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2-Janis: re... Digest Number 7816, #3 please advice sir

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The Vedic Astrology Discussion Group


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please advice sir

Posted by:

" janis20082008 "





Nov 11, 2008 10:22 pm (PST)


my sons bday falls on 14 nov, his dob is 14.11.1995 place Dimapur,

time 04.35 am pl guide for his wellbeing in studies other parts of


his life for the current time.


Thanks a lot





Your request is one of the greatest uses of

Astrology.  To be able to look at one's children, and come to

understand what their life is about; will truly bless you with the

knowledge and the wisdom to help him immensely!


At this point I

think the best thing I can share with you is a detailed analysis of what

his personality will be like and what his strengths and weaknesses are,

according to his chart.


This way you can help him 1) Utilize

his strengths more and 2) come to understand, heal, or even begin the

process of transforming his malefic weaknesses into strengths!


Let's start first with his Sun, Moon and Rising Sign.  Born on Nov.

14th means his Sun was at the 27th degree of Libra on his day of birth.


Sun is called debilitated in Libra so the significations of the

Sun, like Self-confidence tend to be weaker for such a person.


Do you recognize in him, sometimes, a kind of lack of self-confidence or

fear of moving ahead?  This is because of his Sun in Libra.


Therefore, he's meant to grow in his self-knowledge and

self-confidence.  As you recognize and help him strengthen his Sun he

will be more happy and successful.


Fortunately, that same Sun

is at the 27th degree of Libra which means Sun's coming to the end of it's

debilitation.  This also means that the degree of weakness is much



Therefore, this should not be as big a problem as it

might be otherwise.  But, pay attention to this part of him and

whenever he expresses any self-doubt, worry or lack of self-confidence;

tell him he can do it!


Be his Sun encouragement during his

youth; all the while encouraging him to stand up for himself, to look

within for self inspiration and strength.


Role models, heroes, mythical and present day

figures and successful people can have a very powerful affect on



Now, his Moon is extremely good or

benefic in his chart.  His Moon's in Cancer, the Moon's own sign so

he's a naturally happy, emotionally enjoyable to be around, kind,

nurturing and compassionate.


Does he have this really sweet,

feeling nature already?  This is due to his very good Moon!


Moon, however waning or getting smaller.  His Moon's only 1/2 full

and in the waning mode which means he was born to be slightly more inward

and develop especially his inner, and even spiritual sense in this



If his Libra rising sign is correct, (in other words if

his time is correct) then he has this very good Moon in Cancer in his

house of career.  Does he already love small children, and



This is because of his very good quality of

Moon.  This represents a gentle hearted, kind hearted side to him

that is one of his best! benefic strengths!


He may ultimately

pick a 10th house career working with children or animals.  He could

also be a teacher with significant Jupiter and Saturn,

both well



This is what I meant about finding his strengths and

teaching him to utilize these natural talents and characteristics.


Does he already enjoy spending time alone or have a quiet side to



His Saturn's extremely good in his chart as well. 

Combined with a very good Moon he might have the inclination to develop

himself spiritually in this life.


That same Saturn is also in

it's Own Sign, in this case Aquarius which stands for a very creative and

what can be called a slightly unconventional type of person. 

Aquarius stands for unconventional creativity.

Do you find already

that he's creative and approaches some situations in unique and unusual



You can tell him that being different, perceiving things

differently than especially what other people do is a good thing and that

will set him apart and be a part of his uniqueness and success in this



Saturn is the most important planet for Libra rising

people.  That same Saturn being very strong and in it's Own Sign, in

the house of education may make him a researcher or excel in some field of



The last thing I want to mention for today is he has

several planets in Scorpio as well.


This represents the type of

person who feels what is right very keenly.   I know another

young boy living in my town here with a very similar chart.  He too

has a Libra rising, Moon

in the 10th and Mars and Venus both in

Scorpio in his 2nd.


A couple of years ago he found himself

being the Mars policeman of his class.  He would stand in, so to

speak for his teacher when the teacher wasn't watching and chide his

fellow students for doing ANY wrong actions or behaviors.


As a

result he had a very difficult time that year.  And, because of his

very good Moon and wanting to get along so well with his friends he was

very open to his Mother telling him about this part of his chart.


She told him he's meant to be a good boy, to stand up for what is right

in life; only at this stage, at this age, it isn't his responsibility or

worry to be that for his fellow students.


This next year he got

along much better with his friends and is not grating or cajoling them for

any wrong infractions!


So, encourage him to study such things

as the environment and pollution and the issues of social .



Jupiter is also in Scorpio so he has the great potential to be a fighter

for injustice or a Mars champion of righteous causes..


So, you

can see he has many aspects of himself, talents and even strengths. 

He only has a few things to watch or take care of and he'll be fine.



this helps.  Please send back to me, also to my personal email

address at:


in addition

through the group here.






Mark Kincaid




Check out my at:




as well.












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