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When Did Lord Krishna Live? (Lord Balabhadra/Baladeva/Balarama's Chart)

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In regard to the discusion going on regarding the date fo mahabharata

war and start of kaliyuga, i wish to bring the following to the

notice of sri Sanjay Prabhakaran " ;Sri , P.V. Narasimha Rao

Sri. N.P. Ramadurai, a research scholar has witten a book " Ancient

History of India through Vedic Astronomy " . In that he states that

Kali yuga started on 20-12-4317 Friday.


I give below extract from his book( pages 120-124) for your perusal.




Extract from pages 120-124 from the Book






Author—Sri N.P. Ramadurai


Co Authours Dr. S.P. Sabharathnam. Ph D


And sri V. Sundaram IAS (Retd)


General Editor N. Mahalingam B Sc; F.I.E.




-------Swami Vivekananda opined rightly when he observed that when

the real history of India is unearthed, it would be proved that not

only in matters of religion and philosophy, but also in the sphere of

fine arts and culture, Indian' civilisation will emerge as the oldest

of all civilisations. He claimed that will get established only if

and when Indian history is written afresh by Indians with national

pride, refuting the fallacious theories of the Westeners about

civilization and culture of India.




Not understanding the concepts and underlying principles of Vedic

astronomy correctly, the astrono­mers of the Indian Siddhantha school

and Western schools depended on the exaggerated versions mentioned in

the Puranas, arrived at different values of precession of equinoxes.

Among these scholars Surya School alone was nearer to the actual

value, fixed by Sri N. P_ Ramadurai using Vedanga Jyotisha. Others

came up with exaggerated dates, for various events in Indian history,

prompting thereby the historians to decry these sources as unreliable

and to question the historicity of our Epics and the Puranas and the

happenings described therein.


The astronomers of the Siddhanta school, claimed that the Kali Yuga

had begun only on Tuesday, B.C. 25-2-3101, the first day of Mesha

Chitrai of Vikrama year, having chaitra bagula shashti tithi and

jyeshta followed by moola star. The almanacs were then prepared

accordingly. The Western astronomer Mr. Bentley, fixed Kali Yugadhi

wrongly on B.C. 17/ 18th February 3102 and arrived at subsequent

dates. Both the findings have been found. to be inaccurate according

to the studies and calculations done by Sri N. P. Ramadurai.




The wrong leads given by Mr. Bentley made different scholars fix

different dates for the epics and other events. A Saka named after

Vikrama was introduced and it commenced on Sunday, B.C. 12­-3-57, the

27th day of Meena Panguni of Rudrotkari






year, bearing chaitra sukla prathama, being followed even today in

luni-solar reckoning. Further, in the first century A.D. yet another

Saka called Salivahana Saka was introduced and it commenced on

Sunday, 19-2-79 A.D. the 4th day of Meena Panguni of Bahudanya year,

bearing chaitra sukla prathama tithi in the luni-solar order, without

taking actual values of procession of equinox. The Almanac Reform

Committee, constituted in 1956 accepted this Salivahana Saka as

National Year and the Indian calendar is being computed accordingly.

According to Sri N. P. Ramadurai this reckoning does not appear to be





Sri N. P. Ramadurai has categorically stated: I am deeply indebted to

those astrologers who have laboured a lot, especially, Prof. K. S.

Raghavan who inspired me. Yet, I beg to differ from them on basic

issues involved in this study. I strongly advocate that, for

reckoning the time correctly, the Indian almanac must be prepared,

having the Sapta Rishi Era of B. C., 13-10-15261, as a base, since it

agrees with sidereal and luni-solar systems.


