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[SoHamsa] Fw: TP controversy example (Partha's Accident)

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|| हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£ |||| om gurave namah || Dear parthaji,namaskar. i am using birth data as you provided below in your earlier mail, Birth particular > > > > > 15/december/ 1976 > > > > > Time: 8 :30 AM > > > > > PLace: New Delhi, Also i assume that you knows astrology very well.in your chart, jupiter and sun both are cursed, sun as AK is in marana karaka position with pakesh . During particularly sun Ak dasa(dwisaptati applicable) you faced these severe sufferings. That is because particularly is for rahu is in 12 th rasi from sun dasa rasi and resulted severe rahu kind suffering. sun is in this kind of marana karaka situation only strength of jupiter

can help him out. hence jupiter himself is in severe curse , then first remedying the curse is needed. hence actually rahu is creating problem in this dasa then regular worship of durga is needed. particularly offering of ghee lamp in rahu kala on Fridays is good for you.Also istadevata worship is recommended for Ak dasa.Also regular practice of astakhari narayana mantra is recommended for you( lagna is aflicted with badhakesha, and lagnesh is in curse). In d-9 you have mercury in digbla with bhadra yoga. clear blessings of ganesh. Worship ganesh regularly can do magic for you. The AK is sun so, humiliation is there always, and combination and placements of sun & planets is particularly crating very severe agni dosa in your chart, triggering all these sufferings.hence only ganesh can able to handle particularly these kind of agni dosa situation,then

worship ganapati with agni control mantra is out most necessity for you. it will do a magic for you. It will vanishes all your problems. contact senior members of the group privately for this procedure. Best regardsAswini kumar mohapatra || om tat sat || Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the SJC Ashram Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna' partha <partvinusohamsa Sent: Wed, 24 March, 2010 11:17:59 AM[soHamsa] Fw: Re: TP controversy example (Partha's Accident) Dear All, Sanjayji's analysis was outstanding. As i said earlier, foot accident was one part of the story, my family also suffered illhealth during the year and i had to run around hospitals for most part of the year. Also i didnot have salary for months, there was constant humiliation in office despite extreme hard work. More than health, humiliation was the main theme of the year. Probably AK Sun antardasa was running, so God showed me my place, or probably was asking me to come back to Jyotish where i am not that bad. Regards Partha sohamsa@ .com, "Sanjay Rath" <sjrath wrote: > > > The Tithi Pravesha Chakra of 2008-09 clearly shows the

event if we are prepared to look for it. All standard jyotish rules must be used in the Tithi Pravesh charts as taught by me in the past at SJC and in particular to Narasimha. > Rashi TP 2008 > > Navamsha TP 2008 > > 1.. Natal Chart of Partha Sarathy has Dhanus Lagna while the TP 2008-09 has Mithuna Lagna which is not only the maraka bhava but also the badhaka bhava for the chart. Therefore in the year 2008-09 mixed results will prevail with the 7th house indicating the events to come. > 2.. Lagnesha Mercury is in the 6th house of accidents and suffering and is severely afflicted by two agni tattva planets Mars and Sun. This shows astra-aghata and will surely bring operation or cutting of the body if other factors also indicate so. > 3.. Jupiter is the badhakesha of the chart and is well placed in own sign in Hamsa yoga with mantresha Shukra indicating a period when he shall have lot of time to

do mantra japa. However the manner in which this will come about may not be good as Jupiter is in badhaka sign as badhakesh and is in Ghataka Nakshatra from Simha rashi [Purva Ashadha is ghataka for Simha]. The Moon is another maraka and is afflicted by Saturn. Now both Saturn and Jupiter, the two tormentors of the Moon as 8th lord (Sat) and badhaka in ghataka nakshatra (Jup) are in Scorpio Navamsha. Thus, Jupiter is in Roga-amsha I.e. navamsha of the sign in the 6th house of the rashi chart and as per Rasi-Tulya-Amsha, Jupiter will indicate accidents and such other adverse results. > 4.. Further, Jupiter is under severe papa-kartari yoga between Mars and Sun on the one side and Rahu in the 8th house , on the other side. > 5.. There is unbroken Kala Sarpa Yoga working on this chart for the year 2008-09 along the Rudra Axis = 2-8th house axis which is very dangerous. There is no breakage at all for the KSY and the native will have to

suffer it. > Timing of the event > a.. Tithi Ashtottari Dasha: The event happened exactly when the maraka (7th) bhava functioned in Jupiter dasha-Venus antardasa having the papa-kartari yoga. > b.. Narayana Dasha: Exactly on the date Virgo dasha started with Mandi in it in Sagittarius antardasha. In the Navamsha, Virgo is 7th house with Mars in MKS and Sagittarius has Ketu showing accidents. In D1, we have already seen how Sg is geared for the event due to the Papa kartari Yoga. > c.. Vimsottari dasa: (Personally I like this dasha very much). Jupiter dasha Saturn antardasha. See the arguments to the Moon affliction. Any affliction to the Moon will surely bring health related issues. > So how can we say that the TP chart is not right or not working. On the other hand what is being suggested as a modification is that the Lunar months alone be used. If that be so, then people born in Adhika/Mala maasa will actually

have birthdays falling in every few years unless we stretch the rules to accommodate them in the regular Lunar months. > The traditional system, as I have learnt it, requires the Sun to be the same as *Sarvaatma Divakara - Sun is the representation of the soul and this cannot change in one body*. This is the Aditya who brings us to this planet and is responsible for us continued existence. We have to respect its boundaries - these are of 30 degrees each. So, if I am born with the Sun in Cancer, it must remain so. > > In fact the Greek Astrology [Tajika jyotish] uses this in a very strict manner in which the (1) Sun is brought back to the exact degree-minute of longitude for Annual returns. > However, we in Vedic use (1) Sun return to the same sign instead of exact degree and (2) Sun-Moon angle = Tithi and Karana to be the same. > What Narasimha is suggesting is to drop (1) Sun factor altogether and only use factor

