized

> >>

> >> unnecessarily Sanjayji is being maligned, I am sorry for him.Atleast he

> >> helped me in the past

> >>

> >> Ultimately life is all about Krishna and Gita. It is all about translating

> >> Gita into action!!

> >>

> >> Gita Gita Gita

> >>

> >> Thanks

> >> yousuf

> >>

> >> sohamsa@ .com, " hosabettu_srilnr " <hosabettu_srilnr@ >

> >> wrote:

> >> >

> >> > Dear yousuf,

> >> > I am from bangalore.Which krishna temple are you talking about.

> >> > Regards

> >> > Modhini

> >> >

> >> > sohamsa@ .com, " yousuf_i " <yousuf_i@> wrote:

> >> > >

> >> > > Dear Lakshmiji

> >> > > Pranams.You are mistaken.I am a Hindu . You may write to Sri.Sanjay

> >> > > prabhakaran and ask him.I have mentioned it to him during the time he

> >> > > gave remedies for my sisters marriage. I did Hindu remedies .There is

> >> > > a link in Sohamsa and I shall send you or post it here.

> >> > >

> >> > > My mother was suffering from lung disease and you can ask Sunil Johnji

> >> > > gave remedy.Only people who go through breathing difficulties

> >> > > understand this disease.

> >> > >

> >> > > I swear I am a Hindu and a devotee of Lord Krishna.Period.

> >> > >

> >> > > As for my name " yousuf_i, " some people have prarabhda karma and one

> >> > > such karma is following me.Sadly I have a mixed parentage.

> >> > > Thanks

> >> > > Yousuf

> >> > >

> >> > > sohamsa@ .com, " lakshmikary " <lakshmikary@ > wrote:

> >> > > >

> >> > > >

> >> > > > Hare Rama KRishna

> >> > > > Dear Yousuf,

> >> > > > Im not furious , just disagreeing and pointing out that it is not

> >> > > > good to kick or critisize people who are trying to follow religious

> >> > > > principles.

> >> > > > A persons spiritual life is an intimate relationship with his Lord

> >> > > > and can not be known or understood by others.

> >> > > > Best to understand your own faults and try and purify ourselves and

> >> > > > let the Supreme deal with everyone else.

> >> > > > If you want to object to Narasimhas comments about Sanjay that is

> >> > > > one thing, but do not insult peoples spiritual attempts.

> >> > > > best wishes

> >> > > > Lakshmi

> >> > > > Now getting back to astrology what astrological combinations makes a

> >> > > > person hinder and attack other peoples temples, devotional service

> >> > > > etc.? Let us stick to astro on this list.

> >> > > > In the name of God so many atrocities have occured.It is a sad

> >> > > > thing.

> >> > > >

> >> > > > sohamsa@ .com, " yousuf_i " <yousuf_i@> wrote:

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > Dear Lakshmiji

> >> > > > > Good morning from India.Pranams.

> >> > > > > eventhough you and your friend seem to be furious over my line of

> >> > > > > thinking I borrow this posting to repost for the thinking heads to

> >> > > > > understand that surrender means give-up.Total surrender means give

> >> > > > > up completely everything. By the way IMHO meena is a great

> >> > > > > rasi/lagna can you find a Guruji other than Sanjayji( meena lagna

> >> > > > > can we discuss his chart)

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > Lotus is the holiest flower (pancha tatwa representation) Where do

> >> > > > > we find the Lotus? slushy,murky waters.which nakshatra, Anuradha =

> >> > > > > Lotus

> >> > > > > So we find God in dirt,pain,Krishna and the Gita.Yes Lakshmiji

> >> > > > > ultimately Gita is the answer to all our problems

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > I completely vouch Sri.Ramanarayanji. He too said in one of the

> >> > > > > postings that Krishna rescued Draupadi after she lifted both her

> >> > > > > hands

> >> > > > > I beg him to indulge in discussion and help us all. He is a

> >> > > > > spiritualist of High Order.

> >> > > > > Thanks

> >> > > > > Yousuf

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > Our friendly posting of Sri Prashant jalasutram. Sir thank you and

> >> > > > > God bless you

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > Talk 101.

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > A gentleman from Ambala asked: What is the rationalistic

> >> > > > > explanation of Draupadiâ?Ts sari becoming endless?

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > M.: Spiritual matters cannot be fitted into rationalism* .

> >> > > > > Spirituality is transcendental. The miracle was after Draupadi had

> >> > > > > surrendered herself. The secret lies in surrender.

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > More Over Verse 468 Of Guru Vachaka Kovai Says,

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > In ancient days the chaste lady [Draupadi] had her honour saved

> >> > > > > and her sari lengthened by the Grace of Lord Krishna only when at

> >> > > > > last, letting go of her own hold on her sari, she lifted up both

> >> > > > > her hands in complete surrender to Him; and the strong wicked one

> >> > > > > [Duchasana] who was stripping her fell down abashed.