" My humble finding is that, as we are passing through the Treta Yuga

of 29th Mahayuga, from 9th February 1765 A.D., the almanacs may give

up the Kali Yuga, assumed incorrectly to have begun from B.C. 25-2-

3101 and calculate the Treta Yuga fixed by me. Following are cited as

examples to emphasise the relevance and significance of my findings

and fixations of dates based on the Vedic astronomy. "




" The reference date 12-2-1999 A.D. is equated with:


a. the completion of the 17258th Sapta Rishi year calculated from

B.C. 13-10-15261;


b. 138th year of 108th Magha cycle;


c. completion of 5137th year of Yudhishtra Saka, calculated from B.C.





d. nearing completion of 5099th year of Jayabharatha Yudhishtira Saka

calculated from B.C. 6-2-3201;


e. nearing completion of 5099th year of imaginary Kali Yuga,


calculated from B.C. '25-2-3101;


f. 59th year of 85th cycle of Tamil Prabhavadi cycle of 60 years;


g. completion of the 5098th year of 29th Mahayuga;


h. completion of 234th year of Treta Yuga;


i. Nearing completion of 2055th year of Vikramasaka B.C. 57 and

nearing completion of 1920 years of Salivahana saka calculated from

B.C. 79. " ------------------










SI. Events Dates in Christian Era no ofdays from

and day 13-10-15261 B.C



(28th Maha Yuga (Night of Brahma in B.C.)


1. Commencement of


Krutha Yuga 13-10-15261 Friday


As Sapta Rishi


Era, inaugurated


by Vaivaswatha Manu}


2. Treta Yuga started 12-11-10397 Thursday 1776607


3. lord Ramo's birth 17 - 1-1O205 Monday 1846436


4. Hanuman's birth 22- 1-10205 Saturday 1846441


5. Ravana's Death 8- 1-10167 Friday 1860307


6. lord Ramo's Coronation 15-1-10167 Friday . 1860314


7.Dvapara Yuga Started 5-12-6749 Tuesday- 3109062

8. Julian Day 1-1- 4713 Thursday 3852373


9. Kali Yuga started 20-12-4317 Friday 3997365


10. lord Krishna's birth 23- 7-3185 Wednesday 4410678


11. Yudhishtira's Yagna 25-10-3155 Tuesday 4421730


12. Yudhishtira saka started 27-12- 3140 Sunday 4427272


13. Mahabharata war started 29.10.3139 Friday 4427578


14. Mahabharata war ended 15.11.3139 Monday 4427595


15. Yudhishtira's coronation 27-12-3139 Monday 4427637


16. Rathasapthami 2-1-3138 Sunday 4427643


17. Bheeshamashtami 3-1-3138 Monday 4427644


18. Astronomically Kali Yuga ended 11-12-3105 Saturday 4440039


­19. Astronomically Krutha Yuga of


29th Maho Yuga storIed 12.12.3105 Sunday 4440040


Jayabharatha Yudhishtira saka 6-2-3101 Thursday , 4441192


21. Pnchanga kaliyuga started 25-2=3101Tuesday 4441211


22. End of Kali Yuga of 28th

Maha Yuga 27-12-3101 Saturday 4441516


23. Krutha Yuga starIed 28-12-3101 Sunday 4441517


24. Janamejaya Copper Plate 3013-3012


25. Birth of Adi Sankara 2-4-509 Tuesday 5387975


26. End of Krutha Yuga 8.2.1765 A.D. Friday 6218122


27. Treta Yuga Started 9.2.1765 A.D. Saturday 6218123





The duration of great cyclic periods such as the cycle of Sapta Rishi

Era, Maha Yuga Cycle, Maagha Cycle and the rate of precession of

equinoxes have been well ascertained by our Vedic Rishis even earlier

than 15000 years ago. Various statements and descriptions contained

in the Vedic texts, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Vishnu Purana, Bhagavatam,

etc, evidently prove this fact. The recent researches which have been

undertaken in the field of Vedic astronomy based on Ancient

Scriptures enable us to establish the truth that our Bharath was the

first country to evolve and streamline a perfect calendar (almanac)

according to the code rules and guidelines provided by Vaivaswatha

Manu who commenced the Great Era of Sapta Rishi.