(2). > > No harm in testing this, but one must use standard jyotish rules to test the validity of the traditional system before replacing it with a new one. > Regards > Sanjay Rath > > > Narasimha PVR Rao > Wednesday, March 24, 2010 3:51 AM > vedic astrology ; ; JyotishWritings > [vedic astrology] Re: TP controversy example (Partha's Accident) > > > > Namaste

Goel saab, > > The issue is NOT whether natal Vimsottari dasa shows the event or not. The issue is whether annual TP chart shows it or not. > > The native in question had an accident and was bed-ridden for 3 months. The annual TP chart (using solar months) does not show it at all. If one says, "the event happened even though annual TP chart does not shows it, because natal Vimsottari dasa shows it", what is the point in even using annual TP charts? > > I agree that no technique works in a vacuum and with 100% accuracy. But, any good technique cannot be so badly off. It has to show an event to some degree or the other. The exact degree to which an event happens is cumulatively decided by many factors. But each good factor has to show the event to some degree or the other. > > As I showed, by using soli-lunar months to make annual TP chart, you can see that 12th lord Jupiter was debilitated and

with Rahu and there were afflictions in 12th, explaining the problem with foot. Dasa of a planet in 8th in rasi and D-30 gave the accident. Annual TP chart explains the event quite well. > > If one sticks to a wrong definition of annual TP chart, one will occasionally have to abandon it and take recourse to Vimsottari dasa. > > * * * > > As I said earlier, people do celebrate their soli-lunar birthday based on soli-lunar month. For example, Lord Rama's birthday is celebrated on the Sukla Navami tithi of *Chaitra* months and not the Sukla Navami tithi of a specific solar month (Meena or Mesha). Sun may be in Meena sometimes and Mesha sometimes, on Sri Rama Navami. Same thing with the birthdays of individuals. Same thing with annual TP chart. > > * * * > > Even Sanjay ji was not sure in late 1998 whether solar months or soli-lunar months should be used. He asked me to research. We

ended up teaching solar months. The theorization that Sun, the soul, provides the anchor and hence Sun should be in the same sign and be the same Aaditya, was popularized. But deriving methods based on theorization and then trying to justify them practically is like putting the bullock cart in front of the bullock. Bullock should drive the cart and not the other way around. Methods should be derived and confirmed based on practical working. One can after all theorize *anything*. Principles should never be determined on the basis of theorization alone. > > Best regards, > Narasimha > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings, > "Do It Yourself" ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana: > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org > Films

that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - > > , gopal krishna goel <g.k.goel@> wrote: > > Dear Rao Ji, > > If any prominent event of the life will not be reflected in yearly chart, there is no reason > > to refer them. These charts are studied along with birth

charts. > > MR. P.S.Iyer of PALGHAT kerla ,explained me in detail in early 80's that the yearly charts based on SOLI-lunar year gives much reliable results. > > it is my impression that you do not give VIMSOTTARI DASA ITS DUE IMPORTANCE.BPHS > > written many chapter on this dasa alone.I may be wrong. Further , a in depth study is required > > of such karika's as Laghu and Madya Parasari. > > He met accident in the dasa of Rahu placed in 11H, which is eighth from 11H. Antardasa was of Sun > > which is lord of 9H (6H from 4th) Sun is placed in 12H with Mars karka of accidents.Further, > > Sun in placed in 2H from Rahu , a marka place from Rahu. Even more Sun is the lord of another Marka house from Rahu. It was writing on the wall that he would certainly met with some serious accident > > in Rahu/Sun period.BPHS' S CHAPTER 55 ON MAJOR PERIOD OF RAHU SAYS SO. > > LAGHU

PARASARI'S Verses 36 37 ,27 AND 39may be refered: > > Verse 36-If Rahu is placed in Shubh houses , even benefic planet not having sambandha with noded . will get benefic results according to sub- dasa lord. > > Verse 37- In the sub-period of benefic lord , the native will get unauspicious results in the dasa of > > malefic planets. > > Verse 27 - says MALEFIC PLANET'S DASA MAY ALSO PROBE DEATH INFLICTING. > > VERSE 39- Even dasa of marka planet does not kill in sub-period of benefic planet/ > > > > This is the reason that I slightly rectifird the birth time and accident was self-evident and not the death. > > Jupiter is 4H lord and on the last degree of sign and in MARKA HOUSE FROM DASA LORD. > > Jupiter DASA WAS NOT RUNNING . HIS PRYANTAR DASA WAS RUNNING. DASA AND ANTARDASA LORD > > ALWAYS PLANS THE EVENT AND EXCUTION IS ARRANGED IN SUB-SUB

PERIOD. > > There is a dictum that week Lagna lord can give accident. > > I was giving reply to matured astrological group and was not teaching in the class.Was > > it necessary to explain all these details.Surely he must be running . Rahu/Sun / Jup/Jup/Jup. This is the reason that Jupiter could not give protection as per rule given in verse 29 of Laghu Parasari. > > > > In chart 20 , given in your book Vedic Astrology , a bad event had occurred in Jupiter/Moon > > period which is self evident if we follow the rules given in Madya PARASARI. Moon obtained > > Gemini Navamsa occupied by ketu and placed in 8H.Moon will give set back in marriage > > according to well defined rules in Madhya Parasari. > > I am a fan of VIMSOTTARI DASA. > > BESR REGARDS, > > > > > > G. K. Goel > > > > JyotishWritings; vedic astrology; > > pvr@ > > Fri, 19 Mar 2010 23:10:35 -0400 > > TP controversy example (Partha's Accident) > > > > Namaste, > > > > > > > > Let us look at the Tithi Pravesha chart of 2008-09 for the birthdata given by Partha below. Using standard SJC teachings, annual TP chart is cast for 2008 November 20, 8:24:12 pm (IST), New Delhi. Jupiter's Tithi Ashtottari

