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birth stone query

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My birth date is 18 may 1980, time 9:30 am ,kerala


Would like to know which stone is good for me(diamond, ruby or ?)


Please help me ...


Thanks and regards,


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Dear Rajesh,


It is Diamond for Venus. Here is the Gem Report









NAME : Rajesh









SUNSET : 6.33 PM




Version 8.00 Gemfinder 102004 /16-11-2008

SOFTWARE : Zodiac Computers East Nada Guruvayur Kerala -680101 Ph

Website: www.e.com Email - info



= 3=


Rajesh PUNARVASU 18/05/1980



| | | SUN MER | MOO |

| | | | VEN |

| | | | |

| | | | LAG |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| KET | | |

| | | |

------------------- R A S I -------------------

| | | |

| | | MAR JUP |

| | | SAT RAH |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | GUL | |









= 4=





| MER | MOO | | |

| | | | JUP |

| | RAH | | |

| | LAG | | |

| | | | |


| SUN | | |

| | | MAR |

| | | |

| | | |

------------------- NAVAMSA -------------------

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| GUL | | |


| | | | |

| VEN | | | |

| | SAT | KET | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


= 5=







Shad bala means the sixfold source of planetary strength. There

are six kinds of potency in the Parasari System. They are :


1. Sthana Bala - Positional Strength

2. Dig Bala - Directional Strength

3. Kala Bala - Temporal Strength

4. Chesta Bala - Motional Strength

5. Naisargika Bala - Intrinsic Strength

6. Drik Bala - Aspectual Strength


Application of Shad Balas



The importance of and the part played by the Shad Balas in the

science of horoscopy are manifold. The application of any one

particular system depends on the strength and weakness of cer-

tain planets and Bhavas. For instance in deciding the Dasanat-

ardasa( periods and subperiods ) the first period is attributed

to the most powerful of the Lagna the Sun & the Moon. Whether

the Sun or Lagna is more powerful can be determined only when








= 6=

their respective strengths are known. In protraying the future

results indicated by the different Bhavas their strengths are

of considerable importance. Suppose we consider the period of

the Sun and bhukti of the Moon.In order to predict the various

results care should be taken to see which planet more powerful

or has greater strength. If the Sun is more powerful than the

Moon then the results likely to happen would be predominantly

those indicated by the Sun. If the Moon is more powerful during

his sub-period the Moon's influence will be felt in preference

to that of the Sun even though the latter may be the major lord.

Thus when the Shadbalas are ascertained correctly future progno-

stications can be ventured with sufficient confidence. The Shad

balas in other words give an account of the assets & liabilities

of each house and planet in the horoscope.


Shad Balas are measured in shastiamsas or units of 60. 60 shast-

iamsas make a Rupa.










= 7=



NATHONNATHA BALA 47.50 12.50 12.50 60.00 47.50 47.50 12.50

THRIBHAGA BALA 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 60.00 0.00 0.00

ABDA BALA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00

MASA BALA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.00

VARA BALA 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

HORA BALA 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

PAKSHA BALA 44.04 31.92 44.04 44.04 15.96 15.96 44.04

AYANA BALA 109.86 1.14 42.50 56.45 44.17 59.87 25.07

NAISARGIKA BALA 60.00 51.43 17.14 25.70 34.28 42.85 8.57

OOCHABALA 52.06 43.77 4.32 18.20 49.19 36.27 42.21

KENDRA BALA 15.00 60.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 60.00 15.00

DREKKANA BALA 15.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00

OJAYUGMARASYAMSA 15.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 15.00

SAPTAVARGAJA BAL 101.25 82.50 101.25 85.50 86.25 93.75 75.00

DIGBALA 59.05 16.90 26.67 33.57 57.16 12.41 9.24

YUDDHABALA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

CHESTA BALA 0.00 0.00 40.22 11.39 32.82 49.08 37.92

DRIK BALA 0.46 6.89 -14.58 -6.32 -15.88 8.05 0.46

TOTAL 564.22 382.05 319.06 403.53 471.45 470.74 285.01

STRENGTH IN RUPA 9.40 6.37 5.32 6.73 7.86 7.85 4.75

PERC STREGNTH 1.88 1.06 1.06 0.96 1.21 1.43 0.95











= 8=





The points of exaltation debilitation and the relational

nature of planets are considered while assessing the positional

strengths of planets ( Sthanabala )



Following are the percentage points of planets as per Rasibala



1 JUPITER 25.00

2 SUN 6.75

3 MARS 25.00

4 VENUS 25.00

5 MERCURY 25.00

6 SATURN 6.75

7 MOON 25.00

8 RAHU 6.75

9 KETU 12.50




100% - Exaltation

75% - Moolatrikona

= 9=

50% - Swakshetra

25% - In friend's House

12.5% - In Neutral House

6.75% - In Enemy's House

0% - Debilitation




Trinal Lords in Houses



Trinal lords are considered to be benefics in Vedic Astrology.