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > Sadhu Om: So long as Draupadi was trying to hold her sari by her

> >> > > > > own hands lest it should be stripped off and was calling Sri

> >> > > > > Krishna for help, His Grace did not begin to function. But as soon

> >> > > > > as, having complete faith in His gracious protection, she gave up

> >> > > > > holding her clothes with her own hands and lifted them above her

> >> > > > > head,

> >> > > > > her surrender became complete and hence His Grace began to

> >> > > > > function by making her sari grow unendingly and by making the

> >> > > > > wicked Duchasana, who was stripping her, fall down in a swoon.

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > This incident is pointed out there in order to instruct us that we

> >> > > > > should give up the sense of doership and should thus surrender to

> >> > > > > God completely and unreservedly.

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > Sources:Â

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > 1) GURU VACHAKA KOVAI The Light of Supreme Truth or THE COLLECTION

> >> > > > > OF GURUâ?TS SAYINGS Translated from the Original Tamil by Sadhu Om

> >> > > > > and Michael James With an Introduction by David Godman

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > 2) Talks With Ramana Maharshi Book

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > rationalism -- the doctrine that knowledge is acquired by reason

> >> > > > > without resort to experience

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > >

> >> > > > > sohamsa@ .com, " lakshmikary " <lakshmikary@ >

> >> > > > > wrote:

> >> > > > > >

> >> > > > > > Hare Rama Krishna

> >> > > > > > Dear Yousuf,

> >> > > > > > I disagree. To keep any kind of STEADY and regular sadhana

> >> > > > > > ANYWHERE is an austerity especially in kali yuga and where maya

> >> > > > > > is everywhere like USA. Id say most indians move DOWN a few

> >> > > > > > notches when they move to USA and are inundated with all sorts

> >> > > > > > of maya, alcohol, " girls gone wild " etc. all sorts of maya

> >> > > > > > slamming from all sides.

> >> > > > > >

> >> > > > > > IN USA people have to get up early and sometimes sit in much

> >> > > > > > traffic before they even get there.I know people who spend 5

> >> > > > > > hours each day to get to their jobs and back home.

> >> > > > > > There are pressures of work all day, then come home and have to

> >> > > > > > deal with spouse and children, all demanding of ones time and

> >> > > > > > energy as well. Then the house or residence has its own worries

> >> > > > > > and demands, mortgages, needing new roofs or this or that.Heaven

> >> > > > > > help you if you loose your job and have to come up with money to

> >> > > > > > support family and residence.IN USA most people dont have the

> >> > > > > > benefit of extended family nearby to socialize and get emotional

> >> > > > > > and other types of help and support.

> >> > > > > > Its just a different type of maya, but maya non the less.

> >> > > > > > They only time Ive found sadhana easy is when I was living in a

> >> > > > > > temple with no responsibilites or personal demands.

> >> > > > > > Give credit where credit is due.

> >> > > > > > God works with each individual, you dont know Narasimhas karma

> >> > > > > > or others, so dont be judgemental.

> >> > > > > > At least he is TRYING at least he is TRYING to follow some

> >> > > > > > thing.

> >> > > > > > What about all the people eating meat, being cruel to others,

> >> > > > > > killing others, all sorts of unhuman things going on... just a

> >> > > > > > little bit above animal life.

> >> > > > > > So when ANYONE is TRYING to perform some righteous

> >> > > > > > activities,live a God filled life- best to just leave that

> >> > > > > > person alone or admire them.

> >> > > > > > IN kali yuga it is VERY hard to have a regular , steady sadhana,

> >> > > > > > without a distracted mind.

> >> > > > > > Dont critisize people who are at least trying, for whatever

> >> > > > > > reason.

> >> > > > > > all of these sadhaans and mantras lead to purification,

> >> > > > > > best wishes

> >> > > > > > LAkshmi

> >> > > > > >

> >> > > > > > sohamsa@ .com, " yousuf_i " <yousuf_i@> wrote:

> >> > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > Dear Manoj-ji

> >> > > > > > > what happens if his spiritual master gets cranky (we see his

> >> > > > > > > talk on veeryam, whew !) Narasimhaji belongs to the Elite

> >> > > > > > > society,Elite spiritualists because he is from IIT. He wears

> >> > > > > > > an elite Collar

> >> > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > If he wants regular Homa practice by all,be a aghori tapaswi

> >> > > > > > > he should return and live in india, stand in long queues for

> >> > > > > > > water, wait long days for cooking gas and then go home and

> >> > > > > > > perform Homa under stress, preach what he is doing now.He will

> >> > > > > > > truly be a follower of Paramahamsa. This answers your last

> >> > > > > > > line " Narsimha has a long way to go as far his spritual

> >> > > > > > > evolution is concerned "

> >> > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > We have a proverb " khismat laat maara tho khuda kya karegaa "

> >> > > > > > > khismat accha hai, uski duniya chal raha hai. when everything

> >> > > > > > > is plucked away from him, that day he will see his God.