dasa gave the accident. Jupiter is the 7th and 10th lord in 7th in moolatrikona, joined by the 5th lord and giving a raja yoga. Why did he have a major accident in Jupiter dasa, be bed-ridden for 3 months and why did his career suffer? > > > > > > > > Though one can justify any event with any chart or any dasa or any technique by seeing shapes in clouds and beating around the bush, I honestly could not have seen that event in Jupiter dasa in that chart. > > > > > > > > * * * > > > > > > > > Now, note that Partha was born on *Margasira* Krishna Navami with Sun in Sc. In the TP chart above, Sun is in Sc again, but the tithi is *Karthika* Krishna Navami. Though solar month has been preserved, soli-lunar month (which is the basis for tithis!!!) has not been preserved. > > > > > > > > If

you make a TP chart strictly using soli-lunar calendar (instead of mixing up soli-lunar days with solar months as taught by Sanjay ji), you will get the annual TP chart on 2008 December 20, 10:02:13 am (IST), New Delhi. That happens to be Margasira Krishna Navami, though Sun is in Sg. In fact, his lunar birthday is celebrated on that day in tradition! > > > > > > > > In this chart, Cp rises. Three planets are in the 12th house, whether you use SJC reckoning or the house reckoning I recommend. The 12th lord Jupiter is debilitated and with Rahu. This explains being bed-ridden much better. Saturn is in the 8th house in D-1 and D-30 and the accident occurred in his dasa as per both annual Tithi Ashtottari dasa and annual Vimsottari dasa. > > > > > > > > * * * > > > > > > > > There is no comparison. This chart explains the events

on the ground much better than the version of TP chart given by Sanjay ji's teachings. If you see a TP chart not explaining events well, please try the TP chart based strictly on soli-lunar months ("Preferences" , "Related to calculations" , "Tithi Prevesha Calculation Options" in JHora). The default in JHora is Sanjay ji's teaching. > > > > > > > > As I mentioned before, Sanjay ji was not sure in 1998-99 whether solar or soli-lunar months should be used in TP. He honestly told that to me and asked me to research. We ended up teaching solar month based TP. The result of my research is that solar months should not be mixed up and soli-lunar months should be used. > > > > > > > > Best regards, > > > > Narasimha > > > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - > > > > Free Jyotish

Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings, > > > > "Do It Yourself" ritual manuals for short Homam and Pitri Tarpana: > > > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org > > > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org > > > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom > > > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings > > > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - > > > > > > > > sohamsa@ .com, Partha Sarathy <partvinu@> wrote: > > > > > Hi All, > > > > > > > > > > I had an accident last year because of which was bedridden for three months. You > > > > > can use either Narayana dasa or vimshottari to analyse the event for everybody's > > > > > benefit. > > > > > Transits can also be used. > > > > > > > > > > Event: June 11, 2009, 4:45 AM, chennai > > > > > > > > > > Birth particular > > > > > 15/december/ 1976 > > > > > Time: 8 :30 AM > > > > > PLace: New Delhi, > >

> > > > > > > > Regards > > > > > Partha > > > > > > > > > Dear Goel Sir, > > > > > > > > > > Thank you. Honestly, i was expecting good last year, but everything > > > > > went from bad to worse, no salary for months, bad treatment at office > > > > > compounded matters. > > > > > Anyways, i am waiting for Jupiter dasa, atleast he should provide some > > > > > relief to the nonsense i am facing since 17 years. > > > > > > > > > > Regards > > > > > Partha >

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Dear Aswini,Partha is one of the jyotish gurus and associated with SjC almost since the beginning. He was reaponsible for my joining SJC.Sarbani Rath Sent from my iPhoneOn 24-Mar-2010, at 14:42, "partha" <partvinu wrote:



Dear Ashwini


Thank you. I am associated with SJC since last 10 years, and am one of the oldest members and teachers. Since my contribution to the lists has been very less in last 4 years, you are probably not aware of my name.

But thank you for your advise, as it came from a pure heart.





sohamsa , Aswini kumar <aswinifree wrote:




> || हरे राम कृषà¥Âण ||

> || om guravenamah ||


> Dear parthaji,


> namaskar. i am using birth data as you provided below in your earlier mail,


> Birth particular

> > >

> > > > 15/december/ 1976

> > >

> > > > Time: 8 :30 AM

> > >

> > > > PLace: New Delhi,


> Also i assume that you knows astrology very well.


> in your chart, jupiter and sun both are cursed, sun as AK is in maranakaraka position with pakesh . During particularly sun Akdasa(dwisaptati applicable) you faced these severe sufferings. That is because particularly is for rahu is in 12 thrasi from sun dasarasi and resulted severe rahu kind suffering. sun is in this kind of maranakaraka situation only strength of jupiter can help him out. hence jupiter himself is in severe curse , then first remedying the curse is needed. hence actually rahu is creating problem in this dasa then regular worship of durga is needed.

> particularlyoffering of ghee lamp in rahukala on Fridays is good for you.

> Also istadevata worship is recommended for Akdasa.

> Also regular practice of astakharinarayana mantra is recommended for you( lagna is aflicted with badhakesha, and lagnesh is in curse).

> In d-9 you have mercury in digbla with bhadra yoga. clear blessings of ganesh. Worship ganesh regularly can do magic for you.

> The AK is sun so, humiliation is there always, and combination and placements of sun & planets is particularly crating very severe agnidosa in your chart, triggering all these sufferings.

> hence only ganesh can able to handle particularly these kind of agnidosa situation,then worship ganapati with agni control mantra is out most necessity for you. it will do a magic for you. It will vanishes all your problems.


> contact senior members of the group privately for this procedure.




> Best regards

> Aswini kumar mohapatra


> || om tat sat ||


> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the SJC Ashram

> Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'







> ________________________________

> partha <partvinu

> sohamsa

> Wed, 24 March, 2010 11:17:59 AM

> [soHamsa] Fw: Re: TP controversy example (Partha's Accident)



> Dear All,


> Sanjayji's analysis was outstanding.


> As i said earlier, foot accident was one part of the story, my family also suffered illhealth during the year and i had to run around hospitals for most part of the year.