After all the trines are defined as moral triangles. The Ninth

lord is the lord of Fortune the fifth lord is the ninth from

the ninth ( fortune) and the First Lord or Lagnadhipa the most

important planet as it rules the greatest of all wealth Health.


Functional Benefics



Any planet who owns a quadrant and a trine is considered to

be a functional benefic. Functional benefics are the planets

which can do immense good to the native


Natural benefics are the Moon Jupiter Mercury and Venus










Temporal benefics are the friendly planets of the Ascendant




Your Lagna lord is MERCURY in House 12


Your Fifth lord is VENUS in House 1


Your Ninth lord is SATURN In House 3




Functional Benefic in Susthana : VENUS






Next dasa change :



PLANET Dasa Starts:


MERCURY 11-05-2013









Scientific Research Done in Astro Gemology


The Seven Rays Theory


Astro-Gemology is the synergy of two sciences - Astrology

& Gemology. The basic theory of Astro-Gemology is that the nine

planets are linked to the nine gems and that the stone of the

planet governing fortune can generate fortune. Gemology post-

ulates that gems not only enhance fortune but also have thera-

peutic properties which can be used in the medical field.


Scholars who have done research in the subject are unani-

mous in their opinion that by wearing the gem of a functional

benefic in a Susthana one can not only enhance fortune

but also overcome many difficulties including diseases.


Its therapeutic properties are used in Cosmic Ray Therapy.

Gems have changed the destiny of many prominent individuals and

if you wear the stone prescribed by Computer you can also see

the remarkable transformation taking place in your career.










Natural gems built by the tectonic pressure within the

earth have the ability to heal diseases.


Similarly if you wear the gem of a Functional Benefic

you can increase the transmission of Cosmic colours radiated by

the planets which is absorbed by our etheric body thus satiating

colour hunger and eliminating disease. Cosmic Colours are absorbed

by the Chakras ( dynamos of Cosmic Energy ) in our ethereal body.

The Chakras are related to our glandular system in the physical

body. ( Deficiency of colours is defined as disease).


Scientific Research done - The Seven Rays Theory


The seven primary colours of the spectrum and the two secondary

colours correspond to the nine revolving heavens.(VIBGYOR & infra-

red and ultra-violet ).


The nine colours are understood to be the cosmic matrix and the

very essence of the nine planets and it is through these colours

that the planets radiate their energy and influence. When the

visible colored lights are measured infra-red exhibits the long-

est wave length and ultra-violet the shortest. The wavelength

of colored light emanating from the planets are found to match

those radiating from each planet's corresponding gemstone(s).

Researches show that the wavelength of light emanating from

the Sun is identical to the wavelength of light emanating


from Ruby - Red.


Among all the elements in nature gemstones constitute the most

condensed form of concentrated color. Gems therefore provide

an inexhaustible source of cosmic color rays.


Here we give the Cosmic Colour and the Gem corresponding to the

Nine revolving heavens.


( The term 'planet' used in Sidereal Astrology refers to cel-

estial bodies or mathematical points. A star( Sun ) the two ma-

thematical points where orbits of the Sun ( Earth-in-reflex )

and the Moon intersect - viz the North and South Nodes of the

Moon - ( Rahu & Ketu ) are referred as planets.)



Colour Planet Gemstone Element Chakra


Red Sun Ruby Fire Manipura

Orange Moon Pearl Water Swadhistana

Light Blue Jupiter Yellow Sapphire Ether Vishuddhi

Ultra-Violet Rahu Hessonite Air Anahata

Green Mercury Emerald Earth Sahasrara

Indigo Venus Diamond Water Ajna

Infra-red Ketu Cat's Eye Fire Muladhara

Violet Saturn Blue Sapphire Air Anahata









Yellow Mars Coral Fire Muladhara


In the Kurma Purana Chapter 43 verses 1 and 2 it is stated that

the omnpiresent are the rays that compose His body and illumine the

illimitable worlds of this Universe. Amongst them seven are the best

as they from the original cores of the seven planets. From this

we can ascertain that these seven rays are supreme among all the

rays which form the Universe. These rays emanating from the Supreme

carry out the functions of creation maintenance and destruction in

conformity with Divine Will and the movements of eternal Time. The-

refore all things are composed of the seven rays and their inherent

radiating energies. All sounds and forms in this material Universe

can be said to originate within the seven rays.Through a clear glass

equilateral prism you can view the world & you will find that every-

thing is permeated by the seven rays.