> >> > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > Thanks

> >> > > > > > > yousuf

> >> > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > sohamsa@ .com, Manoj Sharma

> >> > > > > > > <manojsharma662000@ > wrote:

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > Yousuf,

> >> > > > > > > > I second your thoughts on this. Guru can be benevolent and

> >> > > > > > > > forgiving, but people like Narsimha would continue their

> >> > > > > > > > tirade against people who taught them everything.. .I am

> >> > > > > > > > tempted towrite more, but am refraining to do so to maintain

> >> > > > > > > > the decorum on this forum...however, I have to say this,

> >> > > > > > > > Narsimha has a long way to go as far his spritual evolution

> >> > > > > > > > is concerned... .he now and then displays his 'tamsic'

> >> > > > > > > > nature...

> >> > > > > > > > ms

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> >> > > > > > > > yousuf_i <yousuf_i@>

> >> > > > > > > > sohamsa@ .com

> >> > > > > > > > Fri, March 19, 2010 1:15:54 AM

> >> > > > > > > > [soHamsa] To:Goelji

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > Â

> >> > > > > > > > Dear Goelji

> >> > > > > > > > Pranams.

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > As you rightly said we have to bring all people together

> >> > > > > > > > under SJC

> >> > > > > > > > Sir, what happened to your wisdom and help when Sri

> >> > > > > > > > Narasimha's outburst started 3 yrs ago. " HumLog " show ended

> >> > > > > > > > then "

> >> > > > > > > > Now I can post a very serious question to ask you to

> >> > > > > > > > participate on this native's chart and tell us about the

> >> > > > > > > > Guru droha.Secondly the native is going through technically

> >> > > > > > > > Ashtama Shani forget the retrograde saturn for a moment.

> >> > > > > > > > He does not have pushkaramsha like Shri. Ramadas Rao.Does

> >> > > > > > > > he? If he had he may have quietly left without giving

> >> > > > > > > > sermons.

> >> > > > > > > > Please discuss this chart at length and whom can we ask for

> >> > > > > > > > ashtama Shani Remedies to be suggested to this native? or

> >> > > > > > > > any other remedies?

> >> > > > > > > > You asked for Sri.Narasimha' s chart?

> >> > > > > > > > Help SJC in bringing all people together, counsel

> >> > > > > > > > Sri.Narasimhaji to respect his GURU.

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > Thanks with respect

> >> > > > > > > > yousuf

> >> > > > > > > > Sri. Narasimha

> >> > > > > > > > Machilipatnam, AP, India (81 E 12, 16 N 15) on April 4, 1970

> >> > > > > > > > at 5:50 pm (IST: 5 1/2 hrs ahead of GMT).

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > sohamsa@ .com, Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937@

> >> > > > > > > > ...> wrote:

> >> > > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > > Dear Mr. Yousuf,

> >> > > > > > > > > Really , I do not know you .

> >> > > > > > > > > We are closely associated with Pt. Rath

> >> > > > > > > > > when SJC was not even born.

> >> > > > > > > > > M/s ramadas Rao , Ramanarayan Sailesh Chadda

> >> > > > > > > > > are very knowledgeable and respected persons to

> >> > > > > > > > > Mr. Rath. Kindly refer their names with respect and do

> >> > > > > > > > > not drag them in petty controversies . I still remember

> >> > > > > > > > > that

> >> > > > > > > > > 1st SJC conference was nicely arranged by Mr. Sailesh

> >> > > > > > > > > Chadda

> >> > > > > > > > > at Hyderabad in January 2003 , when the book 'Varga

> >> > > > > > > > > Chakra'

> >> > > > > > > > > was released .( By the way this book contains two articles

> >> > > > > > > > > by me).

> >> > > > > > > > > Mr. Narasimha is among the most shining shishya of Mr.

> >> > > > > > > > > Rath.

> >> > > > > > > > > On account of software developed by him ,the name of

> >> > > > > > > > > SJC has become a household name in astrological

> >> > > > > > > > > fraternity.

> >> > > > > > > > > As soon as Mercury/ Jupiter dasa of Pt. Rath will commence

> >> > > > > > > > > on

> >> > > > > > > > > Aug20,2010 , they will makeup with each other . They

> >> > > > > > > > > cannot

> >> > > > > > > > > live without each other too long.Mr. Narshima is too

> >> > > > > > > > > precious to

> >> > > > > > > > > SJC , and if necessary, we the 'SJC' will veto all

> >> > > > > > > > > dissenting voices and

> >> > > > > > > > > bring both of them together.

> >> > > > > > > > > Let goodwill prevail all around.

> >> > > > > > > > > With best regards,

> >> > > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > > G.K.GOEL

> >> > > > > > > > > Ph: 09350311433

> >> > > > > > > > > Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR

> >> > > > > > > > > NEW DELHI-110 076

> >> > > > > > > > > INDIA

> >> > > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > >

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> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > >

> >> > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________

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> >> > > > > > > > Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

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> >> > > > >

> >> > > >

> >> > >

> >> >

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> om gurave namah

> >> Dear

> >>

> >> Jaya Bharati

> >> Regards ~

> >> Sanjay Rath

> >> http://srath. cpm

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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