The Sapta Rishi Era started on the first day of Kruta Yuga of the

28th Maha Yuga cycle, this being the night time of Creator God

Brahma, occurring in the period of Vaivaswatha Manu, the 7th Manu of

Svetavaraha Kalpa. It was 13-10-15261 B. C., Friday. According to the

Tamil tradition, this was exactly the first day of the bright half of

Tamil Kumbha Masi of Sarvari year with Sravishta nakhatra.From this,

it may be reasonably deduced that our Bharath was the first nation on

earth to design a schemed calendar.--------------------









vedic astrology , " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao "

<pvr wrote:


> Dear SanjayP,


> > Since we have approximate Lord Krishna's Chart, I was thinking

of trying

> >

> > June 24, -3227


> I am confident based on highly credible modern astronomy research

that the chart of Lord Krishna you gave is definitely wrong.


> Traditionally, we assume that Kali yuga started in 3102 BC. From

it, people derive the date of Mahabharata war a few decades before

and Krishna's birth several more decades before.


> However, we no longer need to guess when Mahabharata war took

place. We know it for sure now. The war happened in 3067 BC. Thus,

Sri Krishna could NOT have been born in 3228 BC, which would make him

161 years old at the time of war. We don't know for sure when Kali

yuga started. But we do know that the Mahabharata war happened in

3067 BC.


> * * *


> Dr Narahari Achar is a professor in the department of physics at

the University of Memphis in Memphis, USA. While some good-

intentioned people before him made bad attempts at dating the

Mahabharata war based on approximate linear models of planetary

motion, Dr Achar used accurate modern planetarium software to

evaluate various astronomical observations of Vyasa in the

Mahabharata epic and find the date.


> He conclusively established that ALL the astronomical references

given by Vyasa regarding the war in the Mahabharata text happened in

3067 BC and that no other year in the last 6000 years satisfies all

the criteria! He actually published a scientific paper in a

scientific journal related to astronomy on the timing of Mahabharata

war! The work passed heavy peer review by fellow astronomers.


> I and Dr Achar met when I went to India this summer and spent a

couple of days together. I had a chance to look at his scientific

paper critically and review the Sanskrit quotes in it and also the

astronomical portions. His paper is a very coherent and logical piece

of work that proves quite convincingly that several rare astronomical

events mentioned by Vyasa were not randomly chosen finctional events,

but they all happened together at a specific point in time.


> His scientific paper very strongly suggests that Mahabharata must

have actually happened in 3067 BC, that Vyasa must have been able to

observe planetary positions and that he must have chronicled his

observations in Mahabharata text.


> When Kali yuga started, when Krishna was born and when Krishna left

earth is not known for sure. But, it is known for sure that

Mahabharata war happened in 3067 BC.


> * * *


> This means Krishna was not born in 3228 BC as believed by some. He

must have been born much later. I actually have a specific chart that

is the result of the intuition of a yogi. It has five planets in

amrita shashtyamsa and has several features that make a lot more

sense to me than what has been accepted by most. Moreover, it fits

with the Mahabharata timing by modern astronomy. However, I will not

mention the data for now. I will first let people get over this 3228

BC chart, which is definitely wrong.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha


> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana

> Spirituality:

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



> sohamsa , " Sanjay Prabhakaran "

<sanjaychettiar@> wrote:

> >

> > || Om Gurave Namah ||

> >

> > Dear Jyotishas,

> >

> > Since we have approximate Lord Krishna's Chart, I was thinking

of trying

> > out Lord Balarama's chart. I was trying to search in the internet

for his

> > birth data like Balaram Jayanthi etc.

> > I get many dates,

> > 1) Gamhapurnima i.e Shravana Poornima

> > 2) Akshaya Tritiya i.e Vaishaka Shulka Tritya

> > 3) HalaShashti i.e Bhadrapada Krishna Shashti

> >

> > Brihat Nakshatra book I think gives it as Bhadrapada Shukla


> >

> > The time is either given as Madhyaana (noon) or pradosha

(evening) Brihat

> > Nax.