The five elements of earth - water - fire -air and ether are also

condensations of these same cosmic colors.


Cosmic Green condensed is the Earth Principle

As Ether is the densification of Cosmic Blue !

Water Element is the condensation of Cosmic Indigo

Air Principle is Cosmic Violet densified

Cosmic Yellow condensed is the Fire Principle !


The five subtle essences corresponding to the Five Great Elements


have their individual colors as well;sight is due to the vibration

of the red cosmic ray - smell is due to green -the sense of touch

is within the violet colour - sound vibration is blue & taste

sensation is orange. The sense organs utilized to experience the

five senses are also colored by these same individual rays. If one

looks through a prism the eyes will show the red color -the nose

green - skin violet - tongue orange & the ear holes will exhibit

blue cosmic colors when viewed in this way. The human organism is

composed of cells that form groups & are the building blocks of

the body. The cells themselves are composed of the seven rays and

these must be in balance to maintain them in a healthy condition.






The astrological treatise the JATAKA

CHANDRIKA assigns Diamond for Venus ( Asuracharya ca vajram)

Venus is known as Freya in Norse Mythology and hence Freya's

day came to be called as Friday.



Functional Benefic in your chart - Venus

Cosmic Colour to be enhanced - Indigo

Recommended GemStone - Diamond

Alternate Gemstone - White Sapphire









Solar/Lunar Metal to be used - Silver

Alternate Metal - Platinum

Herbal Ashes to be used - Ficus Glomerata

Cosmic Number to be used - Six

Most Auspicious Day - Friday

Most Auspicious Month - June

Hand to be worn on - Both

Affected Element - Water

Affected sense - Taste

Affected Bodily Organ - Lymph Glands

Affected Anatomical System - Sperm

Affected Chakra - 3rd Vishudhi

Day of Invocation - Friday

Time for Invocation - Sunrise



Your wellplaced planet is Venus the fair planet of love.

Your gem is Diamond. It should be worn on the finger touch-

ing the skin.


Gemological Characteristics of Diamond


Species Diamond

Transparency Transparent

Color Colourless

Refractive Index 2.417


Specific Gravity 3.52

Crystal System Cubic

Dispersion 0.044

Flourescence inert to very

strong bluish white


Mantra Energisation



You should wear the gem on a Shukla Paksha Friday after chant-

ing the mantra OM SHUM SHUKRAYA NAMAH in a state of high physical

and mental purity.


Diamond is a very expensive stone. It will do if a Diamond of

minimum weight of 1 1/2 carats is used. It should be set in

platinum or silver ring and worn on the little finger of the

right hand.


However one has to understand that purity is somewhat difficult

in the Iron Age( Kali Yuga ). Hence the best method is to get the

Birthstone energised by scholars. We at Zodiac do that as we have

a team of Tantrics who energise stones. The negative energy should

be removed and replaced by positive energy which is the very mea-

ning of energisation. We should not give a chance for negative











Secondary Gems or Upa Ratnas (Substitutions)



Its substitutes are White Sapphire White Zircon and White

Tourmaline. The cheapest substitute is white Rock Crystal

(Spatik). This stone if worn should be of 11 carats.


Important: Diamond should never be worn along with Ruby Pearl

Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire.




Himakunda mrinalabham

Daityanam Paramam Gurum

Sarvashastra pravaktharam

Bharghavam prnamamyaham



Ancient Authentic Sources


From the Orient


The Jathaka Chandrika


Manikyam Dinanayakasya Vimalam Muktaphalam Sheetagau

Mahedrasya cha Vidrumam Marathakam Soumyasya Garutmakam


Devejyasya cha Pushyaragam Asuracharyasya cha Vajram

Saner Neelam Nirmalamanyashochya Gadithai Gomeda Vaidooryakai


The Agni Purana


A gem free from impurities and radiating its characteristic

internal luster should be looked upon as an escort of good

luck. A gem which is cracked fissured devoid of luster or

appearing rough or sandy should not be used at all.


The Garuda Purana


Pure flawless gems have auspicious powers which can protect

one from demons snakes poisons diseases sinful reactions and

other dangers while flawed ones are evil and inauspicious.


Pancha- Amrita or the Ancient System of Five Immortal Nectars


The five immortal Nectars are planetary gemstone metal herb

symbol and number which corresponds to the planet that is to

be enhanced. The Vedic process of puja or invocation of the

planetary energy by means of mantra (sound invocation) &

stotra ( prayer ) represents the sixth Amrita where the mind

uses special sound vibrations.