> Also i didnot have salary for months, there was constant humiliation in office despite extreme hard work.

> More than health, humiliation was the main theme of the year.


> Probably AK Sun antardasa was running, so God showed me my place, or probably was asking me to come back to Jyotish where i am not that bad.


> Regards

> Partha


> sohamsa@ .com, "SanjayRath" <sjrath@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > The TithiPraveshaChakra of 2008-09 clearly shows the event if we are prepared to look for it. All standard jyotish rules must be used in the TithiPravesh charts as taught by me in the past at SJC and in particular to Narasimha.

> > RashiTP 2008

> >

> > NavamshaTP 2008

> >

> > 1.. Natal Chart of ParthaSarathy has DhanusLagna while the TP 2008-09 has MithunaLagna which is not only the marakabhava but also the badhakabhava for the chart. Therefore in the year 2008-09 mixed results will prevail with the 7th house indicating the events to come.

> > 2.. Lagnesha Mercury is in the 6th house of accidents and suffering and is severely afflicted by two agnitattva planets Mars and Sun. This shows astra-aghata and will surely bring operation or cutting of the body if other factors also indicate so.

> > 3.. Jupiter is the badhakesha of the chart and is well placed in own sign in Hamsa yoga with mantreshaShukra indicating a period when he shall have lot of time to do mantra japa. However the manner in which this will come about may not be good as Jupiter is in badhaka sign as badhakesh and is in GhatakaNakshatra from Simharashi [PurvaAshadha is ghataka for Simha]. The Moon is another maraka and is afflicted by Saturn. Now both Saturn and Jupiter, the two tormentors of the Moon as 8th lord (Sat) and badhaka in ghatakanakshatra (Jup) are in Scorpio Navamsha. Thus, Jupiter is in Roga-amsha I.e. navamsha of the sign in the 6th house of the rashi chart and as per Rasi-Tulya-Amsha, Jupiter will indicate accidents and such other adverse results.

> > 4.. Further, Jupiter is under severe papa-kartari yoga between Mars and Sun on the one side and Rahu in the 8th house , on the other side.

> > 5.. There is unbroken Kala Sarpa Yoga working on this chart for the year 2008-09 along the Rudra Axis = 2-8th house axis which is very dangerous. There is no breakage at all for the KSY and the native will have to suffer it.

> > Timing of the event

> > a.. TithiAshtottari Dasha: The event happened exactly when the maraka (7th) bhava functioned in Jupiter dasha-Venus antardasa having the papa-kartari yoga.

> > b.. Narayana Dasha: Exactly on the date Virgo dasha started with Mandi in it in Sagittarius antardasha. In the Navamsha, Virgo is 7th house with Mars in MKS and Sagittarius has Ketu showing accidents. In D1, we have already seen how Sg is geared for the event due to the Papa kartari Yoga.

> > c.. Vimsottaridasa: (Personally I like this dasha very much). Jupiter dasha Saturn antardasha. See the arguments to the Moon affliction. Any affliction to the Moon will surely bring health related issues.

> > So how can we say that the TP chart is not right or not working. On the other hand what is being suggested as a modification is that the Lunar months alone be used. If that be so, then people born in Adhika/Mala maasa will actually have birthdays falling in every few years unless we stretch the rules to accommodate them in the regular Lunar months.

> > The traditional system, as I have learnt it, requires the Sun to be the same as *SarvaatmaDivakara - Sun is the representation of the soul and this cannot change in one body*. This is the Aditya who brings us to this planet and is responsible for us continued existence. We have to respect its boundaries - these are of 30 degrees each. So, if I am born with the Sun in Cancer, it must remain so.

> >

> > In fact the Greek Astrology [Tajikajyotish] uses this in a very strict manner in which the (1) Sun is brought back to the exact degree-minute of longitude for Annual returns.

> > However, we in Vedic use (1) Sun return to the same sign instead of exact degree and (2) Sun-Moon angle = Tithi and Karana to be the same.

> > What Narasimha is suggesting is to drop (1) Sun factor altogether and only use factor (2).

> >

> > No harm in testing this, but one must use standard jyotish rules to test the validity of the traditional system before replacing it with a new one.

> > Regards

> > SanjayRath

> >

> >

> > NarasimhaPVRRao

> > Wednesday, March 24, 2010 3:51 AM

> > vedic astrology ; ; JyotishWritings

> > [vedic astrology] Re: TP controversy example (Partha's Accident)

> >

> >

> >

> > NamasteGoelsaab,

> >

> > The issue is NOT whether natal Vimsottaridasa shows the event or not. The issue is whether annual TP chart shows it or not.

> >

> > The native in question had an accident and was bed-ridden for 3 months. The annual TP chart (using solar months) does not show it at all. If one says, "the event happened even though annual TP chart does not shows it, because natal Vimsottaridasa shows it", what is the point in even using annual TP charts?

> >

> > I agree that no technique works in a vacuum and with 100% accuracy. But, any good technique cannot be so badly off. It has to show an event to some degree or the other. The exact degree to which an event happens is cumulatively decided by many factors. But each good factor has to show the event to some degree or the other.

> >

> > As I showed, by using soli-lunar months to make annual TP chart, you can see that 12th lord Jupiter was debilitated and with Rahu and there were afflictions in 12th, explaining the problem with foot. Dasa of a planet in 8th in rasi and D-30 gave the accident. Annual TP chart explains the event quite well.

