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[SoHamsa] Shani mahadasha and sade saati at the same time.

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my research, whenever the malefic dasha period is going on, and where the

planet is very weak, people tend to hide their true identity and the self

confidence is very low. The result of my research is supported by u using

pseudo name and not disclosing your true identity.



can u use a Maharishi’s name who has given us vedic astrology as your pseudo

name. This is a clear indication of the malefic effect of the debilated planet

dasha period on u. It is very important for u to mend ur intelligence level.



Saturn in 9th house has following effects


It gives debts to native & father & father’s health also

is not good & steady


It gives consistent back aches and also joint pains


Conjunct Venus & Mars gives a desire to enjoy and associate

with opposite sex


In its dasha bhukti disturbs career and finances





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For Professional Paid

Consultancy mail request for charges to

haresh1405/hareshgnathani or call +91 9867214103

Skype id haree14



Parasara Hora

Sastra [hparasara]

Monday, March 22, 2010 8:53 PM


RE: [soHamsa] Shani mahadasha and sade saati at the same time.







Dear Sri Haresh Ji






Can you analyse for me what will be the

result of the dasa of saturn when the following conditions prevail:






1.Saturn is debilitated and is in 9 th from lagna and is

the lord of 6 th and 7 th houses



2.Saturn is in conjunction with Mars and Venus and is

aspected by Jupiter.all with in a range of 14 degrees



3.Saturn has an ashtakavarga strength of 1 in Aries



4.Saturn is the fourth dasa from the birth






dob 02.04.1970,Hyderabad,India,16.37 Hrs






Kindly let me know



Thank You






--- On Mon, 22/3/10, Haresh(Harry)Nathani <haresh1405





Haresh(Harry)Nathani <haresh1405

RE: [soHamsa] Shani mahadasha and sade saati at the same time.


Monday, 22 March, 2010, 2:13 PM







Dear Navin






Firstly if u have a look at your chart, it says that

the kendras are empty and majority of the planets are in 6/8/12 house. These

are weak houses and dasha bhukti during this period is always taxing,

mentally and also affects finances & career. You are also under sani/jup

dasha period.




You will experience this problem for another four and

half years. The plus point is that mercury is placed in your dhan bhav, it

has made a Kendra adipathi dosha, but when your mercury dasha period starts,

your struggle phase will come down by 30 to 40 %. Your mercury dasha period

will start in june 2010.




You should work on remedies for sani and wear an

emerald stone.






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group/Chandra- AdityaAstroRemed ies

For Professional Paid

Consultancy mail request for charges to

haresh1405 (AT) (DOT)

com/hareshgnatha ni or call +91 9867214103

Skype id haree14





sohamsa@ .com [sohamsa] On Behalf Of Navin


Monday, March 22, 2010 7:22 PM

sohamsa@ .com

[soHamsa] Shani mahadasha and sade saati at the same time.










Dear Sirs,



I have been undergoing Shani Mahadasha and Sade

saati at the same time for the past 1 year and things have been spiralling

out of control in most spheres of life, specially in

relationships. Please guide as to what steps I should take and how

long the current bad phase is going to last.






1st May 1980



Time 3:51 am



Place Mumbai.
















____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __
















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