It is imperative that the Stone should be energised & negative









energy removed. At Zodiac we energise the stone by scholars and

the process may take 3 days of energisation. Symbol number &

mantra are invoked based on the Star of the native and it is

blessed with Pranic Energy. We normally send the energised stone

by registered post & you can visit our Web page Gem and click

Add to Cart on Birthstone.


Correspondence between the Five Great Elements & the Five Nectars


Earth - Gemstone

Water - Herb

Fire - Metal

Air - Symbol

Ether - Number



From the Occident


The philosopher Manly Hall says in Secret Teachings of all

Ages that the rays of the celestial bodies striking the

crystallizing influences of the lower world become the

various elements. Partaking of the astral virtues of their

source these elements neutrallize certain unbalanced forms

of celestial activity and when properly combined contribute

much to the wellbeing of man.



In Three Books of Occult Philosophy Cornelius Agrippa descr-

ibes the basic method of preparing astral rings thus - When

any star or planet ascends fortunately with the fortunate

aspect or conjunction of the Moon we must take a stone and

herb that is under that star and make a ring of the metal

that is suitable to this star and in it fasten the stone

putting the herb or root under it not omitting the inscri-

ption of images names and characters as also the proper



Paracelsus averred that we live in a veritable sea of vibr-

ational energy.




Now that you have got the correct gem to be worn you

should adhere to the rules and strictly follow the precautions

which are mentioned below.


A. The Gem's Quality and its fixing


1. Purchase only quality gems from dependable sources.

2. The gem should be set in the right metal.

3. The rays of the planet should pass through the gem & reach

your body and the gem should be set in such a way by an adept.

4. The gem's bottom should not be covered by metal.









5. Exposure to heat can damage the gem. Also no scratches by

sharp objects.

6. While bathing it is advisable to remove the gems.


B. Personal Preparations


The day when you start wearing the gem should be given prime

importance. Physical cleanliness and mental preparedness are of

paramount significance. It is also better to invoke Divine Help

before starting to wear the gem.


1. A suitable date should be selected bearing in mind the

suggestions of the Astro-GemFinder.

2. Time of Sunrise should be specially noted.This information

can be got from the calender.

3. Early morning is ideal.Wear clean clothes after completing

your daily routines.

4. Meditation or prayer is recommeded to cleanse the mind.

5. You have to plan your schedule in such a way that you will

be able to wear the gem at the recommended TIME.

6. Wear flawless gems.

7. Natural gems alone are to be used. Synthetic gems are use-






** This Zodiac Astro-GemFinder is developed by Zodiac Computers

after studying and researching on many books on the subject and

discussing with research scholars & certified Gemologists.


** It is to be noted that the gems recommended for you need not

remain the same for you throughout your life. It should be revi-

wed depending on the changes wrought out by dasa/bhukthi periods.

Your priorities may also change from time to time.You are advised

to recheck your gem prescription as and when required.




With warm regards


G Kumar

Professional blogger, astro scholar & ceo




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vedic astrology

Sunday, November 16, 2008 12:27 AM

[vedic astrology] birth stone <query>





My birth date is 18 may 1980, time 9:30 am ,kerala


Would like to know which stone is good for me(diamond, ruby or ?)


Please help me ...


Thanks and regards,







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Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.9.4/1789 - Release 11/14/2008 7:32





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Dear Kumar,

I would like to have a similar Gemstone report for myself too.


The Details are as follows:

D.O.B: 06/Sept/1968

Time:3.40 AM

Place: Chennai


Kindly oblige.




Sunder Rangarajan


On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 6:29 AM, <eastro wrote:


> Dear Rajesh,


> It is Diamond for Venus. Here is the Gem Report



> -------------------------


> Z O D I A C G E M O L O G Y


> -------------------------


> NAME : Rajesh




> DATE OF BIRTH : 18/05/1980 SUNDAY




> SUNRISE : 6.02 AM

> SUNSET : 6.33 PM



> -------------------------

> Version 8.00 Gemfinder 102004 /16-11-2008

> SOFTWARE : Zodiac Computers East Nada Guruvayur Kerala -680101 Ph

> Website: www.e.com Email -




> = 3=


> Rajesh PUNARVASU 18/05/1980


> -------------------------

> | | | SUN MER | MOO |

> | | | | VEN |

> | | | | |

> | | | | LAG |

> | | | | |

> -------------------------

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | KET | | |

> | | | |

> ------------------- R A S I -------------------

> | | | |

> | | | MAR JUP |

> | | | SAT RAH |

> | | | |

> -------------------------

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | GUL | |

> -------------------------


> = 4=




> -------------------------

> | MER | MOO | | |

> | | | | JUP |

> | | RAH | | |

> | | LAG | | |

> | | | | |

> -------------------------

> | SUN | | |

> | | | MAR |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> ------------------- NAVAMSA -------------------