> >

> > Can someone please give any information, if possible with

reference or

> > tradition, to Balarama's birth details.

> >

> > Warm Regards

> > Sanjay P

> >

> >

> > Sri Krishna

> >

> > Natal Chart

> >

> > June 24, -3227

> > Time: 12:20:00 am

> > Time Zone: 5:10:44 (East of GMT)

> > Place: 77 E 41' 57 " , 27 N 30' 20 "

> > India, 1

> > Altitude: 0.00 meters

> >

> > Lunar Yr-Mo: Sreemukha - Nija Ashadha

> > Tithi: Krishna Ekadasi (Ma) (17.00% left)

> > Vedic Weekday: Thursday (Ju)

> > Nakshatra: Mrigasira (Ma) (27.73% left)

> > Yoga: Harshana (Su) (80.16% left)

> > Karana: Balava (Mo) (34.00% left)

> > Hora Lord: Moon (5 min sign: Sc)

> > Mahakala Hora: Mercury (5 min sign: Li)

> > Kaala Lord: Jupiter (Mahakala: Jupiter)

> >

> > Sunrise: 4:59:05 am (June 23)

> > Sunset: 6:36:28 pm (June 23)

> > Janma Ghatis: 48.3715

> >

> > Ayanamsa: 311-38-26.09

> > Sidereal Time: 16:42:36

> >

> > Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa

> >

> > Lagna 21 Ar 19' 50.32 " Bhar 3 Ar Li

> > Sun - BK 23 Cn 00' 32.29 " Asre 2 Cn Cp

> > Moon - DK 2 Ge 58' 08.72 " Mrig 3 Ge Li

> > Mars - MK 16 Ge 59' 41.84 " Ardr 4 Ge Pi

> > Mercury - GK 13 Cn 05' 49.08 " Push 3 Cn Li

> > Jupiter - AK 26 Le 00' 35.27 " PPha 4 Le Sc

> > Venus ® - AmK 23 Cn 22' 58.98 " Asre 3 Cn Aq

> > Saturn ® - PK 16 Sc 47' 47.48 " Jye 1 Sc Sg

> > Rahu 15 Cn 59' 04.61 " Push 4 Cn Sc

> > Ketu 15 Cp 59' 04.61 " Srav 2 Cp Ta

> > Maandi 20 Ta 53' 47.52 " Rohi 4 Ta Cn

> > Gulika 7 Ta 01' 57.62 " Krit 4 Ta Pi

> > Bhava Lagna 12 Ta 27' 40.96 " Rohi 1 Ta Ar

> > Hora Lagna 2 Pi 41' 24.45 " PBha 4 Pi Cn

> > Ghati Lagna 3 Le 22' 34.93 " Magh 2 Le Ta

> > Vighati Lagna 6 Vi 48' 27.33 " UPha 4 Vi Pi

> > Varnada Lagna 21 Pi 19' 50.32 " Reva 2 Pi Ta

> > Sree Lagna 11 Cp 29' 45.83 " Srav 1 Cp Ar

> > Pranapada Lagna 7 Vi 35' 02.16 " UPha 4 Vi Pi

> > Indu Lagna 2 Ar 58' 08.72 " Aswi 1 Ar Ar

> > Dhooma 6 Sg 20' 32.29 " Mool 2 Sg Ta

> > Vyatipata 23 Cn 39' 27.71 " Asre 3 Cn Aq

> > Parivesha 23 Cp 39' 27.71 " Dhan 1 Cp Le

> > Indra Chapa 6 Ge 20' 32.29 " Mrig 4 Ge Sc

> > Upaketu 23 Ge 00' 32.29 " Puna 1 Ge Ar

> > Kaala 0 Cn 27' 43.40 " Puna 4 Cn Cn

> > Mrityu 9 Aq 55' 20.51 " Sata 1 Aq Sg

> > Artha Prahara 27 Aq 47' 59.82 " PBha 3 Aq Ge

> > Yama Ghantaka 17 Pi 42' 29.48 " Reva 1 Pi Sg

> > Prana Sphuta 23 Le 41' 09.23 " PPha 4 Le Sc

> > Deha Sphuta 0 Li 47' 07.40 " Chit 3 Li Li

> > Mrityu Sphuta 12 Ar 14' 15.64 " Aswi 4 Ar Cn