> >

> > If one sticks to a wrong definition of annual TP chart, one will occasionally have to abandon it and take recourse to Vimsottaridasa.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > As I said earlier, people do celebrate their soli-lunar birthday based on soli-lunar month. For example, Lord Rama's birthday is celebrated on the SuklaNavamitithi of *Chaitra* months and not the SuklaNavamitithi of a specific solar month (Meena or Mesha). Sun may be in Meena sometimes and Mesha sometimes, on Sri Rama Navami. Same thing with the birthdays of individuals. Same thing with annual TP chart.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Even Sanjayji was not sure in late 1998 whether solar months or soli-lunar months should be used. He asked me to research. We ended up teaching solar months. The theorization that Sun, the soul, provides the anchor and hence Sun should be in the same sign and be the same Aaditya, was popularized. But deriving methods based on theorization and then trying to justify them practically is like putting the bullock cart in front of the bullock. Bullock should drive the cart and not the other way around. Methods should be derived and confirmed based on practical working. One can after all theorize *anything*. Principles should never be determined on the basis of theorization alone.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> > "Do It Yourself" ritual manuals for short Homam and PitriTarpana:

> > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> >

> > , gopalkrishnagoel <g.k.goel@> wrote:

> > > Dear RaoJi,

> > > If any prominent event of the life will not be reflected in yearly chart, there is no reason

> > > to refer them. These charts are studied along with birth charts.

> > > MR. P.S.Iyer of PALGHATkerla ,explained me in detail in early 80's that the yearly charts based on SOLI-lunar year gives much reliable results.

> > > it is my impression that you do not give VIMSOTTARIDASA ITS DUE IMPORTANCE.BPHS

> > > written many chapter on this dasa alone.I may be wrong. Further , a in depth study is required

> > > of such karika's as Laghu and MadyaParasari.

> > > He met accident in the dasa of Rahu placed in 11H, which is eighth from 11H. Antardasa was of Sun

> > > which is lord of 9H (6H from 4th) Sun is placed in 12H with Mars karka of accidents.Further,

> > > Sun in placed in 2H from Rahu , a marka place from Rahu. Even more Sun is the lord of another Marka house from Rahu. It was writing on the wall that he would certainly met with some serious accident


> > > LAGHUPARASARI'S Verses 36 37 ,27 AND 39may be refered:

> > > Verse 36-If Rahu is placed in Shubh houses , even benefic planet not having sambandha with noded . will get benefic results according to sub- dasa lord.

> > > Verse 37- In the sub-period of benefic lord , the native will get unauspicious results in the dasa of

> > > malefic planets.


> > > VERSE 39- Even dasa of marka planet does not kill in sub-period of benefic planet/

> > >

> > > This is the reason that I slightly rectifird the birth time and accident was self-evident and not the death.

> > > Jupiter is 4H lord and on the last degree of sign and in MARKA HOUSE FROM DASA LORD.



> > > There is a dictum that week Lagna lord can give accident.

> > > I was giving reply to matured astrological group and was not teaching in the class.Was

> > > it necessary to explain all these details.Surely he must be running . Rahu/Sun / Jup/Jup/Jup. This is the reason that Jupiter could not give protection as per rule given in verse 29 of LaghuParasari.

> > >

> > > In chart 20 , given in your book Vedic Astrology , a bad event had occurred in Jupiter/Moon

> > > period which is self evident if we follow the rules given in MadyaPARASARI. Moon obtained

> > > Gemini Navamsa occupied by ketu and placed in 8H.Moon will give set back in marriage

> > > according to well defined rules in MadhyaParasari.

> > > I am a fan of VIMSOTTARIDASA.


> > >

> > >

> > > G. K. Goel

> > >

> > > JyotishWritings; vedic astrology;

> > > pvr@

> > > Fri, 19 Mar 2010 23:10:35 -0400

> > > TP controversy example (Partha's Accident)

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Let us look at the TithiPravesha chart of 2008-09 for the birthdata given by Partha below. Using standard SJC teachings, annual TP chart is cast for 2008 November 20, 8:24:12 pm (IST), New Delhi. Jupiter's TithiAshtottaridasa gave the accident. Jupiter is the 7th and 10th lord in 7th in moolatrikona, joined by the 5th lord and giving a raja yoga. Why did he have a major accident in Jupiter dasa, be bed-ridden for 3 months and why did his career suffer?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Though one can justify any event with any chart or any dasa or any technique by seeing shapes in clouds and beating around the bush, I honestly could not have seen that event in Jupiter dasa in that chart.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Now, note that Partha was born on *Margasira* Krishna Navami with Sun in Sc. In the TP chart above, Sun is in Sc again, but the tithi is *Karthika* Krishna Navami. Though solar month has been preserved, soli-lunar month (which is the basis for tithis!!!) has not been preserved.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > If you make a TP chart strictly using soli-lunar calendar (instead of mixing up soli-lunar days with solar months as taught by Sanjayji), you will get the annual TP chart on 2008 December 20, 10:02:13 am (IST), New Delhi. That happens to be Margasira Krishna Navami, though Sun is in Sg. In fact, his lunar birthday is celebrated on that day in tradition!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > In this chart, Cp rises. Three planets are in the 12th house, whether you use SJC reckoning or the house reckoning I recommend. The 12th lord Jupiter is debilitated and with Rahu. This explains being bed-ridden much better. Saturn is in the 8th house in D-1 and D-30 and the accident occurred in his dasa as per both annual TithiAshtottaridasa and annual Vimsottaridasa.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > There is no comparison. This chart explains the events on the ground much better than the version of TP chart given by Sanjayji's teachings. If you see a TP chart not explaining events well, please try the TP chart based strictly on soli-lunar months ("Preferences" , "Related to calculations" , "TithiPrevesha Calculation Options" in JHora). The default in JHora is Sanjayji's teaching.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > As I mentioned before, Sanjayji was not sure in 1998-99 whether solar or soli-lunar months should be used in TP. He honestly told that to me and asked me to research. We ended up teaching solar month based TP. The result of my research is that solar months should not be mixed up and soli-lunar months should be used.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > Narasimha

> > >

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > >

> > > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings,

> > >

> > > "Do It Yourself" ritual manuals for short Homam and PitriTarpana:

> > >

> > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

> > >

> > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org

> > >

> > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

> > >

> > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings

> > >

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > sohamsa@ .com, ParthaSarathy <partvinu@> wrote:

> > >

> > > > Hi All,

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > I had an accident last year because of which was bedridden for three months. You

> > >

> > > > can use either Narayanadasa or vimshottari to analyse the event for everybody's

> > >

> > > > benefit.