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | GUL | | |

> -------------------------

> | | | | |

> | VEN | | | |

> | | SAT | KET | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> -------------------------

> = 5=





> -----------------


> Shad bala means the sixfold source of planetary strength. There

> are six kinds of potency in the Parasari System. They are :


> 1. Sthana Bala - Positional Strength

> 2. Dig Bala - Directional Strength

> 3. Kala Bala - Temporal Strength

> 4. Chesta Bala - Motional Strength

> 5. Naisargika Bala - Intrinsic Strength

> 6. Drik Bala - Aspectual Strength


> Application of Shad Balas

> -------------------------


> The importance of and the part played by the Shad Balas in the

> science of horoscopy are manifold. The application of any one

> particular system depends on the strength and weakness of cer-

> tain planets and Bhavas. For instance in deciding the Dasanat-

> ardasa( periods and subperiods ) the first period is attributed

> to the most powerful of the Lagna the Sun & the Moon. Whether

> the Sun or Lagna is more powerful can be determined only when


> = 6=

> their respective strengths are known. In protraying the future

> results indicated by the different Bhavas their strengths are

> of considerable importance. Suppose we consider the period of

> the Sun and bhukti of the Moon.In order to predict the various

> results care should be taken to see which planet more powerful

> or has greater strength. If the Sun is more powerful than the

> Moon then the results likely to happen would be predominantly

> those indicated by the Sun. If the Moon is more powerful during

> his sub-period the Moon's influence will be felt in preference

> to that of the Sun even though the latter may be the major lord.

> Thus when the Shadbalas are ascertained correctly future progno-

> stications can be ventured with sufficient confidence. The Shad

> balas in other words give an account of the assets & liabilities

> of each house and planet in the horoscope.


> Shad Balas are measured in shastiamsas or units of 60. 60 shast-

> iamsas make a Rupa.






> ######################




> = 7=

> -------------------------


> NATHONNATHA BALA 47.50 12.50 12.50 60.00 47.50 47.50 12.50

> THRIBHAGA BALA 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 60.00 0.00 0.00

> ABDA BALA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00

> MASA BALA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.00

> VARA BALA 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

> HORA BALA 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

> PAKSHA BALA 44.04 31.92 44.04 44.04 15.96 15.96 44.04

> AYANA BALA 109.86 1.14 42.50 56.45 44.17 59.87 25.07

> NAISARGIKA BALA 60.00 51.43 17.14 25.70 34.28 42.85 8.57

> OOCHABALA 52.06 43.77 4.32 18.20 49.19 36.27 42.21

> KENDRA BALA 15.00 60.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 60.00 15.00

> DREKKANA BALA 15.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00

> OJAYUGMARASYAMSA 15.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 15.00

> SAPTAVARGAJA BAL 101.25 82.50 101.25 85.50 86.25 93.75 75.00

> DIGBALA 59.05 16.90 26.67 33.57 57.16 12.41 9.24

> YUDDHABALA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

> CHESTA BALA 0.00 0.00 40.22 11.39 32.82 49.08 37.92

> DRIK BALA 0.46 6.89 -14.58 -6.32 -15.88 8.05 0.46

> TOTAL 564.22 382.05 319.06 403.53 471.45 470.74 285.01

> STRENGTH IN RUPA 9.40 6.37 5.32 6.73 7.86 7.85 4.75

> PERC STREGNTH 1.88 1.06 1.06 0.96 1.21 1.43 0.95





> = 8=


> ____



> The points of exaltation debilitation and the relational

> nature of planets are considered while assessing the positional

> strengths of planets ( Sthanabala )



> Following are the percentage points of planets as per Rasibala

> ===============================================


> 1 JUPITER 25.00

> 2 SUN 6.75

> 3 MARS 25.00

> 4 VENUS 25.00

> 5 MERCURY 25.00

> 6 SATURN 6.75

> 7 MOON 25.00

> 8 RAHU 6.75

> 9 KETU 12.50



> ----------------------------

> 100% - Exaltation

> 75% - Moolatrikona

> = 9=

> 50% - Swakshetra

> 25% - In friend's House

> 12.5% - In Neutral House

> 6.75% - In Enemy's House

> 0% - Debilitation

> ---------------------------



> Trinal Lords in Houses

> ----------------------


> Trinal lords are considered to be benefics in Vedic Astrology.