> > Sookshma TriSphuta 6 Pi 42' 32.27 " UBha 2 Pi Vi

> > TriSphuta 1 Le 19' 56.67 " Magh 1 Le Ar

> > ChatusSphuta 24 Sc 20' 28.96 " Jye 3 Sc Aq

> > PanchaSphuta 10 Pi 19' 33.56 " UBha 3 Pi Li

> > Kunda 17 Cp 46' 56.04 " Srav 3 Cp Ge

> >

> > +--------------+

> > | \ | | / |

> > | \ Gk | As | / |

> > | \ | | / |

> > | Mo \ Md | | HL / |

> > | \ | | / |

> > | Ma \ | | / |

> > | \ | | / |

> > |---------------+---------------+---------------|

> > | | | |

> > | Su Me | | Ke |

> > | VeR Ra | | |

> > | | Rasi | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |---------------+---------------+---------------|

> > | / | | \ |

> > | GL AL / | | \ |

> > | / | | \ |

> > | Ju / | | SaR \ |

> > | / | | \ |

> > | / | | \ |

> > | / | | \ |

> > +---------------+---------------+---------------+

> >

> > Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):

> >

> > Mars Mars -3232-06-01 Rah -3232-10-27 Jup -3231-11-14

> > Sat -3230-10-22 Merc -3229-11-29 Ket -3228-11-26

> > Ven -3227-04-25 Sun -3226-06-27 Moon -3226-10-31

> > Rah Rah -3225-06-02 Jup -3222-02-09 Sat -3220-07-09

> > Merc -3217-05-14 Ket -3215-11-29 Ven -3214-12-17

> > Sun -3211-12-17 Moon -3210-11-12 Mars -3208-05-13

> > Jup Jup -3207-06-02 Sat -3205-07-22 Merc -3202-01-28

> > Ket -3200-05-07 Ven -3199-04-12 Sun -3197-12-11

> > Moon -3196-10-01 Mars -3194-01-28 Rah -3193-01-04

> > Sat Sat -3191-06-02 Merc -3188-06-05 Ket -3185-02-09

> > Ven -3184-03-21 Sun -3181-05-24 Moon -3180-05-04

> > Mars -3179-12-02 Rah -3177-01-10 Jup -3175-11-18

> > Merc Merc -3172-06-02 Ket -3170-10-28 Ven -3169-10-26

> > Sun -3166-08-27 Moon -3165-07-04 Mars -3164-11-29

> > Rah -3163-11-26 Jup -3160-06-17 Sat -3158-09-23

> > Ket Ket -3155-06-02 Ven -3155-10-28 Sun -3154-12-26

> > Moon -3153-05-05 Mars -3153-12-03 Rah -3152-05-01

> > Jup -3151-05-20 Sat -3150-04-25 Merc -3149-06-06

> > Ven Ven -3148-06-02 Sun -3145-10-02 Moon -3144-10-02

> > Mars -3142-06-02 Rah -3141-08-03 Jup -3138-08-03

> > Sat -3135-03-31 Merc -3132-06-02 Ket -3129-04-01

> > Sun Sun -3128-06-02 Moon -3128-09-20 Mars -3127-03-18

> > Rah -3127-07-28 Jup -3126-06-21 Sat -3125-04-07

> > Merc -3124-03-18 Ket -3123-01-22 Ven -3123-06-02

> > Moon Moon -3122-06-02 Mars -3121-04-01 Rah -3121-11-01

> > Jup -3119-05-02 Sat -3118-09-03 Merc -3116-03-31

> > Ket -3115-09-02 Ven -3114-03-31 Sun -3113-11-30




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