> > >

> > > > Transits can also be used.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Event: June 11, 2009, 4:45 AM, chennai

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Birth particular

> > >

> > > > 15/december/ 1976

> > >

> > > > Time: 8 :30 AM

> > >

> > > > PLace: New Delhi,

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Regards

> > >

> > > > Partha

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > > Dear Goel Sir,

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Thank you. Honestly, i was expecting good last year, but everything

> > >

> > > > went from bad to worse, no salary for months, bad treatment at office

> > >

> > > > compounded matters.

> > >

> > > > Anyways, i am waiting for Jupiter dasa, atleast he should provide some

> > >

> > > > relief to the nonsense i am facing since 17 years.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Regards

> > >

> > > > Partha

> >






> The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in./


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|| हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£ |||| om gurave namah || Respected parthji,pranam.Sorry.As you are like guru rupa for me, i feel very sorry if i hurt you any manner. myself, i am student of smt. Sarbani rath and sri ajay zharotia,As you are also like my guru and we both shares same Atmakaraka,with almost same planetary placements , and as my life is just following you with same foot marks, i need your blessings, and also guidance from you, i will be blessed if i get some

guidance from you, it will be very helpful for me. Once again i beg sorry for my unknowingly mistake.pranam.Aswini kumar mohapatra || om tat sat || partha <partvinusohamsa Sent: Wed, 24 March, 2010 2:42:35 PM[soHamsa] Fw: Re: TP controversy example (Partha's Accident) Dear Ashwini Thank you. I am associated with SJC since last 10 years, and am one of the oldest members and teachers. Since my contribution to the lists has been very less in last 4 years, you are probably not aware of my name. But thank you for your advise, as it came from a pure heart. Regards Partha sohamsa@ .com, Aswini kumar <aswinifree@ ...> wrote: > > > > || हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£ || > || om guravenamah || > > Dear parthaji, > > namaskar. i am using birth data as you provided below in your earlier mail, > > Birth particular > > > > > > > 15/december/

1976 > > > > > > > Time: 8 :30 AM > > > > > > > PLace: New Delhi, > > Also i assume that you knows astrology very well. > > in your chart, jupiter and sun both are cursed, sun as AK is in maranakaraka position with pakesh . During particularly sun Akdasa(dwisaptati applicable) you faced these severe sufferings. That is because particularly is for rahu is in 12 thrasi from sun dasarasi and resulted severe rahu kind suffering. sun is in this kind of maranakaraka situation only strength of jupiter can help him out. hence jupiter himself is in severe curse , then first remedying the curse is needed. hence actually rahu is creating problem in this dasa then regular worship of durga is needed. > particularlyofferin g of ghee lamp in rahukala on Fridays is good for you. > Also istadevata worship is recommended for Akdasa. > Also regular practice

of astakharinarayana mantra is recommended for you( lagna is aflicted with badhakesha, and lagnesh is in curse). > In d-9 you have mercury in digbla with bhadra yoga. clear blessings of ganesh. Worship ganesh regularly can do magic for you. > The AK is sun so, humiliation is there always, and combination and placements of sun & planets is particularly crating very severe agnidosa in your chart, triggering all these sufferings. > hence only ganesh can able to handle particularly these kind of agnidosa situation,then worship ganapati with agni control mantra is out most necessity for you. it will do a magic for you. It will vanishes all your problems. > > contact senior members of the group privately for this procedure. > > > > Best regards > Aswini kumar mohapatra > > || om tat sat || > > Thank you for maintaining the decorum of

the SJC Ashram > Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna' > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > partha <partvinu@.. .> > sohamsa@ .com > Wed, 24 March, 2010 11:17:59 AM > [soHamsa] Fw: Re: TP controversy example (Partha's Accident) > > > Dear All, > > Sanjayji's analysis was outstanding. > > As i said earlier, foot accident was one part of the story, my family also suffered illhealth during the year and i had to run around hospitals for most part of the year. > > Also i didnot have salary for months, there was constant humiliation in office despite extreme hard work. > More than health, humiliation

was the main theme of the year. > > Probably AK Sun antardasa was running, so God showed me my place, or probably was asking me to come back to Jyotish where i am not that bad. > > Regards > Partha > > sohamsa@ .com, "SanjayRath" <sjrath@> wrote: > > > > > > The TithiPraveshaChakra of 2008-09 clearly shows the event if we are prepared to look for it. All standard jyotish rules must be used in the TithiPravesh charts as taught by me in the past at SJC and in particular to Narasimha. > > RashiTP 2008 > > > > NavamshaTP 2008 > > > > 1.. Natal Chart of ParthaSarathy has DhanusLagna while the TP 2008-09 has MithunaLagna which is not only the marakabhava but also the badhakabhava for the chart. Therefore in the year 2008-09 mixed results will prevail with the 7th house indicating the events to come.

> > 2.. Lagnesha Mercury is in the 6th house of accidents and suffering and is severely afflicted by two agnitattva planets Mars and Sun. This shows astra-aghata and will surely bring operation or cutting of the body if other factors also indicate so. > > 3.. Jupiter is the badhakesha of the chart and is well placed in own sign in Hamsa yoga with mantreshaShukra indicating a period when he shall have lot of time to do mantra japa. However the manner in which this will come about may not be good as Jupiter is in badhaka sign as badhakesh and is in GhatakaNakshatra from Simharashi [PurvaAshadha is ghataka for Simha]. The Moon is another maraka and is afflicted by Saturn. Now both Saturn and Jupiter, the two tormentors of the Moon as 8th lord (Sat) and badhaka in ghatakanakshatra (Jup) are in Scorpio Navamsha. Thus, Jupiter is in Roga-amsha I.e. navamsha of the sign in the 6th house of the rashi chart and as per Rasi-Tulya-Amsha,