> After all the trines are defined as moral triangles. The Ninth

> lord is the lord of Fortune the fifth lord is the ninth from

> the ninth ( fortune) and the First Lord or Lagnadhipa the most

> important planet as it rules the greatest of all wealth Health.


> Functional Benefics

> -------------------


> Any planet who owns a quadrant and a trine is considered to

> be a functional benefic. Functional benefics are the planets

> which can do immense good to the native


> Natural benefics are the Moon Jupiter Mercury and Venus



> =10=

> Temporal benefics are the friendly planets of the Ascendant

> lord.



> Your Lagna lord is MERCURY in House 12


> Your Fifth lord is VENUS in House 1


> Your Ninth lord is SATURN In House 3




> Functional Benefic in Susthana : VENUS

> ----



> ----


> Next dasa change :

> -------------------


> PLANET Dasa Starts:

> **********************

> MERCURY 11-05-2013

> --------------------


> =11=

> Introduction

> ============




> Scientific Research Done in Astro Gemology


> The Seven Rays Theory


> Astro-Gemology is the synergy of two sciences - Astrology

> & Gemology. The basic theory of Astro-Gemology is that the nine

> planets are linked to the nine gems and that the stone of the

> planet governing fortune can generate fortune. Gemology post-

> ulates that gems not only enhance fortune but also have thera-

> peutic properties which can be used in the medical field.


> Scholars who have done research in the subject are unani-

> mous in their opinion that by wearing the gem of a functional

> benefic in a Susthana one can not only enhance fortune

> but also overcome many difficulties including diseases.


> Its therapeutic properties are used in Cosmic Ray Therapy.

> Gems have changed the destiny of many prominent individuals and

> if you wear the stone prescribed by Computer you can also see

> the remarkable transformation taking place in your career.



> =12=

> Natural gems built by the tectonic pressure within the

> earth have the ability to heal diseases.


> Similarly if you wear the gem of a Functional Benefic

> you can increase the transmission of Cosmic colours radiated by

> the planets which is absorbed by our etheric body thus satiating

> colour hunger and eliminating disease. Cosmic Colours are absorbed

> by the Chakras ( dynamos of Cosmic Energy ) in our ethereal body.

> The Chakras are related to our glandular system in the physical

> body. ( Deficiency of colours is defined as disease).


> Scientific Research done - The Seven Rays Theory


> The seven primary colours of the spectrum and the two secondary

> colours correspond to the nine revolving heavens.(VIBGYOR & infra-

> red and ultra-violet ).


> The nine colours are understood to be the cosmic matrix and the

> very essence of the nine planets and it is through these colours

> that the planets radiate their energy and influence. When the

> visible colored lights are measured infra-red exhibits the long-

> est wave length and ultra-violet the shortest. The wavelength

> of colored light emanating from the planets are found to match

> those radiating from each planet's corresponding gemstone(s).

> Researches show that the wavelength of light emanating from

> the Sun is identical to the wavelength of light emanating

> =13=

> from Ruby - Red.


> Among all the elements in nature gemstones constitute the most

> condensed form of concentrated color. Gems therefore provide

> an inexhaustible source of cosmic color rays.


> Here we give the Cosmic Colour and the Gem corresponding to the

> Nine revolving heavens.


> ( The term 'planet' used in Sidereal Astrology refers to cel-

> estial bodies or mathematical points. A star( Sun ) the two ma-

> thematical points where orbits of the Sun ( Earth-in-reflex )

> and the Moon intersect - viz the North and South Nodes of the

> Moon - ( Rahu & Ketu ) are referred as planets.)



> Colour Planet Gemstone Element Chakra


> Red Sun Ruby Fire Manipura

> Orange Moon Pearl Water Swadhistana

> Light Blue Jupiter Yellow Sapphire Ether Vishuddhi

> Ultra-Violet Rahu Hessonite Air Anahata

> Green Mercury Emerald Earth Sahasrara

> Indigo Venus Diamond Water Ajna

> Infra-red Ketu Cat's Eye Fire Muladhara

> Violet Saturn Blue Sapphire Air Anahata


> =14=

> Yellow Mars Coral Fire Muladhara


> In the Kurma Purana Chapter 43 verses 1 and 2 it is stated that

> the omnpiresent are the rays that compose His body and illumine the

> illimitable worlds of this Universe. Amongst them seven are the best

> as they from the original cores of the seven planets. From this

> we can ascertain that these seven rays are supreme among all the

> rays which form the Universe. These rays emanating from the Supreme

> carry out the functions of creation maintenance and destruction in

> conformity with Divine Will and the movements of eternal Time. The-

> refore all things are composed of the seven rays and their inherent

> radiating energies. All sounds and forms in this material Universe

> can be said to originate within the seven rays.Through a clear glass

> equilateral prism you can view the world & you will find that every-

> thing is permeated by the seven rays.


> The five elements of earth - water - fire -air and ether are also

> condensations of these same cosmic colors.


> Cosmic Green condensed is the Earth Principle

> As Ether is the densification of Cosmic Blue !

> Water Element is the condensation of Cosmic Indigo

> Air Principle is Cosmic Violet densified

> Cosmic Yellow condensed is the Fire Principle !


> The five subtle essences corresponding to the Five Great Elements

> =15=

> have their individual colors as well;sight is due to the vibration

> of the red cosmic ray - smell is due to green -the sense of touch

> is within the violet colour - sound vibration is blue & taste

> sensation is orange. The sense organs utilized to experience the

> five senses are also colored by these same individual rays. If one

> looks through a prism the eyes will show the red color -the nose

> green - skin violet - tongue orange & the ear holes will exhibit

> blue cosmic colors when viewed in this way. The human organism is

> composed of cells that form groups & are the building blocks of

> the body. The cells themselves are composed of the seven rays and

> these must be in balance to maintain them in a healthy condition.




> V E N U S A S T R A L G E M S T O N E


> The astrological treatise the JATAKA

> CHANDRIKA assigns Diamond for Venus ( Asuracharya ca vajram)

> Venus is known as Freya in Norse Mythology and hence Freya's

> day came to be called as Friday.



> Functional Benefic in your chart - Venus

> Cosmic Colour to be enhanced - Indigo

> Recommended GemStone - Diamond

> Alternate Gemstone - White Sapphire


> =16=

> Solar/Lunar Metal to be used - Silver

> Alternate Metal - Platinum

> Herbal Ashes to be used - Ficus Glomerata

> Cosmic Number to be used - Six

> Most Auspicious Day - Friday

> Most Auspicious Month - June

> Hand to be worn on - Both

> Affected Element - Water

> Affected sense - Taste

> Affected Bodily Organ - Lymph Glands

> Affected Anatomical System - Sperm

> Affected Chakra - 3rd Vishudhi

> Day of Invocation - Friday

> Time for Invocation - Sunrise



> Your wellplaced planet is Venus the fair planet of love.

> Your gem is Diamond. It should be worn on the finger touch-

> ing the skin.


> Gemological Characteristics of Diamond


> Species Diamond

> Transparency Transparent

> Color Colourless

> Refractive Index 2.417

> =17=

> Specific Gravity 3.52

> Crystal System Cubic

> Dispersion 0.044

> Flourescence inert to very

> strong bluish white


> Mantra Energisation

> -------------------


> You should wear the gem on a Shukla Paksha Friday after chant-

> ing the mantra OM SHUM SHUKRAYA NAMAH in a state of high physical

> and mental purity.


> Diamond is a very expensive stone. It will do if a Diamond of

> minimum weight of 1 1/2 carats is used. It should be set in

> platinum or silver ring and worn on the little finger of the

> right hand.


> However one has to understand that purity is somewhat difficult

> in the Iron Age( Kali Yuga ). Hence the best method is to get the

> Birthstone energised by scholars. We at Zodiac do that as we have

> a team of Tantrics who energise stones. The negative energy should

> be removed and replaced by positive energy which is the very mea-

> ning of energisation. We should not give a chance for negative

> influences.



> =18=

> Secondary Gems or Upa Ratnas (Substitutions)

> -----------


> Its substitutes are White Sapphire White Zircon and White

> Tourmaline. The cheapest substitute is white Rock Crystal

> (Spatik). This stone if worn should be of 11 carats.


> Important: Diamond should never be worn along with Ruby Pearl

> Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire.


> Sloka


> Himakunda mrinalabham

> Daityanam Paramam Gurum

> Sarvashastra pravaktharam

> Bharghavam prnamamyaham



> Ancient Authentic Sources


> From the Orient


> The Jathaka Chandrika


> Manikyam Dinanayakasya Vimalam Muktaphalam Sheetagau

> Mahedrasya cha Vidrumam Marathakam Soumyasya Garutmakam

> =19=

> Devejyasya cha Pushyaragam Asuracharyasya cha Vajram

> Saner Neelam Nirmalamanyashochya Gadithai Gomeda Vaidooryakai


> The Agni Purana


> A gem free from impurities and radiating its characteristic

> internal luster should be looked upon as an escort of good

> luck. A gem which is cracked fissured devoid of luster or

> appearing rough or sandy should not be used at all.