Jupiter will indicate accidents and such other adverse results. > > 4.. Further, Jupiter is under severe papa-kartari yoga between Mars and Sun on the one side and Rahu in the 8th house , on the other side. > > 5.. There is unbroken Kala Sarpa Yoga working on this chart for the year 2008-09 along the Rudra Axis = 2-8th house axis which is very dangerous. There is no breakage at all for the KSY and the native will have to suffer it. > > Timing of the event > > a.. TithiAshtottari Dasha: The event happened exactly when the maraka (7th) bhava functioned in Jupiter dasha-Venus antardasa having the papa-kartari yoga. > > b.. Narayana Dasha: Exactly on the date Virgo dasha started with Mandi in it in Sagittarius antardasha. In the Navamsha, Virgo is 7th house with Mars in MKS and Sagittarius has Ketu showing accidents. In D1, we have already seen how Sg is geared for the event due to the Papa kartari

Yoga. > > c.. Vimsottaridasa: (Personally I like this dasha very much). Jupiter dasha Saturn antardasha. See the arguments to the Moon affliction. Any affliction to the Moon will surely bring health related issues. > > So how can we say that the TP chart is not right or not working. On the other hand what is being suggested as a modification is that the Lunar months alone be used. If that be so, then people born in Adhika/Mala maasa will actually have birthdays falling in every few years unless we stretch the rules to accommodate them in the regular Lunar months. > > The traditional system, as I have learnt it, requires the Sun to be the same as *SarvaatmaDivakara - Sun is the representation of the soul and this cannot change in one body*. This is the Aditya who brings us to this planet and is responsible for us continued existence. We have to respect its boundaries - these are of 30 degrees each. So, if I am born with

the Sun in Cancer, it must remain so. > > > > In fact the Greek Astrology [Tajikajyotish] uses this in a very strict manner in which the (1) Sun is brought back to the exact degree-minute of longitude for Annual returns. > > However, we in Vedic use (1) Sun return to the same sign instead of exact degree and (2) Sun-Moon angle = Tithi and Karana to be the same. > > What Narasimha is suggesting is to drop (1) Sun factor altogether and only use factor (2). > > > > No harm in testing this, but one must use standard jyotish rules to test the validity of the traditional system before replacing it with a new one. > > Regards > > SanjayRath > > > > > > NarasimhaPVRRao > > Wednesday, March 24, 2010 3:51 AM > > vedic astrology ; ; JyotishWritings

> > [vedic astrology] Re: TP controversy example (Partha's Accident) > > > > > > > > NamasteGoelsaab, > > > > The issue is NOT whether natal Vimsottaridasa shows the event or not. The issue is whether annual TP chart shows it or not. > > > > The native in question had an accident and was bed-ridden for 3 months. The annual TP chart (using solar months) does not show it at all. If one says, "the event happened even though annual TP chart does not shows it, because natal Vimsottaridasa shows it", what is the point in even using annual TP charts? > > > > I agree that no technique works in a vacuum and with 100% accuracy. But, any good technique cannot be so badly off. It has to show an event to some degree or the other. The exact degree to which an event happens is cumulatively decided by many factors. But each good factor has to

show the event to some degree or the other. > > > > As I showed, by using soli-lunar months to make annual TP chart, you can see that 12th lord Jupiter was debilitated and with Rahu and there were afflictions in 12th, explaining the problem with foot. Dasa of a planet in 8th in rasi and D-30 gave the accident. Annual TP chart explains the event quite well. > > > > If one sticks to a wrong definition of annual TP chart, one will occasionally have to abandon it and take recourse to Vimsottaridasa. > > > > * * * > > > > As I said earlier, people do celebrate their soli-lunar birthday based on soli-lunar month. For example, Lord Rama's birthday is celebrated on the SuklaNavamitithi of *Chaitra* months and not the SuklaNavamitithi of a specific solar month (Meena or Mesha). Sun may be in Meena sometimes and Mesha sometimes, on Sri Rama Navami. Same thing with the birthdays of

individuals. Same thing with annual TP chart. > > > > * * * > > > > Even Sanjayji was not sure in late 1998 whether solar months or soli-lunar months should be used. He asked me to research. We ended up teaching solar months. The theorization that Sun, the soul, provides the anchor and hence Sun should be in the same sign and be the same Aaditya, was popularized. But deriving methods based on theorization and then trying to justify them practically is like putting the bullock cart in front of the bullock. Bullock should drive the cart and not the other way around. Methods should be derived and confirmed based on practical working. One can after all theorize *anything*. Principles should never be determined on the basis of theorization alone. > > > > Best regards, > > Narasimha > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - > > Free Jyotish

Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings, > > "Do It Yourself" ritual manuals for short Homam and PitriTarpana: > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - > > > > , gopalkrishnagoel <g.k.goel@> wrote: > > > Dear RaoJi, > > > If any prominent event of the life will not be reflected in yearly chart,

there is no reason > > > to refer them. These charts are studied along with birth charts. > > > MR. P.S.Iyer of PALGHATkerla ,explained me in detail in early 80's that the yearly charts based on SOLI-lunar year gives much reliable results. > > > it is my impression that you do not give VIMSOTTARIDASA ITS DUE IMPORTANCE.BPHS > > > written many chapter on this dasa alone.I may be wrong. Further , a in depth study is required > > > of such karika's as Laghu and MadyaParasari. > > > He met accident in the dasa of Rahu placed in 11H, which is eighth from 11H. Antardasa was of Sun > > > which is lord of 9H (6H from 4th) Sun is placed in 12H with Mars karka of accidents.Further, > > > Sun in placed in 2H from Rahu , a marka place from Rahu. Even more Sun is the lord of another Marka house from Rahu. It was writing on the wall that he would certainly met

with some serious accident > > > in Rahu/Sun period.BPHS' S CHAPTER 55 ON MAJOR PERIOD OF RAHU SAYS SO. > > > LAGHUPARASARI' S Verses 36 37 ,27 AND 39may be refered: > > > Verse 36-If Rahu is placed in Shubh houses , even benefic planet not having sambandha with noded . will get benefic results according to sub- dasa lord. > > > Verse 37- In the sub-period of benefic lord , the native will get unauspicious results in the dasa of > > > malefic planets. > > > Verse 27 - says MALEFIC PLANET'S DASA MAY ALSO PROBE DEATH INFLICTING. > > > VERSE 39- Even dasa of marka planet does not kill in sub-period of benefic planet/ > > > > > > This is the reason that I slightly rectifird the birth time and accident was self-evident and not the death. > > > Jupiter is 4H lord and on the last degree of sign and in MARKA HOUSE FROM DASA