> The Garuda Purana


> Pure flawless gems have auspicious powers which can protect

> one from demons snakes poisons diseases sinful reactions and

> other dangers while flawed ones are evil and inauspicious.


> Pancha- Amrita or the Ancient System of Five Immortal Nectars


> The five immortal Nectars are planetary gemstone metal herb

> symbol and number which corresponds to the planet that is to

> be enhanced. The Vedic process of puja or invocation of the

> planetary energy by means of mantra (sound invocation) &

> stotra ( prayer ) represents the sixth Amrita where the mind

> uses special sound vibrations.


> It is imperative that the Stone should be energised & negative


> =20=

> energy removed. At Zodiac we energise the stone by scholars and

> the process may take 3 days of energisation. Symbol number &

> mantra are invoked based on the Star of the native and it is

> blessed with Pranic Energy. We normally send the energised stone

> by registered post & you can visit our Web page Gem and click

> Add to Cart on Birthstone.


> Correspondence between the Five Great Elements & the Five Nectars


> Earth - Gemstone

> Water - Herb

> Fire - Metal

> Air - Symbol

> Ether - Number



> From the Occident


> The philosopher Manly Hall says in Secret Teachings of all

> Ages that the rays of the celestial bodies striking the

> crystallizing influences of the lower world become the

> various elements. Partaking of the astral virtues of their

> source these elements neutrallize certain unbalanced forms

> of celestial activity and when properly combined contribute

> much to the wellbeing of man.


> =21=

> In Three Books of Occult Philosophy Cornelius Agrippa descr-

> ibes the basic method of preparing astral rings thus - When

> any star or planet ascends fortunately with the fortunate

> aspect or conjunction of the Moon we must take a stone and

> herb that is under that star and make a ring of the metal

> that is suitable to this star and in it fasten the stone

> putting the herb or root under it not omitting the inscri-

> ption of images names and characters as also the proper

> suffumigations.


> Paracelsus averred that we live in a veritable sea of vibr-

> ational energy.



> ----------

> Now that you have got the correct gem to be worn you

> should adhere to the rules and strictly follow the precautions

> which are mentioned below.


> A. The Gem's Quality and its fixing


> 1. Purchase only quality gems from dependable sources.

> 2. The gem should be set in the right metal.

> 3. The rays of the planet should pass through the gem & reach

> your body and the gem should be set in such a way by an adept.

> 4. The gem's bottom should not be covered by metal.


> =22=

> 5. Exposure to heat can damage the gem. Also no scratches by

> sharp objects.

> 6. While bathing it is advisable to remove the gems.


> B. Personal Preparations


> The day when you start wearing the gem should be given prime

> importance. Physical cleanliness and mental preparedness are of

> paramount significance. It is also better to invoke Divine Help

> before starting to wear the gem.


> 1. A suitable date should be selected bearing in mind the

> suggestions of the Astro-GemFinder.

> 2. Time of Sunrise should be specially noted.This information

> can be got from the calender.

> 3. Early morning is ideal.Wear clean clothes after completing

> your daily routines.

> 4. Meditation or prayer is recommeded to cleanse the mind.

> 5. You have to plan your schedule in such a way that you will

> be able to wear the gem at the recommended TIME.

> 6. Wear flawless gems.

> 7. Natural gems alone are to be used. Synthetic gems are use-

> useless.




> =23=

> ** This Zodiac Astro-GemFinder is developed by Zodiac Computers

> after studying and researching on many books on the subject and

> discussing with research scholars & certified Gemologists.


> ** It is to be noted that the gems recommended for you need not

> remain the same for you throughout your life. It should be revi-

> wed depending on the changes wrought out by dasa/bhukthi periods.

> Your priorities may also change from time to time.You are advised

> to recheck your gem prescription as and when required.




> With warm regards


> G Kumar

> Professional blogger, astro scholar & ceo

> http://www.e.net/


> Submit your news, blogs & sites free at http://www.e.info


> -

> krajeshnair

> vedic astrology <vedic astrology%40>

> Sunday, November 16, 2008 12:27 AM

> [vedic astrology] birth stone <query>


> Hi,


> My birth date is 18 may 1980, time 9:30 am ,kerala


> Would like to know which stone is good for me(diamond, ruby or ?)


> Please help me ...


> Thanks and regards,

> Rajesh



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