LORD. > > > Jupiter DASA WAS NOT RUNNING . HIS PRYANTARDASA WAS RUNNING. DASA AND ANTARDASA LORD > > > ALWAYS PLANS THE EVENT AND EXCUTION IS ARRANGED IN SUB-SUB PERIOD. > > > There is a dictum that week Lagna lord can give accident. > > > I was giving reply to matured astrological group and was not teaching in the class.Was > > > it necessary to explain all these details.Surely he must be running . Rahu/Sun / Jup/Jup/Jup. This is the reason that Jupiter could not give protection as per rule given in verse 29 of LaghuParasari. > > > > > > In chart 20 , given in your book Vedic Astrology , a bad event had occurred in Jupiter/Moon > > > period which is self evident if we follow the rules given in MadyaPARASARI. Moon obtained > > > Gemini Navamsa occupied by ketu and placed in 8H.Moon will give set back in marriage > > >

according to well defined rules in MadhyaParasari. > > > I am a fan of VIMSOTTARIDASA. > > > BESR REGARDS, > > > > > > > > > G. K. Goel > > > > > > JyotishWritings; vedic astrology; > > > pvr@ > > > Fri, 19 Mar 2010 23:10:35 -0400 > > > TP controversy example (Partha's Accident) > > > > > > Namaste, > > > > > > > > > > > > Let us look at the TithiPravesha chart of 2008-09 for the birthdata given by Partha below. Using standard SJC teachings, annual TP chart is cast for 2008 November 20, 8:24:12 pm (IST), New Delhi. Jupiter's TithiAshtottaridasa gave the accident. Jupiter is the 7th and 10th lord in 7th in moolatrikona, joined by the 5th

lord and giving a raja yoga. Why did he have a major accident in Jupiter dasa, be bed-ridden for 3 months and why did his career suffer? > > > > > > > > > > > > Though one can justify any event with any chart or any dasa or any technique by seeing shapes in clouds and beating around the bush, I honestly could not have seen that event in Jupiter dasa in that chart. > > > > > > > > > > > > * * * > > > > > > > > > > > > Now, note that Partha was born on *Margasira* Krishna Navami with Sun in Sc. In the TP chart above, Sun is in Sc again, but the tithi is *Karthika* Krishna Navami. Though solar month has been preserved, soli-lunar month (which is the basis for tithis!!!) has not been preserved. > > > > > > > > > > > > If you make a TP chart

strictly using soli-lunar calendar (instead of mixing up soli-lunar days with solar months as taught by Sanjayji), you will get the annual TP chart on 2008 December 20, 10:02:13 am (IST), New Delhi. That happens to be Margasira Krishna Navami, though Sun is in Sg. In fact, his lunar birthday is celebrated on that day in tradition! > > > > > > > > > > > > In this chart, Cp rises. Three planets are in the 12th house, whether you use SJC reckoning or the house reckoning I recommend. The 12th lord Jupiter is debilitated and with Rahu. This explains being bed-ridden much better. Saturn is in the 8th house in D-1 and D-30 and the accident occurred in his dasa as per both annual TithiAshtottaridasa and annual Vimsottaridasa. > > > > > > > > > > > > * * * > > > > > > > > > > > > There is no

comparison. This chart explains the events on the ground much better than the version of TP chart given by Sanjayji's teachings. If you see a TP chart not explaining events well, please try the TP chart based strictly on soli-lunar months ("Preferences" , "Related to calculations" , "TithiPrevesha Calculation Options" in JHora). The default in JHora is Sanjayji's teaching. > > > > > > > > > > > > As I mentioned before, Sanjayji was not sure in 1998-99 whether solar or soli-lunar months should be used in TP. He honestly told that to me and asked me to research. We ended up teaching solar month based TP. The result of my research is that solar months should not be mixed up and soli-lunar months should be used. > > > > > > > > > > > > Best regards, > > > > > > Narasimha > > > > > > ------------

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - > > > > > > Free Jyotish Software, Free Jyotish Lessons, Jyotish Writings, > > > > > > "Do It Yourself" ritual manuals for short Homam and PitriTarpana: > > > > > > http://www.VedicAst rologer.org > > > > > > Films that make a difference: http://SaraswatiFil ms.org > > > > > > Spirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom > > > > > > Jyotish writings: http://groups. / group/JyotishWri tings > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---------

--------- --------- - > > > > > > > > > > > > sohamsa@ .com, ParthaSarathy <partvinu@> wrote: > > > > > > > Hi All, > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I had an accident last year because of which was bedridden for three months. You > > > > > > > can use either Narayanadasa or vimshottari to analyse the event for everybody's > > > > > > > benefit. > > > > > > > Transits can also be used. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Event: June 11, 2009, 4:45 AM, chennai > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Birth particular > > > > > > > 15/december/ 1976 > > >

> > > > Time: 8 :30 AM > > > > > > > PLace: New Delhi, > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Regards > > > > > > > Partha > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Goel Sir, > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Thank you. Honestly, i was expecting good last year, but everything > > > > > > > went from bad to worse, no salary for months, bad treatment at office > > > > > > > compounded matters. > > > > > > > Anyways, i am waiting for Jupiter dasa, atleast he should provide some > > > > > > > relief to the nonsense i am facing since 17 years. > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > Regards > > > > > > > Partha > > > > > > > > The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. http://in.. com/ >


The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.

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